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Published by thanyanan.pjt, 2020-12-08 03:49:25

Proceeding AU ICESDE 2020

Proceeding AU ICESDE 2020

Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

Satisfaction, habit, and customer value Mennecke, B.E., D. McNeill, M.
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Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

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Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

A Study on Impact of Covid-19 and Potential Opportunities for India’s
Foreign Trade

Shubhra Bhatia1, Dr Neeta Vaydande2 & Dr Vinod Adwani3

1.Assistant Professor, Research Scholar, Department of Commerce ,The Bhopal School of Social
Sciences, Bhopal

2.Associate Professor- Department of Commerce ,The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal

3.Assistant Professor- Department of Commerce ,The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal

Corresponding Author email address :- [email protected];[email protected]

Indian’s foreign trade has been a ride on roller coaster since a few years. Not for the first time has
mankind encountered a pandemic of this magnitude, and not for the first time is the question of
“What now, what next?” staring us in the face. With global economic giants from the West likely to
take more than a telling blow, India’s foreign trade position and policies may serve as the ‘ventilator’
that could be the crucial equipment in keeping the world’s economy alive and on a course of
recovery. This study aims to objectively analyse the macro-impact of Covid-19 on India’s foreign
trade, touching upon some of the key sectors that will influence India’s position in the export-import
matrix and also to unfold and evaluate potential opportunities to India’s foreign trade as foreign trade
is an instrumental part of economics and is considered as an engine of economic activity.

Keywords: Foreign Trade, Pandemic, Supply Chain, Exports, Imports

Introduction spread Coronavirus. However, what the novel

Since the time liberalization has deepened, the Corona virus will bring as part of its novelty, is the
situations always seemed to be improving in Indian
economy due to ambitious policy initiatives profound and universal impact that it will have once
launched by the government and various structural we start accepting the ‘new normal’ as part of our
and fiscal reformations which have brought our lives and routine. This ‘new normal’ has probably
foreign trade to an improved position. However, the
trade balance of India has consistently witnessed washed away the economic gains of many a decades
negative growth except few years with expanded and the world economy will need to ‘sanitize’ itself
exports and comparatively more increased imports.
In spite of this, no economy has had GDP to accommodate new concerns, orders and
development of 7% for a significant stretch. Yet,
because of certain choices and new strategy demands. While reports and studies are evident that
presentation like demonetisation and GST, India's
foreign trade has gone to a horrible position and the what is to follow may outlast in severity, some
hole between India's exports and imports has been
becoming greater and greater. The circumstance is previous troughs such as the Great Depression, the
presently suspected to be more regrettable than the
past situation with a prompt upheaval of universally actual will be more apparent once trade and
exchanges commence post the end of ‘lockdowns’

It is almost certain that in retrospect, 2020 will
be the year that will serve as a crucial ‘case study’

when the economic history of this new millennial is

documented. What began in possibly December

2019 in China, has in less than two quarters, sent the

whole world into a tragic, disruptive and chaotic


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

frenzy. SARS, MERS, Ebola and other such fatal Research Methodology:
viruses consumed lives by scores however their
impacts were localized and hence curtailed. As The study is descriptive and exploratory and is
much as lockdown seemed to be the ‘first-aid’ that intended to contemplate socio-economic aspects &
mitigated the immediate blood-loss during this viewpoints with the outburst of this pandemic.
global-accident, it is not a cure in itself. The Foreign trade is a significant sector of Indian
necessity of implementing lock down in order to economy and witnessed few changes and
disconnect the chain of virus has made the situation furthermore will change fundamentally thus
worse for the world’s major economies in general affecting our economy. There are various authentic
and for India in specific. What seemed like a health sources which publishes Covid-19 related data and
crisis to begin with has now mutated itself into a information on different dimensions. Hence
crucial full-blown survival catastrophe. secondary source of data shall be used for the study.
Different distributed sources, for example, papers,
With lifestyles, businesses and economies not government reports, hierarchical sites, trade
looking anywhere close to what they looked like a journals and so forth will be reviewed to gather the
couple of months ago, it is yet to be seen how and data and information. The information has been
where mankind has collectively reached on this inspected from authentic government measurable
curve to absorb this jolt and move further towards sources and confided research associations. Figures
recuperating from its effects. As nations, of imports and exports pre and post corona shall be
governments and authorities grapple and used for analysing the pattern and performance of
experiment with modulating lockdowns India’s foreign trade. Components such as trade
acknowledging that it is high time to spark new balance, exchange earnings, various sectors adding
ignitions in their economies , the curve for sure, is to India’s foreign trade etc are designed to add to
still far away from flattening. the knowledge that has assisted with canvassing
effect and opportunities for India in the midst of
Worldwide trade is a key sufferer of this universal pandemic. It also facilitated to uncover
outbreak, with the potential for broad financial India’s status at global level during this critical
commotion. Variables like supply chain situation and the role of India’s foreign trade to
disturbance, demand shock and the approaching assist the economy with evacuating out of such
recession will undoubtedly affect global exchange situation.
much further, which is as yet recuperating from the
ongoing trade wars. India has popped up as a Impact and Potential Opportunities of Covid-19
significant exporting country as of late and this on India’s Foreign Trade
pandemic will undoubtedly hinder India's export
targets. According to a United Nations Conference India posted a trade surplus of $790 million in June
on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) report, a 2020, for the first time in over 18 years, with
1% decrease in GDP growth of the world prompts imports plunging as the Covid pandemic
around 1.88% decrease in Indian exports to the discouraged homegrown interest for raw petroleum,
world. gold and other modern items, mirroring an easing
back economy. Imports of raw petroleum,
Hence the research has been undertaken with the electronic things, gold adornments and different
following objectives: items fell forcefully during the three months to end
June. The data revealed that the complete product
1. To study impact of the Covid- 19 on imports fell by more than 50 percent to $60.44
India’s foreign trade post pandemic. billion during April-June quarter while exports
were down 36.71 percent from the year-prior period
2. To analyse several potential opportunities to $51.32 billion.
to enhance India’s foreign trade serving as an
opportunity for us to excel in the world market. According to a study conducted by the
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
Industry (FICCI), over half of Indian organizations
perceive the alarming effect on their operations and


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

this in turn would bring down trend in cash flows. through export-led development and the consequent
The limited import of raw materials from China can
postpone the normalcy conditions for business ascend in standard of living.
organizations in India. Business process functions
of most ventures are severely. In India MSME " COVID- 19 pandemic has provided
contributes nearly about half to the country’s
exports. It constitutes a very significant segment of extraordinary opportunities to India and its
India’s economy in the manufacturing sector. Direct
exports from MSME sector accounts for 35% of the businesses to becoming a major global
total exports.
manufacturing hub.
India’s exports in 2018-19 were $331 billion.
But due to Covid the scenario is very gloomy There is a solid conviction Indian economy
dipping exports. According to the report spread of holds the potential to bounce back quickly on the
Covid19 has not only pulled down the world rear of a huge number of fiscal and economic
sentiments to its lowest but also has affected the measures undertaken by the government such as
global supply chain and brought economies in reduction in corporate tax rates, further reforms in
recessionary conditions as the exporters couldn't the GST regime, revamping labour laws, taking
transport merchandise because of lockdown and the measures to guarantee ease of doing business, to
requests were either dropped or deferred. attract and draw in foreign investment.

Due to the corona effect, India’s exports Data Analysis:
plunged by a record 34.57 percent in March due to
steep decline in shipment of leather, gems and Covid Pandemic has given a major hit to the
jewellery and petroleum products dragging the previously easing back India's exchange
total exports in 2019-20 down to USD 314.31 particularly trades. Study reveals that India is
billion as against USD 331 billion in 2018-19. predominantly dependent on EU, USA, China and
South East Asian nations, by and large contributing
In the midst of pandemic, the Government of around two third of India's exports and imports
India made a declaration of 20 lacs crore package as separately. India's exchange has a lot of
a stimulus measure to make Atmanirbhar Bharat as presentation to the nations which are harshly
an economic support and to promote manufacturing influenced by Coronavirus like USA, EU and
activities thereby increasing exports. This would China, with two-fifth of exports and one-third of
give India an opportunity to focus on manufacturing import shares. It is significant that India' exports and
and export activities. imports exposure to EU, USA and China together
are two-fifths and one-third respectively. Since
Further, improving the export competitiveness these countries may face recession post Covid, so
of states can likewise mitigate regional disparities there are bleak chances of rising exports to them in
near future.


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

Export of Selected Major Commodities for April- August 2019 and April-August 2020

Values in Rs Crore

S. No. Commodities April to Aug % April to Aug % %
2019 Share 2020 Share

1 Engineering Goods 232650.81 25.06 201884.16 27.4 -13.22

2 Petroleum Products 124167.78 13.38 63596.82 8.64 -48.78

3 Gems & Jewellery 109347.47 11.78 45036.70 6.12 -58.81

4 Organic & Inorganic Chemicals 65050.31 7.008 64145.23 8.72 -1.39

5 Drugs & Pharmaceuticals 58961.76 6.35 72103.41 9.8 22.29

6 RMG of all Textiles 47353.79 5.10 27022.08 3.67 -42.94

7 Electronic Goods 32006.04 3.45 23678.93 3.22 -26.02

8 Cotton Yarn/Fabs./Handloom etc. 29175.90 3.14 23238.98 3.16 -20.35

9 Plastic & Linoleum 23411.43 2.52 23759.42 3.23 1.49

10 Marine Products 18961.99 2.04 15888.99 2.16 -16.21

SUB TOTAL 741087.28 79.84 560354.72 76.2 -24.39

OTHERS 187156.57 20.16 175481.15 23.8 -6.24

GRAND TOTAL 928243.85 100 735835.87 100 -20.73


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

Source: Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Dept. around 59%, 49% and 43%. On other hand the
of Commerce, GOI. change in the volume of plastic and linoleum with
chemicals is nominal. In the terms of top two export
As we can perceive from the above table, that there items the position of post Covid is same as during
is a sharp decline in the volume of Indian export the pre Covid period. Engineering goods and
from the pre-Covid period. Total export decreased petroleum products are our top two export articles.
by more than 20% and exports of top ten However there is a significant decrease in percent
commodities additionally demonstrating a decrease share for petroleum products, gems and jewellery.
of 24.39%. Excluding the segment of drugs and The share of petroleum products is decreased by
pharmaceuticals, a critical decrease is noticable in 4.74% and of gems and jewellery by 5.66%. On
the export of all the major commodities. The export other hand the percent share of export volume of
of only drugs and pharmaceuticals is showing 22% drugs and pharmaceuticals expanded by 3.45%.
growth over pre-Covid period. There is an intense
decline in the export volume of gems and jewellery,
petroleum products and RMG of all the textiles with

Import of Selected Major Commodities for

April- August 2019 and April-August 2020 Values in Rs Crore

S Comm April % April % % 7 Pearls, 64304 4.3 2345 2.6 -

R odities to Sh to Sh Gro precio .34 8 8.22 3 63.

1.N Petrole 233A.90u011g4299 2ar6e. 28A1309u.26g3105 2ar1e. -wth 8 Tusotsrrotannessp 64138 4.3 2437 2.7 5- 2
o. um, 68 99 49. .53 73 6.38 3 61.
2 MCg&nEtpsoirlrcoaeuoccdddthuesrico 16931 1294 -86
5.28 11. 08.99 14. 23. 9 SeImrqtoeeunneiltp& 53392 3.6 2968 3.3 9- 9
3 54 51 -57 .16 4 2.93 3 44.
11249 7205
7.6 8.0 1 Artifici 45881 3.1 3021 3.3 4- 1

nery 2.24 7 9.54 8 35. 0 al .11 3 5.58 9 34.

4 Gold 10116 6.8 4623 5.1 9- 4 TrLOSmpaellUOsasTa,itsBHTnetirsAcEi, 11439 78 6470 72. -14
89.82 22 69.28 54 43.
0.34 9 8.40 8 54. 27. 4- 4
32267 2449
5 Coal, 74250 5.0 4143 4.6 2- 9

Coke .24 6 5.19 5 44. RS 0.08 09.15 46 24.

6 IOetcB&ntntierrccosig.qr,aguna&ei 67762 4.6 5401 6.0 -20 GRAN 14666 10 8919 10 -10
.54 2 0.70 6 20.
D 59.90 0 78.43 0 39.



Source: Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Dept.

of Commerce, GOI.

As we can perceive from the above table, that there There is extreme decline in the import volume
is a sharp turn down in the volume of Indian import ranging from 23% to 64%. The imports of pearls
from the pre Covid period. Total import decreased and precious stones decline by 63.52% , transport
by over 39% and imports of top ten commodities equipments by 61.99%, gold by 54.29% and
also demonstrating a decrease of 43.44%. It implies petroleum, crude products by 50%. In the terms
the decreasing trend in imports is more than the of top two import items, the position of post Covid
decrease in the exports volume. A significant shrink is same as during the pre Covid period. Petroleum,
is visible in the import of all the major commodities. crude products and electronic goods and are our top


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

two import articles. However there is a significant share of export volume of electronic goods
decrease in percent share for petroleum products, it increased by 2.97%.
is decreased by 4.69%. On other hand, the percent

Top Five Countries In Terms Of Export From India (For April- August 2019 And April-August 2020)
Values in Rs. Crore

180,000.00 Apr-Aug 2019
160,000.00 Apr-Aug 2020




Source: Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Dept. of Commerce, GOI.

Top Five Countries in Terms of Import into India (For April- August 2019 And April-August 2020)
Values in Rs. Crore



150,000.00 Apr-Aug 2019
100,000.00 Apr-Aug 2020



Source: Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Dept. of Commerce, GOI.


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

The Export Preparedness Index (EPI) 2020 sets out desperately. The COVID-19 pandemic offers a
to evaluate the availability of the Indian states decent open door for policymakers to reevaluate
regarding their export potential across four pillars, procedures for expanding a lot of exports in the
eleven sub-pillars, and 55 pointers. The four broad worldwide setting. The economy is going towards a
pillars are Policy, Business Ecosystem, Export downturn and all round, focused and forceful fiscal
Ecosystem and Export Performance. The focal measures is the demand of the situation.
thought is to perceive the novel qualities and
competitive advantage of each state, and to form References
strategies and practices appropriately. Further, a state
may perform outstandingly well in one pillar and 1. Abu Bakar, N. & Rosbi, S. (2020). Impact of
ineffectively in the other, which makes cover Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) to Equity
activities inadequate in tending to the different issue. Market and Currency Exchange Rate. 11. 22-31.
Endeavors ought to be made at the grassroots too to 10.9790/5933-1102062231
drive an export driven development. 2. Acharjee, S. (2020). Pandemics of the Past.
Retrieved 19 June 2020, from
India's average score on the EPI is 39 out of 100,
which shows the enormous potential India holds insight/story/coronavirus-pandemics-of-the-past-
towards changing into an export based super 1656730-2020-03-18
economy. In the state-wise appraisal, Policy and 3. Albulescu, C. (2020). Coronavirus and financial
Business Ecosystem are the most elevated scoring volatility: 40 days of fasting and fear. arXiv preprint
pillars, with the Export Ecosystem being the most un- arXiv:2003.04005
scoring column. This infers India has a helpful 4. Bhavesh Garg and Pravakar Sahoo, “Corona
business climate and positive strategies set up Crash: Need Global Efforts to tackle Global Crisis”,
however they are not converting into a solid fare Policy Brief, No. 12, 2020, Institute of Economic
environment. Growth, Delhi.
5. Chakraborty, S. (2020, August 29). India's
Some of the drawbacks obstructing export international trade a victim as coronavirus grips the
preparedness in many states are poor trade support, world.
gaps in export infrastructure, basic trade support, 6. Dev, S. M., & Sengupta, R. (2020). Covid-19:
lack of access to financial facility and low export Impact on the Indian economy (No. 2020-013).
credit. Delving further into the state-wise analysis Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research,
shows that no state has been able to score well on Mumbai, India.
every pillar, barring exceptions like Gujarat and 7. Dubey, P. (2020). Analysing the Impact of
Maharashtra whose scores do not show much COVID-19 on Indian Exports and Global Business -
disparity across pillars. In this way, many states’ Part 1. .India Posts First Trade
export potential and competitive advantages remain Surplus In 18 Years As Coronavirus Hits Imports.
untapped. (2020, July 15). .
Conclusion: 8. Maital, S., & BARZANI, E. (2020). The Global
This research study envelops only the impact of Economic Impact of COVID-19: A Summary of
Covid-19 on India’s foreign trade and other factors Research. Samuel Neaman Institute for National
that would affect India’s foreign trade are ignored. Policy Research.(India Posts First Trade Surplus In
18 Years As Coronavirus Hits Imports, 2020)
There is no doubt that the effect of Covid-19 on 9. Pravakar, Sahoo & Bishnoi, Ashwani & Sahoo,
India’s international trade will be enormous , but, as Pravakar. (2020). COVID-19 AND INDIAN
ECONOMY: Impact on Growth, Manufacturing,
India begins on its journey of self-reliance and export Trade and MSME sector.
10. Sahoo, P, (2020), “The Policy Response to
expansion in these tumultuous times, the states need Minimize the Fallout of Covid-19 on Trade and
MSMEs” in the volume “Covid 19- Challenges for
to take on the reins and adapt their efforts with the Indian Economy”, Prepared by EEPC, ASEAN-India

emerging trends in globalisation. The EPI 2020 can

serve as a guide to the sub-national governments in

creating an enabling framework and removing the

bottlenecks that afflict their respective export sectors.

While India is among the main five economies

around the world, it possesses the seventeenth

position regarding worldwide merchandise trade

beginning out of the nation. The leveling of

development reflects more extensive basic issues in

Indian exchange, which should be handled


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

Center, 2020.
download/617- Covid19_Report.pdf
11. WTO (April 08, 2020). Trade set to plunge as
COVID-19 Pandemic upends global economy. Press



Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

The electronic service quality structural equation model for customer
satisfaction and loyalty in online food purchases through Grab Food

application in Thailand.

Sujira Vuthisopon

King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]


The objective of this study was to study the influence of Electronic Service Quality on Customer
Satisfaction and Loyalty in online food purchases through the Grab Food application, as well as developing and
validating a model of structural equations developed with empirical data consisting of key latent variables. 3
variables: Electronic Service Quality, Customer satisfaction and Loyalty in online food purchases through Grab Food
using quantitative research methods, empirical research and questionnaires were used as a tool to collect information
from customers who used the service 260 people were shopping online through Grab Food. The statistics used for
data analysis were descriptive statistics. One-way analysis of variance and analysis of structural equation models
from the research results it was found that the e-service quality structural equation model on Customer Satisfaction
and Loyalty in online food purchases through Grab Food was consistent with empirical data. The chi-square is 784.25
at the degrees of freedom (df) 395, the probability (p-value) is 0.485, the relative chi-square (X2 / df) is 2.879, the
degree of harmony index (GFI) is 0.796 value. The parameter RMSEA is 0.025, with Electronic Service Quality
having both direct and indirect positive influences on Customer Loyalty. And Customer Satisfaction has a direct
positive influence on Loyalty. The samples with different frequency of purchasing food online through Grab Food
had statistically different levels of Electronic Service Quality.

Keywords: Electronic service quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty.

Introduction why the food delivery market has grown so much is
due to many factors. Such as expanding service areas
The rapid growth and popularity of food or increasing the number of restaurants on the
ordering apps have enabled the Food Delivery platform For Grab Food itself. We now have more
market to create value that drives many new players and more restaurants joining the platform. As well as
in the high-value market. 33,000–35,000 million expanding its services to other provinces Grab Food
baht. Popular survey results from Marketeer in 2018 only opened in Bangkok. In the following
Research in collaboration with Kadence International year, Grab Food has served 10 provinces, and in June
(Thailand) show that Grab is the most popular food 2020, we opened more than 30 provinces and plans
delivery platform. With numbers up to 52.9%, which to expand our services to new provinces.
has occupied the minds of consumers across the
country In the midst of fierce competition Fight with Being number one in the minds of consumers
promotions, prices and number of shops. How Grab not just staying for a long time not just the most
managed to get more than half of the popular ratings income Have the most orders In fact The delivery
from consumers across Thailand. platform has to be more than that, and this is the Key
Success that makes Grab become the number one
This is a key factor contributing to the growth popular among Thais.
of Food Delivery, coupled with the recent lock-
down period, causing more people to stay at home 1. Wide Selection, there are various restaurants
and order Food Delivery. 33,000–35,000 million and menus on the platform. With the number of
baht and growth of approximately 14%. The reason restaurants participating as partners increased 2.5
times in the first six months of 2020.

Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

2. Best Deal has a campaign that excites including at the time of the transaction or after the
consumers all the time. Grab Food stands for creating transaction if any problems arise. It should be
campaigns and deals that will keep consumers corrected promptly. The ability to deal with
excited throughout the year, such as the Grab Food complaints and speed of service (3) Ease of Use
Mega Sale, Grab Food Signature menu, or menus format of display and reports from the system that are
that are sold exclusively on Grab Food. clear and meet the needs of the user. And the system
must be easy to use, while previous researches of
3. Reliability of confidence Order Grab and get Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Malhotra (2000),
food fast. Because we have the largest number of Loiacono, Watson and Goodhue (2002), Liljander,
partner drivers. This is the main thing Grab wins in Riel and Pura (2002), Fassnacht and Koese (2006).
this game. Park and Gretzel (2007), Sebora, Lee and Sukasame
(2009) who have studied the dimensions of electronic
4. Service Quality of products and services. We service quality. This includes the development of
have a customer satisfaction survey after using the dedicated electronic service quality measures such as
service. In addition to safety, Grab is the first Food the E-Commerce success metrics (Delone &
Delivery to introduce Contactless measures in recent McLean, 2003) and the ES-QUAL and E-RecS-
times, such as having a partner driver wear a mask all QUAL electronic service quality assessments. There
the time while working and washing their hands with is still limited research on E-commerce quality
alcohol gel. Or organizing promotions for consumers measurement and its influence on satisfaction and
if spending with Grab Pay Wallet. repeat purchase in online food purchases through
Grab Food. To study the influence of electronic
What makes us successful today. It may not be service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty
something that will make us successful in the future. in online food purchases through Grab Food. By
With the changing market context effects of COVID- using the Electronic Service Quality Dimension (E-
19. The past may reduce the ability of consumers to S-QUAL) in the study.
spend. Therefore, Grab's next strategy is affordability
competitive prices, such as Grab's latest promotion Research Objectives
of free food delivery in the first 3 kilometers, to
encourage everyone to use Grab Food's Food 1.To study the influence of electronic service quality
Delivery service. E-commerce or online businesses on customer satisfaction and loyalty in online
are different from businesses with physical stores. shopping through Grab Food.
Consumers have a physical purchase decision-
making process that appears through websites such 2. To develop and verify the consistency of the
as e-commerce. CPQ is consumer perception of the electronic service quality structural equation model
quality of conducting business using electronic on customer satisfaction and loyalty in online food
media. The factors used to measure are consumer purchases via Grab Food with empirical data.
expectations of the service compared with the
perceptions of the service after receiving the actual Research hypothesis
service, identifying 6 dimensions (1) quality
performance (2) providing Consumer Services (3) Hypothesis 1: Different overall Electronic Service
Control Process (4) Ease of Use (5) Quality Quality has different effects on Customer
Information (6) Beautiful Website Design Satisfaction when purchasing food online through
Compliance with Sebora, Lee and Sukasame (2009) Grab Food.
says Electronic Service Quality ( E-Service Quality)
is that products and services are transformed in Hypothesis 2 : Electronic Service Quality has
digital form and transmitted over the Internet. In different influences on Customer Loyalty when
addition, the Internet helps to keep in touch with purchasing food online through Grab Food.
customers, enabling E-Services to be at the forefront
of technology, including (1) reliability, trust, as well Hypothesis 3: Customer Satisfaction affects different
as order accuracy. Delivery availability accurate Customer Loyalty when purchasing food online
payment notification (2) Responsiveness Consumers through Grab Food.
of the Internet have a need for a fast response,


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Research scope Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction according to the
The researcher developed a conceptual
framework for this study by developing a structural definition of the dictionary of psychology, it means
equation model for the influence of Electronic first feeling. When motive goals are achieved and
Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and the consequences of individual involvement in it, A
Customer Loyalty in purchases in food purchases positive attitude indicates a state of satisfaction, and
online through Grab Food. The researcher selected a negative attitude indicates a state of dissatisfaction
the variables. For research from literature reviews, (Vroom, 1964). Zeithaml (2000) says that
theories and concepts in Electronic Service Quality, satisfaction with e-commerce is the most important
Customer Satisfaction and fidelity. It consists of an thing in the world. e-satisfaction is the result of a
external latent variable, Electronic Service Quality. perception of convenience in the purchasing process
The variable gauges of Zeithaml, Parasuraman and (shopping convenience) and the presentation of
Malhotra (2000), Yang, Peterson, and Huang (2001) information and products. (merchandising), site
were applied. Electronic Service Quality Concept (e- design and reliability in the areas of financial security
SQ). Provide seller service or an online service (Security of financial security) and information and
provider by Can be divided as follows There are 11 communication (Informativeness) e-Satisfaction is
dimensions to measure, but the researcher has used the result of the specific characteristics of the website
only 5 areas: 1) Ease of use 2) Efficiency 3) (Web site). characteristic) is the ease of use and style
Personalization 4) Website design 5) Privacy. of the service, for example, the delivery process.
Customer service According to a study by
Literature Reviews Parasuraman et al. (2005), Customer Satisfaction is
not only a positive experience when dealing with a
Electronic service quality seller, but also having a good experience with the use
of the facilities. The episodes on that website are also
E-Service quality refers to the customer's assessed by assessing the performance of the overall
perception in which the customer measures the service quality based on clients' past experiences in
impression level electronically. By comparing what trading and using services from vendors and
we think with the actual service received And for the websites. Customer satisfaction has been shown that
company to gain a reputation from its services, it customer satisfaction can be measured by having the
requires constant service at the perceived level of its customer assess the overall performance of the seller.
customers. Or more than what the customer expected Through the dimensions of service quality and
And also mentioned the level of impression Had service processes that customers receive from the use
stated that though By creating a tool used to measure of service providers.
service quality called SERVQUAL (Service
Quality), but has developed a new electronic service From the literature review on satisfaction In
quality meter called (E-Service quality) with 11 conclusion, there is a point of satisfaction. In the
dimensions (Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Malhotra, main issue are The researcher therefore summarized
2000) is 1) Reliability 2) Responsiveness 3) Access4) the issue of 4 important parameters of satisfaction: 1)
Flexibility 5) Ease of navigation 6) Efficiency 7) Consumer Experience 2) Location and Facilities 3)
Assurance/Trust 8) Privacy 9) Price Knowledge 10) Service Processes and Procedures 4) Marketing
Site Aesthetics 11) Customization/Personalization.
From all of the above meanings in summary, the Communications.
definition of electronic service quality (e-SQ) can be
said that the seller's service efficiency. An online Customer Loyalty
service provider can be divided as follows: 1) easy Loyalty refers to a contented attitude toward
access to use (Ease of use) 2) efficiency of the system
(Efficiency) 3) services according to individual a brand's effect in order to be more consistent with
needs. (Personalization) 4) Beauty (Website design) the brand than time. Reliability and trust have all
5) Security (Privacy) positive attitudes of customers towards service.
Causing the re-use of the service (Matell and Jacoby,

Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) say that attitude
is one of the most important elements that affect
purchase and service intentions. Which trust It is
considered a form of attitude. Past research has
suggested that trust has an impact on positive for the
long-term relationship between customers and
businesses in the same way If the service provider is


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more reliable or trusted by customers It is an Materials and Methods
important component that makes consumers or users
turn to use more services. Sampling and data
This research uses survey research data using
Brady, Bourdeau and Heskel (2005) said
attitudes are measured. From our understanding of questionnaires to collect data by the population used
feelings, behaviors and actions. The influence of in this research is customers using the service Buying
attitude loyalty is service quality. Customer food online through Grab Food, specifying sample
satisfaction value perceived by customers and trust. sizing for structural equation model data analysis
While productive or behavioral loyalty is measured (Hair, J. F., Black, & Tatham, 2010), suggests that
by presence special consideration, saying about samples should be 200 or more samples. The case for
being firm in what you like and the coexistence of the model was not as complicated as (Peterson, R. A.
this effective loyalty protection. It is influenced by (1994). Referenced in Kline, 2011) suggested that the
attitude loyalty. Attitude loyalty as a variable Passed sample count should be 10 times the observed
between other variables in a model to productive or variable. This research contains all observable
behavioral loyalty test results the importance of variables.
Therefore, the sample size of this research
From all of the above meanings should be at least 13 x 20 = 260 samples. The
summarizing the definition of loyalty, the consumer researcher collected the complete data and can be
has a positive attitude towards a brand, whether it is used to analyze a total of 260 data sets. Purposive
caused by confidence, consideration, and being sampling using the university's online
directed to the consumer. And there have been entrepreneurial qualification assessment system
repeated purchases over time for the reuse of low- respondents, where researchers created an online
cost airline passengers, which will result in the use of questionnaire via Google form and sent email based
the services in the future. on the account database. A list of respondents from
March to June 2020 for descriptive statistical
According to a review of the literature on analysis and statistical hypothesis testing with
loyalty, it can be concluded that the main issues of structural equation model analysis. The researcher
loyalty are: The researcher then summarizes the key used the statistical package SPSS version 22 and
variables of loyalty into four main variables: 1) trust AMOS version 20 in this study.
2) word of mouth 3) engagement 4) brand
According to the study concept in Figure 1, there The tools used for data collection and quality
were 3 main groups of independent variables:(1) verification were the questionnaires divided into 4
Electronic Service Quality (2) Customer Satisfaction parts, part 1 was demographic data and general
and(3) Customer Loyalty. information of respondents, part 2, electronic service
quality. Part III Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
and Part 4 Feedback section of the Electronic Service
Quality questionnaire. Customer Satisfaction and
Loyalty Use a 5-level Likert Scale, in which
respondents are most likely to take into account the
online store website that you use the service to
complete the Electronic Service Quality
questionnaire. And fidelity, the researcher examines
the accuracy Reliability of the questionnaire before
the release (n = 30) and the actual retained data of the
customer (n = 260). All questions passed the criteria
determined by the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of
the variable, between 0.751 and 0.943, which is more
than 0.70.

Figure 1- Conceptual framework for Electronic Conclusion and Discussion

service quality structural equation model for The objective of this research is to study the
customer satisfaction and loyalty in online food influence of electronic service quality on customer
satisfaction and repeat purchase in online food

purchases through Grab Food application in purchases through Grab Food. Satisfaction and
Thailand. repeat purchases are critical to growth and success.
Sustainability of business Sebora, Lee and Sukasame

(2009) According to research, The overall electronic


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service quality had a statistically significant harmony of the model with the empirical data. The e-
influence on customer satisfaction and repeat service quality structural equation model toward
purchase intent, with path coefficients of 0.87 and customer satisfaction and loyalty in Grab Food's
0.74, respectively, consistent with past research, online food purchase was consistent with the
Pong and Yee. (2001), Koskela and Howell (2002), empirical data, a chi-square value of 784.25 at
Williams and Aaker (2002). Customer satisfaction degrees. The independent (df) 395, the probability
leads to loyalty when it comes to the quality of the (p-value) was 0.485, the relative chi-square (X2 / df)
website. was 2.879, the consistency index (GFI) was 0.976,
and the estimation error index. The parameter
1. Analysis of general data from the survey (RMSEA) was 0.025.The criterion for checking the
data of 260 samples with demographic model consistency with the empirical data was
characteristics of the sample, it can be concluded that statistically insignificant chi-square value (p-value
the majority of the sample were female 60.2 percent. greater than 0.05), relative chi-square value (X2 / df).
Aged between 20-25 years 34.6 percent, There is a ) Less than 3.0, GFI greater than 0.9 and RMSEA
bachelor's degree accounting for 46.2 percent, Most value less than 0.05 (Hair, et al., 2010).
of them are students as a percentage 35.8 and when
considering the frequency of buying food online Figure 2- Conceptual framework for E- service
through Grab Food, Most of them use the service 1- quality structural equation model for customer
2 times a month accounted for 47.6 percent, The most satisfaction and loyalty in online food purchases
frequently bought products being food and beverages through Grab Food application in Thailand after fit
accounting for 34.6 percent. Model.

2. Verification of the Measurement model In addition, the research results showed that
with confirmation element analysis. (Confirmatory Electronic service quality has a direct and indirect
factor analysis). A measure of the research model effect on customer loyalty through a statistically
was examined. It consists of 3 main latent variables significant factor of customer satisfaction. The
which are Electronic service quality, Satisfaction and correlation is positive and the path coefficient is 0.74
Loyalty. The electronic service quality latent variable (TE = 0.787; DE = 0.65; IE = 0.98). If Electronic
is characterized by the 2nd order factors of the service quality of the website in the customer's view
electronic service quality latent variable, the number is higher, the tendency of customer loyalty will be
is divided into 5 areas 1) Ease of use 2) System higher. It can be concluded that the quality of
Efficiency 3) Personalization 4) Website design 5) electronic services has a direct effect on customer
Privacy. In the analysis of confirmation elements of loyalty and has an indirect effect on customer
this research. The investigators tested the first and satisfaction. In line with research by Delone and
second order of all variables at one time (CFA) McLean (2003), Lawson-Body and Limayem (2004),
according to Awang (2015) recommendations. Lee and Lin (2005), loyalty is one of the business
Standard component values. The standardized goals that entrepreneurs want. The researcher
loading factor of each observable variable was suggested that electronic business operators should
greater than 0.5. The Average Variance Extracted take into account the service quality of the website in
(AVE) of each latent variable was greater than 0.5, terms of efficiency of use. System availability
indicating both convergent validity and linear
precision. Classify (Discriminant validity) (Hair, et
al., 2010) In addition, the component weights of all
variables were statistically significant (p-values less
than 0.01), indicating that all observed variables were
important indicators. Electronic service quality
,Satisfaction and Loyalty. The variable has a element
weight between 0.777 and 0.897.

3.Electronic service quality structural
equation model analysis on customer satisfaction and
loyalty in online food purchases via Grab Food,
conformity test of electronic service quality structure
equation model connected to Customer satisfaction
and loyalty when purchasing food online through
Grab Food was based on assumptions and empirical
data. The model was consistent with the empirical
data by looking at the statistical values of the


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Achieving goals and privacy, electronic business intangible service industries: an
operators can create switching cost for customers, application to investment
such as customer loyalty programs, whether it is services. Journal of services marketing.
accumulating points from ordering. Buying products
online This privilege is offered to customers who Delone, W. H., & McLean, E. R. (2003). The
have been active through Grab Food for a long time DeLone and McLean model of
or who have used a lot. Electronic operators also information systems success: a ten-year
increase the cost of changing the online restaurant update. Journal of management
website. information systems, 19(4), 9-30.

Suggestion Fassnacht, M., and Koese, I. (2006). Quality of
electronic services conceptualizing and
The researcher studied electronic service testing a hierarchical model. Journal of
quality using the ES-QUAL model of Zeithaml, service research, 9(1), 19-37.
Parasuraman and Malhotra (2000), Yang, Peterson,
and Huang (2001), Maignan and Ralston (2002), Fishbein, M., Jaccard, J., Davidson, A. R.,
Loiacono, Watson and Goodhue (2002). A Study of Ajzen, I., & Loken, B. (1980).
Service Quality, grab Food online shopping and their Predicting and understanding family
Influence on Satisfaction and Loyalty Using the list planning behaviors. In Understanding
of respondents, the online entrepreneurship attribute attitudes and predicting social
assessment system was a sample framework. Which behavior. Prentice Hall.
is a sampling limit of this research due to the limited
budget and time spent on research, however, this Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., & Babin, B. J.
study remains useful in both academic and private Anderson, & Tatham, RL
sectors. To guide electronic business operators in (2010). Multivariate data analysis,.
improving the quality of their website electronic
services for the satisfaction and loyalty of their Kline, R. B. (2011). Convergence of structural
customers. The researcher suggested for the next equation modeling and multilevel
study as follows: (1) Comparative study using other modeling (pp. 562-589).
electronic service quality models such as SITE-
QUAL WebQual and E-S-QUAL model to study the Koskela, L. J., & Howell, G. (2002). The
efficiency of the electronic service quality model. It underlying theory of project
is also possible to add other causal factors that are management is obsolete.
expected to affect satisfaction and loyalty, which will In Proceedings of the PMI research
lead to the expansion of the causal relationship of the conference (pp. 293-302). PMI.
variables and improve the electronic service quality
of the purchase. (2) Conduct a study using a larger Lawson-Body, A., & Limayem, M. (2004). The
and more diverse sample framework (3) to analyze
the findings that are relevant to the customers' needs impact of customer relationship
in the future. Other interesting additions such as other
demographic information come in to analyze management on customer loyalty: The
moderating role of web site

References characteristics. Journal of Computer-

Awang, Z., Afthanorhan, A., & Asri, M. A. M. Mediated Communication, 9(4),

(2015). Parametric and non parametric JCMC944.

approach in structural equation modeling Lee, G. G., & Lin, H. F. (2005). Customer
perceptions of e‐service quality in
(SEM): The application of
online shopping. International Journal
bootstrapping. Modern Applied
of Retail & Distribution Management.
Science, 9(9), 58.

Brady, M. K., Bourdeau, B. L., & Heskel, J. Liljander, V., van Riel, A. C., and Pura, M. (2002).

(2005). The importance of brand cues in Customer satisfaction with e-services: the
case of an online recruitment portal. In


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Electronic services (pp. 407-432). Gabler Peterson, R. A. (1994). A meta-analysis of
Verlag. Cronbach's coefficient alpha. Journal of
Loiacono, E. T., Watson, R. T., and Goodhue, D. L. consumer research, 21(2), 381-391.
(2002). WebQual: A measure of website
quality. Marketing theory and applications, Pong, J. L. T., and Yee, E. T. P. (2001). An integrated
13(3), 432-438. model of service loyalty.

Maignan, I., & Ralston, D. A. (2002). Corporate Sebora, T. C., Lee, S. M., and Sukasame, N.
social responsibility in Europe and the (2009). Critical success factors for e-
US: Insights from businesses’ self- commerce entrepreneurship: an
presentations. Journal of International empirical study of Thailand. Small
Business Studies, 33(3), 497-514. Business Economics, 32(3), 303-316.

Matell, M. S., & Jacoby, J. (1972). Is there an Vroom, V. H. (1964). Work and motivation.
optimal number of alternatives for
Likert-scale items? Effects of testing Williams, P., & Aaker, J. L. (2002). Can mixed
time and scale properties. Journal of emotions peacefully coexist?. Journal
Applied Psychology, 56(6), 506. of consumer research, 28(4), 636-649.

Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., & Malhotra, Yang, Z., Peterson, R. T., & Huang, L. (2001).
A. (2005). ES-QUAL: A multiple-item
scale for assessing electronic service Taking the pulse of internet
quality. Journal of service
research, 7(3), 213-233. pharmacies. Marketing Health

Park, Y. A., & Gretzel, U. (2007). Success factors for Services, 21(2), 5-10.
destination marketing web sites: A
qualitative meta-analysis. Journal of travel Zeithaml, V. A., Parasuraman, A., and
research, 46(1), 46-63. Malhotra, A. (2000). Conceptual
Framework for understanding e-service
quality: Implications for future research
and managerial practice.


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The Synthesized body of knowledge for Thai Political Movement
under Thai Politics B.C. 2004-2016

Yuttaporn Issarachai1
1Associate Professor Dr. at School of Political Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University,

Nonthaburi, 11120, Thailand
E-mail: [email protected]

The purpose is to synthesize knowledge about the political movement in Thai politics from 2004 to 2019.
Use a Mixed Method in the form of exploratory design. The data in this research is a synthesis of
knowledge in theses. Key researches from 107 academic institutions in Thailand, using a specific sample
selection method. From sources related to political movements, quantitative synthesis uses statistical
methods with percentages. For qualitative synthesis, synthesized methods are used. The results of the
46th thesis and research synthesis show that the year of publication of research on the political
movements in 2010 and 2011 is the highest. The type of research is the most qualitative and the least is
quantitative research. The most commonly used form of research was the observations, followed by
interviews, questionnaires, and other research tools. Research contents related to the political movement,
the ideology of intent. The organizational structure, strategies, tactics of the political movement most
often followed by political movements for environment’s politics. And the least is political movement
in conflict. If considering only the knowledge gained from the study of political movements on public
policy. The movement arose as a result of the state's decision to implement public policies in a lack of
transparency and lack of information in terms of ensuring all-round impacts. Reflecting affects the Thai
political economy and related relationships.
Keywords: Synthesis Body of knowledge Political movements Thai political economy 2004-2016


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Introduction John D. McCarthy and Mayer N. Zald explain
that social movements are collective actions that
Since the transition to democracy in 1932, include dynamic, motive and complex structures
Thailand has been in a state of “bureaucracy” or within the group Social movements can be classified as
“Bureaucratic Polity” where there has been a struggle a set of ideas or views among citizens that express their
between politicians and elites. This has cause the opinion or disagreement with changes in the social
phenomenon known as “Vicious Circle of Thai structure. Or some social benefit distribution.
politics". (McCarthy & Mayer, 1977: 1212-1241)

Starting with the events of Black May 1992, Charles Tilly defined it as A social movement is
where a crackdown killed dozens, there have been a series of controversial expressions or campaigns that
political, economic and social changes in Thai society are commonly asserted against others. For Tilly, Social
including the expansion of people politics, the 1997 activism is an important vehicle for the general public
Constitution, the 1997 economic crisis and Decade of to participate in politics. (Tilly, 1978)
Sidney Tarrow describes it as The social
The political movement in the decade of Thai movement is a collective action of the general people
political conflict from 2005 to 2014 reflects the with a common goal and inclusion in the challenge of
emergence of political movements in a Thai socio- certain powerful elites. Or some social and cultural
political context. Can be considered as the new balance order that exists in society. (Tarrow, 1994)
of political power Who act to exclaim / check / balance
the power of parliamentary democracy as a Currently it is said “New politics” (new politics)
representative. as a righteous contribution of another type of people in
western democracy, which includes demonstrations
However, it was argued that political activism in and protests in various forms. Most of these have a
the Thai political society at this time did not merely broader objective, such as anti-nuclear weapons. The
characterize a civil society. It also creates a negative struggle for women's rights Conservation of natural
impact of civil society on democracy. Or the resources, etc. These reflect some values that have
expression of uncivil society which is anti-democracy changed from the old politics. (Hague, Harrop &
or could harm democracy. (Prajak Kong Kirati, 2011: Breslin, 1992: 161)
Chaiyarat Charoensin-olarn Addressed a
Through the use of violence or uncivil means phenomenon that became more interested in social
moving in ways and ways that are hostile to science. That is the current called "New politics" (the
democracy. This concept of uncivil society is a new / postmodern politics) and "New Social
counter-concept that promotes the role of civil society Movements". It is a response to new problems and
in strengthening democracy. The uncivil society conflicts that arise in society. This is a new type of
explains that civil society is not always democracy, and conflict that is more diverse than the class or political
that it can even be harmful. In other words Citizens or ideology of the past. But includes gender, race, religion
people to form civil society can be heroes and vilains and culture. These conflicts often become more
of democracy. (Thibodee Buakhamsri, 2013: 167-173) complex than the mainstream political and social
institutions of today can resolve. And as a result, the
A long demonstration of the Peoples Alliance for people began to lose faith in the state and the
Democracy (PAD), the Democratic Coalition Against institutions or state mechanisms. These people
Dictatorship (UDD) and the People's Democratic therefore move on their own. That is, turning back to
Reform Committee. (PDRC) may no longer be able to building "civil society" to become stronger. (Chaiyarat
study and analyze with conventional theories and Charoensin-olarn, 1997: 3-4)
knowledge of political science.
The social movement is a form of “Mass politics”
It is said that the theory is defined by the social is to focus on the relationship between social
conditions and the historical context of each locality movements and the state. The theory assumes that the
and region. (Foweraker & Landman, 1997: 2) "The likelihood that a movement will succeed is determined
theory of social movements must be derived from the by "Political opportunities" to facilitate. Or vice versa,
stories of real social movements (Tenuto, 1997: 2 conditions where political conditions are not open to
referred to in Thanet Aropssuwan, 2013) opportunities or do not allow If the government at that
time was rigid and deliberately oppressed to control
Research studies To synthesize knowledge from social movements, the chances of the movement's
studies on political movements in Thai politics during success would be difficult. But if the government at
2004-2016. How it looks This will best shed light on that time was weak, a “political opportunity” could
and make new discoveries about the contemporary allow the movement to see a successful channel to
social movement in Thailand. It is important to
understand the impact on Thailand's political economy.

Literature Review


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claim. Scholars in this theory not interested in the issue 3 Political movements on natural 9 19.57
of resource mobilization but they focus on the resources and the environment 4.35
interaction between the movement and the state. And 4.35
the ways in which different political systems will affect 4 Political movement on gender 2 2.17
their success or the failure of the "movement". 2.17
5 Political movements in relation to2 4.35
Materials and Methods public health 100.00

Key researches from 107 academic institutions in 6 Political movements on conflict 1
Thailand, using a specific sample selection method.
From sources related to political movements, 7 Political movements related to1
quantitative synthesis uses statistical methods with minorities, disadvantaged
percentages. For qualitative synthesis, synthesized
methods are used. Mixed Method as follows 8 Political movement on public policy 2

1) Quantitative Synthesis is the use of statistical Total 46
methodology to present research findings and theses.
And integrate all the findings of the research report and If considering the proportion of research on
the synthetic thesis. The quantitative synthesis is
therefore Analysis of analysis or Intigrative analysis or political movements in different dimensions Can be
Research of research. considered in Table 2

2) Qualitative Synthesis is the synthesis of the Table 2 Proportion of researches related to various
content of the findings of a research report and a thesis. dimensions of political movement (percent)
By using the lecture synthesis method, the findings of
the research report and the synthetic thesis can be No. List Frequency Percentage
summarized, while the subject matter of each research
and dissertation may also be included. Or may present 1 Political movement 32 69.57
a summary of the overall characteristics without
maintaining the content of each research work and 2 Economic and political1 2.17
thesis. movements

Results and Discussion 3 Political and cultural13 28.26
The results of the 46th thesis and research
synthesis show that the year of publication of research Total 46 100.00
on the political movements in 2010 and 2011 is the
highest. The type of research is the most qualitative and If considering only the knowledge gained from
the least is quantitative research. The most commonly the study of political movements on public policy It is
used form of research was the observations, followed very important to reflect that. The movement arose as
by interviews, questionnaires, and other research tools. a result of the state's decision to implement public
Research contents related to the political movement, policies in a lack of transparency and lack of
the ideology of intent. The organizational structure, information in terms of ensuring all-round impacts.
strategies, tactics of the political movement most often Thus causing the movement.
followed by political movements for environment’s
politics. And the least is political movement in conflict. The shift to networking with new networks is a
social movement to monitor and monitor the
The body of knowledge about political implementation of government policies. And calls for
movements in Thai politics is studied in various the participation of the people Who are direct
dimensions. Proportion of research content related to stakeholders in the policy process By creating a
political movements Can be considered in Table 1 political space by mobilizing resources important to
the movement To destroy the legitimacy of the state.
Table 1 Proportion of research content related to
political movements (percent) And can use the knowledge to expand through a
network of alliances both inside and outside the
No. List Frequency Percentage political system to investigate Access information
Create a media area Use tactics that increase pressure
1 Ideology, intent, organizational 45.65 and bargaining power. As well as submit concrete
structure, strategy, tactics of political21 17.39 recommendations on changes in the process of public
policy in accordance with democratic principles.
movements Reflecting affects the Thai political economy and
related relationships.
2 Political communication of the8
political movement When considering the results of the quantitative
study, it was found that The proportion of published


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years of research on political movements will grow 126 MPs. "Politics Returns to Negotiation of Power
between 2009 and 2012. This was a time of political and Benefits". The 2017 Constitution provides for a
conflict in Thai society, however, in the later period the National Strategic Committee Strategy which will
number decreased accordingly. It reflects how the result in the Committee controlling the government
social, political, national context affects interest in and bureaucracy after the election. They must follow
education. But the issue of political movements was the plan put in place. Role of the Court and
more extensive. But the attention has decreased as the independent organizations, The 2017 Constitution
national political rallies have passed. empowers the role of the court and the independent
organizations to monitor politicians.
Most of the research on political movements is
more than half. While the study of cultural political Figure 1 Before the 2019 general election
movements And there is still little economy In which
the phenomenon of political conflicts in Thai society The new government lacks legitimacy and is
Political conflicts do not arise and survive floating, but ineffective. How it came into being is not viewed as
are also rooted in disparate socio-cultural and acceptable and the election is not viewed as acceptable.
economic relations. Lack of stability at the political level. Politics returns
to era after the 1978 constitution, resulting in a strong
For the development of knowledge from the study state government or Neo-Bureaucratic Polity. Neo-
of political movements about public policy The Bureaucratic Polity Not focusing on hard power, but
findings of the study can be brought into the focusing on dominating the political scene with big
understanding that will serve as the basis for future business and its allies. The 2017 constitution will be
social movements. And will affect the combination of nominated by the NCPO and army leadership will have
strategy, strategy, resource mobilization Knowledge ex-officio positions in the Senate. The government is
sharing Networking, division of labor and the controlled from Senate, National Strategic Committee,
relationship between social movements and the mass Courts and Independent Organizations.
media forcing policymakers or states to develop policy
governance that must focus on transparency. Public Figure 2 After the 2019 general election
participation And policy impact assessment It is also a
significant pressure on stakeholders or involved in In Thai society, we cannot hope for democracy to
creating policy governance such as parliamentarians, be created by simply having a well-written constitution
academics, civil society organizations. And various or to continuously put focus on the formal system of
government agencies must be aware of matters that are structures and institutions in the parliamentary system.
in the interests of the people. This will be an important Indeed, it is not just a written product, such as the
base for the development of democracy. Which further constitutional law, but also political culture. What the
affects the Thai political economy. culture, customs, beliefs, and feelings of the people in

For Society, a new middle class has emerged as
the traditional Thai countryside has slowly
disappeared. There is a division between those who
support authoritarianism vs those who support
democracy. For politics, National Council for Peace
and Order (NCPO) trying to claim legitimacy for
reform vs those who want elected politicians to
undertake reform. The Thai people who supported the
coup in 2006 and 2014, because they expect the
military to accelerate the eradication of corruption and
make the country more democratic do not seem to
worry that the coup destroys democracy and their own

The new electoral system, Mixed-member
apportionment system or MMA, that has been
introduced has winners and losers. For the big political
parties, they are mainly losers. For the small parties,
they gain the most. It is medium-sized party who gain
the main advantage and are the biggest winners. There
is now a change in the political math in the House of
Representatives. As 250 Senators are appointed by the
NCPO, it is possible you can become PM with only


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the society is important as this is related to the political Anthony Giddens. (1989). Sociology. Oxford: Polity
system. Press.

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society to achieve that goal is essential for new People's Alliance for Democracy. (Master of
democratic countries. The strength and sustainability Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn
of democracy comes when the rules and institutions of University).
the regime are deeply rooted in society and democracy
is so stable that it becomes the only game played in Aran Wilborg Andersen. The UDD Movement and
society. In other words. Democracy has become a Political Reform Discourse: Reducing the
political way of life in the society. Security Issues of Thai Politics on the English
Language Website of the Public Relations
Conclusions Department. (Master of Arts Thesis,
Chulalongkorn University).
A synthetic study of knowledge of political
movements in Thai politics should be further studied Ariyakorn Lapnimitchai (2010). Watan analyzes the
annually. Due to the continuous dissertation and communication of Mr. Sonthi Limthongkul
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knowledge of political movements in Thai politics (Master of Communication Arts,
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movements in Thai political society. As there are many
studies that have observed Can the theory of social Asma WangKulam. (2010). Political role of the Thai
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politics, economy, society and culture in Thailand like Awirot Chutivaropas. (2013). Movement of political
never before. The body of knowledge about political forces towards being political parties: study of
movements of the past decade may not be able to new political parties. (Master of Arts Thesis,
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human dignity. It is an important solution for Thai Thammathirat Open University).
Bu-ngar Faul Harbor. (2008). Green ideology in
Acknowledgments Germany: development from social
movements to political parties. (Master of Arts
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researchers involved in the political movement. That
gave information to be used to synthesize knowledge. Chairat Charoensinolarn. (1995). New politics A new
And thanks to the Research and Development Institute social movement and a new development
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. Who has discourse. Thammasat Journal, 21 (1).
funded this research.
Chairat Charoensinolarn. (1997). New Social
References Movement Civil Society Movement Abroad: A
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Alain Touraine. (1977). The Self-Production of theoretical implications for democratic
Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. development. (pp. 3-4, 56-57). Bangkok:
Alain Touraine. (1981). The Voice and the Eye: An
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A Conceptual Study about Psychological Struggles of
Third Gender At “KUMBH”

Dr.Mansi Tiwari1,Dr.Sumit Narula2,Dr.Garima Mathur3 and Prof.Suvijna Awasthi4

Gwalior, 474004 and India
1& 2Amity University Madhya PradeshSecond, Gwalior, 474004 and India

3Prestige Institute of Management,Gwalior,474004 & India
4Chhttrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University,Kanpur,208024 & India

*Dr.Sumit Narula. E-mail:[email protected]

Purpose – With the notion of psychological struggle typically encountered by the Indian Third Gender
despite of the fact that in our country they are given with the right of equality from our respected
judiciary. There is a high time to investigate about what third gender actually face which has been done
at the social & cultural gathering at the most uncontaminated event “KUMBH” to discover the truth
behind the respect given or equality allocated to KINNARS.
Design / Methodology /Approach – 52 Kinners (Third Gender) were approached for in-depth
interaction gathered at Kinnar Akhara during KUMBH. This paper develops the line of thinking for
societal unjust which Third gender come across.
Findings – The findings accentuates how social acceptance for third gender is influenced by cultural &
social factors along with the surroundings in which people meet to them. This paper also reveal about
their struggle, challenges, emotional outburst & stress due to non reputed & non-accepted status imposed
in the form of social norms.
Originality / Value – The outcomes revealed judiciary has allotted equality status but on contrary they
face discarding attitude of people towards them. This study also reveals that family support is also
critically important for third gender to face such stressful rejection from the society, friends & family as
Keywords – Third Gender, Psychological struggle, Discrimination, Kinners & KUMBH
Paper Type – Research Paper


Sex is sold as a toothpaste in our society the holiest rivers as per Hindu belief at one of the four
(Sears, 1989) and gender concerned have been totally
ignored (Mills, 1998). Psychological struggles or destinations Allahabad, Nasik, and Ujjain & Haridwar)
issues are the problems faced by individual in the form
of family problems, depressions, anxiety, sexual abuse (Paul, 2019). KUMBH has been if a broader
& violence, discomfort etc. Hinjra’a /Kinner’s in India perspective is to be seen a gathering of mystics,
face lot of struggle on the psychological ground saadhu’s etc, who are considered or play an important
especially due to the deviation from social norms &
expectations regarding their gender. role at some or the other point in HINDUISM. The
India, home to different cultures, religions, traditions,
has also being credited as a land which saw the birth of KUMBH, which was hosted by Allahabad in 2019,
one of the oldest religions HINDUISM. There are
many customs and beliefs attached to Hinduism many made a major benchmark in the history of KUMBH by
Festivals and gatherings which have been passed down
from centuries one such gathering is the KUMBH providing a representation & participation of the Third
which has been estimated to have begum around 8th Gender which otherwise has always been on the back
century circa (KUMBH one of the five bifurcation of foot despite the fact of the mention of the Hinjra’s or
the holy gathering. It is a massive fair especially the Kinnar’s in many of the mythological stories and
organized once in every 3 years at the Ganges one of
scriptures where in one even the most reputed of
GOD’s have taken the form “ARDHNARISHWAR”
while in others their depiction has been shown with

great importance (SHIKHANDI from the great epic


For this research, the real motivation for the scholar

was that for the first time in history of KUMBH, the


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Third Gender were allowed to participate in a highly (Delliswararao & Hangsing, Socio–Cultural Exclusion
orthodox set up with rigid rules and customs which and Inclusion of Trans-genders in India, 2018). Their
greets Third gender with less acceptance is witnessed when Ram were leaving
acceptances/representation. This triggered the Ayodhya (In Ramayana, Hindu Mythology), where
researcher to visit the KUMBH where they got the they were grated with the powers to bless in auspicious
chance to see & experience the life and daily occasions like wedding, child birth etc. popularized as
encounters of the third gender in one such unique set BADHAAI through their dancing & singing. The
up, in a up close and personal way where researcher Kinner’s / Hijras who are devotees of Lord Shiva in his
interacted with them, interrogating and discussing Avatar as Ardhanarishwa (Sanskrit word means a
about their experiences, life, struggles. Researcher composite androgynous form of the HINDU god
found that the KINNAR AKHARA in KUMBH was SHIVA & his consort PARVATI). The Avatar of
the most attractive AKHARA throughout where many Ardhnarishwara (depicts half male & half female)
of the devotees came to seek the blessings of third mainly represents the union of the lord Shiva and
gender which are considered auspicious. But what Shakti. Both are merged limb to limb which is
intrigued the researcher was that there was a certain inseparable and have power to defeat any observation
level of double standards that prevailed among many which goes against them (Arya, 2016). As per
of those who seek out their blessings, most of whom Mahabharata (Indian Epic), mentioned about the tenure
considering them as an entity imparting blessings where Arjuna, among Pandavas adopted the identity
which would according to them help them ease their of Kinner/Hinjra named Brihannala who used to teach
tensions & hurdles in life. It was interesting to see that dancing & singing to King’s women. Some other
most of these people were a part of that society only , Hindu deities, like Vishnu & Krishna many a times had
who have disregarded them & snatched away their dual gender manifestations. Vishnu transformed
representation as citizen more so a normal human himself as Mohini, the most prettiest women in the
beings. They are looked down upon as strange beings world, to take back the scared nectar from the demons
apart from them. It is also to be seen that these who who have stolen it. In another well known myth,
come to seek out blessings are the people of that same Krishna takes on female form to destroy the demon,
society who have disbanded their child disowned them Sraka, whose strength came from his chastity. Krishna
& forced them to lead such a lonely & difficult life of is able to over some Araka by transforming himself
such emotional struggle & abandonment. Researcher into a beautiful woman who seduces Araka into
found that almost 99% of third genders are from the marriage and thus makes Araka vulnerable to
families who respect KINNAR’s for their blessing destruction. In yet another myth, the basis of a festival
giving traditions but they discard if their own family in South Inida attended by thousnds of Third gender /
member becomes KINNAR or take birth in Third Hijras , Krishna comes to earth as a woman to marry a
generation. During this whole event, researcher got the king’s son, who is by this marriage, granted success in
opportunity to discuss all such psychological issues, battle by the gods. During the festival Kinner / Hijras
problems & challenges which KINNAR faces during enact the role of women who marry and lagter , as
their whole life, how they feel without the families & widow, mourn the death of their husbands represented
their support where they don’t have home, money & by the God Koothandavur an incarnation of Krishna.
other basic necessities which are entitled to every In Indian historical & Ancient text, The first domain of
human. They struggle with stereotyping when it comes literature about Hijras relates to the analysis of ancient
for them to seek better educational & job opportunities, Indian texts (Brahmanical, Buddhists and Jain) and
somehow making them limited to blessing imparting addresses the ostensible history of the third sex and
machine. All of the above, they face violence, cruelty, sexuality in India. Starting from the premise that, “the
humiliation, discrimination in establishments like category of a third sex has been a part of the Indian
police, medical, family & friends. The only thing worldview for nearly three thousand years (Zwilling
which is left with them hunting for money in society and sweet 1996, 362). (Reddy) These authors set out to
carrying cross dressed attire & falling in low living elucidate this category-variously referred to in
peripheral. Sanskrit(Hindu) and Pali (Buddhist) texts as kliba,
pandaka, tritiyaprakrti, or more commonly as
Literature Review napumsaka-providing historical evidence for a pre
modern (and pre Islamic) concept of sexuality and the
With the limited literature available the researcher tried category of sexual Thirdness in India. (Reddy). It is
to study the current scenarios regarding the Third very significant to know about that puranic literature in
Gender. In India they are the people whose identity India devoted to delineating the nature of sexuality and
falls out the category of other two genders & the norms
related to them. It is very hard to accept them


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erotic interactions with people of a “Third nature” in societal false code & norms & series of injustices
texts even prior to the fifth century CE. (Reddy). highlight their sufferings, emotional crisis for dignity
Now the question comes if they have so much & self-esteem which obligates the peaceful
respectful identity as per the cultural, religious & hindu coexistence. They feel so isolated because due to the
mythology or in other mentioned epics but today’s belief of digesting two binary systems like male &
world treats them opposite to ancient days. People female. But if we see the religious acceptance things
earlier felt good if any kinner/hinjra come across to are opposite which defines presence of Kinners or
them, they give respect, consider their valuable Hijra’s art & rituals in ancient period.
suggestions if they give. But, now a day’s people Few surveys reveled in 2016, that most of the LGBT
abuse, exploit them psychologically as well as Indians could be fired from their jobs for being
LGBT(John, 2017). Transgender in India are dined for
physically. Through the current literature the right to dignity, personal liberty, education & freedom
researcher tried to highlight the struggle which they (Hotchandani, 2017). Community stigma is attached to
face due to this changed belief, predispositions after the their social acceptance where people welcome when
colonial era. People who adopted the westernization they visit their home to bestow blessings along with
completely have forgotten the importance & exixtence taking away the hermaphrodite child which is governed
of Hinjra’s or Third gender, their efforts they made in by the cultural & traditional beliefs that they are made
our society, even deities can’t stop themselves in for this role only (Sharma, 2009). Abandoned by
manifesting their identity gender wise for the good of family & ridiculed stigma’s drag them into begging,
whole mother nature. singing & dancing in weddings, birth of new born etc
But, after the British rule, they continued to become the just for the sake of earning bread for self (Mishra,
subject to abuse & discrimination & stressing on 2016). These mythological, dramatic roles give
gender identity (2018). Deeply rooted in ancient positive meaning to the lives of the Hijras/ Kinner
civilization but post colonial context kicks & negates community. The cultural singing and dancing in the
their presence from society with no recognition which auspicious occasion legitimizes today’s role of the
repudiates from availing opportunities for Third Gender/ Kinners/ Hinjra. These mythological
employment, housing, education, rights in marriage & text, gives discursive space to the third gender/ Hijras,
so that through religious text they could get more
property etc. (R, 2019). In one of the interview, respect and that their social life can freely identify as
transgender activist Laxmi Narayan Tripathi (first third gender and on religious context they can perform
transgender person in India) stated in may, 2019 that on wedding and child birth. This is a thought that Third
transgender community marginalized by the Britishers gender/ Hijras are good luck charm for fertility, people
& before to that they used to be treated respectfully & offer them money and clothes in appreciation and the
during their tenure transgender discriminated against counterpart is, may be in fear of the third gender /
Criminal Tribes, Act, where transgender community Hijras curse if they have not appreciated, this may
treated as “habitually criminal” like thugs which bring bad luck and infertility to the family.
further led to kidnapping suspicions or emasculating May be somewhere the reason behind all the problems
children. People who dressed in female clothing & which Kinners/ Hinjra’s are dealing with in the form of
found dancing or singing at public places were liable to non-acceptance by society is Social Role Theory which
arrest or imprisonment along with fines. Even they postulates social members perceiver’s beliefs for social
were not allowed to transfer property, sharing gifts or groups in the society in their typical roles. Roles
adopting child. It was not the end yet, provision of food influence the traits which people assume as
to them or other households were banned in few areas characteristics (Koenig & Eagly, 2014). Due this
(Abbas & Pir, 2016). They were acceptable as “Tritiya inception of social roles associated with gender led to
Prakriti” (Third Nature in the pre- colonial Indian times gender stereotypes especially of Kinners’s/Hinjra’s or
turned against the ‘order of nature’ and unnatural by third gender. Gender identity and the lives of these
the colonial weapons. (Tiwari, 2014). “The people facing the gender disapproval form the society
colonization brought a different attitude towards the At present, the situation of the community is worse
transgenders. They were begun to be treated because they are left ignored, isolated without the
indifferently and the constant ridiculing of their survival facilities, health care, education, employment
physique and habits led to a psychological trauma. opportunities, identity crisis or even the conformity
Casually the society passes various abusive remarks from the dominant social class. They are living more
and even the family criticizes them. The current status sever condition than other marginalized communities
of transgender in India is pathetic.” (Subapriya, 2016) (Tabassum & Jamil, 2014).
due to all such things in present India, transgenders are
subject to daily abuse and humiliation. (Giri, 2019).


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Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of Sample

S. No. Age Gender Professi Location

Research Methodology No of (in on

This study is executed through in-depth interaction 3rd Yea
triggered to third gender /kinners/ hinjra’s resided at
KUMBH Mela especially to make a sense off their gend rs)
pain, struggle. Researcher did personal interaction with
52 Kinnars (Third Gender) across the country that ers
came & gathered there at KUMBH. The data collected
through the open ended questions framed by the Recepti Mumbai,
researcher focusing on their struggles, challenges,
emotional outburst & stress level, feeling etc. Every 1 17 25- Third onist, Prayagraj
answer were recorded & analyzed for drafting the
current paper. The current paper will reveal the realities 30 Gender dancers, , Orissa,
which third gender faces in their real life even after the Chela’s Calcutta
verdict of Supreme Court in India. Here, under the
characteristics of samples & procedure outlined for (The Satna,
follower Kanpur,
Study Context
s to Farrukha
This study held at Allahabad (Now popularized &
declared as Prayagraj) at one of the most religious even Guru) bad
known as “KUMBH Mela” where it has been observed
that Kinner’s / Hinjra’s or Third genders were enjoying Mumbai,
the affection they get from all the visitors to them but
still they are considered from the community or group Dancers Indore,
not fulfilling the social norms to prove their existence
against the other two primary gender (e.g. male & 2 22 30- Third , Rewa,
female) due to the gender discrimination or biasness or 35 Gender Chela’s Singrauli
prejudices, stigma’s or beliefs which are deeply rooted
in Indian society because of perception conflict, or (The ,
weak self-concept among people coming from British
Raj (Colonial period). follower Chennai,

Sample s to Raipur,

This study reports on 52 in depth-interaction with Guru) Prayagraj
Kinners or Third gender gathered at KUMBH across
the country at Prayagraj, one of the city situated at the Banaras,
Ganges where three holy rivers namely (Gaga, Jamuna
& Saraswasti) integrate in one called as “SANGAM”. Dancers Prayagraj
There were questions about the third gender’s life, their
journey, their pain, rejection & psychological struggle 3 5 35- Third , , Bhopal,
they faced. Out of 52 all the respondents were available
there throughout the KUMBH MELA at KINNER 40 Gender Chela’s Jabalpur,
AKHARA (fixed place for residence during the
KUMBH). In-depth interviews were preferred as one (The Jaipur
of the Kinner’s Guru named Pushpa Maai (The head ),
who also served as chairperson of transgender welfare follower
board, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India allowed personally for
intensive investigation about personal opinions, views, s to
experiences of each Kinner/ Hinjra or transgender who
participated in responding against the question during Guru)
the survey. The demographics are mentioned in table
no-1. Dancers Mumbai,

, Satna,
4 8 40- Third Chela’s Nagpur,

45 Gender (The Ballabhg

follower arh,

s to Mathura,

Guru) Moradab

ad &


Third Mumbai

5 4 45- Third gender , Jaipur

50 Gender Activist & satna





The respondents were not directly available as Kinner
never offer smooth detailed information without the
permission of their Heads (Guru’s). With due
permission the researcher contacted to the interviewees
& interviews scheduled individually as per the
convenience. All kinners or third genders were
recruited through the permission & reference of Guru


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Mai ( The Heads & In Hindi Mahamadelshwar) Pushpa Nisha (Changed Name), “Used to get beaten up if I

Mai from Jaipur, Rajasthan & Pavitra Mai from dressed up in female outfits in early childhood. My
Mumbai, Maharastra. Convenience sampling adopted
& interviews were recorded. Obscurity was committed family banned my entry in social gathering during
& interviewees were instructed about to stop at any
point where they feel uncomfortable to answer any festivals & rituals. I lost my patience, when I was
question. The exact number of interactions for denied to attend my real brother’s marriage.” After this
interview not dead set on in an advance, researcher
incident, I left home & never gone back to them neither
they tried to connect with me”. (Kinner from Mumbai).

stopped interviewing when sufficient number is Nisha Talked about the usual isolation which she
reached for the current paper. The Interview guide was
utilized (Available at appendix), but for achieving presents by their family members. This is so torturing
maximum input researcher was open to discuss other
& hurting one psychologically. Later, to this researcher
was happy to know when Nisha said, “ Now I am happy

issues in context to the study raised or mentioned by feel so completed with my Kinner Community as they

the interviewees. the family to me, & because of my Guru I studied &
Researchers conceded & understand that answers to currently working in restaurant in Mumbai.”
sensitive questions demand lot of courage speak in Lovely (Changed Name), “I am Adult, not a 10 years

front. For achieving qualitative data collection we tried old, I know what I am & what I want to be. I left my
to minimize the indecisiveness & reluctance on the part
of interviewees & motivate them to throw the light on home & maintained distance from family members as,
ground level issues which they face actually to make
study more effective. For which we follow 1. Willingly they were never happy with my gender orientation. I

was locked in my home, not allowed to talk to anyone
some time not provided with meals also.” (Kinner

participation we ensured, & communicated to be From Jaipur).
comfortable during the session started from data Lovely divulges one shock that all above acts were

collection, analysis & end at reporting. 2. Anonymity initiated by her mother (replica of GOD) who protect
was also guaranteed at each & every stage of the her child at any cost.

current research to reduce the stress of disclosing truth

in a desirable manner. 3. We took the interview on one 2. Society
to one basis at their surroundings (Kinner Akhara at
KUMBH) so that they could feel secure & familiar Social Norms are applicable on every one to survive
while giving interviews. 4. Time factor convenience to among people. One has to live with these norms
the interviewee putted on priority to enhance comfort imposed by the society. If one violate, is considered as
zone. Last but not the least the 5. It was also clarified the devil & discarded by social groups. Characteristics
to interviewees that there is no standard answer or right are linked with the gender where for men it is must to
or wrong answer, to foster them to intricate on the adopt masculine behavior & roles whereas female must
responses using evidences crammed with incidents. display feminine characteristics. Reverse of this is
considered as dualism. Society, ostracize & ignore

Analysis & Findings such individuals. Few more extractions are-
Shamita (Changed Name), “I was molested by my own
The analysis is done in two phases 1) open discussion
to explore insight 2) identification of expectation. Both uncle, during family function & when I started
the phases taken to develop the conceptual perspective.
In last the collected literature is consulted for strong screaming he said that I will reveal to everyone that you
conceptualization based from previous researches. are not normal”. That made me quite for every time
During this research, the researcher encountered with
appalling truth, especially regarding Family, Society & when he used to visit my home. I was just 15 years
Government along with their future plans. Researcher old.” (Respondent cried).
mentioned the revels below- This busted my heart, further she revealed that “when

1. Family I complained to my mother & father they refused to

In general family considered as one of biggest pillar for take any stand for me as they were in fear for what
support in terms of emotions, psychology etc. But wRhaanti
other will think if the uncle discloses my feminine
interest & characteristics to all.” Later I left my family

joined my community. (Kinner from Allahabad).
(Changed Name), “I was teased by my college mates as I

if, families deny to support you or to recognize you. was highly expressive to female characteristics in
Things become so arduous for a person who actually
deals with it. See the following extracted statements- terms of voice, way of taking & my movement. This

gave me new names like Chakka, Hinjra etc. I never
felt safe & protected at public places.”

With this trouble researcher feels that every kinner

have gone through during their initial days or before


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joining to their community. It’s a cruel attempt to One more senior member of their community said,
humanity where one is not getting the freedom of their “Education is restricted to only primary gender in our
gender choices & how to live those choices. It is country due to which we never got the chance to study
shameful. well as nobody support. For economic sources
education is must. If government will help is providing
3. Government education to such people then financial burden could
be handled so effectively.” We need equal education
Government is an association of expertise in making which will turn up in equal job opportunity to.
rules & regulation, norms to abide the population of the Another Kinner said, “Sports is another field where we
country with law & order. There are some views shared are restricted to enter, & those who entered suffered a
by the respondents disclosing the attitude of lot like Dhootichand (Third Gender sports person). On
government through their policies & administration – the name of medical tests what not we pass through like
Asha (Changed Name), “Giving another column in the sexual assault & molestation. This should not be done”.
Gender category is not the solution for our Above mentioned statements are as per the consent of
community’s problem. It is something deeper like an Kinners who wish to be mentioned in research paper.
ice berg. We are against the officials who are not Rest of them was not comfortable in mentioning their
thinking about our sustainability & development”. statements. Researcher posted the statements which are
Guru Maa, revealed about Bhadhaai (The dancing & more or less depicting the same issues raised by other
singing work which Kinners are always expected to do) Kinners. Further there were few future plans on the part
“stopping or banning badhaii is not the right decision of the Kinners/ Hinjra which researcher tried to put
of Maharashtra sarkar, if Kinners will not do so, how below to understand what they want from family,
they will earn their bread.” society & government to. Table no-2 representing the
expectations below-

Table-2 Highlights Expectations

S. Expectations from Family Expectations from Expectations from

No Society Government

1 Love & care More Acceptability Equal Opportunities
in Jobs

More freedom so one can raise

2 the voice what they want to be. More Respect Education Facilities

Should not feel ashamed if a son No teasing, Assault or Housing or

wants to join Kinner bully should up bring accommodation

3 community, or transforming into new generation that we Facilities for those

Hinjra. are not alien but who are thrown from

human. their families.

4 Society fear should not be More Love More welfare
priority. facilities

Deal with polite way no physical Reservations to be

threat given to the child who More friendliness given in jobs & in

5 wants to Kinner or Hinjra. getting admission to
any school or


All are equal, so treat all the

wards equally, be it son, More sensitivity Removal of gender

6 daughter or Third Gender assessment tests in

(Kiiner / Hinjra) sports.

where it is said that KUMBH weaves our nation one &

Discussion for Prayagraj , it is said by Sri 108 Swami
Vishwadevananda Ji Maharaj Mahamandaleshwar, of
Based on in-depth interviews with Kinners/ Hinjra’s/ Sannyas Ashram, Gujarat: The sangam of the three

Third genders gathered at Kumbh which is a place


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rivers is giving one message. From different directions, systems: Nyaya, vaisheshika, Yoga, Sankhya,
three rivers are coming together here with great force. Mimamsa, & Vedanta then our society or people will
They have their own respective backgrounds and understand the significance of other having being born
uniqueness. Before they meet, they had their own in other planet. It’s a bizarre, that those who were the
directions. And after the meeting, all the three merged part of courts in anicient times of almost every
their identities into one. Even their flow was not kingdom, today they are visiting court. This situation
disrupted. We must try to merge ourselves as one.” explaining that how much deeply people are involved
It gives the idea of non-dualism or we can say in in modernization & becoming more & more machines
different totalitarian approach where no discrimination than humans, who are not in their conscious, on a
is done on the name of gender, caste, creed, religion or personality ground, people are not at their ego, super
nationality. Our country India, is always adhere to non- ego but ID.
dualism. So, far Kinner are concerned bringing them
on a platform same as any sacred saint & advisor We enhanced our in depth understanding towards the
which has been the old age culture & practice in our psychological struggle of third gender facing in their
country. There were many researchers who were there life. If we see the family, mostly are discarded or
but no past studies conducted & they received social rejected from their families & livening homeless with
recognition. This event was the first where they got their Gurus (The community heads) under their
listed. guidance. This separation created weak self-concept
which led to emotional outburst.
People who obstructs them (Kinners/ Hinjra), doesn’t What is natural is natural, in India Kinner’s / Hinjra’s
know about their personality what they are? These are haven’t asked for many things, they utilized the
the people with personality conflict along with weak strength for harmonizing the society & working for
self-concept & all this is because of cultural conflicts creative conceptualization of society. There has been
otherwise upto to 16th century equality was maintained. signs of destructions which the society will not again
Kinners were not taken as curse but instead they were disrespect kinners / hinjra’s which could seen through
a part of decision making in panchayats, in King’s their involvement with the other two mainstreams
sabha & samiti’s (group appointed for decision making genders.
in kingdom) in different kingdoms. The solution The major submission on the part of researcher is that
suggested if more & more self-assesment will be done in our Indian society, people do not have time to
then it will led to increase self-respect for Kinners/ understand the element of humanity in humans, they
Hinjra’s or third gender as they could feel connected are the ones who disregarded & the ones who are more
with their roots. Kinners/ Hinjra’s who take the male in fun, in fact they didn’t understand the importance of
child who reflect female orientation, but in return they time. What to say about them they are more self-
bless the family & for whole life they give protection centered & more biased.
to that child through their community people.
Ms. Shabnam Mausi, a senior community leader from
MP, highlighted the plight of Hijra’/TG community. 1. More than law or some written conduct of life
She stated that most families do not accept if their male
child starts behaving in ways that are considered it is the societal acceptance rather societal
feminine or inappropriate. After rejection by their
family, they lose their identity and face many intelligence for understanding the idea of
challenges and live their entire life in fear of Kinner’s / Hinjra’s (third gender) that they
discrimination and stigma, but a Guru or Nayak gives
them protection and shelter. She suggested that the can be different from us but are a part of us.
Gurus of Transgender be recognized as guardian and
be given more power. (Srivastava, 2014). 2. It is important to understand that KINNARS

Indian Culture is based on “SHADDARSHAN” (6 are very much human & they have mind &
views or insights or philosophies in the forms of
sutras as per Hindu Philosophy), if got missing or intelligence which enables them to understand
weak then more deviation, inequality in the society,
more duality or dualism & differentiality in society will that they have a limited access of accessibility
occur. If people will be given education are being
taught of mentioned 6 classical Philosophical that is only constructed around receiving &

giving blessings & stereotyped as dancers,

beggars & in some cases as sex workers. They

like every human have certain dreams &

aspirations & living with them made the

researcher realized that how many of them

wanted to go out with better chances in


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corporate ,education & other fields which are for them for undergoing any treatment or

happily & easily available comparatively to medical surgeries.

the two most recognized genders (male & 9. The Transgender people are also interested in

female). pursuing their studies in the arts and classical

3. In India, apart from third gender seen as some dance but they are denied admissions which

outlandish idea there has been a massive calls must be rectified.

for such changes in the mind set of the people 10. Toilet facilities in every school, hospital,

& spread awareness about & normalize the colleges or other public places should be

idea of LGBTQ + communities but somehow, developed through the effective policy

it has remained a elitists movement & failed framing where society has to change.

to creep down in deeper parts of India. Limitations & suggestions for future Research
4. Mostly Kinners/ Hinjra’s are poor or illiterate,
The only limitations which researcher encountered
there is only one source of rehabilitation for with to earn the trust of the kinner’s their statement will
be maintained confidentially & will be used for only
them is government of India. There should be research purposes. The other issues were there during
the research was time factor as all the Kinners during
some measures imposed by the government KUMBH were engaged & occupied with spiritual
ceremonies out there, so availing time from them for
especially for health & housing for welfare of interviews was another limitation.
kinner’s as Tamil Nadu Government has done For future research, there is much more scope for
analyzing their behavioral insights in different
for them, through fixation of monthly stipend environmental settings as the current research is done
for Kinners’s/ Third genders. within the surroundings of KUMBH.
5. Family Member’s or parents of Kinner’s/
Hinjra’s / Third Genders should be given

counseling so that they could treat or upbring

their Kinner child like other normal children

at par. Some training program should be References
organized for the community people in order
to train kinner child about how to lead a life Abbas, Q., & Pir, G. (2016). History of the Invisible: A
People’s History of the Transgendered

worth living. So sensitizing family & friends Community of Lahore. THAAP Journal 2016:
or society is very important. People’s History of Pakistan, 162-175.
6. Sometimes people changed their dresses &
attempt crime, this raised the problems in Delliswararao, K., & Hangsing, C. (2018). Socio–
terms of harassment & violence which should Cultural Exclusion and Inclusion of Trans-
be strictly monitored as this maligning the genders in India. International Journal of
kinner/ hinjra community. Social Sciences and Management, 10-17.

7. Problem in context to identity proof raised by Giri, D. (2019). Transgender in Indian Context Rights
shabnam mausi, further extended to police and Activism. Kolkata: AABS PUBLISHING
atrocities during document verification HOUSE.
(Srivastava, 2014). The authority for this
should be given to their GURU”s as they Hotchandani, D. K. (2017). PROBLEMS OF
don’t have any birth certificate/ father /mother TRANSGENDER IN INDIA: A STUDY
certificate with them due to the rejection. FROM SOCIAL EXCLUSION TO SOCIAL
Positive attitude is highly required from all INCLUSION. International Research
towards the community. Journal of Human Resources and Social
Sciences (IRJHRSS), 73-80.
8. The government hospitals only have male &
female wards but doesn’t have ward for John, D. (2017). Living a Life of Exclusion: Being a
Kinners/ hinjra’s or third gender also Transgender in India. Fokus Menschenrechte
supported & suggested by Akriti Patel, – Living a Life of Exclusion, 2-10.
transgender from Gujrat. (Srivastava, 2014).
There should be adequate medical facilities


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Impact of Parent Involvement on Secondary School Students’ Academic
Performance in Samtse District, Bhutan

Singye1, and Arisara Leksansern 2*

Student, M. Ed (Educational Management) (International Program), Department of Education,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University
E-mail: [email protected]

2Associate Professor,, Ed.D.(Educational Administration)* Educational Management (International

Department of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University
*Corresponding author. E-mail: *[email protected]


The purpose of the study was to determine and address the impact of parent involvement on
student academic performance, the levels of parent involvement of secondary schools, the levels of
secondary school student academic performance, and the relationship between parent involvement on
secondary school student academic performance in Samtse district, Bhutan. The type of parent
involvement in the lives of adolescent high school students and its relationship to student academic
performance factors of student engagement, attendance, and attitude toward school was researched so as
to provide secondary school managers with the awareness essential to suggest recommendation to the
parent community. The researcher employed quantitative research methodology and a questionnaire was
used to collect data from the total population of 220 grade XI students studying in three higher secondary
schools out of which 215 (98%) responded. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics including
Mean (X̅ ) and standard deviation (SD), Pearson’s coefficient correlation, and simple regression analysis.
Thus, this study found that there is a relationship between parent involvement types of parenting,
communicating, decision making and learning at home and the student academic performance factors
of engagement, attendance and attitude toward school. This study showed that the greatest relationship
between parent involvement types and the student performance factors came from the influence that
parents exert on adolescent children at home. Expectations, as well as care and concern, form a two-
pronged approach that parents can use to impact the relationship between involvement type and student
performance. The relationship between parents’ expectations, care and concern with the student
performance factors of engagement, attendance and attitude toward school is solid enough to be
suggestive of predictability. Therefore, parents should continue to express their expectations and care
and concern for their children as they enter secondary school. Future researches were suggested to choose
more sample schools including primary schools and in schools in different locations such as urban, rural
and remote areas and explore other factors that affect students’ overall performance. In depth data
analysis differentiating performance gender-wise to be looked upon to observe the differences in level,
relationship and impact. Multiple Regression analysis needs to be performed between each parent
involvement types and the factors of student academic performance to gather detailed information on the
correlation and prediction of impact of each of the types. This quantitative study needs to be followed
with a qualitative one to increase our understanding of parent involvement in the lives of secondary
school students. Conducting a similar study to this but from the perspective of parents and teachers would
help to further clarify the importance of parent involvement and its relationship to student academic
performance. A longitudinal study over a series of years and encompassing other levels of students which
would yield useful longitudinal data and information about patterns in parent involvement in the lives of
children as they grow.


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Keywords: parent, parent involvement, student academic performance, secondary school student

Introduction (Sattes, 1985). Since seventy percent of student's
waking hours, including weekends and vacations, are
In today’s fast-paced society, families are spent outside school the school setting Clark (1990) it
finding it more difficult to stay connected with their is imperative that parents are involved in their child's
children’s education (Epstein, 2010). Increasingly, in education for success.
the modern family, both parents work outside of the
home (Benson, 2003). As stated by Khan et al. (2015) When the expectations that parents set run
education of a child needs multidimensional efforts. into conflict with students’ school performance,
Students, teachers, institutes and parents all have their parents more often than not turn to the school officials
importance in their process of learning. for advice and guidance (Epstein, 2010). The advice
they need must be grounded in research that is relevant
According to Kimani et al. (2013) low to the age of the child and to theory that is applicable
academic performance especially at secondary school to the current state of the child’s development.
decreases the students’ opportunity to join colleges and
is out at risk the for job placements. Rabgay (2015) As such this research studied the impact of
further claims that students who have poor academic parental involvement on their children’s academic
records would find it difficult to cope in a competitive achievement. The study was conducted in Higher
society. Similar is the case in Bhutan since unemployed Secondary Schools of Samtse district, Bhutan. Overall,
youths struggle to meet their basic needs and would be the Performance Management System (PMS) ranking
labeled negatively by the society. introduced by the Education Monitoring Division
(EMD) of the Department of School Education (DSE),
In a traditional family environment, parents, Ministry of Education (MoE), Bhutan ranked Samtse
usually including a stay-at-home mother, were able to district at the 24th position amongst the 20 districts and
monitor the school work of their children carefully and four major municipalities in the kingdom at least
in turn to ensure to a much greater degree than in consecutively for the past five years. But there were
today’s nontraditional family that student performance few occasional instances where one or two schools
remained high in factors such as engagement, ranked in the top ten schools in the country but the
academic achievement, attendance and attitude toward status could not be maintained on a continuous basis or
school (Deslandes & Bertrand, 2005). Many parents even for the second year unlike some schools in the
worked closely with their children, in cooperation with other districts that frequently featured in the top ten.
the school, and marked academic success occurred This had aroused interest in the research on the impact
(Epstein, 2010). However, even if the possibility exists of parents’ involvement on students’ academic
for increased parent involvement, a basic question achievement.
arises whether there is a relationship between the type
of parent involvement and high school student Therefore, keeping the above in view and the
academic achievement factors such as engagement, comprehensive Epstein (2010) six-item classification
attendance and attitude toward school. Researchers system covering school-home communication, parent
Epstein (2010) and Allen (2000) claim that increased involvement in school and community, home learning
parent involvement will result in greater student activities, and parents as decision-maker is found very
engagement, productivity and academic success. relevant in the context of the Bhutanese Education
System. However there is an immediate need to find
Parents are children's first teachers. The single out the impact of these on the overall student academic
most important factor in a child's achievement in performance which is the core aim of any education
school and life is the home background (Nedler & system. So, this study is based mainly on six-item
McAfee, 1979). Parent involvement is vital to booming classification system covering school-home
students. Effective methods of parent involvement communication, parent involvement in school and
must be implemented in schools to assure the academic community, home learning activities, and parents as
success of children. Parent involvement in children's decision-maker. It is where parents are directly
education has been proclaimed for years as being a involved in the education of their children, by
very important predictor of student achievement (Jesse, involving themselves and are also involved by the
1996). The literature and available research is school and teachers in the learning process of their
consistent in showing that meaningful parent children.
involvement results in gains in student achievement
Montecel et al. (2002) highlighted active
parent involvement as necessary in the academic


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performance of children. The student academic 2. To study the levels of secondary school
performance factors of engagement, attitude toward student academic performance.
school and attendance are listed to relate to Epstein’s
(2010) types of parent involvement, since they were all 3. To explore the relationship between parent
commonly mentioned in literature as being important involvement on secondary school student academic
to overall student success. performance.

The dependent variable in this study, 4. To study the impact of parent involvement
academic performance was the one most referenced in on secondary school student academic performance.
the literature as being important to overall student
success (Catsambis, 1998); (Epstein, 1992); (Montecel Materials and Methods
et al., 2002); (Steinberg, 2001). Margolin (2000)
highlighted the significance of attitude as a factor This study is carried out using a quantitative
leading toward high school student school success. approach. The questionnaire survey is conducted with
McCoach & Siegle (2003) developed the instrument grade 11 students in order to collect data to investigate
used in this study to determine the level of student independent variables: types of parent involvement
attitude toward school. Margolin (2000), and also suggested by Epstein (2010) including parenting,
McCoach & Siegle (2003), established that a better communicating, volunteering, learning at home,
student attitude toward school led to better student decision making, and collaborating with community,
performance at school. Student attendance at school is and dependent variables: students’ performance factors
a factor that researchers such as Astone & McLanahan of attitude toward, school engagement, and school
(1991) specify as an important element to success in attendance.
school; essentially, the regularly students attend
school, the better academically they will perform. The population of the study consisted of 220
Academic performance of students in higher education grade eleven students enrolled in 3 higher secondary
has been the subject of exhaustive researches. The schools in Samtse district, Bhutan. Out of which 215
findings of Rothstein (2004); McMillan & Western (98%) responded.
(2000); Jeynes (2002) concur that the level of academic
performance in school is the effect of interplay of many The research instruments (questionnaires) are
factors: home related, school-related, student structured and self-administered to the respondents.
characteristics and teacher-related. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data and
to enable quantitative analysis of the data obtained
Clearly a study is required to determine if from the field. The questionnaires were divided into the
there is a relationship between type of parent following parts:
involvement in the lives of high school students and
their academic achievement, as indicated by their Part 1 It included student’s personal
engagement, attitude toward school and attendance. information i.e. gender
The intent of this study concerns the impact of parent
involvement on the secondary school student academic Part 2 It consisted of a set of survey
performance as highlighted by the factors of student questionnaire containing 27 items on parental
engagement, attendance and attitude toward school. involvement. The parent involvement survey was an
This study attempts to expand the body of knowledge adapted and modified version of the National
relating to the concept of type of parent involvement Education Longitudinal Study (1988, 1990) National
Epstein (2010) and its relationship to adolescent Education Longitudinal Survey of the United States
student engagement, academic achievement, Department of Education.
attendance and attitude toward school. The knowledge
gained through this study is intended for school Part 3 It consisted of a set of survey
managers and policy makers. They can provide advice questionnaire containing 12 items on academic
and parenting skills to parents of secondary school achievement factors of student engagement, attitude to
adolescents towards improving the academic school and attendance. Adapted and modified version
performance of students. of McCoach & Siegle (2003) developed instrument
was used in this study to determine the level of student
This study aimed at addressing the following attitude toward school. For student engagement and
objectives of impact of parent involvement on student student attendance researcher self-developed items was
academic performance in Samtse district, Bhutan: administered to find out the student perception on their
engagement and attendance at school.
1. To study the levels of parent involvement
of secondary schools. Both parts were measured on the five points
Likert scale based on their level of perception.

The interpretation of mean scores of both
parts were determined by using Best’s criteria (Best &
Khan, 1998).A five point Likert Scale was used to
measure the degree of agreement with the statement.
The score for each item was 1 to 5 representing form
strongly disagree to strongly agree, respectively.


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The statistical analysis of data was done using 3.41-4.20 as High, 2.61-3.40 as Moderate, 1.81-2.60 as
Statistical Package, the result were evaluated by Low and 1.00-1.80 as Lowest.
employing means, standard deviation, Pearson
Correlation Coefficient and simple regression analysis. The overall level of parent involvement of
grade XI students in the Higher Secondary schools
The validity test confirmed that all the items under Samtse district, Bhutan were revealed at
under the variables had an IOC of 0.66-1.00 and was moderate level with an average mean score of 3.3. The
validated by three experts The reliability test confirmed dimensions of parental involvement factors such as
that the variables are reliable with Cronbach’s Alpha volunteering, communicating with the school, learning
Coefficient value of 0.82. at home and parenting were perceived high with mean
score of 3.44, 3.47, 3.5 and 3.58 respectively were
Results and Discussion perceived at a high level whereas the decision making
and collaborating with the community were at
Gender Information of the Respondents moderate level with the average score of 2.65 and 3.17
Table 1 represents the summarized gender respectively. The level of decision making was
perceived the least amongst the six factors.
information of the grade XI students of 3 higher
secondary schools under Samtse district, Bhutan There is a strong need for strengthening
interpreted in frequencies (N) and percentages (%) decision making in the school administration involving
using descriptive statistics. participation of parents in various areas of the school
which has direct impact on the student academic
Table 1: Frequency and Percentage of Student’s gender performance. This finding has relation to the study by
information Cole (2017) which found out that when working
partnership from both ends are smoothly coordinated,
(N=215) students benefit and knowledge improves. It also
revealed, the concerned individual feel part of the
Gender Frequency Percentage decision-making process, take responsibility and are
more actively involved building strong schools,
Female 131 60.9 families and students. School administrations can also
collaborate with the community to ensure that school
Male 84 39.1 activities are continued outside the school at the
community level so that students can relate the learning
Total 215 100.0 at the school to real life activities which will ensure
lifelong learning. Family participation does impact
From the total of 220 students only 215 learning outcome. It is recommended that schools
implement innovative and better-quality strategies to
students (97.73%) responded to the online survey. And increase parental involvement (Cole, 2017). However,
this is in contrary to the findings by DePlanty et al.
as presented in table 1, of that 39.1 % of the (2007) which indicated that teachers and students
believed that parent involvement at school was
respondents were male and 60.9 % of the respondents considered less important to a child’s academic
achievement than parent involvement in academics at
were female. home. In addition, parents rated themselves as more
participatory in academics than did their children or
The level of Parent Involvement junior high school teachers.
The Level of Student Academic Performance
The descriptive statistics such as mean and
The level of all the Student Academic
standard deviation of all the observed variables under Performance factors were described and analyzed
using the descriptive statistics like mean and standard
student’s skills are presented in the following table 2. deviation and were presented below.

Table 2: Overall levels of parent involvement


Independent Level of
Variables µ σ perception

i. Parenting 3.58 .68 High

ii. Communicating 3.47 .60 High

iii. Volunteering 3.44 .78 High

iv. Learning at 3.5 .59 High

v. Decision 2.65 .93 Moderate

vi. Collaborating 3.17 .74 Moderate
with community

Parent 3.30 .46 Moderate Table 3: Overall Level of Student Academic


Note: The rating scale was divided into 5 perception Dependent Variables Level of
levels to the mean score between 4.21-5.00 as Highest, µ σ Perception

i. Attitude toward school 4.11 .751 High


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ii. Student Engagement 3.34 .76 Moderate Table 4: Correlations of Parent Involvement (PI) and
iii. Student Attendance 3.68 .95 High Student Academic Performance(SAP) factors
Student Academic High
Performance 3.71 .57
Research Variables PI SAP

Note: The rating scale was divided into 5 perception Parent Involvement .403**
levels to the mean score between 4.21-5.00 as Highest, 1
3.41-4.20 as High, 2.61-3.40 as Moderate, 1.81-2.60 as 1
Low and 1.00-1.80 as Lowest.
Student Academic Performance
The overall level of student academic .403**
performance (SAP) based on the factors of student
attitude toward school; engagement and attendance of **p < 0.01
grade XI students in the Higher Secondary schools
under Samtse district, Bhutan were revealed at high * p < 0.05
level with an average mean score of 3.71. Two of the ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
three factors of SAP, Attitude toward school and * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
Student Attendance were perceived high level with
mean score of 4.11 and 3.68 respectively with student Based on Pearson’s coefficient correlation, it
attitude toward school having the highest mean score. was found that Parent Involvement had positive and
The student engagement factor was at moderate level strong relationship with Student Academic
with the mean score of 3.34. This factor had the least Performance r = 0.403 where (p<0.05).
mean score.
This findings somewhat contrast to DePlanty
Mombourquette (2007) found that there was a et al. (2007) which indicated that teachers and students
correlation between some of Epstein’s parent believed that parent involvement at school was
involvement types and the student performance factors considered less important to a child’s academic
of engagement. Thus, to improve on the student achievement than parent involvement in academics at
engagement the school administrations must involve as home. However, Mombourquette (2007) found that
many students in different leadership positions and also there was a correlation between some of Epstein’s
empower students to coordinate as many events in the parent involvement types and the student performance
school. Student attitude toward school and their factors of engagement, academic achievement, and
attendance must remain high in order for their attitude toward school. Also Macharia (2014) observed
performance to be high. This is in consistent with parental influence on academic performance and
Macharia (2014) that absenteeism, behaviour and concluded that they correlate significantly. It further
respect for teachers should be inculcated by parents in state that absenteeism, behaviour and respect for
order to enhance performance and avoid rude conduct teachers should be inculcated by parents in order to
and therefore to maintain favourable learning enhance performance and avoid rude conduct and
atmosphere. therefore to maintain favourable learning atmosphere.
The Relationship between Parent Involvement and Likewise Luchuck & Lynne (1998) found that parent
the student Academic Performance involvement contributed to greater academic gains by
their children and so recommended increasing greater
The Pearson Coefficient correlation was used parental involvement in schools.
to determine the relationship between Parent The Predictive Factors (Parent Involvement)
Involvement and the student Academic Performance of Impacting Students’ Academic Performance
grade XI students in the Higher Secondary schools
under Samtse district, Bhutan. Therefore, the The predictive impact of parent involvement
correlation between Parent Involvement (parenting, that affects students’ academic performance were
communicating with school, volunteering, learning at analyzed and explained in this section using enter
home, decision making and collaborating with the method simple regression.
community) and student academic performance factors
Table 5: The Predictive Factors (Parent Involvement)
towards students’ Academic Performance

Independent Variables R R2 Adjusted R2 R2 Change
β Sig.

(PI) .504 6.435 .403 .163 .159 .163 .000***

(student attitude toward school; engagement and Prdictors: (Constant), PI
Dependent Variable: Students' Academic Performance factors(attitude
attendance) are shown in table 4 and 5. toward school, engagement, and attendance)
Note:**coefficient is significant < 0.01


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*** coefficient is significant <0.001 3.47, 3.5 and 3.58 respectively were perceived at a high
Constant = 2.048 level whereas the decision making and collaborating
with the community were at moderate level with the
The result analysis had determined that the average score of 2.65 and 3.17 respectively. The level
independent variable as the predictive factors affecting of decision making was perceived the least amongst the
the students’ Academic Performance. The predictive six factors. On the overall level of student academic
variable was Parent involvement. According to table performance (SAP) based on the factors of student
4.14, R2 for the predictor was found to be 0.163 which attitude toward school; engagement and attendance it
means the predictor could predict just 16.3% of was revealed at high level with an average mean score
variance in students’ Academic Performance at of 3.71. Two of the three factors of SAP such as
significance level 0.001. The predictive factor affected Attitude toward school and Student Attendance were
the students’ Academic Performance with coefficient perceived high level with mean score of 4.11 and 3.68
value (β= .504). Therefore, the result indicated that the respectively with student attitude toward school having
independent variable was the most significant variable the highest mean score. The student engagement factor
which can predict higher level of students’ Academic was at moderate level with the average score of 3.34.
Performance in the Higher Secondary schools under This factor had the least mean score. The findings on
Samtse district in Bhutan. the relationship between the independent and
dependent variable based on Pearson’s coefficient
The equation for the regression line is as correlation, revealed that Parent Involvement had
follows: positive and strong relationship with Student
Student Academic Performance = 2.048 (Constant) + Academic Performance at r = 0.403 where (p<0.05).
0.504 (Parent involvement) The result analysis had determined that the
independent variable as the predictive factors affecting
The regression coefficient of Parental the students’ Academic Performance. The predictive
involvement indicates that it has a positive impact on variable was Parent involvement. According to table
Student Academic Performance (β = 0.054, p<0.05). 4.14, R2 for the predictor was found to be 0.163 which
That means if there is increase in the Parental means the predictor could predict just 16.3% of
Involvement it will cause in increase of the Student variance in students’ Academic Performance at
Academic Performance. significance level 0.001. The predictive factor affected
the students’ Academic Performance with coefficient
This finding has consistency with Naheed et value (β= .504). Therefore, the result indicated that the
al. (2016). that academic success and parent independent variable has the most significant variable
involvement are significantly linked. DePlanty et al. which can predict higher level of students’ Academic
(2007) found somewhat contrasting that teachers and Performance in the Higher Secondary schools under
students believed that parent involvement at school Samtse district in Bhutan.
was considered less important to a child’s academic
achievement than parent involvement in academics at Thus, this study found that there was a
home. Mombourquette (2007) states parent relationship between some of Epstein’s (2010) parent
involvement invariably had correlations that were involvement types and the student academic
positively and importantly associated with the student performance factors of engagement, attendance and
performance factors of engagement, academic attitude toward school. This study showed that the
achievement, and attitude toward school. greatest relationship between parent involvement types
and the student performance factors came from the
Conclusions influence that parents exert on adolescent children at
home. Expectations, as well as care and concern, form
For this quantitative research a total a two-pronged approach that parents can use to impact
population of 220 grade XI students studying in three the relationship between involvement type and student
higher secondary schools was targeted from which 215 performance. The relationship between parents’
students (97.73%) responded to the online survey of expectations, care and concern with the student
which 39.1 % of the respondents were male and 60.9 performance factors of engagement, attendance and
% of the respondents were female.. The data were attitude toward school is solid enough to be suggestive
analyzed using descriptive statistics including Mean of predictability.
(X̅ ) and standard deviation (SD), Pearson’s coefficient
correlation, and simple regression analysis. Therefore, parents should continue to express
their expectations and care and concern for their
It was found that the overall level of parent children as they enter secondary school. School
involvement were revealed at moderate level with an administrators must discover ways to help parents
average mean score of 3.3. The dimensions of parental
involvement factors such as volunteering,
communicating with the school, learning at home and
parenting were perceived high with mean score of 3.44,


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improve their relationships with their secondary school the program director and also one of my co-advisors
children if the students do not already view their Assoc. Prof. Dr. Poschanan Niramitchainont for her
current relationships as affirmative. Overall, this study continuous support and guidance. I will always cherish
is expected to; enable high school administrators to her positive comments in paving the way towards the
offer better advice to parents as to how best to influence successful completion of this thesis and the overall
their children when they enter their secondary school course. Similarly, I am thankful to Lect. Dr. Prasak
years; understand the importance of parents’ role in Santiparp my other co-advisor for his invaluable
students’ academic success and help to plan and feedback and support which helped me to improve and
advocate parenting skills related to students’ complete my thesis. I must not forget my external
academics; inform the parents about their involvement examiner and chairperson of the graduating committee,
at home and school; inform the parents about the type Assoc. Prof. Dr. Archanya Ratana-Ubol for sparing her
of parenting style they use at home, since parents have precious time despite her busy schedule in going
a crucial role in children’s academic growth; and through my work and helping me to graduate. I also
stimulate parents to work towards creating and owe my thanks to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suwanna
promoting conducive home environment for children’s Narkwiboowong, Lect. Dr. Prasert Leksansern and
academic growth. Lect. Dr. Sovaritthon Chansaengsri for assessing and
validating my research instruments. I am also grateful
Future researches were suggested to choose to all the support staff of the Faculty of Social Sciences
more sample schools including primary schools and in and Humanities, especially Mrs. Tanawaw
schools in different locations such as urban, rural and Sawatdiphap for always rendering her helping hand in
remote areas and explore other factors that affect times of need.
students’ overall performance. In depth data analysis
differentiating performance gender-wise maybe looked My sincere thanks goes to the principals,
upon to observe the differences in level, relationship teachers and respondent students of higher secondary
and impact. Regression analysis maybe performed schools of Samtse district, Bhutan for rendering
between each parent involvement types and the factors unconditional cooperation in the successful collection
of student academic performance to gather detailed of data for this research.
information on the correlation and prediction of impact
of each of the types. This quantitative study maybe Most of all, I would like to thank the Royal
followed with a qualitative one to increase our Civil Service Commission (RCSC), and Ministry of
understanding of parent involvement in the lives of Education (MOE), Bhutan for approving, and Thailand
secondary school students. Conducting a similar study International Cooperation Agency (TICA), for
to this but from the perspective of parents and teachers sponsoring my scholarship program to pursue Master
would help to further clarify the importance of parent Degree in Mahidol University, Thailand.
involvement and its relationship to student academic
performance. A longitudinal study over a series of Pen-ultimately, it would be an injustice if I
years and encompassing other levels of students which fail to acknowledge my friends back home, classmates
would yield useful longitudinal data and information in the program and fellow Bhutanese studying in
about patterns in parent involvement in the lives of Mahidol University and universities nearby for their
children as they grow. moral support and companionship making my stay in
Thailand a meaningful and memorable one.
Ultimately, I cannot thank enough my mother
The credit for the successful completion of Tshering Pem for her continuous blessings, my wife
thesis is due to the concerted effort and extensive Ugyen Dema, children Kinlay and Wangpo, siblings,
support and guidance of several individuals and and in-laws who were always there with their love,
agencies who contributed and extended their valuable encouragement and support.
assistance to me in the course of completion of this
study. Also Thank You AU-ICESDE2020 for the
opportunity to participate in this conference.
I am highly indebted to my major advisor
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arisara Leksansern for her tireless, References
unwavering and continuous support without which this
thesis would not have taken this shape. She has been Allen, R. (2000). Forging school-home links: A new
the epitome for the source of inspiration and paradigm for parent involvement. Education
encouragement during the complete journey of this Update, 42(7), 1–4.
research which has been truly instrumental. She has
been the gem of a person who manifested as my major Astone, N. M., & McLanahan, S. S. (1991). Family
advisor and believed in me. I am equally indebted to structure, parental practices and high school
completion. American Sociological Review,


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