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Simple Present
Positive statement Moona goes to Tikapur. (S+v / +O)
1 5
Interrogative Does Moona go to Tikapur? (Do/Does+S+v / +O?)
1 5
What does Moona do? (Wh-words+do/does+S+v ?)
Negative statement Moona does not go to Tikapur .(S+does/do+not+v +O)
Negative Interrogative Does Moona not go to Tikapur? (Do/Does+S+not+v +O?)
Simple Past
Positive statement (S+v +O) He wrote Munamadan.
Interrogative statement (Did+S+v +O?) Did he write Munamadan?
T Wh-words (Wh-word+did+S+v +O?) Why did Ram come here?
E Negative statement (S+did not+v +O) Santa did not write a letter.
Negative Interrogative Did+S+not+v +O?) Did Sangam not go home?
N Simple Future
S Positive statement She will call you (S+shall/will+ v +O)
Interrogative statement Will she call you? (Shall/ will +S+ v +O?)
E Wh-word How will they invite you? (Wh-word+will/shall+S+ v ..?)
Negative statement She won’t call you. (S+won’t/ Shan’t + v +O)
Negative Interrogative Will she not call you? Will/Shall+S+not+ v +.....?
Present Continuous Tense
Positive statement You are painting the S+is/am/are+v +O
Interrogative statement Are you painting the Are /is/am+S+v +O?
Wh-word Why are you painting Wh-word+is/am
the boxes? are+S+v +O?
Negative statement You are not painting the S+is/am/are+not+v +O
Negative Interrogative Are you not painting the Is/Are Am+S+not+v ....?
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Past Continuous Tense
Positive statement S+was/were+v +O Mohan was sending a menage.
Interrogative Was/were+S+v +O? Was Mohan sending a menage?
WH word Wh-word+was/were+S+v +O? When was he sending a message?
Negative statement S+was/were+not+v +O Mohan was not sending a message.
Negative Interrogative Was/Were+S+not+v +O? Was Mohan not sending a message?
Future Continuous Tense
Positive statement - She will be drawing a picture.
(S+will/shall+be+v +O)
Interrogative - Will she be drawing a picture?
(Will/shall +S+be+v +O?)
Who -words - When will she be drawing a picture?
(Wh-word+will/shall+S+be+v +O?)
T Negative - She won’t be drawing a picture.
E (S+will/shall+not+be+v +O)
Negative Interrogative - Will she not be drawing a picture?
N (Will+shall+S+not be+v +O?)
S Present Perfect Tense
Positive statement - Rupa Rasaili has seen you.
E S+has/have+v +O
Interrogative - Has Rupa Rasaili seen you?
Has/have+S+v +O?
Wh-word - When has Rupa Rasaili seen you?
Wh word+has/have+S+v +O?
Negative statement - Rupa Rasaili has not seen you.
S+has/have not +v +O
Negative Interrogative - Has Rupa Rasaili not seen you ?
Has/Have+S+not+v +O?
Past Perfect Tense
Dorje had opened the window. Positive statement S+had+v +O
Had Dorje opened the window? Interrogative Had +S++v +O?
Why had Dorje opened the window? Wh-word Wh-word+had+S+v +O..?
Dorje had not opened the window. Negative statement S+had not+v +O
Had Dorje not opened the window? Negative Interrogative Had+Sub+not+v +O?
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Future Perfect Tense
Positive statement - Mohmad will have finished it.
S+will/shall+have+v +O
Interrogative - Will Mohmad have finished it?
Will/shall+S+have+v +O?
Wh-word - When will Mohmad have finished it?
Wh-word+will/shall+S+have+v +O?
T Negative statement - Mohmad won’t have finished it.
E S+will/shall+not+v +O
Negative Interrogative - Will Mohmad not have finished it?
N Will/shall+S+not+have+v +O?
S Present Perfect Continuous Tense
E Positive statement - Peter has been singing a song.
S+has/have+been+v +O
Interrogative statement - Has Peter been singing a song?
Has/have +S+been+v +O?
Wh-Word - How long has Peter been singing a song?
Wh-words+has/have+S+been+v +O?
Negative statement - Peter has not been singing a song.
S+has/have+not+been+v +O
Negative Interrogative - Has Peter not been singing a song?
Has/have+S+not been+v +O?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Positive Statement - S+had been+v +O
T Husen had been making a plan.
E Interrogative Statement - Had+S+been+v +O?
N Had Husen been making a plan?
Wh-word - Wh-word+had+S+been+v +O
Why had Husen been making a plan?
E Negative Statement - S+had not+been+v +O
Husen had not been singing a song.
Negative Interrogative - Had+S+not been+v +O?
Had Husen not been singing a song?
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Future Perfect Continuous Tense
T Positive Statement - Buddha will have been drawing a picture.
E Interrogative Statement - S+will/shall+been+v +O
Will Buddha have been drawing a picture?
N Will/ Shall+S+have been+v +O?
Wh-word - When will you have been drawing a picture?
S Wh-word+shall/will+S+have been+v +O?
E Negative - Buddha won’t have been drawing a picture.
S+will/shall+not have been+v +O
Will Buddha not have been drawing a picture?
Interrogative Negative - Will/shall+S+not+have been+v +O?
In a single sentence, we might have to use different tenses depending upon the
meaning we want to convey. The table below shows the combination of possible
tenses in a sentence.
1 If the verb in the principal clause
is in the present or future tense, the a) We know how you behave.
verb in the subordinate clause can be b) We know how you behaved.
in any tense, present, past or future- c) We know how you will behave.
according to the sense to be conveyed
2 If the verb in the principal clause is in the a) We knew that Rani was a clever girl.
past tense, the verb in the subordinate b) They promised that they would help us.
clause must be in one of the past tenses. c) Nobody told what had happened.
3 If the two actions happened one after a) We had seen many cities before we
the other in the past, the simple past is returned from America.
used in one clause and the past perfect b) When we reached the station, the
in the other. train had already left.
4 When the two actions took place in
the past at the same time, or if one
caused the other, simple past tense is When the cat came, the rat left.
used for both the actions.
5 We should use past continuous tense
for the action that was in progress, and
simple past tense for the action which We were reading when he came.
took place in between. But if both the
action were in progress parallelly, we
use past noncontinuous for both. While I was singing, they were dancing.
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6 a) My teacher told me the earth moves
If the verb in the principal clause round the sun.
is in the present or future tense, the b) She will tell me the sun rises in the
verb in the subordinate clause can be east.
in any tense present, past or future -
according to the sense to be conveyed. c) He has told us that honesty is the best
7 When the subordinate clause is a) Rani liked Kumar more than she likes
introduced by the word 'than', the Ram.
verb in the subordinate clause may
be in any tense, even if the verb in the b) She helped us more than she helps her
principal clause is in the past tense. own children.
8 If the subordinate clause is an adverb a) A river flowed where there is a village
clause expressing a place or person, now.
the verb used therein may be in any
tense, even if there is past tense in the b) A palace stood where we find a garden
principal clause. now.
9 If the subordinate clause is an adjective a) We met a boy who works hard.
clause, the verb used therein may be b) They met a girl who worked hard.
in any tense, even if the verb in the c) She met a boy who will work hard.
principal clause is in the past tense.
10 If the subordinate clause is introduced a) Work hard, lest you should fail.
by the conjunction 'lest', the b) The thief ran away lest he should be
word 'should' always follows lest, caught.
irrespective of the tense of the verb in c) They walked carefully lest they should
the principal clause. fall.
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P He He He He
R She takes She She She has been taking
E It It It It
I am taking I I
We We We
N are taking have been taking
You You You
They They They
P He was
A She taking
S took It taken had been working
T We
You were
shall Shall/ shall/ shall/
/will will be will have will have
work working worked worked
will will have shall have
work worked worked
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It is used to indicate a Azhar drinks tea every morning. He gets up
habitual action. every day at 4 o'clock.
It is used to indicate the The sun rises in the east. Honey is sweet.
universal truth. Fortune favours the brave.
It is used to indicate
P 3 a vivid narration. Mahesh now rushes forward and hits a heavy
blow to Azhar.
R (running commentary)
E 4 It is used to indicate a The next flight is at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. The
match starts at 1 o'clock
fixed programme.
S It is used to indicate
E 5 an introduction of Keats says, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."
N It is used instead of
T the present continuous He sees the wall. (He is seeing the wall. ×)
tense to express an She hears the sound. (She is hearing the sound. ×)
action of perception
7 It smells sweet. (It is smelling sweet. ×)
S with 'see', 'hear', 'smell', It seems to be good. (It is seeming to be good. ×)
I 'recognise', 'notice', He looks sad. (He is looking sad. ×)
'appear', 'look', 'feel',
M taste, seem, etc.
P It is used instead of He feels good. (He is feeling good. ×)
She likes them. (She is liking them. ×)
L the present continuous Ram loves Sita. (Ram is loving Sita. ×)
tense to express an
E 8 action of emotion with They hate him. (They are hating him. ×)
'feel', 'like' 'love', 'hate', He wants food. (He is wanting food. ×)
He hopes to reach there. (He is hoping to reach
'want', 'wish', 'hope', etc.
there. ×)
It is used instead of She possesses them. (She is possessing them. ×)
the present continuous He belongs to our school. (He is belonging to
tense to express an our school. ×)
9 action of possession It contains everything. (It is containing
with 'possess', 'belong everything. ×)
to', 'contain', 'consist of', It consists of many things. (It is consisting of
etc. many things. ×)
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He thinks good. (He is thinking good. ×)
It is used instead of She minds it. (She is minding it. ×)
the present continuous They mean that. (They are meaning that. ×)
tense to express an We understand them. (We are understanding them. ×)
action of thinking with
10 Sita knows Ram's address. (Sita is knowing Ram's
'think', 'mind', 'mean', address. ×)
'understand', 'know', Ram remembers Kumar. (Ra is remembering Kumar. ×)
'remember', 'forget', She forgets them. (She is forgetting them. ×)
believe', etc .
We believe them. (We are believing them. ×)
Present continuous tense is used Rani is singing (now). The boys
1 to indicate an action at the time of are playing football.
We are reading 'Wordsworth' .
Present continuous tense is used
2 (but I am not reading at this
PRESENT to indicate a temporary action.
I am going to the temple tonight
Present continuous tense is used to
3 and our teacher is arriving
indicate fixed future programmes.
Present continuous tense is used Their dog is very silly; he is
to indicate a persistent habit. always running out on the road.
Present perfect tense is used
1 to indicate an action in the They have just gone out. It has
immediate past. just struck eight.
Present perfect tense is used to Have you read Milton's Paradise
2 indicate a past action without
PRESENT time reference. lost'? Pema has been to the U.K.
TENSES Present perfect tense is used to You have eaten all the biscuits.
3 indicate a past action with present I have cut my finger.
Present perfect tense is used
4 to indicate a past action with I know him for a long time. He
continuation up to now. has been ill since last month.
Present perfect continuous tense He has been sleeping for five
1 is used to indicate an action which hours. They have been building
PRESENT is still continuing. the bridge for several months.
CONTINUOUS Present perfect continuous tense He has been watering the plants
2 is used to indicate a completed
action.(verbs of static nature) and so his clothes have got wet.
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Simple past tense is used to One of my friends met me
1 indicate an action in the past with yesterday. They left the college
SIMPLE time reference. last year.
PAST Simple past tense is used to We learnt Newari in Lalitpur.
2 indicate a past action without She didn't eat well.
time reference.
Past continuous tense is used My friends came in while I was
1 to indicate an action which was writing.
continuing in the past.
CONTINUOUS Past continuous tense is used to
2 They were always grumbling.
indicate a past persistent habit.
Past perfect tense is used to
indicate an action completed We had met her in Ilam before
PAST before a certain moment in the 2005 A.D
Past perfect tense is used to
2 indicate an action of the remote When we reached the station,
past. the train had left.
Past perfect continuous tense is
PAST used to indicate an action that
PERFECT had begun before a certain point At that time they had been
in the past and continued up to constructing the building
that time.
She will be forty years old on
the next Monday.
Simple future tense is used to It will be Ramzan in a week.
indicate a future action. They will know their
examination result in the
month of May.
FUTURE I think Nepal will win the match.
Simple future tense is used to
2 I am sure Mahesh will get
indicate an action of belief.
Simple future tense is used to It is raining. We will take an
indicate an action of decision. umbrella.
Future continuous tense is used to They will be writing the paper
1 indicate an action which will be in when we get there.
progress at a future time.
CONTINUOUS Gaurab will be staying here till
2 It is also used to indicate future Wednesday. We will be meeting
fixed programme.
him tomorrow.
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FUTURE Future perfect tense is used to They will have returned home
indicate an action that will be
PERFECT completed by a certain future time. by next week.
Future perfect continuous tense is
used to indicate an action which I'll have been teaching for five
PERFECT will be in progress over a period years next year.
of time that will end in the future.
Adverbs of time Tenses
1. always/never frequently often/ generally/
seldom/often usually/ rarely/ sometimes/
occasionally/ every day/ every.......... time Simple Present Tense
/nowadays, etc
2. now, at present, at the moment, etc. Present Continuous
Present/Past Prefects and Prefect
3. ever, never, already, just, yet, since, for, etc.
Continuous Tenses
4. Ago, before, past times yesterday, in 2005 Simple Past Tense
5. In two days (in+future time period)
before+future time, by+future time Future Perfect Tense
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That is:
Direct speech Indirect speech
Present (v /vs) go, goes past ( v ) went
is, am , are + ing was/ were +ing
is/are/am reading was/were/ reading
have/has + v 3 had + v 3
has/have written had written
has/have been +ing had been + ing
has/have been asking had been asking
past( v ) found past perfect ( had + v ) had found
was/were +ing had been + ing
was/were running had been running
will,can, may,etc. would, could, might ,etc
will/can/may run would/could/might run
Remember, We change the tense as above only when the reporting verb is in the
past tense.
Do not change the tense if the thing said is still the same. (truth)
Person change, The third person (he, she, they, her, etc.) remain unchanged. The other
persons are changed considering who the speaker or listener is.
e.g. Direct: Mohan said to me, “I’ll give you my pen.”
Reported, Mohan told me that he (I Mohan, who is ‘he’ for the reporter) would give
me (you me, the reporter) his (my Mohan’s that is ‘his’ for the reporter)pen.
Adverbials Change, While changing adverbials, we have to give an impression that the
event happened far away in time and place.
Direct Indirect
now then
today that day
tomorrow the following day the day before
yesterday the previous day
last night/ month the previous night/month
next morning/month the following morning/month
here there
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Type Condition If clause Main clause
Universal Truth/ 1 5 Simple present
0 Scientific facts Simple present (S+v /v +obj.) (S+v /v +obj.)
If you boil water,
(automatic reaction) it changes into vapour.
S+shall/will/may/can/must+v 1
Simple present
1 Cause/s and effects (S+v /v +obj.) you will go.
Imperative sentence
If Mohan calls you,
please meet him.
Imaginary but Simple past (S+v +obj.) S+would/could/should/night+v
possible If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.
Part perfect (S+had+v +obj.)
3 Impossible could+have+v 3
If people had called them,
they could have informed you.
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