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Published by Enas Khaer, 2021-03-15 02:46:17

Oxford picture dictionary

Oxford picture dictionary

4J&ll citnl9ll3 dJ6rll

Responsi bil ities dil++l3ll

A. vote B. pay taxes C. obey the law

dtLl:.1lyl O-E C,gzJ , ,rt ":lt C* ',;l-i,ll 9.r.r.L,

D. register with Selective Service* E. serve on a jury F. be informed
gGijYl LIJI j 4sr Ji+dJ
:ust* a-o j LriJt g.r39 ,< * - L^.! c-)ttl s -ls .3-

=J 9.?

Citize n sh i p Req u i remsnt5 4+"ai.?'ll slc dJ,asll ol+l!':i

G. be 18 or older H. live in the U.S. for 5 years l. take a citizenship test
irl i- tlo i; rrd 6 \- i Jl .:L) *.3 I ^Ja o ,..1J$ c,;l
-),<i Ji a-i- 1A " rs O.lSr !i a.-"i.Jl uL':;) p$q ui

Rights ,1ArJt

1. peaceful assembly 2. free speech 3. freedom of religion 4. freedom of the press 5. fair trial
r-IJl c"+$1
PKll!,> ;.rtJl ji .r"ll q.,- 411- ^ll 4j:F i.l.:lJl i^St- Jl

"Note: All males 18lo 26 who live in the U.S. are required to register with Selective Service.


qrllill el.Ejll

A. arrest a suspect B. hire a lawyer / hire an attorney C. appear in court
.4,i 4.:5 _-ii -Je -':$ll J3! !^L^ c5* o1 :ii\! a!"i.Jis

1. police officer 3. guard 5. defendant
,+)a I "t;.i l+L, qlc *c:" / pgx
4. defense attorney 6. judge
2. handcuffs 3ti.t .-1*"
uLiJS / .:;"6

D. stand trial 10. prosecuting attorney 12. court reporter
;.xl-^ll C;3i / fsr-i !!:ll *S: / ptJl *c:Jl a*sJl +ts

7. courtroom 11. witness 13. bailiff
d"sJl 4'1-i
.:lL,.l axJl , ,-1,

E. convict the defendant F. sentence the defendant G. go to jail / go to prison H. be released

*iJl ijhtr eS+ og]Jl 4Js. lr+ fssll JJ€J ,.^11 Frq /,.s i 4AIJH..!q I e eA
! -? ' vi

14. verdict" 15. convict / prisoner

JtJdll / r<Jl au+- / (!l'pS*) Lrlr^

*Note: There are two possible verdicts,'guilty" and "not guiltyi'

Look at the pictures. Think about it. Discuss. 14",
Describe what happened.
1. Would you want to serve on a jury? Why or why not?
A: The police officer arrested a suspect. 2. Look at the crimes on page 142. What sentence would you
B: He put handcuffs on him.
give for each crime? Why?


1. vandalism

latia $ Fj

2. burglary

3. assa u lt


4. gang violence

r::LLac *i:q


5. drunk driving
l-ll J.,jil ,",- i !J1rl , lrlid
illegal drugs
+c *^ .:1 ,tl"

7. arson i-iJ-

ld:& L!13

8. shoplifting
f-ill ejL:j;*

9. identity theft
yJl u1r4,,-6;*

10. victim

q'lr -i- I i*,

11. muggrn9

,.,1 ,Jl *ir-t6r olJicl

12. murder

[dl a^ *

13. gun


More vocabulary Think about it. Discuss.

steal: to take money or things from someone illegally 1. ls there too much crime on TV or in the movies?
commit a crime: to do something illegal Explain.
"t42 criminal: someone who does something illegal
2. How can communities help stop crime?

4*U,:t LU;t

A. Walk with a friend.
ajl'.^.j ,i,.^*,dlv,.1

B. Stay on well-lit streets.
.!;\:!1 ; rlr gtt:* *s $1


C. Conceal your PIN ilt

u.!:)liijc:*l\i}<lt !'jet(J+:L.iJ!,

D. Protect your purse or

.elrl a-ii- ,i ,,!t1-;- " ,,lo ,bat^

tffiffi E. Lock your doors.
.,,i,tri .1i!l
F. Don't open your door to
.'Lrlll el+!,Cle V

G. Don't drink and drive.
.!-,!* l.rfi: J"Jl +;,.1i Y

H. Shop on secure websites.
.4l.;* -jjiil Sly,J' )l cjJ...:i V

t. Be aware of your

.iL 4t*1r i"tt"- ::I & *F

Report suspicious


r. J. .r -le Li - i.h ;jr iL


K. Report crimes to the

3l5Jl ;c 4!J"lll &

Join a Neighborhood

iillJl .-Jl Jui o+" d! p,5l

.4,6 !+^ill JL€)1

More vocabulary Ask your classmates. Share the answers. 143

sober: not drunk 1. Do you feel safe in your neighborhood?
designated drivers: sober drivers who drive 2. Look at the pictures. Which of these things do you do?
drunk people home safely 3. What other things do you do to stay safe?

Es+Jdl dr3l3$l3 (jJlshlt {.tYt*

1. lost child 5. earthquake 9. firefighter
CL: $L JtiJ .bLt ].,/ iGLl

2. car accident 6. mudslide 10. fire truck
6;l o:ts / ;;i,r,. l:Lr jiJJl J)jil
oGtl i;1i;.'
3. airplane crash 7. forest fire
;;.Lt .t-"r i!U- Ljt;> Role play. Call 911.
A: 911 Emergency Operator.
4. explosion 8. fire B: My name is Lisa Diaz. There is a fire at 323 Oak Street.

."rl+;l cl-* Please hurry!

Ways to report an emergency

144 First, give your name. My name isTim Johnson.
Then, state the emergency and give the address.
There was a car accident at 21 9 Elm Street.

q';$tt &;1;6!13 glljrlrJl ciYLr

11. drought 1 5. tornado 't9. flood
a-+sl ;1 ;.ii
L-d / ljli?
16. volcanic eruption 20. search and rescue team
12. famine
,*.Jt() Jlsnl rLn)lJ ,',-l\1 &Js
17. tidal wave / tsunami
13. blizzard
;qr.; a-'ll ai*lc ..-.UJ,j / !- +-p+ ^+-""

14. hurricane 18. avalanche
-\'i .js/,",,;

Ask your classmates. Share the answers. Think about it. Discuss. 145 ili::

1. Which natural disaster worries you the most? 1. What organizations can help you in an emergency? l
2. Which natural disaster worries you the least? 2. What are some ways to prepare for natural disasters? i
3. Which disasters are common in your local area? 3. Where would you go in an emergency? I




&JlJtJl sYLr i 4r$.lt obt;;yt

Before an Emergency J;;LhJl arrll .lJ.l. d;i

A. Plan for an emergency. 2. out-of-state contact 4. gas shut-off valve
JI;JI .9li iL^. ^
.ijJl-tlt ilrlt.b!i L)!l 6;t^ -i;L-
5. evacuation route
l. meeting place 3. escape route
o i/.: j'U rJC *:
^-si ,iS^ +-x- / +,rd &-A

B. Make a disaster kit. 10. packaged food 15. batteries 19. copies of lD and a$
au- a-Ji s\'lU+ credit cards
.:t"=!i* a+U ;lr. l6i-t
I 1. bottled water 16. matches +;16ll et-ll l-,. rJ ;JJs
.laJlJSl *L cltat.; o1-j.:)1 gGl Lir
6. warm clothes 12. moist towelettes 20. copies of important
.ij!$l 4lji,i u+\ iJ"J i; $* .tJg 17. cash and coins papers
il@J $i
7. blankets 13. toilet paper 4.+Jl jlJ j)l J EJJa ai
.$i-r G-,: 18. first aid kit
&$U+ arJ;i crlrL-l
14. flashlight
8. can opener
','f i^lii a;;U+ 6b*

9. canned food

e u.). \' /i

Pair practice. Make new conversations. Ask your classmates. Share the answels.

A: What do we need for our disaster kit? 1. Who would yourcallfirst after an emergency?
B; We need blankets and matches. 2. Do you have escape and evacuation routes planned?
A: I think we olso need batteries. 3. Are you a calm person in case of an emergency?

rsJljltll ciYtr j L1!.lt crbl..;6Yl

During an Emergency a.:;tlltfui.ll eu:i e-i

C. Watch the weather. D. Pay attention to warnings. E. Remain calm.
.,_*!l"il il1.,!,6U
.LUl cllfl'\-'i\\ 4Ji!l .l-:rlr .i!

G. Help people with disabilities. H. Seek shelter.
.a.1.+;J1 d*Lll rol*
.L;L Ji 1+.- i.1e ''''rl

l. Stay away from windows. J. Take cover. K. Evacuate the area.
.$ltll 0e &iil .aitillJil

After an Emergency fui-hJlfutsJt a3's.q

L. Call out-of-state contacts. M. Clean up debris. N. lnspect utilities. 147 i:
.LY;JI g;l^ elsJl4 Ji€il ..FlJJl (,te criii li
e.u;UnYl ,-11SJ1 uiAj
Ways to say you're OK Role play. Prepar6 for an emergency. I
Ways to say you need help A: They just issued a hurricane warning.
I'm fine. B: OK. We need to stay calm and follow directions. t;
We're OK here. We need help. A: What do we need to do first? ir
Eve rythi ng's u n der control. Someone is hurt.
l'm injured. Please get help. i:






,l '.sll fc ;,n *.l '/ \J , 3. streetlight 5. petition
J lJLilj iful riFL"
ar*; a-':r;c / ;"t^Ji
2. litter 4. hardware store
'/;r+l!.lJ1iilJi:rljr,Jj)-l-"E- A. give a speech
lGrlll rJ;GL .)t"#
trr tr- ;tJJ


Look at the pictures.
What do you see?

Answer the questions.

1. What were the problems on
Main Street?

2. What was the petition for?

3. Why did the city council applaud?
4. How did the people change the


PHART'O @ neaA the story.

Community Cleanup

Marta Lopez has a donut shop on
Main Street. One day she looked at her
street and was very upset. She saw
qraffiti on her donut shop and the other
stores. Litter was everywhere. All the
streetlights were broken. Marta wanted
to fix the lights and clean up the street.

Marta started a petition about the
streetlights. Five hundred people signed
it. Then she gave a speech to the city
council.The council members voted to
repair the streetlights. Everyone
applauded. Marta was happy, but her
work wasn't finished.

Next, Marta asked for volunteers to
clean up Main Street.The hardware store
manager gave the volunteers free paint.
Marta gave them free donuts and coffee.
The volunteers painted and cleaned.
They changed Main Street. Now Main
Street is beautiful and Marta is proud.

Think about it.

1. What are some problems in your
community? How can people


2. lmagine you are Marta. What do

you say in your speech to the
city council?


1. car

2. passenger


3. taxi

*.su 7;*1 ;;,!-
4. motorcycle

Jl.-y:^ / a::L+ ++l,rr
5. street


6. truck
,,ri-il / 4j"Ld

7. train

8. (air)plane


h:*x** +

Listen and point. Take turns. Dictate to your partner. Take turns.
A: Write motorcycle.
Az Point to the motorcycle. B: Could you repeat that for me?
B: Point to the truck.
Az Point to the train. Az M oto rcycl e. M- o-t- o- r- c-y- c-l-e.

9. helicopter
I i;r;rc 63Lt

10. airport

11. subway station


12. subway

r-:* / *-sii J'i"J


13. bus stop

/ .;rrr:j *Gr

n)GL^ -iSJ-
14. bus

a-Lit / -*;ri

15. bicycle

a:!t^ / Ll;:

Ways to talk about using transportation Pair practice. Make new conversations.
Use take for buses, trains, subways, taxis, planes,
and helicopters. Use drive for cars and trucks. A: How do you get to school?
B: I take the bus. How about you?
Use ride for bicycles and motorcycles. A: I ride a bicycle to school.

A Bus StoP ct"*-Ssi 'ils' rlrll cjAilt

A SubwaY Station ei'ii JU"s i'b"


6us 1o t{orthbound i

-Main Elm Q-Cltj

6:00 6:18,;:6:.itfiii
6:30 6:40 6:43 i
7;ss ,?4$.7r13jr
7:30 7'.40 7'.43

@ ?ratls€er::,

1. bus route 3. rider 5. transfer 6. subway car 8. turnstile 1 0. token
gr+Yt)l -,:- &-,1 ,IJ-j ;JSi ,rs ;ttii 1-p ;13: *iiii ;L '.J;J al€
2. fare 7. platform 9. vending machine 1 1. fare card
4+J', / ;_Fi 4. schedule ii+Yl 4ill-
.:ltl:- rJ:.+ (-j+gJ 4e Jsill

A Train Station JU! i-Ls.. Airport Transportation :t!"ll cl! dr)l'alee



Q2 L-r

rrA3f DAvrs/DAuoN

dilrlgn, un
g0smn ilmu s$,}{A

," 684 1?FEB03
2\ BtI$tsE$ ci

12. ticket window 15. ticket 18. taxi stand 21. taxi driver
r5lii dLJ (\9Ju) | ir.pi :.r ,L-. iiro
; slr -dL/asl i..,b\S ilU

13. conductor 16. Jne-way trip 19. shuttle 22.laxi license
lii! -fii iLt s^6U a--:J
IH . ".X / Sl:ill JUi dF / +"+-_i

14. track 17. round trip 20. town car 23. meter
iJL- / iiG J_dL- ;JU*
is- 6193 u1a! :it

ir !I .::' a-rlir.J

More vocabulary Ask your classmates. Share the answers.
1. ls there a subway system in your city?

I frail a taxi: to raise your hand to get a taxi
i! mi'ss- tahr-e- br^u--s--: to get to t&hLe^ bL,u,-s s-+t^o^p a^ff+taevr ttlh.rae lb-rrus leaves 2. Do you ever take taxis? When?

152 I 3. Do you ever take the bus? Where?




{sJJq &hiJt :dt 'i*e

A. go under the bridge B. go over the bridge C. walk up the steps D. walk down the steps
',Jc * iL'.,ir rL.i/3LLi 4J.$ _Je t+-l .:l r -.:l' !+_4jlJj+
,*:lt ,",-r (p) cJa"r: *l**.-tt .ao! / -' ..-o!-
9J \tr k+..I9

E. get into the taxi F. get out of the taxi G. run across the street H. run around the corner
(.i"Sl:Jl) r;sYl r;1,r .J! cJ.S (ur-sNl) 6;p.Y1 611,- rJ* eF; drljJl dJA ,-)aSJi
* 'LJl 'rc , .ir5 "


l. get on the highway J. get off the highway K. drive through the tunnel

- Jl!--Qv ;" Jll lc ,ls.r rJl u'Ut ,'xzsr 'isll ss ,'A og


Grammar Point: into, out of, on, off Use get out of for taxis and cars. 1

Use get into for taxis and cars. Use get offfor buses, trains, planes, and highways. ,
Use get on for buses, trains, planes, and highways. ,


JJllt sEiY

2. do not enter / wrong way one way 4. speed limit
iloi olilt / JFJI tri*
.::l 9 ol--il g; e=ill 4eJ"Jl

5. U-turn OK 6. no outlet / dead end 7. right turn only 8. no left turn
ry-:* ,1;A / rii" ct:+ J.i! Jl,.lc^"Jl sl LlYl
',r ,"ii L-J* rl r\l ,Jl .irU.-Yl r +-

9. yield 10. merge 1 1. no parking 1 2. handicapped parking
6JLJ1 .:jj+Jl J$l*^lj J!r^
eL"$l u;sell g3*

13. pedestrian crossing 15. school crossing 17. U.S. route / highway marker
i-;r^ 1;rc er -il.J. L){e / il,rY j J}r .}}t
;L,,ill J qe
16. road work 18. hospital
14. railroad crossing
/\v,rt,-i-iil;\ r-r= L(- , * J- iih-*r

I Pair practice. Make new conversations. Ask your classmates. Share the answers.

I A: Watch out!The sign says no left turn. 1. How many traffic signs are on your street?
B: Sorry, ! was looking ot the stop sign. 2. What's the speed limit on your street?
I ",54 A: That's OK. Just be careful! 3. What traffic signs are the same in your native country?


lt:l>g c!l.rt-&1l

Directions d,l,rL&1t

A. Go straight on Elm Street. C. Turn left on Oak Street. Go past Main Street.
.utri g;u cle lJl*J dlnjt
.CJ t:t-,i sic ft$l,s ohi! * M9 rS Wl
D. Stop at the corner.
B. Turn right on Pine Street. .i*Lll/airljl $. Li! 'v- (J

.,vr pL c :L- lc UE Ei.Lr:l Go one block to First Street.

lr .c*,F t:U Jl 4+-ll ijL* *

W Polk St

f eointof interest f nailroaotract< l,,,.Pr',, I

1. north 3. south 5. symbol 8. street 1 1. GPS (global positioning
Jt^,i 6. key TJU system )
4. east C[L
2. west 9. highway :rr-i ,U;\ *l - ^
+.P 7. scale (!.tt- 4;3 tl
r* ei-J"J.
.r!L 12. lnternet map
t-J d,iJjjl ihF

10. river

." i

Role play. Ask for directions. Ask'your <lassmatesi Share the answers. 155

A: I'm lost. I need to get to EIm and Pine. 1. How often do you use lnternet maps?
B: Go straight on Oak and make a right on Pine. GPS? paper maps?
A: Thanks so much.
2. What was the last map you used? Why?


1. 4-door car / sedan 5. convertible 9. camper
,j_elL- iJ\- / .:ri i drli ;JLu . i\1ajrl-r. "lSI\ +A -;lS^ ,L-
2.2-door carlcoupe 6. station wagon
.:6;:[- / JriL llr;JLb 10. RV (recreational vehicle)
3. hybrid (++e.ur +$-}") ,4 ti
7. SUV (sport-utility vehicle)
('t,J+Sllr ij!! J-,1) *_*r ;:!- 11. limousine / limo
( e\9 -,.i Jrv 9r) jYl*'i-Yl ;:rts i-r.:Lt 6;L+ aJltj_i.-"J iJ!-
4. sports car /
8. minivan

/ ,Li -i-h\ ; 'i' - ,li ; rL-

't2. pickup truck 14. towtruck 1 6. cab 18. moving van 20. tank truck
ril '3\li ijsL,,X aj-L,.ill 4+lS sliJl ;G ;_.11i", a,- !€- 4_i-L,i
.,,-. , ,i rii ;;q-
13. cargo van 17. trailer 19. dump truck 21. school bus
^iL;, , 'l.A 15. tractor trailer /
;--,11tr!..i.;c i-;r. ,"+;1i

6J-.rlL ii-t:l

Pair practice. Make new (onversations. More vocabulary

A: I have a new car! make: the name of the company that makes the car
Bz Did you get o hybrid? model: the style of the car
A: Yes, but I really wanted a sports car.

;tt+ fub,.aS *l-rt

Buying a Used Car il*:.,* i,1l;* rly'

How many miles
does it have?

'05 Sedan. B. Ask the seller about the car. C. Take the car to a mechanic.
Must sell. sS.jts& sll iJliJl ii
Great deal! ijlJt ;e eUi rJLt

A. Look at car ads.
.ul-rr,r."ll citi),el i JEil

D. Negotiate a price. E. Get the title from the seller. F. Register the car.

.-:'- *J' cf:G .gt.Jt .r" asLll r- .,Jo "1,..t .;,'$l rli*

Taking Care of Your Car 4-.,h.+ el&Yl

G. Fill the tank with gas. H. Check the oil. l. Put in coolant.
.,",ijJl o.:il
.+-r!t r.,1; i# :. *ill , LL rjr

J. Go for a smog check.* K. Replace the windshield wipers. L. Fill the tires with air.
.sLL,:Jl J$*1 .elr<lL crlJUYl eijl
.4jrLll L,ljUX,rF.3 iiJ iiAil
*smog check = emissions test Think about it. Discuss. 157

Ways to request service 1. What's good and bad about a used car?
2. Do you like to negotiate car prices? Why?
Please check the oil. 3. Do you know any good mechanics? Why are they good?
Could you fill the tankT
Put in coolant, please.

i tLi!. ,l-r,rr,.rF ,r-L!


At the Dealer At the Mechanic
(slJtr-Jl 11a.J-) cll1l+,rl ils., $e eful3*.lt $"

1. windshield 5. tire 9. hubcap/wheel cover 13. tail light
^t9''J Jl --!'J Jl ' '-L alJl J ^a eli.d
lle / rLtl "u c\*
2. windshield wipers 10. gas tank
6. turn signal 14. brake light
d:LL,:-11 !Sl rls 4J^jilt C\*
sl.,4ll DJUI
3. sideview mirror I 1. trunk 15. tail pipe
e+rlill +:-Jl ;i:r 7. headlight ilLuJl .!rrr ^ ertil ;Jr*l-
c-l-i Cl+*
4. hood 12. license plate 16. muffler
(crri() ;Jli,,\1 d,* olJ.. 8. bumper ;J1+Jl CJ 4sj (!1 "< i) ci Mil \"'- '

Under the Hood L r' ^\l qirii^ lnside the Trunk
(clJitll) dlJ+.ll ptLi ,".-r 6J+-Jl dJ$.a dilr

17. fuel injection system 19. radiator 21. jumper cables 23. spare tire
/\LclrL'ir -;\ ,nL:l , 4-!Ltll Jrs J.S /\e,.d-1t9\ -tl ,i-1 ,Lt!
red_5Jl ;n: pU;
20. battery 22.lug wrench 24. jack
18. engine clU+ l+t ELiL (c!:5S) gtr;
;eiv / d;*


i <.'t*,,,rF'l-ri ,d+i


The Dashboard and lnstrument Panel

--r;ill 6,*+i3 ilhlrJl LJJ ;JrJ"Jl JiU

25. door lock 30. temperature gauge 35. rearview mirror 40. heater
.r!il Jii iJiJAll U"L,L^
i.ilJl a5;J.1 ;iy

26. steering wheel 31. gas gauge 36. hazard lights 41. defroster
tC-,I S uJ,srl ,j1* r.ttll.Jr;
;jl,tii\l :i!5e .-u>Jl ".!L
37. radio 42. power outlet
27. speedometer 32. horn
+c!1 -rl.:c '!.:l-r 4lll" $i.
I\v dAl I e,ard.

28. odometer 33. ignition 38. CD player 43. air bag

(+sLJl rl.rc) ,r^:rll JL,.:il l=lJii ,Jiti-ir jl-*^ sil9a eL"i ,J!i$
29. oil gauge
34. turn signal t/, cr *l il";..-:^ 44. glove compartment
ulj-ili .3rri ^
.+-il .r\i" $\.,4 jl.JUl 39. air conditioner
lnside the Car
el dl Js^
An Automatic Transmission A ManualTransmission

o5rril-^-11-ri 1S-,. &U €J+ as-'r &U

45. brake pedal 47. gear shift 49. clutch 51. front seat 53. child safety seat
iL1ill i-13: (e!-r:il) cr+tilt c*l*i J*L .lstX JUi &L
ua Jl , EL
46. gas pedal / 50. stick shift 52. seat belt 54. backseat
48. hand brake &ilL !L"j eljA jlL :'i.
accelerator ("F+,r) .it"!l Ji:31;r
.1 urll i-l e.: $1 4L_,, 159


ln the Airline Terminal trLoll fuL- ,.i Ju-o t the Gfr

At the Security Checkpoint
cF.cYl u4'L$ ilail Se

1. skycap 3. ticket agent 5. TSA* agent / security screener r. arrival rr

._nt6Jl &L jls JS-r g.i ";lL. / +l .rl ,t JSl monitm
r;:-iil -. -.,
2. check-in kiosk 4. screening area 6. bin l. gate
' its; jjp aiitj^
'Ji:l+Jl '4is o-.-rL a+l_r

Taking a Flight q.r+;Lr d JsJt ). boarding
ij; -"J.

A. Check in electronically. B. Checkyour bags. C. Showyour boarding pass D. Go through security.
L-,i. nsl ,!tu:lL.\-i and lD. .gnYl ;-tn aro ,e
.,,,lliJl lJ*
.L.,ltj I FJI i!U+ JCli

E. Board the plane. F. Find your seat. G. Stow your carry-on bag. H. Fasten your seat belt.
.;Jll!l &€l .r'iJl elja ^hJl
.d.h.L 4P ''''ii .cL i*l.ll r,ttl iat ,r5



: .- !-i-L

tray taftl

l. Turn offyour cell phone. J. Take off. / Leave. K. Land. / Arrive. L. Claim your baggage. Moren
,,J:-l / Lel .elu;l 6,1.,)i-l
.J *rJl e!_r$i / dliita dlii .iJrli. / e$! departr

* Transportation Security Administration arrival li

160 directQ

At the Gate 4+lJ+ll $e Jt-L.o At Customs dr.o+ll .tb

On the Airplane 6it-LJl LJilr

7. arrival and departure 10. cockpit 1 3. overhead compartment 16. declaration form
Lje .J!L;J+-
monitors +-,!L11 ++1s ,J-r+ tlYJ ;tw-t
i1.:LiJl1 J j'.!l ciL,iiLi 14. emergency exit
11. pilot L,JlJt s)ls rJ.g E-r_n -. \ 17. customs officer
8. gate gjjl ^i , ;LJ^
-,$ 'l 5. passenger
!ir 18. luggage / bag
12. flight attendant :rsl,r A.$- / i.i"j
9. boarding area ;;,lJa \;- l ,i,: ^^

iJ,:tUl JJ .:;*Jl ilil-

*ffiqm [tlrlM& {cening}ird Ait GATE 827 , Oatc o-Zo'S
l@t4tMNtr FUGH1'128
loOxfrGSF:ld&S I ruom rzl
SEAT 1OC I sslr roc
ult AtiLtNt lrt ctt33 ,lef ts6 trd
Dadndon tYc @
,l&t wEredM& 11 ECorcSY o€Pl

Alr 0es0 Boarding Pass
An: XttYoR{ Al:12{0
rtJil ErreBmh 211 EoOiloiY DEPT:C^IEAa
Lv: XE sft lrrtr0
An: l[^Sl
Al aao

19. e-ticket 22. turbulence 25. life vest 28. upright seat
;$,Jl a;;"o: _\<l.l1 dils rqi^
4+J u\ll oJ\! Yar. * -l J"*;l / -t t.l -..t^
26. emergency card 29. on-time
20. boarding pass '9 SU_,,1 slrL,jiJl ii1 Lr s-Jl :c!l *-i
.le* +!lL
23. baggage carousel 27. reclined seat 30. delayed flight
21. tray table ;;i-:. +t-,
4l^1^ i.-i* djJAiJl i'i^)l J"!- !e!l Jt" r&

24. oxygen mask

"-""S1 eLG

More vocabulary Pair practice. Make new conversations. 161

departure time: the time the plane takes off A: Excuse me. Where do t check in?
arrival time: the time the plane lands Bz At the check-in kiosk.
direct flight: a ilip with no stops A: Thanks.

Joe Gomez

429 014 01$456?8 I

1. starting point 4. auto club card B. get lost E. run out of gas
4Jlr.ll i-tir nl ,LJl Y.:1. a-!1 L, 0.5fu / ga;Lll qj.Q
;'"'n il t- A
2. scenery 5. destination C. get a speeding ticket
4rlill JC1jJl v+J.
\*Jl a^ o-:Jt j:t+l iilB- &.J
3. gas station attendant F. have a flat tire
dljiJl 'J.* J;Lc 19.-ill
D. break down ,'q i 'LrJl 'Ltl ^ll .
A. pack bJt!-dl dIs iul el,i / plJ#l

4-!ssl1 1



Look at the pictures.
What do you see?
Answer the questions.

1. What are the young men's starting
point and destination?

2. What do they see on their trip?
3. What kinds of problems do they have?

@ neaA the story.

A Road Trip

On July 7th Joe and Rob packed their
bags for a road trip. Their starting.point
was Seattle. Their destination was New
York City.

The young men saw beautiful scenery
on their trip. But there were also
problems. They got lost. Then, a
gas station attendant gave them bad
directions. Next, they got a speeding
ticket. Joe was very upset. After that,
their car broke down. Joe called a tow
truck and used his auto club card.

The end of their trip was difficult, too.
They ran out of gas and then they had a
flat tire.

After 7,000 miles of problems, Joe and
Rob arrived in New York City. They were
happy, but tired. Next time, they're going
to take the train.

Think about it.

1. What is the best way to travel across
the U.S.? by car? by plane? by train?

2. Imagine your car breaks down on the
road. Who can you call?
What can you do?



1. entrance


2. customer

3. office


4. employer /


1*...1 I :tnl tul
5. receptionist

JL-iii-i :-i.L j-

6. safety regulations

t-)i-jl -jl ,l

Listen and point. Take turns. Dictate to your partner. Take turns.

A: Point to the front entrance. A: Can you spell emoloverT
B: Point to the receptionist. B: I'm not sure. Is it e-m-p-l-o-y-e-r7
A: Point to the time clock. A: Yes, that's right.

7. time clock
elJJl icL

8. supervisor


9. employee

, iq_*

10. payroll clerk
.jl . il 1.r a-i.L *

11- pay stub
,,,ilJ e)&l -&<

12. wages

13. deductions

gL" e4i

14. paycheck

+ljr !!,:i


Ways to talk about wages Role play. Talk to an employer.

I earn 5250 a week. A: ls everything correct on your paycheck?
He makes 57 an hour. Bz No, it isn't.l make 5250 a week, not 5200.
A: Let's talk to the payroll clerk. Where is sheT
I'm paid 51,000 a month.

0t,q: c-i:t-83

1. accountant 2. actor 3. administrative assistant 4. appliance repair person

i-L* Jr- a;;lrl 6:cLu a-,J_1- ol3ri et; ;t -:i

5. architect 6. artist 7. assembler 8. auto mechanic
a+ll"* 4-:k-
a:Lrg $.+;t-ii drlJli . .j+il<J.

9. babysitter 10. baker 1 1. business owner 12. businessperson
ijll:. / ijlj Juci ;q- / cJL*l J+:
.JUtl dul- JL€i i^L- / JL-i a+:

13. butcher 14. carpenter 15. cashier 16. childcare worker
eB / -,l''+
_.rt+, .3r'r.^ g-i / !.ilJ- ,Jlitj a.t:- 4.:t ^ri

Ways to ask about someone's job Pair practice. Make newconversations.

What's her job? A: What kind of work does she do?
What does he do? Bz She's an occountant. What do they do?
What kind of work do they do? A: They're actors.

u{*3 t-ijuEj

17. commercial fisher 18. computer software 1 9. computer technician 20. customer service
; rl-i d* :L* engineer (.=+*1 s) nl ,j.',^< --i! representative

lj **< .:1L*rs r,-)i- c)Le L)r ,,,"J-

2'1. delivery person 22. dental assistant 23. dockworker 24. electronics repair person
.+Sly J-t"
$*t.l'* ;L;i .+'J-;:c'u* +srt'(ll ;-x+i ail*i;1 .^..i

25. engineer 26. firefighter 27. florist 28. gardener
;-:aj j;!
,ull6-a ;l."tl c+s / srL '. I

29. garment worker 30. graphic designer 31. hairdresser / hair stylist 32. home health care aide
4+t t l,,r:i e* _)--i a!t* / f,-: ,+,)" Uj! !* LLFJ;)rL*

Ways to talk about jobs and occupations Role play. Talk about a friend,s new job. 't67
Sue's a qarment worker. She works in a factory.
Tom's an engineer. He works for a large company. A: Does your friend like his new iob?
Ann's o dental assistant. She works with a dentist. B: Yes, he does. He's a araphic designer.
A: Does he work in an office?

0**3 r-i:Ui3

33. homemaker 34. housekeeper 35. interpreter / translator 36. lawyer

lMd l\!AU! jN -)b / *-g":.aO


37. machine operator 38. manicurist 39. medical records 40. messenger / courier
ntiSl- iLte technician
,t.i.. 4+,-F a.rt .i)L* Lg -r / n


41. model 42. mover 43. musician 44. nurse
ol";i :;r1- d,Uliij J-L'
*.,i,. L;j*

45. occupational therapist 46. (house) painter 47. physician assistant 48. police officer
*.+- g)tc.r"-t '-r1 (JjLi").16r , ,,,t roL-
4t;; 4I+t! i 4e;;

Grammar Point: past tense of be Pair practice. Make new Gonversations.
A: What was your first job?
Iwas a machine operator for 5 years. B: I was a musician. How about you?
She was a nurse for a year, A: lwas a messenger for a small company.
168 They were movers from 2003-2007.

c$a3 Lfulg3

49. postalworker 50. printer 51. receptionist 52. reporter
ri;* J1j'.il.,t :i!Lr^ A+iv iJ-lJ.
4r!l J^1"

53. retail clerk 54. sanitation worker 55. security guard 56. server
gL_, iL-r.
A-iLl,j .l^te ;^i i-ru alrl-i

Here are some programs
that will help you.

57. socialworker 58. soldier 59. stock clerk 60. telemarketer
isL":;-i +.t . ^l j +rr+ ',ili-:o,LLc
.Jjl"Jlr. /._ilut d;*

61. truck driver 62. veterinarian 63. welder 64. writer / author
Aj-L,'i diL 4+A {++ e]jl 4ilJ. / 4+1S

Ask your classmates. Share the answers. Think about it. Discuss. 169

1. Which of these jobs could you do now? 1. Which jobs need special training?
2. What is one job you don't want to have? 2. What kind of person makes a good interpreter? A
3. Which jobs do you want to have?
good nurse? A good reporter? Why?

tp-o cil-,rt{-

A. assemble components B. assist medical patients c. cook D. do manual labor
s;!l Jel*J c:+ JL-! ru!
ClUl eal. /Cr+; i-J.bJ

E. drive a truck F. fly a plane G. make furniture H. operate.heavy machinery
i:sl.ii jjr*; r;;u -lA 4.:r"+i s s-.l\'ri dkjri r

l. program computers J. repair appliances K. sellcars L. sew clothes
ul ,iul rgu q +.i;i .:13:i 6!a; CrlJ-,Lu r+.r

r.d V..

M. solve math problems N. speak another language O. supervise people P. take care of children
4"dU 4il &Jrij ,:+ilj- sle JJI.iI
cJL+U Jt* d-: r.! i,t g-,rt j

Q. teach R. type S. use a cash register T. wait on customers
r1ri J1;t; i.I di'i*i
,*ls / i!,: eiLl jLjJr Ls "& a.r$,

GrarnmarPolntacan,con't :,. : - ,Role,play. Talk to a job eouns€lor. ,

I am a chef. I can cook. A: Tell me about your skilts. Can you type?
l'm not a pitot.l can't fly a plane. B: No, I can't, but I can use a cash register.
I can't speak French, but I can speak Spanish. A: OK. What other skills do you have?

qds" i &dl Office Skills l:,
$isr 4.9 cji*ll cilJL{".
D ii
A. type a letter


B. enter data
.:i:h tji+

C. transcribe notes

Jl'A-iLa e4

D. make copies
1i "n , L!/ria

':E. collate papers
r9rJJl a)J

F. staple


G. fax a document
crStil! +r+t r"L"*

H. scan a document
A*Ui,"-iJ e*1i

l. print a document

4+l.L,rb o-+: eJr*

schedule a meeting
1L;Y 1.te3* ll:g

take dictation
")1")L it;Sr" 'rri;
organize materials

llJill aL!

Telephone Skills
4$J4ll i q$l.a *l-rk*

Mr. Perez, l'm M. greet the caller
transferring you. ,,,\ll"jl .,;s:

This is Lee Tran. N. put the caller on hold
Please call me back.
J, ^,') I cll *IlLbll d 0!

O. transfer the call
a-^llSlt djFi

P. leave a message

t':unlJ sJJ

Q. take a message

4lLuJ J.. sti-r

R. check messages

iL-jl .,ll 3.1*l


cr+EJ J[..*.4l I rl^'i"itl

1. entry-level job 2. training 3. new job 4. promotion
g rli.\ ial,
t+.-r:i 6+.l+ 4+r +-i

Types of JobTraining ,ris" Jl ','l$Jl gljii : r \l\ed\ta\


5. vocationaltraining 6. internship 7. on-the-job training 8. online course
Alr,,',t;Ji +!J:Jl c1:1 rl.!i ,-,-;s
d-.+rs ci1l)l ,+ L.:L i;y.r

Planning a Career c'!83 _1Le^r.L;LSI

J::c;::''ur ift ss* i iee b wo*

E rnro. o w'th ch/d,eh

&,^n- E By Myset

dick on Your skillsr

6 Drive

El SpeaksPanish

6 lype

9. resource center J.g;Li;.l 11. interest inventory 13. job fair
erLL"b)l.l .r;: glJl sey u;Js
r-rl_r 5_r"
12. skill inventory 14. recruiter
10. career counselor ol;laJl r;q, si cHi:t-;*, itl^Ji Jc JJ"-JI
a.!'.t ,ll J,l '1 ,^ll :rr

Ways to talk about job training Ask your Glassmates. Shhre the answers.

'172 l'm looking into an online course. 1. What kind of job training are you interested in?
l'm interested in on-the-job training. 2. Would your rather learn English in an online course or
lwant to sign up for an internshio.
in a classroom?

;.i+AJ ip ,r'-Jl

A. talk to friends / network B. look in the classifieds C. look for help wanted signs
j:.)L*ij)i jJ^ 4$ u$ I otii-,-i e. Ak iJcl-ili .jnUjll ;$AY Ce c:3+1
;- -' 9I L --,Jr Ju)tc)l !r,st / .
*rcnarcw.x:r Dan King
1235 Oak St. Apt. 2
iE1€Eti$Ftri#tfEijlE*€stli:rr Raleigh, NC 27613-7007
Job lrsljJ77ag Seerience
G@erv clerk Grocery Clerk 2OO4-2OOB
$rslh., FT Farm Worker 2OOO-2OO4
Exp. nec.
Central Technical CC 2007 il
Henan Hongli School 1996-2004 i:l


D. check lnternet job sites E. go to an employment agency F. write a resume
;j;LJl .jitttl ."r. "'-il\ s;,i:)l gdl;r gr11
. rli, 'r<";l qall :j.ljhil; il-,!r _o .k)|:.,.31
To Whom lt May Concern,
Can you come in for
I am very interested in a grocery an interview at 9:00?
clerk job with your company.
I am enclosing my resume.l look
forward to setting up an interview
Thank you for your consideration.

Dan King

G. write a cover letter l.H. send in your resume and cover letter set up an interview
s-e.fjll *lltiJ inlJl elr+- &Ji i,,-:.i alllJ llc3x r.s

J. fill out an application K. go on an interview L. get hired
4+! erill :,1-L )l.l 4.*-:-111 4-L1,iill ll !4:l 4+jli crle J€rl


A*,-*tt cli.rl!^tl L.j&"tt cilJt{-All

A. Prepare for the interview.
..i-L!i"ll Jri*l

B. Dress appropriately.
..i!1.- OJl",..j*!'ll

C. Be neat.
.i-rle- iF

D. Bring your resume and lD.
.,:tltyr, a$l:il dIJ- ,4- l-:.i
Don't be late.
.:LJl ;rc ;S,iii V

F. Be on time.
::Jl rJl -i,14

G. Turn offyour cell phone.
.JjFJi cIrqX / Aiila d$i

H. Greet the interviewer.
.4-\ibl-L ilili L-:.j:ll s;r

t. Shake hands.
. \Jlli k:'!t.a

J. Make eye contact.

k+,* *, l;;!* JSjl

K. Listen carefully.

.4ilr-r L{-Jl C,flql

L. Talk about your
.eX;:;p Asi

M. Ask questions.

.!irlii z &r

N. Thank the interviewer.

.i![iJL ri:,ilr -iJr .s.-il

O. Write a thank-you note.
.;S,j: iJL, ',':<1

More vocabulary Think about it. Discuss, ''

benefits: health insurance, vacation pay, or other 1. How can you prepare for an interview?
things the employer can offer an employee 2. Why is it important to make eye contact?
174 inquire about benefits: ask about benefits 3. What kinds of questions should you ask?



1.€. E !




factory owner 5. parts 9. conveyer belt 13. pallet
,Jl* 4*;
e.Ji ;.-.;., uf ,.,.

designer 6. assembly line 10. order puller 14. shipping clerk

3. factory worker . !:! -!a1. ul.jHl )la:l:c j*r . ,l! t .!
a*.J'1. j."ie L.r .jur -€ +j,o t$^ !.&

line supervisor '^
3.r"s:Jt -1=: sir ;-!-t
7. warehouse 1 1. hand truck 15. loading dock
on:.! Ji,ii :+;.
lJ 1*.i *n* .

8. packer 12. forklift

A. design B. manufacture C. assemble

*o** r;u

Lii.*,rllg A*#!ll JEU^ll c!J-.ll

1. gardening crew 5. landscape designer 9. pruning shears
o;l;Yl g*iji;*
;li, ,t\l iLt , -uiJi ;;;-
6. lawn mower
2. leaf blower 10. trowel
!....dl oJIJS
--lr1 ite, Jr, .i +u alL"
7. shovel
I 1 1. hedge clippers
c:,rh (c:i esJl) e1,]iii i-l-i^
3. wheelbarrow 8. rake e,iJl C^iJ ilrj / i;u
fi:lJ alr crli q a1-rc 12. weed whacker / weed eater
,,,1Jt tsl /,,,,:Jl clr!
4. gardening crew leader
iilJl -ill. .L)t"

A. mow the lawn C. rake the leaves plant a tree G. weed the flower beds
jj, --ltt e,ilrr,.i vs ..
d+!1i+ ;;r;J tl.ij ;9a;jl -;r.*i ;*,,,.inll eljiiJ
D. fertilize / feed the plants H. install a sprinkler system
B. trim the hedges ou!:.ll .pQ / .r*; water the plants
(sr_++,il) e.xjl c3l "l+Jl d,/ t^l.h !i. Jd
1;-;Jl .i;

) 176 Use the new wordsi Ask your classrnates. Share the answers.
Look at page 53. Name what you can do in the yard.
j 1. Do you know someone who does landscaping? Who?
A: lcan mow the lawn. 2. Do you enjoy gardening? Why or why not?
I B: I can weed the flower bed. 3. Which gardening activity is the hardest to do? Why?

,llJ.ll a;++-l 4s t-;j'tt

Crops d[.ala-6ll

2. wheat 3. soybeans 4. corn 5. alfalfa 6. cotton

L--*i L^ ^\r \i !J') a-ai^-l

7. field 12. farm equipment 17. corral 22. rancher
is;;,:lr* -.i.1 *.- *
JTL ++.-li
13. farmer / grower n. piant
8. farmworker c)a I Z:\:^ 18. hay
+.,*,L1" ur/.'6 tu
14. vegetable garden
9. tractor ;il9;.-- ri!r- 19. fence B. harvest
(JnSlJi) lJlJ+ 16+
15. livestock e!-
10. orchard *1 * C. milk
v* u- 20. hired hand
16. vineyard qrLJ
11. barn LJs JcLui\1 i,,1
i 4i. D. feed
21. cattle , iidl arnr / , ilr




1. construction worker 4. scaffolding 7. crane

'Q J^G alui- (.e:) lts-
2. ladder
5. cherry picker 8. backhoe
3. I beam/girder *A 3t;r dilr A-ilJ i,+!li 4ir+-

4;JLe 6. bulldozer 9. jackhammer / pneumatic drill
-t.i;J1 elrdl. Js all / Ui LGj
I.i r)( ;r

J'1 VJ J-lt , "::l i-ir y=

10. concrete 13. trowel 16. window pane 19. drywall 22. shovel
LL-F ;rALe--ie.-.JL!r = i - J All;l 'i d:-,,H
1 1. tile 17. wood / lumber 20. shingles 23. sledgehammer
14. insulation , ::$,,,'i cf1-:i! 4+j_F / dld alJL
.t\ 4ljlc ll;^ , . ,.i,i
21. pickax
12. bricks 15. stucco 18. plywood
o-+ 'FG; irr
+lt / +"y "'

A. paint B. lay bricks C. install tile D. hammer
/\ - -ill\ t.r-:- dl rr u 4{ J.J! d+
!a+/A bUtrS*


6JnJl gtsr .,.l LY,,JI

Safety Hazards and Hazardous Materials 6;Lill rledl3 Ly*,tt rF ttl'iyt

1. careless worker 3. poisonous fumes 5. frayed cord 7. radioactive materials
.il]j ,'\\,,
- ii- ' !d LLc Lu;;l a-.Llly
6. slippery floor
2. careful worker 4. broken equipment tuij +;Jl 8. flammable liquids
;;y**il crll* \l-i.i)U 4-LU Ll *
* i;- ' LLc

Safety Equipment LY-JI clt"u"

%ffi Wdg

9. hard hat 13. respirator 17. work gloves 2'1. fire extinguisher
LLJI sljlJi r:LL.S Lc nl ildi
4J* i+ j"u- ajlL
14. particle mask 18. back support belt 22. two-way radio
10. safety glasses
nr ^,.,-\l .* ercl l . cL$ re-tll eeJ eli JLii*r &J. LsL! ;L6+
tu! alJb
e 19. knee pads 179
11. safety goggles
15. ear plugs 1sj glr$
JIJ JtL! J.J.ri-,Or.Jr!
20. safety boots
t Z. safety visor 16. earmuffs o"rl!r elt

'il " cLii ;i!Yl L,3il e

TOOLS rsll .rl9r3 c!l3.ri


3 't

#- n

1. hammer 4. handsaw 7. pliers 10. jigsaw
a-irt^ erUi-! JL^l:i.
, c ol 'L-i- !r-rj
2. mallet 11. powersander
ar.,j:: i-AA 5. hacksaw 8. electric drill
,f!-xS:Lii' +-nI;A ijsl-
3. ax g:Lr;1 ':r'
9. circular saw 12. router
J"G 6. C-clamp \t.:ij 6t*
<.1: 'L;i-

26. vise 30. screwdriver 34. nail @ffi
u,,L I it+:" W
9c1j Clih 35. bolt
27. blade 38. toggle bolt
;Jr.j / iL:i 31. Phillips screwdriver +-,L JL* 6:liJl JL"*

28. drill bit *irlt ','"t ^",rcl;a ciL 36. nut 39. hook
, :,il ,!ail {df
32. machine screw a)NS / tj1-Li
29. level 37. washer
Jli.J: / aFQ ,flj1" C!. l+-, .-_r 40. eye hook
4\j! ;j1c JrLti
33. wood screw
cCqP-t 41. chain


Use the new words. Ask your classmates. Share the answers.
Look at pages 62-63. Name the tools you see.
1. Are you good with tools?
A: There's a hommer. 2. Which tools do you have at home?
180 B: There's a pipe wrench. 3. Where can you shop for building supplies?

rUll .rlgca ol3.ri


13. wire 16. yardstick 19. 2x 4 (two by four) 22. paintbrush 25. paint
'ii:1Ul L+ \ o)U.;U; r)Lt / ;Lrr
,r\1,., +-. i -lji^9 ,'.- !-- J,
17. pipe a-;a 23. paint roller
14. extension cord ;;j-L / u-e1.i x
4-nl J.-j ")l-t;Lij
r,i"l,ai,;\1,, 20. particle board

-*= t-";6J 24. wood stain

15. bungee cord 18. fittings 21. spray gun

-tLL L. ul '14+j i_-r')* ,.,.1r11 :iji"l€

#@'ffiffi I=
=\GE 47,'r42. wire stripper \*'
46. outlet cover 50. plunger 1F

54. drop cloth

eiu! oj,]& -.fqJ+S)l J!+ili riL" eUi 1.( n1j)l al"GiJ,./1;\1 ira LiLoe
43. electricaltape 47. pipe wrench 51. paint pan
, ,,,Lri !-1-:i. o )U" a.i-- 55. chisel
+!_xSi J)t*)ll d€) L-;-i Ji^il

44. work light 48. adjustable wrench 52. scraper 56. sandpaper
(,r::\) ")e o -; L, :\l glli l+: gl]U
il"^ls^ i_p." .lj_r_s

45. tape measure 49. duct tape 53. masking tape 57. plane
,"S l+-.,- :*.t;nX jFY l+_!ll lt Jl i;G / 6L*
.!-lll qu L'ri

Role play. Find an item in a building supply store. Think about it. Discuss. ]

A: Where can Ifind pgttjsle-begIsL? 1. Which tools are the most important to have? Why? t!
B: tt's on the back wall, in the lumber section. 2. Which tools can be dangerous? Why?
A: Great. And where are the nails? 3. Do you borrow tools from friends? Why or why not? 181

, ,i{4



1. supply cabinet 5. executive 9. desk 13. PBX
;;Jl <r1; 4:+! 4lji-
LiiS. ;-*.$ I *rls *r* r&
2. clerk 6. presentation
, ;L:. 10. file clerk 14. receptionist
7. cubicle ulslJl ..,ll:l , ;l^r"
3. janitor jli;.:.,.)t ;rq!:}.
;Jj*^L 1 1. file cabinet
",r+L- 15. reception area
8. office manager rEIa arlJA Jl,i-i .Yl Ait&
4. conference room
uiL;:a 1 2. computer technician 16. waiting area
CrljiiF aijo
1- *L:\ Jrn] '..Sq -n rtla! ] I 4i-:r-k


! Ways to greet a receptionist Role play. Talk to a receptionist.

I I'm here for a ipbjnletytew. A: Hetto. How can t hetp you?
i t have a g:00 a.m. appointment with Mr. Lee. B: I'm here for a job interview with Mr. Lee.
|182 ru nt<e to leave a message for Mr. Lee. A: OK.What isyour name?


Office Equipment ':'rcoll cil.u-o


17. computer 2O. scanner 23. photocopier 26. electric pencil sharpener

/o *L\ n +-S 4-t" ql \i'i.u .t e.aj ajs;L4 4+l+jS exl ilJ*
\- t JJ1
21. fax machine 24. paper shredder
18. inkjet printer u"sG )k+ 27. postal scale
-)r-ll iilg 4-U JJll !9r !o all
22. paper cutter clu,l *
3rrri u-trs 25. calculator
a-].. rJl Yrt,eJ]

19. laser printer

-,-il o'+l-t

Office Su ppl ies,-liLll illijJr,..'-{ EI€3+;' 6)\

kryw@ _
U -''*. ?

*€"' @

f=g'ffi 48 t&,- :.,

ffith'r**L."1 40. mailer 46. ink pad
a-i* / t+.i ;lLl
eb#ffili';l-i;':'- I \,i_p .jrji*
28. stapler 34. rubber band 47. stamp
41. mailing label i^
i-Lr /;;l; _tlt- /L "i\ler 'i J. .i;r;1 , ri/ aitL
48. appointment book
29. staples 9 \'2 42. letterhead / stationery
.l+pl_s _!sl
,,t\..\l r.r u"+1+ / ejlji 35. pushpin L*jll i-l +-it d e$.i_,_,
49. organizer
30. clear tape q5-6 .J"f' "r-UJi /
43. envelope .L- ;:s:
.-ri..r:+qi*Y L,i 36. correction fluid
!^- ,i \,L , :t;.7 *;rt 50. file folder
31. paper clip ey3: / c,GL a-LdL-
37. correction tape 44. rotary card file
.i,,-i 4,L llj: .:.GlJa , ;1"
eF.i l+t
32. packing tape 45. ink cartridge
38. legal pad
J-Y a-r'L--2- >- i;:t_r'
LJ,;,"a-r s
33. glue
39. sticky notes
ai-) slrsr^


1. doorman 4. concierge 7. bellhop 10. guest
+1r , i:.i ,:L=
:Au /','rL 1 1. desk clerk
2. revolving door 8. luggage cart dlti , i'LJ
5. gift shop
;l-9.1 ulr l;lu gl-^ 4* *)-l l'. J'a--!, 4- rJ9 12. front desk

3. parking attendant 6. bell captain 9. elevator
*UUJI r-il.ii;Y 3:1-
i.i^Yl tL6 cjJ:is U*iuJ L[.JIJ r-Ir;i;Yl ,,tl<

13. guest room 15. king-size bed 17. room service 19. housekeeping cart
+^:.:=l_9 -;-:* sf LL J)!l , ;r,t:tij _iJ{+ !*,)c
16. suite 18. hallway 20. housekeeper
14. double bed cu+
dlj^,i 4i-P ei;,;Jl , ;il^ti, '!++i 4j.1e

21. pool service 23. maintenance 25. meeting room

(;slr"'\l eE'^) g+Jl 'iuri fu]'lo ,rle1 -rrl icG

22. pool 24. gym 26. ballroom
LlJ,, eta / C+*
(eeju.+) j!.+ -5-r di)-i- AcG

pb! p.}ij LJi
A Restaurant Kitchen fllr c,s t+LaJl

1. short-order cook 3. walk-in freezer 5. storeroom
*.H-Fii {-P
6:-rJt at"t^tt 6t t 4$ -ilI ;sa "-.: r'.. .
6. sous chef
2. dishwasher 4. food preparation worker
; pJl "!-[c !1eLll !u!J.:,iU
e''LIt +;': $t'
(.$ *)

Restaurant Dining f!".,3 eb&Il Jru:

8. server 11. maitre d' u,+J 14. banquet room
i.1-;- / a.J.:t: pLLll all.* yr. ej)ri 4el-i

9. diner 12. headwaiter 15. runner
J:19J1 .'"r,; / !UJ*!l
4J4) 16. caterer
13. bus person :t^Ji a,:s
10. buffet jrlJl ;.:cL*

4S ri

More vocabulary Ask your classmates. Share the answers.

line cook short-order cook 1. Have you ever worked in a hotel? What did you do?
wait staff: servers, headwaiters, and runners 2. What is the hardest job in a hotel?
3. Would you prefer to stay at a hotel in the city or in the country?

1. dangerous 3. budget 5. contractor 7. wiring A. call in sick
J)L,l r As;
2. clinic i:ri _p" 6. electrical hazard ;**;* !j'*i u*tht*g rlSt
8. bricklayer
i.ri.:: 4. floor plan t!;. ,r-'.rid i*
)!,.,i -rdi '
186 #,"1,,1; {i}*:}


HEALTH CENTER Look at the picture.
What do you see?

Answer the questions.

1. How many workers are there? How
many are working?

2. Why did two workers call in sick?
3. What is dangerous at the construction


@ nead the story.

A Bad Day at Work

Sam Lopez is the contractor for a
new building. He makes the schedule
and supervises the budget. He also
solves problems. Today there are a lot
of problems.

Two bricklayers called in sick this
morning. Now Sam has only one
bricklayer at work. One hour later, a
construction worker fell. Now he has
to go to the clinic. Sam always tells his
workers to be careful. Construction work
is dangerous. Sam's also worried because
the new wiring is an electrical hazard.

Right now the building owner is in
Sam's office. Her new floor plan has
25 more offices. Sam has a headache.
Maybe he needs to call in sick tomorrow.

Think about it.

1. What do you say when you can't come
in to work? to school?

2. lmagine you are Sam. What do you tell
the building owner? Why?

:::._if::r.1::;..rrtr ,r:.. :.6e:lr' .
:ittt b. :.- r@


1. preschool / i.fu*#

nursery school

2. elementary school

.--r1:;;l L.,,;rr

3. middle school /

junior high school

.i.,;11-5i ;,,-.-,.'o

a. high school

:'., _rl:, .i,.,,r.:-.

5. vocational school /

technical school

:!.jir .--,r-_1.':.r ;l .t--,: g r*,.1;,

6. community college

:i;l :i'f,

7. college / university

"--.i,..,1 ).f-i

8. adult school

,;riil ir,, r.:r,.

Listen and point.Take turns. Dictate to your partner. Take turns.

A: Point to the preschool. A: Write preschool.
B: Point to the high school. B: ls that p-r-e-s-c-h-o-o-l?
188 A: Point to the adult school. A: Yes. That's right.

9. language arts
3UJl nF

10. math
-1,t :!J

1 1. science


12. history

13. world languages


14. ESL / ESOL

/ +1-: ds !_$i]l
r. l 4: lj9l+IrJ .\fr
" .,.rr,

15. arts


16. music
ii,, *

17. physicaleducation
+r+ 4+-r

More vocabulary Pair practice. Make new conversations. ir
A: I qo to communitv colleae.
core course: a subject students have to take. Math is a Bi What subjects are you taking? l
core course. A: |m taking history and science. l

elective: a subject students choose to take. Art is an 189

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