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wonder English 6

wonder English 6

h. Do you want to go to ………………. restaurant where we first

i. He is ………………. engineer.

j. He thinks that ………………. love is what will save us all.


1. Practise in pairs the following conversation.
Policeman : Can you identify the car that hit you?

Pradeep : It was a big car. I think it was a Tata Sumo.

Policeman : Are you sure? What was its colour?

Pradeep : Yes. It was a red Sumo.

Policeman : Can you remember the number of the car?

Pradeep : No, I am sorry. It happened so quickly that I couldn't
read the number.

Policeman : Well, thank you.

2. Identify the pictures and say what they are and what they are used


It's a pen drive. It is small and portable. It is used for storing and
transferring data.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 151


1. Listen to the audio and complete the following sentences with the
information from the text.

a. The speaker's favourite …………… is near the top of Mt.

b. The scene of the composite was very beautiful in …………. .
c. There was a ……………… on the top of the mountain.
d. There were good …………..for hiking.
e. The speaker had ………………in the village near the mountain.

2. Listen to the audio and answer the following questions.
a. Why did the speaker go to Boston?
b. What could he see from the top of the mountain?
c. How was the sky?
d. What did the speaker do first?
e. What did the speaker and his friend do around the campfire?


Read the following paragraph about the Mobile Phone.

A Mobile Phone

A mobile phone is one of the wonders of science.
It is a telephone system that works without any
wire. All classes of people use mobile phone.
Through mobile phone, we can send news to
distant places, play games, know about time
and solve calculation problems. Despite all
its advantages, the mobile phone has some
drawbacks. Though its price is decreasing, its
bill per minute is not decreasing. So everybody
cannot afford to have it. Scientists have recently
discovered that mobile phones can cause cancer

152 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

to the users. Besides, it has become a fashion with the young people.
In spite of all these disadvantages, the necessity of a mobile phone in
exchanging messages cannot be denied in our practical life.

Now write a similar paragraph on 'Computer'. Use the following clues.
a. What is a computer?
b. Who are its users?
c. Where can it be used?
d. What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Project work

What do your friends use the Internet for? Conduct a survey among
your friends and complete the table below. Then, present your findings
in the class.

S.N. Name What She/He uses the
Internet for

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12 A Letter of

Listen and sing

This Is Just To Say

-William Carlos Williams

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

154 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


Before you proceed
a. Who is an honest person?
(An honest person loves truth and justice. He/she is honest in his words and
actions. He/she does not lie, steal or cheat.)

b. Are you always honest?

c. Why do you think you should be honest?

New words

expensive - This gold ring is very expensive.

narrated - Sita narrated to us what had happened at the foot-
ball match last night.

greedy - My neighbour next door is very greedy.

deeds - We get punished for our bad deeds.

The Honest Woodcutter

Ramhari was a poor but very honest woodcutter. Everyday he used to
go to the forest to collect wood for his living. One day, he came across a
big tree in the middle of the forest. He decided to cut down some of its
branches. He climbed the tree, settled on a branch and started to cut it
down. Suddenly, his axe fell into the nearby pond.

Will he be able to retrieve his axe?

The pond was very deep so it was
impossible for him to get his axe back.
He sat on the bank and started to cry.
He cursed himself and his bad luck.
Hearing him cry, an angel appeared
from the pond. He asked him why he
was crying. He told him everything.
The angel felt pity on him and asked
him to wait there. He dived back into
the pond, and a few minutes later, he
came back with a golden axe and asked him if it was his.

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“No! This axe is not mine,” he sadly

Down he went again and returning with a
silver axe this time, he asked, “Is this your

“No! This isn’t mine. I am a poor
woodcutter. I cannot afford to have such
expensive axes. Please help me find my
old axe.”

He went back the third time and returned
with the woodcutter’s axe. “Is this your
axe?” he asked for the third time. “Yes. It
is my axe. Oh! Thank you very much,“ he said happily.

“You are a very honest person, Ramhari. I am very proud of you. Here,
take these two other axes as a gift from me.” He handed him his axe and
also gave him the other two axes for his honesty. He happily went home
with three axes and the wood he had collected. When he narrated all this
to his wife, his greedy neighbour heard it all.

How did the neighbour show his greed?

The next day, his neighbour went to the same place and knowingly
dropped his axe into the pond. Hearing him cry, the angel appeared and

asked him what was wrong. He told
the angel the same thing as Ramhari
told. The angel went back into the
pond and a few minutes later came
up with the golden axe and asked
him, “Is this your axe?”

Seeing the golden axe, the greedy
woodcutter began to shout, “Yes! This
is my axe. This is my axe.” The angel
got angry with him for lying and he
said dryly, “You liar! This is not your
axe. You are greedy and all you think

156 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

about is wealth. You shall be punished for your deeds.” The angel said
this and dived back into the pond and did not appear again. His cries
and screams went in vain. He not only lost the golden axe but also his
own axe. He paid the price for his lies and greed.

Word power

1. Find the following words in the word grid below. appear
start curse expensive honest proud greedy


2. Write down the antonyms of the words given in exercise 1. Choose
from the list below.

blessing finish cheap dishonest

humble disappear generous

Comprehension activities

1. Write down whether the following statements are true or false.
Give reasons for your answer.

a. Ramhari was a poor but very truthful woodcutter.

b. Ramhari fell into the nearby pond while cutting the branches.

c. He started cursing the branches and the pond.

d. The angel was happy with Ramhari’s honesty and gave him all
three axes as a gift.

e. The angel gave Ramhari’s neighbour his axe back.

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2. Answer the following questions.
a. What did Ramhari use to do for a living?
b. Why couldn’t Ramhari get his axe back?
c. How did Ramhari get his axe back?
d. Why did Ramhari get all the axes?
e. Why didn’t Ramhari’s neighbour get his axe back?
f. What would the angel have done if the neighbour had said the
golden and the silver axes did not belong to him?


Before you proceed
Have you ever seen this type of text? Where do you see it?

Have you ever travelled by plane? Was your flight on time or was it
delayed? Were you given any notice about it?

New words - GEulfaCrotohpeorantiotnhCeoumnciol ve

GCC - the latest time or date by which something should be
deadline completed

restriction - the limitation or control of someone or something

COVID-19 Alert

Pakistan International Airlines

Muscat, Oman
The Government of Oman has issued new travel instructions in response
to the spread of COVID-19. All nationalities will NOT be allowed to enter
Sultanate of Oman at all borders except for Omanis and GCC citizens.

These travel restrictions are effective from 17 March 2020, until further
notice. All foreign passengers with non-resident visas who show up at

158 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

the passport control shall be rejected even if their flight arrived before
the above deadline.
These instructions are in place until further notice.
Please contact the PIA contact centre for more details or call 111-786-786.

Word power

Match the words/phrases in Column A with their meanings in
Column B.

Column A Column B

a. alert i. appear

b. spread ii. the state of being watchful for
possible danger

c. show up iii. an official document normally used
for international journeys

d. visa iv. growth of something so that it
covers a larger area or affects a larger
number of people

e. passport v. a stamp put on a passport indicating
that the holder is allowed to enter in
a country

Comprehension activities

1. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements.
a. Pakistan International Airlines had issued the travel

b. No one could enter into Oman during the period of travel

c. Non-residential foreign passengers could enter Oman if their
flights arrived before deadline.

d. The notice was effective up to March 17, 2020.

e. The office of the airlines in Pakistan had issued the notice.

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2. Answer the following questions.
a. Who had issued this notice?
b. What was the purpose of this notice?
c. Who was this notice for?
d. Why were these instructions given?
e. What does PIA stand for?
f. What should one have done to get the further information?


1. Read and learn.
Jan isn’t coming. She’s not feeling very well.
She might not be joking. It could be true.
They don’t go to school in the afternoon on Wednesdays.
Living in a small flat does not make it easy to have pets.
I hadn’t decided whether to take the train or go in the car.
They can’t be hungry again. They’ve only just eaten.

Negative sentences are typically formed by adding the word
"not" after the helping verb. Negative sentences can also make
use of the word "do" (including "do," "did," and "does") before
"not", in case there is no helping verb in the sentence.

2. Change the following sentences into negative.
a. Karin played volleyball yesterday.
…………………… ……………………………………………………
b. There will be rain in the South tomorrow.
…………………… ……………………………………………………
c. Mel speaks German.
…………………… ……………………………………………………
d. We are writing a test.
…………………… ……………………………………………………

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e. Listen to Thomas.
…………………… ……………………………………………………
f. They are going to rent a car.
…………………… ……………………………………………………
g. I had seen him.
…………………… ……………………………………………………
h. They were having a cup of tea this morning.
…………………… ……………………………………………………
i. She has been to Berlin.
…………………… ……………………………………………………
j. I have been watching TV for an hour.

…………………… ……………………………………………………


Read the following dialogue:
Andy : Excuse me, Sir.
Teacher : Why are you so late, Andy?
Andy : I am very sorry, but I got a traffic jam.
Teacher : Really? You told me the same thing every time you came

Andy : But, Sir. I was really trapped in the traffic jam. I do

Teacher : Next time, please come earlier. Otherwise, you will miss

the lesson.
Andy : OK, Sir. I promise!
Teacher : Good! Then you may have a seat.

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Have conversations based on the situations below.
a. You had an appointment to meet your friend, but you were

late because of the traffic jam.
b. You have lost your friend's ticket to a concert.
c. You have let your friend copy your homework but all the

answers were wrong.
d. You borrowed a book from a friend a few days ago. You

promised to give it back today, but you forgot to bring it.
Your friend really needs the book because he is going to have
a test tomorrow. You are making an apology before him.


1. Listen to the audio and fill in the gaps.
a. Lisa and Anita had …………………yesterday.
b. Anita was ……………… Lisa.
c. Anita wants to ……………………for her behaviour.
d. Lisa doesn't mind if someone ……………………with her.
e. Both Lisa and Anita are happy that they can be ………..again.

2. Listen to the audio and answer these questions.
a. Why was Lisa angry with Anita?
b. Why does Anita want to talk to Lisa?
c. How was Anita's day yesterday?
d. What's important to do if you hurt others?
e. Why does Lisa say sorry to Anita?

162 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


Read the following email of apology.
To : [email protected]
From : [email protected]
Subject : apology

Dear Carla Gerber,

Please accept our apology for having shipped merchandise in excess
of your purchase order.

We have made an adjustment in your account to reflect this error and
have arranged for UPS to pick up the excess merchandise on Tuesday,
August 4. In addition, please find attached a coupon good for $10 off
your next transaction with UPS.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you and are most
appreciative of your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

Thank you for your recent order.


Soren Hotstetter

Commercial Corp.

Now, write an email to your friend saying sorry for mistreating him/
her in the class today.

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13 Treasure Island

Before you proceed
Have you ever been sick? What disease attacked you? How did you feel?

What do you do when you fall ill?

New words - a Elonagr, tdheepocnut tohr weomundove

gash - have severe difficulty in breathing because of an
choke obstruction in the throat

wrench - a sudden violent twist or pull
sprain - to cause an injury to a joint
numb - having no feeling or sensation
hangnail - a tiny torn piece of skin near the root of the nail

Meet the Author

Shel Silverstein was an American writer,
poet, cartoonist, songwriter and playwright.
He is known for his cartoons, songs, and
children's books. His books have been
translated into more than 30 languages and
have sold more than 20 million copies. He
received two Grammy Awards, the greatest
prize in music, as well as Golden Globe
Award. Basically, his poems are simple
and they talk about children in different

164 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Sick -Shel Silverstein
English Book - 6 165
“I cannot go to school today,"
Said little Peggy Ann McKay.
“I have the measles and the mumps,
A gash, a rash and purple bumps.
My mouth is wet, my throat is dry,
I’m going blind in my right eye.
My tonsils are as big as rocks,
I’ve counted sixteen chicken pox
And there’s one more--that’s seventeen,
And don’t you think my face looks green?
My leg is cut--my eyes are blue--
It might be instamatic flu.
I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke,
I’m sure that my left leg is broke--
My hip hurts when I move my chin,
My belly button’s caving in,
My back is wrenched, my ankle’s
My ‘pendix pains each time it rains.
My nose is cold, my toes are numb.
I have a sliver in my thumb.
My neck is stiff, my voice is weak,
I hardly whisper when I speak.
My tongue is filling up my mouth,
I think my hair is falling out.
My elbow’s bent, my spine ain’t straight,
My temperature is one-o-eight.
My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear,
There is a hole inside my ear.
I have a hangnail, and my heart is--what?
What’s that? What’s that you say?
You say today is. . .Saturday?
Good bye, I’m going out to play!”

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Word power

1. Read the poem and note down the body parts and its illness.
Then, discuss what you can't do when you have such illness.

Body part Illness

Comprehension activities

1. Choose the correct answers.
a. Which word is a synonym for wrenched?

i. injured iii. not painful iii. straight

b. Read line 26. What is the speaker trying to say?
i. The speaker is sick with a high fever.
ii. The speaker needs medicine to get better soon.
iii. The speaker wants to go to school.

c. After reading the last stanza, the reader can conclude -
i. The speaker does not feel well and needs medicine.
ii. The speaker was pretending to be sick in order to miss a

day of school.
iii. The speaker is happy to miss a day of school.

d. What does the speaker realise at the end of the poem?
i. The speaker realised that there was no school that day.
ii. The speaker realised that her back and heel were hurting.
iii. The speaker will get into a lot of trouble for lying.

e. Read line 7. This is an example of - iii. simile
i. metaphor ii. alliteration

166 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

f. The reader can conclude that the main character -
i. dislikes getting sick and staying in bed all day.
ii. does not want to miss school.
iii. does not enjoy going to school and wants to stay home

g. The poet's purpose of writing this poem is
i. to entertain the reader with a nonfiction poem
ii. to entertain the reader with a humorous poem
iii. to entertain the reader with a free verse poem

h. Which of the following is true about this poem?
i. The poem has ABAB rhyme pattern.
ii. The poem has 4 stanzas and 32 lines.

iii. The poem has 32 stanzas and 4 lines

2. Pick all rhyming words from the poem.
3. What are the things that the speaker cannot do?

Literary terms

Parallelism Sometimes a writer may repeat a grammatical structure
within a sentence or across successive sentences. Such repetition of
structures creates parallelism. This use of parallelism helps writing
become effective and clear. ‘The wind might whistle; the wind might
roar’ is an example of use of parallelism. Can you find any other lines
with parallel structure in the poem?

Alliteration When the same consonant sound is used at the beginning of
words that are close together, it is called alliteration.

For example:

sweet smell of success
a dime a dozen
bigger and better
jump for joy

Make a list of all the examples of alliteration used in the poem.

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Treasure Island

– Robert Louis Stevenson

Before you proceed
a. Have you ever travelled to any place alone?
b. What would you do if you got lost?

Meet the author
Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, poet,
essayist and travel writer born on 13th November 1850 AD.
Ranking among the 26 most translated authors in the world now,
Stevenson enjoyed being a literary celebrity during his lifetime.

Some of his most popular works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped and
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. He died on 3rd December,
1894 AD.

New words

pirates - people who attack and rob ships in the sea

the Jolly Roger - a pirate’s flag with a white skull and cross-
bones on a black background

stockade - a barrier formed from upright wooden posts
especially as a defence

squire - chief landowner of an area

The following story is an extract from the popular book Treasure Island written
by Robert Louis Stevenson. It is a story of an adventurous journey of a young
boy named Jim Hawkins who travels through the sea and islands in search of a
treasure buried somewhere along the way many, many years ago.

I ran without paying any attention to where I was going and soon I
reached a little hill. Suddenly I heard some small stones falling down the
hill. I turned to look and saw a figure quickly hide behind a tree. What it
was, whether a man or an animal, I couldn’t tell.

168 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Who hid behind the

Frightened, I turned
back. I was afraid
of the pirates, but
the creatures in the
woods frightened me
even more. I looked
back and saw that
it was following me
with the speed of an
animal but I realised
that it was actually a

I remembered that I
had a pistol and thus
courageously decided
to walk towards
him. He was hiding
behind a tree. As soon
as I began to move
in his direction he
reappeared and took a step to meet me.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Ben Gunn,” he answered. His voice sounded strange. “I’m poor Ben
Gunn, I am, and I haven’t spoken to a man for three years since I was left

Now I could see that he was a white man like me but his skin was burnt
by the sun and even his lips were black. He wore strange clothes made
of pieces of an old ship’s sail.

“Three years!” I cried. “Were you shipwrecked?”

“No,” he said, “I was marooned.”

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I had heard the word before and I knew that it meant leaving a man
alone on some uninhabited island, a cruel punishment common among
the pirates.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“Jim,” I told him.

“Jim, I lived a bad life. I’m ashamed to tell you about it. My mother was
a religious woman and I was a good boy. Can you believe me? I became
a bad man, Jim, but I’m different now. I’ve learnt a lot on this island. And
I’ve become rich.”

He whispered his last words, looking around him.

“Rich, rich! And I tell you, I’ll make a man of you, Jim, because you were
the first to find me here.”

With that he winked and pinched me hard.

“Now, Jim, tell me the truth. That isn’t Flint’s ship, is it?”

“No, it’s not Flint’s ship,” I answered him at once, feeling that he could
help us, “and Flint’s dead. There are some of Flint’s men aboard.”

“Not the man ... with one ... leg?” he whispered.

“Silver?” I asked.

“Yes, Silver, that was his name.”

“He’s the cook and their leader, too,” I answered, telling him the whole
story of our voyage.

“You’re a good boy, Jim,” he said when I had finished, “and you are in
trouble but Ben Gunn can help you. Do you think that the squire would
be generous to anyone who helped him? What I mean is, will he take
me back to England and pay me one thousand pounds out of the money
that’s already mine?”

“Yes,” I cried, “the squire is a gentleman.”

“Now I’ll tell you, Jim,” he went on, “I found Flint’s treasure. I was on

170 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Flint’s ship when he brought the treasure to the island. He and six strong
seamen went ashore to hide it. They were on shore for nearly a week and
then Flint came back alone in a little boat. The six were dead and buried!
We didn’t know how he could have killed all of them.”

Ben Gunn was on another ship three years ago. He asked his captain
to find the treasure. They looked for the treasure for twelve days. They
were very angry with Ben Gunn. And finally they said, “You can stay
here and find Flint’s money for yourself. Here’s a spade, an axe, and a
gun.” And they left him.

He asked me to go to the squire and tell him that Ben Gunn is a good

“I’ll tell,” I promised. “But I don’t know how I can get back to the ship.”

“There’s my boat,” he said, “that I made with my own two hands. We
can try it when it’s dark.”

Just then we heard the ship’s gun.

“They’ve begun to fight!” I cried. “Follow me.”

We heard some more shots and then, not a quarter of a mile in front of
us, we saw the British flag flying above the wood.

As soon as Ben Gunn saw the British flag, he stopped me by the arm and
sat down.

“Now,” he said, “your friends are there, sure enough.”

“Far more likely it’s the pirates,” I answered.

Who are the pirates?

“Why!” he cried, “in a place like this Silver would fly the Jolly Roger, be
sure of that. No, that’s your friends. There has been a fight and they’ve
won it. Now they are in the old stockade that Flint built many years

“Jim,” returned Ben, “you’re a good boy, but you’re only a boy. I won’t
go there, not till I see your gentleman and get his word of honour. And

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when Ben Gunn is wanted, you know where to find him, Jim. Just where
you found him today.”

“Ok,” I said.

“You won’t forget, Jim, will you?” continued the man. “And if you see
Silver, you won’t tell him about Ben Gunn, will you? And if the pirates
sleep ashore tonight, they”ll be dead by morning.”

At last the ship’s gun stopped firing and I moved quietly to the shore.

There I saw the log-house with the Jolly Roger, the black flag of piracy,
flying over her. I went back to the stockade.

“Doctor! Squire! Captain! Hello, Hunter, is that you?” I cried.

I climbed over the stockade and was warmly welcomed by my friends. I
told them what had happened and then began to look about me.

It was a strong wooden house which stood on a little hill. The roof, the
walls and the floor of the house were made of trunks of pine. The log-
house was surrounded by a high stockade with no door. A spring of
clear water rose from almost the top of the hill. The cold evening wind
blew fine sand through the holes in this rough building. The sand got in
our eyes, our teeth and in our food.

My friends gave me supper and, as I ate, the doctor told me their story.

172 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Word power

1. Write down the meaning of the following words and make
sentences of your own using each of them.

sail supper

stockade seamen

2. Choose the correct antonyms for the following words.

rough smooth/bumpy

quietly silently/noisily

honour dishonour/respect

stay wait/leave

hide conceal/reveal

Comprehension activities

1. Choose the correct answer.
a. Ben Gunn spent three years on the island after
i. he had been marooned.
ii. he had been shipwrecked.
iii. he had asked his shipmates to leave him on the island.

b. Flint’s six men died
i. of some illness.
ii. after they got lost deep in the forest.
iii. because Flint killed them all.

c. When Jim and Ben Gunn saw the British flag, they believed
i. Jim’s friends had settled in the log-house.

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ii. the pirates had prepared a trap for them.
iii. the pirates had been defeated.

d. Ben Gunn decided not to go to the log-house because
i. he was afraid that the pirates were in it.
ii. he didn’t want to go back to England.
iii. he wanted to be sure that the squire would help him.

2. Answer the following questions.
a. Why was Jim frightened?
b. Who did Jim meet on the island?
c. What had happened to Ben Gunn?
d. What had Ben Gunn done before he was marooned?
e. How did Ben Gunn come to the conclusion that Jim’s friends
were in the log-house?
f. Was it reasonable for Jim to believe what Ben Gunn said to
him? Give your reasons.

3. Fill in the blanks.
a. Jim ............................ decided to walk towards the stranger after
he remembered that he had a pistol.

b. Ben Gunn wore unusual clothes made of pieces of an old ship’s

c. Benn Gunn became a ...................... person after being ma-
rooned on the island.

d. The house which stood on a little hill was made of...............

174 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Literary terms

Narration We often tell each other about events that happen around us.
When we relate a sequence of events systematically, we form a story. If
we write or tell something in the style of a story, we use narration.

Every story or a narrative has at least a narrator, who tells the story. Like
the way we see a scene depends on where we see it from, the way a story
is told also depends on the narrative point of view – that means from
which angle the story is told.

Basically we can find three different kinds of narrative point of views in
stories: first person, second person and third person.

If the story is told by one of the characters in the story, we call it the first
person narrative point of view. We find use of ‘I’ or ‘we’ in the story told
in the first person narrative point of view. In the story told in the second
person narrative point of view, readers are directly addressed, mostly
using the word ‘you’. If all the characters are addressed as ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’
or ‘they’, then it is understood that the third person narrative point of
view has been used in the story.

What is the name of the narrator in the story ‘Treasure Island’? What
narrative point of view is used in the story: first person, second person
or third person?

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 175


1. Read and learn.

As, because, because of and since are conjunctions. As, because
and since all introduce subordinate clauses whereas because of is
followed by a noun phrase. They connect the result of something
with its reason.

• Are you angry with me because I ate your biscuits?

• Since there is no face-to-face class theses days, the teachers are
teaching online.

• They are expecting government's support as they have lost their

• They lost their jobs because of the pandemic.

2. Use because, because of, since or as to complete the sentences.
a. I was late today ............................ traffic jam..
b. She is coughing ............................common cold has caught her.
c. He was successful ............................he worked hard.
d. are working hard this time, you may
come out the first in the exam.
e. She could not complete here assignments last night
............................there was power cut.
f. Ramila is not able to speak ............................she is sick.

3. Use because, because of, since or as to join the sentences.

a. The lion got angry. The rabbit was late. (because)

b. The lion used to kill them randomly. All animals in the jungle
were afraid. (as)

c. The water dripped. There was a hole in the pipe. (because)

d. Sanjana could not attend the exam. She was sick. (because of)

e. Winter has begun. We must buy warm clothes. (since)

176 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


1. Look at the picture and guess. Then, listen and check.

a. Where are they?

b. What are they
doing? What can
you guess from
what is in the
boy's hand?

c. What time it
might be? Can
you guess?

2. Listen to the audio and complete the gap in the dialogue. Then sit
in pairs and catch the errors out.
Umesh : Hi, Seema. Can you help me?

Seema : Sure! What's the matter?

Umesh : I ___________ this math problem.

Seema : I _________ you with that.

Umesh : Really? ___________ this problem for me?

Seema : Well, we ___________ out the answer unless we do
this part first.

Umesh : Okay! But it's so hard.

Seema : Yeah, but I know you _________ it. Just go slowly.

Umesh : Class is almost over. ___________ me during the
lunch today to finish this?

Seema : Well, I ___________ you in 10 minutes after having
my lunch.

Umesh : Great!

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 177


1. Work in pairs and act out the conversation.
Sunav : Hi, Binod! Can you write a poem?

Binod : No, I can't. But I can recite poems. I am good at it.

Sunav : Are there any rules in reciting poems? How did you

Binod : I too did not know how to recite poems in correct rhythms
before. One day my father asked me to read a poem. I
could not. Then he taught me how to do it.

Sunav : Now, I think you can teach me!

Binod : Sure, why not! But let's do it on Saturday, okay?

Sunav : Okay. That sounds good! I will meet you on Saturday.

2. Now go around the class interviewing your friends and any five
people to see who can do the following activities.

• play football
• play basketball
• play badminton
• play carom
• play the guitar
• play chess
• swim
• dance

178 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


1. Write a piece of news about an event at your school and publish
it on your school's bulletin board.

2. Write a couple of paragraphs about an unforgettable event of
your life.

Project work

Surf the Internet or visit a library and collect some poems in which
you find the repetition of the initial consonant letters. Then recite the
poems in the class.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 179

14 Market

Listen and learn

Do you know about the history of money? Read the following article.

The History of Money

More than 2,000 years ago the Romans were using
metal coins similar to those we use today. Many
of these early coins were made in the temple of
the goddess Juno, or Moneta. It is from the name
“Moneta” that we get the word “money”.

In most societies objects were used as a means of
exchange. This method of paying is called bartering.
However, this system has some problems. For
example, how do you decide on the ‘value’ of the
items? For example, how many fish are equal to one
loaf of bread?

To overcome these problems some societies tried
to use one particular object. For example, in Russia
and Scandinavia, animal skins were widely used, in
Mexico cocoa beans. Salt in Nigeria, coloured beads
in Africa and North America, and cattle in many
countries served the same purpose. But it was still
difficult to measure their value accurately and keep
some of them for a long time.

So, finally societies began to use another kind of
money. These were precious metals which were cut into small pieces
and weighed. Later on these ‘coins’ were stamped with a figure or
symbol so that people could determine how many coins it took to
pay for a particular object or service. It was only around 400 years ago
that paper money came into general use in most countries.

180 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


Before you proceed
What services do you get at a barber's? Have you enjoyed all
the services you get there?

Sharp Scissors

Hair Salon for Men

Rate List

Hair Price Beauty Price
Hair Cut 100
100 Shave 100
Stylish Hair Cut 150 French or Khat 100
Baby Hair Cut 100 Face Wash 200
Hair Styling 100 Threading 500
Hair Sticking 500 Head Massage 500
Hair Mask 500 Head Massage 500
Hair Mask 500 Cleansing 1000

Hair Wash 100 Cleansing

Hair Conditioning 500 Manicure

Hair Color Imported 500 Pedicure

Hair Color Simple 350 Facial

Hair Rebonding (Keune) 4000 Whitening Facial

Hair Treatment 1000 Whitening facial

Hair Bam 700 Dermacos

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 181

Word power

Match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.

Column A Column B

a. rebonding i. a man on his wedding day or just before
and after the event

b. cleansing ii. a cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails

c. manicure iii. a chemical treatment that relaxes your hair

d. pedicure iv. cleaning something thoroughly, especially
the skin

e. groom v. a cosmetic treatment of the hands, nails
and skin

Comprehension activities

1. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. The salon is located in Nepal.
b. All people can get their hair cut in this salon.
c. Hair cut and shaving cost the same.
d. A groom is given service in package.
e. Hair bonding is the most expensive service.

2. Answer the following questions.
a. What is the name of the salon?

b. Where is it located?

c. If a man and his child come to the salon for haircut, how much
do they have to pay?

d. Why does a shop like this display such a list?
e. Why do you think the telephone numbers are given?
g. What provision has the shop made to attract the grooms?

182 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


Before you proceed
If you were to buy a car, which car would you buy? Why?

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 183

Word power

Use the following words or phrases in your own sentences.
a. all-new b. run on
c. cost efficient d. eco-friendly e. user friendly

Comprehension activities

Answer the following questions.
a. What type of text is it?

b. What is the text about?
c. What are the main features of the new car?
d. Which company has published this?
e. Where do you see this type of text?

f. What is the purpose of this text?


1. Look, read and learn.

Proper names Common names

rose, daffodil, marigold, rhododendron flower

Bir Hospital, T.U.Teaching Hospital, Grande hospital
Hospital, Tripureshwor Eye Hospital

Mt. Everest, Kanchanjunga, Dhaulagiri, mountain

crow, pigeon, dove, parrot bird

Nepal, India, China, Russia country

Koshi, Gandaki, Bagmati, Ganga river

cricket, basketball, football, badminton sport

184 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

2. Write the common names of the following:

Proper names Common names
Lily, Lotus, Rose, Sunflower
English, Nepali, Science, Mathematics
Manakamana, Pashupatinath, Pathivara,
Kathmandu, New Delhi, Dhaka, Kabul
peacock, eagle, cuckoo, nightingale
England, Canada, South Africa, Bangladesh
Fewa, Rara, Begnas, Tilicho
volleyball, marathon, table tennis, judo
shirt, cap, trousers, pants
Kathmandu, Kaski, Ilam, Dolpa
apple, banana, orange, mango
table, desk, bench, cupboard
butterfly, cockroach, bee, mosquito

3. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate common names given

countries bird foods river paper

junk foods dress country subjects water

a. Do you have any piece of ……….?
b. We should drink a lot of ………...
c. I don’t like eating fatty……...
d. Which ……….do you want to visit?
e. How many……… you read in class six?
f. Our school…………..looks very beautiful.
g. Which……….do you like the most?
h. Which is the longest………..of Nepal?
i. How many…………..are there in SAARC?
j. Danphe is a national ………of Nepal.
k. My sister works in a …………..Pokhara.
l. Eating ………is not good for health.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 185


1. Practise the following conversation in pairs.
At the butcher's
Butcher : Who was next?
Customer : I was.
Butcher : Hello. How can I help
Customer : I'd like a kilo of chicken
sausages, please?
Butcher : Hot or mild?
Customer : Mild please. My children
don't like spicy foods.
Butcher : OK. So that was a kilo?
Customer : Yes. One kilo please.
Butcher : Yes. That's fine.
Customer : Anything else?
Butcher : Ah yeah, I'd also like two Maryland chicken pieces.
Customer : There you go. Is that all?
Butcher : Yes. That's all for today. Thanks.
Customer : That'll be Rs. 950.
Butcher : Here you go.
Customer : Here's your change. Have a nice day.
Butcher : Thanks. You, too. Bye.

2. Look at the example and have similar conversations.
Example : a pinch of salt
A : Excuse me! Could you please add a little sugar in the curry?
B : How much salt do you want, sir?
A : Just a pinch.
B : Okay, sir. Here you are.

186 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

a. a glass of milk
b. a spoonful of sugar
c. a loaf of bread
d. a dozen of bananas
e. a pair of shocks
f. a bar of chocolate


Listen to the audio and complete the following dialogue.

Shopkeeper : Hello Sir, what do you want?
Customer : Hello, …………………….
Shopkeeper : How much sugar do you want?
Customer : ………………………….
Shopkeeper : It's Rs. 40, sir. Do you need something else?
Customer : Oh! I need coconut oil.
Shopkeeper : Yes. There are …………., which one do you want, small

or big? Small one is Rs 15 and big one is Rs 30.
Customer : Mmm … I want the big one.
Shopkeeper : Okay, sir. Do you want …………….? We also keep

snacks in the food department.

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Customer : Yeah sure.
Shopkeeper : ……. ……….. is Rs 20 and the small one is Rs 10.
Customer : Give me the big one.
Shopkeeper : Okay, sir. Here you are.
Customer : Can you please give me ……………….?
Shopkeeper : Yes, sure.


1. Write a couple of paragraphs describing the advantages and
disadvantages of advertisements.

2. Suppose your parents are going to start a fruit shop soon. Make a
price list for the shop.

3. You want to buy some goods for your house. Complete the order
form below to buy the things you need.

Purchase Order

Supplier name: Buyer name:
Street address: Street address:
Town/City: Town/City:
Postcode: Country:
P.O.No: P.O. date:

Quantity Description Unit Price Amount


Authorised by: Delivery Date:
Payment Terms
Original: supplier / copy 1 : Warehouse / Copy 2 : Accounts

188 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

15 In the Year 2525

Listen and sing

Shut the Door

Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore—
No doubt you have heard the name before—
Was a boy who never would shut the door;

The wind might whistle, the wind might roar,
And teeth be aching and throats be sore,
But still he never would shut the door.

His father would beg, his mother implore,
Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore,
We really do wish you would shut the door!’

- William Brighty Rands


Before you proceed
a. Where do you usually go on your vacation?
b. Do you usually travel by bus, plane or car?
c. How do you think people will travel in the year 2525?

New words - hoElidaaryth on the move


virtual - not real

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 189

In the Year 2525

Vacations in the year 2525 are not what they used to be. In the past,
people packed a car and drove for hours or days. Now people can travel
millions of miles without taking a step. They can also travel far back in

The KC family wanted to take such a vacation. The first step was a visit to
the office of Virtual
Vacations. There,
they talked with a
travel agent named

“We want to have
lots of fun,” said
Mr. KC.

“We also want to
see strange sights,”
said Mrs. KC.

“I have the perfect
destination for
you,” said Jill. “You’re going to Volcano Vacationland!”

Jill explained that Volcano Vacationland was in the distant past. She said
that it had pools heated by hot lava and lots of rides for the kids. “You’ll
also see active volcanoes and dinosaurs,” she said. “Of course, the trip is
completely safe.”

Jill led the KCs into the Virtual Vacation Room. In this room, the setting
and feel of a distant place is produced by computers. The computers can
also create settings for long ago.

People on a Virtual Vacation feel as if they are really visiting a place.
They can do all the things that they would do if they were really there.
In fact, they never leave the Virtual Vacation Room.

“Just yell when you want to come home,” said Jill. “I’ll be at the controls.”

190 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Suddenly, the KCs were staring at a strange being with two heads. It was
sleeping on a couch. “This isn’t very exciting,” said Mr. KC. “I don’t see
any volcanoes.”

Like their parents, the KC children were not impressed by the snoring
person with two heads.

“Where are all the fun rides?” they asked.

The KCs could see that they were not at the Volcano Vacationland. They
yelled for Jill to bring them back.

“I must have pushed the wrong button,” admitted Jill. “I think I sent you
to the planet Frufee by mistake.” The KCs decided to try again.

What did they hear then?

Soon they heard what sounded like gunfire. Suddenly, a soldier was
shouting at them. “This can’t be right,” said Mr. KC. “It looks more like
the American Revolution.”

They yelled again for Jill to bring them back.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I must have pushed the buttons for a battle in

“I promise to get it right this time,” said Jill. She carefully pushed the

The KCs huddled together in suspense. Each of them wondered what
would happen this time. Would they meet another weird being? Would
they find themselves in the middle of a battle?

Then a strange landscape came into view.

The KCs saw volcanoes. They saw fun rides. They saw swimming pools
surrounded by hot lava. They even seemed to be riding a car.

“Hurray!” yelled the KCs. “We’re finally at Volcano Vacationland.”

“It seems that Jill has pushed the right buttons,” said Mrs. KC.

Of course, the KCs were just standing in the Virtual Vacation Room. But
they had forgotten that. They were on their fun vacation at last.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 191

Word power

1. Make sentences using each of the following words.

fun last right come distant

2. Find an antonym for each of these words from the above text.
a. wrong b. near
c. first d. boring
e. go

Comprehension activities

1 Fill in the blanks.
a. In 2525 people can travel ................. of miles without taking a
b. Jill was a .........................
c. According to Jill .................. was an ancient place where you
found the dinosaurs.
d. If you want to come out of the virtual vacation, you just have
e. The strange being with two heads was sleeping on a
f. They saw swimming pools ............................. by hot lava.

2 Write down the following sentences in the correct order.
a. “I must have pushed the buttons for a battle in 1781.”
b. “We’re finally at Volcano Vacationland.”
c. “Just yell when you want to come home.”
d. “We also want to see strange sights.”
e. “It seems that Jill has pushed the right buttons.”

192 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

3 Answer the following questions.
a. Where can people travel in the year 2525?

b. Where did the KC family decide to go on vacation?

c. What is a Virtual Vacation Room?

d. Did the KC family reach Volcano Vacationland and in the first
try? What did they see there?

e. Do you wish to go to Volcano Vacationaland? What would
you do there?

Literary terms

Here are some features of science fiction. Read the features and
compare these features if they were in the story here.
Science fiction is a genre of story telling that is generally set in the
future, in space, on a different world or a universe. These stories pick
some partially true things and involve scientific inventions or future
inventions. If the stories are set on earth, they show a very unusual
world. Sometimes, they involve aliens or show the effects of scientific
invention on the people in the future.


Before you proceed
a. Have you ever seen a lame man?
b. How does he/she walk ?

The Broken-Legg’d Man

I saw the other day when - John Mackey Shaw

I went shopping in the store

A man I hadn’t ever, ever

seen in there before,

A man whose leg was broken

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 193

and who leaned upon a crutch-
I asked him very kindly
if it hurt him very much.

“Not at all!” said the broken-legg’d man.
I ran around behind him for
I thought that I would see
The broken leg all bandaged up
and bent back at the knee;
But I didn’t see the leg at all,
there wasn’t any there,
So I asked him very kindly
if he had it hid somewhere.

“Not at all!” said the broken-legg’d man.

“Then where,” I asked him, “is it?
Did a tiger bite it off?
Or did you get your foot wet
when you had a nasty cough?
Did someone jump down on your leg
when it was very new?
Or did you simply cut it off
because you wanted to?”

“Not at all!” said the broken-legg’d man.  

“What was it then?” I asked him,
and this is what he said:
“I crossed a busy crossing
when the traffic light was red;
A big black car came whizzing by
and knocked me off my feet.”
“Of course you looked both ways,”

194 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

I said, “before you crossed the street.”

“Not at all!” said the broken-legg’d man.  

“They rushed me to the hospital
right quickly,” he went on,
“And when I woke in nice white sheets
I saw my leg was gone;

That’s why you see me walking now
on nothing but a crutch.”
“I’m glad,” said I, “you told me,
and I thank you very much!”

“Not at all!” said the broken-legg’d man.

Word power

Match the words with their meanings.

a. store • • happy

b. crutch • • hit hard; tossed off

c. whizzing • • a wooden or metal staff

d. knocked off • • moving along very quickly

e. glad • • a shop

Comprehension activities

Answer the following questions.
a. Where did the narrator see the broken-legged man?

b. How many guesses did the narrator make about the loss of
the man’s leg?

c. How did the man actually lose his leg?

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 195

Literary terms

A narrative poem is a poem that tells us a story. It has a character or
characters and plot like a story has. Is 'The broken legged man' a narrative
poem? How?
A ballad is a poem like a folk song and tells us a story. Ballads were
originally composed as dancing songs. A ballad generally has some
repeated lines. Such repeated lines are generally called refrains. Does
'The broken legged man' has features of ballad? Can you pick the lines
that make the refrains in this poem?


1. Look, read and learn.

She may be a college student. The man might fall down.

He is in uniform. He is carrying a I think I will visit Pokhara next

gun. So, he must be a policeman. month.

196 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

2. Fill in the blanks using may, might, will, and must.
a. He ……….completed the given task. He is now relaxed.
b. It………..rain today. It’s cloudy.
c. You…………be present tomorrow. You have a duty.
d. I think I……….invite some of my friends.
e. He……….win the election, but I am not sure.
f. Ravi……….be absent tomorrow. He is not feeling well.
g. The pen looks beautiful. It………..cost more that you expected.
h. …….be I will come to support you.
i. Can you guess who………be our next Prime Minister?
j. I hope everybody …………..get ready to begin the program.
k. He …….have completed this task by 7 p.m. this evening.
l. She is not looking happy. She……..have been ill today.
m. She is speaking excellent English. She………be from UK.


1. Look and read aloud.

I think the tree may fall down. The dog may bite the man.

Now tell loudly turn by turn what may happen by looking at the
following pictures.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 197

2. If you had a time machine and could travel back and forth to any
year, which year would you like to go in? Give reasons for your


1. Look at the picture and guess the answer.

a) What is this picture?
b) What can it do?

198 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

2. Listen to the recording and choose the best options to fill in the
a. …………will replace many of the works that humans are


i. Flowers ii. Machines iii. Robots

b. Anyone who is working in a………..may find themselves
without employment.

i. hotel ii. shops iii. library

c. Library …………..may no longer be required then.

i. People ii. technicians iii. accountants
d. Robots will work with the implementation of……….system.

i. advanced ii. modern iii. automated

e. It will work with checkouts becoming………….
i. digital ii. technical iii. commercial

3. Listen to the recording once again and guess any two things that
robots can do to help in the library.


1. The world has been changing rapidly. Machines are replacing
human activities. Write a paragraph on how the world with robots
and machines everywhere will be like in 50 years.

2. Write the following paragraph correctly.

the world has been changing nowadays people no more work as
they used to do machines are used more to work in offices and
households the person who can not run machines will face problems
to exist in this fast developing world.

3. Write a story rearranging the given sentences.
a. A grasshopper came out of a hole and looked around. The sun
was shining brightly making all environment bright and fresh.

Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur English Book - 6 199

b. An ant came carrying a seed of corn.
c. "What a lovely weather!" Said the grasshopper and started to
dance whistling a sweet song.
d. The ant again went and brought another grain. Sweating in
the sun, the ant was busy.
e. The grasshopper could not get anything to eat. He was hun
gry, cold and shivering.
f. The grasshopper invited ant to enjoy the sun, "What a lovely
weather it is and what a foolish person your are!"
g. "Better prepare for your winter, Mr. The Summer won't last
long." said the ant.
h. "Who is so stupid to miss such a lovely sun and toil? You are
a fool!" said the grasshopper.
i. "You can do as you please. But winter will come soon and you
wont have anything, " suggested the ant.
j. Soon the sun stopped to come. Cold wind ruled everywhere.

Project work

Ask your parents and science teacher about robots. Draw a picture of
a robot and list out any 10 activities it can do.

200 English Book - 6 Approved by the Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

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