Kadence’s Pages (continued)
up for her. The teacher walked away to find Ileen and her group of They took dad away to the same hospital Lillian was at 2 weeks ago.
friends. Lillian’s mom and Lillian herself rushed to the hospital to see her
The girl asked Lillian if she was ok. Her name was Annabeth. They dad. The nurse walked out to the waiting room. “Your husband
sat down and heard the principal call Ileen and Lillian to the office. is going to be fine but he will be in the hospital for a long time. It
She walked in to see Ileen and her parents there. “Please have a seat looks like there is this chemical called mercury. We are thinking
Lillian.” the principal said. Lillian sat beside Ileen.” “So, Ileen I heard that he ate some but that really is hard to believe because we know
that you were calling Lillian names, is that true?” the principal asked he’s smarter than that… r-right?” The doctor looked scared. “Why
Ileen. “What no why would I ever do that? She’s too lame to pick on would my dad eat some sort of liquid called mercury?” Lillian
anyways,” Ileen protested. “Is that true Lillian?” the principal asked. asked. “Yes I don’t think your father ate mercury I think he’s smarter
Lillian said nothing. The principal called down Annabeth to the than that… Anyways I need to get back on my job.” the doctor said.
office. “Annabeth, is it true that Ileen was calling Lillian names?” the 2 WEEKS LATER.
principal asked. “Yes that is very much true.” Annabeth answered. Ding dong. There was someone at the door. Lillian's mom answered
“Now, Lillian did you try to stop her from picking on you?” the it. Lillian came with her. Lillian's dad was at the door. “DAD?!?!”
principal asked. “No I didn't” Lillian said. “So then you were ly- Lillian cried out. “It's me I’m back, I think we should move away
ing to me, Ileen. Is that true?” Ileen’s face turns cold, she opens her from this lighthouse,” her dad said shakily. “First tell us what hap-
mouth then closes it. “Ok well then you are suspended for 3 days, pened.” They sat on the couch and listened. “Well I was in the light-
because you were lying and you were picking on innocent Lillian.” house and I got thirsty. I went into the house to get some water. I
the principal said. “You both may go.’’ saw this weird liquid in my drink, I thought it was fine but it wasn't.”
Lillian’s Dad said. “I don’t want anyone drinking the water from the
Chapter 4 tap anymore. I am scared that this sickness will come to you guys
When Lillian got home she wanted to go back to the lighthouse and and put you in grave danger.” Later at night Lillian went out to the
see her dad. When she got into the house she saw her dad lying on a lighthouse. She had an oxygen mask on and went inside. She heard
hospital bed with this bucket of clear liquid in the backyard. “Why is the door slam again. Lillian immediately had memories of the first
dad laying on a bed with people we didn't know?” Lillian thought to time she went in the lighthouse. She thanked the spirit that scared
herself. her out of this mercury infested place. She went to bed and dreamed
of the next few weeks in school. Then it would be all over.
“And that is it bye.”
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Kyle’s Pages
Kyle’s photo selection:
“It’s the best photo I took.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 52
Kyle’s Pages (continued)
The Cave
by Kyle
It was a dark and stormy night. The wind blew through my hair as I
walked to the lighthouse with my class. In the distance Mitchell saw
a tsunami coming to us. We reached high ground with the old stairs.
Then the trees came down on us from a lightning storm. We had no
choice but to go in the lighthouse. The tsunami hit the lighthouse
and the water was rising up on us. A whale jumped out of the water
and knocked down the lighthouse. The impact put us to safety. The
whale saved us all and the sun came out. When I got home my
mom asked me “Did you have fun?” “You have no idea.” Then I sat
down and turned on the news because I was bored and saw there
was an earthquake on the field trip.
The end.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 53
Liam’s Pages
Liam’s photo selection:
“I like this photo because the
photo was the lighthouse.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 54
Liam’s Pages (continued)
The Haunted Sheringham Lighthouse
by Liam
One sunny day the Lighthouse Keeper was sitting out in the sun. At Keeper walked up to the lighthouse to get a snack. The lighthouse
night the Lighthouse Keeper was checking every hour until 8 in the keeper walked all around the lighthouse to make sure it was safe.
morning. At 2 a.m. robbers were shooting the window. There's a guy Cale showed up. Cale saw the killer clown. Cale fell down. Liam
watching in the trees. The guy in the tree phoned the Police. The po- ran and he screamed. The next day Cale was found at the top of
lice came and they said nothing happened. And then the Lighthouse the lighthouse. Liam and Cale got out of the lighthouse and then
Keeper said “Look.” The police investigated and then they took the we drove back In Liam's Lamborghini. And then Everett joined us
robber to jail. in Liam’s Lamborghini. And then Liam sped back. The next day
3 a.m. A ghost is still following him in the morning. The ghost is we went to Sheringham Lighthouse. On a thundery day. And then
haunting the Lighthouse Keeper. He walked around the Lighthouse Everett, Riley and Cale joined us in Liam's Lamborghini. The ghost
Keeper then walked down to the water. And then the Lighthouse was still there and it was mad.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 55
Lillian’s Pages
Lillian’s photo selection:
“I chose it because it’s creepy
and cool.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 56
Lillian’s Pages (continued)
The Broken Lighthouse
by Lillian
In 1980 a cruise was heading up to Vancouver from the Island but of the lighthouse with ghosts staring at them with blank white eyes.
they got caught on some rocks that had impaled the boat. There One of the ghosts starts talking very softly “Why are you here? We
were 5 people on board, Cristina, Coral, Cadence, Sarina and Kiara. don’t want you here. Get out of here!” Kiki replies “We don’t want
The captain had fled and left them stranded. They ended up dying to be here either, my Mom dragged us here” “Then your Mom will
from hunger and turning into the ghosts that haunt the light house pay.” “No no no don’t make her pay. I will pay.” “NO YOU WON’T
to this day. (Fast forward to 2018). PAY SHE WILL,” says the ghost angrily. *Mom wakes up* “Huh
Two kids our age and their Mom were going on a trip to the light- what’s going on? Where are we? Am I dead?” “You will be if you
house. Their names were Kiki, Laira and Ashley. They went to the don't leave our home immediately.”
lighthouse because it was a family trip. Ashley (the Mom) thought *All of the ghosts disappear because it’s turning to morning* “We
it was a really good idea, because it was a really nice day for a visit to will be backkkkk.” “Thank goodness they’re gone,” says Kiki. “We
a historical place. They all get out of the car. shall live another day!” says Laira.
“Mom why did we have to come here…” says Kiki. “Because you Ashley, Kiki and Laira find themselves out of the lighthouse 5 min-
guys have been very lazy lately and you need to get out of the car utes later and hop in the car to drive home. “Wow Mom that was
Kiki. This isn’t just a Mom trip.” So they all got out of the car and a GREAT trip,” Kiki says sarcastically. “HEY I DIDN’T KNOW IT
walk towards the lighthouse. WOULD END LIKE THAT!!!!” “Are you sure Mom?” says Laira.
Laira got a really weird feeling “Mom I want to go back to the car” “Well we are almost home now so get ready to head home and ex-
says Laira. Mom replies “What now you too?!?! This was supposed plain to me why you have been lazy lately” “I'M NOT LAZY!!” says
to be a fun trip not a lazy stay in the car trip.” Ashley turns around Laira………….
and sees a ghost. She faints. “Mom mom MOM WAKE UP!” they The End.
both say. Then they get knocked out and end up locked up at the top
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 57
Lindsay’s Pages
Lindsay’s photo selection:
“The reason why I chose it was because
it looked haunted and I love how it
looks like it’s in a movie.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 58
Lindsay’s Pages (continued)
Mystery Lighthouse behind you…” all the glass shattered into small pieces. Luckily the
glass didn’t hurt Max so he ran to the exit. But when he got to the
by Lindsay exit it was locked “I’m stuck. Great! I just need to find another way
out. Wait the glass is broken so why don’t I just jump out.” So Max
Once upon a time there was a woman and her son. Her son was went back to the place where the glass shattered. “Wait that's too
always so curious he would explore dangerous places. But one day high, I need to find another way out. But how?”
he was getting ready to explore a place where nobody would go to in *BANG* a rock hit Max’s head and he fainted onto the ground.
a million years, because it was dangerous. The Sheringham Light- “You must help us, you must help us, before it's too late…” Alone
house. People would hear screaming and yelling and when they look and afraid he waited till he woke up but that wouldn’t take long.
in the lighthouse they disappear into thin air. When he finished He woke up and heard strange noises, but when he looked he saw
getting ready, he went to ask to go to the lighthouse. His mother something nobody would ever believe… “Son you’re alive! Oh thank
would always say “No Max you’re just going to end up like the other goodness. I’m happy to see you. We need to get out of here. I know
people... gone. And I’m going to come if you don't listen to me.” “I the way out, it’s down stairs” mother? said to him. He knew that that
know mother, I will be safe I promise” Max said. thing wasn’t his mother, IT had glowing red eyes and has sharp teeth
Then Max drove off to find the Sheringham Lighthouse. Finally Max and claws. IT tried to hide its claw but it did a bad job doing that.
reached his destination, he brought some snacks and water for an “Wait how is there another down stairs we’re on the bottom floor”
emergency or if he finds someone that needs food or water. Max he thought to himself while he was looking around the room. “If
is planning to stay there for a week or less. He doesn't really know, there were stairs, where are the stairs?” he said. “They’re right over
because it depends how or when he comes back. As people said, you there son” IT said nervously. “I don’t see it anywhere? And if you’re
can hear screaming when you get to the gate, but Max didn't hear my mother then where is my favorite place to eat…”
anything until he got to the entrance of the lighthouse. “1...2...3... Max froze because someone interrupted him… *clap clap clap*
ready or not here I come. Best you run and hide or not because I “Well...well...well... look who showed up. I thought you said that
already found you,” a nightmare like voice said. Max bolted to the you weren’t going to the lighthouse in a month. And Max I thought
lighthouse thinking it was a good idea, but really after hearing that you weren't going to bring your mother here,” a familiar voice called
nightmare voice he didn't think so at the time. “4...5...6… look out. “Let me guess, you’re too scared to go in here so you brought
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 59
Lindsay’s Pages (continued)
her.” “Jordynn and Lillian, why are you here and how did you know “Ok, so nightmare never ends till dawn… hmm… so at night there's
where to find me?” Max said, when he saw them get closer to IT that a monster, but when light shines… uhhh, that's a hard riddle. May-
pretended to be Max’s mother. “Well why don’t we just all go home. be it’s what happened to the other people,” Max said while looking at
I can drive you guys back.” They both followed IT to the door then the note. “You might be right Max. That could be a possibility, or it’s
stopped and turned around to face Max. “Are you coming with us?” a warning about the nightmare coming to the lighthouse. Maybe I’m
they all said. “I’ll come, just let me get something really quickly.” wrong I don't know. Someone who made this riddle doesn't want us
Max ran towards the shattered window and grabbed a piece of glass. to find the answer,” Lindsay said while she was looking around for
Then he ran back downstairs towards the door. “Hello is anyone clues.
there?” Max heard but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t know if “Wait I think I found something. Max get over here,” Lindsay said
that person was real, if it was human. Max heard footsteps from the picking up something. “What is it?” Max said. “It’s some sort of stat-
stairs. “Hello?” the voice called again. With some regret Max called ue I think. I mean it looks like a monster with a sword. That might
out to the person asking if anyone was there. “Hey my name is Max, mean something like a clue or a secret to escape the nightmare that
there used to be two other people but they disappeared when I got the note said,” Lindsay said. “Why do you think I’m a nightmare
back,” Max said hoping that the voice coming from the stairs was Lindsay?” Max said. Lindsay turned around and saw Max with black
real. eyes and sharp teeth, and with an evil grin. “What happened to you
“My name is Lindsay. You may think I’m not real because on the Max?” Lindsay said. “Ever since I saw my mother who was a mon-
news they said I was missing because I went to this lighthouse. And ster she said to me that the lighthouse wanted you so I came to the
I only remember going home to find my mother gone, with only a lighthouse. My mother came to check on me to see how I was doing,
note saying ‘the nightmare never ends till the truth is broken… they but my friends came and my mother was furious. So she made them
will never speak till the language is broken… one will reveal at the disappear, so she would have power. But sadly it failed and she faded
end of dawn… never go after the light it’s not the same at night… away… and you will too.”
never break the door the nightmare won’t rest till light shines
through…’” “Wow, what does that mean?” Max said. “That's why I’m The End.
asking you Max. You’ve been through this stuff, shouldn’t you have
known already what this means?” Lindsay said, while trying to find Made by Lindsay, inspired by Kathy, a famous author.
clues on what the note said. Max also started trying to find clues.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 60
Lourdes’ Pages
The Missing Ghosts
by Lourdes
Lourdes’ selected Today Sara and Bonney came to my house for a sleepover since I
photo: turned 15. We asked my Dad if we could. “Ok” he said. Ok so we
should go to the haunted lighthouse and see if we can see the miss-
THE TOWER ing family. “Yes” we all said… “But, but is anyone scared?” Sara said.
“No.” Later… “Okay, bye Dad.” “Bye, be safe.” “Ok.”
Lourdes was not able They get in the light house. We need to go to the top floor, turn on
to be with us the day our flashlights, then we look down on to the edge and we can see
we visited the Light- the missing family. It is 2:50 a.m. so we have to go out later. My Dad
house, but if she’d been said “Yes just don’t stay out late if you do. They went to get up to
there we think she’d the top floor. But they didn't realize how dangerous the family was.
have tken a photo like They were way more dangerous than the legend said, so they were in
this. for it this time…
3:00 a.m. “Ok turn them on… 3-2-1 GO.”
“Where are they? I don't see them.”
“OMG Lourdes look behind you,” “What is it.”
Lourdes looks behind herself and sees the mad ghost of the light-
house keeper that is reaching out for Lourdes… “Agh run!” They
dash down the stairs past the angry ghost of the missing lighthouse
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 61
Lourdes’ Pages (continued)
keeper. They run out the door, run to the road, get on their bikes ghost possessed her. But they woke and Lourdes’ eyes were fully
and ride away, never looking behind them until they get home… black. “Morning everyone.” “OMG Lourdes, your eyes!” “What do
3:59 a.m. “Finally we are home. That was so scary, but let's go back you mean?” I said confused… “What's wrong?” I said. “Um your
there tomorrow and see if the ghost was real” “WHAT? WHY?” eyes are black.” “Ha ha, ya right.” “No we are serious.” “Get me a
Lourdes wanted to go back and see if that ghost was real but she mirror then” “FINE, here.” “OMG WHAT?” “IDK what you mean.”
was speechless. She had so much to say it couldn't come out of her After that Lourdes went insane, so they went outside and threw her
mouth… “Want to watch a movie OR SOMETHING?” “Ok, let's into the water. And the ghost ran out of her and then, well, I guess
watch The Cabin in the Woods.” “Ok.” the ghost flew out of the water and tried to drown Lourdes. She
Later… “Zzz yawn huh guys wake up.” “What happened?” “We fell washed up on shore… “Lourdes, Lourdes!” Lourdes spits out water
asleep watching a movie.” “Ohh great we have to go back to the and well that's the last we heard of them.
haunted lighthouse.” “Well I want to look around after lunch and see I hope you enjoyed reading!!!
if there are clues to find the family that went missing YEARS ago.”
“Ya that was a long time ago.”
The girls wanted to go find the missing family in the GIGANTIC The end
forest where a lot of people go missing. But the forest is 333 acres in
both directions. They all look around. “Wa-wa- WAIT. Where's the
forest? It’s blocked off. Where are the trails? They’re gone. OMG we
They go to sleep. While they were sleeping a ghost, no one knows
how, but the ghost possesses Lourdes, and no one knows that the
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 62
Madison’s Pages 9/28/22
Madison’s photo by Madison
It was the day I saw the unimaginable. Stepped foot into September
AFTER THE 28, 1922 and saw the S.S. Artemis sink. Giving mercy to only 3 peo-
DISASTER ple Doug, Penny and Jane Fairwin. It all happened like this.
My mom was watching my friend Lisa and me while we explored
“I like this photo Sheringham Lighthouse. I was watching some seagulls fight over
because it’s mainly of some garbage when Lisa called me over “Madison come check this
the ocean but it has out!” When I got to the cliff she was peering down the edge. When
the little red fencing she saw me she pointed at a big metal box on the side of the cliff. “I
that shows signs of wonder what that is,” I said, totally amazed by what I saw. “I don't
civilization. I also know,” replied Lisa “but I’m going to find out!’’
like how the railing And with that she was climbing down the side of the cliff. Sec-
is worn out a bit. I onds later I heard the metal door open and Lisa calling me down.
named it after the I responded quickly “It's too steep.’’ “Come on you big baby.’’ Just
disaster because looking down the side of the cliff made me want to puke, it was a
in my story 3 kids hundred meter drop and the box was 10 ft. down. I looked down at
find a time machine the rushing water, climbed over the rope and stepped onto the near-
and go back to 1912 est ledge. Down below I heard a rock clatter and drop down to the
when the lighthouse swirling seas. My adrenaline started rushing and I started to sweat.
was built and watch My hands were getting sweatier by the minute. I yelled to Lisa “I’m
the lighthouse turn about to slip.” “Let go…you'll fall on to the box,” she responded. “Is
because the Coast it stable?” “It’ll hold your weight,” she yelled back. Then I let go. A
Guard is ill and sleep-
ing and a ship hits
the rocks, and there
is only 1 survivor, a
little girl..”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 63
Madison’s Pages (continued)
second later I hit the box. was on her back and her child swimming beside her. When they got
I climbed around the side of the box and swung into the little room to shore Lisa held the baby in her arms, and I lifted the 7 year old
I closed the door and for a second it was pitch black then a light girl on to land. She was shivering from the cold. The mother pulled
flicked on revealing a bunch of buttons. Immediately Lisa touched herself on to shore and ran to her children. The family’s clothes were
them. “WAIT!” I said, but it was too late. She had already typed in wet and thin.
9/28/22. All of a sudden, a voice came on the loudspeaker “Septem- I walked to the edge of the cliff to watch the ship disappear under
ber 28 1922.” Then it was pitch black and we dropped down, down, the calm sea of the night of September 28 1922. I pulled my phone
down. I was sure we would hit the ground, then we went up so fast out to take a picture and check the time but the screen stayed black.
it was like the tower of terror. Then it was completely still. It was the The mother walked up to me and said “301 passengers aboard the
second time I wanted to barf in 5 minutes. S.S Artemis, and only three survivors.” “I know, it’s so sad,” I said.
When Lisa opened the door it was almost sunset and the lighthouse “Well without you and your friend it would have been no survivors.”
was standing tall above us. It looked like a fairytale picture. We wait- She waited and sighed before she said “Where are we?” “Shirley B.C.
ed for minutes, until it was dark. The lighthouse was shining a beam at the Sheringham Lighthouse,” I said as I looked at the horizon.
of light across the water, then it stopped. Everything was black and Then I remembered about my Mom in the future. “You can stay in
a ship sailed into the picture. It was gorgeous. Along the side in big the lighthouse and explain to the keeper what happened. You can
writing was “THE S.S.ARTEMIS.” use the lifeboat to look for any more survivors,” I said in a rush.
We didn’t even realize it was steering towards the cliff until it was “Where are you going?” she asked. Back home” I said waving Lisa
too late for the ship to turn. I heard the radio coming from the open over. She hugged Penny and Doug goodbye, and we ran to the time
lighthouse window. “Commander we need you to turn on your machine, typed in 4/15/18 and spun so fast. Then it was still when
light.” The boat was coming closer and closer to shore, then a loud I stepped out of the time machine and saw my Mom working at the
crash sounded. Screams emerged and the boat’s stern tipped into the top of the stairs. I said to Lisa “Last one there's a rotten egg.’’ “You
air. The ship’s lights went out. Seconds later people in their night- bet ya’’ she said and we raced to my Mom. When we got there she
wear were jumping into the freezing cold Pacific, only to be swept said “Done already?” ”Ya,” we said at the same time. “I think we've
away by a strong current. Then something caught Lisa's eye. There had enough of an adventure for today,” I said as we exchanged
was a mother and her 2 kids swimming towards shore. Her baby glances. And then we got into the car and drove off.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 64
Mason’s Pages
Mason’s photo selection:
“It’s the lighthouse taken in front of the gate
with the ocean in the background and you can
see the gate posts and tree branches sticking
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 65
Mason’s Pages (continued)
by Mason
Once upon a time there was a man named John. He had a nice fami- Then the hurt man actually came back to meet the guy that saved
ly who lived in a house about 20 feet away from the lighthouse. They his life. They talked and talked for hours and then the lightkeeper
would come and give him food every morning at 7:00am. He never became friends with him. His name was Ryan.
slept. He would turn the light and turn it and about every week he After Ryan left, he saw something that did not look normal in the
would get a shipment of liquid mercury to balance the light. But in ocean. It looked like something big was there, but then fog came.
1995 they did not know that liquid mercury was poisonous and they The big light came on and you could still not see anything even with
kept ordering that shipment. Boats came through and repeated that the light. It turned 12:00 am and the light turned off all of a sudden.
same delivery all most every day. He turned on his flashlight to see, and he was trying to find the elec-
One day he started to cough like never before. He just thought he trical box and the key to turn it on. He replaced the wires, so he did
was sick, so he got a cough drop and went back to the job. He would all that and repaired the light bulb that burned out. So he got a pro-
do it for hours and even sometimes he had visitors come check out jector to shine because they are really bright but it did not last long.
the view. He would look out the window and give them a smile and So he had to do something. Plus the projector would shine on the
they would smile back and give him a clap. water and could distract people on their boats and make them crash
One day he saw a boat but it was so foggy he could not see if the or possibly blind them from the guy controlling the lighthouse.
boat had crashed or not. He shone the light to the distance but he John started coughing so much that he could not control it. Then
still did not see anything. The boat was going so fast the lighthouse a ghost crashed because he did not see. So he heard coughing. He
keeper turned on the radio and heard breaking news. A boat with tried to find him and he did and then called an ambulance and they
156 people just crashed. Luckily only one person was hurt. He heard came, it almost felt like a flash, they were so fast and he survived.
the ambulance coming, so he grabbed his wife to run the light while
he went to open the gate. The emergency boat brought in the per- The end.
son that was hurt and the lighthouse keeper helped get him to the
ambulance. The hurt man went to the hospital.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 66
Matteo’s Pages
Matteo’s photo selection:
“I like it because it’s kind of blurry and blue
and it looks like it was edited but it’s not. I
like it because it looks stormy.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 67
Matteo’s Pages (continued)
...more photos by Matteo:
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 68
Mitchell’s Pages
Mitchell’s photo selection:
“I like this photo because it’s creepy with the
filter and it will go perfect with my story.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 69
Mitchell’s Pages (continued)
...more photos by Mitchell:
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 70
Ryley’s Pages
Ryley’s photo selection:
“The rocks look cool. It is a cave.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 71
Ryley’s Pages (continued)
by Ryley
Hi my name is Ryley. In 1957, there was a lighthouse on the edge told Bob and Bob believed us. The next day we all got on our bikes
of the most dangerous part of the Pacific Graveyard. 57 years later and went to the lighthouse. When we got to the lighthouse the cave
a grade 5 class went to the lighthouse, not knowing what happened was there. The next day me, Bob, Bryn, Sara, Mason and Lindsay
in the Pacific Graveyard 57 years ago. On a field trip me, Bryn and went back to the lighthouse. The cave was there and there was a
Mason all thought that we heard “Oooooooooooooooooh” coming person who was going in the cave. I was wondering how he got
from a cave across from the lighthouse. Bryn says “What on earth across the water? So we all got in the water and we swam to shore.
is that.” They did not know that the class was going back to the bus. So I went in the cave. So I got in the cave and around the corner we
Rain was pouring and I said “I think we should go to the cave so we saw a…
don’t get wet.” “The class is leaving!” Mason said. “Aaahhhh!” Bryn
yelled, “Run RUN RUN RUN RUN!” They all just catch the bus. IN THE CAVE….3
In the cave I saw a shadow around the corner and it was a ...
After school they all went to Sara and Lindsay’s house. Bryn told
them what we heard at the lighthouse they didn't believe us so we
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 72
Sara’s Pages
Sara’s photo selection:
“You can see a bit of land in the distance, but you
can’t fully see it because of the mist. Also there
is a bit of a cliff just to show I was near land. I
chose it because it was misty and you see an
Island of Mist
by Sara
Once on a stormy night a lighthouse was built for the boats and happened??” the strange man said very confused. Then he went off
ships to find their way. A long time after, it shut down because no back into the trail where he came from.
one needed it. One day when it was shut down in 2018 a boat was When he got back he saw the most weirdest thing he has ever seen.
heading to the land but missed the turn and hit the big rock at the “Oh my goodness what happened,” said the scared strange man.
end. 28 survived the devastating crash. One made it to this trail that The man could not speak because of what he saw. He saw these big
lead to a strange place where the lighthouse was. “Where am I, what
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 73
Sara’s Pages (continued)
boats all around the huge rock. There were even ghosts he saw on lighthouse?” he was surprised that nothing was there just the light-
the boats. He saw that there were no survivors on his boat because house! He quickly walked to his friend so he didn’t look weird. “Is
he saw all of the Crewmen were ghosts on the boat. “Is this a dream? the boat okay?” he asked, trying to sound calm. “Yes of course we
YES!! It has to be WAKE UP WAKE UP!!! *sigh* I guess I am stuck quickly dropped the anchor.” “Can we go to the boat now and get
here now, I wonder what I will do now *sigh*.” out of here?” he said while running to the boat that was across the
The man walked around the area looking for shelter because it was trail that he felt like he’d been there before. “Hey what are you doing
raining and about to be night. Then he remembered that there was a this is the way.” “Oh sorry” he said very confused.
lighthouse past the trail. “Ahah I could see if there is anyone there to Once they got to the boat he saw a female figure. “Come closer,
seek shelter.” Past the trail into the place he saw no one. Not even an COME CLOSER!!” the weird figure said just like the one who took
animal. No shelter, no life, “NOTHING!!!!!!!” The strange man cried him. “Ummm who is that!?!” “Ohh our new crew member Sasha.”
because there was no one there to help him for he was helpless. “Hi Sasha… when did you get here… how did you get here!?!” “I
Then it became night where he saw these lights that flicked on. It came here when I heard a big crash so I quickly ran to the boat.”
was a car!!! He rushed to the car to which he almost fell face first. “That was a good story Uncle Ryan, can you tell us another one
“Hello I need help!” he cried still running to the car. As he got to the please,” said Ryan’s niece and nephew. “What is this story called?”
car he saw there was no one there. “What no! I swear I saw some- asked his nephew. “It’s called the Island of Mist.” “Oh um that’s what
one!” he said to himself. All of a sudden he heard a huge *SLAM* it’s called, that’s cool,” his nephew said sarcastically. “Now Bryn and
it was coming from the lighthouse. “Hello!” he yelled from the top Hailey it’s my story and besides it’s not like everyone knows.” “Are
of his lungs because he was so far away. When he got there, there you sure?” said his niece Hailey. “Ya I’m pretty sure everyone knows
was an odd man standing right at the lighthouse door. Just standing your story.” Bryn said to his uncle. “Well I guess I lied about that I’m
there alone waving now. Coming closer and closer. Reaching out to sorry” said their Uncle Ryan. “BUT PLEASE TELL US ANOTHER
grab him. The man was so terrified he could not move, talk, even STORY UNCLE RYAN!!!” yelled Bryn and Hailey.
breathe, he was helpless. “Hello stranger… aww what a helpless
man you are… all alone… TERRIFIED.” The man could not yell for THE END
help he could not even breathe. For he kept thinking of what would
happen to him would he live or would he vanish. “See no one to
save you. You scream all you want no one could hear you.”
“RYAN, there you are I was looking for you. Why are you in the
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 74
Sydney’s Pages
Sydney’s photo A Sea Of Ghosts
by Sydney
OF TRUTH On a hot summer day a girl named Emma was going to the Sher-
ingham Lighthouse with her best friend Sam. They were both 14
“I want to make a so they could go on their own. Emma had heard people say weird
scary book and then things about the lighthouse like don’t go there it’s haunted. But she
I thought of a sea of never believed it. After people said that, most of her friends didn’t
ghosts and thought want to go with her. But walking down the path she felt like she and
a picture of the sea Sam were being watched.
would be totally awe- She started to look around for people or an animal. “What’s wrong?”
some! asked Sam. ”Nothing.” But Emma still had that weird feeling that
something was still watching them.
Later at the lighthouse a weird black cloud floated over the light-
house. When the cloud passed everything slowly started to die. So
they ran into the lighthouse.” What in the world is going on!?” asked
Sam. “That's what I’d like to know!” Shouted Emma as they ran up
the steps as fast as they could. When they finally got to the top of the
lighthouse the world started to shake. From the window they could
see waves the size of three lighthouses.
But there was something else in the waves. They looked like people
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 75
Sydney’s Pages (continued)
but they were floating and breathing under water. They were play- that night. That night when all the ghosts except the guards fell
ing tag under the water. They were ghosts. Suddenly the glass broke asleep the girls finished making the sleep dust. They threw the dust
and water filled the room. The ghosts swam around the room. The into the hall. When they were sure all the guards were asleep they
girls closed their eyes and held their breath. kicked a loose spot in the cell bars and it showered all over the floor.
Suddenly the girls opened their eyes. The water was glowing! The As fast as they could they ran down the hall with the keys. “We
ghosts took one look at the girls and swam so fast that they didn’t should unlock the other cells,” said Sam. And with that they started
have any time to get away. The ghosts grabbed them and pulled to open every cell in sight.
them down into the water. The girls could breathe! There were so Soon they were almost at the end of the hall where the door was.
many ghosts. There were little girls, little boys, teens, cats, dogs, Suddenly a shadow appears in the middle of the hallway. It was
dads, moms and more. the queen. She started throwing fire balls at people. Many people
There was a cave at the bottom of the rock. The ghosts pulled them dodged it but Emma was too slow and everything was black in mo-
into the dark cave. Sam was trying to fight against the ghosts. ments.
Emma thought maybe she should too. In the caves there were rock Emma was on her own bed. “Thank the bells it was a dream.” Or
dungeons that had seaweed, clams and shells in them. There were was it?
people in the cells! But the ghosts were not going into the cave they
were going into a room. There were so many ghosts in the room.
There was a person in a dark black rip up dress. ”Hello,” said the
girl. “My name is a Lifesin. You are now both prisoners of ghost
prison.” With that the ghosts grabbed the girls and pushed them in
a cell together. Suddenly two ghosts appeared that looked just like
them. ”Who are they! What are you going to do with us?!” But the
ghosts didn’t listen. They just walked away.
3 days later they were getting tired of the cell and planned to escape
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 76
Exploring the Lighthouse
A Big Thank-You
We want to thank Tom Harris - Telus, and manager Ryley
Leckie, for donating the cell-phone cameras for the students to
use. Without this support, the program would not have been
This project was carried out by the Society’s partners: Change
Canada Consultants Ltd. Our thanks to them: Ian Fawcett
(coordinator & photographer), Kathleen Arnason (author and
story-teller) and Bill Turner (for helping develop and imple-
ment the program).
Our thanks also to Society volunteers Dominique Bernadet,
Vivi Curuchet, Bill Parkes, Bill Turner, Sandra Fawcett and Su-
san Nelson for helping at the site, and to the Society’s members
and supporters who provided the financing for the program.
And finally, but most of all, we want to thank Principal Tess Vally, Page 77
teachers Lisa Stuart and Sarah Stirling, and in particular the
students at Sooke Elementary School for making this project so
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society
Exploring the Lighthouse
Raising Funds to Protect the Lighthouse
Projects such as the protection and restoration of Sheringham Point Light- ties at the Lighthouse - such as this program - we need to raise additional
house depend upon the generosity of people who care about what we are funds. Can you help?
trying to accomplish, and who want to help. Most of the funding for this We have set up a fundraising page on the Society’s website to make it easy
project so far has been provided by individuals who have stepped forward to donate (all donations over $5.00 will receive a charitable tax receipt).
to make a donation.
However, in order to ensure that the Lighthouse can be well cared for in You can find it at:
the future, and to enable us to continue providing educational opportuni- http://sheringhamlighthouse.org/how-to-help/make-a-donation/
And finally, something a little different...
Anyone who takes photographs knows that We’ve collected a number of the images created by the children during
things don’t always turn out as planned. A click their visit to the lighthouse that didn’t quite turn out as intended, but that
at the wrong time, a shake of the camera or a struck us as beautiful images nontheless.
wrong setting can produce something entirely We’ve called this collection “UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES”, and we
unintended. will make the images available, upon request, as gifts for people who make
Often, the results of these situations are simply donations to help this project succeed.
discarded. But sometimes, with a bit of luck, and Take a look at these few samples on the next page, we think you’ll be
with a willingness to look again with a fresh eye amazed!
and an open mind, the results can be startling.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 78
“Unintended Consequences”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 79
“A Lighthouse is a beacon
of hope; a symbol of human
~ Gary Geddes,
BC poet & author
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 80