STEEL New DZ Profile
PILING The next generation in piling.
EXPERTS 29” deeper, wider & lighter sheet piles.
Samuel Roll Form Group manufactures a full line of interlocking steel sheet
piling sections that are used in marine developments, slope stabilization,
environmental remediation, water and sewer, storm protection, foundations,
bridges and highways, and other civil engineering applications.
800-233-6228 ISSUE #3 - 2018 99
[email protected]
LAKE TAUPO, NEW ZEALAND – 6 March 2018 – Situated on “It’s an exciting time for our community,” remarked Deputy
the caldera of a supervolcano, you will find the largest Harbourmaster Toni Maulder. “The project was complex but
freshwater lake in New Zealand. A trout fishing mecca, the new marina was well worth the wait. It allows boats to
Lake Taupo quickly became a popular holiday spot. Tourists be berthed safely in deeper, cleaner water with modern
come from near and far to enjoy the warm, clear waters compliant facilities for berth holders and the general public
and natural volcanic hot springs. to enjoy.”
Motuoapa Marina was constructed over 50 years ago The new configuration allows for 158 berths and over
on the south shore of Lake Taupo. The village of Motuoapa 1,600 km² of new concrete floating docks. Berths range in
was just a small settlement at the time. Catering to small size from 8 to 14 meters. The docks feature FRP thru-rods and
fishing vessels, engineers designed the marina with a circular aluminum pile guides.
basin. Featuring a large island in the middle, short finger
piers rimmed the edge. When the marina was given the go Bellingham Marine is the world’s leading design/build
ahead for redevelopment in 2016, designers knew the island marina construction company. Specializing in floating
had to go. docks, platform and wave attenuation systems for marinas
worldwide. The company also produces dry storage systems
How exactly does one remove an entire island? The first for the upland storage of boats. n
step was to bring in 1-tonne bags of gravel to build a dam
at the marina’s entrance. Once the access was blocked, Before
contractors began pumping water out of the basin.
The water level was taken down to 1 ½ feet deep. At that
time, crews brought in dredging equipment and began to
dismantle the island. The soil from the island was then used to
reclaim land at the northern end of the marina. This created
several acres to be used as picnic, recreation and parking
areas for guests.
100 ISSUE #3 - 2018
Dock Lighting System
Easy to install Plug & Play Kit, or custom
configurable to your project needs. Tool-free
installation below the waterline in just minutes.
• Complete kit includes everything needed for
easy installation on most pilings or seawalls.
• Leverages the technology and experience of the
world’s best-selling underwater lights.
• Plugs into any standard GFCI switched outlet.
• Mount 6 inches below typical low tide mark
(can operate above water without damage).
• Innovative Zip Mount™ universal mounting system.
• Add-on light option available (4 lights per power converter).
• 2000 lumens output per light, 6000 lumens output per kit.
What is included in the kit: Option to add an extra light to
the kit with 4 light maximum.
• 3 Full-Color RGBW Dock Lights with
integrated 30’ cable * UL pending approval
• Innovative Zip-Mount™ universal
light mounting system
• AC to DC power converter in
weatherproof enclosure
• All required mounting hardware
• UL Listed* – 3 year warranty.
( 5 6 1 ) 2 7 2 -m9ar8ine4co0nstru|ctionlmuagmaziniet.ceomc l i gIShSUtEi#n3 -g2.01c8o 10m1
NEWS SFT Fenders connect ferry
RELEASE terminals in mainland
Canada and Newfoundland
At the beginning of 2017 SFT received a new order for solutions was the biggest challenge here, mainly because of
two Ferry Terminals in Canada. Marine Atlantic, a Canadian major variation on the existing quay wall, which had to be
Ferry Company, offers ferry services and operates on the incorporated into the fender design.
East Coast of Canada, connecting Port aux Basques in
Newfoundland and North Sydney in Nova Scotia. They Besides the extensive design, the handling of the materials
planned to upgrade their existing facility and to replace and delivery to site was another challenge. Due to the sheer
the old fender systems. The Refurbishment included the amount of different materials our contract administration
delivery of about 66 SPC Double Cone Fender systems for had to pay special attention that the material matches
both terminals. the drawings and ordered quantities. Our contract
management at the US office in cooperation with our local
Demanding load cases and harsh weather conditions, representative DAVTEC Marine did a great job here and all
especially during the winter such as storms, snow, and items matched up on the two different installation sites.
low temperatures required a careful selection of fender
equipment and a close cooperation between the client The ferry service of one of the main trade and life lines
and ShibataFenderTeam’s US office. between the mainland and Newfoundland is an important
connection for the people living in the area. High quality
All fender systems were finally installed after one year of fenders are key for a smooth operation and long service life
extensive design phase. To design about 21 different fender of the berth. n
Two-Part High Build
Coal Tar Epoxy
PROTAL™ 600 CTE LOW VOC Environmentally Friendly
Alternative to Coal Tar Epoxies
A Coal Tar Epoxy with a low VOC of 0.4 lbs/gal (50 g/l).
Excellent resistance to water, seawater, wastewater,
alkaline water and acidic water.
Call: 281-821-3355
Denso® North America releases three high build (up E-mail: [email protected]
to 26 mils WFT in one coat) spray applied coal tar
epoxies, standard, low VOC and environmentally
friendly alternative for long-term corrosion for sheet
piles, marine piles and more.
102 ISSUE #3 - 2018
LENGTH: 37’ PROPULSION: Twin 250 H.P. ACCESSORIES: Enclosed Cabin
BEAM: 13’ 5” Detroit Diesels Non-Slip Deck
DECK AREA: 110 S.F. Twin Screw V-Hull Design
SPEED: 10 – 12 Knots Portable GPS Available
LENGTH: 50’ PROPELLERS: Twin 20” Brass Props
SHAFTS: Two 2” Shafts
BEAM: 14’ FUEL CAPACITY: 500 Gallon
CARGO HOLD: 12’ x 24’
ENGINES: Twin 671’s PUSH KNEES: Two – 3’ x 7’ Each
TRANSMISSIONS: Twin Disc Hydraulic
SPEED: 9 Knots
BEAM: 12’ 9” Twin Turbo Super Charged 10’ 9” x 13’ – Approx. 140 sq. ft.
DEPTH: 4’ 6” PROPULSION: Twin Jet Plus Additional 20’ sq. ft. (5’ x 4’)
SPEED: 25+ Knots DRAWS/DRAFT: 22” at Bow of Vessel
Approx. 156 sq. ft. 36AT 7213 and 36AT 721
CONTACT: Daryn Ball – Boyer, Inc. 8904 Fairbanks N. Houston, TX. 77064
Phone: 281-598-0378 E-Mail: [email protected] ISSUE #3 - 2018 103
STORAGE AND HANDLING OF PILES greater danger of damage to the steel when it is unloaded
When handling treated timber piles it is highly from the car, hauled to the work, and unloaded from the
truck or trailer at the site. The project inspector must observe
recommended one use rope slings. Avoid the use of chain that the handling methods at the jobsite are performed
slings, hooks, or other methods that will break through the carefully to avoid damage to the piles.
protective treatment. Avoid dropping the timber piles and
bruising or breaking the outer fibers. It is advisable to stack JETTING AND PREBORING
treated timber piles for storage on timber sills so that the Jetting is a means of obtaining pile penetration through
piles may be picked up without hooking. The application of
preservative oil to cuts, holes and abrasions should not be elimination or reduction of resistance at the pile tip by the
minimized. This treatment is vital to the life of the timber pile use of water, air, or a combination of these two media,
and is important enough to warrant careful attention. delivered by pressure through hoses and pipes. The soil is
eroded below the tip of the pile, often permitting penetration
merely by the dead mass of the pile and the hammer. It is
particularly effective when displacement type piles are to
be driven through dense fine sand to desired penetration in
firm soils below, but should not be used in embankments or
other areas where it would tend to destroy densities which
have been purposely built into the soils.
Also, unless good judgment is exercised, jetting could
destroy the bearing value of piles already driven, especially
when piles are closely spaced or when they tend to drift
away from their prescribed course. Water jetting has been
useful as an aid to driving displacement types of piles in sand
formations in streams where water is readily available and
pile penetration is equally as important as bearing capacity.
Concrete piles must be handled with care. It is very easy
to cause cracks by indifferent handling. Cracks may open
up under driving, and may spall and powder to such an
extent as to seriously lessen the strength or life of the pile.
Shock, vibration, or excessive deflection should be avoided
by using proper equipment and thoughtful handling. When
piles are picked up with adjustable slings, blocking should
be used to prevent breaking off the corners. Unless special
lifting devices are attached, the pick-up points shall be
plainly marked on all piles before removal from the casting
bed and all lifting shall be done at these points. If the piles
have been allowed to dry after curing, they shall be wetted
at least 6 hours before being driven and shall be kept moist
until driven.
When loading steel H-piles at the fabricator’s plant, the
individual piles must be placed with webs vertical and
blocked so that the flanges will not be bent. There is perhaps
104 ISSUE #3 - 2018
Although the Specifications currently specify certain straightness, knots, peeling, density, and butt and tip
requirements pertaining to the jetting equipment, the prime diameters must be made at the site and documented. It
objective should be that of performance. Equipment which is very important that timber piles in a bent be accurately
would not be satisfactory in some cases may be entirely located and properly driven, because little can be done
adequate in other cases. to correct their alignment after driving without causing
damage to the piles.
Preboring, as the word implies, is merely boring holes
through or into soils prior to driving piling. It is perhaps the The best procedure to assure accurate alignment is to
most expedient and popular method of obtaining pile drive the end piles for each bent first, using piles with the
penetration of displacement piles through or into high largest diameters, and then placing a heavy timber on each
density embankments, or through crusty upper stratum side long enough to extend beyond each end pile. These
that must be penetrated because of weak underlying soils. timbers should be tied to each other using bolts or scabs. The
Preboring is generally accomplished by the use of a power remaining piles in the bent can then be spotted and driven
auger of a diameter larger than the maximum diameter within this yoke or frame, which will assist in maintaining their
of the piles to be driven, mounted on the crane used for alignment. A hole should be dug for each pile as a means
the pile driving or on separate equipment. There are many of getting it started properly. Each pile should be observed
variations of preboring equipment; some of these are very closely while it is being driven, to assure plumbness or
covered in considerable detail in the booklet by Dames and specified batter. Also, when driving is hard, check closely for
Moore entitled Timber Foundation Pile Study. evidence of cracking, breaking or splitting, so that driving
can be stopped before the pile is severely damaged.
Pile driving inspection is a very important function The test pile for each unit is generally placed at one end so
that the original pile number and spacing can be changed,
and is deserving of undivided attention. Some agencies if necessary to support the superimposed load. After the first
specializing in piling go so far as to recommend that a trained unit has been driven, blocking can be used between this
soils engineer be present to approve each pile installation unit and the timber guides for the next unit. Extra care taken
and to revise procedures as varying soil conditions are during the pile driving, with respect to the proper location
encountered. Certainly the inspector should have sufficient of each pile, will minimize the problems encountered in
knowledge of soil types and characteristics so as to be able placing the caps, bracing or backing. This is especially true
to relate the soils information shown on the survey sheet to with regard to the corner piles at abutments.
the pile driving operations and difficulties.
Timber piles which do not line up properly after driving
The inspector should be present at all times when piles are should be brought to line before making the cut-off, so that
being driven. This is particularly true when driving timber piles the top of the pile, after cut-off will be at correct elevation
because breakage below the ground surface may occur at and plane and will provide full bearing for the pile cap.
any time and may be detected only by an alert inspector. Wooden straight edges should be placed on each side of
It would also be true of any piles driven through or into the pile bent to act as a guide for the saw, and the actual
hard strata, such as rock or hardpan, since the tips may be sawing should be done by experienced sawyers. Power
damaged by overdriving or carelessness unless a capable saws are extremely difficult to control to the degree required
inspector is present. for this type of work and should not be used except when
the Contractor has demonstrated that the proper degree of
Treated timber piles are generally inspected for quality accuracy can be obtained.
and treatment prior to delivery, and are impression-stamped
so that the pile driving inspector will know that they have
been inspected and approved. Occasionally a slightly
under-size pile may get by the plant inspector. Specification
1503 states “all materials furnished shall be in conformance
with the lines, grades, cross sections, dimensions, and
material requirements, including tolerances, shown in the
Plans indicated in the Specifications”. This gives the Engineer
authority to use some discretion regarding acceptance of
occasional borderline or slightly undersize piles. Piles which
are slightly out of specifications for crooks or twists should be
called to the attention of the foreman and accepted only if
they can be satisfactorily driven without splitting or breaking.
Untreated timber piles, except for treatment, are subject
to the same inspection as are treated piles. However, these
piles are often delivered to the jobsite without previous
inspection; if so, complete inspection for type, quality, ISSUE #3 - 2018 105
Any portion of the top of the timber pile which projects uncertified welder is available. Keep in mind that this should
outside of the front edge of the wing cap should be be interpreted as applying only to exceptional and isolated
trimmed off with a sharp axe or adz in a neat manner to an cases, and should not be general practice. When trestle
approximate 45 degree slope down and outward from the piles or pile bents are involved, painting requirements should
front edge of the wing cap. Regardless of the method used, be reviewed. Generally a complete prime coat is required
the workmanship should be neat and systematic. for the full length of steel piles which extend above ground
except for those sections below splices which are at least
Where zinc sheets are specified in the plans or special 600 mm (2 feet) below ground.
provisions for the tops of timber piles, the portion of the sheet
which extends outside of the periphery of the pile should be Holes for handling steel H-piles should not be made in the
folded down alongside the pile. The folds should then be flanges of the piles, except when they are made near the
creased and folded back against the pile. The folds should top of the pile and are to be included in the cut-off portion
then be securely fastened to the pile with galvanized roofing or in the portion which will be embedded in the concrete.
nails. Rounding off the corners of a square sheet before Burning holes with a torch should not be permitted, even
placing will produce neater results than would otherwise in the web of the pile, because of carelessness generally
be obtained. Fabric protection can be placed in much the associated with the torch. It has been agreed, in a discussion
same manner as described above for zinc sheets. Treatment with representatives of the Federal Highway Administration,
of tops of timber piles with preservative is required prior to that holes may be drilled in the webs near the longitudinal
placement of zinc sheeting. centerline of the pile, but that these holes should be no
larger than necessary to accommodate the connector used
INSPECTION OF PILE DRIVING STEEL PILES for lifting the pile. In any event, caution must be observed
Steel pile is not inspected prior to delivery to the jobsite. when using holes in steel piles for handling purposes. Sharp
or jagged edges may cut or fray the lifting cable, and
Therefore, pile inspection must be performed by the project thereby weaken it possibly causing premature failure.
inspector. For Steel H-Piles and Steel Shells for Cast-In- Although it is the Contractor’s responsibility to conduct his/
Place Concrete piles, Specifications generally require the her works in a safe manner, an alert inspector should report
Contractor to submit copies of mill shipping papers and unsafe conditions to the foreman as well as to the Engineer
certified mill test reports for all steel piling prior to delivery of in charge. Pile driving is an inherently dangerous operation,
piling to the site. These mill test reports are provided by the but precautionary measures can be done to improve
producer steel mill and list physical properties and chemical conditions. n
analysis of each mill “heat” of steel involved, and specify
domestic origin of steel and its manufacture. The contractor
is responsible to verify that invoices and mill test reports
correspond to piling delivered. Upon delivery, spot check
identification markings on the steel to be certain the source
and heat numbers match those on the mill test reports. At
the same time, inspect the material for proper section size
and gauge, physical defects such as kinks or buckles, and
quality of welding.
If any piece of piling is not marked with a heat number,
the Project Engineer should have the Contractor test the
material at an independent testing lab to ensure the pieces
are associated with the mill test reports provided. Two tensile
tests and one chemistry test should be conducted from one
out of ten pieces of piling of the same size and thickness with
unknown identity.
Piles that are driven prior to material testing should be
identified in the “Pile Driving Report”. Price adjustments or
other determination can then be made at a later date,
should this be necessary because of the deficiencies in
the material. In any event, contractors should be made
aware that piles driven prior to delivery of required materials
information are subject to price adjustment until quality and
domestic origin has been properly established.
Welding for splices, except in isolated cases must be made
by DOT certified welders. A typical exception might be
when one or two unanticipated splices are necessary and a
certified welder is not immediately available, but a reputable
106 ISSUE #3 - 2018
40 years of Buying and Selling Quality New and Used…
n Steel Sheet Piling n Large O.D. Steel Pipe (36”+)
n H-Piling n Steel Plate
n I-Beams n Road Plate
n Steel Pipe (8” – 36” O.D.) n ….and more!
We are NOT some internet site listing Steel Products along with everything
from Bobcats to Air Compressors, Cranes, Marine Equipment to RV’s
adding a commission on everything we sell. That is not us.
We buy and sell quality New and Used Steel Products
and that is the end of that!
My name is Michael Kaye. My Cell Phone number is: (215) 534-5200
[email protected]
M.T. Kaye Steel LLC., P.O. Box 515, Yardley, PA 19067.
Michael Kaye - President (215) 534-5200
108 ISSUE #3 - 2018 ISSUE #3 - 2018 109
PILE DRIVING SOLUTIONS INC. is able to present the only
certified damper/isolator for the purpose of absorbing the
vibration from a vibratory hammer and the damage that
these hammers put on cranes. Pile Driving Solutions Inc.
became the official distributor of the Tunkers Vibratory
Damper in January 2015. This product now allows the use
of hydraulic cranes to be used for vibratory hammer work
with little to no impact on the crane. It provides extended
protection to all cranes from the vibration put out by the
The damper minimizes most vibration to the crane due to
the vibration put out by vibratory hammers. It maximizes the
safety of the crane work being done, provides little to no
maintenance, minimal set up, decreases extraction time,
and has a potential ten year life expectancy based on the
number of hours it’sused.
The damper can be used on all model cranes.
Manufacturers like Liebherr require that dampers or isolators
be used when vibratory hammers are placed on LR model
“The damper is engineered to absorb the vibration
from the vibratory hammers, help job run smoother,
reduce downtime and provide more safety for the type
of operations. I’ve been around cranes my whole life and
the damper by far is the best investment you can make to
protect your cranes from the vibration put on them. This has
opened up a new market for crane rental companies and I
had been looking for this solution for over 25 years.” n
110 ISSUE #3 - 2018
[email protected]
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