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Published by Aziyan Shamsudin, 2021-09-13 09:49:28




Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran Semakan 2017


Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum


2017 Publication

© Ministry of Education, Malaysia

Copyrights reserved. It is not allowed to use any part, illustration or content of this book in any form whether electronically, photocopied
or recorded or in any other form without getting a written consent from the Director, Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Education,
Levels 4 – 8, Block E9, Parcel E, Federal Government Administrative Complex, 62604 Putrajaya.


National Principles............................................................................................................................................ ix
National Education Philosophy.......................................................................................................................... xi
National Curriculum Definition..................................................................... ...................................................... xiii
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ xvi
Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Aim......... ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Objectives.......................................................................................................................................................... 3
The National Preschool Standard-Based Curriculum Framework..................................................................... 5
Focus ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
21st Century Skills............................................................................................................................................. 6
Higher Order Thinking Skills.............................................................................................................................. 7
Learning Environment....... ............................................................................................................................... 8
Planning Teaching and Learning Activities.............. ........................................................................................ 9
Teaching and Learning Strategies........ ............................................................................................................ 13
Involvement of Parents and the Local Community.............................................................................................

Children with Special Needs.............................................................................................................................. 14
Elements Across the Curriculum....................................................................................................................... 14
School-Based Assessment .............................................................................................................................. 16
Content Organisation... ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Minimum Time Allocation............................................................................................................................ 19
Teaching and Learning Time Allocation...................................................................................................... 22
Communication Strand............................................................................................................................... 23
Bahasa Melayu ................................................................................................................................... 40
English Language................................................................................................................................ 47
Chinese Language .............................................................................................................................. 54
Tamil Language................................................................................................................................... 55
Spirituality, Attitudes and Values Strand..................................................................................................... 63
Islamic Education ................................................................................................................................ 69
Moral Education................................................................................................................................... 75
Personal Competence Strand..................................................................................................................... 76
Physical Development and Aesthetics Strand............................................................................................
Physical Development and Health Care..............................................................................................

Creativity and Aesthetics..................................................................................................................... 85
Science and Technology Strand................................................................................................................. 92
Early Science....................................................................................................................................... 99
Early Mathematics .............................................................................................................................. 107
Humanities Strand....... ............................................................................................................................... 114
Performance Standards.............................................................................................................................. 115
Communication Strand.. ..................................................................................................................... 121
Spritiuality, Attitudes and Values Strand............................................................................................. 127
Personal Competence Strand ............................................................................................................ 130
Physical Development and Aesthetics Strand..................................................................................... 134
Science and Technology Strand.......................................................................................................... 140
Humanities Strand............................................................................................................................... 142
Panelists............................................................................................................................................................ 146
Contributors....................................................................................................................................................... 148
Acknowlegment .................................................................................................................................................


BAHAWASANYA Negara kita Malaysia mendukung cita-cita hendak:
Mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat dalam kalangan seluruh masyarakatnya;

Memelihara satu cara hidup demokratik;
Mencipta satu masyarakat yang adil di mana kemakmuran negara

akan dapat dinikmati bersama secara adil dan saksama;
Menjamin satu cara yang liberal terhadap tradisi-tradisi

kebudayaannya yang kaya dan berbagai corak;
Membina satu masyarakat progresif yang akan menggunakan

sains dan teknologi moden;

MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha
kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip yang berikut:





INDEED, Our Country Malaysia aspires to achieving a greater unity for all her peoples:
Maintaining a democratic way of life;

Creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared;
Ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural traditions, and;

Building a progressive society which shall be oriented to modern science and technology;
WE, the people of Malaysia, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends, guided by these principles:





“Pendidikan di Malaysia adalah suatu usaha berterusan
ke arah memperkembangkan lagi potensi individu secara menyeluruh
dan bersepadu untuk mewujudkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis
dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani berdasarkan kepercayaan
dan kepatuhan kepada Tuhan. Usaha ini adalah bertujuan untuk
melahirkan warganegara Malaysia yang berilmu pengetahuan,
berketerampilan, berakhlak mulia, bertanggungjawab dan berkeupayaan
mencapai kesejahteraan diri serta memberi sumbangan terhadap
keharmonian dan kemakmuran keluarga, masyarakat dan negara.”

Sumber: Akta Pendidikan 1996 (Akta 550)



Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the
potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to
produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and
physically balanced and harmonic, based on a firm belief in and devotion
to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are
knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and
who are responsible and capable of achieving high level of personal well-
being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony and betterment
of the family, the society and the nation at large.

Source: Education Act 1996 (Act 550)



3. Kurikulum Kebangsaan

(1) Kurikulum Kebangsaan ialah suatu program pendidikan yang termasuk kurikulum

dan kegiatan kokurikulum yang merangkumi semua pengetahuan,

kemahiran, norma, nilai, unsur kebudayaan dan kepercayaan

untuk membantu perkembangan seseorang murid dengan sepenuhnya

dari segi jasmani, rohani, mental dan emosi serta untuk menanam dan

mempertingkatkan nilai moral yang diingini dan untuk menyampaikan


Sumber: Peraturan-Peraturan Pendidikan (Kurikulum Kebangsaan) 1997



3. National Curriculum
(1) An educational programme that includes curriculum and co-

curricular activities which encompasses all the knowledge, skills, norms,
values, cultural elements and beliefs to help develop a pupil fully with
respect to the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional aspects as well
as to inculcate and develop desirable moral values and to transmit

Source: Education Regulations (National Curriculum) 1997



Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah Kebangsaan (KSPK) yang Ke-21 dan Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT). Penyepaduan

dilaksanakan mulai tahun 2010 telah disemak semula bagi tersebut dilakukan untuk melahirkan insan seimbang dan

memenuhi tuntutan dasar baharu di bawah Pelan Pembangunan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani emosi dan, jasmani

Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025 kualiti kurikulum yang sebagaimana tuntutan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan.

dilaksanakan setanding dengan standard antarabangsa. Bagi menjayakan pelaksanaan KSPK, pengajaran dan
Kurikulum berasaskan standard yang menjadi amalan pembelajaran guru perlu memberi penekanan kepada KBAT
antarabangsa telah dijelmakan dalam KSPK menerusi dengan memberi fokus kepada pendekatan Pembelajaran
penggubalan Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran Berasaskan Inkuiri dan Pembelajaran Berasaskan Projek supaya
(DSKP) yang mengandungi Standard Kandungan, Standard murid dapat menguasai kemahiran yang diperlukan dalam abad
Pembelajaran dan Standard Prestasi. ke-21.

Usaha memasukkan Standard Prestasi di dalam dokumen Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) merakamkan setinggi-
kurikulum telah mengubah landskap sejarah sejak Kurikulum tinggi penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua
Kebangsaan dilaksanakan di bawah Sistem Pendidikan pihak yang terlibat dalam penggubalan KSPK Pendidikan Khas
Kebangsaan. Menerusinya murid dapat ditaksir secara (Semakan 2017). Semoga pelaksanaan KSPK Pendidikan Khas
berterusan untuk mengenal pasti tahap penguasaannya dalam mencapai hasrat dan matlamat Sistem Pendidikan Kebangsaan.
sesuatu bidang pembelajaran serta membolehkan guru

membuat tindakan susulan bagi mempertingkatkan Dr. SARIAH BINTI ABD. JALIL
perkembangan murid. Pengarah
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum
DSKP yang dihasilkan juga telah menyepadukan enam tunjang
Kerangka KSPK, mengintegrasikan pengetahuan, kemahiran

dan nilai, serta memasukkan secara eksplisit Kemahiran Abad



INTRODUCTION Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) have been explicitly stated
in the Learning Standards. Teachers will have to translate the
Preschool education is an essential early learning experience in Learning Standards with emphasis on HOTs in teaching and
the world of education. Schooling and learning experiences which learning in the classroom.
are effective, meaningful and fun-filled will equip pupils with the
necessary skills, self-confidence and a positive attitude for further It is hoped that the contents in this document will help the
learning. teachers to plan and execute teaching and learning effectively.
Activities planned should be able to provide enriching and fun
The National Preschool Standards-Based Curriculum and learning experiences for pupils while engaging them actively in a
Assessment Document is the main platform which provides conducive and safe environment. Teachers are encouraged to
teachers with guidance for fulfilling the needs of the nation in creatively choose, arrange, devise and develop various activities
preparing a preschool education of international standard for the based on the Learning Standards that cater to the needs of pupils.
present and future generations.
It is hoped that teachers will be able to appreciate and implement
The National Preschool Standards-Based Curriculum and the requirements which are specified in the curriculum in order to
Assessment Document has been developed based on achieve its aim and objectives.
developmentally appropriate practices and child development
theories. The contents of the document encompass six strands The contents that are learnt in preschool are basic skills and
namely Communication, Spirituality, Attitudes and Values, knowledge essential for pupils as preparation for primary
Humanity, Physical Development and Aesthetics, Science and education.
Technology and Personal Competence.




Preschool education aims to develop the potential of children The National Preschool Standards-Based Curriculum provides
between the ages of four to six in a comprehensive and integrated children with opportunities to achieve the following objectives:
manner with respect to their physical, emotional, spiritual,
intellectual and social development in a safe and enriching 1. Use language to communicate effectively.
learning environment through fun, creative and meaningful 2. Practise Islamic values in daily life for Muslims pupils.
activities. This is to improve skills, cultivate confidence and 3. Practise moral values of the Malaysian society.
develop a positive self-concept in pupils to prepare them to face 4. Appreciate and show sensitivity towards the various
challenges and participate in further learning.
. cultures of the Malaysian society.
5. Love and appreciate the environment.
6. Develop positive self-concept and self-confidence.
7. Practise a healthy lifestyle, develop physical fitness and

ensure personal safety.
8. Develop creativity and aesthetics.
9. Apply critical, creative and innovative thinking and problem-

solving skills in learning as well as in daily life.



THE NATIONAL PRESCHOOL STANDARDS-BASED These six learning strands are the main domains that
CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK complement one another and are integrated with critical, creative
and innovative thinking. The integration aims to develop human
The National Preschool Standards-Based Curriculum is capital that appreciates moral values based on religion,
developed based on six learning strands; Communication, knowledge, competence, creative and critical thinking and
Sprituality, Attitudes and Values, Humanity, Personal innovation as illustrated in Figure 1.
Competence, Physical Development and Aesthetics, and
Science and Technology.

Figure 1: The Framework for National Preschool Standards-Based Curriculum

The Communication Strand emphasises verbal and non-verbal
communication in interaction. This strand comprises Bahasa Personal Competence Strand
Melayu and English Language which must be learnt by all The Personal Competence Strand emphasises the development
preschool pupils. For pupils in national-type schools, it is of socio-emotional, interaction skills and social skills amongst
compulsory for them to learn Chinese or Tamil Language. pupils. The development of leadership and personality is fostered
through curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Spirituality, Attitudes and Values Strand
The Spirituality, Attitudes and Values Strand gives priority to the Physical Development and Aesthetics Strand
appreciation of religious practises, beliefs, attitudes and values. The Physical Development and Aesthetics Strand emphasises
This strand contains two disciplines namely Islamic Education physical development and health for personal well-being and
and Moral Education. Islamic Education will be learnt by Muslim nurturing of imagination, creativity, talents and appreciation of
pupils while Moral Education will be learnt by non-Muslim pupils. arts among pupils. This strand comprises Physical Development
and Healthcare as well as Creativity and Aesthetics.
Humanity Strand
The Humanity Strand emphasises on the acquisition of Science and Technology Strand
knowledge and practises of the local community and the The Science and Technology Strand emphasises scientific
environment, the country and the world as well as instilling knowledge, skills and attitudes as well as mathematical
patriotism and unity. knowledge and skills. This strand comprises of Early Science and
Early Mathematics.



FOCUS Table 1: Pupils’ Profile

The preschool curriculum focuses on producing pupils who are PUPILS’ DESCRIPTION
able to communicate and socialise with confidence. It is hoped PROFILE
that pupils will be able to face challenges and solve problems, are Pupils are able to face and overcome
eager to learn and ready for further learning. Resilient difficulties and challenges with wisdom,
confidence, tolerance and empathy.
Communicators Pupils are able to express their thoughts,
ideas and information confidently and
creatively in oral and written form, using a
variety of media and technology.

One of the aspirations of the National Preschool Standards- Thinkers Pupils are able to think critically,
Based Curriculum is to produce pupils with 21st century skills Team Spirit creatively and innovatively; able to solve
focusing on thinking skills and living skills as well as their future complex problems; and make ethical
careers which are based on moral values. 21st century skills aims decisions. They are able to think about
to produce pupils with characteristics as illustrated in Table 1. learning and about being learners
The acquisition of the Content Standards and Learning themselves. They are able to generate
Standards in the National Preschool Standards-Based questions and are receptive towards
Curriculum contributes to the attainment of 21st century skills other people’s perspectives, values,
among pupils. individual traditions and community. They
are confident and creative in handling
5 new learning areas.

Pupils are able to cooperate effectively
and harmoniously with others. They
share collective responsibility, respect
and cherish the contribution of each
member in the team. They acquire
interpersonal skills through collaborative

activities, which in turn enable them to DESCRIPTION
Inquisitive become better leaders and team Loving /
Virtuous members. Considerate Pupils are able to show empathy,
sympathy and respect towards the
Informative Pupils are able to develop natural Patriotic needs and feelings of others. They are
inquisitiveness to explore new committed to serve the society and
strategies and ideas. They learn skills ensure the sustainability of the
that are necessary for inquiry and environment.
research, as well as display
independent traits in learning. Pupils are Pupils are able to show their love,
able to enjoy continuous life-long support and respect for the country.
learning experiences.
Pupils have a sense of integrity and HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS
sincerity, equality, fairness and respect
for individuals, groups and community. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are stated explicitly in the
They are responsible for their actions, curriculum for teachers to translate them in teaching and learning
reactions and decisions. in order to stimulate structured and focused thinking amongst
pupils. The explanation of HOTs is focused on four thinking
Pupils are able to obtain knowledge and levels as in Table 2.
develop a broad and balanced
understanding across various
disciplines. They can explore
knowledge effectively in terms of local
and global contexts. They understand
issues related to ethics or laws
regarding information that they have



Table 2: Thinking levels in HOTs

HOTS Explanation Creative Thinking Skills is the ability to produce or create
Application something new and valuable using original and imaginative
 Using knowledge, skills and thinking unconventionally.
Analysis values in different situations to
complete a task. Reasoning Skills is the ability of individuals to make
Evaluation considerations and evaluations logically and rationally.
Creation  Ability to break down information
into smaller parts in order to Thinking Strategies is a way of thinking that is structured and
understand and make connections focused on problem solving.
between these parts.
HOTS can be applied in the classroom through reasoning
 Ability to consider and make activities, inquiry learning, problem solving and project work.
decisions using knowledge, Teachers and pupils need to use thinking tools such as thinking
experience, skills, values and maps and mind maps as well as higher order questioning
justify decisions made. techniques to encourage pupils to think.

 Produce creative and innovative LEARNING ENVIRONMENT
idea, product or method.

HOTS is the ability to apply knowledge, skills and values in
reasoning and reflecting to solve problems, make decisions, be
innovative and be able to create. HOTs encompasses critical and
creative thinking skills, reasoning and thinking strategies.

Critical Thinking Skills is the ability to evaluate ideas logically Learning environment refers to the atmosphere and the physical
and rationally in order to make reasonable judgements based on surroundings where teaching and learning takes place. It is one
valid reasons and evidences. of the key elements in preschool education and should be
planned so that an interactive and conducive learning

environment can be realised.

A good learning environment will contribute to effective learning, KSPK EDISI BAHASA INGGERIS
good class control, active teacher-pupil relationship and ensures
fun learning. Learning Centres
 Create learning centres and optimise their usage.
Safety and Health  Learning centres should be well-equipped, easily accesed,

 Clean and safe space, furniture, equipment and materials. appropriate with adequate resources, and updated regularly
 Appropriate lighting and ventilation. according to teaching and learning needs.
 A safe natural environment that stimulates learning.  Provide learning centres which encourage individual and
collaborative play.
 Involve pupils in setting up learning centres.


 The layout of the classroom should be flexible according to 1. Long-term and short-term planning of teaching and learning

lessons planned. activities should be in tandem with the needs of the

 Appropriate layout of furniture and equipment which allows curriculum.
room for movement and activities. 2. Planning of timetables should be based on pupils’

 Equipment and resources are arranged neatly and development and implemented flexibly.
accessible. The equipment and resources should be 3. The following should be taken into consideration when

changed periodically in order to maintain pupils’ interest and planning teaching and learning activities:

to achieve learning objectives.  ability and cognitive development of pupils.

 Pupils’ work should be prioritised and displayed. This will  provide opportunities for pupils to make choices during

boost their self-confidence and encourage pupils to produce activities.

more works.



 provide sufficient time and opportunities for pupils to carry There are various teaching and learning strategies which can be
out explorative activities. used by teachers, they are:

 use of realia in teaching and learning to assist pupils to Child-Centred Learning
acquire concepts and knowledge.

 teaching and learning activities should be balanced and Child-centred learning involves pupils’ active participation in the
varied so that effective and meaningful learning takes learning activity, and pupils are responsible for their own learning.
place such as outdoor and indoor, active and passive, Pupils take on an important role in the learning process as
individual, group and whole class activities as well as learning is driven by their interest, encouragement and needs.
activities initiated by pupils and planned by teachers. Pupils are given the choice to choose activities, materials and
time while learning. Teachers facilitate and guide the learning

There is no one method or strategy which is deemed the best Learning Through Play
implemented for teaching and learning in the classroom for pupils

of various abilities. Teachers have to make the best choices when Learning through play is planned and structured to provide pupils
planning lessons using various teaching and learning strategies with opportunities to learn in a free and safe environment, which
appropriate with the development, needs, abilities, talents and is enjoyable and meaningful. It is emphasised in preschool
interests of pupils for effective and meaningful learning. For education as play is a natural behaviour of pupils. Play allows
example, in the National Preschool Standards-Based Curriculum pupils to explore, make discoveries and build experiences in a
and Assessment Document, there are learning standards natural way. Physical, socio-emotional, cognitive, language
specifically for pupils aged 4+ only. However, for pupils aged 5+ development and pupils’ potential are enhanced and maximised.
who have not acquired the standards, teachers can conduct

teaching and learning based on learning standards for 4+.



Inquiry Based Learning Integrated Approach

Inquiry based learning allows pupils to build their own knowledge This approach integrates two or more skills to be acquired by
and understanding through investigation and exploration based pupils in one lesson. Teachers need to use pupils’ daily
on their existing knowledge. It is implemented through project- experiences in teaching and learning in the classroom. It allows
based learning, scientific investigation; problem-based learning pupils to understand the realities of life and gives them the
and collaborative learning in order to produce pupils who are understanding that situations in life are inter-related and not be
knowledgeable and able to apply higher order thinking skills. The seen as separate situations.
teaching and learning process of inquiry based learning is
focused on “learning by doing” which engages pupils to be Learning is conducted in a holistic and integrated manner and not
involved in activities such as exploration, investigation, separated into individual learning disciplines. Integration also
questioning, reflective thinking and discovery of new knowledge. involves integration of skills, integration of skills and values,
integration among strands, integration among activities as well as
Inquiry-based learning emphasises the ‘why’ and ‘how’ as various methods and techniques.
compared to ‘what’ in any situation. Inquiry-based learning
boosts critical, creative and innovative thinking which promotes Learning through integrated approach allows for diversity as the
self-access learning. This arouses curiosity and encourages needs of pupils differ in terms of development, interest and
pupils to question. At the same time, pupils will be able to reflect abilities as well as their background.
throughout the learning process.



The thematic approach is organising the curriculum and learning The characteristics of Project-based learning are as follows:
through a chosen theme or topic according to the suitability of  This method can be conducted individually or in groups.
time, place, interest, background and level of pupils’ development.  Assessment is carried out at every phase until completion.
 Teacher-pupil interaction is in the form of guidance and
The thematic approach involves the following:
 The usage of a generic theme across various learning negotiation during each phase of the project (teacher as
a facilitator).
strands.  This process involves collection of materials, information,
 Choice of themes is based on pupils’ level, situation or and data as well as processing of information and data,
reporting and self-reflection.
current happening.  This learning method is based on skills, knowledge,
 It is inter-related with existing and new experience obtained experience and pupils’ abilities.
 It is based on real-life experiences.
in a consistent and systematic manner.
 Expansion and reinforcement of knowledge and skills. Mastery Learning
 Learning staged from easy to difficult and generic to specific.

Project-Based Learning Mastery learning ensures all pupils have acquired the expected
learning objectives before moving on to the next lesson. This

Project-based learning focuses on systematically planned method focuses on mastery of lessons learnt.

practical assignments within a time frame. This teaching method Pupils are given the opportunity to progress according to their
emphasises research in the form of projects in order for pupils to abilities and rate of learning as well as improve their level of
gain knowledge. It involves collection and analysis of data and mastery. Mastery learning upholds the principle that every pupil
preparation of reports.



is able to learn if opportunities are given. Opportunities should be Multiple Intelligences
given to pupils to learn according to their abilities. Enrichment and
remedial activities should be included in teaching and learning. Multiple intelligences is an important theory as it is closely related
This entails adequate time and high quality teaching and learning. to the field of education. Every pupil has various intelligences
and ways of thinking, responding and learning which differ from
Contextual Learning one another.

Contextual learning is a learning method which integrates There are at least eight intelligences. They are:

learning content with daily experiences of the pupil, community  Verbal-linguistic intelligence: the ability to use words

and the working world. This learning method provides concrete effectively in oral and writing.

learning opportunities which involve hands-on and minds-on  Logical-mathematical intelligence: the ability to use

activities. numbers effectively, have the ability of logic, wise

reasoning and arguing.

Learning takes place when pupils are able to process information  Visual-spatial intelligence: the ability to identify and

learnt or new knowledge acquired in a meaningful manner. visualise forms, space, colour and lines.
Learning becomes more effective if information is disseminated  Kinaesthetic intelligence: the ability to use one’s body to
in various contexts and in a meaningful manner to pupils.
Emphasis should be given to diverse learning environments in express ideas, feelings and solve problems.
order to achieve meaningful learning. Teachers are encouraged  Musical intelligence: the ability to identify rhythm and
to choose or create different learning environments which will
encompass a range of learning experiences in social, cultural, songs.
physical or psychological contexts in order to obtain the aspired  Interpersonal intelligence: the ability to understand feelings,
learning outcomes.
motivation, habits and desires of others.
 Intrapersonal intelligence: the ability to understand one’s

strengths, weaknesses, desires and wants.



 Naturalist intelligence: the ability to know and classify in giving positive and meaningful learning experience to
plants, minerals and animals including grass and stones pupils.
as well as flora and fauna.

Every individual has various intelligences and abilities. One’s CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS

potential is enhanced with constant motivation, enrichment and 1. Teachers need to plan strategies to address learning
appropriate learning opportunities which develops pupils’ difficulties by identifying and taking appropriate actions in
intelligence and interests to the maximum level. order to assist pupils with special needs. Actions that can

COMMUNITY  Identify pupils’ levels, differences in learning and their
needs, in order to plan suitable teaching and learning

1. Explanation of the preschool curriculum and its strategies.
implementation should be disseminated to  Prepare portfolios to compile works and to record
parents/guardians to create awareness about preschool
education and obtain their cooperation to ensure smooth pupils’ development and learning progress.
and effective teaching and learning.  Diversify learning content and activities for effective

2. Sharing of information between the teacher and teaching and learning.
 Modify learning resources based on pupils’ needs.

parents/guardians is essential to assist in pupils’ learning

and to ensure the continuity of teaching and learning from 2. Teachers can use the Special Needs Children Placement
the school to the home and vice versa. Instrument (4 – 6 years) to identify pupils with learning

3. Good relationship between the school and difficulties. This is a tool used to identify pupils who may

parents/guardians as well as the local community will assist have learning difficulties. Teachers need to discuss with
parents/guardians if they identify pupils who show traits of



learning difficulties. The instrument should be produced to teaching and learning.
the medical officer as reference for verification.  Knowledge and awareness on the importance of the

ELEMENTS ACROSS THE CURRICULUM environment help shape pupils’ ethics in appreciating

Elements Across the Curriculum is a value-added element 3. Values
embedded in the teaching and learning process other than those  Values need to be emphasised to ensure pupils are
specified in the content standards. The application of these aware of its importance and practise them.
elements is aimed at strengthening the human capital skills and  Values encompass the aspects of spirituality, humanity
competency as well as intended to prepare pupils for the and citizenship which are practised in daily life.
challenges of the present and the future. The elements are
explained below: 4. Science and Technology
 Increased interest in science and technology will help to
1. Medium of Iinstruction improve scientific and technological literacy amongst
 The correct use of the medium of instruction should be pupils.
emphasised.  The use of technology in teaching can help and
 During teaching and learning, emphasis should be given contribute to efficient and effective learning.
to pronunciation, sentence structure, grammar and the  The integration of science and technology in the teaching
terminology of the language in order to assist pupils and learning process covers four areas, namely:
organise ideas as well as communicate effectively. o Knowledge of science and technology (facts,
principles, concepts related to science and
2. Environmental Sustainability technology);
 Developing awareness towards the love of the o Scientific skills (thinking process and specific
environment in the pupils should be nurtured through manipulative skills);



o Scientific attitudes (such as accuracy, honesty, 7. Entrepreneurship
safety); and  The incorporation of entrepreneurship elements aims at
developing entrepreneurial attributes and practices that
o Use of technology in teaching and learning. will become a culture amongst pupils.
 Entrepreneurial attributes can be embedded during
5. Patriotism lessons through fostering attitudes such as diligence,
 Patriotism can be nurtured through learning and extra- honesty, trustworthiness and responsibility as well as
curricular activities and community service. developing a creative and innovative mind-set to drive
 Patriotism develops love for the country and proud to be ideas into the market economy.

6. Creativity and Innovation 8. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
 Creativity is the ability to use imagination in gathering,  Incorporation of ICT elements in teaching and learning
assimilating and generating ideas or creating something ensures pupils are able to apply and strengthen their
new or original through inspiration or combination of knowledge and basic ICT skills.
existing ideas.  Application of ICT motivates pupils to be creative,
 Innovation is the application of creativity through stimulates interest and makes teaching and learning
modification and putting ideas into practice. enjoyable as well as improves the quality of learning.
 Creativity and innovation are inter-connected and  ICT should be integrated based on suitability of topics
needed to ensure the development of human capital to and used as a tool to further enhance pupils’
meet the challenges of the 21st Century. understanding of the subject content.

 Elements of creativity and innovation should be

integrated in teaching and learning.



9. Global Sustainability interest. Financial literacy is integrated through related
 The elements of Global Sustainability aims to produce topics across the curriculum. Exposure to financial
pupils of sustainable thinking who are responsive to their management in real life is necessary in order to prepare
environment in their daily life by applying knowledge, pupils with knowledge, skills and values that can be
skills and values obtained through elements of applied effectively and meaningfully.
Sustainable Consumption and Production, Global
Citizenship and Solidarity. SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT
 Global sustainable elements are essential in preparing
pupils to face challenges and current issues in various School-based assessment is an integral part of assessment
situations, be it locally and globally. which enables teachers to derive information on pupils’
 These elements are taught directly or embedded in development and is planned, implemented and reported by
related lessons. teachers. This is a continuous process which is conducted
formally and informally that enables teachers to determine pupils’
10. Financial Literacy actual level of performance. School-based assessment should be
 The integration of Financial Literacy element in lessons conducted in a holistic manner based on the principles of
is aimed at developing future generations who are inclusivity, authenticity and localised. The information derived
capable of making sensible financial decisions, from this assessment can be used by the school management,
practising ethical financial management as well as teachers, parents/guardians and pupils to plan follow-up actions
managing financial affairs responsibly. to further improve pupils’ learning.
 The elements of Financial Literacy can be applied directly
or embedded in lessons. This can be integrated in the School-based assessment can be conducted as formative and
topic such as ‘Money’ comprising explicit financial summative assessment by teachers. Formative assessment can
elements e.g. simple interest calculations and compound be conducted during the teaching and learning process, while


summative assessment can be conducted at the end of a learning KSPK EDISI BAHASA INGGERIS
unit, term, semester or year. Teachers should plan, build items,
administer, evaluate, record and report on pupils’ performance The aims of assessment in preschool are as follows:
level based on the Standards-Based Curriculum and Assessment 1. Monitor the growth and development of pupils according to
Document. Teachers need to use their discretion and
professional judgement in order to determine their pupils’ their age.
performance levels. 2. Identify pupils’ level of intelligence and potential to

Assessment in preschool is a process which involves various strengthen and enhance their holistic development.
methods to obtain information on pupils’ development and 3. Identify pupils’ strengths and weaknesses from time to
learning. It is a basic and important continuous process in
teaching and learning. time.
4. Provide feedback to pupils, parents/guardians and school
Table 3: General Descriptors of Performance Levels
management on pupils’ growth and development in
Performance Standards learning based on aspects stipulated in the National
Preschool Standards-Based Curriculum.
Performance Levels Descriptor 5. Identify the effectiveness of teaching as well as learning
opportunities and the environment provided.
Pupils know basic things or can 6. Assist teachers to plan effective follow-up actions to:

1 perform basic skills or respond to  Develop and maximise pupils’ potential.
 Assist in pupils’ learning.
basic things.  Improve teaching methods.

2 Pupils can use their knowledge
and skills to complete tasks.

Pupils can use their knowledge

3 and skills to complete tasks in new
situations or creatively in the

correct manner.


5. Assessment has to be carried out ethically and children’s
1. Assessment encompasses cognitive, affective and rights taken into consideration.
psychomotor aspects in tandem with the National
Preschool Standards-Based Curriculum. CONTENT ORGANISATION
The National Preschool Standards-Based Curriculum is
2. Assessment is conducted in line with the stipulated aim. organised with emphasis on Content Standards, Learning
3. Assessment is carried out continuously. Standards and Performance Standards.
4. Assessment methods should be valid and reliable; in
Table 4: Organisation of NPSC
accordance to pupils’ development and based on scientific
 Criterion-based assessment and not a comparison STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD

between pupils. Specific A set of criteria or A set of general
 Assessment method is through continuous observation statements which quality indicator criteria which
specify the of learning and shows
and assessment of pupils’ works. Tests or formal exams essential achievement performance levels
should not be conducted. knowledge, skills which can be which pupils need
 Data collected should be analysed so that reporting is and values pupils measured. to show when they
done in a valid and reliable manner. need to acquire have acquired a
 Implementation of systematic documentation. Examples and can perform by particular skill,
of assessment records are checklist, rating scale, the end of a knowledge or
anecdote record, running record, time sampling and schooling term. value.
event sampling.



Minimum Time Allocation certified Islamic Education teacher for at least two hours a
Minimum time allocation for preschool education should be 8. Moral Education must be taught in preschools if there are
adhered to as follows: at least 5 or more non-Muslim pupils for at least two hours
a week.
1. Preschool has to be carried out for at least four hours a day
(including recess), that is, 20 hours a week for pupils aged 5+. Teaching and Learning Time Allocation

2. Preschool has to be carried out for at least three and a half Planning of daily activities in preschool should be based on time
hours a day (including recess), that is, 17½ hours a week for allocation as in Table 4. However, teachers are given the
pupils aged 4+. flexibility to arrrange the timetable according to the needs of
3. Bahasa Melayu is used as the instructional language for at
least 600 minutes in preschools where Bahasa Melayu is
the medium of instruction.

4. Bahasa Melayu is used as the instructional language for at
least 400 minutes in preschools where Bahasa Melayu is
not the medium of instruction.

5. English Language is used as the instructional language for
at least 600 minutes in preschools where Bahasa Melayu
is the medium of instruction.

6. English Language is used as the instructional language for
at least 400 minutes in preschools where Bahasa Melayu
is not the medium of instruction.

7. Islamic Education must be taught in preschools if there are
at least 5 or more Muslim pupils and should be taught by a


Table 5: Time Allocation in Preschool KSPK EDISI BAHASA INGGERIS

Weekly time Allocation 1. Routine Activities

(minutes) Routine activities are activities that are carried out on a daily
basis and have special time allocation. These activities
No. Learning Areas Bahasa Other include circle time, recess and reflection.
1. Bahasa Melayu Melayu Medium of
Instruction Circle Time

60 60 Circle Time is to prepare preschoolers mentally and
emotionally to focus on the learning activities of the day.
2. English Language 60 60 Activities during Circle Time such as sharing of ideas and
information; storytelling, singing, and other activities can
3. Chinese/Tamil Language - 60 increase their vocabulary; and improve their social skills and
encourage the involvement of preschoolers actively. The time
4. Outdoor Activity 120 120 allocated for Circle Time is 20 minutes daily.
120 120
6. Islamic Education / Moral 40 40 Recess
In preschool education, recess is part of teaching and
7. Early Mathematics learning. Recess is allotted for pupils to have their meals as
well as for physical and mental relaxation. Recess can be
8. Integrated Learning 800 740 used to involve pupils in food and dining preparation.
Aspects of self-management, manners, healthy eating and
Total 1200 1200 balanced diet should be emphasised during recess. Time
allocated for recess is 30 minutes daily.
Details of the learning areas in preschool are as follows:

Integrated Learning
Integrated Learning provides opportunities for pupils to obtain
their own meaningful learning experience. Teachers need to
integrate strands, skills and values in teaching and learning.
Integrated Learning include:



Reflection health and safety as well as sensitivity to the environment can be
improved. Outdoor Activity should be carried out every day as
Reflection provides opportunities for teachers and pupils to follows:
reflect on their learning and happenings of the day. In
addition, teachers and pupils can discuss about further 1. Physical Activity
learning. The time allotted for reflection is 10 minutes daily. Physical activity involves body movements that require
energy to improve one’s physical fitness and health. Physical
2. Learning Activities activity is very important for pupils’ development and basis for
a healthy and active lifestyle. In addition, physical activity
Learning activities provide opportunities for teachers to promotes body fitness, dexterity and coordination as well as
choose appropriate teaching strategies to allow pupils to cognitive development, social competence and emotional
carry out exploration and experiment, problem solving and maturity. Time allocation for Physical Activity is 30 minutes
promote critical thinking. There are various ways and per session and is carried out twice a week.
methods that can be used, they include thematic approach,
project-based learning and using learning centres.

The time allocated for Integrated Learning activities are: 2. Free Play
(i) 500 minutes a week in National Schools. Free play provides opportunities for pupils to make their own
(ii) 440 minutes a week in National Type Schools. decision about what, when and how to play. They are also
free to determine rules and their role in play. During free play,
Outdoor Activity pupils benefit in terms of physical, emotional, cognitive and
Outdoor Activity are activities that are carried out outside the social skills. Besides having fun during play, pupils learn to
classroom. It helps build fitness and stimulate pupils' intelligence interact and negotiate effectively; able to share and
as well as provide opportunities for pupils to interact and explore collaborate with others; as well as develop problem solving
their surroundings. Through these activities, pupils' awareness of skills.



During free play, teacher acts as a planner, facilitator, play
partner and observer. The teacher also needs to be wise in
providing a suitable environment for free play to be effective
and meaningful. Time allocation for free play is 20 minutes for
each slot and carried out 3 times a week.
Islamic Education/Moral Education
Time allocated for Islamic Education/Moral Education is 120
minutes a week. In classes that have five or more Muslim pupils,
Islamic Education must be taught by a certified teacher for at least
120 minutes per week. For classes that have five or more non-
Muslim pupils, Moral Education must be taught for at least 120
minutes per week. However, for classes that do not have or have
less than 5 Muslim pupils, Moral Education can be combined with
Integrated Learning.






Tunjang Komunikasi terdiri daripada Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Cina dan Bahasa Tamil. Kemahiran bahasa merupakan
teras kepada Tunjang Komunikasi. Kemahiran bahasa ini diorganisasikan dalam kemahiran mendengar dan bertutur; kemahiran
membaca; dan kemahiran menulis. Keempat-empat kemahiran ini adalah penting bagi memperkembangkan komunikasi lisan dan asas
literasi murid untuk pembelajaran mereka seterusnya.
Di samping itu, aspek seni bahasa juga diterapkan dalam Tunjang ini. Aspek seni bahasa merujuk kepada keupayaan murid memahami,
mengungkap dan menghargai bahasa yang indah melalui pembelajaran yang menyeronokkan secara didik hibur melalui pelbagai aktiviti
dan permainan bahasa seperti nyanyian, bercerita, berlakon dan berpuisi.


Selepas mengikuti aktiviti pembelajaran yang berteraskan Bahasa Melayu, murid boleh:
1. Memberi respons secara bertatasusila terhadap pelbagai bahan rangsangan yang didengar.
2. Berkomunikasi dan menyampaikan idea.
3. Membaca dan memahami ayat mudah.
4. Menulis perkataan, frasa dan ayat mudah.





BM 1.1 Mendengar dan memberi Murid boleh: Murid boleh:
respons terhadap
pelbagai bunyi di BM 1.1.1 Mengenal pasti pelbagai bunyi di BM 1.1.2 Mengecam dan membezakan
persekitaran persekitaran bunyi di persekitaran
(i) manusia
(ii) alam sekitar
(iii) ciptaan manusia

BM 1.1.3 Memberi respons terhadap bunyi
yang didengar

BM 1.2 Mendengar, memahami Murid boleh: Murid boleh:
dan memberi respons
secara gerak laku dan BM 1.2.1 Mendengar dan memberi respons BM 1.2.4 Mendengar dan memberi respons
lisan terhadap cerita yang didengar dengan bertatasusila terhadap:
(i) arahan
BM 1.2.2 Mendengar dan menyanyi lagu (ii) soalan
(iii) cerita

BM 1.2.3 Mendengar, memahami dan
memberi respons secara
bertatasusila terhadap: BM 1.2.5 Mendengar dan melafazkan puisi
(i) ucap selamat dengan intonasi yang betul
(ii) arahan yang mudah
BM 1.2.6 Melafazkan puisi
(i) pantun dua kerat
(ii) sajak



4+ 5+

BM 1.3 Mendengar dan Murid boleh: Murid boleh:

mengecam bunyi bahasa BM 1.3.1 Mendengar dan menyebut abjad BM 1.3.4 Mendengar, mengecam dan
menyebut perkataan

BM 1.3.2 Mendengar, mengecam dan BM 1.3.5 Menyebut dan memberi respons
menyebut bunyi suku kata awal terhadap perkataan yang didengar
yang sama dalam perkataan

BM 1.3.3 Mendengar, mengecam dan
menyebut bunyi suku kata akhir
yang sama dalam perkataan

BM 1.4 Berinteraksi Murid boleh: Murid boleh:
menggunakan ayat
mudah BM 1.4.1 Mendengar dan menyebut ayat BM 1.4.4 Berinteraksi menggunakan ayat
mudah secara bertatasusila mudah mengikut situasi

BM 1.4.2 Berinteraksi menggunakan ayat BM 1.4.5 Berinteraksi menggunakan ayat
mudah untuk: mudah untuk:
(i) meluahkan perasaan (i) memberi arahan
(ii) menyatakan permintaan (ii) memberi pandangan

BM 1.4.3 Bersoal jawab menggunakan ayat BM 1.4.6 Bersoal jawab menggunakan ayat

mudah mudah berdasarkan bahan




4+ 5+

BM 1.5 Bertutur untuk Murid boleh: Murid boleh:
menyampaikan idea BM 1.5.1 Menyampaikan idea tentang
BM 1.5.2 Menyampaikan idea secara kritis
sesuatu yang didengar, dilihat atau tentang sesuatu yang didengar,
dialami dilihat atau dialami


BM Menguasai kemahiran Murid boleh:

2.1 prabaca BM 2.1.1 Menyatakan lambang dan cetakan

yang membawa makna tertentu

BM 2.1.2 Mengenal pasti ciri-ciri fizikal buku:
(i) judul
(ii) gambar/ilustrasi
(iii) pengarang

BM 2.1.3 Mengamalkan cara membaca
yang betul:
(i) dari kiri ke kanan
(ii) dari atas ke bawah
(iii) jarak antara mata dengan

(iv) teknik memegang buku

BM 2.1.4 Mengamalkan penjagaan buku
dengan cara yang betul

BM 2.1.5 Membaca secara olok-olok



4+ 5+

BM 2.2 Mengenal huruf abjad Murid boleh: Murid boleh:
BM 2.2.1 Mengenal pasti abjad
BM 2.2.3 Mengenal pasti dan menyebut
BM 2.2.2 Menyebut dan membunyikan huruf kecil dan besar
huruf vokal

BM 2.3 Membina dan membaca Murid boleh: Murid boleh:
suku kata dan perkataan BM 2.3.1 Membunyikan suku kata terbuka
BM 2.3.3 Membaca perkataan dengan suku
BM 2.3.2 Membunyikan suku kata tertutup kata terbuka:
(i) KV+KV
(ii) KV+ KV+KV

BM 2.3.4 Membaca perkataan dengan suku
kata terbuka dan tertutup:
(i) KVK
(ii) V+KV
(iii) V+KVK
(iv) KV+KVK
(v) KVK+KV
(vi) KVK+KVK

BM 2.4 Membaca dan Murid boleh: Murid boleh:
memahami frasa dan
ayat BM 2.4.1 Membaca frasa yang BM 2.4.3 Membaca dan memahami frasa
mengandungi perkataan dengan yang mengandungi perkataan
suku kata terbuka dengan suku kata terbuka dan

BM 2.4.2 Membaca ayat mudah yang
mengandungi perkataan dengan
suku kata terbuka




BM 2.5 Membaca dan 4+ 5+
memahami bahan BM 2.4.4 Membaca dan memahami ayat
bacaan mudah dengan sebutan yang betul

BM 2.6 Memupuk bacaan luas Murid boleh: Murid boleh:
BM 2.5.1 Membaca bahan bacaan mudah
BM 3.0 KEMAHIRAN MENULIS BM 2.5.2 Membaca dan menceritakan
BM 3.1 Menguasai kemahiran semula daripada bahan bacaan
yang dibaca
BM 2.5.3 Membaca dan meluahkan idea
daripada bahan bacaan yang

Murid boleh: Murid boleh:
BM 2.6.1 Memilih bahan bacaan yang BM 2.6.4 Berkongsi bahan bacaan

digemari BM 2.6.5 Membaca bahan bacaan secara
berkongsi dengan rakan
BM 2.6.2 Mengenal dan menamakan
gambar dalam buku BM 2.6.6 Membaca bahan bacaan dengan
BM 2.6.3 Membaca perkataan yang
terdapat dalam buku

Murid boleh:
BM 3.1.1 Memegang alat tulis dengan cara

yang betul untuk menulis

BM 3.1.2 Duduk dengan posisi yang betul




BM 3.2 Menguasai kemahiran 4+
menulis semasa menulis

BM 3.1.3 Membuat contengan dan lakaran
menggunakan pelbagai alat tulis

BM 3.1.4 Mengkoordinasikan pergerakan
mata dengan tangan melalui
lakaran bentuk, corak dan garisan
secara bebas

BM 3.1.5 Mengkoordinasikan pergerakan
mata dengan tangan mengikut
arah yang betul

Murid boleh: Murid boleh:
BM 3.2.1 Menulis huruf kecil dengan cara BM 3.2.5 Menyalin ayat mudah

yang betul BM 3.2.6 Meluahkan idea dalam bentuk
lukisan, simbol dan tulisan
BM 3.2.2 Menulis huruf besar dengan cara
yang betul BM 3.2.7 Menulis perkataan dan frasa

BM 3.2.3 Menyalin perkataan BM 3.2.8 Menulis ayat mudah

BM 3.2.4 Menyalin frasa



Suku Kata KV Senarai Suku Kata
Satu suku kata terbuka Contoh

ba, ca, de, fi, gu, hi, ja, ku, lo, ma, ni, pu, ra, si, to

Dua suku kata terbuka KV+KV bapa, baca, batu, buku, bola, bahu, cuti, ciku, dagu, duri, feri, gigi, hari, jala, kuku, kuda,
lori, lima, mata, meja, muka, nasi, paku, pasu, rusa, roti, susu, sagu, topi, raga

Tiga suku kata terbuka KV+KV+KV dahaga, kerusi, lelaki, kereta, kepala, mereka, cerita, tomato, telaga, kemeja

Satu suku kata tertutup KVK bot, bas, beg, cat, gam, gol, jam, jet, jus, kek, kot, lap, mop, pen, pin, tin, van, zip

Dua suku kata terbuka V+KV abu, apa, api, aku, alu, ini, itu, isi, ubi, ibu
Satu suku kata terbuka dan KV+KVK adik, ayam, awan, akar, epal, emak, ekor, itik, ubat, otak
satu suku kata tertutup KVK+KV bakul, bulan, bulat, bunga, cawan, cicak, dodol, datuk, gajah, garam, hutan, hitam, jalan,
KVK+KVK katil, kipas, lapan, lilin, mulut, masin, makan, nenek, pokok, siput
Satu suku kata terbuka dan kunci, lampu, lembu, pintu, teksi, kanta, kurma, baldi, bomba
satu suku kata tertutup
biskut, kertas, masjid, coklat, sampan, bantal, kantin, tandas, cermin, mancis
Satu suku kata tertutup dan
satu suku kata terbuka

Dua suku kata tertutup




Bil. Istilah Maksud / Makna
1 bacaan luas
Bacaan luas atau bacaan ekstensif merupakan satu kegiatan membaca yang dilakukan oleh
2. konsonan murid secara bersendirian tanpa bimbingan guru. Bacaan luas ini bertujuan untuk mengukuhkan
3. suku kata terbuka asas membaca; menambah kemahiran memahami dan menaakul isi bacaan; meningkatkan
4. suku kata tertutup kepantasan membaca; serta membina dan mengukuh minat membaca.
5. vokal
Huruf selain vokal (b, d, f, ...).

Suku kata yang diakhiri dengan vokal.

Suku kata yang diakhiri dengan konsonan.

Huruf hidup atau huruf saksi (a, e, i, o, u).




Upon completion of learning activities in English Language, pupils can:

1. listen and respond using appropriate verbal and non-verbal responses.
2. communicate using simple sentences with manners.
3. read and understand simple sentences.
4. write words and phrases.

4+ 5+


BI 1.1 Listen to and identify Pupils can: Pupils can:
BI 1.1.1 Listen to and identify common BI 1.1.2 Listen to and respond to stimulus
sounds in the environment given:
(i) environmental sounds
(ii) voice sounds
(iii) rhythm and rhyme
(iv) alliteration

BI 1.1.3 Listen to and identify rhymes in
nursery rhymes and songs



4+ 5+

BI 1.2 Listen to and respond Pupils can: Pupils can:
BI 1.2.1 Listen to and recite nursery BI 1.2.6 Listen to and recite poems and
rhymes rhymes

BI 1.2.2 Listen to and sing songs BI 1.2.7 Listen to and respond to stories

BI 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat greetings

BI 1.2.4 Listen to and follow simple

BI 1.2.5 Listen to and enjoy simple stories

BI 1.3 Listen to, understand and Pupils can: Pupils can:
respond in a variety of
contexts BI 1.3.1 Participate politely in daily BI 1.3.2 Name favourite things and
conversations to: activities
(i) exchange greetings
(ii) show appreciation BI 1.3.3 Listen to and respond to oral texts
(iii) introduce oneself
(iv) express feelings BI 1.3.4 Participate in talk about familiar
(v) make simple request activities and experiences

BI 1.3.5 Participate in talk about stories

BI 1.3.6 Participate in role play about
familiar daily situations


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