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Published by Oasis Publication, 2021-07-04 03:50:34

wonder English 6

wonder English 6

16 Upamanyu's Exam

Listen and sing

I wandered lonely as a cloud

I wandered lonely as a cloud - William Wordsworth
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way.
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousands saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

(This is an excerpt from William Wordsworth's poem 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud')

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Before you proceed
a. Do you always obey what your teachers say?
b. Do you disturb others when your teacher is teaching in the class?
c. Is it a good thing to make noise in the class?

New words

diligence - careful and thorough work or effort
pudding - a sweet soft food made from milk, sugar, eggs and


Upamanyu's Exam
- Dhurbachandra Gautam
Once upon a time, there lived
a sage named Dhaumya. He
had many students at his
gurukul. Upamanyu was one of
them. One day the sage called
Upamanyu and asked him to
take care of his herd of cattle. He
had to take the herd for grazing
every day. Upamanyu followed
his teacher’s order with due
diligence and dedication. Every
day he used to take the cows for
grazing and when he returned, he used to pay respects to his teacher. This
was a daily routine for both of them.

One day, the teacher asked Upamanyu, “Son, what do you eat these
days? You look very healthy.”

Upamanyu replied, “I ask for alms for a living.”

“From now on, don’t eat the alms without my permission,” the sage said
and Upamanyu nodded a ‘Yes’.

202 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

After a few days, the sage asked Upamanyu, “Son, I take all your alms
these days, so, what do you eat? You still look healthy.”

Upamanyu answered, “Sir, after I give you all my alms, I go back to beg
for the second time. That is how I am living these days.”

After listening to this, the sage said, “No. A student living in gurukul
cannot do such things. When you go for alms for the second time, people
will have a wrong impression of you. Also, it will be difficult for others
to get alms. You are greedy.”

Upamanyu apologised to his teacher saying he would not repeat this.

A few days passed and Upamanyu came in the evening for paying his
respect to his teacher. His teacher saw that he still was healthy. Wondering
how that was possible, he asked, “Upamanyu, I take all your alms and
you don’t go for the second time these days. I can see that you are still
very healthy, what is the secret?”

Upamanyu admitted that he drank the cows’ milk when he took them
for grazing. At this, the teacher thought for a while and told him not to
drink the cow’s milk like that again without his permission. Poor boy
complied with his teacher’s order.

Days passed and Upamanyu always came to his teacher in the evening.
One day, the teacher asked him again, “Upamanyu, you don’t live on
alms, you don’t drink cows’ milk, but you still look very healthy. What
are you eating these days?”

Upamanyu said, “Sir, I lick the foam created by the calves while drinking
milk from their mother. That is how I am surviving these days.” After
listening to this, the sage told him not to do so because he would be
misusing the calves’ kindness. They were being kind to him and creating
more foam than usual. Upamanyu promised not to do it again and took
his leave.

Why did he think of obeying his teacher?

After that day, he began to work without eating anything. Although his
mind asked him to obey his teacher’s order, his stomach wouldn’t agree.
He was very hungry and he started looking for something to eat. He

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only found Siundi plant. When he found nothing else, he started to eat
the plant leaves. But when he ate the leaves, he lost his eyesight. He tried
to find his way back to gurukul but instead, he fell into an old well.

That evening, Upamanyu did not come to pay his respect to the teacher.
The teacher thought Upamanyu must be angry with him for being
forbidden to eat anything. Then, with his students, he went looking for
Upamanyu in the jungle. He started calling his name. “Upamanyu, my
dear boy, where are you? Come here, my child,” said the sage.

After hearing his teacher’s voice, Upamanyu replied, “Sir, I have fallen
into this well." The teacher asked him how he got there and Upamanyu
told him everything that had happened. After listening to his story, the
teacher told him to pray to two Ashwini Kumars as they were the divine
doctors who would surely give Upamanyu his eyesight back. After
telling him what to do, the teacher left.

How did Upamanyu satisfy the God?

Upamanyu prayed to the gods in many ways. He prayed for a long time
and finally, one day, the gods appeared. They said they were very happy
with his prayers and gave him a bowl full of pudding. Upamanyu told
them he could only eat it after he offered it to his teacher. At this, they
replied, “Upamanyu, many years ago, your teacher had prayed to me
just as you did. We had given him a bowl of pudding just like the one
you are holding right now. But he ate it without offering it to his teacher.
So, there is no harm in you doing this. Go ahead and eat it.”

But Upamanyu could not agree to it. He insisted he could not eat it
without offering it to his teacher. The two Ashwini Kumars became very
pleased with this and they blessed him with more prosperity than his
teacher. They said he would gain more knowledge and prestige than his
teacher. After being blessed by the gods, Upamanyu went to his teacher
and told him everything. He also got his eyesight back. When the teacher
heard it all, he said, “Go, my son. You will be blessed and enlightened
just as the gods said. You will have the knowledge of all the Vedas.”

In this way, Upamanyu excelled in his test.

204 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Word power

1. Look at the pairs of words below. Say whether they are synonyms
or antonyms.

forbid - disallow divine - godly
prosperity - poverty blessed - cursed

Comprehension activities

1. Fill in the blanks.
a. Upamanyu obeyed his teacher’s order with .................. and

b. Upamanyu...........................the foam created by the calves while
drinking milk from their mother.

c. The gods were very pleased with his prayers and gave him a
bowl full of ............................

d. Ashwini Kumars blessed Upamanyu with more............... than
his teacher.

2. Write down the events in order according to the story.
a. Upamanyu ate Siundi plant.
b. Upamanyu started drinking cow milk.
c. Upamanyu started begging twice.
d. Dhaumya told Upamanyu to take care of his cow herd.
e. Upamanyu got blessings from Ashwini Kumars.
f. Upamanyu started begging alms for living.

3. Answer the following questions.
a. What did the sage ask Upamanyu to take care of?

b. What shouldn’t a student living in gurukul do?

c. What happened when Upamanyu ate Siundi plant?
d. What did the sage tell him to do after he fell in the well?

e. Why did the Ashwini Kumars bless Upamanyu?

f. Do you think it is wise to follow everything that the teachers

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1. Look, read and learn.

I visited the Fun Park
yesterday. I was very
excited to go there. My
sister took me there.
We reached the park
at 10:00 am. Some
children were playing
games while others
were flying kites.
Everybody seemed
to be excited. I saw
a magician who was
performing something
and there was a crowd around him. But I was not interested in
magic. We bought some peanuts and popcorn and enjoyed going
here and there.

[The verbs highlighted above ‘visited, took, reached, seemed,
bought, enjoyed’ are written in past simple and ‘were playing,
were flying, was performing’ are written in past continuous forms.
If the action is continuously going on in the past time it is expressed
in past continuous tense. But if the action simply happened or was
done in a certain past time, it is expressed in past simple form].

2. Use the past form of given verbs and fill in the blanks below.
a. I……..(request) him but he didn’t help me.

b. Raman ……..(visit) Pashupatinath last month.

c. They ………(complete) all the given tasks. Now they are

d. Didn’t you win the match? I ……(think) you could easily win

e. Pappu…………(have) his clothes washed.

f. She had told me but I ………… (forget).

206 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

g. Her parents………….(buy) her a new computer yesterday.
h. Why didn’t you tell me that? I …………(am) free and could

help you.
i. “Go and tell him to come fast" he …….(say).
j. Wearing a mask was not easy all the time, but people………

(wear) it for their safety during COVID-19 pandemic.

3. Complete the following sentences using past simple (V2) or past
continuous (was/were +V. ing.) form of the verbs.
a. I……..(teach) the class at that time yesterday.

b. He……. (go) to Pokhara last Friday.

c. Monas………(help) me a lot in the town.

d. We ……….(walk) when it rained.

e. I …………(talk) with my colleagues so I couldn’t give you time.

f. I thought you……….(teach) the class.

g. They ……..(shout) a lot, but nobody paid attention to them.

h. I came, I saw and I ……….(decide).

i. She ……….(tell) me that she was not present there.

j. I……….(return) home from school when you saw me.

k. He ………(tell) me the truth. I think he is honest.
l. Some children……….(sing) and some ……..(dance) when I

reached the school.


1. Act out the following conversation.

Milan : Hello, Mukesh!

Mukesh : Hi, Milan! Would you tell me
what you did yesterday?

Milan : Yes, I went to the swimming pool
with my parents. We enjoyed
swimming there for about two

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Mukesh : Wow! I wish I could also be with you there. Did you go to
other places?

Milan : Yes, we went to the fun park from there and spent another
two hours there. It was very beautiful. Have you ever
visited the park?

Mukesh : Fun Park! I just went there last Saturday. I also enjoyed a

2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer what you did yesterday or some
days ago. You can use the following clues.
a. Visited zoo/with teachers and friends

b. Played cricket/with classmates

c. Went to trekking/with my elder brother

d. Went for fishing/with my uncle

e. Watched a movie/with my mother and sister

f. Helped my father in the farm/with my brother


1. Look at the picture and guess the answers to the following

208 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

a. What is this picture?
b. What are these people doing?
c. Have you ever participated in such activities?

2. Listen to the recording and write True or False.
a. Yesterday was the day of Bhai Tika.
b. We receive Tika and Jamara from seniors at Bhai Tika.
c. We play Deusi in Tihar.
d. Deusi is played in groups.
e. It was a very exciting moment yesterday.

3. Listen once again and write very short answers:
a. Which festival is described in the recording?
b. What did they play in that festival?
c. What musical instruments were used?
d. Was it a fun?

4. Listen to the recording once again and mention three activities
you do in the Tihar Festival.


1. Write a short description of the festival you recently celebrated in
your family or community.

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2. Look at the picture and write a short story about it.

Project work

Ask your parents in details about any festival your family celebrates.
Write about it briefly. Narrate your experience of the festival.

210 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

17 Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory

Listen and sing - Tia Maria

A Sweet Surprise

It feels just like Christmas time
Waiting for this surprise of mine
What is it, whatever could it be
I am wondering, so excitedly

I almost wish I did not know
Time seems to go so slow
Hearing another car drive by
Could that be the delivery guy


Before you proceed
a. Do you like chocolates? Which is your favourite chocolate?
b. Do you know how chocolates are made?

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New words

meadows - fields with grass and flowers

churn - to mix something

dangling - hanging loosely

mauve - a pale purple colour

delectable - delicious

peal - a long sound or series of sounds

whirlpool - an area of water in which there is a powerful, circular

current of water

buttercup - a wild plant with small shiny yellow flowers that are

shaped like cups

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a story of a very poor boy's visit to a
chocolate factory. The name of the boy was Charlie Bucket. The chocolate factory
belongs to a very rich businessman named Mr. Willy Wonka whose chocolates
are famous worldwide. Mr. Willy Wonka invites five lucky children for a tour
around his chocolate factory among which Charlie is one. The other children are
Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde and Mike Teavee. Every child
is accompanied by a guardian and Charlie has come with his grandfather Joe.
The following story is a chapter from the book.

212 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

“This is an important room!” cried Mr. Wonka, taking a bunch of keys
from his pocket and slipping one into the keyhole of the door. “This is
the nerve centre of the whole factory, the heart of the whole business! It
is also beautiful! I can’t bear ugliness in factories! In we go, then! But do
be careful, my dear children! Don’t get over excited! Keep very calm!”

Mr. Wonka opened the door. Five children and nine grown-ups pushed
their ways in - and oh, what an amazing site it was to them!

They were looking down upon a lovely valley. There were green
meadows on either side of the valley, and at the bottom of it there flowed
a great brown river.

What is more, there was a tremendous waterfall halfway along the river
– a steep cliff over which the water curled and rolled in a solid sheet, and
then went crashing down into a boiling churning whirlpool of froth and

Below the waterfall, a whole mass of enormous glass pipes were
dangling down into the river from somewhere high up in the ceiling!
There must have been a dozen of them at least, and they were sucking
up the brownish muddy water from the river and carrying it away to
goodness knows where. Beautiful trees and bushes were growing along
the river banks with tall rhododendron trees with their pink and red and
mauve blossoms. In the meadows there were thousands of buttercups.

“There!” cried Mr. Wonka, dancing up and down and pointing his
gold-topped cane at the great brown river. “It’s all chocolate! Every
drop of that river is hot melted chocolate of the finest quality. There’s
enough chocolate in there to fill every bathtub in the country! And all
the swimming pools as well! Isn’t it terrific? And just look at my pipes!
They suck up the chocolate and carry it away to all the other rooms in
the factory where it is needed!”

The children and their parents were dumbfounded. They simply stood
and stared.

Will the children and their parents wish to stay there for a long time?

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Chocolate is technically responsible for the invention
of the microwave. Scientists were experimenting with
microwaves in hopes of creating better radar detectors
and in the wake of World War II, they were testing devices
called magnetrons. A scientist named Percy Spencer
entered the lab with a chocolate bar in his pocket and
realised it quickly began to melt. Spencer then realised
that the magnetron could potentially be used to cook food.
He successfully tried popping corn and then attempted to
cook an egg which cooked so quickly, it blew up in his

“The waterfall is most important!” Mr. Wonka went on. “It mixes the
chocolate! It churns it up! Beats it! It makes it light and frothy!” he cried,
pointing with the stick. “Do you like my lovely bushes? Don’t you think
they look pretty? And of course they are all edible! All made of something
different and delicious! And do you like my meadows? Do you like my
grass and my buttercups? The grass you are standing on, my dear little
ones is made of a new kind of soft, minty sugar that I’ve just invented!
Try a blade! Please do! It’s delectable!”

Automatically, everyone bent down and picked one blade of grass –
everybody, that is, except Augustus Gloop, who took a big handful.

And Violet Beauregarde, before tasting her blade of grass, took the piece
of world-record-breaking chewing-gum out of her mouth and stuck it
carefully behind her ear.

“Isn’t it wonderful!” whispered Charlie. “Hasn’t it got a wonderful taste,

How did Grandpa Joe respond?

“I could eat the whole field!” said Grandpa Joe, grinning with delight.

“Try a buttercup!” cried Mr. Wonka. “They’re even nicer!”

Suddenly, the air was filled with screams of excitement. The screams
came from Veruca Salt. She was pointing to the other side of the river.
“Look! Look over there!” she screamed. “What is it? He’s moving!

214 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

He’s walking! It’s a little person! It’s a little man! Down there below the

Everybody stopped picking buttercups and stared across the river.

“She’s right, Grandpa!” cried Charlie. “It is a little man! Can you see

“I see him, Charlie!” said Grandpa Joe excitedly.

And now everybody started shouting at once.

“There are two of them!”

“My gosh, so there is!”

“There’s more than two!
There’s one, two, three, four,

Children and parents alike
rushed down to the edge of
the river to get a closer look.

“Aren’t they fantastic!”

“No higher than my knee!”

“Look at their funny long

The tiny men – they were no larger than medium-sized dolls – had
stopped what they were doing. One of them pointed towards the
children, and then he whispered something to the other four, and all
five of them burst into peals of laughter.

“But they can’t be real people,” Charlie said.

“Of course they’re real people,” Mr. Wonka answered. “They’re Oompa-

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 215

Word power

1. Match the following words with their correct meanings.

steep small white bubbles on the surface of a liquid

insist to state or demand forcefully

froth rising or falling at a sharp angle

tremendous so shocked that you cannot speak

dumbfounded suitable or safe for eating

edible very great in amount or level

2. Rearrange the letters to make meaningful words.

a. hoclaoect b. atfatcnsi c. wtrlalaef d. neuhog

Comprehension activities

1. Write down who said the following statements.
a. “But they can’t be real people.”

b. “Look! Look over there!”

c. “I could eat the whole field!”

d. “They’re Oompa-Loompas.”

2. Choose the correct answer.
a. From where the children stood, they could look down upon a
(beautiful/nasty) valley.

b. The enormous (glass/steel) pipes were sucking up the
brownish muddy water from the river.

c. The river was made of (hot melted chocolate/mud) of the finest

d. The (tiny/huge) men were Oompa-Loompas.

216 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

3. Answer the following questions.
a. What were the enormous glass pipes for?
b. What was flowing in the river?
c. What was the grass made of?
d. Why was the waterfall important?
e. Describe the Oompa-Loompas.
f. Have you been to any amazing place? Describe what you saw


Before you proceed
Have you ever met a film actor or actress? What did you talk with
him or her?

If you got a chance to interview your famous actor or actress, what
questions would you ask him or her? Make a list.

An Interview

(An interviewer has asked many questions to a famous actor Tom about
his personal life and his career.)

Interviewer : Thank you for taking some time off from your busy
schedule to answer a few questions about your life!

Tom : It's my pleasure.

Interviewer : Could you tell us about an average day in your life?

Tom : Sure. I get up early, at 7 in the morning, then, I have
breakfast. After breakfast, I go to the gym.

Interviewer : Are you studying anything now?

Tom : Yes, I'm learning dialogue for a new film called "The Man
About Town."

Interviewer : What do you do in the afternoon?

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Tom : First I have lunch, then, I go to the studio and shoot some

Interviewer : Which scene are you working on today?

Tom : I'm acting out a scene about an angry lover.

Interviewer : That's very interesting. What do you do in the evening?

Tom : In the evening, I go home and have dinner and study my

Interviewer : Do you go out at night?

Tom : Not always, I like going out at weekends.

Interviewer : Let's talk about your career. How many films have you

Tom : That's a hard question. I think I've made more than 50

Interviewer : Wow. That's a lot! How many years have you been an

Tom : I've been an actor since I was ten years old. In other
words, I've been an actor for twenty years.

Interviewer : That's impressive. Do you have any future projects?

Tom : Yes,Ido.I'mgoingtofocusonmakingafewdocumentaries
next year.

Interviewer : That sounds great. Do you have any plans beyond that?

Tom : Well, I'm not sure. Maybe I will become a film director
and maybe I'll just retire.

Interviewer : Oh, please don't retire! We love your films!

Tom : That's very kind of you. I'm sure I'll make a few more

Interviewer : That's good to hear. Thank you for the interview.

Tom : Thank you.


218 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Word power

Find the words or phrases from the text which have the following
a. to stop working in order to do something else: ……………………
b. a normal or typical day in someone's life: ………………………………
c. the room(s) in which a movie is made: ………………………………
d. the lines an actor needs to speak in a movie: ……………………………
e. a type of film about something that happened in real life: …….......….
f. to stop working permanently: ………………………
Now, use the words/phrases in your own words.

Comprehension activities

1. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. The actor is conscious about his fitness.
b. He is out of work these days.
c. He feels easy to say the number of films he has acted in.
d. He has a long career in the silver screen.
e. He acts in feature films only.

2. Answer the following questions.
a. How does the actor spend his afternoons?

b. When does he prefer to go out?

c. Is he a novice actor? Why? / Why not?

d. How does the interviewer react when the actor talks about his

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 219


1. Look, read and learn.

The farmer had already I had visited Pokhara three
collected the crops before it times with my parents when

rained I was a kid.

She said that she had worked in
a hospital many years back.

220 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

2. Use Past Perfect form (…had+V3) of the given verbs in the
following blanks and rewrite the sentences.

He said that he…….(go)to Mustang.
He said that he had gone to Mustang.

a. She……….(teach) in a primary school before she joined the

b. I ……..already (reach) the campus before the class began.

c. She…………(paint) the ceiling, the walls were not painted yet.

d. She told me that she………..(work) in a bank, too.

e. He was not there in his room. I thought he …….(go) to college.

f. Ramesh……..just (reach) office when I started.

g. Kanchan………..(invite) me to his party, but I forgot it.

3. Make as many sentences as possible from the following table:

He saw it myself.
She prepared everything.
had completed their tasks themselves.
I told that she had been to New Delhi many times.
They reached and met my friends before the exam began.
Gauri played the match well.

Speaking English Book - 6 221

1. Act out the following conversation:
Phurwa : Hi, Lakpa!
Lakpa : Hello! How you, Phurwa?
Phurwa : I’m good. Have you heard
Nepali team won the SAF

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Lakpa : Hurray! That’s good news! Let’s share it with other
friends, too.

Phurwa : Hurray!

Santu : Hello, Samira! Do you know the
flood in Sindhupalanchowk killed
Samira more than 10 people yesterday.
Samira : Ouch! That’s bad news!

: I am also feeling sad.
: Yes, really.

2. Work in pairs and express surprise to each other in the situations
given below:

a) Somebody told you that you topped the essay writing

b) You heard just now that your school football team had won
the competition.

c) You just heard that one of your friends had got an accident
and he/she had been hospitalised

d) Somebody told you that there was a bus accident and 5
passengers were killed.


1. Look at the picture and guess the answer.

222 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

a) Do you know which animal this is?
b) Have you really seen this animal? Where?

2. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.
a) Binu and ……….are talking.
b) First they saw an………………
c) Chimpanzee is not found in Nepal’s……………….
d) One tiger is……………
e) The big animal they saw is…………

3. Listen to the recordings once again and write brief answers.
a) Where are they talking?
b) What looks like monkey?
c) Which animal is slowly moving?

4. Have you ever visited the zoo? Share in the class which animals
had surprised you on seeing them for the first time.


1. Complete the following conversation:
Anil : Hello!
Manish : …….! What’s this!
Anil : I think it’s an ox, ………..?
Manish : No, it’s a bull. It’s not for
……………. So it’s not kept by
Anil : Where does it live, then?
Manish : Ialwaysseeit………………………..

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Anil : Yes, there are many bulls around the Pashupatinath
Temple area.

Manish : The last time I saw it, I was scared. I'd heard it sometimes
injures people.

Anil : So, we have to be careful while …………………….
Manish : Sure. Nice to talk to you.
Anil : ……………………………...

Hi isn’t it ploughing a field the temple area
walking near it Nice to talk to you, too

2. Correct and rewrite the following sentences:
a) i saw a large animal in cauraha chitwan which has only one
b) he said that he were happy then
c) are you coming or not
d) monika and her team climbed up mt k2 which is in pakistan
e) desk bench table and cupboard all is furniture

Project work

Visit the zoo or a national park or any wildlife conservation area with
your parents or your teacher. Make a list of things that surprised you.

224 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

18 Charts, Bars and

Listen and sing

What is followed by birth
I asked the God

You'd better be born and see
Said, He

What is education
I asked the God

You'd better study and see
He answered.

What is love
I asked the God
You'd better love everything and see

Replied, He

(An extract from Ponniah Ganeshnan's poem 'Some Questions And Answers')


Before you proceed

Look at the figures below and answer these questions.

a. What type of figures are they? English Book - 6 225
b. What do they show?
c. Do you know when we use such figures?

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

New words

illustrate - to show clearly
significant - great or important to be worthy of attention
comprise - to include or contain
marginally - by a very small amount; slightly
respectively - in the order mentioned before

Comparison of Energy Production

1995 2005

Gas Coal Petrol Coal
29.63% 29.80% 19.55% 30.93%

Nuclear Nuclear
6.40% 10.10%

Other Other
4.90% 9.10%

Petrol Gas
29.27% 30.32%

The two pie charts illustrate the proportion of five types of energy
production in France in 1995 and 2005.

Overall, in both years, the most significant sources of energy were gas
and coal, which together accounted for over half the production of
energy, while nuclear and other kinds of energy sources generated the
least amount of energy in France. In all types of energy production there
was only minimal change over the 10-year period.

Energy produced by coal comprised 29.80% in the first year and this
showed only a very slight increase of about a mere 1% to 30.9% in 2005.
Likewise, in 1995, gas generated 29.63% which rose marginally to 30.1%
10 years later.

226 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

With regards to the remaining methods of producing energy, there was
an approximate 5% growth in production from both nuclear power
and other sources to 10.10% and 9.10% respectively. Petrol, on the other
hand, was the only source of energy which decreased in production
from 20.27% in 1995 to around a fifth (19.55%) in 2005.

Word power

1. Find the words from the text which are similar in meaning to the
following words.

a. division : ………………….…………………..
b. quantity : ………………….…………………..
c. insignificant : ………………….…………………..
d. only : ………………….…………………..
e. near : ………………….…………………..

2. Find the words from the text which are opposite in meaning to
the following words.

a. destruction : ………………….…………………..

b. separately : ………………….…………………..

c. maximum : ………………….…………………..

d. decrease : ………………….…………………..

Comprehension activities

Answer the following questions.
a. What sources of energy are compared in the charts?

b. How can we say that gas and coal were the most important sources
of energy?

c. What trend of energy production is seen in the charts?

d. Which of the sources of energy production should be increased?
Why? Write your opinion.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 227


ICC World Cup Cricket League-II: Nepal Restricts
US To 35 Runs To Create World History

Kathmandu, Feb 12 : Today's cricket Photo: The Rising Nepal
match between Nepal and the US
remained historic. In the final match of tri-series under
the ICC World Cup Cricket League-II,
Nepal clinched an opportunity to Nepal chose to field first by winning
create a world history by limiting the toss.
the opponent to 35 runs in a match
played under ICC World Cup Cricket The US failed to leave a good
League-II here today. impression since the beginning. They
lost the first wicket without any run
Sandip Lamichhane today played in the account.
with perhaps the best performance in
his cricket career till date in course of In the last ball of second over, US
limiting the US to 35. He alone took trusted opening batsman Ian Holland
six wickets. He just gave 16 runs in returned to pavilion without hitting a
six overs. single run.

Similarly, Sushan Bhari dismissed The US has already lost its eight
four batsmen from the opponent members while it was with 31 runs in
giving five runs in three overs. Karan 11 overs.
KC allowed the opponent to hit 13
runs in three overs. He failed to take In 12 overs, they lost two wickets
any wicket. again in Sandip's bowling, being
limited to 35 at the loss of all wickets.
(adapted from RSS)

228 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Comprehension activities

1. Discuss the following questions orally.
a. What is the news about? What is the headline?
b. When was the news prepared?
c. What is the source of the news?
d. What has happened in the game? Who won the match?

2. Write the correct answers.
a. Which country won the match by how many runs?

b. What is Sandeep Lamichhane's career's best bowling record?

c. Who is the second bowler who took the remaining wickets of
the opponent?

d. What makes the match historical?


1. Look, read and learn.
Sonu : What time do you go to school?
Saru : I go to school at 9:30 a.m.
Sonu : Which subject do you like the most?
Saru : I like English the most.

2. Ask questions using the given wh-words.
I live in Kathmandu. (Where)
 Where do you live in?

Buddi Bahadur is the winner of the day. (Who)
 Who is the winner of the day?

a. You are playing football. (What)

b. He is talking about politics. (What)

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 229

c. Manusi was born in 2015. (When)
d. He was late to school because it was raining heavily. (Why)
e. She began her job at a department store. (Where)
f. This is her book. (Whose)
g. Many students are not wearing masks (Who)
h. They are happy because they won the match. (Why)
i. Buddha was born in Nepal. (Where)
j. She reaches home at 5:00 pm. (When)
k. He is walking slowly. (How)
l. You are 12 years old. (How)
m. Dhanu’s house is beautiful. (Whose)
n. She is sad because she heard that she failed her exam. (Why)
o. This question is important. (Which)


Act out the following conversation.

Junu : How many members are there in your family?

Manas : There are six members in my

Junu : Which is the highest mountain
of the world?

Manas : Mt. Everest is the highest
mountain of the world.

Junu : When is Martyr’s Day
celebrated in Nepal?

Manas : Martyr’s Day is celebrated in
Nepal on 16th of Magh.

Junu : How much water should we drink everyday?

Manas : We should drink sufficient water a day
Now ask and answer each other in the same way in your class.

230 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


1. Look at the picture and guess the answer.

a. What is this information about?
b. Have you seen such an information board? Where?

2. Listen to the conversation and write True or False.
a. A traveller first asked the way to post office.
b. The Health Post is very far from there.
c. The traveller has to go to airport to take a flight to Lukla.
d. The shopkeeper did not reply.
e. The traveller thanked the shopkeeper at the end.

3. Listen to the recordings once again and write answers in short.
a. How far is the post office from there?
b. How far is the airport from there?
c. Which bus should be used to get to the airport?

4. Have you ever been confused in some place about how to get to

your destination? How would you find out the information about

your location at the moment? Share your thought in the your

class. English Book - 6 231

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


1. Look at the following chart and describe it.

2. Look at the following bar graph and describe it..

Favourite Movies

Number of students 14
10 Action Romance Drama



3. Look at the picture and write a process of having a bath.

2a3. 2First, ………………………………………………………
English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

b. Then, ……………………………………………………

0 Action Romance Drama

33..L ookLaot othke paitcttuhree apnidctwurritee aanprdocwesrsiotef haavpinrgoacebsastho. f having a bath.
a. First, ....................................................

a. First, ………………………………………………………

b. Thenb, …. ………T…h…e…n…,…..…...…...…...…..…...…...…...…..…...…...…....................
c. Afterct.h at, …A……ft…e…r…th…a…t….…...…...…...…..…...…...…...…...…...................
d. ………d….… ………...…..…...…...…...…..…...…...…...…..…...…...…...…...…..…...….....................

e. ………e….… ………..…...…...…...…...…..…...…...…...…..…...…...…...…..…...…...….....................

f. …………f.… ………..…..…...…...…...…...…..…...…...…...…..…...…...…...…..…...….......................

g. Finallgy., ………F…i…n…a…ll…y…..…...…..…...…...…...…..…...…...…...…...…..….................

Project work

Prepare an interview questionnaire to get information about your
school. Ask the questions to your principal or teachers. Collect the
answers and show them to your English teacher. You can make a chart
or bar graph by counting and grouping the answers to your questions
with the help of your teacher.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 233

Listening Script

Lesson 5
A : Hi Manu. What’s up? Are you OK?
B : No, not really. It’s my job. I’m not enjoying it and I didn’t get the promotion.
A : Why don’t you talk to your boss and ask for his advice?
B : I tried. He’s not very helpful. He said he was busy and didn’t have time

to talk.
A : Well, you need to try again. You should tell him it’s important.
B : I don’t see the point. He gave the promotion to Sam, my colleague.
A : Oh. If I were you, I’d look for another job. Why don’t we look online at

vacancies and get some ideas?
B : Yeah. That sounds great. Thank you Rashmi for listening to me.

Lesson 6

Hi, everyone! Here’ s my plan for the weekend. I'm planning to watch TV
Friday evening because my favourite programme will be aired. It will help
me relax after a long study. I love reading books very much, so I am thinking
of going to a bookstore Saturday afternoon. There are many interesting books.
I can buy some of them. I'm also planning to visit my grandparents, with my
parents, because I miss them very much. After I come back, I will get ready for
the next week. For example, I will preview the next day’s lesson and review
the notes that I took in the class. Those are my plans for the weekend. What
about yours?

Thank you!

Lesson 7

I'm here with the weather report of the day. Let's start from Pokhara. It will
rain heavily here. There'll be thunderstorms, too. It'll be worse in Butwal. The
rain will be heavier and floods are likely to affect the city.

234 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

The weather will be quite different in Biratnagar. It will be a dry day. There
will be no rain for the next week, too.

Let's move to Janakpur. It is going to be windy here. People are suggested not
go outside unless it's an emergency.

There's some good news for Kathmandu. It's the best place to be today. The
average temperature will be 24 degrees and there won't be any rain, storm and
floods. It will be a lovely day.

This is the end of the report. Thank you.

Lesson 8

Mohandas was the youngest of the six children of Kaba Gandhi. He was the
favourite child of the family and was called 'Moniya' fondly by his parents and
their friends. Moniya used to appreciate his mother. He loved his father, too,
but he used to be a little afraid of him.

As a child, Moniya didn't use to stay at home. He used to go home for his
meals and then used to run away again to play outside. If one of his brothers
teased him or playfully pulled his ears, he would run home to complain this
to his mother.

At Rajkot, he used to go to a primary school. He used to be shy and did not use
to mix easily with the other children. Every morning he used to go to school in
time, and run back home as soon as school was over. His books were his sole
companions. He used to spend all his free time alone reading.

Lesson 9

The type of food people consume varies during summer and winter. In
summer, because the weather is so hot, people would prefer to eat cold food
like ice-cream to keep them cold. However, during winter, people will prefer
to eat hot and spicy food which would help them to keep themselves warm
like steamboat.

Besides that, people’s way of dressing also tends to change because of the
different seasons. During summer people will usually wear casual clothes like
jeans, t-shirts, shorts, dress and sleeveless tops to keep them not so warm.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 235

However, people will wear thicker and warmer clothes in winter to keep
themselves not so cold.

There are also different types of activities that can be carried out during summer
and winter. Summer is the time where people will usually go travelling and the
weather is better for outdoor activities. It is easier to go sight-seeing in summer
compared to winter. During winter, ice-skating is one of the most favorite and
popular sport that can be carried out especially in the western countries.

Lesson 10

Good morning students. It is your first day in school. I am going to inform you
about the rules and regulations that you have to follow.
• Students must wear school uniform every day.

• Cell phones are not allowed to be used in the building. Cell phones can
be brought to school but must be placed in the lockers or hidden from
sight. If the cell phone goes off in class or is seen by the teacher, the
teacher will collect the cell phone and bring it to administration.

• Students will get their cell phone back at the end of the day but repeat
offenses will lead to further disciplinary action.

• Upon arrival, students are expected to place hats and outerwear in their

• Students are not allowed to wear their sweatshirts over their school shirt
for it poses a breech in school safety.

• Gum is NOT allowed to be chewed during school hours.

• Students must place food in their locker during morning locker time.

• Students who take food to their classrooms will receive a non-negotiable
lunch detention and a letter home explaining the reason for the detention.
The letter, signed by a parent, must be returned on the following school

I hope you all will follow these rules and create a good environment in
school. Thank you.

236 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Lesson 11
Last month, I went to Boston to see my friend. My friend and I went to our
favourite composite in the mountains. It is near the top of Mount Grey-lock
in the Berkshires. The view was spectacular in the evening. The sky turned
bright orange and pink as the sun set behind the hills. I could see the valleys
and rivers from the tower at the top of the mountain. I did very exciting things.
First of all, there was a small pond near the composite so I swam a lot when
I got hot. Also we went on hiking every morning because there were good
hiking trails ... I had lots of fresh air during my stay on the mountain. There
was a small village near our composite. In the afternoons, I and my friend
walked there so I had fresh food every day, and especially I had delicious fish.
In the evenings, we set a campfire and told stories to each other around the
fire. As you can see, I enjoyed a lot and had a wonderful time during my trip.

Lesson 12
A : Lisa, could I speak with you for a moment?
B : (Angrily) What about? I don't want to talk to you, Anita.
A : I know you're still mad at me since that argument we had yesterday.
B : You're right, I am. You were so rude to me.
A : I know, I was really out of line and I want to apologise for how I spoke

to you.
B : I don't mind when someone disagrees with me. But you shouldn't have

turned it into a personal attack.
A : That's fair. I apologise. It's no excuse, but I was having a really bad day

and I guess I took it out on you.
B : I understand. Don't worry about it.
A : Let me know if I can make it up to you somehow.
B : That's all right. The main thing is that you apologised. I'm sorry if I've

been mean to you since it happened.
A : That's all right. I'm just glad we can be friends again.
B : Me, too.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 237

Lesson 14
Shopkeeper : Hello Sir, what do you want?
Customer : Hello, I want some sugar.
Shopkeeper : How much sugar do you want?
Customer : I want a kg of sugar.
Shopkeeper : It's Rs. 40, sir. Do you need something else?
Customer : Oh! I need coconut oil.
Shopkeeper : Yes. There are two bottles, which one do want, small one

or big one? Small one is Rs 15 and big one is Rs 30.
Customer : Mmm … I want the big one.
Shopkeeper : Okay, sir. Do you want some snacks? We also keep

snacks in the food department.
Customer : Yeah, sure.
Shopkeeper : The big packet is Rs 20 and the small one is Rs 10.
Customer : Give me the big one.
Shopkeeper : Okay sir. Here you are.
Customer : Can you please give me the bill?
Shopkeeper : Yes, sure.

Lesson 15
Robots will replace some of the works that humans are doing these days.
Anyone who is currently working in a library may find themselves without
employment in the next couple of decades. Library technicians may no longer
be required then. Robots will be working with the implementation of automated
systems to track books and individuals who are using their library card at all
times. In the future, libraries may function in a more high-tech manner, and
more systematically. It will work with checkouts becoming digital without the
need for an actual professional library technician available to help.

238 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Lesson 16
Yesterday was the day of Bhai Tika. It is an important day of Tihar. We received
Sapta Rangi Tika and garlands of flowers from our sisters. Then we had a lot of
fun. We played Deusi with friends in our neighbourhood. There were nine of
us altogether to play Deusi. We sang and danced with Deusire songs. We had
Madal, Jhyali and flute too to play the songs rhythmically. Some of our seniors
in the neighbourhood also participated sometimes to make us happier. They
also enjoyed. We went to five different houses of our neighborhood. We got
some Dakshinas from the house owners where we played Deusi. It a was very
exciting moment. We enjoyed a lot.

Lesson 17
Conversation between two schoolchildren at a zoo.
Biru : Hi, Binu.
Binu : Hello, Biru.
Biru : Look! What’s this?
Binu : Wow! Isn’t it monkey? What type of colour is it?
Biru : No, no. It’s not monkey. It’s Chimpanzee.
Binu : Wow. It is not found in our place, is it?
Biru : I heard it is not in Nepal’s jungle.
Binu : Look! There is a tiger.
Biru : Yes. There are two. One is sleeping.
Binu : There are rhinos, too, on the right. Let’s go.
Biru : Okay, let’s go. Look there are other animals and birds, too.
Binu : Yes. We are lucky today. We can see many wild animals.
Biru : What’s that big thing, moving?
Binu : Wait, wait! It’s an elephant. There are some people climbing on it.
Biru : Oh. But I am scared!
Binu : Don’t worry. It doesn’t come this side.
Biru : Let’s have some rest here, shall we?
Binu : Sure.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 239

Lesson 18

(Conversation between a traveller and a shopkeeper)

Traveller : Excuse me!

Shopkeeper : Yes, please.

Traveller : May I know where the nearby health post is?

Shopkeeper : It’s not far from here. Go straight until you reach the
junction. Then turn left and you will see the post office.

Traveller : Thank you, sir. Would you tell me the way to reach the
airport from here?

Shopkeeper : Sure. It’s a bit farther from here. You should catch a taxi. It’s
about 5 kilometres from here.

Traveller : Is it so far! I have to go there to fly to Lukla. Can I go by a
public vehicle?

Shopkeeper : You can. You can catch a bus of Ring Road and request a
stop for you near airport.

Traveller : Thank you so much for your kind information.

Shopkeeper : It’s my pleasure to give information to a stranger like you.

Have a nice journey.

Traveller : Thank you. Nice to meet you.

240 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

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