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Published by iamsimonjohnson, 2024-01-24 23:19:17

Digitone Notebook 1v40

Digitone Notebook 1v40

Keywords: Digitone,Elektron

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 301 16.10 Patch Sheet: Open Hats. Standard electronic open hats. Start with a default patch - parameters default other than those below. Add a little reverb and chorus for more effect. Try using an LFO to vary the velocity on the sound and give a natural feel or even on the envelope decay and release to vary the hat tail. General Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Locked Voices Voice Menu 1 This will be monophonic, hence 1 voice Synth Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description A Lev Syn 2 75 Ensure Operator A is heard - Rasp B Lev Syn 2 120 Ensure Operator B is heard - Metallic Algo Syn 1 1 Algorithm 1 C Ratio Syn 1 2 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on C A Ratio Syn 1 0.25 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on A B Ratio Syn 1 10/1 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on B Harm Syn 1 -26 Hybrid wave Fdbk Syn 1 127 Feedback on Osc A for fuzz Dtun Syn 1 127 Fully detuned Mix Syn 1 -64 B & C Operator mix balanced. Filter Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Type Fltr P1 HP High Pass filter type Freq Fltr P1 95 Cutoff frequency - cut low end Dec Fltr P1 90 Envelope decay Amp Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Attack Amp P1 10 Overall Sound shape, initial start Dec Amp P1 50 Overall Sound shape decay Sus Amp P1 10 Sustain Rel Amp P1 30 Release NOTES Technique 16

302 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 16.11 Patch Sheet: Snare Drum Electronic snare drum. Start with a default patch - parameters default other than those below. As variation try adding some subtle reverb and shaping the effect filter to add slight depth to the sound. 16 Technique General Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Locked Voices Voice Menu 1 This will be monophonic, hence 1 voice Filter Keytrack Sound Setup Menu 0 Remove filter cutoff tracking to pitch. Octave Sound Setup Menu -1 Set a default slightly lower octave Synth Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description A Lev Syn 2 60 Ensure Operator A is heard B Lev Syn 2 120 Ensure Operator B is heard Algo Syn 1 1 Algorithm 1 with Osc B in emphasis C Ratio Syn 1 0.25 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on C A Ratio Syn 1 0.25 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on A B Ratio Syn 1 9/12 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on B Dtun Syn 1 120 Detune Fdbk Syn 1 127 Feedback to A Mix Syn 1 -64 Operator mix balanced. Filter Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Type Fltr P1 HP High Pass filter type Freq Fltr P1 60 Cutoff frequency - cut low end Atk Filter P1 3 Small attack for initial transient Dec Fltr P1 30 Envelope decay Amp Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Attack Amp P1 2 Overall Sound shape, initial start Dec Amp P1 20 Overall Sound shape decay Drv Amp P1 35 Overdrive NOTES

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 303 16.12 Patch Sheet: Bell FM Classic bell sound. Start with a default patch - parameters default other than those below. NOTES Technique 16 General Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Locked Voices Voice Menu 1 This will be monophonic, hence 1 voice Filter Keytrack Sound Setup Menu 0 Remove filter cutoff tracking to pitch. Octave Sound Setup Menu +1 Set a default slightly lower octave Synth Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description A Lev Syn 2 50 Ensure Operator A is heard B Lev Syn 2 0 Algo Syn 1 1 Algorithm 1 C Ratio Syn 1 1 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on C A Ratio Syn 1 8 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on A B Ratio Syn 1 1/1 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on B Mix Syn 1 -64 Operator mix balanced. Atk Syn 2 0 Attack time Dec Syn 2 120 Decay time Filter Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Type Fltr P1 HP High Pass filter type Freq Fltr P1 70 Cutoff frequency - cut low end Env Filter P1 0 No Envelope Amp Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Attack Amp P1 0 No attack, instant sound Dec Amp P1 90 Decay Sus Amp P1 0 No Sustain Rel Amp P1 60 Release

304 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 16.13 Patch Sheet: Epic Orchestral Pad (1/2) Epic orchestral cinematic style pad. Start with a default patch - parameters default other than those below. 16 Technique General Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Locked Voices Voice Menu 2 Gives 2 Voices to the sound Unison Voice Menu 2 Unison Unison Spread Voice Menu 64 Spread of voices Synth Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description A Lev Syn 2 65 Ensure Operator A is heard B Lev Syn 2 70 Ensure Operator B is heard Algo Syn 1 4 Algorithm 4 with Osc B in emphasis C Ratio Syn 1 1 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on C A Ratio Syn 1 1 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on A B Ratio Syn 1 1/1 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on B Harm Syn 1 -6 Saw Dtun Syn 1 35 Detune to widen the orchestra Fdbk Syn 1 30 Feedback to B to add some distortion Mix Syn 1 0 Operator mix balanced. C Ratio Offset Syn 1 P2 +0.001 Orchestral width - Multi instruments sim A Ratio Offset Syn 1 P2 -0.001 Orchestral width - Multi instruments sim B1 Ratio Offset Syn 1 P2 -0.001 Orchestral width - Multi instruments sim B2 Ratio Offset Syn 1 P2 +0.001 Orchestral width - Multi instruments sim Filter Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Type Fltr P1 LP4 High Pass filter type Freq Fltr P1 95 Cutoff frequency - high end cut Reso Filter P1 40 Resonance to add more impact Atk Filter P1 60 Small attack for initial transient Dec Fltr P1 80 Envelope decay for filter Sus Fltr P1 80 Envelope sustain for filter Rel Fltr P1 80 Envelope Release for Filter Env Fltr P1 10 Envelope Amount Base Fltr P2 50 Low cut to remove rumble Wdth Fltr P2 55 High cut to take edge off the top end NOTES

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 305 16.13 Patch Sheet: Epic Orchestral Pad (2/2) Epic orchestral cinematic style pad. Start with a default patch - parameters default other than those below. The effects can be adjusted for example stereo and width. These are great for the orchestral sound but will then be applied to other elements sent to these effects. LFO Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Dest 1 LFO P1 Syn Harm Light modulation on the harmonics Dest 2 LFO P1 Syn Pitch Synth Pitch All for movement Wave 1 LFO P1 Sin Shape for harmonics Wave 2 LFO P1 Sin Shape for pitch Spd 1 LFO P1 0.02 LFO 1 Speed Spd 2 LFO P1 0.02 LFO 2 Speed Dep 1 LFO P1 0.1 Depth of LFO 1 that affects pitch Dep 2 LFO P1 0.1 Depth of LFO 2 that affects pitch NOTES Technique 16 Amp Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Attack Amp P1 100 Overall sound shape, longer pad start Dec Amp P1 50 Overall sound shape decay Sus Amp P1 75 Overall sound sustain Rel Amp P1 50 Overall sound medium release Drv Amp P1 35 Overdrive Cho Amp P2 85 Add Chorus Send Del Amp P2 40 Add Delay Send Rev Amp P2 85 Add Reverb Send

306 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 16.14 Tips: Simulating Human Natural Velocity NOTES Digitone does not host a conventional keyboard and therefore does not capture velocity levels from input of trigs. A set default velocity is attached automatically to each trig of 100 within the 1-127 range available. This will be ok to get exact repeats and mechanistic rhythms but to get a more human feel, velocity and timing can add natural feel. Hi Hat runs are good examples of applying this technique. We will use the closed hat on track 4 to demonstrate this procedure. 1. Press [T4] to select track 4 and load a hi hat sound into the track. 2. Create a Hi Hat run across 16 steps of Page 1 by setting trigs on each step in GRID RECORDING mode. The timing of each trig will be perfectly on step and velocity 100 of each. 3. Press [PLAY] to hear the ‘fixed’ hat sequence play out. 4. Switch to unquantized LIVE RECORDING by pressing [REC] + [PLAY]. 5. Select the [TRIG] page. 6. While the track is playing in LIVE RECORDING mode turn (B) - VEL. This will record a variation of the velocity setting across each of the 16 steps. 7. Press [REC] to switch to GRID RECORDING mode to see and check the trig velocities. 8. To add timing variety hold a Trig [1] … [16] and press [RIGHT] or [LEFT] to adjust the micro timing of the step eg 1/192. Slight variations are usually a good approach. 9. Repeat step 7 for several individual steps to add variation. 10. For even more variation add some pattern swing using [TEMPO] and adjusting (E) by a small amount, i.e. to 52% for example. 16 Technique

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 307 NOTES 16.15 Tips: Simulating Polyrhythms Polyrhythms are variations between 2 or more tracks and patterns which when played together can create more interesting progressions and provide an intentional detachment from each track in its sequence timing. For example a fixed pattern for 16 steps may play alongside a pattern running 14 steps. The restart of each pattern will ensure variation through each cycle. 1. Create 16 step percussion patterns across a number of tracks for example hats, toms, clap, kick, snare across multiple tracks - 1 Page, 16 steps, default settings. 2. Select first tracks to create length variations. For example, select the track 1, Press [T1]. 3. Select [FUNC] + [PAGE] to access the pattern lengths and scales. 4. Press [FUNC] + [YES] to select LENGTH PER TRACK if not already in this view. The length for this track 1 is shown as default 16/16. 5. Adjust the LENGTH using (E) to create a new length eg 10/16 for this track only. 6. Repeat steps 2 - 5 for track 2, 9/16 length. 7. In the PAGE menu [FUNC] + [PAGE] in the LENGTH PER TRACK page set the pattern MLEN to INF using (F). 8. Try experimenting with the number of tracks with length variations, but as a tip keep the majority of tracks following a set pattern to keep some order. But music is also about experimentation - right? So why not also look at adjusting :- Page Parameter Value Pattern scale menu SCALE Experiment with settings Tempo Menu SWING Experiment with settings Scale - track CH.LEN Experiment with chain length settings Trig page COND Secondary parameter when holding trig Technique 16

308 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 16.16 Get Creative Playing Live NOTES While producing music using Digitone in the studio is all great, its power is fully unleashed when playing live or simply jamming. Here are some short quick fire tips when playing live. • Use global control to adjust ALL tracks simultaneously by holding [MIDI] and making a change such as filter cut off sweep, delay or overdrive. • Randomise parameters using the parameter page i.e [FILTER] + [YES]. Reset parameters with [FILTER] + [NO]. • Make pattern length changes on the fly by pressing [FUNC] + [ PAGE] and selecting the trig keys to quickly change pattern lengths of individual or all tracks. • Use mutes to silence tracks and develop live variations. • Tweak and change parameters on sounds then reload track sounds with Track e.g. [T1] + [NO]. • Make variations by changing parameters and effects and if things get crazy. Press Track e.g. [T1] + [NO] to reload the sound to the original state. • Use the track levels to bring in tracks gradually and individually at the start and ending of songs. • Adjust pattern or global tempo on the fly. 16 Technique

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 309 16.17 Digitone Connection Template STUDIO TEMPLATE Digitone Routing Digitone ROUTING CHART DATE REVISION AUDIO MIDI Audio In MIDI In MIDI Out MIDI Thru USB Audio Out Left 5 Pin In 5 Pin Out 5 Pin Out USB Left Right Right From From To To To/From Midi Channel Midi Channel Midi Channel Midi Channel Midi Sync Midi Sync Midi Sync Midi Sync To Description Description / Type Description / Type Description / Type Description / Type Description Technique 16

310 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 311 There are two models of Digitone. The most common is the desktop module and all the sections of this guide so far have referred to this model. Digitone is also available as a keys version which is set out with additional and unique hardware features. The keys version has a 37 key, semi-weighted keyboard which is velocity sensitive with aftertouch features. A pitch wheel and modulation wheel are also included which can be freely assignable. Each audio track has dedicated balanced outputs as well as the main balanced audio output. There are also two dedicated connections for CV, sustain pedal or expression pedal inputs. In addition several operating features have dedicated controls on the synth. The general functionality is the same, especially around the OS. So the information provided applies equally to both versions and this guide can be considered a reference for both. To focus in on Digitone Keys this section polarises to features that are unique to the keys model. The overview demonstrates these differences and In general will show up exceptions from the desktop module. The Digitone Keys model is a welcome option in addition to the desktop version bringing a more complete and enhanced feature set while still maintaining the same core functionality of the desktop version. Digitone Keys 17

312 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 17.1 Overview of Digitone Keys 17 Digitone Keys Master Volume Adjusts the Audio Output and Headphone levels Pitch Options Opens the pitch wheel setting options [FUNC] + [PTCH] Mutes pitch wheel function. Mod & Pitch Wheel Both modulation wheels are configurable Mod Options Opens the modwheel setting options [FUNC] + [MOD] Mutes pitch wheel function. Transpose Down Transposes keyboard down per octave. [FUNC] + [OCT-] transposes sequencer notes down. Transpose Up Transposes keyboard up per octave. [FUNC] + [OCT+] transposes sequencer notes up. LED’s show current transposition state

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 313 Digitone Keys17 Hold Hold function is toggled On/Off. [FUNC] + [HOLD] toggles portamento - On (LED On) or Off. User Mode User mode for assignment of 8 user knobs. Press [USER MODE] to display parameters. Hold [USER MODE] to toggle between user or the default parameters for the control knobs. [FUNC] + [USER MODE] Assignment menu. User Controls Assignable user (CONTROL) knobs. Also preset with default mode parameters of:- 1. Ratio A 5. Level B 2. Ratio B 6. Mix 3. Harmonics 7. Cutoff 4. Level A 8. Resonance Arpeggiator Arpeggiator function is toggled On/Off. [FUNC] + [ARP] opens arpeggiator setup menu. Multi Map Multi-Map function is toggled On/Off. [FUNC] + [MAP] opens multi-map setup menu. MIDI External Control MIDI Controller function is toggled On/Off. [FUNC] + [EXT] opens MIDI External setup menu. Track Note Opens track note menu (transpose, scale, chords). [FUNC] + [TRACK NOTE] toggles chords - On (LED On) or Off [TRIG] + [TRACK NOTE] add notes / chords in sequencer (Grid Rec) 37 Key, semi-weighted keyboard. Velocity sensitive and aftertouch functionality.

314 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide Secondary Function Accesses the secondary ‘green’ function by holding [FUNC] plus the chosen button together Sound Manager [FUNC] + (LEVEL/DATA) opens the sound browser menu Pattern Select Selects the respective patterns 1-16. Press [PTN] then TRIG [1] - [16]. [FUNC] + [PTN] Selects metronome options Level / Data Adjusts the selected track level. MIDI MIDI mode - opens MIDI editing pages. [FUNC] + [MIDI] accesses MIDI Configuration menu. Bank Select Selects the respective Bank A-H. Press [BANK] then TRIG [9] = A to [16] = H. [FUNC] + [BANK] Selects mute mode Song Mode Opens the song mode menu. [FUNC] + [SONG] opens the Import & Export Menu Global Settings Opens the global settings and project management options. [FUNC] + [SETTINGS] Saves current project Voice Opens the voice handling allocation and settings. [FUNC] + [VOICE] toggles unison mode on or off Tempo Opens the global / pattern tempo menu. [FUNC] + [TEMPO] for setting a tap tempo Sequencer transport modes & controls [REC] Grid recording mode on/off [REC] + [PLAY] Live Recording mode on/off [REC] + tap [PLAY] + tap [PLAY] for live rec quantize on/off. [REC] + [STOP] Step recording mode on/off. [PLAY] Starts the sequencer running. [STOP] Stops the sequencer playback. [FUNC] + [REC] for Copy function [FUNC] + [STOP] Pastes the copied item [FUNC] + [PLAY] for Clear function OLED Display 128 x 64 Pixel, context sensitive screen 1 Overview

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 315 Trig Parameters [TRIG] Access to the trig parameter menu. [FUNC] + [TRIG] to access sound set up menu. Syn1 Settings Selects the synth FM engine settings - page 1&2. [FUNC] + [SYN1] for arpeggiator settings. Syn2 Settings Selects more synth FM engine settings - page 1&2. [FUNC] + [SYN2] for chorus effect settings. Filter Parameters Opens the multimode filter settings - page 1&2. [FUNC] + [FLTR] for delay effect settings. Amp Settings Amplitude & effect send settings - page 1&2. [FUNC] + [AMP] for reverb effect settings. LFO Settings Low frequency oscillator settings - page 1&2. [FUNC] + [LFO] for master output parameters Yes Selects the current value and menu during navigation. [FUNC] + [YES] Temporary saves active pattern. No Exits or cancels or backs up from the current value or menu during navigation. [FUNC] + [NO] Reloads the temporary saved pattern. Page Selects the active pattern page. Lit LED indicates pattern pages. Flashing LED indicates the current track that is being played. FUNC] + [PAGE] Scale menu and also fill function. Navigation Controls [UP] [DOWN] [LEFT] [RIGHT]. In chromatic mode [UP][DOWN] transpose octave Track Selection Selects and sets active track 1,2,3 or 4. [FUNC] + [Tx] to mute the track In Grid Recording Mode: Micro timing using TRIG [1] - [16] + [LEFT] [RIGHT] Retrig menu with TRIG [1] - [16] + [UP] [DOWN] Data Entry Controls 8 Endless rotaries A-H adjust the parameter aligned with context specific function on the display. Press and turn for greater incremental changes. Trig Keys 1-16 Trigs are programmed into a sequence. Selects banks [BANK] and patterns [PTN] Sets the note trigs and parameter locks (with data entry control). Mutes tracks. The parameter keys also give access to MIDI configuration pages when in MIDI Mode. Overview1

316 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 17 Digitone Keys On / Off Switch 12V DC Power Input. Hi Speed USB 2.0 Type B 5 Pin MIDI DIN In, Out - Sync A, Thru - Sync B (Sync, Din 24 or 48) ¼ Inch Audio Out Balanced, Track 1, 2, 3, 4. ¼ Inch Audio Out Balanced, Main Out ¼ Inch Audio Out Stereo Headphones ¼ Inch Audio Input ¼ Inch CV / Control / Expression Input

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 317 Digitone Keys17 NOTES 17.2 Pitch and Mod Wheel The previous sections cover details of using Digitone. These are generally applicable to Digitone Keys and should be used for reference. Some key differences for alignment are:- • Digitone Keys has a dedicated [SOUND MANAGER] button to access the sound browser. Sound browser is accessed by desktop model is by [FUNC] + Press (LEVEL/DATA).. • Mod Wheel & Pitch Wheel have dedicated functions in Digitone Keys and the mapping of parameters is directly accessible for these two functions. The general expanded options for both models are in the SOUND SETUP Options. • Keyboard transposition can be done directly from the [OCT-] and [OCT+] buttons on Digitone Keys. • Quantize menu is available through [FUNC] + [SYN1] on Digitone Keys, found on Digitone under the PATTERN options in the [SETTINGS] Menu. This is Arp menu on Digitone where this has a dedicated key on Digitone Keys. • Dedicated keys for arp and multi map. • Hold function for keyboard notes and chords • MIDI Ext feature to control external MIDI devices using the Digitone Keys keyboard features and controls. • Dedicated user controls to directly control parameter values. These have default parameters assigned but also offers the possibility to assign other parameters from the parameter pages in user configurations.

318 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 17 Digitone Keys 17.3 Pitch and Mod Wheel NOTES Unlike the desktop version, Digitone Keys has dedicated pitch and mod wheel and direct access to set up controls. ▌MUTING A MODULATION WHEEL CONTROL 1. Hold [FUNC] + [PTCH] to mute the pitch wheel control. 2. Hold [FUNC] + [PTCH] to unmute a muted pitch wheel control. 3. Hold [FUNC] + [MOD] to mute the mod wheel control. 4. Hold [FUNC] + [MOD to unmute a muted mod wheel control. 0 + - + 0 Pitch wheel is bipolar and will add to the assigned parameters value when moved positive and subtract from the parameter value when moved negative [PTCH] gives direct access to the controller modulation setup page. Up to four parameters can be assigned to the pitch bend control. The MIDI Interfacing section also covers the assignment of modulation parameters in more detail [MOD] gives direct access to the controller modulation setup page. Up to four parameters can be assigned to the mod wheel control. Mod wheel will increase the assigned parameter value when moved up and reduce its value when moved down

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 319 Digitone Keys17 NOTES Routing MIDI in to pages SYN1, SYN2, FLTR, AMP and LFO parameters. Access to setup directly with PTCH and MOD buttons. All modulation options available in the sound setup menu. Pitch Bend Parameter destination set using data entry (A) - (D) Modulation depth offset using data entry (E) - (H) Modulation input indicator from MIDI function. Also simulated with (LEVEL / DATA) Mod Wheel Breath Ctrl Aftertouch Velocity Data Entry controls used to set the MIDI routing Setting up the modulation parameters

320 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 17 Digitone Keys 17.4 Dedicated Function Keys NOTES Some buttons have been added to Digitone Keys that adds new functionality and also brings some menu options upfront to their own dedicated button. As is the norm with Digitone, these buttons have dual functions with the secondary function accessed by [FUNC] + Button. Hold Pressing [HOLD] maintains keyboard notes / chord sounds playback is sustained or keeps an arpeggio running even when the notes are released. Each track has its own dedicated hold state as does MIDI Controller mode. The button is lit when hold mode is on. The [FUNC] + [HOLD] secondary function toggles portamento mode on or off. LED is lit when portamento is on. Arp Pressing [ARP] toggles the arpeggiator function for the sound on or off. The button is lit when the arpeggiator is selected on. The [FUNC] + [ARP] secondary function opens the arpeggiator setup menu. Full details of the arp function are found in section 5. Patterns Advanced. Hold Arp Multi Map MIDI Ext Track Note Press to toggle on/off Button illuminates when activate LED’s will illuminate when portamento and chord modes are activate [FUNC] + Press to select

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 321 Digitone Keys17 NOTES Multi Map Pressing [MULTI MAP] toggles the multi map function for the keyboard mapping on or off. The button is lit when multi map mode is selected active. Multi map mode allows the assignment of sections of the keyboard to control defined sounds, trigger MIDI notes and to trigger patterns. The [FUNC] + [MULTI MAP] secondary function opens the multi map setup option menu. Full details of the multi map function and set up are found in section 13. MIDI Interfacing. MIDI Ext Pressing [MIDI EXT] toggles the MIDI controller mode function on or off. The button is lit when multi map mode is selected active. MIDI Ext mode allows the Digitone Keys keyboard to control external MIDI devices. The [FUNC] + [MIDI EXT] secondary function opens the MIDI Ext setup option menu. Track Note Pressing [TRACK NOTE] opens the track note function menu. The button is lit when track note menu is selected. Track note menu offers visual insight into trig keyboard and keyboard scale, chord and transposition. The [FUNC] + [TRACK NOTE] secondary function toggles chord mode (visible in the track note menu) on or off. The LED will illuminate when a chord mode is set on. Pressing Trig [1] … [16] + [TRACK NOTE] adds notes and chords in the sequencer when in grid recording mode. Full details of the track note function and set can be found in section 4. Pattern Basics.

322 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 17 Digitone Keys 17.5 MIDI Ext Function NOTES MIDI Ext mode allows the Digitone Keys keyboard as well as other control functions to control external MIDI devices. When MIDI Ext is on, the settings in MIDI Ext take priority, over the MIDI port config settings. MIDI Ext settings are saved with the project. The [FUNC] + [MIDI EXT] secondary function opens the MIDI Ext setup option menu. User control knobs can be configured for CC Output control of external devices On / Off Control of external devices from the keyboard features and also the control knobs of the Digitone Keys. Keyboard can be configured for CC Output control of external devices Data entry knobs can be configured for CC Output control of external devices Transport controls can be configured for MIDI output for Play, Stop & Pause Mod wheel and pitch bend can be configured to send MIDI data 4 5 6 7 9 8 3 2

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 323 Digitone Keys17 NOTES MIDI Ext Setup Parameters + 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 2 Parameter Setting Description SLOT 1-8 Sets the slot location to store each MIDI EXT configuration MIDI CH 1-16 Channel for MIDI control data CTRL KNOBS CC CC Value Sets the MIDI CC value for each of the user control knobs. DATA KNOBS CC CC Value Sets the MIDI CC value for each of the data entry control knobs. KEYBOARD INT, INT+EXT, EXT Sets whether the keyboard sends data. INT is internal only, no data sent. INT + EXT sends data internally to the Digitone engines and also out to MIDI devices. EXT will only send out to MIDI devices and not to Digitone. The [OCT+] and [OCT-] keys are lit purple when in INT+EXT or EXT. CTRL KNOBS INT, INT+EXT, EXT Sets whether the user control knobs sends data. INT is internal only, no data sent. INT + EXT sends data internally to the Digitone engines and also out to MIDI devices. EXT will only send out to MIDI devices and not to Digitone. DATA KNOBS INT, INT+EXT, EXT Sets whether the data entry sends data. INT is internal only, no data sent. INT + EXT sends data internally to the Digitone engines and also out to MIDI devices. EXT will only send out to MIDI devices and not to Digitone. MW/PW INT, INT+EXT, EXT Sets whether the mod wheel and pitch wheel sends data. INT is internal only, no data sent. INT + EXT sends data internally to the Digitone engines and also out to MIDI devices. EXT will only send out to MIDI devices and not to Digitone. The [PTCH] and [MOD] keys are lit purple when in INT+EXT or EXT. TRANSPORT INT, INT+EXT, EXT Sets whether the play, stop and pause sends transport data. INT is internal only, no data sent. INT + EXT sends data internally to the Digitone engines and also out to MIDI devices. EXT will only send out to MIDI devices and not to Digitone.

324 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 17 Digitone Keys 17.6 Direct Controls NOTES Digitone Keys has 8 assignable control knobs. These rotaries have default assignments to synth functions but also can be user configured to other parameters found in the parameter pages. Turn (1) … (8) to adjust the parameter or Press & Turn (1) … (8) for larger value changes. Default Settings 1 1 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 3 3 2 2 Default Mode Function Description Ratio A FM Synth Engine Operator A ratio within the FM synth algorithm. This parameter is found in Syn1, Page 1, Ratio ‘A’ - Data Entry (C). When first entering USER mode the default parameter is Filter Attack. Ratio B FM Synth Engine Operator B ratio within the FM synth algorithm. This parameter is found in Syn1, Page 1, Ratio ‘B’ - Data Entry (D). When first entering USER mode the default parameter is Filter Decay. Harmonics FM Synth Engine Harmonics setting for FM synth algorithm. This parameter is found in Syn1, Page 1, ‘Harm’ - Data Entry (E). When first entering USER mode the default parameter is Filter Sustain. Level A FM Synth Engine Level for operator A in the FM synth algorithm. This parameter is found in Syn2, Page 1, A ‘Lev’ - Data Entry (D). When first entering USER mode the default parameter is Filter Release. Level B FM Synth Engine Level for operator B in the FM synth algorithm. This parameter is found in Syn2, Page 1, B ‘Lev’ - Data Entry (H). When first entering USER mode the default parameter is Ratio C. Mix FM Synth Engine Mix X-Y setting for FM synth algorithm. This parameter is found in Syn1, Page 1, ‘Mix’ - Data Entry (H). When first entering USER mode the default parameter is Feedback. Cutoff Multi Mode Filter Multi-mode filter cut off frequency setting. This parameter is found in Fltr, Page 1, ‘Freq’ - Data Entry (E). When first entering USER mode the default parameter is Reverb Send. Resonance Multi Mode Filter Multi-mode filter resonance setting. This parameter is found in Fltr, Page 1, ‘Reso’. - Data Entry (F). When first entering USER mode the default parameter is Filter Envelope Depth. 8 8

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 325 User Mode: Direct Control Parameters While the 8 controls are pre-assigned to parameters they also can be switched to a bank of user user defined parameters. The parameters assigned can also be shown on the display. Digitone Keys17 NOTES Press [USER MODE] To open the user mode menu display. When working on MIDI tracks the direct control knobs are by default set to control CC VAL1 - VAL8. These parameters are normally found in the MIDI track parameter set under the FLTR Page. Hold for 1 Second [USER MODE] To toggle between the user and default state. Also press [LEFT] or [RIGHT] in the user mode menu to change state. Example shows default settings when menu page is open USER DEFAULT 1 4 5 6 7 2 3 8

326 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide Direct Control Parameter Assignment User assignment of each of the 8 controls is also possible as well as the pre-assigned default parameters. . ▌ASSIGNING PARAMETERS TO DIRECT CONTROL KNOBS 1. Press [FUNC] + [USER MODE] to open the user configuration menu. 2. Turn (LEVEL/DATA) or press [UP] or [DOWN] to scroll through the options. Each number in the list refers to the direct control knobs. 3. Highlight the control knob to change and press [YES] to select. 4. Turn (LEVEL/DATA) or press [UP] or [DOWN] to scroll through the options. The list shows the available parameters (parameter page functions) that can be assigned. 5. Highlight the desired parameter and press [YES] to select and assign to the knob selected in step 3. 6. Press [USER MODE] to exit. Selecting the USER options will then allow control of the user assigned parameters from the knobs + 17 Digitone Keys NOTES Press [FUNC] + [USER MODE] To open the user assignment menu

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 327 ▌QUICK ASSIGNING PARAMETERS TO DIRECT CONTROL KNOBS 1. Press [USER ASSIGN] to open the user parameter display. 2. Press [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to select USER mode. 3. Hold [YES] + Turn (CONTROL) to assign the parameter to 4. With [YES] still held, Navigate to the desired parameter page and use the (DATA/ENTRY) to select the parameter 5. Release [YES]. ▌REMOVING PARAMETER ASSIGNMENTS FROM CONTROL KNOBS 1. Press [USER ASSIGN] to open the user parameter display. 2. Press [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to select USER mode. 3. Hold [YES] + Press (CONTROL) to delete Its parameter assignment. 4. With [YES] still held, Navigate to the desired parameter page and use the (DATA/ENTRY) to select the parameter 5. Release [YES]. Digitone Keys17 NOTES

328 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 17.7 Multi Map Setting Multi Map is the feature that allows mapping of various functions to defined ranges of the keyboard. This is not unique to Digitone Keys and is available also on the Digitone module. This feature is a particularly useful for Digitone Keys due to the integrated keyboard. Full details of setting up Mult Maps is found in section 13. MIDI Interfacing. Example 17 Digitone Keys NOTES Range 1 INT Range 2 EXT Range 3 OFF Notes assigned to internal sounds eg a left hand bass sound used from the internal sound engines. Creates a blank zone to separate sound triggers from the internal and external sections. Notes set trigger defined pattern changes Keyboard zones assigned to internal, external sound options. Also possibility to create blank zones and trigger Digitone pattern changes from the keyboard. Notes assigned to play an external device. For example this could be a right hand lead or external drum machine. Range 4 PAT

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 329 Digitone Keys17 NOTES

330 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide +Drive 271 A Algorithm 148, 154 Amp 167, 173 Amp Page 174 Architecture 19 Arpeggiator 86 Audio Routing 252 B Bank 31 C Carrier 15 Chains 94, 96 Chorus 195 Chromatic Mode 44, 112 Clear 55 Conditional locks 70 Control All 123 Copy 55 D Delay 199 Detune 156 Digitone Keys 311 Direct Controls 324, 326 Dual Mono 255 E Effects 193, 262 Envelopes 160–161, 176 Exporting Sounds 130 F Feedback 157 Filter 167, 169 Filter Page 171 FM Synthesis 11 Frequency Modulation 14 G Global FX / Mix 258–259 Grid Recording 40 H Harmonics 158 I Importing Sounds 130 K Keyboard Fold 37 Index

L LED Intensity 272 Length 33 Levels 118 LFO 179, 185–186 LFO Page 180 Live Recording 44 Loading Sounds 127 Lock Trigs 66 M Master Page 253 Metronome 35 MIDI 64, 209, 223, 251, 267 MIDI Ext 322 MIDI Modulation 232 MIDI Tracks 111, 215 Mix 163 Mixer 253–255 Mod Wheel 317 Modulator 15 Multi Map 236, 244, 321, 328 Mute Modes 59, 114 N Naming menu 25 Note Probability 70 Note Trigs 39 O Operator 15, 17, 160 Overbridge 276, 278 Overdrive 206 Overview 5, 312 P Parameter 24 Paste 55 Pattern 29, 31, 52, 61, 82 Pitch Wheel 317 Portamento 79 Project 27 Project Management 26 Q Quick Reference 280, 282 R Randomise 207 Ratios 154 Index The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 331

332 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide Remember Subpage 273 Reverb 203 S Scale 33 Song 99, 101 Song Mode 96 Sound Browser 127 Sound Lock 69 Sound Management 125, 132 Sound Setup 138 Sounds 143 Step Recording 45 Stereo 254 SYN Page 144 Synth Tracks 110 T Tempo 35 Track Notes 37, 41 Tracks 107 Transpose 113 Trig Page 62 U Unison 122 USB 213, 286 V Voice Options 119 Index

Copyright © 2022 by SynthDawg All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book is an independent production and any official endorsement or sponsorship by any manufacturers named within has not been granted nor been sought. Produced in the United Kingdom Version 1.3 October 22 - Digitone OS 1.40 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 333

334 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide Making RTFM Cool

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