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Published by Town Pulse Live, 2018-08-28 00:00:51

Pine Bush Quarterly

Winter 2016


What’s Inside…

5 Editor in Chief 32 Dionysis Anagnostou’s Salmon Recipe
7 From the Editor 36 No More Domestic Violence
8 Excelsior in Education Academy 46 Jenna Maggiolo
12 Jeffrey Paes: Shoots from the Heart 50 Crispell MS presents Charlie Brown
19 Rachel’s Challenge 54 Reader Photo
20 PBHS Varsity Basketball 56 Around Town
24 Harvest of Quilts XIII 58 Upcoming Events
30 Circleville MS presents Suessical, Jr. 59 Then & Now


Sharon MacGregor has been Michael Bloom hails from the Erni Hewett has been a freelance Melissa Harjes is a freelance
a freelance writer, newspaper Catskills where he resides with and corporate designer for more photographer focusing mostly
his partner Kristin and their two than 20 years. She has worked in on lifestyle and wedding photog-
columnist, and reporter for dogs Chussie and Maggie. He is a creative capacity for companies raphy. She is self-taught with a
more than 20 years. Her current an award winning photographer such as Condé Nast Publications degree in fine arts. When she isn’t
endeavors include the food blog, and Intel. Currently, she is running photographing small children
Fed Well, and running the Hudson and photojournalist. He has her own design studio, Erni Girl and families, she is working as a
Valley Restaurants and Kitchens shot for NBC Universo, Rolling server at Blu Pointe in Newburgh,
group on Facebook while editor Stone, Farmacy Beauty, DETAILS Designs, where she has the
of the Quarterly magazines. She Magazine, The NY Times, NY opportunity to work for the NewYork for the Bonura
Daily News, La-Z-Boy, American Quarterly magazines. She lives Hospitality Group.
and her husband Bruce have Express Black Ink and Ferrari, with her husband Brian and they
raised their sons, Ken and Colin, are raising their children, Evan
Hudson Whiskey as well as and Josie in New Hampton, NY.
in the Pine Bush area. Orange and Ulster magazines.


“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory
of God, and all are justified freely by his grace
through the redemption that came by Christ
Jesus. God presented Christ as a sacrifice
of atonement, through the shedding of his
blood—to be received by faith. He did this to
demonstrate his righteousness, because in his
forbearance he had left the sins committed
beforehand unpunished— he did it to
demonstrate his righteousness at the present
time, so as to be just and the one who justifies
those who have faith in Jesus.”
Romans 3:23-26


L ETTE R f ro m t h e e d ito r I N C HI E F PINE BUSH
Have you ever put forth your best effort, only to find out that you
really missed the mark? I can’t tell you how many times this has Owner/Publisher:
happened to me in my life. When I was in school, there were John E Kidd
times I thought I did really well on a test, but when the test got Editor:
handed back, I found out I miserably failed. When I was in col-
lege, I worked part time working really hard trying to get in all Sharon MacGregor
the carts people left in the parking lot at Sam’s Club, but I got Director of Photography:
fired mid-day for not being able to retrieve the carts fast enough.
When I worked as a waiter at a restaurant, there were tables I Michael Bloom
thought were going to leave me a big tip, but after they paid their Layout &
bill, I saw that they left me little or nothing at all. There have been
days I’ve spent with my children and wife where I thought I really Graphic Design:
nailed it as a good father and husband, only to find out I was way Erni Hewett
off target. Advertising:
John E Kidd
You see, nobody likes to miss the mark, but it happens to all of us
every single day. Almost or coming close to the mark doesn’t really Like us on Facebook!
cut it either. In fact, almost hitting the mark means you missed the mark. I almost won the
lottery. I almost got a hit. I almost won the game. I almost finished the race. The only thing PineBushQuarterly
almost counts for is seven points in a Scrabble game.
Subscribe for only $30.00 per year.
Have you ever read the 10 commandments? That is a list we fail at every day. It’s a list that
is impossible to keep. When we make mistakes, knowing or unknowingly, we are missing We’d love to hear from you! If you
the mark. Paul tells us in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of want to advertise in a future issue, or
God.” In Greek, the word used for sin is hamartia, which means “to miss the mark”. This if you have comments or questions,
verse means “to miss the mark.” No matter how much we try to be a good person, no matter
how nice we are to people, how much money we give to others, we all miss the mark when you can reach us at:
it comes to God. We all fall short. We all fail. We all sin. P.O. Box 963

But there’s good news. God sent His son Jesus to set things right for us. For every area in Pine Bush, NY 12566
our lives where we missed the mark, Jesus hit the bullseye. When we have faith and believe or email:
in Jesus, we receive the gift of His free grace. When we ask for forgiveness for missing the
mark and turn from our sin, God no longer sees where we fell short, he sees the perfect life [email protected]
of Jesus. We don’t deserve it, but we are covered in His perfect grace. (845) 551-1801

So what about you? Are there people in your life that fall short when it comes to your stan- Advertising and Content is subject to
dards? Are there people in your life who fail you? Are there people in your life that miss approval of the editor.
the mark? Since we have been given the free gift of grace, think about extending that same
grace to others.

I hope you enjoy reading,

All contents © 2017. All rights
reserved. No portion of this
magazine may be reproduced

without written consent of the

Printed in the U.S.A.

My father teaching me how On the Cover:
to shoot with a bow. Jeffrey Paes:

Shoots from the Heart

Photo by Michael Bloom


from the editor Sharon MacGregor

W hen I was in elementary In this issue of the Pine Bush Quarterly, be able to create wonderful works of soft
school, my grandfather was a I was truly inspired and enjoyed meeting art. Dozens of people shared their wares
salesman for a custom printer Jeffrey Paes so I hope you can get just with the general public and engaged with
and always had unusual samples intended a feeling for how passionate he is for others who share their enthusiasm with
to show business owners how they could archery and how he just seems packed quilting.
be used to promote their business. Among with effervescent bubbles of joy that Have you discovered your passion? Are
the many items, he always received spiral simply keep rising up like carbonation you working toward it or with it every
bound, about 5’ x 7’ vinyl covered calendars in soda. He can speak quite animatedly day? Maybe you have been putting it off or
which could be made to include the name and with solid knowledge about not only left an interest behind because you think
of say, an insurance company, on the cover his sport, but his heart condition. Jeffrey you are too busy or it is frivolous. It might
and inside the pages were divided in half discovered his aptitude for shooting a bow be time for a second look.
to allow people to write in appointments through circumstances rather than choice, Take care,
or notes. For me, it was the start of my but now, he has that spark and is walking
passion. I wanted to write. I had no idea his own path. You can see the sparkle in
what to say and the earliest entries were his eye and when he breaks out in a smile,
silly, mundane observations of a child it is sincerely infectious. He is so lucky to
whose age was still in single digits, but have the loving support of his family to
I constantly felt pulled toward my path. continue excelling in his interest.
It has and continues to be a twisty trail A few months ago, an astonishing
through contests, magazines, newspapers number of beautifully made quilts were
and even a vocational textbook. As I displayed at the Pine Bush High School
found my writer’s voice, I also realized it is in the County Quilters Guild annual
your stories that I like to tell; the people in show. An imaginative and, at times,
this and other small towns who have done intense endeavor, quilters employ their
amazing things and discovered their own passion using a number of techniques,
passions are among my favorite topics. from a variety of skill levels and ages, to

Courtney Courtney Roe plans on attending either SUNY Cortland or SUNY Fredonia in the
fall of 2017 to pursue a degree in childhood education. Courtney has always been actively
involved in her community especially working with children, which she believes led her to
become more passionate about the field of education. Starting her senior year, she decided
to be a part of the Excelsior in Education Program, which has provided her with numerous
opportunities to be involved in our District’s classrooms.

“Being a part of the Academy has made me love the thought of teaching even more. I was able
to work along side of my first grade teacher during our field work, which allowed me to be very
involved in class. Mrs. Terpening from Pine Bush Elementary let me work with the children in
various learning stations and help out within the class. I’m grateful to be a part of this opportu-
nity, and I could not be more excited for what the future has in store.”

Robyn Goro plans on attending college in the fall of 2017. Robyn is currently the
captain of the varsity cheerleading team and volunteers as a junior coach for the Pine Bush
youth cheerleading team. Based on Robyn’s love of children and her ability to provide guid-
ance, care, and leadership, she has decided to pursue a career in elementary education.

“Joining the Pine Bush Excelsior in Education program helped me realize just how much enjoy-
ment I receive from working with children and it helped me recognize the importance of pursu-
ing a career in a field in which I’m passionate.”

8 PINE BUSH QUARTERLY // WINTER 2016 Zackery Newman is a senior at PBHS, and he joined the Excelsior in Education
Program in order to pursue his dream of being an elementary educator. Zack credits his ex-
citement of school to his fifth grade teacher Mr. Blessington who always made school pur-
poseful, enjoyable, and fun. Ever since then Zack has aspired to become a teacher. Through-
out his education he recalls many other teachers that have compelled him and continued to
inspire in him an excitement and desire to someday teach.

“ You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” -Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott

Olivia Edmond plans on attending either the SUNY Cortland or SUNY Plattsburgh
in the fall of 2017. She plans on majoring in special childhood education with a minor in
mathematics. Olivia has been described as a girl whose character is truly hard to capture.
She is a force, but not in the cliché sense of the word. Olivia blazes her trail with an innate
sense of kindness and positive emotion. Her sensitivity is one of her greatest strengths. She
has pushed herself this year by joining the Excelsior in Education program, which is giving
her the opportunity to see that working with children fills her enormous heart. She is also
the current president of the Interact Club.

“The Excelsior in Education Program has given me the opportunity many students do not have;
because of it, I know Education is the field for me.”

Alyssa Rosanelli plans on attending SUNY New Paltz in the fall of 2017 to pursue
a teaching career. She wants to extend her knowledge of mathematics in order to educate
middle or high school students. Alyssa has always worked hard throughout her academic
career taking a particular interest in working with numbers. While doing fieldwork for the
PBHS Excelsior in education program, she realized how much enjoyment she gets from
helping students understand a new concept.

“Joining the Education in Excelsior program was one of my best choices throughout high school.
I have had so many great experiences and met many wonderful people. It really reinforced my
desire to teach.”

Photos By John Kidd; Meet five of the 12 Excelsior in Education students.

The Excelsior in Education Academy
created a lesson for several Girl Scout
troops from both ends of the District
to help them earn their Global Diver-
sity Badge by celebrating this year’s
world - wide theme, “Girls in Educa-
tion.” It was held in STARS on February
24th for second, fourth, and fifth grade
Girl Scouts.

The Excelsior student faculty partnered
with Michelle Robinson and several of
her STEM students; Annette Wright,
Casey Grey, and the Excelsior in Busi-
ness Academy as well as Kenny Marshall
and the Excelsior in Engineering Acad-
emy. By creating rotating stations, the
Girl Scouts were able to get a glimpse
into the exciting educational opportu-
nities available at Pine Bush Central
Schools. Their experience included a
reading of “Gift Days,” creating a video
Public Service Announcement encour-
aging girls to do well in school (Business
Academy), operating through obstacle
courses with robots (Ms. Robinson and
Stem students), and creating personal-
ized wooden name plates (Mr. Marshall
and Engineering Academy).

To view what the young girls had to
say, please look for The Public Service
Announcement which is up on the Dis-
trict webpage.

Serving Lunch & Dinner


135 ward st. (route 17k)
montgomery, ny 12549


By Sharon MacGregor for two weeks and the nurses had to give me a shot in the leg but
Photos by Mike Bloom no one wanted to do it.”
Now nine years-old, facing the lengthy medical diagnosis two
S itting next to his mother, cheeks slightly flushed and eyes years ago had its own ups and downs until the family felt they
glistening with excitement, a young boy is anxious to begin truly understood what Jeffrey would be facing, what limitations
his interview. His smile is quite contagious and he switches he may face and how to best proceed. Working with pediatrician
back and forth between looking like he is going to explode if he Dr. Fuchs and cardiologist, Dr. Giamelli, the Paes’ started to piece
doesn’t tell you the most awesome secret and then reeling it in together proper care, treatment, and establish an effective course of
to whisper in his mother’s ear to confirm what he wants to say is action. Along the way, they discovered participating in sports like
acceptable to share. lacrosse was no longer an option for Jeffrey.

Asked how it all started, “I was having pizza after lacrosse practice “He also can’t be scared; alarms, loud or sudden noises aren’t
and you could see something blue on my face and then I found good, and has to stay calm,” Jennifer said. “Part of the change
out I have QT-1,” Jeffrey Paes explained about his heart. “The blue also includes having a one on one aid at school and the school bus
Jeffrey is talking about turned out to be a vein that became really to keep an eye out and monitor whether or not he needs medical
prominent in his face,” his mother, Jennifer, clarifies. attention.”

Long QT-1 syndrome is a form of Long QT which described by “I found out I can’t really run around and sweat a lot and I have to
Jeffrey’s mom, Jennifer, is the amount of time in between your heart take a special pill,” Jeffrey shared matter-of-factly without a bit of
beats and during that time if any irregularity occurs, the person can remorse.
go into cardiac arrest, pass out or even die.
“Christmas 2015,” Jennifer explains, “My husband, Joe and I
“I had to have a lot of tests with sticky things on my chest and stay went to Gander Mountain with the thought we would buy him
still,” Jeffrey explained, “and I can’t do that,” he beams with eyes a metal detector as a gift. When we got to the store and saw they
that dance with jovial confession. “One time, I was in the hospital were out of stock, we explained the situation to a salesperson who


recommended we buy a bow. We were told we could use the range shoot on Sundays. Then, others can become interested in archery
for free for the first 60 days and so, we did.” because deer roam into people’s yards and everyone can shoot a
bow,” Jeffrey explained.
Jeffrey quickly exhibited a natural knack with the bow then
sent a video to Northern Dutchess Archery in Red Hook that “You know what else,” he continued. “I’m
launched his journey to archery competitions. Jeffrey’s sponsors making my own law. The Jeffrey Law.”
include: Mathews, a national bow company, Northern Dutchess
Archery Shop, Black Eagle Arrow, and Dead Center stabilizers. Jennifer clarifies by adding, “The law would require children
To maintain his sponsors, all school grades must be kept at a B or who are interested in participating in sports to have an EKG
better. which would detect any Long QT issues. This condition may be
responsible for the deaths of young athletes who may otherwise
Immersed in this new activity, “The best part for seem healthy but die on a football field. We first presented the law
me has been meeting people like Levi Morgan to Town of Wallkill Supervisor, Dan Depew and it is in the Senate
and Nathan Brooks and making a bunch of now. It could be awhile.”
new friends,” Jeffrey said, “Plus, I like helping
others who are shooting for the first time.”

“Tell her more about that,” Jennifer encouraged.

“I have started a club for boys and girls called, Shoot from the
Heart, and with the Shawangunk Fish and Game Club, kids can


One very busy young man has
received all of the following: IBO
Connecticut State Champion,
IBO New York State Champion,
IBO PSE Series, IBO Worlds,
CAA Marked Yardage 3D State
Champ, Northern Dutchess
Rod & Gun Club, Mt. Trail Bow
Hunters, Hudson Falls Fish and
Game, New England State and
most recently shot at the NYFAB
Super Bowl Tournament. Prior to
press time he is scheduled to shoot
a Vegas style 450 at Guan Ho Ho.


Just when it seems life couldn’t possibly be
any fuller at the tender age of nine, Jeffrey
also shares, “And, I’m going to be on the
Steve Harvey show.” While the date has not
yet been confirmed, check your upcoming
March television listings for Jeffrey Paes.
What better way to end an interview than
asking about future plans, but when you
aren’t even double digits in age and have
already been pursuing your passion, Jeffrey
was asked what he would do with one
million dollars.
“I’d buy a McLaren. It would be half red
and half orange,” that smile spread from
ear to ear and he doubled over the table in
animated enthusiasm. “Maybe I’d take a
vacation to Long Island beach, too.”

Asked if he thinks of himself as
handicapped, Jeffrey looked a
bit surprised before answering,
“No, I’m the same as everybody

Those who have met Jeffrey may beg to
differ and point out that he seems to be a
bit more on target then some adults. We
wish him continued success in his archery
and while realizing all of his dreams
through life.

Pine Bush Hook & Ladder No. 1

Exit Drills in the Home

CONTEST WINNERS FOR 2016-2017 Fifth Grade students
EJR: Annabella Almeida at E.J. Russell and
Danielle DiBattista Pine Bush Elementary
Kaylee Towers Schools took part in
the Pine Bush Hook &
PBE: Meadow Groom Ladder company No. 1
Ryan Jalosyznski EDITH Plan Contest
Michaila Miller (Exit Drills in the
Home). Students
created sketches of
their plans and wrote
an essay explaining
why this plan is
important. The lucky
winners of this contest
got the privilege of
riding to school in a
fire truck! Craig
Gillespie & John
Boyle, Fire Prevention
Officers for the Pine
Bush H & L created
this contest last year
and expanded it to
meet the enthusiasm
presented by the 5th
graders at EJR & PBE.


The Pine Bush Central School District hosted Rachel’s I have been told repeatedly that I trust people too easily, but I find that
Challenge in December, bringing a message of kindness when I put my faith and trust in people when others would not dare to,
and compassion to students and families. they almost never betray me. I would hope that people would put that
same faith in me. Trust and honesty is an investment you put in people; if
Rachel Joy Scott was the first of 12 people killed at Columbine High you build enough trust in them and show yourself to be honest, they will
School in 1999, and Rachel’s Challenge was founded by her parents based do the same in you. I value honesty so much, and it is an expectation I have
on an essay she wrote a month before her death. The mission of the orga- of myself. I will put honesty before the risk of humiliation, before selfish-
nization is to create safe school environments for students where they not ness, and before anything less worthy of the Gospel truth. Even in being
only feel comfortable, but also accepted. honest and trust worthy, I do not come off cold and heartless. Compassion
and honesty go hand in hand, if enough of each is put into every situation.
Larry Scott, Rachel’s uncle, presented the Challenge at both Pine Bush I admire those who trust and are trust worthy.
middle schools and the High School. He also hosted an evening program
for parents and community members. Compassion is the greatest form of love humans have to offer. Accord-
ing to Webster’s Dictionary compassion means a feeling of sympathy for
Using anecdotes from Rachel’s life, interviews with her friends, and ex- another’s misfortune. My definition of compassion is forgiving, loving,
cerpts from her writings, Mr. Scott told the story of a promising life tragi- helping, leading, and showing mercy for others. I have this theory that if
cally cut short. He outlined the impact of Rachel’s life on the world fol- one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start
lowing her death and urged audience members to start a chain reaction of a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kind-
kindness in their lives. ness can go.

“I thought the presentation was very powerful and moving,” shared Town It wasn’t until recently that I learned that the first and the second and the
of Crawford Police Chief Dominick Blasko. “It is an important message, third impressions can be deceitful of what kind of person someone is. For
one which we have been working on with the school district for some example, imagine you had just met someone, and you speak with them
time.” three times on brief everyday conversations. They come off as a harsh, cru-
el, stubborn, and ignorant person. You reach your judgment based on just
“The Rachel’s Challenge assemblies sent several important messages to these three encounters. Let me ask you something…did you ever ask them
our students, including reminding them to be kind to one another and what their goal in life is, what kind of past they came from, did they expe-
how one person can make a huge impact on the world,” added Interim Su- rience love, did they experience hurt, did you look into their soul and not
perintendent Donna Geidel. “While we all understand that the events in just at their appearance? Until you know them and not just their “type,”
Columbine were very devastating, Rachel’s family has chosen to encourage you have no right to shun them. You have not looked for their beauty, their
students to follow her example and spread kindness instead of hate. We good. You have not seen the light in their eyes. Look hard enough and you
are hopeful that our students will make the same choice when they face will always find a light, and you can even help it grow, if you don’t walk
challenges in their lives in the future.” away from those three impressions first.

My Ethics, My Codes Of Life I am sure that my codes of life may be very different from yours, but how
Rachel Scott period 5 do you know that trust, compassion, and beauty will not make this world a
better place to be in and this life a better one to live? My codes may seem
Ethics vary with environment, circumstances, and culture. In my own life, like a fantasy that can never be reached, but test them for yourself, and see
ethics play a major role. Whether it was because of the way I was raised, the kind of effect they have in the lives of people around you. You just may
the experiences I’ve had, or just my outlook on the world and the way start a chain reaction.
things should be. My biggest aspects of ethics include being honest, com-
passionate, and looking for the best and beauty in everyone.

F or the first time since 2000, Pine Bush High School boys’ varsity
basketball competed in the Section 9 championships. After beat-
ing Middletown in the first round then Washingtonville in the
semi’s, the team advanced to Orange County Community College to
take on John S. Burke.

The road to victory was filled with not only winning scores, but wide
point spreads, with an average of 30 point leads. In addition to putting
points on the board, the boys have shown they are also a defense to be
reckoned with and worthy of the title. Through the season, individual
players have come together to truly form a tight-knit team that is driven
to not only succeed, but to play well as a unit.

The returning players may have bonded together partly as a result of
Pine Bush going to the semi-finals in 2016 and losing by just four point
to Burke. The crowd celebrated with a frenzy as the team and Coach
Stephen Distefano became the Section AA champs. The Pine Bush
community supports this talented team and offer congratulations on an
undefeated and stellar season as they head into the State championships.


Photos by John Kidd

Wurtsboro Board of The Wurtsboro Board of Trade organizes this one-day festi-
Trade’s Winterfest val to not only increase foot traffic in the Village, but provide
visitors with a wide variety of activities ranging from crafts,
By Sharon MacGregor | Photos by Jose Lemus art exhibit, fundraisers for local community groups, a tricky
tray, to a treasure hunt children complete at various locations
Driving into Wurtsboro on Sullivan Street, visitors could im- throughout the Village.
mediately see a number of newly carved ice sculptures on the
sidewalks in front of various businesses. Veteran’s Park, the Other must-see aspects of the family friendly and free event
most central location in Wurtsboro, is the hub of activity for include the Basha Kill Area Association sponsored live bird
Winterfest. A dog sled sculpture was created live as part of show at the Fellowship Hall of the Community Church, as
the ice carving demonstrations by Eric, Jake and Josh Polick. well as the Wurtsboro Art Alliance exhibit and other hap-
penings at the Mamakating Library.



By Sharon MacGregor
Photos by Michael Bloom

past fall, the Country Quilters Guild hosted the
two-day Harvest of Quilts XIII in the Pine Bush High
School. Dozens of ribbons were awarded in multiple
categories ranging from Best Pieced, Commercially Machine
Quilted Medium Quilt, with first place awarded to, #308 Stars of
India, Bea Demers to the first place Hand Quilted Art Quilt, #5004
From A to Z created by Patricia Moller, Best in Show was voted as
#2307, Lucy’s Lavender Fields by Janet Miller and Judge’s Choice
went to #8501, Anniversary Sampler by Brian Berry.

Special thanks were extended to: Judge, Speaker and Appraiser,
Susan Reich; Sharon Waddell for her beautiful Antique Quilts and
informative Gallery Talk; the Hudson Valley Tole and Decorative
Painters for their presentation; Quilters Attic for their gift
certificate donation; Pine Bush High School Administration,
Athletic Department, Facilities and Environmental Services for
hosting the show and taking care of the group during the event;
all those who entered their beautiful works of art; all members
of the Country Quilters Guild for working so hard to make this
show a success; to the wonderful vendors; those businesses and
entities for their advertisements; and to you, the patrons.

The Country Quilters Guild meets for the entire day, every
Monday, at the Walker Valley School House and on the second
Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. for their regular monthly
meeting. Both new and experienced quilters learn from each
other as these creative and community-minded individuals
gather and share ideas. New members are welcome and
encouraged to attend. For more information about the March
11 workshop, as well as joining the Guild, contact Trisha at
(845) 527-2145.


Photos By Michael Bloom

why travel far? Pine Bush High School student Adam Bush reads
support your friends and neighbors. an original piece titled, “Death to the Selfie” dur-
ing a recent event hosted by the Unity Club.
T he Pine Bush High School Unity Club
2412 Route 52, Pine Bush • 845-744-3736 recently hosted an event in honor of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called “Let
Open: Mon-Fri: 7:30am - 9pm, Sat: 8am - 8pm, Sun: 9am - 5pm Freedom Ring – The Power of Song and Spoken
Word.” On the afternoon of January 11, students
28 PINE BUSH QUARTERLY // WINTER 2016 gathered in the school’s library pit to share songs,
poems, quotes or spoken word pieces with the
theme of equality, justice, peace, or freedom. Oth-
ers came to just listen and be inspired.

“The event was similar to the ‘Peace in the Pit’
workshop that was done on our recent Wellness
Day,” explained Unity Club advisor Arlene San-
taniello. “We’ve done this for the past three years
in February for Black History Month with works
from African American authors. We wanted to
switch it up a bit this year and leave it more open
to other authors and originals while also honoring
Martin Luther King and his principles.”

Among the students to bravely take the micro-
phone was Rachel Meyer, who read an essay about
bullying and shared some sobering statistics about
teen suicide. Next, Gabriel Girault recited an orig-
inal piece that explored the progress that has been
made since the Civil Rights Movement. Then,
Caroline Zink expressed her thoughts on the
word “tolerance” the importance of understand-
ing each other. PBHS teacher Stephanie Singleton
also got in on the action, reading an excerpt from
the book Snitch by Booker T. Mattison.

At the start of the event, Ms. Santaniello alluded
to recent incidences of racism and intolerance in
the country, telling the students that it was their
responsibility to help move the pendulum towards
acceptance, tolerance, and equality. She closed
with the following quote from Michelle Obama’s
final speech as First Lady: “I want our young
people to know that they matter, that they belong.
So don’t be afraid – you hear me, young people?
Don’t be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be
hopeful. Be empowered. Empower yourselves
with a good education, then get out there and use
that education to build a country worthy of your
boundless promise.”

Circleville Middle School (CVMS)
students and staff faced off on the
volleyball court on Friday, January 27
to raise money for upcoming school events as
well as students in need. The benefit tourna-
ment pitted a total of 43 student players against
“numerous staff members,” according to Prin-
cipal Lisa Hankinson. Approximately 75 peo-
ple attended the event, which was sponsored
by the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS).
NJHS advisers Holly Shader and Julie Faccio-
lla reported that the tournament raised more
than $550 that will go towards various NJHS
expenses, field trip scholarships, and other
school-wide events. “Ms. Facciolla and I are
committed to holding as many events like this
as possible because it does so much to make
the school an inviting place for the community
and gives our students opportunity to interact
with the staff in a fun, relaxed atmosphere,”
Ms. Shader said. Ms. Hankinson agreed, add-
ing, “A great time was had by all!” 29

30 PINE BUSH QUARTERLY // SPRING 2016 Photos provided by Shannon Meland

very summer baseball players from Wednesday night against the RBI Hawks from
around the country flock to Cooperstown Massachusetts winning 13-0 and made it to
Dreams Park to “Live the Dream”. Each the Sweet 16.
week 104 teams compete to win. The 2016
Pine Bush Bombers brought 11 boys to do just They played Thursday morning against the
that, win. Dirt Devils from North Carolina winning 9-5,
and then played at noon against Team Express
So what did the week look like for the Pine from California and won 14-2. They played
Bush Bombers? Friday evening, the boys and again at 3:00 p.m. vs. New Jersey Prime and
coaches checked into their dorms. The team won again with a score of 14-8. When the
stays at the park for the week without their boys won the semi-finals, they started to
parents in order to focus and really enjoy in the receive that “star” treatment which every
experience. That night the pin trading begins. child dreams of. They were given rides back to
Each team has a team pin with their logo, their dorms, and were picked up and escorted
and the pin trading has become a big deal for back to the championship game. There were
players, umps, coaches, and fans. Throughout so many people watching and rooting for the
the week, before and after games, pins are Bombers not just because they thought they
traded. were a great team, but they liked the attitude
and sportsmanship of the boys.
On Saturday, the opening ceremonies are
held and team competitions begin. Sunday Pine Bush made it to the championship game
through Tuesday is pool play and Pine Bush and played at “Little Majors” Field at night
went 6-0 and were #7 seed out of 104 teams. after the fireworks against the Virginia Vipers
They began the single elimination games and won 8-1. 31

Dionysis Anagnostou is classically trained chef from the Culinary Institute of American. As a child he spent his
summers in Greece with his siblings and grandmother, from whom he learned some of his favorite recipes.
He currently works for the Bonura Hospitality Group as the Sous Chef at the West Hills Country Club
in Middletown, NewYork.


Photos by Melissa Harjes

Circleville Elementary

34 PINE BUSH QUARTERLY // WINTER 2016 Photos By John Kidd


The Pine Bush Summer Enrichment
Academy Programs will begin taking

applications February 1st.
This year’s academy classes start

July 3rd and run
through Friday, July 21.
Applications can be downloaded
from the District website:
For more information, contact

Tracy Buckridge at
(845) 744-2031 ext 3609
Please note that these Academies are
funded through grants, donations,
and student tuition fees.


Photos By John Kidd


Members of the Pine Bush High School Red Cross Club recently met with
the District Leadership Team (DLT) to talk about activities for the “No More”
campaign to promote awareness and information to end domestic abuse
and teen dating violence. The students acted out typical scenarios that
a teenager might encounter and gave ways to handle each situation. The
District Leadership Team members were impressed with the students and
encouraged everyone to take part in their activities.

In an effort to promote awareness, health classes took part by discussing this
important topic and the PBHS STARSAcademy students decorated sidewalks
and windows. Guest speaker, Aimee Kidd, was invited into the school to talk
about domestic violence and explained to students that domestic abuse
doesn’t always have to be physical. It is the willful intimidation, physical
assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a
systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner
against another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, psychological
violence, and emotional abuse. The frequency and severity of domestic
violence can vary dramatically; however, the one constant component of
domestic violence is one partner’s consistent efforts to maintain power and
control over the other.

The Red Cross Club also hosted events during the half-time home basketball
game where orange ribbons were handed out made by Pine Bush students.
There was also an orange themed concession stand and a selfie booth where
students were able to take pictures to further the message #pbnomore. All
winter athletes participated in spreading awareness of the campaign, and they

Photos by Jose Lemus

In late February, the Circleville Middle School (CVMS) Drama noted that doing the show “was really fun,” a sentiment shared by
Club presented three performances of Seussical, Jr. in the school’s his fellow cast mates. “If you practiced, it wasn’t that hard,” said
auditorium. More than 70 student cast and crew members had Oliver of learning his many lines and song lyrics.
been rehearsing for the production since November, under the di-
rection of English teacher Jim Quinlan. Seussical, Jr. is a musical by Performing in her second musical, Sydney Noteboom, who played
Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty, based on the books of Theodor Mayzie, confessed that she was “very nervous before the show,
Seuss Geisel, popularly known as Dr. Seuss. The show incorporates but once you get in front of the audience and see how happy they
elements and characters from at least 15 of Dr. Seuss’s popular are, the nerves get better.” In speaking of the long rehearsal time,
children’s books, including “The Cat in the Hat,” “Horton Hears a seventh grade student Alanah Bedford, who played Mrs. Mayor,
Who,” and “Miss Gertrude McFuzz.” According to Mr. Quinlan, observed, “It was a lot of hard work, but it paid off in the end.”
a show as large and complex as this one required a great deal of Mr. Quinlan was happy to report that all three shows sold out
support. The production team for Seussical, Jr. included choreog- and the audience seemed to really enjoy what was happening on
rapher Lisa Frey; cast manager Linda Noto; set design/construc- stage. “There were standing ovations before the first bow at the end
tion coordinator Ray Ramos (with help from his wife Maggie and of each performance,” he said, adding that all of the funds raised
son Adam); set construction specialists Nathan Fowler, Lou Masci, through ticket sales will go to the CVMS Drama Club to up-
and Dave Kellish; costume designers Lauren Masci and Kerri Nu- grade stage and sound equipment and support future productions.
gent; scenic designer Heidi Meier-DiPonio; and a large contingent CVMS Principal Lisa Hankinson said she was proud of everyone
of parent helpers. Because of the complexities involved in working who was involved in the musical extravaganza. “The cast and crew
with such a large cast, Mr. Quinlan rehearsed five separate play- of Seussical, Jr. epitomize what Dr. Seuss set the stage for – that
er groups: the Whos, Jungle Citizens, Bird Girls, Wickershams/ the powers of friendship, faith, love, community, and peace always
Monkeys, the Cat and JoJo. “Using this system of rehearsal, most triumph,” she said. “Our students (past and present), staff, family,
of the cast didn’t even realize how much progress they were making and community members who are quite simply, like Mayzie in the
as a whole until a couple of weeks ago,” said Mr. Quinlan. Eighth show, ‘aMayzing!’”
grade student Oliver Terranova, who played Horton the Elephant,


Bird girls (l.-r.) Leanne Favors, Hannah Vendy, Taylor Pitman, and Hannah Goudreau, Amayzing Mayzie, Sydney Noteboom Thing 1 and Thing 2, Eli-
yah Constant and Jordan Vasquez, Whoville citizens Bryanna Pace, Joseph Ebbecke, and Yasmin Aguilar The Cat in the Hat, played by Jack GallowayAs
Horton the Elephant, Oliver Terranovadance

Photos by Robert Curtis, Ulster BOCES Community Relations

42 PINE BUSH QUARTERLY // WINTER 2016 Photos by John Kidd

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The Pine Bush High School Enrichment
Get pre-qualified and start looking today by visiting, Academy programs are hosting MY SCHOOL COLOR RUN on Sunday, May
21 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. All students,
or contact one of our Mortgage Loan Consultants! community members and anyone
interested is invited to participate and
$750 OFF YOUR all proceeds will go toward funding
CLOSING COSTS!* the Enrichment Academies as well as
the Academy of Finance. This event is
YEARS YEARS Your Bank. designed as a fun, non-competitive 5k
18 7 2- 2 017 18 7 2- 2 017 Our Community. during which runners (and walkers) will
be doused in colored powder at stations
845.457.7700 NMLS#: 490957 throughout the race. Following the race, participants will enjoy a party, DJ, dancing,
as well as, food and vendors. Many past
*$750 credit applied at the closing of your loan. Valid for applications received between 2/1/17 and 12/31/17. Valid on adjustable and fixed-rate first lien closed end mortgage loans. participants look forward to the group
Borrower must pay normal and customary application fees. Borrower must identify this offer when submitting mortgage application. Cannot be combined with any other offer. celebration finale when packets of colored
powders are released into the air creating
vibrant clouds of dust.

For more information contact Tracy
Buckridge or Shari Haas at 744-2031 Ext.
3609. Online registration is available at:


Proudly Distributed by
Dana Distributors
Goshen, NY

Photos By Jose Lemus

cially when you’re passionate about what you’re
speaking about. During my stay in DC, I had
to work with a group of students who had the
same passion about a particular topic we had.
Our topic was Race to Extinction, Saving Our
Planet. We made PowerPoint presentations
about our topic and came up with an eight min-
ute long presentation that we presented to a
crowd of forty people. The next thing I knew, we
made it to the semi final round, where we had to
present in front of six hundred people!

By Jenna Maggiolo This year’s panel of speakers was amazing!
I listened to General Colin Powell, Spike
The Presidential Inauguration Leadership Lee, Malala Yousafzai, and her father Ziaud-
Summit is a program aimed towards next gen- din Yousafzai, Abby Wambach, and two for-
eration leaders. It’s a program where you can mer presidential candidates, Governor Mar-
increase your leadership skills, work with other tin O’Malley and Carly Fiorina. Governor
students for solutions that people face, and lead O’Malley and Ms. Fiorina both shared stories
you on your path to becoming a future leader. from their campaign trail and insights on what
This summit only happens once every four years it was like to run for the highest office. We also
and I was lucky enough to be a part of this his- heard from Ann Compton, along with Tucker
toric event with my Envisions Youth Leadership Carlson and Paul Begala. All of these speakers
Club. have taught us valuable lessons. To follow your
dreams and always face problems you have, don’t
I became a member of this leadership program be politically quiet just because you’re a woman,
in middle school when my guidance counselor, and always fight for what you believe in.
Ms. Sue Moore, nominated me to become a
member in this elite group. I have attended two My favorite speaker was Malala Yousafzai and
other leadership summits before this one. I have her father Ziauddin Yousafzai. When Malala
attended one in Washington DC and one in was 15, she was named one of “The 100 Most
Boston. This leadership summit was my third, Influential People in the World” in Time maga-
and held back in Washington DC. zine. She has been awarded with a long list of
awards including Pakistan’s first National Youth
A group of 5,000 students from all around the Peace Prize, the Sakharov Prize for Freedom
world attended this summit. Getting placed of Thought and Conscience, the International
into smaller delegation groups of 25, I had Children’s Peace Prize, and the 2012 Tipperary
the opportunity to connect with students from International Peace Award. She has been hon-
around the country and even around the world. ored with Amnesty International’s Ambassador
Some of the friends I made on this trip were of Conscience award and Glamour’s Woman of
from Alaska, Arizona, Utah, Missouri, New Jer- the Year Award in 2013. Malala was my favorite
sey and even across the world from Finland and speaker because despite being threatened and
New Zealand. shot in the face by the Taliban for wanting an
education, she ignored the threats that she re-
As a Summit Delegate, I attended the historic ceived, did what she believed in and continued
58th Presidential Inauguration on the National her education. This was important to her. To this
Mall. I was inspired by world-renowned speak- day Malala is still being educated and is now
ers, participated in events that help to become a educating millions of people around the world.
future leader, and connected with like-minded, She even wrote an international bestseller book
intelligent students from all around the world. titled, “I Am Malala.”
Some people might think public speaking is
scary, but I find it thrilling and exciting, espe- I would like to thank my family and friends for
their support and encouragement. I would es-
pecially like to thank Ms. Moore, my amazing
middle school guidance counselor for nominat-
ing me and seeing in me my leadership abilities
and for supporting me. I learned more encour-
aging ways to become a future generation lead-
er. As a personal goal of mine, I would like to
continue my education and become an inspiring
speaker who can touch the lives of thousands of
children, just like the speakers who spoke at this
amazing summit.



Photos by John Kidd


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