8 14 18 20 32 36 38 42 44 50 56 76
8 14 18
The Tortoise and the Hare Rob O’Brian - Joplin Mayor Ronny Walker
Rodrick Miller on the Amazon Era Influential Economic Developer Ruston Excellence
20 32 36
Chatham Kent Molly Howey - Topeka Courtland Holman
One stop investing in the heart of N.America Influential Economic Developer Dayton, Texas - A Diverse City
38 42 44
NESA Harford County Foxconn
South Carolina’s next big thing FDI Alliance speaks to Karen Holt Historic investment in Wisconsin
50 56 76
Todd Kuckkahn Lynda Pack - Jacksboro Mark Wickersham - Huntington
A day in the life of an Economic Developer Influential Economic Developer Influential Economic Developer
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone
who has participated in this issue. We
are happy to showcase our special
anniversary issue as we celebrate three
years in the business.
In this issue, our main aim is to focus on
the influence of economic developers
within their respective communities,
highlighting what they have achieved
to ensure sustainability and growth.
In the last three years we have built an
exclusive audience of international site
selectors and C-level executives who
are actively expanding international
operations in the United States and
Canada on a frequent basis.
In 2018 we will continue to grow our
social media presence across all major
platforms to maximize our ability to connect economic developers with
international site selectors & investors.
As the publisher of FDI Alliance International, I feel truly blessed to have built
so many great long-term relationships, and feel very privileged to work with
so many great executives from around the world.
I would like to thank our creative director Gareth Julien, who has consistently
produced outstanding work, and has added significant value to this print and
digital platform.
FDI Alliance International would like to say a special thank you to every
organization, on a state and local level, that has continued to support us through
the years. This has helped us effectively expand within this industry sector.
2018 promises to be an exciting year. We will showcase the most lucrative
business locations in the United States and Canada. We will continue to
bridge the gap between economic development and international trade.
Courtney Margetson - CEO / Executive Publisher
Contributors: Special thank to:
Akia Ashmond - IEDC Michael Burton – Chatham-Kent, CA
Rodrick Miller - Ascendant Global, GA Karen Holt - Harford County, MD
Sid Voorakkara - Governor’s Office, CA Molly Howey - Topeka, KS
Staff: FDI Alliance International
Gareth Julien - Creative Director Print & Digital Offices in:
James Arnold - Director of Operations Florida - United States | London - United Kingdom
Kate Richards - Director of Research +1 813.389.3738
To diversify the regional trade area of Great Falls, Montana, the Great In addition, through its partnership with SelectUSA, GFDA marketed
Falls Development Authority, Inc. (GFDA), established the Great information to foreign manufacturers to help educate them on why
Falls Regional Manufacturing Partnership in 2012 to help boost the Great Falls trade region is a great place to do business. As of today,
manufacturing growth. GFDA is working with 53 identified foreign targets.
To ensure success, GFDA began by implementing a three-pronged As a result of the Great Falls Regional Manufacturing Partnership
approach: first they worked with existing manufacturers to help increase program, two new entrepreneurial manufacturing businesses have
their profitability, second they helped entrepreneurial manufacturing established themselves in the community, creating 43 jobs and
startups in the area expand, and third they executed a marketing plan attracting over $6 million in private investment. Three manufacturing
to attract new manufacturing businesses. companies have also expanded in the area. Montana Specialty Mills
broke ground on a $20 million processing plant in August, Pasta
To fully implement the strategy, GFDA needed additional funding and Montana just commissioned a $6.5 million expansion and Montana
reached out to EDA for assistance. Eggs just opened a new $9 million facility.
In January 2014, EDA awarded $200,000 Economic Adjustment “The EDA grant in support of our Manufacturing Partnership program
Assistance Program (PDF) grant to GFDA to match $200,000 in was a catalyst for our region,” said Jolene Schalper, Director of Business
local funds. With the funding in hand, GFDA was able to double its Development, Great Falls Development Authority. “With the EDA
manufacturing partnership efforts to cover an 11-county manufacturing funding, we were able to put the spotlight on why manufacturing in
hub in north-central Montana, cultivating an environment to grow our region makes business sense and we are thrilled to still be reaping
well-paying jobs in a variety of manufacturing sectors. the benefits of these efforts today!”
GFDA did this by meeting with more than 80 existing manufacturers in Contact:
the area to assess their potential, discuss opportunities and challenges, Brett Doney, CEcD, SLCR, AICP
and facilitate communications into shared potential opportunities.
GFDA also conducted an extensive outreach campaign to reach new President & CEO
manufacturer entrepreneurs. Great Falls Development
t: 406.750.2119
e: [email protected]
The FDI Connect app provides the latest A dedicated network for
technical data and location specific information inward Foreign Direct
from states and counties across North-America Investment.
and Canada.
It provides site selectors and
investors with a simple intuitive
interface to find location data fast.
The FDI-Connect website We provide marketing solutions for
promotes your location economic development agencies
through targeted marketing including video and digital documents.
to relevant teams.
We constantly promote location and industry news
An effective connecting chain of daily, through our network of digital and social
Location Data including Industry media channels alongside FDI Alliance International.
sector news, Quality of Life and
Demographic Information. If you’re interested in boosting the online presence
of your location on a global scale, contact us today
for a demo and inclusion in our January 2018 launch.
e: [email protected]
The Tortoise and the Hare:
Economic Competitiveness
in the Amazon Era
Throughout the United States of America, Canada that the local economy is optimally positioned for sustained investment and tends to run counter to
and Mexico, more than 230 communities crafted new industry investment. That is, communities the immediate wins that politicians and economic
their shiniest proposals extolling the strengths will shore up their long-term economic bases by developers need to maintain their popularity and
of their communities, offering robust incentive making strategic investments in core assets and positions. According to the Beacon Hill Institute’s
packages and promising an environment that infrastructure, implementing sound policies that adaptation of Harvard Business School Professor
offers incomparable talent and amenities in hopes facilitate business transactions and harnessing Roger Porter’s framework for competitiveness, key
of alluring Amazon’s second headquarters. The their existing corporate bases. Furthermore, by competitiveness indicators include:
project promises up to 50,000 new jobs with cultivating local talent, leveraging technology and
wages averaging around $100k/year, $5 billion in focusing on microeconomic indicators, communities Fiscal Policy – Are tax rates sensible and
capital investment, and oodles of tertiary impacts. can increase stability and increase employment, does the public sector demonstrate financial
In this economy of moderate sustained job growth private sector investment and wages. discipline?
without wage growth, the potential for this project
to transform and shift the long-term trajectory of Simply put, competitiveness is the mix of factors Security – Low crime and a lack of corruption;
its future home is undeniable. Politicians, business that impact the attractiveness of a market as a place
leaders and economic developers in communities for investment, corporate growth, and quality of Infrastructure – From the gamut of public
of all types face tremendous pressure to position life. Competitiveness is the foundation on which works, utilities, and logistics infrastructure
their cities to win this catalytic investment and have economies are built. To some extent, the concept of to real estate options, businesses need
responded by offering millions in tax abatements, competitiveness also captures a market’s ability to assurances that the physical public and private
discounted properties, workforce development pivot, rebound, and recover. Seemingly, communities infrastructure on which they rely functions
programs, and infrastructure investments. That everywhere would be focused on increasing their predictably and is appropriately maintained.
said, many still ponder; “Do all of these proposed competitive position given this frame, but most
incentives makes sense? Why should public tax fail to focus on this strategy for a host of reasons. HumanResources – Talent is arguably the most
dollars be spent to induce private investment? Chief among them, achieving competitiveness is a important factor in a community’s competitive
Is the attraction of one company really worth it? long-term commitment that often takes years to position as a healthy, industrious, innovative
Are there other things that communities can do to generate returns. It frequently requires costly and and well-trained workforce is the lynchpin
position themselves for private corporate growth?” that drives productivity and profitability for
These are important questions and many of the companies.
right ones to ask.
Technology –Thedevelopmentandapplication
Historically, local communities and, to some extent, of technology encompassing tech and innovation
the economic development industry have placed activity, and a critical mass of scientists and
an inordinate amount of emphasis on recruiting engineers in the marketplace is essential for
companies and leveraging incentives to spur economic development and market dynamism.
private investment. This article does not rebuff
the importance of incentives as deal-closing tools BusinessIncubation – Local startup and scale
nor does it argue that communities should not up activity in conjunction with the ability of a
aggressively seek external investment from new local ecosystem to support firms across the
companies. Rather, it posits that the more important plethora of needs including financing, real
work is for communities to grow their economy from estate, industry value chain, and other support
within leveraging local assets and a clear competitive services.
positionestablishedovertime. Thisapproachensures
Openness – Open economies are those that
have strong trade linkages, a high percentage
of foreign-born residents, and greater global
connectedness. This measure exposes a
market’s level of access by and reach to external
Environment – Environmental policy matters
to varying degrees by industry. States that
tend to be heavy-handed with their policies
inhibit growth of certain industries. In the
same vein, states that do too little to regulate
environmental issues ultimately suffer from
pollution and other challenges that significantly
lower their quality of life and limit the types of
companies they can effectively help start up,
incubate, recruit and grow.
Left to Right: Mayor Mitch Landrieu, Rodrick Miller, Mayor Dave Bing
These competitive components serve as the Incentives are specifically called out in the RFP and threshold returns on public dollars are met, public
foundation for regional and local economies and will be a major consideration in the site decision. benefits are ensured, and the project aligns with
represent the most secure way to ensure sustainable However, incentives cannot transform a community community economic development strategies. As
steady economic growth. that, historically, has not made smart investment and the global economy continues to transition, there
policy decisions into a formidable contender for this will be a flurry of M&A activity, corporate expansions
Returning to Amazon—the announced expansion investment. Experience shows that communities and failures, and tremendous opportunities for
and request for proposals shows substantive must first vie for projects based on their respective communities to compete for and build new industries.
alignment with thecompetitivenessframework. competitive positions, while incentives tend to serve When projects such as Amazon’s emerge, it’s worth it
as a differentiator amongst top candidates. By to fight and put your best options forward; however,
They prefer: design, incentives serve the purpose of offsetting the biggest winners will be those communities that
competitive disadvantages communities face. As have invested in their competitiveness over time.
Metropolitan areas with more than one million communities make the needed strategic investments, As the saying goes, “slow and steady wins the race.”
people; quality of life improvements, and policy decisions new
investment projects should require less inducement Rodrick Miller
A stable and business-friendly environment; over time. Furthermore, these decisions should
yield greater native productivity, innovation, and President & CEO
Urban or suburban locations with the potential investment.
to attract and retain strong technical talent; and Ascendant Global Consulting
So, do all of these proposed incentives makes (202) 888-1763
Communities that think big and creatively when sense? Why should public tax dollars be spent to [email protected]
considering locations and real estate options induce private investment? Is the attraction of one www.ascendantgc.com
company really worth it? Are there other things
They also prefer a site location within 30 miles that communities can do to position themselves
of the population center, within 45 minutes of an for private corporate growth? Incentives are a
international airport, not more than 1-2 miles from vital part of proposals to lure the most attractive
major highways and arterial roads, and access to ventures to communities. Projects such as Amazon’s
mass transit at site. Amazon lists the drivers of their second headquarters are rare and yield extraordinary
decision as: site/building, capital and operating costs, benefits. These benefits include all manner of market
labor force, logistics, time to operations, cultural growth including an influx of talent; professional
community fit and community/quality of life. One growth opportunities; high wage jobs; increased
need not do much analysis to recognize that these procurement opportunities for regional firms; and
are variations on or subsets of key competitiveness expansion of the local tax base, to name several. It
factors. is absolutely appropriate for public tax dollars to be
spent to induce private investment provided that
More than 170 communities and 188 organizations across North America
celebrated Economic Development Week
with a variety of great campaigns from May 8-13.
The goal of Economic Development Week (EDW) is to highlight the significant contributions and impacts that
economic development and economic developers have on communities. Economic development is a set of
programs and policies that aid in the creation, retention and expansion of jobs; the development of a stable tax
base; and the enhancement of wealth.
This year, campaign activities ranged from open house events, ribbon cuttings for new businesses, special lectures
and speaker series, social media posts, promotional videos and proclamations recognizing the event.
Three U.S. governors signed proclamations recognizing EDW across their states. These included Governor John
Hickenlooper of Colorado, Governor Greg Abbot of Texas and Governor Matt Mead of Wyoming. Principal Chief
Bill John Baker of Cherokee Nation also signed a resolution. In addition, dozens of cities, counties, parishes and
provinces signed proclamations across the U.S. and Canada. Mayor Bob Buckhorn of City of Tampa, FL, Mayor
Byron W. Brown of Buffalo, NY and Mayor Gale Katchur of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta are a sample that signed
city resolutions.
Many campaigns centered around educating community members about the benefits and successes of economic
development. Videos and photos from several communities were posted to social media outlets showing
successful development sites and initiatives. Op-Eds were placed in many local news outlets, and press coverage
was earned at some events.
Now that EDW is over, communities who participated are encouraged to enter for an Innovation in Economic
Development Award, where standout campaigns will be recognized. Those interested in submitting must
postmark their entry by June 2. The awards will be presented at IEDC 2017 Annual Conference from September
17-20 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
IEDC is excited to announce that Economic Development Week will return in 2018, from May 7-12.
Aika Ashmond Brew
Senior Director, Marketing and Digital Community Engagement
International Economic Development Council
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as the global economy has developed,
the United States must actively compete to
retain and attract new FOREIGN investment
1 23
• SERVICES INCLUDE effective design and marketing solutions in a range of
make the best possible impression and showcase
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POSTER DESIGNS FOR conferences and local communities
advertorial design for trade journals and magazines
video and infomercial production
contact our team for a free consultation DIGITAL MARKETING AND PRINT MEDIA FOR
and see how we can boost awareness of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES
your state in 2018.
[email protected]
President | Joplin Regional Partnership | [email protected]
Rob O’Brian is the President of the Joplin
Area Chamber of Commerce, where he
has focused on economic and community
development for 21 years. Rob is well
respected statewide as a visionary and
a leader with enormous economic
development success. Rob is known to
bring big results to small and medium-
sized markets that are mixed with rural
and urban geographies.
Since the May 22, 2011 tornado that “Manufacturing, industrial maintenance. Many companies use Joplin as a distribution
devastated one-third of Joplin, O’Brian People can operate the machines, people point because of its central location in the
has been at the forefront of the recovery in engineering and the medical sector, US and because of interstate, rail and air
efforts by amassing resources for the obviously. There’s a lot of med tech type access. “Depending on where you are in
business community to ensure that of positions.” the region, there are two or three airports
businesses can rebuild and thrive in the within an hours drive.”
community. The City of Joplin is in southwestern
Missouri, near the borders of both Kansas Our Purpose: Preserve and improve the
and Oklahoma. “There are a couple things economic prosperity of the Joplin Region.
we’re pretty excited about,” says Rob
O’Brian, president of the Joplin Area
Chamber of Commerce. “One of them is
the growth going on in our food processing
One year after an EF-5 tornado ravaged the
city of Joplin, business there is booming.
The May 22nd storm destroyed or severly
damages 531 businesses, affecting nearly
4,500-5,000 jobs. Today, 485 of those
businesses have reopened and about 3,000
people are back on the job. It only took a
year for Joplin’s business community to
triumph over the storm.
The speed of the recovery is not the most DEF, LLC. is building a new frozen food For more on the Joplin region, see our website
remarkable feat for the community— production facility, which O’Brian says is at:
what makes Joplin exceptional is the an investment of roughly $45 million that
commitment businesses made to continue will create 200 jobs initially and “grow to www.joplinregionalpartnership.com
to operate and pay their employees even about 400 jobs in five years.” The plant is or call Kevin Welch at 417.624.4150
before the community took the first expected to open in early 2018.
agonizing steps toward recovery. email direct at:
[email protected]
Unemployment in the Joplin area is Heartland Pet Food is increasing the size of
around 4 percent. That’s what Joplin Area their two-year-old plant by about 112,000
Chamber of Commerce President Rob square feet, O’Brian says, which will add
O’Brian believes that even with that low nearly 50 new jobs. “So with both human
unemployment rate there are still places and animal food, we continue to see
where local employers can’t find the help growth in the area.”
they need.
Today, California is the 6th largest economy Tax Credit program provides a credit against become household names and products
in the world and continues to lead the nation current and future tax liability based on known around the world, but also in sectors
in several key metrics, including: job growth, a company’s projected net new jobs and as diverse as manufacturing and agriculture.
foreign direct investments and venture capital capital investments in each year over a five Right now, companies, government and
deals. In addition, California has the largest year period. Since 2014, GO-Biz has allocated academia are working together to develop
corporate tax credit program in the country, $555.3 million to 775 companies projected to new technologies that reduce water or energy
the largest film credit, the largest tourism create 77,178 new jobs and make $14.5 billion consumption from irrigation equipment to
marketing budget and was the first state in new investments. There are no restrictions zero emission vehicle production. This triple
to offer online applications for business on the size of companies or the geographic helix model of collaboration is taking place
incentives. Moreover, Governor Brown’s location where they intend to do business. through the GO-Biz led iHubs that act as
climate action and sustainability goals are Additionally, the program sets aside 25% of incubators for entrepreneurs and innovators
spurring innovation in emerging technologies available credits in a fiscal year for companies looking for supports that will lead them from
that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions with revenue under $2 million during the base idea to commercialization. The iHubs present
and energy consumption while laying the tax year of when they apply for the credit. an opportunity for those inside and out of
foundation for California’s ‘green’ economy. California to align their interests with a broad
For investors or businesses abroad, the GO-Biz set of stakeholders in a specific region to meet
Leading California’s activities to encourage International Affairs unit oversees activities shared objectives.
private sector attraction and expansion is the related to the Governor’s international
Governor’s Office of Business and Economic business and trade investment MOUs. These are only a snapshot of the opportunities
Development (GO-Biz). GO-Biz is the one-stop These MOUs provide the framework for and resources that California has to offer. When
shop for investors, businesses, site selection bilateral cooperation ensuring businesses, combining California’s economic development
consultants and all economic development investors, researchers and educators incentives, broad reach on a global scale, and
stakeholders interested in accessing resources have the resources and contacts they may culture of innovation with California’s top
or learning more about financing opportunities need to build partnerships that will lead to ranked colleges and universities, which attract
and incentives in California. economic opportunities. As mentioned above, the highest performing students around the
California remains the number one state for world and are cultivating early stage research
The list of services offered at GO-Biz attracting foreign direct investments and as and development, it is hard to find a place
ranges from navigating federal, state and of 2016, internationally based companies better prepared and equipped to meet the
local incentives and permit requirements; employed 561,000 California workers and demands of an evolving market place.
connecting foreign investors with California were responsible for 4.6 percent of the state’s
projects; overseeing the state’s 14 Innovation total private-industry workforce. Sid Voorakkara
Hubs (iHubs); and managing the state’s highly
successful California Competes Tax Credit When talking about the California story Deputy Director, External Affairs
program. most people immediately think about Governor’s Office of Business and
What is the California Competes Tax Credit California’s culture of innovation. But that Economic Development
Program? For businesses planning, job growth spirit of innovation is not just found among 1325 J Street, Suite 1800
and investment, the California Competes the California based companies that have Sacramento, CA 95814
t: 916.680.0837
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951.413.3460 | www.morenovalleybusiness.com | FeDdI AtLeLaIAmNC@E |mDoECvEaMBl.EoRrIgSSUE 2017 17
speaks to
Ronny Walker
City of Ruston - Louisiana
What companies and target industries do you aim to What strategies do you have in place to better the city
attract in the City of Ruston Louisiana? of Ruston in the next 3 years?
While we are open and accepting to most industries, the City By an overwhelming majority, the citizens of Ruston voted in favor
of Ruston is extremely interested in advanced manufacturing of the Moving Ruston Forward (MRF) initiative in April 2016.
and technology based industries. As the home of Louisiana Tech The initiative added a ¾ cent sales tax for the next 20 years for
University, a top tier research university, Ruston has access to the infrastructure improvements throughout the city. MRF will raise
expertise Louisiana Tech University can provide to these growing over $150 million for water, sewer, and road work. This funding will
industries. Thanks to Louisiana Tech University, Ruston has the also build a new animal shelter and a $35 million Regional Sports
ability to develop, attract, and retain intellectual capital. Due to our Complex capable of hosting five different tournaments at once
location on a major Interstate running from Dallas to Atlanta, Ruston including baseball, girls softball, adult softball, soccer, and tennis.
is interested in exploring opportunities in logistics and distribution.
Ruston is also becoming a healthcare hub for our area, which is In addition to Moving Ruston Forward, the City of Ruston is working
extremely beneficial for our local residents. diligently with our local educational institutions – Louisiana Tech
University, Grambling State University, Delta Community College –
Ruston Campus, and the New Tech Program at Ruston High School.
Our goal is to partner to build the Louisiana Center for Advanced
Manufacturing and Innovation Campus here in Ruston.
Where do you currently see most of the foreign
direct investment in your region?
Typically in the Shreveport/Bossier City area, which is the most
populated area of our region. However, the City of Ruston has
plenty of assets that would make it a wonderful place for foreign
investment. We have two foreign-owned manufacturing facilities in
the Ruston area now.
What makes the City of Ruston a perfect place in
Louisiana for international and domestic trade?
The City of Ruston is located at the intersection of Interstate 20 What has been the best acquirement in your
running east/west and Highway 167 running north/south. Ruston has community in the last 12 - 24 months?
Kansas City Southern (KCS) rail line running through the heart of the What positive impact did it have on your community?
City. KCS also runs to our industrial park, which offers the opportunity
for the addition of a rail spur to assist in future industrial development. In 2015, the City of Ruston announced the successful recruitment
The City of Ruston has a 150 acre site in the industrial park that of Monster Moto. Through partnership with Louisiana Tech
is adjacent to this rail line and 1.4 miles from Interstate 20. Ruston University, Lincoln Economic Development Council, and a local
also has a Regional Airport with a 5,000 foot runway. The airport is private developer, the City was able to win the project that involved
currently going through the necessary actions to expand this to a 6,000 moving their headquarters and manufacturing operation to Ruston,
foot runway to allow for larger aircraft, which should be complete by Louisiana from China.
2020. The City of Ruston installed a 30-mile fiber network around the
City providing 10 Gbps for our local businesses. The Monster Moto facility was completed in June 2016. Monster
Moto executives continue to expand their presence into national
In addition to our great location and infrastructure, Ruston has a online markets such as Home Depot, Walmart, Bass Pro Shop, Toys
wonderful quality of life. Ruston and Lincoln Parish (County) are R Us, and Sears. Even prior to opening their US facility, Monster
home to a number of assets: Squire Creek Country Club, an 18- Moto has been recognized for their quality products and on-
hole world class golf course; Lincoln Parish Park which includes a shoring investment, including being awarded the 2016 Corporate
lake, beaches, walking trails, and renowned mountain biking trails; Investment & Community Impact (CiCi) Award.
a number of museums and art galleries; collegiate sports; and the
Louisiana Peach Festival which is longest running agricultural festival
in the state.
Briefly outline your best incentive program for new
businesses relocating to Ruston LA?
Ruston does not have a list of standardized incentives, which allows Recruiting Monster Moto has meant so much to the Ruston
us to be somewhat flexible in our offerings. Ruston leadership will community for a number of reasons: 1) this project is the first new
honor the incentives offered by Louisiana Economic Development manufacturing facility to locate in Ruston in a number of years, 2)
but determines local incentives based upon the needs of the the company manufactures a unique product that continues to bring
company. Examples of some incentives offered in the past include a great deal of positive publicity to the region, and most importantly,
selling city owned property at a reduced price, partnering with a 3) the company provides quality jobs to many underemployed local
private developer to provide the required building and infrastructure, residents. This project was truly a team effort and is hopefully just
and creating a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district to assist the the beginning of many more great economic development wins for
developer with infrastructure improvements. the Ruston community.
How important is it to expand and retain the Kristi M. Lumpkin
current businesses in your community?
Economic Development Administrator
Expanding and retaining our existing industry is extremely important City of Ruston
to Ruston leadership. Our Economic Developer visits with our top P.O. Box 2069
economic drivers on a regular basis to see if there are any needs,
any barriers to growth, or any expansion opportunities. The City Ruston, LA 71273
also works very closely with the Louisiana Economic Development t: 318.251.8643
Business Expansion and Retention Group whose sole mission is to e: [email protected]
assist existing business and industry. www.ruston.org
Chatham-Kent - one-stop investing
in the heart of North America
Prashant S. Pathak, CEO Ekagrata Inc
What FDI professionals Chatham-Kent’s charming communities provide affordable housing and an excellent quality of life
say about Chatham-Kent
“It’s a great community - we love the customer relationship management business “There were existing capabilities and expertise,
community!, ”says Prashant Pathak, there, expanded it, and sold it to a European both in terms of assets and in terms of people,
speaking of the Municipality of Chatham- group. At that point, Pathak was sold on the that were resident in the municipality in two
Kent in the very southernmost part of the virtues of Chatham-Kent. He and his partners areas that are a priority for us. The first one is
Canadian Province of Ontario. If you are an now have five name-brand investments there, food and agriculture, and related processing.
investor looking for profitable opportunities and he’s looking for more opportunities, The second area is in regards to manufacturing.
in the very heart of North America, and that’s particularly in food and agriculture, related In both, Chatham-Kent has expertise, assets
where Chatham-Kent is, you might expect that processing, and manufacturing, particularly and plants that are either available or can be
Pathak is a mayor or an economic development of machine and automotive parts. re-purposed.”
director just having an emotional moment
about his hometown, but that’s not the case. Pathak explains, “You need to keep in mind Pathak was also sold on Chatham-Kent’s
that this entire tract of southwestern Ontario charming communities, fertile farmland, great
Prashant Pathak is CEO of Ekagrata Inc. and is very close to the United States of America. lakes and greenery as a home for employees:
an international venture capitalist based in It’s a huge appeal for an investor that you “What we realized is that, for the people, it
Toronto, Canada’s financial hub. He is involved are extremely close to the US economy, and allows for a very good quality of life both in
in major ventures worldwide for Ekagrata especially if you are a foreign investor, some terms of affordability - what they can buy in
and often in partnership with his Indian and of whom we are working with - our Indian and terms of housing and homes, access to health
Chinese partners. His comments are heartfelt, our Chinese partners - to locate in Canada, care, access to retail and related services -
but he also has practical business reasons for benefit from the cost base and still have the and the natural surroundings. That was an
his regard for the Municipality of Chatham- US market within spitting distance, if I may important thing - we provide a very good
Kent. A decade ago, Pathak invested in a use that phrase. HR package.
Michael Krinner, President and CEO, Krinner Schraubfundamente GmbH Krinner Canada Inc. is an international hub for
ground screw and solar array components
“We’ve adopted it,” says Pathak of Chatham- in El Salvador in Central America and also in prosperity. Plant supervisors and workers
Kent. “We employ several hundred people Chile in South America,” he says. share tools and tasks. It has been described
there. We treat it like a home. Very, very much as a “family” environment, both at work and
we treat the community like a home!” Krinner says of the parent company, “After all in local society.
the construction applications, we started to
Pathak is one of a substantial group of foreign produce the components for solar projects, Michael Krinner says, “What was very
and domestic investors who are happy which is a big part of our business right now. important for us, since we were a company
to promote Chatham-Kent worldwide. A The project for which we are supplying the out of Germany without any big experience
few years ago, Michael Krinner, President ground screw and some parts out of Chatham- in Canada, was the support we got from the
& CEO of the German company Krinner Kent now is in Abu Dhabi… at the moment it’s local community in helping us to set up this new
Schraubfundamente GmbH, was looking to the largest solar project worldwide.” entity. Without experience in the Canadian
expand sales and service of the company’s market, for us it was important to set up in
innovative ground screw technology. The Certainly, Chatham-Kent has a fine set of a quite short time frame, setting up the legal
technology works just like it sounds, large geographical and economic advantages entity and the supply chain, and also finding
screws drilled into the ground that take the that put it in the running to begin with. So good reliable people.”
place of traditional foundations for structures, how did Michael Krinner progress from
while making a minimal impact on the site. touring southern Ontario with three or four Krinner says the final decision was clinched
sites in mind to running an international by the assistance of Chatham-Kent Economic
“First, we wanted to find a hub for the manufacturing, sales and service operation out Development Services, financial incentives
northeastern region of North America,” says of Chatham-Kent? What made the difference? from government, and the direct involvement
Krinner. “We investigated the Canadian of “…the Mayor who promoted us and really
market. After analysing the Canadian market in “The final decision,” says Krinner, “at least from wanted to support us in setting up our plant
general, we soon looked at southern Ontario, my perspective... always depends on the people in Chatham-Kent. I think that was a big piece
from our point of view economically the most you’re doing business with.” in our deciding to move to Chatham-Kent, as
important market for our product,” he says, well as some companies we talked to that were
adding, “We did a quite extensive tour and we Speaking of community support, Michael already in the community. We asked them for
broke it down to three or four names.” Krinner and Prashant Pathak agree that their feedback about their experiences and
Chatham-Kent offers a progressive, proactive we got some good feedback. So, that was also
Krinner’s final choice was Chatham-Kent, approach that attracts and greatly facilitates an indicator.”
where Krinner Canada Inc. is now the the business of new investors. The Mayor
Canadian hub for an expanding ground screw provides fast, hands-on assistance. The Prashant Pathak agrees: “They have a level
sales and service operation. “We’re starting to Economic Development Services office offers of development where they are comfortable
export our products to other regions and we’re one-stop shopping in accessing assistance from putting skin in the game, which makes the
doing that out of Chatham-Kent,” says Krinner. government at all levels. Other companies in investors and the owners comfortable. It’s a
“We’re exporting a lot into the USA, especially. the community welcome new companies progressive mindset.”
Outside Canada, we also have some projects for the sake of the economy and their own
Michael F. Burton, Director of Investor Attraction and Government Relations (L)
and Randy R. Hope, Mayor & CEO (R), provide one-stop community support for foreign direct investors
Randy R. Hope “I am also on the boards of directors of mutual respect, sincerity and a necessary basis
the electric and water utilities. I am always for proceeding with productive negotiations
Mayor & CEO available to any investors who contact us - between the communities, their leaders and
of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent before they arrive, when they do establish a their business people. Having a well-informed,
presence, and after they’re in business. If they actively involved Mayor is a huge asset!
“We want to attract companies that are have a problem, I will try to solve that problem
going to succeed,” says Chatham-Kent to the best of my ability. We know the support “The ongoing involvement of the Mayor can
Mayor Randy Hope, “and I, our Municipal of the community is critical for investors, and open doors, solve a multi-jurisdiction problem,
Council and municipal services, our Economic we will provide it.” or cement an agreement, depending on the
Development Services team, our business needs of the particular investor. I believe my
community and our workers will do everything Michael F. Burton job is to work with our Mayor to reach out
possible to make that occur. I believe it’s my to investors, demonstrate our community’s
job and responsibility to smooth the way for Director of Investment Attraction interest, help them fully explore Chatham-
these investors throughout the time that they and Government Relations Kent’s business potential, assist in setting up
are establishing themselves in Chatham-Kent. their business, and support that business on
“I am the Mayor and CEO of what we call “The involvement and support of the an ongoing basis.
a single-tier municipality, which means our community is critical for investors, especially
Municipal Council can effectively support for offshore investors,” says Michael Burton, “The influence of the economic development
economic development matters. I meet Chatham-Kent’s Director of Investment team somewhat depends on the geographic
regularly with local business groups, and our Attraction and Government Relations. origin of the investing company. US and
community supports information and training “Especially to many Asian investors, the early Canadian companies require less data support
programs for businesses and employees. We introduction of political leaders demonstrates
can and do work with the Province of Ontario
and the federal government as needed.
than offshore investors. In some cases, because
of their need for absolute confidentiality,
some companies will not share any details of
the investment locally, but that approach is
generally the exception.
“In most cases, a local economic development
director is asked to provide information that
will support a decision to invest in a particular
location. When comparing sites, investors
must consider data on labour force and
recruitment, land and building availability,
supply chain contacts, logistics, local and senior
government incentives, utility services and
costs. The local economic development office
is the best option to gather this information
and still maintain confidentiality.
“Off-shore investors generally require “When we say ‘one-stop shop’, we really mean it.” says Michael Burton, Chatham-Kent’s Director of
additional support. This might include Investment Attraction and Government Relations.
introductions to banking resources, legal and
accounting resources, residential realtors, after an investment is made, is to ensure that direct financial support for the first six months
local ethnic community leaders and local investors take advantage of any government that will assist the hiring of those employees
companies from their homeland. Winning incentives available from the federal and and the training of them. We are a rural area
the investments of offshore investors often provincial levels, and locally as well, because and so you tend to get more stability in your
depends on the degree of attention the we also have local incentives. This can save employee base. That’s just the nature of people
economic development team gives to these the investor money, or provide grants for the in a rural area. They’re not afraid of work.
additional needs. initial investment and expansion. It’s all driven
by the number of jobs. In some cases, if it’s “At three billion dollars, agribusiness is our
“Response time to requests for information an innovative venture, it’s much easier to get largest sector. We have a mild climate, some
is another critical element. In a competition investment support. Clients often don’t know of the world’s best farmland, and an extensive
among communities for investment, investors what incentives are available and it’s a huge system of hi-tech greenhouses. If it grows
can view response time as showing a particular amount of work to find out if you don’t know in Canada, we can grow it here. Currently,
community’s interest and degree of support where to look. we have more than 70 different products.
it will provide. They are putting their capital Food processors should know that within a
and future operations on the line, and so their “We will financially support grant and loan six-hour drive, in Canada and the USA, we
sensitivity is understandable. As economic applications to government. We get actively have something in the range of one hundred
development professionals, we must provide involved in that process. We also support and twenty-five million consumers. We’re in an
them with timely, accurate responses. existing and new businesses if they want to excellent position for both the supply chain and
get into new markets with financial support logistics of food processors, with good road
“When we say ‘one-stop shop’, we really mean to attend trade shows and promote their new and rail connections, seven entry points into
it, and I believe we’re unique in this. We provide activities. Some of these services are unique the USA, and direct connections to the most
investors with a one-stop shop for all levels to us. populated part of Canada. We also have a
of government. A foreign investor is usually network of skilled employees in this industry.
not familiar with all the resources available or “We will work with a new venture to ensure
challenges involved. In Chatham-Kent, if an it finds the kind of employee base and “The next largest sector is advanced
investor has an urgent question or a problem training needed to run the operation. There manufacturing. Chatham-Kent is home to
to solve, you call one person at Chatham-Kent are employee skills training programs and more than 180 manufacturers, many in the
Economic Development Services. That person incentives available to assist a new employer automotive industry, and over 6,000 skilled
won’t refer you to some other office. That and, in the case of unskilled workers, we have technical employees. Our industries are
person will get the answer and deliver it to
you. An investor needs to focus on establishing
his or her business, and not be running around
various levels of government to get answers.
“I think a key function we do, both before and
recognized around the world as innovators
and problem-solvers, and some have a multi-
national presence. We are grateful not only
that they have chosen Chatham-Kent as a base,
but also that many have chosen to work with
us to promote our community to the world.
“In terms of foreign direct investment, we are
focussed on attracting investment and new
ventures from the United States, Europe and
Asia. The support of locally-based companies,
with their solid reputations and experiences
in Chatham-Kent, are critically important
in promoting Chatham-Kent. We will be
focussing not only on investors themselves
through business contacts, trade shows
and other promotions, but we will also be
approaching the professional site selectors
they employ to recommend a suitable location
for expansion. We’re confident we can make
an excellent case for Chatham-Kent.”
Local companies are
glad to help
Just as global companies that have come to “When these big manufacturers come in, I Larry Delaey, President & CEO, AarKel Tool & Die)
Chatham-Kent are glad to promote the area, think they will find that they’re going to get
so are local companies, including some that support directly from the economic team, For all your one-stop investing needs,
have gone global. As one of Chatham-Kent’s and companies like mine will support that… contact:
largest employers, in the local community of it brings people. It brings innovation. It brings InvestCK
Wallaceburg, the roots of AarKel Tool & Die technology. Economic Development Services
go back to 1977. Now featuring four separate 315 King Street,
business streams (diecast tooling, plastic “I was born and raised in Chatham-Kent… we P.O. Box 640
Injection tooling, lighting, and aluminium have a small-town mentality, but we have the Chatham, Ontario, Canada N7M 5K8
production/prototype tooling), AarKel has amenities, support and manufacturing facilities Telephone : 1.519.351.7700
grown with innovation within the automotive of the larger cities. What makes Chatham-Kent Toll free : 1.866.542.5994
industry. The company operates five plants better is, because of the small-town mentality, E-mail: [email protected]
with 250 highly skilled employees - three we share resources among all the companies.
facilities in Wallaceburg, one in Windsor, With AarKel being one of the largest tool shops
Ontario, and another in Mexico in North America - we’re probably in the top
ten and in Chatham-Kent we are the largest
The company also contracts engineering and - we can work with smaller shops almost like
design teams in India and China. The President they’re family.
& CEO of AarKel, Larry Delaey, says, “The
economic development team has been nothing “I do believe that when people makeinvestments
but fantastic in my support. Whether it’s been in Chatham-Kent, they won’t go wrong. There’s a
for government grants or if I was changing good skilled workforce here. By having further
something at Aarkel - there was something investment, it’ll continue to grow. It will continue
available for support. to bring other companies to Chatham-Kent.”
“We meet with the economic development
team. They assist us. The Mayor sat down
and assisted us on what we needed. That’s
what I think separates Chatham-Kent from
the larger cities. You have that direct contact
with the people you need to.
Dajcor Aluminum Ltd. is the leading Canadian
supplier of aluminum components and assemblies
Dajcor Aluminium
The expanded Truly Green greenhouse operation will use waste heat in production Dajcor Aluminum Ltd. is the leading Canadian
supplier of extruded, fabricated/machined
Chatham-Kent business voices and anodized aluminum components and
assemblies to various markets including
automotive, renewable energy, and
transportation. Dajcor is receiving $1 million
from the Province of Ontario’s Southwestern
Ontario Development Fund as it spends $10
million on new equipment that will allow it
to expand.
Truly Green offers us a lot in the way of great schools Mike Kilby, President, says, “Chatham-Kent
and great recreation opportunities. It also is unique in its location because we’re very
This greenhouse operation covers 22.5 is quite an affordable community to be part central on the corridor between Toronto
acres/9.1 hectares, with expansion underway of. Working with our friends at Chatham- and the USA Midwest and, with the North
for 80 acres/32.37 hectares of greenhouse Kent Economic Development Services, they American Free Trade Agreement, it’s just
production. It will be one of the first of its offered us some guidance and made some paperwork that needs to be done to move
kind in North America to utilize waste heat partnerships with the landowners here so goods across the border. Chatham-Kent
in production, which is planned to be piped that we could establish first steps in making Economic Development Services has been
in from Greenfield Global nearby. this project happen. This is a growing industry really instrumental in allowing us to participate
- the greenhouse industry - and we’re just as in different industry events and sharing
Greg Devries, President & CEO, says, “So why proud of this project being developed as we insights into different funding sources. Even
Chatham-Kent? Well Chatham-Kent’s our are of being part of this community.” the Mayor picks up the phone and sends me an
home. For agriculture, this is a hub of activity, e-mail about something that may be of interest
and for our business, it gives us a competitive based on what he knows about our company
advantage. It’s no secret that this community and some of the things that we do.
“People who grew up here, live here, and they
want to stay here, and they want to work here.
It’s a rural location, an agricultural location,
and so a lot of people here have necessary
skills that they’ve learned on the farm. So, they
know how to fix machinery. They know how to
fix a wagon. They’re mechanically inclined and
they already know how to use tools.”
“Chatham-Kent Economic Development has been highly, highly
supportive. Right when we invested in the business, within twenty
days we got a phone call and visits from the Mayor and his economic
development team. We’re very, very impressed with them. These areas,
they provide affordable housing, reliable utilities and a community
feeling. One of my favourite things I like to say is, ‘The vegetable stands…
they don’t have anybody manning them! It’s just a money box there!’
It’s a trust-based system, which in today’s world is pretty rare to find,
and I find that really, really valuable.”
Greenfield Global is the largest supplier of ethanol, industrial fuel and beverage
grade alcohols in Canada
Greenfield Global
Plant Manager Veselin Nikolov says, “As business grows, we’ve had Sinteris manufactures custom-engineered powder metal components
several expansions. We’ve continued to work with the Mayor’s Office and sub-assemblies
and Economic Development Services. Businesses require an extreme
amount of cooperation. Chatham-Kent is blessed with closeness to all of Sinteris
the transportation - railroads, highways - and open land, inexpensive
labour, a good source of natural gas, and water nearby. When you put
all those things together, it’s a very nice model to attract industry.
Also, for people who are here, it’s relatively easy to expand. We chose
Chatham-Kent because of the corn. Our plant runs four hundred acres
of corn every day, twenty-four seven. All the corn that’s around us
makes us be here today and for a good long time.”
Sinteris manufactures custom-engineered powder metal components
and sub-assemblies for the North American appliance, manufacturing
and auto parts industries.
Milo-FAIS- one of the largest cold storage and food processing facilities in southern Phil Goodwin, President, says, “Our local representatives at Economic
Ontario Development Services in Chatham-Kent have assisted us in many
ways, most of which, for us, are international marketing activities.
Milo-FAIS Our location in Blenheim, Ontario, has proximity to Highway 401, a
major thoroughfare. Really, we’re a few minutes from the highway.
Milo Food and Agricultural Infrastructure and Services, or Milo-FAIS for That makes our customers happier since they are very often paying for
short, provides engineering services for the food processing industry. freight, very often shipping product to Europe and Mexico. You know,
It is one of the largest cold storage and food processing facilities in we have about a third of the USA population within a day’s ride… it
southern Ontario. certainly makes it easier.
Geetu Pathak, CEO, says, “What we do here is basically provide “In terms of growth and expansion, land is relatively inexpensive in
engineering services for companies that are doing food processing. Chatham-Kent and certainly on our property we have quite a few
We really like the region because it produces eighty percent of Ontario’s acres available for expansion should the business need it, and that’s
produce. It is nearest in vicinity to the USA markets, so I find, in a way, something that we’re looking at.
this location supports the farm to the table concept.
“I really can’t say enough about the Chatham-Kenteconomicdevelopment
group. They work with businesses in the area. They’re very active in the
community, and they make a very strong effort to enhance your business,
and to enhance your location, and to promote Chatham-Kent.”
Facts at a glance -
Chatham-Kent, Ontario, Canada
BDM Group provides millwright and engineering
services to the agribusiness sector
BDM Group
BDM Group provides millwright and
engineering services to the agribusiness sector.
Jim Waters, President, says, “In our business,
we do work literally from the northern border
of South America all the way through Canada,
as far east as Halifax, Nova Scotia, and as far
west as Washington State and Alberta.
“There isn’t a place I would rather be. It is Geography
literally a five-minute drive for me in one
direction or a fifty-five-minute drive in another
direction and I’m in an airport and I’ve accessed
anywhere in the world. To get our product to
market, we couldn’t ask for a better location.
“Our biggest marketing challenge at BDM The Municipality of Chatham-Kent is located in the most southern part of Canada, beside the
Millwrights is not finding our next new United States of America border in the heart of North America:
customer. Our biggest marketing challenge
is getting our brand and what we do in front • population 102,042
of our next future employees. Here we have • area - 973 square miles or 2520 square kilometres
proximity to St. Clair College, which has a • rich productive farmland set between two freshwater Great Lakes
campus right here in town, and the University • 23 vibrant communities in close cooperation with two First Nations communities,
of Windsor and St. Clair College in Windsor,
Western University in London, and Lambton offering affordable living and great quality of life
College in Sarnia. Having proximity to them
has been a huge benefit to BDM Group. Excellent Access to USA and Canadian Markets
“Prior to moving here, I had maybe been to this • central to international air, road, rail, and shipping ports with strategic access to major
location two or three times in my life. Now that markets
I live here - I have a family here - I wouldn’t
trade it for anything. The cost of living here, as • 45 minutes from Detroit, Michigan
opposed to some of those more urban centres, • NAFTA Super Highway (Highway 401)
and the proximity to three lakes, a great city • three major and four minor USA border crossings
like Detroit, and a great city like Toronto… I • more than 25 million consumers within 400 kilometres
can’t imagine living anywhere else.” • Toronto to the east and Detroit to the west
Food Processing Cluster
• We Grow For The World
• rich soil, abundant fresh water, mild climate
• 2,100 innovative producers
• a growing, progressive greenhouse sector with more than $120
million invested in expansion in the past four years
• more than 70 crop varieties
• the world’s largest freshwater commercial fishing port
• food processing and logistical enterprises
• applied research - modern, highly complex and internationally
• agribusiness is a $3 billion economic driver
Agribusiness is a $3 billion economic driver in Chatham-Kent
Advanced Manufacturing Cluster • 180 manufacturers and over 6,000 skilled and technical
• within six hours of 23 OEM assembly plants
• we supply performance-critical components to manufacturers
in the automotive, oil and gas, and chemical sectors
• precision moulds, tools and dies, jigs, fixtures, piece parts and
• integrated custom metal fabrication, advanced robotics, and
computerised control systems (PLC)
• processing exotic materials with intricate precision and
exceptional quality
• companies from around the globe - Autoliv (Sweden),
Continental Tire (Germany), Rulmeca (Italy), Barry Callebaut
(Switzerland), Krinner (Germany), Mahle (Germany), ConAgra
Foods (USA), Martinrea (Canada), Dana (USA), MSSC (Japan),
Union Gas Limited (Canada), KSR International Co. (Canada),
AarKel Tool & Die Inc. (Canada) and Pioneer (USA)
180 manufacturers are based in Chatham-Kent
Skilled Workforce • a skilled workforce in agribusiness, manufacturing and
support services
Chatham-Kent offers a skilled workforce in agribusiness,
manufacturing and support services • the Chatham-Kent Workforce Planning Board works with
business and industry to attract, train and retrain workers
with in-demand skills
• government social programs support training and retraining
• located in Chatham-Kent, the University of Guelph
Ridgetown Campus is a leader in applied agriculture, animal
science, and environmental research
• the St. Clair College Chatham Campus operates a first-rate
Trades and Technology Centre and a newly announced
national powerline training centre
• Lambton College (Sarnia) is a nearby training and education
• the University of Windsor and Western University (London)
conduct renowned educational and applied research
Tax Relief and Incentives
• Chatham-Kent is named the second “Most Affordable Place to
Do Business in Canada” and is among the top 25 overall in the
2016 ranking of Canada’s Best Places for Business by Canadian
Business and PROFITwhich measures 20 indicators of cost,
market trends and business friendliness
• prolonged, sustained savings in a low-cost business operating
• lower land costs, affordable building costs, decreased costs on
new construction, and inexpensive labour
• geographic location serving both the Canadian and USA markets
• current foreign exchange rate makes labour very competitive, an
average cost advantage of 20% over 20 years and approximately
30% at the moment
• a wide range of local, provincial, and federal incentive programs • brownfield and employment incentives, agriculture and
• local incentives include the Employment Community • processing grants and loans, Community Improvement Plans
Improvement Plan – a maximum grant of 80% of the annual • subsidies for capital equipment purchases, leasehold
• tax increment up to 10 years for projects over 5,000 square improvements, training costs and job creation
• feet/465 square metres in size InvestCanada and InvestOntario provide significant incentives
the Chatham-Kent Market Expansion Fund assists with costs to manufacturers for large-scale investments through the Jobs
of attending trade shows for CK Brand Ambassadors Prosperity Fund and the Automotive Innovation Fund
the Employment Placement Program for Employers supports
employee recruitment and screening, up to $4,500 in training • Ontario’s combined federal/provincial corporate tax rate is
lower than the USA federal/state average
funding per hire, and Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
• since 2010, the general corporate tax rate has dropped 5.5
coverage for six months points to 26.5% - for manufacturing, the rate drops to 25%
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Bloomfield BusMinesAMs PHAarLkHELE
For all your one-stop investing needs,
The Bloomfield Business Park at Bloomfield Road and Highway 401 is Chatham-Kent’s newest contact:
industrial park. It consists of 100 acres/40 hectares of prestige industrial land with visibility InvestCK
on NAFTA Highway 401. Sites are already serviced with municipal water, sanitary and storm Economic Development Services
sewers, three-phase electrical, natural gas and fibre cable. The price is $50,000 CDN/acre 315 King Street,
or $123,552 CDN/hectare, however value pricing is available for larger acreage purchases. P.O. Box 640
Chatham, Ontario, Canada N7M 5K8
A western parcel of 32.48 acres/13.14 hectares and an eastern parcel of 19.42 acres/7.85 Telephone : 1.519.351.7700
hectares have recently been certified as pre-qualified industrial properties, fully serviced and Toll free : 1.866.542.5994
free of major development constraints, under the Ontario Certified Site Program. E-mail: [email protected]
Keep company with great companies in Chatham-Kent’s Bloomfield Business Park!
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“Topeka, Kansas
INFLUENTIAL Topeka is a vibrant capital city filled with
ECONOMIC friendly people, an affordable cost of living,
DEVELOPER and access to excellent education programs.
Short commutes allow for residents to work
within their desired fields while pursuing their
favorite leisure activities in their down time. Most
residents of Topeka would agree: the capital
city is a wonderful place to live, work, and play.
Securing Topeka’s future as a desirable place to raise families,
start a business, or simply enjoy visiting, community leaders began
working on a development strategy known as Momentum 2022.
Momentum 2022 is a four-phase research and strategic planning
process that included community engagement, regional
scorecards and competitive assessment, developing holistic
economic development strategy and finally, implementation
all to be completed within a five year span.
Phase one of the strategic planning process was community
engagement. This phase involved reaching out to as many
regional stakeholders as possible through an online survey,
individual interviews, and focus groups and informed the
subsequent phases of the process.
Molly Howey
Senior Vice President of Economic
Development for GO Topeka and the
Greater Topeka Partnership.
Archways were added to Downtown Topeka, Kansas during recent streetscape renovations.
The second phase evaluated Topeka and Shawnee County’s competitiveness Downtown Topeka, Kansas is home to the Kansas Statehouse
as a place to live, work, and do business. It involves an examination of common and vibrant business and commerce activity.
metrics that influence how external audiences perceive the community via a
set of scorecards that provide a concise narrative of the region’s opportunities Notable Topekans - Pictured here is Ichabod Washburn,
and the challenges it will face as it seeks to become a more prosperous, namesake and benefactor of Washburn University, a
successful place and increase quality of life for all its residents. municipal university in Topeka, Kansas.
The holistic economic development strategy brings together the findings and Nine pocket parks in Downtown Topeka, Kansas, add to the
strategic implications from the first two phases. It will guide the community’s atmosphere of vibrant creativity within the community.
actions in the next five years. Examples of best practice programs, policies,
and initiatives from communities around the country will be included when Questions regarding
relevant and appropriate to help inform strategic recommendations and their Topeka and its plan for
subsequent implementation. economic development can
Finally, the fourth phase is implementation. For each of the strategic be directed to:
recommendations, the implementation plan will identify leaders, partners,
costs, a timeline, and metrics for measuring the success of the implementation. Molly at
The framework for implementing the process includes five specific goals: [email protected]
develop homegrown talent, create vibrant and attractive places, grow a diverse
economy, promote a positive image, and collaborate for a strong community. or
More specifically, developing homegrown talent includes aligning the “talent 785-234-2644
pipeline” already existing in Topeka and Shawnee County, ensuring that all
children in the area are ready for kindergarten, preparing students for college
and careers and expanding education for adults.
Creating vibrant and attractive places includes optimizing tools and programs
to improve quality of place, developing a dynamic regional core, and investing
in infrastructure that promotes quality of place.
Growing a diverse economy by enhancing the entrepreneurial ecosystem,
maintaining a best-practice economic development program, and pursuing
policies that support holistic economic development.
Promoting a positive image by aligning marketing messages to boost efficiency
and impact while projecting a positive image to residents and outside talent.
Finally, collaborating for a strong community by fostering and promoting a
diverse and inclusive Topeka and Shawnee County and encouraging healthy,
safe, and engaged communities.
To accomplish these goals, strategic objectives will be implemented by
committees comprised of community members committed to the growth
and success of Topeka. A great deal of work is already underway in Topeka
and Shawnee County related to many of the goal areas, objectives, and
recommendations in the framework of Momentum 2022, but more can always
be done with additional resources, committed leadership, and a spirit of
cooperation. The ultimate goal is to effectively incorporate existing, enhanced,
and new activities under a coordinated implementation framework.
Though this plan has been in motion for several months, the implementation
phase will officially begin in January of 2018. To guarantee its success, the
citizens of Topeka have come together to thoughtfully, innovatively, and
aggressively put action into the goals set forth in Momentum 2022.
Kentucky is an East South Central state Foreign Direct Investment in Kentucky and materials to a massive industrial and
bordered by Ohio and Indiana to the north, includes nearly 500 facilities that employ consumer market. Kentucky’s borders are
West Virginia and Virginia to the east, almost 100,000 people. Kentucky’s low within 600 miles of over 65 percent of the
Tennessee to the south, and Illinois and business costs, robust shipping and nation’s population, personal income and
Missouri to the west. The Ohio River runs logistics options, a dedicated workforce manufacturing business establishments.
along the state’s northern border. Kentucky’s and a network of state and local economic That helps when you have to move
land stretches from the Appalachian development experts and resources product, meet with a customer or close
Mountains on the east to the Mississippi make it the clear choice for foreign direct a sale.Kentucky ranks 3rd in the nation in
River on the west. investment. Kentucky’s international offices total air cargo shipments. That is because
and available assistance are valuable assets Kentucky business is served by not one
Although considered a Southern state, for international companies looking to but two international airports plus major
Kentucky is a mixture of the Midwest and expand in the United States. shipping hubs, giving companies a leg up on
the South. The northern part of the state getting products, papers and packages into
has more industrial cities, making it like the In addition, Kentucky products and services the global stream of commerce. Kentucky
Midwest. The southern and western regions are valued by international customers. offers the UPS World Port in Louisville, DHL
of the state, with its farms and mines, are Exports by Kentucky businesses continue to Americas hub in Northern Kentucky and
generally more rural, like the South. break records, topping $27.6 billion in 2015 several large FedEx ground hubs throughout
as the Cabinet for Economic Development Kentucky. Due to this strong presence by the
Kentucky has been transforming into continued working with the state’s businesses world’s most prestigious logistics companies,
an industrial state over time. The state’s to increase international sales opportunities. products manufactured in Kentucky can get
manufacturing industries become more The state’s Kentucky Export Initiative provides anywhere in the world virtually overnight.
diversified every year. Examples include the education, hands-on assistance, resources,
growing aluminum industry in Louisville, the matchmaking opportunities and grants to Kentucky is well served by 19 interstates and
state’s largest city, and the chemical plants companies that wish to sell their products major highways, major rail networks, barge
located along the Ohio River. and services abroad. traffic on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, five
commercial airports and dozens of regional
Kentucky’s strong international ties – in both Within a day’s drive of two-thirds of the airports. Kentucky’s ideal transportation
internationally owned facilitiesand exports – U.S. population, Kentucky is located at the network can move products easily and
speaks to the fact executives the world over center of a 34-state distribution area in the efficiently by air, rail, road and water to all
recognize the Bluegrass State as a premier eastern United States, Kentucky’s location points of the globe.
location and partner for business. advantage facilitates the distribution of goods
Courtland Holman
Dayton Community Development Corporation
Executive Director
t: 936.257.0055
Dayton Texas
An Inclusive And Diverse City
Corporate leaders understand for their businesses to be successful in any Dayton is at the center of a perfect transportation hub.
community the town should have the resources, people and infrastructure to
succeed. In Dayton Texas we believe a prime aspect of those requirements Three four lane highways—US Hwy. 90, State Highway 146 and HWY 321
must be that our town and region are fully inclusive and diverse. We want converge in Dayton and Interstate 10 is a short 12 miles south of our town.
to welcome those who bring their commerce and opportunity here. That is All of these routes are premier, essential transportation paths to the East of
why Dayton concentrates on these priorities in every aspect of economic and Houston market but the most important aspect of Dayton’s transportation
civic development. suite is the under construction Route 99 (Grand Parkway) that will connect
Interstate 10 to the south to Interstate 69 North of Houston.
Dayton’s leadership is dedicated to building and stewarding a culture of
diversity and inclusiveness as a priority in attracting foreign and domestic This link of Houston’s third loop comes through Dayton and the heart of our
businesses, manufacturers and citizens. We understand the nature of a truly available industrial properties in the Gulf Inland Logistics Park. In Dayton
global economy and that long term success depends on these concepts more Route 99 transects thousands of acres of prime properties and a world
than ever before. class dual services rail yard served by BNSF and Union Pacific. That facility
currently has a capacity of 7K railcars and is expanding.
Dayton is experiencing remarkable growth in population and economic
opportunity. The expanding growth in industry, manufacturing and business In addition to these excellent transportation assets Dayton is less than an
opportunity to our West is migrating into Dayton’s huge property inventory hour’s drive from the port of Houston and two international airports…. only
surrounding our rail and highway hubs. Fortunately our town has the land and 23 miles from George Bush and 43 Miles to Houston Hobby.
infrastructure to meet the blooming demand the Houston MSA is growing in
the region. We know the growth is coming and know that beyond the land It is 36 miles via Hwy 90 to the heart of downtown Houston, Rice University,
and infrastructure required we must be prepared to engage the challenges University of Houston, professional sports venues of every type, world
the cultural and ethnic diversity it brings. class shopping and dining. Every cultural and ethnic group in the world is
We are ready. represented in Houston, the most culturally diverse city in the US. Nobody
will be lonely or homesick in Dayton because the world is half an hour away!
Every city council and EDC says they are pro-business. Dayton is pro-
business and pro-people. Words are easy to say but people really make the To attract and satisfy the compliment of workers and citizens required to
difference. The practices and attitude of the Dayton City Council and Dayton build a world class city leadership in Dayton is acutely aware that openness
Community Development Corporation illustrate a proven record of positive to all people and cultures is required. We are surrounded by petro-chemical
actions and results to those ends. Dayton ensures our startup fees remain plants, steel mills, steel fabrication companies, carbon processing, and
low and an attractant to prospective industries. Our site plan reviews are industrial service companies that are international corporations. Individuals
executed in a matter of days….not weeks or months as in other cities. When a from all over the globe converge in this area to work in these places. We greet
prospective business hears the term “pro-business” in Dayton that company them all with enthusiasm.
will have quantifiable, verifiable data to develop its plan and bring their people
to our town. Most recently we have welcomed Sumiden Wire Products from Japan and
Roll-Lift from Holland to our city, two very successful and well run companies.
We are currently engaged with groups from China, France, Belgium, Germany, Complementing our comprehensive plan is a more specific Downtown
Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Sweden to develop business, manufacturing and Revitalization Plan which will be our guide to maintaining the historic
industrial projects…..the bottom line is that if your company needs to grow downtown district and attracting the best new businesses and residents to
quickly Dayton has what you need and is working to make our city a warm and that area.
welcoming place for those who come to build and run it.
Dayton was once a rustic farming community of modest homes and scattered
To staff and grow a site it is essential to have a dynamic source of talent and rural farmhouses. The current expansion is bringing change to that but
resources. Dayton offers a diverse cross cultural talent pool with a population it will be good change. Though not the only housing development under
of nearly two and a half million people within 35 miles of our down town area. construction in Dayton, six miles south of city hall in our ETJ a 23,400 home
Any human resource from a seasoned, international executive to day labor development is under construction. The housing will provide everything
are at hand. The people to make a company work are available here. from starter homes to estate sized executive dwellings and is projected to be
home to 70,200 people that include greenspaces, parks, schools and retail in
Need another reason to consider Dayton? the process. Soon Dayton will be the largest city in Liberty County.
How about a foreign trade zone designation?
In Dayton we believe the central component in any quality of life metric is
Dayton is a foreign trade zone as well! Foreign Trade Zone 171. Nearby school quality. Currently a 5-A school, Dayton is enjoying a dynamic school
are world class facilities….chemical plants, refineries, pipelines, warehouses, expansion and update program fueled by an $89 million dollar bond passed
power providers and underground/above ground tankage and storage last year. Two new elementary schools are already built and the high and
facilities of every kind. If you need feedstock, downstream customers or middle schools are undergoing updating to expand learning and growth for
upstream suppliers of material or services….it is less than an hour away. Or, students in the future. We are ready to educate our children.
right under your feet.
The FTZ designation is complemented by the aggressive engagement of In addition to the school projects our city has a modern and beautiful
the Dayton Community Development Corporation. DCDC is committed to community center with a large capacity auditorium, library office suites and
building a rock solid foundation for commerce here. Our EDC is a 4B sales tax room to grow on the property. Additionally this year we have constructed a
funded corporation chartered to promote business and commerce in Dayton. new, state of the art police and fire facility on Hwy. 321 just north of Hwy. 90
The corporation provides grants and loans to prospects well as the availing so we now have two fire stations to protect our town.
and stewardship of additional incentives from the State of Texas, Liberty
County, local utility companies and other sources. When a business engages Those looking to engage the eastward expansion of the Houston commerce
the DCDC they will find a solid, professional entity run by experienced staff market along the Grand Parkway owe it to themselves to visit a city dedicated
as a point of contact. DCDC commands expertise in all facets of business to engaging that growth. We welcome those bringing it and we embrace the
development and recruitment for local, regional and international businesses. variety of cultures, people and ideas that come with it. It is a global endeavor
and we realize that.
Any managed growth requires a plan. The City Council and DCDC have
teamed up to complete Dayton’s first Comprehensive Urban Plan “Dayton We have a plan and a commitment to managing our growth in the industrial,
Tomorrow 2035”. This plan will be our guide to help developers, businesses manufacturing, retail and residential wave moving to Liberty County.
and residents know where and how to locate for long term success while
maintain the quality of life for our citizens. It ensures industrial and Dayton will grow, we will thrive and we intend
manufacturing entities are insulated from residential and commercial to be a premier town in the Houston economic
endeavors. Retailers will rely on our plan to locate in the best and most sphere that will be an example to our peers and
advantageous locations and developers will have a blueprint of our city and a wonderful home to anyone who finds their
plan to work from in their building. way here.
We are right here. Try Dayton.
Known as one of the most business friendly LOGISTICAL ADVANTAGES
states in the U.S., companies have flocked
to South Carolina over the past several Having quick and easy access to domestic and global markets is
years. Once arriving in the state, they have a must for international businesses. The NESA region offers the
seen their companies flourish as S.C.’s best of both worlds.
prime location centrally located on the U.S.
Eastern coast offers a logistical advantage
that few other states can match.
But as more and more companies have sought to locate in the Located on the eastern coast of S.C., the NESA region is exactly
state, the demand for real estate has gone up as well, driving up halfway between New York City and Miami on Interstate 95. The
costs and limiting the amount of space available within and near region is also the eastern origin of Interstate 20 allowing access
the state’s major cities. as far west as Texas. These two major interstates give the NESA
region access to over two-thirds of the U.S. population within a
Recognizing this, the North Eastern Strategic Alliance (NESA), two-day drive. Additionally, a robust network of 4-lane divided
a regional non-profit economic development organization in the highways make moving people and freight to/from interstates
northeastern corner of S.C., has set their region up to be the next very easy.
big boom area of the state by working with its county partners to
develop and complete due diligence on multiple industrial sites With Inland Port Dillon, the NESA region offers companies a
and identifying several available buildings throughout their nine resource that is unmatched anywhere else in the county. Shippers
county region. to the inland port will enjoy the convenience of scheduling
shipping to and from the inland port in the same manner that
With available land at affordable prices, direct access to the Port they schedule shipping to and from major seaports. Additionally,
of Charleston via rail and 4-lane highways, two major interstates, the inland port, and in turn the NESA region, has direct access
a highly skilled and available workforce, and the region’s newest to the deep water port of Charleston via Class A CSX rail and
logistical asset, Inland Port Dillon, NESA can offer companies is strategically located at a railroad “T” with mainline access
seeking to join South Carolina’s strong business climate a better north/south and west and will be able to service markets in the
solution at a fraction of the cost they can find anywhere else.
Northeastern and Midwestern sections of the country. WORKFORCE TRAINING
The region is also home to two commercial airports, the Florence
Regional Airport and Myrtle Beach International Airport, and are The region offers a variety of workforce training resources to
a short drive from the Charlotte Douglas International Airport, companies. One such resource is the state’s premiere workforce
Charleston International Airport, and the Columbia Metropolitan training program, ReadySC. Working together with the
Airport. South Carolina Technical College System, ReadySC develops,
implements, and manages custom workforce training programs
Last, but certainly not least, the NESA region offers over 350 to support smooth, rapid start-up operations. ReadySC works
miles of rail and is home to one of only two CSX rail yards in with companies to screen, recruit, and train employees to meet
South Carolina. The CSX facility in Florence is the headquarters their demands and ensures that companies have a ready-to-
for three states and is the largest rail yard in the state. Numerous work workforce the day business opens. The training is done at
cargo handling services are available via the Florence rail yard, no cost to companies that commit to creating at least 10 new
making it possible for companies to receive increased frequency jobs.
in their service.
SKILLED AND AVAILABLE WORKFORCE Another unique resource is the Southeastern Institute of
Manufacturing and Technology (SiMT). It is the first facility of
If an experienced, well-trained, skilled and available workforce its kind in the United States and is located on the campus of
are what your’re seeking, look no farther than the NESA region. Florence-Darlington Technical College. SiMT is an advanced
Employers use this region’s productive workforce to churn out manufacturing center that provides the support needed by area
all-terrain vehicles, pharmaceuticals, food additives, frozen meals, and future industries, advancing the region’s ability to provide a
steel, packaging products, and much more. The region is home highly trained workforce. SiMT exists to partner with businesses
to companies that engage in world-wide distribution, refurbish to provide training and manufacturing technology solutions. The
airplanes, and are on the cutting edge of their highly specialized facility contains an Advanced Manufacturing Center, 3-D/Virtual
fields. With a population of nearly 2.2 million and an available reality Center, 3-D printing lab, and National Robotics Center.
workforce of nearly 1 million within 60 miles of the region’s SiMT offers open-enrollment, onsite, and customized training.
geographical center, the region has a very robust labor pool to
draw from.
Francis Marion University’s Industrial Engineering program, a first
of its kind in the NESA region, will meet the engineering needs
of many existing companies within the region. The university
also offers undergraduate and graduate programs in business.
FMU has a long history of producing outstanding graduates who
become leaders within their companies and communities. Also
in the region is Coastal Carolina University, recent winner of the
national baseball championship, a four-year university with several
graduate programs as well. CCU attracts students from all over
the world and many of those students stay here upon graduation,
adding diversity and international flavor to the region’s workforce.
In addition to these great workforce training resources, the NESA 10.3% of workers have earned an associate’s degree as compared
region has an extensive public and private school system and is to the national average of 8.8%
home to the South Carolina Governor’s School of Science and
Mathematics (GSSM). GSSM is the only high school in the state
that offers a residential experience focused on the mastery of
science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. It is
recognized as one of the nation’s top 24 elite public high schools.
The region is also home to seven colleges and universities that
prepare graduates for careers in a variety of fields.
Aerospace Agribusiness
Right to work state Proximity to farmland production.
• With one of the lowest unionization rates in the nation and • The NESA region has more than 25% of the state’s cultivatable
a workforce that is dedicated to earning pay commensurate farmland within its nine counties. These farms produce in excess of
with production, the NESA region is ideal for aerospace $4 billion in receipts annually. Many prospective food processors
production operations. have met with local farmers and have been warmly welcomed as
Located in the “aerospace triangle” potential new customers for fresh produce.
• With proximity to Boeing, Honda Jet, Airbus, Lockheed More than 1 BILLION gallons per day of excess water capacity
Martin, and Gulfstream, the NESA region can serve as a • Some of NESA’s sites also sit atop the Middendorf Aquifer which
base for supplying all of these major OEM facilities. This offers a virtually endless supply of clean fresh water ideal for
strategic location also allows for potential R&D and other beverage formulation and food processing. In addition, the region
collaborations with these major industrial players. has numerous regional municipal systems with significant excess
Two “shovel ready” aerospace industrial parks with runway access water capacities as well.
• The Myrtle Beach International Technology and Aerospace Robust regional wastewater treatment plants
Park (MBITAP) is a 416-acre property adjacent to a 9,500’ • Specifically for the food processing industry, NESA has identified
runway and the Florence Regional Airport Industrial Park is several sites that have high tolerance waste-water systems,
446 acres and features access to both a 6,500’ and a 5,500’ requiring less pre-treatment, resulting in lower operating costs.
runway. Additionally, onsite pollution control equipment related to
wastewater pretreatment systems are exempt from property taxes.
Distribution & Logistics Metals & Plastics
“The pool of people in this region have a lot of manufacturing history. We
have people here whose grandfathers were machinists...so you have a lot
of people who grew up in this environment of manufacturing. They want
to remain in their hometown and they want to work.”
Kevin Smith, Screwmatics of South Carolina Special Projects Coordinator
Inland Port Dillon “Shovel Ready” Industrial Sites
• A game-changer for the NESA region, the inland port is • NESA and its member counties have dedicated tremendous financial
essentially the Port of Charleston right in their region. With resources to preparing the region to win industrial projects. As a
competitive drayage rates, intermodal rail service, and result, they can offer low cost industrial properties, several having
easy access to I-95, Inland Port Dillon will reduce logistics railroad access, that have completed extensive engineering and
costs for port related logistics companies located within the infrastructure due diligence. The region’s “shovel ready” sites have
region. saved companies months of lost time and thousands of dollars in
Proximity to the Port of Charleston preliminary engineering costs.
• In addition to the inland port, the region is also close to the Utilities
Port of Charleston. Parts of our region are less than an hour • With average industrial electrical rates 12% below the national
from a deep water port terminal. The port can accommodate average and a verified portfolio of industrial sites along major
the largest cargo ships on the ocean and is served by most electrical transmission and distribution corridors, it’s no wonder
of the major ocean carriers with numerous routes to Europe that the NESA region has become home to many metal and plastic
and Asia. products companies. Additionally, NESA’s “shovel ready” industrial
Major Interstate Corridor Access sites have industrial-grade water, sewer, and telecommunications
• The NESA region has sites with direct access or close infrastructure in place and ready for your company to start
proximity to the major interstate corridors of I-95 North/ production.
South (Maine to Florida), I-20 East/West (South Carolina to Logistics
Texas), and Future I-73 North/South - Proposed (Michigan • Being located near the I-95 and I-20 corridors and having an
to South Carolina). inland port within the region makes the receipt of raw materials
and shipping of finished goods easy and cost effective. Our internal
network of four lane divided highways also augments the region’s
infrastructure by providing easy access to/from the interstate
corridors both allowing for the ease of freight movements and for
widening the workforce radius.
“We could be headquartered anywhere we want to be. We could be Ronald Carter
headquartered in major cities like Charlotte or Atlanta...but we choose
to be in Northeast South Carolina for one reason. And that’s the reason Director of Operations
I always like to talk about in terms of values. The people in this area are North Eastern Strategic Alliance
trustworthy; they know what the right thing is; they’re interested in getting P.O. Box 100547,
paid for a good days work; they’re not looking for handouts.” -- Roger P. Florence,
Schrum, Sonoco V.P. of Investor Relations and Corporate Affairs. S.C. 29502
P: +1 843 661 1267
E: [email protected]
International Businesses Thrive in
Harford County, Maryland
FDI Alliance International speaks with Harford County’s
Economic Development Director - Karen Holt.
Q: What are some of the main attractions for doing business in
Harford County?
Harford County has a prime location on the Interstate 95 corridor in the mid-Atlantic region,
providing access to major roadways, rail, the Port of Baltimore, and Baltimore-Washington
International Airport. More than one-third of the U.S. population is accessible in an overnight’s
drive from Harford County, Maryland, supporting our growing manufacturing, distribution and
e-commerce activity. A highly-skilled workforce provides the pipeline necessary for companies to
launch a facility in Harford and to continue to grow their operations and know that human capital is
available and amenable to training and career opportunities. Harford County’s agricultural heritage
complements our growing technology base along the Chesapeake Bay. Our amenities afford a
quality of life for millennials and baby boomers alike who live, work, play, earn, invest, serve and
stay in our communities. Harford County also has a well-managed, stable local government that
consistently earns a AAA bond rating by all three major U.S. bond rating agencies.
Q: What are some of the key incentives for new businesses relocating to your community?
Harford County is part of the Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) #74 service area, which incentivizes importers and exporters by offering cost-
savings and streamlining through customs. Eligible companies can qualify for the deferral or reduction of customs duties or government
excise taxes, duty exemptions on re-exports, and waived customs duties, among other benefits. In addition, my office has a talented team
of business development associates who help both international and domestic companies find incentives, training, and other resources
they need to be successful. This includes help with site selection and fast-track permitting for eligible projects. Other available incentives
include job creation and real property tax credits available in our two Enterprise Zones; workforce technical training grants that support
a highly skilled workforce; cost-saving energy programs available through our utility partners; and access to the Harford Metro Area
Network’s broadband, which provides redundancy through dark fiber and lit service. Harford County companies also receive support in
networking and workforce training through partnerships with the Susquehanna Workforce Network, Harford Community College, and
the Harford Chamber of Commerce.
Q: How does Harford County plan to attract foreign investment?
My office has been proactive in reaching out to the international market and helping companies discover the benefits of doing business
in Harford County. As the direct point of contact, I can offer customized service and navigate the approval process from site selection
all the way through to the ribbon cutting. This includes connecting companies with available tools and resources that save time and
money. Our office also works with agencies and programs across the region’s international business network, acting as a conduit to
overcome communication hurdles that can bog down the expansion process. Our commitment to building synergy between business
and government helps make Harford County attractive for companies internationally.
Q: Which major companies have chosen
to locate in Harford County?
Harford County is fortunate to be home to Aberdeen Proving
Ground (APG), one of the largest military installations in the
U.S. APG is a leader in research and development innovation
that provides many opportunities for private business and
contractors. We have more than 140 defense contractors with
facilities established in support of APG, including Booz Allen
Hamilton, Northrop Grumman, Battelle, Leidos, Lockheed
Martin, and the U.S. headquarters of Smiths Detection. Prime
location makes Harford County attractive for manufacturing
and distribution. Our larger companies include Clorox
and Independent Can. Other large regional distribution
companies located here include Rite Aid, Sephora, Frito
Lay, McCormick, United Foods International, Gordon Food
Services and TIC Gums to name a few. XPO Logistics located
here in 2015, providing fulfillment services to Amazon.
Products produced in the County range from hovercraft to
bio and chemical defense technologies; specialty sauces,
soups and custom dry blends; to crypto-technology for
drivers’ licenses. Our greatest areas of growth at this time are
e-commerce/distribution, manufacturing and cyber security.
Q: What else about Harford County Barry Glassman - County Executive
makes it a center of opportunity for Karen Holt - Economic Development Director
growing businesses?
Harford County Office of Economic Development
The Governor of Maryland and Harford County Executive 2021 Pulaski Highway, Suite D
Barry Glassman have declared Maryland Open for Business, Havre de Grace, MD 21078
putting tax incentives and programs in place, which are t: 410-638-3059
complemented by programs initiated in Harford County to
attract business. With Enterprise Zones, Training Grants,
and other networking opportunities fostered by the Office
of Economic Development, businesses know they have
the support they need to succeed. A skilled workforce is
essential for business growth and our educational resources
in the County are excellent. Harford Community College
(HCC) has a wide range of courses and Towson University
has joined with them in offering 4 year degrees at their
satellite location on HCC’s campus. The University Center
in Aberdeen hosts programs further enabling educational
opportunities here at home. Harford County offers an
excellent quality of life with exceptional schools, parks and
rec programs, cultural resources, restaurants and shopping.
This winning combination is what makes Harford County a
center of opportunity.
Foxconn’s historic investment in Wisconsin
more than a numbers game
The numbers are staggering. 13,000 employees. $10 billion in capital To support the company’s investment, the state of Wisconsin will provide up to
investment. A 22-million-square-foot facility. $3 billion in tax incentives over 15 years for what is by far the largest economic
development project ever in Wisconsin and the largest corporate attraction
But the real story of Foxconn’s historic investment in Wisconsin goes well project in U.S. history.
beyond the numbers. The Taiwanese company’s decision to build a liquid crystal
display (LCD) manufacturing campus in the heart of the Midwest will reshape Now that the ink is dry on the contract with the state, Foxconn has already
Wisconsin’s economy, education system and workforce as it brings the next started hiring. Construction is expected to take four to six years, and will
generation of advanced manufacturing to the United States. support 10,000 construction jobs, as well as an additional 6,000 indirect jobs.
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Wisconsin, and there is no doubt
it will have a transformational effect on our state for generations to come,
just as Silicon Valley transformed the San Francisco Bay Area or the Research
Triangle transformed the Carolinas,” said Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
“Wisconsin is ready to become a leader in high-tech, advanced manufacturing,
and technology research and development. Cutting-edge technology will be
made in America, right here in Wisconsin.”
“Everyone has heard the numbers,” added Tom Still, president of the Wisconsin
Technology Council. “Beyond the numbers awaits the potential for Foxconn to
transform and uplift the state’s tech-based economy, from startups to mature
companies. It will put Wisconsin on the map for decades to come.”
Company and state officials in November finalized an agreement that calls for
Foxconn, the world’s fourth-largest technology company, to invest $10 billion
in Wisconsin over the next six years as it constructs a manufacturing campus
comprising multiple buildings in Racine County, just 30 minutes south of the
city of Milwaukee. The facility will make LCD panels for a variety of industries,
from automotive to health care to entertainment. It will be the first LCD plant
in the U.S., and the only one globally that is not located in Asia.
About Foxconn Overview Built on Floor Area
Foxconn Technology Group is the global leader 13,000 Jobs 1,200 22 Million
in manufacturing services for the computer, Acres Square Feet
communication and consumer electronics (3C) &Capital Investment of Land
industry. Headquartered in Taiwan, Foxconn up to $10 Billion The Foxconn facility will become one of
helps build products for many leading U.S. and the largest manufacturing campuses in
international brands and household names in Foxconn’s investment in Wisconsin the world — eclipsing the New Century
electronics. is by far the state’s largest economic Global Center in Chengdu, China; the
development project and is the largest Tesla Gigafactory in Sparks, Nevada;
Foxconn also contributes to the development corporate attraction project in U.S. and the Boeing facility in Everett,
of a vibrant global 8K-5G ecosystem, which is history as measured by jobs. Washington.
supported by the company’s vertically integrated
“silicon to solution” portfolio and supply chain, Employment
to deliver intelligent display technology and
solutions for use in all aspects of smart lives.
Terry Gou founded the company in 1974 with 13k Engineers & During the construction phase, the
$7,500, a devotion to integrating expertise for Skilled Worker Hires project is expected to support 10,000
mechanical and electrical parts and an uncommon over 6 Years construction jobs over each of the next
concept to provide the lowest “total cost” solution four years as well as 6,000 indirect jobs
to increase the affordability of electronics from the construction.
products for all mankind.
Economic Impact
Foxconn generated total annual revenue of $141
billion in 2015 and was ranked No. 27 on the $5.7 Billion The capital investment during construction is
2017 Fortune Magazine Global 500.Foxconn also expected to generate about $330 million in state
is a leader in research and development, focusing
on the fields of nanotechnology, heat transfer, for Construction tax revenues for Wisconsin.
wireless connectivity, material sciences, and
green manufacturing process. & Equipment $4.26 Billion
The company has several research centers and Annual in Supplier Purchases
testing laboratories and has received more than
55,000 patents worldwide. The company has Economic anually. 1/3
facilities in Asia, Brazil, Europe and Mexico.
Impact sourced in Wisconsin
$7 Billion
Facility State of Wisconsin Incentives
• Three times the size of the Wisconsin Providing
Up To $3 Billion Up To $1.5 Billion Up to
• Four times the size of the Chrysler $1.35 Billion
Headquarters and Tech Center in in Incentives over in state income in state
Detroit, Michigan
15 Years tax credits income tax for
• Bigger than the world’s largest for job creation
airport, the Dubai International capital investment
Foxconn must create jobs and invest capital in Wisconsin before it is eligible for any tax incentives.
The tax incentives must be earned. Foxconn will only earn the maximum amount of tax benefits, $2.85
billion, after it has created and maintained 13,000 jobs and invested $9 billion.
Once the facility is fully operational, Foxconn will employ up to 13,000 people “I would like to express my thanks to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his
in Wisconsin – thousands of whom will be engineers and skilled workers – by leadership team,” Gou said at the White House announcement. “I was impressed
2020. That figure does not include jobs generated by an estimated 150 suppliers, when you used Saturday and Sunday to travel to Japan to meet with me and
nor multiplier jobs that would ripple across the region and state. see what we want to build in Wisconsin, and I was touched when you devoted
so much of your time to show me the strengths of Wisconsin.”
“Foxconn’s decision to make an unprecedented $10 billion capital investment
in Wisconsin is a rare opportunity for our state and our country, and the Gou added that Wisconsin’s strong manufacturing legacy also was a key factor
transformational scope of this project cannot be emphasized enough,” said in the company’s decision.
Mark R. Hogan, secretary and CEO of the Wisconsin Economic Development
Corporation (WEDC), the state agency that oversaw contract negotiations “Wisconsin has a rich manufacturing history in industrial automation, healthcare
with the company. “The ecosystem generated by this historic investment in and more, and a strong talent pool of engineers, technicians and craftsmen who
our state will change the trajectory of Wisconsin for generations to come.” are the backbone of America,” he said. “We are looking forward to building on
that history and tapping into that pool.”
Why Wisconsin?
Added Hogan: “We could not have had this opportunity without the manufacturing
Just how did Foxconn end up selecting Wisconsin as home for the largest legacy in our state. Without the thousands of manufacturing companies
greenfield foreign direct investment project in U.S. history? It all started that are here, and the hundreds of thousands of employees who have been
with a helicopter ride in April. in manufacturing over the past 150 years, this opportunity would not have
come our way.”
Partnerships a key component
Early on in their discussions with Wisconsin officials, Gou and other Foxconn
executives made it clear their investment in the state was about much more
than building a new plant. The company also was committed to establishing
partnerships with the private and public sectors aimed at providing current
and future workers with the technical skills needed to fill thousands of jobs
over the next decade – and to help the state embark on this transformational
economic change.
President Donald Trump and then White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus The company has had numerous meetings with officials from public and
were in southeastern Wisconsin for an event at a local manufacturer. As the private universities and colleges throughout Wisconsin to discuss ways to
two were flying over the region, the President noticed a large vacant industrial work together, and has participated in several career fairs and other recruiting
site and asked Preibus, a Wisconsinite, what had been located there. Preibus events on campuses statewide.
told the President that the site had been home to a Chrysler automotive plant
but had been vacant for years. Ray Cross, president of the University of Wisconsin System, said Foxconn’s
presence in Wisconsin is expected to provide new opportunities for students
and graduates, and will help the system build its educational capacity in several
key programs.
That led to the President looking for an opportunity to return jobs and
opportunity to the state, specifically southeastern Wisconsin. When Foxconn
officials visited the White House and talked about establishing operations in
the U.S., it was Trump who suggested they consider Wisconsin.
Soon after, Walker and Hogan were on a plane to Washington, D.C., to meet
with Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou. After numerous meetings between state
and company officials, including a visit to Foxconn’s facility in Japan, Walker and
Gou in July joined Trump at the White House to announce Foxconn’s selection
of Wisconsin as the site for its manufacturing campus.
While other states aggressively competed for the Foxconn project, and some
offered larger incentives, Gou said the company chose Wisconsin in large part
because of the commitment from Walker and other state officials.
This project could catapult the university and the state into a position of global to expanding and upskilling the U.S. workforce to ensure there is the necessary
prominence in the rapidly growing and important field of digital imagery,” Cross talent for advanced manufacturing roles.”
said. “It isn’t just that liquid crystal display technology will allow us to participate
in the most modern manufacturing techniques for smartphones and related Foxconn also signed an agreement with the Ginseng Board of Wisconsin in which
technology. It also connects us with other fields that are heavily dependent on the two entities will work together to promote the state’s ginseng products in
the most advanced imaging technology – fields like healthcare, radiology, and Asian markets. Wisconsin already has a global reputation for producing quality
intelligent diagnostic systems.” ginseng, with 98 percent of U.S. ginseng exports originating from Wisconsin.
“Based on our conversations with Foxconn and business leaders in Milwaukee, we Whether it’s working with academia, business leaders or industry groups like
believe that benefits will accrue from the increased employment opportunities the Ginseng Board, Gou made it clear Foxconn will be proactive in developing
for our students and citizens in the state,” added Mark Mone, chancellor of partnerships throughout the state.
the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. “At Milwaukee, we draw almost 90
percent of our students from Wisconsin and almost this many remain here “We look forward to being a part of the community and contributing to its
for their entire working career. economic transformation,” he said. “We will do so while ensuring that the very
things that attracted us to Wisconsin–its talented and hardworking workforce,
“With Foxconn and the associated growth in suppliers and supporting businesses, long track record in advanced manufacturing, favorable quality of life and
the demand for students in engineering, information technology, computer environment–are protected and nurtured.”
science and business fields will grow, increasing our enrollments,” he added.
Representatives of Foxconn’s medical equipment division also have met with
officials at the Carbone Cancer Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
to discuss potential collaboration with cancer researchers in Taiwan.
In addition to engaging with Wisconsin’s universities and technical colleges,
Foxconn also quickly developed partnerships with the private sector, including
Rockwell Automation Inc., a global industrial automation and information
company based in Milwaukee.
The companies will also work together on workforce development and training. Coleman Peiffer
As Foxconn increases its employee base in Wisconsin, it will participate in a
program developed by Rockwell Automation and Manpower Group to train Business and Investment Attraction Director
military veterans for careers in advanced manufacturing. Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
“We are excited about the opportunity to work with a global technology and t: 608.210.6714
manufacturing leader to deliver advanced Industrial Internet of Things solutions [email protected]
to the electronics manufacturing industry,” said Blake Moret, president and
CEO of Rockwell. “We are also pleased that Foxconn shares our commitment InWisconsin.com
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A day in the life of an
As executive director of the Portage County Business Council system I mentioned previously.
(PCBC), which houses both the chamber of commerce and economic Parcels can be “carved” to fit the
development organization, I get a lot of windshield time. The best needs of the business, so whether
news is I can get to places quickly. People here love the very short you are a 40-acre or 400-acre (or
“commute” times and adjacent benefits of other larger communities. larger) entity, it is worth the look.
I started my day at the Plover Area Business Association (PABA) community and O’so Brewing Company, a craft
development meeting. We have a lot of great partnerships across our community brewery in our community, recently
and one of those is with PABA. Plover is on track for another record-setting or announced expansion plans to build in that area. A large apartment complex was
near record-setting year in construction. Plover was also recently identified as recently opened just to the south, across the street from Kohl’s Department
one of the top places in the state for millennials. Store and a major retail center called Crossroads Commons, which itself is right
off the interstate. There is a lot more dirt being scratched in that area. Growth
At a recent PCBC Board meeting, here is part of everyday life.
Dan Mahoney, Village Administrator
for Plover, shared their progress Once inside my office, I greeted our UW-Stevens Point (UWSP) intern, Trevor,
on the Little Plover River who was celebrating a birthday. UWSP is committed to getting their students
Watershed Project. Plover has engaged with our business community, including through internships, with the
brought agricultural and wildlife desire to build on the talent pool. Forty percent of graduates stay in the region,
groups together with state and making a great talent pool.
local government to develop and
implement solutions for that The University of Wisconsin System, of which UWSP is a part, recently announced
watershed. In our community, our innovation and partnerships enhance the a merger of the two- and four-year systems, which for our area will bring two
quality of life. We roll up our sleeves and get things done. nearby communities into the mix for talent. UWSP also has a major construction
project on campus. The university is building a new four-story science building
As I was driving to my next meeting, I came upon our railroads, which are a major that will mark the entry point coming from the northeast side of campus off of
connector for CN in central Wisconsin. The yard is always busy and recently the the interstate. This is a $75 million dollar project that will impact 2,500 of the
City of Stevens Point completed a grade separation so that the trains lessen their students on campus who are focusing on chemistry and biology. Both this and the
impact on traffic flow in the city. The bridge has also given people more of a birds- Sentry building are slated for completion in the fall of 2018.
eye view of the Stevens Point Country Club, another asset and one of three golf
courses in our community. My destination was Pacelli Catholic Schools, which Mid-State Technical College has a center in Stevens Point as well, downtown
offers one of multiple K-12 education opportunities in our community. More on across from the Wisconsin River. Mid-State will tell you they are here to serve
that later. the students and businesses of our region. They are continually listening to and
meeting with local businesses to learn their needs so they can adapt their skills
After leaving Pacelli, I drove past one of our latest large construction projects needed in the workforce. Further diving into education, our K-12 public schools
in town. Sentry Insurance is building a new 270,000 square foot, 7-story office constitute one of the largest in the state, along with more rural schools in the
for their claims department. It will hold 500 of the roughly 2500 employees with surrounding area and three private school options.
room for expansion. This space is located southwest of the home office and their
SentryWorld complex. Several other entities have recently completed new or added on to existing
buildings, including Skyward, Ki Mobility, Aspirus, Marshfield Clinic, Ascension
SentryWorld is home to an exceptional and newly remodeled golf course, an Stevens Point, Bone and Joint Clinic, Cobblestone Hotels and Wissota Chop
indoor sports facility, PJs restaurant, beautiful banquet space and some of the House, Ulta Beauty, Panera Bread, single family homes, and apartment
best food you will ever eat. Speaking of eating, Muse at Sentry is a new public complexes.
restaurant in their headquarters. But, I digress. The offices will be a community
inside our community, with amenities within the facility and a great beacon What are YOU waiting for?
as you travel around the north end of town. Sentry is also very engaged in our
community, recently announcing over $1.15 million giving in employee and Todd Kuckkahn
corporate support of the United Way campaign.
Executive Director
Heading back to my office in the Portage County Business Park on Interstate-39, Portage County Business Council, Inc. (PCBC)
I drove past East Park Commerce Center. This is a 700-acre certified site on the
east end of Stevens Point. On the north end of the business park is the railroad t: 715-344-1940
5501 Vern Holmes Drive,
Stevens Point, WI 54482
[email protected]