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1 Sanjiwani English Grammar & Composition Book 10
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3 Sanjiwani English Grammar & Composition Book 10
1. The is used to denote unique the sky, the earth, the sun, the moon,
things. etc.
2. The is used to denote particular the boy, you met yesterday is my friend.
D person or thing.
E 3. The is used to denote persons or I met a boy. The boy is intelligent.
things mentioned again.
F 4. The is used to denote persons We sat in the garden. (of our house)
I or things understood from the
N 5. The is used with singular nouns to The rose is beautiful. (all roses)
I denote the whole class.
6. The is used to denote name of the the Nile, the Pacific Ocean, etc.
T rivers or seas.
E 7. The is used to denote proper noun Balakrishna Sama is the Shakespeare
used as common noun. of Neapl.
8. The is used to denote superlative the best, the tallest, etc.
A adjectives.
9. The is used to denote adjectives the rich, the needy, the poor, etc.
used as nouns
T 10. The is used to denote double the more they speak, the less they do,
comparatives. etc.
11. The is used to denote directions the east, the west, the north, the south.
C 12. The is used to denote Newspapers. The Kathmandu Express, The Himalayan
L Times, etc.
13. The is used to denote the names of the United States, The United
E some countries. Kingdom, etc.
14. The is used to denote historical the Taj Mahal, the Krishna Mandir,
buildings. etc.
T 15. The is used to denote historical The Renaissance, The Industrial
H events. Revolution, etc.
16. The is used to denote well known the Bible, the Quran, the Vedas, etc.
E books.
17. The is used to denote trains, ships the Victoria, the Tamilnadu Express
and aeroplanes. the Titanic, etc.
18. The is used to denote nationalities, the Nepalese, the Muslims, the
sects and communities. Gorkhas, etc.
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11 Sanjiwani English Grammar & Composition Book 10
P 1. A preposition comes before a noun Many people die of malaria every year.
R or pronoun it governs.
E 2. A preposition can be placed at a) To whom did you give his book?
P the beginning of a sentence. b) In which shop did you buy this pen?
O 3. Sometimes it is placed last for a) Our President is known all the world over.
gluing emphasis.
b) This they insist on.
S 4. There are many words a) Rani was here before eight.
I which can be used both as a
T preposition and as an adverb. b) Kumar has not done this sort of work
I 5. There are certain words which a) They refused to refuse his earnest request.
O always take the infinitive after b) We agree to disagree with you on these
N them. points.
Simple in, on, at, from, to, of, up, for, with, till, out, through, etc.
Compound between, beside, below, before, above, among, around, without, etc.
Phrase because of, in order to, in place of, in addition to, in the middle of, etc.
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13 Sanjiwani English Grammar & Composition Book 10
Prepositions used only Prepositions used for both Prepositions used only for
for Position/location position and direction movement/ direction
on over to
in/inside under from
at at into
on top of along onto
opposite near through
beside beneath away from
next to above towards
by behind across
in the middle (of) between
among by
in front of past
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big large great
man number success
house part majority
car area interest
boy room importance
dog company difficulty
smile eyes problem
problem family pleasure
surprise volume beauty
question population artist
difference problem surprise
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become get go turn
involved used to wrong blue
clear better right sour
accustomed worse bad bad
pregnant pregnant white red
extinct tired crazy cold
famous angry bald pale
ill dark blind stiff
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