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Flip Book Created by Madhukar Mali .

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Published by madukarmali, 2018-05-15 02:31:00

My English Book , Std.2nd

Flip Book Created by Madhukar Mali .

Occupations 1. Look, listen and repeat.

1. nhm, EoH$m Am{U åhUm.

I am a farmer. I am a mechanic. I am a carpenter.
I use a plough. I use a spanner. I use a saw.
I grow crops. I use a screwdriver. I make things
I repair things. from wood.

I am a potter. I am a tailor. I am a painter.
I use a wheel. I use scissors. I use paint
I make pots from clay. I use a needle and brushes.
and thread. I paint things.
I make clothes
from cloth. Unit 4


I work in an office. I am a cook.
I use a computer. I work in a kitchen.
I help people. I use pots, pans, knives and spoons.
I cook tasty food.

2. Listen carefully and say the last word.

2. bj XoD$Z EoH$m Am{U eodQ>Mm eãX Vwåhr gm§Jm.

(a) I am a farmer and I use a .

(b) I am a mechanic and I use a and a .

(c) I am a potter and I use a .

(d) I work in an office and I use a .

3. Listen carefully and answer.

3. bj XoD$Z EoH$m Am{U CËVa Xçm.

I use a plough. I use a spanner `mMà_mUo
I grow crops. and a screwdriver.
Who am I ? Who am I ? painter, potter

(A farmer.) (A mechanic.) BË`mXr§{df`r àíZmoËVao
H$ê$Z ¿`mdr.
Unit 4

FATanrhAdmexHeeris Listen, repeat and enact.
EoH$m, åhUm Am{U gmXa H$am.

A poor farmer is chopping wood
near a big river.

Farmer : It’s so hot !
I’m so tired !
But I must work.
His axe falls
into the river.
Oh, no ! My axe !
What shall I do now?
Oh, no !
A fairy comes.
Fairy : What happened, farmer ?

Farmer : Oh !
Who are you ?

Fairy : I’m the river fairy.
What happened ?

Farmer : My axe fell into the river.
I have no money.
I cannot buy a new axe.

Fairy : Don’t worry.
I’ll help you.

Fairy brings up an axe.
Fairy : Is this your axe ?

Farmer : No, no. This is a golden axe.
It is not mine.

Fairy : All right.

Unit 4

Fairy brings up another axe.

Is this your axe ?

Farmer : No, no. This is a silver axe.
It is not mine.

Fairy : Hmm.

Fairy brings up one more axe.

Is this yours ?

Farmer : Yes. This is my axe.
My old iron axe.
Thank you very much.

Fairy : You are a good man.
You are so honest.
Take the golden axe
and the silver axe.
They are my gifts to you.

• Look and say. _wbm§Zm ho `oVo H$m? ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿`m.
• nhm Am{U åhUm.
q B§J«Or H${dVm VmbmgwamV d hmd^mdm§gh åhUVmV.
oh who q n[a{MV eãX d aMZm Agbobo 1-2 dmŠ`m§Mo gmono
so do
g§dmX EoHy$Z VgoM ñdV§ÌnUo H$aVmV.
q n[agamVrb ì`ŠVr, ì`mdgm{`H$ `m§Mr Zmdo, gmYZo
nâmZb°e12H$nmSh>m©²g. : BË`mXtgmR>r B§J«Or eãX gm§JVmV.

Unit 4 q EH$m doir gbJ 3-4 dmŠ`o EoH$ë`mg Vr g_OVmV.
q âb°e H$mS>mªdarb AmUIr H$mhr eãX AmoiIVmV.
q doJdoJiçm eãXm§V doJdoJiçm OmJr `oUmar gmaIr

B§J«Or Ajao AmoiIVmV.

q H$mhr B§J«Or Ajao ñdV:hÿZ {b{hÊ`mMm à`ËZ H$aVmV.
q {MÌo d n[a{MV eãX `m§À`m AmYmamZo, g§dmXmË_H$

B§J«Or H$Wm bjnyd©H$ EoH$VmV.

q Hello, How are you, Aem dmŠà`moJm§Mm ghOVoZo
dmna H$aVmV.


The Listen, repeat with actions and remember. Unit
BGrriegeande Five
EoH$m, hmd^mdm§gh åhUm Am{U bjmV R>odm.

This is the way we sow the seeds,
Sow the seeds, sow the seeds.
This is the way we sow the seeds.
We are the Green Brigade.

sow the seeds : water the plants
feed the plants
take out the weeds

MGaarndneenrs Listen, repeat with actions and remember.

EoH$m, hmd^mdm§gh åhUm Am{U bjmV R>odm.

Do we ever harm the plants?
No, no, no. No, no, no.
We never ever harm the plants.
We are the Green Brigade.

harm the plants : trample on the grass

pluck the flowers

litter the lawns

44 Unit 5

May Listen, repeat with actions and use.

I ... EoH$m, hmd^mdm§gh åhUm Am{U dmnam.

May I close the window, please? May I drink some water?
Yes, you may. Yes, you may.

May I go to the toilet, please? May I come in, Teacher?
Yes, you may. Yes, come in,

May I eat my tiffin? àË`oH$ _wbmbm g§Yr XoD$Z
Not now. `m g§dmXm§Mo ZmQ>çrH$aU
H$ê$Z ¿`mdo. Z§Va B§J«OrÀ`m
Unit 5 Vmgmbm JaOoZwgma _wbo `m
dmŠ`m§Mm dmna H$aVrb

Ago nhmdo.


CIlnasTsrhoeom 1. Look, listen and speak.

1. nhm, EoH$m Am{U ~mobm.

Excuse me, Can you
Teacher, tell me
what this is ?
what’s this ?
Please, May I come
Teacher, in please,
Teacher ?
can I tell ?
How nice !
A snail.

May I eat
my tiffin,
Teacher ?

46 Unit 5

2. Listen and find / show the following in the picture on page 46.

2. EoH$m. nmZ 46 darb {MÌmV `m JmoîQ>r emoYm / XmIdm.

• Teacher • students • chart • school bag
• uniform • desk • bench • mat
• duster • chalk stick • ruler • purse

3. Name the following and find their pictures on page 46.

3. `m§Mr B§J«Or Zmdo gm§Jm. hr {MÌo nmZ 46 da emoYm.

4. Look, listen and tell.

4. nhm. EoH$m Am{U gm§Jm.

This fish is big and round.
This fish is long and thin.
The blue turtle is small.
The green tortoise is big.

5. Listen and trace. Name the pictures. Say something about each.

5. EoH$m Am{U {Jadm. {MÌm§Mr Zmdo gm§Jm. Ë`m§{df`r B§J«OrVyZ H$mhrVar gm§Jm.

• A long tail • Two long legs
and a short beak. and a long beak.

• Two long ears • A long trunk
and a short tail. and a short tail.

Unit 5 47

11 Look, listen and learn.
20 nhm, EoH$m Am{U {eH$m.

11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen
slices of apple slices of bread slices of cake

14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen
pieces of apple pieces of bread pieces of cake

17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen
drops of water pages of a book grains of jowar

20 twenty
sheets of paper

48 Unit 5

NuUmpbTeors 1. Look, listen and say.
1. nhm, EoH$m Am{U åhUm.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

2. Listen, repeat and learn. 3. Make more numbers in English.

2. EoH$m, åhUm Am{U {eH$m. 3. B§J«OrV AmUIr A§H$ V`ma H$am.

one 1 10 ten twenty one 21

two 2 20 twenty twenty two 22

three 3 30 thirty twenty three 23

four 4 40 forty twenty four 24

five 5 50 fifty twenty five 25

six 6 60 sixty twenty six 26

s even 7 70 seventy twenty seven 27

eight 8 80 eighty twenty eight 28

nine 9 90 ninety twenty nine 29

100 one hundred  • Write any ten English

21 Vo 29 A§H$ V`ma H$aÊ`mMr B§J«OrVrb nX²YV _wbm§Zm `oWo XmIdë`mà_mUo numbers you like.
H$mS>mªÀ`m gmhmæ`mZo g_OmdyZ gm§Jmdr. _wbm§Zm ñdV:bm H$mS>} hmVmiyZ ho
A§H$ V`ma H$ê$ Xçmdo. Z§Va H«$_mH«$_mZo hrM nX²YV dmnê$Z 31 Vo 39, 41 • Vw_À`m AmdS>rÀ`m H$moUË`mhr
Vo 49, BË`mXr A§H$ V`ma H$ê$Z ¿`mdo. Ë`m§Mm gamd ¿`mdm. df©AIoan`ªV
Xhm B§J«Or g§»`m nmhÿZ {bhm.
_wbm§Zm 1 Vo 100 A§H$ B§J«OrV åhUVm `oVrb, VgoM nmhÿZ "AmoiIVm' `oVrb
Ago nhmdo. ñnoqbJ nmR>m§Va Ano{jV Zmhr.

Unit 5 49

FPWiuFnpdrhpisietynHe dis Look, listen and speak.

nhm, EoH$m Am{U ~mobm.

Uncle Balloonman,
did you see my
friend Brown ?

At the Yes, I did. He was here.
Gate He went that way.

Hawker Uncle, did you Doctor Aunty, did you
see my friend Brown ? see my friend Brown ?
Yes, I did. He was here.
He went that way. At the

At the Yes, I did.
First He was here.
Corner He went that way.
Unit 5

Good evening, Grandpa.
Did you see my friend Brown ?

Good evening, Grandma.
Did you see my friend Brown ?

the Third

Yes, I did. He was here.
He went that way.

At the

Yes, I did. He was here.
He went that way.

At the I was looking There you are !
Gate for you. Where were you ?
_wbm§Mo JQ> H$ê$Z hr H$Wm/
Ë`mVrb g§dmX gmXa H$aÊ`mMr

g§Yr gdmªZm Xçmdr.

Unit 5 51

Shapes 1. Look, listen and learn the shapes.

1. nhm, EoH$m Am{U {eH$m.

line circle triangle square

star heart egg arrow

leaf cube brick cylinder

2. Find these shapes _wbm§Zm ho `oVo H$m? ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿`m.
in your surrounding.
q B§J«Or H${dVm VmbmgwamV d hmd^mdm§gh åhUVmV.
2. ho AmH$ma Vw_À`m n[agamV emoYm. q nadmZJr KoÊ`mgmR>r May I.... aMZoMm dmna H$aVmV.
q àmUr, dñVy, Ë`m§Mr long-short BË`mXr d¡{eîQ>ço
3. Draw one shape within the other.
Say what you have drawn. `m§gmR>rMo B§J«Or eãX g_OVmV.

3. EH$m AmH$mamV Xþgam AmH$ma H$mT>m. q {d{dY AmH$mam§Mr (shapes) B§J«Or Zmdo gm§JVm `oVmV.
Vwåhr H$m` H$mT>bo Amho Vo B§J«OrV gm§Jm. q B§J«OrVrb 11 Vo 20 A§H$ nmhÿZ AmoiIVmV. gm§Jy
Example :
A leaf in a circle.
q eãXH$mS>} hmVmiyZ B§J«OrV 21 Vo 30, 31 Vo 40 BË`mXr
A§H$ V`ma H$ê$ eH$VmV.

q B§J«Or g§dmXm§À`m gmhmæ`mZo H$WmZH$ g_OyZ KoVmV,

gmXa H$ê$ eH$VmV. (50-51)

q BVam§er `mo½` àH$mao ~mobÊ`mMr nX²YV g_OyZ KoVmV.


Unit 5

ZZZooooomomm,, 1. Listen, repeat and sing. Unit
1. EoH$m, åhUm Am{U ho JmUo åhUm.

Zoom, zoom, zoom
We’re going to the moon !

Zoom, zoom, zoom
We’re going very soon.

If you want to take a trip
Climb aboard my rocket ship.

Zoom, zoom, zoom
We’re going to the moon.

Countdown ...
10, 9, 8, 7, 6,
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ........... Blast off !

2. Look at the picture. Say the word.
Tell more words that rhyme with it.

2. {MÌ nhm. eãX gm§Jm. àË`oH$ eãXmer OwiUmao AmUIr B§J«Or eãX gm§Jm.

Example sky :
my, hi, shy,

try, by, ...

Unit 6 53

The Look, listen and repeat.
nhm, EoH$m Am{U åhUm.

The little kitten is running.

It is running from the table to the door.

It is running from the door to the table.

It is jumping high.

It is jumping onto the box.
It falls into the box.

• Look and say.     • nhm Am{U åhUm. onto into

in on from Unit 6


WdRhoaaintngiis? Look at the pictures and say with me.

{MÌo nmhÿZ _mÂ`m~amo~a åhUm.

Looking at the ball. Jumping onto the ground.

Reaching for the ball. Picking up the ball.

Climbing up the steps. Coming down.

`m ñdê$nmÀ`m H¥$Vr àË`j Playing with her friend.
H$ê$Z ¿`mì`m. EH$mZo H¥$Vr
H$am`Mr Am{U Ë`m doir BVa
gdmªZr She is ... , He is ...,

They are ...,

BË`mXr dmŠ`o åhUm`Mr, Agm
gamd ¿`mdm.

Unit 6 55

The Listen and repeat. Now let’s sing this song.
EoH$m. åhUm. Mbm AmVm ho JmUo åhUy`m.

In the middle of the ground,
There was a hole.

The prettiest hole,
That you ever did see.

The hole in the ground,
And the green grass grew all around, all around,
And the green grass grew all around.

And in that hole,
There was a tree,

The prettiest tree,
That you ever did see.

The tree in the hole,
And the hole in the ground,
And the green grass grew all around ...

BZ² X '{‘S>²b² Aìh² X 'J«mCÝS²> AÝS²> 'BZ² X°Q²> 'hmo@b²
XoAa² 'dm°P² A 'hmo@b² XoAa² 'dm°P² A 'Q´>r
X '{à{Q>EñQ²> 'hmo@b² X '{à{Q>EñQ>² 'Q´>r
X°Q²> ¶w 'Eìh²a² {S>S²> 'gr X°Q²> ¶w 'Eìh²a² {S>S²> 'gr
X 'hmo@b² BZ² X 'J«mCÝS²> X 'Q´>r BZ² X 'hmo@b²
AÝS²> X 'J«rZ² 'J«mg² 'J«y Am°@b² A'amCÝS²> Am°@b² A'amCÝS²> AÝS²> X 'hmo@b² BZ² X 'J«mCÝS²>
AÝS²> X 'J«rZ² 'J«mg² 'J«y Am°@b² A'amCÝS²> AÝS²> X 'J«rZ² 'J«mg² ...

56 Unit 6

AÝS²> 'Am°Z² X 'Q´>r X '~«mÝM² Am°Z² X 'Q´>r
XoAa² 'dm°P² A '~«mÝM² AÝS²> X 'Q´>r BZ² X 'hmo@b²
X '{à{Q>EñQ²> '~«mÝM² AÝS²> X 'hmo@b² BZ² X 'J«mCÝS²>
X°Q²> ¶w 'Eìh²a² {S>S²> 'gr AÝS²> X 'J«rZ² 'J«mg² ...

And on the tree,
There was a branch,

The prettiest branch,
That you ever did see.

The branch on the tree,
And the tree in the hole,
And the hole in the ground,
And the green grass grew all around ...

And on the branch,
There was a bird,

The prettiest bird,
That you ever did see.

The bird on the branch,
And the branch on the tree,
And the tree in the hole,
And the hole in the ground,
And the green grass grew all around ...

AÝS²> 'Am°Z² X '~«mÝM² X '~@S²> Am°Z² X '~«mÝM²
XoAa² 'dm°P² A '~@S²> AÝS²> X '~«mÝM² Am°Z² X 'Q´>r
X '{à{Q>EñQ²> '~@S²> AÝS²> X 'Q´>r BZ² X 'hmo@b²
X°Q²> ¶w 'Eìh²a² {S>S²> 'gr AÝS²> X 'hmo@b² BZ² X 'J«mCÝS²>
AÝS²> X 'J«rZ² 'J«mg² ...

Unit 6 57

C-aMleonndtahrs 1. Look, listen, repeat and learn.

1. nhm, EoH$m, åhUm Am{U {eH$m.

January February

March April

May June

July August

September October

November December

2. Match the names of the months shown on the _{hÝ`m§À`m B§J«Or Zmdm§Mr
calendar and on the cards. âb°e H$mS>©²g V`ma H$ê$Z
gamd ¿`mdm. _{hÝ`m§À`m
2. H°$b|S>adarb d H$mS>mªdarb _{hÝ`m§Mr Zmdo Owidm. Zmdm§Mo ñnoqbJ nmR> H$aUo

58 `oWo Ano{jV Zmhr.

Unit 6

Ca-leDnadyasr 1. Listen carefully and spot the following
in the calendar.

1. bj XoD$Z EoH$m Am{U H°$b|S>a_Ü`o emoYm.

• The first day of the month. • The last day of the month.

• The first day of the first week. • The second day of the first week.

• The third day of the first week. • The fourth day of the first week.

• The first Friday. • The second Sunday.

• The third Thursday. • The fourth Friday. _wbm§À`m OmoS>çm
H$ê$Z Aer àíZmoËVao
2. Listen and answer. H$aÊ`mMm gamd KoVm

2. EoH$m Am{U CËVa gm§Jm. `oB©b.

• How many days are there in this month ?

• How many days are there in the second week ?

• How many Mondays do you see in this month ?

• Look and say.      nâmZb°e12H$nmSh>m©²g. :
• nhm Am{U åhUm.

that did there of for

how many was were

Unit 6 59

WEoLnrgedltsitseAhrns d Name the pictures in each group.
Circle the picture of the word that ends with different letter.

àË`oH$ JQ>mVrb {MÌm§gmR>r B§J«Or eãX gm§Jm.
doJiçm AjamZo eodQ> hmoUmè`m eãXmÀ`m {MÌm^modVr Jmob H$am.

bag bat dog pig

cat pan mat hat

doll ball wall cock

net pen hen ten

pin _wbm§Zm ho `oVo H$m? ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿`m.
q B§J«Or H${dVm VmbmgwamV d hmd^mdm§gh åhUVmV.
pen q gma»`m/doJiçm CÀMmam§Mo B§J«Or eãX ñdV: {dMma H$ê$Z gm§JVmV.
q At, from, to, onto, into Aem B§J«Or eãXm§Mm AW© g_OVmo.
60 pan q I, you, he, she, it, we, they BË`mXr§Mm `mo½` dmna H$aVmV.
q H${dVoVrb eãX, dmŠ`o bj XoD$Z EoH$VmV. EH$m doir A{YH$m{YH$

eãX/Amoir åhUÊ`mMm à`ËZ H$aVmV.

q B§J«Or _{hÝ`m§Mr Zmdo _mhrV hmoVmV. nmhÿZ AmoiIy `oVmV. B§J«Or

H°$b|S>a_Ü`o VmarI nmhÿ eH$VmV.

q AmYrÀ`m aMZm, âb°e H$mS>©²g `m§À`m COiUrÀ`m doir Mm§Jbm

pad à{VgmX XoVmV.
q âb°e H$mS>©dê$Z AmUIr H$mhr eãX AmoiIVmV.

Unit 6

Round Listen, repeat and sing this song. Unit
The SFeovuern
Clock EoH$m, _mÂ`mnmR>monmR> AmVm ho JmUo åhUm.

Round the clock the hours go
Sometimes fast and sometimes slow
Tell me what the two hands say,
They tell us the time of day.

'amCÝS²> X '³bm°H²$ {X 'AdP²© 'Jmo@
'g‘²Q>mBåP² '’$mñQ²> AÝS²> 'g‘²Q>mBåP² 'ñbmo@
'Q>ob² {‘ 'dm°Q²> X 'Qy> h°ÝS²>P² 'go@
'Xo@ 'Q>ob² Ag² X 'Q>mB‘² Aìh²> 'S>o@

NikDiatay’s Listen and answer. _wbm§À`m OmoS>çm H$ê$Z
EoH$m Am{U CËVa Xçm. When do you get up?

When does Nikita get up ? BË`mXr àíZmoËVao H$ê$Z

When does Nikita study ?

- In the morning. - In the afternoon.
When does Nikita play ? When does Nikita go to bed ?

- In the evening. - At night.

Unit 7 61

NikDiatay’s 1. Look, listen and repeat.
1. nhm, EoH$m Am{U åhUm.

I brush my teeth I take a wash. I wipe my head
with a toothbrush. with a towel.

Nikita brushes her teeth. Takes a wash. Wipes her head.
I am ready.
I comb my hair I put on my uniform.
with a comb.

Combs her hair. Puts on her uniform. Nikita is ready.

2. Listen and complete the sentences. pen, pencil, rice,
my right hand,
2. EoH$m Am{U dmŠ`o nyU© H$am. spoon, scissors,
I write with a ......... . knife.
I eat ......... with ......... .

We cut cloth with ......... .

We cut vegetables with a ......... .

62 Unit 7

RSatjour’ys Listen carefully.

bj XoD$Z EoH$m.

It was Sunday morning.
Raju was lying in his bed.
“Get up, Raju,” his mother said.
Raju stretched and yawned.

“Get up quickly and brush your teeth,” said his mother.

But Raju did not want to brush his teeth.
He wanted to play.

“Hi, Raju,” someone said from the mirror,
“Let’s play.”

Raju looked at the mirror person.

“But you are so dirty!”
“So what! Let’s play.”

“Yuck!” said Raju.

“You smell bad.”
“So do you.”

‘‘Your teeth are yellow.’’
“So are yours.”
“Your mouth is sticky.”
“So is yours.”

Unit 7 63

“And look at your hair!”
“Look at yours!”

“I like clean friends!”
“So do I. I am your mirror image!

If you want a clean friend,
you must act!

If you brush your teeth,
my teeth will be white.

If you comb your hair,
my hair will look nice.

If you take a bath,
I will not smell bad.”

Raju jumped up.
He brushed his teeth.
He combed his hair.
He had a bath.
He put on clean clothes.
And rushed to the mirror.

What did he see ?
Can you tell ?

• Look and say.      bad clean dirty
• nhm Am{U åhUm.
Unit 7
had good


How Do the following and speak.
Learn H$ê$Z nhm Am{U gm§Jm.

• Feel and guess. • a sponge

What’s there inside the box ?
• a ball • a pencil • a book

We feel with our fingers.

• Smell and guess.

What’s there inside the jars ?
• a flower • garlic • onion • biscuits

We smell with our nose.

• Taste and guess.

What’s there in this water ?
• salt • sugar • lemon juice • something nice

We taste with our tongue.

• Listen carefully and guess.

What is that sound ?
• dog barking • a bird • a car • drums

We hear with our ears. `m gd© H¥$Vr
àmË`{jH$mVyZ ¿`m`À`m
• See and show with your first finger. AmhoV. Ë`mV gd© _wbm§Zm

• Where’s the window ? • Where’s your friend ? ^mJ KoVm `mdm, `m
• Where’s the door ? • Where’s your bag ? ÑîQ>rZo Ë`m WmoS>çm WmoS>çm
A§VamZo XmoZ-Mma doim
We see with our eyes.

Unit 7 65

In 1. Look, listen and speak.
Shop 1. nhm, EoH$m Am{U ~mobm.

washing {d{dY àmopìhOZ ñQ>moAg©
soap tea coffee

_gmbo spices

jams and pickles biscuits

Vob chilli turmeric
oil hiX

gmIa fnlorRu>r

sugar e|JXmUo S>mir> brooms
s_arRlt> peanuts pulses
Vm§Xyi Ádmar jaggery

rice Jhÿ


VamOy sweets


66 Unit 7

2. Practise these conversations. Mummy, shall we
buy peanuts ?
2. `m g§dmXm§Mm gamd H$am.

Do you have
any sweets ?

Yes, which ones do No, dear. We have
you want ? lots of peanuts at home.

How much is this rice ? Two pencils, please.

Thirty rupees a kilo. Five rupees, please.

Here’s your jaggery. Thank you.
That will be fifteen rupees.

• Look and say.      nmZ 66 darb XþH$mZmVrb doJdoJiçm JmoîQ>tMm
• nhm Am{U åhUm. Cn`moJ H$ê$Z `m g§dmXm§Mo ZmQ>çrH$aU H$ê$Z
¿`mdo. gd© _wbm§Zm ^anya g§Yr {_iob Ago nhmdo.
shall any
much âb°e H$mS>©²g :
Unit 7 nmZ 12 nhm.


VBegueytianbgles Look, listen, repeat and enact.

nhm, EoH$m, åhUm Am{U g§dmX gmXa H$am.

Mother :
How much are the potatoes ?

Shopkeeper :
Twenty rupees a kilo.

Mother :
Give me one kilo of potatoes
and one kilo of onions.

Shopkeeper :
Onions are fifteen
rupees a kilo.
That will be
thirty-five rupees,
in all.

Mother :
Here’s the money.

Shopkeeper :
Thank you.

_wbm§Zm ho `oVo H$m? ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿`m. Unit 7

q B§J«Or H${dVm VmbmgwamV d hmd^mdm§gh åhUVmV.
q When...?, What’s...?, BË`mXr àíZm§Mr 3-4 eãXm§V na§Vw `mo½` CËVao XoVmV.
q ñdV:À`m _ZmZo H$mhr dmŠ`o nyU© H$ê$ eH$VmV.
q ñdV:~X²Xb/BVam§~X²Xb H$mhr dmŠ`o ~moby eH$VmV.
q n[a{MV eãXm§Mm dmna AgUmar H$Wm bjnyd©H$ EoH$VmV. g_OyZ KoVmV.
q Z_wÝ`mZwgma N>moQ>o-N>moQ>o g§dmX ~ZdyZ gmXa H$ê$ eH$VmV.
q âb°e H$mS>©²gdarb AmVmn`ªV Pmbobo eãX AmoiIVmV.


Six Listen carefully, sing and act. Unit
LMitticlee EFoiguhrt
bj XoD$Z EoH$m. ho JmUo hmd^mdm§gh gmXa H$am.

Six little mice
Sat down to spin;
Pussy passed by
And she peeped in.
“What are you doing,
My little men ?”
“Weaving coats
For gentlemen.”

“Shall I come in
And cut off your threads ?”
“No, no, Miss Pussy,
You’d bite off our heads.”
“Oh, no, I’ll not;
I’ll help you to spin.”
“That may be so,
But you don’t come in.”

'{gŠg² {bQ²>b² '_mBg² 'g°Q²> S>mCZ² Qw> 'pñnZ²
'nw{g nmñQ²> '~m`² AZ² er 'nrßQ²> 'BZ²
'dm°Q²> Ama² `w 'Sy>B§J² _m`² '{bQ²>b² '_oZ²
'drpìh§J² 'H$mo@Q²>g² \$a² 'OoÝQ²>b²'_oZ²
'e°b² Am`² 'H$_² BZ²
AZ² 'H$Q²> Am°\²$ `m°@a² 'W«oS²>P²
'Zmo@ 'Zmo@ {_g² 'nw{g
`yS²> '~mBQ²> Am°\²$ Amda² 'hoS²>P²
Amo@ 'Zmo@ Am`²b² 'Zm°Q²>
Am`²b² 'hoën² `w Qw> 'pñnZ²
'X°Q²> _o@ {~ 'gmo@
~Q²> `w 'S>mo@ÝQ²> H$_² 'BZ²

Unit 8 69

MRy eAFlaanmtdivileys 1. Look, listen, say and remember.

1. nhm, EoH$m, åhUm Am{U bjmV R>odm.

grandfather grandfather
AmOmo~m AmOmo~m

AmOr AmOr
grandmother grandmother

father mother
dS>rb AmB©

son daughter
_wbJm _wbJr

uncle aunt uncle aunt
H$mH$m H$mHy$ _m_m _m_r



cousin _mdg~hrU
aunt cousin
AmË`m AmVo^mD$
_mdg~hrU ZmVodmBH$m§Mr Zmdo _amR>rV

{b{hVmZm _wbm§Zm


Write the names of five of your relatives in Marathi. Zrbm/ZrbmVmB© BË`mXr
Write the first letter of their name in English. `mo½` Ë`m nX²YVrZo

Vw_À`m nmM ZmVodmBH$m§Mr Zmdo _amR>rV {bhm. {bhÿ Xçmdr. Oê$a VoWo

n{hbo B§J«Or Aja H$moUVo

Ë`m§Vrb n{hbo Aja B§J«OrV {bhm. `oB©b, ho {bhÿZ Xçmdo.

70 Unit 8

2. Look, listen, say and remember. grandmother
2. nhm, EoH$m, åhUm Am{U bjmV R>odm.


grandson granddaughter
ZmVy ZmV

uncle uncle
H$mH$m _m_m

nephew niece
nwVÊ`m ^mMr

aunt aunt
AmË`m _mder

niece nephew
^mMr ^mMm

• Look and say.      father nâmZb°e12H$nmSh>m©²g. :
• nhm Am{U åhUm.
sister brother

daughter son family home

grandmother grandfather

Unit 8 71

3. Look, listen and tell.

3. nhm, EoH$m Am{U gm§Jm.

(a) My Uncle’s name is Rohit.
I call him Rohitkaka.
I have fun with him.

(b) My Aunty’s name is Veena.
I call her Veenamami.
She takes me to the park.

(c) My Grandma is very old.
We call her Aaji.
She tells me stories.
She has nice things for me.

(d) My cousin is three years old.
She calls me Avidada.
I give her a ride on my back.
I like her very much.

• Look and say.      nâmZb°e12H$nmSh>m©²g. : _wbm§Mo JQ> H$ê$Z, AmVmn`ªV _mhrV
• nhm Am{U åhUm. Pmbobr âb°e H$mS>©²g dmnê$Z
uncle aunt gmoß`m phrases qH$dm dmŠ`o V`ma
H$aÊ`mMm Ioi ¿`mdm.
CXm., ‘brother and sister’,

‘is this yours’.

Unit 8

Numbers Join the cards to make numbers.

H$mS>} Owidm. A§H$ ~Zdm.

20 1 33
twenty one thirty-three

30 2 91
thirty two ninety-one

40 3 54
forty three fifty-four

50 4 75
fifty four seventy-five

60 5 89
sixty five eighty-nine

70 6 27
seventy six twenty-seven

80 7 42
eighty seven forty-two

90 8 68
ninety eight sixty-eight

twenty 9 Write zeros after one to make one
nine hundred.


Unit 8 73

TFhHaemoBliieldyaa’rys 1. Look, listen and speak.
2. nhm, EoH$m Am{U ~mobm.

Introduce the Bear family.
Example :


‘This is Papa Bear.’





2. Look at the picture. Now listen and tell who says the following. Unit 8

2. {MÌ nhm. EoH$m Am{U H$moU åhUVo Vo gm§Jm.
I’m putting away my toys. I’m sweeping the floor.

I’m washing dishes. I’m folding the clothes.

I’m cleaning the windows. I’m helping Baby.


TFhHaemoBliiledyaa’rys Look and speak.
nhm Am{U ~mobm.

• Who do you see here ? What is each one holding ?
• What other things do you see in the picture ?
• Say in your own words what each one is doing.

Unit 8 75

ELnegtltiesrhs Find and count the twenty-six English letters.
6 Colour their pictures one by one.

`m {MÌmVbr gìdrg B§J«Or Ajao emoYm Am{U _moOm. Ë`m§Mr {MÌo a§Jdm.

76 Unit 8

ATFnarbdiebHnydiss Listen carefully and repeat.

bj XoD$Z EoH$m Am{U åhUm.

“Today, I saw a giraffe.’’
“Really ?”
“Where ?”
“On the TV.”
“Oh, what does a giraffe eat ?”
“I don’t know.”

Just then, Tabby walked in.

“Hi, friends. Can I join you ?”

“But who are you ?”

“I am Tabby the Tablet.
I am your friend.
I can tell you what you want to know.
I can show you what you want to see.
If you ask me questions,
I will give you answers.”

“Tell us then.
What does a giraffe eat ?”

“A giraffe eats leaves and twigs of trees.
It eats many kilos of these in a day.”

“Tabby, where do giraffes live ?”

“Giraffes live far away in Africa.”

Unit 8 77

“Please show us pictures of a giraffe.”

This giraffe is

This giraffe is This giraffe is
drinking water. walking.”

“Thank you so much, Tabby !”
“You are welcome.”
“Tabby, you are a wonderful friend !”

• Tell us about Tabby in one sentence.
• Make a list of questions you want to ask Tabby. Try to use English words.

_wbm§Zm ho `oVo H$m? ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿`m.

q B§J«OrVrb WmoS>r _moR>r H${dVm bj XoD$Z EoH$VmV. VmbmgwamV d hmd^mdm§gh åhUVmV.
q Hw$Qw>§~, BVa ZmVodmB©H$ `m§gmR>rMo B§J«Or eãX _mhrV hmoVmV. âb°e H$mS>©dê$Z AmoiIVm `oVmV.
q ñdV:Mo AmB©-dS>rb, ^mD$-~hrU, ZmVodmB©H$ `m§{df`r B§J«OrVyZ ~mobÊ`mMm à`ËZ H$aVmV.
q 1 Vo 100 B§J«Or g§»`m eãXm§V qH$dm A§H$m§V nmhÿZ AmoiIVmV. (ñnoqbJ `oUo Ano{jV Zmhr.)
q df©^amV KoVbobo ^m{fH$ Ioi Ioiy eH$VmV.
q B§J«Or Ajao AmoiIVmV. H$mhr B§J«Or Ajao ñdV:À`m _ZmZo {bhÿ eH$VmV.
q H$mhr eãX nmhÿZ {bhÿ eH$VmV.
q {MÌmÀ`m AmYmamZo dñVy, {H«$`m, àg§J `m§{df`r ~mobÊ`mMm à`ËZ H$aVmV.
q n[a{MV eãXm§Mm dmna AgUmar B§J«OrVrb H$Wm bjnyd©H$ EoH$VmV.

78 Unit 8

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