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Published by thanyanan.pjt, 2020-12-08 03:49:25

Proceeding AU ICESDE 2020

Proceeding AU ICESDE 2020

Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

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October 30, 2020
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Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

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Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

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Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

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Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

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Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
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An investigation on the Influence of Service quality, Trust,
Satisfaction on Online Repurchase Intention and Willingness to

Recommend in China

Jie Liu
Sirion Chaipoopirutana

Graduate School of Business, Assumption University, Bangkok, 10240, Thailand
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Online shopping is becoming more and more common for Chinese customers. Although China
has shown the widespread use of electronic networks and information, there are still doubts
about the factors influencing the intention of repeat purchase and recommendation. The purpose
of this study is to research the influence of service quality, trust, satisfaction on online
repurchase intention and willingness to recommend in China to collect data, 451 questionnaires
were distributed to Chinese using Jingdong shopping platform website to purchase
products/services online from September 2020 to October 2020, and 51 cases were removed,
and there were 400 respondents left, which occupy 88.7% as a usable data set. Furthermore,
Pearson's correlation coefficient, and descriptive statistics were applied to test the influence.
Through purpose and convenience sampling techniques, non-probability is applied to collect
data from sampling units. Five-point Likert was designed to explore the instrument. In addition,
statistical analysis outcome displayed that “service quality” is significant influence on trust,
“service quality” and “trust” are significant influence on satisfaction, “trust” and “satisfaction”
are significant influence on repurchase intention, and “satisfaction” and “repurchase intention”
are significant influence on willingness to recommend. However, “service quality” is not
influence on repurchase intention, and “trust” is not influence on willingness to recommend.

Key Words: service quality, satisfaction, trust, online purchase intention, willingness to


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

Introduction of retaining customers is much lower than the

expense of finding new customers, thus

According to the world marketing environment in increasing profits (Namukasa, 2013; Ostrowski et

recent years, online shopping has gradually al., 1993; Reichheld et al., 1996). Therefore, it is

become one of the main channels for users to necessary to study the repurchase intention of

purchase. Several researchers have devoted consumers.

themselves to uncover the influence between In addition, another method is to let users
customer satisfaction and repurchase intention recommend to others. Recommendation intention

(Qureshi et al., 2009). However, later researches also involves many influencing factors. Izogo

have demonstrated that only high satisfaction (2016) proposed that satisfaction and trust have

doesn’t definitely lead to customer repurchase an impact on recommendation intention, among

intention (pavlou, 2003). Repurchase intention which satisfaction has a direct impact on

may be affected by several mediators. recommendation intention, while trust is only
One method to improve the competitiveness of e- indirect. If there is a good relationship between

commerce platforms is to retain users. Loyal the organization and the customer, the customer

customers have relatively low price sensitivity can promote the business development of the

and can be influenced by low-cost media organization through recommendation

Low-cost media can influence loyal customers (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990).

and loyal customers care less about price (Gómez Based on the collected data of questionnaire
et al., 2006). But customer retention is a complex related to Jingdong shopping website in China,

case, and repurchase intention will be influenced this research focuses on the influence among

differently by different factors. Therefore, it is service quality, trust, satisfaction, repurchase

very valuable to study the influencing factors of intention, and willingness to recommend.

consumers' repurchase intention. Many

researchers use a lot of resources like service Research objective
quality and satisfaction to identify and predict the 1. To investigate the influence of service quality
influencing factors of repurchase intention on trust.
(González, 2015; Zeithaml, 1988; Hellier et al., 2. To study the influence of service quality and
2003). Other studies have found that the expense trust on satisfaction.


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020
Co-hosted by

3. To analyze the influence of service quality, (Morgan and hunt, 1994; Liu and Wu, 2007;

trust, and satisfaction on repurchase intention. Palmer, 2008; Lin and Lu, 2010; Milan et al.,

4. To test the influence of trust, satisfaction, and 2015).

repurchase intention on willingness to Satisfaction: Satisfaction is defined as a

recommend. customer's overall pleasure resulting from

Theory perceived results associated with expectations

Service Quality: Quality of service is usually (Kotler and Keller, 2012). Therefore, satisfaction

defined as "those features of a product that meets could be regarded as the emotional and emotional

customer needs and thus provides customer reaction of customers in the service experience

satisfaction" (Juran and Godfrey, 1999). In other after consumption (Ringle et al., 2011;

words, service quality is the result of perceived Namukasa, 2013; Gonález, 2015). Also, Oliver

service and expected service due to customers' (1980) believed that consumers' satisfaction is

perception of many factors (chumpitaz and measured by comparing their expectations before

paparoidamis, 2007; urban, 2013; Vassiliadis et consumption or purchase with their actual views

al., 2013). In essence, service quality includes the after consumption or purchase. In addition,

implication of excellence or superiority (Hennig- Grönroos (1984) indicated that in the service

Thurau and Hansen, 2000), reaching or environment, customer satisfaction is based on

surpassing expectations (Kotler and Keller the combination of technical quality and

(2012), and conforming to specifications (Olsen, functional quality.

2002). Repurchase intentions: Repurchase intentions

Trust: Trust is defined as the willingness of refer to in consideration of his or her present

customers to participate in future transactions in position and possible condition, his or her

relationship marketing, which reflects buyer is intention to buy a service again in the same

assured that seller's trading behavior is reliable, company (Hellier et al., 2003). Also, repurchase

which leads to the reduction of opportunism intention is used to measure whether customers

awareness and risk in the future (Steenkamp et al., will purchase goods from e-retailers in the future.

1998; Hennig-Thurau and Hansen, 2000; Kotler This is different from the purchase intention.

and Keller, 2012). Also, some researchers believe Purchase intention is that the customer is

trust is defined as belief’s cognitive expectation considering making the first purchase (Lee et al.,


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Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

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October 30, 2020
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2011). Furthermore, repurchase intention is that confident in, for he or she was pleased to the

customers buy back a specific service or product previous experience and he or she would like to

in a specific organization (Rajaobelina and conduct trade with the company again (Izogo,

Bergeron, 2009). Moreover, repurchase intention 2016). Therefore, interacting with specific

is described as applying a specific brand when customers frequently increases the willingness of

there is a demand for services again (Harris and customers to recommend a business to their

Goode, 2010). In addition, repurchase intention is financial services companies (Wong et al., 2007).

described as an effort by consumers to purchase

the same brand, product, or service again (Goh et Related review literature
al., 2016). Relationship between service quality and trust
Willingness to Recommend: Dichter (1966)

explored this phenomenon from the perspective Chenet et al. (2016) studied service quality, trust,
of Psychology/motivation. He believed that commitment, and service differentiation in
consumers will make suggestions to others based business relationships. When the researchers
on various ways of participation. The degree of collected data from a sample of commercial
participation depended on the consumer customers of a large European financial company,
experience. These experiences could take many they found that service quality had a significant
forms: personal experience with a service large influence on trust. Also, Lien et al. (2014)
provider in advance; information gained through described that service quality has a direct
advertising or other forms of provider relationship with trust towards inpatients in 15
communication; or the experience of others. If medium-to-large hospitals in Taiwan.
customers were satisfied with service
performance, they were more likely to Relationship between service quality and
recommend your brand to others (Hennig-Thurau satisfaction

et al., 2002). The company increased new trade Psomas et al. (2020) indicated that the service

by ensuring the business recommendation of quality has a statistically significant impact on

current customers (Johnson et al., 2003; Zeithaml citizens' satisfaction towards a sample of

et al., 1996). A customer would only recommend customers of the Greek Citizen's service centers.

other customers to the company he or she is Moreover, Chenet et al. (2016) described that


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October 30, 2020
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service quality and commitment had a significant intention
medium to a large impact on satisfaction based on
the data of commercial customers of a large Saleem et al. (2017) studied that the impact of
European financial company. service quality and trust on repurchase intention,
and revealed that trust has a direct relationship
Relationship between service quality and with repurchase intention. Also, Izogo (2016)
repurchase intention showed that trust is, directly and indirectly,
influence on repurchase intention by analyzing
Saleem et al. (2017) studied that the impact of the data of bank customer responses.
service quality and trust on repurchase intention,
and indicated that service quality has a direct Relationship between trust and willingness to
relationship with repurchase intention. Also, a recommend
topic was studied by Zeithaml et al. (1996) and
Cronin and Taylor (1992) that service quality has The literatures proposed that willingness to
a significant positive influence on repurchase recommend is closely related to the quality of
intention. In addition, Gotlieb et al. (1994) and customers' trust with the company (Finn, 2005;
Storbacka et al. (1994) studied the impact of berry and Parasuraman, 1991). Also, Guenzi and
satisfaction on the intended repurchase intentions Georges (2010) mentioned that trust positively
of customer in diverse environments. influences customers' willingness to recommend
based on a sample of consumers in the Italian
Relationship between trust and bank.
Relationship between satisfaction and
Many researchers demonstrated that trust has repurchase intention
directly relationship with satisfaction.
(Gustafsson et al., 2005; verhoef et al., 2009; Some studies showed that satisfaction has a
Milan et al., 2015; veloutsou, 2015). Also, positive impact on guiding repurchase intention
Dehghanpouri et al. (2020) found that trust is (Hellier et al., 2003; Gustafsson et al., 2005;
statistically significant influence on satisfaction. ringle et al., 2011). In addition, Pavlou (2003)
showed that satisfaction is indirectly influence on
Relationship between trust and repurchase customer repurchase intention.


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Relationship between satisfaction and Research hypothesis
willingness to recommend H10: Service quality is not statistically significant
influence on trust.
Izogo (2016) proposed that satisfaction has a H1a: Service quality is statistically significant
direct impact on willingness to recommend. Also, influence on trust.
satisfaction provides better coefficients in H20: Service quality and trust are not statistically
willingness to recommend than trust. significant influence on satisfaction.
Furthermore, the literatures proposed that H2a: Service quality and trust are statistically
customers' satisfaction is directly related to significant influence on satisfaction.
willingness to recommend (Finn, 2005; berry and H30: Service quality, trust, and satisfaction are not
Parasuraman, 1991). statistically significant influence on repurchase
Relationship between repurchase intention H3a: Service quality, trust, and satisfaction are
and willingness to recommend statistically significant influence on repurchase
Olaru et al. (2008) demonstrated that repurchase H40: Trust and satisfaction, and repurchase
intention is a direct influence on willingness to intention are not statistically significant influence
recommend when the researchers investigated the on willingness to recommend.
Australian customers of a R & D service H4a: Trust and satisfaction, and repurchase
organization. Furthermore, Izogo (2016) studied intention are statistically significant influence on
that repurchase intention is a significant influence willingness to recommend.
on willingness to recommend, by analyzing data
of bank customer responses.

Conceptual framework


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Research Methodology information items of data, and further segments
The research is designed to study the factor them into service quality, trust, satisfaction,
influencing repurchase intention and willingness repurchase intention, willingness to recommend.
to recommend towards Jingdong shopping Also, the researcher process, analyze and
website. This research used descriptive method in summarize the data through statistical software to
the survey. Refer to Zikmund (2003), the targeted find the influence between independent and
population’s phenomenon or characteristic is dependent variables.
been described in the descriptive method.
In this research, the researcher adopts the method Findings
of issuing questionnaires online. The researcher According to the descriptive analysis, among 400
investigates many targeted population through respondents, there are 50.0% male and 50.0%
questionnaires, which are the Chinese people who female. For the age, the majority of respondents
have experience in purchasing from Jingdong with 34.8% are aged between 26-35 years old. As
shopping platform. The respondents should to the education level, the majority of respondents
answer several individual questions, and finish with 70.5% are bachelor degree. As to the
the rest of Five-point Likert scale questionnaire. employment category, the majority of
The survey will distribute 400 samples to respondents with 51.2% are company employees.
respondents online based on the website For the monthly income, the majority of
by using convenient sampling of non-probability. respondents are between 6001-10000 Yuan with
The researcher groups 400 respondents’ 34.0%.

Table1: Findings of Descriptive Analysis Frequency(f) Percentage(%)
200 50.0
Variable 139 34.8
Gender: Male 282 70.5
Age: 26-35 205 51.2
Education level: Bachelor degree 136 34.0
Employment category: Company employee
Monthly income (Yuan): 6001-10000


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Hypothesis H1a was analyzed by Simple Linear Hypotheses service quality in H30 and trust in H40
Regression, while hypotheses H2a, H3a, and H4a were failed to rejected, and other null hypotheses
were analyzed by Multiple Linear Regression. were rejected. The results are shown in Table 2.

Table2: Findings of hypothesis Testing Results

Hypothesis Description Variables Standardized Sig. Level Results
H1a: Service quality is Service quality .000 Rejected H10
statistically significant (Beta)
influence on trust. Service quality .864
H2a: Service quality and Trust
trust are statistically Service quality .429 .000 Rejected H20
significant influence on Trust
satisfaction. Satisfaction .527 .000 Rejected H20
H3a: Service quality, trust,
and satisfaction are .002 .971 Failed to reject
statistically significant H30
influence on repurchase
intention. .346 .000
Rejected H30
H4a: Trust and satisfaction, Trust
.541 .000
and repurchase intention Rejected H30

are statistically significant Satisfaction .61 .156 Failed to reject
influence on willingness to
.488 .000
recommend. Repurchase Rejected H40

intention .423 .000
Rejected H40


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Discussion influence on repurchase intention. This is accorded
Based on the result of hypothesis one, the researchers with the conception of Hellier et al. (2003), Gustafsson
discovered that service quality was the highest et al. (2005), ringle et al. (2011), and Pavlou (2003).
influencing factor on trust at the highest beta of 0.864. According to the analysis outcome of hypothesis four,
Followed by the result of hypothesis two, trust was satisfaction is statistically significant influence on
statistically significant influence on satisfaction at the willingness to recommend. This is accorded with the
beta of 0.527. According to the result of hypothesis conception of Izogo (2016) Finn (2005), and berry and
three, satisfaction was statistically significant Parasuraman (1991).
influence on repurchase intention at the beta of 0.541. Summary and Recommendations
Based on the result of hypothesis four, satisfaction was Through data analysis, the results of this study are
statistically significant influence on willingness to helpful to management and marketing and summarize
recommend at the beta of 0.488. However, service the factors that affect customers' attitudes towards
quality was not statistically significant influence on online shopping, that is, service quality is significant
repurchase intention at 0.971, which was greater than influence on trust. Also, trust is significant influence
0.05. Also, trust was not statistically significant on satisfaction. In addition, satisfaction is significant
influence on willingness to recommend at 0.156, influence on repurchase intention.
which was greater than 0.05. Because of service quality’s significant influence on
Based on the analysis outcome of hypothesis one, trust, Jingdong should make the shopping process
service quality is statistically significant influence on convenient and fast, recruit more couriers and train the
trust. This supports the conception of which service couriers to make sure Jingdong delivery goods in time,
quality is significant influence on trust (Chenet et al., give training to customer service so that they can solve
2016; Lien et al., 2014). Next, the analysis outcome of customers’ problems quickly, and optimize the
hypothesis two is that trust is statistically significant website’s interface to make the interface clean and
influence on satisfaction. This supports the conception clear. On account of trust’s significant direct influence
of Gustafsson et al. (2005), verhoef et al. (2009), on satisfaction, Jingdong should build trust with
Milan et al., (2015), veloutsou, (2015), and Haron et customers. Therefore, Jingdong should make sure the
al. (2020). According to the analysis outcome of product description matches the actual item, and make
hypothesis three, satisfaction is statistically significant sure the price of the product is reasonable and


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transparent. Also, Jingdong should not leak customers’ of many websites’ users are collected in the research,
privacy. Moreover, the most important is to increase the confidence level will be higher than this. Future
satisfaction, since satisfaction has a significant studies may study other shopping websites such as
influence on repurchase intention and willingness to,, and In
recommend. Therefore, Jingdong should focus on addition, the study just covered some factors of service
improving customers’ satisfaction to increase the quality, trust, and satisfaction that affect online
probability of repurchase intention and willingness to repurchase intention and willingness to recommend.
recommend. Jingdong should improve logistics Further research also needs to investigate additional
delivery service and improve product quality and independents that influence online repurchase
make sure there is no fake product and low-quality intention and willingness to recommend, such as
product. Also, Jingdong ought to improve the perceived value, loyalty, and brand image.
exchange and refund service to increase satisfaction.
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repurchase and recommend them to others. This will Services, The Free Press, New York, NY.
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exposure to find new customers. (2009), “Determinants of customer repurchase
intention in online shopping”, Online Information
Future Studies Review, 33(4), 761-784.
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other researchers can extend the topic by using "Service quality, trust, commitment and service
different searching designs. differentiation in business relationships", Journal of
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from the users of Jingdong. It was limited that only Chumpitaz, R. and Paparoidamis, N.G. (2007),
collected data from just one website. Also, if the data “Service quality, relationship satisfaction, trust,


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Handling Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis to Sustain the Hotels Business

Suanghatai Trongjitraksa1 and Adarsh Batra, Ph.D.2
Bangkok, 10240, Thailand

Graduate School of Business, Assumption University, Bangkok, 10240, Thailand
Email: 1 [email protected],2 [email protected]

Crisis management is a necessary factor in successful digital tactics. In the crisis period, the hospitality
industry needs to think wisely to develop a prevention plan quickly, communicate with employees and
guests, and make critical shifts to successful revenue management and digital strategy. The study aims to
understand the impact of Covid-19 on the hotel industry and to summarize how hotels handle with this
pandemic situation. As well as, this study is focusing on what kind of prevention that hotels use to handle
with Covid-19 pandemic, what are the recovery process and plan that hotels use to sustain the business after
the crisis, and what strategies hotels applied to manage within the organization. The researcher chose a
qualitative method with an in-depth interview to collect information from asking 15 questions. The data
was collected from eight hotels based in Bangkok and Chonburi province with nine managers. The
collection of data was done from June 22, 2020 to July 8, 2020. The Thematic Analysis technique was
applied to analyze. According to this study, the researcher found that Artificial Intelligence is very helpful
for back of the house of hotel for productive, validity and capacity and Keep in touch to customer is very
necessary to remind them and not forget them. They will feel impress with every massage, email, and call
from hotels.
Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, Artificial Intelligence, and robotics, Hotel


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Introduction Due to Covid-19, hygiene and cleanliness are
the main factors of guests to choose their
As Coronavirus (Covid-19) spread continually, accommodation, guest satisfaction, and loyalty. It
accommodation must have an action plan to handle for becomes more important to concern as it can be
both the current situation and what is it going to represented for hotel image especially guestroom
happen in the future if the situation is getting worse. cleanliness. (Gu, 2008) Besides, hotel surfaces are the
Therefore, the industry should have an internal most spreading area for disease as they get a high
Coronavirus response team that consists of a member touch from customers. On the other hand, some areas
from every department of the organization to be that do not get a high touch from customers such as air
responsible for developing landscape, frequently conditioning also can be a place for spreading the virus
brainstorming modifications to strategy, and to humans. Therefore, hoteliers have to make sure that
presenting to internal stakeholders to take action. providing proper cleaning and effective.
(Mastrogiacomo, 2020) The hotel industry has to
handle unexpected situations that may occur every Rebuilt marketing during and after crisis or
time such as epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters, disease
and terrorist attacks. The different types of crises are Control expenses are not enough to survive the
quite challenged hoteliers to handle in different ways. business during and after crises or diseases as many
The purpose of this study is to understand the impact customers canceled the rooms. Therefore, hotel
of Covid-19 on hotels and to summarize how hotels managers have to put more effort into marketing.
handle the pandemic situation, this pandemic is not Below are some practices that the hotel used during
easy to end as no one knows the duration and scope. crises to survive the business after crises:
This study also focuses on what kind of prevention that working closely with airlines, travel agents, and other
hotels use to handle with Covid-19 crisis and what are related company in the hospitality industry
the recovery process and plan that hotels tell has to providing discount package programs for customers
think more carefully in case an unexpected thing might but the hotel cannot provide much discount as it will
happen and to hit the revenue management back, also be destroyed the hotel’s brand and reputation. (during
what strategies that hotels applied to manage within SARS epidemic 2003)
the organization. making strategic planning during the crisis to generate
revenue management
Hotel marketing and management finding the new target to fill the occupancy room by
providing special promotion to local people as the
Artificial intelligence and robotics hotel cannot target inbound customers
Covid-19 pandemic is spreadable from person to
person. It also can be from touching and spreading Human resource management
through the air. Everyone has been asked to keep Human resource is fix cost for hotels and it is hard to
social distancing and less personal contact to prevent reduce this cost. Therefore, hotel managers have to
themselves from the disease (WHO, 2020). Therefore, well manage and consider more to cut unnecessary
AI and robotics are quite useful to the hotel industry cost.
as it can help to prevent and decrease high contact minimize expenses and cut unnecessary cost in the
services from person to person. It is suited for the hotel hotel such as reduce the number of elevators used to
were likely to implement unmanned services. AI and save power and costs
robotics will be replaced interaction between person to providing an option to employees whether taking
person shortly as it is provided to be as robot holidays or voluntary unpaid leave
receptionists, robot concierge, facial recognition for acknowledge and train employees about safety and
checking in, voice control, robot delivery, and other security
services with contactless. installed new hygiene protocols such as chemical
sterilizers, air filter, masks and gloves for health
Hygiene and cleanliness awareness


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cutting part-time employees to decrease expenses Artificial Support back of Safety and Impress
Jang (2020) considers the effects of Covid-19 on hotel Intelligenc the house Health customer's
marketing and management tips which focusing on experiences and
artificial intelligence and robotics, hygiene and e and Administr satisfaction
cleanliness, and health and healthcare. Johnson (2008) robotics ation
examines the impact of the SARS epidemic on the
tourism industry and giving practical tips including Express check Human touch in
pre-crisis stage, acute crisis stage, chronicle crisis in/out at front services
stage and review stage, and strategic tips to hotel
sector and destination. Also, offering detail about how desk
tourism can get ready for any crises and disaster and
how stakeholders can work together. Data collection Pre-scanning
Kim (2005) discussing the impact of the SARS
outbreak in the Korean hotel industry, determining the Effect on
crisis management contingency concept, and customer's
determining implications are for managers of the hotel satisfaction
industry. Lo (2006) investigate that there are various
strategies planning which including recovery Figure 1 The way of prevention to handle Covid-19
strategies that hotel applied during the crisis, situation
management strategies and operational procedures for Social distancing and being precautious are important
hoteliers to be able to handle crises in the future for because they can help to reduce the spreading virus
hotel. from one to another. Artificial Intelligence and
robotics can be one technology to help hotel industry
Methodology service to customers. Regardless, AI and robotic
This qualitative research encourages the respondents cannot be the first plan where hotels choose to install
to express their opinions and issues faced personally, to prevent handling with the Covid-19 pandemic. This
making it possible to collect accurate information. The is because it will be affected by the hotel brand,
target participants for the research are the 9 hotel especially for chain hotels. They have their standard to
managers which took place in Bangkok and Chonburi service to the customer by human touch in service.
province, Thailand. From two five-star hotels, two Also, it may destroy the first impression of customers
four-star hotels, and four three-star hotels to interview and they cannot get services that they expect or want.
for collecting data by using an in-depth interview for On the other hand, to install AI and robotics may help
this study. Used in-depth interview to collect change a group of customers and reduce processes of
information from managers of a hotel in different working. Therefore, installing AI and using software
departments who works in the selected hotel with 15 to help reducing steps of working and interreacting
questions from June 22, 2020, to July 8, 2020. All the with others is the way the hotel used. Especially, AI is
interviews were analyzed by going through recordings suited for the front desk to do express check-in and out
and written keynotes. The thematic analysis method and less contact between staff and customers, yet for
used by coding the key information from the interview the restaurant also help if the hotels applied for
transcript of the hotel manager and employee, using cashless payment as one option to customers or
manual coding. providing E-menus to the customer and they can scan
QR code and check from their smartphone. This way,
Results and Discussions it will help to reduce high touch surfaces in the hotel.

To clarify the way of prevention to handle Covid- To determine the processes of recovery of hotels to
19 situation. handle with Covid-19 pandemic situation.


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Digital and over. As well as, the target customer also changed
platform to Thai residents. Therefore, to recover the business
after any crisis, the marketer has to know who is the
Thai Preventi target customers and what is the best way to promote
residents on during and attract the group customers. For Thai people, they
covid-19 mostly use Facebook, so, Facebook is the best channel
to do marketing to attract Thai customers. The most
SHA The Hygiene hotel has launched their campaign, voucher,
process and promotion to attract Thai people with an affordable
of Cleanline
recovery ss To determine what marketing that is effective to
of hotels apply to sustain the business not to be closed.

Ultra Disinfecti Social
Violet on media

Figure 2 The processes of recovery of hotels to handle Food Online Voucher Promotion Conference
with Covid-19 pandemic situation delivery course group
During the Covid-19 pandemic, no tourists can travel
around. There are only Thai residents who can travel Figure 3 The effective to apply to sustain the business
in domestic and some foreigners who stuck here not to be closed
cannot go back to their hometown. So, everyone The most effective plan to apply for the business to
concerns about hygiene and cleanliness during their survive during and after the Covid-19 pandemic is
trip. Safety and Health Administration has launched launching voucher and promotion, yet target the right
the regulations that every hotel and accommodation customers and learn from their behavior to know what
need to follow strictly. For employees and hotels, direction they have to go for to attract customers to
entrance and exit doors should be opened only one come over. Two five-star hotels have provided online
door in the hotel. Then, everyone has to get pre- courses to customers such as cooking class, yoga class,
scanning from the entrance door before getting inside and fitness class to keep in touch with customers and
the hotel which including checked body temperature to remind them that we are still here. For other hotels,
2-3 times a day depends on hotel rule and regulation, they have launched a promotion to attract Thai
used hand sanitizer, trained how to wash hand customers such as selling the best deal of voucher with
properly, wore mask, gloves and face shield during limited time called 4X promotion which customer can
working time, provided hand sanitizer in public areas, buy this voucher only 500THB but can get discount
cleaned in common areas and spots in every 1-2 hours, for the room up to 2000THB, and “the comeback
cover shield provided to keep distancing between staff package” which starting at 5,999THB net included
and customers, and social distancing. Moreover, it is breakfast for two and Thai residents will get a special
an extra option for the hotel to clean the room by using rate at 2,000THB++ included breakfast. Moreover, a
ultraviolet sterilizer to kill the bacteria or gem in the three-star hotel is likely to focus on the conference
air. One five-star hotel according to this research using group to fill up the occupancy room because is they
Copper (Cu) protection material at high touch surfaces offer the discount, it is not worth enough for revenue.
in the hotel as copper has been used to disinfectant. It is a better target for a big group of customers than a
Also, the cleaned room will be sealed for 24 hours small group. However, every hotel has its way to do
before re-allocation. Another three-star hotel provides marketing to survive the business after post-COVID-
PVC to seal the bed for deep cleaning to make sure 19.
that every part in the room has been cleaned.

Not only hygiene and cleanliness are matters
to recover the hotel business after the Covid-19
pandemic but also marketing to promote the hotels.
The digital platform is one of the most popular
channels for hotels to promote. During the Covid-19
pandemic, many hotels have been closed for 2 months


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To understand the management strategies that Conclusion and Implications
will be effective to the hotel to manage the
business during Covid-19. Every respondent has a similar way to handle this
pandemic but every hotel follows Safety and Health
Leave Social Part-time job Reduce Administration strictly in terms of pre-scanning for the
without pay Security expenses Covid-19 virus to make sure that everyone in the hotel
Office is safe from the virus. The process of scanning
customers and employees are including checking body
Relaxation Attitude Impact of temperature, wearing masks, using hand sanitizer, and
courses course working from keep social distancing. These are basic for everyone in
toward the hotel has to do. For employees, they have to wear
workplace home masks, gloves, face shields, and check body
and customer temperature 2-3 times a day depends on the hotel’s
regulation. At the hotel, the public area has to been
Figure 4 The management strategies that will be cleaned every 2 hours, social distancing in a common
effective for the hotel to manage the business during area is applied, providing hand sanitizer in every outlet
Covid-19. and common area, the cover shield is provided at the
Covid-19 pandemic is quite tough for every business front desk.
also hotel industry. Budget is the most thing that every
hotel needs to concern and expenses are what they Hygiene and cleanliness become the first
have to control. To manage human resources, the hotel place to concern because customers will be more
may not need that many employees to work during a sensitive about hygiene and they have to feel safe
crisis because there is no customer also the country has during their stay as this pandemic is worse than what
been lockdown. Mostly, it depends on employees we are expected. So, hotels will choose a standard
whether they would like to work at the hotel or go back quality of disinfected cleaning products to take care of
to their hometowns. Yet, they received some everything and get ready to welcome back to the
supportive salary from Social Security Office up to customer as most hotels have been closed for two
62% based on their salary. In some hotel has provided months. In four and five-star hotels, they have their
the rest of the salary that they supposed to earn in case auditor team to check for the standard of quality and
if they would like to continue working at the hotel. some also hire outsource companies to audit. Not only
Moreover, employees got the chance to spend the hygiene and cleanliness are important, but also
holidays in advance without any deduct salary during marketing. The digital platform is very powerful for
the crisis. Every hotel has different strategies to the hotel industry to promote and do marketing to
manage their employees. attract customers. Launching promotions and
vouchers are applied in four and five-star hotels and
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, most every hotel has its strategies to launch. Three-star
hotels have shifted to work from home but not every hotels mostly target conference groups, not promotion
hotel can assign and adjust with this technique because and vouchers as they can earn more in this way.
many problems occurred during work from the home However, hotels have to concern about expenses and
process such as privacy information, close system, budget as there is no tourist come over. Hotels have to
communication barrier, and out of control. In some cut unnecessary costs out such as too many employees
hotels, they set a schedule for employees to rotate the if compare with jobs that have on hand, electricity, and
job and come to the workplace. They do not have work security. So, management is very important for the
from home because it might be hard for some hotel to manage wisely but the most effective
employee who does not know who to use application. outcomes.

Future Research

All through the research, the study is very wide, it can
be more precise to get details in each background.


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Future research can be conducted using a quantitative
method so that it can be measurable on how accurate article=1358&context=srhonors_theses
the results are there. The duration time is limited and G.Ding, C.-K. (2009, September 17). Post-SARS
because of the lockdown situation, the researcher tourist arrival recovery patterns: An analysis based on
didn’t get enough information and got less sample size a catastrophe theory. Sciencedirect.
thus that created to hard in the analysis part so the doi:
future research can get great same size and when doing Gu, H. a. (2008). Chinese clientele at Chinese hotels -
the analysis part can be easier and more effective. Preferences and satisfaction. International Journal of
Most of the data are collected from the local hotel but Hospitality Management, 27(3), 337345. Retrieved
for the future research they can get more opportunity June 1, 2020
to collect the data from the international and local Intermountain healthcare. (2020, April 2). Retrieved
hotel so that can make them acquire more ideas about May 20, 2020, from
the how hotels handle the crisis glitches, what are the
recovery process and plan that hotels use to sustain the well/2020/04/whats-the-difference-between-a-
business after the crisis, and what strategies hotels pandemic-an-epidemic-endemic-and-an-outbreak/
applied to manage within the organization. Jiang, Y. &. (2020, May). Effects of COVID-19 on
hotel marketing and management: A perspective
Acknowledgements article. International Journal of Contemporary of
Hospitality Management. DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-03-
First and foremost, I would like to thank to my 2020-0237
professor for inspiring and motivating me: Dr. Adarsh Kim, S. C. (2005, August 20). The effects of SARS on
Batra. This course is very hard and there are many the Korean hotel industry and measures to overcome
processes to do. I have learned many from him. He is the crisis: A case study of six Korean five-star hotels.
always support and suggest me whenever I went to the Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 10(4), 369-
wrong track. He tried to explain and gave me some 377. DOI:10.1080/10941660500363694
idea to go on the right track. My independent study Klasko, S. (2020, May 4). World economic forum.
will not be able to complete if I do not get any supports Retrieved May 19, 2020, from weforum:
from him. I offer my sincere appreciation for this
learning opportunities provided by him. from-hospitals-to-the-hospitality-sector-covid-19
Mastrogiacomo, M. (2020, March 10).
I also would like to thank to my parents who HNhospitalitynet. Retrieved May 19, 2020, from
always be there for me when I am stuck or have a hard hospitalitynet:
time: Mr. Amnuay Trongjitraksa and Ms. Achara
Changpattanawong. I will not be able to collect data Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Merriam-Webster.
from interview if I do not get any helps from them. I Retrieved from Merriam-Webster:
called over 60 hotels both based in Bangkok and
Chonburi and most of hotels denied me to go for Paula Johnson Tew, Z. L. (2008). SARS: lessons in
interview during this pandemic. It was very for me to strategic planning for hoteliers and destination
find out the hotels by myself. They are the one who marketers. International Journal of Contemporary
tried to help me a lot and give me the contacts. Hospitality Management, 20(3), 332-346. DOI:
Lastly, I would like to thank to my friends Preble, J. (1997). Integrating the crisis management
who help me a lot with this study: May Me Phu, Nway perspective into the strategic management process.
Nway Ei, and Saif Hassan. Journal of Management Studies, 34(5). Retrieved June
1, 2020
References Traveldailynewsinternational. (2020, March 12).
Bunda, R. B. (2014, MAy 2). The Business of Beds: Retrieved May 19, 2020, from
An Exploration of Hotel and Hostel Business Strategy.
Retrieved May 24, 2020, from


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Traveldailynewsinternational: coronavirus-2019/question-and-answers-hub/q-a- detail/q-a-coronaviruses
affecting-the-tourism-industry-worldwide World health organization. (2020). Retrieved May 20,
Watkins, J. (2020, February 28). Preventing a COVID- 2020, from
19 pandemic. thebmj. DOI:10.1136/bmj.m810 topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1
WHO. (2020, April 17). who. Retrieved June 8, 2020, Zabin, J. (2019, September 1). hoteltechnologynews.
from who: Retrieved June 3, 2020, from hoteltechnologynews:


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Adaptation of Work from Home or Anywhere in the Hospitality and Tourism
Industry in Yangon and Mandalay, Myanmar

Nway Nway Ei

MBA, Hospitality and Tourism Management,
Assumption University Bangkok, Thailand.

Email: [email protected]

Adarsh Batra, Ph.D.

Faculty, Master of Business Administration,
Hospitality and Tourism Management,

Assumption University Bangkok, Thailand.
Email: [email protected]

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, every country announced the lockdown, travel restrictions, social
distancing, curfew and stop gathering the people to prevent the spreading virus. The national government
of Myanmar announced the lockdown and curfew policy in the month start of April 2020. Because of that
policy, all of the business industry has to change its operation method. This study aims to know about the
impact and challenges of work from home or anywhere and this method can be adapted in the hospitality
industry or not. This research conducted a qualitative method and data were collected by using purposive
sampling, in-depth interviews with nine managers, and one employee from both of the destination Yangon
and Mandalay hotels. The thematic method was used to analyze the data by coding the key information
from the interview transcripts. This study finds that the people who work in work from home or anywhere
they got the opportunity to learn new things and get extra leisure time not only that they also face the
problem of cannot work well-like as the office and unbalancing work and live performance. The most
challenging part of this working way is technology. So, the people who work in the hospitality industry are
not easy to do work from home or anywhere like other organizations and still need to serve the customer
with the human touch, warming and welcoming.

Keywords: Covid-19 Epidemic, Employee, Hospitality and Tourism Industry, Work from Home or


numerous employees become jobless,

TravelDailyNews(2020). Regarding the (WTTC,

Introduction 2020) results, due to this epidemic crisis, a 100.8
million job at risk and up to US$ 2.7 trillion of GDP
Because of the unexpected coronavirus epidemic, loss in the economy and the global unemployment rate
every business sector is struggling to rotate but mostly is up to a 2.9% increase directly from the travel and
hard-hit to the tourism sector. According to the tourism industry in this year. Some of the developing
guidelines of WHO and UNWTO, all of the countries countries are now starting to grow and develop the
closed their borders, restricted the areas, prohibited to hospitality and tourism sector but because of this
travel and cancel or postpone all of the events, social epidemic, all of the plan and business have to suspend
distancing to prevent the spreading virus. Therefore, and postpone until the situation recover.
the business which relevant to the hospitality and In the month start of April 2020, all of the regional
tourism industry loses the income and have to rest their government start to lock down some of the places, ban
operation, temporarily adjust the employee and


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to travel other regions, prohibited to gathering people, other places, curfew, social distancing such kinds of
and both the employee from private and public sectors regulations announces to reduce the infected rates but
business come out with the new solution of work from it’s mainly affected the income of the hospitality and
home strategy due to the social distancing in tourism industry and employment condition. So, the
Myanmar. All of the hospitality and tourism relevant organization has to find out the solution to
businesses have to suspend their operation and some how the business can operate during the epidemic time
of the hotel businesses only run for the long stay not to reduce the employee rate.
customer and few of them are changes their workplace In this pandemic period, most of the business
to the quarantine facility center and few of them are organization allow to the employee to do work from
temporarily closed. The UMTA envisage half of the anywhere and find out the good productivity come out
employees in the hospitality and tourism industry can but some of the business industry like hospitality
be jobless and some of the can-do remote work, laid- industry didn’t allow to do work from anywhere
off, and so on. And also, they think the hospitality and because of some private issues. But some of the
tourism industry does not become the normality until departments like marketing, finance, and customer
2023, THIHA (2020). service can do work from anywhere but other
The hospitality industry has to face several types of departments cannot perform this process but kinds of
consequences during the epidemic needless to say work from anywhere process substitute the shift within
every hotelier should emphasize the different types of the department members and doing the virtual meeting
problems with suitable solutions. Due to this epidemic online. C-trip one of the OTA in china do the work
crisis hotels such as Inya Lake Hotel, Pan Pacific and from anywhere ways doing this epidemic period but
Park Royal had faced a critical situation. Their the resulting outcome is more efficient than the work
workplace industry suddenly changes to a quarantine form office. So, working from anywhere can adapt to
center because of the staff member who got infect ed hospitality and tourism or not.
with the COVID-19 therefore all of the employees and
guests have to stay 14 days at the hotel. Because of that Research Objectives:
issue, all of the hotel improves their health and safety
procedure, limit the customer to come, strict the rules, RO1. To identify the positive impacts of the work
and substitute the shift among the employee. But few from anywhere to the employee in the hospitality and
of the hotels like Rose Wood Yangon, The Strand tourism industry in Yangon and Mandalay, Myanmar
Hotel Yangon, IBIS Styles Yangon Stadium, and RO2. To identify the negative impacts of the work
others are close to their business and all of the staff from anywhere to the employee in the hospitality and
members have to do work from home, Myanmar Mix tourism industry in Yangon and Mandalay, Myanmar
(2020). RO3. To investigate the challenges to do work from
In this epidemic period, technology improvement is anywhere in the hospitality and tourism industry in
one of the factors that help the organization to operate Yangon and Mandalay, Myanmar
or touch with the customer and prevent the spreading RO4. To investigate the work from anywhere can
virus and employees and consumer health and safety. adapt in the future hospitality and tourism industry in
Most of the events and museums are turn into the live the post-COVID-19 in Yangon and Mandalay,
station and all of the university and school turn into the Myanmar
online class. Telework, remote work arrangements,
and various homework were already becoming more Work from Home or Anywhere
common before the pandemic, reflecting a range of
motivations: including lower labor and infrastructure Working from home or anywhere in this period is not
costs for employers, and more convenience and only to keep the business running by remote operation,
flexibility for the employee. Restricted the travel to engaging with the customer, and maintaining to alive
the economy but also protects the employee,


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employer, and customer life from Covid-19 infection. Conferring to the (Timsal, 2016) how the use of newer
Apart from this, working from anywhere can increase technologies has allowed for flexibility surrounding
productivity and efficiency, save time and cost, space or time of work, although these newer
increase customer satisfaction which obviously technologies may hurt psychological detachment for
attracts more income to our business and greatly save employees working from home. The communication
the environment by minimizing pollution, carbon levels of employees are moderately higher when
emission and maintain our ecological mindfulness as employees are working in an office environment as
well. Due to the unexpected coronavirus epidemic, they can collaborate more effectively at a higher
people daily life route is changes and all of the positive level.
business workplaces has to change the remote work or
telework or work from anywhere because of the social Work-life
distancing and not allow to gather the people.
Telecommuting is one of the main components of There have several welfares that working from
working from anywhere that helps in the phase anywhere has for the employees, this includes
organizational revolution and workload instability as flexibility in working hours, work-life balance, and
well as assists subcontracting non-organization maybe suggest the performance level higher. That
particular jobs, Illegems (2001). The telecommuting work-life balance is virtual to becoming a successful
can be adopted and improvised if there ought to be organization and will allow the higher levels of
implementations on the flexibility preparations with competitiveness to run through the business,
related telework. Furthermore, in the workplace nevertheless, there is no indication as to whether
telecommuting enable employees’ period and remote working admits the employees to have a
organization adaptably, Pe ́rez (2002). Considering progressive work-life balance, Grant (2013).
work-life balance, even though there will be less stress Grant (2013) investigates the positive aspects of
however it has been known that some of the employees remote working can be summarized as increased
have to endure overlapping between work and home productivity, the ability to work flexibly and from
daily lives so decreasing the invigorating outcomes at different locations without the time restrictions of
home, Pe ́ rez (2004). In the hospitality industry, the office-based hours, and in some cases reduced stress
people working in this organization find difficulties to levels and greater well-being. Remote working and
adapt work from anywhere concept. more flexible technology may have helped to improve
job effectiveness, flexibility and to some extent well-
Technology being, however, the more negative issues also need to
be explored in greater detail. Job effectiveness, well-
Some of the developed countries like Japan substitute being, and work-life balance are key factors when
with AI technology instead of using people. Also, in exploring the impact of remote technology on
the service industry, they substitute with AI individuals, supervisors, and organizations. The
technology and robot to serve the customer. In this outcomes displayed the differentiating factors between
epidemic situation technology becoming one of the e-workers included access to technology, the ability to
biggest sectors and to support people can spend their flexibly work, and individual abilities. Due to the
time safely. The organization should provide relevant over-working and lack of time for recovery is making
software and data like VPN, IP address and cloud disadvantages for the well-being. Trust and
computing for the employee can access from management style are found as a vital effect on e-
everywhere to do their duties and also set up the worker efficiency.
cybersecurity tool to prevent threats like hackers, Brin Sa ́nchez (2005) to understand the influence of
(2019). flexibility on the performance of a firm shall
contribute to the management of the organization is


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unclear and unsettled environments. The performance system in their belongings and manage careful not to
of the company which has a certain relationship with be overlap workload.
the use of teleworking, flextime, reorganization
likewise teleworking companies have more flexible The employee can avoid coming late to the
times, more working employees, and create work and traffic jam problem. They can adjust their
sustainable competitive advantage. Morganson (2009) time perfectly to be ontime. But they can face some
to observe the differences in work-life balance (WLB) issues about work-life. Most of the employee are
support, job satisfaction, and inclusion as a function of facing the problem of unbalance work-life problem so
work location. This study illustrates how work if they do the work from anywhere, it can be good for
arrangements impact on the individual and their life or bad for their life.
organizational outcomes and comparing the two
different workplaces. Results showed that the main Communication is vitual thing in working
office and home-based employee had similar levels of industry and one the fators to be the better workplace
WLB support and job satisfaction. Main office and good team work. If the employee didn’t get the
workers are reported higher levels of WLB support clear communication or misunderstandig, it can make
than the satellite and client-based workers. demolish the teamwork and create the wrose working
Additionally, main office workers reported the highest environment. So, the organization or relevant manager
levels of workplace inclusion. should contact with every employee to prevent from
Sa ń chez (2007) to clarify about the workplace the misunderstanding problems and try not to miss the
flexibility and innovation as the capacity to address communication with the member to inhibit the
changes in the association of the worker in the work loneliness. The employee can reduce overhead
environment. Concerning hierarchical co-activity, we expense like fuel cost, transpotation cost and other
characterize it as the joint exertion between firms in expenses.
the graceful chain to play out the accompanying
activities: product improvement, training, Methodology
development of quality and control, technology
transfer, and so on. The researcher target the manager like General
manager, HR manager, operation or duty manager and
Conceptual Model employee who work in the hotel industry in Yangon
and Mandalay, Myanmar about their opinion on
Figure1. Conceptual model of work from anywhere impact and challeges of working from anywhere and
that new way of working is sutiable or can be extend
Work from in the future of the hotel industry or not. By using
anywhere purposive sampling, the sample plan to collet the data
of 9 managers and 1 employee from hotels. Due to the
Technology and covid-19 situation the researcher didn’t get easy to do
resources interview. The researchers follow a qualitative
research approach in this study and doing the in-depth
Time Communication Work-life Cost interview with manager and employee can known they
opinion. Only 16 open-ended semi-structure question
The model above describes the kinds of features which constructed for the face to face interview with
influenece the work. The most fundamental things for applicants and doing the interview between 24th June
work from anywhere is technology and resources like 2020 to 8th July 2020. Proper appointment date and
laptop, wifi and relevant software. The organization time were fixed with hotel managers and employees,
should provide the essential software for the employee lasting for 30-45 minutes with open-ended questions
easily can acess the work station and also should have were asked. All the interviews were analyzed by going
supportive team to aid when the employe set up the through recordings and written Hand notes. The


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thematic analysis method used by coding the key Figure 3. Negative Impacts of New Working Way
information from the interview transcript of the hotel
manager and employee, using manual coding and then Communication lack Cannot bring the data Stressful
put each of the codes under the relevant themes or outside
objectives of the research article.
Misunderstanding Workoverload Problematic when
Result and Discussions about project connecting with
Government office
The positive impacts of the work from anywhere to
the employee

Figure2. Positive Impacts of New Working Way Mix with Working Cannot Operate from Don't know how to
time and Leisure Home do
Health and safety
New Experience time
Save Cost and Time
Positive Opportunity to learn new things
impact of
work from

Prevent from losing business opportunity In this new working way not only have positive also
have negative impacts. The data in the hospitality and
Can find extra job to increase income tourism industry is replace vital and confidential
regarding the rules and regulations and everyone
Ontime cannot access only authorized persons can bring but
not everything. Sometimes people who work from
Get more Leisure Time home can be mix with working time and leisure time
and feel uncomfortable. And also, most of the
Good for Employee Prospective government offices in Myanmar didn’t use email and
online things so it’s hard to connect with them. Some
Because of the COVID-19 epidemic crisis, the of the operation functions cannot perform from home
relevant authority organization announced the so have to come to the office at least one time a week.
guidelines regarding the world health organization And also, some people are not familiar with the
related to social distancing and not allowed to gather a technology and rarely check the social media or online
group of people so every organization has to change thus at that time have to call them until they pick up
its procedures and all of the employees have to do and have to explain everything again so can delay
work from their home. Therefore, this work from work and misunderstanding each other’s or work.
anywhere or home gave a new working way and gave
experiences for both organization and employee. That The challenges of doing work from anywhere in the
supports the employee’s health and safety during this HTM industry
epidemic and can reduce the anxiety level of family
and themselves relevant to the epidemic. And also, it Figure 4. Challenges of New Working Ways
can be a chance to learn new things relevant to the
working industry and knowledge. And get the
opportunity to find the extra income job. When
attending the meeting no need to worried about a
traffic jam or late, they can attend the meeting on time
without delay. For the people who can give enough
time to the family this working way can be a chance to
spend with them and built a good relationship with

The negative impacts of the work from anywhere
to the employee


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Cannot of the employee relevant with specific app and
focus on technology, need skillful IT worker, have good
teamwork and good communication, and have to
one declare new rules and regulations and the employees’
things responsibility can be higher than normal.

Facilities Technolo Conclusion and Implications
gy error
During this epidemic work from home or anywhere is
Cannot Challenges of work Worried one of the effective ways to operate or survive. All of
get the from anywhere about the hospitality sectors have to stop or moderate
Respond Ability operating their business and all of the employees have
on time to do remotely and reducing the working hours during
this crisis. These new working ways gave them liberty
Affect on Internet to spend their time with family members and friends.
emotion Connecti Also, the ones who want to learn new things or do
other interesting things can study online or in class and
on can waste their time doing what they want. Another
thing is they don’t need to spend on other extra costs
These are some challenges when doing work from like fuels, meals or others. But most of the people
home as for the people who stay with family or friends, didn’t like doing work from home or anywhere. They
they cannot focus well on work. Sometimes when they know this is the best way to do during this epidemic
need some information relevant to work or they cannot but they face too many problems when doing this
get the response on time like doing in the office and working way. Main problem for them is cannot take
have to wait therefore that can cause the delay in work. out information data from the organization because of
All of the employees are used to perform with team the rule and regulation of the hotel and most of the
and colleagues and when they suddenly change, they department cannot do work from home except
are working away from home, they start to feel authorizing the person or managerial level even
loneliness, depression, and worried relevant to their though they still need to come to the workplace at least
ability. The common problems for work from once a week. The main issue for working from home
anywhere are technology error, internet connection, or anywhere is technology. In Myanmar, technology is
and didn’t have enough facilities. not high-tech like other Asia countries and still needs
to develop and some of the people are not familiar with
Future adaptation of the work from anywhere in using technology and when So, that make cannot move
HTM industry in the post-COVID-19 on the new working ways.

Figure 5. Adapt Work from Anywhere The hospitality industry needs to give human
touch and empathy to the customer but these days all
Can Adapt work from anywhere of the industry is changing with replacing technology
in human place. Therefore, the hospitality sector is
• Rule and Regulations also developing like other industries and apply with
• AI Technology and Virtual Reality (VR) Functions smart technology but that doesn’t mean end to the
• Need Human or Personal Touch human touch. Hence, for the operation department like
• Upgrade Secure System front desk, housekeeping, guest relationship, and food
• Give the training releevant with app and beverage sector they still need manpower to serve
• Need Skillful IT worker the customer. They cannot solve the customer
• Teamwork and Communication
• Responsiblity
• Not possible to give service from home

The hospitality industry is having to serve the
customer warmly and welcoming needs human touch
so cannot give the service from online and solve every
complaint. And Myanmar is one of the developing
countries and still needs to improve in every sector. In
the technology industry need too many things to
develop compare with neighbor country Thailand. If
the hospitality wants to adapt this working way, they
need to more things to do like give the training to all


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Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

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October 30, 2020
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complaints from home online because they need to skill and knowledge and for the organization when
recognize and empathy with both organization and the they operate again no need to worried about employee
customer side to solve that problem. But for the back ability and prevent losing the skillful worker.
office like the finance and sales and marketing
department- they don’t need to meet with customers Acknowledgment
directly so they can do work from home. So, this new
working way is more suitable for the back office of the This research project was supported by Asst. Prof. Dr.
hotel. But nobody knows exactly about the future and Adarsh Batra. I would like to say thanks, especially to
they can predict that’s why no one cannot say this my adviser Asst. Prof. Dr. Adarsh Batra and his
working way can be adapted in the future. comments, feedbacks, guidelines, and advice. That
comments, advice, and guidelines are gratefully
Recommendations helping me to improve my research and get more
knowledge. I know this project was hard for us and it
These are some recommendation who want to do work was hard to catch up, but he always did his best to
from anywhere and who want to apply these new explain and help us all. I would also like to say a huge
working ways in their organization: thank you to all my family, classmates, and friends
In work from anywhere, approach technology is especially May Me Phu and Suanghatai Trongjitraksa
situated as one of the main things to perform well this for all their constant support and help over these four-
new working way and should have advanced month and the organization and participants that
technology like laptops and relevant software systems. volunteered and agreed to take part in this study. I’m
That one can support the people who work at home or using this opportunity to express my gratitude to
anywhere to complete the job without interference. everyone who supported each person throughout this
In this work, people need high speed internet research. I’m thankful for their aspiring guidance and
connection to do the work easily and efficiently. friendly advice during the study. I’m sincerely grateful
Sometimes the job is not finished as planned due to the to them for sharing their truthful and illumination
system breakdown or sever problems so that makes views on several issues related to the research.
delay doing work and wasting time.
The people who work from home should separate the References
work and personal life so they should draw the daily Brin, D. W. (2019, January 14). SHRM. Retrieved
schedule and operate according to that schedule not to June 10, 2020, from
be mixed up. If not, it can create trouble to go forward.
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the responsibility equally and help each other. remote-workers-evolves.asp
Find the place which can concentrate well on work and Grant, C. A. (2013, February). An Exploration of the
comfort not choosing which can only stay psychological factors affecting the remote worker's
comfortable. That comfortable place doesn’t mean you job effectiveness, well-being, and work-life balance.
can focus on the work there has a lot of places that stay Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 35(5), 527-546.
comfortable but cannot focus on other things. Illegems, V. a. (2001). The organizational context of
The organization should provide the relevant rules and teleworking implementation. Technological
regulations, software, and training program for all of Forecasting and Social Change, 68(2).
the employees which relevant to the new technology Myanmar Mix. (2020, April 24). Retrieved June 17,
software system to perform well work from anywhere 2020, from
or home method.
Some of the organizations provide online training update-yangon-extends-curfew-park-royal-hotel-
programs during this epidemic so this one can be one quarantined-after-employee-tests
of the opportunities for the employee to improve their Pe ŕ ez, M. M. (2002). Benefits and barriers of
telework: perception differences of human resources


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managers according to the company’s operations
strategy. The International Journal of Technological
Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 22(12), 775-783.
Pe ́ rez, M. P. (2004). A technology acceptance
model of innovation adoption: the case of
teleworking. Emerald Group Publishing Limited,
7(4), 280-291.
Sa ń chez, A. M. (2005, March 16). Teleworking and
workplace flexibility: a study of the impact on firm
performance. Emerald Group Publishing Limited,
36(1), 42-64.
Sa ́nchez, A. M.-J. (2007, October 18). Workplace
Flexibility and innovation: The moderator effect of
inter-organizational cooperation. Emerald Group
Publishing Limited, 37 (6), 647-665.
THIHA, A. (2020, April 30). The Irrawaddy.
Retrieved May 21, 2020, from
Timsal, A. &. (2016). Flexibility or ethical dilemma:
an overview of the work from home policies in
modern organizations around the world’. Human
Resource Management International Digest, 24(7),
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2020, 20, from
WTTC. (2020, April 24). Retrieved May 20, 2020,


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A Study on the Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on
Three-Four Star Hotels in Myanmar

Tin May Oo
MBA, Hospitality and Tourism Management,
Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Email: [email protected]
Adarsh Batra, Ph.D.

Faculty, Master of Business Administration,
Hospitality and Tourism Management,

Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Email: [email protected]

The study aims to understand how three stars and four stars hotels in Myanmar survive during COVID-
19 outbreak and impact of COVID-19 crisis on three stars and four stars hotels in Myanmar. The
researcher used qualitative analysis methods, by semi-structured in-depth interviews, collected raw data
from sixteen local guests, one long-stay foreigner and five hotel managers in Mandalay and Muse during
May to August 2020. To analyses the data, the study used thematic analysis method. The findings of
the study are that all three-star and four-star hotels in Myanmar follow safety instruction and
internationally-accepted safety standard to ensure the health, safety and well-being of the hotels’ guests
and employees. Hotels were using hospital-grade disinfectants and disinfected common area inside the
hotel three times a day. Hotel staff are requested to wear a face shield, mask, gloves and PPE suit. From
the guest’ perspective, every hotel at least had to implement WHO protocols because they have high
expectations of hygiene, cleanliness and safety before and during their stay. It is believed that by being
able to identify a crisis situation and determine a positive management response, the Myanmar hotel
industry has indeed learned its lessons on how to cope with similar situations in the future.

Keywords: Covid-19; Hospitality and tourism industry; Hygiene; Safety management measures;
Safety standard

Introduction registered tour-guides increased from 7,000 to 9,000
during the same period. In addition, Myanmar saw
Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, a largely 18 per cent increase in the tourist arrivals in 2017,
rural, densely-forested country, is the world's largest 1.15% increase in 2018 and 23% increase in 2019.
exporter of teak and a principal source of jade, As the coronavirus has spread across the globe in
pearls, rubies and sapphires. The tourism business February and March in 2020, travel agencies,
has played a major role in driving forward airlines, hotels, restaurants and scenic spots have
Myanmar’s economic development since the start of faced cash flow pressure, and at the same time, the
national reforms in 2011. Before the alarming capital chain is under strain across the tourism
spread of coronavirus, Myanmar saw over 200,000 industry. The hotels suffered suspension of business
tourist arrivals in January—25 percent increase from as the occupancy rate fell sharply in the short term,
the same period last year, in which Myanmar saw business revenue was severely hit and many
over 160,000 foreign tourists (Myat Pyae, 2020). enterprises even in the basic state of suspension. It
The number of tour services increased from 2,453 to led to a large number of cancellations and more than
3,188 during the period. The population of


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80% of previously booked travel orders being into an opportunity, effectively reduce the adverse
refunded (Demetriou , 2020). At present, although impact of the epidemic on post-covid-19.
86.8% of tourism enterprises are suspended from an During this difficult period, the government began
operation, according to the overall deployment and to block streets in some areas, to ban travel to other
requirements of the central government, tourism areas, to control crowds, to restrict these areas to
enterprises and the hotel industry should strictly travel, to cancel or postpone all offline activities and
control the risk of epidemic spread caused by the to maintain social distance to prevent the spread of
increase of personnel flow and aggregation, remain the virus. Therefore, enterprises related to the hotel
vigilant against the epidemic, and continue to take industry lost a large amount of revenue in an instant.
concrete and detailed prevention and control In addition, as the government had to suspend
measures. While over 4.3 million foreign travelers business, hotels would need to temporarily adjust
visited Myanmar last year, the Ministry of Hotels the deployment of staff within hotel, which led to the
and Tourism predicts that only around 2 million redundancy of the hotel industry and a large number
would visit the country this year. of employees had or soon would be facing
The impact of this outbreak on the hospitality and retrenchment. Some hotels notably decided to retain
tourism industry are the most serious, far exceeding and provide training to staff about safety and
the impact of the SARS outbreak in 2003 (Folinas & hygiene measures in dealing with Covid-19
Sotiris , 2020). Not only because of the ongoing prevention, both online and offline, during the
uncertainty of the epidemic, but also because of the shutdown of the business.
changes in the economic structure of the world over This study analyzes the impact of COVID crisis in
the past decade especially tourism, accounts for a hotels of Myanmar, and emphasize hotels need to
higher proportion and the economic cycle is in a adopt different measures to innovate to deal with the
different position. Therefore, the negative impact on current situation in order to maintain their
hospitality and tourism is not comparable to that sustainability. On the other hand, they have to
during the SARS period (Folinas & Sotiris , 2020). ensure the health and safety of their employees,
The COVID-19 pandemic worldwide has affected guests, and reduce unnecessary expenses in order to
the tourism industry in the world, and Myanmar is maintain an acceptable “bottom line”. Due to the
also adversely affected. The economy worldwide is decrease in numbers of visitors, some hotels
badly hit. The Myanmar international flight has been changed their emphasis to focus on business from
banned since early April 2020 in order for the the local market.
country to combat the pandemic. The worldwide
media coverage of the pandemic also influences and Research Objectives
affects the decisions made by government, RO1: To study how hotels should operate their hotel
companies and travelers. The ongoing reviews and business and what needs to be changed to ensure the
changes in travelling protocols, cancellation of health, safety and well-being of the hotels' guests,
travel flights, and hotel booking fees intensifies the employees and stakeholders.
growing problems of the tourism industry and drives RO2: To explore the effects of safe management
the Myanmar economy into a potential recession. In measures on the experience of hotel guests in
addition, in order to shorten the recovery cycle and Myanmar.
come over industrial development trough as soon as RO3: To find out if the operating costs of hotels in
possible, the hotel and tourism industry should Myanmar might be affected by safe management
obtain the guarantee of cash flow through the pre- measures.
sale of products, orderly resumption of work, and RO4: To ascertain the impact of COVID-19 travel
accelerated payment collection (Airui, 2020). restrictions on the business performance of hotels in
Therefore, it is of great significance to make clear Myanmar.
that the hotel and tourism industry should draw
lessons from the crisis and do a solid job in Review of the Literature
establishing crisis response mechanism and disaster
preparedness, improve the safety quality, loss Safety and Security Measures
reduction mechanism and the way to turn the crisis The hotel industry is a vulnerable business and very
sensitive to the crisis in the region. Hotel safety
issues could be broken down into three broad


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categories: safety, security, and privacy. The main hotels and government systems, and developing
duties of hotels are to ensure its safety and security guidelines and response plans to implement strict
after tourists have become more suspicious about infection control measures if necessary (Bharwani &
safety issues within the hotel premises (Ahmad, Mathews, 2012). The epidemic prevention and
2014). Safety and security are important factors for infection control measures adopted in response to
tourists to choose their destinations and hotels. The SARS and H1N1 swine flu have shown that the hotel
first consideration for tourists is to stay away from industry needs to play its due role. Moreover, the
risks and hazards. Unfortunately, the hotel and epidemic preparedness and infection control
tourism industry are very vulnerable to security and measures mounted against SARS and H1N1 swine
security threats. These threats often take the form of flu demonstrated a role that needed to be filled by
crime, terrorism, natural disasters, health and man- the hotel industry.
made hazards (Ghazi, 2018). This keeps increase The key findings of this study verify to a certain
pressure on hoteliers and planners to develop more extent several key links in the relevant literature of
effective measures to prevent or limit their negative the safety and hygiene perceptions of hotels:
impact in order to protect the hotel business and In order to provide high quality services and a safe
society as a whole. This emphasizes that hotels environment, managers must understand the
should improve their safety and security measures expectations and perceptions of guests regarding the
and procedures to make it more difficult for them to services and facilities provided (Ghazi, 2018).
be targeted for threats and hazards. Tourists appreciate the contribution of hotels in
providing tourists with the most essential safety
Hygiene measures and hygienic practices. They expect high
Bharwani (2012) identified that hygiene is a key risk standard of hygienic practices are applied
for the hospitality industry and should be seen as (Alananzeh, 2017).
important by hoteliers. The hotel industry is often The hotel should develop its own hygiene standards
adversely affected by pandemics such as and train its staff before the outbreak. Further roles
coronavirus, SARS and swine flu. They also and responsibilities include emergency response
emphasized that hotels should apply a HACCP arrangements, protective equipment procurement
(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) food safety plans, disease reporting and surveillance
management system to minimize and control the mechanisms during outbreaks (Kevin & Carman,
hazards of food in the process of production, 2018).
storage, processing, distribution and human The hotels tried to minimize expenses during the
consumption (Bharwani & Mathews, 2012). Staff SARS-affected period. For example, the number of
should be trained and informed to pay more lifts (elevators) and escalators in use was reduced to
attention to the personal hygiene; they should pay save power and operating costs (Samuel, Hejin, &
attention to the hygienic condition of food and Heesung, 2005).
beverage preparation area, hygienic equipment To convince guests to rebuild their confidence in the
design. Because customer satisfaction with the hotels, the hotels waged intensive promotional
hotel's service depends on the quality of food campaigns and aggressive advertising campaigns
hygiene, clean rooms and bathrooms, kitchens and (Samuel, Hejin, & Heesung, 2005).
dining rooms. In general, tourists appreciate the In order to reduce the payroll, the hotels cut the
contribution of hotels in providing tourists with the numbers of temporary employees but did not lay off
most essential safety measures and hygienic or fire any permanent employees because of
practices. concerns of coming into conflict with strong labor
unions (Samuel, Hejin, & Heesung, 2005).
Effects of Epidemics on the Hotel Industry All hotels required their Housekeeping Departments
The experience of SARS in Hong Kong has had a to increase the frequency of cleaning and used
profound impact on public health reform, in bleach solutions two to three times a day in public
particular on infectious disease surveillance and areas such as guest lift lobby and public washrooms.
outbreak response. These include strengthening Additionally, transparent plastic covers were placed
surveillance, isolation and treatment of patients with on top of the call buttons in elevator panels for the
the disease according to case definitions, purpose of easy cleaning and disinfection. Lift cars
establishing channels of communication between


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and escalators, particularly the call buttons and qualitative data from the findings. Using more and
handrails, were frequently wiped with a diluted more data will create issues in analyzing the data.
household bleach solution at least four times a day Using the qualitative method will be helpful in
(Ada, Rob, & Catherine, 2006). getting views, opinions personally from every actor.
To protect the health and safety of guests and staff, The researcher interviewed five hotel managers and
all hotels require their staff to check their seventeen hotel guests as the data collection. Data
temperature before starting work. Hotel security will be collected by hotel managers to know about
staff will also check the temperature of employees at their changes in business performance due to the
their entrances with infrared thermometers when COVID-19 situation and how they improved safety
they arrive at the workplace. Some hotels required management measures during the epidemic in order
guests to complete a health declaration form, and to enhance guests experience and so on.
distributed face masks and disposable disinfectant Additionally, guests who stay in hotel were selected
tissues during check-in (Ada, Rob, & Catherine, for the interview, in order to ask for their
2006). perspectives and experiences while they live in
Some hotels also rotate employees to different hotels. The data is collected at Mandalay Lodge
departments, while others take time off. In a way, Hotel, Sunset Palace View Hotel, Hotel Apex,
this is a great opportunity to cross-train employees Orient Hotel Mandalay, Hotel New Wave
in different departments to prepare for a business Mandalay, So So Pyay Pyay Hotel and Hotel M2 in
recovery (Ada, Rob, & Catherine, 2006). Muse within 20th June to 3rd July, 2020. Hotels
However, due to different survey methods and selected for interviews are based on brand name,
different focuses, this study failed to have sufficient popularity as well as the lockdown situation in
data to verify the following conclusions obtained by Myanmar.
related studies:
Comparing hotel room occupancy rates across the Discussion
three different hotel categories.
Food and beverage operations were not as badly RO1: To study how hotels should operate their
affected compared to the rooms business. hotel business and what needs to be changed to
Hotels are very entrepreneurial and one of the hotels ensure the health, safety and well-being of the
has successfully opened a new market by partnering hotels’ guests, employees, and stakeholders.
with secondary schools to organize "life skills Hotels are following internationally-accepted safety
courses" for students. standard while setting up safety procedure to ensure
Workers without family responsibilities are reported the health, safety and well-being of the hotels’
to be more willing to take unpaid leave than those guests, employees. During epidemic, since there is
with financial obligations. no business in tourism, so hotels are also stop
Hotel employees were very understanding and collaborating with the stakeholder like tour agency,
willing to share the financial burden with their car tour companies or restaurants but if the tourism
employer. business starts running, they will collaborate with
their stakeholder again. Not only hotel guests and
Research Methodology employees are needed to follow every safety
procedure provided by hotels but also from
The interview questions for this study were stakeholder’s side need to strictly follow the safety
answered and explored by in-depth interviews. This instruction to ensure the safety of themselves. In
study is qualitative research, using in-depth addition, in order to implement the contact-less rule,
interviews. The target population for this research is hotels changed the attendance recording method of
hotel managers who manage three star and four stars staff from using a fingerprint to record datils in book
hotels in Myanmar and the guests who staying in by signing their signature. Hotel managers also set
those hotels. The sample size is sixteen local guests, up social distancing within staff, taking temperature
one long-stay foreigner and five hotel managers and recording daily health status for staff, request
from five hotels. The sampling frame is in Mandalay staff to wear mask, face shield, gloves all the time
and Muse. while contacting with guests and set up thermometer
A qualitative interview is the one in which quality and sink separately home or leave without payment,
matter is filled. The qualitative research was chosen managers will also allow them but for those staff
because of the limited sources, can extract the


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who stay working inside hotel, they did not allow to entering any place and spray sanitizers on incoming
go out and must stay inside hotel. and outgoing people. Some guests think that
According to the opinions of some hotel guests, following the hotel's safety rules makes them feel
upon their arrivals, using hospital-grade under the control of the hotel, because the hotel staff
disinfectants and stationing security personnel at the will keep an eye on the guests and will tell them if
entrance of hotels to take body temperatures using a they don't follow the rules.
thermometer is of great importance in the aspect of
health safety. Guests will also be asked to wash hand Close Follow hygiene
with hand sanitizer and wearing mask while entering monitoring standard
hotel lobby. A declaration form was set up to know
the guests’ personal health status and travel history. Prioritize guests’
The staff will help to sanitize the belongings of safety
guests such as luggage and backpack. At the
reception, all the guests had to be in certain spot Experience of guests
before check-in in order to keep social distancing
norm. Implement Cleanliness and
WHO protocols safety
Follow safety instruction
Use hospital-grade disinfectants disinfection and

Enquire travel history sterilization
Social distancing
Figure 2: Experience of the Hotel Guests
RO3: To find out if the operating costs of hotels
Allow staff working from home in Myanmar might be affected by safe
management measures.
Change recording method Hotel managers mention that they spent a lot of extra
money on setting up new security procedures and
Figure 1: Model of Operating Method of Hotels in buying additional security equipment in preparation
Myanmar During Epidemic for the hotel's reopening. As product prices rise
during the peak of the epidemic, and safety measures
RO2: To explore the effects of safe management such as disinfection tools, human operation, food
measures on the experience of hotel guests in ordering and COVID-19 testing also require
Myanmar. significant investment, operating budgets are
From guest experience, every hotel guest is doubled and labor costs are rising, so the costs are
concerned about the hotel's safety standards and huge. In addition, there were few guests during the
whether they are following or implementing WHO outbreak, as everyone was told by the government to
protocols. Cleanliness, hygiene and safety are their stay at home and not to travel. So, while hotels can
top priorities before and during their stay. If the hotel be said to have almost no revenue, items double or
does not provide daily temperature check, does not triple at peak times, so room occupancy also
emphasize the disinfection equipment before and seriously affects revenue. Obviously, the operating
after the guests’ check-in, does not pay attention to costs of all hotels have been adversely affected by
the safety of the guests, does not strictly between the the epidemic.
guests’ safety distance, will not be a factor for them
to consider the hotel.
Guests' expectation of safety standards during and
after the outbreak is that the hotel should pay
attention to disinfection and sterilization equipment,
provide daily disinfection on public area and room
corners, place sinks and hand sanitizers in and out of
the hotel lobby, check the temperature before


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No income

Cost of Impact of Revenue Unstable condition
product operating
getting Occupancy Get experience on handle future crisis
costs rate
higer Change market target
Expenses costs Concern more on digital market
Doing more market campaign like

#book now pay later
Maintain essential employee in hotel

Figure 3: Impact of Operating Costs of Hotels in Figure 4: Impact of COVID-19 Travel Restrictions
Myanmar on the Hotel Business Performance

RO4: To ascertain the impact of COVID-19 Key Findings
travel restrictions on the business performance of
hotels in Myanmar. To ensure the health, safety and well-being of the
Researcher have found that the impact of COVID- hotels’ guests and employees, all three-star and four-
19 travel restrictions on business performance is star hotels in Myanmar follow safety instruction and
difficult to measure under unstable conditions. internationally-accepted safety standard.
During the lockout, hotels will retain only the In order to contact-less, the hotels changed the way
necessary staff and allow those staff who willing to of staff attendance records from fingerprint records
work from home to do so. When asked what changes to signature records.
would need to be made to current operations, some Hotels were used hospital-grade disinfectants and
managers mentioned that they needed to use their disinfected public area inside hotel three times a day
current experience to develop realistic budgets, meanwhile staff are requested to wear a face shield,
upgrade hotel safety standards and plan for the mask, gloves and PPE suit.
future financially. In addition, they need to pay more Hotels are set up thermometer and sink separately
attention to train employees with enough safety for hotel guests and staff.
knowledge, prepare enough necessary equipment, During epidemic, since there is no business in
change the target market, pay more attention to tourism, hotels are temporarily stopped
digital marketing, promote booking before paying collaborating with tour agency, car tour companies
for activities and attract tourists to stay in hotels with or restaurants.
affordable room prices. In this way, they can also get From the guest’ perspective, every hotel at least had
a temporary income. So, when this kind of crisis to implement WHO protocols and have the reach in
happens again in the future, the company can gain the standard of cleanliness and safety for the guests
experience and deal with future crises without chosen to stay in the hotel.
layoffs and waiting for recovery time. Hotel guests have high expectations of hygiene,
cleanliness, and safety before and during their stay.
When the hotels emphasize disinfection and
sterilization equipment, and complies with hygiene
standards, most hotel guests will feel relief and safe
inside hotel.
Most guests do not complain about following the
security procedures provided by the hotel but a few
guests feel uncomfortable while requesting them for
washing hand before or after entering the hotel
lobby or sanitizing their belongings such as luggage
and backpack.


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If safe management by hotel reassure guests that pandemic of covid-19. Results of interviews with
they have checked properly and have prioritised the management of the five hotels in Myanmar
customers’ safety or close monitoring on guests, it showed that COVID had a strong negative impact on
will make most guests feel that they were under by the hotel industry. However, the COVID outbreak
control of hotels. may have offered to those who survived the storm
Some guests may lie about their travel history when reasonably unscathed an opportunity to capture a
hotels check and record their travel history and bigger share of future markets. Specifically, it taught
health certificates for guests from the worst-affected the hotel industry a priceless lesson on the
areas. importance of crisis management. (Sönmez, Tarlow,
The cost of setting up new safety procedures and & Apostolopoulos, 1999) noted that a lack of
buying additional safety equipment is huge due to preparation could result in the loss of visitor
rising product prices and a doubling of operating confidence, a permanently damaged image, loss of
budgets during the peak of the epidemic. revenues, and requiring high advertising costs to
The expenses are also high because of the need to regain public confidence and rekindle customers’
implement for safety measures such as disinfection, interests.
manpower operations, food ordering and COVID-19
testing. Furthermore, it is believed that by being able to
There is a mismatch between income and daily identify and assess a crisis situation and determine a
expenses, and it may be difficult to run a hotel if the positive management response, the Myanmar hotel
outbreak lasts too long. industry has indeed learned its lessons on how to
Although room occupancy had a severe impact on cope with similar situations in the future. These
revenue during the epidemic, hotels reduced room studies can also provide direction suggestions for the
price in order to attract local guests. emerging of new markets in the future which are
During this outbreak, there were only local guests "new products, new technologies, new models, new
for business or other tourist purposes, and some experiences" and inject new energy into the industry
foreigners who stayed in the hotel for a long time. for example, international restaurants, ethnic
Hotel managers changed the target market from restaurants, hotels and catering enterprises are
foreigner to local people and focused more on actively developing takeout products and opening
Facebook marketing since local guests used the service mode of "online ordering + zero contact".
Facebook most. At the same time, provides safe accommodation
Hotels are turning to digital marketing and switching service for those who need to be isolated when they
to room service to achieve contactless. return to work and also healthy and safety
During COVID situation, hotels are promoting environment. Middle and high-end hotels also offer
special package, setting an affordable price and "heart-warming suites" to provide guests with
doing more market campaign like #book now pay comfortable experience of staying and sleeping at
later, to attract customers. ease. Thus, further accelerating the digital
To reduce labor cost, hotels allow staff working transformation.
from home and only maintain essential employees in
hotel while preparing to reopen hotel. Future Research
Hotel managers got experience in handle future
crisis. Due to various reasons and limitations, this research
failed to reach a certain depth and breadth, so the
Conclusion and Implications future research mainly has the following directions:
(1) Extend the scope of the data survey to five star
The aim of the study is to addresses the COVID-19 and international standard hotels because
impact on the Myanmar Tourism Industry on the quantitative research is suggested to apply in wider
basis of its effect on business performance and range.
operating costs of hotels, safe management (2) Expand the number of people involved in the
measures on the experience of hotel guests and the study and increase the sampling capacity when
prediction of the hotels in Myanmar in which what Myanmar is not affected by virus infection or other
will happen to the standard of hotel industry in the special circumstances.
future after the outbreak, and how the safe and (3) Specific research on different nationalities and
security standard of hotel industry will change after international guests also is advised by the researcher


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due to its different cultural and economic Ahmad, R. A. (2014, September 2). Safety Security and
background. For example, the research only got the Loss Prevention During Hospitality Emergencies.
opinion from local respondents and one long stay Disaster Recovery Journal, 27(4). Retrieved May 28,
foreigner who stays in hotels in Mandalay. 2020
(4) Improving research methods, using a Airui, D. (2020, March 17). iresearch. Retrieved May 22,
combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, 2020, from iresearch:
to study in-depth the difference between the views
of guests on the safety standard of different hotel Alananzeh, O. (2017, September 19). Impact of Safety
stars. Issues and Hygiene Perceptions on Customer Satisfaction:
(5) Building on the model and findings of this study, A Case Study of Four and Five Star Hotels in Aqaba,
it is recommended for other researchers to Jordan. Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality, 6(1).
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professor for his motivation and encouragement: Dr. Folinas, & Sotiris . (2020). Tourism: The Great Patient of
Adarsh Batra. I have learned a lot from him as well Coronavirus COVID-2019. University of Thessaly.
as this project. I knew that this project is hard for us Retrieved May 22, 2020, from https://mpra.ub.uni-
to catch up, but he usually tried his best to explain
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was very happy and grateful for his kindness and Management, 4(1). Retrieved May 28, 2020
understanding of my whole process. I offer my Kevin, H., & Carman, M. (2018, November 27). The role
sincere appreciation for this learning opportunities of the hotel industry in the response to emerging
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much appreciated with the help: Mr. Ang Alistair flu in 2009 in Hong Kong. Globalization and Health,
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Mandalay for the interview. Without his support, Myat Pyae, P. (2020, March 13). Irrawaddy. Retrieved
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23, 2020


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Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020

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The Changing Face of Thai Tourist Decision-making and, Consumption
Responses and Behavioral Changes Post-COVID 19

Md. Saif Hassan
Student, MBA-Hospitality and Tourism Management,

Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand
Email: [email protected]
Adarsh Batra Ph.D.

Faculty, Business Administration, Hospitality and Tourism Management,
Assumption University Bangkok, Thailand;
Email: [email protected]

The global pandemic “COVID 19” has created a crisis by crippling the whole world, nations in it, and its
living beings as well. During this pandemic, many Thai Tourists were affected which brought a change
either demographically, through psychographic, or brought upon behavioral changes. People got affected
by this problem and it has put fear inside many Thai consumers for them to travel back again. This research
aimed to understand the Thai tourist nature of traveling post-COVID, including the understanding of Thai
consumers' feelings and expectations to travel back again. The researcher used a mixed-method mostly
focusing on the qualitative data through an in-depth interview with 11 participants and a short online survey
was distributed among 17 participants to understand on what level in-depth interview provides clarity. In-
depth interview results were analyzed with thematic analysis and quantitative data were analyzed with
google form graphs. Results showed that Thai tourists believe the tourism sector for inbound and outbound
will be booming again but it all depends on the act of tour operators, government, and the local community.
This study will be helpful to understand the expectations, needs, and interests of consumers and what
precautions should be taken to make Thai again post Covid-19.
Keywords: COVID 19, Consumer Behavior, Marketing 4p’s, Motivation


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020

Co-hosted by

Introduction Human traits are unique and very much
unpredictable as years pass by. It all depends on the
The global pandemic “COVID 19” has trends, activities that attract people to change with
affected millions to billions and created fear of time. It is extremely hard to predict what the tourist
getting outside of the house. Many countries issued needs and wants. According to Solomon 1996,
the greatest lockdown through curfews and people consumer behavior means involving in certain
have been staying at homes due to the spreading of decisions, activities, ideas, or experiences that
pneumonia rapidly all over the world. According to satisfy consumer needs and wants (Cohen, Prayag
WTTC (World Travel and Tourism Council 2019), and Moital 2013).
tourism was serving as one of the sectors in the
world contributing as the global Gross Domestic This current research will understand the
Product by 10.3% and providing millions of people perspective of Thai tourists travel intent between
with employment, while in 2019 travel and tourism domestic or outbound and towards its safeness and
experienced 3.5% growth and created a global sustainability, tourists perceived communication
economic growth of 2.5% it was until the Covid-19 (demand from tour organizations post-Covid),
was officially announced. Lockdowns were initiated Socio-Economic changes due to Covid that effects
and for these restrictions Destination Management traveling post-Covid 19, and understanding the
companies, Accommodations, Cruises, Restaurants, motivational factors, as according to Cohen 2013,
etc. were affected the most, and people had to self- Prayag 2013, and Moital 2013, understanding the
quarantine themselves and work from home. The consumer decision making is a cornerstone of
sooner the country takes steps, the sooner countries marketing strategy.
will be able to receive tourists back again (Lee, Mao,
and Ding 2007). Thai Tourist Consumer Behavior and Travel
Safeness Post COVID 19
Thailand is one of the countries to be the
first to transmit and spread corona, which passed The concept of understanding the safeness
over 2000 cases of pneumonia. Due to this reason a of a destination comes with sustainability in a place.
curfew was initiated from March through April 10 Covid-19 is a Pandemic disease and has affected
pm-4 am (Jensiriratankorn and Lee, 2020). Thai globally and created a negative feeling among
tourism also got impacted throughout the changes in people’s minds. The travel safety issue is one of the
regulations and Thai Tourists' consumption, factors that people try to keep in mind and when
behavior and lifestyle have also changed. Tourism is there is no safety, consumers will always try to avoid
indeed one of the important sectors for Thailand that the thing or the place.
is contributing towards the revenue earning and
GDP by many sub-sectors such as leisure, MICE, According to Ranasinghe, Karunarathne,
Medical, etc. According to the Kasikorn Research Nawarathna, and Gamage 2020, the authors have
Centre 2019, Thailand generates high income concluded that ensuring the safety of the guests and
through tourism based on the research done on 28th the staff has become a top concern of the hospitality
January 2019. Due to the pandemic situation fear industry stakeholders. The concern of this research
and safety concern have entered into Thai tourist’s is to understand different consumer
minds. According to Gossling, Scott, and Hall 2020, attitudes/feelings about safety and know the decision
the situation is unprecedented. People are not quite making of travel intent that the consumers will make
sure yet on how the situation will be and what based on it post Covid 19. Sustainability is necessary
outcomes will come from the changes when to get the guests back for any service organizations
coronavirus is totally out of the world. So, this (Chang, MacAleer, and Ramos 2020).
research will hold up the understanding of the
behavioral and consumption changes after the Thai Tourist Consumer Behavior and the
Covid-19 ends in Bangkok. Concluding with an Motivation/Influence (Push and Pull factors)
evaluation on which way tourism will go and what to Travel Post COVID 19
Thai tourists expect post Covid-19 to travel back
again including their safety needs, motivational According to Hawkin et al. (2003),
factors, socio-economic effects, and the 4p’s effect Consumers adjust purchasing behavior based on
during the new normal. their individual needs and interpersonal factors. To
understand these influences, researchers try to
Concept of Tourist Decision Making and ascertain what happens inside consumers’ minds and
Consumer Behavior to identify physical and social exterior influences on
purchase decisions (Gulid and Lertwannawit, 2013).


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020

Co-hosted by

The tourist consumer’s motivation and influences towards travel intent i.e. effects from the recession
come from few steps and that is the recognition of a for travel decision and social distancing chores etc.
destination, information search, and evaluation of New trends in consumer behavior are influenced by
alternatives. Recognition is the first step in socio-economic changes that show high levels of
consumer decision making and this is where a sensibility, observed in terms of activities, coming
certain destination provides the needs and interest to from other industries, sectors, or branches
consumers or it might be something that could be a (Mihajlovic and Kocul 2016). According to
problem as well. According to Jason and Munar Budeanu 2007, the reason for low support from the
2012, information search is a crucial part of a tourists is due to lack of initiatives and existing
tourist’s destination choice (Pesonan and Pasanen initiatives are missing customers’ attention,
2017). The tourist needs to know where they are discouraging industry, and governments to continue
traveling before. promoting sustainable tourism. Therefore, the
community should come together and work as a
This study can provide an assessment of team in the new normal.
what will motivate (Purchasing decision) people to
still travel after COVID 19. To find out more about Thai Tourist Consumer Behavior and the
motivation, the previous experience (Post-purchase demand towards Tour Organizations Post
behavior) of consumers will be assessed too to Covid-19
understand if tourists have needs or interest on
something from previous times and try to understand Perceived marketing communication is
the difference on how purchasing decision is indeed necessary to get up on the track for all types
affected post-COVID 19 from the “before COVID of business organizations. Due to Covid 19, as
19” situation. According to Rittichainuwat 2007, the mentioned many businesses went bankrupt, lost
author has mentioned about the push and pull factor guests/customers, and had to sack off employees due
that it is one of the factors that play a huge role for to lack of profit. Therefore, a new, attractive
individuals to decide when and where to travel. marketing strategy to stimuli the purchasing
According to Poon (1994), it concludes that tourists decision would be a very big factor to earn the trust
are the products of changing population of the guests back again. According to Ponsien
demographics and are more experienced, flexible, (1962), social change is a consequence of
and independent-minded. Tourists have changed coincidence, it is requested, stimulated, and planned
values and lifestyles which affect tourist demand (Mihajlovic and Kocul 2016). This study will try to
(Gulid and Lertwannawit 2013). search what the travelers are asking for when
travelers travel and what the travel organizations
Thai Tourist Consumer Behavior and the need to work against the information search and
effects of Socio-Economic factors on Travel create competitive promotions or packages, in which
Intention Post COVID 19 travelers would find it fun to choose and travel back
According to Asia Pacific Region and
UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and The Pacific Effective marketing communication gives
2020, the report stated that as Covid 19 inflicted on an organization the upper hand to stimulate greater
the world, the more global recession has increased. tourists. Relating to the Covid 19 situation, IMC
The Covid 19 situation has globally affected each (Integrated Marketing Communication) is crucial to
people mostly through the point of socio-economic gain trust among the old and new tourists in
factors. In terms of social changes, each individual choosing both domestic and outbound tours and
needs to follow the social distancing to avoid the travel back again. Concerning, the odds of success
spread of the pandemic disease. From empirical toward providing a positive image of the destination,
observation, many have lost their jobs due to less loyalty to the tourist destination and in further stage
profitability from the organizations and this has satisfaction, perceived by tourists, themselves, will
created mayhem on people’s usual lifestyle and less be increased via such variables (Chenini and Cherif
spending due to less income. A division of 2016).
categories in society brings about some restriction of
behavior between individuals in different classes
(Chaipinit 2008).

This current study will try to evaluate the
understanding of effects on demographic situations


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020

Co-hosted by

Materials and Methods understood that Thai consumer’s safety comes first

The researcher used a mixed-method due to protect others as well and as it seems generous
mostly focusing on the qualitative data through an
in-depth interview with 11 participants and a short most Thai consumers want to help the locals around
online survey was distributed among 17 participants
to understand on what level in-depth interview due to socio-economic changes from the Covid
provides clarity. In-depth interview results were
analyzed with thematic analysis and quantitative situation.
data were analyzed with google form graphs. The Based on the first question “Do you find it
small survey result was later compared to see how
others react without face-to-face conversation. The safe to travel between Domestic or Outbound post-
sample included 11 Thai tourists for an in-depth Covid 19?” all interviewees from different aspects
interview, where 13 questions were asked and that
gave the liberty to a person to express as far as the and sectors have provided that domestic travel is the
person can get close to accuracy. A short online
survey was done on 17 Thai consumers. safest and traveling abroad is not yet being trusted

The study uses the technique of exploratory because nobody knows what the situation is like in
research due to unprecedented situations and also some places abroad. Provided the information, it
due to changes in trends, consumers change
consumers' decision making as well, including the could be implied that the purchase behavior in terms
non-probability approach a convenience sampling,
due to the fact different Thai tourists and consumers of abroad completely less, and behavior towards the
would be taken into consideration for different
opinions. Objectives that were set are as follows: domestic seems more logical and safer for the
To assess the comparison between the preference of
domestic or outbound travel with the attitude participants. The second question asked to the
(purchase behavior and feel safeness) towards the participants “Do you think hotels transportations and
attraction. the destination would be able to provide a safe
To understand the factors of motivation and environment for you?”, as participants have
influence (needs and interests) Thai Travelers to
travel to a certain destination post-Covid 19 provided, participants mainly would like to travel
To evaluate the socio-demographic factors
(economic/social changes) will affect the tourist domestically, the question relates to safety and
decision making to travel to a certain destination
To analyze the Thai consumer’s expectations attitude towards the travel system. From the
towards the changes (changes in 4p’s/destination perspective of the third question “What deters you
image) from the tour operators post-Covid 19. from traveling outbound/domestic post-Covid 19?”

Thematic Analysis of In-depth Interview it was found that abroad is still not trustable and a lot

Four Research objectives were set and for of fear inside Thai Consumers.
each objective, all in-depth Thai interviewees were
separated into different sectors such as Teachers, For the second objective, the first question
Airline industry, Seniors, Food and Beverage, asked was “If you are traveling post-Covid 19, what
Logistics, Online apparel, E-commerce, and Hotel do you imagine from the travel?”. From this one of
industry. Participants were interviewed based on the the participants answered that it will not change so
Thai consumer who also loves to travel. The answers
for each sector were compared and the similarities early and most probably not at all. Another two
and key issues were found out for each objective. An
in-depth interview was mostly focused on. participants vision that the vaccine would be out

When it comes to an understanding of the soon and people will be able to travel overseas
safety of people, it seems that people are not yet
100% sure what it is going to be due to fear in mind. without any worries again with proper procedures.
Based on the interview results overall it can be From the perspective of the fourth question, “Do you

think your preferred destination would be able to

meet your expected needs and interest post-Covid 19
as you would have expected during the pre-Covid?”.

The answer gave an understanding that same as

keeping the standard and providing new procedures
would make the informants feel like informants

expected needs and interests are met as before.

Moreover, good promotion and reasonable price for

the affordability.

For the third objective, it was asked how

the budget was affected and the result came out it
affected a lot and travel plans would not be the same

as before and mostly the Thai consumers want to

help the community in this hard time but basic

procedures such as using mask and gel, etc. should

be followed. For the fourth objective, given that the
4p’s of marketing, Thai consumers want products to


Au Virtual International Conference 2020
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era

Assumption University of Thailand
October 30, 2020

Co-hosted by

be clean, safe, and good promotions such as proper international each of the informants did not provide
use information shall be used to gain trust. a 100% assurance that it would be safe, even though
the informants think that the Thai government
Google form analysis of small survey announced it already safe and lockdown already
open. Thinking through safety, it provides an
The small online survey that was created attitude change related to fear, towards choosing a
and distributed was based on the four objectives, destination. From the result some participant
provided a small clarity on how much the in-depth believes that the informant would not have any plans
interview statements were true. Based on the auto- to travel for the year at least, some believed that even
creation of graphs which provided percentages though it seems safe it would not be the same as
based on the objectives. No equations were used for before and some think of safety that it depends on
quantitative analysis. the destination.

Based on the first objective, 58.8% of the Figure 1.1 Thai tourist attitude towards the travel
participants think that there is a 50-50 chance of safeness between domestic and outbound travel
providing and not providing a safe environment intent post Covid19 (Formed by Author)
which might cause challenging for 64.7% of the
travelers. Overall comparison with the in-depth Concerning the conceptual framework
interviewee’s feelings, the participants mentioned formed, the participants for the research have
that all institutions would be able to provide a safe contributed different types of internal and external
environment only if it follows the procedures and behavioral factors that motivate to travel post-
precautions. COVID 19. The key findings that were first found
were good promotion and discount. As possibly
Based on the second objective if the service spoke to the informants, the answers gave an
standard is good and goes along with the understanding that due to COVID many were
expectations of the consumers, the destination affected either from business or work, a discount is
would be able to meet the needs and interests of the also a need that should be cleared out.
participants. 70.6% believe the destination would be Secondly, love for the destination and loyalty is
able to provide the needs and interests more than another thing which also depends on base on the
equilibrium and 47.1% think that service standards trust. Thirdly, the stress created from the lockdown
would be met more than equilibrium. Based on the gives people the excitement for traveling as during
third and fourth objective, in comparison to the in- the lockdown the participants were stuck for too
depth interview, the result provided that the long at home and working from home as well. As
community would be able to meet the standards only evaluated from the interviews, participants seemed
if they follow the procedures and the organizations quite worried and affected by the COVID 19. As
would be able to gain trust if proper promotions are most participants had to work from home and some
provided such as discount and no false could not even work from home; the salary got cut
advertisements. for some and also lots of investment in house

Results and Discussions

As the results of the interviews were provided, about
the first research objective and the conceptual
framework formed, it can be implied that the first
main reason before making a purchase decision is to
understand the safety of the tourists. According to
the interview result the participants mentioned that
whatever it is the safety will be the first care and then
comes other factors such as reasonable price,
discount, etc. To be precise, the pandemic itself,
lockdowns, and staying at home, made fear get into
the mind which changed almost everyone’s mindset.
People change and trend changes with time and
resulting in attitude changes.
The resulting attitude found out from the
participants showed fear in them, though some
believed that the domestic would be safer than the


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