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Published by Oasis Publication, 2021-07-04 03:50:34

wonder English 6

wonder English 6

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


Uday Sharma

Yuba Raj Subedi
Ishwori Pandey
Dipendra Rijal

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Published by:
Oasis Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Anamnagar, Kathmandu
Tel.: 01-4313205

First - 2078


Ratna Sagar Shrestha

Layout and Design:
Oasis Desktop

Printed in Nepal

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


Why is literature important? Why should educators, parents and community
members help students develop love and passion for reading?

Giving children access to all genres of literature is extremely important for a
number of reasons. It not only helps in developing cognitive skills but also
exposes children to the wisdom of the ages. It gives students appreciation
about their own cultural heritage as well as those of others.

It fosters emotional intelligence and creativity. It nurtures growth and
development of the student’s personality and social skills. It makes the
students think about, analyse, appreciate, learn from and respond to various
underlying themes and messages of literature.

Wonder is a truly wonderful literature course, with texts gleaned from a variety
of genres and supplemented with engaging activities. As the students begin
reading the texts, they can no more afford to remain passive readers. They
are constantly questioned and asked to respond. Quality literature does not
tell the reader everything he or she needs to know. Rather, it allows for some
difference in opinion. One reader may take something completely different
away from a piece of literature than the next reader, based on the two personal
viewpoints and experiences. Students learn to evaluate and analyse literature,
and in the process, they develop as independent thinkers who can form and
express opinions with clarity.

Through this series, we have attempted to foster the culture of reading. Well-
read children of today will certainly go on to build a more cohesive society

We would be delighted to receive your feedback. We pledge to assist all those
involved in the teaching and learning of this series. Do use the resource
materials that are provided free and also feel free to contact us.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


1. Socrates 9
2. Echo and Narcissus 22
3. Dusk 35
4. Holi Festival 49
5. Shaping Future 58
6. Sports 74
7. Ecology and Environment 91
8. Mahatma Gandhi 102
9. Pathivara 117
10. Tours and Travels 127
11. Internet Safety 137
12. A Letter of Apology 154
13. Treasure Island 164
14. Market 180
15. In the Year 2525 189
16. Upamanyu's Exam 201
17. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 211
18. Charts, Bars and Diagrams 225
Listening Script 234

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

1 Socrates

Listen and sing

Listen to the song and fill in the gaps. Then, sing along.

She hosts a T.V. show--she rides the rodeo

She plays the bass in a band

She's an (1)___________________

A valet at the parking lot 1. mother
A (2)___________________ working the land 2. ballerina
She is a champion--she gets the gold 3. journalist
She's a (3)__________________, the star of the show 4. soldier
[Chorus:] 5. astronaut
She's--not--just a pretty face 6. farmer
She's--got--everything it takes 7. novelist
She has a fashion line-- 8. surgeon
A (4)___________________for "Time"

Coaches a football team

She's a geologist, a romance (5)_____________

She is a mother of three

She is a (6)___________________, she is a wife

She is a (7)_______________, she'll save your life

[Chorus:] She's--not--just a pretty face

She's--got--everything it takes

She's-- (8)______________--of the human race

She's--not--just a pretty face

Oh, oh, yeah

-by Shania Twain (born in 1965)

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 9

Shania Twain is a famous Canadian songwriter and a singer. This is a part of
a song she has composed. She says a woman can be anything, she is not just a
pretty face. You can find this song on YouTube:

Observing and discussing

1. Who are these people? What do they do?

2. Now work in pairs and talk about the given pictures.

10 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


A biography tells us about a person’s life. The subjects of biography are
usually people who were famous or who led exemplary lives, such as
national leaders, artists, sports figures, writers, or explorers. Here, you
are going to read about a great philosopher from ancient Greece.

Before you proceed
a. Can you name some famous people from the ancient Greek history?
b. Can you imagine a teacher who has not written a single word in his life?

New words - a bEoaokrtohr oothnerthpieecme oof vweriting based on the
writer’s personal knowledge of famous peo-

ple, places or events
fundamental - forming the base, from which everything else
develops; more important than anything else
emphasis - particular importance or attention that you
give to something
conscious - to notice that a particular thing or person
exists or is present
noble - belonging to a high social rank in a society,
especially by birth
accuse - to say that someone has done something
morally wrong, illegal or unkind
dignity - calm, serious and controlled behaviour that
makes people respect you
influence - the power to have an effect on people or
things, or a person or thing that is able to do
epistemology - the part of philosophy that is about the
study of how we know things
hemlock - a type of poison

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 11


“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates

Socrates (sock-rut-teez) was a famous
philosopher in ancient Greece. He was
one of the most powerful thinkers in
history. Socrates married Xanthippe.
They had three sons—Lamprocles,
Sophroniscus and Menexenus.
Socrates himself left no writings, and
most of our knowledge of him and his
teachings comes from the dialogues of
his most famous pupil, Plato, and from
the memoirs of Xenophon, a Greek

What was Socrates famous for?

Socrates was born in Athens in the year 469 BC. Socrates lived in the
Greek city of Athens. His father, Sophroniskus, was a sculptor. He had
the usual education of the Athenian citizen which included knowledge
of the mother tongue, readings of the Greek poets and also the elements
of arithmetic, geometry and astronomy as then known.

Socrates grew up to become a stone-cutter. Then he became an infantry
soldier in the Athenian army. He fought in several major battles in the
Peloponnesian War, in one case saving the life of Alcibiades, who was
later one of the leaders of the Athens military.

When he grew older, he came to hate money and what it did to people.
He spent most of his time in the agora, or marketplace, discussing all sorts
of things. The thing he liked to do most was to ask people fundamental
questions, like “What is justice?” or “What is truth?” Socrates also taught
his students to think for themselves.

Socrates asked people a lot of questions and these questions were
designed in such a way that people were compelled to think deeply to
get the answers. In this way, Socrates helped people get to the depth of
reality. This method of question and answer is called the Socratic Method,
which states that if you have any problem, break it down to a series of

12 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

questions and you will find your required answer in those responses.
The Socratic Method helped students to think clearly and question their
currently accepted way of thinking. This method is described in Plato’s
‘Socratic Dialogues’.

He considered it as a duty to
cross-question men of all degrees,
to make them conscious of their
ignorance and lead them in the
way of becoming wise. He wanted
his students to question things.
“Is our government good? If gods
exist, where do they live?” were
some of such questions.

Socrates believed that one must concentrate more on self development
than on material things. He encouraged people to develop friendship
and love amongst themselves.

What did Socrates emphasise?

Socrates brought down philosophy from the heavens to the earth. He
simplified philosophy. The previous philosophies consisted of vast and
unclear guesses on nature as a whole, blending together Astronomy,
Geometry, Physics, Metaphysics, etc. Socrates added topics such as
ethics, politics and epistemology to philosophy. This earned him the
crown as the father of political and moral philosophy.

He had no particular beliefs in politics. But he did not like how Athens
was being ruled at the time. He openly spoke about what he disliked.
This angered some of the wealthy nobles in ancient Athens, not many,
but a few. They accused Socrates of not worshipping the gods whom
the city worshipped and corrupting the youth of the country. The
penalty was death by drinking poison. He passed the last day of his
life in conversation with his friends on the immortality of the soul. He
then drank the hemlock and passed away with dignity and calmness. He
died in 399 BC.

Socrates is known as one of the most important philosophers in history.
He is often described as the father of Western philosophy. He did not
start Western philosophy, but he had a big influence on it.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 13

Word power

1. In the word grid given below, find the names of at least five


2. Make a sentence using each of the given words.

a. nature b. emphasis

c. dignity d. influence

e. concentrate

Comprehension activities

1. State whether the following statements are true or false and
correct the false statements.

a. Sophroniskus, father of Socrates, was a painter.

b. Socrates was an infantry soldier in the Roman army.

c. The Socratic Method is described in Plato’s ‘Socratic Dilogues’.

d. Socrates complicated philosophy.

e. Socrates drank the poison and passed away in 399 BC.

2. Complete the following sentences.
a. We know much about Socrates from the dialogues of ..................
and................... of Xenophon.

b. Politically, Socrates opposed the way Athens was ........................

c. On the last day of his life, Socrates discussed with his friends
about .................................... .

d. The first career that he chose might be influence of ........................

14 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

3. Answer the following questions.
a. When and where was Socrates born?
b. What did Socrates do in the marketplace?
c. How did Socratic Method help students?
d. Why was Socrates sentenced to death?
e. Why is Socrates called the father of Western philosophy?
f. Why did Socrates want his students to question things?


Write a biography of Pasang Lhamu Sherpa using the given outline.

Personal information

Vocation - Mountaineering

Born - 10 December 1961( 2018
Mangsir 28) Lukla,
Solukhumbu district of Nepal

Died - 22 April 1993 (age 32) Mount
Everest, Nepal

Nationality - Nepali

Starting age - 15 years
Starting job - Mountaineer/Sherpa
Notable ascents - First Nepalese female ascent of Mount Everest

Awards and Decorations
- "Nepal Tara (Star)" by the then King
- Youth Excellence Award -1994
- Jasamba Himal (7,315 m) in the Mahalangur Range named after her
- Kathmandu- Rasuwagadhi highway named after her
- A species of wheat named after her

Spouse - Lhakpa Sonam Sherpa

Children - 2 daughters (Dawa-Phuti and Dikki) & 1 son (Namgyal Sherpa)

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 15


1. Form groups of three each and act out the following conversation.
Raj : Hi. My name is Raj.

Karma : Hello, Raj. I'm Kar-

Raj : Oh, hi, Shyam.
How are you?

Shyam : I’m fine, thanks.
How about you?

Raj : I’m OK. Karma,
this is my friend,

Karma : Hello, Shyam.

Shyam : Hi!

Karma : Nice to meet you.

Shyam : Nice to meet you, too.

2. Play an introduction game.

Write the name of a famous
person on a piece of paper.
Also write his or her job.
Then, let your teacher
collect all of them. Again
randomly draw the paper
and get your new name and
job. Now sit in pairs and
introduce each other. Then,
go in front of the class and
introduce your partner.

16 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


1. Look at the picture and guess. Then, listen and check.
a. Who are they?

b. Why are they there?

c. Do you think they knew each or they
are meeting for the first time?

2. Listen to the audio and choose the best answer.
a. Sumi and __________talking to each other.

Manoj Rajiv Raju

b. Sumi lives near __________.

the park the school the bus station

c. They are there __________.

for a test to attend classes to see teachers

d. Rajiv's father has a __________.

pet shop vet shop job of teaching

3. Listen to the audio and write true or false.
a. Sumi is seeking admission in grade seven.

b. Both of them live in Nayabazaar now.

c. Sumi has seen Rajiv's father before.

d. Sumi's father is an author as well.

e. Rajiv's father has a shop near the bus station.

4. Now write about Rajiv and Sumi based on the dialogue. Then
listen and check how much you could remember.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 17


1. Look and learn the use of is/ am/ are.

I am (not) a student.

You/ We/ They are (not) students.
Runa and Muna

He/ She/ It

Sangita is (not) a student.


2. Complete the statements with is/am or are.
Krish: Excuse me. _______ this seat taken?

Juna: No, go ahead and sit

Krish: Thanks. My name _______
Krish, by the way. What
_______ yours?

Juna: Oh, hi! Nice to meet you. I
_______ Juna.

Krish: Where _______ you from,

Juna: I _______ from Lamjung.
I _______ going to my maternal uncle's home in
Kathmandu. And you?

Krish: I _______ from Ilam. But I study in Kathmandu.

Juna: Who _______ you here with?

Krish: We _______ here in Chitwan to take part in a
competition. My friends and teachers _______ sitting on
the back seats. I came here on seeing this vacant seat.

Juna: That _______ great! What competition was it?

Krish: It was an Art Competition.

Juna: Really? I also love art. I _______ good at drawing and
colouring. These _______ some snaps of my paintings.

Krish: Great! Nice to meet an artist friend!

18 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

3. Insert the correct form of 'be' in the given sentences.
a. Meena and Tanuj ___________ good friends. They play together.
b. Kushal ___________a player. He plays cricket.
c. He ___________the only child of his parents.
d. The goats ___________in the sun. They enjoy sitting in the sun
in winter.
e. My notebooks ___________clean and well managed.
f. I ___________a diehard fan of Sandeep Lamichhane. I love his
g. Kathmandu ___________the capital of Nepal.
h. London and Kolkata ___________bigger than Kathmandu.
i. Many teachers follow the Socratic method of questioning. He
___________still popular among scholars.
j. Fish ___________swimming in the clean water. Don't disturb



We are pleased to announce that one of the brilliant students of
our school Mrs Supriya Lama has won the Bagmati Province Level
Essay Writing Competition organised by XYZ School on the title,
'Students' Role in Saving Environment' on 10 May 2021. She has
received NRs. 5,000 with a gold medal.

Congratulations, Supriya, on your great achievement!

ABC School


Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 19

Comprehension activities

1. Answer the following questions.
a. Who is the winner of the competition?
b. Which school does she go to?
c. Who has made the announcement?
d. How much money has she won?

2. From the text, find the words which mean the following.

a. something that you say when you want to congratulate someone

b. to state or make known, especially publicly _____________

c. extremely clever or skilled _____________

d. got or was given something _____________

e. a small metal disc, with words or a picture on it, which is given
as a reward for a brave action, for winning in a competition

f. something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in
doing _____________

g. the person in charge of a school or college for children aged
between approximately 11 and 18 _____________


1. Play and write.

Play a spelling bee in the class. The
teacher will ask you to spell words.
Those who misspell the word or cannot
answer will be out of the game. Then
the challenge goes to the remaining
students turn by turn. The student
giving correct answers until everyone
else is out is the winner of the contest.
Write a message of congratulation to
the winner.

20 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

2. Edit the given text using correct capital letters and using correct
form of 'be'.

Rishav are a student in grade Six. he lives in pokhara. he loves
playing Cricket. on sundays he goes to practise cricket in pokhara
stadium. his friends is also cricket lovers.

he is a good student. He loves reading novels. Recently he are
reading harry pottor series.

Project work

Take help of your parents and help your teacher to develop a student

___________________ School

_______________, Nepal

P.O.B: 2134,
Grade applied for: _______
Students's details:

Date of birth: Gender(Tick): M F

Father's name:

Occupation: Tel:

Mother's name:

Occupation: Tel:

Guardian's Name:

Occupation: Tel:

Current Address:

Permanent Address:
(If different)

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 21

2 Echo and
Listen and sing

Is it alright?
Would it be okay?
If I tell you
What I need to say?

Would you not mind
Oh my friend
If I take your time
And make a rhyme?

Can I use your book?
Can I have a look?
Of course you can!
You can look every nook!

Observing and discussing

1. What's wrong here? Look and discuss.

Is it okay to do what they have been doing? Are they thinking about
others? Are they thinking about themselves?

22 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


Myths are stories about a distant past. They attempt to explain the
beginning of the world, natural phenomena, the relationship between
the gods and humans, and the origins of civilisations. Actually, these
stories functioned like science in the ancient world. You are reading one
here. They sometimes have a moral lesson as well.

Before you proceed
a. Do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?
b. Is it good to stare at the mirror for too long?

New words

nymphs - goddesses in the form of young women living in the forest

gaze - to look at something for a long time

Echo and Narcissus

Echo played in the forests, entertaining other nymphs with her stories
and songs. Her voice was never silent. One day, the goddess Juno
came into the forest looking for her husband, Jupiter. Echo stopped the
goddess and began telling stories. She wouldn’t stop talking. "May I
tell you next story?" she said and started outright without waiting for
the answer. She followed wherever Juno went, telling her about all the
nymphs in the forest. Juno told her, "You may not follow me. I can't
listen to your stories." But Echo did not stop.

How did echo entertain the nymphs?

Finally, Juno became so angry with the gossiping nymph that she took
away the nymph’s voice. “You will never again have the first word,” the
goddess said. “You will only be able to repeat the last words of those
who speak to you.”

Echo hid in caves near the mountains she had once loved to climb. She
was ashamed to meet her friends and not be able to greet them. When
the other nymphs called her, she called back, repeating the last words
they had said.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 23

One day, Narcissus,
a handsome youth,
stopped to rest in the
shade of a giant rock.
Echo, who was hiding
in a nearby cave, gazed
upon the godlike young
man and fell in love
with him. But since
Juno had taken away
her first words, she had
to wait for him to speak.
She left the cave and sat
down beside the young
man. In heart she said,
"May I be with you here?"
But she could not give
the words.

Narcissus, who felt
he was better than all
others, frowned at Echo. “Why are you here?” he asked.

“Here,” repeated Echo.

“I wish you would go away!” Narcissus said.

“Away,” repeated Echo. She hid behind a tree and watched Narcissus.

Narcissus walked to a nearby pond to get a drink. When he bent down,
he saw a beautiful face staring back at him. Narcissus smiled, and the
face smiled at him. He tried to touch the face, but it disappeared under
the water. Narcissus waited until the water was calm, and then looked
again. The face was there once more.

Why did Narcissus go to the pond?

“I can see you care for me just as I care for you,” said Narcissus to the
face in the water. “When I smile, you return my smile. Could you let me
touch you? Would you mind coming out of the water? Or will I have

24 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

to be content to stay here and gaze at your face? My heart is filled with
love for you.”

“Love for you,” Echo repeated sadly, but Narcissus didn’t seem to hear

He just gazed at his own reflection in the pond. Narcissus had fallen in
love with himself.

Narcissus was so much in love that he forgot to eat and drink. He grew
pale and became ill. Even so, he didn’t leave the face in the pond. Finally
he died, and there, by the pond, a beautiful purple and white flower
grew. The gods called the flower narcissus in memory of the youth who
loved only himself.

Echo mourned the handsome Narcissus. She died of grief, unable to tell
anyone about her love. Her voice is still heard repeating the last words
she hears.

Word power

1. Do you know the meaning of the words ‘echo’ and ‘narcissism’?
Try to guess their meaning. Check your guesswork in a dictionary.

a. Words of the song will echo through the halls when the choir
sings. Here echo means ____________________________________

b. The psychologist said that the patient suffered from narcissism.
Here narcissism means _________________________________________

2. Matchthesynonyms. • embarrassed
a. mourned • image
b. ashamed • satisfied
c. reflection • lamented
d. frowned • scowled
e. content

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 25

Comprehension activities

1. Fill in the blanks.
a. When Narcissus tried to touch his face on the water, it ...................

b. Narcissus adored himself so much that he forgot to ................
and ...................

c. A beautiful ........................... grew by the pond after Narcissus’s

d. We can still hear ....................’s voice repeating the last words.
e. Echo died of ...................... because she could not tell anyone

about her .................. for Narcissus.

2. Answer the following questions.
a. Why did goddess Juno come to the forest?
b. Why was Juno angry with Echo?
c. Why was Echo ashamed of meeting her friends?
d. Who did Narcissus fall in love with?
e. How did Narcissus die?
f. Is the story of Echo and Narcissus comic or tragic? Why?
g. Is it good to be too proud? Justify your answer in light of the
story of Narcissus.
h. What elements of myths can you find in the story of Echo and


1. If the story of ‘Echo and Narcissus’ was told by Echo, it would be
different from what we have read. Here is the story from Echo’s
point of view.

I am Echo. I was very expressive. I could talk for hours. But, one day, I
was just passing by and Goddess Juno appeared. She asked if I had seen
her husband, Jupiter. I naturally began to talk on and on. This made Juno
angry and she cursed me. She said that I could repeat only the last words

26 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

spoken by others and that I would never have the first word again. I had
no option. I swallowed the curse silently.

A few days later, I saw a handsome boy. I instantly fell in love with him. I
followed him everywhere. Nevertheless, I never could understand him. He
was completely heedless to me.

One day, this handsome boy, whose name was Narcissus, was in deep
forest. He had apparently lost his way and he shouted for help. Although
I was following him, I could not help him because I could only repeat his
last words. I came in front of him and confessed my love. He did not listen
to me. He left me heartbroken there. Then the gods became angry with him
and decided to punish him for his pride.

He was hunting in a jungle. He felt thirsty and went to a spring (source
of water) and bent to drink water. He saw his reflection in the water. To
speak the truth, only I knew the beauty of his face. When he saw his face,
he also fell in love with it. He wanted to touch the face that he saw in the
water. Narcissus forgot everything: food, drink, and sleep. Then the gods
pitied on him and turned him into a flower that blooms in the pond. He
lives there bowing his head down and I live in the mountain only to repeat
the last word spoken by others. This is my sad story.

Now write the story from Narcissus’s point of view.


Asking for permission Giving permission Refusing permission

Can I go out, please? Yes, please do . I'm sorry, but that's
not possible.
Could I have a look at your Sure, go ahead.
I'm afraid, but you
note, please? Sure! can't.

May I open the window No problem. I'm sorry.
Please feel free.
Is it okay if I use your pen?

Would it be alright if I
borrowed your ruler?

Has anyone asked for permission in the story? Can you pick the

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 27

1. Act it out in pairs.
At home
Jeena : Please mum, may I use
the computer?

Mother : No dear, you may not.
It’s time to go to bed.

Jeena : Then, may I read a story
on your phone before I
go to bed?

Mother : Sure! But try to sleep early.

Jeena : Thanks a lot, mum.

2. Look at the table below. Use the ideas and ask for permission.
Then respond to the requests.

Asking for permission Giving permission/

May I go home early No problem.
today? Please, feel free.
Yes, you may.
Can I come in? Sure. Of course.
Please, can I use your Why not? Go ahead.

Please, may I sit here? Refusing permission

Will it be break your ruler? No, please don’t.
alright if go to the toilet? I’m sorry, but that’s not
Is it OK if I borrow your possible.
ruler? I’m afraid, you can’t.

3. Read the given rules. Then sit in pairs and talk. Trying asking
and granting or refusing permission.

28 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Library Rules Shree Ganesh Temple

L Listen to the librarian and your Rules for Visitors

teacher. 1 Please put off your footwear.

I Inquire if you have confusion.

B Be respectful of others, your 2 Eating or chewing anything
and smoking here is prohibited.
teacher and librarian.

R Read- if you talk to others use 3 Please walk gently without
disturbing other devotees.
library whisper.

A Always walk. Never run. 4 Do not show your back to idols
while taking photos.
R Return books and other items
You shall not enter the last
to their proper places. 5 chamber of the temple.

Your trip to the library should -Temple Management Committee
Y be rewarding. If you find inter-

esting things, take note of them.


1. Look and discuss.

a. Who are these people?

b. Where are they?

c. Why do you think they are

d. What rules do you think
they need to follow while in
this place?

2. Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks.
a. They are students of grade _____________.

b. They are in a ___________________.

c. They are learning about how to find the volume of an

d. This is the ___________ time they have been here.

e. The lab manager explained the rules ___________ they carried
out the experiment.

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3. Listen to audio and write true or false.
a. The students can visit the lab even during the break. _______

b. The students can move the specimens and keep them back

again. _______

c. The students are allowed to touch the bottles of acid in

teachers' supervision. _______

d. The students should clean the table after completing the

experiment. _______

e. The students clean the table with their bare hands. _______

f. The lab will be locked after four o'clock. _______


The Akond of Swat

-Edward Lear

The British poet and painter known for his
absurd wit, Edward Lear was born on 12 May
1812. He began his career as an artist at age 15.
His father, a stockbroker of Danish origin, was
sent to debtor's prison when Lear was thirteen
and young Lear was forced to earn a living.

The following lines are extracts of a longer poem.
The poem looks silly with some silly questions.

Who, or why, or which, or what,
Is the Akond of SWAT?

30 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Is he tall or short, or dark or fair?

Does he sit on a stool or a sofa or a chair, or SQUAT,

The Akond of Swat?

Is he wise or foolish, young or old?

Does he drink his soup and his coffee cold, or HOT,

The Akond of Swat?

Does he sing or whistle, jabber or talk,

And when riding abroad does he gallop or walk or TROT,

The Akond of Swat?

Does he wear a turban, a fez, or a hat?

Does he sleep on a mattress, a bed, or a mat, or COT,

The Akond of Swat?

When he writes a copy in round-hand size,

Does he cross his T's and finish his I's with a DOT,

The Akond of Swat?

Can he write a letter concisely clear

Without a speck or a smudge or smear or BLOT,

The Akond of Swat?

Some one, or nobody, knows I wot

Who or which or why or what Is the Akond of Swat!

More about the poem

The actual poem is longer than it is here. This poem is said to have
been written by Lear when he was in India in the year 1873. Actually,
Lear wrote this poem as a reply to the question 'Who is Akond of
Swat?' It was a part of a letter. Lear and his friends had read a story of
The Akond of Swat that his son had left him despite getting an offer
to own a lot of property. Akond seemed to be rich. However, Lear
does not know who Akond was so he goes on adding questions upon

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 31

Word power

1. Find the meaning of the following words using a good dictionary.
jabber abroad gallop

turban concisely smudge

smear fez

2. Find the words that rhyme with the given ones.

a. what b. fair d. cold

e. talk e. I's f. smear

Comprehension activities

1. Answer the questions.
a. Where is Akond from?

b. Does the speaker know Akond? Which lines or part tell us so?

c. Did you know 'wot' is an informal use? We use it in the spoken
language? What does it mean?

Fun activites

Imagine how the Akond of Swat could look. Then draw his figure.


1. Read the following sentences and learn how yes/no-questions are

When you have be verb (is/ am/ are/ was/ were) or a modal verbs
(can, may, could, might, must), it is easy to make an Yes/No question.

 It is okay if I ask you a question.
Is it okay if I ask you a question?
 He was making noise in the library.
Was he making noise in the library?

32 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

 She can bring a bouquet.
Can she bring a bouquet?
When there is no auxiliary verb, you need to be careful. You need
to use the dummy auxiliary verb 'do' (do, does or did).
Use 'does/do' when the statement is in the present simple tense.
She brings fruits for lunch. Does she bring fruits for lunch?
Use 'did' when the statement is the past simple tense.
They played football yesterday. Did they play football yesterday?
2. Pick all the yes/no questions from the poem Akond of Swat.
3. Now change the following sentences into yes/no questions.
a. Sunita is an honest girl.
b. They are hungry.
c. I'm looking smart.
d. I can come inside.
e. It is OK to stay here.
f. They have a big building.
g. She never cooks.
h. She gave me her notebook.
i. You are staying late today.


1. Hold a class meeting and prepare a set of classroom rules. Then
put them on the wall and follow them.

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2. Now write a letter to your friends telling them about the rules
you have set for the class. Here is a sample for you.

Dhunche, Rasuwa
12 April 2021
Dear Anuj,
Thanks for your letter. I hope it will help us get to know each other


First of all, let me tell you a few things about myself. I’m 13 years old
and live in Dhunche, of Rasuwa. My mum is a teacher. She works at
a local school. My dad is a police officer. My father works for long
hours. I’m a student at Kalika Secondary School where my mother
also works.

Now let me tell you about my school. My school starts at 9 am. My
school has a uniform. All students and teachers must wear uniforms.
However, I do not need to wear a tie. I feel good about this rule. We
are also not allowed to bring junk food to school. For snacks, either
the students have to bring something from their homes or they can
eat at the canteen. On Wednesdays and Fridays, we have sports. We
have to wear tracksuits for these two days. On other days, we can
wear a T-shirt and tracks to school. To add more, on birthdays, the
students are allowed to wear fancy dresses.

What kind of dresses do you wear to school? Can you wear anything
to your school? Please write me soon!



34 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

3 Dusk

Listen and sing

The Spider and the Fly

-by Mary Howitt

Will you walk into my parlour?" said the Spider to the Fly,
'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,

And I've a many curious things to show when you are there.
"Oh no, no," said the little Fly, "to ask me is in vain,
For who goes up your winding stair can ne'er come down again."

"I'm sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high;
Will you rest upon my little bed?" said the Spider to the Fly.
"There are pretty curtains drawn around; the sheets are fine and thin,
And if you like to rest awhile, I'll snugly tuck you in!"
Oh no, no," said the little Fly, "for I've often heard it said,
They never, never wake again, who sleep upon your bed!"

Said the cunning Spider to the Fly, " Dear friend what can I do,
To prove the warm affection I've always felt for you?
I have within my pantry, good store of all that's nice;
I'm sure you're very welcome -- will you please, to take a slice?"
"Oh no, no," said the little Fly, "kind Sir, that cannot be,
I've heard what's in your pantry, and I do not wish to see!"

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This is a portion of a longer poem. The complete poem has seven stanzas. In the
poem the spider goes on flattering the fly. The fly gets tempted and goes to the
web. The spider then dines on the fly. It tells us not to fall in for flattery.

Comprehension activities

1. Discuss the following questions.

a. Who invited whom and where?

b. What did the spider promise to show the fly in his parlour??

c. Why did the fly refuse the first invitation of the spider?

d. How did the spider tempt the fly the second time?

e. How did the spider tempt the fly the third time?

f. Do you think the spider has good intentions? How can you
guess? Which words in the poem tell us so?

2. Do you know other animals that trap yet other animals for food?
Share what you know with friends.

3. Now rewrite the poem as a dialogue between the spider and the
fly. Then play the roles of the characters.

Spider : Hello friend, Fly. Will you walk into my parlour? My parlour is
one of the prettiest because of the winding stairs.

Fly : Oh, no, no. If I go to your parlour, I can never come down.
4. Fables are stories that teach a lesson. Fables have animal characters

who talk, think, and act like human beings. The story of the spider
and the fly is also a fable.

Do you know a fable where a character uses lies and tricks to get
something? Share it in the class.

5. Which expressions in the poem are requests? Mark them.

36 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Reading Dusk – Saki

Before you proceed

dawn dusk
Make a list of activities that you do at dawn and dusk.

New words

dusk - the time before night when it is not yet dark

shabby - in old and bad condition

wire - to send a message through telegram

shilling - a unit of money which was used in Britain

Consul - an official sent by the government to a foreign country,
and who helps and protects the people of the Consul’s

sovereign - an old British coin worth about one pound

Norman Gortsby sat
on a bench in the park.
With his back to the
fence, he faced a street.
It was clearly March
and about six-thirty in
the evening. Dusk had
fallen. The only light
came from the moon
and some distant street
lamps. There were very

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few people on the road. Some men walked in the park, while others sat
on the benches.

Where was Gortsby sitting?

Dusk, to Gortsby’s mind, was the hour of the defeated. There were people
like him moving about, people whose dreams and hopes had died, men
who did not want to meet others, and did not want anyone to see or
recognise them. Gortsby felt like one of them, lost and defeated. It was
not money that was his problem; he had failed elsewhere, and found
some consolation in watching others who seemed sad like himself.

An old gentleman sat on the bench, next to him. His clothes weren’t
too shabby, but he didn’t seem to have too much of money either. He
seemed to belong to the world’s forgotten set, for whom no one really
cared. Slowly this man got up and left. Gortsby imagined that he was
going back to some place where people cared only for his weekly rent.

Very soon, a young man came and sat down on the bench. He wore good
clothes, but had a sour look on his face. As if to confirm this, the man
kept cursing as he sat down. Gortsby thought that he was expected to
ask or say something, so he said, “You don’t seem to be in a very good

The young man turned to him and said, “You wouldn’t be happy if you
were in my shoes. I have done something very silly.”

“What happened? Could you explain further?” asked Gortsby.

“I came to London this afternoon. I had planned to stay at the Patagonian
Hotel in Berkshire Square, but when I got there, I realised that it had
been pulled down a few weeks ago. There is a cinema hall now. The taxi
driver took me to another hotel, a little distance from that place. From
there I sent a letter home giving them the address, and then went to buy
a cake of soap. I can’t use hotel soap, you see, and I had forgotten to
bring mine. I roamed around a bit, had a drink at a bar and took a look at
the shops. When I thought of returning to the hotel, I realised that I had
forgotten its name, and I did not even know the name of the street. Just
imagine my condition! I have no friends in London. I can wire my family
for the address but they’ll get my letter only tomorrow. I came out with
a shilling, but I bought soap and had a drink, and am left with just two
pence in my pocket, and nowhere to stay at night.”

38 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

He kept quiet for a while, and then said, “You must be thinking that I’ve
made up a nice story.” His voice showed that he was upset.

How will Gortsby react in this situation?

“I believe you,” said Gortsby. “I had done exactly the same thing once in
a foreign capital, and there were two of us. We luckily remembered that
our hotel was near a canal, and, following the canal, reached our hotel.”

“In a foreign capital, it wouldn’t be so bad, for you can go to your Consul
and get help. Here, in your own country, it is more difficult. Unless
someone believes me, and lends me some money, I’ll have to sleep on
the park. Anyway, could you help me?”

He said the last bit in such a manner that Gortsby would feel induced to
lend him some money.

“True, but where is the soap? That’s the weak point in your story!”
Gortsby said.

The young man stood up, searched in his pockets, and finally said, “I
must have lost it.”

“If you lose a hotel and a cake of soap in one afternoon, it shows deliberate

But even before Gortsby had finished speaking, the young man had
hurried away.

“It’s a pity,” thought Gortsby. “His going out to get a cake of soap was the
only convincing part of the story, and yet the details themselves caused
him trouble. If he had bought a cake of soap, wrapped and sealed like
one newly bought, it would have been perfect. In his profession he must
take all precautions, so as not to be found out.”

As he got up to go, he exclaimed in concern. Lying on the ground, next
to the bench, was a small packet, definitely from a chemist, no doubt a
cake of soap. It must have fallen from the young man’s pocket when he
sat down.

Soon Gortsby was hurrying down the path, looking for the chap in the
overcoat. When he had almost given up hope, he saw the man. When
Gortsby called out to him, he seemed somewhat angry.

“Your most important witness has turned up,” said Gortsby, showing
him the cake of soap. “It must have slipped out of your overcoat pocket

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when you sat down. It was on the ground. You must excuse me for not
believing you. But since I had asked you for the proof of the soap, I must
now do my part. I can lend you a sovereign.”

The young man quickly put the coin into his pocket.

“You can return the money any day this week. Here is my address, and
don’t lose the soap again.”

The young man thanked Gortsby, and saying how lucky it was that the
soap had been found, fled towards Knightsbridge.

As Gortsby turned back to the bench, where so much had happened
a short while ago, he saw an old gentleman searching frantically for
something below the bench. Gortsby soon recognised him as the old
man who had been sitting with him on the bench earlier that evening.

“Have you lost anything, sir?” he asked. "May I help you?"

“Yes, a cake of soap. Would you help me find it?”

40 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


1. Match the following words with their correct meanings.

details intentional or planned

deliberate something that makes someone who is sad or
disappointed feel better

consolation hurriedly or excitedly

frantically write telegram

wire facts or pieces of information about something

2. Do you know what the phrase ‘a sour look’ means? Write the
meaning of the phrase and make a sentence using it.

Comprehension activities

1. Write down who said the following sentences and to whom.
a. “Y ou wouldn’t be happy if you were in my shoes. I have done
something very silly.”
b. “I must have lost it.”
c. “Have you lost anything, sir?”
d. “Yes, a cake of soap. Would you help me find it?

2. Write true or false. Give reasons for your answer.
a. Gortsby felt that dusk was not a cheerful time of a day.
b. It seemed nobody in the old gentleman’s family cared for him.
c. Gortsby hadn’t travelled anywhere before.
d. He found a bag full of money.

3. Answer the following questions.
a. What was dusk according to Gortsby?

b. Why was the young man cursing?
c. What happened to Patagonian Hotel?
d. How did Gortsby find his way to the hotel?
e. What did Gortsby think the young man’s profession was?


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f. Do you think the young man had already noticed the cake of
soap under the bench? Why?

g. Whose soap was it?

Literary terms

Setting refers to the time and place in which a story takes place. Some-
times, a setting can include social conditions and the surrounding envi-
ronment described in the story.

a. What time does the story ‘Dusk’ take place?

b. Where do the events of the story take place?

The setting of a story plays an important role in the development of
events in a story. In ‘Dusk’ the setting has revealed the meaning of the
story. The story is set at a public park where many people come. The
events of the story take place at dusk. As the narrator says, dusk is the
time of defeat - Norman Gortsby gets deceived by the young man. As
the vision gets blurred in the evening, Gortsby fails to recognise people.
One of the major ideas of the story ‘We often fail to understand humans’,
has been rightly connected with dusk, the setting of the story.

Can you set the story in your city? If you set the story in your city,
would the names of the characters be the same? Do you think this is a
likely-to-happen story? Try rewriting it.


Requesting Accepting Requests Refusing Requests

Can/ Could you ..... ? Sure, I'd be glad to.... I'd love to but...

Will/ Would you ......? Of course! I'm afraid I can't

Please...... Sure! I'm sorry, I can't.

I would appreciate No problem. I'm not sure. When?
you if you could ....... Certainly.
Sorry to say that I
Would you mind + Not at all. would not be ....
v-ing....., please? Yes, I'm afraid I do.

42 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Seema : Excuse me, Manu. _________ (Could / May) you come
here, please?

Manu : Of course. What's the problem?

Seema : I don't know this sum. Would you tell me how to do it?

Manu : Okay.

Seema : (3) _________ (Can / Would you mind) you give me the

Manu : Here you are!

1. Form pairs and talk to each other in the given situations.
a. You are feeling cold. You want your friend
to close the door. Your friend agrees.

b. You have not understood the lesson. You
want your teacher to explain the lesson
once more. The teacher agrees.

c. You feel sick. You want your friend to carry
your bag up to the school bus. Your friend
is ready to help you.

d. You want to borrow your friends' notebook. The next day there
is an exam. Your friend denies.

e. You are at a shop. You want the shopkeeper to show a thing
you want to buy. The shopkeeper puts several things in front of

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 43


1. Look at the picture and discuss.

a. Where are they?
b. What do you think they are talking about?
c. Have you ever read about William Shakespeare? What do

you know about him?

2. Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks.
a. Shakespeare wrote __________plays or dramas.
b. Shakespeare was one of the __________ poets in English

c. Shakespeare was born in __________.
d. William Shakespeare had opened a __________.
e. Shakespeare basically wrote __________types of dramas.
f. ____________________ ____________________
________________ are three dramas written by Shakespeare.

3. Listen again and answer the following questions.
a. Which famous person was also born in the same year as

b. Who requested the teacher to explain the types of dramas?
c. What are the three types of dramas Shakespeare wrote?

44 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


1. Read and learn about modal verbs will, would, can or could.

You can use will, would, can or could to make requests in most sit-
uations. You should add 'please' to make the request polite.

Can we have two glasses of water, please?

You can put 'please' in front of the verb to make the request stron-

Can we please have two glasses of water?

You should use will you with people we know well:

Will you help me?

To make your requests formal and more polite, you should use
could or would.

Would you help me, sir?

Could you please shut the window? It is so cold here.

2. Fill in the blanks with will, would, can or could.

a. __________________ I go home early today? I have to go to see
a doctor.

b. John, __________________ you help me with these books?

c. __________________ you close the window, please? It is so
cold here.

d. Excuse me. __________________ you mind passing me the

e. Mr. Pandey, __________________ Tej and I work together
again today?

f. __________________ Nisha and I use your computer?

g. __________________ you lend me your dictionary for a

h. Everybody, please__________________ you listen to me for a

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 45

Reading 1

Tokha, Kathmandu

14 June 2021 2

The Class Teacher

Grade Six

Manohar Secondary School 3

Gongabu, Kathmandu

Subject: Application for sick leave

Dear Madam, 4 5

With due respect, I would like to inform you that I will not be able
to attend my classes for five days from today and request you to
grant me a sick leave for that period. I went to hospital with my
parents this morning as I was feeling very weak. The doctor said I
had a typhoid fever and would need rest and regular medicine for
at least five days for recovery.

I would also like to request you to let me know what I should do
to cover the missed classes. I promise that I will complete all the
assignments and readings as soon as I get better. Looking forward
to your support.

Yours sincerely, 6

Kamal Bista 7
Grade 6 B

Word power

From the application, find words similar in meaning to the following.
a. an official request for something, usually in writing

b. a bacterial infection leading to a fever

c. to allow

d. vow

46 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Comprehension activities

1. Can you label the letter with names for parts shown in numbers.

2. Complete the information as per the application.

_________________________ a student of grade ___________
wrote this application to his _________________________on
______________________ to ask for a _________________________
leave for _________________________days.

He has been suffering from _________________________and the
doctor has asked him to a rest for _________________________. He
also promises that he would do all his _________________________
after he recovers. He also wants his teacher to help in


1. Suppose you slipped and sprained your ankle while playing.
Now write a leave application to your Class Teacher to grant you
a sick leave for three days.

2. Complete the conversation. Choose the appropriate words or
phrases from the given box.

OK, dad. It takes that long. I'm fine.
Can I use your computer, please? Good morning!
Could you finish it within half an hour? Of course. You can.
I need to do some research for my project.

Suman : Good morning, dad!
Father : ___________________How are you?
Suman : ___________________. Thank you! And you?
Father : I'm good. Is there anything I can do for you?

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Suman : Not much dad. But _______________________________

Father : _____________________________________. But what do
you want to do here?

Suman : ______________________________________.
Father : Wonderful! Please finish it within half an hour. I need

to work on an official document. I must do it today.
Suman : _____________________________________.
Father: Then there is no problem. Go ahead.

Project work

Read a story by Shakespeare. Then note the sentences that are about
requests in the story.

48 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

4 Holi Festival

Listen and sing

A Nurse's Song

-William Blake
When the voices of children are heard on the green
And laughing is heard on the hill,
My heart is at rest within my breast
And every thing else is still

Then come home my children, the sun is gone down
And the dews of night arise
Come come leave off play, and let us away
Till the morning appears in the skies

No no let us play, for it is yet day
And we cannot go to sleep
Besides in the sky, the little birds fly
And the hills are all cover’d with sheep

Well well go and play till the light fades away
And then go home to bed
The little ones leaped and shouted and laugh’d
And all the hills echoed

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William Blake was an English poet, and paint-
er. He was born in London in 1757 and died in
1827 there.

During his lifetime he was not very well
known. Today Blake's work is thought to be
important in the history of both poetry and
arts. Blake's Songs of Innocence and Songs of
Experience are two famous collections of po-
ems. Songs of Innocence shows all innocent
children the joys and imagination in the poems. The one you just
enjoyed is also from the same collection.

Comprehension activities echo

1. Choose the words and fill in the blanks.

play on till bedtime twilight give up their play

children nurse allows shout and laugh

The poem talks about a group of __________________ playing outside
in the hills. Their __________________ listens to them in contentment.
As __________________ begins to fall, she gently urges them to
__________________ and go back home for the night. The children
ask to __________________, for as long as the light lasts. The nurse
__________________ them to play. The children __________________
with joy. The hills __________________ their gladness and laughter.

2. Do you remember a happy time with your parents? Share it.

Observing and discussing

What festivals are these? Do you celebrate them?

50 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

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