;; ;
^I'sY 31, lyi*
Imiprover, '20, desires change. 214/16, Office of QUAMi'TED Branch Manager; exiperienOed ; djseugagcd East
or West Riding Too-kshire. 207/7, Office of this Paper.
tir Improver, 20, iiKloors preferred, deisir-ce experience Q UAXffFIEiD experienced; disengaged; Looum or otherwise.
penein? aiwl Ooumter work. KepJy, stating wages, ;
iS. W.," 62 Liverpool Road, Newcastle, iStafis.
' C215/2), Office of this Paper.
Q UALIFIBD Mauffl.ger; tall; a,bstainer; 10 yea.re' refeix'nce
in high-ciass BispeJisiJig biusineoS'; Liverpool or dis married. " Reliable " (209/30), Office of this Paper.
L'orntiiwaite, Lune Bank, Lancas+er.
Q UALIFIElD 29; 12 yearsi' experience; diisengaged February 1;
aio-e' 20, rcpuires eituation iiy good-class Dispensing ;
a III one of"the larger Midland towns. Parker, 'si outdoors, 212/39, Office tlii,,* Paper.
HeaJior. _ QUALIFIED Managership, with view to succession or partner-
^ks sit.nait.ion, Slieffiel<l or district ; Hall c<'i-tifi<!ate London, provincial, and Store experience; can
{ncc Dispensing and B'Ookke<''i)ing, 210/34, Otfiee of mship
put £200 and plenty of energy into b'lsinese. Slate terms
tiTst ,lett.e-r, 212731, Office of tliii -Paiier.
Iiarniaoist, good experiejice a© Mianageross and Q UALIFIED manager; 41; gord organiser; keen Buyer. " S.,"
28 Silver Creseent, CrUiULerebury.
fit, seeks position, Hetail or Hosipita,! thoroughly Q UALIFIED; 38; disengaged January 31. Williams, 155
; Praed S.treet, Paddington. W.
iCeilent flxferenccfi. " Staitim " (209/31^ Office of
Lpenear seeks appointmient with Doctor or Ijiititution QUALIFIED; tall; 26; firsit-class experience, London and Con-
Im. " C," 42 Dunoaji Terrace, Isliimgt-on.
tinent ; exoellenit references sipeaks fluent French and German
; ;
disengaged. " G.," 41 Hart Street, W.C.
KlDL-MiANOHE.S!TEE! Distriet.—Qualified ; roax-ried ; dis- Q UALIFLElD Miana.ger ,o;r Locum; di»en,gia,ged experienced all
Defltal work if desired. " Ph.armacist " (214/19), ; ;
s Paper. Eiraaiiohes. Peacock, 12 St. V.in,cenit Roa,d,, N'ewpart, Mon.
QUAL,rFIE,D Mamager (45), nuarried, offers the effieie,ncy of a
M lualificd; disengiagcd ajge 24. S. Mitchell, Wedmore, widi3 town lanid country experieoiiee ; lias cn,ergy ajid enjter-
prise ; Sruooessful, Prescriber; mo objectionable Jiabits ; fullest in-
mc •X.
vesftigations- invited ; well recommended ; wishes to ensure a per-
lny, week, or month qujalified ; reliahle disengaged. mjaneinoy djisenigaged ^bout the middile of! Februajry ; £3 required.
; ; ;
," 165 Percy P.o^ad, W. ' 213/27, Office of this Paper.
il ijualified; 48; disengaged; firfit-clase references and a UALIFIElD, at presenit M,anage,r on South Coast, desires change
)or ce. Dewey, 3 Helena, Avenue, Margate. ,
ad,n few montJis,; age 39; abti'Liainer lughieet references.
Kiin,dily state salary, " Pharmacist " (212/34), Office of this Pap,eii-.
ork required by a Pharmaoiist during this nest three QUALIFIED ; 25 high-elase Retail and' D'ispensimg ; 10 years'
only;- Warwickshire preferred; disengaged. W.
S+aaway Road, Earlsdon, Coventrj'. good aJ-round' experience; absibai'iiier ; exceillent refere-nees;
Nort,h-East prefer.i-ed. Symir.s, Oothiam Brow Pluairmacy, Bristol.
'it >r permanency; thoroughly experieniced Dis-penser, QUALiTFIED (23) seeks eituationi in good-class,^ Pharmacy ; ex-
lestn. Fonster, 5 Coilcridge Road, Fineibury Park, N.
cellent refeirenees any large towmi. Ajip'ly lat^once, W. Orton,
Dieafhill, Triimido,ni C'Oiliiery, Diurham.
or iStenior; qualified; 27; has good all-round Q UALIFLElD Mianageir; 28; sinigle; experieneedi Oonntermanj and
Dispeaiiser. Smith, Hojmeleiigh, .Sutton, Cambs.
nee, first-clasa reiferences, and is well connected
r City preferred good-clafs trade ; outdoors. State
1, Office of this Paper.
VCa, witih view to euooession; caasit town preferred. a UALIFIElD'; as M.a.niager or Locum; good experience. Burton,
Office of this Bawr, 18 Buckbuirst Avenue, Severn Oake.
Q UALTPIIC'D Locum, Bra.Hioih, or Part-time. " Cliemist," 54
1 or Senior; Extractor, Presoriber; married, U'.ornii,nigton RiO,ajd, Weatbounii? Park, W.
fled," 4 Perry Street, Gravesend.
QCTALIFIE.D Maivagea-; a.ga 56; varied experience. 147 Hyde
Road, Uorton., 3;!.i,ncili.ester.
SO'yerars M.P.&., abstainer, healthy, well oonnecited,
sold his business, seelvc an engagement short houiis • QUALIFIED; 24; aocunate Dieiienser; Photogiiaiphic expert;
ate. Apply, 209/26, Office of tliie Paper. Frejich lin.guist.; excellent refeirejjces, post of responisibility in
good)-clia,s.s businiei<3. D. D.odialey, 47 Slirewsb'ury Road, Birkenjhea.d.
or 70 evenings; quick Dispenser; experienced. " H. W. QUALIFIED Mana,ger; diisengaged February 10; e.xcellent refex-
AUis Avenue, Hounelow.
emces and experience; seeks iliainiagership. Coast .or country.
. 58; London or iSaburbs; Manager, Locum, or Duncan, 14 Almia Road, Highbury, N.
J Part-time; used to N.H.I. 213/4, Office of this
Q UALIFIElD; 25; diisesmgagedi; City or West; gioodi-claise London
and provincial experieiniee, Dispenising, Counter, Photography.
W. H. Sprague, 39 Miantie. .Street, Wellington, Samerset.
itliillCT can, recommend a good, Junior, who has been Q UAL'IEIE.P'; Mama.g'ar or Locum; 30 years,' experience; ener-
I II ju four years; a quick ,and .accurate Dispenser; large getic; dii'Sengaged. " G. G.," 26 Heiman Hill, Snaresbrook.
<i 1 n preferred. Apply, " Pharmacist," 114 Cove ntry
QUALI'PIED 28; .Senior or Mania.ger ; first -claes experience;
lii ermmster. ;
^liortly disenga,ged', requires. enga,gement.
excellle.nit references; disen.gaged. Williams, 5 Haven Green,
^^' k, Clarendon Hotel, Ceifton, Bristol.
lilt 1ST requires situation foreign degrees ; first-class QUAiLiIFIEiD Mianiager; Locuim.-, permanency; thoroughly i'x|)(Ti-
emced-; satisfaetoi-y references; djiseng,aged. " Phenol," 238
1 (vim™an. year's London experience; English,
^ Chemi©t," lo Adolp,hus Road, Finebury D'erinrton Roa.d, Tootinig, S'.W.
RELI.ABLEi Ma,n;a.ger, Bra.nch; eneirgetie experienced; unregis-
ger or Senior; 42; s,ih.gle; good experience; tered. Addreos, " Statim. " (214/24), Office of this. ^aper.
; J-^asteirn Counties preferred. 211/17, Office of
OC —(outdoors) . Branoh Manager Locum
^Assistant or ; or
penmiane-noy Store experience; N.I. and Counter; un-
35, married, tall, with view qualified; age 40; disengaged. "Capable," c/o CuUuni, C04
Woolwich Road, Charlton.
ren^.^J"" f"f*-'*A''"i 20 years' high^lass varied
'^P*'**'' P'^*^^"* position 7 years;
r^'^?^ £2 weekly; Lioouan, permanency; 36; qualified; disengag<;<j.
.f^?,*!;^'^?y "'nd ability appreciated; coast, " Chemist," 137 Belgrave Gate, Leicester.
I^rit-iMi. Caledonia" (211/8), Office of this, Paper
UNQUALIFIED ; 21 good-class experience Dispensing, Counter,
'^oO-Oot^l^c^lcakssl'p-r.eTi'er'rcd^-.P- <^"*'-?*^«<'. experienee.1, and and Photography; exee;.lcnt references. 213/22, Office of tVis
212/11, Offiee of this Paper. Paper.
J-; ;; ',
UNQUALIFIED; as Aesietant or Manager; 25; emart and ener- GE.NTLE.MAJS", now at liberty, witdies to Jl.-
Wholesale Drug or C^ti'CaJ house first-ela^
getic good testiimoniiale disengaged February 14 ; London
; ; ;
preferred. G. J. Doel, The Piarmaey, Mucli Wenlock, Salop. both, and extremely well known amongst Mcdicai j,...:
and Opticians. 209/34, Office of this Pajjer.
UNQUALlFIEiD Assistomt; teetful Apply,
GEiNTLEMANLT youth, 16, tall, who hat:
WMndow-direiassr, DisipenfidJiig' ; excelle'mt i-eference®.
Locals with First-class Honours and Disti:
214/22, OfBoe of thiie Paper. a. good knowledge of Chemistry and Physiv- •
Loudon Analyst's Laboratory as Learner ; '
U KQ UALIFIEO As'sdstant; mitdoorfi; 38; married; beiglit 6 ft.; required. -Apply, 212/13, Office of this
West-End experience; disengaged February 2: Dispen^ser and
Counter; 8 year.5' reifeTeaiic.e present fiaim. 214/14, Office of this .
GOOD Side-line, part expenses and commission, naau.;
UNQUALTFIE.IJ Maniagea- or single Aiisitstant; 39; Di.9penser, ,
; class Salesman; extensive connection London "ajxl
Prescriber, 'and' PJiotograpliy q ood Salesman: nitvrried ; coun^ excellent references. Apply, 200/29, Office of thj I'i:.,-;
P'ERFUilEEY Jl'.iniifaoturer; oompeteait and pn<'
ti-y; pennaaieu'Cy ; diiscnga.ged 3Iareh. "Energy" (212/36), Office
branches of the trade; majiy yeare' cxi)ericDoe. "H
of this Papier. (212/10,>, Office of this Pa.per.
UNQUALIFIED Aiss/ietanrt: ; 28: go»d all-ronndi exjwrience; refer-
ences. 212/35, Office of this'Paper.
UNQUALIFIED; Aseietamt; or Branch jMamiager; 34; married; REQUIEED, gocd paying .A.geaey by young [ •
good all-roniiid e.ipei'icnce, Dispensing, Coiujiter, Photegraphy with good personal connection amongst Chi'i
; preferably Tablet and Packed Goods or Sir.
d'isemgiaged. " H.," 41 St. James' Park, Tionbridge WeMs. Office of this Paper.
CUN'QU.iLIFIED; all'-iraumd experience;
d-e'-iable abstainer; Affri-
cultnrali; North prcferreict. Hendereon, Main Street, Kes- TEAVELLEE, 8 years' connection Midland* «nd N.r
engagement ; resident Birmingham ; referenees.
Office of this Papei-.
TTNQUALIFIED ; Majiager of Dang Stoixsa; age 30; tall: gfir.-^ "l^/'EiT Eoom.—30; last situation, Chomieal, Pil', r
Vt Drug, 6 years; present 9 years First Wet (<•
U all-rounid exper,i<'.nioe ; Wdjidiow-dresseT and S'aleenuan ; first-class
Dispa-tch experience; smart labels and tickets; metlm
referenoeo dieemgaged any tiine. " llhei," Oottenhani, Cambs. keeiper and organiser ; desires oliajige for pro^^eev
Office of this Paper.
I ] NQUALIFIED ; Asisis*ant, Manager, or Eelief; E-xtrnetor
YOUNG man, with knowledge of Ret:iil, desire* (
vj thoroughly reccmraendie'd!. Good'win, 14 SpringSeld Eoad, Wholesale house. Apply, •" L. M.," 46 Ds--
King's' Heath, Biirmiiugham.
F 11 "-ham, S.W. •>«
UTTNQU.-ILIFIED, Assistaaiit or ilifmageii-, dos'iircs permianency ; nt
liberty; 34 years; married; tiall; 17 yeare' gocd-claee e.xpcri-
einice, Diisipensinig, Counter, Photograp.hic, Bookkeeping; moderate
salary. " Dinug.s," c/o J. Quilliani & Co., Victoria. Bxidge, Man-
UNiQU-^LIFIED eveniinig work wanted; Diepensii'ng O'T Suxgerj MISCELLANEOUS
Attend'ant. " A.," 24 College Street, Chelsea.
UNQUALIFIED Asisistant; single; Ex'traetoo-; country; Dippons- MoADAM & TUCKNISS. Bharedealers. Bank CU«it*?f
heath, S.E. Established 1898. Telephone 81 I" '
inig 'and N.H.I. Nottimghiam, S-hefiiekl, or Midl'ands. " Car-
: Shares for Sale (free of commission, subject'.
"B" 6 7W.
.bon" (216/31), OfSc© of this Paper. per cent. Preference, 23s. ; 20<>
UNEEGIiSTEllED desirefi suitable berth in a eteady-going busi- "C"7s 6(1. c.d. ; 100 Lever Preference. 2i
neiss ; u»ed to good-class Family trade and res.ponsiible poS'i- Stewart & Watt 5J per ee.nt. Preference, 18«. :
tions capable and trustworthy; middle-'aged married; excellent W'a.nited (subject) .—C'amwal Preference and
Preference, 2s. 9''.; 100 G. B. K
;; "A"Idris
15S lid x.d. : 100 Lewis & Burrows Prcforene.^ i
references. " E.," 29 .^beretwith Orescent, Barrj', Glam. „ ^Wright Layman Preference, 20s. orf. ; 20 Evanfi Ue^i-
UNE,EiGISTEEED experienced; age 54; iHiana-ger Drug Stores Preference, 98s. 9rf- Sale and -Want. ed^ sent^ free „<,« •,_:
; List of Shares
or Assistant; Sight-testing, 'Sa.la,ry, hours, etc., 209/27,
Every effort made to effect business for Baveri
Office of this Paper. all Stocks and Shares. Bankers, London County and ^\'»
YOUNG lady desires practical instniction in D.iispeneiiig ; Isle M «CEOOND-HAND OHEiMISTS' FITTINGS.-We
of Wight o-r Portsimonth " M.," Alresifoi'd Lodge, Shankl'in. *
O aUj ;
fine selection of these in all »iJe«; P"«» *'T
^h«n he nle«-'
Y OUNG French-niaini see'ka iinidiooir berth; Lo'ndon or S'uburbs good* ere in fli^-elasa condition; we
oc'd knowlcid'ge of Envglisih Pharrmaey ©alary no object. particulars and prices. OaU or write, RUDDOCK S i-
Pharmac'ien,'' 48 i?ulliiam Eo'ad, S.W. 8tree.t, E.G.
WHOLESALE. CHEMISTS." Fittings, Secondhand.— Enough to fit =P
Price lists, trade circulars, eamplce, and printed matter caji shops comprising -Ranges of Sljeh-ing^^ Dr.^rs
Ln no case be forwarded.
Counters, Pin no-fronted Wallcases, D'fiPo"*"'?-"^'!";,
ABEllTH requdrcd by a smart, tnetfuJ, euergetic. highly
eases. Shop Rounds, etc., at agnidve-1a6waMyanPc"hres!t:eJr^gSt"rLwi,.
eoientifieaUy aind practieally trained busiuiess man mnd S'ales- The Chemists' Fittere, 14
mnn and a trained advertiser; eitheir a poat as TravcUeir or to
CHE'JIISTS' Fitt'ings Sa™t Sa.".esman Sliowwees 1'"
organise or promote the sales and take charge of part or whole
of advertising; keen and original ideas; smart appearance and DTspensing-screene, Wall-eases, Perfume-eaf
i;ddiret<3. Apply, 211/6, Office of thiis Paper.
front Coun'ters, Counter D'rawers, &hop- soiled.
beaten prices; before you decide get
better; 30 years fitting Pharmac-.es. G^^erofr]g;e'^('.;o^o^_ . .
working Shopfltter. New address: Oatheruie Street.
E.C. (few doors from Old Street).
Ai\liBITIOUS young man (23) desires post as Eepresentative -riHELMISTS' FITTINGS. l4-ft. D^-'iS-f-^'i^S' -i^-
Dinigs or Sanda-ies; salary and commiesiron ; Wholesale, Eetail, C fronted CouB'ter;
6-ft. aDnSdsP<D'e»s«k'";S'M;afhro^^nan^yB^enn^^T F
and TraveUing experiemce; smart appeairajuce. 217/3, Office of win-ease. Perfumery
thia Paper.
'°^-f'XCounter-case and Counter Drawers; a" "
lot £49 10.S. ; an absolute bargain ; cheapest
bonw in
DEUGS. Sundi-ies, lustrumeuts, ete. 24; well educated; 8 years' for structural alterations. Shop Fronts, Steam Woru, ;
; Complete Shopfltter, Shop-front Builder,
practical experience, Institutional, P.'e<t'ail, and "Road"; Street, London, E.O. 'Phone 550 Londom
good Conespondeiiit :i.nd Accountant; excellenit referencee; home
or abroad. " Tactful" (215/16), • Office of this Paper.
EXPEEIEiNCED Manufacturing Chemist, ciualified, is seeking B EST cash price for all old Cameras any m.k^
position as Lsiboratoi-y Manager; ma:ny yeara in the best JJ Photo goodB, no matter how ^^^^^^^X^J ^ii^tii
-Laboratories, first-eloes Analyst; excellent references. 215/3&I senid th«n alonsi cash 'yll Hr'^',^"^*-? J^^ Ro^Tl-i^'
Office of this Paper.
iNDAfiT 31, 1914 ; ;
0—Complete set of Pharmacy Fi'ttM.g>s, sccoiKHancl, com- EXCHANGE COLUMN
. prisingr 10-ffc Mahogany Drug Fixture, 8-ft. Mahogany
Plato-gJass Serving Counter, Nest of Counter Drawers, Dis- Jmo .^Alfpejmy per word with nanie «uid address. On.» pemny pm
ag Screen and Counter, Mahogasny Wall Showcase, Mahogany and if we regieter the addreas and attach a number.
Pla.t«-gla«s Perfumery Showcase an4 Desk ; all in excellent
tion, PHILIP JOSEPHS & SONS, LTD., 93 Old Street, No adyertisememt inserted foir lees than 6d.
on, E.C. FOR raS^OSAlLi.
OS! SEEDS ! ! SEEDS I ! !—Chemiets add to your income by
s Celling high-class Seeds direct from the growers; id. Pictorials
eoiality; vvlioJeeale catalogue post free. E. W. King & Co.,
Growers, CoggeshaJl, Essex.
13 —Sargainps in. Second-hand. Shopfittinge. Set of Plate-glass booj^cs and periodicals.
Window &he^v^3B, with taipped Bars and Brackets, 4 ft. long,
4E: 66t ditto, 5 ft., 55s.; 12-ft. Range Mahogany -fronted WHAT offers " Pliia,i-niiaceutieial Journal," posted Friday?
i>i ei-s, with Glaes Labels and Knobs, *8 10-s. 12-ft. ditto,
iVI; ignnieed, with Gold Labels, £6; Sile'.it SiaJe&man Counter 213/33, Office of this Paper.
75». ; Jlaioganised Wall Case, £8; handsome 6-ft. Dis- NINE Tear-Boolce of Phamijacy " from 1872 to 1884; perfect
ng-ecr«en, £5; 120 Gold-labelled Shop Rounds, 92s. ciondiitiom ; wtot ofiens'? Malins, 113 0()niinercial Road,
li. 'OMMNSOiN & SONS, Headquaa-ters for Cliemi.,gts' Fitt.in:"gs,
Ur; Street, Birmingham.
\|i'HT Worry about Pi-ieireg Insurance Prescriptions? Send DENTAL.
|i them ©Tery '.ve.(^k or mon,th and have them returned post
ELEVEN paira plated dental forceps, Maw'e and Sumner's ; also
P8 in a few days; priced by cranpetent Dispenser used to
Pil work; IS. per ICQ. "J. F. H.," 87 Northumberland hypbdenmic syringe; splcindiid condition; 30s., or beist offer.
WiDiiams, " Fferyllfa," Oorv^en.
P< , N.
piLDEN Opportunaty.— Tho oomptete set of handsome DRUGS AND CHEMICALS.
V Mahogany Fittmgs
for smai-t Pharmacy good sis new • to
'x-ileared n,t half their original cost; space wanted. Particulars ABOUT 10 lb. very fin© old Mitcbajm laiender oil; whole or
HJiIlG, the Uhemists' Practical Shopfitter, Shop Front Builder Stourbridge.
F:a and Tablet Works, 163-5 Old Street, London EC. -peart; what ofleais? Biggs, Chienii>st,
11 lb. indigo; 6 lb.
OVEffiSTOCK.— 1 owt. creta precip. nitrate; what offers?
Btronitiuni luitnate; 2 lb. barium
Roibcrt-s, Chemist, Wesit Bromwieh.
luembers who have not forwarded to the Office their 6th OiNEi 10-gaJl. pear-shaped carboj-; what offers? Roberts,
Iiarter s stamped Cards and Insurance Books, are requested to Chemist, West Bromwieh.
|i 80 at once. These should have been returned not later than
th inst. Admission to membership forms on request from POUR 6-gall. pear-shaped carboys, four large specie jars in
THE MANAGER, C. F. S. (C Dept.), good condition, counters, nests of drawers for immediate
sale, very cheap. 48 Poreheister Road, W.
194 St. Vincent Stmt, GLASGOW. TtANDiSOME. air-tight show-case, double sided, with 12 cupboards,
14 bent-gliasg hinged' case<s, 7 cases along top, 2 end cup-
UIfllUiJnliT Uf I11LIL I* 5'ou adopt my method of wiudow- boards, and severaj othea- atibachments/ ; 17 ft. long, 4 ft. 3 in.
wide, 4 ft. lOi in. high ; cost f 130 ; the firet offer above
If advertising—TALKING CARDS? Just £30 will secure sam? oKly wants sC'pinrg. Applv, HiiP'h Eros.,
HAPPcN I"^*'^*^'^ °* asking for an un- ;
profitable patent, people will say Wholesale Irommcngcrs, 151-3 Old Street, London, E.C.
"I want the kind in the window— the kind that card is
about." TALKING CARDS increase profits without extra MISCELLANEOUS.
trouble. Write for details :—
BROMUEY, Chemist, WHETSTONE, MIDDLESEX. CAJrWAL deiben.tures. 4i percent.; what offers? " Hexas," 119
Mnnnt Vew Road. N.
TOiS'T typewriter. No. 4, double .keyboard, perfect alien.-ment
«'lean work; also Ennpire both good) workinj onxler; cash 80.?.
WHAT IS ADVERTISING? each or gooid& ami exchange. HighwatC'r, 45 GraiT'e Inn Road,
;ty letter awaiting your acceptance) tells you the best wavs- SUPPOSITOR.T mould, 12; ditto, 6; pessary mould, 2-dra.m,
=li-class advertising for 6 ; hand centrifuge for 2 tubes ; Miles' flash point
essential to Pharmacists-importance a.pfpiaratus, oomiplete in miaho^ianT ease; " Pba rmiaceutioal
^l--tiMiTtev!ioriUvH1^3f/?^t^rle^eO®Sp'tho"toiwP'csh''-as^'rB-'mu^masyfcioiBnrsuettsshsisenseSesscnsadhmiSeenymg-sethsaeo-pmw.Icm.itpnofooairrntnataurntcocsodhepueycleoltf.ot-SnhipTegehhcmiti-.s- Eormul.5s," 1899; stethoscope as Maw's B/3030/B; aU good
as new. " Steel," 24 Bouverie Road, Folkestone.
It will interest you.
SECOND-HAND counter. State fall particulars to Sagar,
Miss E. RANGE, M.P.S. Chemist, Darna.ll, Sheffield.
Undertakes to coach Students in Chemistry, DRUG drawers wanted, 10 ft. or 12 ft. ; must be good and
Pharmacy, Materia Medica, and Botany, at
cheo.p. Apply, 215/2, Office of this Paper.
PILL-MASSING machine for power; 7 to 14 lb. capacity ;,in good
oonditTon. " Me.nthol " (106/71), Office of this Paper.
SECOND-H.AND mixer if or plastic substance; hand power; good
condition. State lowest price, Bart, 122 Sandmere Road,
Clapham, S.W.
QU.ANTITT cheap bottles, ajound, long necks, or similar, for
I PUIDB TO PheLIMINABT EXAMINATIONS IN PhaEMACT," turpentine, li^ wz. andi 3 oz. ParticTiIarj, 216/29, Office of
rwtn,a.ty°to',d°o"''w.itrheatdheerisr wiU be considering from time to this Paper.
Irriiea sons, and in this connection may SECOND-HAND dispensary scales to take- 2 lb. Write only
144 Eiiston
nh,L*^"^'°,"'® ^^Sree of difficulty of examinations price, condition, description, to " Dispsnaer,"
dentistry, etc. This little R.oad, N.W.
as to Ihe regulations, volume
Intain.^^fi^' 'nTf'o^i"''m'a"t®i'on together IPTIOAL books; Minor Major, Chemiets" books; send prepaid for
iith 1
HIJ'T'd^'^^!cto "^^^^y bints on all the sub- valuation cash offers per return. Gower, Bookseller, 41
flaioM . A
Preliminary examinations for these pro- Voltaire Road, Cliapham, London, S.W.
'titer t", ? necessary to the intending com- COMPLETE course of " Oorreeixvndence Lessons " (second-hand)
for Ph«Jma<^elutioal Preliminary, i^ejust, state ag-e, s-ubj«ot»,
imd ftuttoT to 209/15, Offlw of tlii* Paper.
;; ; : ,
Late News, Laycock. In the ballot for six seats on the Council th« li
following were elected : Messrs. Harold Wyatt, G. V C ^
Last, H. P. Marsden, D. H. Evans, T. S. Wokes and '4
^2 Cannon Street, London, E.C.,
E Prebble. '
January S9, WH.
4 P.M.
BucKRosE Pharmacists' Association. A whist <iriv«
Brevities. and danoe in connection with this Association took
Mr. JR. C. Walshaw, chemist and druggist, 4 Market
at Bridlington on January 27. This was the first _s.
event attempted by the Association and was most suciees-
Place, Huddersfield, has been invited to accept the pre- ful, being well attended. Twenty-four games of whiei
sidency of the National Chamber of Trade for the coming
were played, and after supper dancing was indule^l
year. —until 2 A.M. Mr. Purvis was M.C. for the whist; M---.
The annual dinner of the Bruntsfield Links Golfing Purvis and Vix for tire dance. At the annual ineci,nj,
Hociety was held in Edinburgh on January 23, Captain held on January 20, Mr. Parkinson, Driffield, was unaoi-
J. L. Ewing in the chair. The toast of " The " m.ously elected president for the year.
—Bath Pharmaceutical Association. The annual whist
was responded to by Mr. William P. Evans, captain of
the Chester Golf Club. drive of this Association was held at Fisher's Restaurant
Alfred Hodgson, who traded as a druggist at 57 Bid- on January 22 and was very successful. The president,
dulph Street, Leicester, and failed in January, 1907,
Mr. J. Hawes, was M.C. The company numbered seventy-
applied at the Leicester Bankruptcy Court on January 28
for his discharge, which was granted subject to suspension two, and after refreshments a short musical pragramme
was carried out and was' much appreciated. Songs were
for two years, Judge Wightman Wood remarking that it
given by Mesdames Coe and Sampson, ]\Iessrs. Wilmot
was rather a bad case of reckless dealing and mismanage-
ment. and Hawes. Recitations by Mrs. Gedge and Mr. Love-;'
less. Mr. F. E. Cooper was accompanist. At the con-j '
Death. elusion the prizes were presented by Mrs. Hawes to the] i
Jeffs.—At the Parkwood Pharmacy, 342 Christchurch successful players.
Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth, Mrs. Jeffs, wife of
Richard T. Jeffs, chemist and druggist, aged forty. [
Fifeshire Pharmaceutical Association.—A meeting
of this Association was held in Kirkcaldy on Wednesday
afternoon, January 28, Mr. David Storrar and Mr.
— — Marriages. Thomas Yule (Vice-President) presiding in succession.
Parkin Capps. At Christ Church, Doncaster, on Insurance dispensing matters were discussed, Mr. b'torrarj
January 26, by the Rev. J. R. F. Frazer, Frederick Avery
Parkin, Ph.C, second son of Mr. C. Parkin, chemist, remarking that pharmacists felt on all hands that the|
Doncaster, to Nora, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. remuneration is not what it should be. Pa.vment of l
John Capps, Harrogate.
accounts was discussed, delay in payment of county!
— —Parry Taylor. At Hemblington, on January 27,
accounts being explained as having arisen because these
Bernard Powell Parry, chemist and druggist, -llford,
had not been sent in in time by the chemists themselves.
second son of the Rev. W. Parry, of Bangor, to Ada
Marie, only child of Mr. W. Taylor, of Hemblington. This was to be remedied in future by all accounts not
— —Spence Spence. At St. Stephen's Church, Cinderfoid, sent in within seven days of the expiry of the nionlh
Glos, on January 27, by the Rev. Mr.' Martin, Edward being held over till the next month for payment. Sir
Spence, pharmacist, third son of the late, P,obert SpencQ, Buchanan (Leven) suggested that delay might be avoided
M.D., Linlithgow, to Katherine, third daughter of the
late William Spence, C.E., Cinderford. if the local Insurance Committee were to acknowledge
receipt of accounts and prescription forms by |K)stcard or
PJaarmaoeutical ZoAety District Meeting. otherwise, as on one or two occasions these had (lone
astray. The Association agreed to send in a recommenda-
A meeting comprising chemistis in the Midland area tion "to this effect. Mr. Da^nd Storrar made a strong
appeal for support, financial and otherwise, for the central
was held at the Windsor Room, Grand Hotel, Birming- Pharmaceutical Standing Committee, or wluchever organi-
ham, on Wednesday, January 28, Mr. Edmund White, sation is to take its place in the future, so that tlii5
President, in the chair. Messrs. V. J. Gibson and Mr. body, in whatever negotiations it might have with the
F. P. Sargeant, members of Council, and Mr. Woolcock Insurance Commissioners, might feel that it had the sup
(Secretary) accompanied him. I'he attendance was large. port of the body of the craft behind it. This suggestion
members, and it was agreed to scna
Letters of apology from Sir Thomas Barclay and other? was taken up by the to this effect to the secretary ol me
in a recommendation
who were unable to attend were read. The President,
Mr. Sargeant, and Mr. F. J. Gibson address^ed the meet- committee.
in-g, and Mr. Woolcock replied to questions, after which
Mr. Radford, President of the Midland Pharmaceutical NETHERLANDS NOTES.
Association, moved a vote of thanks, which JNIr. Charles
Thompson seconded -and Mr. George Hampton and
others supported. It was carried with acclamation. -Draft Pharmacy BlU.-On account of the many difficulties
Wright's Coal Tar Soap. that have arisen recently, owing to the limitations o{ tue
present pharmaceutical law, Mr. J. SaJin,. harristci ami
Result of window-display competition 1913 :
solicitor to the Maatschappii ter Kevordcring der i^h";
—First Prize— W. H. Harrison, 34 Bridge Street, Hindley, P. van dor Wielen have pil'l'*"""''
macie," and Professor for regulating the sale of poison, ana
Wigan. Second Prize. W. E. C'oultas, 13 Rustlings Road, draught of a new Bill
Sheffield. Third Prize—ISSeva & Co., 12 Wellington Place, the practice of pharmacy. This aims at stopping ttie sai^
by giving personal liccnrc
—Hastings. Fourth Prize. J. Barker, Evington Road Phar- of poisons by unqualified people and a limited ""n.'?;" "
—_ only to pharmacists, physicians,
macy, Leicester. Consolation Prizes. (1) H. L. Wavne,
92 High Street, Ventnor (2) T. S. Wihnshurst, Linkfield unqualified dealers. In order to prevent the
Corner, Rcdhill (3) H. Isaac, 120 Whiteladies Road, of too many pharmacists, it is proposed that the n"'"*'
; of inhabitants shall not exceed one
licences issued per 5,000
Clifton; (4) J. W. Harper, 1 Albert Grovo, Starbeck Harro-
gate; (5) H. Richards, 17 Salisbury Street, Blandford to a nharmacist and one to an unqualified "b/e^"f\.'^<^^"'.
inhabitants one physician can
(6) Timmis & Richards, 432 Kind's Poad, Chelsea, S.W. localities of 5,000
(7) Llewellyn D. Jones, Abergele Road, Colwyn Bay; (8) S. provided that no pharmacist is established in the ne-^nooui
hood. Lists are to be. published annually by
Edwards, 32 High Street, Godalming; (9) Pratt's Drug Royal Uecw
Stores, 155 London Road, Croydon; (10) B. & H. Elliclt,
(1) Medicaments, (2) ordinary poisons, and (3) '"1
London Road, Portsmouth. "•''"f
poisons. Licensed dealers are onlv allowed to so 1
a special list, also to be puo^isne"
Association Meetings. stances mentioned in Decree. This ensures that the mo>i
every year by Royal
—Liverpool Chemists' Association. At the meeting dangerous poisons, such as morphine and cocaine, can .
be delivered by pharmacists and physicians who "0'°
on January 28 the following were elected officers for the Other clauses regulate the pi sees
ensuing year : Hon. Serrefari/, Mr. J. H. Robinson necessar,y licence.
.Treasurer, Mr. W. Wellings; \' iee-l'resi :lent, Mr. W. F. certain simple and compounded medicines.
: ; ;;;; ;
Scoflish Pharmaceutical Hay (Messrs. Dewar & Hay, Dingwall) ; J. F. Hunter (Ding-
wall) T. W. Maxwell (Strathpefter) ; R. Smith (Macphereon
& Co., Stornoway).
Roxburgh.—W.- M. Alexander (Kelso),; J. Brown (Mel-
rose) ; G. Cairns (Hawick) ; A. Walker (Jedburgh) ; and
E following is a complete list of Pharmaceutical Com- —W. E. Wilson (Hawick).
Selkirk. B. Cartwright, W. Gilmour (Galashiels United
T mittees which have been elected in Scotland. The
Co-operative Society, Ltd.), J. Henry, and A. Noble (Gala-
pars are all panel chemists, and will hold office untU
shiels); and T. H. Smith (manager for Executors of Alex.
Mail 31, 1916
J. Borthwick, Selkirk).
For tbe Counties. E. 11. Anderson (Denny) J. Bain (Bridge of
Alan); J. W. Bennie (Polmont) R. G. Lrummond (Fal-
rdccn.- -J. Cruickshank (Bucksburn) ; R. W. Garrow kirk) R. Marshall (Grangemouth) A. T. Pae (Stenlfousc-
; ;
and J. Walker (Stirling).
\iri); J. F. Ironside (Inverurie); J. H. Low (Fraser- —muir)
liurli); A. Lunan (Banchory); A. Milne (Maud); J. R. Syfhcrland. D. D. Cairnie (Brora) ; D. Fow'er (Tain)
Kei (Cult?) ; C. Simpson (Aberdcon) ; and A. S. Weir
J. Eraser (Helmsdale) ; R. R. Johnstone (Dornoch) ; and
J. Mennie (Golspie).
—Ami. J. Donald and G R. Thomson (Campbeltown)
—Wigtown. J. Dunn (Newton Stewart) ; J. Irving (Newton
W. Jack (Lochgilphead) ; S. Lawrence, A. D. Robertson,
j Stewart) ; W. Ker (Richard Kcr & Son, Stranraer) ; R.
MacKinnon (Newton Stewart) ; and A. M. Nicolson (Wig-
andb. M. Skinner (Oban) ; and J. M. Stevenson (Ardris-
liaifl town).
A\.—W. Bevcridge (Ayr); T. Boyd (Maybole) ; W. G. For the Burghs.
Bo\' (Kilmarnock) ; J. L. Buchanan (Meldrum & Buchanan, Abci-dccn.--A. L. Bruce, A. F. Dugan, W. Giles, W. F.
1 ) ; J. Chapman (Troon) ; J. Christie (Largs) ; D. Gem-
iricl Beith); W. Kay (Cumnock); and T. A. Wilson (Co- Hay, W. Reid, and C. Simpson (all of Aberdeen) and J. R.
ope five Society, Darvel). Reith (Cults).
—B ff. J. Donaldson (Portknockie) ; J. L.. Ga.mmic and
RJ cMurtric (Macduff); J. Pirie and Ainlric -J . L. Evans. J. King, and G. C. Wilson (Coat-
W. Garrow bridge) W. S. Culbert and L. Scobie (Airdrie).
(Ive ) Aibniiifh.—F. W. M. Bennett, M. Duncan, J. Jack, J.
« wick.—J. Cairns (Earlston) ; W. M. E'.liot (Co!d- Robertson, and J. S. Whyte (all of Arbroath).
Cstrc J. Gunn and Hounam (Duns) ; J. H. Scroggio Aj/r.—A. B. Burns, J. Kelman, J. M. McMillan, M.
cr). Meldrum, and J. J. B. TuUoch (all cf Avr).
U ;.-G. Hicks, G. G. Hill, W. Lylc, and W. Meldrum Clydebank. —3. Cockburn (F. Spite & "Co., Ltd.), J. C.
(lio ;say); D. E. McKay (Millport).
Grierson, T. Guthrie, G. F. Robertson, and J. Weir (all
C hness.~G. Banks, W. G. Miller, and R. S. Waters of Clydebank).
Cairnie and W. Coatbridge—3 .' L. Evans, J. Johnstone, G. C. Wilson,
—{Wi D. D. Gumming- (Thurso).
kmanniin and Kinross. W. Dow (Kinross) T Hethei- J. -G. Robertson, and J. King (all of Coatbridge).
Illgt (Tillicoultry); T. A. Palfrey (Alva); W. Robertson Dumbarton.—3 . Babtie, S. Hudson, P. Mitchell, and P.
«nd [. F. Wilkio (Alloa). Thomson (Dumbarton) ; and J. M. Smith (J. Smith & Son,
D iharfoii.—A. T. Campbell and J. M. Smith (Alex- A.lexandria).
and W. Gardner (Milngavie) ; G. Jarvie (Kirkintil- —Dmnfries and MaxwdUown. J. Fraser, W. G. Johnstone,
^) ;
loci P. Mitchell (Dumbarton); R. H. Sinclair (Helens- —J. Lockerbie. J. Reid, and A. Turner (all of Dumfries).
: Dundee. J. Anderson, G. Lindsay, L. P. Michie, J. R.
biiri !;; J. Weir (Clydebank).
A U S/rics.- J. Fraeer (Dumfries) ; J. Inglis (Moffat) ; Milne, C. Stephen, J. H. Thomson,' and C. Young (all of
Laidlaw (Lockerbie); J. McKerlie (Thornhill) W. Du^i^ee).
Kic: rdson (Annan). Dunfcrmlitie.—3 H. Fisher, D. Gilmour (David Gilniour
A,' naMNairn.—W. Dallas (Nairn); A. Frasor (Forres); & Son), A. Macdonald, R. Robertson, and J. A. Seath (Scath
J. 1 irr (Graihtown-on-Spey) A. Robertson and J. Spence & Louden) (all of Dunfermline).
iKlf T-Jelinhurgh.-S Bell, P. Boa, W. S. Glass. R. L. Hendrv,
A' tJ. Bisset (Burntisland); J. Buchanan (Loven) A. B. McRither, J. B. Mitchell, J. Muir, A. A. MurraV,
. B. Leadbetter (Lochgelly) R. S. Ramsay (Bowhill)'; and A. Young (all of Edinburgh).
T bertson, sen. (Dunfermline); C. Stewart (Kirkcaldy^)'; Falkirk. —R. G. Drummond, ^D. Dunnet. A. Smith, and
le (Cowdenbeath).
R. Sinclair (Falkirk) and A. Maclaren (Camelon).
r. Buchanan (Kirriemuir); A. Davidson (Mont- Gla.'igoir.—3. Abbot, J. E. Black, C:. T^ Cockburn, W. L.
J. Hutton (Brechin); J. Jack (Arbroath); G. F. Currio, P. Ferguson, W. S. Galbraith, T. Guthrie, G. S.
WJ.^ :on (Broughty Ferry) J. Johnston (Forfar) J. Kitchin. J. Lennox, D. G. McKenzio, T. McMaster, ' A.
; ;
McMillan, J. B. McVitae, J. Murchie, and W. Thomson
nison (Dundee).
H ilinfjton.—n.
Aitken (Dunbar) M. Gilroy (Tranent) (all of Glasgow).
Greenock.— . Melrose, A. C. Mclrit <
.1 :intyre (North Berwick) ; A. S. Stewart (East Linton) N. McNeil, J. A.
W Wilson (Haddington). —Russell, and T. L. Sinclair (a'l of Greenock).
BamUton. Miss Rhona Cassie, J. Lehoar, W. Niool, and
It mess.—A. C. Connan (Galloway & Co., Inverness)
A. rrey G. McConnachic. R. Macdonald, T. Mackenzie, Balfour Reekie (all of Hamilton); and Alex. W. Hendry
D. tchell, and
J. M. Symington (Inverness). (Blantyrc).
Barclay, J. Gumming, and
K f A. L. Wood Inverness.—\N 3. Bethune, J. Cameron, S. Hendry, R.
Nt-, I
Macdonald, and T. Mackenzie (T. Mackenzie & Co.) (all of
ff wrTui(.Um-rL,,l"i^t-.~~HJ"."?B.a"rr',^''A^.^^JC..^"'yMllcC^r-aoH,. Millc_r (Bervie).
and F.'Waiki.
(Ca« Douglas) Kilmarnock.—W. G. Boyd, A. Campbell, D. McNay, J. G
R. J, Shennan (Dalbeatt-el ; G. M. Stark
; Templcton, and R. Urquhart (Cockburn & Co., Ltd.) (all of
(Ga' lOUSC).
n-Tm/.( (Larkhall) W. S. Culbert, (Airdrie)
A. ,
Uick (Bel,lPsr.hfi;H')'; W. Ferguson (Motherwell); A. Flott Kirkcaldy.—A. G. Adamsoin, G. B. Kev. J. G. Low
l!lkfr.\ 'i J- H.nksman (Carluke); A-R.eekW- i.e Hendry (David Storrar), J. B. McLaren, and F. G. Stewart (all of
(-H-ami i_ '
•mIt P-D (Coatbridge); B.
"^"''yi^?" Kirkcaldy).
(Wishaw); J. A. Walls (Bothwell). Leith.—G. W. Brown, P. Nisbet, J. Noble, W. T. Robson,
7ratr T w~f; ?'ck«on (Armadale); J. Freeland (Bath- —and A. Walker (all of Leith).
pete:d\i^e.i(-BRo''ness). (Linlithgow) F. Stuart (Broxburn)
; Motherwell. D. Allan, W. Ferguson, W. Morrison T
Simpson, and D. Taylor (all of Motherwell).
lolJnan.—Q, B. W. ^rcher (Eskbank) H. Drvorre Pauley.—A. Brown, A. Fraser, R. T. McCowan, W. Sim,
liiOK'iMiro.1. r. a 'r, ' ; and H. Stewart (all of Paisley).
Ulhf.^'\.^^-r^- (Ed'""bursh); D. Harley (Mus- Perth.—yN. D. Brunton, J. Farquhar, J. J. Forbes T
Harley, and J. C. Smail (all of Perth). \Edrtorial Note.—
Mail),. J. jj Ihom.son (Penicuik).
At a meeting of this Committee and the county one on
T,^l\3-r (P^kl \ pndsay, W. J. cS'aanidieuerrssoonn, and J. uD. January 21, Mr. J. J. Forbes was elected President and
Mr. T. Harley Secretary of both.]
T r. w''
h J- ^- Dempster and J. Eunson (Biggar).
Perriem»^"' ^ 'J Y""'^'"'-
T. Harlcv (Perth) Rutherglen.—T. W. Ferguson, A. McHaig and D - S
(CrT Robertson (RutherglQn) G. Grierson (Grierson & Murchie,
n V> ^^^'"'>^^' (Auchterarder).
Glasgow); A. Morton( Bridgeton).
S M7rnnn fw J- R- T. Leckie (Pais-
Stirling.—3. Dowell, J. Duncanson, J. A. Ho"-'',
= J. Skinner, and J. Walker (all of Stirling).
Lean ?K^rm 'f°^"«t^"e) R, McDonald (Renfrew)
jirMGreenock);'°iH7.'*<Site°w-art (Johnstone); T. L
(GrpSf(B; (Paisley); and L. B. The names of the members of Committees for the
Traub counties of Shetland and Orlmey are not yet knqwn at
^j' <'nd Cromarty.-Mvs. I. M. Frew (Dingwall) Mr. headquarters.
MINOR EXPERIENCES. extract it? " Tonquin bean next came under •
" What is its odour due to? " I was then shown
leaves, senna-leaflets, stramonium-leaves, and one
Nordhauseii (42/44) relates his experiences of the London others, in each instance having to give the full bo:
—Minor as follows : name and natural order.
Chemistey came last. I was shown some
" How
bichromate. does it act on strong sulphuric tcii
oxides of chromium do you
Bisimutlii siibohloridi . " How many know
Ziiici oxidi their formulae, colour, and preparation." Then came a
01. amygdal questions relating to the titration of iron salts with
Olyceriai sium-bichromate solutions. " How do vou make hydromii
acid and chlorofornn ? " "Show their reactions bv iiW^
Tho application. Apply several times a cl.iy.
of equations."
Glycerin, amyli Tho end then came happily, as I was told that I ha
Fill an oumee pot.
Est. tell, vir J- OuF German Letter.
Ft. graainle. Silver. Mitte xij.
One to "be taken at bedtime. (Special Correspondence to the " C. & D."
Ergotini g'r. 'j.
Ext. can. ind gr. ss.
Pulv. opii gr. ss. Advertising: Sfmple Bemedles.-The highest Prujsi.i
Ft. suppo«. Mitte vj.
One to be used every ndglit. Court of Justice has decided that the various by-laws
by Prussian police authorities forbidding the adveii
Tr. guaiac. am. jiv.
Tr. can. ind of remedies the sale of which is restricted are i:
5,j. void. To understand the position, it must be rem-
Pot. iodidi 5j-
Inf. caliimbae ad that the sale of remedies, with few exceptions, is r-
... ' to pharmacies thus rhubarb is a remedy, and there:
Ft. miet. only be sold in a pharmacy. Several police aun
Kig. : jsis. ex Jes. aq. bis die p.o. in Prussia have issued by-laws prohibiting tho public ..
—This was finished at 12.35 P.M. tisemcnt of all articles the sale of which is subject toceiu
Peactical Chemistet. The exercise read: " By means of restrictions i.e., may only be sold in a pharmacy; hcii^
the pure thio. find the amount of available chlorine in the it would be unlawful to mention rhubarb in the form of
strong solution of sodium hypochloride." I had also to public 'advertisement. This would apply equally to phai
find the two substances in solution. These were a mixture macists themselves as well as to other clealers, from wliii
myof nitric and citric acids. I handed in report at it is apparent tha,t the pharmacist would bo unable ti
profit by his monopoly as far as advertising his articles :
4.10 P.M. the registered dentists in Germany, as i[
On the second day's examination my first oral subject England, do not look with favour upon those persons whi
—was practis-e dentistry without having passed the State examini'
Botany. " To what family does this belong ? " asked the
tion. Tire unregistered dentists, however, are a veij
examiner, at the same time showing me a branch with
do you know? " numerous body, and possess several professional journa
Howleaves, flowers, rand follicles. "
devoted to upholding the interests of unregistered dentist
" What is a follicle? " " What is a legume? " " Are there
Several manufacturers advertise their products in Ihc!
any other characters by which you recognise this to belong
journals, and these articles, anaesthetics, etc., may only I
to the N.O. HanuncuIacecE 1" "Give all the characters of
—sold in pharmacies some, indeed, may only bo disp =
that order." "What is the shape of tho leaf? " " Do you
upon the prescription of a qualified doctor or dental <
know this? " (butcher's broom). " What are those? " point-
Some months ago tho publishers of some of these
ing to the phylloclades. "What are they?" "Where are j
were denounced to the police for inserting
the leaves? " I was then shown rue [liuia f/raveolens). ad\-erti.-i
" What is the odour due to ? " I was next shown three of products the sale of which is restricted to phani:: .
slides, two of which I recognised. "Describe assimilation." therefore the insertion of these announcements was a vioi
"What is transpiration?" "Have you ever heard of tion of the police by-law. Proceedings were takea agaiol
aleurone grains? " "What arc they? " "Where are they
found?" "What are their uses?" "What are tho publishers and also against tho manufacturers, and
" |
cystoliths ?
small fin© was imposed on one occasion. In another instani
Phaemaoy followed. First I had to recognise liq.
the Court took the view that these advertisements in
arsenicalis. " How do you make it? " " What is the pro- j
portion of active ingredient? " "Does the potassium car- professional journal are not, strictly spcakin?, public advfi
bonate combine with the arsenious oxide? " " What is the
tiscments. .The parties concerned appealed, and ncv \
state of the arsenic in the finished product? " I then recog- highest Court has found that these by-laws—in this 'p i
nised anhydrous lanolin. "What is it chemically?" case the one issued by the Police President of Berlin 1
" What is lard? " " What is the difference between wool-
—year are illegal, and therefore null and void. Tiie ^
fat and lard chemically ? " I next had a smell at some ext.
t-aken by the Court, which entered into a thorough iin..^:
glycyrrh. liq. "How is it made? " Then ad, nasum and
gation of the whole matter, is of great interest. In t
ad nauseam tr. valerian, ammon. " What does it contain? "
Next pil. rhei co. " Give its comjwsition." I had further judgment it is stated that a prohibition of this descriptii
to state the strengths and percentages of active ingredients would bo extremely damaging from a business point_
of several galenicals. Then we had a chat on 'the Poisons view: the pharmacist would be prevented from mih\
Schedule, and, finally, " Pretend to make a batch of tr.
known to the public, either by advertisements in the dai^
Press or by signs in his windows t>r shop (tho wo
" Laden " is used), th© articles he has for sale, particulai
those of which he has the monopoly of scllin-j. Tho mar;
facturer of remedies would be prevented from informing tj
senegse." public of the existence of a new remedy; therefore tlj
branch of industry would be considerably damaged, and t|
—Phesceiption-eeading. The calculation was " How much
mercury jjerchloride is required to make Jiv. of a solution introduction of new and useful remedies would be render
(1 in 1,000) in glycerin (sp. gr. of glycerin 1.260) ? " X had difficult. Interesting also, particularly in view of recc
next to translate into full Latin events in Great Britain, is the opinion of the Prussian toi|
Mercury subchlcr. grs. 2 with regard to the possible danger to the public of advij
Mitte 24. tisements of remedies. In most cases, it is stated, narml']
remedies are advertised for minor ailments which oulv u.:
One to be talcen every cuiaaiter of an liour for eiglit dosee. few oases are symptoms of severe illnesses, such as hcaaacpj
cough, hoarseness, stomach nains, diarrhoea, and constij
1 was then asked twenty or thirty doses, and had to turn -a tion^ In all these cases no danger to the public can ar;
few proscriptions into Eriglish. through such advertisements, as the public are 1°'.'" '
habit of consulting a doctor for such ailments, even if tli',:
—Mateeia Medica. Some cloves w(»re handed to me. advertisements were not read. Advertisements of a traut
"What arc cloves?" "Give their botanical name and lent character recommending remedies against
natural order." " What is the odorous principle? " " What and cancer are. in another category, and to prohibit tni^|:
is its specific gravity?" "How would you tell a good advertisements is in the public interest and is pcrnii"' i
sample of cloves? " I was then shown a bad sample, which A general prohibition of all' remedies which may tie s',
I thought had been steamed. The various types of aloes only in pharmaoiss is, however, illeg'al.
were shown. "How do you distinguish between them?"
"What is their active principle?" "How would you
66 to 63 to the lb., M. to %d. ; 69 to 68, M. ; 78 to 70., bid to
ursday's Market News. 7id. ; 96 to 78, bid. to bd. ; 122 to 98, bi^d. to 5|fZ. slightly
Bate was reduced from If per cent, to 3 per
this should have a good effect on business wormy and defective, 4|cZ. to b-\d. ; wormy and broken,
—Md. to 4icZ.
Oils (Fixed). Coconut is Is. per cwt. lower at 46s. 6(7.
for Ceylon, but Cochin is unchanged at 56s. on spot. Lin-
seed oil is also lower on balance, at from 22s. 9t7. to 22s. lO^d.
in pipes and at 23s. l^cZ. in barrels on spot. Rape is quiet
and unaltered, at 29s. 6f7. for ordinary brown crude, and-
W, January 28—Business in drags is fair, at 31s. 9cZ. for English refined in casks. Cottonseed is steady
at 30s. 3c7. for crude on spot, 31s. for ordinary pale refined,
imier at $6 per lb. for druggists' by single cases,
\ii ri it oil in tins is firm at $3.5U. Quinine is strong and 33s. 9f7. for sweet refined. Lagos Palm oil is dearer at
6c. r oz. Wahoo (cuonymus) bavk of root is easier
36s. on spot, while Liverpool quotes 34s. 9c7. to 35s. Russian
• lb." Cascara sagrada-is qUiet at 7ic. Ipecac, is and American Petroleum is S^f?., and watcr--\vhitc American
$1.75 for Cartagena, and scrpentary i.s quiet at
—93c7. per gal.
Peppeb. At auction 42 bags' Ceylon offered, and 11 sold
at_ 41(7. for small light. Privately the market is quiet, with
A: parcel of 70 kegs Socotrine has just arrived fair Singapore offering at 5ac7., January-March shipment
\g warehouse. Sales of alx)ut 50 kegs good hard at 4|if7., and April-May 4|(Z. c.i.f. At auction 59 bags
, -otrine have been made for export. The value of Singapore and 47 bags Penang were bought in. Privately
hiiiiis 50s. per cwt., and for Zanzib.ar in monkey-skins the spot price of fair Singapore is 8^-f7., and fair Muntok
'd^d. ; to arrive, sellers of January-March shipment quote
1 55ito 65s. IS asked.
—8tV7. and March-May 84-ff7. c.i.f.
> :0OT.—At auction 58 barrels St. Vincent were Pimento. At auction 60 bags fair sold at from 2(7. to 2^d.
at 3^(7. for good manufacturing. privately sellers quote 17s. c.i.f. for January-February
.—The Sunda has brought 104 cases f rom^ Singa-
a; tho Tern, via Havre, 70 cases. The arrivals in
wajiouse include 30 cases Siam and 40 cases Palem- Qtjicksilveb closes very steady at 77. 10s, from first and
fTirious qualities. —77. Is. from second-hands.
Red Lead. English is dearer at 217. 10s. for English, and
MS were steady at auction, 29 bags Nyasaland
white is 2bl.
35.S. for fair red off stalk, and at from 30s. to
—Sacchahin. The following are the current f.o.b. export
II- mixed yellowish.
.L,\.—Since the auction a fair quantity has been prices, subject to confirmation :
he brokers at full or oven better than the sale 475 powder and
iftings-have been sold at 65s., and fair quill mixed
itly fibrous at 85s. Small quantities «. d. s. d. s. (7.
4 bi . 4 4i
ok.— Hull make is lower at 28^. 2s. bd. per ton 22 lb. minimum 4 3i 38
4 u- 4 2^ 3 53
for cold-drawn pharmaceutical quality for prompt 56 lb. 41 4 Oi 3 33
40 40 3 3i
first's is 251. 12s. bd., and all forward positions 1 cwt. 3 iii 3 2i
2 cwt. 3 10| m3 11 3
17s. bd. delivered free on wharf, London oil in ,, 3 9?
; 3 3 03
3 Oi
cases is 50s. per ton extra. Belgian firsts prompt 3 94-
ard is 2bl. per ton in barrels, f.o.b. Antwerp. In 5 cwt. ,, 3 83
10 cwt.
good seconds on spot is quoted at 3^(7. ex .quay, 20 cwt. „
X store. ,,
—s. At auction 23 bags East Coast African sold at The above prices for early shipment (no contracts allowed),
I- rate of 55s. net cash, jjackod in 1-lb. tins and cases inclusive, delivered
—EH Oil. Our Bergen correspondent writes on f.o.b. Hamburg or English ports in bond. There is a reduc-
26: "Stormy weather is still ruling on the Nor- tion for larger packages, w'hich in 5-lb. tins is Hd. per lb.,
and on 11-lb. tins 2d. per lb. less. Shipment of saccharin
liist, and during the past week the fishciTiien could
to India (including Ceylon), the U.S.A., the Continent of
- to work for one to two days. The catch is still
Europe, and the U.K. is prohibited. To comply with tho
;int, but the prospects arc considered to be fair, Customs regulations, shipping orders must be for 11 lb.
minimum. Smaller parcels can be posted in bond, with an
icrmitted to form conclusions from the first results allowance of 1(7. per lb. on above prices (up to 56 lb.),
postage being charged on invoice.
hing as to the condition of the cod, one may say
—Sabsapabilla. Eleven packages Native-Jamaica have
i ish ia likely to be srhaller than last year, but rather
market is very quiet. Buyers are apparently arrived ; also 18 bales of genuine grey Jamaica, which will
0 see the opening ol the fishing before contracting —be offered next week.
Senega. There has been a good inquiry, and the market
quantities. A few and small lots of new unrefined
closes firm at 2s. lid. per lb. net, and to arrive in half-ton
however, been bought up at rates equal to about lots 2s. 9(7. c.i.f. is quoted (shipping weights). . The prices
per barrel c.i.f. for non-congealing quality."' The quoted in the Trade Report (white paper section) are
ivate aidviccs received in London to-day report the
as very stormy and no fishing worth recording,
linal price is 90s. c.i.f. for new, and 1913 oil
'.s-BLOOD.—Eight cases of rerd have arrived. erroneous.
-E.—The Tern, via Havre, has brought 10 cases, —Sebpentahy. The spot price is Is. 9(7. net, at which busi-
ness has been done.
Siam pipe. Taetabic Acid is firmer for foreign at Is. O^d., English
—M' Oil. To-day there arc sellers of Bourbon at —being quoted Is. 0|(7. ; a fair contract business is in progress.
Thymol. The makers' price is now 7s. 6(7., an advance
i.f. for prompt shipment.
of 3(7. ; second-hand sellers quote 7s.
—; Quiet. At auction 780 bags Calicut offered, and Turpentine closes to-day (4.30 p.m.) 1^(7. dearer, at 32s. 4^(7.
comprising wormy washed Cochin at 23s. ; 20 cases for American on spot.
w-re bought in at 42s. bd. for good small cut, and Manchester Chemical Market.
Ill-own Bengal at 20s. Junuury 27.
The past month has shown little or no change in heav.y
—1 AN" HA. The 19 bales entered per Araf/on from' chemicals. It is expected that the export return will show
a diminution on last month. The export revision of prices
\ ideo as " ipecacuanha " piuvo to be " mbber." so far as caustic soda is concerned -is not yet to hand, and
in other respects there is no change to note in prices. In
i-< firmer, as indicated in our Trade Report (white heavy chemicals, sulphate of copper, although there has been
a fair increase in the price of tho raw metal, shows little
"<tion), witfi first-hand sellers at 8s. Zd. for fair change, and may be quoted at from 2QI. 12s. bd. to 121. lbs.
per ton, delivered Manchester. Coal-tar products have been
I'lSSO. generally variable, with sulphate of ammovia on the decline.
Carbolic acid has ruled lower, but benzols show little
-At auction West Indian was Id. to 2d. per lb.
i2 packages selling, comprising good palish at 2s., change.
to fair Is. U. to Is. 11^/., common and red Is. Id. Heavy Chemicals.
A very fair business (xintinues to be transacted in the
. and broken Is. 2d. to l.s'. bd. per lb.
heavy-chemical market, and the general tone is a steady one,
OL. -Market closes quiet, with spot sellers of with values for the most part maintained.
ln-hu7.uki at lis. 9,/,., and for February-April ship- Sulphate of Ammonia is lower than when last quoted, but
tho tone seems to b© somewhat steadier than it was.
'iipincd vMlh oil 15s. bd. c.i.f. is ciuoied. During
It IS reported that Hamburg has bought 100 cases
gooil^brand for shipment any time this year at
'iption the business including menthol and oil
^ 'I at 14s. c.i.f. They are still buvers, bidding
ee'kevv,fliJr^nlovn,'t^h^s'*'e'^x'p'o'r- ts be noted that 'in giving the
figures last week the words " yen "
""^ transposed,
and Irf ^w~iituh* good ''81 packages West Indian offered,
comr>ctition at full prices, including"
.. : : :; .
Opinions are diverse with regard to the future, some being COMING EVENTS.
fairly confident that appreciably better prices will rule ere &This section of the "C. D." is reserved for advance no
long, while the contrary is held by many. The latter point meetings or other events , These should be sent to the
by Wednesday of the week before the meetings, etc.,
of view has for its foundation the undoubted fact that pro-
duction, is largely increasing and tends towards further
increase, and it is therefore quite possible that price may
touch quite a low figure this year. Present nearest Monday, Februarys.
London, 25 per cent.. 111. 10s.; Leith, 121. 8s. 9d. ; Liver- Society of Chemical Industry, London Section, Burlington
pool, 121. 6s. Id. ; and Hull, 121. 5s. Pdcoadilly, W., .at 8 p.m. M.r. W. E. Schoeller on ' -
Alkali-pboduce.—There is a good all-round demand in and MetaliMo Antimony im Cradle Antimony " Mt. T.
this branch for both main and miscellaneous products. ;
Bleaching-powder, 5^. 2s. bd.- to bl. lbs., according to con- on the " Eistimationj Zinc im Coinage Bron»e« hv V
ditions. Caustic soda, home trade, 9^. 7s. bd. to 9Z. 12s. 6cZ. tionj"; Mr. PaiTOiu Singh on " Nickel Taiiinatos."
for 70 per cent., and 8L 7s. bd. to 8«. 12s. bd. for 60 per
Tuesday, February 3.
cent.; for export, 76 to 77 per cent., U. lbs. to 10?.; 70 per
Riintgen Society, Londoaii Hospital, Wliitechaiirf, £.,
cent., U. to 9Z. 5s. ; and 60 per cent., 11. to 8Z. 5s. per ton. Inspection of x-ray and electro-therapoutie dpiwrtii.
demonstration of iiw Wilson piortable coil apparatus.
Ammonia alkali, 21. 17s. bd. to Zl. 10s. per ton, free on rails.
Wedaesday, Ft br airy 4.
Soda-crystals, 42s. bd. to 45s. per ton, free on rails, in bags.
Pluirmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 16 Bltflnieinirv .
Saltcake, 42s. bd. Yellow prussiate of potash, bid. to 65c?. ; London, W.C., at 11 a.m. Coirmcil-meeting.
and yellow prussiate of soda, 4s(Z. to 4icZ. Chlorates of
potash and soda, l^d. to ^d. tlyposulphite of soda, Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, 67 Lower ilount Stmt. .
bl. Is. bd. to bl. lis. bd. per ton for ordinai-y crystals, in at 3 P.M. OffuniCil-meeting.
casks ; deliveries in 1-cwt. kegs vary from bl. 17s. _ bd. to Zl.
per ton according to quantity and quality. .Silicates of Great Yarmouth Vharmaceiitical Associa'.ion, 156 King fT
soda, 140° Tw., i\l. Is. bd. to 5/.; 100° Tw., 7,1. lis. bd. to 9 P.M. Ordiaai-y m©e<tinig.
4Z. 10s. ; and 75° Tw., U. 10s. to 4L 2s. bd. according to
quality, quantity, and destination. Nottingham Pharmacewtical Association, Tiotori-a Station 1
8 P.M. S'oo'ial meeting.
Croydon Pharmacists' Association, GreTiound Hotel.
dinjtteT, foHiowedi by wiist-da-ive. Ticket* (5s. ea<«h) f
Htoui. Secretaries, Mir. O. Uickinison, 119 f5oitth End. < •
landi Mr. P. Holmee, Brighton Ewad, South CroTdnn.
Opium Imports and Exports. Thursday, February 5.
The following figures represent the imports, exports, and Chemical Society, Bairiingtoinj House. Londtoii, AV., «i 6 .
re-exports of opium into and from the Unitcnl Kingdom
from 1908 to 1912 inclusive, together with the sources frcm Among the papers to be cannniunicatodj are the in' :
which drawn and the destinations, as shown by ihe Annual
Statement of Trade " Tlhie Abearption Sipectra of the Vapours and .Solir ^
Imports. Vajriouis S'ubigtances Oomtaiutng two Bcpzene N'uoiei."
J. El. Purvis; "The Oxidation of some BemcTl Comr'' "
Siulphur. Piatrt II. Bem^zyltetrasulphoside," by iir.
Smyithe; " The Eeoction between Iodine amd Aliplia; i
hydes," by Meesrs. H. M. Dawson and J. Marshall; es'
Erosion, of Lead," by Messre. J. F. Liverseege and A. V,'. n
From 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 North London Pharmacists' Association, St. Pada-m's Lecbi ;i
lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. ' Gloucester Eoadi, Steven Sisters Bond, Holloivay, N., ot .
1,092 JJiscuesaon on " Ucal," introduced by Mr. Harold Mi!'
1,405 2,240 7,831 930 731 G. W. EiVaao, and Mr. P. Ohen^-.
4,526 2,294 1,650 878
Germany 187,683 220,091 197,334 144,765 125,406 London (Co.) Association of Pharmacists, Gorxlou. H^ill, K^'-j'-
85,978 78,258 242,406 155,185 109,570 Fraecati, O.xford Sti-eet, W., at 7.30 p.m. Annual
Prance 93,972 166,820 136,591 254,078
181,880 5,024
Turkey, European 30,619 5,351 13,115 Ticketsi (7s. bd. each) from^ Mr. G. A. Tocher. Hon.
Turkey, Asiatic . . 1,279 444,472 503,778 191 Mamiwood Boad, Clnofton Park, S.E. The chair will
PersiaV 489,936 2,350 by Mr. E. White (Preeident of the Phairmncentica-1 .'
18,652 49,503
U.S.A 10,746 and it ie hoped that among those present wial lie Mr
13,183 19,044 51,852
Otlier foreign Glym-.IiOnes, M.P., Mr. E. A. Dawea, M.P., an* Mr. Tf..
countries 2,340 11,924 (Cierk of the Lood'om Insairance Committee). Ifldins ftrff
to bo 2>resent. 1
Total from foreign Peterborough Chemists' Association, Grandi Hotel, nt 6 p.m.
countries ... 406,271 . 628,609 dmnea-. Tickets (5«. each) from Mr. H. El Noble, Hon c"
tai-y, Liomg C%useiway. [
British India 16,520 1,160 Friday, February 6.
Ilong-Kong 1,400
Royal Institution of Great Britain. Albemarle Street, Vk :
Total from British 16,520 2,560 London, AV., at 9 p.si. Dr. H. S. Hele Stow on " The M. n
of Muscular Eiffort."
Total 514,015 422,791 631,169 463,516 555,631 Blackpool and Fylde Phabmacists' Assqchtio.v.—TIk-
Value ... £336,377 £269,695 £434,064 £411,776 £617,446
dimner is to be lie.'di at Blackpool on Fcbrwary 11.
—Halifax Chemists' Association. The anavual dinner will
To 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912
at the Old Cock Hotel on FebruaaT 12. Tickets (3«. btli
Germany ... lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. from Mr. E.. V. Siutcliffe, 64 King's Croa®.
Netherlands 50,121 50,788 24,635 29,365 16,377 Junior Phaem.icy Ball.—The datie for thiii' 'hns boon, fi
1,304 2,146 13,648 32,541 34,087 Jlareh 11. The Hon. Secretary is Mr. B. E. Wilkiinson,
Belgium ... 8,960 9,373
224 10 10,539 23 Ciromwell Place, Soaitli Keneingtcn , S.W.
Siam 121,651 71,785 6,918 16,929 South-West London Ph.\bmacists' .A-Ssociatiox'.— .\ eoc'io]
9,810 12,169 44,403
Japan (including 2,804 15,576 5.504- 8,019 (Avhist aiC'dancinig) will beheld at StanJev's Hestourant. L:
15,563 8,175 3,689 7,680 Hill, Si.W., on Februai-y 25. Tickets (Zs. bd. «ich) frrnn Mi
Formosa) 12,105 5,904 2,000 Atkins (Hom. Secretary). 71 Eiaot H'iU, S.W.
2,110 5,887 5,005 3,337
U.S.A 4,539 1,110 Thames Valley Ph.^bm.icists' Association.— .V. wlr.^-drr,
2,825 7,254 12,610 bo held at " The Pagoda," 30 Hill Riee, Eichmond, on
Cuba 6,206 ai-y 18. Tickets (2.9. M. each, double tickets 4it. bd.) can
from Mr. W. H. Ymke. The Green, Twickenluun; Jlr.
Panama ... •Higgs, 42 Pjidumiond Eo.id. Kingeton-on-Tliamcs ; or JUr. F.
Peru 1 Olareroonit Eoad, Surbiton.
The School of Pharmacy Annual Dinner will he liel«
Holborn Restaunant on February 20. Mr^ Edmund White,
Other foreign dent of the Pharmaceutical Society, will- take the chair,
can be obtained from Messrs. Collen and Rogere, Hon. Seer'
17 Biooni&bui-y iSqua.re, London, W.O.
Total to foreign 211,690 172,357 84,379 127,771 109,578 Childben's Teeth.—At the meeting of the German .
countries of Natural Scientists and Medical Men Dr. Hock cnipti^'
Hong-Kong 111,985 26,535 100,370 64,182 46,934 the necessity of conserving the first teeth of chilah"^
16,746 10,018 7,520 9,315 6,943
Other British order to keep the mouth and jaws in a condition fit to
the permanent teeth. In some cases it is advisa
possessions remove, after the twelfth year of age, the first pern
Total to British 128,731 36,553 107,890 73,497 53,877 molar tooth, which by this time has served its
possessions removal gives space for the wisdom-tooth to break tf :
without the usual trouble. Dr. Hock believes tha vii
Total 340,421 208,910 192,269 201,268 163,455 simple procedure does away with a large percenta
Value ... ... £224,254 £145,495 £154,765 £184,338 £187,037
dental caries otherwise- so frequent.
Supplement to "The Chemist "S? Druggist," January 31st, 1914.
Jujubes 6- Pastilles.
Supplement to "The Chemist 'S? Druggist," Jdaviar}- 51st, 1914.
c Packedondensed Drugs
List of
Supplied withv Pharmacist's own Name and Address
Aperient Tablets Conf. Senna, Liquid, with Cod Liver Oil Emulsion
Rhubarb WSupplied in
Supplied in boxes containing 30. G. Emulsion b..ttli^
4/- doz. Supplied in Wood's I< C. dispensing flats
4oz. 5/6; Soz. 8/9; li, oz. 15,6 d,./.
Asthma Powder 2 oz. 4/- ; 4 oz. 71- doz.
Cough Lozenges, Brompton
Supplied in tins, fancy labels. Corn Paint
5/6 and 7/6 doz Supplied in fancy, hinged liiLs.
Supplied in green vials with brusti. 2 oz. 4/6 ; 4 oz. 7/6 doz.
Bismuth and Pepsin Mixture 4/- doz. ; 45/- gross.
Magnesia, Citrate of
Supplied in Wood's R.C. dispensing flats. Diarrhoea Mixture
6oz 5/6; 12oz. 9/6 doz. Supplied in blue H:its. N,) 5
Supplied in Wood's I^.C. dispensing flats. A4 oz. f.c. 3/4 ; 8 oz. 4/10 ; Ki oz. 8/3
Blood Purifier 6 oz. 7/3 : 12 oz. 13/- doz
Magnesia, Citrate of
Supplied in Wood's R.C. bottles. Easton's Syrup Supplied in W.G. Kalis, capsuled.
6 oz. 7/6 ; 12 oz. 13/- doz.
Supplied in Wood's R.C. flats. 4 oz. f.c. 3/- ; 8 oz. 4/4 ; 16 oz. 8/- doz
Bronchial Lozenges
2 oz. 4/3 ; 4 oz. 6/9 ; 8 oz. 11/- doz.
.Supplied in slide bo.xes. Embrocation, Household Magnesia, Fluid
48 in box. 33/- per gross boxes. Supplied in Wood's ovals, wrapped,
Supplied in P.S. bottles, cartoned
Camphorated Oil 4 oz. 5/6 ; 8 oz. 8/- doz. 4 oz. 3/2 ; 6 oz. 4/- : 8 oz, 4/9 do/..
Supplied in Wood's R C. dispensing flats Effervescing Preparations Petroleum Emulsion
Supplied in Chelts. with B.W measure.
2 oz. 3/8 ; 3 oz. 4/9 ; 4 oz. 6/- doz. Packed in W.G. Emulsion bollles.
Caffeine Citrate, 4 oz. f.c. 6/6 doz. 4 oz. 4/- ; 6 oz. 5/9 : 8 oz. 7\-
Capsules, Flexible Gelatin I.ithia Citrate, 4 oz. f.c. 6/6 doz.
Potash Citrate, 8 oz. f.c. 8/6 doz. 16 oz. 13/3 doz
Supplied in round tins, labelled.
Etc Sal Volatile
Cascara Sagrada 24 x 15 min., 5/- doz Supplied in W.G. Iwttles.
Formaldehyde and Menthol
Copaiba 36 x 10 min., 6/6 doz Tablets Stoppered, 1 oz. 5/- ; 2 oz. 7/6 doz.
Sandal Wood Oil 24 x .5 min.. 10/- doz Supplied in amber bottles, W.15. corks Saline, Effervescent
24 X 10 niin., 14/- doz 25 in bottle, 4/- doz Supplied in P.C. Chelts
4 oz. f.c. 5/- ; 6 oz. 6/6 ; S oz. 8/- du/
Carlsbad Salts Eucalyptus Oil
Supplied in Wood's R.C. di-pensing flats. Cartoned 6d. doz. extra.
Supplied in plug-stoppered bottles.
Cartoned, 7/6 doz Glob,, 1 oz. 3/9 ; 2 oz. 6/3 ; 4 oz, 10/6 doz Santal Perles
B.P., 1 oz. 3/6 ; 2 oz. 6/- ; 4 oz 10/- doz.
Cascara Sagrada Fluid Extract
Supplied in Wood's flats.
1 oz. 2/10 ; 2 oz. 4/3 ; 4 oz. 7/6 doz.
Chlorodyne Glycerin Supplied 42 in box. wrapped.
12/6 doz. boxes.
Supplied in blue vials, wrapped, Wood's botts. (by weight),
i oz. 3/6 ; 1 oz. 6/- doz. 2 oz. 3/9 ; 4 oz. 6/- ; 8 oz 10/- doz Seidlitz Powders
Coca Wine " Mexicans." Guaranteed hand weighed.
2 oz. f.c. 4/- ; 4 oz. 71- ; 8 oz, 13/- doz.
ill Supplied in black wines. Honey Loose 5/9 gross ; boxed 6/6 doz. hoxi^
i botts. 14/- ; botts. 26/- doz.
Supplied in S.M. cap jars, Seltzogene Powders
Cough Mixtures Californian i lb. 5/6 ; 1 lb. 9/6 doz Gu:u;inteed hand weighed.
Hoxes of 12
Supplied in panelled flats. English * lb. 71- ; 1 lb. 12/- doz
BL.^CK CURR.4NT. Influenza Capsules 3 pint 15/6 ; 5 pint 20,-- 8 pint 30/- d.>/
2 oz. 4/- ; 4 oz. 71- : 8 oz. 11/- doz. Supplied in tins, labelled. Syr. of Figs, Comp.
20 in tin, 7.'6 doz. tins.
2 oz. 4/- ; 4 oz. 71- : 8 oz. 11/- doz. Insect Powder, Finest Supplied in panelled Hats.
2 oz. 3/6 ; 4 oz. 6/- ; 8 oz. 10/6 diu!.
I!.-\I.S.A1I OF HOREHOUN'D AND HONEY. Supplied in tins with perforated lids.
1 oz. 2/9 ; 2j oz. 5/- doz. Syr. of Glycerophos. Comp.
2 oz. 4/- ; 4 oz. 71- ; 8 oz. 11/- doz.
Lemonade Crystals Supplied in Wood's R.C. dispensing tols
SYUrp OF HOREHOUND AND UNSEED. 4 oz. 8/- ; 8 oz. 13/6 doz.
Supplied in direct squares.
2 oz. 3/3 ; 4 oz. 5/- ; 8 oz. 8/6 doz. ih oz. 3/- ; 4j oz, 71- doz. Syr. of Hypophosph. Comp.
LINSEED AKD HONEY. Pine and Camphor Lozenges Supplied in \\'nod's K C Hals.
2 OZ. 3/6 ; 4 oz. 5/3 ; 8 oz. 9/- doz. Supplied in slide boxes. 4 oz. 6,6 ; 6 oz. 8/9 : 8 oz. 10,9 doz.
48 in box, 33/- per gross bo.xes.
Chillie Paste
2 OZ. 3/9 : 4 oz. 6/- ; 8 oz. 10/6 doz.
2 oz. 3/9 ; 4 oz. 6/6 ; 8 oz. 11/- doz.
PECTOR.AL SYRUP. Supplied in screw metal-capped jars. Supplied in panelled Hats.
2 OZ. 3/9 ; 4 oz. 6/6 ; 8 oz. 11/- doz 2 oz. 3/9 doz. 2 oz. 3/6 ; 4 oz. 6/- ; 8 oz. 10/6 doz.
All Prices are subject to Trade Discount.
Samples forwarded on request.
Allen & Hanburys Ltd.. London
^acked Drags (non liable)
and Pharmaceuticals.
Allen & Hanburys Ltd., London.
Supplement to "The Chemist 'S? DriigfSist," Januarj- olst, 1914.
Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
'~~l7 ,
A & H'S CL.O. factory, NORWAY, p
/ Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
Packed in Wood's panelled flats.
4 oz. 3/8 ; 8 oz. 6/4 ; 16 oz. 9/- ; 32 oz. 22/4 per dOL
.ilso supplied in ovals and dispensing flats.
Eucalyptus Oil, B.P. Castor OU
i Paclced in Wood's white glass Rats. Packed in Wood's pandltJ to j
1 oz 3/6 ; 2 oz. 6/- ; 4 oz. 10/- 2 oz. 2/9 : 4 3/10 ',,
per doz. Per
Special quotations to Buyers of 1 gross lots and upu'ordj
Allen & Hanburys Ltd. London.
Extract of Malt
Extract of Malt with Cod Liver Oil
Pacl:fd !n aniber-tintfcl };lass jars,
screw metal caps.
h \h. 513 : 1 lb. 8/6 ; 2 lb. 15/- 4 lb. 26/- per doz.
Extract of Malt
Packed in amber-tinted glass jars, screw metal caps,
i lb. 5/- ; 1 lb. 8/- ; 2 lb. 14/- 4 Ih. 24/- per doz.
Also supplied in porcelain jars and glass bottles,
shived. or with patent caps.
Samples forwarded on request.
Allen & Hanburys Ltd., London.
Supplement to "The Chemist '62 Druggist," January 3lst, 1914.
Toilet Preparations
Supplied with Pharmacist's own Name and Address printed on Labels
with orders of 3 dozen and upwards.
A complete List, fully illustrated, forwarded on application.
Bath Powder Fuller's Earth Borated Talc Dusting Powder
Supplied in wooden barrels
Supplied in wooden barrels. Supplied in oval tins fitted with
Fancy coloured wrappers. Fancy wrappers dredger tops.
4 oz. 2/6 ; 8 oz. 4/- doz
8 oz. 4/3 ; 16 oz. 6/- doz. Also in cardboard barrels Fancy coloured labels.
Also in cardboard barrels. 4/6 doz
4 oz. 2/3 ; 8 oz. 3/6 doz.
Fancy wrappers. Thymol Mouth Wash
8 oz. 3/9 ; 16 oz. 5/6 doz. Hazel Bloom Foam
Supplied in white glass ovals.
Brilliantine Supplied in white glass jars fitted Fancy coloured labels.
Supplied in white glass rounds fitted with fancy screw metal caps 3 oz. 4/- ; 6 oz. 71- doz.
Fancy coloured labels.
with sprinklers. 1 oz. 3/- ; 2 oz. 5/- doz. Tincture of Myrrh and Borax
Fancy coloured labels.
1 oz. 4/6 ; 2 oz. 8/- ; 4 oz. 15/6 doz. Lime Cream and Glycerin Supplied in white glass panelled
Brilliantine, Floral Supplied in white glass rounds.
Fancy coloured labels. Fancy coloured labels.
Assorted odoiu's. 4 oz. 3/9 ; 8 oz. 6/6 doz. No. 2. 2 oz. 7/6 ; 4 oz. 11/6 dot.
Supplied in white glass rounds fitted
Poudre de Riz Toilet Oatmeal
with sprinklers.
Fancy coloured labels. Supplied in fancy round-cornered Supplied in wooden barrels.
1 oz. 4/- ; 2 oz. 71- ; 4 oz. 12/6 doz. bo,xes, with fancy coloured F^ancy coloured wrappers.
lithograph labels. 4 oz. 3/3 ; 8 oz. 5/6 doz.
Cold Cream A\so in cardboard barrels.
Three shades : White, Pink, Rachel Fancy coloured wrappers.
Supplied in china jars fitted with 3 oz. (by weight) 3/6 doz.
celluloid caps. 4 oz. 3/- ; 8 oz. 5/- doz.
Rosa-Camph. Cream
Fancy coloured labels Tooth Pastes
4 oz. 2/6 ; 1 oz. 4/8 ; 2 oz. 6/6 doz. Supplied in china jars fitted with
celluloid caps. ARECA, CARBOT.IC, CHERRY, ROSE.
Erasmus Wilson's Hair Lotion Supplied in collapsible tubes.
Fancy coloured labels. Fancy labels.
Supplied in white glass stoppered i oz. 21- ; 1 oz. 3/- ; 2 oz. 4/6 doz. 3/6 doz
bottles. Salol Liquid Dentifrice Tooth Powders
Fancy coloured labels. Supplied in white opals fitted with ANTISEPTIC, SAPONACEOUS, SALOL, ETC
4 oz. 11/3 8 oz, 20/- doz. sprinklers. Supplied in Jahucke's tins,
art green enamel.
; Coloured lithograph labels. 36/- gross.
2 oz. 10/3 : 4 oz. 17/6 doz.
Face Powder Witch Hazel Jelly
Hazel Bloom Shaving Soap
Supplied in round-cornered boxes. Supplied in white gla,ss jars filled
Fancy coloured labels. Supplied in wooden bowls, packed in with celluloid caps.
cartons. Fancy labels.
Three shades : White, Pink, Rachel. 71- doz Fancy coloured labels.
3 oz. (by weight) 7/6 doz. 1 oz. 3/9 ; 2 oz. 7/- doz
Smelling Salts
Foot Powder, Antiseptic
Supplied in globe stoppered green
Supplied in dredger-top tins. rounds
Fancy W'rappers.
2h oz. 3/6 doz. 1 C7.. 4/- ; 2 oz. 71- doz.
All Prices are subject to Trade Discount.
Samples forwarded on application.
Allen & Hanburys Ltd.. London,
Toilet Preparations.
Cai lie Tooth Paste Lavender Water
apsible tubes, 1 oz. 4/3 ; 2 oz. 7/6 ; 4 oz. 14/-
i/6 per doz. per doz.
iidruff Lotion Eau de Cologne
4/6 ; 4 oz. 7/6 1 oz. 4/6 ; 2oz. 7/9 ; 4oz. 13/-
per doz. per doz.
Nux lica & Jaborandi Rosemary & Caiitharidine
lair Wash Hair Wash
8 oz. 12/6 per doz 8(,z.7/6; 16oz.il/6perdoz.
:5hampoo Powders Toilet Paraffin
/- per gross Boxed, 6/- 4 oz. 5/- : 8 oz. 8;-
; pei" doz.
per doz.
olet Powder Water Softener
8 oz. 4/- per doz.
4 oz. 3/6 ; 8 oz. 5/6 per doz.
Saponaceous Liquid Dentitrice
2 oz. 8/- 4 oz. 13/6 per doz. <
Allen & Hanburys Ltd., London.
'vl 'MIS
Supplement to "The Chemist '32 DrujSgist,'' January olst, 1914.
Superfatted Toilet Soaps.
Superfatted Toilet Soap
Fiii,-ft Oiuihlv.
Bulk - Oval 27/- : ObUmi; 31/- : Iinpi.n.il 24,-
Wedttu nnd 24/- plt sross.
Wrapped: Oval 28/6; ohl.m!- 32/6 : Impcri.il 25,'S,
Wedawiicid 25/6 per gross.
Boxed: Oval 8/3: Oblona 9/3; Imperi;U 7/6:
Wedawood 7/6 per doz.
Minimum qiiantitv lnr pnntinS : d doz. b-v-
12 dii/. wrapped laWels.
Treble Milled Toilet Soaps
Supplied in wundeii boxes. 3 doz. tabids .
Oval 20/- Obloua 23/-; Imperial VJ -
Wedawood 17/- per grass.
Special quotations to Buyers in quanlilv
Samples on Rkouest.
Allen &Hanburys Ltd., London.