Magazine I Spring 2020
0 7 Letter from the Editor - 3 8 Sails of the Sisterhood -
Mandy Pagano Rita Arias
08 The Well 4 2 Blossoming in His Love -
(Diana Douglass) Nicole Wood
16 Spring Cleaning - 4 7 Sparks of Joy: A Heart
Rita Arias Decluttered - Mia Koehne
2 0 Testify: Meet Monse - 5 1 Let Go or Be Dragged -
Our Spring Cover Girl Sara L. Gleason
27 A Season for Everything 5 6 At the Well: Cleaning Out
Under the Sun - Your Closet - Janelle Keith
Lindsey Hayes
6 5 Walking in Faith -
30 She Rises - Nicole Allshouse
Gerdina Korf
34 Tulips in My Heart - 7 4 Refocus, Remove, & Renew-
Stephanie Evans Nicole Drayer
37 Breaking Bread - 8 0 Rock Solid Faith -
Strawberry Shortcake Kristi Robinson
8 3 Linen Wrapped Grace -
Brandy Hynes
COVER IMAGE: Studio Niwa Photography
MAKEUP: Joselyn Chavez
She Heard, LLC [email protected] Founder: Mandy Pagano
Zephaniah 3:17
Spring: When fresh life is breathed
into things once dead. A new
beginning, a restart, a time of
It's often a time of cleaning and
purging. We find ourselves ready to
let go, ready to be free. In Spring,
the still anticipation of winter gives
way to the stirrings of regeneration
and renewal.
This Issue focuses on purging and
letting go of the things in our life
that keep us from hearing the Lord
clearly. As we weed out dead or
unnecessary things, we become
more securely rooted in Him.
We pray you are blessed by the
articles in this issue. May they speak
to you and open a conversation
between you and the Father about
areas of your life that need careful
Mandy Pagano
We Want to see... The Well is an annual two-day
conference that brings together
WOMEN ENCOURAGED TO KNOW AND LOVE women from local churches and
GOD AND EQUIP THEM TO LIVE OUT THE the community. At The Well,
GOSPEL IN THEIR EVERYDAY LIVES. women engage in worship, dive
deep into God’s Word in the
Diana Douglass - Founder + Director main sessions, and choose from
Ashley Worley - Communications + Creative Director a variety of breakout sessions
that are relevant and applicable
Bekah Lindner - Photography + Web Design to them. Women also have an
Rachel McMillan - Worship Coordinator + Leader opportunity throughout the
conference to shop with purpose
Arielle Jocham - Worship Leader at The Well Market, a unique
shopping space that partners
with women in our community to
support both local and global
8 NOMADIC | 24
The vision for The Well came
during a season of personal
brokenness. My family and I had
lived overseas for eight years,
and the transition was incredibly
difficult. There were so many
new things at once: New state
(Maryland, we are originally
from Texas), new job for my
husband, new church, new school
for three of our children, and
new community. Navigating a
new life and rhythm for a family
of seven was very hard.
It took a year to adjust to our new
normal, but deep down I still felt
a little lost and alone. It was
during this time the Lord started
weaving together different events
and people to bring the vision of
The Well. On a trip home to
Dallas, I attended Proclaim
Truth, a conference for women
in ministry. I wasn’t even “in
ministry” at the time. I was
attending alongside my sister
who was leading a breakout
session. God used that conference
- the worship and the women
teaching - to breathe new life into
me. I wanted this for other
women, too. There wasn’t a
conference like this in our area,
but that I knew we needed one.
At the same time, I was attending a Bible study in our community. I was learning alongside
women of all ages and from different churches. This was exactly what I wanted for the
conference. This wasn’t going to be an event for just my local church, but for all churches,
and even women not plugged into a local church. This would be a place for all women to
come to connect with God and each other. A place for women who, like me, were feeling a
bit lost in life, could come and be encouraged and equipped by God’s Word. This would be
a place for women who, like me, were feeling alone, could meet other women in our
community. This would be a place where women left changed and challenged to live out
the Gospel in their everyday life.
With the vision of this conference being women and community, I began to think about
where women in the Bible would come together. I was instantly drawn to a well, the place
where a common chore was turned to a time for connection. With the vision also being to
meet with God, I was drawn back to two specific scenes in Scripture - where women were
alone, but where God met with them. I kept circling back to Hagar in Genesis and the
Samaritan woman in John 4, and realized that in both scenes there was a well. So that is
what this conference would be - a modern day well, a place women could gather for the
purpose of spiritual growth, encouragement, and community.
26 L-R The well Founder Diana Douglass, Worship Leader Rachel
McMillan, and Communications/Creative Director Ashley Worley
The Well came to life when I had
a team of women to lead with
me. I prayed specifically for the
Lord to bring women who would
share a passion for The Well and
be willing to use their time and
talent to help make it happen.
The Lord was so very faithful to
bring me some of the most gifted
and humble women to work
alongside. As a team, we made
steps of faith together, gave each
other freedom to use our gifting,
and prayed that the Lord would
bless the work of our heart and
hands. To see everything come
together the weekend of The Well
was a testimony to the Lord so
perfectly knitting our team
together. Without my team, The
Well would still be just an idea.
We, as women, really are better
together. We are better together
when we believe in each other and
take steps of faith. We are better
together when we encourage each
other to use our gifting. We are
better together when we cheer
each other on. The Lord’s greatest
provision for me was women like
this to lead alongside, women who
are now my dearest friends.
Whether you are leading
something big or small or just
walking through the everyday of
life, ask the Lord to bring you
women like this.
"From the From the main teaching sessions to the
main breakout sessions, The Well is centered on
teaching God’s Word. This year, our main sessions
sessions to unpacked Colossians 1. Women were
the breakout challenged to seek after the Word of Christ,
sessions, seek after the community of Christ, and to be
The Well is women who are rooted in Christ and bear
centered on good fruit. The breakout sessions covered a
God’s Word." variety of topics - friendship, worship, hope in
the midst of loss, and how our thoughts
affect our identity. Our goal is that women
will walk away with a deeper understanding
of who God is, who they are in Him, and that
they are gifted with purpose for the Kingdom
of God.
Our leadership team, the teachers in the
main sessions and breakout sessions, and
our volunteers behind the scenes, are all
ordinary women. We are ordinary women in
different seasons of life and attending
different churches, but linking arms and
advancing the Kingdom together.
I think this models something really unique -
it models unity in Christ, sisterhood, and that
you don’t have to have a blog, book, or
podcast to be used by God. I have found that
when women see other women just like
them serving and being used by God, it
encourages them to do the same. Our hope
is that the women attending see us saying
yes to God - saying yes to welcome women at
the door, lead worship, serve food, teach,
share our story, decorate, take pictures - and
that our yes encourages them to say yes to
serve God in their families, churches, and in
our community.
Sometimes you just do it scared.
Steps of faith taken with shaky knees are still I was aware that rejection and failure were
steps of faith. I was having conversations possible at every corner. My knees were
with women, asking them to lead, volunteer, shaky, but I was moving forward in faith. I
or help us spread the word. I was emailing can imagine our heroes of the faith had
several churches and organizations, asking shaky knees every once in a while -
them to partner with The Well by making Abraham when God told him to leave his
our flyers or website available to the women family and country and go to an unknown
in their church body. I even went door to land, Moses when he was walking through
door to some churches like a lady selling the Red Sea, Rahab when she was hiding
vacuum cleaners. I wrote letters to local spies, and Mary when she was pregnant
businesses, casting the vision and asking for but unwed. Fear doesn't have to cripple
donations. I swiped my credit card, knowing us, but it can challenge us to have faith in
that in the end, if we didn’t break even, it God who is greater than our fears.
would be my family who takes the hit.
"Fear doesn't have to cripple us, but it can
challenge us to have faith in God who is
greater than our fears."
- Diana Douglass
website -
email - [email protected]
Insta - @thewell.gathering
Facebook - The Well
Diana Douglass is the Founder and Director of The Well. She has been married to
her husband, Scott, for sixteen years. They have five children ages fourteen to
four. Originally from Texas, they lived in Morocco for nine years, but now call
Westminster, Maryland home. Diana is passionate about teaching and
discipleship, creating community, and encouraging women to use their gifting to
further the Kingdom. She enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, a ride
on her Peleton, and reading a good book alone at Starbucks.
John 1:14
We often hear, “ I'm spring cleaning my house this weekend” or “I'm
decluttering the closet” this time of the year...
...and usually when I hear those phrases I We live in a world that's in a hurry, always
immediately imagine snapping into action, hustling and looking to stay busy. We've
running around in chore clothes with messy allowed ourselves to be carried along on the
hair-do, children running around playing waves of noise. But when we study the life
with toys they haven't played with in of Jesus we see that before making any
forever, but decided to do so now while action steps, He first spent quiet time with
trying to declutter on top of the dust floating his Father. Silence, solitude, and stillness
around, with scattered clothes, furniture, were His goals to get into a deep place of
and boxes spread all over the house... As I calm before God. If we sit long enough and
was pondering on this, I thought, "what if wait through the discomfort of boredom and
the goal isn't moving into action right away distractions, we come to a deep place of
but sitting still in silence as a way to tidy up calm, tranquility, joy, and release. it doesn't
our lives?" Often God wants us to realign happen in a hurry. It's a slow process. It
our spiritual lives with His, but how can we takes a long time for the human mind to
know what we need to purge if we don't calm down and get to a place of emotional
spend time in His presence? What if He is equilibrium. The goal of external quiet is to
calling us to first rest? facilitate internal quiet. I once read that
“Silence is God's first language” (Thomas
Keating). The Apostle John and Mother
Teresa once said “God is the friend of
silence”. A christian theologian by the name
of Richard Foster stated, “Our adversary, the
devil majors in three things: noise, hurry and
crowds. If he can keep us involved in
muchness and manyness he will rest
satisfied.” Wow! Do we think of the enemy in
this way? Do we think that if he can keep us
distracted in much and many, then he rests
easy. Let that settle in for a bit. Ponder on
that truth of a phrase for a moment. Let me
tell you that we are not here to keep the
enemy resting easy while we stay busy and
exhaust ourselves to death. We are here to
wage war with the devil and keep him busy
in our moments of solitude with our Father
and Protector.
Here are 3 things that happen in the quiet place:
1 We face down evil and confront 2 We experience God's
reality- We think of quiet time as compassion and love- If we are
ME time- we grab a good book, there long enough we
relax, make coffee, tap into our journal, become aware that we're not alone
and while all that is great, that is not the when we are alone. We experience Him
silence of Jesus who went into the loving us as we are. Love isn't
desert to fight the devil (Matt. 4:1-11). something you read, study, listen to
Nor of John the Baptist who spent time podcasts on the subject, or pick up on in
alone with God and literally started a an article. We get to actually experience
movement of disciples. Silence and and know the love of God deep in our
solitude is a WAR where we go into spirits. Paul meant this when he said
prayer and enter the presence of our “ that we may KNOW the love of christ
Holy God to meet with Him and touch which surpasses knowledge, that you
His mantle. It's not a place to feel good may be filled with all the fullness of God
(although that might happen) but it's a (Eph 3:19). He was talking about
place to fight evil both outside of us and experiential knowledge- we have to
inside of us. Its where transformation experience the love of God through the
happens- but we have to sit with it long medium of the Spirit so we can know
enough for the full band of thoughts and and be filled with His fullness. Many
emotions to come up so that they no followers do not experience this simply
longer own us, but rather set us free. because of how busy they are. It takes a
lot of discipline and control to sit still in
"Silence and solitude is a silence. The moment we do, thoughts,
WAR where we go into errands, and worries start creeping into
prayer and enter the our minds and at times those thoughts
presence of our holy God become louder than our own voice, but
to meet with Him and we need to have control and take those
touch His mantle." thoughts captive and make them
obedient to christ (Rom. 12:21). We
have to carve out and cultivate time for
the quietness of compassion and love.
3 We hear the gentle whisper (1 are doing? Who is He calling you to share
Kings 19)- When we hear the your testimony with? We often come away
voice of God in our minds it doesn't with a sense of identity and direction on
what we are meant to do next when we sit
sound like a shout, but rather a gentle in a quiet place.
whisper of love. I think one of the things When we practice resting in our Lord, He
will tell us what to clean out, keep, or get rid
God is trying to do is shepherd us and lead of in our spiritual life and give us the
knowledge to know how. This is how our
us to quiet water and away from the noise Savior designed us. It's a lingering, spiritual
discipline that we are meant to meditate on
and hurry to rest and trust --and to be set to discover, listen, and know our next step,
rest in his presence, and love those around
free (Psalms 23). It's to keep our soul in us. The God we serve is mighty and
gracious and wants nothing but the best for
peace and quiet. Often it's where we get a us. So my hope and encouragement is that
as you get ready to spring clean your heart
sense of assignment. Elijah came out of the haven, you first spend time with the
Heavenly One who created you because He
desert with an assignment from God to knows you best. He knows the deep inner
parts of your heart and His only desire is to
anoint certain men to protect him from spend time with His beautiful daughter. You
can rest easy that He has your life in His
getting killed (1 Kings 19: 15-18). Jesus hands.
came out of the desert with clarity- “Let us
go into other towns, for this reason I was
sent.” Paul came out of a quiet place with
clarity about what the Gospel is and with a
calling towards the Gentiles and kings. Who
is God calling you to have dinner with? Pray
over? Ask how they
Rita Arias was born in Mexico but raised in Dallas, Texas. In her
husband's words she has “Mexican heart, but Texas blood.” She is
the oldest of 4 raised by a single mother whose hard work,
unconditional love, and sacrifice formed who Rita is today. Rita and
her husband have been married for two years. Their marriage is such
a wild and fun roller coaster. Helping and serving others is what
drives Rita. It's her calling and purpose. As she discovered skills and
talents God had entrusted to her, Sails Of The Sisterhood was born.
Leading an all Hispanic women's ministry is her greatest joy and
seeing God's hand over the lives of the women as their lives are
being transformed is a great reward. It's one she hopes to carry
through faithfully and wisely to bring His kingdom here on earth as it
is in Heaven.
M E E T M O N S `E
Our Spring 2020 Cover Girl
and Featured Testimony!
`by Monse Morales
I was born and raised in Mexico mainly by my
mom and brothers, as I was the youngest
sibling. My dad was in and out of our lives a
lot and my parents had an inconsistent
relationship. Seeking a new life and
opportunities, we immigrated to the United
States where I thought my parents'
relationship would improve, but if anything it
worsened. There was physical, verbal, and
emotional abuse towards my mom and there
came a point where I resented my mom for
staying and putting up with the relationship. In
front of others we portrayed a happy family,
but no one knew the brokenness and
shattered parts of our family hidden behind
closed doors. As I grew up the emotional
disconnection with my father led me to seek
the attention and approval of men.
I was fifteen when I met him. He gave
me all the affection, time, and love that
I was seeking.
We were high school sweethearts. I
lost my virginity to him and was
pregnant within 9 months of dating. To
be honest, I felt it was a dream come
true, a fairy tale. I thought I was going
to marry him and be a family and
finally have the stability and unity that
I did not have in mine. 7 months into
pregnancy I felt discomfort and
realized I was having contractions. I
went to the ER, but was sent home
and told these exact words “you're a
kid and do not know what contractions
are... go home.” The next day I went
back with the same pain and because
of the spotting I was experiencing,
they decided to put me on bed rest in
the hospital. Ten hours later I
delivered a baby boy, but the rest of
the timeline is a blur.
I don't remember if my baby was born
dead or died during labor. All I know is
that he did not cry. Sometime during
the birth and delivery he passed
away. I later found out that when they
sent me home the first night before
delivery, the contractions were
causing the placenta to detach and
the doctors could not reinsert it
because of the risk of rupturing the
sac. I returned home with an empty
heart. The months following I fell into
postpartum depression. I had all this
motherly love and nowhere to pour it
into and physically, my body had
prepared to nourish my baby, but
could not fulfill it. Mourning the loss of
my baby turned into depression. The
lack of support from my boyfriend--
and his family blaming me for what
had happened-- led to three suicide
attempts. By the age of 17 I was
admitted into a mental hospital for 3
weeks. After being discharged I went
home feeling the same--I was still
battling depression. That year was
filled with therapies, medication, and
my pursuit of a family.
"We serve a God
who works in
funny and
mysterious ways."
At eighteen I met the one who
I thought was going to heal me
and free me from my
depression and current
situation; the one who I
thought was my healer. We
had been dating for a year
when I realized I was
pregnant. Because of the
trauma I experienced and the
anger and resentment I had
within me, I did not feel
adequate and prepared to
have this child. Also, because
it was looked down upon in our
culture and not supported by
our family's beliefs, we drove
to an abortion clinic. While I
was there, I knew deep down
that what I was about to do
was not right, but the fear and
the “what would people say?”
was greater than my
conviction. I have hidden that
part of my life so deep in my
soul that I sometimes forget
about it until that word
[abortion] is brought up and
then everything flashes
through my mind again.
He proposed to me and we married 5 years later
through the Catholic church. Everything felt like a
checklist. We did not have a relationship with God
and He was never at the center of our marriage.
We married it to follow traditions and please our
families, especially his since he comes from a
very strong Catholic background. I had a
beautiful, glamorous wedding but was crying out
deep down inside. I was pregnant right after the
honeymoon and gave birth to a beautiful baby
girl. I had the most incredible birth, no pain from
contractions, no complications and I had the
closest people next to me, it was the total
opposite from the first one but I didn’t feel the
immediate motherly connection. It wasn’t the
normal feeling that most mothers talk about after
having their baby. There was no spark or
connection. I was not overwhelmed with joy for
this tiny human like other mothers describe. I
knew she was mine and her little gestures would
captivate me, but if I am honest, I didn't feel the
love that I was “supposed” to feel right after birth.
As time passed and she grew, and as I got to
know her, my love for her did also. I've realized
now sometimes love doesn't happen instantly; it
takes time and has to be planted and sown and
cared for. That's what I did. After our daughter's
birth our marriage went downhill. I struggled with
postpartum depression and both her dad and I
focused so much on this parenting journey that
we lost sight of our marriage and grew apart. We
“fell out of love”. My brokenness and need for
attention and approval from man led me to seek
that outside of my marriage. I fell into adultery.
Arguments grew, conflicts became a norm, and
we became roommates. A part of us knew that
we were no longer happy. Wen were merely
existing. The lack of leadership, stability and the
distance between us made it easier to end the
relationship. We were divorced 3 months later.
We serve a God who works in funny and I wanted to be good enough for Him and also
mysterious ways, and ironically the man I worried of what people would say. I was
was having an affair with introduced me to taught to have a relationship with church
Christianity. He invited me to church and I people, but not with God. In my brokenness
originally went only to spend time with him. and lack of self-esteem, I tried to “clean”
God was using this man and our brokenness myself for this guy because I wanted to be
to lead me to Him. He shared the Gospel and worthy and enough for him, but I ended up
taught me that Christianity is not a religion, losing myself to God and wanting to be
it’s all about a relationship with God. This better for myself and my daughter. I
was a new concept for me since I came from surrendered my life to Jesus in 2017 and
a religious background where the prayers that same year the relationship I was having
were repetitive, I had to confess my sins to a ended. I was left with a broken heart and the
random stranger and then pray 10 Hail ghosts of my past haunted me. The pain was
Marys, where I had to follow certain rules, so deep that I knew I could not do it alone. I
not because I loved God, but because I didn't began a recovery program at the same
want to be struck with His mighty wrath. church where a couple months before I had
tried to be good enough for a man. God used
the next 52 Mondays of that program to
change my life.
One of my prayers during this
program was for God to bless me
with more Godly friends since I
didn’t have any, and the ones I did
have thought I was “too religious”
now. They had a hard time
understanding that I was not the
same person. God answered my
prayer instantly at the same
church! I met an amazing group of
women, who helped me walk
through one of the hardest seasons
of my life. Only God can turn a two
minute introduction into a “doing life
together” kind of relationship
between total strangers. I no longer
consider them friends, but my
sisters. Sails Of The Sisterhood has
become part of my life. They are my
sisters-in-Christ and we do life
In them, I found accountability,
grace, a shoulder to cry on, and
loving reprimand. I started trusting
Christ in every aspect of my life and
it was the best decision I've ever
made. It is now in HIM that I find
my identity and my worth as an
immigrant, woman, and mother. The
only approval and attention I need
is God’s and in Him I have it all.
Christ has given me a new life! My
sins were ALL nailed to the cross
with Jesus. He gave me a clean
slate and I will forever be thankful.
My shame and guilt are gone
because He made me new. I am far
from perfect but luckily I know the
One who is all perfection. He
continues to bless me with His
grace and love every day. He
transformed the ashes of my heart
to a beautiful story, a story that
started 32 years ago. It wasn’t until
2 years ago that I figured out that
my story didn’t need a happily ever
after, it’s already promised to have
A Season for Everything
Under the Sun
by Lindsey Hayes
Lindsey is a wife and mother of 5 children ranging in age from 2 to 11 years. She
and her husband Byron currently reside in the beautiful country setting of Southern
Ohio. Lindsey is currently delving into her seventh year of homeschooling. Her aim
is to give her children a learning environment tailor-made to each of their individual
needs. Along with home schooling, the past year and a half have given Lindsey the
opportunity to reach the other side of the world through teaching English as a
second language to students in China. The opportunity to have some influence in
the lives of children who may never otherwise be exposed to a Christian is both an
exciting and heavy responsibility that Lindsey truly enjoys.
As springtime is close to full bloom If you have ever experienced Winter (to early
thoughts of new life, restoration, and Springtime) in Ohio or similar states, you are
the warmth of the sun are all- familiar with the disappointment of this
consuming for most. anticipation. You see, even here in Southern
Ohio we often find our trees budding and our
As we just trudged through the last, seemingly daffodils blooming only to be covered by a
endless weeks of Winter we are none too eager thick, unexpected, and unwelcomed snow. The
for the promised new life that is sure to come. fresh new life we so eagerly anticipated would
Genesis 8:22 says, ‘As long as the earth now be pushed back into hibernation by frigid
endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, temperatures. This cycle can often last for a
summer and winter, day and night will never month or more.
Some years it's been so consistently The Lord is not slow in keeping his
inconsistent that the hope of Spring and promise, as some understand
new life seemed it would never come. slowness. Instead he is patient with
Forget that promise above, surely we were you, not wanting anyone to perish,
entering an ice age I was positive my will but everyone to come to repentance.
and spirit wouldn’t survive. (2 Peter 3:9)
This year, in this season of life, this is Let us hold unswervingly to the hope
exactly where I find myself spiritually. The we profess, for he who promised is
year 2019 held more loss and death and faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)
trauma then I care to ever live again.
Amongst this trauma was a promise: A Know therefore that the Lord your
promise for restoration, a promise for new God is God; he is the faithful God,
and restored life, but here we are in the keeping his covenant of love to a
midst of Spring and the snow is still thousand generations of those who
covering the promises of new life. It’s heavy love him and keep his
and cold and suffocating. It feels endless, commandments. (Deuteronomy 7:9)
and yet logic, reason, and God’s ever-
enduring consistency tells me that we have In a world filled with instant gratification,
almost broken through this season of waiting patiently and confidently for the
suffering. Lord to fulfill His promises is a difficult skill
to learn. We're quick to see death and
Maybe this is where you find yourself as despair where new life is just about to burst
well. Maybe you're heavy in spirit and sick forth. We can, however, be confident that
of the cold, dead world around you. Maybe where God has promised new life and
you saw glimpses of hope and new life only restoration, He WILL deliver. So, cling
to have a spiritual blanket of snow fall so tightly to the promises of God. When His
heavily on your hopes that you're unsure promises seem too abstract to keep
you'll ever dig yourself out. In this time of no clinging to, allow the consistency of His
longer still, but anxious anticipation, be appointed seasons to be a perfect and
confident of these promises: visual reminder. He has given you Jesus
and designed you to withstand the cold and
dark places of this world, just as He
designed the first flowers of spring or the
buds on the trees. Your season of new life
and promises fulfilled will hold steady
amongst these days of trial and will bloom
fully in its perfectly timed season.
There is a time for Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
everything and a season
for every activity under
the heavens: a time to be
born and a time to die a
time to plant and a time
to uproot, a time to kill
and a time to head a time
to tear down and a time
to build, a time to weep
and a time to laugh a
time to mourn and a time
to dance, a time to
scatter stones and a time
to gather them a time to
embrace and a time to
refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a
time to give up a time to
keep and a time to throw
away, a time to tear and a
time to mend a time to
be silent and a time to
speak, a time to love and
a time to hate a time for
war and a time for peace.
Who can find a woman of noble character?
For her value is far more than jewels.’’
Proverbs 31:10
by Gerdina Korf Vision
Mission She Rises is inspired by Proverbs 31. It tells
us that a woman with a noble character is
Women are worthy. Driven by the love of worth far more than jewels. Women are invited
God, it is the mission of She Rises to make to rise up in this truth every day and feel free,
this truth known to all the women in the desired and valued. She Rises believes that
world. She Rises will be doing this by God longs for all the women in the world to get
sharing the news on Social Media, blogs, to know Him and be His daughters. Made in
through online and live Bible courses and by the perfect image of our Father, beloved by
setting up prayer-teams. Encouraging our perfect Father. She Rises is convinced that
content will be made for women all over the women matter and can make a difference in
world, by women all over the world. their environment when they experience this
powerful truth in their hearts.
Our mission is to give women all over the But there is hope! When we allow Jesus
world a platform where they can share their into our hearts, as Lord, Master, and Savior
gifts in order to encourage other women all of our lives, He can make beauty out of our
over the world, reaching them with the love ashes. Jesus comes with His merciful love
of Christ, building them up in faith and and begins to pour out His love and truth
letting them know that they are precious into us. Because of this, we get out of the
and so loved by God our Father. We would ashes; from being broken into small pieces
also like to encourage women to play their we start to rise. Little by little, we are
part in the body of Christ with the talents allowed to learn who Jesus is and what He
they recieved from God. They matter to God has done for us, and who we are in Him
and God wants to use them, work through because of what He has done. When we
them. We want to help women Rise, so that are so full of His truth and love, there is no
they can serve others, just like Jesus room for Satan’s lies anymore. We are
Himself did. standing up straight, knowing who we are in
Christ. But for what purpose are we
She Rises started in the Netherlands when standing up straight? When we read
GlobalRize's operational director contacted Proverbs 31 describing the powerful and
Joanneke Koster (@zojoann) and asked her bold woman, it becomes very clear to me:
to think of a concept for a Women's We’re standing straight to serve others, just
ministry. Joanneke is a creative soul who like Jesus Himself. He did not come to be
soon formed a team of wonderful served but to serve; the great King. We
enthusiastic women all dreaming of stand to hand out what He gives us. We are
reaching women around the world. She an ezer, which means ‘help, protect,
Rises was born and the ministry grew fast. someone who helps’. To do nothing out of
We've experienced many difficulties, we selfish ambition or vain conceit, but rather in
had to say goodbye to some of the team humility value others above yourselves, not
members, but every time there was a looking to our own interests but each of us
solution and other women came to join us. to the interests of others, to wash each
She Rises is still growing to this day. other’s feet. To be that humble, you have to
be strong and powerful. That is true power
We are all both doers and victims of sin, and strength. It is not what the world depicts
because of this, we live in great as strong and powerful, but certainly what
brokenness. Because we hurt others and God says. We become overflowing cups.
have been hurt, we often become cold and Because we are so full of His love and truth
bitter, and our hearts are shrinking. and His power, we’re overflowing, and we
want to give His love and light to others in
We are [helping women serve God and know Him better] by encouraging them with our posts,
encouraging them to hold on to God and His promises, especially when they are going through
rough and hard seasons in their lives. We are giving women a platform to share the writing and
teaching gifts God gave them. We try to build others up by offering free online Bible courses, that
way they can learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. She Rises has a community
page where women can share their struggles, prayer request, questions, and other women can
respond to the posts to encourage one another by praying or helping them answer their
questions. We just started with a 3-month prayer partner traject.
We sometimes struggle to keep track of our mission and vision and find reliable volunteers.
Whenever one of us felt we were losing sight of our mission we would call a team meeting or
contact each other via WhatsApp. We asked other women and workers of GlobalRize to pray for
our ministry. We always keep an eye out for dedicated women willing to use their talents for the
She Rises ministry.
Who is She Rises?
Stephanie Tyndall: this precious and wise sister is accountable for running the community page. She
also gives the live Bible teachings.
Shannon Leigh: This sweet and loving sister is accountable for our moderating team, the team has 5
wonderfull women who help us moderate the page.
Ruth & Femmy are two wonderful sisters who are managing the She Rises Instagram account.
Amanda Exume: She is the amazing woman who started the prayer-partner-teams.
Gertia van Loo-Wolf: She is the one I can always turn to with my (many) questions. Really precious.
Our organization is only run by volunteers.
Find them online!
Facebook: @sherises
IG: @_she_rises_
Gerdina Korf has the privilege of being the team leader of She
Rises. She’s happily married and mother of 2 wonderful
children. She is from the Netherlands and 32 years young.
8 years ago she accepted Jesus Christ has her Saviour and
Lord and from that moment on she's had a deep desire to give
her life as a living offering to the One who saved her. Jesus
has laid a passion in her heart to try and reach women,
pointing them to the love of Christ and encourage them and
build them up with the Word of God. She is responsible for
creating the posts and for editing the blogs.
Who is SHE?
"Then the woman left her water jar, went into town, and told the people, 'Come, see
a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?' They left the
town and made their way to him...Now many Samaritans from that town believed in
him because of what the woman said when she testified, 'He told me everything I
ever did.' So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them,
and he stayed there two days. Many more believed because of what he said. And
they told the woman, 'We no longer believe because of what you said, since we
have heard for ourselves and know that this really is the Savior of the world.'"
Here at SHE HEARD you'll find a space where God is exalted. He will be glorified
through the workbooks we write, the Magazine that we publish, the content we post,
and the life that we live. It's our mission to Educate, Encourage, and Equip you as
well. The woman left her jar at the well after meeting Jesus and ran to tell her
community about Him. Because of her testimony, and her willingness to share it,
many were saved. We, like the Woman at the Well, have a community waiting for
us. There are those in your family and in your circle who need to hear about Jesus
and what He's done in your life. It's time to leave your jar at the well...
John 4: 28-30, 39-42
Find us online:
Facebook: @sheheardjesus
T u l i p s i n M y Heart
by Stephanie Evans
A s a little girl, I spent Sundays in a little church. It sat on a little street, cradled by the
massive mountains of Pennsylvania. The pastor told stories about Jesus as the fresh
scent of spring rolled down the aisle, reaching bowed noses as the congregation prayed.
When I wasn’t annoying my siblings or kicking off my shoes, I listened to these stories. I’ve
always loved stories, and I wrote my own as I grew older. My family praised these little pieces
of fiction. I still own many of my journals from those years. They are priceless to me, akin to
an angel’s halo. Why? Because they are early evidence of God’s purpose for my life: Writing.
As a teenager, I discovered my love for poetry. It brought a sense of realism into my creative
writing and I craved that as a teen learning about our interesting and imperfect world. I wrote
poems as I came to life conclusions, like wrapping up pretty presents and signing them with a
flick of my feather pen. Still, something was missing. I searched for peace amidst my busy
life as a college student. I balanced school, work, family, and friends. After a late class, I
noticed the sunset and planned to write a poem about it. Yet, that made me realize: I didn’t
want to worship myself or the universe. I wanted to worship the One who created it all. I would
glorify Him through my writing. I never stopped identifying as a Christian, but I knew it was
time to awaken that dormant soil. I remembered my little church. As if my parents planted
tulips in my childhood heart by taking me there, these flowers of joy finally bloomed in me as
an adult. Spring arrived as I opened my Bible.
Stephanie Lee Evans lives in Northeastern
Pennsylvania. She studied Business and English at
Pennsylvania State University. She loves reading and
collecting books. She also enjoys writing fiction and
poetry, often inspired by her everlasting faith.
by Lindsey Hayes
They broke bread in their homes
and ate together with glad and
sincere hearts,
Acts 2:46
One of my all-time spring dessert favorites is strawberry shortcake. As the spring season
hits, the stores practically beg you to buy the strawberries coming in and with the amazing
“invention” of baking mix, making homemade strawberry shortcake is super simple too. I
personally buy all my baking products from a cost-saving supermarket because I love their
prices, but any baking mix will work for this simple two-ingredient recipe.
You will need:
-a cookie sheet
-2 ¼ cups baking
- 2/3 cup milk
-whipped cream
-one cookie
-1 circular cookie
First, mix together your milk and baking mix on medium speed with either a hand or
standing kitchen mixer until dough comes together. Place dough on lightly dusted surface
using extra baking mix as your dusting flour. Fold or knead dough three or four times. Roll or
pat dough to about ½ inch thick then use a circle cookie cutter or glass cup to cut out your
biscuits. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown at 450 degrees. Cool completely and
top with whipped cream and as many fresh cut strawberries as your heart desires. Bon
Sails of the
Sails of the Sisterhood is a multicultural and multigenerational community of
hispanic women who have discovered that life is hard, but it's even more when God
is not at the center of our lives. We are a sisterhood. Our purpose is to be the light,
and share the Good News through the small, daily actions and interactions that we
have with those around us.
What started off as a Bible study gathering of three women on a Friday night has since doubled into
a community of women who have come to know Christ through our stories. Along the way, we've
discovered that many have accepted Jesus as their Savior and have been baptized, discovered
new friendships, are pursuing oneness, making memories, caring for one another, keeping each
other accountable, healing, offering parental support and sharing the chaos of life. The table
gathering on Fridays has become a holy moment because it represents us sailing away in the boat
with Jesus like the disciples did after coming back from their ministry work, spreading the Gospel,
healing, and living out their purpose.
"Our goal is to redefine community as an
example to the world."
A challenge we have faced is the trauma, hang-ups, hurts and hurdles we carry from our childhood.
Sorting through the baggage and really making it a goal to carry each others' burdens and live out
the way the early Church did in Acts 4:32. We live in a world that makes it ok for us to feel like we
are doing our part by sending prayers through social media and texting grief, appreciation, and love
via a cellular device that only shows a superficial aspect.
Our mission is to gather around a table with Jesus through prayer and scripture. In those moments
of intimacy we share our praises and struggle and life moments. The mission is to go back into the
world and live a life that honors, serves, and reflects the Lord through our stories, talents, and
We believe that we are on mission wherever we go. If we are still breathing it's because God is not
done. Every day He wakes us up is an opportunity to be the light in our worlds. We do not have to
go to a third-world country to feel like we are living out our purpose. It starts where He has
currently placed us. The jobs and relationships He has surrounded us with as well as the
communities and family members inspire us to shine brightly and live so differently that it sparks
curiosity in those around us and makes them curious about our lives.
Life begins right where you are in the small daily interactions you have with those around you.
Jesus had community and lived life with those around Him wherever He was. He didn't travel to
any other part of the world. Live life fully with grace and joy because we only have one life.
Remember that community is vital and essential. Community is God's own hand extending to help
you in your moments of need. A community that is engaged and working together is a powerful
force. We are women working together with a shared goal and common purpose to make the
impossible possible. There's beauty in our mess.
Rita Arias is the founder of Sails of the Sisterhood. She was
born in Mexico but raised in Dallas, Texas. In her husband's
words she has “Mexican heart, but Texas blood.” She is the
oldest of 4 raised by a single mother whose hard work,
unconditional love, and sacrifice formed who Rita is today. Rita
and her husband have been married for two years. Their
marriage is such a wild and fun roller coaster. Helping and
serving others is what drives Rita. It's her calling and purpose.
As she discovered skills and talents God had entrusted to her,
Sails Of The Sisterhood was born. Leading an all Hispanic
women's ministry is her greatest joy and seeing God's hand
over the lives of the women as their lives are being transformed
is a great reward. It's one she hopes to carry through faithfully
and wisely to bring His kingdom here on earth as it is in
Instagram: @sailsofthesisterhood
Facebook: sails of the
Email: sailsofthesisterhood@FBg:mMaiail.Kcooemhne
IG: miakoehne
When I read these beautiful words of Solomon, an image comes to mind of a colorful
cartoon animation, complete with happy characters skipping through tufts of green grass
and blooming daisies, while two doves sit in a tree looking lovingly at each other and cooing
If only we could pause this picture
and live in it infinitely. Still, even
though seasons constantly come and
go, God is calling His daughters and
asking us to rise up and come away
with Him. To move with Him into that
beautiful picture Solomon describes
and to experience His love and
provision first-hand.
Songs of Songs 8:13 (NLT):
“O my darling, lingering in the
gardens, your companions are
fortunate to hear your voice. Let
me hear it, too!”
I believe God wants to converse with
us intimately, and He longs to hear
our voice as we pray and pour out our
hearts to Him. Yet, at the same time,
we need to ready our hearts and
minds and clear out the clutter, for us
to be able to hear Him too. As He
bends down to prune the branches of
our lives, so they can bear more fruit,
there might be some thorns that are
keeping Him from being able to reach
the dark places of our souls.
David writes in Psalm 139:23
(NLT):” Search me, O God, and
know my heart; test me and
know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that
offends you, and lead me along
the path of everlasting life.”
It can be tough and daunting to turn the mirror inwards to
search our own hearts, and even tougher to ask God to
search our inmost being.
Perhaps if we remember that He doesn’t Initially it is very uncomfortable, but then
want to shine a spotlight on our faults, the impurities start to surface, and we
we won’t be so hesitant to do this. He step out afterwards feeling refreshed
already loves us completely and and glowing. In the same way, asking a
perfectly, just the way we are. He only few authentic questions of ourselves and
wants us to fully surrender all the places contemplating the answers could open
of our hearts to Him, so He can do His the door to a closer relationship with our
healing work in every area and help us Maker: An important question to ask
grow and blossom into the women He ourselves concerns our integrity; not the
has called us to be. Sitting in the steam kind of outward integrity that we display
room after a gym session one afternoon, to our friends, families and colleagues.
contemplating how uncomfortable and I’m referring to the integrity of our secret
unbearable the heat was getting, God or inner-most thought lives.
reminded me that the same is true when
we take the time to search our hearts.
1 Chronicles 29:17 NLT: Another question I believe we can ask
ourselves as we examine our hearts before
“I know, my God, that you the Lord relates to apathy. Our daily lives
dictate routines and habits that form part of
examine our hearts and our survival. We need to sleep, eat, shop,
take the children to school, go to work, etc.
rejoice when you find But if we’re not careful, the rut of these daily
activities could allow us to become so lost in
integrity there.” our routines, that we forget to turn our eyes
on our Maker and ask Him to reveal to us
Just for one day, try to keep track of and which roads to take on the pathway of life. I
focus on the type of thoughts that you dwell read my Bible and Christian literature, pray
on most frequently as you go about your and go to church regularly, yet, even in
day. We are all sinners and none of us are these so-called religious actions I
perfect. We all have wrong thoughts. occasionally find that I lose sight of who God
Nevertheless, if sinful thoughts become a really is. And to be honest, sometimes even
pattern in our minds that we automatically these ‘good’ activities can become so
revert to, the enemy will start to build a tedious that I find myself losing my passion
stronghold in our minds to entice us to act for the Kingdom of God.
on them. Perhaps you believe that there is
no harm in thinking about something, as Sometimes life is going smoothly and as the
long as you don’t act on the sinful boat floats along atop still waters, we can
thought. Unfortunately, this is exactly unintentionally drift into a spiritual slumber.
Satan’s way of distracting us so that we lose Moving water remains fresh, but a pool of
the peace and security we have in Jesus by motionless water attracts dirt that the enemy
drifting away from Him as guilt begins to longs to cover us with. God wants to call us
grow for having these thoughts. It’s the away from this place of indifference and He
beginning of a vicious cycle that starts out asks us to “Rise Up, my Darling” as per
seemingly innocent enough, but ends up Song of Songs. He wants us to be proactive
crippling the power of victorious living that and intentional in seeking His heart and His
we are destined for in Christ. voice because He always has more for us…
I’ve been there myself so often before and I
know the damage that can start in the mind.
So determine to take heed of every thought
that comes into your head and take it
captive in Jesus’ name. (2 Cor. 10:5).
He has more life, more beauty, more purpose and more hope to give you, no matter the
place that you find yourself at this moment in time. There is absolutely no limit to His
resources and He doesn’t need anything to work with except your willing heart. Just as
God created the entire Universe out of darkness, so He can create wondrous beauty out
of the dark places of your heart and mind, if you surrender it to Him and allow Him to
search your heart, just like David did.
My prayer is that as we commit to obeying God by becoming women of integrity and
avoiding spiritual apathy, we will hear His voice calling us to go deeper and grow stronger
in our relationship with Him - resting in the shade of His grace and delighting in His love
for us.
Song of Songs 2:3-4 (NIV): “…I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my
taste. He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.”
Nicole Wood is blessed to live in one of the most beautiful countries in the
world – South Africa! She and her husband, Johnny live in the stunning city of
Jacarandas, Pretoria. They met while both working for the same financial
company. Nicole is a full-time Stockbroker and enjoys the excitement of the
financial markets, however, her passions extend to writing, travel and interior
decorating. She's privileged to write for the ladies’ ministry of her local church.
To her, the utmost joy can be found in being able to encourage and inspire
someone with an article. Nicole has a deep passion for God’s Word and the
way that It transcends time and space to become personal to the reader.
Ultimately, her hope is to draw people closer to His heart and His Word with
her writing. Get to know Nicole better at her website:
Sparks of Joy
A Heart Decluttered
by Mia Koehne
Can I free up space in my heart to love bigger and
more fiercely than I ever have before?
I love decluttering, throwing stuff away. And the whole process of moving--I love that too.
The thought of having to go through every item in my house, ask myself if it “sparks joy”
and then start again fresh THRILLS me. I have lived in the same house for 10 years now
and I can tell you, I am itching with no real reason to move, just because I find it fun!
So, why, with my fascination to lead a simple life, do I constantly find myself in need of
continually decluttering? You would think I'd have nothing left after all the donations to
Goodwill and the overflowing garbage cans. The problem is the rate of things going out is
pretty much equal to the inventory coming in. And therein lies the problem.
While I find myself ready, willing and pumped up to purge, I wonder how I can more
deeply apply this joy to sitting still enough to look at my own cluttered heart. Can I
transfer that ambition to the piles that are accumulating in the corners of my mind,
the thoughts that are cluttering up my vision to do what God is calling me to do?
Can I free up space in my heart to love bigger and more fiercely than I ever have
I’m going to have to ask myself the difficult for the eternal things that really mattered.
question of how these piles got here At that point I knew that 2020 was not only
in the first place, sitting unattended for so going to be a year of slowing the rate of
long. Did I think I could manage them and items I brought into my home, but also a
that I would get to them later? Are the year of dealing with the piles, baskets and
stacks of laziness, the baskets full of hangups that were cluttering up my heart,
doubts and the drawers stuffed with mind and soul.
unaddressed conflict in need of a little
“Marie Condo” action? Is it going to be easy? No. Is it going to be
fun? I highly doubt it! But is it
My fear is that if I answer ”yes” to that going to bring forth fruit in my life and the
question, it means the “stuff” has been lives of those around me that will matter for
brought to the light and I can no longer eternity? FOR SURE!
cram it back into the corner where I think it
can sit and not affect the running of the rest Sometimes the first step is to simply say, to
of the house. simply pray and speak out loud “God, I
have a problem.” Then, ask God to help by
When I sat down on December 19th of last giving the strength to actually press in to
year, I read a devotion based around the discomfort and press on through the
Matthew 10 when Jesus says He came to journey of clearing out the junk that is
the world not to bring Peace, but a sword, holding us back--holding me back--from
to turn mother against daughter, sons loving bigger, feeling deeper, reaching
against their father and so on. Verse 38 wider and speaking louder.
goes on to say that one must take up
their cross and follow Jesus and that I am daring to trust some of the beautiful
whoever finds their life will lose it, people that God has placed in my life more
but whoever loses their life for Christ’s sake openly and honestly to help me in the
will find it. process of cleaning out the closet of my
heart from all those joy zapping piles. As I
There it was. Immediately I was convicted do this, I know that my life will be able to
and spoke a prayer that I quickly wrote in spark more joy, more love and more Jesus!
my journal. A prayer that simply read “Lord,
help me to keep my eyes on eternal
Wrapped up in that prayer was the
acknowledgment that there were things I
was filling my life and heart with that were
in the way of me fixing my eyes on Jesus
and being the hands and feet of my Lord
Mia lives as a testimony to God's grace and His forgiveness. As
one who formerly lived in brokenness and shame, she rejoices
that God has restored her and identified her as His own.
Inspired to share this message of hope with others, she boldly
proclaims the Gospel message of forgiveness to all that will
With a heart for the lost, she prays that others will be freed from
the bondage of sin and self destruction through the one and
only, Jesus Christ.
She is ready to partner with you in ministry and share through
word and song.
Mia is the wife of Bob and the mother of three adult children
(who all decided to get married in 2018), Chris, daughter in love,
Tracie; Aaron, daughter in love, Eva; and Miriam, son in love,
Pedro. 2018 was full of weddings for our growing little family. We
are ever so thankful!
Facebook: @MiaKoehne
Instagram: @miakoehne