Sooke Elementary School
Exploring the Lighthouse
Division 1
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society
Project Team (Change Canada Consultants Ltd.):
Ian Fawcett (Project Manager)
Kathleen Arnason (Project Coordinator)
Bill Turner (Project Advisor)
Commemorative Book designed and written by Ian Fawcett.
SPLPS: Michael Galizio (President)
Contact: [email protected]
Address: PO Box 1002, Sooke, BC V9Z 1J1
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 2
Exploring the Lighthouse
Sooke Elementary School
Division 1
The Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society........................................................................4
Exploring the Lighthouse............................................................................................................................ 5
Exploring the Lighthouse - The Program.................................................................................................. 6
A Brief History of the Lighthouse...............................................................................................................7
Exploring the Lighthouse - Reflecting What You See..............................................................................9
Exploring the Lighthouse - Telling Your Stories...................................................................................10
Photographs and Stories from the Students in Division 2 (Ms. Stuart’s Class)...................................11
A BigThank You .........................................................................................................................................77
Raising Funds to Protect the Lighthouse..............................................................................................78
Unintended Consequences.......................................................................................................................79
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 3
The Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society
In 2003, the Government of Canada declared that Sheringham Point Lighthouse was no longer needed to ensure maritime safety. Advances
in technolgoy meant that the Lighthouse was to be discarded – torn down, sold off for other uses or, simply, left to rot and eventually to fall
In response, a small group of neighbours gathered to form the Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society. They were determined
that the Lighthouse, which had stood for 100 years as a symbol of their community, would not be lost. For the next twelve years, the So-
ciety’s volunteers worked extremely hard to fight for the lighthouse’s protection, doing everything they could to raise awareness about the
threat to the Lighthouse. They rallied their community, local businesses and other groups, lobbied and strategized with all levels of govern-
ment, raised funds and, eventually, put forward a plan to take on the responsibility to care for the Lighthouse themselves.
In 2015, the Society’s efforts were successful. The government agreed to transfer the property to the Society and also, at the same time, they
officially designated Sheringham Point Lighthouse a “Canadian Heritage Lighthouse”. As the new owners and stewards the Society is now
working to restore the Lighthouse to its former glory, and to make sure it will always be accessible for the public to enjoy and appreciate.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 4
Exploring the Lighthouse
Sooke Elementary School
Division 1
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
~ Albert Einstein
Children today have a greater range of opportunities open to them than historians. It’s not just about dates and obscure locations, nor is it just
at any time in recent history, and greater freedoms than ever before. about great battles, world-shaking events, the comings and goings of kings
Thriving in this chaotic environment requires an ability for all children to and queens and presidents. It’s also about the lives of the people who
be able to find a strong foundation from which they can build their lives, lived here before, their struggles and triumphs, their thoughts and ideas
achieve their full potential and realize their dreams. that nurtured their families, built their communities and shaped their
For most of us, that foundation starts with the family, and extends out- world. It’s about the stories our grandfathers told us, and those from our
ward into the community. Just as a tree needs deep roots to grow tall and neighbours. We all have stories in our lives and they are, in their way, as
strong, so does a child draw nourishment and vitality from his or her own full of drama and intrigue as any of the great sagas of our history classes.
roots, from the comfort of belonging, from having a place to call home. It is our stories that shape us, that make us who we are.
Understanding and, in particular, experiencing their own connections to Our history – our heritage – is best lived and experienced, understood
the people and places around them is invaluable for children in so many through the things we can touch and feel, and passed on in a way that
ways. Learning about their own and their community’s history provides a touches our hearts and our imaginations. It’s why we need to work hard to
base from which they can explore their world and help them answer that conserve and appreciate our heritage, not just the castles and stately man-
most fundamental of questions: “how did this come to be?” sions, but the cottages and the old lighthouses as well. Those remnants of
our past have stories to tell.
Our history – our heritage – is not just an academic pursuit to be left to To help children in the local area strengthen their connections to their
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 5
Exploring the Lighthouse
...The Program
own community, we wanted to provide an opportunity for them to visit
Sheringham Point Lighthouse, to learn about its history and operations,
to appreciate its significance and understand why it is being conserved. It
was also our hope to inspire them – and, through them, their families and
friends – to take a personal interest in further exploring their community
and helping to protect and celebrate the future of the Lighthouse.
We developed a short program, called “Exploring the Lighthouse”. This has Focused in on the visit to the Lighthouse
several parts:
1. History and Operations – we provide a short presentation outlining It is the Society’s hope that we will be able to find the resources to make
this project an annual event, and to include all the schools in the local
the history of the Lighthouse, and also talk about how lighthouses area.
work and their role in maritime safety and community development.
2. Visit to the Lighthouse – the students visit the Lighthouse to see first-
hand what it’s all about, and to experience its remarkable character
and ambience.
3. Reflections – we ask the students to creatively express their impres-
sions of the Lighthouse site by:
• Taking photographs while they are at the site, focusing on the
features that capture their attention/imagination.
• Writing and illustrating a story (either fictional or non-fic-
tion) about a Lighthouse.
4. Commemorative Book - we compiled the students’ photographs,
stories and art work into this commemorative book, which is being
provided on-line to all of the children, their families and the whole
school community.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 6
Exploring the Lighthouse
A Brief History of the Lighthouse...
Sheringham Point Lighthouse was built in 1912, and illuminated for the Creation of the Light- Under construction - 1912
first time on September 30 of that year. house began in 1911,
The Lighthouse was built in response to the tragic wreck of the steamship with the purchase of 4
SS Valencia, on January 22, 1906. En route from San Francisco to Victoria acres of land from Shir-
and Seattle, late at night and in rough weather, the Valencia missed the ley resident Edwin Clark.
turn into the Strait of Juan de Fuca and steamed directly on to the rocks The following year, the
near Pachena Point. Of the 173 people aboard, 136 were lost. lighthouse tower was
built, along with a small
Newly completed - ca 1912 boathouse and a house
for the lighkeeper and
his family. The first
lightkeeper, Eustace Ar-
den, arrived in Septem-
ber, and continued at the
site until 1946.
The light itself was
a 3rd Order Fresnel
Lens. Originally lit by
oil lamps (and later by
electric lamps), it was
made up of many prisms
which focused the light
into a powerful beam
that could be seen up to
25 km away. The lens ro-
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 7
Exploring the Lighthouse
...A Brief History of the Lighthouse Following construction of the fog alarm building - ca 1926
tated through a clockwork mechanism of pulleys and weights – each about Following construction of the boat house - 1912
180 kg – that had to be re-wound every three hours. Because of the size
and weight of the lens, it was seated in a bed of liquid mercury, to allow it
to turn without much friction.
In 1925, a fog-alarm building was added to the site, and a new “diaphone”
(two-tone) fog-horn was installed. Originally a wooden, peaked-roof
building, constructed in front of the tower, this building was replaced in
1976 with the concrete block building that is still on site. The diesel en-
gines that provided power for the site were also located in this building.
A number of other structures were added to the site over the years, includ-
ing radio towers and sheds, a fallout shelter (that was actually never used
as such, but was used to grow mushrooms), other utility buildings and, in
1964, a new, more modern house for the Lightkeeper.
During the 1980s, the Lighthouse was automated and it was finally de-
staffed in 1989 when the last lightkeeper left. Except for the tower and
the engine room (fog-alarm building), all the other structures on site were
taken down, or deliberately burned, to avoid vandalism.
Left largely unattended for the next thirty years, the Lighthouse began
to deteriorate and was in danger of being lost forever. Then, after many
years of lobbying by the local community, in 2015, it was transferred to the
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society, and it is now being
restored to its original glory.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 8
Exploring the Lighthouse
“Photography represents the world we know, “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to
see without a camera.”
and suggests a world beyond what we can see.
~ Dorothea Lange, Photographer
Creativity is the gap between perception and
Reflecting what you see...
Photography is a powerful tool for exploring the world around us. It
~ Emmet Gowin, Photographer causes us to focus more intently on what we are looking at, to look more
closely, pay attention to the details, and take nothing for granted. It cre-
ates an intimate connection with the subject and with the environment
that surrounds it.
While it’s a very personal process, the end result is universal. To appreci-
ate a photograph requires no ability to read, no language in common, no
prerequisite level of education or life experience. Just an ability to see and
to feel, and a willingness to participate.
For this part of the program, we provided each student with a cell phone
camera and some basic instruction in its use, as well a brief overview of
the art of photography. Then we asked them to take photographs while
they were at the lighhouse, focusing on the things that caught their atten-
tion and/or their imagination. When we returned to the school later, each
student chose his or her favourite photo, and explained why they chose it.
There were lots of amazing photographs – creative and insightful! The
following pages showcase their chosen photographs. Enjoy!
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 9
Exploring the Lighthouse
“Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would
I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my never be forgotten.”
heart forever.” ~ Rudyard Kipling, Author
~ An old First Nations proverb
Telling your stories... Kathleen talks about
the importance of
Story-telling has always formed the underlying basis of human communi- storytelling and
cation. Our stories are the ways that we connect ourselves to one another creativity.
and to our communities. They help define who we are and where come
from. Children naturally understand the power of story-telling, and we Ian tells the story about
wanted to provide them with tools and strategies to explore and expand how the Lighthouse was
their own story-telling abilities, to share their own stories and to learn built.
from others.
Author Kathleen Arnason spoke to the students about the basic elements
of creative writing, focusing on getting the children to explore their own
feelings and values and to think about what is important and has meaning
for them.
Each student was asked to write and illustrate a story (factual or fictional)
about a lighthouse, incorporating what they had learned and what they
had seen throughout the day.
The following pages contain the results of that work, and they speak for
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 10
Exploring the Lighthouse
Photographs and Stories from
the Students in Division 1
(Ms. Stuart’s class)
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 11
Abigael’s Pages
Abigael’s photo selection:
“Because it’s scary and it’s mysterious and
I love mysteries and all that!”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 12
Abigael’s Pages (continued)
Sheringham Lighthouse: “Time to die!”
the Series CLANG………………………………………… ……………………
The Haunted Electrical …………………………………………………………………………
Room (Part 1) …………
6 days later. “Uh my head, am I bleeding?” Lillian: “Uh yes your
by Abbie head is um…bleeding.” “W-WHAT! Yours is too!”
“I’m back!!!!”
On April 5 2018, Thursday, Division 1 went to the Sheringham Point Chapter 2
Lighthouse. It was cold and stormy, as rain dropped, wind howled, Ghosts
and waves SPLASHED. Me and Lillian fell into the electrical room, “I got a pic!” Lillian: “That’s good… I guess.”
the door SLAMMED! We were scared, we were locked in, no way
After a while we heard the bus leave. Everyone’s gone, just me and “Boo!!!!!!!!!”
Lillian. We heard someone inside, it sounded like a sick girl, she was “Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggggggggggggggggg-
coughing and crying. We started to shake, I got goosebumps ALL gg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” *Breathes deeply*
over me, same with Lillian. The noises got closer and louder, she “Ha ha ha ha ha, every time!” 2nd time *rolls eyes*.
started screaming “I’m coming.” We started to cry, but silently. “I’m “I’m starving.” Lillian: “Same.”
sorry.” Lillian: “No I’m sorry”. Both: “It’s ok. Is anyone there?”
“It’s time to sleep!!!!” “Well, i may as well feed you dead limbs or other parts to keep you
“W-what’s your n-name?” juIcy and ready to eat!”
“Your worst nightmare!” “Never mind, I lost my appetite.” Lillian: “EW!” -
“Well that’s obvious but really WHAT’S YOUR REAL NAME!!!!!!!!!!
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 13
Alex’s Pages
The Creature
Alex’s photo “Mitchell shhhhh, cmon lets just wait here till that thing leaves then
selection: we should go ok?” “Ok,” said Mitchell.
A couple of hours earlier. Our class was on the bus to go for a field
THE trip to Sheringham Lighthouse with a grade 4-5 class. Our class is
INFECTION a straight 5 class. They were on the bus we are halfway there. I look
out the window and I saw something that looked like a shadow.
“I like this photo Then it was gone. “That was weird,” I thought. “Am I seeing things?”
because it looks like I said to myself. I look over to Mitchell. I told him about the shadow
it’s infecting the world thing I saw in the forest. Mitchell said nothing and looked away. I
(hint: the name “The look back at the window and I see it again. I said “LOOK MITCH-
Infection”). I also ELL ITS RIGHT THERE,” but it was too late it was gone. “What am
like the blue in the I seeing?” said Mitchell. “Oh never mind,” I said. “Well you said my
background.” name so normally the person who said you name has something to
show you,” said Mitchell. “Well I don’t ok so just never mind. Look
we're here so let's just get out of the bus.”
10 minutes later Blake came over to us. “Hey Blake what’s up?
“Nothing much, you?” said Blake. “Pretty good. I can't wait to walk
down to the lighthouse.” So the class went down to the lighthouse. It
had a white thing wrapped around it that looked like a white tarp or
something. It was really tall. I would say about 30 to 40 feet maybe.
We got picture phones. I took a picture of what used to be the light-
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 14
Alex’s Pages (continued)
house keeper’s home thing. It looked almost broken down. There assume something? It’s like do you have anything to support your
was a radio on the ground, rusted chairs and metal. They were fold- answer?” “Yeah I know right. Why do people just assume?” said A
able chairs made of metal. There was a little radio thing that pow- WALKING TALKING PIECE OF KALE, walking beside me, Blake
ered the lighthouse or the lighthouse keeper’s home thing. It had and Mitchell. “Where the flip did you come from?” I said. “Well I
black wires coming from the thing and it had 4 little buttons in the mean…uhhhhhhhh…well…cya,” said the kale. “WAIT STOPPPP!”
middle. “Hey Alex c'mon let's go look somewhere else,” said Blake me, Blake and Mitchell yelled, but it was too late the kale was gone
and Mitchell as we were coming out. I was looking at the picture ….
and I saw some weird red dots in the back. “Hey Blake and Mitchell ”OK that was weird. Wait my phone it was recording. Hey it was on
did you see the red dots in the back by the chairs?” “No,” they said. when we saw that kale dude. Wait I hear his voice but I don't see
“Hmmm weird.” I showed them my picture that I took. They saw the him in the recording. Maybe only we can see him but the camera
red dots in the picture but the in real life well “It's probably noth- can’t.” Well that was something at least.
ing,” said Mitchell. “Yeah probably not,” I said. “Hey guys wanna go sit over there?” “Sure let's go look at the vid-
Then we went over to the lighthouse. While I was looking up at it I eos and pictures we took,” said Blake. So we sat down on a block of
glanced at the forest and I saw the shadow thing again. But I saw the cement “Hey there's that creature again. WE’RE not in the picture.”
eyes, they were red. “Look over there,” I said. They both looked over “Ohhh ok, mhmhmhmhmhn, what was that noise? Hey look there's
at the forest and they even saw the shadow thing with the weird red my toy Raichu and Blake’s Savally. Wait THEY’RE ALIVE, OMG….”
eyes. “SEE I told you I saw something. That’s what the red eyes are. After we talked to our “toys” we saw the flipping kale again, run-
Oh my gosh, I think it's following us guys. Well let's just focus about ning towards us. “It's the kale again, wonder what he wants with us.”
the lighthouse ok?” “Yeah I guess,” both of them said. “Let's go down “RAEEEEEEEEEErRRRRR!”
to that railing over the water, it looks cool and there's some seaweed “The shadow creature is coming, RUNNN!!!! GET IN THE LIGHT-
and a little island with a few birds. I think there's a seagull and may- HOUSE AND CLOSE THE DOOR” I yelled. “Everyone shhhhh,
be a dove or something.” stay down and be quiet.” BANG. Black smoke everywhere. People
Again I saw the thing this time even a few other kids saw it. They all screaming. Luckily I was near the stairs. I ran up them so fast, got
just thought it a deer or something like that. “Ugh why do people
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 15
Alex’s Pages (continued)
to the top, let a bunch of people in and shut the door, blocking it It was pitch black. I see a weird shaped thing with fangs… WAIT
with everything I could find. “C’mon help me guys and girls.” I FANGS! I GOT UP AND STARTED TO RUN, even though I could
looked outside. “Wait what’s that blocking the door? OH MY… IT’S see nothing. WHAM… I couldn't move, stiff as ice I blacked out.
Everybody got to the corner. “Hey that looks like the spider I have, A Dream?
I found him 3 days ago, but she's so big. “Wait Teacup staaaayyyy.” -------------------------------
The spider stayed…. After a while we were at the grass, me riding I wake in my bed. “What…where am I? Wait it was a dream? No
the spider. Outside the shadow thing was their spider spit, some way. That was so real.” 7:20 am. Ten more minutes till I should get
weird black stuff came out of her fangs. I hit the shadow thing and ready to go to school. Wait my spider. “Yep Teacup’s still in there.
the shadow turned to smoke and disappeared. “Ummm… that was Ummm well that was weird. Guess I’ll get ready to go to school.
sooo easy, almost too ea.. *LIGHTING NOISES* THUNDER EV- Hope that doesn't happen in real life……..”
A giant 25 feet tall creature with 8 arms and 3 heads and 5 legs OR WILL IT……
appeared out of nowhere and threw a giant Gary Oak at the light-
house. But before it could make contact, Teacup (the giant spider)
jumps up and body slams the tree into twigs. HUNDRED OF DEM
fell on everyone and they stuck into the really big creature and the
creature vanishes into thin air and it was gone. Then it would still
be lightning but there's not so it's gone. Whatever it was was sum-
moned by making the shadow creature disappear. If I didn't make
the shadow creature disappear it was the spider that did it. So props
to the spider for helping us. BAM…. “What happened? Wha-what?”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 16
Amaya’s Pages
Amaya’s selected Lighthouse Story
by Amaya
HOUSE It was an ordinary Sooke day, not too hot not too cold and the wind
was blowing warmly. Everyone was calm and stores ran as they
Amaya wasn’t able should. Everyone was just as they always have been. The lighthouse
to be with us on the down by the water was running as normal and everything was per-
day we took photos, fectly normal. Normal, normal, normal. Nothing odd and nothing
but we think she off. Everything doing what it should. That lasted for a little while
would have taken until a small force interrupted.
one like this. A 12 year old girl came speeding through town on the sidewalks
and bike lanes on her mountain bike. Her bike was all black with
pink handles and a white seat. She was different from everyone else.
She acted with not a care in the world and she was quite the tomboy.
Her hair was short and both sides of her head were shaved with her
hair in an updo at the top. Usually boys would have this haircut but
she didn’t care. She liked it regardless of what others thought. She
was wearing a leather jacket over a white tank top. She was wearing
ripped-at-the-knee jeans and black runners with white stripes on
the side. She was the biggest tomboy in Sooke at the time. The year
was 1985 and it was much less common for women or girls to wear
boyish clothing. Her hair was a reddish brown and she was about
5’2’’ when it comes to height.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 17
Amaya’s Pages (continued)
She biked down to the lighthouse because she wanted to explore the realized what was going down. Charlie looked at her shoes and
area. She got down to the lighthouse and set her bike down beside lifted one. There was a massive crack under her foot. “Ssshhhhhoot,”
the lighthouse. She saw the small dock near the lighthouse that went Charlie cautioned. Charlie tried to get to the stairs but before she
on to the water. Oh and her name was Charlie. Charlie ran down to could her foot smashed through the floor, tripping Charlie. “Ah!”
the dock and almost slammed into the bar. She stopped herself but Charlie shouted, her face smacked the metal floor as hard as a brick.
it was a close call. She looked out onto the water and saw the waves Charlie felt a sharp stinging in her nose and cheek, she heard a high
and ripples. “How pretty,” Charlie expressed. pitched frequency like in the movies when someone is blacking
Charlie looked at the lighthouse and ran towards the door. Char- out. Charlie had tears welling up in her eyes, but she knew crying
lie opened the door and looked up. She looked up to see a rusty wouldn’t help, her foot was stuck in the floor and her leg was bleed-
staircase. “Gross. And creepy,” Charlie complained. Charlie put her ing from the metal scraping her leg. Charlie tried to be brave. She
hand on the railing and began to go up the stairs. Charlie looks at didn’t have a phone or anything to call or contact anybody. She was
the walls and they have moss and mold on them. The ceiling was stuck, she was going to die there. Charlie looked at her foot, it wasn’t
quite gruesome and grimy. It looked like no one had been there for bleeding a whole lot but it was bleeding. Charlie tried to pull her leg
decades. “This place is suuuuuper disgusting. I love it,” Charlie ex- out but that just made it worse by making her scrape her leg.
claimed. Charlie’s breathing was heavy and loud. The air in the light- She was so focused on her leg but she stopped because she noticed
house was thick and earthy. She immediately knew that this place a big, hairy, brown, spider sitting on her arm, it was so disgusting
was not new and had not been recently explored or even cleaned. It that she stared at it and then smacked it off her arm. “Eew ew ew
seemed as though plants covered every inch of the inner lighthouse. ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ewe ewwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! EW!” Char-
It was rather disgusting. lie snapped. The spider scurried away and Charlie sighed in relief.
Charlie got to the top of the tower and looked out the windows. “Phew, so gross...” Charlie stuttered. A shiver was sent up Charlie’s
“Man…. I- I’m high… really high, really high up!” Charlie trembled. spine, she cringed.
Charlie stepped back from the windows but bumped into the light, Her leg continued to bleed. “If I don’t do something I’m going to
she jumped out of surprise and scared herself. “I hate heights...” bleed out. I don’t want that. Charlie looked around the room and
Charlie shuttered. “But this is fine,” Charlie asserted. “I am not going didn’t see a whole lot of stuff. But what there was, was a hammer,
to fall, no worries here, none at al-” Charlie got cut off by a crack- a bucket and a piece of cloth. Strange things to be in a lighthouse
ing sound, it sounded unlike a twig, it definitely was not a normal but at this point Charlie didn’t care about what was and wasn’t in
cracking noise. It was loud and kind of metallic. Then Charlie the lighthouse. Charlie leaned forwards, grabbing the bucket by the
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 18
Amaya’s Pages (continued)
rusty handle and pulling it towards her. The bucket had a small bell of it again. “Getting closer...” Charlie grunted. Charlie threw the
in it and a mouse who looked very young. “Aww” Charlie said. Her chunk of metal near the other one. Charlie tried to pull her foot out
calmness was suddenly interrupted by a sharp pain in her side. She but got stopped by a small chunk of metal above her foot. She tried
turned and saw the darned spider biting her. “You little-” she cut pulling the metal out of the way but that didn’t work. Charlie didn’t
herself off and slapped the spider off her side and smashed the buck- like this idea but she did it anyways, she grabbed the hammer one
et on top of the spider, squishing the big hairy, brown and absolutely final time and whacked the piece of metal from the side with her
disgusting arachnid. Charlie sat up. Her side had a big red bite mark hammer. “Finally...” Charlie sighed with such relief. She took the
on it. “Ow...” the pain was very much there and her leg bleeding piece of the cloth and ripped some off. She wrapped it around her
out wasn’t helping the situation. Her leg was beginning to swell up leg and stood up, she had a limp in her step.
from the cuts and she was beginning to not be able to bear the pain. She steadily made her way down the stairs, hammer in hand, cloth
“Ah…” Charlie groaned, the pain just got worse. She grabbed the around her waist and cloth on her leg. She got to the bottom and
cloth and wrapped it around her waist to stop the swelling. opened the door to outside. The sun started to set. She looked at her
Charlie grabbed the hammer from behind her and started smack- bike and then at the water. She slowly walked over to the dock and
ing it against the metal next to her leg. Her side suddenly wasn’t so looked out onto the water. “After that struggle I deserve to relax.
prone to stinging. Her leg bleeding was not as bad but it was still Charlie sat down on the dock, looking out onto the water and the
gushing at some spots on her leg. No matter how gruesome it was pink and orange sunset. “The world is so beautiful,” Charlie finished.
Charlie kept trekking through no matter how bad the situation was.
Charlie’s pocket had some gloves in them so she put them on to The end.
make sure she didn’t get any hand oils on any of her injuries and to
keep at least a little warm. She smashed the hammer down onto the
metal one more time and a chunk of it cracked off. “Yes, yes yes!!!”
Charlie exclaimed loud enough for every insect around would scur-
ry away. Charlie picked up the chunk of metal and chucked it across
the room. “So close to being free,” Charlie sighed in relief. Charlie
took the hammer and swung it at the metal. The metal floor cracked
and it made a loud metallic sound. Sweat started dripping down
Charlie’s forehead. She swung at the metal again, a chunk came out
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 19
Austin’s Pages
Austin’s selected photo:
“This photo looks out over the sea.
It is very mysterious.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 20
Austin’s Pages (continued)
The God of Sae
by Austin
Once upon a time me and Dominiganog went to a forest called
Boris Foris. Then when we were exploring we found an old light-
house that was abandoned. Then me and Dominiganog went inside
and there was a wild shronk that was blue. Then we found a sonic
hammer so we used it to attack the wild shronk.
After me and Dominiganog tried to attack the wild shronk it smiled
and put us in a cage. After that the wild shronk brought out a MLG
knife and tried to stab us. After he failed he got angry and grabbed
the cage and threw it in the ocean with us in it. Then me and
Dominiganog freaked out. After that we swam out of the cage and
found a mermaid sonic, and we got the mermaid sonic to swim us
to shore. Then we stole an illuminati tank and used it to blow up the
lighthouse. But then the wild shronk didn’t die so we set a trap and
locked him up.
Then we lived happily ever after (except for Dominiganog – a cou-
gar ate him).
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 21
Blake’s Pages Revenge of the Ghosts
Blake’s photo A scary action packed story
selection: by Blake
Once upon a time two kids Ben and Anakin went to a place called
“I chose it because it the Sheringham Lighthouse. Fog swirled around the lighthouse so
represents peace.” much that you could barely see it. Ben and Anakin were searching
for spirits of the S.S. Valencia that sank in 1906. Now it was 3018.
They went down to the beach when ben saw a dark kinda hole.
Anakin put his finger in it, pulled it up and “bababa!” it was a lucky
stone, 10,000 years old. So lucky!
Then a swirl of fog formed around them. Then Ben got blasted
out of the fog. Same with Anakin. When Ben woke up from being
unconscious he said “What the…what happened?” He looked all
around. Anakin was gone. Ben called Anakin a few times “Anakin,
Anakin, Anakin!!!!!!!!!!!!!” When Anakin woke he went for a walk.
Then a chill went up his spine. Then fog swirled around Anakin.
Then Anakin saw a see-through floating person. “What the…ahh
help me! Ben, Ben!” Then there was silence.
“ANAKIN ANAKIN ANAKIN!” yelled Ben. He started to cry as he
heard Anakin yelling “You are a liar. You betrayed me.” When Ben
found Anakin getting ready to force choke a friend. “ANAKIN NO!”
Ben yelled before Anakin could get a hold of his throat. Anakin
said “Ah Ben I drove you out of hiding, now I will defeat you Ben.”
“What happened to you Anakin?” Ben said. “You little…”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 22
Blake’s Pages (continued)
Then a kid named Alex said “Hello people.” “Run kid run!” yelled will have to do. Well I gu-… SPLAT! Really? SLIME!
Ben. Then a girl named Hailey appeared. “Both of you run,” yelled I’M GONNA …wait I can’t…be weird to a guest. Well, I’m Flowey,
Ben. “No he get dunked on bro,” said Hailey. “Really? Undertale Flowey the Flower. Nice to meet you.”
reference?” said Ben. “Ya so what y’all said then.” Ben said. “Just go Now time to teach… “I want to go back,” said Anakin. “Oh I see,”
ok,” said Hailey. Then Ben said “Ok, let's get back to dueling.” “Let's,” said Flowey. “Then head on ahead, you’ll find your way out. Good-
Anakin said. They ignited their lightsabers and started to duel. bye.” :) :( “I wish I had a soul,” sigh. “Well bye now. Want to come?”
said Anakin. “Wait…really…you mean it?” said Flowey. “Yes,” said
“It’s over Anakin. I have the high ground,” yelled Ben. “You underes- Anakin. Then out of nowhere Flowey and Anakin were teleported
timate my power,” yelled Anakin. Then ben said “Don’t try it.” Then back to the lighthouse. “What happened?” said Anakin. “You tell
Anakin flipped over Ben and dropped to the ground. The ghost flew me pal,” said Flowey. Then a skeleton came out of nowhere and said
out of Anakin. “What?” Ben said. Then two kids screamed “Help “Hi I’m Sans. ‘Sup.” “So where are we then?” Anakin said. “We are
us!” at the Sheringham Lighthouse.” “Wait you’re a skeleton.” “So what?”
Chapter 2 Sans said. “How are you living?” said Anakin. “I was born like this,”
Then a chill went up Ben’s spine. Then a breeze blew so strong that it said Sans. “What? You were born like that?” said Anakin. Then two
knocked Anakin off his feet and he fell off the edge of the cliff. Then kids named Blake and Hailey said “OMG SANS YOU’RE ALIVE!”
out of nowhere a portal formed and Anakin fell into it. Then Anakin “Hi I’m Hailey,” said Hailey. Then Blake said “And I’m Blake.” “And
was on a bed of flowers in a dark room but… there was a long corri- im Alex.” Then Flowey said “Hey is that another human?” “Anakin,”
dor there was a voice coming from a gate. “Slime is stupid. It’s that said Ben, you’re alive!” “So what is that shape?” “It’s a lab.” “Wait, I
human that dropped it on me, that I could have killed if Toiell didn’t don’t remember a lab,” said Ben. Then they walked to the lab and
stop me.” “Huh. A human again? Really? Well you’re new aren’t you? went in. There was a “long” corridor. It’s so long.
Well I’ll tell you how things work around here. I guess little old me
“Ffffffffinally, we are here,” they all said. Then they opened a door to
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 23
Blake’s Pages (continued)
a room. Then Flowey was hearing a noise coming from a box on the Then Blake tamed it. They all watched, thinking he would be eaten,
other side of the room. “What?” said Flowey. They opened the box, but he wasn’t. It was sooooooooooo cute. Then Asriel saw a baby
then a blue heart soul flew out of the box. They all dodged it for 20 wolf.
minutes, then it hit Flowey.
Chapter 3 Then Alex tamed it. Soooooooooo savage. Then the ghost came
The room filled with smoke, then a shape appeared. “F-flowey” said with Chara in its grasp. “C-chara,” said Asriel. “Hi Azzy,” said Chara,
Ben. Then a voice came from the smoke, “Call me Asriel.” Then he then fog swirled around them. Then Anakin yelled “Quick get out!”
appeared. “Hi I’m Asriel Dreemurr.” “That’s my favorite undertale So they all ran down a dirt road.
character,” Alex said. “Wow, that was your soul,” said Anakin. “Ya,” It was the middle of the night, then they came across a dragon skull.
said Asriel. Then a kid came into the room. “Chara,” said Asriel. “Hi
Azzy,” he said. “Time for all of you to die.” Then at that moment,
Sans’ eye turned rainbow. Then Chara started to charge toward
them. Then Sans teleported them all outside. It was thundering out.
There was a helicopter. Then Sans yelled “QUICK GET TO THE Then Sans lifted his hand and his eyes became bright blue. Then
CHOPPER.” Then within seconds the CHOPPER got hit by light- it started to hover. Then Sans made it with a snap of a finger, and
ning. When it crashed, a baby cougar was coming toward them. fired three shots of plasma. Then Chara came up out of the woods.
“Come here Azzy. Now!” yelled Chara. A fight went on for hours,
then finally Asriel won. Chara got knocked out of the ghost’s grasp
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 24
Blake’s Pages (continued)
then. “C-chara,” said Asriel. “Azzy, thank you,” said Chara. “You’re Ben and Anakin combined their DETRINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then
welcome,” said Asriel. Then the ghost came out of the woods. a huge portal came up behind them and a girl with pink hair came
Chapter 4 out with a pink ghost on her shoulder and sucked the ghost into the
Then it blew them all back into a wall. Then they ran into the portal. Then they all got sucked into the portal.
woods. Then Asriel tripped over a root. “Azzy,” yelled Chara. Then Chapter 5
Chara picked up Asriel. Then Blake said “Wait, where’s Sans?” “Wait “Well that went well,” said Chara. “Ya really well,” said Sans. “H-
where is Sans,” said Hailey. Meanwhile… “Look, you can spare me hi I’m Betty. Betty Nore. I will beat you all. It’s just so convenient
or have a bad time,” said Sans. “Wellllllllllllll, I’m going to give you because I sent that ghost to take your souls. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
a bad time, sooooooo I would run like your friends.” Then they all ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!” “Shut
came out of the woods. “It’s time to end this!” Then it raced away. up,” said Chara. “Ya,” said Sans. “I just thought it was sooo conve-
“Noooooooooooooo! So close to defeating him. Well, time for an nient that I’ll beat you not him. It’s so funny,” said Betty. “Ha ha ha
adventure,” said Chara. “Where to?” said Sans. “To the lighthouse,” ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.”
said Chara. “Ok well I guess I’m in,” said Sans. “In,” said Chara. “Laugh one more time, you’re going to have a bad time,” said Sans.
“Ok,” said Asriel. So they went to the lighthouse. They went inside, “What he said,” said Blake and Hailey. “I don’t really care,” said Alex.
then a huge gust of wind came and blew the lighthouse off its foun- “We will all beat you first. If I have to go into my true form I will,”
dation right into the ocean. “Noo the lighthouse!” Chara said. “Ha said Asriel. “Go ahead fine.”
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.” Then the ghost came out of nowhere. “Was “What you look ill. You told me to do this, so I did do it,” said Asriel.
that you who threw the lighthouse into the ocean?” said Ben. “Why “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” said Betty backing up. Then Asriel blasted
yes,” said the ghost. “Why?” said Chara. “No reason,” said the ghost, Betty with a powerful “Heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Did you
then he started to lift and throw rocks at Chara, Sans, Anakin, As- really...
riel, Ben, Blake, Alex and Hailey. “Ah ha ha ha ha. So what was that
about having a bad time?” said the ghost. “Well I’m having a good The end...
time.” He kept throwing rocks again and again until Sans retreated
them all into the woods. “What was that?” said Asriel. “The ghost”
said Sans.
“Yup that’s the ghost.” Then Asriel, Chara, Sans, Blake, Alex, Hailey,
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Bonney’s Pages
Bonney’s photo selection:
“I like it because it’s the lighthouse in one of
its stages of fixing it and you can see all of the
front of the lighthouse. I chose it because it was
the lighthouse.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 26
Bonney’s Pages (continued)
Wanted ...Missing rified at the bottom of the stairs. “Are you okay!?” we asked, con-
fused and a little scared. She didn’t answer! We slowly walked down
by Bonney the stairs, realizing that she has gone insane.
“HELLO!!!??? Chloe come on,” I screamed at the top of my lungs.
In 1992, four friends Bonney (aka me), Lourdes, Chloe and Sara all “Help me,” Chloe mumbled. “She is gonna hurt me,” Chloe mum-
went to a creepy old lighthouse. We had heard that the lighthouse bled again. There was nothing there? “Chloe have you lost your
keeper went missing in 1913, and they never found him. People say mind!!” Lourdes said. “What do you mean Lourdes? It’s a-GHo-
that he sadly died one night, and some people said he moved away. IT’S A GHOST!” screamed Chloe. “What's happening to you guys?”
But they still shut down the lighthouse. It is still standing but very I said, confused. “Guys come on let’s go. Stop pranking us, it’s stu-
old and rusty. These four kids wanted to try to solve the disappear- pid” Lourdes said to Sara and Chloe. Sara ran up the stairs terrified.
ance of the lighthouse keeper. So, one day they walked into the old We all go up after her except Chloe. “Wait…Chloe...SHE'S GONE”
lighthouse without telling their parents. By the time they got there I said. We go down the stairs to look out the door, but all we could
it was the middle of the night and it was raining. I quickly ran into see was lighting and rain. “She's gone, we have to find her” I said.
the lighthouse to get somewhere that’s kinda dry. Everyone else We look up the stairs to see if she was up there and we realized Sara
followed. was gone too. Me and Lourdes got really freaked out! “What will
When they got in it was colder than the outside somehow, and wa- we do Lourdes? I’m scared!” I said confused and scared at the same
ter was dripping from the top of the lighthouse. Then they saw these time. We went back up the stairs just in case Sara or Chloe were up
stairs that lead up to the top of the lighthouse. The girls all wanted there. When we got up, they were not there.
to go up the stairs so they did. At the top of the stairs there it was, “Let’s look outside some more, like go outside because it's probably
the light of the lighthouse. They were looking around and all of a just a big prank” Lourdes said . “Okay if you think so,” I said. We
sudden the light turned on. “How is the light on, the lighthouse shut start to go outside. It was still midnight. It was raining really hard
down years ago!” I said to everyone else. Then the light turned off and it was really cold. “It’s so cold,” Lourdes said shivering. “Not
slowly after a few minutes. A loud noise came from the bottom of as cold as it was in the lighthouse,” I said very confused. “I don’t
the lighthouse. Chloe was the first to run down stairs to see what it see them anywhe… wait…What?!” I said. “There are no trails,
was. When we started to come down the stairs we saw Chloe pet- n-no anything!” “What do you mean? Are you pranking me also?”
Lourdes said. “Look around, do you see anything? Any way to get
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 27
Bonney’s Pages (continued)
out?” I said. “No” Lourdes said. It starts raining even harder. “How said. “Hi,” Lourdes said in a scary voice. But, the weird thing is she
do we get back home” I said scared to death. We decided to go into NEVER replies to her little sister and if she did she would not say
the lighthouse keeper’s house. “Are you sure about this we don’t have it in that creepy way . I was there when it happened and I got so
any phones or anything? What if we go missing too!?” Lourdes said. scared. Before that I read a book about a kid getting possessed and
“We are missing already! Look we are stuck here with no way to get switching places with her then possessing her family. And all her
out” I said in fear. “True” Lourdes said, almost laughing. “Looks like friends who knew. But you never know so I didn’t do anything. A
you’re having fun” I said, not so happy. few days later she came in when I was reading a book about pos-
We go into the house that was right next to the lighthouse. When sessing and when she came in her eyes were glowing red. All I knew
we get in it was really warm it was almost like someone still lived she was pranking me with red contacts, so I just went “Huh, hi
there. We start looking around at old pictures of the lighthouse Lourdes.”
keeper, like of his family. “Wow these are so old.” I said thinking this On the same day we went to the beach. Chloe and Sara came and
is SO cool. “They’re years old,” Lourdes said. “Oh ya,” I said. We go when we got there Lourdes was still being weird. So I take Lourdes
into the bedroom. It was really small. All there was, was a closet. to the rocks and 1-2-3 go I push her into the water because I read it
In it there was nothing but a ladder. “We should go up it Bonney” in the book I was reading. The ghost came out of the water. “I knew
Lourdes said. “Have you lost your mind? I don’t want to go miss- she was possessed!” After 30 secs of Lourdes being in the water after
ing!” I said. We finally decide to go up the stairs. Just in case they the ghost went, I thought Lourdes drowned. I saw her come back
were up there. Up there it was… Chloe and Sara! We walked over up then the ghost push her back down again and again. She looked
to ask them something. “Are you okay and how did you get up here SO mad. I yelled at her “STOP THAT!” The ghost comes back up
so fast?!” me and Lourdes said. “IDK” Sara and Chloe both said. We and stares at me. Lourdes came back out, all normally. After that I
all ran outside. It was the middle of the day. “What the th-the the disappeared. !
THE ROAD!” “Okay…. wasn't that always there? And you call us
crazy!” Chloe ran back home and they called the police. But no one THE END!
believed them.
But no one new that there was still something really wrong with
Lourdes. She was possessed by the ghost of the lighthouse keeper’s
daughter who passed away in 1934. “Hi Lourdes,” her little sister
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 28
Bre’s Pages
Bre’s photo selection:
“I chose this picture because I thought it went
really well with my story plans and because it’s
pretty plain and I liked how it showed black on
the bottom the red for the bar/railing and the
blue ocean.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 29
Bre’s Pages (continued)
Under the Waves
by Bre
One early morning in 1914 a girl name Rachel just turned 18. Ra- was so hard because of the waves and how cold it was. She finally
chel’s dream was to go on a big boat and travel overseas in first class. grabbed Kate and tried to swim to the shore but could hardly make
She planned to go on this boat by herself to Vancouver. She boarded it. Rachel and Kate reached the shore all alone.
the boat at 11:21 at night. She was so excited she could barely sleep. Rachel started a fire to warm them up. Kate fell asleep. Rachel
In the morning she went out for breakfast and heard a big crashing though to herself “What do I do now? How do I get food and water?
noise. Her heart dropped into her stomach! She knew exactly what How will we survive?” Kate was in shock when she woke up. She
it was. Right away she heard “We are going down! We are sinking!” said “Where am I? Who are you?” Rachel explained to her that she
Then over the announcements she heard “Everyone remain calm! had been on a ship and that Rachel saved her. Kate couldn’t remem-
Grab a life jacket.” The boat was getting more and more filled with ber much. Rachel said “Come on Kate, we have to go look for sticks
water. There were only 7 more lifeboats. and leaves to build a shelter before it gets dark.” So they went to go
A man grabbed her hand and said “Come on miss. Get on the boat.” find sticks and leaves and didn’t do too well. Kate started to cry and
She said “there’s a kid over there. Let her come on with me.” Rachel Rachel wanted to too. She kept it in though. Rachel asked “Why are
said to the little girl “Where’s your family and what’s your name?” you crying?” Kate said “I just really miss my family.”
The little girl said, “My name is Kate. I’m 9 and I don’t know where So Kate and Rachel went to sleep and then Kate woke up to the
my family is.” Rachel and Kate got on the life boat. voice of her family who had found them. Rachel didn’t know what
They were both really scared because there were massive waves. to do. Kate’s parents said “Do you want to come with us?” Rachel
Then all she heard was “Watch out!” Then her life boat tipped. was surprised and happy. So they went back on her parent’s boat
Rachel popped out of the water but Kate was nowhere to be seen. and headed back to civilization. Rachel ended up living with them
Suddenly Kate popped her head out of the water and was struggling and they lived happily ever after.
to breathe. Rachel swam over to Kate as quick as she could but it
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Bryn’s Pages
Bryn’s photo selection:
“Because it has purple water and purple is my favourite colour.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 31
Bryn’s Pages (continued)
Creatures from Beneath
by Bryn
In 1962 there was a ship carrying iron ore coming from South Cali- with seconds to spare of being eaten by a shark.
fornia, traveling to Vancouver. The only problem with that was they On the search and rescue boat they were going really fast to escape
had to go through the Juan de Fuca Strait and it was the middle of the shark but the shark started picking up speed quickly. The captain
winter. At first it was all fine but just a few minutes later a massive on the boat called for a helicopter rescue on the radio so they could
storm blew in. There were huge waves smashing the side of the boat escape the shark. The helicopter came shortly after the call and got
making it tip side to side. Over time the storm and waves were get- everyone off the boat. The shark jumped out of the water and ripped
ting bigger and bigger. Then a huge wave came out of nowhere and the side off the helicopter. The pilot was trying his hardest to keep
flipped the boat over. the helicopter upright but the weight was very uneven. He flew his
Three friends who boarded the boat were struggling to stay in the fastest to land so he could land the helicopter because it was min-
lifeboat when they noticed a much bigger problem. A huge skeleton utes away from exploding. The pilot finally found land and landed
shark! And it wasn’t just any shark, it was a Megalodon and it was the helicopter. He sent coordinates to the coast guard and he and the
mad. They were trying to paddle the fastest they could but the waves three friends could be moved to mainland.
were too strong. The three boys saw a search and rescue boat com-
ing and the friends were relieved to see it, but the shark was getting The end.
closer. The friends quickly hopped on the search and rescue boat
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 32
Cael’s Pages
Cael’s photo selection:
“I like this photo because I feel like in the
window you can see a blurred white face
and it looks like a ghost.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 33
Cael’s Pages (continued)
The Unknown ing. I looked around and I saw something run past me or maybe it
was more than one. I got up and I was still dizzy but I ran as fast as
by Cael I could. When I got to where I thought I parked the car I realized
that my car was gone. I ran up and down the street looking for my
I woke up this morning feeling really tired and I went to go and car but I couldn’t find it. I couldn’t walk home because my home is
watch TV. After that I got breakfast and I sat down, the news was on super far away. I didn’t know what to do until all of a sudden I fell
and there was breaking news. The reporter said “Breaking news!!! At down to the ground and I stopped breathing.
Sheringham Lighthouse last night three people were reported miss- A few hours later I woke up back in the lighthouse and the lights
ing without a trace.” I shivered and I was really scared. The reporter were still off and all the doors were locked. I tried to find a light
also said the same incident happened in 1975 when 3 people went switch and luckily I found one and I turned it on, but the lights were
missing while they were walking around the lighthouse. They were very dim. I walked up the stairs and I got to the top. I looked out
never found to this day. I shivered and then I just remember that the window, and I saw something… it looked like some kind of face
I had to patrol the lighthouse tonight. I have been working at the in the clouds. I said, “Whaat????” And the face said “Me and my
lighthouse for about 3 years. I was really afraid. friends are coming… ….. …” I looked around for something to de-
The day went by and I could not stop thinking about tonight. 12:00 fend myself, but I couldn’t find anything. Until I heard something….
am, it was time to go to the lighthouse. I felt like I was going to die it sounded like footsteps coming up the stairs so I hid in a nearby
if I went there, but I had to go. I drove down to work and I walked closet. Something came upstairs it was walking around. I looked
down to the lighthouse. I was so scared and I didn’t know what to through the closet and it was a tall slender ghost walking by and I
do. I went inside, it was very dark and I couldn’t see anything so I could only see eyes on his face, until he looked at the closet and his
tried to turn on the lights but they wouldn’t turn on. I tried to walk mouth appeared and he smiled. His smile went all the way up to the
around trying to find the stairs. I had a very strange feeling that I sides of his face. He opened the closet and my heart stopped beat-
wasn’t alone and I started to freak out. Then something scratched ing… he grabbed me and threw me across the room and I hit my
my back. I screamed and ran right into the door and I pulled it open head on the stairs, but I got up and I ran down the stairs and then I
and ran out. I was so terrified that I ran back up to my car, but I ran into a storage room and locked the door.
tripped and fell on the ground. I got dizzy and my ears were ring- I hid behind the door, and then I touched something’s hands. I
screamed and the lights turned on, and sitting right beside me was
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 34
Cael’s Pages (continued)
a teddy bear ghost. It had massive teeth and it was smiling like the cided to fight him with my hands. He bit me like a thousand times.
other ghost. I was so scared I couldn’t even speak. I ran into a table It hurt so much then he tackled me to the ground. I was very weak
and on the table was a sword, so I picked it up. The teddy jumped because I have been bitten so many times, and then he grabbed me
at me and I hit it with the sword and then I ran. I ran into another and chomped on my head. I got up and use the laser beams and it
room and when I got into the room I looked around for something burned him very badly. He crawled away but then I picked him up
to unlock the door. I looked everywhere in the room closets, under and I set fire to his face with my nostrils. Then the fire set all over
tables, even on the walls. But I didn't see anything until I realized his body and his face melted but he wasn't done yet. He started
that there was one more spot to look on – it was on the ceiling. So scratching my legs and I fell to the ground, then he picked me up
I jumped as high as I could and grabbed the key. I turned around and ate some cake. And then he scratched my face and then threw
but as soon as I opened the door, Teddy and the slender ghost were me off the cliff and I fell into the water. He started flying and then he
standing right there. flew down to me. He said “Time to end this.” He was getting ready
I didn't know what to do so I decided to use my sword. Teddy to eat me but then I use ultra karate moves on him and I threw ener-
scratched me a few times and bit me, and I fell to the ground. Teddy gy balls at him and he was done. His Spirit flew up in the air and he
was trying to eat me. So I hit him with my sword right in the face said I will be back with Teddy...
and then he fell down to the ground and I hit him with my sword in I went to the ambulance to get fixed because of the fight. I sat there
the stomach and then his head fell off and his spirit went into the air at home 3 days later thinking, hopefully they won't come back. The
and his spirit said “I'll be back.” end finally!!!!
I ran to the door to unlock it. I shut the door behind me and locked
it and I started running. But then as soon as I was about leave the
lighthouse something appeared in front of me. It was the slender
ghost and he was hungry. He showed his sharp claws and teeth and
I was ready to fight. The only weapon I had with me was my sword
I was ready to use it. The fight begins...NOW I tried to hit him
with my sword but he grabbed the sword with his teeth and ate the
sword!!! I didn't know what to do because I had no weapon, so I de-
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 35
Dominik’s Pages Murder on the
SS Valencia
Dominik’s photo
selection: by Dominik
PHOTO One night on the SS Valencia there was a murder. They were the
most tired people ever. It was in the bar on the ship. The captain was
“I chose it because there. I was in my cabin sleeping. I woke up when I heard a scream.
I took the same one I tried to talk to the captain on the loudspeaker. The murderer came
last year.” on the loudspeaker and said “You will all die!” The murderer killed
the first people he saw. I went to the lifeboats. The murder was at the
lifeboats and he was releasing the lifeboats without any people in
He looked very familiar...when I was staring at him through the
window it popped in my head it was the Captain. He was a mur-
derer. I almost fainted. He tried to make it so nobody could escape
from crashing into the rocks. Everybody was panicking. He tried to
make the boat crash. Before the boat crashed I jumped into the life-
boats. Look they had paddles in them. I was able to get there before
the boat crashed and I got to land.
Boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looked on the ship and it was on fire.
There were flames everywhere. The tide was high so hopefully the
ship would go back in the water and sink and go out. If it doesn't
sink and it just burns up, the water beside it would probably evapo-
rate and then go to the clouds, and hopefully it would rain soon so
the flames will go out. Or the oil will spill out and pollute the water
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 36
Dominik’s Pages (continued)
and maybe start a forest fire. I do not want to yet! When I got out of the water I looked behind me again. It was the
Then I turned around and I jumped. There was a lighthouse behind city of Atlantis. The second I touched the wall it all fell down. I was
me – it looks like this lighthouse. That means I'm in Sooke. I look almost crushed. Then I swam to the surface and I was in a tide pool.
behind me and I saw the T'Souke nation coming to the lighthouse. I was wondering how I got there. I got out of the tide pool and I
They asked me what I was doing in their land. Then they saw the was back in the cruise ship, before I fell off. But everyone was going
ship and they said “Come with us.” They took me to their village. backwards except me till they got off the ship, then they stopped.
They asked me if I was a traveler. I said “No I was just on a tour to Then I wondered if I could move anything. Then I pushed someone
see every lake/river on the island.” They said they would take me and I was where they were. Then my original body wasn’t moving.
back to my house. I said sure. I was back at my house. My cats were Then I touched my body and I was back in it, so now I know to not
at the door. I gave them food and water. They started eating and push anyone. But then I looked behind me and the person’s body
drinking. I went to my Guinea pigs. I gave them food and water. I was in was moving. So then I decided to drive the ship. I started
Then I had food and did my laundry and went to bed. the ship, then it went straight into the rocks and it stayed there. So I
jumped offffffffffffffffff, and landed on a rock. So I went back home
Chapter 2 and it wasn’t there, so I went to sleep.
I never thought I would go on another cruise... When I woke up I was in my bed. It ended up as a dream. ;)
“Oh nooooooo!” I fell off and I landed in the water so I dove under
the water. Then I looked behind me and there was a time machine,
so I went in it… 987654321234567876543234567876543213456787
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 37
Everett’s Pages Haunted Lighthouse
Everett’s photo by Everett
My name is Everett and I have a cool story to tell you. The year
THE VIEW was 1943, and my good friend Austin and I went on a 10 day long
camping trip. Austin and I started talking when we were little kids
“I like it because it at Sooke Elementary School!!! We found a forest at the campground
is very calming and near the lighthouse. We heard some knocking on the door of light-
I chose it because it house. We walked up to it and realized the door knob had rotted
is a perfect place for away. Austin carefully pushed the door open, and I grabbed my
someone to jump out flashlight from my backpack because it was very dark! As we started
on you.” to look around, we heard some voices coming from upstairs! Terri-
fied, Austin and I crept up the stairs and looked around. It was really
tiny inside. There wasn't anyone there and Austin said “Okay?” It
was empty. So we went back downstairs and outside and looked at
the crashing waves smashing the cliffs below the lighthouse. There
was a cave there. We decided to go back to our campsite, and ex-
plore more tomorrow.
The next day we went back to the lighthouse. This time it looked
like it was built yesterday! Austin and I went inside and then felt
really sick because there was liquid on the ground spilling out from
a bottle labeled bleach. So we went outside to get some fresh air and
I said “Wow! The Lighthouse got smaller since the last time we went
inside! It must be haunted!!” There was no longer any stairs, only a
ladder. And I said that we needed to get out of there and Austin said
this is a creepy mystery.
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Everett’s Pages (continued)
The next day Austin and I went inside and used a ghost detector. As ate everything in sight. Austin was still very scared so we decided
we climbed the ladder, our detector was beeping red and it was very to find our families. We found our houses and we found our par-
loud, and got really cold. Austin and I looked at each other, faces as ents! We didn’t know how we got back there! After all, we were on
pale as sheets and ran out of there as fast as we could. We called the a camping trip. Our parents were very happy to see us! And Austin
ghost hunters to help us. When they came they found and caught and I said we were happy to see them. My Dad asked us where have
the ghost and then released it into a haunted house, where there was we been. Austin told him that we were camping at the lighthouse.
a lot of other ghosts. Kind of like a ghost bank, where they could Dad said “Really? The haunted lighthouse?” I said “Yes and we are
have lots of fun forever. never going there again in our whole lives!” After, when we were
We decided to further explore the sea caves we had noticed on our done camping me and Austin said to Mom and Dad “Can me and
first day there. We borrowed a boat and sailed out to the caves, but Everett go look at something before we leave” And they said yes.
before we could reach them the boat split in half! Austin and I bare-
ly survived! We climbed on some of the rocks that were all around Chapter 2
the mouth of the cave, and wondered what to do next. Since we So me and Austin went back to the lighthouse and Austin said
were getting thirsty and hungry we decided to make the long climb “LET’S GO IN IT ONE MORE TIME PLEASE!” So I said yes and
back up the cliff. The caves will have to wait for next time. We found when we went in. It looked nothing like it used to before. It looked
ourselves in a familiar forest. There were berries everywhere! I said brand new. And we saw five other people in it. And then we got
I remembered this forest. Austin said he did as well. We played here sucked in it - dun dun dun dun - and we couldn't move at all and we
when we were kids. A big BOOOOOOOM came out of nowhere!! couldn't talk at all. So Austin screamed for help but nobody came.
We were very startled, Austin was trembling in fear and screaming But then me and Austin could finally move our hands and grabbed
in circles! While Austin was doing that I searched for the boom. our flashlights and turned them on, but it just ran out of juice. And
Austin calmed down and luckily we found a village. In the village then we tried our phones and saw our Mom and Dad, and they
there was a gaping hole in the middle of the main road. The town said “I was trying to open the door for you but someone came and
seemed empty, although there was tons of food, dried blackberries, knocked us out. Now I’m a god to open doors so I will open all the
tons of tea and tons of Kentucky Fried Chicken and fries. We looked doors for you two. Ok and go back to the car please, your real Mom
inside all of the houses and there was no one to be found. So we and Dad is there, so go!” And we got out and ran to the car, and our
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 39
Everett’s Pages (continued)
Mom and Dad said ”Syke, I just trolled you. Your Mom and Dad left Ryley said ”So I heard that you guys are from 1943 right?” We said
to call 911 and to report you missing because it has been two days “Yes.” Ryley said “Please give me all of your stuff and I will give
and no one came to find you.” Just then we heard sirens and heli- you all of my stuff ok?” Austin said “No. How about some of our
copters and our REAL REAL Mom and Dad said “Oh my god you're stuff and you could give us some of your stuff. Ok deal?” Ryley said
both still here. It has been five weeks and we were about to get Aus- “OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” After we got the millions of dollars we found
tin to live with us forever. Oh and I got you two a free phone. It is a Hailey walking on the sidewalk. She was also from 1943 saying “It's
IPhone X.” And me and Austin looked at each other for so long, and a nice day today, I wonder if I will see anybody on the sidewalk.” So
then we looked at our phones and looked in shock. The year is 2021! we ran up to her and we said “Hey who are you?” And she said “My
So we ran back to the lighthouse and got sucked back in it, and we name is Hailey, nice to meet you! What's your name?” Me and Aus-
were in the year 3018. tin said “Our names are Austin and Everett!” And Hailey said ”Cool.
With the sigh of not relief there were holographic stuff like cars, What do you do in your spare time?” And Austin said “Uhhhhhhh-
phones, roads with cars zooming above. Scared, me and Austin hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
crept on the holographic sidewalk and you could see the earth's We walk to places and talk to people.” And Hailey said “Cool. So
core at the sidewalk. And me and Austin were the only ones that what do you want to do?” I said “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-
will walk on the sidewalk. And everyone's favorite song was Mega- hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh walk somewhere?” and
lovania. And then we found a store. We saw everything, and there Hailey said ”To a lab and see if we could get a time machine and we
were cures for lung disease. So we went in and said ”Why are there can go back where you guys were from!” So we walked to a lab to
cures?” And the store clerk said “Well there's this disease that will see if we could use a time machine, and they said “Yes.” And when
kill you unless you are from 1943.” And Austin said “What if we me and Austin used it, we got stuck in time. But that’s for next time.
are?” And then the store clerk said ”Well you will have everything See you next time.
you want and you will have no colds or diseases and such. So we
will need your stuff if you want anything you want ok.” So me and
Austin showed him 1943 stuff and he said ”Wow, go to the presi-
dent Ryley ok?” And we said “Ok.” 10 hours later we finally reached
the president’s house. That's where we saw Ryley from class and
Everett said “Ryley we missed you. We met from class remember?”
Ryley said “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no.” Austin said ”What!?!?!?!?”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 40
Hailey’s Pages
Hailey’s photo Never Question
selection: the Night...
“AHHHHHH!!! The bus D...D...DISAPPEARED!!” Everett yelled.
“I chose this photo “All right class, we need to settle down!” our teacher pleaded as Ev-
because, not only was erett continued his heavy breathing. “I know we are all…scared. B...
it beautiful, it was but we need to stay calm!” she said in a shaky voice.
easiest to draw.” “Ms Stuart!” a female voice called. “How do we settle down, we are
stuck here, the bus just vanished!” she said in a worried voice.
“Hailey calm down, we’ll stay the night and get help in the morn-
ing,” Ms Stuart said sounding very annoyed.
Sara yelled as she smirked at me.”Aggghh!... I need a break….”
Later that evening...
“Hey guys!” I said to all my friends. “Yeah Hailey?” Jordynn said.
“Hey!” Kadence and Lilli responded. “Sup” replied Amaya.
“It’s getting dark, wanna see if we’re allowed to explore the light-
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 41
Hailey’s Pages (continued)
house?” I said, trying to break the strangely eerie silence. I didn’t panic. I heard something, “^@#)*(!” a strange sound. “^@#)*(!” I
know what I was getting into. “Sure,” said everyone. heard. “Ha#le( !” it said sounding familiar.
¨Hmm…. I suppose. If all of you are going… Just be back soon.¨ “HAILEY!” all my friends yelled as I opened my eyes.
“Come on guys!” I said, bolting down the thin trail. Then I came to “Where are we?!” I said, sounding oblivious .
a quick stop. “I was about to ask YOU,” Jordynn said, glaring at me.
“Hailey? Are you okay!?” “What did I do!?!” I said once again, sounding oblivious.
“Yeah…it's just my head....” I don´t know if they saw or heard what “Everything….”…it said. They were melting. After the
happened next. As I was staring at the perfectly still water, I got black and white goo I called my friends fell to the abyss, I woke up.
the sudden urge to run. Run away from them. As I panicked I saw “Come on, Hailey!” called Mitchell.
something...the moon was there but it wasn't glowing. If anything “Yeah come on!” said almost all my friends.
it seemed to be sucking in all the light. I covered my eyes still in a “For once I agree with Mitchell, come on!” yelled Amaya.
“It’s midnight and Ms Stuart is letting our group look around!”
Mitchell said to me while I got out of my tent. I was half way out of
my tent, it dawned on me.
Chapter two
“Get away from me!” I screamed.
“Hailey!? What the heck! Calm down!” Mitchell insisted.
“No. I know what’s going on...” I whispered. We didn’t come pre-
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 42
Hailey’s Pages (continued)
pared…WE DIDN’T BRING TENTS!” I continued. “… ment was changing again but this time without thinking I snapped.
thing! Get away from me!!!” I clapped my hands and two huge blasters with glowing black eyes
“Smart girl Hailey, but wits is not enough to save them….” appeared. I pointed both ways and slowly moved forward until both
“AHA! I knew it! You’re not my friends!” I didn’t say just arms pointed forward. The blasters acted accordingly, shattering
came out…I covered my mouth. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO the void. When I opened my eyes I was staring at the perfectly still
ME!!!” I screamed. water.
“Is that something that you need to know?” it said as it was melting When I stood up I saw all my friends were still asleep. I decided to
away. wake them up. “AHH!! Oh you’re up, I had the worst nightmare!”
“Yes...Yes it is!” I said as I opened my eyes. I was no longer at those They all said. “Yeah… same...”
tents, but once again I was falling. I saw all my friends. They too “Come on! We should head back! Come on Hailey,” they all said.
were falling into darkness. I tried to move to them but there seemed “Uhh...I’ll be up in a minute!” I shouted back.
to be an invisible wall that blocked me from getting to them. It was “I’m counting on that!” Jordynn called back.
horrible, I could see their tears flying upwards. Out of nowhere a I looked at the moon. It looked normal. I was about to leave when
black thing with holes in its hands caught me, and wrapped me in I heard someone say “Good job my child of darkness. You have
its black mess. I was so tired, and it wasn't like I was going any- gained something very special tonight.” I quickly flicked my head
where. back and saw a black puddle vanish. As I walked back down to
“No. You cannot sleep yet, my child of darkness. You have more to investigate where it vanished I noticed something. In my pocket I
do.” still had the thing it gave me. To test if this all was real, I clapped my
“What? Child of darkness???” hands…and two blasters were looking back at me. “
“It is all right, you will be OK Hailey. Now go save your friends,” it
said as it tucked something in my pocket. Then it disappeared. The End.
“My child of darkness” those words stuck with me. My environ-
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 43
Hannah’s Pages
Hannah’s photo selection:
“My photo has the lighthouse in it and at the top of the
lighthouse it has a tarp over it because they are fixing
the lighthouse up. I chose this photo because not many
people know that the lighthouse if being fixed and they
don’t know a lot about the history and background of
the lighthouse.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 44
Hannah’s Pages (continued)
The Mystery of the Lighthouse
by Hannah
Once upon a time there lived two kids. One was named John, the to turn himself into the authorities. He would be in jail for at least
other was named Merry. On April 5th 1913 John and Merry`s class one year for kidnapping. Jack had many more secrets like the time
went down to the Lighthouse for a field trip. John and Merry left he robbed a bank and stole identity. He said to John and Merry “No
their class to go and explore. They ran into a creepy man. The man’s one suspects the lighthouse keeper as a kidnapper and a robber.”
name was Jack. He looked like a 30 year old man who was homeless. Merry said “So your real name is not Jack?” “That’s right it’s not my
John and Merry thought wrong he was the lighthouse keeper. Jack name. My name is Zack.” “It is very close to Jack,” said John. “So
said to John and Merry “Get off the lighthouse property. You kids can we call you Jack or Zack?” “I guess you can call me Zack.” “Ok.
are lucky I’m not going to call the authorities.” John and Merry said So Zack when are you going to let us go? You can`t keep us here
to Jack that he has got to learn some manners. So John and Merry forever,” John said. “Yes I can…just kidding,” said Zack. “I am going
left and their teacher Ms. Stuart was so worried and was just happy to have to turn myself in. I guess it will be worth it than being a liar
they were back and safe. my whole life.” So then Zack turned himself in and the police officer
Then the next day John and Merry went back to the lighthouse was surprised that it was the lighthouse keeper that kidnapped the
on April 6th 1913, to go and look for Jack even though he has got two kids John and Merry. The police officer said that for kidnapping,
to learn some manners. John and Merry thought he just needed a robbing a bank, and stealing identity will be worth 2 years. Zack
friend or two because his life looks sad and full of sorrow. John and said “That's ok, I guess learned my lesson. I will never do anything
Merry were not seen because Jack kidnapped John and Merry. John like that again.” So from that day on Zack never did anything bad
and Merry know that Jack kidnapped them because he is lonely and and he was set free from jail and volunteered to do clean up to help
it’s true that John and Merry are lots of fun. out the community.
The next day came John and Merry were still with Jack. And all The end
over town there are pictures of John and Merry and on them they
said “Missing kids. Have you seen them?” .Jack knew that he had
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 45
Jordynn’s Pages
Jordynn’s photo Visit to the Lighthouse
by Jordynn
We were going in the bus. I was thinking of the Lighthouse. Hailey
“It makes me feel said “Hi Jordynn!” Jordynn answered “You gave me a heart attack!”
happy.” Hailey said “It’s okay.” Jordynn answered it is okay.” “Hey KK” Hai-
ley and Jordynn said at the same time. “Hey Jordynn and Hailey...
Hailey did you drink pop?” Kadence asked. “Yes I did,” Hailey an-
swered. “Again Hailey?” Jordynn whined. “Hailey, Hailey.” “What?”
Hailey answered. “Hi” says Lillian. “Hi Jo, KK, Hailey” said Lillian.
“Oh Hi Lillian”
Bus stop. We were at Sheringham Lighthouse. We heard something
moving in the bushes when we were getting off the bus. I asked
Hailey and Lillian and KK if they saw something. They didn't see
anything. My teacher and my class started getting worried. Me, KK,
Haley and Lilian all looked to see if there's anything there. There
is nothing. Me, Tay, KK, Hailey and Lilian all got worried. The bus
driver got so scared he drove away.
They were all stuck near the lighthouse. They decided to sleep in
the house near the lighthouse. The house was destroyed. There are
holes in the roof and the floors were covered in mold. We all slept
on the beds. We heard a sound outside so me and my friends went
to go check on it. There’s nothing there. We got more scared, and
flew back inside to go talk to the teacher. We heard somebody yell
our names. KK, Lillian, Hailey and Jordan, my name. My. We got
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Jordynn’s Pages (continued)
scared. But it was just a friend Abby. What kind of surprise. We all When I saw it moving the bushes again then it disappeared. Then
said “Hey Abby.” Abby said hi back. We thought that Abby is just Hailey ran over and said “The bus is coming back in 2 days.” I
the one that was making all the sounds. But we were wrong. I saw a started to get excited but then I heard singing in the bushes. Again
white figure in the distance. I started to get scared but I didn't want it started to get scarier. It started to get louder even though nothing
to scare my friends so I just went back to sleep. is there. So I didn't care. I thought it was my friends tricking me,
I heard a sound and it kept getting louder and louder like it was but it wasn't. Then it's going to get dark so we all went inside. Well
moving towards me. I thought it was outside but then I thought it we weren't outside all day, we were out for lunch which we did for
was inside. But it was nowhere. I looked everywhere but I couldn't a while. We had dinner and then we went to bed. I couldn't sleep
find it, so I went back to sleep. Then I heard it again and again and because I kept hearing the sounds and also having nightmares about
again. So then I asked my teacher to go check. Of course I went with it. So I left it alone.
her. We both saw nothing so she told me to go back to sleep. So I The next day I really said “One more day until we get to go!” We all
did. The next day teacher made breakfast. started to get excited. I got excited too then we had breakfast and I
Everything was fine, then I saw something moving in the bushes. I saw a ghost. I thought it was just my imagination so I left it alone.
got scared. It started getting closer, there's so many bushes around. Then I saw it while I was eating, I saw it was playing outside, and
I couldn't see what it was then it disappeared, or so I thought. Then I saw it when I we were having dinner. I kept seeing the figure. I
Hailey KK Lillian and Abby said “Come get breakfast.” Then the start to get scared because I thought that was an actual ghost. But
teacher said to, so I thought I was just tired. They didn't see any- I thought it was nothing. But it wasn't nothing, it was something.
thing, so why would I. After breakfast the teacher told us to go play There's something there, but it didn't matter because we're leaving
outside. I heard something in the bushes, the same bushes where I tomorrow. So I just fell back to sleep. The next day before we left I
saw something. I got really scared so I ran inside and told the teach- hear something again, so I went to go check on it. It was the ghost.
er. I was going to, but then I heard it was time to get a bus to come We’re leaving so I didn't really care. Only then the bus disappeared.
back to pick us up, so I left it alone because I knew that we were We couldn't find it anywhere. The bus driver’s here, but the bus was
going to leave soon. But I didn't know that it would take a while. gone….
There's no Wi-Fi so I couldn't call my mom or my dad or any of my
sisters. We really wanted to tell them that I was okay because I felt
like they were worrying more and more.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 47
Kadence’s Pages The Lighthouse
Kadence’s photo by Kadence
Chapter 1
THE One day there was a little girl named Lillian. She was the sweetest
LIGHTHOUSE girl anyone could ask for. One day she moved to a lighthouse called
Sheringham Lighthouse. Lillian didn't like it at first. But she had to
“Because I think I deal with it because her dad got a job as a lighthouse keeper. It was
took a really clear only him at the lighthouse there, because nobody was willing to take
and good picture the risk of their life to a lighthouse. Lillian wanted to come with her
of the lighthouse! I dad to see inside the lighthouse. Her dad told her it was dangerous
think that was the to go up there at this young of age. Lillian didn't listen as she wanted
clearest photo I ever to go up there. She was thinking of a plan to get up there somehow,
took!!” without being spotted. She made a plan to sneak up there to see the
view. She decided to go up there at night.
Soon the sun was beginning to dip behind the trees and the ocean.
Her dad went up to crank the light of the lighthouse. When he was
done she went up there to take a look. She stepped into the creaky
lighthouse. Suddenly the door slammed shut behind her. Then she
saw a tall man lurk in the shadows. Lillian cried for help but her
calls were muted. She went upstairs to see if there was any way that
she could get out. Lillian found a broken window that looked like
as if it has been shot out with a bow and arrow. She stepped closer
to the shattered window. And realized it was a long jump to the
ocean, it looked like it was really crashing into the side of the cliff.
Lillian ran downstairs to see that creepy man walking up the stairs.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 48
Kadence’s Pages (continued)
She tried to hide, but it seemed like the man never saw her. Lillian one of the girls. “O-ok I will,” said Lillian. “Good now GO” the girl
relaxed a little bit, she saw the man start cranking the light on the said. Lillian walked it off and went into the classroom. The teach-
lighthouse but it wasn’t moving. Lilian screeched for help. Suddenly er was talking with the girl who yelled at her to leave. The teacher
the door slammed open. Lillian raced out and ran toward her house. stood up to Lillian’s height. “And for you,” the teacher said, “you
She quietly opened the door and went to bed. don't get to go around hitting people.” “What?” Lillian asked. “Well
as Ileen said she was just standing there and then you came up to
Chapter 2 her and punched and slapped her in the arm.” The teacher was really
THE NEXT DAY. mad at Lillian. Lillian didn't know what to do. She said “OK I don't
“Lillian,” her mom was waking her up, “it's time for school.” Lillian know what you’re talking about so I’m sorry for doing nothing.”
got dressed and walked tiredly to the table. “Hey mom?” Lillian Lillian walked away and sat down at an empty desk.
asked. “Yes Lillian?” her mom answered. “Can I skip school, I don’t Later, the bell rang to go outside. Lillian went out and sat down on
feel good” Lillian said. “No you can’t Lilli. Why do you feel sick? the concrete. Ileen was the girl who lied about when I “hit her and
Were you in the lighthouse?” her mom asked. “N-no why would I be punched her”. She was coming up to Lillian. A lot of other girls were
in the lighthouse???” Lillian asked. “You’re going to school weather there, circling Lillian and Ileen. “What do you want?” Lillian asked.
you like it or not,” Lillian’s mom said sternly. Lillian ate then got “I don't want anything” Ileen answered. “Then go now,” Lillian said.
dressed. She walked out the door to see the bus was pulling in by the “I can't I’m sorry.” “I only want to be your friend.” The crowd left
sidewalk. She got on the bus, and gave the lighthouse one good look and it was only Ileen and Lillian left. Ileen grabbed Lillian by the
before the bus was off to school. arm and yanked her forward. “OUCH stop,” Lillian yelled. “Oops
When she got to school she saw that it was a private school. Every- well why would I?” Ileen asked. Ileen yanked her hair. Lillian tried
body was in a group of 3 or 4. The bell rang and she went to the to get her to let go of her hair. Lillian remembered she had a school
office to find her classroom. “You are in class 450” said the office bag behind her, she had a pair of dull scissors that was enough to
person. “Ok thanks” answered Lillian. She walked to her class to really hurt someone. She grabbed her scissors and cut her hair off,
find a huge group of girls standing in the doorway. “Please excuse so then Ileen would yank back and land on her back. One part of
me”?” Lillian asked Shaklee. “What no go thru the other door.” said her head was really short. Lillian decided to cut the rest of it off so
it would look sort of even. She went home with a bruised arm and
really short hair.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 49
Kadence’s Pages (continued)
Lillian new that her mom wouldn't be happy if she came home with “I feel much better, can I go out of the hospital now?”. “No you can’t
a haircut. She went home to see her mom. Her mom’s face turned I’m sorry but you can’t,” her mom answered. Later that week Lillian
pale when she saw Lillian walk thru the door with a bruised arm was feeling much better. It felt like the sickness was never there.
and a really bad haircut. “Oh my god what happened? Who gave After the week was over Lillian was free to go home.
you the bruises???” Lillian's mom asked. “A girl was yanking my It was late when Lillian got home. In the morning Lillian was going
arm and pulled my hair. I had to cut my hair so then she wouldn't to get her hair cut evenly. She was ready to try another day of school
make my head bleed,” Lillian answered. “Ok we're taking you to the the day after that.
hospital, those bruises look bad,” her mom said, worried. When THE NEXT DAY…..
they got there the doctor saw Lillian and said “you really need help... “So are you ready to get a haircut?” her mom asked as she fixed her
ummmmm…I’ll go and tell someone about this.” The doctor walked makeup. “Hey Mom, how short will I get my hair???” Lillian asked.
away while Lillian and her mom sat down. “I have a patient that is “Oh I don't know… probably as short as your hair is right now,” her
really sick??? … and her name is Lillian???” a doctor said. mom answered. They drive to the haircutters, they walk in and get
Lillian and her mom walked up to the doctor. “Hello” the doctor Lillian ready for the haircut and it was really short. Lillian liked it
said “my name is Dr. Oanda.” “H-hi” Lillian said back. The doctor though. She went to school later in the day and saw that girl Ileen
led Lillian to the room she will be staying in to get her arm checked girl again. “Why is your hair so short? Is it because you wanted to
on. “Ok Lillian, if you could have a seat on the bed there, that would look like a complete moron?” Ileen asked. Her group of friends
be amazing.” Lillian sat on the bed and the doctor took some x started giggling for what Ileen said. “Well you’re the one t-that looks
rays on Lillian’s arm. Lillian’s arm was really broken from how hard l-like a moron,” Lillian blurted out. Ileen laughed as if she were
Ileen yanked on her arm. The doctor put a bandage on her arm, being tickled. “Whoa I didn’t know how dumb you really are!” Ileen
then Dr. Oanda layed Lillian down on the bed. She took an x ray on yelled. Suddenly another person marched up to Ileen. “BACK OFF”
her stomach. “Oh no no this can’t be” Dr. Oanda said, concerned. the girl said. “Why would I listen to you?” Ileen said. “Well the
“W-what?” Lillian’s mom asked. Dr. Oanda said “she has a bad teacher saw everything and heard, soooooo…” the girl trailed off to
disease, the name of it is called mercury, she will have to stay in the see Ileen turn very pale. Ileen turned around to see the teacher star-
hospital until she gets better,” Dr. Oanda said. ing at her. The teacher mumbled something under her breath. Ileen
looked as if she were about to cry, she ran out of the school to take a
Chapter 3 breather. “I'm so sorry for what Ileen said,” the teacher said. Lillian
Lillian’s mom spent the night at the hospital with Lillian. Lillian didn’t say anything. She looked stunned that someone was standing
woke the next day feeling better. “Mom?” Lillian woke up her mom.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 50