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Inspirasi Koleksi Artikel dan Penulisan Ilmiah Kolej Komuniti Bentong adalah hasil cetusan idea oleh para pensyarah Kolej Komuniti Bentuk dan dizahirkan dalam bentuk penulisan. Buku ini mengandungi 20 artikel penulisan dalam tiga bidang utama iaitu Pengajaran & Pembelajaran (PdP), Sains Sosial dan Teknologi. Semoga penjilidan setiap karya yang dihasilkan ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada banyak pihak.

Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base.
Published by Yat Kkbt, 2022-10-14 02:52:30

INSPIRASI Koleksi Artikel dan Penulisan Ilmiah

Inspirasi Koleksi Artikel dan Penulisan Ilmiah Kolej Komuniti Bentong adalah hasil cetusan idea oleh para pensyarah Kolej Komuniti Bentuk dan dizahirkan dalam bentuk penulisan. Buku ini mengandungi 20 artikel penulisan dalam tiga bidang utama iaitu Pengajaran & Pembelajaran (PdP), Sains Sosial dan Teknologi. Semoga penjilidan setiap karya yang dihasilkan ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada banyak pihak.

Keywords: penulisan

Koleksi Artikel dan Penulisan Ilmiah

Kolej Komuniti Bentong
Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia
KM 6, Karak Setia
28600 Karak
Pahang Darul Makmur

Tel: 09-2319460
Faks: 09-2319461
Laman web:

Hakcipta terpelihara. Setiap bahagian daripada terbitan ini tidak boleh diterbitkan
semula, disimpan untuk pengeluaran atau dipindahkan kepada bentuk lain sama ada
secara elektronik, fotokopi, rakaman, gambar atau cara lain sebelum mendapat izin
hak cipta terlebih dahulu.


Muhammad Faizal bin Ahmad

Timbalan Pengerusi i
Mohd Faridz bin Zubair

Timbalan Pengerusi ii
Wan Azimas binti Wan Mahmud

Ketua Penyunting
Norliana binti Ali

Pn. Nurul Nadiah binti Hashim

Pn. Ratna Dewi bt Halifi
Pn. Nur Syaza Borhan
En. Muhammad Anwar bin Abdul Halim

Pembaca Pruf
Pn. Norhayati binti Mohamed Basir

En. Mohamad Hafizi bin Masdar

Rekabentuk & Susunatur
Pn. Haryati binti Baharuddin



Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi
Maha Penyayang,

Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah SWT kerana
dengan rahmatNya, Inspirasi Koleksi Artikel dan
Penulisan Ilmiah Kolej Komuniti Bentong ini dapat
diterbitkan. Penerbitan e-book yang ke- 3 adalah
satu himpunan koleksi artikel yang merupakan
cetusan idea warga Kolej Komuniti Bentong.

Saya ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada semua
penulis dan serta pasukan penerbitan yang
memberikan sepenuh komitmen bagi menjayakan
penerbitan Inspirasi. Semoga kesungguhan dan
komitmen mendapat ganjaran pahala dari Allah
SWT, InsyaAllah.

Sekian, terima kasih



28 APRIL 2022
26 RAMADHAN 1443



Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana
dengan limpah kurniaNya, Inspirasi Koleksi Artikel
dan Penulisan Ilmiah Kolej Komuniti Bentong ini
dapat diterbitkan. E-book ini adalah himpunan
penulisan warga Kolej Komuniti Bentong. Semoga
penjilidan setiap karya yang dihasilkan ini dapat
memberi manfaat kepada banyak pihak.
Tahniah dan ribuan terima kasih diucapkan kepada
semua Ahli Jawatankuasa Penerbitan yang tanpa
jemu berusaha menyiapkan penerbitan e-book ini.

“Ilmu membangun jiwa”



Jawatankuasa Penerbitan Inspirasi
Kolej Komuniti Bentong Edisi 3/2022 ii
Prakata Pengarah Iv
v - vi
Dari Meja Ketua Penyunting

Isi Kandungan

Senarai artikel


Bil Nama Penulis Tajuk Muka
1. Azwan bin Harun Kepentingan Pembelajaran AutoCAD kepada
Pelajar Kolej Komuniti 6-11

Persepsi pensyarah Sijil Teknologi Maklumat Kolej 12-31
2. Mohd Faridz bin Zubir Komuniti Bentong Terhadap Penggunaan Bahasa 45-52
Inggeris dalam sukatan kurikulum baharu Sijil 53-62
Teknologi Maklumat versi 2020

Muhammad Anwar bin Online Educators: The Challenges in Integration
3. Abdul Halim Mohamad & and Adaptation of Teaching Pedagogy with The
Advancement of Information Technology.
Hafizi Bin Masdar

4. Noorhidayah Mohd Jaafar Global Citizenship Education (GCED)
@ Abd Rahman

5. Nurfarhana binti Hamdan Classroomscreen sebagai Alat Bantu Mengajar
bagi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran dalam Talian

Kajian Tahap Keberkesanan Objektif Program

6. Suriyati binti Abdul Mokhtar Pengajian (PEO) Kepada Graduan Kolej Komuniti

7. Zulkefly bin Mukhtar Pedagogi Dalam Al-Quran


8. Engku Mohamad bin Engku Wang Dan Pengubahan Wang Haram: Satu 77-92

Abdullah Penerokaan Lanjutan

9. Noorhidayah Mohd Jaafar Kepentingan dan Jenis-Jenis Ujian Pemilihan Yang 93-108
@ Abd Rahman Digunakan Dalam Proses Pengambilan Kakitangan
Di Organisasi (Kolej Komuniti Bentong)

10. Noorhidayah Mohd Jaafar Kesepaduan Sosial dalam Mewujudkan Kestabilan 109-120
@ Abd Rahman
dalam Konteks Malaysia

11. Norliana binti Ali Kecerdasan Emosi (EQ) dalam Kepimpinan di 121-126
Tempat Kerja

12. Nur Syahira binti Mohd Pemasaran Tradisional VS 127-133
Salleh Pemasaran Moden


13. Sharmili binti Mohamed Amalan Penggunaan Standard dalam 134-141
Rafi Pendidikan Tinggi: Peningkatan Sistem Kualiti 142-149
Majlis Konvokesyen Norma Baharu
14. Zayanah binti Supyan


15. Che Ani binti Che Kar Tenaga Solar 151-157

16. Dalila binti Burhan Penggunaan Aplikasi Microsoft Onedrive Sebagai 158-171
Mohamad Hafizi bin Medium Penyimpanan dan Perkongsian Data
17. Masdar & Muhammad
Sentiment Analysis Review: Benefits and
Anwar bin Abdul Halim Challenges in Learning Human Feelings through
Textual Means

18. Siti Hajar binti Abdul Rajab Introduction to Home Automation Systems 190-196

19. Siti Khairunnisa binti 10 Tips Fotografi menggunakan ‘Smartphone’ 197-202
Baharudin 203-213
Laporan ‘Hands on Skill Practice’
20. Widyawatie binti Nawi Pendawaian Litar Akhir Kuasa Dan Litar Soket Alir
Keluar Di Tapak Fertigasi Kolej Komuniti Bentong


21. Biodata Penyunting 219-221

22 Biodata Pembaca Pruf 222-223

23 Biodata Perekabentuk dan Susunatur 226




Azwan Harun
[email protected]

Abstrak. Kertas penulisan ini membincangkan mengenai perisian AutoCAD yang dibangunkan
oleh AutoDesk dan digunakan dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PdP) bagi bidang - bidang
pengajian tertentu di kolej komuniti. Perisian ini digunakan di syarikat kejuruteraan, firma dan
dipelajari di peringkat institut pengajian tinggi (IPT) yang lain serta memberi nilai tambah kepada
pelajar yang menggunakannya. Selain itu, kebaikan mempelajari perisian ini membolehkan
mereka menjadi pelukis pelan secara bebas atau freelance dan boleh mendatangkan pendapatan
kepada mereka yang mempelajari dan mahir menggunakan perisian ini. Selain itu, cadangan agar
kursus ini ditawarkan dalam bidang am bagi membolehkan pelajar lain turut mempelajari
kemahiran menggunakan perisian ini.

Kata Kunci: AutoCAD, kepentingan AutoCAD dan merekabentuk.


“Apa itu AutoCAD cik?” Pertanyaan ini sering kali diajukan oleh kebanyakan pelajar kolej
komuniti yang mengambil subjek CADD 1. AutoCAD adalah satu perisian reka bentuk berbantu
komputer yang dibangunkan oleh AutoDesk. AutoCAD pertama kali dikeluarkan pada bulan
Disember 1982 sebagai aplikasi desktop yang berfungsi di komputer mikro dengan pengawal
grafik dalaman. Sebelum AutoCAD diperkenalkan, kebanyakan program CADD komersial
dijalankan di komputer utama (mainframe) atau komputer mini, dengan setiap operator CAD
bekerja di terminal grafik yang terpisah. Sejak 2010, AutoCAD dikomersialkan sebagai aplikasi
mudah alih (portable mobile) dan web juga, dipasarkan sebagai AutoCAD 360.



2.1 Kebanyakan syarikat kejuruteraan atau firma arkitek menggunakan perisian

• Firma arkitek dan syarikat kejuruteraan pembinaan di Malaysia masih
menggunakan perisian AutoCAD dalam urusan harian. Ia menjadi
penghubung untuk semua skop kerja bagi jurutera, pemaju, juruukur,
arkitek, pereka hiasan dalaman, jurutera mesin dan lain-lain lagi. Bermula
dari cadangan projek, pelan perancangan, rekabentuk sehingga
penghantaran pelan semuanya menggunakan AutoCAD. Walaupun
terdapat lambakan pesaing AutoCAD seperti ArchiCAD atau Revit, ianya
masih popular digunakan. Kemahiran menggunakan AutoCAD
menjadikan satu kewajiban untuk setiap staf dalam sektor ini dalam
melancarkan proses kerja syarikat.

2.2 Penggunaan perisian AutoCAD yang meluas di Institut Pengajian Tinggi
Awam atau Swasta.
● Bagi pelajar, ianya membantu proses pembelajaran pelajar dalam
mempelajari dan memahami subjek Rekabentuk, Kejuruteraan dan
Senibina. Kebanyakan subjek memerlukan perancangan awal melalui
lukisan awal yang dilakukan dalam perisian AutoCAD sahaja.
● Bagi pensyarah, ianya dapat membantu dalam proses pengajaran dan
pembelajaran dalam sesi kuliah. Pensyarah dapat menerangkan
sesetengah topik dalam Rekabentuk, Kejuruteraan atau Lukisan 3D
dengan lebih jelas dengan bantuan perisian AutoCAD ini.

● Bagi Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, AutoCAD ini merupakan salah satu

alat bantu mengajar (ABM) yang universal bagi semua IPT yang


menawarkan kursus Senibina, Landskap, Kejuruteraan Awam,
Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Seni Reka Fesyen dan

beberapa lagi kursus berkaitan.

2.3 Sebagai nilai tambah kepada pelajar agar mudah untuk mendapatkan
● Kebanyakan syarikat pembinaan, kejuruteraan, firma arkitek
mengutamakan pekerjanya wajib mempunyai kemahiran melukis
khususnya dalam menggunakan AutoCAD. Oleh itu, tidak ada cari lain
setiap pelajar mesti mempelajari AutoCAD untuk memudahkan

menempatkan diri dalam sektor pekerjaan di syarikat-syarikat berkenaan.
● Membuka peluang untuk mereka yang ingin bergiat aktif sebagai

‘Freelance Drafter” bagi mencari pendapatan sampingan kerana bayaran
caj untuk satu-satu rekabentuk pelan mendatangkan hasil yang lumayan.

Rajah 2.3. Kadar bayaran/caj menyediakan pelan


• Iklan-iklan di atas menunjukkan kadar bayaran yang dikenakan bagi
servis melukis pelan menggunakan perisian AutoCAD. Kadar upah bagi
lukisan lengkap merangkumi pelan lantai, pelan tapak, pelan bumbung,
pelan keratan dan pelan pandangan bagi sebuah rumah banglo 2 tingkat
berkeluasan 2500 kaki persegi boleh mencecah RM5000. Bayangkan
pula kadar bayaran bagi pelan lengkap untuk tiga buah rumah dimana
cajnya akan lebih berganda.


AutoCAD boleh dijadikan subjek Pengajian Am sebagai keperluan subjek teras yang mesti
diambil oleh setiap pelajar. Ini kerana perisian ini sesuai dipelajari oleh semua pelajar tidak kira
teknikal atau sebaliknya memandangkan subjek ini banyak membantu dalam bidang-bidang lain
di samping sebagai nilai tambah kepada setiap pelajar.


AutoCAD sekarang bukan sahaja merupakan perisian klasik untuk pelajar-pelajar kursus
Senibina atau Kejuruteraan. Ia juga boleh digunakan oleh semua pelajar dalam menghasilkan set
gambar, serta diagram dan lakaran. AutoCAD adalah satu perisian yang sangat membantu untuk
proses merekabentuk, pembuatan, pembangunan, penyelidikan dan pembinaan.



Faisal Zulkernaen. (2020). Servis Lukis AutoCad dan 3D Modelling. Carosell.

Norazah binti Abdullah & Mohd Fahmi bin Ab Rahman (2015). Mudahnya Belajar AutoCAD. Negeri
Sembilan. Kolej Komuniti Jempol.

Rosni Zamuddin Shah Bin Sidek & Shamsaipul Bin Mohd Ariffin. (n.d). Modul Pembelajaran
Kendiri Mata Pelajaran Reka Bentuk Berbantu Komputer Autocad 3D.



Mohd Faridz Zubir
[email protected]

Abstrak. Perkembangan teknologi menandakan penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris yang semakin
meluas terutamanya dalam pendidikan Teknologi Maklumat. Sebagai pensyarah bagi program Sijil
Teknologi Maklumat (STM), kemahiran penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris di tahap optimum amat
dititik-beratkan apabila sukatan kurikulum baharu Sijil Teknologi Maklumat versi 2020
dilaksanakan bermula sesi Disember 2020 dimana kurikulum baharu ini dilaksanakan sepenuhnya
di dalam bahasa Inggeris. Kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk melihat persepsi pensyarah STM terhadap
sukatan kurikulum yang baharu dan diharapkan hasil daripada kajian ini dapat membantu
pensyarah dalam menyampaikan pembelajaran dan pengajaran (PdP) dengan lebih efektif. Kajian
ini juga mengenalpasti keperluan pensyarah dalam melaksanakan sesi PdP menggunakan
sukatan kurikulum yang baharu.

Kata Kunci: Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran, Teknologi Maklumat, Bahasa Inggeris


Bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa yang tidak asing lagi bagi sistem pendidikan di Malaysia.
Menurut Nur Atiqah dan Ong Puay Liu dalam Latar Belakang Sejarah Sistem Pendidikan dan
Masyarakat Majoriti Minoriti di Malaysia menyatakan bahawa pihak penjajah pada zaman
pemerintahan British pada masa itu telah memperkenalkan sistem pendidikan Inggeris untuk
kumpulan elit. Bermula dengan laporan-laporan yang dikeluarkan dalam pembentukan ke arah


sistem pendidikan yang bersepadu antaranya Laporan Razak (1957), Laporan Rahman Talib
(1960), Laporan Kabinet (1979) supaya selari dengan matlamat Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) pada
masa itu. Dasar Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris
(PPSMI) yang dilaksanakan juga sesuatu yang kontroversi dalam sejarah sistem pendidikan di
Malaysia. Konflik PPSMI seakan-akan meluaskan jurang akademik antara pelajar. PPSMI
dimansuhkan pada 2009 dan dasar baharu, Memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia dan Memperkukuh
Bahasa Inggeris (MBMMBI) diperkenalkan secara berperingkat bermula pada 2010.

Pada tanggal 30 November 2020, Bahagian Kurikulum Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik
dan Kolej Komuniti (JPPKK) telah meluluskan penambaikan dokumen kurikulum versi 2020
dimana kurikulum baharu digunakan untuk sesi ambilan Disember 2020. STM adalah antara
program pengajian peringkat sijil yang dikenalpasti untuk melaksanakan kurikulum baharu
tersebut. Maklumat program telah berubah dari pengenalan, sinopsis, matlamat program dan
objektif program telah dialih bahasa ke bahasa Inggeris. Begitu juga dengan senarai nama kursus
yang terkandung dalam sukatan kurikulum yang baharu antaranya Computer Architecture and
Assembly (SSK10203), Network and Communication Fundamentals (SSK20183) dan Object
Oriented Programming (STM30243). Secara amnya, keseluruhan sukatan kurikulum bagi kursus
teras STM versi 2020 adalah sepenuhnya di dalam bahasa Inggeris. Kajian ini dilaksanakan bagi
melihat persepsi awal pensyarah bidang yang terlibat dan diharap dapat membantu pensyarah
dalam menyampaikan PdP dengan lebih berkesan.


2.1 Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris dan Struktur Program Sijil Teknologi Maklumat
di Kolej Komuniti Bentong
Merujuk kepada maklumat program bagi Sijil Teknologi Maklumat yang baharu versi

2020, hanya terdapat dua kursus wajib yang melibatkan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris iaitu
Communicative English (SUE10011) dan Workplace English (SUE20021). Bagi kursus-kursus


teknikal yang lain seperti Computer Architecture & Assembly, Database Fundamentals,
Application Softwared dan lain-lain; kursus-kursus ini adalah sepenuhnya dilaksanakan
menggunakan bahasa Inggeris seperti nota, penilaian dan pentaksiran. Hanya kursus-kursus
bagi pengajian am yang lain seperti Pendidikan Islam, Pendidikan Moral, Bahasa KebangsaanA
dan Pengajian Malaysia dilaksanakan menggunakan bahasa Malaysia. Ianya selari dengan
kehendak sinopsis program iaitu menghasilkan graduan yang berpengetahuan dan mahir
menangani tugas berkaitan teknologi maklumat.

2.2 Peranan bahasa dalam Teknologi Maklumat
Kadar perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat memberi cabaran kepada banyak

aspek termasuk pendidikan. Bermula dengan dasar PPSMI diikuti dengan MBMMBI dan terkini,
Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (2015-2025) menunjukkan dasar pendidikan
sentiasa berubah supaya tidak ketinggalan dengan revolusi industri 4.0 melibatkan teknologi
maklumat, komputer dan sebagainya. Teknologi robotik, Internet of Things (iOT), dan automasi
kerja berkaitan ilmu pengetahuan dijangka akan merubah lanskap perniagaan dan sosial secara
menyeluruh. Bahasa memainkan peranan penting dalam proses penyampaian pembelajaran
dan pengajaran.

2.3 Bahasa Inggeris dalam Teknologi Maklumat
Pelaksanaan bahasa Inggeris dalam teknologi maklumat adalah tidak asing lagi di

Malaysia. Penggunaan bahasa kedua ini memberi ruang kepada pensyarah dan pelajar
khususnya dalam kursus teknikal untuk mempelajari ilmu dengan lebih berkesan lagi menurut
Nor Fadila & Adibah (2010). Merujuk kepada istilah-istilah yang terdapat dalam teknologi
maklumat seperti ISP, Ethernet, Gateway, Firewall dan lain-lain lagi. Istilah sedemikian
kebanyakannya adalah dalam bahasa Inggeris dan secara amnya digunakan dalam konteks
pembelajaran dan pengajaran teknologi maklumat.


Menurut artikel tulisan Laurence Bradford (2019) di laman web The Balance Careers,
beliau mengenalpasti permintaan pekerjaan berorientasikan teknologi maklumat yang terkini
antaranya ialah pentadbir pangkalan data, pembangun perisian, penganalisis sistem komputer
dan pembangun aplikasi mudah alih. Kesemua pekerjaan ini bukan hanya memerlukan
kemahiran teknologi maklumat yang baik, ia juga melibatkan kemahiran bahasa Inggeris yang
tinggi dalam memahami istilah-istilah teknikal yang penting dalam bidang perkomputeran.


Kajian persepsi ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif dengan mendapatkan pandangan
responden berkenaan persepsi awal terhadap penggunaan sepenuhnya bahasa Inggeris dalam
sukatan kurikulum Sijil Teknologi Maklumat versi 2020. Responden adalah terdiri daripada
pensyarah terkini dari program Sijil Teknologi Maklumat iaitu seramai 7 orang. Borang soal selidik
tersebut mengandungi 2 bahagian iaitu bahagian pertama berkenaan tinjauan awal persepsi
pensyarah terhadap penggunaan bahasa Inggeris dalam sukatan terkini dan bahagian kedua
merupakan maklumat latar belakang pensyarah seperti kemahiran bahasa Inggeris sedia ada.


Hasil dapatan dari soal selidik menyatakan kesemua pensyarah program Sijil Teknologi
Maklumat bersetuju bahawa kemahiran berbahasa Inggeris adalah penting bagi pensyarah
program tersebut. Majoriti daripada pensyarah juga menggunakan bahasa Inggeris dalam proses
pengajaran dan pembelajaran namun tidak sepenuhnya. Pensyarah program juga bersetuju
berkenaan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris sepenuhnya di dalam sukatan kurikulum yang terkini.
Namun begitu, pensyarah menyatakan ketidakpastian berkenaan sukatan terkini adalah lebih baik
dari versi sebelumnya. Hal ini berkemungkinan ianya masih di tahap awal pelaksanaannya kerana
sukatan baharu diguna pakai pada satu sesi sahaja dengan jumlah pelajar yang terlalu sedikit.


Manakala reaksi bercampur di kalangan pensyarah menyatakan sukatan yang
menggunakan bahasa Inggeris mampu membantu pelajar dari segi pemahaman isi kandungan
program kerana ia bergantung kepada kemahiran semasa bahasa Inggerispelajar. Majoriti
pensyarah bersetuju bahawa mereka perlu menghadiri kursus atau bengkel bagi meningkatkan
kemahiran bahasa Inggeris bagi membantu proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran.


Hasil tinjauan awal menunjukkan pensyarah menunjukkan reaksi positif terhadap
penggunaan bahasa Inggeris dalam sukatan kurikulum Sijil Teknologi Maklumat versi 2020.
Penggunaan bahasa Inggeris dalam kurikulum dilihat sebagai satu medium untuk meningkatkan
kemahiran pelajar dalam komunikasi bahasa Inggeris namun jika dilihat pada tahap penguasaan
bahasa Inggeris pelajar semasa, ianya memberi cabaran kepada mereka untuk memahami
sepenuhnya isi kandungan sesuatu kursus.

Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran juga dilaksanakan secara dwi bahasa di mana
bahasa Malaysia juga digunakan dalam proses penyampaian ilmu dan kemahiran walaupun
sumber rujukan adalah di dalam bahasa Inggeris. Pada masa yang sama, pensyarah
mencadangkan agar pensyarah menyertai kursus atau bengkel seperti program pemantapan
pedagogi bahasa dan pada masa yang sama pelajar juga diperkasakan dengan kelas-kelas
bahasa Inggeris agar dapat membantu melancarkan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran



Bradford, L. (2019). The 7 fastest-growing tech jobs. Diakses pada Mei 28, 2021 di

Maklumat program Sijil Teknologi Maklumat Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti 2019
Mohd. Amin, Nor Fadila dan Abd Rahim, Adibah. (2010). Tahap penguasaan bahasa Inggeris sebagai

persediaan untuk kerjaya dalam kalangan pelajar pendidikan teknikal dan kejuruteraan.
Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2015-2025 (Pendidikan Tinggi)



Muhammad Anwar Abdul Halim
[email protected]

Mohamad Hafizi Masdar
[email protected]

Abstract. The integration of education and technology has been studied for ages, various
suggestions and efforts were made in a hope of the idea for better education via technology can be
achieved. There are eleven factors identified as challenges on integrating and adapting technologies in
teaching among educators. (1) personal attributes including general and specific characteristics, (2)
attitude towards technologies, (3) level of confidence and readiness, (4) education level, (5) lacking of
professional development, (6) inadequate prior knowledge of computer and technical literacy as well as
limited exposure, (7) inexperience in term of years in teaching, (8) restricted resources and insufficient
amount of specific content, (9) time constraint to prepare and converting conventional teaching content
to technological and digitally basis, (10) institution characteristic, and (11) contextual characteristics are
among factors that influence the usage of technologies in teaching conducted by educators. Specific
training to educators and adequate institutions’ infrastructures has a significant impact on improving
educators’ skills and knowledge to integrate the use of technology in their teaching. Furthermore, higher
management of the institutions need to play an importance role in term of ensuring the usage of
technology in teaching among educators at certain levels according to the institution mission and vision.

Keywords: education, technology, teaching



Being educators nowadays is more challenging and critical as compared to 90’s or even early
20’s (Mynbayeva, A et al, 2018). Educators are no longer relying on whiteboards and marker pens nor
sticking to the conventional approaches of conducting lessons activities, instead Mohd Zulhilmi and
Radzwan Rashid (2019) stated educators are required to adapt and practise the learning needs among
the new generation of digital natives. Ana Haziqah, Nurbiha, Zaidatun, and Kew (2021) identified as a
21st century educators, they are expected to be a role model not only for their students as well as to the
communities, acting as a source of reference and mostly flexible enough through educational as well as
non-educational matters. Being in this profession recently demanding a full-time commitment throughout
the years. Significant expectation of educators is to provide meaningful, relevant and realistic learning
experiences accordingly on demand knowledge and skills for job-hunting as well as tomorrow’s
workforce. Educators are likely to be a representative and responsible for the transformation, to
successfully prepared students to face the challenges in industrial revolution. The evolution of education
system is undergoing rapid changes with the integration of technology in teaching and learning process
in order to equip students with relevant knowledge and skills. The advancement of information technology
and digital lead to even more challenges to this profession.


As technology is evolving and reshaping various aspects in our life in general, it also has a huge
effect to the education system especially the way student learns today. Mohd Zulhilmi and Radzwan
Rashid (2019) stated these juveniles learn differently as compared to conventional methods of learning,
their exposures, point of views, surrounding and atmosphere are different from the way it used to be. As
suggested by Don Carlson (2016), instead of replacing the curriculum, the advancement of technology
can improve for deeper students’ understanding, engagement and enhancing vital skills such as creativity
and collaboration which are the skills required for tomorrow’s workforce. Educators are expected to adopt


to the rapidly changing technologies to cope with their students’ normality, in order to keep up with the
new technologies to suite the latest learning setting among the new generation. Educators are also
demanded to increase their computer literacies, knowledge and skills, and for some of them this is
extremely crucial depending on various factors which will be discussed further in this paper.

Besides the relationship between educators and teaching technology, pedagogy is one of the
aspects needs to be considered and evaluated which has direct influences to the implementation of
technology in institutions. Pedagogy referring to how educators make a full use of resources including
technology to enrich their teaching skills which promote to the close student engagement thus provide
meaningful learning experience to the students. Student oriented pedagogy is compromise by the use
of educational technologies (Dominik Petko, Doreen Prasse & Andrea Cantieni, 2018). Figure 1 illustrate
the intersection of three elements which are educators, technology and pedagogy that has a significant
impact on learning processes.


Technology Pedagogy

Figure 2.1: Intersection of elements to empowering teaching and
enhancing the learning processes


A person with excellent knowledge and skills in particular field, does not guaranteed be able to
teach the knowledge and skills owned successfully. This is where pedagogy playing an important rule;
the skills to deliver the ideas and concept effectively to allow knowledge transfer process to the others.
Mishra and Koehler (2006) mentioned there are differences in term of technical knowledge from
technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Educators with the technical knowledge should
be able to integrate their skills into teaching to take benefit out of it, the integration of technology with
education is called TPACK. The concept of TPACK is to merged the essence of (1) technology, (2)
content or subject matters, and (3) pedagogy, taking advantage of integration plunged to the
development of relevant, customized, and context-specific strategies as a representation for quality of
teaching. Thus, educators are suggested to keeping up with the current trend in technology especially
with the one that students are currently interested with, to slim the gap between learning experiences
with the current trend for the students, furthermore it increases the sense of self-efficacy for the
educators as well.

There are tremendous of researches about the effectiveness of the integration of technology not
only focusing on education field, instead in health, government operation, advertising, commerce,
robotics and more. The time has come for educators to step ahead to ensure the education field and
teaching profession is aligning with other professional sectors accordingly, to be taken seriously and


Technology integration in teaching is not a recent study, the issues might be different but the
orientation of the studies can be categorized together, it has been 30 years since the studies in this area
has been conducted. Researchers around the world have made an attempts to look depth in this issue
to understand the underlying causes for the successful integration of digital and technologies in education
field, despite the advancement of technology has taken place massively in daily life routine, yet still


researchers findings shown that educators are not fully utilising these features (technology) on regular
basis even to the advantage of their teaching. This issue is getting more attention especially during this
era where the world at your fingertips (Dominik Petko et al, 2018).

Previously, educators may have excuses to avoid integrating technology with their lesson, since
according to them as long as the learning outcome achieved and students be able to answer the
formative test successfully or according to the satisfactory ratio stated, then it is all good. It appears
there is reluctances of intersecting technology in teaching, studies by Mohd Zulhilmi and Radzwan
Rashid (2019) found there are a few factors lead to the scenario as stated earlier which are personal
attributes such as age, gender, educational level, experience with the educational computing purpose
and attitude towards computers may influence the integration of the technology with teaching. There are
seven barriers, which affect the integration of teaching technology (1) time constraint, (2) low level of
confidence, (3) limited exposure, (4) inadequate prior knowledge, (5) personal attributes, (6) restricted
resources and, (7) inexperience.

Even though there are tremendous studies held to understand the reluctances of incorporating
technology in teaching among educators and how to overcome such mentality, still the changes are
depending on the educators themselves. Obviously, technology cannot beneficial by itself, technology
need to be utilised to improve user’s literacy, knowledge, skill and experience. To investigate more on
this matter, Hamdzun Haron, Maharam Mamat, and Jaffri Hanafi (2018) answering the following
question, do teachers feel confident with computer? 41 respondents involved in this study with various
years in service. 57% of respondents have servicing 6 to 7 years, 34% have been more than 11 years
in this field, 5% have a 4 to 5 years’ experience in teaching and 2% just started a carrier as educators
with 1 to 3 years of working experience.

Based on the respondents, 41.5% agreed with the statement of not being the advanced computer
work, 48.8% of the responded agreed that they didn’t bother to continue to think of the unsolved problem
outside the computer class. 46.3% said “anything that a computer can be used for, I can do just as well


in some other way”. Table 1 simplify the statement toward computer for attitude and confidence

Table 3.1: Confidence toward computer statement.

No. Statements Frequency Percentage
17 41.5
I do not think I would do advanced computer work 20 48.8
1. 19 46.3

If a problem left unsolved in a computer class, I
2. wouldn’t continue to think about it afterward.

Anything that a computer can use for, I can do just

as well some other way.

Even though the statement of attitude and confidence subscale was below 50% still with 45.5%,
it is considered that there are a lot of improvement in various aspects need to be strengthen in order to
strongly state that teachers are confident enough navigating themselves with computer and
implementing technology in their lessons.

There are various factors contributed to the neglecting among educators to embedded technology
in their teaching. Mohd Zulhilmi and Radzwan Rashid (2019) identified limitation of computer and
technical literacy, insufficient of specific content which suitable to map with curricular or learning
objectives, inadequate institutions’ infrastructure to implement technology in teaching activities are
among the factors.

Liu, F., Ritzhaupt, A. D., Dawson, K., & Barron, A. E. (2016) categorizing four main characteristics
which influence educators to embedded technology in their teaching which are; (1) teacher general


characteristics – computer literacy in teaching, education level, years in teaching and gender, (2) specific
teacher characteristics – readiness and confidence of using technology, (3) school characteristics –
accessibility of technology and support system of the technology used and (4) contextual characteristics
– students’ literacy and number of students.

Researchers in various studies agreed that educator characteristics, their experiences, support
revived from institution, self-efficacy, the ease of use of the technology itself and increases of internet
usage are all generally have impact on the teachers’ attitudes towards the technology implement in their
teaching. According to the study conducted by Zuheir N. Khlaif (2017) four main factors contribute to the
technology reluctance among educators which are (1) personal characteristics, (2) technical features, (3)
environmental learning and (4) intervention design. 15 educators involve as participants of this study
were (6 males, 9 females) from five schools from different regions teaching different subjects. The number
of teachers from each school varies. The main criteria for selecting participants are the integration of
digital technologies in their teaching for at least one year. All participants participated in the interviews
on a voluntary basis, and had different levels of experience relating to the use of technology in their
teaching practice. Table 2 explains these factors in details.

Table 3.2: Identifies for factors which are general characteristics, technical features,
environmental learning and intervention design that influences the technology reluctance

among educators to integrate technology in their teaching

PERSONAL 60% of respondents experiences either positive or
CHARACTERISTICS negative has direct impact to the usage of technology in


TECHNICAL Benefits 40% of respondents prune to use technology when they
FEATURES know the output or effects of the usage towards the
Technical successfulness of their teaching.
Features 53% of respondents prefer the technical features of
Ease of Us technology used (hardware) which is small, lightweight,
handy and easy to carry.
Internet Access 30% of respondents divert their enthusiasms of
73% of respondents agree on wireless internet access
Portability playing importance rules towards the positive impacts on
educators to apply technology usage in their classroom or
Multimedia teaching activities.
Features 80% of respondents prefer hardware and devices used in
Hardware teaching delivery has an ability to be connected to the
Challenges internet to improve the quality of their teaching.
Software 80% of respondents prefer the hardware used in their
Challenges teaching be able to integrated well with multimedia
contents (pictures, videos and audios).
The difficulties of configuration and hardware availability
impacted educators negatively towards technology
teaching efforts.
73% of respondents’ mention failure to manage
application and application ability used in their teaching
lead to the technology abandon in teaching.


ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental 85% of respondents agree on the sufficient technical
LEARNING Learning infrastructure, instructional assistance and technical
Factors support have a huge impact towards technology
INTERVENTION integration in teaching.
DESIGN Technical 73% of respondents agree on the availability of technical
Infrastructure infrastructure such as the stability of network connection,
hardware and software used to play vital rule to enhance
Instructional the integration of technological education centred.
Assistance 60% of participants mentioned that lack of appropriate
application to support the curriculum influence to the
Technical readiness of using technology in their teaching.
Support 25% of respondents agree on the availability of technical
Intervention supports is very important to ensure the continuity of the
Design Factors teaching activities.
Respondents demands on training and resource to help
Training them with the technology integration in their teaching.
73% respondents mentioned that they need a training
Educational which incorporated theory and practical equally, focus to
Resource the exact content to ensure that they can apply the
knowledge and skills learnt into their teaching.
All of the respondents agree that lacking of educational
content to teach has negative impacts on their readiness
to embedded technological usage in their teaching.


Educators’ belief in technology playing an important part in term of applying an integration of
technology in teaching and learning activities. Those who are unsure with the benefits offers of
technology in teaching and learning, lacking of practices and skills integrating technology in their
teaching activities are unlikely to embed with digital technology on a regular basis and in an effective
way. According to Dominik Petko et al (2018) educator’s readiness and confidence are two factors
influencing educators to integrate technology in teaching and learning process. These two core factors
have been highlighted on most on educational technology integration in institutions. However, the
reluctance among educators to integrating technologies in their classes are influenced by various
factors, educators themselves are not the only main contributor of this issues, despite educators’
willingness (belief and confidence to embedded technology in their lessons), the institution readiness is
one of the main factors that need to be pointed out as well. Table 3 define the importance of technology
usage in institution.

Table 3.3: Teachers’ technology-related beliefs on the influences the technology
reluctance among educators to integrate technology in their teaching

Do you personally agree with the following statements? Mean SD
By using computers, I can improve the quality of my lesson. 3.25 1.04
By using computers, students are learning better. 2.96 0.91
By using computers, students work more efficiently. 3.10 0.98
How do you judge your own abilities with regard of these
tasks? Mean SD
My ability to supports students in creating and own websites.
My ability to supports in creating multimedia products 2.11 1.25
My ability to support students in online discussion 3.31 1.20
2.71 1.35


Please indicate how well the following statements match the Mean SD
situation in your school 3.46 0.88
The topic ‘Computers and Internet is of high importance in our 3.27 1.01
school 3.02 0.91
It is highly emphasized in our school that teachers engage in further
education activities regarding ICT
High engagement in furthering ICT uses in teaching is well regarded
among teachers colleagues

Institution readiness is defined in term of (1) the infrastructure of the institution which referring to
the sufficient amount of hardware, software, content, and support provided, (2) support from institution
higher board especially in term of defining expected outcomes of the institution (towards revolutionary
4.0.) and, (3) discussion among colleagues either formal and informal regarding the effectiveness of
technology usage in teaching practices. The study shows the use of educational technology in teaching
is dependent on teacher readiness supported by school readiness.


In 2020, the whole world has stunned by the coronavirus outbreak, the COVID-19 pandemic
affected the whole sectors including education system. The shutdowns of learning institution throughout
the globe to battle the spread of the virus has brought revolution to the world education system (Shabnam,
2021). The most likely suggested and approved method as an alternative for conventional ways of
teaching is online learning or also known as the shifting from face-to-face learning to the use of various
sort of devices to deliver that learning known as online learning. The pandemic demands educators to
integrate the usage of technology in order to form teaching activities, or else the students will be left
behind. There is seems no more excuse, technology must be integrated in teaching activities especially
during this critical period.


However according to Emma García and Elaine Weiss (2020) even during pandemic educators
are still not fully utilising the technology usage in their teaching, based on her study, educators need
training and supports in order to perform effective online teaching. Educators’ claims that lack of
professional development on how to embed technology in education, have left them unskilful and
unequipped to teach during the pandemic. The professional development held, are not sufficient enough
to support educators needs to conduct their lesson independently with the integration of technology.
Figure 2 shows teachers’ perception towards personal development activities held to enriched teachers’
knowledge and skills in order to run their teaching based on online platform. 67.7 % indicates the training
they received in the past 12 months on the use of computers for instructions are inadequate and majority
of the teachers agreed on the importance of useful training to support their needs in order to use
computer as a platform to gives instruction. According to 2017 National Assessment of Education
Progress (NAEP) indicating that educators are not fully prepared to teach online as shown in Figure 3.
43.4% of educators claimed that they are trained but not proficient in using software for online teaching,
69.2% of educators justified that they are trained but not proficient enough to using computing during
online teaching, 67.5% of educators considered themselves as incapable using software applications,
and 80.7% are not proficient in integrating computers into online teaching.


Figure 4.1: Teachers’ perception towards personal development activities
held to enrich teachers’ knowledge and skills during pandemic.

Figure 4.2: 2017 NAEP indicating that educators are not fully prepared for online


Lack of professional development is also one of the factors that lead on negative impact of
integrating to online teaching as found in survey conducted by Shabnam (2021), where 63.94% of the
respondents from 430 participants from various teaching faculty in India, mentioned that the lack of
technical and software knowledge becomes one of the main challenges in conducting online classes.
The insufficient skills required have a negative impact on educators themselves as well as towards their

Among the challenges faced by educators during the pandemic to conduct online teaching is time
constraint, Emma García and Elaine Weiss (2020) stated that there are limited time for educators to
design and develop teaching content as well as converting conventional teaching to online approaches.
This process is crucial and need sufficient amount of time to be prepared because the effectiveness of
online teaching is based on how well-constructed the instructional design is and is it according to
systematic model for design and development which has impact on the quality of the online teaching.
Educators requires more time in preparing course content (Shabnam, 2021). 62.7% of the respondents
required more time in preparing course content for online teaching to convert course content in form of

Infrastructure and internet connection availability are factors that influence on the reluctant of
educators to convert from conventional teaching to online approaches of teaching. According to
Shabnam (2021), 75.4% of the respondents having difficulties to teach students with poor infrastructures
such as weak internet access coverage, no electricity, no devices as well as inadequate knowledge of
information technology are the barriers for educators to implementing online teaching. Table 7 showing
educators’ response based on factors that has been a challenge to conduct an online teaching.

On the other hand, based on Emma García and Elaine Weiss (2020), according to 2017 NAEP
found that insufficient infrastructure such as computer related devices and internet connection influence
educators’ motivation to run online teaching. About 25% students have no desktop or laptop at home,
95.8% have internet access however only 51.3% can benefit from the availability of internet access for


homework purposes, figure 4 illustrate these findings in details comparing all students, non-poor
students and poor students.

Factors \Scale Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
agree agree nor disagree
27.24 disagree
26.7 2.61
Lack of professional 36.7 32.4 18.75 14.7 2.3
36 7.3
development 28.9

Time constraint 24.7 10.3

Infrastructure and 13.2 18.2

internet connection

Table 4.3: Educators’ response based on factors that has been a challenge to conduct an
online teaching.

Figure 4.4: 2017 NAEP responses on insufficient infrastructure
influence educators’ motivation to runs online teaching.


Even during pandemic educators around the world regardless the differences of socioeconomic
level are not ready to integrating technologies in online teaching. This situation occurred based on various
factors, however there are three dominants factors identified based on the discussion in this section,
which are (1) lack of professional development on how to embedded technology in education, (2) time
constraints; limited time for educators to design and develop teaching content as well as converting
conventional teaching to online approaches, and (3) Infrastructure and internet connection availability are
factors that influence on the reluctant of educators to convert from conventional teaching to online
approaches of teaching.


Technology integration in teaching has been studied for almost 30 years, since then various factors
identified which contribute to the neglecting among educators to integrate the use of technology in their
teaching. Based on this research there are eleven factors found which causing the process of integrating
technologies in teaching as a whole seems to be impossible, these factors are (1) educators’ personal
attributes including general and specific characteristics, (2) educators’ attitude towards technologies, (3)
level of confidence and readiness towards the integration of education and technology, (4) educators’
education level, (5) lacking of professional development in integrating technologies and teaching
together effortlessly, (6) inadequate prior knowledge of computer and technical literacy as well as limited
exposure among educators to incorporated teaching with technology, (7) inexperience in term of years
in teaching influence on impacts to use technology in teaching, (8) restricted resources and insufficient
amount of specific content to conduct technologies in teaching, (9) time constraint to prepare and
converting conventional teaching content to technological and digitally basis, (10) institution
characteristic such as inadequate institutions’ infrastructure influencing school readiness to incorporate
technologies in teaching, and (11) contextual characteristics refers to students’ literacy and number of
students in a class are among factors that influence the usage of technologies in teaching conducted by


According to research, by providing training to educators is one of the best ways to improve
educators’ skills and knowledge to integrate the use of technology in their teaching. Based on Zuheir N.
Khlaif (2017) technology integration in teaching requires training and continuous supports among
educators to allow them to conduct their lesson independently and confidently. Mohd Zulhilmi and
Radzwan Rashid (2019) stated continuous professional development in integrating technology in their
pedagogy is needed to enhance the quality of teaching and learning experience among students.
Shabnam (2021) suggesting by providing proper training to educators on the use of technology especially
learning new and beneficial software to improve and upgrade educators teaching approaches.

There are two methods suggested by Mohd Zulhilmi and Radzwan Rashid (2019) to conduct
training for educators which are (1) formal approach through workshop, professional meetings and
mentoring and (2) informal approach by encouraging educators to read professional publications, watch
television documentaries related to any academic disciplines. Dominik Petko et al (2018) suggest formal
and informal exchange on the technology used for educational integration among colleagues has a
significant impact on improving technology usage in teaching. Hamdzun Haron et al (2021) stated talks
by professionals, workshops and seminars, up-front and continuation sessions in a technology integrated
education model is trusted to has an impact on increasing technology usage in teaching and learning

However, the effectiveness of training and supports provided among educators as suggested
previously need to properly prepared, since most of the time training provided is not according to the
specific educators need as discussed according to Shabnam (2021) and Emma García and Elaine Weiss
(2020), educators’ need required to be prioritized in customizing training and supports to ensure it
effectiveness and efficiencies. Accessing and addressing educators needs in developing training and
supports as suggested by (Hamdzun Haron et al, 2021) need to be unique, customized and according to
individual basis. Training and supports content developer should consider about (1) what teachers know
(knowledge and skills), (2) what teachers want to know and (3) what teachers need to know in preparing
the integration of teaching and technology used in institution.


Institutions’ infrastructures playing an importance role to increase the percentage of technology
integration in teaching. Dedicated technology support services and appropriate resources such as help
desks, instructional assistance provided by institution can be considered to improve technology and
teaching integration as suggested by Khlaif, Z.N. (2018). On the other hand, Dominik Petko et al (2018)
stated, adequate, relevant and useful technological infrastructure such as hardware, software, content,
and support is important which has an influence on teacher readiness to use technology to provide
beneficial learning experiences to students. Ana Haziqah et al (2021) justifies the technological provided
should easily to be used and the usefulness is proven, hence will develop the intention to use
technological tools among educators. Hamdzun Haron et al (2021) suggested that institution should
provide a user-friendly Education Management System (EMS), software, applications and programs to
allow educators to use it easily and correctly thus to develop a healthy and positive attitude towards
educational technologies.

Besides adequate and efficient infrastructures provided by institutions, the higher management
of the institutions need to play a role in term of ensuring the usage of technology in teaching among
educators at certain levels according to the institution mission and vision. Educators are required to be
reminded and evaluated frequently to endure the importance of technological practises in teaching as
suggested by Dominik Petko et al (2018). The awareness and firmness of managerial levels is importance
to increase an attempt among educators to comply with institution’s goal.

As stated earlier, the integration of education and technology has been studied for ages, various
suggestions and efforts were made in various aspects by various individuals, intuitions and even ministry
level in a hope of the idea for better education via technology can be achieved. All these efforts are not
going to be effective if educators keep on abandoning these approaches. Educators need to believe that
educational technology is beneficial for their teaching and learning activities, because of that educators
need the confidence and sufficient skills to apply these technologies in teaching settings as stated by
Dominik Petko et al (2018). On the other hand, Ana Haziqah et al (2021), educators’ acceptance in
technology integration in education is depending on their beliefs and readiness. Hamdzun Haron et al


(2021) stated, it has been proven academic achievement, learning process and attitude have a significant
impact through technology integration in curriculum and instruction to improving students’ learning
experiences. As for the conclusion, the choice is in educators’ hand either they want to integrate

technology in their teaching and experience all the benefits offered or keep on abandoning the idea of
integrating technology in education. The choice is in educators’ hand.


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Noorhidayah Mohd Jaafar @ Abd Rahman
[email protected]

Abstrak. Nowadays, the world we live in is increasingly interconnected. The number of worldwide internet
users increased in every part of the world. Besides that, the numbers of flights of air transportation also
increase. This shows that the world is getting closer than ever. At the same time, the world faced major
problems regarding poverty, inequality, human rights violations and environmental destruction. These
global challenges cross national borders and become more serious from time to time. It concerns all of
us and without any corrective actions, the world will destruct further sooner or later. It is our responsibility
to take actions to solve these global issues. Moreover, increasing diversity in every area of life requires
a paradigm shift. We need to rethink the role and relevance of education that we practice now to ensure
a peaceful world, just and sustainable society. Therefore, GCED is UNESCO's response to the challenge
in maintaining peace and sustainability of the world. Global citizens are people who respect the values
of justice, equality and diversity and take an action to bring changes. We live in a borderless world of
information and we need a better place to stay in. It needs to start in the classroom especially for the
young people to prepare themselves to become global citizens. It is more than just preparing them for
academic success and to strive in the global job marketplace. We need to make sure they respect other
people's cultural values and identity, and acknowledge that all of us are connected and responsible for
the welfare of each other.

Keywords: Global Citizenship Education (GCED), Pollution, Source of Pollution.


GCED is a transformative initiative to promote “learning to live together”. It works by empowering learners
of all ages to understand and participate in active roles as promoters of more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive,
secure and sustainable societies. These roles are involved both locally and globally (UNESCO, 2013).
Learners will develop the combinations of attitude, skill and knowledge.
Two actions were listed out in order to achieve the GCED agenda (UNESCO, 2013). The first action was
the country-level implementation. At this level, curricula developments are one of the most urgent tasks.


This task was the process of implementing the globally accepted concepts into local contexts. It involved
transformative pedagogy to be implemented based on suitability of 21st century education. The process
of encouraging more students centered pedagogy, analyzing real life issues and respecting differences
and diversity.
The second action was sharing knowledge and experiences together based on the concept that practice
is further ahead than conceptual clarity. Since GCED was involved both locally and globally, voices of
diverse stakeholders from different regions, sectors and populations are paramount to ensure it achieves
the goal.

In other words, we need to change the education's contents, teacher knowledge and ability and
learning environment to achieve the goals of GCED. It will enable learners to:

i. Critically analyze the issues.
ii. Respect differences and diversity.
iii. Act collaboratively and responsibly to find solutions for global challenges.

The Education 2030 Agenda and Framework is the main guidelines to ensure inclusive and
equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all in order to educate people
to achieve GCED.

All United Nations members ordered to ensure that all learners are provided with the knowledge
and skills to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for
sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture
of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s
contribution to sustainable development (United Nations, 2015).

The key learning outcomes, learner attributes, topics and learning objectives suggested in GCED
are based on three domains of learning which are cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioral. The
domains are interlinked and integrated into the learning process that develops regarding GCED goals.



Environmental issues listed among the global issues that affected all the nations. Some nations
take it seriously but others may think there is another major issue as priority to be solved. The
environmental issue will involve a large amount of money that needs to be invested in order to settle the

The Blue & Green Journey (2018) in their article entitled “10 Major Current Environmental
Problems” listed pollution as the main problem. Pollution usually happens because of irresponsible
human attitudes. It was a global issue that needed fast action to be taken since it dragged on for a long
time without an effective solution that was caused by the name of development.

Iberdrola (2020) also stated pollution problems and their effect on health among the big global
environmental issues that need to be resolved by 2030. Air pollution and contaminated water are causing
major health problems and affecting millions of people on this planet. Besides that, society should
eliminate dumping, minimize the use of chemicals and treat more wastewater in order to minimize the

There are several types of pollution. National Geographic in their encyclopedia listed the main
three pollutants are air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. These pollutants will yield harmful
waste into the environment.

The bad thing is, pollution is produced from the technologies that are useful to humans in daily life.
For example, pollutants from car exhaust and burning coal to generate electricity will pollute the air. Then
the garbage from residences and industries can pollute the water and soil.

Therefore, it is undeniable that pollution is indeed inevitable but we must minimize the effect to
control the pollution. This action will need the contribution of all stakeholders to ensure success will be
achieved and the world is safe to live in for the future.



Soil is one of the most natural resources that supports the growth of plants by holding the root
firmly and supplying water and nutrients. Soils contain a variety of compounds which are naturally
present. These compounds are mainly formed through soil microbial activity and decomposition of
organisms. Good soil is necessary for agriculture and livestock to ensure that the food chain to humans
is not disrupted.

Most faced problem in environmental pollution is soil pollution. It will also contribute to water and
air pollution at the same time. Soil pollution will degrade the land caused by the presence of chemicals
alteration. The presence of all those things will risk human health and the ecosystem.


There are several causes of soil pollution. Ranieri et. al., (2016) listed industrial activity especially
in mining and manufacturing, agricultural activities in using chemical pesticides and fertilizers and large
amounts of waste disposal are the main cause of soil pollution. Meanwhile Mohan & Sajayan (2015)
claimed that deforestation and sewage as another cause of soil pollution.

Industrial activities are essential for development in the twenty-first century and without
development we will be left behind. The growth of the mining and manufacturing industry has created
various issues related to waste materials and land exploration for development purposes. This situation
has caused rainwater catchment areas to decrease.

In addition, agriculture is also needed to ensure the food chain supply is not disrupted. The
increase in population also led to an increase in food demands. The use of chemicals in pesticides and
fertilizers is necessary to ensure crops are not destroyed by pests and improve fertile production.
However, it has a detrimental effect on the soil and living things that consume the crop.


Large garbage dumpers also affect the soil. The increasing waste needs landfills and also leads
to air and water pollution. In addition, waste produced by residential and industrial waste also takes a
long time to dispose of. It will directly damage the soil. All these causes can be controlled if human beings
have the awareness and sense of responsibility in caring for the environment.


All the causes listed were manmade and due to lack of control or sense of responsibility to the
environment. It will be detrimental to humanity in the long run. Main effects of soil pollution are effect on
the health of humans, effect on growth of plants and decreased soil fertility (Ranieri et. al., 2016). Its
mean soil pollution can affect humans, plants and the soil itself.

Generally, humans can be exposed to contaminants found in the soil through absorption of plants
or animals grown on polluted soil that have accumulated large amounts of soil pollution. It will cause
disease on the scale of food poisoning to cause chronic health problems that cannot be cured easily.
Children that play on the ground are likely to be more exposed to contaminants.

The death of many soil organisms can lead to alteration in soil structure. Changes in soil condition
causing land to be unsuitable for agriculture because plants are unable to adapt when the soil chemical
contents changes.

The toxic chemicals present in the soil can decrease soil fertility and therefore affect the soil yield
negatively. The contaminated soil is then used to produce fruits and vegetables which lack quality
nutrients and may contain some poisonous substance which then causes serious health problems in
people consuming them.


This section will discuss two videos. The first video is on GCED meanwhile the second video is on
soil pollution. Table 1 stated the sources of both videos.


Table 1. Sources of selected videos

Video Title Publisher Sources

Conceptual Dimensions
1 GCED Youth Network
of GCED h?v=Bb6IfkMbYZU

Soil Pollution, a Hidden Food and Agriculture

2 Organization of the United
Reality h?v=wHcY-iFSYZM


The video entitled conceptual dimensions of GCED was published by GCED Youth Network in 2018 used
to demonstrate three key Conceptual Dimensions of GCED to the audience. Using the graphics or video
makes it better for youth to understand. This video explained the basic information of GCED’s conceptual


GCED aims to be transformative, building the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that learners
need to shape a more inclusive, just and peaceful world. Therefore, this video helps to make better
understanding in learning domains of GCED.

From this video, we notice that the cognitive concept is to acquire knowledge, understanding and
critical thinking about global, regional, national and local issues. Socio-emotional is a sense of belonging
for a common humanity sharing values and responsibilities, empathy, solidarity and respect for


differences and diversity. Behavioral skills are to act effectively and responsibly at local, national and
global level for a more peaceful and sustainable world.


The cognitive is an “idea”. It is about knowledge and thinking skills necessary to better understand
the world and its complexities. Sometimes the same problems will involve different solutions since it takes
geographical boundaries and culture into account.

While socio-emotional involves values, attitudes and social skills that enable learners to develop
effectively, psychosocially, and physically. It also enables them to live together with others respectfully
and peacefully. Socio-emotional is about “sense” on where learners should have in order to think globally
and act local and global at the same time.

Besides that, behavioral skills are conduct, performance, practical application and engagement for
better society. It prepares learners for the “change” that we should take in order to implement the GCED.
Changing will become the most difficult part because we have to do new things and leave the usual

These three learning domains demonstrate that GCED is a transformative education and very
important for the future of the young generation. Access to education is not enough and lessons need to
go beyond learning domains. It became the guideline for the teachers.


The video entitled Soil Pollution, a hidden reality was published by the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 2018. Video duration is 2 minutes and 19 seconds. Video
with good audio and video is better to watch. Purpose of this video is to spread knowledge and notify
people of the risk of soil pollution. This video also encourages people to fight soil pollution and become
the solution to soil pollution.



Soil pollution is a worldwide problem which degrades our soil, poisoning the food we eat, the water
we drink and the air we breathe. It can be invisible and seem far away but everyone is affected and
beneath our feet lurks a hidden danger.

Soil pollution will pose a serious risk to food security, human health and the environment. Most of
the pollutants originate from human activities such as unsustainable farming practices, industrial activities
and mining, untreated urban waste and other non-environment friendly practices.

As technology evolves, scientists are able to identify previously undetected pollutants but at the
same time these technological improvements lead to new contaminants being released into the
environment. The Sustainable Development Goal 2, 3, 12 and 15 have targets to commend direct
consideration of soil resources, especially soil pollution and degradation in relation to food security.


FAO, the specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger
takes an action to educate society about soil pollution. This action should create awareness among
people on the effect regarding this matter. Soil pollution is sometimes invisible as well as affecting us and
our earth slowly. It is also related to water pollution and air pollution. Therefore, it is capable of becoming
a silent killer to the human and time bomb to the earth.

Good practices must be implemented in agriculture, industrial, mining, garbage disposal and landfill
handling. Every single action towards good practices must start at home. Simple practice such as
recycling the waste, utilizing organic fertilizers and use of rainwater catchment is a brilliant move that we
can start from our home thru education to our children.

For a higher level, global authorities’ enforcement involvement regarding soil pollution is needed to
ensure a smooth process. The consensus achieved on the declaration on soil pollution during the third
session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 3) took place from 4-6 December 2017 in Nairobi Kenya
is the clear sign of global determination to tackle pollution and its courses (IISD, 2017). It is time to


uncover the threatening reality. Combating soil pollution requires society to join forces and turn words
into action.

Technology usually makes work easier but there are times when it does harm if left unchecked. The
improvements of technology need to be combined with regulations to preserve soil quality. It is important
for us to take the responsibility to ensure technology does not harm the soil and the earth we live on.


GCED aims to be transformative, building the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that learners
need to shape a more inclusive, just and peaceful world. Three key conceptual dimensions of GCED
aims to develop three main cores which are behavioral, socio-emotional and cognitive.

Cognitive is the part of the idea to acquire knowledge, understanding and critical thinking. It will be
issues beyond the geographical boundaries of global and regional as well as internal issues of national
or local. Meanwhile socio-emotional tackle the sense part of conceptual. It is a sense of belonging for a
common humanity sharing values and responsibilities, empathy, solidarity and respect due to differences
and diversity of the world. Behavioral was the key to change and to act effectively and responsibly at
within or beyond geographical boundaries levels in order to aim for a more peaceful and sustainable


The implementation of Three Key Conceptual Dimensions GCED to resolve soil pollution is a wise move.
We should think, share and act accordingly to solve the local issue with global ideas or solve the global
issue with local ideas.

Cognitive value appreciates humans to think as one. We can learn about global issues and
consider where we can help others. In this case, local’s idea may be suitable to solve the soil pollution at


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