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Published by iamsimonjohnson, 2024-01-24 23:19:17

Digitone Notebook 1v40

Digitone Notebook 1v40

Keywords: Digitone,Elektron

NOTES Function Range Comments / Notes # Row 01-99 Row number. Automatically assigned. LABEL Options Keywords available from drop down menu. Optionally the pattern name or an empty slot can be used. PTN Selects the pattern to play in the row from the current bank. Use [FUNC] + (LEVEL/DATA) to change bank. ROW REPEAT 1-32 Number of times the pattern will play on the designated row before moving to next row. ROW LENGTH 2-1024 Number of sequencer steps that the pattern will play on the designated row . Default is pattern length. The 1000 value will be labelled K, i.e. 1024 = K24 ROW TEMPO 30-300 BPM of the specific pattern for the row. Press [TEMPO] or [YES] to select the row tempo and swing or turn (LEVEL/DATA) Knob for tempo. Song tempo or row can be selected. ROW MUTE Tracks can be muted. Press [YES] to edit and use Track buttons to mute or unmute. END The behaviour at the end of the song can be set to default LOOP or STOP. Loop will restart and cycle the song while Stop will stop playing at the end. Song Name. Assigned song name. Can be changed in settings menu. Song Number. Song slot number. 1-16 per project. Song Editor Row Label. Optional keyword or pattern name. Pattern. Selected row pattern. Use [FUNC] to quickly select bank. Length. Length, in steps, of the selected pattern in the row. Repeats. Number of times row will repeat playback. Song Playhead. Playing or pending play row Row Selected. Row selected for editing. [UP] [DOWN] to select. Mutes. Allows muting of any of the tracks in the pattern. Tempo. Dedicated tempo per row. Song tempo overrides row tempo Song Pointer. Current time and position of playhead Song Row. Row number. 1-99. The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 101 Patterns Advanced 5

102 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES 5 Patterns Advanced ▌EDITING A SONG 1. Press [SONG] to select the song mode pop-up menu. 2. With the Song Mode pop-up menu open, Press [YES] to toggle song mode on or off. Set to ON. The Song mode button will be lit yellow when song mode is active. 3. In the Song mode pop-up menu, Press [RIGHT] for the ‘EDIT’ option to edit the song. This option is not available if song mode is off. Also Pressing [SONG] [SONG] Also opens the Song edit option. The last played or edited song will be edited, but other songs can be loaded. 4. The basic controls for editing in the song mode editor: • Navigate between rows and the end condition. Press [UP] or [DOWN]. Selected row is shown between dotted lines. • Navigate a parameter setting on a row. Press [RIGHT] or [LEFT]. • Insert Row. This will automatically copy from the currently selected row to insert in the row below. Press [FUNC] + [DOWN]. • Delete Row. This will delete the currently selected row. Press [FUNC] + [UP]. • Edit the selected, highlighted parameter. Turn (LEVEL/DATA) or Turn a (DATA ENTRY) Knob to change the setting. • The Copy, Paste and Clear functions can be used on rows. Press [FUNC] + [REC] to Copy Row, [FUNC] + [STOP] to Paste Row or [FUNC] + [PLAY] to reset row to current pattern defaults. 5. The parameters to edit in the song mode editor: • LABEL: The label drop down menu will allow a pre-defined keyword that represents a song arrangement, i.e. verse, intro etc. Also the pattern name can be selected. Turn (LEVEL / DATA). • PTN: Selects the pattern to play on the row. Turn (LEVEL / DATA). Also to select the equivalent pattern number in another bank, Hold [FUNC] + Turn (LEVEL/DATA). • REPEAT: Sets how many times the pattern will play before moving to the next row. Default is 1. Turn (LEVEL / DATA) to adjust. • LENGTH: Sets how many steps from the selected pattern to play. Default is the pattern step length. Turn (LEVEL / DATA) to adjust.

NOTES The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 103 Patterns Advanced 5 • TEMPO: Sets the tempo for the specific row. Turn (LEVEL/DATA). Also allows song wide tempo to be set and to adjust swing per row. • When selecting the TEMPO parameter, Press [YES] or [TEMPO] to open the tempo editor. • The current row BPM can be adjusted with (LEVEL/DATA) and Swing by Data Entry (E). The ‘P’ tags are displayed when the current pattern setting defaults are set. • Press [FUNC] + [YES] to toggle between row and song tempo. Swing is only per row. Song tempo takes precedence over any tempo set individually per row. • MUTE: Tracks can be muted and unmuted for a row within the song mute editor. When the mute column slot for the row is selected, Press [YES] to select the mute pop-up menu. • To mute or unmute a track, Press [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] when the mute pop-up menu is displayed. • Rows with any muted tracks will show the mute symbol in the song row mute slot, otherwise will be empty. • The pop-up mute menu will display the audio or MIDI sections. Whichever mode is selected will be shown with a rectangle. Muted tracks will show unlit on the pop-up and track button. • END: The end function appears after the last row. This can be selected and changed from the default LOOP setting to STOP. Loop will restart automatically and cycle through the arrangement. STOP will play once then stop. Turn (LEVEL/DATE) to adjust.

104 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES 5 Patterns Advanced ▌PLAYING A SONG 1. Press [SONG] to select the song mode pop-up menu. 2. With the Song Mode pop-up menu open, Press [YES] to toggle song mode on or off. Set to ON. The Song mode button will be lit yellow when song mode is active. 3. Press [PLAY]. The song will now play and the top bar on the pages will represent the song status. A song can be played from any page when song mode is on. 4. Press [STOP]. The song will pause and will restart from the paused position when [PLAY] is pressed. 5. Press [STOP] [STOP] to restore the playhead to the first row and stop. ▌LOOPING A SONG ROW 1. Press [SONG] to select the song mode pop-up menu. 2. With the Song Mode pop-up menu open, Press [YES] to toggle song mode on or off. Set to ON. The Song mode button will be lit yellow when song mode is active. 3. To set row loop on, Press [LEFT] from the Song Mode menu. This will set the loop playback to cycling on the row. 4. To turn row loop off, Press [LEFT] from the Song Mode menu when looping is on. This will revert playback to continuous play through rows. The display header will show progress bar and status when song mode is active and a song is playing. With song mode on, [PLAY] and [STOP] control the song playback.

NOTES The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 105 Patterns Advanced 5 ▌SAVING A SONG TO A PROJECT 1. Press [SONG] to select the song mode pop-up menu. 2. To save a song. Press [UP] from the Song Mode menu. This will open the settings song menu. This is the same menu available in the SONG menu under [SETTINGS]. 3. Navigate with the arrow keys or Turn (LEVEL/DATA) to highlight and select SAVE TO PROJ. 4. Press [YES] to open the 16 save slots. 5. Navigate with the arrow keys or Turn (LEVEL/DATA) to highlight and select one of the 16 slots to save into. 6. Press [YES] to open the naming window. A name can be edited or a new name added. 7. Press [YES] to save. 8. The song is saved followed by a confirmation message. ▌LOADING A SONG 1. Press [SONG] to select the song mode pop-up menu. 2. To load a song. Press [DOWN] from the Song Mode menu. This will open the 16 saved slots. 3. Navigate with the arrow keys to select a song to load. 4. Press [YES] to load the song. If a song is playing, the selected song will be queued to play after the current song, otherwise the song is loaded immediately ready to play. 5. Loading a song is also possible in the SONG menu, under [SETTINGS].

106 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES

Getting to know patterns as explained in the earlier sections is intentionally designed to get things started with creating music straight away. The underlying elements in forming a pattern and developing a sequence are also important. Controlling tracks both synth and MIDI are also fundamental actions needed to get a good understanding of Digitone and are key features in developing a workflow for working with patterns. Digitone contains eight tracks, four of which are synth tracks and four MIDI tracks all controlled independently by using the four track buttons. A number of track features such as mute conditions bring additional creativity when playing live or simply jamming. Digitone contains 8 configurable voices applied across the synth tracks. Each track contains a sound, although sound trigs enable this to be changed per step. A sound is built from its associated parameter settings. All parameter pages TRIG, SYN1, SYN2, FLTR, AMP, LFO therefore operate in the context of each specific track. MIDI Tracks control external equipment and notes and chords can be programmed to operate external gear along with various parameters such as velocity, pitch bend etc. MIDI tracks also operate with MIDI control change settings and with parameter lock functionality, LFO, micro timing etc. The basic principle is that a track would contain the source sound settings and configurations which is then programmed into a sequence using trig steps to develop the melody, beat or tune. Tracks 6 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 107

108 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 6.1 Basic Track Navigation & Control Navigating the 8 tracks is simple and follows a similar process for both synth and MIDI tracks. ▌SELECTING A TRACK 1. Ensure the [MIDI] mode is off i.e. button unlit for synth tracks. If working on MIDI tracks press [MIDI] to illuminate the button. 2. Press track [T1], [T2], [T3] or [T4]. Only one track can be selected at one time. The display indicates the selected track and whether the track is a synth : SYN or a MIDI : MID track. 6 Tracks Synth Audio track selected syn MIDI MIDI track selected MID Example: Synth track 2 is the current selected track TRACK Indicates track number 1 - 4 selected. NOTES Selected track button illuminates bright green. Maybe be unlit if track is muted. Track buttons are ‘radio style’ meaning when one is selected the other is automatically deselected. Default is synth track options (MIDI Button off/unlit). Press [MIDI] button on/lit when editing MIDI tracks. T2

Tracks 6 NOTES ▌CHANGING A TRACK PARAMETER 1. Press track [T1], [T2], [T3] or [T4]. Only one track can be selected at one time. 2. Select the parameter page for the desired parameter set i.e. [TRIG]. 3. Hold the parameter key to view the value of the parameter setting currently in place. 4. Turn (A) … (H) Data entry control to change its parameter. Using [FUNC] + certain parameters will ‘jump’ through options e.g LEN ▌QUICK ASSIGNMENT OF A SOUND TO A TRACK 1. Select the desired track [T1] … [T4]. 2. Double press [T1] … [T4] or Press [FUNC] + Turn (LEVEL/DATA) to open the sound browser. 3. Continue to turn (LEVEL/DATA) to navigate to the desired sound. 4. Press [YES] to select the highlighted sound. The sound will load directly into the selected track. 5. Press track [T1], [T2], [T3] or [T4] to see the sound that is loaded. The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 109

110 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide Not available Setup menu 6.2 Synth Tracks - Parameter Menu Structure The Digitone has 6 parameter setting pages per track, some with a second page by pressing the parameter key again and each with secondary functionality accessible with [FUNC] + Option. Holding the parameter key will display current settings. The synth track options are shown. A Trig root note value B Velocity 0-127 C Trig length 0-127,Inf D Trig prob / condition E Filter trig On/Off F LFO trig On/Off G Portamento time H Portamento On/Off A Algorithm B Ratio - Operator C C Ratio - Operator A D Ratio - Operator B1 - B2 E Harmonic wave F Detune G Feedback H Carrier output mix A Op A env attack 0-127 B Op A env decay 0-127 C Op A env end 0-127 D Op A mod level 0-127 E Op B env attack 0-127 F Op B env decay 0-127 G Op B env end 0-127 H Op B mod level 0-127 A Op A env delay 0-127 B Op A env trig behaviour C Op A env reset D Phase reset E Op A env delay 0-127 F Op A env trig behaviour G Op A env reset H A Chorus depth 0-127 B Chorus Speed 0-127 C Chorus hi pass filter 0-127 D Chorus stereo width 0-127 E F Delay send 0-127 G Reverb send 0-127 H A Op C ratio offset -1 to 0.999 B Op A ratio offset -1 to 0.999 C Op B1 ratio offset -1 to 0.999 D Op B2 ratio offset -1 to 0.999 E F G H A Arpeggiator mode B Arp speed C Arp octave range D Arp note length E Arp note offset F Arp length G H A B C D E Filter base 0-127 F Filter width 0-127 G H A Delay time B Ping Pong X setting on/off C Delay stereo width -64 to 64 D Delay feedback 0-198 E Delay hi pass filter 0-127 F Delay lo pass filter 0-127 G Reverb send 0-127 H A Amp env attack 0-127 B Amp env decay 0-127 C Amp env sustain 0-127 D Amp env release 0-126, inf E Overdrive 0 -127 F G Pan L64-R63 H Volume of sound 0-127 A Filter env attack 0-127 B Filter env decay 0-127 C Filter env sustain 0-127 D Filter env release 0-126, Inf E Multimode filter cutoff 0-127 F Filter resonance 0-127 G Filter type Off, 2P LP, 2P HP, 4P LP H Envelope depth -64 to 63 A B C D E Chorus send Off, 0.01-127 F Delay send Off, 0.01-127 G Reverb send Off, 0.01-127 H Amp env behaviour A Reverb pre-delay 0-127 B Reverb decay time 1-127, inf C Reverb shelving filter 0-127 D Reverb shelving gain 0-127 E Reverb hi pass filter 0-127 F Reverb lo pass filter 0-127 G H A LFO1 Speed -64 to 63 B LFO1 Multiplier C LFO1 Fade in/out -64 to 63 D LFO1 Destination E LFO1 Wave shape F LFO1 Start phase 0-127 G LFO1 Mode of operation H LFO1 Depth -64 to 63 A LFO2 Speed -64 to 63 B LFO2 Multiplier C LFO2 Fade in/out -64 to 63 D LFO2 Destination E LFO2 Wave shape F LFO2 Start phase 0-127 G LFO2 Mode of operation H LFO2 Depth -64 to 63 MAIN PAGE 1 MAIN PAGE 2 SECONDARY PAGE 6 Tracks A Overdrive / InL / InR B C Trk1 Level /L Pan / R Pan D Trk2 Level E - / L Chorus / R Chorus F - / L Delay / R Delay G Trk3 Level / L Rev / R Rev H Trk4 Level

6.3 MIDI Tracks - Parameter Menu Structure The Digitone has 6 parameter setting pages per track, some with a second page by pressing the parameter key again and each with secondary functionality accessible with [FUNC] + Option. Holding the parameter key will display current settings. The MIDI track options are shown. The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 111 Tracks 6 Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not available Not available Not available A Trig root note value B Velocity 0-127 C Trig length 0-127,Inf D Trig prob / condition E F LFO trig On/Off G H A MIDI Channel off, 1-16 B MIDI Bank change, off,1-128 C MIDI Sub bank change, off, 1-128 D MIDI Program change, off, 1-128 E Pitch Bend, off, -128 to 128 F Aftertouch, off, 0-127 G Mod wheel, off, 0-127 H Breath controller, off, 0-127 A MIDI Channel off, 1-16 B MIDI Bank change, off,1-128 C MIDI Sub bank change, off, 1-128 D MIDI Program change, off, 1-128 E Pitch Bend, off, -128 to 128 F Aftertouch, off, 0-127 G Mod wheel, off, 0-127 H Breath controller, off, 0-127 Same parameters as SYN1 A Chorus depth 0-127 B Chorus Speed 0-127 C Chorus hi pass filter 0-127 D Chorus stereo width 0-127 E F Delay send 0-127 G Reverb send 0-127 H A Delay time B Ping Pong X setting on/off C Delay stereo width -64 to 64 D Delay feedback 0-198 E Delay hi pass filter 0-127 F Delay lo pass filter 0-127 G Reverb send 0-127 H A CC Command ctrl 1 0-119 B CC Command ctrl 2 0-119 C CC Command ctrl 3 0-119 D CC Command ctrl 4 0-119 E CC Command ctrl 5 0-119 F CC Command ctrl 6 0-119 G CC Command ctrl 7 0-119 H CC Command ctrl 8 0-119 A CC Value 1 0-127, Off B CC Value 2 0-127, Off C CC Value 3 0-127, Off D CC Value 4 0-127, Off E CC Value 5 0-127, Off F CC Value 6 0-127, Off G CC Value 7 0-127, Off H CC Value 8 0-127, Off A Reverb pre-delay 0-127 B Reverb decay time 1-127, inf C Reverb shelving filter 0-127 D Reverb shelving gain 0-127 E Reverb hi pass filter 0-127 F Reverb lo pass filter 0-127 G H A LFO Speed -64 to 63 B LFO Multiplier C LFO Fade in/out -64 to 63 D LFO Mod destination E LFO Wave shape F LFO Start phase, 0-127 G LFO Mode behaviour H LFO Depth -64 to 63 MAIN PAGE 1 MAIN PAGE 2 SECONDARY PAGE A Overdrive - Audio in level L / R B C Trk1 - Balance / Pan D Trk2 E Chorus send from input L/R F Delay send from input L/R G Trk3 - Reverb send input L/R H Trk4

112 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 6.4 Chromatic Track Mode Digitone trig keys by default are set to ‘chromatic mode’. The TRACK NOTE option enables setting up of the keyboard (See pattern basics). KB fold allows the keyboard to only represent valid notes in the scale. Chromatic KB Scale Example ▌SELECTING TRACK NOTE MENU 1. Select the desired track [T1], [T2] [T3], or [T4]. 2. Press [TRACK NOTE] to select the menu setting. 3. Options are presented. These can be set per track. ▌CHANGING OCTAVE OF TRIG KEYBOARD IN CHROMATIC MODE 1. With TRACK NOTE menu open, press [UP] to move up, [DOWN] to move down in range for the track. 2. The range is 5 octaves down and 4 octaves up from the default middle position. 3. Alternatively, press [UP] or [DOWN] to change octaves when not in the TRACK NOTE menu. 4. Digitone Keys also has dedicated Octave Up / Down buttons for the keyboard. 1 Octave C# C D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NOTES 6 Tracks

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 113 6.5 Track Direct Transpose While Digitone ‘chromatic mode’ has the feature to transpose the keyboard, the track itself can also be transposed. ▌TRANSPOSING A TRACK 1. Press and hold track [T1], [T2] [T3], or [T4] + [UP] for the desired track to transpose up. Maximum +36 semitones. 2. Press and hold track [T1], [T2] [T3], or [T4] + [DOWN] for the desired track to transpose down. Maximum -36 semitones. 3. Release the buttons to activate and hear the transposition of the track. 4. The transposition set for each track can also be applied within the TRACK NOTE function page TRANSP.TRACK parameter. Tracks 6 NOTES Transpose the track +/- 36 Semitones. Transposed tracks showed with ‘T’

114 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 6 Tracks 6.6 Mute Track Mode Two mute modes exist when working with tracks. Mute modes bring creativity and help track arrangements allows on the fly muting of tracks while the sequence is playing or stopped. ▌MUTING A TRACK 1. Press [PLAY] to play the sequencer pattern. 2. Press to select [MIDI] only if muting MIDI tracks otherwise press to ensure off / unlit. 3. Press [FUNC] + TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3] or [T4] to select the track to mute. 4. The muted track will be unlit while other active tracks will be lit (Colour based on mode). 5. Press [FUNC] + TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3] or [T4] unmute a muted track and continue playback. 6. Press [FUNC] + [BANK] to select a MUTE mode or turn mute mode off. The default is global. Mute mode operates in one of two states, GLOBAL mode enables muting of the track in ALL patterns while PATTERN mute mode mutes only the currently active pattern. Hold [FUNC] when playing or stopped to show muted tracks, indicated by colour of the track buttons. MUTE MODES PATTERN MUTE MODE • Mutes the track in the currently ACTIVE Pattern. • Hold [FUNC] + [BANK] [BANK] - quick double press to select pattern mute mode • Track buttons lit MAGENTA when playing • Saved with pattern • Press [FUNC] + [BANK] to exit pattern mute mode GLOBAL MUTE MODE • Mutes the track in ALL Patterns. • Hold [FUNC] + [BANK] to toggle global mute mode on or off (Normal mode) • Track buttons lit RED when playing • Saved with project BOTH MUTE MODES Tracks muted in both modes will show the track button lit BLUE when playing or stopped and when mute mode is not active. • The last mute mode used is recalled automatically on start up

▌MUTE TRACKS IN THE CURRENT PATTERN (PATTERN MUTE MODE) 1. Press [PLAY] to play the sequencer pattern. 2. Press [FUNC] + [BANK] and quickly [BANK] again to enter PATTERN mute mode. Track buttons are lit magenta / purple. 3. Press TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] to toggle the track(s) to mute or unmute. 4. The track button for the muted track will be off / unlit. Unmuted tracks lit magenta / purple. Button flickers as steps are triggered. 5. Tracks muted in both global AND pattern mode will show the track button lit blue when view in normal mode. 6. Press [FUNC] + [BANK] to exit pattern mute mode. ▌MUTE TRACK IN ALL PATTERNS (GLOBAL MUTE MODE) 1. Press [PLAY] to play the sequencer pattern. 2. Press [FUNC] + [BANK] to enter GLOBAL mute mode. Track buttons will be lit red. 3. Press TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] to toggle the track(s) to mute or unmute. 4. The track button for the muted track will be off / unlit. Unmuted tracks lit red. Button flickers as steps are triggered. 5. Tracks muted in both global AND pattern mode will show the track button lit blue in normal mode. 6. Press [FUNC] + [BANK] to exit global mute mode. ▌QUICKLY MUTING TRACKS 1. Global mute. During playback, press [FUNC] + [T1] … [T4] to mute / unmute tracks. 2. Pattern mute. During playback, press [PTN] + [T1] … [T4] to mute / unmute tracks. NOTES The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 115 Tracks 6

116 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 6 Tracks NOTES Mute Mode Summary Track button illuminates white to show the track is unmuted and active. Track button illuminates red to show that the track muted is in GLOBAL mode. Track button illuminates magenta to show that the track muted is in PATTERN mode. Mutes track only the current pattern Mutes the track in all patterns To Mute [FUNC] + Track MUTE MODE On / Off [FUNC] + [BANK] PATTERN [FUNC] + [BANK] [BANK] GLOBAL [FUNC] + [BANK] Track button illuminates blue showing the track muted is in PATTERN and GLOBAL modes. In normal operation Mode the Track buttons will illuminate based on the state. Typically this is the Mute Mode and state that that is reflected in the colour. In the normal state a track button will be green if selected and white if unmuted but not selected and off if muted. T1 T2 T3 T4

NOTES The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 117 Tracks 6 Track Button Status Quick Ref Colour Status Mode Mode Selection Comments / Notes View from the normal operating mode for track selection Green Lit Track selection [T1] [T2] [T3] [T4] Unmuted. Track currently selected track. White Lit Track selection [T1] [T2] [T3] [T4] Unmuted tracks. Track not currently selected. Off Unlit Track Selection [T1] [T2] [T3] [T4] Muted tracks. Track not currently selected. Red Lit Track Selection [T1] [T2] [T3] [T4] Track muted in global mode Magenta Lit Track Selection [T1] [T2] [T3] [T4] Track muted in pattern mode Blue Lit Track Selection [T1] [T2] [T3] [T4] Track is muted both in global and also in pattern mode Red Lit Track Selection [FUNC] FUNC indicates track mute state Red Lit Track Selection [FUNC] FUNC indicates track mute state White Flash Play Hold [FUNC] Flashes during play to indicate triggered steps. View from within one of the two mute modes Red Lit Global Mute Mode [FUNC] + [BANK] Global mute mode active - track unmuted Off Unit Global Mute Mode [FUNC] + [BANK] Global mute mode active - track muted Magenta Lit Pattern Mute Mode [FUNC] + [BANK] [BANK] Pattern mute mode active - track unmuted Off Unit Pattern Mute Mode [FUNC] + [BANK] [BANK] Pattern mute mode active - track muted

118 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES 6 Tracks 6.7 Track Levels There are multiple places that can be accessed to set and check the track levels. Master level is generally available but this controls the master volume output. ▌ADJUSTING INDIVIDUAL TRACK LEVEL 1. Press TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] to select the track to edit. 2. Adjust the (LEVEL/DATA) control to adjust the selected tracks level. 3. Level LEV status shows on the display bottom left. This is replicated across all parameter pages on page 1 and 2. There are other ‘levels’ that can be found in the Digitone across various functions These serve the purpose of the context in which it is presented. These include:- • Master Volume. Used to adjust the main output audio of the Digitone device. • Master page volume. This replaces the track level on the master page and uses the rotary (LEVEL/DATA) to control the pattern level. Same functionality as master volume. • Effect page volume. This replaces the track level on the chorus, delay, and reverb pages and uses the rotary (LEVEL/DATA) to control the effect mix level. • Amp page volume. Adjusted with (H) parameter, this controls the sound volume and is independent from the track level. TRACK LEVEL Visible on each parameter page. The (LEVEL/DATA) control is displayed and controls the track level

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 119 6.8 Voice Options Digitone has 8 voice polyphony and provides flexibility in managing and configuring voices to match the needs of the project and track configuration. What is Polyphony? A voice is the combined audio function that generates the audio together with the envelopes, filters, effects etc and generates the audible output. Think of this as a single channel of audio. Each key that is pressed on the keyboard triggers a voice. So for example a bass line may only need a single voice playing notes in sequence. This is called monophonic - using a single voice. In contrast a chord played to create a pad sound may need several notes to be played at the same time and hence will trigger a voice per note. This may also apply where single notes overlap and are played simultaneously. This is called polyphony, having multiple voices that can play together, at the same time. How are voices managed in Digitone? Digitone has 8 voices that can be played together. Given that there are also 4 tracks to consider, having a pre-defined voice allocation per track may limit flexibility. For example one track may only need 1 voice for bass and another may need 3 for a pad with triad chords. Digitone provides the ability for user allocation of voices and to also to set these voice behaviours. This offers maximum flexibility of the available voice count and to place the allocations where it’s needed and not waste voices where they are not required. How to start with voice allocation setup? The VOICE MENU is where voices are set up and settings are stored in the active pattern. Also consider the SOUND SETUP Menu as a related set of parameters for sounds in the track. It is recommended to set up voice allocation before designing sounds. This means having a clear view of what the function of each track will be, i.e. bass, pad, lead, percussion. Of course this can be changed at any time and later in the workflow process but it is good practice to set things up at least as a starting point at the outset of building a project. Tracks 6 NOTES

120 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES 6 Tracks ▌SETTING UP VOICE STEALING BEHAVIOUR 1. Press [VOICE] button to open the VOICE MENU. 2. Press TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] to select the track to work with. 3. Press [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to select the desired voice stealing option. Voice stealing defines how voices are assigned once all of the 8 voices have been used up. • CYCLE. The first note that has been played will be stolen first and used for the new note. • TRACK. The track will define priority. Track 1 has the highest priority and Track 4 lowest. • LO. The lowest note playing will be stolen first for the new note. • HI. The highest note playing will be stolen first for the new note. 4. The voice indicators are often useful in seeing what voices are used and released. 5. Press [NO] to exit the menu. Locked Voices Fixes voices allocation to the track. This will gives the max voices for the track and ensure the voices cant be stolen elsewhere. First digit is available voices or ‘D’ Dynamic, second digit is voices locked to track Tracks. Selected track is highlighted and edits will apply to this track. A dot indicates a MONO track. Voices. 8 Voices - will show the active voice when triggering notes or using the keyboard. Voice Stealing. Selects the behaviour of how voices are chosen when all 8 voices are in use at the same time. Reuse. Sets whether the same note repeated triggers same voice or chooses new. Unison. Enables voices to be set for a single note. Also use [FUNC] + [VOICE]. Layer. Enables multiple tracks to be triggered from the same note or sequence trig. Unison Spread. Adds pan and detune to the voices used in unison.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 121 Tracks 6 ▌LOCKING VOICES TO A TRACK 1. Press [VOICE] button to open the VOICE MENU. 2. Press TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] to select the track to work with. 3. Turn (E) to select the desired option:- • D - First digit. Dynamic mode. This automatically allocates any available voice. • 1-8 - First digit. Number of voices locked to the track • 0-8 - Second digit - Number of unlocked voices available 4. Press [FUNC] + [TRIG] to open the SOUND SETUP options. 5. Scroll using (LEVEL/DATA), [UP] or [DOWN] to highlight PLAY MODE. 6. Ensure a polyphonic mode is selected to allow multiple voices to be locked to the track. Mono tracks will be shown tagged with a dot in the voice menu page. 7. Voices locked are fixed to the track and are the maximum available voices on the track. In addition other tracks cannot lock the same voices. 8. Press [NO] to exit the menu. ▌SETTING TRACK TO REUSE SAME VOICE 1. Press [VOICE] button to open the VOICE MENU. 2. Press TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] to select the track to work with. 3. Turn (D) to select the desired option:- • ON - The same voice is used when playing same note multiple times i.e. percussion or staccato sounds • OFF - Cycles through other voices. 4. Press [NO] to exit the menu. NOTES

122 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES 6 Tracks ▌SETTING OF UNISON MODE FOR THE TRACK 1. Press [VOICE] button to open the VOICE MENU. 2. Press TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] to select the track to work with. 3. Turn (F) to set unison mode to Off or On between 2-8 voices. Mode on allows several voices to be played together from a single note trigger. Greyed out if not available (i.e. no voices available) 4. Turn (G) to adjust the panning and detuning of the unison voices (if required) for the track. Range is 0-127 with 32 as default. 5. Press [NO] to exit the menu. ▌QUICK SETTING OF UNISON MODE FOR THE TRACK 1. Press TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] to select the track to work with. 2. Press [FUNC] + [VOICE] to toggle unison mode Off or On - 4 Voices. The voice button will blink if no voices are available. ▌LINKING TRACK LAYERS TO PLAY FROM THE SAME TRIGS 1. Press [VOICE] button to open the VOICE MENU. 2. Press TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] to select the track to edit. This becomes the source reference track i.e. the one which will trigger another track from its keyboard or sequencer. 3. Turn (H) to set the layer to a destination track i.e. the one which will also be triggered from the current active track. 4. Press [NO] to exit the menu. Layer Viewed from currently active track (shown half greyed), the greyed out tracks show the ones layered to the currently active track. Layered means that all tracks greyed will play when a note is played by the keyboard or sequencer on the active track of the layer setting. Multiple sounds can be played from one track using this method. T1 T2 T3 T4 LAYER

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 123 Tracks 6 6.9 Control All Control all is a creative function that allows a parameter on ALL tracks to be affected when changing a parameter value. For example changing filter cutoff on all tracks at the same time. ▌CONTROL ALL - AUDIO TRACK PARAMETER CHANGES To change a parameter across ALL tracks at the same time for mass editing and creative effect changes, especially good for live performance:- 1. Press and hold [MIDI] + Turn (A) … (H) data entry controls to change one or more parameters on the SYN1, SYN2, FLTR, AMP and LFO pages on every track. 2. Pressing [FUNC] + [NO] to restore a pattern previously saved with [FUNC] + [YES]. Example Hold + Turn E Filter Cutoff TRACK 1 Filter Cutoff TRACK 2 Filter Cutoff TRACK 3 Filter Cutoff TRACK 3

124 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES

Digitone has a number of sound management utilities that assist in getting sounds into tracks, saving your own sounds and generally managing the storage and location of sounds. While the same task may be possible through various functions, some utilities are better suited to a task than others, for example the sound browser is the perfect tool for loading sounds into tracks efficiently and quickly. The provided factory library of sounds is huge and will be even bigger when adding user designed sounds. The ability to filter sounds by type is therefore also useful especially as Digitone is a good all round synth for drums, percussion, leads, bass and ambient drones and soundscapes. It is worth reminding at this stage that the Digitone +Drive holds 2048 sounds at the highest system level in the device hierarchy and can be used to load sounds to tracks. A more convenient location is the sound pool, a smaller collection of 128 sounds hosted at project level and which can be built as a collection of sounds for the specific project. The sound pool also allows sound locks, which means applying an individual sound per trig in tracks. Sound management may seem a boring and mundane part of using Digitone but it is worth investing time, especially at the early learning stages to help develop an effective workflow and embed the tool usage into the normal processes of using Digitone. Sound Management 7 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 125

126 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 7.1 Sound Managing Tools Sounds can also be managed within projects in the sound pool and in the +Drive using the SOUND BROWSER and the more comprehensive SOUND MANAGER functions. NOTES 7 Sound Management +Drive Project 1 128 A E B F C G D H Sound Pool 2048 Sounds stored internally on the +Drive 128 Projects stored on the +Drive, within 8 Banks each containing 256 Sounds. 128 Sounds available in the Digitone RAM Sound Pool for each individual project Each track contains one defined sound Sound locks (individual sounds) can be added from the sound pool to track trigs Sounds are used in patterns to generate melody or a sequence Sound Browser Quick auditioning and loading of sounds to tracks Sound Manager Comprehensive sound management. Pattern Import / Export Alternate method to import, export to / from tracks and +Drive. 3 1 2 1 2 3 Sound Browser. Used to quickly load sounds to tracks from the + Drive or Sound Pool. Accessed by double tapping a track button or [FUNC] + Press (LEVEL/DATA) Pattern Import / Export. Alternative option for managing sound import and export to / from track patterns and the +Drive. Accessed via the song mode button using [FUNC] + [SONG]. Sound Manager is also available from this menu. Sound Manager. Comprehensive function for managing +Drive and Sound Pool sounds. Allows tagging, renaming and organising of all sounds within Digitone. Accessed via the global settings SOUND option found under [SETTINGS]. Sound Browser is also available from the sound settings menu.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 127 Sound Management7 NOTES 7.2 Loading Sounds To Tracks Using The Sound Browser Loading a sound to a track can be from the +Drive or from the 128 sound pool located in the project memory. ▌LOADING A TRACK SOUND USING THE SOUND BROWSER 1. Press TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] to select the track to load a sound. 2. Press [FUNC] + Press (LEVEL/DATA) to open the sound browser. Also double tap a track button opens the browser. 3. Turn (LEVEL/DATA) or press [UP], [DOWN] to navigate the sound browser list and highlight each sound. 4. To switch between the +Drive and Sound Pool locations: • Press [LEFT] to open the sound browser menu • Select ‘VIEW POOL’ or ‘VIEW +DRIVE’ depending on current location. • The sounds can also be filtered, sorted or searched in the browser using the ‘left’ sorting menu option. • Press [YES] to switch to the new location. [NO] to cancel. Sound Pool may initially be empty and would need sounds to be copied from the +Drive to the sound pool. 5. Press TRIG Keyboard to chromatically preview play the highlighted sound. Press [TRACK NOTE] + [UP] or [DOWN] to transpose octave. 6. Press [YES] when highlighting the chosen sound to load to the track.

128 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES 7 Sound Management ▌QUICK LOADING A TRACK SOUND USING THE SOUND BROWSER 1. Double press TRACK [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] quickly to select the track to load a sound and open the sound browser page. 2. Turn (LEVEL/DATA) or press [UP], [DOWN] to navigate the sound browser list and highlight each sound. 3. Press TRIG Keyboard to chromatically preview play the highlighted sound. Press [TRACK NOTE] + [UP] or [DOWN] to transpose octave. 4. Press [YES] when highlighting the chosen sound to load to the track. Sounds can be transferred between +Drive and Sound Pool. Sound pool is the only location that can be used to set sound lock to track trig steps. Sounds can be loaded (as an independent copy of the sound) to tracks from the +Drive or from the Sound Pool and can be saved back. Patterns in the tracks host the sound +DRIVE LOCATION Collection of samples held at the highest level in the Digitone hierarchy and provides sounds across all projects SOUND POOL LOCATION Collection of samples held at the project level in the Digitone and provides sounds to the selected project

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 129 Sound Management7 SOUND BROWSER Sorting Menu SORT ABC Sorts sounds in alphabetical order. SORT 123 Sorts sounds in numerical order. SEARCH Opens naming screen to select search words. FILTER Filters sounds by tags. Tag / Untag using [YES] to select tags to filter by. VIEW +DRIVE Switches to +Drive view if in sound pool view. VIEW POOL Switches to project sound pool if in +Drive view. Sound Browser This utility is used mainly for loading and previewing sounds both in the sound pool and on the +Drive. Select the sound browser using [FUNC] + press (LEVEL/DATA) or double tap a track button. Scroll list of sounds using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN]. Pressing [YES] on a specific sound to load it to the active track. Press any TRIG [1] … [16] keyboard while in the sound browser to preview the highlighted sound. Double tap the track button to open the sound browser + Press OR

130 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES 7 Sound Management 7.3 Importing / Exporting Sounds To Tracks. Sounds can be imported to tracks from the Pattern Import / Export function. This operates between the +Drive and the four tracks. ▌ADDING A SOUND DIRECTLY FROM +DRIVE TO A TRACK 1. Select [FUNC] + [SONG] to open the IMPORT / EXPORT Menu. This import / export menu is also an option available from within the PATTERN menu. 2. Highlight the IMPORT option using [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA). 3. Press [YES] to select. 4. Navigate using [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA) to highlight a desired sound. 5. Press [YES] to select the highlighted sound from the +Drive. To change banks press key [BANK] + [9] … [16] i.e. banks A … H. 6. Select destination track by pressing track [T1], [T2], [T3] or [T4] and the sound is loaded directly to the chosen track (not into the sound pool). +

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 131 Sound Management7 NOTES ▌SAVING A SOUND FROM A TRACK TO THE +DRIVE 1. Select source (where the sound to save resides) track by pressing track [T1], [T2], [T3] or [T4]. 2. Select [FUNC] + [SONG] to open the IMPORT / EXPORT Menu. This import / export menu is also an option available from within the PATTERN menu. 3. Highlight the EXPORT option using [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA). 4. Press [YES] to select. 5. The first free +Drive sound slot is automatically selected unless an existing bank is selected. If another slot is required, navigate using [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA) to highlight a new sound slot. To change banks press [BANK] + [9] … [16] i.e. banks A … H. 6. The naming screen opens and the name can be created or edited. Press [YES] when completed. 7. Select the filter tags to help identify the sound in future searches and then highlight <SAVE> in the tag list. 8. Press [YES] to confirm and save. 9. Pressing [NO] can abort exporting the sound.

132 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 7 Sound Management 7.4 Sound Options And Sound Manager More comprehensive management of sounds is available within the GLOBAL SETTINGS menu in the SOUNDS section. Note that menus may retain the previous state from the last access. Illustrations below indicate the default status. Use [NO] to back up from sub-menus. The Sound Manager is also accessible through the PATTERN Import / export menu. The Sound Browser is also accessible by [FUNC] + Press (LEVEL/DATA) or double tapping a track button. SOUND MANAGER Opens the sound manager SOUND BROWSER Opens the sound browser CLEAR TRACK SOUND Clears the current track sound and reverts to defaults. RENAME TRK SOUND Rename the current tracks sound. SETUP Sound setup for scaling, keytracking, portamento, velocity, play mode etc NOTES

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 133 Sound Management7 SOUND MANAGER SOUNDS > SOUND MANAGER menu under the GLOBAL SETTINGS. IMPORT/EXPORT > MANAGE SOUNDS OR under the PATTERN menu + Navigate left sorting menu Navigate left sorting menu Sound ‘checked’ using [YES] for selection. Sound ‘checked’ using [YES] for selection. Bank: Number of sound slot. Number of sound slot. Sound name. Sound name or empty slot. Protection lock to prevent overwriting. Sound selection highlight. Sound selection highlight. +DRIVE VIEW SOUND POOL VIEW The left sorting menu presents the option to switch between the +Drive and the Sound Pool Tags assigned for filtering sound type. Tags assigned for filtering sound type. Browse bar and location indicator in sound list Browse bar and location indicator in sound list Navigate right operations menu Navigate right operations menu

134 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 7 Sound Management TOGGLE TAGS SEND SYSEX SOUND MANAGER SOUNDS Sorting Menu Operations Menu SORT ABC Sorts sounds in alphabetical order. SORT 123 Sorts sounds in numerical order. SEARCH Opens naming screen to select search words. FILTER Filters sounds by tags. Tag browser opens to select tags to filter by pressing [YES]. VIEW +DRIVE Switches to +Drive view if in sound pool view. VIEW POOL Switches to project sound pool if in +Drive view. LOAD TO TRACK Available when single sound is selected. Loads directly to the track and pattern. COPY TO ... Copies selected sounds to either sound pool, first free slots of +Drive library or first free slots of bank A-H +Drive. SAVE TO HERE Exports and saves the currently selected track sound to the selected slot. RENAME Available when single sound is selected. Opens the naming screen to rename the active sound. EDIT TAGS Opens the tag editor where tags identifying the active sound can be added or deleted. [YES], <SAVE> when complete. DELETE Deletes active or selected sound(s). SELECT ALL Selects all available sounds in the list. SELECT UNUSED Selects all sounds that are unused in the project from the sound pool. Allows purging of unused sounds. Sound pool function only. DESELECT ALL Deselects all selected sounds from the list. TOGGLE Selects or deselects the write protect flag and prevents the sound being edited. SEND SYSEX Sends the selected sounds using Sysex. Menu options visible and available will vary depending on the context of the menu selected.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 135 Sound Management7 ▌ADDING SOUNDS TO THE SOUND POOL 1. Select [FUNC] + [SONG] to open the IMPORT / EXPORT Menu. The import / export menu is also available within the PATTERN menu. 2. Highlight the MANAGE SOUNDS option and press [YES] to select. 3. The SOUND MANAGER opens, the list of +Drive sounds is displayed and a bank key A … H will be lit red to show the bank selected. 4. Use [BANK] + [9] … [16] i.e. A … H to select a new bank if required. 5. Select the sounds to add to the project SOUND POOL by pressing [YES] to check the selection. Navigate using [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/ DATA) to highlight and then select more sounds if needed. 6. Press [RIGHT] to open the sound manager’s right operations menu. 7. Highlight the COPY TO option by navigating with [UP] [DOWN], (LEVEL/DATA) and press [YES]. 8. Highlight and select SOUND POOL. 9. Press [YES] and the selected sounds will be copied to the current project sound pool. NOTES

136 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES 7 Sound Management ▌REMOVE ALL UNUSED SOUNDS FROM A PROJECT SOUND POOL 1. Press [SETTINGS] for GLOBAL SETTINGS. 2. Highlight SOUNDS using [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA) to navigate. 3. Press [YES] to select the highlighted menu option. 4. Highlight SOUND MANAGER using [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA) to navigate. 5. Press [YES] to select the sound manager menu option. 6. Press [LEFT] for the sorting options. Set the current location to sound pool. When the location is already the sound pool the left sorting menu will show VIEW +DRIVE. 7. Press [RIGHT] for the operations menu. 8. Highlight SELECT UNUSED using [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA) to navigate. 9. Press [YES] to select. The number of sounds selected will be shown in the selection message. These are sounds not used in project patterns. 10. Select DELETE from the operations menu. 11. Press [YES] to confirm deletion of the selected sounds. 12. Sounds are deleted from the sound pool (not the +Drive)

NOTES The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 137 Sound Management7 ▌CLEARING A TRACK SOUND - RESET TO DEFAULT 1. Press [T1], [T2], [T3], or [T4] to select a track to clear. 2. Press [SETTINGS] for GLOBAL SETTINGS. 3. Highlight SOUNDS using [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA) to navigate. 4. Press [YES] to select the highlighted menu option. 5. Highlight CLEAR TRACK SOUND using [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/ DATA) to navigate. 6. Press [YES] to select clear track sound menu option. 7. Press [YES] again to confirm or [NO] to cancel. 8. Sound is cleared from the individual current track and restore to default settings. 9. Press [NO] to back up and exit from menu. ▌RENAMING A TRACK SOUND 1. Press [T1], [T2], [T3], or [T4] to select a track to clear. 2. Press [SETTINGS] for GLOBAL SETTINGS. 3. Highlight SOUNDS using [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA) to navigate. 4. Press [YES] to select the highlighted menu option. 5. Highlight RENAME TRK SOUND using [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA) to navigate. 6. Press [YES] to select the menu option. 7. Use the pop up menu to rename the track from its original default name. 8. Press [YES] to save or [NO] to cancel. 9. Sound is renamed. Defaults are usually Sound 1, Sound 2 etc. 10. Press [NO] to back up and exit from menu

138 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES 7 Sound Management 7.5 Sound Setup The SOUND SETUP MENU offers a consolidated location for generic sound orientated functions. To access these options use [FUNC] + [TRIG] or in the GLOBAL SETTINGS > SOUNDS > SETUP. + Key scaling refers to the amount of modulation output from the relevant stated operator based on the keyboard note played. 0 sets the modulation for all keys to the same level. Range is 0-127. High values give less modulation on higher notes. Lower number decreases the tone complexity in higher frequencies Access to the portamento option menu. Settings such as type, slope, amount, style and gating are available. Track section covers portamento in detail. POLY - Sound is Polyphonic POLY M.LFO - Polyphonic with mono LFO. MONO - Sound is Monophonic MONO LEG - Sound is Monophonic and envelope is not re-triggered on new notes. When PLAY MODE is set to a mono this sets the priority of how notes are played. LAST - Priority to last note played LOW - Priority to lowest note played HIGH - Priority to highest note played. LOG Logarithmic curve. LIN Linear curve. EXP Exponential Curve KEY SCALING B1 Operator B1 modulation level KEY SCALING B2 Operator B2 modulation level KEY SCALING A Operator A modulation level FILTER KEYTRACK Multimode filter cutoff follows the pitch of the sound. 100 is in note intervals. Range is 0-100. PORTAMENTO Settings of portamento (glide) function. PLAY MODE Monophonic or polyphonic settings. MONO NOTE PRIO Note priority for mono settings when playing notes at the same time. VELOCITY TO VOL When using an external MIDI controller, sets how velocity affects volume. Off does not affect volume. 0 = Modulation same for each key 64 = Modulation gets lower on higher notes 127 = Modulation low on high notes

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 139 Sound Management7 Sound Setup (Continued). The Digitone Keys version has integrated keyboard, pitch wheel and modwheel. OCTAVE Base octave of sound PITCH BEND Pitch bend settings and options PITCH BEND DEPTH How much an external MIDI controller affects Digitone. VELOCITY MOD Assignment of velocity to modulate up to four parameters. MOD WHEEL Assignment of mod wheel (CC #1) to modulate up to four parameters. BREATH CONTROLLER Assignment of breath control (CC #2) to modulate up to four parameters. AFTERTOUCH Assignment of aftertouch to modulate up to four parameters. NOTES

140 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES

FM synthesis and designing and managing sounds are core elements of music production with Digitone. The FM principles have been covered so here we can concentrate purely on Digitone as a sound synth. The good news is that while FM synthesis is based on the mathematical interaction of waveforms Elektron have taken a simplified approach, applying techniques that would be seen in many common and simpler subtractive devices. The algorithms available are preset, filters are included and the overall workflow is designed to make FM sound design a much easier process with Digitone. So don't worry about the theory of FM but learn the base principles and apply them to make great sounds. The most important things to remember going into sound design is the FM terminology. An operator is the basic building block used for both sound generation (carrier) and to manipulate another function (modulator). Operators are combined into algorithms and the ratios applied between each element affects the timbre, tone and sound. Digitone allows the voice management across the tracks and functions to maximise the use of its 8 voice polyphony. The voice allocation can be designed into the patch and preset created. A sound is built from the components of the synthesis engines, parameters applied for envelopes, filters and effects to carve and develop the sound further. This section concentrates on the synth engine in particular SYN Pages and will walk through the steps for sound creation and the details behind the parameters, how they are applied and the outcomes generated. However the real fun comes with finding your own workflow, so make your own notes and develop your learning and advancement into Digitone sound design. The options are endless, as is the fun. Synth Sound Design 8 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 141

142 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 8 Synth Sound Design 8.1 What is a sound? In Digitone a sound is designed and created to provide an audible output from the synth. Parameters and functions are applied to create the sound and then shape it with envelopes and filters before finally adding effects. This combination creates the unique sound which can then be stored and saved in the Digitone and recalled to one or more of the available four tracks. SOUNDS • +Drive: 2048 Sounds (256 per Bank A-H) • Project RAM: Contains 128 sound slots within the SOUND POOL • Sounds are created using synth engine and the settings of associated parameters. • Sounds can be managed with the SOUND BROWSER & SOUND MANAGER A B Audio Engine Overdrive Multimode Filter Base - Width Filter Delay Delay Delay Delay Chorus Chorus Reverb Reverb ADSR Filter Envelope ADSR Amp Envelope LFO Modulation LFO Modulation Effects Sends SYN1 & SYN2 AMP AMP AMP VOICE ALLOCATION Delay AMP Chorus AMP Reverb AMP AMP FLTR FLTR FLTR LFO LFO Track Sound Synth Engine AMP X Y Pan AMP Master Overdrive

Synth Sound Design 8 NOTES The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 143 8.2 Creating and Editing Sounds The starting point in sound design and the purpose of this section starts with the synthesis engine. In the case of Digitone this is an FM synth engine. Typical workflow when creating and editing sounds is as follows:- S E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 + Select a track to work on [T1], [T2], [T3], [T4] Default track setting GLOBAL SETTING > SOUNDS > CLEAR TRACK SOUNDS Setup the synthesis engine core sound SYN1 Page 1 & 2. Config and tuning. Setup the synthesis engine core sound SYN2 Page 1 & 2. Envelope shaping. Shape the sound with filters and envelopes FLTR & AMP Page Modulate the sound with LFO’s LFO Page Add effects Chorus, Delay, Reverb Page Overdrive settings Iterate adjustments to get the sound desired Continue to other Tracks / Sounds Tweak and fine tune Save Sound Load a sound as a starting point from the +Drive Sound Creation Workflow (Example) Alternative Workflow Typical Workflow

144 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 8.3 SYN Page Summary Four pages are important to focus when starting to design a sound. SYN1 and SYN2 hold the core synth parameters and the FM engine configuration. Each of the SYN1 and SYN2 buttons has two pages. Syn1 Page 1 concentrates on the main FM engine configuration. 8 Sounds & Samples ALGO FM Algorithm options from the 8 operator configurations. 8 Options SYN1 Page 1 HARM Harmonics adjustment of the operators. Negative changes affect C. Positive changes affect A, B1 displayed as variations of a sine wave. -26 to +26 C RATIO The FM operator C frequency ratio which is applied in the algorithm. 0.25 - 16 A RATIO The FM operator A frequency ratio which is applied in the algorithm. 0.25 - 16 MIX Mix of the two, X-Y carrier outputs. These are the audio outputs (carrier) from the algorithm. -63 to +64 B RATIO The FM operator B1 frequency ratio, expanding to B2 frequency which is applied in the algorithm. B1 0.25 - 16 + B2 0.25 - 16 DTUN Detuning of operators A and B2. Fine 0-64, heavy 65-127 FDBK Feedback. Self modulation applied to the selected feedback operator, as displayed in the algorithm. 0-120 A E B F C G D H The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter setting can be displayed by holding its [SYN1] key. Press [SYN1] + [NO] to reset parameter page to last saved state. Press [SYN1] + [YES] to randomise the parameters. [SYN1] + [REC] to copy, [SYN1] + [STOP] to Paste and [SYN1] + [PLAY] to clear page.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 145 Sounds & Samples6 SYN1 Page 2 concentrates on the ratio offsets for the FM engine core frequency ratios. C RATIO OFFSET Adds an offset to the ratio for operator C. -1.0 to +0.999 SYN1 Page 2 A RATIO OFFSET Adds an offset to the ratio for operator A. -1.0 to +0.999 B1 RATIO OFFSET Adds an offset to the ratio for operator B1. -1.0 to +0.999 B2 RATIO OFFSET Adds an offset to the ratio for operator B2. -1.0 to +0.999 A E B F C G D H The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter setting can be displayed by holding its [SYN1] key. Press [SYN1] + [NO] to reset parameter page to last saved state. Press [SYN1] + [YES] to randomise the parameters. [SYN1] + [REC] to copy, [SYN1] + [STOP] to Paste and [SYN1] + [PLAY] to clear page.

146 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 8 Sounds & Samples ATTACK TIME Envelope attack time setting applied to operator A. 0-127 SYN2 Page 1 ATTACK TIME Envelope attack time setting applied to operator B2 & B2. 0-127 DECAY TIME Envelope decay time setting applied to operator A. 0-127 END TIME Envelope end level setting applied to operator A. 0-127 LEVEL B Modulation amount of the envelope for operator B1 & B2. 0-127 LEVEL A Modulation amount of the envelope for operator A. 0-127 DECAY TIME Envelope decay time setting applied to operator B1 & B2. 0-127 END TIME Envelope end level setting applied to operator B1 & B2. 0-127 A E B F C G D H The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter setting can be displayed by holding its [SYN2] key. Press [SYN2] + [NO] to reset parameter page to last saved state. Press [SYN2] + [YES] to randomise the parameters. [SYN2] + [REC] to copy, [SYN2] + [STOP] to Paste and [SYN1] + [PLAY] to clear page. SYN2 Page 1 concentrates on the FM engine envelopes.

The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 147 Sounds & Samples6 SYN2 Page 2 concentrates on additional envelope and trigger options for the FM engine. ADEL Envelope delay, sets start prior to attack phase of operator A envelope. 0-127 BDEL Envelope delay, sets start prior to attack phase of operator B1 and B2 envelope. 0-127 SYN2 Page 2 ATRG Trig behaviour of the operator A envelope. Triggered or gated. On, Off BTRG Trig behaviour of the operator B1 and B2 envelope. Triggered or gated. On, Off ARST Reset behaviour of A envelope when triggered. On, Off BRST Reset behaviour of B1 & B2 envelope when triggered. On, Off PHRT Reset behaviour of operator phase Off, All, C A E B F C G D H The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter setting can be displayed by holding its [SYN2] key. Press [SYN2] + [NO] to reset parameter page to last saved state. Press [SYN2] + [YES] to randomise the parameters. [SYN2] + [REC] to copy, [SYN2] + [STOP] to Paste and [SYN2] + [PLAY] to clear page.

8.4 FM Algorithm Overview FM functions using algorithms which are configurations of a number of operators to generate sound and to modulate other operators. Digitone has simplified this FM concept with a fixed set of algorithms made up of four operators. This approach maintains the power and spirit of FM synthesis. Digitone FM Algorithm Architecture. Example, Algo 1. X Y B A B C ENVELOPE SHARED ENVELOPE HARMONICS RATIO RATIO RATIO OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET LEVEL SHARED LEVEL 148 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 8 Synth Sound Design Operator B1 (Modulator) Operator A (Modulator) Feedback from / to Operator A Operator B2 (Modulator & Carrier) Mix output enables fading between the two output carrier channels Operator B1 & B2 operated together by the same parameters Modulator affects another operator Feedback option assigned in the algorithm Carrier generates and delivers audio output. Digitone display will show animated activity on each operator. Ratios are multipliers that determine the contribution of each operator to each other and the overall algorithms output Output generated from the operator with no envelope (dotted) or via the envelope (solid line) Operator C (Carrier) Operator Group A Operator Group B Operator Group C Carrier Audio Out Carrier Audio Out Operator C acts as a carrier delivering audio output to X. Operator A and B acts as a modulator (usually with envelopes) and as a carrier, generally without using the envelopes (other than Algo 7 & 8). Options for feedback. The algorithm will determine the exact functions and configuration used for each individual operator and also the collection of operators together. - + A B2 B1 C FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK DETUNE

About the Digitone Operators. Operators are both carriers (generate audio) and modulators (apply changes i.e. modulate another function). Modulators affect the pitch frequency in FM synthesis. Digitone has three operator groups A,B,C where B consists of two functions, B1 and B2. Operators are the building blocks of FM synthesis and are effectively self contained oscillators, envelopes levels etc. Operator C Operator C in Digitone is used in the eight algorithms as a carrier delivering audio to the output X. Due to this defined functionality the expanded functions such as envelope and level are not provided in its base function. As is common in FM synthesis the core oscillator is a sine wave. Harmonics are applied which effectively change the waveform shape and therefore change its timbre and sound. This is a common process in additive synthesis and is applied in digitone to create harmonic rich variation. Harmonics are applied to Operator C using the negative range of the HARM parameter setting. Dedicated frequency ratio and offset can also be applied. Operator A Operator A is a more expanded but self contained operator complete with a dedicated envelope and level control as it is primarily (but not always) used as a modulator. The envelope is typically used to create a more musical and tasteful output when modulating other operators and reduce the harsh side effects of modulating operators. Harmonics are also applied to change the core sine wave using the positive parameter range of HARM setting. Based on how the operator is applied in an algorithm, feedback control can also be applied to operator A. The DTUN Detuning parameter is also applied to operator A’s ratio to create subtle variation. Dedicated ratio and offset can also be applied. Operator B1 & B2 Operator B1 and B2 are grouped together and use the same parameter macro controls and includes a common envelope and level control. Harmonics are also applied to change the core sine wave using the same positive parameter range of HARM setting as Operator A. Based on how the operator is applied in an algorithm, feedback control can also be applied to either B1 or B2. The DTUN Detuning parameter is also applied to operator B2’s ratio to create subtle variation. A combined ratio control and dedicated offset can also be applied. NOTES The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 149 Synth Sound Design 8

Digitone FM Algorithms ALGO 1 Algorithm 1 has C and B1 as carriers (no envelopes applied to output). B1 also acts as a modulator for C as does A which also contains a feedback function. Operator B2 modulates operator B1. Default patch settings sound is flute like. ALGO 2 Algorithm 2 has C and B1 as carriers (no envelopes applied to outputs). Operator A modulates C and B2 modulates B1 with B2 having the feedback function applied. Default patch settings sound is flute like. 2 X Y A B2 C B1 Operator B2 (Modulator) + Feedback Operator A (Modulator) Operator B1 (Carrier) Operator C (Carrier) Carrier Audio Out Carrier Audio Out 1 X Y B2 A B1 C 150 The Digitone Notebook : Reference & Guide 8 Synth Sound Design Operator B2 (Modulator) Operator A (Modulator) + Feedback Operator B1 (Modulator & Carrier) Operator C (Carrier) Carrier Audio Out Carrier Audio Out NOTES

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