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Published by yuan.oktafian, 2019-05-07 01:52:37




The National Organising Committee
for Indonesia as Market Focus Country
at the London Book Fair 2019

Email: [email protected]

17,000 Islands of Imagination Market Focus

The London Book Fair 2019






Laura Bangun Prinsloo
Executive Chair of Indonesian National Organising Committee

Celebrating Diversity

Indonesia is full of diversity. We have various cultures, ethnicities, languages and
religions. From our diversity, comes great richness and strength. This diversity
and our multicultural background is reflected in our books—fiction, nonfiction,
children’s books, comics—and cross-media products.

“Diversity” is a term that can have multiple interpretations, but at its core, it’s all
about creating “variety”. Our publishers focus on diversity through ensuring that
we offer a variety of perspectives to match a great variety of readers on a global
level. Diversity from a global perspective means, readers from various parts of the
world want content published that is relevant to them. The future of the publishing
industry depends on how prepared they are to serve readers in these emerging

Between increased cultural awareness and technological growth, we are able to
be more connected than ever before. In the publishing world, we play a key role
in weaving threads that hold together the global community by helping to fasten
different cultures around the world closer to one another. Just like the future of our
world, the future of our industry depends on diversity and intercultural cooperation.

Generally speaking, Indonesian publishers have never stopped innovating and
deepening their endeavours as they seek to implement the go-global strategy,
thereby bringing about quite a few new highlights in books, digital innovations and
other cross-media platforms such as films, animations and games. Through this
Market Focus Programme at the London Book Fair 2019, Indonesian publishers
seek more opportunities and open themselves to cooperate with the world
publishing society and to create mutual benefits.

Fiction Catalogue j


The Beard Peed Fiction Catalogue
on the Guy in the

[ Si Janggut Mengencingi
Herucakra ]

Laksana will amaze readers with his mastery of storytelling techniques which
always been his signature as an author. Struggling against the world, others, and
also against themselves, the characters in these twelve satirical stories subtly
demonstrate the most hapless aspects of human relations. Complex without being
pretentious, The Beard Peed on the Guy in the Poster will further cement the author’s
stature in the Asian literary scene.

“His stories always contain some critical positions to the form of the story itself...”

—Tempo Magazine

“It feels that we enter an oral narrative, but we also are immediately aware of Laksana’s skill in
creating a writerly narrative. His sentences are neatly constructed; they are multi layered and
based on precise judgements.”

—Nirwan Dewanto, poet and critic

A.S. Laksana writes fiction and nonfiction and gives creative writing courses. His two previous
books of stories, published in 2004 and 2013, were hailed by Tempo magazine as the best literar y
works of the respective years.

Category Short Stories Dimension 14 x 20.3 cm Phone + 62 8118 2 0 4 3 8 6
ISBN 9789791260497 +6285692892030
Language Indonesian Publisher Marjin Kiri, 2016 E-mail [email protected],
[email protected]
Copyrights World rights Website

Page viii + 133 pages

Fiction Catalogue2 A.S. LAKSANA

The Tall Man:
Puppy Love and

[ Murjangkung: Cinta yang Dungu
dan Hantu-hantu ]

This is a collection of twenty short stories in various exciting themes such as
historical figures, love, family life, and ghost mysteries by one of the best living
Indonesian prose writers.

The Tall Man, the nickname of the commander of an army, is an extreme parody
of Jan Pieterszoon Coen, the seventeenth-century governor-general of the Dutch
colonialists in Indonesia and the founder of Batavia (now Jakarta). The stories
contain elements of black humor and satire, conveying a robust socio-political
commentary in a light, casual manner.

A.S. Laksana (1968) writes fiction and nonfiction works and provides creative writing courses. His
two collections of stories were hailed by Tempo magazine as the best literar y work of the year in
2004 and 2013.

Category Short Stories Dimension 13 x 20 cm Phone +622178883030
ISBN 9797806448 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Gagas Media Website

Copyrights Rights available

Page Viii + 116 pages


Geni Jora

[ Geni Jora ]

Fiction Catalogue

Abidah uses her rich personal story—a story that begins in a pesantren, a traditional religious
boarding-school on Java, to faraway places in the Middle East—to empower her rebellion
against her gender in this enchanting story of love and self-discovery. Abidah’s poetic tone
in her prose writing makes her one of Indonesia’s best novelists. Geni Jora is saturated with
the Muslim women’s litigations against the accepted gender norms within their community:
discrimination in education against women, polygamy, lesbianism, male dominations, spousal
abuse, and woman sexuality. The essence of this resistance in this book is represented by a
Muslim Feminist named Kejora.

“Her novels can be considered as the crown achievement of Islamic literature.” —Republika

“Using her vast and intimate knowledge of the Middle East, this author presented Jora as the voice of
resistance against patriarchal values. Her cynical hyperbolic style actually reinforced her theme. This is a
resounding call for gender equality.”

—The Jury for Jakarta Art Council’s Writing Competition.

Abidah El Khalieqy was born in 1965 in Jombang, East Java. She graduated from an all-girls Persatuan Islam
boarding school in Pasuruan and Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University in Yogyakarta. She began to write in her
youth and has had a productive career, publishing nine novels, most recently Mimpi Anak Pulau (An Island Child’s
Dream, 2013); two short story collections; and the poetry collection Ibuku Laut Berkobar (My Mother Is the Shining
Sea, 1997). Her 2001 novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban (The Woman in the Turban) was adapted for the screen
and won several awards.

Category Novel Dimension 20 x 13.5 cm Phone + 62 2 2 78 3 4 310
[email protected]
Language Indonesian ISBN 9789793269856 E-mail

Copyrights Available Publisher Qanita/PT Mizan Pustaka, Website

Page 272 pages 2009

English translation published by Lontar.

Fiction Catalogue4 ACEP ZAMZAM NOOR

Like Death
Aproaching &
Other Poems

[ Seperti Ajal yang Datang Tanpa
Bicara dan Puisi Lainnya ]

The English and German translations of this book were subsidized by the
Indonesian Translation Funding Program

Acep Zamzam Noor’s poems wrap silence around images of death and failure.
Beauty and, of course, life itself is transitory. They are things that quickly pass,
reminds Noor. The reader, when trying to uncover the meaning of the poet’s surreal
scenes, learns much about the purpose of his own existence.

Acep Zamzam Noor was born in Tasikmalaya, West Java, and studied ar t at university. He is a faithful
bearer of what is known as “silent songs” whose language is notably distinct from the bureaucratized
language of the mass media but also markedly different from poets whose poems are filled with
socio-political diatribe.

Category Poetry Page Xii + 82 pages Publisher The Lontar Foundation, 2015
Language I n d o n e s i a n - E n g l i s h - Dimension 11 x 20 cm Phone + 62 215 74 6 8 8 0
German ISBN 978 6 0 2 914 4 5 4 3 E-mail jo h n _ m c gl y n n @ l o nt a r.o rg
Copyrights English and other (English Edition) Website
languages from English. 978 6 0 2 914 4 8 0 2
(German Edition)


The Atheist

[ Atheis ]

Fiction Catalogue

The English translation of this book was subsidized by the Indonesian Translation
Funding Program

First published in 1949, this legendary novel tells the story of Hasan’s spiritual and
intellectual crisis. He was raised to be a devout Muslim but comes to doubt his faith
after he got involved with a group of modern young people.

Upon the publication of this novel, religious thinkers, Marxist-Leninists, and
anarchists criticized the novel; but it was a hit among literary figures and the general
public. The novel, considered to be a masterpiece of modern Indonesian literature,
is listed among UNESCO’s Collection of Representative Literary Works.

Achdiat Karta Mihardja (1911-2010) was an author and journalist with a broad spectrum of
intellectual tastes. He studied Western philosophy and in 1950 was one of the founders of LEKRA
(Lembaga Kebudayaan Rakyat), a literary and social movement associated with the Indonesian
Communist Party. In 1961, with an advanced degree in adult education, he became the professor of
Indonesian Literature and Language at Australian National University in Canberra where he lived to
the remarkably old age of ninety-nine. He was honored by the Indonesian government several times
for his service to Indonesian literature.

Category Novel Dimension 14 x 21.5 cm Phone +62215756880
ISBN jo h n _ m c gl y n n @ l o nt a r.o rg
Language English Publisher 978 6 0 2 914 4161 E-mail

Copyrights English only The Lontar Foundation, 2015 Website

Page 210


Anxiety Myths

[ Mitos-Mitos Kecemasan ]

Fiction Catalogue

In a writing career that has spanned for more than thirty years, Afrizal Malna has
published several collections of poetry and has seen his poems translated into
different languages. He is concerned with the question of language and bodily
engagement within public and private spaces. It is through the appearance of
everyday objects that his poems emerge as a repository of the cultural meaning of
space and objects in modern Indonesia. His poems maintain a delicate balance of
style consistency and theme variation. Malna’s poems in this anthology brilliantly
trace the quickly-changing urban trajectory of present-day Indonesia.

Afrizal Malna is an award-winning poet and art critic. Malna, who grew up in Jakarta, travels
throughout the country frequently to participate in literary, poetry, and philosophical discussions.
During the late 1990s, he collaborated with the Urban Poor Consortium. Malna is the author of a
broad variety of critical and scholarly works. He is also a veteran photographer of contemporary
Indonesian culture and those involved in varied artistic practices.

Category Poetry Dimension 14 x 21.5 cm Phone + 62 2 15 74 6 8 8 0
Language English ISBN jo h n _ m c gl y n n @ l o nt a r.o rg
Copyrights English only Publisher 978 6 0 2 914 425 3 E-mail
Page xii + 116
The Lontar Foundation, 2013 Website


The Land of 5

[ Negeri Lima Menara ]

Fiction Catalogue

Inspired by actual events, The Land of 5 Towers tells the story of Alif, a boy
from West Sumatra who had never set foot outside his hometown. But his life
dramatically changed when his mother told him to attend a pesantren, an Islamic
boarding school. Alif did his mother’s bidding with a heavy heart, but on the first day
of school, he was captivated by the powerful phrase ‘man jadda wajada’ or ‘he who
gives his all will have success.’

Alif befriended five boys from across the Indonesian archipelago, and soon they
became known as the Fellowship of the Tower. Under the mosque’s minaret, they
gazed at the clouds and dreamed of distant lands like America and Europe. They
did not know where their dreams would take them, but they did know they should
never underestimate their dreams, no matter how impossible these dreams may
have seemed.

Born in Bayur, a small village on the shores of Lake Maninjau, Ahmad Fuadi graduated from Pajajaran
University in International Relations and worked as a journalist for Tempo magazine. In 1999, he was
awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue his master’s degree at the School of Media and Public
Affairs at George Washington University. He resumed his studies in 2004 when he won the Chevening
Award to study documentary filmmaking at the Royal Holloway University of London. He has also
enjoyed the oppor tunity of living and learning in Canada, Singapore, and Italy. The Land of 5 Towers
was adapted to film in 2012 and has won several awards. In 2011, Fuadi won the Liputan 6 Award in
the Motivation and Education category, as well as the IKAPI Best Writer Award and the First Prize for
Best Fiction. He was selected to be resident at the Bellagio Centre in Italy in 2012.

Category Novel Dimension 14 x 21 cm Phone +622153650110 ext 3505
ISBN [email protected]
Language Indonesian/English Publisher 9789792267709 E-mail

Copyrights Malaysia Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Website

Page 416 2009


The Dancer

[ Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk ]

Fiction Catalogue

Rasus, a progressive and idealistic young man, had dedicated himself to fight
against the oppressive traditions of his humble village, Dukuh Paruk. But Dukuh
Paruk dealt Rasus a severe blow when it anointed his lover, Srintil, as the village’s
latest ronggeng dancer—a privileged position that was loaded with cultural and
also sexual expectations. And now the table had turned. Dukuh Paruk had found
itself on the losing side of the failed 1965 Communist Coup. Rasus then had to
decide whether to maintain loyalty to his country and his brothers-in-arms in the
Indonesian Army or to show compassion towards Srintil and the village that had
taken her and everything he had from him. The Dancer trilogy has been adapted
into the silver screen twice. The first was in 1983, with the tile Darah dan Mahkota
Ronggeng (Blood and the Dancer’s Crown), and once again in 2011 under the title
of The Dancer, which received critical acclaims and won numerous awards in Citra
Movie Award.

Ahmad Tohari was born into a devout Muslim family. Although the Islamic boarding school education
encouraged by his parents left him with deep religious convictions, he has described himself as a
“progressive religious intellectual” whose aim is to nurture a modern Islam that honors Indonesia’s
diverse indigenous cultures and traditions while following the teachings of the Quran. Tohari is
a recipient of several national and international awards for his works, including the SEA Write
Award (Southeast Asian Writers Award) in 1995, and a Fellowship through the International Writing
Program in Iowa City, Iowa, USA. His first and most famous novel, Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk, had been
translated into five languages.

Category Novel Page xiv + 464 Phone +622153650110 ext. 3505
Language Indonesian, English Dimension + 62 215 3 0 0 5 4 5
Copyrights Available except for ISBN 14 x 21.5 cm Fax [email protected]
English, Spanish, German, Japanese, Publisher
Dutch, and Chinese 978 6 0 2 914 4215 E-mail

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Website



A Season and
Then Another

[ Semusim, dan Semusim Lagi ]

Fiction Catalogue

The English translation of this book was subsidized by the Indonesian Translation
Funding Program

A high school student received an envelope with something even more interesting
than a precious college acceptance letter: a letter from her long lost father. Leaving
behind her mom and her mom’s boyfriend behind, she embarked on a journey to a
whole new city where she would encounter friendship, companionship, and bitter
betrayals. She started the quest to find her father only to find herself in the end.

“...written with a storytelling technique that is at once intense, serious, explorative, and
intriguing.” —Judges Panel, Jakarta Arts Council Novel Writing Competition 2012

From a poem, the writer took a line and made it a title. Then she built it sentence by sentence
into this novel. I think that’s the best way to celebrate words in a world that often takes them for
granted.” —Seno Gumira Ajidarma, author

Andina Dwifatma is a journalist and a novelist. In 2012, her novel A Season and Then Another won
the Jakarta Arts Council novel writing competition. She is also the writer of Azra’s Story.

Category Novel Dimension 13.5 x 20 cm Phone + 622153650110 ext 3505
ISBN [email protected]
Language Indonesian/English Publisher 9786020319452 E-mail

Copyrights All rights available Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Website

Page 216 pages 2013


The Rainbow
Troops Quartet

Fiction Catalogue

The Rainbow Troops, debuted in 2005 has sold for more than five million copies.
From the tetralogy, the first and second books have been adapted into movies. The
Rainbow Troops launched in 2008 and The Dreamer in 2009.

The Rainbow Troops is an inspiring, record-breaking bestseller and a modern-day
fairy tale that was published in Indonesia in 2005. The book is Andrea Hirata’s
autobiographical debut novel. It promises to captivate audiences around the globe.

Ikal is a student at the most impoverished village school on the Indonesian island
of Belitung, where graduating from the sixth grade is considered remarkable. His
school is under constant threat of closure. Ikal and his friends—a group called the
Rainbow Troops—face threats from every angle: skeptical government officials,
greedy corporations, poverty, and their own low self-esteem. But the students have
one hope in the form of two extraordinary teachers.

Andrea Hirata is an Indonesian author best known for the 2005 novel Laskar Pelangi (The Rainbow
Troops) and its sequels. The novel, written in six months, was based on his childhood experience in
Belitung. He later described it as “an irony about a lack of access to education for children in one of
the world’s wealthiest islands.” He grew up in a poor family not far from a state-owned mine. By 2010,
he was spending weekends in Belitung and weekdays in Java. That same year, he spent three months
attending a writer’s workshop at the University of Iowa, USA.

Category Novel Dimension 13.5 x 20 cm Phone + 62 2 74 8 8 9 24 8
ISBN 9786028811378 Fax + 62 2 74 8 8 3 75 3
Language English Publisher Bentang Pustaka, 2005 E-mail [email protected]
Copyrights All rights available

Page 529


The Tree Circus

[ Sirkus Pohon ]

Fiction Catalogue

Alright, Pal. Let me tell you about my battle against a pomegranate tree in my
backyard and how it got me arrested.

I really hate that tree. I mean, just take a look at it! That tree looks like it’s being
cursed. The trunk is bumpy, the branches are droop, the twigs are awkward, the bark
is wrinkled, the leaves are tangled. Every Thursday night the crows are crying on top
of it, calling the reaper. I don’t want to get any closer around that tree because I know
it is inhabited by a ghost.

From bestselling and award-winning author Andrea Hirata, this novel will make
us laugh out loud with the stories of innocent Melayu people in the heartland of
Belitong, sob with the sad love story, or amazed with their extraordinary intrigues.
We will find imperfect people, but also find the wisdom in them.

Andrea Hirata is the author of the bestselling novel Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Troops). He graduated
from Sheffield Hallam University, UK. His novel is translated into more than 30 languages. He also
won an award from New York Book Festival 2013, in General Fiction, for The Rainbow Troops, and
Buchawards 2013, for Die Regenbogen Truppe. In 2010 he founded Museum Kata, the first Indonesian
literary museum.

Category Novel Dimension 13 x 20.5 cm Phone + 62 2 74 8 8 9 24 8
ISBN 97 8 6 0 2 2 914 0 9 9 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Bentang Pustaka Website

Copyrights Available

Page 424 pages


Daughters of Papua

[ Tanah Tabu ]

Fiction Catalogue

It did not take long for Mabel, a girl from the Dani tribe of Papua, to learn that the
missionaries who ‘adopted’ her had always intended to make her their helper instead
of a daughter.

But Mabel’s problematic relationships with foreigners did not end when the
missionaries finished their terms. After she went back to her village, Mabel
discovered that the Indonesian government had given Freeport, a foreign company,
the rights to exploit the riches of her homeland without making any commitment to
protect and provide for her people living on this land. This time, though, Mabel would
not stay silent in the presence of these foreign oppressors...

Daughters of Papua provides its readers with a human perspective of the conflict
in Papua between its indigenous people, the Indonesian government, and foreign-
owned entities.

Anindita Siswanto Thayf won the 2008 Jakar ta Ar ts Council Novel Competition for Tanah Tabu
(Daughters of Papua). Other award winning works include Jejak Kala (Penerbit Andi, 2009) that won
the 2010 Award for Indonesian Literature and Language from the Yogyakarta Council on Language.
“Lagu Sup Jagung” placed second in the 2010 Short Story Competition of Majalah Femina. Her novel,
Ulin, took first prize in the 2012 Serial Novel Competition of Majalah Femina. Anindita is currently
writing another historical novel. She and her husband, Ragil, reside in Yogyakarta

Category Novel Page 178 pages Phone + 62 2 15 3 6 5 0 110
Language English Dimension + 62 215 3 0 0 5 4 5
Copyrights World rights available. ISBN 11 x 18 cm Fax [email protected]
Except for English language, published Publisher
by Dalang Publishing 9780983627395 E-mail

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Website



Snake and Ladder

[ Ular Tangga ]

Fiction Catalogue

This is a story about the turmoil that took place in the capital of the Republic of the
Archipelago, a country that still bears many wounds of the past, ranging from post-
colonial problems, massacres by the military who was supported by the political
and community elites, to authoritarian regime that has been in power for decades.
But now to make things worse, chaos breaks out from the rise of a doomsday
warning pamphlet that went viral in the irresponsible mass and social media. All
these factors created a fertile ground for the opposition to execute their final plan:
a coup d’etat.

Award-winning author Anindita S. Thayf was born in Makassar on April 5, 1978. She has had a love
affair with words since her youth, writing short stories for children through her high school years.
Some of these stories were published in the local newspaper, Pedoman Rakyat. In 2001, to satisfy her
father’s wishes, she obtained a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Hasanuddin University in

Category Novel Dimension 20 x 13,5 cm Phone +6285883369704
ISBN [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher 9786020381169 E-mail

Copyrights All rights available Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Website

Page 736 pages 2018


A Cat on the Moon
and Other Stories

[ Insomnia ]

Fiction Catalogue

The English and German translations of this book were subsidized by the Indonesian
Translation Funding Program

A Cat on the Moon and Other Stories contains dark yet beautiful stories about love, loneliness
and solitude. In these stories, Anton Kurnia also tells about human tragedy in various places—
from Aceh in Indonesia to Buenos Aires in Argentina: missing persons, forgotten massacres,
political killings, rape and violence, and religious conflicts. Kurnia’s narrators are grappling with
their own private quests while living on the edges, in constant flight from nightmarish threats.
But the world Kurnia has created is, like Kafka’s, perfectly logical in its strangeness. His stories
are often witty, frequently melancholy, and sneakily touching. His unique voice will give us a
different view and experience of Indonesia, its people and its rich, and amazing culture.

“Anton Kurnia has depth and clarity in his stories.”—Pikiran Rakyat Daily
“Time becomes upside down in Anton Kurnia’s stories… It’s very interesting.” —Indonesian Short Story Journal

Anton Kurnia is an author, translator, editor, and publisher. His books include a collection of short stories
Insomnia (Jalasutra, 2004) which is translated into English as A Cat on the Moon and Other Stories; a collection
of essays Mencari Setangkai Daun Surga: Jejak Perlawanan Manusia Atas Hegemoni Kuasa (Diva Press, 2016);
and Ensiklopedia Sastra Dunia (Diva Press, 2019). As a translator, among others, he translated Nabokov’s Lolita,
Salman Rushdie’s Haroun, and the Sea of Stories and Orhan Pamuk’s My Name Is Red into Indonesian. Now he
leads the Baca Publishing House which he founded in 2016. He is also active in the National Book Committee
formed by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.

Category Fiction Dimension 15.5 x 24 cm Phone +6281809511188
ISBN [email protected]
Language English/Indonesian Publisher 9789793684000 E-mail -

Copyrights Available Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Website

Page 120 pages 2019



[ Canting ]

Fiction Catalogue

The English translation of this book was subsidized by the Indonesian Translation
Funding Program

Ni, a young bride-to-be from Ngabean with a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy, was
learning to create hand-painted batik with a canting. However, she faced intense
pressure from Pak Bei, a bold and handsome nobleman; Bu Bei, her mother, who
used to be a batik painter; and her successful siblings because they all believed that
canting, the signature of Ngabean batik, could no longer withstand the market’s
ravenous demands.

‘When we acknowledge a sick culture, we mustn’t cry, we must raise a flag instead.’
Ni decided to be un-Javanese, to be different, to go against the flow to survive. Born
when Ki Ageng Suryamentaram died, Ni followed in her father’s footsteps in daring
to be un-Javanese.

Arswendo Atmowiloto first started writing in Javanese. He has published many books and won many
awards, including the National Book Award (twice) and several other awards in the ASEAN region. He
studied creative writing at the University of Iowa and was editor-in-chief of Monitor tabloid before
being sent to prison for five years in 1990. His life in prison brought forth several novels, including
Projo & Brojo, several spiritual books, numerous articles, and a wealth of humourous and touching
anecdotes. Some of his books have been adapted to television series.

Category Novel Dimension 13.5 x 20 cm Phone + 62 2 15 3 6 5 0 110
ISBN + 62 215 3 0 0 5 4 5
Language English Publisher 9789792296235 Fax [email protected]
Copyrights All rights available Gramedia Pustaka Utama, E-mail

Page - 2013 Website

Fiction Catalogue16 AVIANTI ARMAND

A Book About

[ Buku tentang Ruang ]


6/2/16 10:40 AM

Through her poems, Avianti has invented spaces that are lively, meaningful, and
accessible to everyone. This collection of simple poems invites the readers to
contemplate God, nature, and the depth of meaningful interpersonal relationships.

Avianti Armand is an architect, curator, writer and poet. In 2008 she received the Indonesian
Association of Architects Award for “Kampung Rumah” (Rumah Kampung). She received the award
of Best Kompas Best Shor t Stor y in 2009, the Khatulistiwa Literar y Award in 2011 for her collection
of poems, Women Whose Names Were Erased, and recently published a collection of poems titled
A Book about Space. She has also written several architecture books, one of which is a collection of
essays The Other Architecture.

Category Poetry Dimension 13.5 x 20 cm Phone +622153650110 ext 3505
ISBN + 62 215 3 0 0 5 4 5
Language Indonesian Publisher 9786020327297 Fax [email protected]
Copyrights All rights available Gramedia Pustaka Utama, E-mail

Page 156 pages 2016 Website


The Sleeping Train

[ Kereta Tidur ]

Fiction Catalogue

A collection of stories that renders fresh perspectives for common everyday life occurrences
such as love, conflict, family issues, and the dreaded questions regarding human existence.
Unique, beautiful, and contains unexpectable stories.

In the “Matahari” The Sun, Avianti tells the story of the trees that not only create stems, they
also show the world a sign of the times. These trees grow longer as someone ages.

Pigs were living inside the giant tree. They were greedy and fat, but also eternally patient and
kind-hearted. Kupu-kupu

My mother said that I can’t replace my family member. Why not? Even though my mother was
angry to hear that, I still wanted to replace her with Nyai Roro Kidul. Sempurna

Am I wrong to love the man who is also loved by my mother? This man buys me everything that
my mom never gave to me, like delicious candies and chips. Of course, this man is the ideal
man for me. Perempuan Tua dalam Kepala

Avianti Armand is an award-winning poet and architect. Her short story collection, Negeri Para Peri, came out
in 2009, and one of her stories, “Pada Suatu Hari Ada Ibu dan Radian,” was selected as Kompas’ (the biggest
newspaper in Indonesia) Best Short Story. Her collection of poems Perempuan Yang Dihapus Namanya (Women
Whose Names Were Erased) was published in 2010 and won the Khatulistiwa Literar y Award in 2011. She is also
the curator for Indonesia Pavilion in Venice Architecture Biennale in 2014 and continues to do her curatorial works
for architecture exhibitions until now.

Category Short Stories Dimension 13.5 x 20 cm Phone +622153650110 ext 3505
ISBN + 62 215 3 0 0 5 4 5
Language Indonesian Publisher 9789792270987 Fax [email protected]
Copyrights All rights available Gramedia Pustaka Utama, E-mail

Page 129 pages 2011 Website

Fiction Catalogue18 AVIANTI ARMAND

Women Whose
Names Were

[ Perempuan yang Dihapus
Namanya ]

Avianti’s poems in this collection seek to give voice to powerful women in the Old
Testaments—Eve, Tamar, Bathsheba, and Jezebel—who suffered unjust treatments
and oppression by the hand of the all-powerful patriarchy.

With beautiful, poetic words that fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee, Avianti
composed narrative poems that try to deconstruct and reconstruct what was
hidden behind these popular Biblical narratives.

Women Whose Names Were Erased is the winner of the Khatulistiwa Literary Award
in 2011.

“Avianti Armand’s poems invite us to enter the beauty of the mysterious orifice in the Book
of Silence. With a perspective and ambiguity that disturbs reasons and imaginations, Avianti
Armand has reconstructed and revived the historical women’s movements hidden behind
biblical narratives.” —Joko Pinurbo, a well-known poet

Avianti Armand is an award-winning poet and architect. Her short story collection, Negeri Para Peri,
came out in 2009, and one of her stories, “Pada Suatu Hari Ada Ibu dan Radian,” was selected as
Kompas’ (the biggest newspaper in Indonesia) Best Short Story. Her collection of poems Perempuan
Yang Dihapus Namanya (Women Whose Names Were Erased) was published in 2010 and won
the Khatulistiwa Literar y Award in 2011. She is also the curator for Indonesia Pavilion in Venice
Architecture Biennale in 2014 and continues to do her curatorial works for architecture exhibitions
until now.

Category Poetry Dimension 13 x 21 cm Phone +622153650110 ext 3505
Language Indonesian, English ISBN + 62 215 3 0 0 5 4 5
Copyrights All rights available Publisher 9786020337135 Fax [email protected]
Page 86 pages
Gramedia Pustaka Utama, E-mail

2017 Website


Fu Number

[ Bilangan Fu ]

Fiction Catalogue

Two rock climbers, Parang Jati and Sandi Yuda, tried to save a limestone range, the
source of water for local villagers, from being destroyed by miners. The climbers’
friendship was tested when a love triangle developed with a young woman, Marja.
Fu Number is the first volume in a trilogy, followed by Manjali and Cakrabirawa, and
ending with Lalita.

“She is brave enough to be unpopular in this way of writing. Many people think a novel should
be a light read, but Ayu dares to make people wrinkle their brows when they read Bilangan Fu.”

—Seno Gumira Ajidarma, one of the judges of Khatulistiwa Literary Award 2008.

Ayu Utami is an award-winning writer and was the Prince Claus Award Laureate in 2000. In 1998,
Saman had won the competition for Writing the Best Roman Jakarta Arts Council. Her works are
considered to have broadened Indonesia’s literary horizons. During Indonesia’s military regime, she
was a journalist and an activist for the freedom of the press movement. She was one of the founders
of the Alliance of Independent Journalists, an organization that would later be banned by the regime.
After the political scene changed, she turned her attention to writing novels. Her stories reflect the
Indonesian society and politics.

Category Novel Dimension 13.5 x 20 cm Phone +622153650110 ext. 3505
ISBN 9789799101228 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Kepustakaan Populer Website
Gramedia, 2008
Copyrights All rights available

Page 554 pages



Fiction Catalogue

This book is a sequel to Saman and continues the story of Saman and his four
friends Shakuntala, Cok, Yasmin, and Laila.

When Saman tried to run away from the New Order’s military soldiers, he ran into
Larung, a mysterious young activist who also opposed the New Order. But unlike
Saman, Larung was cold, efficient, systematic, quick, and calculating.

This novel is about the political upheavals during the end of Soeharto’s New Order
repressive regime; a dark time in Indonesia’s history when they would murder
political activists who would dare to stand up against them.

Ayu Utami is an award-winning writer and was the Prince Claus Award Laureate in 2000. In 1998,
Saman had won the competition for Writing the Best Roman by the Jakarta Arts Council. Her works
are considered to have broadened Indonesia’s literary horizons. During Indonesia’s military regime,
she was a journalist and an activist for the freedom of the press movement. She was one of the
founders of the Alliance of Independent Journalists, an organization that would later be banned by
the regime. After the political scene changed, she turned her attention to writing novels. Her stories
reflect the Indonesian society and politics.

Category Novel Dimension 13.5 x 20 cm Phone +622153650110 ext. 3505
ISBN 9789799023643 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Kepustakaan Populer Website
Gramedia, 2001
Copyrights All rights available

Page 264 pages



Fiction Catalogue

Saman tells a story of four women who were childhood friends and their relationship
with Saman, a former Catholic priest turned activist.

The military regime officials under the Suharto regime had set out to apprehend
Saman, but his four friends were determined to help him escape the country.

Saman receives the award for Best Novel by the Jakarta Arts Council 1998. Ayu
Utami receives the Prince Claus Award in 2000 because she has expanded the
limits of Indonesian literary horizons through the openness of its contents regarding
politics, religion, and sex.

Ayu Utami is an award-winning novelist who was a journalist in Humor, Matra, Forum Keadilan, and D
& R magazines. Her second novel, Larung, which is a sequel of Saman, was published in 2001. Seven
years later, Ayu published the novel Bilangan Fu (Fu Numbers) that won Khatulistiwa Literary Award
in 2008. Bilangan Fu was then developed into the main novel for the series of Fu Numbers, namely
Manjali and Cakrabirawa (2010), Lalita (2012), and Maya (2013). In 2014, after the death of her
mother, Ayu wrote the first book of the Critical Spiritualism Series, Simple Miracle (2014).

Category Novel Dimension 13,5 x 20 cm Phone + 62 2 15 3 6 5 0 110
ISBN 9786024243999 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Kepustakaan Populer Website
Gramedia, 1998
Copyrights Available

Page 220 pages


The Bearded Turtle

[ Kura-kura Berjanggut ]

Fiction Catalogue

So you think literary fiction is boring? What if we tell you that this literary novel
contains a high seas battle, an elephant deathmatch, and a cult who worships an
ancient older-than-the-universe oyster?

You want more, you say? What if we also throw in a crazy Zeelander captain, a
marauding band of killers, a monk, a food-tasting bird, a bastard, and a chef from
Lombardia? Do we have your attention now?

The Bearded Turtle is a literary novel masterpiece by Azhari Ayub, one of Indonesia’s
most well-known literary author. It is one of the recipients of the 2018 LitRI grants.

Azhari Aiyub was born on October 5th, 1981, on the outskirts of Banda Aceh. He studied Indonesian
language and literature from the Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh. In 1999, he received the
Best Shor t Stor y Award from Taman Budaya Aceh. In 2003, the Indonesian Depar tment of National
Education honored him with the Best Short Story Author Award for his work Dibalut Lumut/Covered
In Moss. His latest novel, The Bearded Tur tle, is a recipient of the 2019 LitRI grant.

Category Novel Dimension - Phone + 62 2124 0 0 7675
ISBN 978 97 9107 9 6 4 8 +6287878714590 (Risdi)
Language Indonesian Publisher Penerbit Banana, 2018 E-mail [email protected]
Copyrights Available

Page 960 pages


Nutmeg Woman

[ Perempuan Pala ]

Fiction Catalogue

These short stories were inspired by the tragic events during the war between the
military and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), from 1989 to 1998, including tales of
missing fathers and nameless buried bodies. There are 13 short stories told about
Aceh’s people who were in pain and suffering, being oppressed by the ever-present
military forces.

Azhari Aiyub was born on 5 October 1981 in Banda Aceh. He studied Indonesian Literature in the
University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. He was awarded the Free Word Award by the Netherlands-
based Poets of All Nations in 2005 for his short stories, Perempuan Pala. Now Azhari lives at his
office at the Tikar Pandan Community NGO in Banda Aceh.

Category Short Stories Dimension 13.5 x 21 cm Phone + 62 8 125 5 4 3 5 3 5
Language English ISBN 9789799834120 E-mail [email protected]
Copyrights All rights available Publisher Buku Mojok, 2017 Website
Page xi + 109 pages

Fiction Catalogue24 BAGUS DWI HANANTO

Corpse’s Breath

[ Napas Mayat ]

A rich young man lost everything when his parents passed away and left him with
nothing. Living in a small and dingy apartment, this young man began to plot the
death of the person whom he blamed for his situation. But he would not be satisfied
with mere murder, the formerly rich young man wanted the flesh of his enemy to fill
his hungry stomach...

Bagus Dwi Hananto’s interest in literature has started since he was in school. He has published a
poetry collection entitled Fantasme Jendela. Bagus is a fan of the work of Gabriel Garcia Marquez,
James Joyce, Richard Bath, Jostein Gaarder, Danar to, and Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Their works
inspired him as he worked on Corpse’s Breath.

Category Novel Dimension 13.5 X 20 cm Phone + 62 2 15 3 6 5 0 110
ISBN + 62 215 3 0 0 5 4 5
Language Indonesian Publisher 9786020315225 Fax [email protected]
Copyrights All rights available Gramedia Pustaka Utama, E-mail

Page 196 pages 2015 Website


Haji Syiah & Other

[ Haji Syiah dan Cerita Lainnya ]

Fiction Catalogue

The English translation of this book was subsidized by the Indonesian Translation
Funding Program

Ben Sohib’s stories, often set in Jakarta with its panoramic backdrop of urban
Muslim life, contain fierce criticism against religious radicalism. They admonish
people who lightly use religious arguments to justify their actions. The author
delivers his critique in a light-hearted manner, making his stories the stuff of dark

Ben Sohib was born in Jakarta in 1968. He studied journalism but in the late 1980s and early 1990s
served as lead vocalist to a rock band. As an author, he is best known for The Da Peci Code (2006)
and Rosid dan Delia (2008), two best-selling novels that were made into films.

Category Short Stories Page 152 Publisher The Lontar Foundation, 2015
Language I n d o n e s i a n - E n g l i s h - Dimension 11 x 20 cm Phone + 62 2 15 74 6 8 8 0
German ISBN 978 6 0 2 914 4 5 74 E-mail jo h n _ m c gl y n n @ l o nt a r.o rg
Copyrights English and other (English Edition) Website
languages from English 978 6 0 2 914 4 8 3 3
(German Edition)


The DaPeci Code

Fiction Catalogue

Once again, Rosid was arguing with Abah, his father. Abah was against Rosid’s
relationship with Delia because they followed different religions. Rosid and Delia
were crazy about each other. But how could they explain this to Abah?

Meanwhile, Abah secretly prepared to introduce Rosid to another girl, a beautiful
specimen with the same religion, of course. But how would he convince the stubborn
Rosid that this girl was better than Delia? As it turned out, Abah was extremely
resourceful: he had prepared a million different ways to persuade his son. And
surprisingly, Rosid was also enchanted. Would he abandon Delia for this new girl?

The Da Peci Code depicts the lives of Arab descendants in Indonesia, how they deal
with modern life while also adhering to the cultural wisdom passed down to them
by their ancestors. Told in a funny, smart voice, this book will show readers how to
love and live in diversity.

Ben Sohib has been writing ever since junior high school. His poems, short stories, and features
have been published in Sinar Harapan, Pelita and Hai. He is now involved with the Literary Board of
the al-Makmur Mosque in Jakarta. His other books are Balada Rosid and Delia and Seven Heroes.

Category Novel Dimension 13 x 20.5 cm Phone + 62 2 74 8 8 9 24 8
ISBN 9 7 8 6 0 2 8 8 110 6 4 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Bentang Pustaka Website

Copyrights All rights available

Page 192 pages


Eric Stockholm

[ Eric Stockholm ]

Fiction Catalogue

This is a short story collection by Benny Arnas, one of the most promising
Indonesian young authors. These short stories engage with love and its manifold
problems. This stories collection shows that love can be many things to different
people, manifesting in many different forms. For some, love may be liberating
and enjoyable. On the other hand, others have to learn that love can become both
confining and melancholic.

Benny Arnas is an award-winning short-story writer and a novelist. His short stories have been
published in many newspaper and magazine such as Kompas, Jawa Pos, Koran Tempo, Republika,
and Horison Literary Magazine.

Category Short Stories Dimension 21 x 14 cm Phone + 62 2 2 78 3 4 310
ISBN 9786021637814 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher PT Mizan Pustaka Website

Copyrights Available

Page 228 pages


A Long Evening in
Central Park

[ Petang Panjang di Central Park ]

Fiction Catalogue

“How dangerous spring is. When the flowers bloom, the human heart blossoms too
and it becomes a lush land where love grows.”

This book is the complete works of Bondan Winarno as a short story author. There
are twenty-five short stories compiled here, written from 1980 to 2004. All of which
have been published in various mass media and most of them have received writing
contests awards. This anthology told a story of love, sadness, pain, and loneliness
of different people from around the world in Bondan’s uncomplicated yet elegant
language. Readers of this book will be able to retrace Bondan Winarno’s steps in
Indonesian literature as he claimed his status as the nation’s master storyteller.

Bondan Winarno (1950-2017) had been writing since the age of ten for Si Kuncung magazine. His
career path was varied: cameraman for Department of Defense and Security, copywriter, advertising
creative director, manager at a multinational company, journalist (most recently as the Chief Editor of
Suara Pembaruan), director of a sea products company (including five years in the US), World Bank
Consultant, and many more. He also wrote about different topics: social, environment, management,
travel, and culinary. Apart from a columnist, he was also known as a prominent investigative reporter.

Category Short Stories Dimension 20 x 13 cm Phone +622178880556
ISBN 9786023851874 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Noura Books Website

Copyrights Available

Page 360 pages



[ Olenka ]

Fiction Catalogue

This novel tells the story of Olenka and Fanton Drummond who ran into each other
in an elevator at the Tulip Tree Apartments, Bloomington, USA. Olenka left a deep
impression to Fanton, but Fanton would later learn that Olenka was married with a
child. Olenka is a story of a woman who must decide between what she wants and
what she needs to do.

Budi Darma is a professor at Unesa (Surabaya State University). He’s written essay anthologies,
short stories, and novels. He’s received numerous awards from Balai Pustaka, Kompas, S.E.A.Write
Award (Bangkok), Anugerah Seni and Satya Lencana from the Indonesian government and Anugerah
MASTERA (Brunei).

Category Novel Dimension 13 x 20 cm Phone +622178880556
ISBN 9786023855766 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Noura Books Website

Copyrights World rights available

Page 264

Fiction Catalogue30 BUDI DARMA

The Bloomington

[ Orang–Orang Bloomington ]

These seven stories collected in The Bloomington People have successfully dazzled
readers across generations because of their invaluable insights into humanity’s
deepest emotions.
The Bloomington People may seem simple, yet it shows a different
side to dark and complex realities of life. In his unique way, the legendary author
Budi Darma reveals the conflicts we face in our everyday life—prejudice, loneliness,

Budi Darma is a professor at Unesa (Surabaya State University). He’s written essay anthologies,
short stories, and novels. He’s received numerous awards from Balai Pustaka, Kompas, S.E.A.Write
Award (Bangkok), Anugerah Seni and Satya Lencana from the Indonesian government and Anugerah
MASTERA (Brunei).

Category Novel Dimension 13 x 20 cm Phone +622178880556
ISBN 9786023850211 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Noura Books, 2016 Website

Copyrights World rights available

Page 316



[ Rafilus ]

Fiction Catalogue

Rafilus had died twice already. He died yesterday. Today, without ever coming back
to live, he died again. He had two legs, walked like a normal human being, but his
footsteps made galloping sounds like a heavy vehicle.

Budi Darma uses the voice of his main character Tiwar to tell us about the lives
of Rafilus and other unique magical characters. Budi Darma unveils every angle
of human thoughts by dealing in absurdities that are unthinkable to most
people. Rafilus, with all his unique traits, serves a reflection of humanity various
psychological states — innocent yet complex.

Budi Darma is a professor at Unesa (Surabaya State University). He’s written essay anthologies,
short stories, and novels. He’s received numerous awards from Balai Pustaka, Kompas, S.E.A.Write
Award (Bangkok), Anugerah Seni and Satya Lencana from the Indonesian government and Anugerah
MASTERA (Brunei).

Category Novel Dimension 20 x 13 cm Phone +622178880556
ISBN 9786023852291 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Noura Books Website

Copyrights World rights available

Page 388 pages


The Last Dim Sum

[ Dim Sum Terakhir ]

Fiction Catalogue

This novel revolves around a family matter and four twin daughters. The four twins
are Siska, Indah, Rosi, and Novera; each possessed a strong character and had lived
an independent life with her own chosen profession.

But when their father had a stroke, the four girls who had not lived together under
one roof for a long time must gather again at the house where they were raised to
care for their sick father.

Siska had to leave her life in Singapore, Rosi left her rose garden at Puncak, Novera
had to leave her job as a teacher in Yogyakarta, and Indah, a writer, had to try to
adjust to living with her siblings again.

Clara Ng is a multi-awarded writer, whose works run the gamut from adult fiction to children’s
literature. She is an acclaimed children’s book author and her books are consistently found on the
bestseller lists in Indonesia.

Category Novel Dimension 13.5 x 20 cm Phone + 62 2 15 3 6 5 0 110
ISBN 9789792279528 Fax + 62 215 3 0 0 5 4 5
Language Indonesian, English Publisher Gramedia Pustaka Utama, E-mail [email protected]
2006 Website
Copyrights All rights available

Page 368 pages

The Lontar Anthology of 33
Indonesian Drama Vol.3:
New Directions, 1965-1998 Fiction Catalogue

[ Antologi Drama Indonesia Vol.3:
Arah Baru, 1965-1998 ]

Cobina Gillit (ed.)

The Lontar Anthology of Indonesian Drama, a three-volume anthology, is the first
comprehensive collection of Indonesian plays in an English format. The anthology
represents the ‘home’ of many significant Indonesian works of the twentieth century.
As the New Order government became increasingly authoritarian, with censorship
and silencing of public opposition carried out openly and often brutally, there was
an apparent shift in playwriting style. Allegorical fairy tales of wordplay, humor, and
oblique reference shifted towards a more direct engagement, interrogation, and a
call to arms. All in all, Indonesian drama in the New Order era provides a fascinating
window into a transitional society caught between the legacy of tradition, the
challenge of repression, and the strong desire for democracy.

Arifin C. Noer, Rendra, Putu Wijaya, Noorca Marendra Massardi, Akhudiat,
Wisran Hadi, Saini K.M, Yudhistira ANM Massardi, N. Riantiarno, Aspar Paturusi, Afrizal Malna,
Emha Ainun Nadjib, and Ratna Sarumpaet wrote important works that represent the shift in
playwriting style during the New Order era.

Category Plays Dimension 15.3 x 22.8 cm Phone + 62 2 15 74 6 8 8 0
Language English ISBN 9789798083723 E-mail jo h n _ m c gl y n n @ l o nt a r.o rg
Copyrights Available Publisher The Lontar Foundation, Website
Page 517 2010

34 Manifesto Flora Manifesto CYNTHA HARIADI
encerita yang dingin, Manifesto Flora
a mengintip dalam sunyi.
ncekam, yang disampaikan oleh Fiction Catalogue Cyntha Hariadi
pa dialog, tapi kemudian sejenis
menghantam kapan saja. Bahkan
a Perempuan di Satu Rumah,
enjadi teror dan horor.”

ka Kurniawan

ata, maka susastra bermula dari bahasa.
njadi susastra jika tak mampu menyeruak
n nan mati, tetapi masih dipakai juga
disebut zombie - itulah yang membuat
pkan kembali kata demi kata dengan
ulah yang dilakukan Cyntha Hariadi

Manifesto Flora.”

Gumira Ajidarma

nulis lepas di Jakarta. Buku pertamanya
i merupakan pemenang III Sayembara
esenian Jakarta 2015 dan salah satu dari
stiwa 2016. Kumpulan cerita pendek ini

KUmPUlan ceriTa/SaSTra Cyntha Hariadi

“Ia pencerita yang dingin, mengajak kita mengintip dalam sunyi.”
- Eka Kurniawan

8/21/17 9:19 AM

In this book, we meet various characters whose relationship with one another
influence their imaginations. Since we are all sympathetic human beings, it is only
human for us to measure our self-worth against the perception of our friends, family
members, and our rivals.

Cyntha Hariadi is a freelance writer who lives in Jakarta. Her first book, Ibu Mendulang Anak Berlari
is one of the three winners of the Manuscript Poetry Book of the Jakarta Arts Council in 2015 and
chosen to be one of the five Khatulistiwa Literary Awards in 2016. This collection of short stories is
her second book.

Category Short Stories Dimension 13 x 20 cm Phone +6285883369704
ISBN 9786020327297 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Website
Copyrights Available

Page 156 pages


Adam Ma’rifat

[ Adam Ma’rifat ]

Fiction Catalogue

Received Main Book Foundation for Fiction Award in 1982
Received Literary Prize for the Jakarta Arts Council for the Best Short Story
Collection in 1982

Adam Ma’rifat is a collection of six short stories by Danarto, an author who grew
up in the world of kejawen or Javanese Sufism. These six short stories deal with
the supernatural world and all sorts of mystical experiences such as the legend of
the angel Gabriel, the story of Adam Ma’rifat—a personificatio of knowledge, the
interpretation of the holy cities in the world, and the nature of Bedoyo dance.

“Danarto has been acknowledged as a man of letters who began writing about magical realism
in Indonesia, who also happened to be a painter.”

—Goenawan Mohamad, well-known poet and essayist

“Danarto’s short stories are religious parables that are extraordinarily dynamics as well as
extraordinarily imaginative. They are traditional, yet contemporary at the same time.”

—Y.B. Mangunwijaya

Danarto (1941–2018) was the pioneer of mystical-Sufi genre in Indonesia. He had written four shor t
story books: Godlob, Adam Ma’rifat Berhala, Gergasi, a journal : Orang Jawa Naik Haji, and two essay
books: Gerak-gerik Allah and Begitu Ya Begitu Tapi Mbok Jangan Begitu.

Category Short Stories Dimension 14 x 20 cm Phone +6287808058023
ISBN 9786026651112 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Basabasi, 2017 Website

Copyrights Available

Page 112 Pages



[ Godlob ]

Fiction Catalogue

Godlob is a collection of Danarto’s short stories containing 9 stories written in the
magical realism genre. This book is one of the finest works by the late Danarto, a
well-known short story maestro in Indonesian literature history.

“Danarto is a painter who is also an acknowledged literary man who had pioneered the writing
of magical realism in Indonesia.” —Goenawan Mohamad

“Danarto’s short stories comprise religious parables of amazing dynamics and fantasies. While
remaining strongly traditional, these stories are also contemporary.” —Y.B. Mangunwijaya

“Danarto’s stories are parodies that sneer particularly at literature.
They interestingly mock their own genre.” —Sapardi Djoko Damono

Born in Sragen (Central Java) on 27 June 1940, Danarto, an author and painter, has outlived four eras
of war situations: 1939–1945 war for independence, 1945–1949 post-independence, 1965–1966 pre -
New Order, and the 1998 riot. He has written four short story books, Godlob, Adam Ma’rifat, Berhala,
and Gergasi, in addition to a diary, Orang Jawa Naik Haji. His two essays were published in 1996,
Gerakgerik Allah and Begitu Ya Begitu Tapi Mbok Jangan Begitu.

Category Short Stories Dimension 14 x 20 cm Phone + 62 274 4 8 4 3 6 0
ISBN 9786026651150 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Basabasi, 2016 Website

Copyrights All rights available

Page 252 pages



[ Berhala ]

Fiction Catalogue

This book by one of Indonesia’s short story masters has been translated into
English, Dutch, French, and Japanese. All short stories in this book provide insights
to Danarto’s way of thinking where invisible realities in this world and the hereafter
are intertwined into one.

Berhala received a National Literary Award from the Ministry of Education and
Culture in 1990.

“Danarto and his short stories are special cases. Maybe there is no short story writer in this
country whom from the beginning has very consciously created an ‘alternative world’ in his
stories.” —Umar Kayam, well-known author and columnist

Danarto (1941–2018) is a respected award-winning author. He had written four shor t stor y books:
Godlob, Adam Ma’rifat Berhala, Gergasi, a journal about pilgrimage titled Orang Jawa Naik Haji, and
two essays collection: Gerak-gerik Allah and Begitu Ya Begitu Tapi Mbok Jangan Begitu. He was one
of the greatest short story writers of Indonesian modern literature.

Category Short Stories Dimension 14 x 20 cm Phone + 62 818 0 4 3 74 8 7 9
ISBN 9786023912704 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Diva Press Website

Copyrights Available

Page 228 pages


Coffee Philosophy

[ Filosofi Kopi ]

Fiction Catalogue

The English translation of this book was subsidized by the Indonesian Translation
Funding Program

Ben’s passion for coffee had motivated him to explore the world to discover the
world’s finest coffee traditions and the philosophy behind each glorious cup
of coffee. Ben’s passion, philosophy, and formula for excellent tasting coffee
had earned him the respect of every member of the coffee-loving community in
Indonesia. Well, everyone except for one exceptional person...

Coffee Philosophy is an anthology of Dewi “Dee” Lestari’s writings for over a decade.
Her works touch on life’s ever-present themes: love, faith, and family.

Dewi Lestari is one of the best-selling and most widely-acclaimed writers in Indonesia. Under the pen
name Dee, she has published nine books, debuting with the Supernova series. The first volume, The
Knight, The Princess, and The Falling Star, recorded a phenomenal sales while achieving cult status
among young Indonesian readers. Dee, who is also a renowned performer and songwriter, is planning
to write the final volume of the series next year. Dee is also the screenwriter for Paper Boat, a movie
that went on to become a blockbuster in Indonesia.

Category - Dimension 13.5 x 20 cm Phone + 62 2 74 8 8 9 24 8
ISBN 9786028811613 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Bentang Pustaka Website

Copyrights All rights available

Page 156


The Fragrance

[ Aroma Karsa ]

Fiction Catalogue

“Love. You cannot understand it, you can only feel its consequence.”

From an ancient manuscript, Raras Prayagung learns that Puspa Karsa, a mythical
flower, is, in fact, a real plant hidden in a secret place. During her search for Puspa
Karsa, a magical flower that can only be found through sheer willpower and can only
be identified through its scent, she encounters Jati Wesi, a perfume maker with a
superhuman sense of smell.

Raras invites Jati into her life, hiring him to lead her company, and introducing him
to her daughter, Tanaya Suma, who shares his talents. The more Jati immerses
himself in the Prayagung family, and in their obsession with the Puspa Karsa, the
more mystery that he uncovers, about himself, and his enigmatic past.

Dewi Lestari is one of the best-selling and most widely-acclaimed writers in Indonesia. Under the pen
name Dee, she has published nine books, debuting with the Supernova series. The first volume, The
Knight, The Princess, and The Falling Star, recorded a phenomenal sales while achieving cult status
among young Indonesian readers. Dee, who is also a renowned performer and songwriter, is planning
to write the final volume of the series next year. Dee is also the screenwriter for Paper Boat, a movie
that went on to become a blockbuster in Indonesia.

Category Novel Dimension 13.5 x 20 cm Phone + 62 2 74 8 8 9 24 8
ISBN 97 8 6 0 2 2 914 6 3 1 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Bentang Pustaka Website

Copyrights All rights available

Page 724 pages

40 DEWI RIA UTARI Tujuh belas cerita pendek saling si
mengisahkan bermacam hubung
And the Night Falls manusia lain, dan bahkan manus
manusia. Karakter-karakternya sibuk salin
[ Dan Datanglah Malam ] pun memutuskannya, menguntai maupun
dan tali tak terlihat yang mengikat satu sa
Fiction Catalogue tentang hubungan yang ada dan tidak ad

Kumpulan cerita pendek ini menyajikan b
kisah patah hati antara pasangan kekasih,
orang yang berharap dapat memadu kasi
rumah tangga yang hendak runtuh, suam
dan hantu mendiang istrinya, orangtua de
dengan jiwa mendiang orangtuanya, seor
Hollywood pujaan hatinya, manusia deng
benda, sekelompok iblis dengan manusia,
akan dibawa ke kota-kota nan romantis a
seluruh dunia; ke masa depan dan akhira
yang sehari-hari ada di depan mata.

Benang-benang tak terlihat yang simpang
bisakah Anda melihatnya?

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Kompas Gramedia Building
Blok 1, Lantai 5, Jl. Palmerah Barat 29-37
Jakarta 10270

makrame_cover.indd 1

The night does not only deliver sleep that will lead us to dreams that cradle. The
night also calls to those who live in the dark, in the shadows we ignore, those people
who inhabit our nightmares.

In this book, Dewi Ria Utari collaborated with Yulian Ardhi, creating fragments
of short words and narratives that were related to surrealist images created by
Yulian Ardhi. This book provides a new, non-linear horror and mystery experience,
which is often only in the form of tantrums of anxiety that remind the reader of the
inconvenience that has been known at some time or another.

Dewi Ria Utari began writing short stories in 2003. Her stories have been published in Djakarta, A+,
Spice, Media Indonesia, Koran Tempo, and Kompas, and have appeared in anthologies such as Ripin:
Kompas Short Stories 2005-2006, Pena Kencana Literary Award 2008, and Cinta di Atas Perahu
Cadik: Kompas Selected Shor t Stories 2007. Her novel, Rumah Hujan, was published in 2016 by
Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Category Short Stories Dimension 13.52 x 20 cm Phone +622153650110 Ext. 3505
ISBN 9786020382128 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Website
Copyrights All rights available

Page 112 pages


impul dan berjalin, Makrame
gan antara manusia dengan
sia dengan yang bukan makramé
ng menjalin hubungan atau
n mengurai benang-benang dias novita wuri Fiction Catalogue
ama lain. Buku ini berkisah

baik kisah kasih maupun
, mantan kekasih, orang-
ih, suami dan istri dalam
mi dan istri barunya, suami
engan anaknya, anak
rang fan berat dengan aktor
gan benda, benda dengan
, dan sebagainya. Pembaca
atau eksotis atau banal di
at namun juga dunia fana

g-siur di sekitar Anda––

Kumpulan Cerpen

8/5/17 3:50 AM

This collection of seventeen intertwined short stories highlights the relationships
humans have with one another and with other creatures.

Readers will be taken to romantic and exotic places in this lifetime and beyond, filled
with characters who are continually establishing relationships or breaking them off,
tying and unraveling the unseen threads and ropes that bind them to each other.
This book is about relationships that were, that would be, and that had never been.

Dias Novita Wuri was born in Jakarta, 1989. She graduated from Russian Literature, University of
Indonesia. She was a literary editor for the site.

Category Short Stories Dimension 13.5 x 20 cm Phone +622153650110 ext. 3505
ISBN 9786020375809 E-mail [email protected]
Language Indonesian Publisher Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Website
Copyrights All rights available

Page 170 pages

Fiction Catalogue42 DINAR RAHAYU

Ode for Leopold
von Sacher-Masoch

[ Ode untuk Leopold
von Sacher-Masoch ]

Ode for Leopold von Sacher-Masoch mixes current themes such as masochism
and transsexuality with ancient Scandinavian mythologies.
A transexual believed that she is the reincarnation of a Valkyrie who had given her
virginity to the god Apollo. She was intimate with a masochistic man who was
abused by his older brother when he was a child. Ironically, this man was involved
with another woman who considers men to be no more than a piece of meat.

Dinar Rahayu was born in Bandung in 1971. She graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Chemistry from
Bandung Institute of Technology. Her first novel, Ode For Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, was published
in 2001. Her short stories are compiled into an anthology entitled Lacrimosa. Dinar Rahayu has
been invited by the Jakarta Art Council, the Utan Kayu Community, and Winternachten to feature in
numerous literary festivals.

Category Novel Dimension - Phone -
ISBN 9794192910 E-mail -
Language Indonesian Publisher Pustaka Jaya, 2002 Website -

Copyrights Available

Page 14 8

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