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Published by iamsimonjohnson, 2024-01-24 23:19:17

Digitone Notebook 1v40

Digitone Notebook 1v40

Keywords: Digitone,Elektron

Effects11 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 201 NOTES 11.5 Using the Delay Effect Delay operates as send / return with the send amount for the sound set in the AMP Page. The external audio input can also be sent through the delay. The main parameter settings are in the DELAY page and are saved as part of the pattern and not with the sound. ▌SETTING A PATTERN SEND LEVEL - DELAY 1. Select amp page 2, Press [AMP], [AMP]. 2. Adjust the data entry control (F) to set the send level of the sound to the effect. This sets the amount of the sound audio that is routed into the delay effect. 3. The delay return feeds the affected sound back to the audio path. ▌ACCESSING THE DELAY EFFECT SETTINGS 1. The effect is a common effect meaning settings are common but send level is adjustable per track. 2. Select [FUNC] + [FLTR] to open the DELAY effect page. The key illuminates blue instead of red when selecting the primary filter page. 3. Adjust the data entry controls (A) … (F) to set the delay parameter settings. For time delay press [FUNC] + Turn (A) to adjust the time parameter in time interval steps. Includes triplet (T) and dotted (D) timings. Digitone Delay Chart Time Turn (A) Delay Divide Ratio [FUNC] + (A) Time Turn (A) Delay Divide Ratio [FUNC] + (A) Time Turn (A) Delay Divide Ratio [FUNC] + (A) 1 1/128 8 1/16 42.67 1/3 (1/2 T) 2 1/64 10.67 1/2 (1/8 T) 48 1/4 D 2.67 1/48 (1/32 T) 12 1/16 D 64 1/2 3 1/64 D 16 1/8 48 1/4 D 4 1/32 21.33 1/6 (1/4 T) 96 1/2 D 5.33 1/24 (1/16 T) 24 1/8 D 128 1 6 1/32 D 32 1/4

202 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 11 Effects ▌SENDING THE DELAY EFFECT INTO THE REVERB 1. The delay has the option to also feed wet signal into the reverb effect. 2. Select [FUNC] + [FLTR] to open the delay effect page. The key illuminates blue instead of red. 3. Adjust the REV data entry control (G) to adjust the amount to feed into the reverb. Range is 0-127. ▌SENDING EXTERNAL AUDIO IN THROUGH THE DELAY EFFECT 1. Select [FUNC] + [LFO] to open the master page. The key illuminates blue instead of red. 2. Adjust the DEL data entry control (F) to adjust the send amount of the incoming audio (converted to mono) to feed into the delay. The available range is 0-127. NOTES

Effects11 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 203 11.6 Reverb Page & Parameters The main reverb parameters are available in the [FUNC] + [AMP] Page. Reverb can provide a sense of space and ambience to a sound. VOL control adjusts the effect mix output level. PRE Pre-delay time. Simulates a room sound from initial sound to the first reflections. 0-127 DEC Decay time. Length of the decay which simulates room size. 1-127, Inf LPF Low pass filter to shape the frequency. Sets the LPF cutoff frequency of the reverb. 0-127 HPF High pass filter to shape the frequency. Sets the HPF cutoff of the reverb. 0-127 FREQ Shelving frequency used to dampen the reverb around the frequency selected 0-127 GAIN Shelving frequency used to control the frequency level. This dampens the around the treble range 0-127 A E B F C G D H The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter setting will be displayed when adjusting its parameter. Press [FUNC] + [FLTR] + [NO] to reset parameter page to last saved state. Press [FUNC] + [FLTR] + [YES] to randomise the parameters. + VOL Mix volume level for the reverb output audio signal. 0-127

204 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 11 Effects NOTES Delay Reverb Delay Chorus Reverb Reverb AMP REV Master REV Reverb Delay Chorus Effects Engine Effect Send LFO Modulation (option) Audio Input Audio Output External audio send is mono DEL REV REV LFO Reverb Input Effect Damping EQ L R Filter Reverb PRE DEC FREQ GAIN Output VOL

Effects11 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 205 11.7 Using the Reverb Effect Reverb operates as send / return with the send amount for the sound set in the AMP Page. The external audio input can also be sent through the reverb. The main parameter settings are in the REVERB page and are saved as part of the pattern and not with the sound. ▌SETTING A PATTERN SEND LEVEL - REVERB 1. Select amp page 2, Press [AMP], [AMP]. 2. Adjust the data entry control (G) to set the send level of the sound to the effect. This sets the amount of the sound audio is routed into the reverb effect. 3. The reverb return feeds the affected sound back to the audio path. ▌ACCESSING THE REVERB EFFECT SETTINGS 1. The effect is a common effect meaning settings are common but send level is adjustable per track. 2. Select [FUNC] + [AMP] to open the REVERB effect page. The key illuminates blue instead of red when selecting the primary amp page. 3. Adjust the data entry controls (A) … (G) to set the reverb parameter settings. ▌SENDING EXTERNAL AUDIO IN THROUGH THE REVERB EFFECT 1. Select [FUNC] + [LFO] to open the master page. The key illuminates blue instead of red. 2. Adjust the REV data entry control (G) to adjust the send amount of the incoming audio (converted to mono) to feed into the reverb. The available range is 0-127. NOTES

206 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 11.8 Setting the Overdrive Digitone has two discrete overdrive functions which can technically be considered as effects. The first is the drive function which feeds into the filters from the FM synth engine. The second is the last function in the audio path and applies distortion and overdrive to the overall output. ▌SETTING THE SYNTH DRIVE INTO THE FILTERS 1. Press [AMP] to select the amp page 1. 2. Turn (E) to adjust DRV. This should be adjusted iteratively while listening to the sound to tweak the right level and get the distortion clipping level right. ▌SETTING THE OUTPUT OVERDRIVE 1. Press [FUNC] + [LFO] to select the master output. 2. Turn (H) to adjust OVRD. This should be adjusted iteratively while listening to the sound to tweak the right level. This brings distortion into the overall output. NOTES 11 Effects Audio Engine Overdrive Amp Mixer Overdrive Filters SYN1 & SYN2 AMP DRV Audio Output Effect Returns AMP MASTER MASTER FLTR X Y LFO OVRD Overdrive Control Function LFO Modulation (option)

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 207 11.9 Randomising Parameter Pages The parameter page settings can be randomised for creative experimental and accidental sound design. It could be argued that randomisation isn't technically an effect. However given that it is a feature that can apply effects it’s good to refresh this function in this section. ▌RANDOMISING PARAMETER PAGE SETTINGS 1. Select the desired parameter page to randomise. Example, FLTR / DELAY for illustration. 2. Press [FLTR] + [YES] to shuffle / randomise the settings of the page. 3. For effect pages, press [FUNC] + [DELAY] + [YES] 4. Try various iterations to find a satisfactory setting or use to randomise during live play. ▌RESETTING THE RANDOMISED SETTINGS OF A PARAMETER PAGE 1. After randomising a parameter page settings. Example, FLTR / DELAY for illustration. 2. Press the parameter page eg [FLTR] + [NO] to restore the page to its previous saved state. 3. For effect pages, press [FUNC] + [DELAY] + [NO] to restore the page to its previous saved state. Randomisation can be applied to all SYN1, SYN2, FLTR, AMP and LFO pages, also the three Chorus, Delay and Reverb effects. Limited parameters can be randomised on the TRIG page i.e. PTIM, PORT and limited parameters on the Master page i.e. OVRD. NOTES Effects11

208 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES

Digitone not only has the power and feature set to support audio tracks but also has the ability to sequence MIDI tracks at the same time. Digitone has a number of powerful features when working with other MIDI gear. MIDI allows control to and from external equipment, synchronised with the Digitone sequencer and therefore taking advantage of the powerful sequencing options synonymous with Elektron gear. External MIDI devices, controllers, keyboards or synths can easily be connected using traditional 5 Pin MIDI or by a USB connection. Digitone has MIDI IN, MIDI OUT and also a MIDI Thru physical connectors which transfer the MIDI IN through Digitone. MIDI Out (Sync A) and MIDI Thru (Sync B) doubles up as DIN Sync to enable connection to legacy equipment. All 3 use 5 Pin MIDI cables. A USB 2.0 connector also enables external connection to a PC / MAC and has the ability to also control MIDI. Digitone can operate as a USB class compliant host including audio over USB. MIDI and USB can be configured in the GLOBAL Settings menu, within the system, audio routing and MIDI config sub-menus respectively. Output to USB is recommended instead of using both MIDI+USB when only USB is connected as this avoids speed limitations of the MIDI+USB output. Control of MIDI CC, chords, and general control of external MIDI equipment is possible. MIDI Tracks also operate with parameter locks and modulation. MIDI communications also has a turbo speed function which can be set when communicating with other compatible Elektron gear. A final note is that all connections to external gear carries inherent risks. These examples are for illustration purposes only and it is recommended to fully ensure compatibility between your exact device connections before proceeding. MIDI Setup 12 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 209

210 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 12.1 MIDI Overview To clarify some of the terminology and technology around MIDI with respect to Digitone a brief overview is a good starting point. MIDI is a protocol for communicating between devices. Traditionally this is by use of a 5-Pin DIN cable. USB MIDI has become more popular of late. Both 5 pin MIDI and USB MIDI are supported by Digitone. 5 PIN MIDI MIDI DIN 24 This is available from MIDI Out and Thru and enables syncing of classic devices. This uses 0v & 5v messages as sync signals at 24 pulses per quarter note (PPQN). When set to DIN 24 in the settings midi sync pulses are available but no midi data is transmitted MIDI CC MIDI Control and Note change messages are used to communicate with messages across midi values of 0-127. SYSEX System Exclusive. This is an expansion of the normal MIDI communications set up and is typically used for transferring data such as back ups, patches, presets and firmware updates to and from devices. MIDI If the output settings are set to MIDI, the connector will transmit MIDI data but no pulse signals. Never connect MIDI gear to incompatible DIN signals. MIDI STANDARDS While there are MIDI standards defined, many synth developers interpret this in slightly different ways. It’s always worth reviewing the documentation with each to fully understand each device level implementation. SDS Sample Dump Standard. This is an older transfer protocol used for transferring data to and from devices. Elektron used the classic C6 Software for this function, however Elektron Transfer software is more up to date. MIDI DIN 48 This is available from MIDI Out and Thru and enables syncing of classic devices. This uses 0v & 5v messages as sync signals at 48 pulses per quarter note (PPQN). When set to DIN 48 in the settings midi sync pulses are available but no midi data is transmitted MSB & LSB Most Significant Byte and Least Significant Byte. MSB provides the 128 data resolution which is ok for most midi applications. More advanced devices use MSB and LSB values increasing resolution to 16,384 steps. NRPN Non-Registered Parameter Number is part of the MIDI standard. CC and NRPN are technically very similar but NRPN is less well defined in the standards. NRPN uses more data and can give better control. 12 Input & Output NOTES

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 211 Input & Output12 12.2 MIDI Configuration Setting Options Digitone’s MIDI configuration parameters are are found in the GLOBAL SETTINGS Menu. Most are under MIDI Config, although the system menu also hosts some USB settings. ▌ACCESS TO GENERAL MIDI CONFIGURATION 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight [MIDI CONFIG] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 3. Press [YES] to select MIDI CONFIG and reach the submenus. 4. There are 3 submenus to consider, Sync, Port Config and Channels. Change setting options using [LEFT] or [RIGHT].

212 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 12 Input & Output Sub Menu Option Name Description Sync Clock Receive MIDI Clock sent by external devices recognised by Digitone (On)/Off Sync Clock Send MIDI Clock controlled and sent by Digitone On/(Off) Sync Transport Receive MIDI Transport - Enables Play, Stop to be received (On)/Off Sync Transport Send MIDI Transport - Enables Play, Stop to be sent to external devices. On/(Off) Sync Prog Ch Receive Allows pattern changes msg from an external device. On/(Off) Sync Prog Ch Send Sends program change msg to external device from pattern changes On/(Off) Port Config Turbo Speed Turbo speed mode for fast communication with compatible devices On/(Off) Port Config Out Port Func Type of signal for MIDI output - (MIDI) : DIN24 : DIN48 Port Config Thru Port Func Type of signal for MIDI thru - (MIDI) : DIN24 : DIN48 Port Config Input From Selects source for midi data - DISABLED : MIDI : USB : (MIDI+USB) Port Config Output To Selects destination for midi data - DISABLED : MIDI : USB : (MIDI+USB) Port Config Output Ch Selects channel output for DATA ENTRY knobs - (AUTO CH) : TRK CH Port Config Param Output Selects message type for DATA ENTRY controls - (CC) : NRPN Port Config Encoder Dst Sends LEVEL+DATA ENTRY internal - (INT) or internal & external INT+EXT Port Config Trig Key Dst Sends Trig Keys internal - (INT) or internal & external INT+EXT or external EXT Port Config Mute Dst Sends Mutes internal - (INT) or internal & external INT+EXT or external EXT Port Config Receive Notes Accepts control from an external keyboard when on. (On)/Off Port Config Receive CC/NPN Accepts CC/NRPN to control Digitone parameters from an ext device. (On)/Off Channels Track 1 Channel Dedicated channel used to send / receive parameter data for track. (1)-16 or off Channels Track 2 Channel Dedicated channel used to send / receive parameter data for track. 1(2)-16 or off Channels Track 3 Channel Dedicated channel used to send / receive parameter data for track. 1(3)-16 or off Channels Track 4 Channel Dedicated channel used to send / receive parameter data for track. 1(4)-16 or off Channels MIDI 1 Channel Dedicated channel used to send / receive parameter data for track. 1(5)-16 or off Channels MIDI 2 Channel Dedicated channel used to send / receive parameter data for track. 1(6)-16 or off Channels MIDI 3 Channel Dedicated channel used to send / receive parameter data for track. 1(7)-16 or off Channels MIDI 4 Channel Dedicated channel used to send / receive parameter data for track. 1(8)-16 or off Channels FX Control Ch Dedicated channel to send / receive MIDI data for del/rev fx params 1-(9)16, off Channels Auto Channel Dedicated channel to send / receive MIDI data for the active track 1-(10)16, off Channels Prog Chg In Ch MIDI chan listens to incoming program change msg 1-16, Auto (auto chan) Channels Prog Chg Out Ch MIDI chan sends program change msg at pattern change 1-16, Auto (auto chan) Channels Multi Map Ch MIDI chan receives MIDI messages for keyboard access to multi map mode (Off) Defaults in brackets () All the settings are available in the GLOBAL SETTINGS under MIDI CONFIG and the associated sub menu. SETTINGS > MIDI CONFIG

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 213 Input & Output12 12.3 USB Configuration In addition to the MIDI Config options, USB also has some additional system setup parameters that are required to operate with MIDI over USB. ▌SETTING USB OPTIONS 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the global settings menu. 2. Highlight [SYSTEM] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the menu options. 3. Press [YES] to select SYSTEM menu options. 4. Highlight [USB CONFIG] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the menu options. 5. Press [YES] to select USB CONFIG menu options. 6. Use (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the menu options. 7. There are three checkable options that can be switched on or off for each. Only one option can be selected in a ‘radio button’ style meaning selecting one disables others automatically. Press [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to toggle each option off (blank) or on (checked). • OVERBRIDGE: Select this option when interfacing via USB to an overbridge enabled device. This is a PC or Mac with Overbridge plugin active. • USB MIDI. Used when communicating between Digitone and other MIDI compatible devices using the USB connection. This will allow sending and receiving MIDI over the USB connection. • USB AUDIO/ MIDI. Used when communicating between Digitone and other class compliant devices using the USB connection. This will allow sending and receiving MIDI and also sending and receiving Audio over the USB connection.

214 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 12 Input & Output 12.4 Controlling External MIDI Devices from Digitone NOTES Digitone is a self contained FM synth with 4 tracks of audio. In addition there are 4 MIDI tracks that can be configured to control external devices taking advantage of the powerful sequencing features contained within Digitone. MIDI mode is selected pressing the [MIDI] button and the parameter pages are then set to MIDI settings. ▌SELECTING & EDITING MIDI TRACKS 1. Press [MIDI] to select MIDI track mode. The MIDI button will be lit white. 2. Select a track to edit, Press [T1], [T2], [T3] or [T4]. 3. The parameter pages will now operate in the context of MIDI mode. These pages will reflect MIDI parameters. 4. Use trig keys to create a pattern. The sequence pattern trigs configured will output MIDI messages to the set MIDI channels. 5. External equipment will be connected to the 5 Pin DIN output connection or using the USB connection. Digitone supports MIDI over both connections.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 215 Input & Output12 12.5 MIDI Tracks - TRIG Page The TRIG page operates similar to the audio track trig page but with limited options. Access to MIDI tracks and associated parameter pages is performed by pressing [MIDI] to enable MIDI track mode. ROOT Default note for the trig placed on the step. Multiple notes offset from root can be added to a step. C0(0) - G10(127) default C5(60) VEL Sets the velocity of the trig note. Trig keys are not directly velocity sensitive. 0-127 - Default 100 LEN Sets the length of the selected trig. Press & turn for stepped values. Note Off is sent at the end of LEN. 0.125 -127,INF - Default 1/16 PROB Sets the probability of the trigger step triggering. Record mode enables COND which sets logical rules for determining the step operation. 0-100% ,Default 100% LFO.T LFO Trigger. Sets whether the LFO envelope is triggered or not. ON, OFF - Default On A E B F C G D H The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter setting can be displayed by holding its [TRIG] key. Press (DATA ENTRY) + [NO] to reset parameter to default. Press [TRIG] + [PLAY] to reset all TRIG page parameters to defaults. Copy [TRIG] + [REC] and Paste [TRIG] + [STOP] also operate within and across the TRIG pages ON

216 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 12 Input & Output 12.6 MIDI Tracks - SYN1, MIDI Source The SYN1 (and SYN2) page when using MIDI Tracks allows the set up of the MIDI settings and values, especially standard CC commands such as mod wheel. To activate a parameter press [FUNC] + Press (DATA ENTRY). Inactivate parameters are shown with an X. Press [FUNC] + (DATA ENTRY) control to turn the function On / Off SYN1 and SYN2 Pages show the same parameter information. The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter settings can be displayed by holding [SYN1] key within the SYN1 pages. Press (DATA ENTRY) + [NO] to reset parameter to default. Press [SYN1] + [PLAY] to reset all SYN1 page parameters to defaults. Copy [SYN1] + [REC] and Paste [SYN1] + [STOP] also operate within and across the SYN1 pages + Press ON CHAN Select the MIDI channel that this track will to send signals to. Off, 1 - 16 PB Controls pitch bend value sent out on the track MIDI. Off, -128, +128 MW Controls the mod wheel value sent out on the track MIDI. Off, 0 - 127 BANK The message that will be sent out for a bank change. Off, 1 - 128 SBNK Sends out the sub bank change message. Off, 1 - 128 PROG Sends out the program change message. Off, 1 - 128 AT Controls the after touch value sent out on the track MIDI. Off, 0 - 127 BC Controls the breath control value sent out on the track MIDI. Off, 0 - 127 A E B F C D G H

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 217 12.7 MIDI Tracks - FLTR Page, CC Values The FLTR page sets the eight actual CC values that are subsequently selected with CC Select. To activate a parameter press [FUNC] + Press (DATA ENTRY). Inactivate parameters are shown with an X. Input & Output12 VAL1 Value 1 is sent as the CC output value and also based on the AMP page CC Sel 1. Off, 1 - 127 VAL5 Value 5 is sent as the CC output value and also based on the AMP page CC Sel 5. Off, 1 - 127 VAL7 Value 7 is sent as the CC output value and also based on the AMP page CC Sel 7. Off, 1 - 127 VAL2 Value 2 is sent as the CC output value and also based on the AMP page CC Sel 2. Off, 1 - 127 VAL3 Value 3 is sent as the CC output value and also based on the AMP page CC Sel 3. Off, 1 - 127 VAL4 Value 4 is sent as the CC output value and also based on the AMP page CC Sel 4. Off, 1 - 127 VAL6 Value 6 is sent as the CC output value and also based on the AMP page CC Sel 6. Off, 1 - 127 VAL8 Value 8 is sent as the CC output value and also based on the AMP page CC Sel 8. Off, 1 - 127 A E B F C G D H The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter settings can be displayed by holding [FLTR] key within the FLTR pages. Press (DATA ENTRY) + [NO] to reset parameter to default. Press [FLTR] + [PLAY] to reset all FLTR page parameters to defaults. Copy [FLTR] + [REC] and Paste [FLTR] + [STOP] also operate within and across the FLTR pages Press [FUNC] + (DATA ENTRY) control to turn the function On / Off + Press ON

218 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 12 Input & Output 12.8 MIDI Tracks - AMP Page, CC Select The AMP page sets the eight CC Select commands that drive the values contained in the FLTR Page. To activate a parameter press [FUNC] + Press (DATA ENTRY). Inactivate parameters are shown with an X. SEL1 Selects a standard MIDI CC message to control value 1 on the FLTR Page SEL5 Selects a standard MIDI CC message to control value 5 on the FLTR Page SEL7 Selects a standard MIDI CC message to control value 7 on the FLTR Page SEL2 Selects a standard MIDI CC message to control value 2 on the FLTR Page SEL3 Selects a standard MIDI CC message to control value 3 on the FLTR Page SEL4 Selects a standard MIDI CC message to control value 4 on the FLTR Page SEL6 Selects a standard MIDI CC message to control value 6 on the FLTR Page SEL8 Selects a standard MIDI CC message to control value 8 on the FLTR Page A E B F C G D H The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter settings can be displayed by holding [AMP] key within the AMP pages. Press (DATA ENTRY) + [NO] to reset parameter to default. Press [AMP] + [PLAY] to reset all AMP page parameters to defaults. Copy [AMP] + [REC] and Paste [AMP] + [STOP] also operate within and across the AMP pages Press [FUNC] + (DATA ENTRY) control to turn the function On / Off SYN1 and SYN2 Pages show the same parameter information. + Press ON

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 219 Input & Output12 12.9 MIDI Track Output - CC Output Configuration Example: Configuration for CC output with Bass Station II. MIDI OUT 5 Pin MIDI MIDI IN The MIDI Control Change parameter value assigned to the Novation Bass Station II master volume level. Others are available in the device documentation. Take care to match the resolution and the parameter settings. For example Bass Station II Filter Cutoff has a 0-255 scale and operates over a LSB and MSB value which would need assigning at Digitone and ‘calibration’ between devices. Selected MIDI Track settings The data entry control 1 on the selected MIDI track will control volume on the Bass Station II. The trig notes also in the pattern will control the Bass Station II. CC #07 SYN1 Page AMP Page 100 0 - 127 100 FLTR Page CHAN VAL1 SEL1 5 A Volume 0 - 127 5 MIDI Config Novation Bass Station II MIDI CHANNELS: Channel 5 Defaults: MIDI CC 7 is Volume Elektron Digitone. SYNC: Clock Send = On Transport Send = On PORT CONFIG: Out Port Function = MIDI Output To = MIDI CHANNELS: Track 5 (MIDI) = Channel 5 (Priority set on SYN2 Page CHAN) Elektron Digitone Novation Bass Station II

220 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 12 Input & Output Digitone to Digitakt Example: Configuration for note pattern and CC output to control Digitakt. MIDI OUT 5 Pin MIDI MIDI IN Track 1 of Digitakt (Kick) is controlled from the Digitone MIDI sequence pattern trigs for track 5 (MIDI track 1). The Digitakt transport and clock are also controlled from the primary control device, the digitone. Digitakt’s filter cutoff is also controlled by the CC control from Digitone. Digitone has channel 5 set for MIDI. The start / stop control is led by Digitone which also is the primary clock. Digitakt’s filter cutoff is also controlled by the CC control from Digitone. This is setup from the MIDI FLTR Page - Value and MIDI AMP Page - Select = CC74. The Data Entry control set (i.e. 1) will manually control Digitakt’s filter cutoff. Elektron Digitakt Elektron Digitone MIDI Config Take care to match the resolution and the parameter settings between devices. For example cutoff range is 0-127 as is the Value range, but some parameters may have bipolar or different ranges. CC #74 SYN1 Page AMP Page 100 0 - 127 100 = FLTR Page CHAN VAL1 SEL1 5 A Cutoff 0 - 127 5 Elektron Digitakt SYNC: Clock Receive = On Transport Receive = On PORT CONFIG: Input From = MIDI or MIDI+USB Receive Notes = On Receive CC/NRPN = On CHANNELS: Track 1 = Channel 5 Defaults: MIDI CC 74 is Filter Cutoff for Digitakt, Elektron Digitone. SYNC: Clock Send = On Transport Send = On PORT CONFIG: Out Port Function = MIDI Output To = MIDI or MIDI+USB CHANNELS: Track 5 (MIDI) = Channel 5 (Priority set on SYN2 Page CHAN)

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 221 Input & Output12 Digitone Loopback Example: Controlling Digitone from its own MIDI Track. MIDI OUT TO MIDI IN 5 Pin MIDI Digitone’s filter cutoff is also controlled by its own MIDI LFO. While this is a standard set up there are many other parameters in the tracks that aren't by default assignable directly from an LFO. This method utilises and expands MIDI controls for use in the audio tracks and also makes program and bank changes possible too. This is configured assigns the MIDI LFO to control SEL1 CC #23 (Filter Cutoff) modulated using VAL1 in MIDI track 2. Set VAL Manually to 0. Ensure Trigs are set on the steps for the audio track and the MIDI track to operate as desired. For this example a good starting point on MIDI track is, Val1 = 25. The MIDI LFO SPD = 40, MULT = BPM 32, DEP = 100, DEST = CC VAL1. The envelope cutoff will be animated on the display in line with modulation. VAL 1 may not appear animated on the MIDI track. WARNING: This method has its own risks and if incorrectly set may crash the Digitone. This example is for illustration purposes only and users should only apply loopback at their own risk. MIDI Config CC #23 CC VAL1 SYN1 Page AMP Page LFO Page 100 0 - 127 100 FLTR Page SEL1 DEST CHAN VAL1 2 A Cutoff 0 - 127 5 Elektron Digitone SYNC: Clock Receive = On PORT CONFIG: Input Port Func = MIDI Out Port Func = MIDI Input From = MIDI Output To = MIDI Receive CC/NRPN = On CHANNELS: Default Settings i.e. Track 1 = Channel 1 ...... MIDI 4 = Channel 8 Defaults: MIDI CC 23 is Filter Cutoff for Digitone. Elektron Digitone (MIDI Track 2) Elektron Digitone (Audio Track 2)

222 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES

Digitone’s interfacing options using MIDI can help create a whole eco system which Digitone can be one part of, or central to, the control structure. MIDI can be communicated over USB or traditional 5 Pin DIN style MIDI connections. Once the connections are setup the flexibility of integration and number of creative options are almost endless. Connecting Digitone between hardware synths, MIDI controller, Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) and even mobile tablets and phones is possible. The most common configuration is simply controlling Digitone with an external keyboard which takes advantage of features like pitch bend, velocity and other modulation options as well as accessing the full note range from C0-G10 of Digitone. Multi map functionality also can take advantage of the key ranges of connected keyboards. While multi map mode is not exclusively a MIDI function it does benefit hugely from using a wider key-bed range than the internal desktop Digitone trig keyboard. Multi map mode enables specific key ranges to be mapped to various functions from basic playback of notes to pattern changes and control of external gear from the same keyboard.Multi map is also a perfect feature in the Digitone Keys model. This is a powerful function but often overlooked. Please be reminded that interfacing between devices can be frustrating and also a risk and needs careful understanding of the configuration settings of all devices connected. Examples provided here are for illustration purposes and as a guide so take time to understand your gear before making connections and patching gear together. MIDI Interfacing 13 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 223

224 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 13 MIDI Interfacing 13.1 MIDI Messaging NOTES MIDI Communicates by sending messages to each other. This protocol is defined in the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) general standards. Some of the messages are standard while others are defined on a device level. There are several general types of messages. CC and NRPN are two types that are very similar, both of which send messages over a selected MIDI channel to control things like the note played, velocity of a note, also can apply control changes to parameters such as filter cutoff. MIDI configurations usually use one or the other of these types and its important that communicating devices are matched in this aspect. The parameters would need to have been made accessible from the device manufacturer and knowledge of the MIDI implementation. Things like; what message refers to what parameter, alignment of notes, parameter ranges vs message values would need to be known. These messages and parameters are defined for Digitone. Do not assume that a manufacturer will apply the same MIDI configurations across its range so always refer to the manufacturers configuration sheet to work with MIDI integration.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 225 MIDI Interfacing 13 Function Parameter CC MSB CC LSB NRPN MSB NRPN LSB Miscellaneous Pattern Mute 1 104 Miscellaneous Sustain 64 Miscellaneous Sostenuto 66 Track Mute 94 1 101 Track Level 95 1 100 Trig Root 3 3 0 Trig Velocity 4 3 1 Trig Length 5 3 2 Trig Filter Trig 13 3 5 Trig LFO Trig 14 3 6 Trig Portamento Time 15 3 7 Trig Portamento On 16 3 8 Syn 1 - FM Algorithm 90 1 72 Syn 1 - FM Ratio C 91 1 73 Syn 1 - FM Ratio A 92 1 74 Syn 1 - FM Ratio B 16 48 1 75 Syn 1 - FM Harmonics 17 49 1 76 Syn 1 - FM Detune 18 50 1 77 Syn 1 - FM Feedback 19 51 1 78 Syn 1 - FM Mix 20 52 1 79 Syn 1 - FM Ratio C Offset 1 95 Syn 1 - FM Ratio A Offset 1 96 Syn 1 - FM Ratio B1 Offset 1 97 Syn 1 - FM Ratio B2 Offset 1 98 Syn 2 - FM Envelope A Attack 75 1 80 Syn 2 - FM Envelope A Decay 76 1 81 Syn 2 - FM Envelope A End 77 1 82 Syn 2 - FM Envelope A Level 78 1 83 Syn 2 - FM Envelope B Attack 79 1 84 Syn 2 - FM Envelope B Decay 80 1 85 Syn 2 - FM Envelope B End 81 1 86 Syn 2 - FM Envelope B Level 82 1 87 Syn 2 - FM A Delay 83 1 88 Syn 2 - FM A Trig 84 1 89 Syn 2 - FM A Envelope Reset 85 1 90 Syn 2 - FM B Delay 86 1 91 Syn 2 - FM B Trig 87 1 92 Syn 2 - FM B Envelope Reset 88 1 93 Syn 2 - FM Phase Reset 89 1 94 13.2 Digitone MIDI CC Assignments 1/3

226 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 13 MIDI Interfacing 13.2 Digitone MIDI CC Assignments 2/3 Function Parameter CC MSB CC LSB NRPN MSB NRPN LSB Filter Filter Frequency 23 55 1 20 Filter Resonance 24 56 1 21 Filter Filter Type 74 1 22 Filter Attack Time 70 1 16 Filter Decay Time 71 1 17 Filter Sustain Level 72 1 18 Filter Release Time 73 1 19 Filter Envelope Depth 25 57 1 23 Filter Base 26 58 1 24 Filter Width 27 59 1 25 Amp Attack Time 104 1 32 Amp Decay Time 105 1 33 Amp Sustain Level 106 1 34 Amp Release Time 107 1 35 Amp Overdrive 9 41 1 36 Amp Pan 10 42 1 37 Amp Volume 7 39 1 38 Amp Chorus Send 12 44 1 41 Amp Delay Send 13 45 1 40 Amp Reverb Send 14 46 1 39 Amp Amp Envelope Reset 102 1 42 Amp Volume 7 1 31 LFO 1 Speed 28 60 1 48 LFO 1 Multiplier 108 1 49 LFO 1 Filter In/Out 109 1 50 LFO 1 Destination 110 1 51 LFO 1 Waveform 111 1 52 LFO 1 Start Phase 112 1 53 LFO 1 Trig Mode 113 1 54 LFO 1 Depth 29 61 1 55 LFO 2 Speed 30 62 1 57 LFO 2 Multiplier 114 1 58 LFO 2 Filter In/Out 115 1 59 LFO 2 Destination 116 1 60 LFO 2 Waveform 117 1 61 LFO 2 Start Phase 118 1 62 LFO 2 Trig Mode 119 1 63 LFO 2 Depth 31 63 1 64

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 227 MIDI Interfacing 13 Function Parameter CC MSB CC LSB NRPN MSB NRPN LSB MIDI Track CC Val 1 70 MIDI Track CC Val 2 71 MIDI Track CC Val 3 72 MIDI Track CC Val 4 73 MIDI Track CC Val 5 74 MIDI Track CC Val 6 75 MIDI Track CC Val 7 76 MIDI Track CC Val 8 77 FX Chorus Depth 3 35 2 0 FX Chorus Speed 9 41 2 1 FX Chorus High-Pass 70 2 2 FX Chorus Width 71 2 3 FX Chorus Delay Send 12 44 2 4 FX Chorus Reverb Send 13 45 2 5 FX Chorus Mix Volume 14 2 6 FX Delay Delay Time 15 47 2 10 FX Delay Ping Pong 16 48 2 11 FX Delay Stereo Width 17 49 2 12 FX Delay Feedback 18 50 2 13 FX Delay High Pass Filter 72 2 14 FX Delay Low Pass Filter 73 2 15 FX Delay Reverb Send 19 51 2 16 FX Delay Mix Volume 20 2 17 FX Reverb Pre-delay 21 53 2 20 FX Reverb Decay Time 74 2 21 FX Reverb Shelving Frequency 75 2 22 FX Reverb Shelving Gain 22 54 2 23 FX Reverb High Pass Filter 76 2 24 FX Reverb Low Pass Filter 77 2 25 FX Reverb Mix Volume 23 2 26 Master Input L Volume 24 56 2 30 Master Input R Volume 25 57 2 32 Master Pan Left 78 2 31 Master Pan Right 79 2 33 Master Chorus Send 26 58 2 34 Master Delay Send 27 59 2 35 Master Reverb Send 28 60 2 36 Master Master Overdrive 29 61 2 37 Master Pattern Volume 95 2 38 13.2 Digitone MIDI CC Assignments 3/3

228 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 13.3 External MIDI Keyboard Input An external MIDI controller can be connected to Digitone and used to play chromatically. MIDI OUT Connected with a standard 5 Pin MIDI cable Digitone default MIDI channels are:- Track 1 = Channel 1 Track 2 = Channel 2 Track 3 = Channel 3 Track 5 = Channel 4 Port Config > Receive Notes = On Auto channel will play selected track Example: Arturia KeyStep Read as F3 - C6 by Digitone 0 -2 -1 +1 +2 MIDI IN C6 C# C D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C 13 MIDI Interfacing NOTES

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 229 NOTES MIDI Interfacing 13 Connecting a MIDI keyboard is fairly simple. Digitone’s default settings are usually acceptable for plugging in and playing using a MIDI keyboard. The basic settings however do need to be set correctly. These are found in the GLOBAL SETTINGS. ▌BASIC EXTERNAL MIDI KEYBOARD INPUT SETUP This set up is ok to play-out manual notes between the keyboard, played on the Digitone. 1. Connect a MIDI cable to the keyboard and to the Digitone MIDI in port. Alternatively use a USB cable between the devices (ensure system has USB Config set to USB MIDI). 2. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 3. Highlight [MIDI CONFIG] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 4. Press [YES] to select MIDI CONFIG and reach the sub menu’s. 5. There are 2 of the 3 submenu’s to consider, Port Config and Channels. Change setting options using [LEFT] or [RIGHT]. 6. The basic port config settings are:- • INPUT FROM = MIDI or MIDI + USB or USB depending on physical connection. • RECEIVE NOTES = On (Checked) 7. The basic channels settings are:- • TRACK 1 CHANNEL = 1 • TRACK 2 CHANNEL = 2 • TRACK 3 CHANNEL = 3 • TRACK 4 CHANNEL = 4 8. Set the MIDI keyboard to a channel corresponding to the audio track to play from the keyboard. Auto Channel will play currently selected track. Some keyboards have note arrangements for the keyboard that do not match the exact notes of Digitone. For example C5 on the external keyboard may represent C4 on Digitone. Check the note configuration on your external keyboard.

230 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES ▌EXTERNAL MIDI CONTROLLER TRANSPORT / CLOCK INPUT SETUP This set up is ok to play-out manual notes and start stop the transport synchronised to the external device. 1. Connect a MIDI cable to the keyboard and to the Digitone MIDI in port. Alternatively use a USB cable between the devices (ensure system has USB Config set to USB MIDI). Ensure basic keyboard settings for MIDI are correct. 2. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 3. Highlight [MIDI CONFIG] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 4. Press [YES] to select MIDI CONFIG and reach the sub menu’s. 5. There is 1 of the 3 submenu’s to consider which is sync. Change setting options using [LEFT] or [RIGHT]. 6. The basic sync settings required are:- • CLOCK RECEIVE = On (Checked) • TRANSPORT RECEIVE = On (Checked) 7. Set the MIDI controller to a channel corresponding to the audio track to play. The controller start, stop will control Digitone’s transport. Also any tempo changes on the external device will be synchronised on the Digitone. 13 MIDI Interfacing

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 231 NOTES MIDI Interfacing 13 ▌AUTO ASSIGN OF TRACKS TO AN EXTERNAL MIDI KEYBOARD. This set up automatically assigns the currently selected track on the Digitone to the external MIDI keyboard / controller. 1. Connect a MIDI cable to the keyboard and to the Digitone MIDI in port. Alternatively use a USB cable between the devices (ensure system has USB Config set to USB MIDI). 2. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 3. Highlight [MIDI CONFIG] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 4. Press [YES] to select MIDI CONFIG and reach the submenus. 5. There is 1 of the 3 submenus to consider, Channels. Change setting options using [LEFT] or [RIGHT]. 6. The basic channel setting is:- • AUTO CHANNEL = 10 (10 is default but can be set to any channel) 7. Set the MIDI keyboard to the same channel as auto channel. Changing tracks on Digitone will retain control from the external MIDI keyboard.

232 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 13.4 MIDI Modulation Some of the standard MIDI controls such as pitch bend, mod wheel etc have a dedicated routing function. This allows up to four parameters within Digitone to be configured and controlled by these defined inputs. This is available in the SOUND SETUP Menu in the [FUNC] + [TRIG] Setup. Routing MIDI in to pages SYN1, SYN2, FLTR, AMP and LFO parameters. External MIDI Controller Setup page accessible under each MIDI function e.g. Mod Wheel. Pitch Bend Parameter destination set using data entry (A) - (D) Modulation depth offset using data entry (E) - (H) Modulation input indicator from MIDI function. Also simulated with (LEVEL / DATA) Mod Wheel Breath Ctrl Aftertouch Velocity Data Entry controls used to set the MIDI routing + 13 MIDI Interfacing NOTES

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 233 NOTES MIDI Interfacing 13 Generic MIDI Input Routing - Destination Options Page Parameter LFO Destination (Audio Tracks) Meta None Off LFO 1 SPD LFO Speed LFO 1 MULT LFO Multiplier LFO 1 FADE LFO Fade In/Out LFO 1 WAV LFO Waveform LFO 1 SPH LFO Start Phase LFO 1 MODE LFO Trig Mode LFO 1 DEP LFO Depth LFO 2 SPD LFO Speed LFO 2 MULT LFO Multiplier LFO 2 FADE LFO Fade In/Out LFO 2 WAV LFO Waveform LFO 2 SPH LFO Start Phase LFO 2 MODE LFO Trig Mode LFO 2 DEP LFO Depth SYN1 P1 ALGO FM Engine algorithm SYN1 P1 Ratio C Operator C Ratio SYN1 P1 Ratio A Operator A Ratio SYN1 P1 Ratio B Operator B Ratio SYN1 P1 HARM Harmonics SYN1 P1 DTUN Detune SYN1 P1 FDBK Operator Feedback SYN1 P1 MIX X-Y Mix SYN2 P1 ATK Envelope A Attack Stage SYN2 P1 DEC Envelope A Decay Stage SYN2 P1 END Envelope A End SYN2 P1 LEV Envelope A Level SYN2 P1 ATK Envelope B Attack Stage SYN2 P1 DEC Envelope B Decay Stage SYN2 P1 END Envelope B End SYN2 P1 LEV Envelope B Level SYN2 P2 ADEL Envelope A Start Delay SYN2 P2 BDEL Envelope B Start Delay SYN Pitch Pitch Operators All SYN Pitch Pitch Operators A & B2

234 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES Generic MIDI Input Routing - Destination Options Page Parameter LFO Destination (Audio Tracks) SYN2 P1 RATIO All Operators Ratio SYN2 P1 LEV Envelope A & B Level SYN2 P1 ATK Envelope A & B Attack Stage SYN2 P1 DEC Envelope A & B Decay Stage SYN2 P1 END Envelope A & B End SYN2 P2 ADEL / BDEL Envelope A & B Start Delay SYN1 P2 RATIO OFFSET C Operator C Ratio Offset SYN1 P2 RATIO OFFSET A Operator A Ratio Offset SYN1 P2 RATIO OFFSET B1 Operator B1 Ratio Offset SYN1 P2 RATIO OFFSET B2 Operator B2 Ratio Offset FLTR P1 FREQ Cut off Frequency Multi-Mode Filter FLTR P1 RESO Filter Resonance Multi-Mode Filter FLTR P1 ENV Envelope Depth Multi-Mode Filter FLTR P1 ATK Attack Time - Envelope Multi-Mode Filter FLTR P1 DEC Decay Time - Envelope Multi-Mode Filter FLTR P1 SUS Sustain Level - Envelope Multi-Mode Filter FLTR P1 REL Release Time - Envelope Multi-Mode Filter FLTR P2 BASE Filter base frequency point FLTR P2 WIDTH Filter width frequency range AMP P1 ATK Attack Time - Envelope AMP P1 DEC Decay Time - Envelope AMP P1 SUS Sustain Level - Envelope AMP P1 REL Release Time - Envelope AMP P1 DRV Overdrive Amount AMP P1 PAN Pan Value AMP P1 VOL Volume Level AMP P2 REV Reverb Send AMP P2 DEL Delay Send AMP P2 CHR Chorus Send 13 MIDI Interfacing

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 235 NOTES MIDI Interfacing 13 ▌ ASSIGNING PARAMETERS TO MIDI INPUTS 1. Connect a MIDI controller to the Digitone and ensure the channels and configuration enables control to be received on the desired track. 2. Select the track to control [T1], [T2], [T3] or [T4] 3. Press [FUNC] + [TRIG] for the setup menu options. 4. Highlight one of the 5 generic MIDI input controls in the menu using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. Available options are Pitch Bend, Mod Wheel, Breath Control, Aftertouch, Velocity. 5. Press [YES] to select the highlighted option. The MIDI config page will appear. 6. There are 4 parameters that can be assigned per MIDI input control. The destination is selected using the data entry controls (A) - (D). Press [YES] or press the rotary to confirm selection. 7. Each parameter has a depth of modulation value to offset from the original value. These are set using data entry controls (E) - (H). 8. The incoming MIDI level can be seen on the left ‘level’ symbol. The (LEVEL/DATA) control can also simulate the incoming MIDI levels when in the MIDI config page.

236 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 13.5 Multi Map Basics NOTES Multi map allows notes or note ranges to be to be mapped to internally trigger sounds, triggering MIDI notes and to trigger patterns. Multi map mode is active when in the multi map menu or when MIDI channel for external keyboard is set. While this function is not exclusively MIDI orientated, its use for the internal trig keyboard is limited. It is particularly useful for mapping external keyboard or Digitone Key keyboard splits and triggers for sounds and patterns and in live environments. Each project can store 8 multi map configurations. Multi map is located in the global settings for Digitone, explained here and has a dedicated button in Digitone Keys. Digitone has a 128 key range C0 - G10 which can be multi mapped Range 2 Additional ranges immediately follow the prior range and the same span pattern ADD RANGE Span 7 Semitones C0 G10 MIDI CONFIG > CHANNELS MULTI MAP CH To setup the channel for an external controller to access the multi map function. DEFAULT The internal functions automatically access the multi map function if one is set up External MIDI Controller Internal Keyboard Start G3 Range 1 An individual key or a key range can be assigned to a function. Maximum 128 ranges. 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 2 2 13 MIDI Interfacing

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 237 NOTES MIDI Interfacing 13 ▌ CREATING THE FIRST MULTI MAP 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight [CONTROL] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 3. Press [YES] to select CONTROL. 4. Highlight the 1. MULTI MAP EDIT Option and press [YES] to select. 5. Highlight --- ADD RANGE --- and press [YES] to select. When setting the first multi map range this will be the only available option. 6. The ADD RANGE pop up menu appears. This is only used when adding new ranges. 7. Turn data entry (E) to set the starting note of the range. This is the first note of the first range created. 8. Turn data entry (G) to set the number of ranges to be configured during this setup. The ranges will be setup consecutively so, for example, if range 1 ends with C#4, range 2 will start at D4. 9. Turn data entry (F) to set the semitone span of the range. This is the number of notes from the start note to cover with all ranges set when pressing [YES]. Example range 1, span of 7 = G3, G#3, A3, A#3, B3, C4, C#4. Last note is shown central top on the page. Number of ranges that will be set up when pressing [YES] First note in the range when setting up and pressing [YES] Function applied to the ranges set when pressing [YES] Last note which covers the span of notes selected. Next range starts at the note after where the prior range ends. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

238 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 10. Press [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to highlight and select the function that will be applied to the ranges. • OFF. No function is applied. This creates a ‘blank’ range that doesn't trigger any function. Often used to separate regions. • PAT. Assigns a chosen pattern series to the note range defined. • INT. Assigns a sound series from the sound pool or +Drive to the defined note range. • EXT. Assigns an external MIDI device to the defined note range. 11. Press [YES] to confirm and set the note range(s) defined. ▌ PLAYING THE TRIG KEYBOARD IN MULTI MAP MODE Use of multi map mode with the internal trig keyboard is limited to only the C0 - C1 note range on the trigs. The multi map range is therefore C0 - C1 only. This is fixed and keyboard transposition is not recognised in multi map mode. 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight [CONTROL] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 3. Press [YES] to select CONTROL. 4. Highlight the 1. MULTI MAP EDIT Option and press [YES] to select. The multi map must cover C0 - C1 range. 5. Play the trig keyboard. Multi mode is active only when in this menu. 6. Exit of the multi map menu, restores normal trig key operation. NOTES The official manual states (in error) that when setting up a multi map, pressing and holding (E) and (F) and pressing an externally connected keyboard note will set the ‘start’ and ‘span’ settings respectively. This functionality is not implemented at the time of going to press on the OS version covered in this guide. 13 MIDI Interfacing

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 239 NOTES MIDI Interfacing 13 ▌ PLAYING A EXTERNAL KEYBOARD IN MULTI MAP MODE This assumes a multi map has been set up to match the connected keyboard ranges. 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight [CONTROL] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 3. Press [YES] to select CONTROL. 4. Highlight the 1. MULTI MAP EDIT Option and press [YES] to select. 5. Play the external keyboard. The multi map ranges should apply as set up while in the multi map menu and revert to normal when leaving the menu. 6. Alternatively an external MIDI keyboard will be constantly in multi map mode if it is communicating to Digitone on the multi map channel. This s set by • Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. • Highlight MIDI CONFIG using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. • Press [YES] to select MIDI CONFIG • Highlight CHANNELS using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. • Press [YES] to select CHANNELS • Highlight MULTI MAP CH using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. • Use [LEFT] & [RIGHT] to change the channel. Set to the desired channel for multi map control. • Ensure the external keyboard communicates on the multi map channel set. The keyboard will remain in multi map mode.

240 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide Multi Map Example A series of drum sounds can be set in the sound pool which then can be assigned from the base sound slot and incremental slots per note. Velocity layering can also be applied if required. Pattern changes can be triggered from a range of multi mapped notes. This would be a change relative to the main pattern set in the multi map configuration. Percussion: G Kick G# Kick2 A Snare A# Closed Hat B Open Hat C Tom1 C# Tom2 Pattern Change: F D0 F# D1 G D2 G# D3 A D4 A# D5 B D6 Range 1 INT G3 - C#4 D4 - G#4 A4 - E5 F5 - B5 Range 2 INT Range 3 OFF Notes assigned to internal sounds eg Percussion. Notes assigned to internal sounds eg Bass Creates a blank zone to separate sound triggers from pattern selection Notes set trigger defined pattern changes Range 4 PAT NOTES 13 MIDI Interfacing

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 241 NOTES MIDI Interfacing 13 ▌ ADDING ADDITIONAL MULTI MAP RANGES 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight [CONTROL] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 3. Press [YES] to select CONTROL. 4. Highlight the 1. MULTI MAP EDIT Option and press [YES] to select. 5. Highlight --- ADD RANGE --- and press [YES] to select. • If one or more ranges already exists, then they will appear listed in order. • Additional ranges can be added before (top of list) or after (bottom of list) the existing ranges. The -------ADD RANGE ------- option will appear top or bottom is slots are available. • ADD BEFORE (upper in main menu) and ADD AFTER (lower in main menu) are also available in the range operations menu. This is accessible by pressing [RIGHT] in the main menu when selecting a range. 6. The ADD RANGE pop up menu appears. This is only used when adding new ranges. 7. Turn data entry (E) to set the starting note of the range. This is the first note of the first range created. The setting will be limited by the other range before or after. Ranges cannot overlap. 8. Turn data entry (G) to set the number of ranges to be configured during this setup. The ranges will be setup consecutively so, for example, if range 1 ends with C#4, range 2 will start at D4. 9. Turn data entry (F) to set the semitone span of the range. This is the number of notes from the start note to cover with all ranges set when pressing [YES]. Example range 1, span of 7 = G3, G#3, A3, A#3, B3, C4, C#4. Last note is shown central top on the page.

242 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES ▌ DELETING ONE MULTI MAP RANGE 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight [CONTROL] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 3. Press [YES] to select CONTROL. 4. Highlight the 1. MULTI MAP EDIT Option and press [YES] to select. 5. Highlight the ‘range’ to edit using [UP] or [DOWN] to scroll. 6. When a range is already set up the range operations menu us available. This is indicated by the small right arrow. 7. Press [RIGHT] in the multi map main menu to open the range operations sub-menu. Pressing [LEFT] returns to the main menu. Also the (LEVEL/DATA) control toggles menu to submenu. 8. Highlight DELETE RANGE using [UP] or [DOWN] to scroll the options. This will delete the range highlighted in step 5. 9. Press [YES] to select deletion. A confirmation box appears. 10. Press [YES] again to confirm deletion and return to main menu. 13 MIDI Interfacing

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 243 NOTES MIDI Interfacing 13 ▌ DELETING ALL MULTI MAP RANGES 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight [CONTROL] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 3. Press [YES] to select CONTROL. 4. Highlight the 1. MULTI MAP EDIT Option and press [YES] to select. 5. Highlight any ‘range’ using [UP] or [DOWN] to scroll. 6. When a range is already set up the range operations menu us available. This is indicated by the small right arrow. 7. Press [RIGHT] in the multi map main menu to open the range operations sub-menu. Pressing [LEFT] returns to the main menu. Also the (LEVEL/DATA) control toggles menu to submenu. 8. Highlight DELETE ALL using [UP] or [DOWN] to scroll the options. This will delete all ranges that are setup. 9. Press [YES] to select deletion. A confirmation box appears. 10. Press [YES] again to confirm deletion and return to main menu.

244 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 13.6 Multi Map Advanced NOTES Multi maps quick set up can be a simple process to get things going. Multi Map editing of existing ranges can offer more advanced and detailed settings and specifically enables the connection of patterns, tracks, sounds using the multi map function. ▌ EDITING ADVANCED MULTI MAP SETTINGS 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight [CONTROL] using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to scroll the options. 3. Press [YES] to select CONTROL. 4. Highlight the 1. MULTI MAP EDIT Option and press [YES] to select. 5. Highlight the ‘range’ to edit using [UP] or [DOWN] to scroll. 6. When a range is already set up the range operations menu us available. This is indicated by the small right arrow. 7. Press [RIGHT] in the multi map main menu to open the range operations sub-menu. Pressing [LEFT] returns to the main menu. Also the (LEVEL/DATA) control toggles menu to submenu. 8. Highlight EDIT RANGE using [UP] or [DOWN] to scroll the options. 9. Press [YES] to select edit. This will open the full parameter set for the range selected. 10. The settings can be edited using using [UP] or [DOWN] to highlight the parameter and turn (LEVEL/DATA) or press [RIGHT], [LEFT] to change its settings. The parameter list will vary depending on the function (off, pat, int, ext) selected. 13 MIDI Interfacing

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 245 NOTES MIDI Interfacing 13 OFF Function The OFF function allows blank sections of the keyboard to be created. This is useful for segregating and separating sections by creating a silent area of the keyboard. An external MIDI keyboard is used for this example. Digitone has a 128 key range C0 - G10 which can be multi mapped Sets a blank / silent ‘no play’ range of notes. EDIT RANGE Visibility of available parameters is dependant on the options selected. For example, selecting FUNCTION = OFF only presents 3 options. Digitone External MIDI Controller 1 1 3 3 2 2 C4 - E4 Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 OFF Example Parameter Description OFF FUNCTION Sets the function option between off, internal trig external trig and pattern play. C4 RANGE LOW First / starting note included in the range E4 RANGE HIGH Last / end note included in the range

246 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES INT.TRIG Function Overview The INT.TRIG function configures sections of the keyboard to be created for control of the internal tracks and sounds of Digitone. This also enables sequential notes to control different sound elements. An external MIDI keyboard is used for this example. Visibility of available parameters is dependant on the options selected. Digitone has a 128 key range C0 - G10 which can be multi mapped Sets a range of internal notes to a track. Option to set a range of notes to sounds. EDIT RANGE Digitone External MIDI Controller 1 1 3 5 4 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 3 2 2 F3 - B3 Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 INT Example Parameter Description INT.TRIG FUNCTION Sets the function option between off, internal trig external trig and pattern play. F3 RANGE LOW First / starting note included in the range B3 RANGE HIGH Last / end note included in the range T2 TRACK Selects track T1 - T4 this range will play. AUTO plays whichever track is selected and active. F3 NOTE Sets the note played on Digitone from the first note in the range. Can be same as range low or set as a note offset. 1 NOTE INC Sets the subsequent note increment played on Digitone from the notes played incrementally in the range. 0 would play same note, 1 like for like, 2 would increment in 2 semitones. 1 SOUND SLOT Sets the sound pool sound slot to play from the range. Track sound is used if set OFF. 2 SND SLOT NOTE INC Sets the subsequent sound pool sound slot to play. 0 would play same sound each note, 1 plays incremental sound, 2 would play every 2nd sound 3 SND SLOT VEL INC Sets a sound pool sound slot to play based on velocity ranges. This allows layering of sounds. OFF FIXED VEL Sets velocity behaviour. OFF sets velocity as received from controller.Set 0-127 for a fixed velocity. 6 Sound 1 Sound 2 Sound 3 ...... Sound 128 13 MIDI Interfacing

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 247 NOTES MIDI Interfacing 13 INT.TRIG Function Sound and Velocity Control. The multi map configuration can accommodate a unique sound assignment from the sound pool instead of track assignment. Also velocity layering is possible using sounds assigned to velocity ranges. Sound 1 Sound 2 Sound 3 Sound 4 Sound 5 ...... Sound 128 Sound 3 Sound 2 Sound 1 Digitone has a 128 key range C0 - G10 which can be multi mapped SOUND SLOT A sound pool slot can be assigned to the first note of the range SOUND SLOT NOTE INC The increment can be set so that each note in the multi map range will increment the sound slots. 0 will play the same slot for all note. 1 will increment 1 slot per not increment. The example here shows 2, which will increment every second step for each range note SOUND SLOT VEL INC Sounds slots can be layered to one note and velocity input used to trigger each sound. Sets the number of slots across the velocity range of 1-127. A value of 0 sets the SOUND SLOT across the entire velocity range. A value of 1 would create two sound slots evenly assigned across 1-63 & 64-127 velocity range. Example shows 2, which creates 3 equal zones assigned to sounds within the sound pool sound slots. This is good for percussion sounds for example using closed or open hats on one note, different kicks across a range to emphasis the transients using different samples. FIXED VOL Sets a fixed velocity or OFF. 2 1 Velocity 127 Digitone 1 5 7 8 9 F3 - B3 Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 INT F F G F# Sets a range of internal notes to a track. 4

248 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES EXT.TRIG Function Configures sections of the keyboard to be created for control of external MIDI devices. This example shows Bass Station II. FIXED VOL Sets a fixed velocity or OFF. 1 Velocity 127 MIDI Out MIDI In e.g. Channel 1 EDIT RANGE Digitone External MIDI Controller External MIDI Synth 1 1 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 5 3 2 2 F4 - B4 Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 EXT Example Parameter Description EXT.TRIG FUNCTION Sets the function option between off, internal trig external trig and pattern play. F4 RANGE LOW First / starting note included in the range B4 RANGE HIGH Last / end note included in the range 16 CHANNEL MIDI channel where the note messages are sent out of Digitone. F4 NOTE Sets the note that will be triggered from the first note in the range played on Digitone. Can be same as range low or set as a note offset. 1 NOTE INC Sets the subsequent note increment played on the external device. Setting of 0 would play same note, 1 like for like notes, 2 would increment in 2 semitones. OFF FIXED VEL Sets velocity behaviour. OFF sets natural velocity. Set 0-127 for a fixed velocity. 13 MIDI Interfacing 6

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 249 NOTES MIDI Interfacing 13 PAT.PLAY Function The multi map configuration sets a specific pattern and increments from the pattern to initiate pattern playback and changes using the multi map range of notes that have been set up. 5 C D C# A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 ...... H16 Example Parameter Description EXT.TRIG FUNCTION Sets the function option between off, internal trig external trig and pattern play. F4 RANGE LOW First / starting note included in the range B4 RANGE HIGH Last / end note included in the range A0 PATTERN Sets the pattern to play when the lowest note is triggered. CURR setting will play the currently selected pattern on Digitone. 2 PATTERN INC Sets the increment level from the pattern position when playing sequential notes in the multi map range. Set to 0 will play the same pattern irrespective of note played. Set to 1 would increment each note to +1 Pattern, 2 will select every 2nd pattern. Digitone has a 128 key range C0 - G10 which can be multi mapped Pattern A0 to H16 selected using the note assigned in the multi map EDIT RANGE Digitone External MIDI Controller 1 1 3 4 5 3 2 2 C5 - E5 Range 2 Range 3 Range 4 PAT 4

250 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES

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