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Flip Book Created by Madhukar Mali .

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Published by madukarmali, 2018-05-15 02:31:00

My English Book , Std.2nd

Flip Book Created by Madhukar Mali .

Education Department’s Sanction Number :
Pra-Shi-Sa / 2013-14 / 8171 / Manjuri / D - 505 / 2692

Date 7/6/2013

(_amR>r _mÜ`_)

My Name


First Edition : 2013 © Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and

Second Reprint : 2015 Curriculum Research, Pune - 411 004.

The Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production
and Curriculum Research reserves all rights relating to
the book. No part of this book should be reproduced
without the written permission of the Director, Maharashtra
State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum
Research, ‘Balbharati’, Senapati Bapat Marg, Pune 411004.

English Language Committee : English Language Panel :
Shri. Kumar Ketkar, Chairman Dr Lalita Vartak
Dr Aniket Jaware, Member Dr Prabha Sampath
Dr Rohit Kawale, Member Smt. Samannaz B. Irani
Dr I. P. Nadaf, Member Smt. Smita Vijay Inamdar
Smt. Shruti Chaudhari, Member Shri. Shridhar Madhukarrao Nagargoje
Shri. Ranjit Das, Member Shri. Sultanchaand Hasan Shaikh
Shri. Nilesh Kedare, Member Dr Raju Govindrao Munghate
Smt. Dhanavanti Hardikar, Dr Prashant Kashinath Gawande
Shri. Manohar Hilal Mali
Member-Secretary Shri. Ashok Chintaman Raut
Shri. Chandrakant Devrao Mohod
Cover and Illustrations : Shri. Nitesh Kondiba Thite
Reshma Barve Shri. Pankaj Vasantrao Patil
Shri. Sharad Narayan Vasankar
Co-ordination : Shri. Harendra Nagesh Bidkar
Dhanavanti Hardikar Shri. Rajesh Prakashrao Khatavkar
Academic Secretary for Languages Shri. Gunawant Vitthalrao Barahate
Santosh J. Pawar
Subject Assistant, English

Production : Typesetting : Publisher :
Sachchitanand Aphale DTP Section (Languages) Vivek Uttam Gosavi
Chief Production Officer Textbook Bureau, Pune.
Sachin Mehta Controller
Production Officer Printer : Maharashtra State
Textbook Bureau,

Mumbai - 400 025.

Paper : Print Order No. :
70 GSM Creamwove N/PB/2013-14/

The Constitution of India



solemnly resolved to constitute India into a


DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to

all its citizens :

JUSTICE, social, economic and political ;

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith

and worship ;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;

and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of

the individual and the unity and integrity of the

Nation ;


twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY




Jana-gana-mana-adhināyaka jaya hē
Tava subha nāmē jāgē, tava subha āsisa māgē,
gāhē tava jaya-gāthā,
Jana-gana-mangala-dāyaka jaya hē
Jaya hē, Jaya hē, Jaya hē,
Jaya jaya jaya, jaya hē.


India is my country. All Indians
are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country, and I am proud
of its rich and varied heritage. I shall
always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents, teachers
and all elders respect, and treat
everyone with courtesy.
To my country and my people,
I pledge my devotion. In their
well-being and prosperity alone lies
my happiness.


The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and National
Curriculum Framework 2005 are two of the most important events that have influenced the
field of primary education in the country. In the State of Maharashtra, too, primary education
curriculum was revised to reflect their guidelines and expectations. We are happy to place this ‘My
English Book Two’ based on ‘Primary Education Curriculum 2012’ in your hands.

The RTE Act emphasizes all round development of the child, as also learning through
activities, discovery and exploration in a child-friendly and child-centred manner; making the
child free of fear, trauma and anxiety and helping the child to express views freely. We have tried
to design our textbooks so that these principles become a part of the teaching-learning process.

My English Book Two is meant for use in non-English medium schools. It is prepared in
such a way that any primary teacher will be able to handle English as a subject in the second
standard. Also, we have taken into account the environment in which the children are placed and
which requires a knowledge of English.

The textbook aims at helping children learn English joyfully through graded and engaging
activities. We have tried to give children a systematic exposure to English so that gradually, they
get a grasp of the language. In many places, we have provided specific instructions to the teachers.
They will enable the teachers to deal with English in a non-traditional manner and will help
reduce the burden on the child. Parents and guardians will also find the instructions useful.

The textbook has been prepared in a big size with plenty of colourful illustrations to enhance
its visual appeal for children. We hope that children will enjoy handling this textbook throughout
the year.

The English Language Committee and the artist have taken great pains to prepare this
textbook. A draft of this textbook was reviewed by the panel of English teachers and experts. Their
comments and suggestions were considered carefully while finalising the textbook. The Bureau is
grateful to all of them.

We hope that the textbook will receive a warm welcome from students, parents and teachers.

Pune (Gangadhar Mhamane)
Date : May 13, 2013 Director

Vaishakh 23, 1935 Maharashtra State
Bureau of Textbook Production and

Curriculum Research, Pune.

{ejH$m§er {hVJwO

l B`ËVm n{hbr-XwgarV _wbm§Zm B§J«Or ^mfoMr \$ŠV Vm|S>AmoiI H$ê$Z Xçm`Mr Amho. _wbm§Zm B§J«Or ^mfoMr JmoS>r
bmJmdr, Amnë`mbm B§J«Or dmnaVm `oB©b Agm AmË_{dídmg dmQ>mdm, hr `m Q>ßß`mdarb _w»` CX²{XîQo AmhoV. Vr
gmÜ` H$aÊ`mgmR>r H$mhr gmoß`m H¥$Vr H$ê$Z ¿`m`À`m AmhoV.

l H${dVm Mmbrda / R>oŠ`mV d hmd^mdm§gh åhUyZ ¿`mì`mV. Ë`m§Vrb B§J«Or eãXm§Mo Cƒma ñnîQ> d `mo½` hmoVrb ho nhmdo.
OmoS>çm / JQ> H$ê$Z g§dmXm§Mm gamd ¿`mdm.

l eãXm§Mr AmoiI H$ê$Z XoÊ`mgmR>r {MÌo, àË`j dñVy, hmd^md, H¥$Vr `m§Mm dmna H$amdm.

l Zoh_rÀ`m dmnamVrb B§J«Or eãXm§H$S>o _wbm§Mo bj doYmdo. dJm©V g§dmXm§Mm gamd H$aVmZm Ë`m§Mm Cn`moJ H$am`bm
àmoËgmhZ Xçmdo.

l _wbm§Zr gVV nyU© dmŠ`m§V ~mobUo Ano{jV Zmhr. 1-2 eãXm§V VgoM H¥$Vr / hmd^mdm§VyZ {Xbobr CËVaohr ñdrH$mamdrV.

l `m B`ËVoV Ajao, ñnoqbJ KQ>dyZ KoUo A{O~mV Ano{jV Zmhr. B§J«Or Ajao, eãX, _OHy$a nwÝhm nwÝhm nm{hë`m_wio
_wbm§Zm EImXçm {MÌmgmaIm AmoiIy `oB©b `m ÑîQ>rZo à`ËZ H$amdo. âb°e H$mS>©gmR>r {Xboë`m eãXm§Mm ‘look and
say’ gamd {Z`{_VnUo ¿`mdm. _wbm§Mr V`mar nmhÿZ Ë`mV ^ahr KmbVm `oB©b.

l n[agamVrb B§J«OrH$S>o _wbm§Mo bj doYmdo. embo` n[agamV, dJm©V, _wbm§Zm
OmVm-`oVm {XgVrb Aem àH$mao B§J«Or eãX, gyMZm, Zmdo bmdyZ R>odmdr.
l à˶oH$ nmZmdarb ‘OHw$amMm
dmna H $emgmR>r H$am¶Mm Amho, l _wbm§À`m MwH$m§da ~moQ> R>ody Z`o qH$dm Ë`m§Zm ~mobÊ`mMm à`ËZ H$aV AgVmZm
Wm§~dy Z`o. Ë`m§À`m MwH$m hmoD$ Z`oV `mgmR>r `mo½` Cƒma d dmŠà`moJm§Mo
ho XmIdʶmgmR>r nwT>rb {MÌo Z_wZo Ë`m§À`mg_moa R>odmdo. Ë`mgmR>r AmYw{ZH$ V§ÌkmZmMm - g§JUH$, Q>rìhr,
dmnabr AmhoV. _mo~mBb, ao{S>Amo, BË`mXtMm dmna H$amdm.

EoH$Uo ~mobUo l {eH$dÊ`mg gwadmV H$aÊ`mnydu g§nyU© nwñVH$ ZOaoImbyZ Kmbmdo. ~è`mM
nmZm§da {ejH$m§gmR>r Mm¡H$Q>rV H$mhr gyMZm {Xë`m AmhoV, Ë`m§Mm Cn`moJ
H$amdm. dJm©V dmnaÊ`mÀ`m gyMZm nmR>çnwñVH$mV B§J«Or d _amR>r Aem XmoÝhr
dmMUo {b{hUo ^mfm§VyZ {Xë`m Agë`m, Var dJm©V eŠ`Vmo B§J«OrMm dmna H$amdm.

l Amnë`mbm B§J«Or {b{hVm `oB©b Agm AmË_{dídmg _wbm§Zm dmQ>mdm
g§dmX H$aUo Am{U B§J«Or {b{hÊ`mMm AmZ§X {_imdm `mgmR>r nwñVH$mV H$moè`m
H$mJXmda H$am`À`m H$mhr gmoß`m H¥$Vr {Xë`m AmhoV. Ë`m§Mr

df©AIoa EH$ a§JrV \$mBb ~ZdyZ _wbm§Zm Xçmdr.

l à˶oH$ ¶w{ZQ>À¶m eodQ>r "‘wbm§Zm ho ¶oVo H$m ? ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿¶m.’ ¶m
EoH$Uo, ~mobUo, g§dmX H$aUo erf©H$mImbr H$mhr ‘wX²Xo {Xbo AmhoV. Vo Vo ¶w{ZQ> {eH$dyZ Pmë¶mda {ejH$m§Zr
¶mgmR>r {Xbobm ‘OHy$a ¶m ‘wX²Xçm§À¶m AmYmao Amnë¶m dJm©Vrb gd© ‘wbm§Mr àJVr AmO‘mdyZ nhmdr.
dmMZ-boIZmgmR>r dmnê$ Z¶o. Á¶m ~m~r ¶oV ZmhrV Ago {XgVo, ˶m§Mm gamd ¿¶mdm Am{U Z§Va nwT>o Omdo.
nydu Pmboë¶m ^mJmMr AYyZ‘YyZ COiUr KoʶmMr nX²YV R>odmdr.

em~mgH$s ... ‘wbm§Mo H$m¡VwH$hr B¨J«OrVyZ H$am.

• That's a good girl. • That's a good boy.
• Well done! • Right! • Correct!
• Excellent! • Very good ! • That's nice!

B§J«Or CÀMmaUm~m~V .....

`m nwñVH$mV XodZmJar {bnrÀ`m _XVrZo B§J«Or CÀMmaU XmIdbo Amho. Vo Ho$di {~«{Q>e qH$dm A_o[aH$Z CÀMmaUm§Mm
AmXe© R>odyZ {Xbobo Zmhr. gw{e{jV ^maVr` _mUgm§Mo CÀMmaU J«mhç Yê$Z, eŠ`Vmo à_mU B§J«Or ^mfobm
OdiMo CÀMmaU {Xbo Amho. _mÌ, B§J«Or ^mfm g_OÊ`mg AS>MU `oB©b Ago ~Xb ñdrH$mabobo ZmhrV. `mM ^y{_Ho$VyZ
B§J«Or X²{dñdam§Mo CÀMmaUhr XmIdbo Amho. B§J«Or t, d, th, f, v, w `m§Mo CÀMma ^maVr` ^mfm§V doJio AmhoV. Vo
doJio XmIdÊ`mMm à`ËZ Ho$bobm Zmhr. eãXm§Mm `mo½` CÀMma H$aVm `oÊ`mgmR>r B§J«OrVrb AmKmV (stress) g_OUo,

{eH$Uo Amdí`H$ Amho. `m ~m~r à`ËZnyd©H$ {eH$ë`m, Va B§J«Or ~mobÊ`mV g\$mB© `oB©b. `m nwñVH$mVrb Üd{ZboIZmV

dmnabobr Üd{Z{MÝho Imbrb VŠË`m§V XmIdbr AmhoV. Ë`m§Mm g§X^© KoD$Z nwñVH$mV {Xë`mà_mUo eãXm§Mo, H${dVm§Mo

CÀMmaU H$amdo. Üd{ZboIZ ho CÀMmaU {eH$Ê`mg Cn`wŠV Amho, nU Vo Ho$di EH$ gmYZ Amho. Mm§Jbo CÀMmaU àË`j

à`ËZm§ZrM gmÜ` hmoB©b ho bjmV ¿`mdo.

Üd{Z{MÝho : ñda

{MÝh CXmhaU {MÝh CXmhaU {MÝh CXmhaU

B© eat / B©Q²> / Am° box / ~m°Šg² / A away / A'do@ /
girl / J@b² /
see / gr / Am°@ ball / ~m°@b² / A@ / Jo@Q²> /
gate / ~mo@Q²> /
B sit / {gQ²> / C wool / dwb² / E@ boat

E pen / noZ² / D$ moon / _yZ² / Amo@

A° bat / ~°Q>² / A up / An² /
Am father / '\$mXa² /
cup / H$n²  /

Üd{Z{MÝho : ì`§OZo

{MÝh CXmhaU {MÝh CXmhaU {MÝh CXmhaU

n² pen / noZ² / \²$ fan / \°$Z² / h² house / hmCg² /
~² bat / ~°Q²> / ìh² van / ìh°Z² / _² man / _°Z² /

Q>² tea / Q>r / W² thorn / Wm°@Z² / Z² name / Zo@_² /

S>² dog / S>m°J² / X² this / {Xg² / }§J² sing / qgJ² /
H$²> cat / H$°Q>² / e² sheep / ern² / / qgH²$ /
J²$ go §H²$ sink / bwH²$ /
/ Jmo@ / P² measure / '_o  P  a² / b² look
M² cheek / MrH²$ / g²$ seat / grQ²>/ a² red / aoS²> /
/ OyZ² / P² zip
O² June / {Pn² / `² yes / `og² /
d² water / 'dm°@Q>a² /

l `mVrb @ ho {MÝh ñda XrK© Amho Ago XmIdVo.
l A Am[U A _Ü`o \$aH$ Agm, H$s A hm ñda gmYm Amho; Va A hm Omoa XoD$Z åhUm`Mm ñda Amho. CXm., H$n²,

~g², Q´>H²$ .

l P² hm "P|S>m'_Ybm, Va P² "P~ë`m'Vbm.
l ( ' ) ho {MÝh eãXmdarb AmKmV XmIdVo. Amdí`H$ VoWo eãXm§V d dmŠ`m§V Vmo XmIdbm Amho.


Unit One Unit Three

l What They Say Every Day Page Page
l Say ‘Please’.
l English Around Us 1 l Five Potato-wadas 24
l Fun Time 2
l English Around Us 2 l Talking About Things - 1 25
l Do’s And Don’ts 3
l Writing Names 3 l Talking About Things - 2 26
l Left Right 4, 5
l Head, Shoulders 6 l Word For Word 26
l Welcome! 6
l Visitors 7 l Talking About Things - 3 27
l At The Party 8, 9
l ‘A’ Or ‘An’ 10, 11 l Lost And Found 28-30
l English Letters - 1 11
12 l Tony Tinker 31
l Can And Cannot 32

l Languages We Know 33

l English Letters - 3 33

l Music In The Toy Shop 34, 35

At Night

Unit Four

Unit Two Page

Page l Ding, Dong Bell 36

l Birthday Songs 14 l English Letters - 4 36

l Answering Questions 15 l Helping Friends 37

l Action Words 16 l How are you today? 38, 39

l My Family 17 l English Letters - 5 39

l English Letters - 2 18 l Occupations 40, 41

l What are you doing? 19 l The Farmer And His Axe 42, 43

l On The Hillside 20, 21

l Incy, Wincy Spider 22

l Asking Questions 23


Unit Five Unit Seven

l The Green Brigade Page Page
l Garden Manners
l May I ... 44 l Round The Clock 61
l In The Classroom 44
l 11 to 20 45 l Nikita’s Day - 1 61
l Numbers Up To 100 46, 47
l Puppy White Finds His Friend 48 l Nikita’s Day - 2 62
l Shapes 49
50, 51 l Raju’s Story 63, 64
l How We Learn 65

l In The Shop 66, 67

l Buying Vegetables 68

Unit Eight


Unit Six l Six Little Mice 69

Page l My Family And Relatives 70 - 72

l Zoom, Zoom, Zoom 53 l Numbers 73

l The Little Kitten 54 l The Bear Family’s Holiday - 1 74

l What is Rani doing? 55 l The Bear Family’s Holiday - 2 75

l The Green Grass Grew 56, 57 l English Letters - 6 76

l Calendar - Months 58 l Tabby And His Friends 77, 78

l Calendar - Days 59

l English Words And Letters 60

WShayaDtETavyheeryy Listen, repeat and sing. Unit
EoH$m, _mÂ`mnmR>monmR> åhUm. ho JmUo åhUm.

Bow - wow
Wake up now.

Tweet - tweet
Wash and eat.

Cluck - cluck
Time to work.

Neigh - neigh
Run out to play.

Quack - quack
Let’s go back.

Cheep - Cheep
Off to sleep.

• Draw pictures of the sky to show morning, afternoon, evening 1

and night. Name the things you draw (in English).

• gm§{JVë`mZwgma {MÌo H$mT>m. Vw_À`m {MÌm§V {XgUmè`m JmoîQ>tMr Zmdo B§J«OrV gm§Jm.

Unit 1

‘PSleaayse’. Listen carefully for ‘please’ and act.

‘ßbrP’ åh>Q>bo H$s Zmhr, Vo bj XoD$Z EoH$m Am{U H¥$Vr H$am.

stand up.

Stand up.

Sit Close Please
down. your eyes, open
your eyes.
Touch please.
your head.

Tap Clap Please Come
your feet. four times. take here.
two steps.

Please Please ‘Please’ åhQ>bo, VaM gyMZoà_mUo H¥$Vr H$am`Mr,
show me sit down. Z åhQ>ë`mg H$am`Mr Zmhr.
your hands.
hm Ioi {ejH$m§Zr _wbm§Zm g_OmdyZ gm§Jmdm. gyMZm
XoÊ`mMr g§Yr _wbm§Zmhr Xçmdr. BWo {Xboë`m gyMZm§IoarO

BVa gmoß`m gyMZm§Mmhr dmna H$aVm `oB©b.

EAnrgoluisnhd Where do you see English words ? Tell your friends.
B§J«Or eãX H$moR>o nmhm`bm {_iVmV ? Vw_À`m {_Ì_¡{ÌUtZm gm§Jm.

2 Unit 1

Fun Listen carefully and do the opposite.
bj XoD$Z EoH$m Am{U Ë`mCbQ >H¥$Vr H$am.

Don’t Jump.
stand up.

Don’t Don’t Shout.
show me touch
your hands. your head.

Don’t Sit down.
Don’t your nails.

Don’t Touch >{Xboë`m gyMZoÀ`m {déX²Y H¥$Vr H$am`Mr.
go your toes. CXm., ‘Don’t smile’ åhQ>ë`mda hgm`Mo.

back. ‘Bite your nails’ åhQ>bo, H$s
ZIo Mmdm`Mr ZmhrV. hm J_VrMm Ioi

{ejH$m§Zr g_OmdyZ gm§Jmdm.

EAnrgoluisnhd Where do you get to hear English ? Tell your friends.
B§J«Or Hw$R>o EoH$m`bm {_iVo ? Vw_À`m {_Ì_¡{ÌUtZm gm§Jm.

Unit 1 3

Do’s 1. Look, listen, repeat and remember.
1. nhm, EoH$m, åhUm Am{U bjmV R>odm.

bite your nails. pick your nose.

fight. push.

make a noise. cry.

tease your friends. throw rubbish on the floor.

àË`oH$ dmŠ`mÀ`m AmYr ‘Don’t’ OmoSy>Z Vo åhUÊ`mMm gamd ¿`mdm. Unit 1
CXm., ‘Don’t fight.’ Z§Va EH$mZo MwH$sÀ`m JmoîQ>rMm A{^Z`
H$am`Mm d Xþgè`mZo ‘Don’t’ Mo `mo½` Vo dmŠ` gm§Jm`Mo,
Agm gamd ¿`mdm.

• Make more sentences using ‘Don’t’.

Example : Don’t open the door.

• ‘Don’t’ Zo gwê$ hmoUmar AmUIr dmŠ`o V`ma H$am.


2. Look, listen, repeat and remember.

2. nhm, EoH$m, åhUm Am{U bjmV R>odm.

help your friends. use a handkerchief.

smile. finish your tiffin.

wash your hands clean. put rubbish in the dustbin.

àË`oH$ dmŠ`mÀ`m AmYr ‘Do’ OmoSy>Z Vo åhUÊ`mMm gamd ¿`mdm.
CXm., ‘Do help your friends.’ Z§Va EH$mZo dmŠ` gm§Jm`Mo d

Xþgè`mZo Vgm A{^Z` H$am`Mm, Agm gamd ¿`mdm.

• Listen, repeat and remember. - Yes, I do. `mà_mUo darb
• EoH$m, åhUm Am{U bjmV R>odm. gd© dmŠ`m§~m~V
àíZmoËVao H$ê$Z ¿`mdr.
Do you help your friends ? 

Unit 1 5

WNraitminegs Name the following pictures. Write your name or
the name of your favourite person in each.

Imbrb {MÌm§Mr B§J«Or Zmdo gm§Jm. àË`oH$ AmH$mamV Vw_Mo qH$dm
Vw_À`m AmdS>Ë`m ì`ŠVrMo Zmd {bhm.

{ejH$m§Zr àË`oH$ _wbmbm hdr Vr
2-4 Zmdo Mm§Jë`m AjamV {bhÿZ Xçmdr.

‘wbm§Zr hr Zmdo nmhÿZ EImXo {MÌ
H$mT>ë¶mà‘mUo {bhm¶Mr AmhoV.
AjaAmoiI dm ñnoqbJ nmR>m§Va Ano{jV
Zmhr. EH$M Zmd AZoH$Xm {b{hbo,

Var haH$V Zmhr.

Left Listen and act. Show me your right hand.
Right Put your right foot forward.
6 EoH$m Am{U Ver H¥$Vr H$am. Turn right.

Show me your left hand. Unit 1
Put your left foot forward.
Turn left.

ShHoeualdd,ers 1. Listen, sing and act.

1. EoH$m. hmd^mdm§gh JmUo åhUm.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

'hoS²> 'emo@ëS>P² 'ZrP² AZ² 'Q>mo@P²
'hoS²> 'emo@ëS>P² 'ZrP² AZ² 'Q>mo@P²
AÝS²> 'AmBP² AZ² 'BA@P²
AZ² '_mCW² AZ² 'Zmo@P²
'hoS²> 'emo@ëS>P² 'ZrP² AZ² 'Q>mo@P²

‘Show me...’ hr gyMZm dmnê$Z `oWo

2. Listen and act. hands, feet, mouth, BË`mXr BVa
n[a{MV eãXm§Mr COiUr ¿`mdr.
2. EoH$m Am{U Ver H¥$Vr H$am.

• Show me your head. • Show your toes.

• Show your knees. • Show your shoulders.

Unit 1 7

Welcome! 1. Look, listen and speak.

1. nhm, EoH$m Am{U ~mobm.

Hi ! Welcome!
Unit 1
morning !

morning !

Hello !
Hi !


2. Name the following pictures. Find them in the picture on page 8.

2. `m {MÌm§Mr B§J«Or Zmdo gm§Jm. hr {MÌo nmZ 8 darb _moR>çm {MÌmV emoYm.

3. Name any other five things in the picture in English.

3. {MÌmV {XgUmè`m BVa H$moUË`mhr nmM JmoîQ>tgmR>r B§J«Or eãX gm§Jm.

4. Listen and answer. `m àíZmMm à{VgmX XoVmZm
_wbm§Zr _mV¥^mfoMm dmna
4. EoH$m Am{U gm§Jm.
Ho$bm Var Mmbob.
Teacher : When do we say the following ?

• Good morning !
• Good afternoon !
• Good evening !
• Good night !

Unit 1 9

Visitors Look, listen, repeat and enact.

nhm, EoH$m, åhUm Am{U hmd^mdm§gh gmXa H$am.

There is someone Please come in. Some apples for you.
at the door.


There is someone Please come in. Here’s a nice big cabbage
at the door. for you.


There is someone Please come in. A bunch of bananas for you.
at the door.


10 Unit 1

So many things ! Let’s have a party.
Let’s share them.

APt aTrhtye Listen, repeat and enact.

EoH$m, åhUm Am{U g§dmX gmXa H$am.$

Please have a banana. Would you like some cabbage ?

Thank you. _wbm§À`m OmoS>çm No, thank you. I’m full.
Would you like some carrot ? H$amì`m. g§dmXm§V Try these apples.
Ë`m§À`m AmdS>rMo BVa
ImXçnXmW© dmnê$Z
g§dmXm§Mm gamd H$ê$
Xçmdm. gd© _wbo gamd
H$aVrb Ago nhmdo.

One piece, please. Thank you.

Unit 1 11

‘A’ Listen, repeat and then answer the question in (a) and (b).
‘An’ EoH$m, åhUm Am{U Z§Va (a) Am{U (b) _Yrb àíZmMo CËVa Xçm.

What’s this ? A potato.

What’s this ? An onion.

a pineapple a mango a banana
an apple an orange an egg

(a) Teacher : What’s this ? Student : A ..................

(b) Teacher : What’s this ? Student : An ..................

`mo½` {R>H$mUr (ñdam§À`m AmYr) _wbo
‘A’ EodOr ‘An’ dmnaVrb Ago nhmdo.
àË`jmV {XgUmè`m dñVy XmIdyZhr hm

gamd KoVm `oB©b.

• Look and say. an and R>iH$ Ajam§V eãX {bhÿZ {ejH$m§Zr
• nhm Am{U åhUm. Ë`m§Mr ‘flash cards’ V`ma H$amdrV.
Vr ^a^a XmIdyZ nmhVmjUr eãX åhUÊ`mMm
gamd ¿`mdm. ho eãX gd© _wbm§Zm
yes no ghO ‘AmoiIVm’ `oB©n`ªV Zo_mZo gamd ¿`mdm.

please hr nX²YV nwT>rb nmZm§darb H$mS>mªgmR>rhr
dmnam`Mr Amho. H$mS>mªMr g§»`m dmT>dV
EH$m doir gmYmaU 12 Vo 15 eãXm§Mm g§M ¿`mdm.
Ë`mZ§Va ZdrZ eãXm§Mm g§M gwê$ H$amdm.

AmYrÀ`m g§Mm§Vrb eãXm§Mrhr
AYyZ_YyZ COiUr ¿`mdr.

12 Unit 1

ELnegtltiesrhs Underline the same letters. (One letter at a time.)
gma»`m Ajam§Imbr aoK AmoT>m. (EH$m doir EH$ Aja.)

b apple banana cabbage carrot potato tomato
c apple banana cabbage carrot potato tomato
p apple banana cabbage carrot potato tomato
t apple banana cabbage carrot potato tomato
a apple banana cabbage carrot potato tomato

• Write ‘a’ and ‘an’ _wbm§Zm ho `oVo H$m? ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿`m.

on two facing pages. q B`ËVm n{hbrV {eH$bobo B¨J«Or eãX AmR>dVmV. (earamMo Ad`d,
Draw/Paste the
proper pictures dJm©V, {ZgJm©V {XgUmè`m JmoîQ>r, àmUr, njr, ^mÁ`m, \$io, B.)
on each page. q B`ËVm n{hbrV {eH$boë`m gmoß`m gyMZm AmR>dVmV. g_OVmV.
gm§JVm `oVmV.
• g_moamg_moaÀ`m XmoZ nmZm§da q Good morning, Hello, Please, Thank you, BË`mXr gmono

‘a’ Am{U ‘an’ {bhm. dmŠàMma AmR>dVmV, `mo½` doir dmnaVm `oVmV.
Ë`mImbr `mo½` Vr q {Xboë`m Z_wÝ`mZwgma B§J«OrVyZ gmonr dmŠ`o ~mobVm `oVmV.
{MÌo H$mT>m/{MH$Q>dm. q H$mhr Zmdo nmhÿZ {b{hVm `oVmV.
q H${dVm hmd^mdm§gh åhUVm `oVmV.
Unit 1 q âb°e H$mS>mªdarb (5-6) eãX nmhÿZ bJoM AmoiIVm `oVmV.
q B§J«Or eãXm§Vrb gmaIr Ajao AmoiIVm `oVmV.
q n[agamV B§J«OrMm dmna Hw$R>o hmoVmo, Vo bjmV `oVo.


BiSrtohndgasy Listen, learn, sing and use. Unit
EoH$m, {eH$m, JmUo åhUm Am{U dmnam.

A Song for Everybody A Song for the Birthday Girl / Boy
Happy Birthday to you, My name on the board,
Happy Birthday to you, A big card for me,
Happy Birthday Dear Irshad ‘Happy Birthday’ everybody says.
Happy Birthday to you. They sing for me.
They clap for me.
Birthdays are wonderful days.

{ejH$m§Zr dJm©Vrb àË`oH$ _wbmMm dmT>{Xdg gmOam Happy
H$aÊ`mgmR>r Ë`mMo/{VMo Zmd \$içmda {bhÿZ ew^oÀN>m Birthday!
Xçmì`m. EImXo ew^oÀN>mnÌ Xçmdo. dJm©Vrb BVa _wbm§Zr
Ë`m _wbmgmR>r dmT>{XdgmMo JmUo åhUmdo. eodQ>r Ë`m _wbmbm Unit 2
ñdV…À`m dmT>{XdgmMo JmUo åhUÊ`mMr g§Yr Xçmdr. hr

g§Yr àË`oH$mbm {_iob Ago {Z`moOZ H$amdo.

• M ake a birthday card for your friends.

Use this message.

• V w_À`m {_Ì_¡{ÌUtgmR>r dmT>{XdgmMo H$mS>© ~Zdm.

Ë`mda `oWo {Xbobm g§Xoe {bhm.


AQnuswesetrioinngs 1. Look, listen and remember.

1. nhm, EoH$m Am{U bjmV R>odm.

What’s the colour of my shirt ?
Who will answer this question ?

Teacher, I want to
please. answer.

Please don’t shout. Me, please, teacher.
Sit down, all of you.
Now, that’s better.
Yes, Sania.


2. Say something about each picture. For example, ‘It’s a pink flower.’

2. àË`oH$ {MÌm{df`r EImXo dmŠ` gm§Jm.

Unit 2 15

AWctoirodns Listen, say and act.

EoH$m, åhUm Am{U Ver H¥$Vr H$am.

Push the desk.
Pull the chair.

Throw the ball.
Catch the ball.

Drop the stone.

Pick it up.

Pick up the bag.

Put it down.

`mo½` Ë`m doJdoJiçm nâmZb°e12H$nmSh>m©²g. :
dñVy dmnê$Z ¶m
eãXm§Mm AmUIr down
gamd ¿¶mdm.
Unit 2
• Look and say. •   nhm Am{U åhUm.

it the up


My 1. Listen and talk about your family.
1. EoH$m Am{U Vw_À`m Hw$Qw>§~mMr _m{hVr gm§Jm.$

Hello. àË`oH$ _wbmbm `mà_mUo ~mobÊ`mMr
I am Madhur. g§Yr Xçmdr d Ë`mgmR>r _XV H$amdr.
I am seven years old.
My father’s name is Makarand. _wbm§Zr ñdV…À`m Hw$Qw>§~r`m§Mr Zmdo
My mother’s name is Madhavi. gm§Jm`Mr AmhoV.
I have a sister.
Her name is Mayuri. Amdí`H$ VoWo _wbm§Zr a sister EodOr

two sisters / two brothers;

Her name EodOr His name,
Their names BË`mXr ~Xb H$amdo.

2. Talk to your friends and fill in the tables.

2. Vw_À`m {_Ìm§er/_¡{ÌUter ~mobyZ Imbrb VŠVo ^am.

Friend 1 Yes How many ? No
() (Number) ()

Do you have any brothers ? How many ? No
(Number) ()
Do you have any sisters ?

Friend 2 Yes
Do you have any brothers ? ()
Do you have any sisters ?

• Look and say. nâmZb°e12H$nmSh>m©²g. :
• nhm Am{U åhUm.

my his her

Unit 2 17

ELnegtltiesrhs Look at the pictures. Repeat the words.
2 Underline the same letters. (One letter at a time.)

{MÌo nhm. eãX åhUm. gma»`m Ajam§Imbr aoK AmoT>m. (EH$m doir EH$ Aja.)

d duster slide cupboard

f fan sofa shelf

m mouse lamb lemon

n nib tank tiffin

o owl rocket box

h hut horse hook

l lamp umbrella stool

r rose river tiger

s sun mouse dress

e egg shell bed bell

18 Unit 2

aWdreohiyanotgu? Look, listen, enact and tell.

nhm, EoH$m, hmd^md H$ê$Z gm§Jm.

Teacher : What are you doing ?

I’m writing my sister’s name. Drawing a star.

Eating an apple. Drinking water.

Washing my hands. I’m wiping a table.

I’m looking I am opening
at a bird. the door.

àW_ EHo$H$ {MÌ XmIdyZ Ë`mgmo~VMo dmŠ` åhUyZ ¿`mdo. `mM àH$mao
Z§Va àË`oH$ _wbmbm ‘What are you doing ?’ hm àíZ {dMmamdm. nmZ 16 darb {H«$`m§Mmhr
gamd KoVm `oB©b. CXm.,
_wbm§Zr A{^Z` H$ê$Z CËVa Xçmdo.
Ë`mgmR>r Ë`m§Zm ˶m§À¶m AmdS>rZwgma H¥$Vr {ZdSy> Xçmdr. I’m pushing the desk.
Mm¡H$Q>rVrb eãXm§EodOr _wbm§Zm BVa `mo½` eãX dmnam`bm àmoËgmhZ Xçmdo.

Unit 2 19

OHnilTlshidee 1. Look, listen and speak.

1. nhm, EoH$m Am{U ~mobm.

at the sky.

What are you Look
doing ? at the

going on ?


She’s I’m sleeping.
a picture.

Oh, a blue
butterfly !

20 Unit 2

2. Listen carefully. Find the squirrel who says this on page 20.

2. bj XoD$Z EoH$m. Vo dmŠ` åhUUmar Ima nmZ 20 darb {MÌmV emoYm.

• What’s going on ? • I’m reading.
• I’m looking at the sky.
• I’m sleeping.

• Look at the nest.

• What are you doing ? • She’s drawing a picture.

• Oh, a blue butterfly !

3. Name the colours you see on the umbrella.

3. N>Ìrdarb a§Jm§Mr B§J«Or Zmdo gm§Jm.

4. Find and name the following from the picture - • something green
• something orange
4. Ago H$m` Amho, Vo {MÌmV emoYm Am{U B§J«OrV gm§Jm. • something nice

• something blue • something red
• something pink • something yellow
• something white • something black

5. Look, listen and repeat the answer : nâmZb°e12H$nmSh>m©²g. :

5. nhm. EoH$m. _mPo EoHy$Z CËVa gm§Jm. near

• Where’re the eggs ? - In the nest.
• Where’s the umbrella ? - Under the tree.
• Where’s the ball ? - Near the basket.

• Look and say. •   nhm Am{U åhUm.

I you under

Unit 2 21

WISnpicniydc,eyr 1. Listen, repeat and sing with actions.

1. EoH$m, åhUm. ho JmUo hmd^mdm§gh åhUm.

Incy, wincy spider
Climbed up the spout.
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out.

Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain.
Incy, wincy spider
Climbed up the spout again.

'BpÝg '{dpÝg 'ñnm`²S>a²
'ŠbmBåS²> 'An² X 'ñnmCQ²>
'S>mCZ² 'Ho$@_² X 'ao@Z²
AZ² 'dm°íQ²> X 'ñnm`²S>a² 'AmCQ²>

'AmCQ²> 'Ho$@_² X 'gZ²
AÝS²> 'S´>mBS²> An² 'Am°@b² X 'ao@Z²
'BpÝg '{dpÝg 'ñnm`²S>a²
'ŠbmBåS²> 'An² X 'ñnmCQ²> A'Jo@Z²

2. Listen and repeat. English Words
I Know
2. EoH$m Am{U åhUm.
• D raw pictures of any
• incy wincy • itsy bitsy
• teeny weeny • spider spout ten English words
you know and
• climbed washed dried tell their names.

22 • V wåhm§bm _mhrV Agboë`m

H$moUË`mhr Xhm B§J«Or
eãXm§gmR>r {MÌo H$mT>m.
{MÌm§Mr Zmdo B§J«OrV gm§Jm.

Unit 2

QAuseksitniogns Look, listen. Ask such questions.

nhm, EoH$m. Vwåhrhr B§J«OrV Ago àíZ {dMmam.

What is ‘peru’ called in English? And what is the word for this ?

Guava. Banana.

And what is apple called in English ? Oh! Sorry! It’s an English word.

Student : What is laddoo _wbm§Zm ho `oVo H$m? ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿`m.

called in English ? q H${dVm VmbmgwamV d hmd^mdm§gh åhUVmV.
q dJm©V B§J«OrVyZ {Xboë`m gyMZm g_OVmV.
All : Ha! Ha!
{ejH$m§er B§J«OrV ~mobÊ`mMm à`ËZ H$aVmV.
Teacher : There’s no word for
q a§Jm§Mr B§J«Or Zmdo gm§JVmV.
‘laddoo’ in English. q EH$ A§H$s g§»`m B§J«OrV {b{hVmV.
q àË`j H¥$VrVyZ H$mhr B§J«Or eãX {eH$VmV.
q doJdoJiçm eãXm§V doJdoJiçm OmJr `oUmar

gmaIr B§J«Or Ajao AmoiIVmV.

q âb°e H$mS>mªdarb AmUIr 10-11 eãX AmoiIVmV.
q ñdV…Mo, Hw$Qw>§~r`m§Mo Zmd gm§JVmV.
q n[a{MV eãX dmnê$Z ‘Do you have.....? Yes/No.’

‘Where’s..... ?’, ‘What are you doing ?’

hr àíZmoËVao H$ê$ eH$VmV.

Unit 2 23

PFwoitavadetaos- 1. Listen, sing and act. Unit
1. JmUo EoH$m. hmd^mdm§gh åhUm.
'\$mBìh² n'Q>o@Q>mo-dS>mP² '\«$mB§J² BZ X 'n°Z²>
Five potato-wadas, 'dZ² 'doÝQ²> 'nm°n² AÝS²> {X 'AXa² 'doÝQ²> '~±J²
frying in the pan.
'W«r> n'Q>o@Q>mo²-dS>mP² '\«$mB§J² BZ X 'n°Z²>
One went pop and 'dZ² 'doÝQ²> 'nm°n² AÝS²> {X 'AXa² 'doÝQ²> '~±J²
the other went bang.
'dZ² n'Q>o@Q>mo-dS>m '\«$mB§J² BZ X 'n°Z²>
'BQ²> 'doÝQ²> 'nm°n² AÝS²> X 'n°Z 'doÝQ²> '~±J²

Three potato-wadas
frying in the pan.
One went pop and
the other went bang.

One potato-wada
frying in the pan.

It went pop and
the pan went bang.

2. Listen and repeat. 2. EoH$m Am{U åhUm. nâmZb°e12H$nmSh>m©²g. :

• frying trying crying • three free tree Unit 3

• Look and say. •    nhm Am{U åhUm.

what is are me


TTAahlbkinoinuggst 1 Listen, repeat and talk to your friends.

EoH$m, åhUm Am{U Vw_À`m {_Ì_¡{ÌUter ~mobm.

Do you like potato-wadas? Do you like samosas?

Oh, I love potato-wadas. I love samosas.
Potato-wadas are tasty. A lemon is sour.
I love potato-wadas. I like lemons.

A pedha is sweet.
I love pedhas.

Bitter gourd is bitter.
But I like bitter gourds.

Wafers are crunchy. Tea is hot.
I love crunchy wafers. I like hot tea.

Potato-wadas are soft. Lassi is cold.
I like soft potato-wadas. I love cold lassi.

Unit 3 25

TTAahlbkinoinuggst 2 Listen, repeat and talk to your friends.

EoH$m, åhUm Am{U Vw_À`m {_Ì_¡{ÌUter ~mobm.

Glass is smooth. Cotton is soft.
Sandpaper is rough. Stone is hard.

I like rough I don’t like a hard
tiles. mattress.

I like smooth I like a soft
tiles. cushion.

Word Listen and tell a matching word.
Word EoH$m Am{U OmoS>rMm eãX gm§Jm.

sweet XmoZ JQ> H$amdo qH$dm
OmoS>çm H$amì`m.
bitter EH$mZo hot - cold
EH$ eãX gm§Jm`Mm.
hot cold Xþgè`mZo Vo dU©Z
bmJy nS>ob Agm eãX
soft hard
thin gm§Jm`Mm.
Ë`mMà_mUo EH$mZo
fat nXmW©/dñVy Va Xþgè`mZo
short Ë`mgmR>r dU©ZmË_H$ eãX

26 gm§Jm`Mm.
hm Ioi Z§Vahr AYyZ_YyZ


Unit 3

TTAahlbkinoinuggst 3 Look, listen and repeat.

nhm, EoH$m Am{U åhUm.

This is Ira.
She hates garbage.

This is Ira’s Aaji.
She hates loud noise.

I hate garbage.

Such loud noise. I hate it.

This is Ira’s little brother. This is Ira’s family.
He hates injections. They hate to waste water.

I hate injections.

We hate to waste water.

âb°e H$mS>©²g : • Find any five
nmZ 12 nhm.
two-letter words
• Look and say. •     nhm Am{U åhUm. from this book
he she we and copy them.

they • `m nwñVH$mVrb H$moUVohr

nmM XmoZ Ajar eãX emoYm
Am{U nmhÿZ {bhm.

Unit 3 27

Lost 1. Look at the pictures, listen and say with me.
Found 1. {MÌo nhm, EoH$m Am{U _mÂ`m~amo~a åhUm.

Hi, Sparrow. No, it’s not.
I found this whistle. Let’s ask Crow.
Is this whistle yours ?

Hi, Crow. No, it’s not mine.
Is this whistle yours ?

Let’s ask Duck.

28 Unit 3

Hi, Duck. Let’s ask
Is this whistle yours ? Owl.


No, it’s Where did
not mine. you find it ?

Hi, Owl.
Is this
yours ?

• Use the following to practise the conversations :

Is this ............ yours ? Are these ......... yours ?


Unit 3 29

It must be Hi, Robin. What’s I have lost
Robin’s. wrong with you ? my whistle.

Don’t worry. Oh, yes. It’s mine.
Look at this. Thank you very much.
Is this yours?

2. Listen, repeat and use. Unit 3

2. EoH$m, åhUm Am{U dmnam.

Anuja : Is this ruler yours ?
Deepa : Yes, it is. Thank you very much.

Sonal : Are these pencils yours ?
Amir : No, they are not.

Tushar : Have you lost
your eraser ?
Chetan : Yes.
Tushar : Is this yours ?
Chetan : Yes, thank you.


MTTiounnskyiecr Listen, sing and repeat.

JmUo EoH$m Am{U åhUm.

Tony Tinker, Tony Tinker,
Can you sing ? Can you play ?

I can play my bass drum.
Dum dum dum, dum dum dum.
Listen to my bass drum.
Dum dum dum, dum dum dum.

I can play my triangle.
Ting ting ting, ting ting ting.
Listen to my triangle.
Ting ting ting, ting ting ting.

I can play my violin.
Tui tui tui, tui tui tui.
Listen to my violin.
Tui tui tui, tui tui tui.

I can play my tabla.
Dha dhin dha, dha dhin dha.
Listen to my tabla.
Dha dhin dha, dha dhin dha.

Q>mo{Z 'qQ>H$a² Q>mo{Z 'qQ>H$a² 'Am` H$Z² ßbo@ _m`² 'Q´>m`±J²b² 'Am` H$Z² ßbo@ _m`² 'ìhm`{bZ² 'Am` H$Z² ßbo@ _m`² 'V~²bm
H°$Z² `w 'qgJ² H°$Z² `w 'ßbo@  Ym {YZ² Ym Ym {YZ² Ym
'Am`² H$Z² ßbo@ _m`² '~o@g² S´>_² qQ>J² qQ>J² qQ>J² qQ>J² qQ>J² qQ>J² Qw>B© Qw>B© Qw>B© Qw>B© Qw>B© Qw>B© '{bg²Z² Qw> _m`² 'V~²bm.....
S>_² S>_² S>_² S>_² S>_² S>_² '{bg²Z² Qw> _m`² 'Q´>m`±J²b²..... '{bg²Z² Qw> _m`² 'ìhm`{bZ².....
'{bg²Z² Qw> _m`² '~o@g² S´>_².....

• Look and say. âb°e H$mS>©²g :
• nhm Am{U åhUm. nmZ 12 nhm.

this not your yours mine

Unit 3 31

Can 1. Look, listen and speak.
1. nhm, EoH$m Am{U åhUm.

I am a horse.
I can run fast.
But I cannot fly.

I am a buffalo.
I can run.
I can swim.
I can climb a hill.
But I cannot climb a tree.

I am Rohit.
I can read. I can write.
I can do sums.
But I cannot drive a car.

I am a cat. • Look and say.
I can run. I can jump. • nhm Am{U åhUm.
I can climb a tree.
But I cannot hop on one leg. am can
2. Now listen carefully and answer.
nâmZb°e12H$nmSh>m©²g. : but
2. AmVm bj XoD$Z EoH$m Am{U CËVa Xçm.
Unit 3
• Can a lion fly ?
• Can a fish swim ?
• Can a monkey read a book ?

What can it do ?

H$mhr ~amo~a Va H$mhr MwH$sMo qH$dm J_VrXma
Ago doJdoJio n`m©` dmnê$Z hr àíZmoËVao ¿`mdr.


LWManeguKusaincgoews Listen carefully and answer.

bj XoD$Z EoH$m Am{U CËVa Xçm.

Do you understand Marathi ? Do you speak Marathi ?
Oh, yes. Yes.

Do you understand English ? Do you speak English ?
A Little. A Little. I’m learning English.

What is the English word for chiku   ?
I don’t know.

EMLneugtlstieiscrhs Look at the pictures. Repeat the words.
Underline the same letters. (One letter at a time.)
{MÌo nhm. eãX åhUm. gma»`m Ajam§Imbr aoK AmoT>m. (EH$m doir EH$ Aja.)

g grater mango ring

j jar jam jar jowar

k kangaroo locket lock

q ? queue queen question

i insect ribbon hill

u umbrella bus sun

Unit 3 33

MTSuhhNseoiicpTgIohAnytt 1. Look, listen and speak.

1. nhm, EoH$m Am{U ~mobm.

34 Unit 3

2. Look at the picture on page 34 and say with me.

2. nmZ 34 darb {MÌo nhm Am{U _mÂ`m~amo~a åhUm.

The bear The joker
is beating a drum. is clashing the cymbals.

The girl The boy
is playing the tambourine. is playing a tune on the flute.

The pussycat The monkey
is playing the violin. is playing the tabla.

3. Listen, guess, find the object on page 34 and answer.

3. EoH$m. AmoiIm. nmZ 34 da Vr dñVy emoYyZ B§J«OrV CËVa Xçm.

• It is up above the toys. • It is big and brown.

It has three blades. It has two glass doors.
They go round and round. It is the toys’ home.
It gives cool air. What is it ?
What is it ?
(It’s the cupboard.)
(It’s the fan.)
_wbm§Zm ho `oVo H$m? ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿`m.
• It is on the table,
q B§J«Or H${dVm VmbmgwamV d hmd^mdm§gh åhUVmV.
in the corner. q n[a{MV eãX dmnê$Z Do you ...? Is this... ? Can ..... ?
It is pink and round.
You switch it on. BË`mXr àíZmoËVao H$aVmV.
Then it gives you light.
What is it ? q B§J«OrVrb hot-cold, soft-hard Ago H$mhr eãX dmnaVm `oVmV.
q gm§{JVbobr gmonr dmŠ`o, AW© g_OyZ åhUVm `oVmV.
(It’s the lamp.) q N>moQ>o g§dmX gmXa H$aVm `oVmV.
q 3-4 gmonr dmŠ`o EH$m doir EoHy$Z g_OVmV.
q B§J«OrVrb H$Wm bjnyd©H$ EoH$VmV. {MÌm§À`m AmYmamZo g_OyZ

KoVmV. (nmZ 28-31)

q âb°e H$mS>mªdarb AmUIr H$mhr eãX (17-18) AmoiIVmV.
q doJdoJiçm eãXm§V doJdoJiçm OmJr `oUmar gmaIr B§J«Or Ajao


q B§J«Or eãX ñdV: nmhÿZ {b{hÊ`mMm à`ËZ H$aVmV.

Unit 3 35

Ding, Listen, repeat and sing. UUnniitt
Dong FFoouurr
EoH$m Am{U ho JmUo åhUm.

'qS>J² 'S>m±J² '~ob² 'hÿ 'nwQ²> h@ 'BZ² 'hÿ 'nwëS²> h@ 'AmCQ²>
'nw{gP² BZ² X 'dob² {bQ²>b² 'Om°{Z '{WZ² {bQ²>b² 'Q>m°{_ 'ñQ>mCQ²>

Ding, dong bell,
Pussy’s in the well.

Who put her in ?
Little Johnny thin.

Who pulled her out ?
Little Tommy stout.

ELnegtltiesrhs Look at the pictures. Repeat the words.
4 Underline the same letters. (One letter at a time.)

{MÌo nhm. eãX åhUm. gma»`m Ajam§Imbr aoK AmoT>m. (EH$m doir EH$ Aja.)

v violin five vegetables
w wall watch wheel

36 Unit 4

HFerlipeinndgs Look, listen, repeat and use.

nhm, EoH$m, åhUm Am{U dmnam.

Oh, no!
I forgot my ruler
at home today.

It’s all right.
You can use mine.

Pankaj, can I help you ? Hold these pencils for me, please.


Will you please carry this ? Thanks a lot.
Sure. Welcome.

Thank you.

_wbm§À`m OmoS>çm H$ê$Z `m g§dmXm§Mo
ZmQ>çrH$aU H$ê$Z ¿`mdo.
gd© _wbm§Zm g§Yr Xçmdr.

hr/Aer dmŠ`o AYyZ_YyZ àË`jmV
dmnam`bm _wbm§Zm CËVoOZ Xçmdo.

Unit 4 37

Howyoaure 1. Listen, sing and use.
1. EoH$m, JmUo åhUm Am{U dmnam.

‘Hello, Neighbour Uncle,
How are you today ?’

‘I am fine. Thank you.
Have a nice day.’

‘Hello, Mr Farmer,
How are you today ?’
‘I am busy in my field,
Working all day.’

‘Hello, Dear Teacher,
How are you today ?’
‘Busy in the classroom,
Teaching all day.’

‘Hello, Mr Soldier,
How are you today ?’

‘Standing at attention
On guard all day.’

38 Unit 4

‘Hello, Dear Mother,
How are you today ?’

‘Thinking of my little ones,
Happy all day.’

2. Listen and speak.

2. EoH$m Am{U ~mobm.

Abhay : Hello, Vinit. How are you ?

Vinit : I’m fine. Thank you.

And how are you ?

Abhay : Fine.

ELnegtltiesrhs Look at the pictures. Repeat the words.
5 Underline the same letters. (One letter at a time.)

x {MÌo nhm. eãX åhUm. gma»`m Ajam§Imbr aoK AmoT>m. (EH$m doir EH$ Aja.)

box ox fox

y yellow yawn boy

z 0 zebra zip zero

• Make a design using any English letter you like.
• Vw_À`m AmdS>rMo H$moUVohr B§J«Or Aja KoD$Z Zjr V`ma H$am.

Unit 4 39

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