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Division 7
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society
Project Team (Change Canada Consultants Ltd.):
Ian Fawcett (Project Manager)
Kathleen Arnason (Project Coordinator)
Bill Turner (Project Advisor)
Commemorative Book designed and written by Ian Fawcett.
SPLPS: Michael Galizio (President)
Contact: [email protected]
Address: PO Box 1002, Sooke, BC V9Z 1J1
Website: http://sheringhamlighthouse.org
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 2
Exploring the Lighthouse
John Muir Elementary School
Division 7
The Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society........................................................................4
Exploring the Lighthouse............................................................................................................................ 5
Exploring the Lighthouse - The Program.................................................................................................. 6
A Brief History of the Lighthouse...............................................................................................................7
Exploring the Lighthouse - Reflecting What You See..............................................................................9
Exploring the Lighthouse - Telling Your Stories...................................................................................10
Photographs and Stories from the Students in Division 7 (Mr. Quinn’s Class)...................................11
A BigThank You .........................................................................................................................................57
Raising Funds to Protect the Lighthouse..............................................................................................58
Unintended Consequences.......................................................................................................................59
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 3
The Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society
In 2003, the Government of Canada declared that Sheringham Point Lighthouse was no longer needed to ensure maritime safety. Advances
in technolgoy meant that the Lighthouse was to be discarded – torn down, sold off for other uses or, simply, left to rot and eventually to fall
In response, a small group of neighbours gathered to form the Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society. They were determined
that the Lighthouse, which had stood for 100 years as a symbol of their community, would not be lost. For the next twelve years, the So-
ciety’s volunteers worked extremely hard to fight for the lighthouse’s protection, doing everything they could to raise awareness about the
threat to the Lighthouse. They rallied their community, local businesses and other groups, lobbied and strategized with all levels of govern-
ment, raised funds and, eventually, put forward a plan to take on the responsibility to care for the Lighthouse themselves.
In 2015, the Society’s efforts were successful. The government agreed to transfer the property to the Society and also, at the same time, they
officially designated Sheringham Point Lighthouse a “Canadian Heritage Lighthouse”. As the new owners and stewards the Society is now
working to restore the Lighthouse to its former glory, and to make sure it will always be accessible for the public to enjoy and appreciate.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 4
Exploring the Lighthouse
John Muir Elementary School
Division 7
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
~ Albert Einstein
Children today have a greater range of opportunities open to them than historians. It’s not just about dates and obscure locations, nor is it just
at any time in recent history, and greater freedoms than ever before. about great battles, world-shaking events, the comings and goings of kings
Thriving in this chaotic environment requires an ability for all children to and queens and presidents. It’s also about the lives of the people who
be able to find a strong foundation from which they can build their lives, lived here before, their struggles and triumphs, their thoughts and ideas
achieve their full potential and realize their dreams. that nurtured their families, built their communities and shaped their
For most of us, that foundation starts with the family, and extends out- world. It’s about the stories our grandfathers told us, and those from our
ward into the community. Just as a tree needs deep roots to grow tall and neighbours. We all have stories in our lives and they are, in their way, as
strong, so does a child draw nourishment and vitality from his or her own full of drama and intrigue as any of the great sagas of our history classes.
roots, from the comfort of belonging, from having a place to call home. It is our stories that shape us, that make us who we are.
Understanding and, in particular, experiencing their own connections to Our history – our heritage – is best lived and experienced, understood
the people and places around them is invaluable for children in so many through the things we can touch and feel, and passed on in a way that
ways. Learning about their own and their community’s history provides a touches our hearts and our imaginations. It’s why we need to work hard to
base from which they can explore their world and help them answer that conserve and appreciate our heritage, not just the castles and stately man-
most fundamental of questions: “how did this come to be?” sions, but the cottages and the old lighthouses as well. Those remnants of
our past have stories to tell.
Our history – our heritage – is not just an academic pursuit to be left to To help children in the local area strengthen their connections to their
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 5
Exploring the Lighthouse
...The Program
own community, we wanted to provide an opportunity for them to visit
Sheringham Point Lighthouse, to learn about its history and operations,
to appreciate its significance and understand why it is being conserved. It
was also our hope to inspire them – and, through them, their families and
friends – to take a personal interest in further exploring their community
and helping to protect and celebrate the future of the Lighthouse.
We developed a short program, called “Exploring the Lighthouse”. This has Focused in on the visit to the Lighthouse
several parts:
1. History and Operations – we provide a short presentation outlining It is the Society’s hope that we will be able to find the resources to make
this project an annual event, and to include all the schools in the local
the history of the Lighthouse, and also talk about how lighthouses area.
work and their role in maritime safety and community development.
2. Visit to the Lighthouse – the students visit the Lighthouse to see first-
hand what it’s all about, and to experience its remarkable character
and ambience.
3. Reflections – we ask the students to creatively express their impres-
sions of the Lighthouse site by:
• Taking photographs while they are at the site, focusing on the
features that capture their attention/imagination.
• Writing and illustrating a story (either fictional or non-fic-
tion) about a Lighthouse.
4. Commemorative Book - we compiled the students’ photographs,
stories and art work into this commemorative book, which is being
provided on-line to all of the children, their families and the whole
school community.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 6
Exploring the Lighthouse
A Brief History of the Lighthouse...
Sheringham Point Lighthouse was built in 1912, and illuminated for the Creation of the Light- Under construction - 1912
first time on September 30 of that year. house began in 1911,
The Lighthouse was built in response to the tragic wreck of the steamship with the purchase of 4
SS Valencia, on January 22, 1906. En route from San Francisco to Victoria acres of land from Shir-
and Seattle, late at night and in rough weather, the Valencia missed the ley resident Edwin Clark.
turn into the Strait of Juan de Fuca and steamed directly on to the rocks The following year, the
near Pachena Point. Of the 173 people aboard, 136 were lost. lighthouse tower was
built, along with a small
Newly completed - ca 1912 boathouse and a house
for the lighkeeper and
his family. The first
lightkeeper, Eustace Ar-
den, arrived in Septem-
ber, and continued at the
site until 1946.
The light itself was
a 3rd Order Fresnel
Lens. Originally lit by
oil lamps (and later by
electric lamps), it was
made up of many prisms
which focused the light
into a powerful beam
that could be seen up to
25 km away. The lens ro-
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 7
Exploring the Lighthouse
A Brief History of the Lighthouse... Following construction of the fog alarm building - ca 1926
tated through a clockwork mechanism of pulleys and weights – each about Following construction of the boat house - 1912
180 kg – that had to be re-wound every three hours. Because of the size
and weight of the lens, it was seated in a bed of liquid mercury, to allow it
to turn without much friction.
In 1925, a fog-alarm building was added to the site, and a new “diaphone”
(two-tone) fog-horn was installed. Originally a wooden, peaked-roof
building, constructed in front of the tower, this building was replaced in
1976 with the concrete block building that is still on site. The diesel en-
gines that provided power for the site were also located in this building.
A number of other structures were added to the site over the years, includ-
ing radio towers and sheds, a fallout shelter (that was actually never used
as such, but was used to grow mushrooms), other utility buildings and, in
1964, a new, more modern house for the Lightkeeper.
During the 1980s, the Lighthouse was automated and it was finally de-
staffed in 1989 when the last lightkeeper left. Except for the tower and
the engine room (fog-alarm building), all the other structures on site were
taken down, or deliberately burned, to avoid vandalism.
Left largely unattended for the next thirty years, the Lighthouse began
to deteriorate and was in danger of being lost forever. Then, after many
years of lobbying by the local community, in 2015, it was transferred to the
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society, and it is now being
restored to its original glory.
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Exploring the Lighthouse
“Photography represents the “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to
world we know, and suggests a see without a camera.”
world beyond what we can see.
Creativity is the gap between per- ~ Dorothea Lange, Photographer
ception and knowledge.”
Reflecting what you see...
~ Emmet Gowin, Photographer
Photography is a powerful tool for exploring the world around us. It
causes us to focus more intently on what we are looking at, to look more
closely, pay attention to the details, and take nothing for granted. It cre-
ates an intimate connection with the subject and with the environment
that surrounds it.
While it’s a very personal process, the end result is universal. To appreci-
ate a photograph requires no ability to read, no language in common, no
prerequisite level of education or life experience. Just an ability to see and
to feel, and a willingness to participate.
For this part of the program, we provided each student with a cell phone
camera and some basic instruction in its use, as well a brief overview of
the art of photography. Then we asked them to take photographs while
they were at the lighhouse, focusing on the things that caught their atten-
tion and/or their imagination. When we returned to the school later, each
student chose his or her favourite photo, and explained why they chose it.
There were lots of amazing photographs – creative and insightful! The
following pages showcase their chosen photographs. Enjoy!
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 9
Exploring the Lighthouse
“Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would
I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my
heart forever.” never be forgotten.”
~ An old First Nations proverb ~ Rudyard Kipling, Author
Telling your stories... Kathleen talks about
the importance of
Story-telling has always formed the underlying basis of human communi- storytelling and
cation. Our stories are the ways that we connect ourselves to one another creativity.
and to our communities. They help define who we are and where come
from. Children naturally understand the power of story-telling, and we Ian tells the story about
wanted to provide them with tools and strategies to explore and expand how the Lighthouse was
their own story-telling abilities, to share their own stories and to learn built.
from others.
Author Kathleen Arnason spoke to the students about the basic elements
of creative writing, focusing on getting the children to explore their own
feelings and values and to think about what is important and has meaning
for them.
Each student was asked to write and illustrate a story (factual or fictional)
about a lighthouse, incorporating what they had learned and what they
had seen throughout the day.
The following pages contain the results of that work, and they speak for
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 10
Exploring the Lighthouse
Photographs and Stories from the Students
in Division 7
(Mr. Quint’s class)
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 11
Alissa’s Pages
Alissas favourite photograph:
“Because it’s an aqua coloured ocean and aqua is my
fave colour.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 12
Alissa’s Pages...continued
Fire at the Lighthouse “What’s that? I’ve heard of ASAP, but never AFAP,” Cleo questioned.
“AFAP means as fast as possible. Kinda like ASAP only the soon is
by Alissa switched to fast,” the dispatcher replied. “Oh, OK. Bye now,” Cleo
Chapter 1 said, “I’d better go wait for the fire department.” “Good idea. Bye
for now,” the dispatcher ended the call.
One very hot June day Cleo (the lighthouse keeper) was on her way Chapter 3
to the lighthouse in he hot pink sports car with violet seats, when Wee-ooo, wee-ooo, wee-ooo the fire truck siren sounded and a
she shrieked “Ahhhhhhh, I forgot to brush my hair and put on goofy looking fire fighter jumped out of the truck. “Hi, I’m Hayley,”
makeup!” Quickly she pulled over to the side of the road. she exclaimed. “Why do I smell smoke?”
When she had finished brushing he auburn hair and applying he “OMG are you serious, you’re a fire fighter!” Cleo said sarcastically.
teal eyeshadow, pink lip gloss and mascara to her tan brown skin, “Oh right!” Hayley yelled back. “Why are we screaming?”
she pulled back on to the road. Meanwhile at the lighthouse some- “Uhhh,” thought Cleo, “her name shouldn’t be Hayley, it should be
thing terrible was happening. Bologna.” But a yell broke her train of thought. She looked up to
Chapter 2 see Bologna ummm Hayley flying on the hose like in the TV com-
“Oh no! The…the…the… lighthouse! It’s on f…f…fire!” Cleo stut- mercials where they turn on the hose and go flying.
tered. “I have to call 911,” she exclaimed as she pulled her pink and “How dumb is
gold phone out of her purple handbag. “911…What’s your emer- she?” Cleo thought. At least she thought she had thought it…
gency?” said a lady with a Scottish accent on the other end of the “Heeey, I’m not just dumb, I’m a dumb fire fighter! Yay!” Hayley
phone. explained. “Good for you…” Cleo said sarcastically. “Just cause I’m
dumb doesn’t mean I don’t get sarcasm,” Hayley yelled.
“Fire! Fire!, the Sheringham Point Lighthouse is on fire,” Cleo That’s what started the fight! “Well you should be putting out the
shrieked, speaking so fast you could barely understand her! “OK fire, not yelling at me,” Cleo shot back. “OK, OK,” Hayley said, as
OK calm down,” said the dispatcher. “We’ll send the fire depart- she pulled a pure gold hose out of the truck and put out the fire in 5
ment. AFAP!” seconds.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 13
April’s Pages
April’s favourite photograph:
“Old and history.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 14
April’s Pages...continued
The Fisherman
by April
There once was a really mean fisherman. He has no friends. When they got to the lighthouse the alarm went off. They ran
He wants to learn to be nice and responsible, because he has as fast as they could run. They got into the lighthouse and
no pets either. One day he went to town for the first time. He changed the light, and there was a big red and blue boat. They
tries to say Hello, but nobody said Hello back. He tries to switched the light just when the boat passed and it turned
say Hell again but still no one said Hello again. He knows it’s away.
because nobody knows him. So on his way out of town he And then they had fish and crab. They also had some tea.
bumped into someone and said “Oh no, I’m sorry I bumped Then they had some ideas. Richard said “We can ask some
into you. I didn’t mean to make you drop your food.” The builders if they can make a house for you?” Mr. Bubels said
person said “It’s okay.” The person said “Hello, I’m Richard, “Ya, sure.” So they went back into town and asked if some
it’s nice to meet you. “I’m Mr. Bubels,” the fisherman said, “it’s workers named Shelby, Ivy, Nayla, Hayden and Brynna if they
nice to meet you.” And Mr. Bubels said “Do you want to come can make a nice new house with a sun light and a glass win-
to the lighthouse cause the lighthouse is where I live. Richard dow door.
said “Ya of course I’ll go.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 15
Ben’s Page
Ben’s favourite photo:
“Because I like it.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 16
Ben’s Pages...continued
The Cougar
by Ben
Once upon a time it was a dark and stormy night. There was line and pulled himself back to the ledge. “I almost died there,”
a cougar on top of a lighthouse. The lighthouse keeper, Jeff said Jeff to himself.
Johnson, was afraid of heights so he did up the buckles on his He shot the cougar. “Hit.” The cougar reached to get the bullet
harness. He was going to come up with a plan. Jeff unbuck- out, but the cougar could not. Jeff saw the cougar sliding off
led his harness. He went to a store and bought a tranquilizing the roof and caught the cougar. He said “I gotch ya!” Once
gun to tranquilize the cougar. Then he would take the cougar on the ground Jeff decides to mask her so that she couldn’t bit
down and make sure the cougar is okay. him.
Jeff got back to the lighthouse and got off of his motorcycle. Several days later when Jeff was out cleaning the lighthouse
He buckled up his harness and aimed his gun at the big cat. windows he saw a shape moving in the forest. Out comes the
He reached out but he could not get a good shot. All of a sud- cat and sat down. The cougar watched Jeff outside for over an
den Jeff slipped. “Ahhh!” Jeff couldn’t remember if he had the hour then left. This happened for years and years.
harness on. “The harness is going to break!” yelled Jeff John-
son. “I need to grab that safety line.” He grabbed the safety
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 17
Brody’s Page
Brody’s favourite photo:
“Because it looks cool.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 18
Brody’s Pages...continued
The Cougar at the Lighthouse
by Brody
It was a dark and storm night out at the lighthouse. Robert was back on the track. He had chills down his spine.
Stone needed food and water but the delivery guy can’t make Then he stepped on a nail and made a big trail of blood. A
it because of the storm. Robert thought about trying to make cougar appeared from the bush and smelled the sweet blood.
it to town, but he would have been blown off the rocks like a Robert picked up a thick stick. The cougar pounced and he
piece of paper. smacked the cougar in the head. It felt like hitting a brick. The
Robert took the heavy weight that made the light in the light- cougar ran off into the bush.
house turn. It weighed about 200 pounds. He wondered if he Robert kept walking and made it into town. He was really
would be blown into the water even with the weight. Robert badly hurt from the cougar. Robert was scratched badly and
tied a rope to the stairs, held the weight and walked down the was bitten too. A doctor stitched his cuts. It took 152 stitches
crumbling cliff. The loud wind blew and it was going to take to cover his wounds. When he got back to the lighthouse with
a while to get to town. Robert almost fell over the cliff! The his food he was exhausted. It was night-time so Robert turned
only part of Robert’s body was his foot. Then his right foot the light in the lighthouse on.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 19
Brynna’s Pages
Brynna’s favourite photo:
“I like this photo because it’s teal and I love swimming at
the beach. I chose this photo because it wasn’t too close up.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 20
Brynna’s Pages...continued
The Crazy Adventure of Rose Canslen
By Brynna
January, Friday 13th, 1982. It was 3:00 p.m. exactly. Rose gave them a hug, they gave her one too!
Canslen was with her friends Nayla and Maddi. They were They got on the boat. There were two girls Hayley and Shel-
stuck on an island. The only way off was a boat. It was a big by! They sat down next to them. Once they got there the boat
blue boat. And the driver of the boat? They couldn’t see him. had crashed because the lighthouse light was off?!? They went
Out of nowhere two guys named Dave Sale and Max Gadget up the lighthouse stairs and found out that the light had been
came out of the boat. “Hi Rose, Nayla and Maddi,” they said. stolen! They went to sleep in the lighthouse. The next day the
“Hi,” said Rose, Nayla and Maddi. Rose started to blush. “Am light was back.
I in love!?!” Rose thought.
Dave Sale said that they saw our boat crash and that they came Then Max said “that he loves Rose.” Rose said “I love you too.”
to help. While this was happening, Nayla was getting pineap- They kissed! And lived happily ever after.
ples to eat. She got back and she dropped them. Nayla said The end.
“Dave, Max it’s so good to see you!” Nayla ran to them and
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 21
Charlotte’s Pages
Charlotte’s favourite photo...
“I like it because it is pretty, and I like the name and
the pic goes with the name!”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 22
Charlotte’s Pages...continued
The Treasure Cave
by Charlotte
Roselen Smith, a 36 year old woman with brown eyes and hair and kids, Conner who had his father’s green eyes and black
in a braid, wore overalls, a flower shirt and a plaid pullover. hair, and Mary who had her mother’s brown eyes and copper
She was on a ship going home when her ship crashed. About hair. Not to mention her dog Spot and…well the name says
an hour later she woke up on a piece of her ship. She was in his looks!
water, deep, cold water. Luckily she found a nearby cave and It turns out that the reason the ship crashed is because the
managed to fall asleep. In the morning she saw something lighthouse was broken. After they help fix the lighthouse they
shimmering. “I’ll get it later,” she thought. Walking along her go back to the cave. Turns out it was was gold coins! Every-
self-made trail, she found her friends Carol, John, Betty and body lived a long happy life.
Jayden! They were on the ship too! They explained that they The end.
were on Vancouver Island at Shirley, Sheringham Point. “Oh And as far as I know, the lighthouse is still there!
so that’s why everything seems so familiar,” said Roselen. They
eventually found Roselen’s house and saw her husband Justin
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 23
Courtney’s Pages
Courtney’s favourite photo:
“I know there’s a story in the picture.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 24
Courtney’s Pages...continued
The Horses
by Courtney
One day at Cherry Land Lighthouse, Scarlett woke up and saw A few days later, Scarlett and Tracy started a business together,
4 horses galloping through the tall green grass as she looked “Cherry Land Lighthouse Horse and Vet Stables.” They had
out her window. She saw one of the horses bleeding really a barn built and a vet lab. Scarlett and Tracy cared for all the
bad! She ran outside and looked at the horses, and they all horses. April was a beautiful brown and white horse, Cash
had wounds. She grabbed he phone and called the vet, Tracy. has white and dark brown spots, Forest has lots of different
Scarlett hung up the phone and rounded up the horses into a colours. Frankie is jet black. Scarlett and Tracy have a very
fenced area around the lighthouse. It had been 25 minutes and successful business. They have riding lessons and other horses
Tracy came at the perfect time. The vet looked at the horses that board there.
and she ran to her truck and got her medical bag. She stitched A hundred years later, Scarlett’s great-great-granddaughter was
all the horses’ wounds and hosed them off. Tracy thought 29 and rebuilt the barn. She restarted the horse stables again
that the horse’s wound that was bleeding really bad was from a after it had been destroyed by a fire years and years ago.
barbwire fence! The horses were wild and they decided to keep
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 25
David’s Pages
David’s favourite photo:
“This picture has a story.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 26
David’s Pages...continued
Scary Find at the Lighthouse
by David
It was a dark and stormy night. Two guys, Travis James and They brought them back to the lighthouse and went up, and
Michael Book were going on a bike ride until they saw an we found a sack of hard items. We were afraid to open it, so
abandoned lighthouse. They went home and looked up the one of the cops did. You won’t believe what was in it. It was a
address of the lighthouse and apparently there’s rumours of it bunch of human remains. So we went back to the police sta-
being haunted. So they went back to the lighthouse at night tion and the chief showed us a machine that could read DNA.
with a couple other buddies. They opened the door and saw They figured out who the remains belong to. And who killed
a big spiral staircase that went up and so they started to go them. Two days later they caught the killer and apparently he
up. Then they saw a silhouette of a man. It looked like he was has killed multiple people in the past. So they all got a reward,
holding a human spine. They bolted out of the lighthouse and $500 each.
got back home, and then called 9-1-1. They didn’t believe us at
first, but then we convinced them, so they came.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 27
Gavin’s Pages
Gavin’s selected photo:
Gavin was unble to be with us the day we took photos. If he’d been there we
think he’d have taken one like this.
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Gavin’s Pages...continued
The Missing Parrot and the Stranger
by Gavin
Once there was a man named Tom. He was the lighthouse Tom said “It is about time those rails fell off. This lighthouse is
man for Sheringham Point. One day he was so sad he lost his so old!” “How do I get us down now?”
parrot, Perry. Tom looked for him but could not find him. A stranger appears and saw Tom on the roof with a parrot on
The next day, Perry was still missing. Tom was still sad but his head. He offers to help by getting more rope. He ties the
had to do his work. Tom is getting worried because a storm rope around the tip of the lighthouse. He ties a bucket to the
is coming and he does not know if Perry is safe. A while later, rope. Tom pulls up the rope and puts Perry in the bucket.
Tom heard scratching noises from the roof. He tries to see on He lowers the rope down to the stranger. Perry is safe!
top of the roof. He saw Perry! [Plot Twist] Tom tries to climb down but the tip broke. Tom falls but grabs
Tom grabbed his harness if he needed it. He is scared but also the edge of the lighthouse with his hands! He is just hanging
happy he found his parrot. Tom is scared to climb the roof there! The stranger grabs on to his hand and pulls him back
because it is so high and slippery. He starts to climb up the up. They all get down safely. The storm is over.
lighthouse, but it is slippery. He fell but grabbed on to a roof The stranger is a news reporter and put the story on the news.
tile. Tom is stuck in the rope, but he had his pocket knife and The end.
he cut the rope. He finally gets to Perry! He is so excited!
But the storm is too strong, and the railings were falling off.
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Hayden’s Pages
Hayden’s favourite photo:
“I like this photo because I like the nice teal water
and the beautiful skies. The rocks by the water
make it even more pretty.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 30
Hayden’s Pages...continued
The Crashed Sailboat
by Hayden
One stormy night Mrs H. was all alone at the lighthouse and explained to her friends that Mr S. always comes in his sail-
she was about to go to bed when she heard a big, big bang! So boat t around 8:30 pm. Mrs H. always turns the light on. “But
she got out of bed and went to check it out. She saw a white today I forgot.” Ms L. and Ms E. said “We could try to call a
and black sailboat crashed on a big rock. She got her shoes on tow-truck.” Mr S. said “That would be great.”
and went to see exactly what happened. When the tow-truck got there, he realized it was a boat, not a
When Mrs H. saw Mr S. sitting outside she walked over to him. car. The tow-truck driver told them they can not get the boat
“Hello, are you okay?” Mr S. said “Yes, I’m fine. The light was out. Mrs H. said “Do you have any thing else we can use?”
not on and I could not see anything. I crashed into the rocks!” The two-truck driver said “I can go check in the truck if I have
“Okay, do you want to stay with me?” said Mrs H., “we can fix anything.” “Sure,” said Mrs H. Then the tow-truck driver re-
your boat in the morning.” “That would be nice,” said Mr S. membered he has a 500 pound winch. So he got it out and put
When Mrs H. got home she made a bed on the floor for Mr S. it on the truck. It looked like a hook on the head-lights and
to sleep in for the night. a big metal bar. So then next they pulled the boat to a dock
The next morning Mrs H. knew she was going to need some where Mrs H. and Ms E. and Ms L. fixed the boat.
help if she was going to be able to fix Mr S.’ sailboat. Mrs H. That night they all celebrated with a big dinner, and the next
decided to call two of her oldest friends Ms L. and Ms E. Ms morning Mr S. sailed off in his boat and that is the end of our
L. and Ms E. had passed the lighthouse on to Mrs H. Mrs H. adventure.
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Hayley’s Pages
Hayley’s favourite photo:
“I like this photo because it’s the lighthouse. I chose this
photo because me and my friend were sitting under the
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 32
Hayley’s Pages...continued
The Crazy Forest Fire the firefighters immediately,” she said. Rose and Cleo both said
“we are at the Sheringham Point Lighthouse.” The 911 opera-
By Hayley tor said “Okay the firefighters are coming.”
Rose and Cleo heard wee-ooo, wee-ooo. Cleo said “They’re
It was July 21st 1977. It was the hottest day of the year. Sky- here, they’re here.” A firefighter jumped out and said “Where
ler the lighthouse keeper was at the lighthouse and two girls is the fire? Where is it?” Rose and Cleo looked at each other.
walked up to a very tall lighthouse. They saw so many beauti- “it’s behind you,” Cleo said. The firefighter said “Yo, my name
ful flowers. So they went down to the lighthouse. It was very is Shelby and this is my partner Maddisyn.” “Hi,” said Maddi-
tall and it had black and pink paint. syn. “Where’s the fire…WOW, that’s a big fire!”
Just then Skyler asked Rose and Cleo if they can work at the Just then Shelby jumped up, kicked her foot and went “Hi-ya!”
lighthouse for the day. Rose and Cleo both said “Yup.” Later Rose and Cleo just said “Are you a ninja or a firefighter?” Shel-
that afternoon they said good-bye to Skyler as the sun went by said “I’m not a firefighter. I’m a ninja who fights fires. Turn
down. Rose asked Cleo “Do you want to go in the keeper the water on, but not full blast.” Rose saw the firefighter way
shack?” Cleo agreed, so the two girls walked into the shack. up in the air.
When they were in the shack they felt like something bad was Maddi turned the water off and took the hose and sprayed the
going to happen. They turned around and saw spider shadows! water on the fire, and the fire was out. “Well that took long”
Then fainted! said Rose! Just then Skyler got out of her car and asked what
The next morning… The sun was rising and as the sun was was going on. Rose and Cleo said “We are going to be late for
rising the sun shone into the lens. It made a beam of light. dinner.” “Well bye then,” said Skyler. After about 10 seconds,
The light hit the trees, then Rose called 911! “911, what is your Skyler heard “Bye.” AND ALL WAS GOOD.
emergency?” said a lady on the phone. “There is a crazy forest
fire,” said Rose and Cleo nervously.
“Where is your location?” said the 911 operator. “I will send The end.
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Ivy’s Pages
Ivy’s favourite photo:
“I like this photo because it is in my story. I
chose this photo because it is cool and fun.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 34
Ivy’s Pages...continued
Accident at the Lighthouse
by Ivy
Captain Quint could not see anything. All he could see was ran to the lighthouse and found the lighthouse keeper half way
black. Suddenly he felt a hard bump! He had hit the big rocks! up the stairs, laying there. They picked him up and carried
The boat tilted and started to sink! The captain ran down the him outside.
stairs and to the passengers. They got into the lifeboats. There They could not see a nurse anywhere. So they went on the
was only enough for half the passengers. The captain did not West Coast Trail. Ivy said “It is hard to carry this man on this
make it. The boats floated to shore. hard trail.” Right when she said that she saw a nurse on the
The light keeper went part way up the stairs to the lighthouse trail. Ivy said “Hey can you heal this man, he is injured.” And
but then got hurt. The lighthouse keeper could not go any the nurse said “Yes I can.” She said that he had a broken leg.
farther which meant the lighthouse light could not shine on to She said “My name is Shelby,” and she said that it would take
the water. The passengers’ names were: Ivy, Brynna and Nay- 2 weeks to heal. After 2 weeks they went home and they lived
la. They walked on to the sandy beach as it crunched beneath happily ever after.
their feet. They could hear the lighthouse keeper’s yells. They
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Maddisyn’s Pages
Maddisyn’s favourite photo:
“I chose this photo because it looks like someone
is walking up the stairs.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 36
Maddisyn’s Pages...continued hospital parking lot. When Old Man Chuckles got home he and the
cate were tired and hungry, so Old Man Chuckles made a sandwich
Wavy Cat and gave the cat some lettuce. After that they went to bed.
by Maddisyn
It was 3:30 at night and the waves were 12 feet high. Old Man When Old Man Chuckles woke up the next morning the waves were
Chuckles, the lighthouse keeper, had to turn the light in the light- pounding on the side of the lighthouse. He called for the cat but
house, but suddenly Old Man Chuckles slipped. The next morning since he didn’t give the cat a name yet there was no response. Old
Old Man Chuckles felt a wound on his arm and smelled blood. He Man Chuckles was desperate to get the cat back so he called animal
tried to reach for his phone but it was just out of reach. Then he felt search and rescue. Old Man Chuckles almost knew that the cat
something hard on his face. He looked beside him and a cat was would be dead, but since the cat came out of nowhere to save Old
using his nose to push Old Man Chuckles phone to him. Old Man Man Chuckles he though the cat might be alive. When search and
Chuckles was able to call 911. An ambulance came and took Old rescue got there they got their boat out of their truck and carefully
Man Chuckles to the hospital. put it into the water, and started searching for the cat. Old Man
The next morning Old Man Chuckles lay in his hospital bed, his Chuckles insisted that he come with them, but the search and rescue
arm is in a sling hanging off the side of the bed. Nurse Shelby walks team told Old Man Chuckles that it would probably be safer from
in with a big smile on her face and she says “I heard that a cat saved him to stay in the lighthouse.
you.” “Yes a cat saved me,” said Old Man Chuckles. Nurse Shelby Old Man Chuckles went inside, he sat down in his chair and slowly
leaves and about 1 minute later Nurse Shelby comes back with a drifted off to sleep. Then he heard a hushed voice saying “wake up.”
soft looking ball in her arms, and she says “Apparently the cat was Old Man Chuckles opened one eye and saw someone with short
wounded in its spine. The doctors said that he only had a couple blond hair, and she was tall with a uniform on. Old Man Chuckles
more steps left before he collapsed and he used them for saving you.” looked in her arms and there was a little head poking out of a towel.
“Wow, that’s a miracle,” said Old Man Chuckles. “Yes, it is,” said Old Man Chuckles looked at her in surprise and she smiled and said
Nurse Shelby. “It’s a miracle.” Old Man Chuckles chuckled and said “Yes it is.”
The next day Old Man Chuckles got to go home and just before he The next morning Old Man Chuckles took the cat to the vet. The
left Nurse Shelby asked Old Man Chuckles if he wanted to take the vet said there was nothing wrong with the cat. After they were done
cat home. He said yes. When he got in his car he took a deep breath at the vet they went to get the cat a name and a collar. When they
and a memory flashed through his mind. It was when he was in the got there Old Man Chuckles thought of a good name…Wavy Cat.
hospital with his Mom and Dad just moments after his new baby After that hey went to get some food. When they got home they ate
sister was born. Then Old Man Chuckles started to drive out of the some lunch and had a nap. Old Man Chuckles life was not a normal
life, but it was a very good one. The end.
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Mathew’s Pages
Mathew’s favourite photo:
“I like the picture because the lighthouse
is getting restored.”
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Mathew’s Pages...continued
The Bear at the Lighthouse
by Mathew
Mr. Jones wasn’t friendly but he was a good fisherman. Every day he fish-
es for an hour. Mr. Jones is 32 years old and fat, short and energetic. One
day Mr. Jones saw a black bear. It was a big black bear that smelled like
salmon. It was blocking the entrance to the lighthouse. He decided to go
in his house, grabbed his cat and throwed him outside. The bear chased
the cat in the tree. Mr. Jones ran as fast as he could to the lighthouse. He
turned on the lens to the lighthouse and grabbed his gun. He ran down
the stairs and shot the bear. He grabbed his cat out o f the tree then went
inside, made a coffee, drank it and fell asleep.
The end.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 39
Nayla’s Pages
Nayla’s selected photo:
Nayla wasn’t able to be with us on the day we
took photos, but we think she would have taken
one like this.
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Nayla’s Pages...continued
The Big Flower
by Nayla
There once was a boy called O’hen. His last name was Ry. When they got there O’hen and Snikers looked around and
O’hen was different. He loved flowers, but the other boys loved found a big flower. The flower was 9 feet tall. It was green and
things like soccer. O’hen’s friend Snikers loved the smell of the brown and was magical. They brought it home, and everyone
flowers beside the oak tree. The oak tree has a lot of flowers in the world wanted to see the flower. People ate it. People
around it. The flowers are pink, and smell like fruit. The old grew other 9 foot flowers, all because of O’hen and Snikers.
lighthouse has flowers around it too, but its flowers are red. After a few days O’hen and Snikers became famous.
The red flowers smell like hamburgers. The end.
O’hen and Snikers went to smell the flowers at the lighthouse.
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Nicky’s Pages
Nicky’s favourite photo:
“Because I like looking at it.”
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Nicky’s Pages...continued
Jeff and the Snake
by Nicky
It was a dark and stormy night. 97 year old Jeff John the light- Jeff was very scared to go outside, but Jeff did. He closed the
house keeper was enjoying his nice warm tea, while staring out door as slowly as he could. Stepping toward the snake he
the window at the massive waves. Jeff stood there with his one punched the snake in the nose as hard as Jeff could!!! “That
foot long beard and his grumpy look. was easy,” said Jeff, and threw the snake into the ocean. With-
All of a sudden Jeff decided to go check on the lighthouse. out noticing the snake’s fangs cut him. When Jeff was washing
Guarding the lighthouse was a massive snake. It had massive his hands he saw the cut on the back of his hand. Unfortunate-
fangs with venom dripping off them! Jeff was sooo scared, ly Jeff had got all the venom out in time, but he still had to go
he had goosebumps everywhere. Jeff ran as fast as he could, to the doctor to get his hand removed. Jeff ’s doctor put a hook
breathing extremely hard. He opened the door and slammed on his hand. Jeff went home and decided to live a happily ever
it behind him. Jeff started to breathe a sigh of relief. “What after.
should I do?” said Jeff. “I know I should grab my brass knuck- The end.
les and punch that snake in the nose thought Jeff.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 43
Parker’s Pages
Parker’s favourite photo:
“Because it’s cool and I want to write about it.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 44
Parker’s Pages...continued
Wolves at the Lighthouse
by Parker
It was a cold winter and the lighthouse needed to be checked
on. As he turned around he saw a big gray wolf. The light-
house keeper was trapped but fortunately the wolves eventually
went away. The lighthouse keeper could go back inside for
But that night when he thought the wolves were gone they
surrounded him. But he managed to get in his row boat. He
snuck around and shot one but the rest got away. From there
on Bob always knew he needed a rifle. He always kept it under
his bed.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 45
Royden’s Pages
Royden’s favourite photo:
“The reason was that I saw all of the rocks in the sea and said this is a cool
photo, so that’s why I took the one photo.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 46
Royden’s Pages...continued
Shark Attack
by Royden
Once upon a time there was a place called the Dueling Peaks Light- Later, at Brian’s house, Scott was telling Brian some of his good
house. It was there for no reason. So it was built in 1883. Until times. Then Scott checked the time and it was 10:30 p.m. “Sorry
1982 someone named Brian Tutt moved in. His dream was to be Brian, I have to go. Bye,” Scott said. After Scott left Brian went to
a lighthouse keeper so he could be able to help people to be safe in bed.
the sea. He also had a cat named Jay. Brian is going to live in a not Later at night Scott had an early cruise that he had to run. So Scott
so big house. Brian looked around the short wavy grass and said to woke up at 4:15 a.m. The ship started to move at 4:30 a.m. The
himself “I’m so happy to be here.” ship’s GPS shut off unexpectedly. Then Scott heard loud banging
After, Brian went to the top of the Dueling Peaks Lighthouse and noises. There were great white sharks bumping the ship. Then one
then looked around. Then he went to his house and unpacked, and of the sharks made a giant leak at the bottom of the ship and that
gets ready for bed. Brian wakes up in the morning and gets up to leak was right next to the fuel tank. So the ship was running out
make some coffee. After his last sip of coffee he gets dressed for the of fuel. And then the ship automatically turned into the middle of
day, then Brian feeds Jay. After he makes some eggs and bacon for misty fog. Scott was trying to steer out of the misty fog, but it was
breakfast. Then he brushes his teeth. Now Brian gets his tools and not working.
goes out to the lighthouse and starts to rebuild it! He repaints it, Scott tapped in Brian’s phone number. It started to ring. Brian
resealed the cracks and fixed the signal light. heard the ringtone. He woke up and answered the phone, and he
After that Brian was low on food so he went to the grocery store in heard “Brian, help it’s me Scott. I need you to help me get out of the
Lakeside Harbour. Inside there, Brian bumps into someone who fog.” That‘s all that he heard. Brian ran out of bed and out of his
had a captain’s hat on and a black jacket, and he had yellow boots house, and ran across the field into the Dueling Peaks Lighthouse
on, and brown hair. “Oh you must pardon me,” Brian said. “It’s all and to the very top. Brian turns on the signal light. Back on the
right, my name is Scott,” Scott said. “Thanks, my name is Brian and ship Scott could see the signal light that is going to guide his way
I am a lighthouse keeper,” Brian said. “Well I’m a captain,” Scott out of the fog. Then Scott steered the ship to land.
said. “Hey do you want to go to my house for dinner?” Brian asked. The end.
“Sure,” Scott said.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 47
Santana’s Pages
Santana’s favourite photo:
“Because it’s peaceful and pretty. I love it and
it’s so rocky and watery.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 48
Santana’s Pages...continued
George and Dave
by Santana
One day at the lighthouse it was a dark and stormy night. door. He opened the door. He almost had a heart attack, it’s
Old Man Chuck went to change the light in the lighthouse. Old Man Dave. “Are you OK?” said Dave. “Ya, I’m fine,” said
When he got to the top of the lighthouse he heard a noise! Chuck. They talked for hours and then Dave said “I have to
He dropped his flashlight. The light bulb shone from inside go.” “OK thanks for coming,” said Chuck. “Ya thanks,” said
the lighthouse. He looked around, and he saw a shadow! He Dave.
slowly backed up. It was coming slow. He saw dark black eyes. Then Chuck cleaned up and sat on the couch and looked at the
There were like a hundred eyes. Whatever it was. pictures of his wife that passed. Then he turned off the lights
Chuck ran into his house. He locked the doors and he shut and went to bed… Then in the morning it was his friend Old
the windows. His TV wasn’t working. Bang! Bang! Bang! Man Dave’s birthday party and the whole time the crazy thing
“Who is it?” Chuck said. No on answered. Bang! Bang! Bang! was Dave???
“Go away,” said Chuck! Old Man Chuck slowly walked to the
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 49
Scarlett’s Pages
Scarlett’s favourite photo:
“I chose it because it’s pretty. I feel like it
has a story.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 50