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Published by iamsimonjohnson, 2024-01-24 23:19:17

Digitone Notebook 1v40

Digitone Notebook 1v40

Keywords: Digitone,Elektron

Audio from Digitone is made through the two, left and right balanced ‘Main Out’ ¼” jacks. There is also a stereo headphone output, also ¼” jack. For Digitone Keys each track has its own dedicated audio outputs as well as the main outs. Digitone also has the ability to direct external audio through two ¼” input jacks. Audio input can be channelled to the Digitone outputs and also can be sent to the internal effects of chorus, delay and reverb. The option to channel Digitone’s internal audio to the output is also possible as is track audio routing. These options bring some expansive audio routing flexibility to Digitone and makes integration with other gear more than just MIDI interfacing. As well as the physical audio input connections Digitone is a class compliant device which means it can transmit and receive MIDI and audio across the USB connection. This is a powerful feature when interfacing with digital audio workstations and other gear. Overbridge also has more enhanced functionality working within a PC or Mac. Audio routing is managed in the master page as well as configurable in the Digitone global settings. Considering there are 4 synth tracks plus the 3 effects the options for audio routing are both flexible and useful. 14 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 251 Audio Input & Output

252 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 14 Audio Input & Output 14.1 Audio Routing Audio can be channelled through the Digitone effects and controlled in the Master page. External audio can be combined with the internal Digitone generated audio or the internal audio can be switched off. Chorus Master P1/2 Master P2 CHR Delay Master P1/2 CHR Reverb Master P1/2 CHR Level & Pan Master P2 INL & LPAN Level & Pan Master P3 INR & RPAN External audio sends are summed to mono chorus delay reverb INTERNAL AUDIO EXTERNAL AUDIO Overdrive INT TO MAIN Route to output on, off or auto ROUTE TO MAIN Route selected tracks to output * SEND TO FX Route selected tracks, chorus and delay effects * Tracks not routed to main output still are available as separate audio outputs in overbridge. In pattern audio routing, individual tracks still have their own ‘track’ audio output unaffected even if it is not routed to ‘main’ output. USB TO MAIN Adjusts the USB audio level for output in dB. DUAL Option to operate and manage the audio routing and mixing as stereo or dual mono. Dual Mono or Stereo MAIN Audio Out External Audio In Audio Out USB Audio GLOBAL SETTINGS SYSTEM > AUDIO ROUTING T1 T3 T4 CHORUS 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 DELAY REVERB T2 NOTES Level & Balance Master P2 INLR & BAL

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 253 14.2 Internal Audio in Digitone - MASTER Page 1 Digitone has an internal mixer found within the MASTER pages which can mix the levels for all four tracks plus control the overdrive distortion. Pattern volume control is also available from this page. Press [FUNC] + [LFO] to cycle across the mixer pages. Page 1 is the Internal Mixer. Audio Input & Output14 MOVD The audio output master overdrive. Distortion at the end of the audio output chain. 0 - 127 TRK3 The volume level for the synth track 3 audio. 0 - 127 TRK1 The volume level for the synth track 1 audio. 0 - 127 TRK2 The volume level for the synth track 2 audio. 0 - 127 TRK4 The volume level for the synth track 4 audio. 0 - 127 A E B F C G D H The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter setting will be displayed when adjusting its parameter. Press [FUNC] + [LFO] + [NO] to reset parameter page to last saved state. Randomise not available for the mixer parameters. + Internal Mixer PVOL Turn (LEVEL/DATA) The pattern volume level overall level. Same functionality as MASTER VOLUME. 0 - 127

254 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 14 Audio Input & Output 14.3 External Stereo Audio Inputs to Digitone - MASTER page 2 Digitone can take the two audio inputs and process it within its functions. The mixer parameters for managing this is found in the MASTER Pages. Page 1 is the Internal Mixer and Page 2 is the stereo mixer unless DUAL is set to On in which case Page 1 is the left channel of the dual mono input. INLR Level control of the external audio connected to the audio input left and right channels. 0 - 127 CHR The left / right external audio input send to the chorus effect. The L/R audio is summed to mono for the effects. 0 - 127 REV The left / right external audio input send to the delay effect. The L/R audio is summed to mono for the effects. 0 - 127 BAL The stereo left / right balance of the external audio input. L64 - CEN - R63 DEL The left / right external audio input send to the delay effect. The L/R audio is summed to mono for the effects. 0 - 127 A E B F C G D H The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter setting will be displayed when adjusting its parameter. Press [FUNC] + [LFO] + [NO] to reset parameter page to last saved state. Randomise not available for the mixer parameters. Audio would need to be triggered for the effect send to be active after an inactive state , for example after loading a project or pressing [STOP] [STOP]. + Stereo Mixer DUAL Turn (LEVEL/DATA) When ON the inputs can be managed independently as dual mono. Inputs LR managed as stereo when dual is OFF. Illustration shown as OFF.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 255 14.4 Dual Mono Audio Inputs to Digitone - MASTER page 2/3 The dual mono state is managed in the MASTER Page 2 using the DUAL option. When this is set to On the external audio inputs are managed as independent ‘dual mono’ inputs as opposed to stereo when OFF. The parameters are found in Master Page 2 for Left and Page 3 for Right. Audio Input & Output14 IN L Level control of the external audio connected to the audio input left channel. 0 - 127 LCHR The amount of left external audio input sent to the chorus effect. The audio is summed to mono when sending to effects. 0 - 127 LREV The amount of left external audio input sent to the delay effect. The audio is summed to mono when sending to effects. 0 - 127 LPAN The left external audio input panning control. L64 - CEN - R63 LDEL The amount of left external audio input sent to the delay effect. The audio is summed to mono when sending to effects. 0 - 127 A E B F C G D H The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter setting will be displayed when adjusting its parameter. Press [FUNC] + [LFO] + [NO] to reset parameter page to last saved state. Randomise not available for the mixer parameters. Audio would need to be triggered for the effect send to be active after an inactive state , for example after loading a project or pressing [STOP] [STOP]. + Dual Mono Left Mixer DUAL Turn (LEVEL/DATA) When ON the inputs can be managed independently as dual mono. Inputs LR managed as stereo when dual is OFF. Illustration shown as ON.

256 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 14 Audio Input & Output The dual mono right channel parameters are found on MASTER Page 3. This page is only available if DUAL in Page 2 is set to ON otherwise if OFF Page 2 will operate in Stereo. IN R Level control of the external audio connected to the audio input right channel. 0 - 127 RCHR The amount of right external audio input sent to the chorus effect. The audio is summed to mono when sending to effects. 0 - 127 RREV The amount of right external audio input sent to the delay effect. The audio is summed to mono when sending to effects. 0 - 127 RPAN The right external audio input panning control. L64 - CEN - R63 RDEL The amount of right external audio input sent to the delay effect. The audio is summed to mono when sending to effects. 0 - 127 A E B F C G D H The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter setting will be displayed when adjusting its parameter. Press [FUNC] + [LFO] + [NO] to reset parameter page to last saved state. Randomise not available for the mixer parameters. Audio would need to be triggered for the effect send to be active after an inactive state , for example after loading a project or pressing [STOP] [STOP]. + Dual Mono Right Mixer

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 257 Audio Input & Output14 Dual Mono Practical Example Dual Mono mode is particularly useful when integrating other gear and where Digitone may be the central audio ‘mixer’. The ability to manage effect sends independently offers significant audio control options and assemble a complete configuration. NOTES UNO DRUM Drum synth connected to Digitone’s Left input. Controllable by MIDI or stand alone Drums & Percussion Bass Lead / Melody LEFT RIGHT MOPHO Mono synth connected to Digitone’s Right input. Controllable by MIDI or stand alone. Level & Pan Master P3 INR & RPAN Level & Pan Master P2 INL & LPAN Left Channel Audio Right Channel Audio Sends Sends delay delay chorus chorus reverb reverb Dual Mono or

258 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES 14 Audio Input & Output 14.5 Global FX / Mix Settings The option to set the mixer and effect parameters to be a globally applied is possible in the SETTINGS menu. When set to ‘Global’ any parameter changes and settings in the internal mixer, external mixer, chorus, delay, reverb and overdrive will affect all patterns in the project and not just the active pattern. This is useful especially playing live to avoid any ‘stepped transitions’ when changing patterns. The default operation is that the parameters are applied locally to the active pattern only. ▌SETTING FX/MIX BETWEEN GLOBAL / LOCAL 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight GLOBAL FX/MIX using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 3. Press [YES] to select GLOBAL FX MIX and reach the sub menu. 4. Options can be scrolled by turning (LEVEL /DATA) or pressing [UP] [DOWN] buttons to highlight the desired option. 5. The highlighted option can be toggled between global mode on / checked and global off / unchecked by pressing [YES] or by turning any of the data entry controls. 6. When checked on the functions parameters will be applied to all patterns in the project and not just the active pattern. 7. Press [NO] to backup and exit the menu.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 259 14.6 Audio Routing Settings ▌ROUTING INTERNAL AUDIO TO OUTPUT AT GLOBAL LEVEL This will explain how internal audio is routed within Digitone to the external audio and headphone output. This is global across the entire Digitone. 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight [AUDIO ROUTING] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 3. Press [YES] to select AUDIO ROUTING and reach the sub menu’s. 4. Settings can be changed by using [LEFT] or [RIGHT]. 5. Select and set INT TO MAIN to the desired state. • ON. Internal audio from the 4 tracks is routed to the outputs. • AUTO. Audio is not sent out when overbridge is available and / or streaming audio. • OFF. Internal audio is not set to the output. This is useful if using an external insert effect via USB. NOTES Audio Input & Output14

260 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES 14 Audio Input & Output ▌ROUTING EXTERNAL USB AUDIO TO OUTPUT This will explain how external audio is routed and and amplified within Digitone to the external audio and headphone output when using overbridge or a class compliant USB device (range 0dB to +18 dB) 1. USB Audio is in the global setting options. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight [AUDIO ROUTING] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 3. Press [YES] to select AUDIO ROUTING and reach the sub menu’s. 4. Settings can be changed by using [LEFT] or [RIGHT]. 5. Highlight to select USB TO MAIN by scrolling with [UP] [DOWN] or by turning (LEVEL /DATA) 6. When USB TO MAIN is highlighted, Press [LEFT] [RIGHT] to set the audio level from the USB audio input to the main output. The options are in dB levels - 0dB, +6dB, +12dB, +18dB. 7. Audio mixer can be found under the MASTER options. This will be dependant on the Dual mode, but typically Page 1 is Internal Mixer. Page 2 is either stereo or if in dual mono mode Page 2 is mono left and Page 3 is mono right.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 261 NOTES ▌SELECTING TRACK ROUTING TO AUDIO OUTPUT This will explain how tracks and effects can be selected to route audio to the main and headphone output of Digitone. 1. Scroll and select ROUTE TO MAIN. This selects the track or effects that will / will not be routed to the main output (via the overdrive). 2. The four track T1, T2, T3, T4 buttons, the SYN2 button, FLTR and AMP button will illuminate. They will be green if audio is routed out from the track / effect, red if audio is not routed out. 3. Press one of the four track T1, T2, T3, T4 buttons, the SYN2, FLTR button and / or AMP button to toggle routing out on or off. 4. The menu option will display 7/7 if all tracks are routed out. This is number of tracks routed (1st digit) vs total available tracks (2nd digit) When in the ROUTE TO MAIN 7/7 or the SEND TO FX 6/6 menu options the buttons indicate routing status. Chorus, Delay, Reverb all illuminated showing available. Green indicates audio is routed to main. Tracks 1 - 4 all illuminated showing available. Green indicates audio is routed to main. Green indicates audio is routed to main. Red indicates audio is not routed to main output. Audio Input & Output14

262 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES ▌SELECT ROUTING TO EFFECT SENDS This will explain how tracks and effects can be selected to route audio to the effect sends of Digitone. 1. Scroll and select SEND TO FX. This selects the track or effects that will / will not be routed to the send effects. 2. The four track T1, T2, T3, T4 buttons, the SYN2 button and FLTR button will illuminate. They will be green if audio is routed to the effects from the track, red if audio is not routed to the effects. 3. Press one of the four track T1, T2, T3, T4 buttons, the SYN2 button and / or FLTR button to toggle routing to send effects on or off. 4. The menu will display 6/6 if all tracks are routed to the effects. This is number of tracks routed (1st digit) vs total available tracks (2nd digit) When in the ROUTE TO MAIN 7/7 or the SEND TO FX 6/6 menu options the buttons indicate routing status. Chorus and Delay both illuminated showing available. Green indicates audio is routed to main. Tracks 1 - 4 all illuminated showing available. Green indicates audio is routed to effect sends. Green indicates audio is routed to effects. Red indicates audio is not routed to effects 14 Audio Input & Output

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 263 NOTES ▌ROUTING INTERNAL AUDIO TO OUTPUT AT PATTERN LEVEL This will explain how internal audio is routed within Digitone to the external audio main and headphone output. Audio is still directed to the tracks own output. This is as applied within individual patterns. 1. Press [SETTINGS] to open GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight PATTERN using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 3. Press [YES] to select the pattern menu. 4. Highlight [AUDIO ROUTING] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 5. Press [YES] to select AUDIO ROUTING. 6. Set USE GLOBAL SETTINGS. Press [LEFT] [RIGHT] to select on or off. When set to off the settings in the pattern audio routing are used. When on the global audio routing settings are used. 7. Scroll and select ROUTE TO MAIN. This selects the track or effects that will / will not be routed to the main output (via the overdrive). Track output unaffected. 8. Press one of the four track T1, T2, T3, T4 buttons, the SYN2, FLTR button and / or AMP button to toggle routing out on (green) or off (red). The process applied is the same as global settings. 9. Scroll and select SEND TO FX. This selects the track or effects that will / will not be routed to the effects. 10. Press one of the four track T1, T2, T3, T4 buttons, the SYN2, FLTR button and / or AMP button to toggle routing to effects on (green) or off (red). The process applied is the same as global settings. Audio Input & Output14

264 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide USB Elektron Digitone iPad Audio Routing System MIDI Config Int to Main = Off USB to Main (dB) 0 (maybe try +6) USB CONFIG USB Audio/MIDI = On Digitone OS 1.30a used for examples, SYNC: Clock Receive = On Transport Receive = On PORT CONFIG: Input From = USB or MIDI+USB Receive Notes = On Receive CC/NRPN = On 14.7 Using Digitone Audio In/Out with an iPad via USB Example: iOS (with AUM and Fly Tape) as an insert audio effect via USB Audio USB USB 1: Elektron Digitone L+R iOS App, Kymatica AUM enables audio and MIDI to be managed inside the iPad with interconnection of instruments and effects. MSXII Sound Design app, Fly Tape is used as the actual insert effect which affects the audio routed through. Audio is communicated over USB. The internal audio main out is turned off so that internal audio only is only sent out on USB. The return audio received back in is then passed to the Digitone audio outputs. AUM Configuration and Connectivity AUM is an app that hosts plug ins and connects internal and external MIDI and Audio. MSXII Sound Design’s Fly Tape is a AUv3 Plug In (iOS app) that is a tape emulation effect. Channeling Digitone audio is possible across USB into the iPad and into the AUM audio track input, through Fly Tape (Hosted in AUM App environment as an audio effect) and back across USB to the Digitone output. This uses the Fly Tape as an insert effect for the Digitone L+R audio. A compatible USB cable is required to interface the iPad and Digitone. 14 Audio Input & Output

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 265 NOTES Apple iPad to Digitone 1.30a audio routing. AUM and MSXII Sound Design Fly Tape as an insert effect USB USB 1: Elektron Digitone L+R AUM As the host Audio / MIDI Mixer and hub. Audio Channel Compatible device i.e. iPad / iPhone MSXII Fly Tape As the plug in effect in the audio chain Digitone Audio Input from Digitone Digitone Audio Output to Digitone Out. Fly Tape Insert effect can manipulate, control and affect the audio from Digitone as an insert effect. Audio Input & Output14

266 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES

This section covers the less creative side of Digitone and captures some housekeeping functions and system orientated features. These include actions such as OS updates. As such the global settings SYSTEM menu is a key focus area for this section along with the boot menu start up function which also provides some system options. The guides given in this section are not everyday or frequently used features. It is therefore good to have a reference and access to a guide on these less familiar areas of Digitone. The functions covered here are very important and it is always advised to check the original manufacturers current documentation, manuals, release notes that are compatible instructions for the OS and device and the task in hand. The Elektron website is the place to start for the latest updates for Digitone where all support documentation can be found. Also remember that some functions such as +Drive formatting are a destructive processes and may mean important files and data will be deleted during the process. It is always recommended to back up Digitone periodically but certainly prior to undertaking any of the functions laid out in this section. Finally a quick reference cheat sheet capturing key combinations is provided. 15 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 267 System

268 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 15 System 15.1 System Menu The system options are found in the GLOBAL SETTINGS, accessed by pressing the [SETTINGS] button. The SYSTEM submenu then is where these options can be found. USB CONFIG Switches between the USB Overbridge mode, USB MIDI Only or AUDIO / MIDI USB mode. Ensure Overbridge setting is only set when interfacing to overbridge LED INTENSITY Sets the user preference of brightness of the screen and buttons. The setting can be changed between - Low, Mid, Max. Setting is shown in the menu name. REMEMBER SUBPAGE When set to ON the last sub page accessed will be presented when returning to the page. Setting to OFF will always show the main page each time the page is accessed. Press [YES] to toggle on or off when highlighting the menu option. OS UPGRADE Switches to listening for a Sysex transfer of the new OS. Transfer utility can be used to drag/drop the new OS across from PC/Mac to Digitone via the USB connection. FORMAT +DRIVE Erases and formats the non volatile sound storage drive contained within Digitone. Enables selection of projects and sounds. MASTER TUNE Default master tuning for Digitone is 440 Hz, Middle A. This can be changed here if an alternate musical tuning is required. Some features within the SYSTEM sub-menu can be destructive and care must be taken to not lose data and audio. Back up the Digitone device before undertaking the steps in these processes. NOTES

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 269 System 15 15.2 OS Upgrade Occasionally The Digitone may need an operating system update to either fix bugs on prior OS versions or to add new or enhanced features. The process requires the transfer of the new OS Sysex file which will then run an update script within the Digitone automatically. ▌UPGRADING DIGITONE OS FROM SYSTEM MENU It is recommended to connect Digitone by USB to a PC/ MAC which hosts TRANSFER. Download and make ready the new OS firmware. 1. Press [SETTINGS] to open the GLOBAL SETTINGS Menu. 2. Highlight SYSTEM page by scrolling with (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP], [DOWN]. 3. Press [YES] to select SYSTEM and reach the sub menu. 4. Highlight OS UPGRADE and press [YES] to select. 5. This will switch to Sysex listening mode and await transfer from the PC/ MAC. Press [NO] to cancel and backup to submenu. 6. Ensure TRANSFER utility is open on the connected PC / MAC and is indicated on the ‘connections’ page that the Digitone is set for MIDI Input and Output communications. 7. On the transfer drop page, drag and drop the new OS Sysex file to the transfer ‘Drop’ box in TRANSFER. 8. Digitone will indicate transfer status and issue prompts, then install and reboot the new OS. 9. Press [YES] to confirm update. 10. The message ‘BOOTSTRAP UPGRADE COMPLETE, PLEASE REBOOT ME’ is displayed. Power off and on to restart Digitone. NOTES TRANSFER New OS Sysex file is dragged to the TRANSFER utility ‘Drop’ window and is automatically transferred to Digitone when in sysex listen mode. DO NOT POWER OFF DIGITONE DURING THE UPDATE UNTIL DIGITONE NOTIFIES THAT THE REBOOT IS COMPLETE

270 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide ▌UPGRADING DIGITONE OS FROM STARTUP MENU 1. Ensure Digitone is switched OFF. 2. Connect Digitone using MIDI IN or USB to a PC/ MAC and TRANSFER. Do not use USB connection. 3. Hold [FUNC] and power ON Digitone. 4. Digitone will start up in the BOOT MENU. 5. Press TRIG [4] key for OS UPGRADE. 6. With Digitone in ‘ready to receive’ Sysex listening mode, open TRANSFER Utility on the PC/MAC. 7. In the TRANSFER Utility, open the ‘CONNECTIONS’ Page. 8. Click LEGACY OS UPGRADE. 9. Browse to the OS file to transfer. 10. Select the MIDI interface connected to Digitone. 11. In the TRANSFER Utility press. UPGRADE. 12. Progress bar will show transfer progress and when complete Digitone will update automatically and re-boot. Do not power off Digitone during the transfer or reboot process until the update reboot process is completed. Elektron recommend the TM-1 MIDI Interface when using MIDI transfers to a PC/MAC ▌CHECKING DIGITONE CURRENT OS 1. Power ON Digitone. 2. During the boot screen graphic the currently installed OS is displayed for a short period bottom right on the start up screen. NOTES 15 System

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 271 15.3 Formatting and Checking the +Drive storage Digitone’s non-volatile +Drive can be erased using the format utility. This is a destructive process and backups should be made prior to proceeding. ▌FORMATTING & ERASING DIGITONE +DRIVE 1. Press [SETTINGS] to open the GLOBAL SETTINGS Menu. 2. Highlight SYSTEM page by scrolling with (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP], [DOWN]. 3. Press [YES] to select SYSTEM and reach the sub menu. 4. Highlight FORMAT +DRIVE with (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP], [DOWN]. 5. Press [YES] to select the format option. 6. Check the PATTERNS + SOUNDS to erase. Set using [RIGHT] [LEFT] to check the selection and [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 7. Highlight ERASE SELECTED DATA with (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP], [DOWN]. 8. Press [YES] to select the format option. 9. Press [YES] again to confirm formatting. NOTES System 15

272 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 15.4 LED Intensity The Digitone has an option to change the brightness of the GUI display and also the front panel button LED’s. This is set in the system menu. This is a useful feature to set options when playing live in a dark club or when video recording Digitone’s interface. ▌CHANGING THE GUI BRIGHTNESS 1. Press [SETTINGS] to open the GLOBAL SETTINGS Menu. 2. Highlight the SYSTEM page by scrolling with (LEVEL/DATA) or the [UP], [DOWN] buttons. 3. Press [YES] to select SYSTEM and reach the sub menu. 4. Highlight LED INTENSITY with (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP], [DOWN]. 5. Press [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to to select one of the three brightness options. The setting can be changed to LOW, MID, MAX. The setting is showing in the menu option i.e. ‘LED INTENSITY MID’. 6. The setting will affect both the display brightness and also the button LED’s. 7. Press [NO] to backup and exit the system menu. NOTES 15 System

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 273 15.5 Parameter Page Default Navigation Behaviour Digitone’s normal behaviour is to always default to the main page each time a parameter page is selected. This can be changed in the system menu. The option to retain the previously selected subpage when navigating between pages is possible. ▌REMEMBER SUBPAGE 1. Press [SETTINGS] to open the GLOBAL SETTINGS Menu. 2. Highlight SYSTEM page by scrolling with (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP], [DOWN]. 3. Press [YES] to select SYSTEM and reach the sub menu. 4. Highlight REMEMBER SUBPAGE with (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP], [DOWN]. 5. With the option highlighted, Press [YES] to select the option on / checked or to off / unchecked. 6. When set to ON the last sub page accessed will be presented when returning to the page. Setting OFF will always show the main page each time the page is accessed. 7. Press [NO] to backup and exit the system menu. NOTES System 15

274 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 15.6 Start Up Boot Menu Hidden functions which operate in the Digitone Boot system prior to start up of the main Digitone OS are available at power up. Hold [FUNC] while powering up Digitone to access the startup boot menu. Select the menu options using the respective red lit Trig [1], [2], [3], [4] or [5] key for the selected menu option. + STARTUP MENU 1 … TEST MODE 2 … EMPTY RESET 3 … FACTORY RESET 4 … OS UPGRADE 5 … EXIT TEST MODE Delivers an audio signal to all outputs and runs a diagnostic test. When complete a test report is issued and should read 0 ERRORS if all is ok. Contact Elektron if there are system problems indicated. Key Tests will test all the manual operation of key and encoder actions and show the status on the display. EMPTY RESET Erases all patterns and sounds from Digitone but retains all +Drive data. FACTORY RESET Initialise Digitone RAM to its original state by overwriting pattern and settings data and by restoring the original preset sounds, patterns and settings to +Drive project slot 1 and Sound Bank A & B. Active project stored on the +Drive in slots 2+ will be retained. OS UPGRADE This option allows OS upgrades using Sysex transfer using MIDI IN. 2 3 4 5 EXIT To EXIT the Boot menu and continue through the startup boot process and start up the Digitone OS normally. 15 System NOTES

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 275 NOTES System 15 15.7 Factory Reset Digitone can be reset to its initial factory settings. This is performed in the start up boot menu. ▌PERFORMING A FACTORY RESET 1. Ensure the Digitone is powered off. 2. Hold [FUNC] button. 3. While [FUNC] is held power on Digitone. The Boot menu will appear. 4. Press Trig [3] button - Factory Reset. 5. Digitone will be reset to its initial factory settings.

276 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 15 System 15.8 Overbridge NOTES Overbridge 2.0 is a complimentary utility to the Digitone armoury. Overbridge is a software interface that enables Digitone and other Elektron devices to operate within a DAW environment, with multiple outputs and also control Digitone from within the PC/MAC software environment and vice versa. Digitone Can be controlled by the Overbridge App / VST. Digitone can be controlled from the DAW and Stand Alone Overbridge Interface. PC / MAC Overbridge 2.0 operates as a stand alone or a DAW VST integrated device within the PC / Mac environment. Features include:- Total Recall: Syncs the DAW saved project and parameter settings in the PC/MAC to the Digitone device. Stream multi tracks of audio into the PC/MAC environment via USB and can be recorded individually or collectively in the DAW. Digitone also acts as a 2 In/2 Out Sound card. Manage presets, samples, kits and projects.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 277 15.9 Sysex Applications If there is a function lacking in the direct support of Digitone it is backup and restoration support. Transfer app currently supports OS upgrade but not sysex pattern, project or sound transfers between PC/Mac and Digitone. The original Elektron Sysex Utility, C6 has also grown obsolete. There are a number of 3rd party sysex tools that can be used with Digitone to transfer sysex files. These examples do not vouch for any 3rd part app compatibility nor do they serve as a recommendation for use with Digitone. These examples give an illustration of using Sysex. A couple of apps to note are Snoize SYSEX Librarian for Mac (Shown here) and MIDI OX for PC. NOTES System 15 SETTINGS > SYSEX DUMP With Digitone set as destination, play to send a file, record to receive one or all. Files received are not named automatically.

278 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 15 System 15.10 Backing Up Projects in Transfer NOTES Transfer is a utility for Mac and PC downloadable from Elektron. Digitone’s projects can be backed up and restored between a connected PC or Mac using the Transfer utility. Digitone is ideally connected to a PC / Mac using the USB connection Files are stored as ‘name.dnprj’ format in the designated PC/Mac directory folder. USB Digitone The MIDI Settings on the Digitone must be set to operate with the MIDI USB connection.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 279 ▌BACKING UP PROJECTS 1. Connect Digitone to a PC/Mac that hosts the Transfer utility. Use the USB connection and ensure the settings are correct on Digitone. 2. In Transfer, the Digitone should be recognised. Select connect to establish communication between the device and PC/Mac. 3. In Transfer, open the ‘EXPLORE’ tab. Digitone projects should be displayed in the right side window. 4. In the left side window, select the PC/Mac folder location for backing up the projects. 5. Select and drag the projects from the left window to the right. A ‘name.dnprj’ file will be copied for each project. 6. The progress bar and status will be displayed at the bottom of the page as the files are copied and backup is completed. Transfer NOTES System 15 The Transfer explore tab is used with the Digitone and PC/Mac browser windows for transferring files. Transfer progress is shown when copying files from or to Digitone. Digitone files shown in the right window. Some factory presets may be write protected. The chosen PC/Mac folder is shown on the right side and the folder files listed. Drag & Drop from Digitone to the PC/Mac folder.

280 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide Function / Mode Action Key Combo Description General Copy [FUNC] + [REC] Copies depending on the function selected General Clear [FUNC] + [PLAY] Clears depending on the function selected. General Paste [FUNC] + [STOP] Pastes depending on the function selected. General Parameter Reset (DATA ENTRY) + [NO] Resets the parameter to default value. General Param Page Reset Parameter Page + [PLAY] Resets all selected param page data to defaults. General Param Randomise Parameter Page + [YES] Randomises selected parameter page settings General Restore saved state Parameter Page + [NO] Resets parameters to last saved state Save / Reload Save Project [FUNC] + [SETTINGS] Func + Global Setting saves active project. Save / Reload Save Pattern [FUNC] + [YES] Temporarily Saves active pattern Save / Reload Save Project [FUNC] + [NO] Reloads active pattern from temp save Save / Reload Save Project Parameter Page + [NO] Reloads defaults for selected page Navigation Step / Scroll Up [UP] Moves through various menu options Navigation Step / Scroll Down [DOWN] Moves through various menu options Navigation Step / Scroll Down [FUNC] + [UP] [DOWN] Navigate 1 page up / down in a menu list Navigation Step / Scroll Left [LEFT] Moves through submenus or toggles a selection Navigation Step / Scroll Right [RIGHT] Moves through submenus or toggles a selection Navigation Scroll (LEVEL / DATA) Scrolls when in a menu the options Navigation Backup [NO] Cancels and / or backs out of submenus Navigation Confirm [YES] Activates selected menu option Naming Select Letter [FUNC] + [ARROW] Left, Right, Up, Down, selects character Naming Erases Letter [FUNC] + [NO] Deletes character Naming Inserts a Letter [FUNC] + [YES] Inserts a letter or space Naming Selects Character [RIGHT] [LEFT] Navigates back and forth through name Naming Change Character [UP] [DOWN] Increments, decrements selected character Transport Play [PLAY] Plays the sequence pattern Transport Stop [STOP] Stops the sequencer pattern playback 15.11 Digitone Key Combo Quick Reference (1/4) 15 System

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 281 Function / Mode Action Key Combo Description Menus Import / Export [FUNC] + [SONG] Opens Import / export menu for sounds. Menus Sound Setup [FUNC] + [TRIG] Opens the sound setup options Menus Chorus FX [FUNC] + [SYN2] Opens the Chorus settings page Menus Delay FX [FUNC] + [FLTR] Opens the Delay settings page Menus Reverb FX [FUNC] + [AMP] Opens the Reverb settings page Menus MIDI Setup [FUNC] + [MIDI] Opens the MIDI settings Menus Master Mixer [FUNC] + [LFO] Opens the master settings Menus Metronome [FUNC] + [PTN] Opens Metronome Menu, quick press Menus Scale [FUNC] + [PAGE] Opens the Scale Menu and page settings Tracks / Patterns Select Synth Track [T1], [T2], T3] or [T4] Selects a synth track 1-4. Tracks / Patterns Select MIDI Track [MIDI] & Track Selects a MIDI track 5-8. Tracks / Patterns Select Bank [BANK] + Trig [9] … [16] Selects Bank Tracks / Patterns Select Pattern [PTN] + Trig [1] … [16] Selects a Pattern 1-16 Tracks / Patterns Clear Track [FUNC] + [PLAY] Clears Active Track (GRID REC) Tracks / Patterns Clear Pattern [FUNC] + [PLAY] Clears Active Ptn (LIVE REC or No Mode Sel) Tracks / Patterns Mute Track [FUNC] + [T1] … [T4] Enters Mutes selected track Tracks / Patterns Mute Mode [FUNC] + [BANK] Enters MUTE Mode Tracks / Patterns Global / Ptn Mute [FUNC] + [BANK] [BANK] Toggle PATTERN MUTE & GLOBAL MUTE Mode Tracks / Patterns Fill 1 Cycle [YES] + [PAGE] Creates a Fill for one pattern cycle Tracks / Patterns Fill [PAGE] Creates a Fill for duration of key press Tracks / Patterns Fill Latch [PAGE] + [YES] Hold and release PAGE first. Latches Fill mode Tracks / Patterns Fill Unlatch [PAGE] Latched Fill mode is unlatched Tracks / Patterns MIDI Feedback [STOP] [STOP] Panic stop MIDI feedback issues Sounds Restore [T1] … [T4] + [NO] Reloads last saved sound Sounds Unison [FUNC] + [VOICE] Toggles Unison mode on/off Sounds Preview [FUNC] + [YES] Previews sound in sound manager / sound browser Sounds Page Parameter Page Opens first page and cycles page 1 & 2. Sounds Secondary Page [FUNC] + ParamPage Opens secondary function (named under button) Sounds Control All [MIDI] + Parameter Change a parameter on all tracks at the same time 15.11 Digitone Key Combo Quick Reference (2/4) System 15

282 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide Function / Mode Action Key Combo Description Sequencer Tap Tempo [FUNC] + [TEMPO] Tap x4 or more to select a tap tempo Sequencer Nudge Tempo [LEFT] [RIGHT] Temporary Nudge tempo playback +/-10% Sequencer Nudge Trigs [FUNC] + [LEFT] [RIGHT] Nudge trigs whole step back or forth (GRID REC) Sequencer Retrig Menu Trig + [UP] [DOWN] Open Retrig menu & sets on/off/rate (GRID REC) Sequencer Micro-timing Menu Trig + [LEFT] [RIGHT] Open Micro Timing menu (GRID REC) Sequencer Retrig Menu [FUNC] + [UP] [DOWN] Track length increment (In Scale Menu) Sequencer Grid Recording [REC] Selects Grid Recording Mode Sequencer Grid Recording Trig + [UP] [DOWN] Note selection display Sequencer Note Preview Trig + [YES] Preview note / parameter lock in grid rec mode Sequencer Live Recording [REC] + [PLAY] Starts Live Recording Mode Sequencer Live Recording [REC] + [PLAY] + [PLAY] Starts Live Recording Mode - Quantized On/Off Sequencer Step Recording [REC] + [STOP] Step recording mode select. Sequencer Step Rec Mode [REC] + [STOP] [STOP] Step recording, toggles standard or jump mode Sequencer Clears Live Rec [NO] + [T1] … [T4] Clears Trigs during Live Recording sequence Sequencer Metronome [FUNC] + [PTN] Hold Long press. Sets Metronome On/Off Sequencer Add Trig Locks [FUNC] + Trig [1] - [16] Add lock trigs in Grid Recording mode. Song Song Mode Menu [SONG] Open the Song Mode pop-up menu. Song Song Mode On/Off [YES] Song mode on or off, set in the song mode menu. Song Settings Menu [SONG] + [UP] Song settings. Rename, Clear, Save & Load Song Load Song [DOWN] Load a song, select in the song mode menu. Song Song Row Loop [LEFT] Loop the row, select in the song mode menu. Song Song Editor [RIGHT] Select in the song mode menu when set to on. Song Navigate Params [LEFT] [RIGHT] Navigate across parameters in song editor. Song Navigate Rows [UP] [DOWN] Navigate through rows in song editor. Song Add row [FUNC] + [DOWN] Add row in song editor Song Delete row [FUNC] + [UP] Delete current row in song editor Song Select Pattern (LEVEL/DATA) Select on a pattern column. Song editor option. Song Select Bank Pattern [FUNC] + (LEVEL/DATA) Select on a pattern column. Song editor option. 15.11 Digitone Key Combo Quick Reference (3/4) 15 System

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 283 Function / Mode Action Key Combo Description Song Copy Row [FUNC] + [REC] Copy current row. Song editor option. Song Paste Row [FUNC] + [STOP] Paste to current row. Song editor option. Song Clear Row [FUNC] + [PLAY] Clear current row to defaults. Song editor option. Song Move Playhead [YES] on a row number Select a row number, set in the song mode menu. Song Play Song [PLAY] Song mode ON, plays song Song Pause Song [STOP] Song playing, pauses at current row Song Stop & Reset [STOP] [STOP] Reset song to start Song Mute Menu [YES] Select mute row, press yes to open mute menu Song Mute / Unmute [T1] [T2] [T3] [T4] Mute / Unmute in the song mute menu Song Tempo [TEMPO] Opens tempo menu when in song editor Arpeggiator Arp Options [FUNC] + [SYN1] Opens the Arpeggiator menu settings page Arpeggiator Arp Options [FUNC] + [SYN1] Opens the Arpeggiator menu settings page Arpeggiator Arp On / Off [FUNC] + [TRACK NOTE] Turns Arpeggiator on or off. 15.11 Digitone Key Combo Quick Reference (4/4) NOTES Keyboard Mode: Available Scales • Chromatic • Ionian (Major) • Dorian • Phrygian • Lydian • Mixolydian • Aeolian (Minor) • Locrian • Pentatonic Minor • Pentatonic Major • Melodic Minor • Whole Tone • Blues • Combo Minor • Persian • Iwato • In-Sen • Hirajoshi • Pelog • Phrygian Dominant • Whole-Half Diminished • Half-Whole Diminished • Spanish • Major Locrian • Super Locrian • Dorian b2 • Lydian Augmented • Lydian Dominant • Double Harmonic Major • Lydian #2 #6 • Ultraphrygian • Hungarian Minor • Oriental • Ionian #2 #5 • Locrian bb3 bb7

284 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 285 People will use Digitone in different ways, adopting personal workflows and finding a fit into the studio setup either alone or alongside other gear. Whether just creating sound designs, using it for full arrangements and productions or as part of a wider system. In using Digitone it’s always good to learn and share techniques in how it can be used which may trigger ideas and inspire creative thinking. This section captures a series of examples and user cases both in terms of hardware configurations and also audio preset design. These examples can be used in your own way and to help learn more about using Digitone. This section helps get started when integrating Digitone into a wider system with other gear, digital audio workstations and even iOS Apps. Find some tips and tricks along the way to get the best out of using Digitone in real world scenarios and help develop some new ideas and new thinking. Technique 16

286 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 16.1 USB with Logic Pro X Logic Pro examples are shown to illustrate the range of options USB MIDI and Audio provides. These are examples only and used for illustration purposes as other methods may be applied. Hardware and software versions may vary and evolve and the exact functionality may change. Logic Pro X 10.5.1 to Digitone SETTINGS It is recommended to retain other setting at their defaults. Connectivity A Logic audio track can be set up to receive the Digitone audio in via USB. Individual ‘External MIDI Instrument’ tracks can be set, for example one logic track to each Digitone track. Individual control of Digitone sounds is then possible. Audio from the Digitone USB will be available in the Logic MIDI Instrument plug in or audio track as a stereo 1-2 pair or 1 or 2 inputs in the audio track. Mac / Macbook’s typically have either a USB Type A or Type C connection. A compatible cable is needed for connection to the Digitone USB - Type B connector. Digitone is supplied with a Type A to Type B Cable. NOTES Digitone Config Parameter Setting Description System > USB Config USB Audio / MIDI ON Enable MIDI and Audio over USB to Logic. MIDI Config > Sync Clock Receive ON If the Digitone sequencer and tempo is to be synchronised from Logic MIDI Config > Sync Clock Send ON If the sequencer and tempo is to be synchronised in Logic from Digitone MIDI Config > Sync Transport Receive ON Stop, Start control of Digitone from Logic MIDI Config > Sync Transport Send ON Stop, Start control of Logic from Digitone System > Audio Routing Int to Main OFF Internal Digitone audio not routed to main output. Set ON if the internal audio is required to be output. System > Audio Routing USB to Main (dB) 0 Sets the gain of any USB audio coming in to Digitone at the main output 16 Technique

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 287 ▌AUDIO INTO LOGIC PRO X FROM DIGITONE USB. 1. Connect the Digitone to the Mac hosting Logic Pro X DAW. 2. Ensure Digitone SETTINGS are configured for USB MIDI and Audio. 3. In Logic, setup the audio preferences. Menu: Logic Pro X > Preferences > Audio. This opens the audio set up window. Set ‘Elektron Digitone’ as the input device (option also for output device). This may also be automatically set when connecting the device. 4. In Logic, add a new track. Select ‘+’ in the track window and the track selection window opens. Ensure the ‘detail’ drop down is open. 5. Select the ‘Audio’ track option. 6. Ensure ‘Elektron Digitone’ is shown in the window as the selected device. Use the option to select the audio preference window to change if necessary. 7. Select the Audio Input - Typically ‘Input 1 + 2’ for the stereo output from the Digitone. Audio output is the DAW output channels. 8. Digitone audio can be monitored on the audio track created. 9. The audio track can be record enabled and audio recorded in from Logic when playing Digitone. ▌TRANSPORT CONTROL FROM LOGIC PRO X TO DIGITONE VIA USB. 1. Connect the Digitone to the Mac hosting Logic Pro X DAW. 2. Ensure Digitone SETTINGS are configured for MIDI Config > Sync to: Transport Receive = ON / Checked. Clock Receive and Send and Transport Send can also be checked as options if needed. 3. In Logic, setup the MIDI preferences. Menu: Logic Pro X > Preferences > MIDI then ‘Sync’ Tab. This opens the MIDI set up window. 4. In the ‘Sync’ window, Open the ‘MIDI Sync Project Settings...’ Option. 5. Select the destination ‘All’ or select ‘Elektron Digitone’ as the destination. Check the ‘Clock’ option. Close the windows. 6. The transport in Logic will control Digitone transport Play and Stop. Technique 16 > NOTES

288 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide ▌EXTERNAL MIDI CONTROL FROM LOGIC WITH DIGITONE USB. 1. Connect the Digitone to the Mac hosting Logic Pro X DAW. 2. Ensure Digitone SETTINGS are configured for USB MIDI and Audio. 3. In Logic, setup the audio preferences. Menu: Logic Pro X > Preferences > Audio. This opens the audio set up window. Set ‘Elektron Digitone’ as the input device (option also for output device). This may also be automatically set when connecting the device. 4. In Logic, add a new track. Select ‘+’ in the track window and the track selection window opens. Ensure the ‘detail’ drop down is open. 5. Select the ‘Use External MIDI Instrument Plug-In’ checkbox. 6. Ensure ‘Elektron Digitone’ is shown in the window as the selected device. Use the option to select the audio preference window to change if necessary. 7. Select the Audio Input - Typically ‘Input 1 + 2’ for the stereo output from the Digitone. Audio Output is the DAW output channels. 8. Select MIDI Destination. This will be the track controlled by MIDI from Logic. By default; • Logic MIDI Channel 1 = Digitone Track 1 (Default in Digitone) • Logic MIDI Channel 2 = Digitone Track 2 (Default in Digitone) • Logic MIDI Channel 3 = Digitone Track 3 (Default in Digitone) • Logic MIDI Channel 4 = Digitone Track 4 (Default in Digitone) • Digitone also has auto track and other MIDI channels available as configured. 1. Audio will be picked up in each Logic track which of course will be the Digitone output 1-2 and not individual audio per Digitone track. Digitone sends on the two audio 1 and 2 channels. Separate Logic audio track to record the stereo or mono inputs. Digitone Audio M S R L R I 1 DIGIT-ONE Ch1 M S R L R 2 SQB TK Ch2 M S R L R 3 NOTES > 16 Technique

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 289 NOTES 16.2 USB with Ableton Live Ableton Live examples illustrate the options USB MIDI and Audio provides. These are for example and illustration purposes only and other methods may be applied. Hardware and software versions may vary and evolve and the exact functionality may change. Live 9 to Digitone It is recommended to retain other setting at their defaults. SETTINGS Digitone Config Parameter Setting Description System > USB Config USB Audio / MIDI ON Enable MIDI and Audio over USB to Live. MIDI Config > Sync Clock Receive ON If the sequencer and tempo is to be synchronised in the Digitone from Live MIDI Config > Sync Clock Send ON If the sequencer and tempo is to be synchronised in the Live from Digitone MIDI Config > Sync Transport Receive ON Stop, Start control of Digitone from Live MIDI Config > Sync Transport Send ON Stop, Start control of Live from Digitone System > Audio Routing Int to Main OFF Internal Digitone audio not routed to main output. Set ON if the internal audio is required. System > Audio Routing USB to Main (dB) 0 Sets the gain of any USB audio to the Digitone main output Connectivity A Live audio track can be set up to receive the Digitone audio in via USB. Individual MIDI tracks can be set, for example one Live track to each Digitone track. Individual control of Digitone sounds is then possible. Audio from the Digitone USB will be available in the Live audio tracks as a stereo 1-2 pair or 1 or 2 inputs in the audio track. Mac or Windows PC’s normally have a USB Type A or Type C. A compatible cable is needed for connection to the Digitone USB - Type B connection. Digitone is supplied with a Type A to Type B Cable. Technique 16

290 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide ▌AUDIO INTO LIVE FROM DIGITONE USB. 1. Connect the Digitone to the Mac hosting Live DAW. 2. Ensure Digitone SETTINGS are configured for USB MIDI and Audio. 3. In Live, setup the audio preferences. Menu: Live > Preferences > Audio. This opens the audio set up window. Set ‘Elektron Digitone (2 in, 2 out)’ as the analogue input device (option also for output device). 4. In Live, insert a new audio track or select an existing free audio track. 5. Ensure the audio track ‘Audio From’ is set to Ext In and to the input channels required. This is typically 1/2 for the Digitone stereo output but can also be 1 or 2 for each individual channel. 6. Select ‘In’ on the audio track to monitor the Digitone audio signal. 7. The audio track can be record enabled and audio recorded into a clip within Live when Digitone is playing. ▌TRANSPORT CONTROL FROM LIVE TO DIGITONE VIA USB. 1. Connect the Digitone to the Mac hosting Live DAW. 2. Ensure Digitone SETTINGS are configured for MIDI Config > Sync to: Transport Receive = ON / Checked. Clock Receive and Send and Transport Send can also be checked as options if needed. 3. In Live, setup the link MIDI preferences. Menu: Live > Preferences then ‘Link MIDI’ Tab. This opens the Link MIDI set up window. 4. In the ‘MIDI Ports’ Section, Set the ‘Output: Elektron Digitone’, Sync setting to ON. 5. The transport for Digitone is controlled by Live’s play and stop. Tempo is also synchronised if Digitone Clock Receive is on in the MIDI Config > Sync options. NOTES 16 Technique

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 291 NOTES ▌SETTING UP A LIVE MIDI TRACK TO CONTROL DIGITONE 1. Connect the Digitone to the Mac hosting Live 2. Ensure Digitone SETTINGS are configured for MIDI Config > Sync to: Transport Receive = ON / Checked. Clock Receive and Send and Transport Send also be checked. 3. In Live, setup the Link MIDI preferences. Menu: Live > Preferences then ‘Link MIDI’ Tab. This opens the Link MIDI set up window. 4. In the ‘MIDI Ports’ Section, Set the ‘Output: Elektron Digitone’, Sync setting to ON and also Track setting to ON. 5. Create a MIDI Track in Live. 6. Set the MIDI track ‘MIDI To’ to ‘Elektron Digitone’ and also to the desired Channel, i.e. Channel 1 to control Digitone Track 1. Defaults Digitone Track 1,2,3,4 are MIDI Channel 1,2,3,4. 7. This will send the data from clips and devices in the MIDI track to the defined channel. Additional tracks can be configured for Digitone. 1 MIDI Digitone 2 Digitone Audio MIDI From Audio From All Ins Ext. In Elektron Digitone Master All Channels 1/2 Ch. 1 In In 1 2 s s Auto Off Auto Off Monitor Monitor MIDI To Audio To A Sends B -4.30 0 12 24 36 48 60 Technique 16

292 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 16.3 USB with Teenage Engineering OP-Z Synth NOTES Teenage Engineering OP-Z is a synth, sequencer and sampler. This example illustrates the interconnection of both devices over USB. This is one way but other methods may be applied. Hardware and software versions may vary and evolve and the exact functionality may change. OP-Z 1.2.28 to Digitone Digitone Config Parameter Setting Description System > USB Config USB MIDI ON Enable MIDI over USB. OP-Z is not USB Audio compatible. MIDI Config > Sync Clock Receive ON If the sequencer and tempo is to be synchronised from the OP-Z to Digitone MIDI Config > Sync Clock Send ON If the sequencer and tempo is to be synchronised from Digitone to OP-Z MIDI Config > Sync Transport Receive ON Stop, Start control of Digitone from OP-Z MIDI Config > Sync Transport Send ON Stop, Start control of OP-Z from Digitone System > Audio Routing Audio over USB not supported by OP-Z Connectivity OP-Z and Digitone can work in sync with either acting as the primary control. Sync and Transport governs the control. Given that the OP-Z does not support Audio over USB, the USB Config USB MIDI setting can be selected instead of the USB AUDIO / MIDI. OP-Z has a USB Type C. A compatible cable or USB hub or Interface would be needed to ensure connection to the Digitone USB - Type B connection. Sequence OP-Z has, by default each of its tracks allocated to a MIDI Channel. Digitone also has the default tracks allocated by MIDI Channel. So Track 1 on Digitone can be sequenced by the Track 1 on OP-Z. These can be reconfigured using the OP-Z app and also in the Digitone MIDI Config > Channels menu. SETTINGS It is recommended to retain other setting at their defaults. 16 Technique

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 293 NOTES 16.4 USB MIDI & Audio with iPad Apple iPad & Digitone AUM with MSXII Sound Design Chomplr MIDI Controlled by Digitone It is recommended to retain other setting at their defaults. USB USB Digitone Config Parameter Setting Description System > USB Config USB Audio / MIDI ON Enable MIDI and Audio over USB to transfer out to iPad and back to Digitone. MIDI Config > Sync Clock Receive OFF Control over Digitone not required. MIDI Config > Sync Clock Send ON Digitone controls iPad AUM + Chomplr MIDI Config > Sync Transport Receive OFF Control over Digitone not required. MIDI Config > Sync Transport Send ON Digitone controls iPad AUM + Chomplr MIDI Config > Port Config Output To USB Send MIDI Trigs from Digitone to iPad. USB is faster than MIDI + USB. MIDI Config > Port Config Trig Key Dst INT Sends MIDI output from Trigs. Audio Routing Int to Main INT Selects to have the internal Digitone audio delivered the main out 1: Elektron Digitone L+R AUM Configuration and Connectivity AUM is an app that hosts plug ins and interfaces internal and external MIDI and Audio. MSXII Sound Design’s Chomplr is a AUv3 Plug In (iOS app) instrument reminiscent of classic romplers and allows playback of sliced samples. MIDI from Digitone across USB into the iPad can control the AUM hosted instrument. This can offer creative opportunities when sequencing MIDI Tracks. The Output audio can also be routed back to Digitone over USB. Set up Digitone’s MIDI track sequencing as normal with the channel to match in AUM. Audio can be mixed to the internal Digitone or internal Digitone audio switched off. A camera connection kit or equivalent connector adapter / cable is required to transfer from the USB Type A connection to the iPad connector. SETTINGS Technique 16

294 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES Apple iPad to Digitone AUM and MSXII Sound Design Chomplr MIDI Controlled from Digitone. Audio returned back to Digitone over USB 16 Technique USB 1: Elektron Digitone L+R AUM As the host Audio / MIDI Mixer and hub. MIDI IN from Digitone routed to control Chomplr Audio Channel Compatible device i.e. iPad / iPhone MSXII Chomplr As the plug in instrument Digitone Audio Output back to Digitone Main Out. Chomplr Notes are programmed in Digitone. The MIDI Channel is set for the track and trigs sequenced on the MIDI track. Chomplr sample slices are triggered from the Digitone sequence.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 295 NOTES Technique 16 16.5 Patch Design and Patch Sheets Follows is a series of patch sheets that give an overview of patches for common sounds. This can help deconstruct how sounds are created and give a starting point for tweaking and developing further. • The patch sheets show a sound ‘end state’. In reality patch design is an iterative process with no defined order of adjustment. In fact it is important to adjust and then revisit previously set parameters, honing in on the final sound. This is how sound design works. • Small incremental changes are recommended. Moving slowly in the direction that you want. • Listening to the output rather than working to parameter numbers is important. While these patch sheets give a final patch sound, listen to how the incremental changes affect the sound. • Experiment with changes. There is nothing wrong about testing and tweaking without too much thought. Happy accidents often come through experimentation. • Remember the randomise feature and how this can inspire some creativity by throwing the dice on each parameter page using parameter page i.e. [SYN1] + [YES] • You can restore saved settings is you get lost with parameter page i.e. [SYN1] + [NO] • A tip is to save different stages under different slots of the sound as it evolves. This helps learn and revisit the various stages. These can always be deleted later. • Often producers separate sound design from the production process. So spending a few hours building drum kits and sound packs gets focus and attention. Using these packs then later in the pure production and arrangement process • Treat these patch sheets as a guide. Try your own designs or use these as a starting point, deconstruct and rebuild to find your own workflow. • Keep an eye on the overall sound level in the AMP page. Keep this low as a start as some sound adjustments may become pretty loud in the design process.

296 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 16.6 Patch Sheet: Bass Buzzy electronic resonant lead style bass . Start with a default patch - parameters default other than those below. 16 Technique General Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Locked Voices Voice Menu 1 This will be monophonic, hence 1 voice Filter Keytrack Sound Setup Menu 0 Remove filter cutoff tracking to pitch. Octave Sound Setup Menu -3 Set a default octave, into the bass range Synth Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description B Lev Syn 2 80 Ensure Operator B is heard Algo Syn 1 2 Algorithm 2 to focus on B & C operators and allow a mix of 2 discrete oscillators C Ratio Syn 1 6 Adjust ratio and lower octave [DOWN] Harm Syn 1 -7 Saw wave - typical for bass Detun Syn 1 70 Thicken add movement to the sound Fdbk Syn 1 25 Aggression and a gnarly edge Mix Syn 1 0 B & C Operator mix balanced. Filter Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Freq Fltr P1 80 Typical bass sound design is to reduce upper frequencies with high cut. Reso Fltr P1 15 Increase resonance Env Fltr P1 10 Introduce some shape to the sound with an envelope - small amount Dec Fltr P1 50 Envelope decay Base Fltr P2 15 Create space in the lower range Amp Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Attack Amp P1 5 Overall Sound shape, initial start Dec Amp P1 0 Overall Sound shape decay Sus Amp P1 127 Overall Sound shape, sustain full Rel Amp P1 25 Overall Sound shape, short release Drv Amp P1 90 Add grit and interest with distortion Cho Amp P2 10 Slight chorus. Don't overdo effects as this is bass and should be fairly dry. NOTES

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 297 NOTES Technique 16 16.7 Patch Sheet: Techno Hard Kick Drum Techno hard kick drum. Start with a default patch - parameters default other than those below. As variation try adding some subtle reverb and shaping the effect filter to add slight depth to the sound. Also consider an LFO on pitch. General Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Locked Voices Voice Menu 1 This will be monophonic, hence 1 voice Filter Keytrack Sound Setup Menu 0 Remove filter cutoff tracking to pitch. Octave Sound Setup Menu -1 Set a default slightly lower octave Synth Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description A Lev Syn 2 70 Ensure Operator A is heard B Lev Syn 2 80 Ensure Operator B is heard Algo Syn 1 4 Algorithm 4 with Osc B in focus C Ratio Syn 1 0.25 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on C A Ratio Syn 1 0.25 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on A B Ratio Syn 1 0.75/0.25 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on B Mix Syn 1 -50 B & C Operator mix balanced. A Dec Syn 2 12 Envelope decay - Osc A Shape A End Syn 2 0 Envelope End - Osc A Shape A Dec Syn 2 12 Envelope decay - Osc B Shape A End Syn 2 0 Envelope End - Osc B Shape Filter Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Type Fltr P1 LP2 High Pass filter type Freq Fltr P1 45 Cutoff frequency - cut low end Dec Fltr P1 30 Envelope decay Dep Fltr P1 50 Envelope depth to develop distinct sound shape for punch Amp Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Attack Amp P1 0 Overall Sound shape, initial start Dec Amp P1 75 Overall Sound shape decay Rel Amp P1 35 Overall Sound shape, release for tail Drv Amp P1 40 Overall Sound shape, no sustain to only capture the transient

298 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 16.8 Patch Sheet: Electronic Pitched Kick Drum (1/2) Classic 80’s electronic pitched kick drum. Start with a default patch - parameters default other than those below. 16 Technique General Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Locked Voices Voice Menu 1 This will be monophonic, hence 1 voice Filter Keytrack Sound Setup Menu 0 Remove filter cutoff tracking to pitch. Octave Sound Setup Menu -2 Set a default slightly lower octave Synth Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description B Lev Syn 2 50 Ensure Operator B is heard Algo Syn 1 2 Algorithm 1 to get a transient plus a tail B Ratio Syn 1 1/0.5 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on B Fdbk Syn 1 25 Add a little dirt Mix Syn 1 0 B & C Operator mix balanced. B Dec Syn 2 25 Envelope decay - Osc B Shape B End Syn 2 80 Envelope End - Osc B Shape Filter Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Type Fltr P1 HP High Pass filter type Freq Fltr P1 45 Cutoff frequency - cut low end Reso Fltr P1 30 Introduce some resonance Dec Fltr P1 20 Envelope decay Amp Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Attack Amp P1 5 Overall Sound shape, initial start Dec Amp P1 30 Overall Sound shape decay Sus Amp P1 0 Overall Sound shape, no sustain to only capture the transient NOTES

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 299 16.8 Patch Sheet: Electronic Kick Drum (2/2) Classic electronic kick drum. Start with a default patch - parameters default other than those below. NOTES Technique 16 LFO Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Dest 1 LFO P1 Syn Pitch Synth Pitch All - Signature pitch shape Dest 2 LFO P1 Syn Pitch Synth Pitch All - Signature pitch shape Wave 1 LFO P1 Saw Shape for pitch Wave 2 LFO P1 Exp Shape for pitch Spd 1 LFO P1 10 LFO 1 Speed Spd 2 LFO P1 20 LFO 2 Speed Dep 1 LFO P1 9 Depth of LFO 1 that affects pitch Dep 2 LFO P1 40 Depth of LFO 2 that affects pitch Mult 1 LFO P2 32 Speed multiplier that affects pitch Mult 2 LFO P2 32 Speed multiplier that affects pitch Mode 1 LFO P2 HLF Half Cycle reset Mode 2 LFO P2 ONE One Cycle reset

300 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 16.9 Patch Sheet: Closed Hats. Standard electronic closed hats. Start with a default patch - parameters default other than those below. Add Delay to get a shuffle into the pattern on some or all steps in a pattern. Also try using an LFO to vary the velocity on the sound and give a natural feel. 16 Technique General Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Locked Voices Voice Menu 1 This will be monophonic, hence 1 voice Synth Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description A Lev Syn 2 75 Ensure Operator A is heard - Rasp B Lev Syn 2 120 Ensure Operator B is heard - Metallic Algo Syn 1 1 Algorithm 1 C Ratio Syn 1 2 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on C A Ratio Syn 1 0.25 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on A B Ratio Syn 1 10/1 Adjust ratio to get the right sound on B Harm Syn 1 -26 Hybrid wave Fdbk Syn 1 127 Feedback on Osc A for fuzz Dtun Syn 1 127 Fully detuned Mix Syn 1 -64 B & C Operator mix balanced. Filter Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Type Fltr P1 HP High Pass filter type Freq Fltr P1 95 Cutoff frequency - cut low end Dec Fltr P1 90 Envelope decay Amp Parameter Location / Menu Setting Description Attack Amp P1 5 Overall Sound shape, initial start Dec Amp P1 15 Overall Sound shape decay Sus Amp P1 0 No sustain NOTES

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