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website, they will buy products repeatedly. with service providers will increase their
When online shopping can enhance the purchase intention.
purchase of the same product or service, and
effectively improve the shopping performance Security, ease of use, privacy concern and
of online suppliers, they will think that trust is trust on online shopping.
useful for online shopping (Gefen et al., 2003).
However, the lack of trust will affect customers' The belief of trust determines consumers'
online shopping behavior, because customers attitude towards online companies. Security is
will feel insecure about untrusted websites and the key concern of consumers in making a
will not trade with untrusted online suppliers purchase online; they look for an authentication
(Hoffman et al., 1999). In a word, trust is an mechanism used by an e-business as a measure
important reason for customers’ repurchases of trust (Bart et al., 2005). Therefore, when
intention, especially when shopping online, security and the explicit disclosure of privacy
online stores can more easily carry out policies has increased consumer trust, which in
opportunistic behavior, so the degree of trust is turn enables online transactions (Chellappa and
improved. Pavlou, 2002). Other empirical studies showed
that perceived privacy is the key factor for
Trust and customer satisfaction consumers to accept online services (Hoffman
et al., 1999; Doolin et al., 2005; Poon, 2007).
From the beginning, trust is considered to Based on the article “the importance of
be an important element of building and perceived trust, security and privacy in online
improving customer satisfaction. According to trading systems” showed that security, ease of
Fang et al. (Fang et al., 2010), who studies use and privacy concern are important factors
understanding of customer satisfaction and affecting trust in online trading systems
repurchase intention, trust has a great impact on (Kuchinskas,1999). The survey results showed
customer satisfaction. Punyatoya (2019) that online financial dealers and stockbrokers
pointed out that trust plays a key role in driving must improve the security of online systems,
customer satisfaction. According to Chiu because e-investors form perceived security
(2009), trusted customers will ask for higher about it. When these perceptions are confirmed,
requirements. They are more satisfied with their trust will be enhanced.
online shopping than those who don't trust
online shopping. In the case of online shopping, Security, ease of use, privacy concern and e-
trust can predict satisfaction (Chiu et al., 2009). satisfaction on online shopping.
At the same time, trust can be the satisfaction of
strong customer intention. In particular, According to Van der Heijden et al. (2003)
customers with higher trust and satisfaction and Ma’ruf (2006), there is negative and
important relationship between perceived risk
Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era
Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
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and customers’ -attitude towards online The conceptual framework of this study is
shopping; this means that with the increase of mainly about six variables that are security, ease
perceived risk, consumers' enthusiasm for of use, privacy concern, trust, e-satisfaction and
online attitude shopping will decrease, and e- repurchase intention. The research objective is
satisfaction will also decrease. Trivedi and to study the influences of these variables, and
Yadav (2018) shown that security, trust, EOU find out which variable has an impact on
and privacy are the most influential factors on repurchase intention. The conceptual
consumers' purchase behavior. In terms of framework is showed as follows:
repurchase intention, for generation Y
consumers, strong security features, easy-to-use Research Hypothesis
interface, reliable privacy policy and trust H1o: Ease of use, security and privacy concern
building are needed. In addition, it may be are no statistic significant influence on trust
useful to observe electronic satisfaction because towards online shopping.
of the mediators in identifying potential
problems, online satisfaction is very important H1a: Ease of use, security and privacy concern
for this group, and the results show that it affects are statistical influence on trust towards online
repurchase intention and other repurchase shopping.
relationships. The literature shows that security,
privacy concerns, trust and EOU may lead to e- H2o: Ease of use, security and privacy concern
satisfaction for consumers, and hence, are no statistical significant influence on E-
repurchase intention may be increased (Palvia, satisfaction towards online shopping.
2009; Ismail and Safa, 2014).
Research framework H2a: Ease of use, security and privacy concern
are statistical influence on E-satisfaction
Figure1: Conceptual framework towards online shopping.
H3o: There is no significant influence on trust
and E-satisfaction.
H3a: There is a significant influence on trust and
H4o: Ease of use, security, privacy concern,
trust and E-satisfaction are no statistical
significant influence on repurchase intention
towards online shopping.
Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era
Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
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H4a: Ease of use, security, privacy concern, platform. In addition, Hair et al. (2003) also
Trust and E-satisfaction are statistical pointed out that online survey is an effective
significant influence on repurchase intention method to investigate all kinds of variables, and
towards online shopping. can save a lot of cost and time.
Methods of Research Data collection
Sekaran et al. (2013) defined research as In this study, the target population is
the exploration of a specific problem with the Chinese users who have repurchased from
purpose of finding the right solution. In order to Pinduoduo e-commerce platform, aged between
study the factors that influence the online 20 and 50 years old. The researchers collected
repurchase intention of customers towards questionnaires through the Wenjuanxing
Pinduoduo, a Chinese e-commerce website, the platform, which support to produce an
researchers adopt descriptive research method. electronic questionnaire and publish it on major
Zikmund et al. (2013) pointed out that the social media in China, such as Wechat and
purpose of goal descriptive research is to Microblog, so that the respondents can fill the
describe the characteristics of objects, people, questionnaire anytime and anywhere. And the
groups and organizations, and solve researchers applied five points Likert scales,
environmental problems by solving who, what, asking respondents to tick in the box from
when, where and how questions. At the same strongly disagree to agree to answer the
time, descriptive studies can be used to assess following questions: 1 = totally disagree, 2 =
the population in proportion to the population disagree, 3 = moderate / neither disagree or
and show specific populations in some ways disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree to
(Collis and Hussey, 2014). measure respondents' opinions. Finally, the
researchers distributed questionnaires to 400
Furthermore, the researchers distributed respondents who repurchase on Pinduoduo in
questionnaires to the respondents and collected China and received 389 valid data to analyze.
data from them. Zikmund (2003) pointed out The data collection period is from September 2,
that the survey is a study technique for 2020 to September 28, 2020.
collecting data by using questionnaires as a
research tool. Sekaran and Bougie (2010) Finding
pointed out that this method enables researchers Summary of General Information
to collect a large number of information about
the target population from different locations. The survey questions consist of five
And in this study, the target population is demographic factors such as gender, age,
Chinese users who have experience in educational level, income and profession. Based
repurchaseing from Pinduoduo e-commerce on table 1, the researchers found that among the
389 respondents, the highest percentage of
Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era
Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
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gender is female, with 60.9 percentage or 175 respondents. Additionally, the highest
respondents. Moreover, the highest percentage percentage of income is between 5100 CNY-
of age level is between 21 to 30 years with 40.7 8000CNY with 37.3 percentage or 145
percentage or 283 respondents. For the respondents. For the profession, most of the
education level, most of the respondents has respondents are general staff with 47 percentage
Bachelor's degree with 42.4 percentage or 187 or183 respondents.
Table 1: Summary of General Information Simple linear regression. The results of five
hypotheses are summarized as follows:
General Characteris Frequen Percent
Table2: Summary of hypotheses testing
Informat tics cy (f) age (%)
Gender Female 237 60.9
Age 21 to 30 283 40.7
years 42.4
Level of Bachelor 187
Income 5100 - 145 37.3
Professio general 183
n staff
Hypotheses Testing
Four hypotheses were developed to investigate
based on the objectives of the research. In this study,
the researchers applied Simple Linear Regression
and Multiple Linear Regression for inferential
analysis of all the hypotheses. Multiple Linear
Regression is applied for hypothesis 1, hypothesis 2
and hypothesis 4. The hypothesis 3 is applied with
Conclusion Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era
Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
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Since the emergence of e-commerce platform, it
has become a part of daily life. The number of users
using e-commerce platform is increaseing at an
alarming rate. How to attract consumers and increase
the repurchase rate is a huge problem for e-commerce
platform. The purpose of this study is to find out the
relationship between security, ease of use, privacy
concern, trust, e-satisfaction and repurchase
intention. The researchers collected the data from
389 respondents who used Pinduoduo e-commerce
platform to shop in China.
For the demographic factors of the study, the
results showed that most consumers of Pinduoduo
are female, with 60.9 percentage or 175 respondents,
aged between 21 and 30, with a bachelor's degree,
and most of their income is 5100 CNY-8000CNY
with 37.3 percentage or 145 respondents. For the
profession, most of the respondents are general staff
with 47 percentage or 183 respondents. In other
words, the customers who use Pinduoduo online
shopping platform are mainly educated female adults
with relatively stable work and free time. Pinduoduo
e-commerce platform manager needs to focus on this
part of the target customers and improve the
repurchase intention of online shopping.
According to the hypothesis analysis, by using
Simple Linear Regression and Multiple Linear
Regression, two out of four hypotheses rejected null
hypotheses, while two hypotheses failed to reject the
null hypothesis. Hypothesis 1 shows that security and
privacy concern obviously affect trust, but ease of
use has no effect on trust. In Hypothesis 2, ease of
use, security, and privacy concern have an important
effects on e-satisfaction. In hypothesis 3, trust has an
important effect on electronic satisfaction. In
Hypothesis 4, it is shown that security, e-satisfaction
and trust have an important impact on repurchase
intention, but there are two variables, namely, ease of
use and privacy concern, which have no impact on
repurchase intention.
The analysis of this study is based on the
collected data and research results, to find repurchase
intention towards Pinduoduo, an online shopping
platform in China, In this study, descriptive analysis
and inferential analysis were used. Descriptive
analysis was used for demographic factors and
Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era
Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
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inferential analysis for hypothesis testing. Moreover, customer repurchase intention. Improving customer
multiple hypotheses were tested by using Simple satisfaction can increase customer repurchase rate.
Linear Regression and Multiple Linear Regression. Pinduoduo can improve customer satisfaction by
improving service quality. In e-commerce, the
According to the hypotheses analysis, security biggest advantage of network is to provide
has great influence on trust, e-satisfaction and comprehensive product information. In website
repurchase intention. And privacy concern has great service, Pinduoduo can provide network quality
influence on trust, e-satisfaction and repurchase service automatically and comprehensively
intention. Pinduoduo e-commerce platform should according to customer service demand through
improve the security of the platform, strengthen the online automatic service system, and can establish a
protection of customer privacy, add website security fast and timely information release system. At the
protection terms, and protect customer privacy in the same time, the e-commerce should establish a real-
form of laws and regulations. At the same time, it time information communication system to
should strengthen the scientific and technological strengthen the cultural and emotional communication
construction of the website to reduce the risk of of consumers, and collect and sort out consumers'
hacker attacks on customers. Most of the time, the opinions and suggestions. Social media has become
user's sense of security is subjective when using the the preferred shopping channel for consumers, so
product. Pinduoduo e-commerce platform can Pinduoduo needs to establish social identity from
improve product page design, improve product customers and other brands through social media. If
experience, and convey a sense of security to users. consumers refer to the product content of e-
commerce platform or upload the product image of
According to hypothesis 2, it can be concluded e-commerce platform on social media, this is very
that ease of use of website has an important impact effective for tangible products that consumers want
on customers' e-satisfaction. Ease of use can help the to see in "real life". In addition to displaying stylized
customers to save time, understand and use pictures of products, consumers can produce more
efficienty. Pinduoduo e-commerce platform real feelings through realistic product pictures or
improves customer experience and customer videos, which can improve customer trust and
satisfaction through smooth product operation, satisfaction.
loading speed and server stability.
Further Studies
According to hypothesis 3 and Hypothesis 4, it
can be concluded that trust has an important impact This study focuses on the influence of security,
on customer e-satisfaction and repurchase intention. ease of use, privacy concern, trust and e-satisfaction
Pinduoduo e-commerce platform needs to improve on online repurchase intention. In order to apply
customer trust, shape the platform image, create research framework, many other related fields can
brand security and improve trust. News release is a also be studied. Even if this research provides some
form of content marketing, an indispensable part of useful information to e-commerce platform
the whole product marketing strategy, and plays an managers, this topic can still be enhanced through
important role in brand communication. For the further research. The following suggestions are
selection of news release platform, it is better to helpful for researchers to expand into related fields.
choose portal websites such as Sohu, Tencent, First of all, demographic characteristics should be
Netease, etc. These large platforms have authority, studied more specifically in order to obtain more
and users' recognition and higer trust. Pinduoduo e- accurate customer behavior intentions from different
commerce platform can find celebrities to promote e- groups of people. The main target group of this study
commerce platform. Whether at the beginning of the is the people who repurchase from Pinduoduo e-
platform's launch or at the development stage, it has commerce platform. Different target groups can be
a good effect on the brand image, and the fan effect considered for further research. Secondly, the focus
brought by celebrity endorsement is very strong. of this study is to find influence of related variables
on repurchase intention towards Pinduoduo, so as to
According to Hypothesis 4, it can be concluded better understand the purchasing characteristics of
that e-satisfaction has an important impact on online shopping in China. However, different
Au Virtual International Conference 2020
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Cao Jiabao1, Prasak Santiparp2
1,2M.Ed in Educational Management,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University
1Heilongjiang, 15000 and China. E-mai: [email protected]
2 Corresponding Author. E-mail: [email protected]
The problems of leaderships among female in higher education lecturers are difficulties to balance the
relationship between family responsibilities and work needs in the path of obtaining the top leaders. This
research aims to survey and compare leaderships of related factors among female lecturers. A research
was surveyed levels of leaderships and their related factors of female lecturers at a university in Guangxi
province, China. In order to conduct this research, data were gathered using the surveyed questionnaire,
which tested for validity by 3 experts’ judging and reliability ( Chronbac’ s alpha = 0. 947) . From 1,087
female lecturers, the calculated sample size and multistage proportional sampling were done. The voluntary
284 female lectures were included in this research. The analytic statistics were t- test, ANOVA and
Pearson’s correlation. The results showed that the significant levels of teachers’ leaderships by age, highest
education levels, marital status, number of children, work experiences, social and psychological factors.
The suggestions were decreased family responsibilities and social with psychological supporting for
promoting leaderships of female lecture.
Keywords: leadership, female, higher educatio
Background and Rationale of Study female of higher education system are difficulty of
Women have faced several formidable obstacles women balancing the relationship between family
when they want to reach the top leadership. There are
more barriers to women than men when they want to responsibilities and work needs in the path of
be workers with leadership concurrently. There are the obtaining the top leadership.
ancient mazes of women to describe the multiple In China, society usually defines women as
fragile and hesitant. ( Han ,Pan ,Xie, Han, Zheng ,
obstacles women will face in reaching the highest 2019) . The popular culture of shaping expectation has
leadership. In fact, finding the center of the highest
leadership in the maze is equally difficult for both men an enormous impact on the women when they grow
and women. However, women will encounter dead up. ( Madsen, Susan, Longman, Karen,2014) . Some
ends that other men would not normally face. (Eagly,
Carli, 2007) . The main problems of leadership among Chinese young women have been educated that they
do not need to compete with men in the carriers and
their work ability do not need to be better than men’
skills and even they think that leadership skills are
Au Virtual International Conference 2020
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Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
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unnecessary to them. Women can do some auxiliary not achieve their leadership because of gender
work such as assistants instead of employees who are stereotype in Guangxi university of finance and
responsible for making decisions. In the meanwhile, economic. It is also an inherent prejudice in society
leadership among female lecturers are effected by that women must have children at a certain age. They
some related factors as well in the Guangxi university think inevitable things such as women’ pregnancy
of finance and economic. Some female lecturers could
cycle and breastfeeding period will make it The population of this research was comprised
impossible to guarantee the continuity of work at the
same time. Women’ physical and energy consumption of 1087 teachers from 13 faculties at a university in
are very large, which inevitably has a negative impact Guangxi province, China. There were total 13
on development of leadership. faculties.
Leaderships among females’ representations Sample
are still insufficient in almost every field. This is true The target sample are 284 according to Krejcie-
in science,business and education ( Jennifer, Smith, Morgan table(1970) of proportion random sampling at
Chelsea, Ortiz, Madison, Buhbe, Vugt, 2018). Some a confidence level of 95%. According to the formula,
studies describe the importance of leadership among The multistage sampling was conducted by proportion
leadership in microfinance institutions. ( Reidar, of each faculty.
Oystein, Strom, Espallier, Mersland, 2014) . There
also has study to review the literature available on the Research instrument
development and sustainability of female leadership Questionnaire was conduct to questionnaire to
capacity and effectiveness, but less on the challenges
and barriers faced by female leaders in higher reveal the female leadership of higher education
education ( Alomair,2015).Thus,it is necessary to tend system in this research survey. The questionnaire
to focus on the challenges and barriers that leadership consists of four parts as follow:
among female will meet in the higher education
system especially this study will take a example of a Part (1) is General characteristics and work
university in Guanxi province in order to explore the experiences of lecturers that consisted of their age,
related factors of leadership among female lecturers in marital status, education level, income and work
Chinese higher education system and put forward experience.
suggestions to solve problems
Part (2) (3) and (4) are leaderships of female
Research Questions lecturers that comprise of personal consideration,
1. What are levels of leaderships among female inspiration and motivation, setting role model,
creativity stimulation, social factors that comprise of
lecturers at a university in Guangxi province, China? support from faculty and family, social stereotype and
2. What are factors related to leaderships psychological factors that comprise of intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation, personality with 5 likert scales
among female lecturers at a university in Guangxi, for 20 items of questionaires. The levels of leaderships
China? and factors were considered from the score of answers
and was clarified into 5 levels according to the Best’ s
Research Objectives criteria ( 1977) as highest, high, moderate, low and
1. To survey the levels of leaderships among lowest.
female lecturers at a university in Guangxi province, Quality of instrument
China. Content validity
2. To analyze factors related to leaderships The completeness and appropriateness of research
among female lecturers at a university in Guangxi instrument of language and content relevance of
province, China. questionnaires were examined by thesis advisors and
three experts. After researchers discuss with 3 experts
Materials and Methods and thesis advisors, some redundant questions will be
Research Design
This research was cross- sectional survey
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Reliablity Table 7 Frequency and percentage of female lecturers
The research instrument was tried out at the (n=284)
university where similar to a university in Guangxi Inspiration 3.34 0.57 Moderate
province with 30 lecturers to examine the construct and
reliability. The Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient from motivation
tried out was 0.947.
Setting role 3.2 0.77 Moderate
Results and Discussion model
All 284 female lecturers in Guangxi university Creativi4.3ty 2.58 0.5 Low
of finance and economic,China were included for stimulation
study about leaderships and affecting factors that
might affect leaderships of female lecturers. Total 3.15 0.71 Moderate
Leadership levels of female lecturers General information Frequen Percenta
cy ge
Table 6 shows that the overall level of leadership
of female lecturers at a university in Guangxi Age Between 21 - 30 108 38
province, China is at moderate level. Personalized
consideration is at a high level. Inspiration and years old
motivation is at a moderate level. Setting role model is
at a moderate level. Creativity stimulation is at a low
General characteristics school information
The results on the frequency and percentage for the
personal information collected from Guangxi
university of finance and economic,China are shown
in the table 7
Between 31-40 100 35.2
years old
Between 41-50 33 11.6
years old
Above 50 years 43 15.2
Educatio Graduate(Bache 155 54.6
nal level lor degree)
Postgraduate(M 78 28.2
aster degree)
Doctorate(Doct 27 9.5
oral degree)
Other 24 7.7
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Work Between1-10 185 65.1 of degree. The majority of female lecturers ( 65. 1% )
experien years have between 1-10 years work experience in Guangxi
ce Between 11-20 61 21.5
years university of finance and economic,China,following
Income Between 21-30 20 6.7 by 21. 5% who had worked for between 11- 15
years years. And the similar group are the of 19 female
Marital 18 6.7 teachers with between 21-30 years and above 30 years
status Above 30 years 112 36.6 work experience.In term of income,the majority of 106
30000-50000 female lecturers ( 37. 3% ) earned an annual income
Number Yuan 99 37.3 between60000- 100000 Yuan,following by 36. 6%
of 60000-
children 100000Yuan 13 4.9 female lecturers earned an annual income between
110000- 30000- 50000 Yuan,while the remaining 60female
150000Yuan 60 21.2 lecturers(21.2%) who earned an annual income above
150000 Yuan: only4. 9% female lecturers earned
Above 183 64.8 between110000- 150000 Yuan every year,while the
150000Yuan 71 25.4
14 4.2 average income of female lecturers are reported at
Married 9 3.2 109102 Yuan per year. In term of marital status,the
7 2.4 majority of 184( 64. 8% ) female lecturers are got
Single 92 32.7
127 45 married,following by 72 female lecturers are
Windowed 46 16.2 single. There also have 4. 2% of female lecturers are
19 6.1 windowed :only 9 female lecturers are divorced, while
the smallest group are 7 teachers who are
Separated separated. There are 143 female lecturers have 1
children in their family ,following by 32.7% of female
lecturers do not have children according of number of
1 children . However,there are 17 female lecturers who
has more than 2 children in their family.
The psychological factors of higher education
More than 2
female lecturers
Table 7show that,from a total of 284 respondents,the
The overall level of psychological factors was at a
majority of 108 or 38% are between 21- 30 years moderate level with an average mean score of 3.40
and a standard deviation of 0.52. In details, intrinsic
old,while 100 female lecturers or 35. 2% who age
motivation of dimension in psychological factors of
between 31- 40 years old and 33 female lecturers or
high education female lecturers was at a moderate
35. 2% who age between 41- 50 years level with an average mean score of 3.39 and a
standard deviation of 0.68 Extrinsic motivation in
old.However,43(15.2%) female lecturers aged above
psychological factors of high education female
50 years old. The average age of female lecturers are
lecturers was at a high level with an average mean
32. 2 years old. Considering the sample of score of 3.44 and a standard deviation of 0.62,
respondents,most of female lecturers ( 54. 6% ) hold Personality dimension in psychological factors of
bachelor degree,while some of female high education female lecturers was at a moderate
level with an average mean score of 3.36 and a
lecturers( 28. 2% ) got master degree: only standard deviation of 0.63 as shown in table 8
Table 8The psychological factors of higher education
female lecturers (n=284)
27( 9. 5% ) female lecturers completed doctoral degree
and there has 20(7.7%) female teachers got other type
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with an average mean score of 3.37 and a standard
deviation of 0.70 as shown in table 9
Table 9 The social factors of higher education female
lecturers (n=284)
Psychological Mean S.D Level Social factors Mean S.D Level of
factors of higher of of higher 3.31 0.73 leadership
education female leader education
lecturers ship female Moderate
Intrinsic motivation 3.39 0.68 Moder
ate Support from
Extrinsic motivation 3.44 0.62 High Support from 3.31 0.74 Moderate
Social 3.37 0.70 Moderate
Personality 3.36 0.63 Moder Overall 3.33 0.63 Moderate
Overall 3.40 0.53 Moder Note:1.00-1.80=Lowest 1.81-2.60=Low 2.61-
ate 3.40=Moderate 3.41-4.20=High 4.21-5.00=Highest
Note:1.00-1.80=Lowest 1.81-2.60=Low 2.61- The relationship between social, psychological
3.40=Moderate 3.41-4.20=High 4.21-5.00=Highest factors and leadership levels
The social factors of higher education female This part demonstrated the correlation between
lecturers related factors and level of leadership of female
lecturers in Guangxi university of fiance and
The overall level of social factors was at a moderate economic,China.The details of variable are shown in
level with an average mean score of 3.33and a Table10and Table 11
standard deviation of 0.63. In details,support from
organization of dimension in social factors of high Table 10The relationship between psychological
education female lecturers was at a moderate level factors and level of leadership of female lecturers in
with an average mean score of 3.31and a standard Guangxi university of fiance and economic,China.
deviation of 0.73.Support from family in social
factors of high education female lecturers was at a Psychological Level of leadership of
moderate level with an average mean score of
3.31and a standard deviation of 0.74, Social factors female lecturers
stereotype dimension in social factors of high
education female lecturers was at a moderate level Correlation P-value
0.643 0.00*
*significant at the 0.05 level
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According to the Table 4.9,there are positive economic,China are at moderate level.Most of female
lecturers consider personalized.However,the level of
correlation between psychological factors and level leadership of female lecturers in dimension of
creativity stimulation is low.Some of female lecturers
of leadership of female lecturers at the significant are not used to supporting other people to develop
level of 0.00.The correlation coefficient value of new ways of dealing with organization issues and
0.643 indicated that female lecturers’ towards establishing goals for a project and explain the best
way to accomplish these goals to my team
psychological factors has moderate correlation with members.And many female lecturers are effected by
extrinsic motivation.They always are motivated to
their perception toward level of leadership of female work harder because of rising salary and appreciation
lecturers. of superiors and getting more promotions .The most
important is that age,educational level,work
Table 11The relationship between social factors and experience,marital status ,number of children has
significant deference on level of leadership of female
level of leadership of female lecturers in Guangxi lecturers
university of fiance and economic,China.
Social Level of leadership of
factors female lecturers I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude
to my major adviser (Ajarn prasak) as well as AU
Correlation P-
coefficient value gave me the opportunity to attend this internatioanl
conference ,which also helped me in doing a lot of
0.736 0.00*
*significant at the 0.05 level Research and i came to know about so many new
things I am really thankful to them.
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economics admire me when I work hard and support
budgets for their work.In the meantime,most of their
communities gives the equal opportunity to the men
and women with similar background and experience.
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An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting Passenger’s Repurchase
Intention Towards Low-Cost Airline in Thailand.
Kathabhon Thanalerdsobhon1, Sirion Chaipoopirutana2
Master of Business Administration, Marketing, Assumption University
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
With the economic situation at this time, being able to generate some profits for the airlines is difficult.
However, to be able to survive in this changing world is harder. As there are many competitions in the
aviation industry in Thailand. Airlines are competing with one another either by price promotion, or cost.
Many factors are affecting the world’s economy right now. For example, economic war between the united
states of America and China, the appreciation of Thai Baht, the political problems, and others to be able to
survive in this crisis, creating the factor of repurchase intention would be the solution to all the airlines. The
motive of the study is to investigate the influence of affecting factors: service quality in terms of tangible
factors, schedule factors, service provided by ground personnel, service provided by flight attendants, trust,
brand image, perceived value, and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention towards one particular
budget-airline in Thailand. The researchers gathered data from real passengers of the low-cost airline at
Don Mueang International Airport and Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand. The sample size of this study is
409 respondents. The data is collected by the questionnaire distribution. Descriptive research with quota
sampling, judgement sampling, and convenience sampling under non-probability was applied. The five
Liker-scale was used to help with the research instrument. The researchers applied descriptive and
inferential analysis methods to complete the process. Besides, the Multiple Regression Linear was adopted
to help test all the hypotheses. Based on the findings, the researchers found that service quality in terms of
tangible factors, service provided by ground personnel, service provided by flight attendants, except
schedule factors, trust, brand image, perceived value and customer satisfaction statistically have an
influence on repurchase intention.
Keywords: service quality, trust, brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and repurchase
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Introduction uncertainty as it has to rely on many factors. For
instance, economic situations, politics, government
Gustafsson (2005), Hellie (2003), and Lin and policies, and more. In order to survive, being able to
Lu (2010) stated that to be able to remain in the adapt quickly is required, stated by Boonlert (2005).
industry of service providing, the intention of
repurchasing is required to be generated. As result of According the information provided by Civil
this, Gustafsson (2005), Hellier (2003), and Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) (2019), it
Zeithaml (1988) also mentioned that there were showed that Thai aviation
many studies raised to investigate the factors, such
as the quality of service and satisfaction of industry is growing over the past ten years, from
year 2009 to 2018 as the number of passengers
consumers, influencing the determination of raised around 2.8 times from 58 million in 2009 to
customer’s repurchasing. Numukasa (2013), 162 million in 2018. As a result of this, the
Ostrowski (1993), and Reichheld (1996) competition in the industry is very high as there
discussed that it is cheaper to keep the old are many airlines competing in one industry. For
consumers around than finding or making the new example, Thai AirAsia, Nok Air, Thai Airways,
ones. Based on the study of Muhammad, Sadaf, and Thai Lion Air, and others. However, the airline
Asif (2017) discussed about the airline industry that holds the biggest market share international
of Pakistan that it is stated that repurchased routes in Thailand is Thai AirAsia with the market
intention can be generated through the quality of share of 28.7 percentage, followed by Thai Airways,
service, trust, brandimage, satisfaction of 19.3 percentage, and Thai Lion Air 15.6
customers and word of mouth. While, the study of percentage. While, for domestic destinations, Thai
behavioral intention which consists of the AirAsia is still at number one with 32 percentage
intention to repurchase done by, Gour, and of market share, followed by Nok Air 18.6
Theingi (2009) discussed that the determination percentage, and Thai Lion Air 18.1 percentage,
of repurchasing from consumers could occur from respectively, (
quality of service in terms of tangible factors,
schedule factors, service provided by flight Therefore, the researcher of the study
attendants, and service provided by ground decided to study mainly on the factors
personnel, word of mouth, feedback, and influencing the intention to repurchase of
satisfaction of customers. Last but not least, consumers of Thai AirAsia as it is considered to be
Andreas (2001) supported the previous two strongest in the industry.
researches with the study of repurchase intention
through loyalty of consumers in the aviation Research Objectives
business. it is shown that there are two more
influencing factors, taken to consideration of The motive of this study is to explore the
generating repurchase intention, which are factors affecting customer’s repurchase intention
perceived value and quality. Thus, in this research, towards Thai AirAsia. In the study, the variables
the main focus on generating the determination of that influence determination of repurchasing is to be
repurchasing is on these factors; service quality emphasized on. Even if there are various factors
in terms of tangible factors, schedule factors, that have an impact on repurchase intention, the
service provided by flight attendants, and service researcher is to mainly pay attention to these
provided by ground personnel, trust, brand image, factors related to previous study: service quality (in
perceived value, and customer satisfaction. terms of tangible factors, schedule factors, service
provided by ground staff, service provided by flight
The aviation industry is one of the most attendants), trust, brand image, perceived value,
convenient means of transportation which quickly customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention.
and safely helps transport people and things from Seven hypotheses were developed by the
place to place. In other words, it connects the world researcher. Thus, the objectives of the study are as
together. As a result of this, the industry is getting the following
more and more popular. Furthermore, the industry
is considered to be very crucial to move the 1. To investigate the impact of service quality
countries forward as good transportation can reflect
to other industries such as tourism industry and on passenger trust towards Thai AirAsia.
others. However, the industry itself comes with the
2. To study the impact of service quality on brand
image towards Thai AirAsia.
3. To examine the impact of service quality on
perceived value towards Thai AirAsia.
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4. To study the impact of service quality on enhanced the measurement scale to be SEVPERF
as a method that only evaluate how customers feel
repurchase intention towards Thai about the received service. Cronin and Taylor
(1994), and Ostrowski (1993) stated that the
AirAsi measurement scale provides a greater result as an
evaluating method to measure customer
a satisfaction in the aviation business. Ekiz (2006)
introduced another method to evaluate the quality
5. To examine the impact of passenger’s trust of service for the airline business as AIRQUAL
which focused on 5 factors; tangibles of airline,
and perceived value towards brand image. tangibles of terminal, personnel, empathy, and
airline image. Gour and Theingi (2009) adopted
6. To study the impact of passenger’s trust, brand the SERVQUAL model of Cronin and Taylor
(1992) and conducted a focus group with seven
image, and perceived value towards Thai people, then came up with 4 factors, which are
AirAsia. tangible factors, Flight schedule factors, flight
attendants, and ground staff, to measure service
7. To investigate the impact of passenger’s quality of the aviation industry. Cronin and Taylor
(1992) described tangible variables as the condition
trust, customer satisfaction, and perceived of aircraft, seats, air-conditioner and other things,
value on repurchase intention towards Thai flight schedule variables as how convenient the
AirAsia. schedules are, the on-time performance both
departures and arrivals, and more, flight attendants
Literature Review Service Quality as the grooming, know-how in the field or
knowledge when offering services, and friendly
Zeithaml (1988), Ostrowski, (1993), actions to customers, ground staff as the same
and Kotler and Keller (2012) mentioned about factors as flight attendants. As result of this,
service quality that in the market, people or clients the
who are satisfied or happy with products and
services they received, seem to have a preference researcher in this study applied the four factors to
of keeping and building rapports with the ones they measure service quality, stated by Gour and Theingi
got those products or services from. Service quality (2009).
is defined as personal thoughts in customer’s
perspectives towards the received services whether Trust
it meets their expectations, stated by Gronroos
(1984). Cheng and Chi (2007) stated that there are Chaudhuri and Holbrook(2001)
two factors affecting service quality; expectation of defined trust as the feeling of assurance customers
service, the actual service provided. The actual have on goods, services, safety, and performance
service experienced is a consequence of customer’s towards brands. It’ what customers expect from and
perspectives on the service. Bolton and drew (1991) are assured by the brand to keep up the good work.
mentioned that service quality is a kind of Chiu (2012), and Han and Hyun (2013) stated that
perception from customers where their expected trust, a powerful feeling of customer’s assurance
service meets the actual service provided. towards a certain thing, is a crucial factor to retain
Parasuraman (1985) described service quality as the connection between both consumer and service
comparation of what customers actually get and offeror. Doney and Cannon (1997), and Morgan
their feelings towards services before getting them. and Hunt (1994) explained that trust is created
Tsoukatos and Mastrojianni (2010) when service providers are able to display
assurance and honesty.
called the difference between the actual
performance and the expected one as quality of Trust is something that makes customers
service perceived by consumers. Parasuraman happy to be involved in any activity in the future
(1985) came up with the method known as with as well as assured about service provider’s
SERVQUAL to measure or evaluate the quality of actions, mentioned by Steenkamp (1998), Hennig
service by using 10 factors which are tangibles, and Hansen (2000), and Kotler and Keller
credibility, security, competence, and courtesy. (2012).
Parasuraman (1988) adjusted the SERVQUAL
method by cutting down 10 factors to 5 factors
which was stated as five dimensions: tangibles,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and
empathy. Park (2005) stated that the five
dimensions technique cannot be applied with the
aviation industry. Cronin and Taylor (1992)
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(Palmer, 2008; Kotler and Keller (2012) explained is the exchange of between what customers obtain
that trust is something that takes time to be and what they have to give when purchasing or
generated as it helps boost customer’s assurance using goods and services. Woodruff (1997)
towards the actions of service providers. identified perceived value as the differentiation in
customer’s minds about what they are provided
Brand Image and what they have sacrificed. Swaddling and
miller (2002)stated about perceived value that it
Brand image is customer’s points of view is what customers compare between quality that
that display their thoughts towards brands which is is offered and the money that they spent. Chiou and
installed in their minds, mentioned by Keller (1993). Chen (2010) stated that in aviation industry,
Ries and Trout (2001) stated that trust comes from a perceived value is a crucial element that all airlines
competition between brands that has the ability to long to possess in a long run. Dennett (2000)
capture customer’s hearts. Lin and Ryan (2016) discussed that for airlines to obtain competency,
discussed that in aviation industry, trust was something extra or something more than just
considered to very crucial as an optimistic feeling service provided needs to be added up.
that customers had could reflect the assurance and
safety provided by airlines they selected. Wang Customer Satisfaction
(2018) stated that brand image is the factor
Rust and Oliver (1994) stated that customer
that affects the intention behaviors of customers satisfaction is the feelings, thoughts, emotions that
which leads to purchasing determination. Chan customers have towards products and services which
(2018), Dobni and Zinkhan (1990) mentioned that happens when customers compare their feelings of the
brand image is part of customer’s mindsets and quality of service with the actual service
perceptions towards brands. performance on their expectations. Nguyen and
LeBlanc (1998), and Saleem and Raja (2014)
Keller (1993) stated that brand image is the mentioned that customer satisfaction is the feeling
customer’s points of views or thoughts towards a of happiness that comes from customers towards
brand which is stored in the memories of products and services of a brand. Oliver (1981)
customers. Riezebos (2003) identified brand image identified the word satisfaction as personal positive
as a crucial element affecting customer’s feelings perceptions that comes from the comparison of
towards goods and services. Robert and Patrick actual service received and expected serviced
(2009) brand image is the picture or imaginary received. Hansemark and Albinson (2004) stated
created in customer’s heads and minds regarding that it’s the whole picture of customer’s thoughts
products and services. It is used as tool to acquire on those who provides services or customer’s
new customers. Keller (1993) stated that brand feelings generated by comparing what they predict to
image is a group of feelings of customers which get and what they actually get.
could show how impressed they feel towards a
brand. Parasuraman (1988) discussed about
customer satisfaction that the quality that customers
Perceived Value received and the quality that customers anticipated
by using the SERVQUAL model. Singh (2015)
Zeithaml (1988) defined perceived value discussed that satisfaction is what every service
as the consequence of customer’s evaluation or provider aims to achieve. Nam (2011) described
assessment whether what they paid matched what satisfaction as one of the popular factors used in
they received. Bolton and Drew (1991) said that marketing study or research as it can imply the
perceived value can be affected by quality of success of businesses in a long run. Liang and
goods and services. McDougall and Levesque Zhang (2012) mentioned that maintaining customer
(2000), Andreassen, and Lindestad, (1998), and satisfaction standard can lead to customer
Ryu (2008) mentioned that perceived value could retention.
lead to satisfaction of consumer and intentions of
customer’s behaviors. Beerli (2004) stated that the results of better in
profits, more word of mouth, and decrease in
Dodds and Monroe 1991, Sheth (1991),
and Zeithaml (1988) stated that perceived value
is the whole picture of customer’s evaluation on a
product according to what they get and what they
give. Ruiz (2008) mentioned that perceived value
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marketing costs comes from enhancing customer Hu (2009) stated that there is a good connection
satisfaction standard. between both performance of service and trust.
Zhou (2009) mentioned that trust could be
Repurchase Intention enhanced by the performance or quality of service
provided. Su (2016) discussed that trust could be
Hellier (2003) stated that repurchase affected by the quality of service in a long run.
intention is a personal decision of customers about Shpetim (2012) stated that customers who received
purchasing or using services from the old service greater and better quality or performance of service
providers again in the future. Griffis (2012) defined hold better chance to be assured by and trust the
repurchase intention as a crucial factor as consumers service providers. Hazra and Srivastava (2009)
who come back to buy the products again after their stated that trust and the quality of service
first purchase, would buy more of the products positively hold a connection between each other. Lee
than the first time they did. Reichheld and (2014) stated that due to the study of quality of
Schefter (2000) mentioned that repurchase is service in hotel business, Korea, it is stated that the
critical and demanded as it costs a lot to find new quality of service greatly influences trust.
consumers. Chiu (2012) described repurchase
intention as the chance that experienced Service quality in terms of tangible factors
customers would keep buying products and schedule factors, service provided by flight
services again from the same provider. attendants, service provided by ground staff and
brand image
Rajaobelina and Bergeron (2009) stated
that repurchase intention is the degree of Dobni and Zinkhan (1990) mentioned that
customer’s emotional feeling of assurance and trust brand image can be generated by the most essential
to buy a certain products or services again from a factor called the quality of service. Nguyen and
certain company. Harris and Goode (2010) Leblanc (1998), stated that consumers who receive
mentioned that repurchase intention is using the quality of service from the same service providers
service of a certain brand again in the future. hold a preference towards the brand image of the
Goh (2016) mentioned that repurchase intention providers. Freiedmann and Lessig (1987), and
is generated when clients are determined to buy Kotler and keller (2012) described the image of a
goods and services from the same brand again. brand as things that customers perceived which has
Harris and Goode (2004) mentioned that the quality of service as
repurchase intention is the result of customer
loyalty which provide good things to companies. part of it. Kim and Kim (2005), Ostrowski
Repurchase intention is the stage when customers (1993), and Nyadzayo and Khajehzadeh (2016)
are happy to buy the same products or services discussed that the quality of service has an
from the same brand again which will benefit the influence on repurchase intention through brand
brands in terms of performance forecasting, image. Kandampully and Suhartanto (2000)
mentioned by Jones and Sasser (1995), Lin and studied about the image of hotel and they found that
Liang (2011), and Seiders (2005). customers who used the service provided by the
hotel are defined as a variable that highly has an
Related Literature Review impact to the hotel image.
Service quality in terms of tangible factors Aron 1961, Oxenfeldt (1974), Dichter
schedule factors, service provided by flight (1985), and Keaveney and Hunt (1992) stated that
attendants, service provided by ground staff companies that are able to provider better standard of
and trust. service could be able to gain satisfaction of
customer as well as generated great brand image.
Doney and Cannon (1997) discussed that According to Jay, and Hsin (2007) found that
trust is formed by the quality of service. It is assured there is a positive relationship between quality
that the quality of service received positively of service and brand image.
effects on trust of consumers, stated by Forster and
Cadogen (2000). Rodolfo (2005) discussed that
service providers with better quality of service is
more likely to be trusted by consumers. Cho and
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Service quality in terms of tangible factors others. Cronin and Taylor (1992) mentioned that the
schedule factors, service provided by flight connection between quality of service and the
attendants, service provided by ground staff determination of repurchasing really do exist.
and perceive value According to Gonzalex (2007) mentioned that in the
field of tourism business, the quality of service and
Robldo (2001) stated hat the satisfaction of customers positively and greatly
assessment of quality of service and the perception affect the intention to repurchase from customers
of value is crucial in hospitality industry. Hapsari which can be put other words as the quality of
(2016) studied about the connection between 3 service received by customers generate their
variables which are quality of service, received actions to buy the services again.
value and satisfaction of customer from customers
of Indonesian airline and the consequence Wang (2004), Alexandris (2002), and
displayed there is a positive relationship between Cronin and Taylor (1992) mentioned that there is a
the quality of service and the value perceived by connection between the quality of service and the
customers. Singh (2015) mentioned that in the determination of repurchasing in a good way. Caruana
aviation business, the quality of service affects the (2002), and Zeithaml (1996) mentioned that the
value perceived by customers in a good way. Kuo quality of service
and Jou (2014) discussed that what makes
companies profitable is because of customer’s has an influence on repurchase intention in a good
perceptions towards received value and quality of way. He and Li (2011), and Swaen and Chumpitaz
service. (2008) stated that the determination to repurchase
from customers happened after customers
Park (2007) stated that customers from received good quality of service. Boulding
aviation industry hope to get better quality of (2010), and Zeithaml (1990), and Ladhari (2009)
service which matches the value that they pay. also supported that there is connection between
Dabholkar (2000) discussed the quality of service and loyalty or customers
which consist of the intention to purchase the
that in order to remain in the competition, a great service again.
standard of quality of service needs to be provided
for raising the value of perception from customers. Trust, perceived value and brand image.
Tam (2004) discussed aboubt when customers
getting better service quality than what they spend, Lien (2015) mentioned that the
they would receive more of the perceived value. relationship between trust and brand image do
Rasheed and Abadi (2014) stated that according the exist. J. Power, and Whelan (2008), discussed that
hospitality business in Malaysia, it is shown that the there is a connection between trust and the image
quality of service and value of perception from of a brand. For example, if the customers have low
customers have a connection between each other in level of assurance towards a brand, it also implies
a good way. Based on the research studying about that the brand contains low level of brand image.
the connection between three variables which are Cretu and Brodie (2007) stated about brand image
quality of service, perceived value, and satisfaction that by having a grand brand image could lead to
of customers in the telecommunication business, it better results in better trust of the brand, loyalty,
is displayed that there is a positive connection and commitment. According to the study of the
between service quality and perceived value. industry of airline in Pakistan by Muhammad,
Sadaf, and Asif (2017) showed their results that
Service quality in terms of tangible factors the variable trust has an influence on repurchase
schedule factors, service provided by flight intention through the image of a brand
attendants, service provided by ground staff and
repurchase intention Hsi (2016) dicussed about Tea Chain
Store in Tainan city on the study that perceived
Boulding (1993) stated that the quality of value has an impact on the image of the brand in
service positively has an influence on the intention an optimistic way. Tatiana (2016) stated that there
to re-purchase as well as make some suggestion to is a positive relationship between the 2 factors
which are perceived value and brand image.
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Trust, perceived value, brand image, and of service and satisfaction of customers truly have
customer satisfaction. an influence on the determination of repurchase
of customers in the aviation industry. Oh (1999)
McDougall and Leavesque (2000) stated that the quality of service, and the
stated that customers who received the great satisfaction of customers resulted in having a
standard level of value for the airlines, would have positive connection between towards repurchase
higher chance to be happy with those airlines. determination of customers. Hellier (2003),
Chen (2008) mentioned that there is a connection Gustafsson (2005), and Ringle (2011) mentioned
between the value that that the intention to re-buy is greatly and
positively influenced by satisfaction of
customers perceived and the satisfaction of theirs customers. Zeithaml (1996), Mittal and Kamakura
in a good way. Hapsari (2016) discussed that the (2001), and Cronin and Taylor (1992) pointed out
higher satisfaction of customers would result in the that happy clients have higher chance of returning
better of value that customers perceived. Kuo, and to use the service again. Zeithamal (1996), Cronin
Jou (2014) stated that the satisfaction of customers and Taylor (1992), and Pakdil and Aydin (2007)
is directly and positively affected by value perceived mentioned that the satisfaction of clients has turned
by customers of airline in Taoyuan international into powerful factor in the industry of service as
airport and Kaohsiung international airport. Han the intention to repurchase can be created from
(2014) supported that there is a connection between it.
value perceiving and satisfaction of customers in a
good way for budget-airlines. Wu (2014) also stated According to Chen and Chen (2010)
that value perceiving has an impact on satisfaction of stated that perceived value and satisfaction of
customers in a positive way. customers positively have an influence on
customer’s determination of repurchasing. Based
According to the study of the industry of on the study by Heesup, Kai, and Hakjun,
aviation, in Pakistan, by Muhammad, Sadaf, and Sanghyeop, and Bee-Lia (2019) they mentioned
Asif (2017) they found that there is positive that with the combination of satisfaction of
connection between trust and intention of customers and the perceived value could generate
repurchasing through satisfaction of customers. Zhou the intention to repurchase from customer. From
(2006) stated that there is a connection between trust the study of online shopping, the value perceiving
and satisfaction of customers in an optimistic way. from customers contain a connect between
Zboja and Voorhees (2006) discussed that the repurchase intention in a good way stated by Kuan,
positive relationship between trust and satisfaction of Po-Yuan and Shu-Ling (2014). Sweeny and
customers really do exist. Chen and Chang (2013) Soutar (2001) stated that the intention to
supported that trust and satisfaction are connected repurchase is influenced by value perceiving.
with each other.
Palmer (2008), and Park (2007) stated that
Andreassen and Lanseng (1988), and trust is basically a very crucial part in generating
Gronroos (1984) mentioned that brand image is a repurchase intentions of the aviation industry.
factor that influences perception and satisfaction of Verhoef (2009) mentioned that it is widely
customers. Sayed and Leila (2017) they found that discussed that trust is truly essential for creating
the image of a brand positively influences on customer’s intention to make a purchase again in
satisfaction of Iranian consumers. Pop (2010) and the future if they have had an experience towards
Chih (2012) supported that the image of a brand a certain
has an influence on satisfaction of customers.
brand before. Palm (2008), and Park (2007) also
Trust, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and mentioned that trust in the pre- consuming stage
repurchase intention and after-consuming stage of products or services
are factors affecting the determination of customers
Due to the study by Zeithaml (1996), to repurchase. According to Gustafsson (2005),
and Cronin and Taylor (1992) they found that there is Verhoef (2009), Ha (2010), Milan (2015), and
a strong positive relationship between quality and the Veloutsou (2015) they stated that trust is an
intention to repurchase. Namukasa (2013), and essential part in the intention of repurchase,
Hussain (2016) also supported the previous study satisfaction of clients, and generation of the image
that the quality of a brand. Palmer (2008), Kotler and Keller (2012)
easily explained that once safety and assurance are
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provided to customers, they would keep coming back H4a: Service quality in terms of tangibles,
and build a rapport with the service providers and schedules, service by ground staff, and service
think of them as reliable. Namukasa (2013), and Ali by flight attendants are statistically influenced on
(2015) stated that trust can make customers both repurchase intention.
who rarely or often use the service of the airline
come back use the service again. H5o: Trust and perceived value are not
statistically influenced on brand image.
Research Framework
H5a: Trust and perceived value are statistically
Based on the previous theoretical
framework, the research modified the new influenced on brand image.
conceptual framework with 6 variables and 7
hypotheses. The independent variables are service H6o: Trust, brand image, and perceived value are
quality (in terms of tangible factors, schedule
factors, service provided by ground staff, service not statistically influenced on customer
provided by flight attendants), trust, brand image,
perceived value, customer satisfaction, and the satisfaction.
dependent variable is repurchase intention towards
Thai AirAsia, Thailand. The modified conceptual H6a: Trust, brand image, and perceived value
framework is demonstrated in Figure 1, together are statistically influenced on customer
with seven hypotheses which are displayed along satisfaction.
with the framework as the following
H7o: Trust, customer satisfaction, and perceived
H1o: Service quality in terms of tangibles,
schedules, service by ground staff, and service by value are not statistically influenced on repurchase
flight attendants are not statistically influenced on
trust. intention.
H1a: Service quality in terms of tangibles, H7a: Trust, customer satisfaction, and perceived
schedules, service by ground staff, and service by value are statistically influenced on repurchase
flight attendants are statistically influenced on trust. intention.
H2o: Service quality in terms of tangibles, Research Methodology
schedules, service by ground staff, and service This part of the research, it is
dedicated to give an explanation on the research
by flight attendants are not statistically influenced methodology applied in the study. Firstly, the
researchers used descriptive research as a method of
on brand image. data collection to find out the factors affecting
repurchase intention of passengers towards the low-
H2a: Service quality in terms of tangibles, cost airline, Thai AirAsia. Shona (2019) defined
descriptive research as the tool to explore or explain
schedules, service by ground staff, and the characteristics of population which can be able
to answer the questions what, where, when, and
service by flight attendants are statistically how except why. Moreover, the method is also
utilized to look into more than one influencing
influenced on brand image. factors. Apart from that, Fox and Bayat (2007)
explained that descriptive research is a tool that
H3o: Service quality in terms of tangibles, focuses on present situations and uses a method of
information collecting to help explain the matters.
schedules, service by ground staff, and service Last but not least, the method is not only used to
identify the attributes but also the way population
by flight attendants are n behave.
ot statistically influenced on perceived value. On top of that, the researchers made a
decision to utilize questionnaires as a survey method
H3a: Service quality in terms of tangibles, to collect data. Daniel (2020) stated that
questionnaire is a tool full of inquires focusing on
schedules, service by ground staff, and service gathering information from people which can be
utilized for many objectives. Last but not least,
by flight attendants are statistically influenced on the self- administered questionnaire, under online
survey technique, is applied by the researcher in order
perceived value. to obtain data from this study. Paul (2008)
H4o: Service quality in terms of tangibles,
schedules, service by ground staff, and service
by flight attendants are n
ot statistically influenced repurchase intention.
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mentioned that self-administered questionnaire is a In this research, the researcher decided to use
method used to gather information from participants nonprobability sampling technique to conduct a
which requires them to complete all the questions questionnaire. Hataichanok (2012) stated that
by themselves without any interferes. There are nonprobability sampling technique is used when the
many ways to do the self-administered question. exact number of populations is unstable or
For example, mailing, face to face, and internet unknown. Each individual has different chances of
being selected, some even contains zero percentage of
Next, the target population of this being chosen. It is the technique that relies on
study is any individuals who have had an convenience in terms of time, place, manpower, and
experience using domestic service provided by Thai budget of a researcher conducting a survey.
AirAsia. Stephanie (2019) stated that target Nonprobability sampling can be divided into many
population is a group of people who hold the sections; convenience sampling, quota sampling,
information that a certain person wants to obtain. judgement sampling and others. Based on the
Besides, Paul (2008) mentioned that target information explained above, the research selected to
population is the information received from people apply nonprobability sampling under judgement
that represents the majority which can be used as a sampling, quota sampling and convenience
conclusion. sampling techniques with the process to complete
the process.
The sampling units of this research is
Thai and non-Thai customers who have Based on quota sampling, the researchers
experienced using the domestic service of Thai collected the data from Don Mueang International
AirAsia, at Don Mueang international airport and Airport and Suvarnabhumi Airport, 200 passengers
Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand. Stephanie (2018) from each airport. Followed by convenience
described sampling units as a single person from sampling
the chosen target population or a group of
people from the group which can be used or Lastly, the researchers developed
applied for research purposes. Steven (2018) stated questionnaire based on the conceptual framework
that sampling unit is picking individuals from the stated which consisted of 4 parts
population which can be referred to a greater or
bigger group of people regarding their thoughts. The first part is the
Moreover, the sample size of this study is screening
409 people. Lauren (2017) discussed that 400- question. Christopher (2018) stated that screener
sample size is where the magic is created as to question is an inquiry that allows a researcher to
calculate the sample size, two variables which are look for a right individual for the study and helps
confidence level of 95 percentage and confidence eliminate those who are not fit for the research or
interval or error of margin of plus or minus 5 are study. Thus, the researcher decided to use the
required to be applied. For example, with 2.4 question “Have you had any experience with Thai
million population, the sample size will be equal AirAsia’s domestic flights?” The second part is
to 385 when being applied with the sample size about
formula. Therefore, 400 is the number to be
selected, even if the population’s size increases to factors influencing repurchase intention which
be more than this. Lastly, Zikmund (2003) stated consisted of 44 questions. The third part is
that in order to get the 385-sampling size, the questions regarding dependent variable which is
following formula is required to be applied repurchase intention. There are 4 questions. The
researchers applied 5 Likert scale with part 2 and
n = ! ( �) ÷ !
n = Sample size
Z2 = The square of confidence interval in
standard error units
P = Estimated proportion of success
E2 = The square of the maximum allowance
for error between the true proportion and sample
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3. Susan (2007) mentioned that, Likert scale is a Table 1: the summary of null hypotheses
rating measurement applied in a survey or testing
questionnaire to assess participant’s personal ideas,
thoughts, perspectives, and others towards a
certain inquiry. The scale composes of strongly
agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly
disagree and is normally applied in research
purposes. The scale is as the following. 1 =
Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 =
Agree, and 5 = Strongly disagree. Lastly, the last
part is about demographic factors which consisted
of 9 questions.
Collection of Data/Gathering procedures
Craddick and Laws (2003) stated that
data collection is a method of acquiring and
assessing information or news based on the
selected factors or variables which gives
researchers the ability to understand and analyze
research questions, hypotheses, and the
consequences of the study. The researchers
collected all together 409 data from the
respondents in Thailand during 15 September to
2 October, 2020 at Don Mueang International
Airport and Suvarnabhumi Airport by using self-
administered research technique.
According to the descriptive analysis,
the researchers found that the majority of
demographic information are as
the following. Firstly, the majority of gender is
male by 219 or 53.5%. the nationality is
100% Thai people or 409 respondents. The
age is between 25-34 by 276 or 67.5%. The
status is single by 324 or 79.2%. The
educational level is Bachelor’s Degree by
298 or 72.9%. the occupation is office-
employed by 234 or 57.2%. The income level is
above 30,000 THB by 229 or 56%. The
purpose of travel is leisure by 322 or 78.7%.
Lastly, the annual frequency of travel is
between 3-4 times by 123 times or 30.1%.
The Hypotheses Testing
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Based on the table 1, it clearly shows the summary factors, schedule factors, service provided by ground
of null hypotheses testing in 7 parts. The first personnel, service provided by flight attendants and
hypothesis is service quality in terms of tangible perceived value. The significant levels are at .000,
factors, schedule factors, service provided by .080, .000, and,
ground personnel, service provided by flight .000. respectively. While the beta values are at .251,
attendants and trust. The significant values are at .061, .216, and, .369 in sequence and the highest
.000, .002, score is service provided by flight attendants by .369.
.000, and .000 respectively. While the beta values Fourth is service quality in terms of tangible factors,
are at 3.41, .108, .268, and .218 in order and schedule factors, service provided by ground
the highest beta falls into tangible factors by .341. personnel, service provided by flight attendants and
Second hypothesis is service quality in terms of repurchase intention. The significant levels are at
tangible factors, schedule factors, service .000, .699, .022, and .000 respectively. There’s just
provided by ground personnel, service provided only one part failing to reject the null hypothesis
by flight attendants and brand image. The which is schedule factors by
significant values are at .000, .179, .002, and, .0699. While the beta values are at .292, .014,
.000 .116, and, .292 in sequence and the highest score
falls into both tangible factors and service provided
respectively. There’s just only one part failing to by flight attendants by .292. Fifth hypothesis is trust,
reject the null hypothesis which is schedule factors. perceived value and brand image. The significant
While the beta levels are at 3.48, .042, .140, and levels are at
.429 in order and the highest value is service
provided by flight attendants by .429. Third .000 and .000. While the beta scores are at
hypothesis is service quality in terms of tangible .479 and .454 and the highest one is trust by
.479. Sixth hypothesis is trust, brand image,
perceived value and customer satisfaction. The
significant levels are at .002, .000, and
.000 respectively. While the beta values are at .114,
.584, and, .268 and the highest score falls into brand
image by .584. the last hypothesis is trust, brand
image, perceived value, customer satisfaction and
repurchase intention. The significant levels are at
.000, .004, and, .000 respectively. While the
beta values are at .118, .208, .147, and, .457
in sequence and the highest score is customer
satisfaction by .457.
The objective of the study is to
investigate whether service quality in terms of
tangible factors, schedule factors, service provided
by ground personnel, and service provided by
flight attendants, trust, brand image, perceived
value, and customer satisfaction have an influence
on repurchase intention towards Thai AirAsia.
The researchers gathered all the data
and information from respondents who have
experienced with Thai AirAsia, domestic flights.
The sample size of the study was 409. The sampling
techniques used to collect the data were judgement,
convenience, and quota samplings and the non-
probability technique. The five-point Likert scale
were applied to help with the measurement. The
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researchers applied descriptive and inferential provided by Thai AirAsia are mostly Thai people
analysis to test all the hypotheses by using multiple who are single, around 24-35 years old, office-
linear regression. As the result, the researchers employed, hold a Bachelor’s degree, have monthly
found that service quality in terms of tangibles, income more than 30,000 THB, and travel with the
schedules, service by ground staff, and service by airline between 3-4 times a year on leisure purpose.
flight attendants, trust, brand image, perceived The research would like to recommend the airline
value, and customer satisfaction significantly to emphasize on this group of people as they are the
have an influence on repurchase intention. airline’s main customers and come up with some
marketing campaign to both retain and gain more
The most significant levels between customers. As it is shown in the result that Thai
service quality and trust are tangible factors, AirAsia’s customers are early to late stage of
service provided by ground personnel and adults, so the research would like to suggest the
service provided by flight attendant at the level airline to do something fun to attract this group of
of .000. while the highest beta in service quality and customers and that is the marketing campaign called
trust is tangible factors by .341. Secondly, the most “Friends with funifits”. Friends with funifits is
significant levels between service quality and brand campaign that encourages people to travel as a
image are tangible factors and service provided by group from 3-5 people a time by the airline will
flight attendants at the level of .000. while the provide a special discount by 20% from the
highest beta goes to service provided by flight
attendants by .429. Thirdly, the most significant actual airfare to customers who purchase 3-5 tickets
levels between service quality and perceived value at once. As result of this, the researcher believes
are tangible factors, service provided by ground that the airline can generate more income from this
personnel, and service provided by flight campaign as well as gain more positive and creative
attendants at the level of.000. While the highest image at the same time.
beta score is tangible factors by .369. Fourthly, the
most significant level between service quality and According to hypotheses 1 and 4, the
repurchase intention are tangible factors and researcher discovered that service quality in terms
service provided by flight attendants at the level of tangible factors are the most crucial factors that
of affect trust and repurchase intention. As a result of
this, the researcher would like to recommend the
.000. While the highest beta scores are both tangible airlines to improve more on tangible factors. For
example, the airline could provide a free wi- fi on
factors and service provided by flight attendants board at a limited amount of 20MB and offer an on-
board internet package after time to generate more
by .292. Fifthly, the significant level between profits. Besides, the researcher would recommend
the airline to add massage machines under all the
trust, perceived value and brand image. The most hotseats, ( front row seats of every zone in the
aircraft of Thai AirAsia which can provide
significant levels are both trust and perceived value convenience for passengers during embarkation
and disembarkation with extra charge), to attract
at the level of .000. While the highest beta is trust passengers to purchase more of these seats as well
as create a viral content to the aviation industry
by .479. Sixthly, the most significant levels which could enhance the creative and fun side of
the airline.
between trust, brand image, perceived value and
According to hypotheses 2 to 3, the
customer satisfaction are perceived value and brand researchers found that service quality in terms of
service provided by flight attendants are the most
image at the level of .000. While the highest beta is crucial factor that influence on brand image and
perceived value. The researcher would like to
perceived value by recommend the airline to focus on their slogan
.584. Lastly, the most significant levels between “Everyone matters” used by the airline by paying
trust, perceived value, brand image, customer attention to minor detail of customers to make
satisfaction, and repurchase intention are brand them feel more special. For example, the airline
image and customer satisfaction at the level of
.000. While the highest beta is customer satisfaction
by .457.
To begin with, demographic factors.
According to the outcomes from 409 respondents,
it indicated that customers who use the service
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will receive all the information from customers, Thirdly, the researcher only emphasized
the airline could use that information to make a passengers who have experienced using domestic
little surprise for customers that wishing service of Thai AirAsia. However, Thai AirAsia
passengers a happy birthday on board through the operates both domestically and internationally. As
aircraft’s speaker. As a result of this, it could a result of this, the researcher would like to
positively affect perceived value, customer recommend other researchers to add on the
satisfaction as well as brand image of the airline. international service provided by Thai AirAsia in
order to gain more information to help improve
Lastly, the researcher would like add on to Thai AirAsia in the future. Lastly, the researcher
the campaign “Friends with funifits” by creating a only focused on 5 factors affecting repurchase
friendship card to customers who are interested in intention. So, the researcher would like to suggest
this campaign. The friendship card will act as a other researchers to try adding more factors. For
frequent flying program as it will generated example, word of mouth and feedback. As more
repurchase intention but with some conditions to factors could imply more and new information
follow. Firstly, passengers who are interested in the which could somehow change the outcome of the
program “friends with funifits” are required to bring study as well as benefit Thai AirAsia or other
along 3-5 friends to make an annual contract with the airlines in the future to come.
airline that the 20% discount of the airfare will be
given within the timeframe of 1 year and it requires Bibliography
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answers and points of view which could somehow
change the outcome of the studies in the future.
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October 30, 2020
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The Influence factors that affect employee retention
(a case study in one of the tops electricity organization in Thailand)
Supitcha Panich 1, Chompu Nuangjamnong 2 and Kitikorn Dowpiset 3
Bangkok 10330, Thailand
ABAC City Campus 14th Fl., ZEN @ Central World, Ratchaprasong Rd, Pathum Wan,
Pathum Wan Districn *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
This research aimed to determine factors that affect to employee retention, a case study in one of the top
electricity organization. The objectives of this research were: 1) study the factors that can affect to the
employee retention in an organization; 2) Explain the influences factors that affect to the employee
retention in an organization. The questionnaires were used as a data collection instrumental for 400 sets.
The data analysis was used the descriptive statistic such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard
deviation (S.D.), and the hypothesis testing in this research was multiple linear regression analysis
(MRA) at significant level of .05. In this research, the results presented that 1) the overall level of
Employee retention was neutral, when considering of independent variables from high to low, the results
revealed that deeply high level of organizational commitment were highest; then followed by the job
satisfaction; and the job satisfaction in the work was the least, 2) the results from the hypothesis testing
of the Influence Factors that impact affect to employee retention, a case study in one of the top electricity
organization. The most influencing factor was organizational commitment, followed by job satisfaction
and organizational culture respectively at significant level of 0.05.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Job satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Employee
Retention,State Enterprise in Thailand.
Introduction in Thailand was 7,783 kilo tons of oil equivalents
(Thailand Energy, 2020) which electricity
The energies in Thailand refer not only refer to consumption has constant growth. Furthermore, the
the power but also include the storages, productions, electric power demand in Thailand is forethought to
import, and export of using energy in Thailand. After raise by an
the economic recession in 1977, Thailand has
recuperated from the financial crisis and the energies average of 3 % to 3.5 % per year through 2019
sector has noticeably increased an average at 3.3 % to 2021 and the next upcoming year (Krungsri Bank,
from 2007 to 2017 in the energy consumption (Eppo, 2019).
2020). In addition, the government separates the energy
sectors into two segments as a state enterprise and The electrical energy is one of the significant
private enterprise. From 2015 to January 2020, the powers for living. Not only the transport,
reports of Thailand energy claimed that the energy telecommunication, agriculture, residential but
situation in the economic sector declared that there are manufacturing or daily life also must rely on electrical
the top 4 energy sectors which are fossil fuels 46.1 %, energy. Nowadays, the Thailand government tries to
electricity energy 18 %, Biomass, and Biofuel 11.2%, adjust an energy policy Thailand 4.0 which the policy
and the last natural gas 6.1 % respectively (Thailand
Energy, 2020). And the total final energy consumption
Au Virtual International Conference 2020
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October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by
shows the potentially transformative enabled by linked employee retention rate in 2559 to 2561 constantly
the clean energy technologies through knowledge and rose from 93.59 to 100 percent (PEA Sustainability
innovation with the digital economy (Bangkok Post, Report, 2018).
2019) to whole sections including the electrical service
businesses for modifying Thailand into the high- For the benefits of this research can help other
income country. Thus, there are many opponents in the organizations including state enterprise or private
electrical service business such as top big three of company knows how to sustain the employees to
electrical organizations; the Metropolitan Electricity work in organization or company longer. It will
Authority (MEA), Provincial Electricity Authority affect the positive consequence to 3 groups. The first
(PEA), and Electricity Generating Authority of group is organization, the other organizations or
Thailand (EGATT) which three of these organizations companies will get more loyalty from employees
are state enterprise that they have a good reputation. and customers and the employee retention rate will
increase higher. The second group is employees,
Therefore, an organization should have a strong employees will satisfy with their job, career and
organizational culture, higher job satisfaction of organization and they will have a motivation to
employees, and deeply commitment to organization. create efficiency work. And the last group is
These three factors can create loyalty to employee for customers, customers will satisfy with the
sustain employee retention in the huge organization organization and the willing to use organization
for overcoming and sustaining to other rivals in highly services and give more loyalty to the organization or
competitive in the energy sector. company.
The company is one of the top three in This research will explore and verify a conceptual
electricity state enterprise in Thailand. The model involving organizational culture, job
Provincial Electricity Authority (PEB) of Thailand. satisfaction, and organizational commitment that
PEB is the largest electricity provider which has impact to preserve constantly employee retention rate
network distribution and gives out electrical current in an organization.
covering 74 provinces that accounted for 99 percent
of areas in Thailand (PEA Sustainability Report, Research Objectives
2018). The PEB is one of the most essential sectors
opening a new phase of challenges associated with The objective of this study is to study the factors that
changes in innovation, technology and government can affect to the employee retention in an organization
policy that affect important impact in the electricity and to explain the influences factors that affect to the
industrial structure (PEA Official, 2019).Besides, employee retention in an organization.
PEB also drove the many following projects which
include the Smart Grid project, New Rural Literature Review
Household Electrification project or EV Charging
Station to enhance the security and reliability of Employee Retention
power distribution (Bangkok Post, 2017).
Edmund (2001) and Mike (2001) explained that
Nowadays, PEA is confined to adjust retention of employees is the capability to preserve and
organization by evolving into an electricity business keep away from losing experienced employees and
objecting to being excellent in the Electrical Energy talented employee in an organization or enterprise. In
Business, beneath using digital technology “PEB addition, employee retention indicated that it is the way
Digital Utility”. (PEA Official, 2019) Furthermore, to reduce the deficiency of well-skilled employee in the
PEB is a state enterprise that gives the stable in organization (Meaghan et al, 2002) and the employees
career path and has many good conditions and retention tend to decrease when employees feel being
welfares such as bonus and well-established in one part of an organization or company even though
career that contribute many people want to work in confront the pressure and dilemma (Choong, Wong and
the organization. The majority of consumers have to Lau, 2011).
count on this utility and there are many people want
to work in the organization. The number of Organizational Culture
employees working in this state enterprise are 29,659 According to Organizational cultures is defined
people (PEA Sustainability Report, 2018) and the
into two groups which are the and norms. These two
groups are distributed by groups of employees in a
company or an organization socialized with each other
Au Virtual International Conference 2020
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Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by
and the outsider of an enterprise such as customers, According to the literature review of research
stakeholders and outsources (Hill and Jones, 2001). linked to organizational culture and employee
Furthermore, organizational culture not only includes retention shown that the strong retention of
the set of beliefs, pattern of work, values, visions employee is influenced by a powerful
(Hofstede, 2001), symbols, languages, assumption, and organizational culture (Sheridan, 1992).
norms (Needle, 2004) but also refers to the authority Moreover, Lund (2003) and Sims (2002) explored
and employees willing to accept the structure of that an organization which shares a positive rules,
common values, core values, and regulations of an visions, belief, regulations, and symbols to
organization and individual different background employees can increase the higher level of loyalty
within a company (Dodds et al.,, 2007). in career that impact to the employee retention.
Job Satisfaction It can imply that the strong organizational culture
Muller (1986) defined as job satisfaction is the has a positively consequence on employee
level of employees favoring their job which it can
influence on personal quality of life (Judge and Hulin, Consumers’ satisfaction and Repurchase
1993) and (Watanabe, 1993) or it is an attitude that Intention
signifies the feeling about their job (Spector, 1997)
including the convenience that employees obtained The positive relationship between satisfaction and
(Judge, 2001) to improve the quality of their works repurchase behavior has been demonstrated in
(David, 1998). numerous ways, both with goods and services
(Trail; Lee; Shoenstedt, 2013; Ibrahim and Najjar;
In contrast, Locke (1976) and Luthans (1990) interpret 2007). Through raising customer loyalty,
that job satisfaction isn't able to see but it can assume businesses gain a better retention ratio, a good
to be a reaction of the job situation and Locke (1976) word of mouth and an increased profit (Zeithaml,
supported this idea is originated by assessing the job 2000).
and price respectively.
The relationship between job satisfaction and
Organizational Commitment employee retention
Brunetto (2003) and Wharton (2003) described According to the literature review of
that organization commitment is the feeling of research related to job satisfaction and employee
linkage between organization and employee or refers retention confirmed that job satisfaction can
to the level of connection that employees trust in enlarge the level of employee retention in the
organizational culture or agree in organization goal enterprise (Frank et el, 2004). Govaert (2010) and
and they wish to persist in an organization (Mathis Kyndt (2010) explored that the higher job
and Jackson ,2007). Whereas Northcraft (1996) and satisfaction can reduce the employee retention rate
Neale (1996) claimed that organizational and stimulate employees and organization to meet
commitment not only is a perspective reflective their objectives.It can imply that the higher job
about loyalty of employees toward in organization satisfaction has a positively consequence on
but also display about employee’s concerning in employee retention.
future goal or career path.
The relationship between organizational
Moreover, Porter et al. (1974) mentioned that commitment and employee retention
organizational commitment composes of three
things which are a clear desire to keep up to be one According to the literature review of research
part of organization, a pleasure to dedicated to work related to organizational commitment and
on behalf for organization, and a strong and employee retention argued that the higher deeply
profound acceptance in belief and organization’s in relationship toward an organization can remain
value and goals. employees to stay with the organization longer
(Owens, 2006). Additionally, employees who have
Related Literature Review deeply commitment with an organization that
mean they gratify with their job and organization
The relationship between organizational or culture of organization. (Chhabra, 2015). It can
culture and employee retention imply that the higher organizational commitment
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has a positively consequence on employee Materials and Methods
The objective of the research was to understand
Hypotheses the factor that influences on employee retention
which are Organizational culture, Job satisfaction,
H1o: Organizational culture has no significant and Organizational commitment on an electrical
influence on employee retention. organization in PEA, Bangkok, Thailand. Besides,
in this research using the quantitative research, there
H1a: Organizational culture has a significant are the several types of analysis that were proper
influence on employee retention. with the topic study such as Cronbach’s Alpha, One
Way Anova Descriptive Research, Sample T Test
H2o: Job Satisfaction has no significant influence and Multiple Linear Regression.
on employee retention.
The questionnaire consists of 24 items which
H2a: Job Satisfaction has a significant influence on design in English and Thai linked to four variables
employee retention. of the research model from the aspect of employees.
This study using a Likert scale in five-level was
H3o: Organizational commitment has no applied. The respondents rated items from 1
significant influence on employee retention. (“strongly disagree”) to 5 (“strongly agree”) by
giving that the respondent with all English
H3a: Organizational commitment has a significant measurement items was adapted for the research’s
influence on employee retention. data collection.
Conceptual Framework Firstly, conducted a Cronbach’s Alpha to define
whether a survey instruments would be
According to the literature review, the understandable and appropriate by the target
conceptual framework was developed from three population and even though there were any
research models by choosing the related articles that unclear or confusing the measurement items in
have significantly variables match with this study. this questionnaires, it was applied to test the
The researcher finds the factors that turnover reliability of questionnaire by conducting the pilot
intention being consisted of three variables which are test with a small group of people which is 30
organizational culture, job satisfaction, samples. Also, the Descriptive method was used
organizational commitment, and employee retention. to analyze and understand the demographic
information of the specific group or population
Figure 1 Conceptual Framework of factors that who act in the particular way (Churchill, 1991).
impact on employee retention Besides, it can be described as a study of various
types of study question, design, and the data
analysis that used by researchers to understand
their employee or customer aspect or perception,
intention, and opinion on a particular topic (Wiley
and Sons, 2014).
Target Population
In accordance the Cooperate strategy report
of 2014 to 2023 of PEB, the number of people who
was employed approximately 30,000 people.
Therefore, the target population of this research
was the people who work at PEB among these
30,000 people. Moreover, the study data were
gathered in the month of June 2020 to July 2020.
Sample Size
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Bangkok and have shopped online at least Reliability Test
once.The sample size of this study was specified
by using the determining sample size table of The researcher decided to perform a pilot test of 30
Krejcie and Morgan (1970) as the population size respondents to determine any discrepancies or
was recognized which is approximately around component errors in the questionnaire. Cronbach's
30,000 people. Thus, the sample size of this Alpha Reliability test is used to measure and examine
research was about 379 respondents who work in questionnaire reliability.
PEB organization, Bangkok, Thailand. To avoid
the error from collecting the data, researcher will According to Peter (1979), the Cronbach's Alpha is the
collect for 400 respondents.The researcher popular metric for calculating and evaluating analysis
determined the right sample size based on the reliability. Cronbach's Alpha has a minimum accepted
sample size table of Krejcie and Morgan (1970). value of 0.6; this ensures the researcher will consider
The suitable number of samples for 30,000 people Cronbach's Alpha as reliable (Sekaran, 1992). The
is 379 people. The rate of the number of samples outcome of the assessment of this research indicated
keeps decreasing with the increasing number of the Cronbach's Alpha level as follows:
populations. Therefore, the researcher assumed
that 400 samples would be suitable for 30,000 Table 1: Reliability Test
Variables Cronbach’s Number of
Sampling Procedures items
In this research study, the researcher proposes to collect alpha
the data by using convenience sampling to distribute the
questionnaire online to the target population which Organizational .75 5
consists of 400 respondents from PEB organization in Culture
Bangkok. The data were collected from both ways,
which are the primary and the secondary data. Firstly, a Job satisfaction .715 5
primary data was determined as the information
gathered directly to the target population. Moreover, Organizational .800 5
the primary data were collected from the employees Commitment
who are work in the PEB organization. Also, the
secondary data are related to the previous studies or Employee retention .872 5
researches articles by others was applied in this
research for the structure of the study, developing the The result that acceptable reliability is a value
conceptual framework, hypothesis, sample size, of Cronbach’s Alpha α≥.60 thresholds (Cronbach,
analysis of the data, conclusion, and recommendation. 1951). For table 4-3, the Cronbach’s alpha of each
This research focused only people who work in PEB variable shows that all the variables are reliable and
organization, Bangkok, Thailand. The first part asks
about the general information of respondents consists valid. Besides, the variable has the highest reliability
of age, gender, job position, and work period.
is Employee retention with the score .872 following
In second part, the main objective was to define
the factor that impacted on employee retention which by Organizational commitment with .800,
are organizational culture, job satisfaction, organization
commitment and employee retention on an electrical Organizational culture with .757, and Job
organization in PEB, Bangkok, Thailand. The
researcher used five levels Likert Scale was one of the satisfaction with .715, respectively.
types that use in the survey question by asking the
respondents for the level of agreement according to the
given questions. The statistical level had set as follow:
1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Slightly Agree,
4 = Agree, and 5 = Strongly Agree.
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Results and Discussion Table 2: Summary of Demographic Factor
Descriptive Data ork Period
The researcher used descriptive analysis to analyze
the demographic information of the respondents who
work in PEB organization. Also, the descriptive
statistics can be described as the process for
converting data into information. Moreover, it could
be that descriptive analysis also can explain the
character of the respondents.
In this analysis part, the demographic factors that
used are gender, age, organization structure, level of
education and work period. The total of 400
respondents were presented via the frequency
distribution in the tables as follows.
From Table 5-1, the frequency distribution and
percentage of respondents were used to describe the
gender of samples its shows that most of the
respondents were male with a percentage of 55.5%
(222) comparing to another side which is female
with 44.5% (178).Among the sample size, 400
peoples show that 115 respondents were aged
between 30 to 39 years old with the highest
percentage of 28.7% following by 98 respondents
who age 50 to 60 years old with 24.5%, 91
respondents who age 40 to 49 years old
1-6 months 15 3.8%
1-2 years 30 7.5%
3-4 years 35 8.8%
5-6 years 18 4.5%
7-8 years 49 12.3%
Above 9 years 253 63.2%
Total 400 100%
22.8%, 75 respondents who age 20 to 29 years old
18.8% %, and 21 respondent who age above 60 years
old with 5.3%.
For education, most respondents are bachelor’s degree
which is 221 respondents shows 53.5% of the sample
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size following by 116 respondents who are below by using the value of R-square, which will show the
bachelor’s degree with 29%, 63 respondents who are proportion of variation in the dependent variable that
postgraduate with 15.8%. base on the independent variable.
Among the sample size, 400 peoples show that 290 For H1, Organizational culture has significant impact
respondents were aged between 21-25 years old with on employee retention (b = 0.122, sig. < 0.05). For
the highest percentage of 72.5% following by 83 H2, Job satisfaction has significant impact on
respondents who age 26-30 years old with 20.8%, 20 employee retention (b = 0.355, sig. < 0.05). For H3,
respondents who age 20 and below with 5%, 6 Organizational commitment has significant impact on
respondents who age 31-35 years old with 1.5%, and 1 employee retention (b = 0.506, sig. < 0.05).
respondent who age 36 and above with 0.3%.
Table 3: Summary of hypotheses testing
For organizational structures, 400 peoples show that
22.5% is the highest percentage 90 that respondents Hypotheses Significant Standardized
work in the Electricity Authority 1-4 following by 54 Status
respondents who work in Operation and Maintenance
with 13.5%, 44 respondents who work in Planning and Value Coefficient
power system development with11%, 38 respondents
who work in Accounting and Finance with 9.5% , 32 H1o: Organizational .005 .120 Rejected
respondents who work in Construction and Project culture has no
management with 8%, 28 respondents who work in
Business Development with important influence on
7%, 23 respondents who work in Human resources
with 5.8%, 21 respondents who work in General retention.
Services with 5.3%, 17 respondents who work in
Cooperate Strategy with 4.3%, 17 respondents who H2o: Job Satisfaction .000 .387 Rejected
work in Engineering with 4.3% and 12 respondent has no
who work in Cooperate Social responsibility with 3%.
important influence on
Lastly, Among the sample size, 400 peoples show that H3o: Organizational
253 people work above 9 years in an organization commitment
with 63.2% following by 49 people who work for 7 to
8 years with 12.3 %, 35 people who work for 3 to 4 has no important .000 .484 Rejected
years with 8.8%, 30 people who work for 1 to years influence on
with 7.5%, 18 people who work for 5 to 6 years with
4.5%, and 15 people who work for 1 to 6 months with employee retention.
3.8% respectively.
For the study, the hypotheses are testing by
Hypotheses Testing Results Multiple Linear Regression. As a result, it shows that
three null hypotheses were rejected with statistically
In this research study, multiple linear regression was significant value consist of H1, H2, and H3. Therefore,
used as a statistical analysis approach to define the for the summary, an organizational Culture, a job
degree of influence between variables toward satisfaction, and an organizational Commitment had a
employee retention. Also, using the Multiple Linear significant influence impact on the employee retention.
Regression, Multicollinearity should be approximated
as it can represent which variable is needless that
should be displace. It can be computed by using the
variance inflation factor (VIF). VIF should not be
more than or equal to 5, which can show to
overlapping variable in the model study (Akinwande
et al.,2015). Moreover, the variable can be explained
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Conclusions Recommendations
Discussion and conclusions In conclusion, the result of this study shows that
the significant variable that affects employee retention
Based on the result of the testing hypothesis in was the organizational culture, job satisfaction, and
chapter 5, it shows that there are three variables that organizational commitment. As a result, PEB
had a significant influence on employee retention organization should focus on these variables to
which are Organizational culture, Job satisfaction, and increase more job satisfaction, enhance employee
Organizational commitment. These results were loyalty, increase more positive relationship between
supported by many previous researches and studies as employees and organization to sustain employee
follows: retention.
Organizational Culture Firstly, the organizational commitment was a
crucial factor that can influence the employee
According to the hypothesis, the result retention based on the standardized coefficient of .484.
represented that an organizational culture had a Hence, it is a significant point for PEB organization to
significant impact on employee retention. This can be improve and concentrate on more positive relationship
supported by the study of Sheridan (1992) and Lund between the organization and employees to make the
(2003), and Sims (2002) it revealed that a company or employees satisfy with organization by the
an organization where has a fair and good rules, belief, organization should communicate with clear goals and
regulations, vision, mission or others can enhance the expectation to the employees because most employees
level of employee retention. If the company or want to be a part ofan irresistible future, and they want
organization has a deeply strong organization culture, to know what is most important in their career and how
the employee retention will increase higher. can they achieve excellence in their job. For example,
when organization receive the awards or compliment
Job Satisfaction from outsiders, organization should admire or
acknowledge to all employees or when employees got
Based on the result of hypothesis testing in the trouble , organization should willing to help
described that job satisfaction had a significant impact instead of displaying attitude like "it's not my duty". In
on employee retention. This can be supported by the addition, most employees are attracted to the
study of Frank et el (2004), Govaert (2010), and Kyndt organization which presents an opportunity for them.
(2010) shows that the higher level of job satisfaction So, they should construct career growth opportunities
can decrease the turnover rate in an organization or a by hold regular meetings with your employees to
company. It also helps to enhance employee retention determine how they are finding their role, where they
and assist employees and organization to reach their are performing well. All of these can make staff feel to
objectives or missions. be the one important part of an organization and when
they feel a sense of ownership tend to stay with an
Organizational Commitment organization longer.
According to the hypothesis, the result illustrates Thus, if an organizational commitment
that the organizational commitment had a significant increases by 1% can raise the employee retention by
impact on employee retention. This can be supported 48.4%. Secondly, job satisfaction is one of
by the study of Owens (2006), a strong deeply significant factor that can help an organization or a
relationship between employees and the organization company to reduce turnover rate and increase higher
can create a strong organizational commitment to level of employee retention. Based on the result, it
increase higher level of employee retention. has a standardized coefficient of .387, which can
Furthermore, having deeply organizational imply that if job satisfaction grows by 1% can raise
commitment shows that employees feel please in their the purchase intention by 38.7.%. Therefore, PEB
job or organization or organizational culture or organization should emphasizes on job satisfaction
workplace circumstance (Chhabra., 2016). to increase satisfaction of employee to do efficient
work and desire to work with entire life in this
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In addition, an organization should recognize Nuangiamnong and Dr. Kitikorn Dowpiset for their
good work and give compliment or some rewards guidance and constant supervision as well as for
such as buying dinner, free lunch to the team or providing the example and some significant
provide equipment that employee requirement when information regarding this research also for their
employees do the great job or cheer up them. This endeavor in completing this research. I owe my deepest
way is one of the easiest ways to enhance job gratitude towards my parent, my family, oikawa tooru,
satisfaction. Furthermore, offers opportunities for miya atsumu, kyo sohma and my relatives for their
learn new thing by sending employees to training eternal support, assist and understanding of my
special course or provides experts or technology research. Their love, support and encouragement has
specialist to enhance employees’ knowledge. Or always been my heart. A special mention of thanks to
authorize employees free to plan and express their my friends in MBA fast track program, Assumption
opinion to operate independently along their duties, University for their constant support and cooperation
and always check the feedback of employees by during my study. Finally, my thanks and appreciation
doing the survey to improve mistake. also go to the administrative staff and all the
respondents for their honest and cooperative response
Lastly, organizational culture is one important to all the question solicited in this study. I am thankful
factor that effects of employee retention because it myself for the effort, strong diligent, strong
reflects the cultures of organization. It has a encouragement, and patience throughout this study
standardized coefficient of .120, which can imply period.
that if organizational culture increases by 1% can
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Experts and Customer’s Insights on Purchasing
Considerations: A Case of Fabric Curtain Products in Thailand
Prariprat Sukhumalanon 1,*Chompu Nuangjamnong 2 and Kitikorn Dowpiset 3
Bangkok 10330, Thailand
ABAC City Campus 14th Fl., ZEN @ Central World, Ratchaprasong Rd, Pathum Wan,
Pathum Wan Distric
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
This research aimed to find the influence factor that affecting purchasing intention toward The
Fabric Curtain in Bangkok. The Fabric Curtain is the long lifetime product and niche market. Moreover,
The Fabric Curtain company does not focus only on product quality but also on service quality. The
researcher focuses on making the data more reliable and covers every factor according to the purpose of
this research. The researcher has collaborated with three specialists in The Fabric Curtain market who
be in the position of owner and sales manager of The Fabric Curtain companies. Moreover, to make it
more reliable and follow the trend of The Fabric Curtain for analyzing the data. The researcher has an
interview with two groups with eight interviewees, which consists of the experts in the market who has
experience more than fifteen years and customers who already installed The Fabric Curtain within one
year. The technique is an in-depth interview for finding new information and understanding about
purchasing intention of customers. The variables consist of the product description, price, store image
perception, sale promotion, service quality, and purchase intention. Finally, the researcher used the data
from all of the interviewees and the suggestion from the experts to analyze, a recommendation about The
Fabric Curtain company, and further study about the online store of The Fabric Curtain business.
Keywords: price, product description, purchase intention, sale promotion, service quality, and store
image perception
1. Introduction which launched to the property market. Finally, the
condominiums around BMR have increased by
In 2018, Thailand was the place where 16.9% or launched the new units around 74,380
investors want to invest in terms of construction and units. Besides, the more transit lines make the
real estate, which this sector has accounted for investors see the opportunity to expand the new
around 6% of Thailand’s GDP. In 2018, the private condominiums around BMR, which consist of
construction sector's growth rate was increased by Orange Line (Thai cultural centre-Minburi), Yellow
around 5.8%, which separate into three sectors: Line (Lat Phrao-Smarong) and Pink Line (Khae Rai-
residential, industrial, and commercial. The Minburi). These transit lines stimulate
residential in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region condominiums' demand because they make more
(BMP) will consider in three segments, which is convenience for traveling to work (Krungsri
consist of detached housing or new housing, research, July 2019). In 2019, the growth rate of in
townhouses, and condominiums. First of all, every segment will slightly increase around 1-3% per
detached houses around Bangkok has increased by year between 2019 until 2021 due to the rise in the
8.3% or 11,071 units. Next, townhouses have a new land price, new competitors, scarcity of freehold land
unit around 31,717 units, slightly increase by 10.6%, in BMR and the biggest challenged of new regulation
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about increasing in land and property tax (Bangkok this stage, customer already evaluated that
Post, Feb 2019). product or services can fulfill their need.
Post-purchase evaluation, which is the stage that
For the above research, there is an customer will evaluate product and service that
opportunity for decoration product to gain more sales they have purchased, which matched with their
and expand the market because in every new building expectation or not. Moreover, they will
have to decorate their room, which depends on the memorize the product or service, which can
purpose of that owner’s building. Moreover, fulfill their need or not.
nowadays, for room decoration, there are different 2.1.2 Marketing mix (Jerome McCarthy, 1960)
styles for owners to choose the rooms' design, for
example, contemporary style, minimal style, and The marketing mix is the concept that
traditional style, where each of these styles requires concern about product, price, place, and promotion
different colors and space. Besides, each style is or called “4P”, which is the theory that make the
carefully selected to ensure compatibility with the organization or marketer define the target market.
furniture, wallpaper, and fabric curtain. This research First of all, the product means the items that can
aims to categorically identify key characteristics of satisfy the customer's needs and wants, informing
customers' purchasing intention for the room's tangible (product or goods) and intangible (services).
decoration, the fabric curtain, in particular. Next, price means the amount of money that
customer has to pay, which that price is reasonable
2. Literature Review and based on customer perceived value. Next, place
means the location are convenience for customers to
2.1 Theories Related to the Research access the stores. Finally, promotion means the
marketing communication to attract the target
Related theories include conucmer decision customer such as promotion or advertising.
making process, store image perception sales
promotion, service quality, price, and purchase 2.2 Discussion of variables
2.2.1 Definition of Product description
2.1.1 Consumer Decision Making Process
(John Dewey, 1910) Product description or product information
is the main factor for the customer to decide to
This theory is used by the marketer for purchase a product, which the description was
tracing and identify the process of customers created by the marketer (Khare & Rakesh, 2011). In
behavior to decide to purchase the product or addition, for provide the clear explanation and
services, which start from the beginning until the end complete in term of product type (Moon , Chadee, &
of process that can be categorized into five stages, Tikoo, 2008) product image (Park, Lenon, & Stoel,
which consist of: 2005) and product price (Khare & Rakesh, 2011)will
increase the higher rate of purchasing intention form
Need or problem recognition is the stage that the customer. A product description normally will
customer defined the product that they want to represent the model, materials, and all elements the
fulfill their needed. be a part of product to the customer. The product's
high quality means the more components and more
Information search in this stage customer questions that the description should be provided to
searching for information of their product that answer customer expectations (Kahn, String, &
they wand and compare with another brand. Wang, 2002). The product description's overall
meaning is how the customer will understand and get
Evaluation of alternatives in this stage customer the information for deciding to purchase products
will compare the price of each brand that provide and services.
the product that they needed. Moreover,
customer also compare between price and 2.2.2 Definition of Price
quality that they will received from the product.
Purchase decision in this stage the customer
decide to purchase the product. In addition, at