2020 4th anniversary issue Volume5, issue1
Now builders are designing their projects keeping
in mind the requirements of the millennials
Exclusive Inside: Interview of Ritu Maheshwari, CEO, Noida Authority
anniversary issue Chief Operating Officer
Pankaj Sheel Rana
edit note EDITORIAL
CHROMOHOMES Executive Editor: Amir Ali Hashmi
Managing Editor: Tasneem Firdausi
celebrates its Correspondents: S. Nair, Shubhra Prakash, Aakriti Gulati,
4th Anniversary!!
Rukhsar Moeen, Priscilla Paul
Art Director: CM Bisht
Sr. Visualiser: K Suman
Sr. Graphic Designer: Hiram Ansari
Principal Photographer: Prakhar Pandey
Illustrator: Naabgha
Stylist: Harsh Sharma
It’s hard to believe, but March 2020 officially marks fourth anniver- NEWS SUPPORT
sary issue of CHROMOHOMES. I’ll never forget the day I met with my www.brickingnews.in
well-wishers to unveil my plans for the new magazine. After all, you For advertisement enquiries, feedback and other information,
can’t move forward without staying true to your past. contact: [email protected]
And presently, we cannot proceed also further without saying
thanks to all our supporters, contributors, advertisers and readers This issue contains 64 pages excluding cover
who remained there in some way or the other right from those first
issues till this one. Owned, published, printed & edited by Tasneem Aleem Firdausi.
I feel fortunate to be part of all of it and proud that even though Printed at Printland Digital India Ltd., B-53, Okhla Phase 1, New Delhi - 110020.
Chromohomes is first and foremost about real estate, it’s also in a
big way about interior décor, lifestyle and design industry. Published at J-3/30, Extension, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092.
With all professionalism, we always try to keep our faith alive of
doing things ingeniously. However, getting advertisers on board still
remains our biggest challenge. The other thing that is also impor-
tant to us right now is to increase the subscription of the magazine.
This 4th anniversary issue is an engaging-read, featuring the
cover story on the design and planning of the residential project
is being done mainly keeping in mind the requirements of the
millennialswho have global exposure and have seen the housing in
various other countries. Besides, there is an exclusive interview of
RituMaheshwari, CEO, Noida Authority, who talks about Noida’s fast
track development and its transformation in recent times.
As always, we look forward to your continuous contribution and sup-
port and we do hope to continue the success with your help.
02 chromohomes w march 2020
contents 30 COVER STORY
Today, developers are designing their projects keeping in mind the
requirements of the millennials who do not mind shifting from one
sector to other or from one city to another
06 IN spotlight 14 Connoisseurs 16 Hues
This section is all about new products and Film actor Sonu Sood gifted his sister a Be it for furniture or décor, the colour blue
important announcements. home which is contemporary and beautiful. has it all.
04 chromohomes w march 2020
12 40 Skyline | Goa 64
Cut to the While earlier, only hotshots and celebrities Selfie
chase were seen investing in holiday homes in Parul Mittal
Goa, the pattern of investors has seen a
remarkable shift over the recent past
26 Outlook
Developers are now consciously launching
projects in the lower ticket-size segment which
are high in demand by homebuyers
Ritu Maheshwari, The director of
CEO, Noida Greenlam Industries
Ltd. always keeps a
Authority deliberated
upon Noida’s recent close track on the
predictable interior
development and
transformation since trends.
she took the charge in
July 2019.
50 spaces Place
Kitchen: Revamp this Decoration
cooking area by adding
an interesting twist to your 63
Dining Area: Here are Place
savvy ways to style your Design
own banquet area.
Empty Corners: Specu-
late a little on how to
refurbish these spaces
with a creative touch.
Study Room: This space
of the house is very
important to the mental
health of the user.
19 Trending | False Ceilings 22 Trending | Golf Homes
With a wide array of design options, false ceil- These luxury residences not just provide leisure
ings can enhance the décor of any room. for golfing, but also greenery and scenic beauty.
march 2020 w chromohomes 05
anniversary issue
In Spotlight
Relaxing beauty Neon
Bathtubs by VitrA
INAX to unveil new VitrA, one of the leading bathroom intervals. The light features can be
designs at Milan solutions brands of Eczacıbaşı used continuously, optionally or in
Design Week 2020 Building Products Division in Turkey intervals. Air Relax is where the air
introduces Neon Bathtubs. With massage gushes continuously. The
LIXIL Group Corporation (LIXIL), maker its rich size options, Neon offers a light feature can be used continuously
of pioneering water and housing prod- bathtub solution suitable for every or optionally. With Aqua-Soft function,
ucts, recently announced it will unveil bathroom. one can get a water massage in
new bathroom designs by its brand INAX intervals or continuously. Lastly, with
at Milan Design Week 2020. Neon bathtubs are available in both Aqua-Soft Easy one can get a water
double and single-sided alternatives massage continuously. Now feel the
INAX’s exhibition, to be held in the and can be used with panel options joy of a massage in your bathroom.
heart of Milan, will showcase products with very rich wood and an acrylic
ranging from innovative shower toilets colour palette. All Neon bathtubs can Easy to use manual functions
to textured tiles, as well as bathroom be equipped with hydro-massage flawlessly switch water modes for
arrangements celebrating both light and functions if desired. Hydro massage your benefit. VitrA bathtubs and
shadow. bathtubs are a result of the addition of panels come with a 10-year guarantee.
special hydro massage equipment and Panel colour options include; acrylic,
“In a single and undisturbed moment, jets to standard bathtubs, creating an natural wood, anthracite, oak, plum
as we move from light to shadow, we envious combination of the relaxing wood, American walnut, metallic gray,
transcend an unseen boundary that takes effect of a massage along with the dore oak, black oak, moka oak, light
us to a place of deep tranquility, changing cleansing power of water. Neon hydro- oak, matt, white, gray and ivory.
how we feel. As we shift back to the light, massage bathtubs come with optional
we return to a place of clarity and en- lighting and accessories which are
ergy,” says Yasuhiro Shirai, vice president 100% tested with water and electronic
of Design for LIXIL Water Technology measuring devices.
The Neon hydro massage bathtub
“This concept has influenced the comes with different functions like
Japanese for centuries, reflected in its Duo Maxi wherein you have a choice
architecture and culture. INAX is proud of a water massage or air massage,
to present its interpretation of light and which can be used continuously or
shadow in bathroom spaces, concep- in intervals. It also has an automatic
tualizing this physical and emotional disinfection program. The light feature
transition. We invite people from around can be used continuously, optionally
the world to experience a deeper level of and in intervals. Duo Soft allows you
relaxation and vitality that helps trans- to enjoy the water or air massage
form everyday life,” adds Shirai. either continuously or in intervals.
The air massage level can be manually
controlled in this function. The light
feature can be used continuously,
optionally and in intervals.
With Air Maxi, you have the
option of a water massage, that
can be used continuously and in
A.O. Smith launches new generation, technologically advanced water purifier X7+
After consolidating prominence in the water of water - municipal water, borewell or tanker
heater category in the country, A.O. Smith, in
an effort to strengthen its presence in the water water amongst other sources.
purifier segment has launched a technologically
advanced and path breaking water purifier On the launch, Parag Kulkarni, MD, A.O. Smith
X7+ in the market. This futuristic, easy-to-use
water purifier with patented side stream RO India, said, “We’ve been gaining the trust of
membrane, 8 stage purification and TDS Max
technology can purify water with TDS level consumers ever since we entered the water
of upto 3000ppm, making it a unique offering purifier category. Over the last few years, we’ve
to the consumers. This water purifier, coming introduced many unique innovations in the
with mineraliser technology, ensures that the
consumer gets purified water from any source Indian market. Furthermore, we’ve always
been a premium brand offering technologically
advanced solutions in both water heater and
water purifier categories. This product stands
as a testimony to our commitment towards
understanding the customers’ needs.”
06 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
In Spotlight
Step up to smart homes
with Wipro consumer
lighting & switches
Wipro has been at the forefront pioneered LED range, smart lighting, Flipkart expands
of LED lighting and smart lighting in India. Our key focus is to lead and its furniture
revolution, gaining leaps and revolutionise the smart-lighting market.”
bounds to find a home in all Indian ploaurntcfohloiof ‘wPeitrhfetchte
consumers. To celebrate this evolution “Our smart range is a game changer. Homes Studio’
of smart home technology, Wipro Be it the smart extension, socket or
Consumer Lighting & Switches, in the bulbs or the swithces, the whole Flipkart, India’s homegrown e-com-
association with Techguru Rajiv array of products from Wipro’s smart merce marketplace, recently announced
Makhni in unique experiential activity, home is a perfect fit for the modern the launch of ‘Perfect Homes Studio’
takes us on an interactive journey of day Indian homes. Sustainable and to strengthen its offering in the furni-
their expansive product porfotilio. cost efficient, these are crafted with ture category. With this expansion, the
This experiential aims at displaying the aesthetics of mood lighting and company has ramped up its private brand
and demonstrating the functional healthy living, ensuring a sure shot furniture selection to offer a young urban
aspect of each of their products and transormation of our homes!” says population aesthetically pleasing, mini-
showcases Wipro Consumer Lighting Tech Guru Rajiv Makhni on the Smart malistic, sleek and functional furniture to
&Switches’s commitment towards Range of products from Wipro. meet their needs and aspirations.
raising a better world for our future
generations. With the theme of ‘more room in your
room’, Perfect Homes Studio aims to
Sanjay Gupta, senior VP &business reach out to consumers in metros and
head, Wipro Consumer Lighting, says tier 1 cities, in the age group of 25 - 45
“Over the last three decades, Wipro years. The collection brings a range of
Lighting has combined technology multi-utility designs in wardrobes, tables,
and innovation to provide cutting cabinets, drawers, shelves, shoe racks,
edge solutions to consumers. Wipro stools and other small furniture, keeping
in mind the space limitations most urban
households face.
Dream Mattresses ropes in urvashi Rautela as its brand ambassador
Dreams Mattresses is a flagship
brand of the RP Group, an industry actress and model who has won
major in offering quality sleep several crowns and accolades for
solutions and having more than herself. Being a youth icon, she
is the perfect face for Dreams
200 exclusive stores and 700 Mattresses. The brand strives
multi-brand across India with to set higher benchmarks
a wide network of dealers and through innovation and the latest
distributors. With its passion to technology. The mattresses are
adhere to highest quality standards, designed to support people of
the brand has roped in the latest various age group. The different
Bollywood sensation Urvashi sleep products are developed after
Rautela as their brand ambassador. extensive research on various health
issues faced by the people.
Urvashi is a versatile Indian
march 2020 w chromohomes 07
anniversary issue
In Spotlight
Designers and décor Kohler India launches their
enthusiasts huddle coloured range of products
for a table-styling
masterclass hosted VitrA, one of the leading bathroom so- of a water massage or air massage,
at Script by Godrej lutions brands of Eczacıbaşı Building which can be used continuously or in
Products Division in Turkey intro- intervals. It also has an automatic dis-
& Boyce, Mumbai duces Neon Bathtubs. With its rich infection program. The light feature
size options, Neon offers a bathtub can be used continuously, optionally
Script, an affordable premium home solution suitable for every bathroom. and in intervals. Duo Soft allows you
furniture brand from the house of Go- to enjoy the water or air massage
drej & Boyce, brought together two multi- Neon bathtubs are available in both either continuously or in intervals.
faceted designers at their boutique store double and single-sided alternatives The air massage level can be manu-
at Godrej Bhavan, Mumbai. The evening and can be used with panel options ally controlled in this function. The
centredaround the art of table-scaping, with very rich wood and an acrylic light feature can be used continuously,
saw architectsAnu Chauhan from Zero9 colour palette. All Neon bathtubs can optionally and
and Uurmi Bhatia from the Artisanal be equipped with hydro-massage in intervals.
Paper Floral Studio, Miikigai unwrapping functions if desired. Hydro massage
new-age table-styling ideas. bathtubs are a result of the addition of With Air Maxi, you have the option
special hydro massage equipment and of a water massage, that can be used
Together, they took the floor to jets to standard bathtubs, creating an continuously and in intervals.
celebrate the beauty of less is more and envious combination of the relaxing
shared their expertise on how to master effect of a massage along with the
techniques of table styling and elevate cleansing power of water. Neon hydro-
the look of a living space. The designers massage bathtubs come with optional
shared their unique perspectives on the lighting and accessories which are
importance of a well-styled table and 100% tested with water and electron-
how good décor around the dining table ic measuring devices.
can be impactful and set the right vibe,
for every occasion. It also has the power The Neon hydro massage bathtub
to bring loved ones together over great comes with different functions like
food and oodles of conversation. With Duo Maxi wherein you have a choice
homes becoming more experimental and
dynamic, there is a huge area of untapped
potential and ideas for new living that
can add flavour, depth, and style.
REHAU unveils a series of exciting new products at Indiawood 2020
Rehau Polymers (REHAU),
ens and wardrobes, besides
one of the leading global play- new colours in solid surface.
ers in uPVC windows & doors,
furniture and building indus- Ajay Khurana, chairman,
REHAU South Asia, said,
try, has exhibited at Indiawood “REHAU has presented a very
2020, held recently at Bangalore special furniture experience
International Exhibition Centre, highlight at Indiawood 2020.
Bengaluru. REHAU showcased We’ve showcased a new door
- panorama swing door in the
a wide range of rigid core vinyl windows and door category. It’s
flooring, hot coating boards, an- a new addition to the windows
ti-finger print matte laminates, portfolio, showcased for the
affordable edgebands for car- first time.”
penters, front panel for kitch-
08 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
In Spotlight
OSRAM brings innovation IIFL Home Finance
to the fore with extends its home
exciting products loan portfolio
Avinder Singh, CEO, across rural
Osram Lighting Pvt. Ltd. areas in Gujarat
IIFL Home Finance Ltd. (IIFL HFL), a
Committed to bring revolutionary alternatives to chemical purification pro- prominent housing finance company,
technologies and state-of-the-art in- cesses as they do not leave any foul smell, has recently achieved deeper home loan
penetration across rural areas in Guja-
novations to life, Osram, one of the lead- or any by-products. Ozone-free these rat. IIFL HFL, under its expansion pro-
gramme, has opened branches in rural
ing global brands in lighting industry, has lamps are transparent for the radiation areas of the state and it has provided
home loans to customers constructing
accelerated its embrace of breakthrough that kills micro-organisms but do not let residential property in gram panchaya-
technologies to launch a series of innova- ozone generating radiation through. Even
These customers are also eligible for
tive products.The brand is all set to clinch these lamps are lead free and no addition- interest subsidy under ‘Rural Hous-
al chemicals are needed for purification, ing Interest Subsidy Scheme (RHISS)’
the major chunk of the market with ex- thus they have created a distinct edge in launched by the ministry of rural devel-
panded product portfolio aimed at offer- the overtly cluttered market flooded with opment under ‘housing for all by 2022’.
ing innovative and sustainable solutions many poor quality UV lamps available at
low price. Recently IIFL HFL has received sub-
to the consumers. sidy on behalf of customers staying
Avinder Singh, CEO, Osram Lighting in three districts Palanpur, Himmatnagar
Just after it recently launched an exclu- and Visnagar in Gujarat. IIFL HFL is into
sive range of P-VIP projection lamps, Os- Pvt. Ltd. India said,“Osram has brought funding in rural housing in 23 districts
ram is all set to disrupt the market with top-of-the-line low pressure UV lamps of the state and covering more than
to make a difference and empower the 400 gram panchayats. This scheme will
another new product, low pressure Osram customers with the much-required give support to rural housing and to the
UV lamps branded as “OsramPuritec® segment which actually requires to get
HNS®”. High-quality is the topmost attri- awareness about using only genuine benefited.
bute of Osramproductsas they are backed UV lamps produced by only a handful
of manufactures. Slowly and gradually, Harpreet Kaur, head - expansion loca-
by innovative R&D and advanced qual- tions, IIFL HFL said, “Rural housing inter-
end users are also becoming conscious est subsidy scheme is the most inspiring
ity checks. In line with this commitment, step taken by the ministry of rural devel-
“OsramPuritec® HNS®” is designed with about the importance of using genuine opment and we expect the scheme will
trusted German technology. UV lamps for desired effectiveness to give much needed boost to rural housing
get germ-free water and air.” in Gujarat. Committed to lend support to
Besides, these low pressure Osram UV the buyers of affordable homes, IIFL HFL
lamps are highly promising eco-friendly has been a leader in promoting RHISS.”
Under the wide umbrella of IIFL
Home Finance Limited, the front run-
ner in passing on benefits of PMAY CLSS
Schemes, ‘Swaraj Home Loan’ caters to
the demand for home loan coming from
those customers who want to build a
pucca house for living, but do not have
pertinent income documents like ITR,
bank statements, salary slips etc.
For its continued support in facilitat-
ing beneficiary families avail benefits of
CLSS subsidy under PMAY, IIFL HFL has
received the award for ‘Best Performing
PLI’ under Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme
for EWS/LIG under Pradhan Mantri
Awas Yojana’ from ministry of housing
and urban affairs, twice. It was awarded
‘Best Performing PLI under PMAY-CLSS
for EWS/LIG category - third in 2017’
while it was adjudged ‘Best Performing
PLI under PMAY-CLSS for EWS/LIG cat-
egory – second in 2018’.
march 2020 w chromohomes 09
anniversary issue
In Spotlight | Exclusive
Maison & Objet Gauri Khan Designs was buzzing with creativ-
ity, design and innovation as the interior de-
celebrates 25 years of signer’s community as well as architects came
to celebrate 25 years of Maison&Objet, the interna-
Gauri Khandécorandhomefashionat tionalshow for professionals in the lifestyle, interior
Designs décor and design industry. Maison & Objet is one of
the leading trade events in the European calendar
for creative lifestyle and audacious interior design.
Gauri Khan mentioned, “I do visit this show on a
regular basis as it gives a 360 degrees view of the
latest inthehomedécoranddesign. I find the aesthet-
ics of the show to be quiteimpressive.”
Promoting new contacts and international tal-
ents, the twice-yearly fair presents the latest sourc-
es of inspiration. Not surprising that Ashiesh Shah,
Amrish Patel & Darshan Soni, Little Shilpa, Rooshad
Shroff, Shitij Dogra and Bandana Jain presented a
glimpse of a few of their collections at this network-
ing cocktail. It was indeed an occasion to witness
acreative blend of materials, crafts, art and avant-
garde designs… Be it marble, textile or carpets, the
partners of this event Vita Moderna, Jaipur Rugs
and Nitco Tiles also displayed a few unique pieces.
10 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
In Spotlight | Exclusive
A part of this showcase was a chande-
lier of the French designer Regis Mathieu
who proved that he is a master of blending
materials and art. So was the work of the
master embroider, Jean-Francois Lesage.
Caroline Biros, marketing and commu-
nications director, Maison & Objet men-
tioned that India was well represented at
Maison & Objet and many architects, in-
terior designers as well as retailers visit
us twice a year, not to forget the ever in-
creasing number of exhibitors too.
In attendance at this do was consul
general of France Sonia Barbry as well
as an eclectic mix of top society, archi-
tects and designers including Shahrukh
Khan, Sussanne Khan, Maheep Kapoor,
Chunky Pandey and Bhavana Pandey,
Seema Khan, Neelam Kothari Soni, Ritesh
Sidhwani and more.
Raj Anand from Maison & Objet said, “We
do wish to see many more architects and
designers from India and also have high-
end product and design made in India!”
march 2020 w chromohomes 11
anniversary issue
Cut to the Chase
“More than 35,000 buyers
have been given possession
oftheir flats in recent past”
Amidst strong
headwinds in Noida’s
progress of different
works, the Noida
Authority has been
actively trying to
turn the situation
around under its
present Chief
Executive Officer
Ritu Maheshwari.
She has been
spearheading the
transformation of the
city’s development
since the time she took
the charge in July 2019.
n Are you working with buyers’ and
developers’ associations for the de-
layed possessions of residential proj-
ects in Noida?
In the past almost 2.5 years, more than
35,000 flats’ occupation certificates (OCs)
have been issued, which means more
than 35,000 buyers have been given pos-
session of their flats. Out of these, almost
25,000 registries have been done. As of
now, around 75,000 to 80,000 flats are
in different stages of construction. How-
ever, many of them are well on track, but
there are several which are not really on
track, construction is delayed and the au-
thorities are not being paid the requisite
amount so the OCs are getting delayed.
n What is the frequency of the authori-
ty’s meetings with builders and buyers?
12 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
Cut to the Chase
Almost every Wednesday various issues of mobile app where the citizens can login gate congestion on the city’s roads?
builders are reviewed in meetings with the and file their complaints wherever the Firstly, it is ITMS and secondly we are also
authority and the builders. Besides, there lights are not functional. Although, there engaging the professional agency CRRI. As
is a mediation meeting which is held every are some issues with its operations, it will of now, we have given three major roads
Tuesday with the additional CEO where the be resolved with time. This has at least for traffic studies, so they will be doing one
authority tries to resolve various other is- provided a platform to citizens where road every month and based on their sug-
sues. Whenever there is any issue regard- sitting at their places they can lodge their gestions we will see what work further is
ing construction, of handing over of flats, complaints and they can expect a redres- required. Currently, we have given almost
buildings or towers to the RWAs, we try sal in a specified time. 15 km road length of the city to them for
to resolve it over there. So meetings with traffic corridor study. Once they give us
builders are held at my level and apart from n Please tell me about the author- report for these three we will plan to hand
two days there is public grievance hearing ity’s ongoing initiatives of the city’s them another set of roads. Road by road
days held by me on Wednesday and Friday. beautification. and junction by junction we plan to study. I
On our part, we have extended different As part of the beautification drive, paint- don’t want a big report which will again go
kinds of policies through which even build- ings all across the city – few flyovers and into dump and so I would get it implement-
ers can pay their dues and completions can several pillars of metro stretch and public ed simultaneously. We have given them
be expedited. Under our zero period policy, walls have been picked up and being done three major congestion roads for study.
we have allowed builders to pay dues in in- by the authority. We have already covered
stallments. many such paintings and many more we n There is a serious issue of stray ani-
intend to cover in the coming months. I mals in Noida’s residential areas which
n The authority is setting up cameras think we will be rapping up this project needs an action to control them. Are
at crucial junctures to end road traffic soon. Also, on few public spaces we have you doing anything to control them?
woes in the city. Please elaborate on its been installing various sculptures. We Already around one thousand stray
implementation. have done two as of now – one is of Gau- animals in the past one year have been
The Noida Authority is planning to cover tam Buddha which is installed on Sector caught by Noida Authority and they have
the entire city under the camera moni- 14A entrance and the second one is plas- been placed into a shelter homes – one is
toring system. We have already set up tic waste Charka installed on the express- in Sector 94 and there is another shelter
the system on the Noida-Greater Noida way which has been recognised as the home which we built in Nangli Wazidpur
expressway, but apart from that there largest charkha also. village. Both the shelter homes are built
will be the Intelligence Traffic Manage- by Noida Authority and we are complete-
ment System (ITMS) in place in the en- n What about toilets and parkings be- ly feeding them. Time to time daily catch-
tire city. Its implementation is in the final ing made by the authority? ing of stray cattles is going on. The main
process and soon we will be floating the Toilets in Noida are at different phases issue is here that in all the villages around
tenders. The authority’s purpose is bet- of construction – a lot of them have been the city a lot of people have these animals
ter traffic planning and enforcement as at completed and almost hundred new uri- with them and they leave them for feeding
many places traffic rules are not followed, nals are being made in the city. We have on the roads. So, basically we need to deal
there are violations. Hence, the implica- inaugurated five new toilets few days it with that manner since most of them
tion would be on the way traffic is being back. About 50-60% of these toilets and are not stray. We have captured stray ani-
managed across the city. We hope to soon urinals have already been completed. mals almost thousand in number and we
roll out this project on ground and will be Parkings are also in different stages. Bo- are feeding them with our own funds. The
completed by end of the year. tanical garden parking and three more issue is to deal with those people who are
parkings are under construction. Two are illegally leaving their cattle to feed on the
n Say something about the mobile almost ready and the rest will be ready road and that again is the implementa-
app ‘Noida Smart LED’ unveiled by the soon. For the operations of these park- tion challenge. We are trying to figure out
authority. ings, we have already floated tenders. So when we will be able to do that. Our fo-
The authority has tied up with Tata Proj- they should also be finalised soon. Hope- cus primarily has been on catching stray
ects to replace all the city lights, which are fully by the end of this month all these cattle and shifting them there and having
almost 75,000, with LED. And as a part projects would be wrapped up. them managed properly.
of that mandate they have developed a n Do you have any plan to further miti-
(As to told to Kausar Firdausi, Mail Today)
march 2020 w chromohomes 13
anniversary issue
An overwhelming gift
Sonu Sood in bedroom
14 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
Sonu Sood in living area
Film actor Sonu Sood gifted his sister Malvika
a home which is so contemporary and
beautiful that will make him, his sister and her
family spend quality time together
The makeover of the home of campaign reflects on the importance of
popular Bollywood actor Sonu work-life balance dynamics in the lives
Sood’s sister Malvika was a part of Indians. The idea of making space for
of Godrej Interio’s new campaign life has a particular resonance for Indi-
‘Make Space for Life’. The prominent furni- ans, not merely in the physical sense,
ture and interior solutions brand’s latest but in terms of the pressures and obliga-
campaign aims to highlight that in pursuit tions, we face every day. Today’s working
of professional excellence people feel they professionals are losing out significantly
are losing out significantly on creating on creating strong family ties or spend-
strong family ties or spending quality time ing quality time with family and friends
with family and friends. due to pressures of demanding profes-
sional lives. As per our survey findings,
The newly redone home of the with the excessive pressure of work
actor’s sister is in their hometown Moga in Indians find less time for bonding with
Punjab. Sonu wanted to gift his sister their loved ones. While technology is a
a home which is so contemporary and facilitator it also plays an important role
beautiful that will make him, his sis- in escalation of this trend. Such insights
ter and her family spend quality time also reflect work-life balance dynamics
together. Sonu wanted to bring in a in the lives of Indians. We are extremely
change and a sense of freshness to their delighted to have played a role in mak-
home with a lot more fun and happy ing Sonu’s sisters home a dream abode
times together as a family. for her family.”
For Malvika, it was definitely an over- As per the recent national survey by
whelming gift. “My sister was truly de- Godrej Interio, while spending quality
lighted looking at the revamped house. I time with family and friends, more than
want to once again thank the Godrej Inte- one-in-three (34 per cent) of Indian work-
rio team for helping me put together my ing professionals are not able to dedicate
sister’s dream home. The latest trends in enough time to their children due to work
interiors, furniture design, colour palate pressure. The study also revealed that
and accessories were brought in, which due to work pressure, more than 64 per
perfectly suited our tastes and person- cent of the respondents feel that they are
alities to bring alive this home. The home not able to dedicate enough time to their
where she and her family can make space family whereas 28 per cent are not able to
for fun, laughter, passion and more. I am spend quality time with their spouse. Sim-
looking forward to spending more time ilarly, 21.2 per cent and 16.2 per cent of
with her in this new abode and create the respondents feel that they are not able
more memories,” said Sood. to dedicate enough time to their friends
and parents respectively.
Anil Mathur, chief operating officer,
Godrej Interio, said, “Make Space for Life
march 2020 w chromohomes 15
anniversary issue
Be it for furniture or decor, the colour blue has it all for your
home. From subtle to sensational, re-imagine your spaces
with accents in shades of blue!
16 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
By Mannat Mundi colour white to create a striking con-
trast with ikat prints, florals, stripes
For centuries, the colour blue and geometrics. A quick tip to go in for
has been a mainstay in in- a floral cushion is to combine it with
teriors. The world we live solids in the same colour palette. For
in shapes our tolerance of starters, the combination works with
colours and so a room with plenty pretty much any design theme or style
of blue would seem very aestheti- that you have going. Elegant, simple
cally appealing as compared to a room and yet gorgeous, blue and white is an
filled with red. Blue is constant in our ageless colour duo that is trending hot
lives in the most natural form; it is the this summer.
colour of the sky and the sea and has
the ability to evoke a feeling of rest Blue when paired with white, re-
with its wonderful calming proper- ally comes into its own, giving a
ties. Colour enhances our mood - blue crisp and fresh look to any room.
sends signals that can cause the body Whether you play with this combi-
to produce soothing chemicals and so nation in curtains, upholstery or ac-
blue really is a colour choice which is cessories, this striking contrast will
heaven to the human eye. add a pop of colour to an otherwise
neutral scheme. Of course, there are
From azure tones to inky prints, no limitations to mixing and match-
blue is having a huge impact on in- ing and playing around with colour
teriors at the moment and although so consider mixing blues and whites
it’s fashionable, it is also timeless and with pink or yellow for an effort-
exceptionally versatile. Trends may lessly chic look. Experimenting with
come and go, but classic schemes patterns and colour combinations
have a staying power. Blue is different will give your interior the edge. Mix
because it transcends fashion cycles plains with patterns to balance a
and will always have a wide appeal room - a plain sofa upholstery will
yet is currently very much en vogue, welcome daring tones of blue cush-
especially when combined with the ions, curtains, or an accent chair.
march 2020 w chromohomes 17
anniversary issue
If you are unsure of adding larger, in. Rich teal blue and mauve accents in pieces such as lamps and clocks in this
more permanent pieces in blues or blue both textiles and furniture will also help theme will be a big trend. This monsoon
and white combinations think about you soak up the flavours of the rain. is all about redefining luxury with items
introducing subtle pops of colour in From pale ice blue, indigo to deep navy, that tell a story of authenticity and time-
versatile accessories that can be dot- blue will be a staple from bed linen to lessness without being ostentatious.
ted around a room, such as cushions or cushions and even furniture pieces like
ginger jars. As well as blues in all their headboards and sofas. If you want to So, however you decide to introduce
variations, the ikat print in indigo and throwback to modern design elements this easy going yet extremely effective
white is predominantly striking. The from the 60s and the 70s, small vintage colour combo, be bang on trend and
Chinese ginger jars in this colour tone, bring in the blue!
is another great way of bringing in a
pretty pattern for a classic look. One
of these, or a pair for symmetry, will
look beautiful on a sideboard or a con-
sole table in all their decorative blue
and white glory. Likewise, planter pots
in a similar colour and pattern filled
with houseplants or spring bulbs are
a great way of adding colour, texture
and interest. Another simple and yet
a great accessory is your serving tray
and cutlery. Available in lots of inspir-
ing patterns, these add an artistic flair
to your lair.
During this time of the year, the fan-
tastic play of colours in nature adds to
the season’s visual appeal. The omi-
nous, grey clouds; glossy green leaves
and a gentle hiss of indigo rain create
a fresh colour palette for you to revel
18 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
Trending | False ceiling
Functional décor
for modern day homes
While ceilings as a design element offer the maximum unobstructed
view of any interior space, false ceilings, with a wide array of design
options, can offer a definitive look and feel to your rooms and build
the right ambience as per your taste
march 2020 w chromohomes 19
anniversary issue
Trending | False ceiling
20 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
Trending | False ceiling
By Venkat Subramanian False ceiling
is a secondary
False ceiling is a secondary ceil- ceiling which
ing which is suspended close to is suspended
the main ceiling structure using close to the
a metal framing structure. They main ceiling
are finished using gypsum plasterboard structure using
which provides a seamless finish and can a metal framing
be shaped to give attractive design op-
tions which make the space come alive. structure.
Advantages of false ceiling designer false ceilings depending on the
complexity. So a false ceiling can be done
False ceilings are not just an element of in as much time or faster than a paint job.
design, but can also offer superior perfor- False ceilings are also cost effective and of-
mance benefits to you. Below mentioned fer a great value for money.
are some of the major advantages false
ceilings have to offer: Give your house an edge with contempo-
rary and elegant false ceiling today and bask
Aesthetics in the compliments that come your way.
n Contemporary décor and designer look (The writer is MD, Saint-Gobain
for your homes – a style statement that India Pvt. Ltd. – Gyproc Business)
reflects yourself
n Seamless and elegant smooth finish
(you will not have any of waviness and
uneven finish which you get with plas-
tered surfaces)
n False ceilings in homes can open up a
whole world of lighting options both in
terms of spot lighting (white lights for
reading) and mood lighting (party or re-
laxed atmosphere)
n All the wiring for overhead fixtures like
fans, lighting, air conditioning can be eas-
ily routed in the gap between the false
ceiling and the soffit. This eliminates the
crisscrossing of wires on the ceilings be-
ing visible and offers a clean and seam-
less look to your homes
n Energy efficiency: False ceiling creates
an air gap between soffit and false ceiling
level creating thermal insulation reduce
the air volume of the room and hence
reduce the air-conditioning load. This in
turn reduces the power consumption to-
wards cooling the space
n Thermal insulation: A very common
occurrence in homes with the ceiling
above exposed directly to the sun is the
heat that comes through the ceiling. False
ceiling are an effective way to manage this
as the air gap between the soffit and the
false ceiling offers thermal insulation that
reduces the impact of the exposed sun
n Impact sound insulation: Sound com-
ing in from the apartment above is also
a commonly seen problem in apartment
complexes. False ceiling can help reduce
this sound by providing an additional in-
sulating surface between your home and
the home above.
Plasterboards are also extremely fast and
easy to install. A false ceiling using gypsum
plasterboard is very easy to do. It takes ap-
proximately one week to do a plain false
ceiling and anywhere from 1-2 weeks for
march 2020 w chromohomes 21
anniversary issue
Trending | Golf homes
Offering By Sakshee Katiyal
Golf has always been associated
living with status quotient of indi-
viduals and high-net individuals
Golf-based luxury residences in top (HNIs) have always enjoyed play-
Indian cities not only provide leisure ing the game. Keeping this in mind, devel-
for playing the sport, but also offer opers too have shifted the gear from regu-
greenery and scenic beauty around lar amenities-based projects to golf-theme
projects. Golf-based luxury residences
the surroundings have drawn attention of bureaucrats,
army personnel, business executives and
22 chromohomes w march 2020 top executives over the years.
NRI investor today wants to pump
money into luxury residential units which
stand out from general housing units.
anniversary issue
Trending | Golf homes
Home&Soul has also ventured into
this arena with the launch of its
project branded as Page 3
Much of this is contributed to the pursuit Mumbai talked-about golf-theme based residen-
for social status. Another important factor tial projects by the Hiranandani group in
contributing to the growth in luxury hous- Amidst the hustle bustle of the city, devel- the city. Due to the presence of various
ing segment has been steep increase in opers are focusing on golf theme-based automobile majors from China, Japan
the number of HNIs and their demand for residential projects. One can have a dream and Korea, this township is also known
residential units in this segment. home in any of the projects like Golf as the Detroit of South Asia. The 9-hole
Scappe, Chembur (East), Golf Meadows golf course in this township is designed
Today’s high-end residential villas and in Panvel and Golf City Savroli along the by renowned architect David Hem stock
penthouses are designed around golf- Mumbai-Lonavala Highway. These proj- and is spread across 400 acres.
theme along with swimming pool, club- ects are designed to have 9, 18 or 32-hole
house, lounge and gymnasium. Golf not golf courses with other amenities such Luxury housing sales which make
only provides the leisure for playing the as basketball court, cricket pitch, jogging a part of golf based residential housing
sport amongst residents, but also offers track, separate swimming pools, swim- segment, are driven by investor interest.
greenery and scenic beauty around the ming pool, table tennis and more. The fact that 23,000 new luxury hous-
surroundings. ing units were launched in the major cit-
Bengaluru ies in India, despite the sluggish growth
Below are four key cities for consum- indicate that investor activity in this seg-
ers to invest in golf-theme house. This IT city has also managed to offer ment has moved at a sustainable pace.
golf-theme based residential properties
Delhi-NCR in South India. The availability of such Golf theme based residential proj-
townships help professionals give the ects have also made its foray into tier-II
The national capital city Delhi and its kind of lifestyle they have been looking cities. Though the property prices in
adjoining areas have a range of golf-based for. Though most of these projects are lo- these projects are lower in compari-
residential projects. All reputed devel- cated in the outskirts of the city, they offer son to the tier I cities, the prospects in
opers have already ventured into this smooth connectivity to airport and work- cities like Dehradun, Chandigarh and
premium segment. All such townships places. Away from the city life, the golf more such towns are emerging fast
are designed to offer capacious living units based residences are designed with mod- as most sought after destinations. Con-
along with other amenities like lounge, ern-day features like lounge, clubhouse, sumers are keen to invest in such resi-
clubhouse, green landscape, swimming green landscape and security system. dential projects as they offer modern and
pool, meditation room and much more. futuristic living.
All the golf-theme-based residential Chennai
projects are enabled-with multi-tier (The writer is CEO, Home&Soul)
security system. Hiranandani Parks is one of the most-
march 2020 w chromohomes 23
anniversary issue
Special Initiative | Q&A
“Ace Divino carries a
concept of divine living”
In an interview, Rahul Gupta, Director, Ace Group deliberated upon
the company’s latest residential offering ‘Ace Divino’, located at
Greater Noida West. Edited excerpts…
24 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
Special Initiative | Q&A
Ace Divino - Front Tower.
Ace Divino - Club View
Ace Divino - Tree Court View
n What was the vision behind the loca- the starting differentiators between Ace demand. You see a number of affordable
tion of your new project Ace Divino? Divino and others. projects across the NCR and other cities.
We had a very positive vision towards the But at the same time, luxury segment is
location and the infrastructure which is n In the current real estate environ- also getting boost and I see a number
planned in Greater Noida West region. Ac- ment of long delays in project comple- of renowned builders coming up with
quiring a strategic location which is futur- tions and trust deficit, timely delivery luxury residential projects in major cit-
istic is sometimes very tricky and we were is the key. Your thoughts on it for your ies across the country like NCR, Mumbai,
fortunate to get one for Divino. Sector 1 new project? Bengaluru, etc.
of GNW has some of the best connectivity I really agree to the point.But yes, if you
among the newly developed regions. FNG go almost10 years back, you will come n Please let us know about the success
is very near to this sector, also it has direct to know that we have delivered most of of Divino so far.
access to Sector 71-79 belt and Noida City the projects before time. Sometimes your All I can say is that the public is respond-
Center. The sector also has proximity to track record speaks itself. I can assure you ing very positively to the offerings that Di-
Greater Noida and Noida Expressway. the same for Divino. It will set the same vino has. The numbers have been increas-
example as our previous projects have. ing significantly since the launch, and we
n What’s it that differentiates Ace are confident for its success.
Divino from other projects in GNW? n When affordable housing segment is
Ace Divino carries a concept of divine mainly concentrated on, how do you n Any message to the potential buyers
living. Something which is usually found see the luxury segment market in the of Divino?
in a resort which is far from the chaos of near future? Yes, definitely! Extending my thanks to all
the city. To bring the concept at one of the Two different segments of the same in- of them who have trusted and invested in
most demanding locations, we gave a lot dustry! The growth has been promising Divino and we hope to give them a very
of unique features and facilities to Divino. over the years for both segments. The delightful experience very soon.
Landscaping is also done by giving a simi- real estate industry is actually catering as
lar thought. I can say that this is one of per the need of the buyers or consumers’ (Interviewed by Tasneem Firdausi)
march 2020 w chromohomes 25
anniversary issue
Builders focusing on
lower priced housing
Developers are now very laser-focused
and consciously launching projects in the
lower ticket-size segment which are high in
demand by homebuyers
26 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
By Chromohomes Bureau as the industry-level structural changes quarters of FY2019, with players like
which have taken place in the form of Sobha, Brigade and Godrej announc-
Given the changing demographic RERA, GST and IBC. Consequently, the ing significant new launches. Post that
profile of cities on the back of larger listed players have witnessed ro- however, there has been some stabilisa-
increasing urbanisation and bustness in sales levels, followed by a re- tion in launch velocity, with the same
inward migration, housing de- duction in unsold inventory.” having moderated to 3-4 million sq.ft.
mand has largely been concentrated in per quarter. This, combined with steady
the lower ticket-size segment, and an The ICRA’s study says that the area sales levels has led to a decline in in-
increasing number of developers are ac- sold during Q3-FY2020 by the companies ventory holding. Thus, quarters-to-sell
knowledging this trend. With the rise in comprising ten large listed entities, stood (QTS) has also seen a declining trend
demand of affordable housing, the lower at a healthy 8.57 mn. sq.ft. The sales in the over the past five quarters, moving to
ticket-size segment under Rs. 1 crore in past few quarters have remained steady 7.6 quarter in Q3 FY2020 from 9.4 quar-
metros and tier 1 cities and below 50 lakh at an average of 7.5-8.5 mn. sq.ft. which ter in Q3 FY2019.
in tier 2 and 3 cities are seeing consid- reflects steady buyer preference for re-
erable momentum in the realty market. puted developers with timely deliveries. When it comes to the current scenario
Hence, existing phases/new launches are Moreover, while the sales value of the of Delhi-NCR’s realty market, it seems
being reconfigured/designed with a focus area booked increased to Rs. 5,980 crore true that builders in this part of the coun-
on lower unit prices. in Q3-FY2020, as compared to Rs. 5,492 try are now very laser-focused and con-
crore over the same period a year ago, sciously launching projects in categories
According to industry experts and registering a growth of 9 per cent, average which are high in demand by homebuyers
stakeholders, large realty players have ticket sizes have witnessed a downtrend. – which is affordable and mid-segment
been better positioned to carry out this Recent launches have largely been con- housing with ticket prices within Rs. 80
strategic realignment, given the higher centrated in the 1200-1500 sq.ft. per unit lakh budget.
level of balance sheet strength along with range, with an average price of around Rs.
operational and financial flexibility avail- 7000 per sq.ft., keeping ticket sizes within Data also validates this. As per Anarock
able to them.Mahi Agarwal, assistant vice the Rs. 1 crore bracket. Overall weighted research, out of the total 35,280 units
president and associate head, ICRA, says, average prices have also witnessed a de- launched in NCR in 2019, more than 73
“This right-sizing and right-pricing has growth over time, reducing by 11 per cent per cent units were priced within Rs. 80
further strengthened the already ongoing over the past three years, standing at Rs. lakh budget, i.e. in the affordable and
market consolidation, which has been at- 6,952 per sq.ft. in 9M FY2020, as against mid-segment categories. In 2018 also,
tributable to homebuyer preferences for Rs. 7,823/sq.ft. during FY2016. the share of new launches within these
products from established developers two categories remained more or less the
with a track record of delivery; as well The pace of launches across the coun- same at around 74 per cent out of the to-
try was particularly high in the last two tal new supply in NCR.
march 2020 w chromohomes 27
anniversary issue
“The fact that there are already at least Clinic, one of North India’s leading they don’t face problem commuting. This
1.75 lakh unsold units in NCR across real estate consultancy firms holds a generation likes a fully-loaded project
budget segments as on 2019-end due to similar view that many developers across with all modern and community facili-
demand-supply mismatch in previous the NCR are acknowledging the trend ties at their doorstep which is value for
years, builders are now ensuring that which has improved the demand for the money. Millennial does not believe in
they bridge this gap and strictly adhere completed projects. “The government’s investing for the future as such but want
to demand,” says Santhosh Kumar, vice initiative on tax reduction on second to live and experience a better lifestyle
chairman, Anarock Property Consultants. property has brought this segment to the by living in the project they have invest-
limelight. Reputed and trusted developers ed in,” states Pradeep Aggarwal, found-
Prashant Solomon, MD, Chintels India with affordable ticket price are also going er & chairman, Signature Global and
and hon. Treasurer, CREDAI NCR is of the to witness the good sales in the market,” chairman, national council on affordable
view that demand is seen in the lower- says Katiyal. housing, ASSOCHAM.
ticket offerings in emerging residential
areas along the Dwarka Expressway and A latest trend among millennial is Giving more insights, Agarwal says, “On
other upcoming locations in the NCR. “Re- to look for projects which provide the supply side, the creation of the Rs.
ports suggest that more than half of the environment sustainability. Focus is more 25,000 crore last mile fund and recent RBI
apartments for sale in Gurugram fall un- on a good lifestyle with modern housing announcements with regards to extension
der the affordable to mid-income ticket- where they get more of open spaces, com- in date of commencement of commercial
size – ranging from Rs. 25 lakh to Rs. 1 mon areas and living area in an affordable operations (DCCO) are expected to boost
crore and this proves that developers are price. “The contemporary design also project deliveries. On the demand side
acknowledging the trend and catering to attracts them. For them mobility is of as well, the reduction in requirement to
the demand,” informs Solomon. utmost importance and hence the loca- maintain cash reserve ratio by the banks,
tion of the projects should be such that is expected to provide a boost to the home
Honeyy Katiyal, founder, Investors
28 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
loan availability and might impact the de-
mand positively. Also, the recent budget-
ary announcements regarding extension
in the permitted additional deduction for
interest paid on loans borrowed for the
affordable house and capital gain tax re-
lief on property valuations are expected
to further support demand. However, the
ability of such developers to continue to
move in alignment with market require-
ments and capitalize on the Government
stimulus will remain critical for maintain-
ing the current sales momentum.”
While overall homebuyer sentiment
and demand is expected to remain muted,
established and reputed developers with
good quality completed inventory at af-
fordable ticket sizes are expected to con-
tinue to witness positive sales momen-
tum. Government initiatives focused on
lower priced housing have provided fur-
ther impetus to these market dynamics.
march 2020 w chromohomes 29
anniversary issue
cover story
30 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
cover story
Today, developers are designing their projects
keeping in mind the requirements of the
millennials who do not mind shifting from one
sector to other or from one city to another
march 2020 w chromohomes 31
anniversary issue
cover story
By Tasneem Firdausi
Today, the design and planning of
the residential project is being
done mainly keeping in mind the
requirements of the latest po-
tential buyers who are better termed as
millennials. The needs are completely dif-
ferent which are in most cases influenced
by the global experience that this young
generation had. Almost all of them have
global exposure and have seen the hous-
ing in various other countries.
Self-owned homes remain at the cen-
tre of most Indians’ investment philoso-
phy – and on top of their priorities list. In
India, housing cannot be compared to other
investment routes such as stocks, fixed
deposits and gold as a self-owned home
in this part of the world is the fulcrum
from which people leverage financial and
psychological independence. Moreover,
they are seeking freedom from a lifelong
rental trap.
Another factor driving demand is
easy availability of finance (from banks
32 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
cover story
etc.). According to Anuj Puri, chairman, years, followed by 25 per cent in the 45- India has a
Anarock Property Consultants, back in 55 years bracket.Interestingly, 20 per cent millennial
the late 90s, most Indians preferred buy- are there in the age bracket 25-35 years population
ing homes using their savings rather than and at least 7 per cent in less than 25 of around 400
taking the home loan route, maximum years age. There were very limited seek- mn. constituting
homebuyers were in the 45-55 years ers in these two age groups back in early around 47% of
age bracket or those nearing retirement. 2000s. Improved tax benefits motivated the workforce,
While maintaining a cautious approach several professionals within age-group and that’s a
towards bank loans, younger group also of 25-35 years to opt for loans. Many of significant
had fewer saving with them and hence these millennials preferred paying EMIs percentage. the
kept away. Also, most banks were then re- over rentals. Hence, more and more indi- millennial as a
luctant to lend a large amount (70-80 per viduals within this bracket began to seek consumer class
cent as on today). property. These numbers have been swell- represents a total
ing since then. spending capacity
However today, age of property seek- of around
ers has dropped significantly with most India has a millennial population $3.6 trillion.
falling in the age bracket of 35-45 years. of around 400 million constituting around
“Amid this change, banks and other finan- 47 per cent of the workforce, and that’s march 2020 w chromohomes 33
cial companies also began to re-strategise a significant percentage. Collectively, the
and youth became their target audience. millennial as a consumer class repre-
Plus, they can avail various tax benefits if sents a total spending capacity of around
taking a home loan,” says Puri. USD 3.6 trillion, growing fourfold in a
decade’s time.
Thus, if we are to analyse the age bracket
of home seekers, Anarock consumer senti- As per the 360 Realtors’ Millennial
ment survey revealed interesting facts. At Survey Report, amongst Indian middle-
least 37 per cent of participants seeking income millennials, the flight towards af-
property fall in the age bracket of 35-45 fordability is visible.
anniversary issue
cover story
Less than 5 per cent of the millenni- Less than 5% of the millennials prefer to
als prefer to buy a home priced over Rs. buy a home priced over `1 crore. While 39%
1 crore. While 39 per cent of the respon-
dents, who wished to buy homes, prefer to of the respondents, who wished to buy
buy a budget property within Rs. 40 lakh, homes, prefer to buy a budget property
44 per cent prefer to buy homes ranged within `40 lakh, 44% prefer to buy homes
between Rs. 40-80 lakh and 13 per cent of ranged between `40-80 lakh and 13% of
the respondents suggested buying homes the respondents suggested buying homes
ranged between Rs. 80 lakh to 1 crore.
ranged between `80 lakh to 1 crore.
“Being aspirational people, millenni-
alsdo not mind shifting from one sector to
other or from one city to another. This in-
volves some kind of risk. Thus, they don’t
wish to over leverage themselves and thus
they tend to opt for smaller units, as it can
be purchased at reasonable cost,” says
Parveen Aggarwal, founder and chairman,
Signature Sattva.
The latest trend among millennials is to
look for projects which provide environ-
ment sustainability. This young genera-
tion is conscious about the world around
them and wants their place to be in sync
with the environment concerns. Charting
out the needs of this age, Yash Miglani,
MD, Migsun Group says, “For them mo-
bility is also of utmost importance and
hence the location of the projects should
be such that they should not face prob-
lem commuting. This generation does
not invest for future as such because they
want to live in the project they are invest-
ing in and keeping the option of selling
out for later.”
34 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
cover story
Being technology-driven, millennials New age customers are discerning, and The typical
are well equipped to make informed deci- go beyond the standard proforma of price, millennial family
sions which would drive their home-buy- size, amenities and location. They delve today is nuclear
ing decision too. “They value experience into the more intricate and often techni-
over materials, which is an opportunity cal aspects such as strength, durability and with one
and challenge both for real state drivers. and safety. They typically shy away from or two kids,
The developers who have adapted to their pushy, high pressure marketing tactics which makes
demand patterns, providing experiences, and seek immersive experiences at their the home option
not just residences, incorporate eco- own pace without the duress of buying. very clear. This
friendly ways, built smart homes which To address this need realty players like family structure
are energy-efficient and encourage green Kalpataru has launched Kalpataru Roots makes them play
environs would be driving the housing de- in Thane, Mumbai. with real estate
mand. Thus, integrated townships would investment by
play a significant role,” says ManjuYagnik, Kalpataru Roots is one-of-its-kind full- going for smaller
vice chairperson Nahar Group and vice fledged home experience arena where buy- options at present
president NAREDCO (Maharashtra). ers can get an immersive experience of the and diverting
homes it sells. It comprises physical and extra money to
Their ability to spot properties which virtual interactive spaces where customers other investment
offer conveniences, experiences, open using an array of tools can engage first hand
space and proximity to work as millenni- with various engineering, architectural, de- tools.
als are the ones who are particular about sign and sustainability aspects that go into
integrating the work-life balance. If mar- the making of their future home. “Through
ket dynamics change in accordance, these Kalpataru Roots, we aim at collaborating
factors will drive the housing demand. with the homebuyers who are looking be-
yond the carpet area and price-points, and
The typical millennial family today is inspire curiosity and understanding about
nuclear and with one or two kids, which the nuances of the project, and empower
makes the home option very clear. “This them to make a knowledge-based judgment
family structure makes them play with on the purchase, proclaims ParagMunot,
real estate investment by going for MD, Kalpataru Ltd.
smaller options at present and diverting
extra money to other investment tools. Owning a luxury holiday home in places
The smart millennial want to secure the like Goa is also an increasing trend for this
future without compromising on the next generation buyers who look at it as
dreams, which includes owning a home,” a luxury living and also as a good invest-
adds VikasBhasin, CMD, Saya Homes. ment option with better rental yields.
march 2020 w chromohomes 35
anniversary issue
cover story
Many people today are looking for a lifestyle one must experience. Property
retirement holiday home, with millenni- builders are thus extending their services
als especially looking to invest in Goa as to bring in amenities to the doorsteps of
their get-away destination from the busy their customers.
city and chaotic lives. The rental returns
have also been a bonus to many who have As Puri believes that a hard focus on
wanted to be part of holiday homes in amenities is a distinct differentiator which
Goa,” affirms Lincoln Bennet Rodrigues, can set a project apart from competing
founder and chairman, Bennet& Bernard projects in the same neighbourhood and
Group, a luxury real estate developer price range. “Given the cut-throat com-
known for their unique and exclusive hol- petition due to abundance of supply on
iday homes in Goa. the market, this focus needs to be incul-
cated at the very outset during project
Value addition conceptualisation. Not all amenities work
uniformly well across all locations, as
New business models are rapidly evolv- markets tend to have different customer
ing. Intense market competition has com- demographics and profiles,” adds Puri.
pelled the real estate firms to rethink tra-
ditional strategies and innovate. Modern As one of the developers, Prashant
realtors today are considering various Solomon, MD, Chintels India, who is
real estate innovations as opportunities also the hon. treasurer for CREDAI-NCR,
to build up their valuations. Focusing on puts in, “We are always keen on offering
land acquisition and effective manage- the best possible residential solution to
ment of regulatory bodies is no longer homebuyers and amenities form an im-
sufficient; developers’ main focus is on portant part of the equation. Especially
becoming strong local market leaders in in metros where space and well-designed
order to build a platform for sustainable infrastructure is at a premium, it is neces-
growth and deliver projects in the inter- sary that end consumers receive an opti-
est of their consumers. mally planned residence. We believe that
developers can ensure a more amenity-
Developers are making sure that basic driven approach by keeping consumer
necessities are met, all under one roof. requirements, like space for leisure activi-
Today, living in a home not only means ties and social gatherings, fitness options,
owning a shelter, but it also defines a etc., centre stage.
New age customers are discerning,
and go beyond the standard proforma
of price, size, amenities and location.
They delve into the more intricate
and often technical aspects such as
strength, durability and safety.
36 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
cover story
march 2020 w chromohomes 37
anniversary issue
cover story
an affordable
housing cannot
have too many
amenities as
everything comes
with the cost but
a mid-segment
housing can
surely afford to
have community
amenities like
swimming pool
AND playground
for kids which
are inexpensive
and yet valued.
Generally, there is now a greater onus proach to the overall experience that the – if not more – than residential spaces.
on green open spaces, technology-driv- homebuyer will get, and not just focus Given this, developers plan their proj-
en security, adequate parking spaces on square feet of constructed space. To ects in a manner where project ameni-
and sustainability features, especially give an example, Dr. Niranjan Hiranan- ties are given as much importance as
rainwater harvesting. “A developer dani, MD, Hiranandani Group & national the residential spaces.This is a must
needs to understand what buyers in a president, NAREDCO, says, “When we given today’s evolved homebuyers.”
certain location actually want and pro- start work on an integrated, mixed-use
vide suitable amenities. A lot of mar- township, it is not just the residential Township projects are thus gaining
ket research and polling is required to spaces which are planned for; at first interest of consumers as well as home-
get the formula right in every project. place the core infrastructure and social buyers. “Trying to work through these
There also needs to be a focus on pro- amenities get in place before working on new trends, developers are coming up
viding the promised amenities within residential spaces within the project. It with townships which provide more
the promised time-frame. This is often is very simple: the new age homebuyer than just homes. Alongside residences,
a challenge in larger townships, but wants the over-all lifestyle-plus living these projects tend to provide extra
providing timely amenities cannot be experience and does not want to spend rooms for the residents’ guests, top-
compromised upon even in such large- the entire time within the confines of notch safety for families, special play
scale projects,” adds Puri. four walls. Given this, common ameni- areas for children and open vehicle-free
ties and infrastructure are as important spaces for the elderly and the disabled
It is all about taking a holistic ap- residing there. Developers these days
38 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
cover story
are giving easy access to luxurious ame- managing director, Exotica Housing,
nities rather than just raising projects amenities should be such well thought
with a single standing building,” further and brain-stormed that homebuyers
states Yagnik. have just imagined or seen on a global
level and now aspiring to have them in
Amenity driven approach also de- real form. An ideal amenity should stim-
pends on the segment which you are ulate a human being to sensitise, utilise,
targeting. Ashok Gupta, CMD, Ajnara connect and care equally.
India, is of the view that an affordable
housing cannot have too many ameni- Also points out Anil Saraf, CMD, ASF
ties as everything comes with the cost Group, thatit needs to be ensured by de-
but a mid-segment housing can surely velopers that their projects are in har-
afford to have community amenities mony with demographics and overall
which are inexpensive and yet valued. development plans of the region wherein
Amenities such as swimming pool, they are constructing their projects. Any
CCTV cameras, playground for kids, jog- deviation, may give short-term benefits,
ging park, etc, are a must to attract the but in the long run, it will surely cause
mid-segment buyers who want value for problems, both for the developer and in-
their money. According to Dinesh Jain, habitants.
march 2020 w chromohomes 39
anniversary issue
Skyline | Goa
Bennet & Bernard Custom Homes
40 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
Skyline | Goa
hThoe hmotespinotvfoershtoolirdasy
While earlier, only hotshots and
celebrities were seen investing in
holiday homes in Goa, the pattern
of investors has seen a remarkable
shift over the recent past
march 2020 w chromohomes 41
anniversary issue
Skyline | Goa
By Vikrant Naik flea markets, great weather, lovely water- Goa generates potential rentals
sports, awesome food, carnivals, Goa has
The earnest desire of the millenni- become a lucrative market for dream Goa being one of the most popular tour-
als to log out of the choking, pol- dual homes to spend a lazy weekend with ist destinations in the country among
luted and hectic city life and hit friends and families. both foreigners and Indians, it increases
refresh in a serene space in the the potential to generate good rentals for
lap of nature is what has made holiday While earlier, only hotshots and celebri- holiday home investors. Its quiet charm,
homes or dual homes a hot trend today. ties were seen investing in holiday homes abundance of nature and party tag play a
And undoubtedly, Goa, India’s tourism in Goa, the pattern of investors has seen a vital role in generating profitable rentals
capital, has become the most sought-after remarkable shift over the recent past. The out of holiday homes.
destination for the investors to invest in a latest data has shown that the millennials
holiday home. With its package of the aes- from the upper-middle class and middle- Capital appreciation
thetic pleasure of the blue sea, white sand class are earning handsome packages
and serene locations, the charming taste that have fuelled their investment poten- Investing in holiday homes in Goa is the
of vintage architectural diversity, exciting tial and pushed the holiday home market smartest move a millennial can make.
with strong double digit annual growth Reason, international tourists who visit
Bennet & Bernard Custom Homes rate with demand coming from both sala- Goa for prolonged duration find holi-
ried professionals as well as those from day homes to be more convenient over
business backgrounds. These investors hotels. With a large number of tourist
mostly prefer a dual home that offers a footfall during the peak seasons, the
getaway from the din of the city and yet hotels fail to accommodate tourists
has hassle-free access to all amenities for who come for longer stays that compels
a luxury living and Goa has it all. them to rent a holiday home. Also, holi-
day homes provide more flexibility and
Interestingly, Goa has become the privacy to tourists that serve as the ic-
hotspot for holiday home investors ing on the top to invest in a dual home,
from all metros such as Delhi, Mumbai, promising capital appreciation for the
Bengaluru and down south. Apart investors.
from its beaches being the trump card,
Goa’s environment-friendly expansion, Well-manned lawand order
state-of-the-art infrastructure and the op-
tion of renting out the holiday homes pro- Goa is a safe place, thanks to its well-
vide the investors with added advantage. maintained law and order system that
Here is why Goa has emerged to be the provides an added advantage to the
first choice for millennial dual home holiday home investors. Safety has never
investors. been an obstacle to increasing influx of
tourists, national and international, offer-
42 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
Skyline | Goa
Edgewater Villas, at Arpora, Goa
Bennet & Bernard Custom Homes Exclusive homes in Goa
ing prime time and maximum returns to There are several luxury realty developers such as Bennet &
the investors. Bernard Group and Acron Group India who are known for their
unique and exclusive holiday homes in Goa.
Improved infrastructure Bennet & Bernard has launched a new luxury holiday home project
Quinta Del Mariano, which takes its design inspiration from the
Goa has been on the spree of infrastruc- vibrant homes in the Mystique villages in Portugal. This premium
ture development over the last few years. project is situated in a prime location in Assagao, North Goa. The
It has witnessed whopping investments group created some of the most unique themed villas, duplex
made by the government on its roads and condominiums and penthouses also in Spanish and French styled
has come up with standard highways, hos- structures in Goa. The Gables By The Bay, the Casa Del Señor and
pitals and schools off late roping in higher Tudor House are other themed projects of the group.
returns on investment in the dual home From exquisite residences to skillfully created hotels and boutique
space, capital appreciation and higher re- resorts in outstanding destinations, the Acron Group has made a
sale values. significant contribution to the evolution of modern-day living in
Goa. The brand has recently announced its upcoming premium
Growing commercial hub development Edgewater Villas, at Arpora, Goa. An exquisite
collection of high-end residences in a tranquil setting close to
Goa has turned out to be a commercial all the attractions and separated from the seashore by an open
hub in the recent past, thanks to the in- expanse of salt pans and rice fields, Edgewater Villas is a luxe, gated
flux of tourists from across the world community which will have the generous dimensions, chic design
who visit Goa to relax, detox and recharge values and superior specification that Acron is reputed for.
themselves for months. With malls, cafes,
shops and retail establishments sprawl- Edgewater Villas, Goa
ing up almost everywhere, Goa happens
to be one of the eye-catchers for dual march 2020 w chromohomes 43
home investors.
To sum up, Goa with its charming land-
scape, improved infrastructure, well-tack-
led law and order, growing commercial
market and gastronomy hub and trust-
worthy capital appreciation, has emerged
as the most promising destination for
holiday home investors, NHWIs, NRIs and
middle-income groups alike.
(The writer is head, sales &
marketing, Bennet & Bernard)
anniversary issue By Pradeep Misra
Special Initiative It is a worldwide phenomenon includ-
ing in our own country that the popu-
Sustainable lation concentration is tilting towards
iInnfdriaasntsrcuecntaurrieo: urban centres, and that too quite rap-
and wayahead idly. This process is irreversible because of
the way economic activities, and hence the
To ensure sustainability of employment opportunities are converging
infrastructure projects, the government to only select few cities. As per ADB report
(2018), about 55% of Asia and Pacific’s
needs to encourage greater population already resides in urban area,
participation of private players. as the world’s fastest urbanisation region.
Therefore, the city infrastructure need not
only to support the living conditions, but
also foster the commercial activity; absorb
all the changes in economic, social & eco-
logical changes on sustainable basis over
the period of time.
Macro & policy level scenario
At macro level, the challenge is largely
related to policy framework, resource
availability,and operational models.
Government has been trying multiple
approaches in different time-frames &
planning-periods to get the desired result.
We have seen major policy level shifts
over last two decades. After experiment-
ing with various arrangements, public
private partnership (PPP) has been found
to be most suitable mode to address the
challenge of financing projects and ensur-
ing the sustainability. However, the rolling
out of PPP projects have not been without
hurdles. Department of Economic Affairs
(GoI) in their guidelines for the ‘Indian
Infrastructure Development Fund’ have
distinctly identified the challenges. Some
of the important concern areas are high-
lighted as – policy & regulatory gaps; lack
of long term financing (10 years +); capac-
ity gap in public institutions; shortage of
technical manpower in private sector; lack
of bankable projects and lesser acceptance
of PPP by the public at large.
If you look at few components of infra-
structure, such as roads & highways, the
PPP model is working rather fine and the
sustainability is ensured by the ‘user pay
principles’. However, it is not the same
Pradeep Misra
44 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
Special Initiative
case all across the other infrastructure fa- uniformly adhered across locations. Every technology that can address complex-
cilities and civic amenities such as water smart city plan is prominently incorporat- ity and hence contribute meaningfully in
supply & sewerage; primary healthcare ing the components of natural resource sustainability of infrastructure projects.
facilities, housing etc. In the affordable management, biodiversity, green build- Globally the technology like BIM (Building
housing segments, the government is ings, water treatment & recycling, solid Information Modelling) is being applied
moving on similar lines and the results waste management, green space, public on large infrastructure project to ensure
are visible.This is absolutely necessary in health & safety, water & air quality, etc. timeliness of delivery, quality adherence
achieving the objective of ‘Housing for All and controlling the project cost by avoid-
by 2022’. The introduction of REITS (Real The city planning takes into account, ing conflicts in design, scheduling & imple-
Estate Investment Trusts) and National how the employment & growth opportu- mentation. With proper policy framework,
Urban Rental Housing policy will bridge nities can be fostered by provisioning the the government can incentivise the use of
more gaps in this sphere. adequate space for commercial activities, green technology. Also, while calculating
incubation centres, skill development the returns from a large-scale project, the
To plug in the gap of technical know- centres etc. Also, the sustainability, inter unquantifiable ‘green-benefit’ can be tak-
how within the government & local-bodies alia, contains inclusion and social devel- en into account and properly factored in
set-up, the authorities are more proactive- opment factors. the viability analysis.
ly engaging consultants and transaction
advisors to ensure the quality of proj- The very first project that is undertaken The wayahead in Indian context
ects. Still there is no sufficient availability in any smart city is the formation of Central
of technical expertise in the private sphere Command & Control System. In the time to To ensure sustainability of infrastructure
to meet the demand completely. We come, this is going to play a pivotal role in projects, the government needs to encour-
have come across the incidences where ensuring city sustainability. The ICT enabled age greater participation of private play-
the PMC for smart cities could not attract digitised integration of all the data facilitates ers. This engagement can be accelerated
enough bidders from private consultancy in quickly readdressing the problems and by creating a pool of financially viable and
firms. prompting the corrective measures on real bankable projects to make it profitable
time basis. Besides, the city plan is entirely for the private players. Projects cannot
Sustainability in smartcity context futuristic taking into consideration all the have unpredictable revenue streams. The
anticipated changes in demographics as sudden shifts in policy-framework should
We have seen that the development of well economic activities. not adversely impact the on-going and as-
smart cities are following the same funda- signed projects, which is a major reason
mental principle that focuses on sustain- Role oftechnology in for many large scale projects hung in the
ability- be it related to city infrastructure, infrastructure sustainability middle of implementation. The partici-
livability, environment or commercial pants incur huge loss, as the exit barrier
activities. Despite the unique plan& de- The government should just not show for such projects is just too high. Simulta-
sign for each city, these guidelines are acceptability, but proactively demand neously, the operational hurdles such as
and encourage the application of latest delay in land acquisition, environmental
clearances and absence of single-window
approval systems need to be taken care of,
without any further delay.
And most importantly, the sustainability
of infrastructure, especially the city infra-
structure depends on the participation of
the citizen. We need to create awareness
through advocacy measures for the will-
ingness of people to pay reasonable fee for
using the infrastructure services that goes
in maintenance and enhancements.
(The writer is the infrastructure
expert and CMD of REPL (Rudrabhishek
Enterprises Limited), a public-listed
integrated infrastructure
consultancy firm)
march 2020 w chromohomes 45
anniversary issue
Special Initiative
The country has started using steel to build
durable, sustainable, fire-resistant, easy-to-repair
houses, warehouses and skyscrapers.
Deepak Goyal,
CFO, APL Apollo
46 chromohomes w march 2020
anniversary issue
Special Initiative
By Deepak Goyal er in 2030. Apollo Signature
Traditionally, India has been a supply-
Any discourse on the world econ- mercial and industrial was estimated to
omy is incomplete today without driven market for steel; however, the nearly double at 45 MT.
any reference to China because consumption growth for structural steel
of its might in manufacturing is most likely to be demand-driven. How- Quality products will be of the utmost
that makes the world to look up to its ever, the demand for traditional and ex- importance as India aims for strong and
second largest economy for inspiration pensive structural steel will make way for durable construction. The industry needs
and innovation. China produces 10 times an improved version – structural tubes! to gear up and come up with such prod-
more steel than India does. Its per-capita The future demand for such cost-effective, ucts to meet the rising demand. World-
consumption is almost eight times higher light-weight and tailor-made structural class, cost-competitive and tailor-made
than ours. China mostly uses steel to feed tubes will only grow as different studies products have to be delivered at the door-
its urbanisation programme that calls for have pointed out. Structural tubes can be step of the customers. Capacity augmenta-
rapid development of modern buildings, a convenient and cost-effective substitute tion is also the need of the hour.
infrastructure and housing, airports and to each and every construction being built
metros, and many other areas that war- using structural steels. The usage of struc- The government has been supportive to
rant durable and speedier construction. tural steel tubes will make the world a far the cause of the steel industry for long and
better place to live in. its recent decision to pull out of the Re-
Thanks to its unbridled population gional Comprehensive Economic Partner-
growth, India is within the striking dis- The market for hollow structural tubes/ ship (RCEP) accord is sufficient to assume
tance of dislodging China to become the pipes has remained largely untapped in the fact that the support will continue.
world’s most populace nation. According India. However, coupled with the dras- The government’s policy to provide pref-
to the United Nations, India is expected tic improvement in the aspiration of its erence to domestically manufactured iron
to add around 237 million between 2019 people and their living standards, India’s & steel products (DMI&SP) in government
and 2050 to its current tally of 1.37 bil- exponential population growth is slated procurement has given enough cushions
lion. In China, 58.55% people live in ur- to open up a huge opportunity for the ap- to domestic manufactures to cash in on
ban areas; in India, this is just 34%. Yet, plication of the vibrant variant. Structural the unfolding infrastructure story of the
our cities are already over-crowded. Our pipes, available in varied shapes and sizes, country. The government has also omit-
land area is inadequate - only one-third will be a better and a durable solution to ted a massive Rs 100 lakh crore invest-
that of China! This calls for a rapid spate of PVC pipes used in homes and wood planks ment towards development of country’s
urbanisation, much quicker than the rest used in truck bodies. Door frames, bridges infrastructure over a period of five years
of the world and at an affordable cost, not and foot-overbridges can be erected using till 2024-25.
just to accommodate the growing popula- structural pipes/tubes. There are many
tion, but also for the meteoric rise in peo- such areas, including in public utilities, Time is ripe for banks to come forward
ple’s aspiration for a better and a cleaner where structural pipes/tubes can be pru- and support the industry with funds for
place to live in. dently used. enhancing capacity. A robust insolvency
resolution mechanism has already been
Steel is at the centre of urbanisation The National Steel Policy, unveiled in put in place to put a brake on rising non-
because it allows designers and architects 2017, pegged India’s steel demand to grow performing asset level of the banking sys-
to have flexibility despite its inherent between 212 MT and 247 MT by 2030-31; tem. Banks should awake from their deep
strength, durability, flexibility and elastic- and consumption by infrastructure and slumber.
ity. India has started using steel to build construction sectors to nearly quadruple
durable, sustainable, fire-resistant, easy- to 135 MT from around 33 MT in 2015-16. Lastly, as the great French novelist Vic-
to-repair houses, warehouses and sky- Within the infrastructure space, the pros- tor Marie Hugo said, “Nothing is more
scrapers; and spruce up its beleaguered pect of growth was estimated to be the powerful than an idea whose time has
infrastructure in areas like bridges, fly- highest, nearly 10-fold, to 90 MT in areas come”; India’s time to create a lasting and
overs, highways, airports, sea ports and like oil refinery, highways & bridges, air- indelible impression of a responsible na-
public utilities; but, the quantity is far less ports, seaports, urban infrastructure, wa- tion committed for the overall develop-
than what it should have been. However, it ter transportation & sanitation, industrial ment of the global world has come and we
is only a matter of time for the usage grows sheds and prefabricated buildings. Use only have to make sure that our beloved
rapidly as steel saves time and money. Its of steel in the construction of real estate India does not miss the bus once again.
aesthetic property and complete recycla- comprising residential, institutional, com- Our future generations deserve a far bet-
bility allow steel for an improved environ- ter place to live in!
mental performance across the lifecycle of
the structure. (The writer is CFO, APL Apollo)
Globally, residential sector accounts for
around 40% of the total structural steel
consumption, followed by infrastructure,
commercial sectors and others including
public utility. Of the various types of steel
used in the infrastructure and construc-
tion sectors, growth potential is the high-
est for structural steel in India. The usage
is at its nascent stage now – just 4.4% of
the total consumption, compared with the
global average of 9% and 11% in Europe
and 8% in Japan and the Middle East. The
share is projected to go up to 10% of the
total consumption in 2023 and even high-
march 2020 w chromohomes 47
anniversary issue In an interview,
Mohit Singh Raghav,
Special Initiative | Q&A MD, MMR Group talks
about the company’s
Av“eMnMueRi5s2nnodw establishment, its
our most ongoing projects,
prestigious and the other growth
project” scenario of the sector.
Here are excerpts…
n Tell us about inception, management
and operations of the company.
The companyhas been established in
2008 with clear vision to develop quality
institutional, retail, commercial and resi-
dential space in North India. Led by Sh.
Mahipal Singh Raghav, the company has
multiple landmarks and vision to achieve
new heights in coming years. Right now,
Iam taking care of real estate vertical,
while Rahul Singh Raghav is spearhead-
ing the educational division. Currently
the group has five delivered retail and
commercial projects in NCR and Buland-
shahar. We are working on dream proj-
ect of MMR Group in Noida. We have few
residential projects in Gr. Noida where we
will launch new projects soon.
n Tell us more about your dream
MMR 52nd Avenue is now our most pres-
tigious project. This commercial project is
based on mixed land use concept which is
Mohit Singh Raghav
48 chromohomes w march 2020