Scarlett’s Pages...continued
The Scary Chase
by Scarlett
Three girls went to the Shell station. At the bottom of the hill ran out the door for school. They were all worrying about the
they saw two guys running at them. They started to follow night before. Then it was the end of the day and they all went
Avery, Courtney and Janna. The guys chased them all the way back home and ate dinner. Then they went out to look for
to the lighthouse. clues. They found one black bandana. Then they started to
The girls were out of breath and stumbling and falling, and the look more, when the guy got blinded yesterday it burned a part
men continued to chase them until finally they found a door of his shirt. They were surprised to find a piece of his shirt
to the lighthouse where they ran up the stairs to another door ripped off and sitting in the hole at the lighthouse.
that led them to the top of the lighthouse. They jammed the The girls took the part of the shirt under a microscope and
doors behind them, stopping the stalkers. then they looked at it and it wasn’t part of his shirt, it was a
The girls were trapped. Screaming for help as loud as they cloth with poison on it. The girls thought that the cloth was
could, they noticed that the lighthouse light started to flicker. meant to make people faint. Then they raced back home and
Janna got an idea. Janna screamed “Let’s use the light to fight told their Moms that they had found a clue. Then they raced
the darkness.” They shined the huge big light on the stalkers, up into Janna’s room to put the cloth in a jar to give it to the
blinding them till they fall to the ground. cops. It was the end of the day and they gave the cops the cloth
Off in the distance there is the sound of sirens. The stalkers and there was a car racing down the road. The cops started to
ran off. The police arrive on the scene and then the girls start- chase them. They caught them and said these guys will be in
ed to scream for help. The cops freed the girls. Their Moms jail for a long time. The girls screamed “Yeah!” Then the cops
come and pick them up and they finally got their dinner. gave them a prize for catching the guy. It was a hundred bucks
It was the next day. They had breakfast and got dressed. They each.
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Shelby’s Pages
Shelby’s favourite photo:
“Because I like it.”
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Shelby’s Pages...continued
Fire at the Lighthouse
by Shelby
It was July 23rd 1991 at Sheringham Point Lighthouse. One the fire department. The fire department came quickly. Hay-
day Lizzy Cave asked Shelby, Nayla, Ivy and April over to the ley came out of the fire truck. Hayley grabbed the hose, but
lighthouse. They all drove for a very long time. When they got she didn’t know how to work it. When she turned the hose on
there they knocked at the door. Bynna, Lizzy’s dog, barked at water went everywhere. A few minutes later the chief, Alissa,
the door. Lizzy opened it and said “Hey.” We all went inside. started to yell at Hayley and said “Why are you playing with
Nayla and Ivy sat down on the couch. A couple of minutes the hose?” “I’m not,” said Hayley. Alissa turned the hose off.
later April started to complain because she was hungry. Lizzy Alissa took the hose from Hayley. Alissa turned the hose on
looked at her phone and said “It is only 10:45 am.” A couple of again and she put out the fire. Alissa said to Hayley “When we
hours later, they all had a picnic by the lighthouse. They had get back we are doing some more training!” “OK.”
apples, sandwiches, water and chocolate cake. When they left, they went in to watch TV and have a snack.
After they went in the lighthouse to play cards, they went out- They all had pasta for dinner. After dinner they all went to
side with Brynna. When they were outside the sun was shin- bed.
ing so bright it started a fire. Lizzy ran inside to get he phone The end.
but she could not find it. So Nayla gets her phone out and calls
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Tristan’s Pages
Tristan’s favourite photo:
“Because it looks cool.”
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Tristan’s Pages...continued
George and the Great Wolf
by Tristan
Once upon a time there was a boy named George. He wore a yellow
jacket with blue pants. At the moment he saw the Bone Gang stumbling
down a short rock wall. The saw George! He tried to run away but
the Bone Gang was faster and chased George into the dark oak forest!
George kept running and rant into a wolf! The wolf could talk!
“Who are you?” asked George, stumbling back and tripping over a rock
and hitting his head on a tree. “I am the great wolf,” he said.
The next morning the great wolf led George out of the forest. But the
Bone Gang attacked them and they grabbed the great wolf and tried to
throw him in the water! But George saved the great wolf and the Bone
Gang ran away.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 55
“I’ll be visiting
Sheringham Point Lighthouse
this summer.
How about you?”
Check out the website for directions (that’s driving directions,
not swimming):
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 56
Exploring the Lighthouse Page 57
A Big Thank-You
We want to thank Tom Harris - Telus, and manager Ryley
Leckie, for donating the cell-phone cameras for the students to
use. Without this support, the program would not have been
This project was carried out by the Society’s partners: Change
Canada Consultants Ltd. Our thanks to them: Ian Fawcett
(coordinator & photographer), Kathleen Arnason (author and
story-teller) and Bill Turner (for helping develop and imple-
ment the program).
Our thanks also to Society volunteers Dominique Bernadet,
Vivi Curuchet, Bill Parkes, Bill Turner, Sandra Fawcett and Su-
san Nelson for helping at the site, and to the Society’s members
and supporters who provided the financing for the program.
And finally, but most of all, we want to thank Principal Gord
Johnson, teachers Noreen Lovbakke and Dan Quint, and in par-
ticular the students at John Muir Elementary School for making
this project so enjoyable.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society
Exploring the Lighthouse
Raising Funds to Protect the Lighthouse
Projects such as the protection and restoration of Sheringham Point Light- ties at the Lighthouse - such as this program - we need to raise additional
house depend upon the generosity of people who care about what we are funds. Can you help?
trying to accomplish, and who want to help. Most of the funding for this We have set up a fundraising page on the Society’s website to make it easy
project so far has been provided by individuals who have stepped forward to donate (all donations over $5.00 will receive a charitable tax receipt).
to make a donation.
However, in order to ensure that the Lighthouse can be well cared for in You can find it at:
the future, and to enable us to continue providing educational opportuni-
And finally, something a little different...
Anyone who takes photographs knows that We’ve collected a number of the images created by the children during
things don’t always turn out as planned. A click their visit to the lighthouse that didn’t quite turn out as intended, but that
at the wrong time, a shake of the camera or a struck us as beautiful images nontheless.
wrong setting can produce something entirely We’ve called this collection “UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES”, and we
unintended. will make the images available, upon request, as gifts for people who make
Often, the results of these situations are simply donations to help this project succeed.
discarded. But sometimes, with a bit of luck, and Take a look at these few samples on the next page, we think you’ll be
with a willingness to look again with a fresh eye amazed!
and an open mind, the results can be startling.
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“Unintended Consequences”
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“A Lighthouse is a beacon
of hope; a symbol of human
~ Gary Geddes,
BC poet & author