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LandRoving Edition 127 - December 2018

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Published by Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa, 2019-01-24 22:51:33

LandRoving 127

LandRoving Edition 127 - December 2018

Keywords: Land Rover,4x4


Crossing The



The official magazine of the Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa

PAGE 16 Shelley the Shed In


Two Ladies Overlanding 36 Namibia Tough Trails - Part 2
48 Ode to the Trusty Land Rover
54 Owl Rescue Landy Adventures



Crossing the 8 16Namibia - Two
Okavango Delta
Ladies in their 50s

28Shelley the Shed Namibia - Tough 36
Trails - Part 2
in Africa - Part 1

48Ode to the Trusty 54Owl Rescue -

Land Rover Landy Adventures

Regulars To Advertise

5 From the Editor Please contact the Club Administrator.
6 From the Chairman’s Desk Special deals are available for first time
24 Techtorque - Battery Maintenance advertisers
42 Trail Review - Hennop’s Off-Road
47 Boskos - Yoghurt Marinated Lamb Distribution
53 Kiddies Corner
58 Bush Notes - Scorpions Posted to LROC members, supplied free
of charge to advertising Land Rover deal-
Visit our website for more information on becoming a erships, Parts & Accessory suppliers and
member or for the latest news and events Workshops.

The opinions expressed in LANDROVING do not necessarily reflect those of the Land Rover
Owners Club of Southern Africa, it’s Committee or members. No responsibility is accepted for any damages or injuries which

may arise therefrom or from Advertisers adverts.


Executive Committee

Chairman Vice Chairman
071 343 2958 082 655 4717

Secretary Treasurer
082 339 9126 083 376 6815

PRO Quartermaster
072 749 1287 084 500 8984

Trophy Secretary Membership Secretary
082 928 0470 078 457 6015

Clerk of Events Driver Trainer
082 855 6248 082 448 4298

Radio Officer Editor
072 665 4198 078 126 2997

LROC Chapter in your Area

Border Chapter Port Elizabeth Chapter
Athol Cocks - Paul Foster -

Lowveld Chapter
Lorraine Dicker -


From the Editor


I have a very close and dear that come with the typical South Coast
friend who constantly travels holidays and “jolly campers” in large
alone. As a younger man he
used to go on solo-hikes in the resorts. Although I have never done
mountains around Venda, living a solo trip, this is something my hus-
off what nature provides him band quite enjoys whenever he gets the
for shelter. Now at the age of opportunity. One travels more useful
71 he still travels alone. He when alone because I suppose one
enjoys the solitude to observe reflects more on matters that is import-
other campers, nature lovers ant. It leads to some self-discovery and
and bird watchers. understanding of many things in life.

I often thought of his solitude trips Of course, there may be things holding
with empathy, but the more I get to you back: Fear of the unknown, or may-
understand this, the more I think this is be you have a spouse, relative, or friend
something each of us should do at one who may be upset by your decision to
stage or another. It does not need to be take off by yourself, you will have to
a long trip, far away from home. Just a convince them of the value of traveling
day trip to the countryside could still do alone and allay any fears they might
wonders for one’s body, mind and soul. have, but with the technology at our
fingertips, you can include them in the
Traveling solo can be very liberating. adventure.
You don’t need to worry about other
persons or groups. The destination is You have to answer your own inner
your choice and yours alone. There are wanderer, to pick up your courage and
no arguments; no guessing what others let your heart lead the way to a new
need and no worries about you will get adventure. Be it near or far—you can go
along with whom. it alone!

We as a family are quite a bit agora-
phobic, we do not like crowds, never
enjoyed the typical tourist destinations


From the Chairman’s Desk


Another year has (almost) on us and helps to create each per-
come to an end. Every year son’s unique road-map of their journey
we celebrate the end and the through life.
start of a new year. The days
between the beginning of De- I’ve come to realise that “It’s all about
cember and the beginning of quality of life and finding a happy
January can be the most stress- balance between work and friends and
ful yet the most fulfilling. family.”

We connect with family and friends who If there is one lesson I am taking away
we may or may not often see. We drink, from my first year as LROC Chairman,
we laugh, we hug, we smile, we rejoice it’s to remember this quote, because
in knowing that another year of joyful family, friends, work and the LROC are
and sad moments has come and passed. going to be the foundation that I will
We reminisce on the good things and build upon in the years to come. Going
the bad and make resolutions on how to forward, I’m going to give them more
repeat our successes while steering clear equal weight in my life.
of our failures.
As this is the last magazine for the year,
I think that each year we progress, we I would like to take this opportunity on
may move forward or take a step back, behalf of the Committee and myself and
but each year creates an impression extend season’s greetings and best wish-
es for the New Year to all our readers.

Whatever your hopes and dreams, I
wish you a fulfilled year ahead, with
success in your business, but most im-
portantly in your life outside work. May
it be loving and filled with light and an
awesome Land Rover experience.





Rod Petersen

A visit to the Okavango Del- Steadman – and one of the best I made!
ta has been one of my wish
list items for the longest time. I left Johannesburg one day earlier and
After years of trying to find overnighted at The Big Fig Tree Inn,
friends and family to accompa- which is about three kilometres from the
ny me and not being successful, Botswana border. Breaking the trip like
I decided to do it on my own. I this was a good decision – it made for a
did my research and had a pre- more relaxed start to the trip.
cise itinerary, had pre-booked
camp sites and set my dates. Big Fig Tree Inn is shady, has grassed
sites, a shop for necessities and a restau-
Then I came across Ultimate Adven- rant on the premises. Booking was easy
tures, who have an Okavango Delta trip and I had a pleasant stay-over. My plan
on their annual calendar. It was an easy was to do the same on the return trip,
decision to go with Simon and Desiree but sometimes decisions are made on
the fly!
Day 1

I drove to Francistown and met the rest

of the group at Woodlands Stopover just roadworks were underway between
outside the city – Simon and Desiree, Francistown and Nata. This road should
Michael and Aaltjie, and Gerhard and be in a much better condition soon. We
Wendy. We spent a pleasant evening refuelled in Nata and arrived continued
getting to know each other. Woodlands on the A3. The road is in a fairly good
Stopover, too, is a lovely campsite with condition, except for a stretch of about
grassed stands, lots of shade and com- 20 kms which has potholes the size of
fortable, clean ablutions. Other facilities bath tubs!
include a swimming pool and a small
shop that sells ice, wood and a few other We arrived at Gweta Lodge in the early
necessities. They also have free wi-fi afternoon. I had planned to do the
for those who might need it. Meerkat Experience, coupled with a
visit to the Makgadigadi Pans offered
Day 2 by the lodge, but my hopes were dashed
when I was told that there would be no
We left for our next stop-over at Gweta trip that day. Things took a turn for the
Lodge. We took the A3 to Nata and better when the lodge owner invited
then on towards Maun. Sorely needed me to join him and a few friends (UK
medical students who had just finished


their practicals) on their private trip. It
was quite a drive for about an hour (I
think), through the bush until we reached
the edge of the pan. We visited a colony
of meerkats and then headed out onto the
pan. We walked about 1.5km out onto
the pan and appreciated its vastness. The
sheer size is overwhelming. I had the
privilege of experiencing the pans in day-
light, watched the sunset over the pans
and then walked back to the vehicle in
darkness. If this was the start to my Delta
trip, I could not wait for the rest!

Day 3

We left Gweta in the morning and made
our way to Maun, the last town before
heading off into the Delta. We refuelled
and stocked up on ice, biltong, etc. Maun
is a bustling town with a good variety of
shops with just about anything one could
need for a trip into the wilderness. Over-
land vehicles are everywhere and there
is a “frontier town” atmosphere about.
There is a multitude of camps in and just
outside the town and every one seems
busy. The local people are friendly and I
was left with an overall pleasant feeling.

We then hit the road into the Delta – our
destination being the Kwai Community
Trust campsites. The transit road from
Maun to Moremi is gravel, but a fairly
easy drive. The necessary care needs
to be exercised as with any other gravel
road. We arrived with more than enough
daylight and proceeded to set up camp.

Was she welcoming us or did she just
happen to pass by? Either way, it was
a most exciting start to our four days


at Khwai when an elephant passed by after a bush shower, we gathered around
on the edge of our campsite. Without the fire to answer Desiree’s favourite
wasting any time, we set out on our first question “What was your highlight of
game drive in the Delta. Elephants and the day?” It was interesting how each
hippos abound and they can be seen person usually had a different highlight
everywhere. The elephants, in the area each day, although we had all been
we found ourselves in, seemed at ease exposed to the same experience. While
and are obviously used to having hu- the rest of us chatted around the fire, Si-
mans around. Over the four days there mon and Desiree would surreptitiously
was the occasional shaking of the head be preparing dinner, including dessert,
and just a mild warning not to come I might add! Every evening meal was
too close. Then there was one incident an experience and we were left well
I witnessed where an elephant stood satiated.
calmly just a few metres from the track
with several vehicles stopping to take Day 3 ended with everyone going to bed
pictures of her and then continuing. She at a respectable hour. Everyone, that
seemed quite happy to pose for pictures is, except Desiree and me. We contin-
for quite a long time without seeming at ued chatting around the camp fire until
all agitated. 2.30am. Yes, 2.30. And that is why
we missed the morning game drive the
We ended the game drive with sun- following morning. And that is why
downers along the Khwai River. This we were the only two in our group who
became a daily ritual: relaxing with did not see the lions. Not on that game
drink in-hand, hippos in the background, drive and not at all during our stay in the
African Jacanas quite a common sight Delta.
(I am not very knowledgeable on birds,
but African Jacanas are apparently quite Day 4
a rare sighting, although they were plen-
tiful in the area where we were). We did our customary two game drives
and had a wonderful leopard sighting in
Back to camp just after sunset where,


the afternoon. Seeing the Delta from the water, savour-
The water level in the Delta was quite ing the silence and having a different
low and the water crossing we did was perspective of the world’s largest inland
not difficult, but fun. delta, was a special experience. An
African Fish Eagle took on the role of
Day 5 guide and accompanied us all along
the channel. The polers are extremely
We did a Mokoro trip on this day. skilled in their craft and we learned


about some of the uses of the swamp as Conversation stopped very abruptly. All
experienced by the local people: our attention was focussed on the ani-
mal. Senses were heightened. Torches
- That the roots of one of the plants in were directed at the animal to ensure we
the swamps makes for a nutritious meal; could see exactly what was going on.
The hyena left after a while, only to
- That the fluid in the pods of one of the reappear a minute or so later….with
plants is used as eye drops! a second one! And within less than
another minute, a third! Now we had
Day 6 three hyenas sniffing around our camp.
Suddenly one appeared even closer
Our last day in the Delta. A trip into and then a second, no more than three
Moremi was a unanimous decision by metres from where we were sitting. And
all in the group and that is where we then they left.
headed on Day 6. Incidentally, we were What an absolutely thrilling experience.
totally oblivious to the day of the week What a way to end the last day of our
and counted the days by Day 1, Day 2, stay in the Okavango Delta. I could not
etc. have wished for more!

We headed further north on the transit |LANDROVING 13
road and entered Moremi by the North
Gate entrance. The drive through parts
of Moremi was interesting. Skirting
the Khwai floodplains, I could visualise
how it must be when the Delta is filled
up. Despite the fact that we did not
see many animals, it was a rewarding

The pattern continued that evening:
sundowners along the river, back to
camp where Simon and Desiree cooked
dinner while the rest of us sat around
the camp fire, dinner later and everyone
heading off to bed at about 9.00pm.
Yes, you guessed it, everyone except
Desiree and me. We did not extend the
night to 2.30am this time. We were
much more civilised (midnight!). It was
enormously rewarding, though, because
at approximately 11.00pm we noticed
a movement – a spotted hyena. About
six metres away from where we were

Day 7 Day 9

We left the Delta and headed back An early morning departure after break-
towards Maun. A final thrill was a flight fast in near freezing temperatures, saw
over the Delta. Now I had seen the Del- us head back to the border. My plans of
ta from the ground, form the water and one more stop-over close to the border
from the air! We camped at Okavango flew out of the window and I headed
River Lodge, where we had a proper straight back home to surprise my fami-
shower for the first time in five days! ly one day earlier than expected.

Day 8 The planning of the trip, the way it was
organised and the variety of experiences
We headed back on the A3 and returned provided by Simon and Desiree, con-
to Woodlands Stopover for the last night firmed that my choice of tour operator
of our trip. was the correct one. I am already
planning my next trip with Ultimate






Celeste McKenzie


In April we took on an epic tiful vistas and hardly any traffic. We
journey from Pretoria to Na- turned away at the junction on our way
mibia and back going through to the Roadhouse Canyon and the road
Upington on route to the turned ugly. We bounced around in the
Fishriver Canyon, Luderitz, little Defender 90 and we had to choose
Kolmanskop, Sossusvlei, Swa- our line through the sand and stones. It
kopmund, Henties, Cape Cross, was badly corrugated due to the busses
Uis, Brandberg, Etosha, Wind- travelling at high speed on these roads.
hoek, Quiver Tree forest and The Roadhouse Canyon is an oasis in
out back to South Africa via the the middle of nowhere and everybody
Kalahari – Van Zylsrus Hotel. stops here for the interesting old cars
We did all of this in 18 days. and memorabilia in the shop. It is worth
your while to stop here on your way
We left Upington on the 9th of April and to the Fishriver Canyon. After our
the previous night there was a massive stopover we bounced on again to Hobas
thunderstorm across the Kalahari and all where we stayed the night. We visited
along the road were massive puddles of the Fishriver Canyon lookout point and
water. Entering Namibia, it was evident it is spectacular.
with all the wild flowers next to the road
that they had much rain the previous We braai at the camping site and we
few weeks. were harassed by a big owl, that figured
out there is fresh and free meat when
Leaving Karasburg we drove through people braai. The owl was intimidating
Grünau on the B3 and what a beautiful and not scared of humans. It was hot
dirt road. Wide open roads with beau- that evening and on the horizon a mas-
sive thunderstorm again.

The next morning we filled up at The
Roadhouse Canyon and we turned


towards Aus. Along the road we had to wanted some extra peace of mind and
negotiate our way through big pools of we rented a satellite phone. We arrived
water and mud. Some tourist in smaller around 15:00 at Little Sossus Lodge our
cars had to walk around the pools of accommodation for the next 2 days. It is
water to find a shallower path through. a beautiful place to stay and that evening
It was a very long day on the road. We we had a well-deserved Gin and Tonic
filled up at Aus and saw quite a few next to the swimming pool. For dinner
of the famous desert horses and some they served a 3 course meal whole there
Oryx on our way to Luderitz. (image was a thunderstorm on the horizon.
the abandoned house in the desert from
Aus) The next morning we had to be at Le
Mirage Resort & Spa at 6:00 to hop onto
The next morning we left for Kolman- our transport for the hot air balloon ride.
skop and what a beautiful wind still day. It was spectacular seeing two hot air
We joined the English tour group and balloons being prepped for the morning
made our way through the buildings. flight. Each balloon can take 16 people
Always a lot of people and at 11:00 and we hopped in with some locals from
the wind started to come up. We were Upington we met in Luderitz. Within a
very lucky to have no wind at all and it few seconds we were 500m in the air,
presented some beautiful photo opportu- you do not notice when you lift off and
nities. We retreated for lunch to the local there is no wind. Swiftly we were at
tea room and ordered the coldest beer 1000m. It was spectacular! We were
they had available. We went back to drifting over the dunes and the first time
Luderitz and drove around Shark Island ever I saw the famous fairy circles form
and Diaz and visited the harbour for the air. There is still a heated debate
some well-deserved sea food. The next among researches on the origin of these.
morning we woke up to heavy mist, you We were in the air for more than an hour
could see 5 meters in front of you. We and slowly descended to be treated to a
drove back past Kolmanskop and you champagne breakfast in the desert. They
could barely see the entrance. even cut open the champagne bottles
with a sword.
We were now on our way to Sesreim,
Sossusvlei and again beautiful dirt It was worth every penny and a must on
roads. We used a GPS map we bought every bucket list! We drove into the park
from Tracks 4 Africa and it was 90% and it was around 12:00 when we started
accurate in estimating arrival times. We our trek across the hot sand to Deadvlei.
stopped a few times when the GPS said Because it was so hot, when I arrive at
hours to our destination and we double Deadvlei, most of the tourists have left
checked on a good old paper map and and I had a ball of a time photographing
used that when we were not sure. We without any people in my shot. I spent
were lucky throughout the trip the GPS some time walking around and taking
were accurate and for peace of mind we photos and just drinking in this beautiful
site. There was no sound and no wind,
LaAlNsDoROhVIaNGd|a18satellite phone with us. We

just the immense heat and hot reflection hit the salt roads en route to Swakop-
from the sand on my face. mund. We woke up the next morning
to a thunderstorm and decide to see if
I eventually made my way back to the it was raining at Dune 7 as we want to
parking lot and we explored Dune 45 go quad biking. The weather was still
and the canyon at the entrance. That threatening, but we decided to take a
night at the lodge I had my first Oryx chance as it stopped raining. We took
fillet, wow what a treat, I am glad I the 45 minute ride and 20 minute into
experienced that in Namibia. On our the ride the weather rolled in again
way to Swakopmund we stopped at the and we drove in thunder and lightning
famous Solitaire for some apple pie, through the dunes. Not many people can
must admit, we were not impressed with say they experienced that! We stayed in
the pie. We were on the road quickly Swakopmund for 3 nights and went up
and stopped at the famous moon land- to Henties Bay for some shipwrecks and
scape along the road. Soon after that we


on to Cape Cross to visit the seal colony. some Himba woman selling their craft.
The smell was unbearable and you walk The road to Brandberg, White Lady
among them and there was even a dead was very corrugated with many tourist
seal on the walkway. There are 275 000 buses. We arrived at Brandberg and it
seals in the area. is a little piece of heaven in the middle
of nowhere. We were told not to walk
We spend some time enjoying all the fa- around after sunset, because of some
mous restaurants such as The Brauhaus lions roaming in the area. We arrived
and the Pier restaurants. Must admit the early and decided to drive down to the
one thing that got me in Swakopmund famous White Lady caves to explore.
was the car guards…we thought we left We were met by a few locals and our
it behind in South Africa and the asking guide reeked of alcohol and we decided
for money from the locals. It is like you against taking a 5km hike with an intox-
never left home. icated guide. We returned and enjoyed
some cold drinks next to the swimming
We turned after Henties on our way pool and waiting for dinner to be served.
to Uis, Brandberg White Lady. It is a The whole camp runs on solar energy
spectacular road, open and wide, not too and in the evening it is pitch-dark and
bumpy, with some locals in traditional you can enjoy the Milky Way without
Herero clothing selling crystals next to any lights spoiling the night sky.
the road. At Uis we met some Herero
woman and on the turn to Brandberg


The next morning we were on our way spend 2 nights eating at the Stellenbosch
to Etosha. We stopped on the way at Wine Bar and Bistro, some craft markets
Outjo to buy meat and wood, as Eto- and few days later off to Keetmanshoop,
sha is a bit expensive. There was a lot the Quiver tree forest. Windhoek again
of rain in Etosha and some roads were did not impress me, but a good B&B
badly damaged by heavy vehicles and were we relaxed and enjoyed some sun
busses. To my big disappointment there next to the swimming pool.
were no elephants in Etosha, all of them
moved up north or into the Kavango. We The Quiver tree Forest, 13km outside
saw quite a few Rhinos, and big herds Keetmanshoop is a buzz of activities
of Springbok’s and smaller herds of with tourists pulling in and out for a
Zebra and Blue wildebeest. Two days in quick stop. There is a 3 legged pug, a
the park with some spectacular scenery. warthog, dogs and small porcupine to
We left for Windhoek, the worst road to entertain you. We watch while they fed
travel on, they were working on the road 2 cheetahs and a lone crow trying to
and you literally took your life into your take stuff out of your pockets when you
own hands. On the road people have a are not watching. After dinner you go
blatant disregard for blind heights, over- into the Quiver Tree forest to do some
taking when they not supposed too etc. long exposure photography. Some of
I was a nervous wreck when we arrived these trees are between 200-3oo years
in Windhoek late in the afternoon. We old. A beautiful evening under the stars.


The next morning you get treated to a burg with no incidents and we were on
breakfast outside in the courtyard and our way to Delareyville, making plans
we left soon after that for the border. for an early arrival in Pretoria. 50 km
Driving through Rietfontein we saw before Delareyville we started receiv-
Hakskeenpan in full flood, both sides ing messages of protesters blockading
of the road. So much rain has fallen in roads and throwing cars with rocks. We
April in the Kalahari and Namibia, more phoned the police station in Delareyville
than normal their yearly rainfall. We and they advised us to drive to the Silos
visited some old friends, the Khomani 5km before the town and they will guide
San Bushmen, I did a 2 year documen- us through. There were cars coming
tary on them. A quick stop at Molopo from the front, flashing their lights and
lodge and off to Van Zylsrus Hotel. showing us to turn around, we followed
What a bad dirt road, I drove it before a car in front of us and we took a right
and it was just as bad. We arrived rut onto a farm road. We stopped a
around 16:00 at the Van Zylsrus hotel, farmer and he told us to drive to Migdol
after rescuing a tortoise in the middle of and then to Womaranstad. What a day,
the road. At the hotel we had the cold- the traffic was terrible and we eventu-
est, longest G&T to get rid of the dust. ally arrived back in Pretoria at 18:00.
A brilliant overnight stay, with good We had no flat tyres or any mechanical
company and good food. That night problems.
there were news flashes of protesters
blocking the roads in Vryburg. So we What a trip, as we looked at the odome-
left early and tried to miss as many pot- ter 7000km!
holes as we can on our way to Kuruman.
It was a slow trek across the potholes
and we eventually arrive in Kuruman
by 09:00am. We went through Vry-



TECHTORQUE AUX BATTERY MAINTENANCE So you’ve just complet- acid) deep-cycle battery as an
ed your latest overland- example, the graph highlights
BRENDON ing trip and packed away a few important facts about
your gear feeling very dual-battery ownership.
|LOWE satisfied that everything
worked as it should have, This graph shows how much us-
LANDROVING 24 now to start the plan- able energy can be drawn from
ning for the next Landy a 105 Ah deep-cycle battery.
adventure... but wait,
there’s a good chance The highlighted area depicts the
your auxiliary battery safe operating zone and equates
needs some additional to a 70 % depth of discharge.
In other words: You don’t get
Here’s what you need 105 Ah from a 105 Ah battery!
to do…
In general, you can draw be-
A lot can be said about bat- tween 70 and 75 Ah of usable
tery life and how it relates to energy from the above-men-
recharge rates. But to keep tioned 105Ah battery before
things simple, the basics are entering the deep discharge area
that a deeply discharged battery – this is where battery damage
must be given enough time to is accelerated and the life of the
recuperate. battery is shortened.

There’s a general misconception So what’s the moral of the
that a deep cycle battery can story? Leaving your auxiliary
be rapidly recharged in a short battery in a discharged state
space of time, but this is not so will accelerate degradation and
for most batteries. Unfortunate- cause permanent damage.
ly, in most cases, taking good
care of your new battery is just So how do we fix this?
never properly conveyed to you
at the time of purchase and in There are so many variables at
the long term you are going to play when it comes to a du-
pay the price! al-battery system, but generally
the following holds true: Most
Using a popular 105 Ah (lead dual-battery users are unaware
that their auxiliary battery is
partially discharged, and be-
cause of this, the performance
and lifespan of their battery
is compromised, resulting in
frequent battery replacement

15 Voltage Discharge Curve


– or the inability to keep your camping However, when you return from your
fridge running through the night. trip, thankfully, the solution is simple.
Remove your battery from the vehicle
Of course, the simple solution to this and use your 220V Intelligent Mainte-
problem is to drive more, but for most nance Charger to restore full capacity
holidaymakers, driving four to eight and ensure that the battery is kept at
hours to recharge a battery is simply not optimum health, ready for the next
practical. Plus, there’s a good chance adventure.
your auxiliary battery won’t recharge
fully, especially if it was deeply dis- Most manufacturers also recommend
charged the night before. that if you are using a solenoid type
split-charging system in your vehicle,
It’s an exponential problem: Each day they highly recommended that you
the battery is not fully recharged, there’s remove the auxiliary battery from the
an increased risk of taking it into a deep- vehicle when not in use as a deep cycle
ly discharged state, which is difficult to battery never reaches it’s full state of
recover from. For this you need a good charge when being charged from a stan-
mobile solution such as solar panels, a dard alternator.
DC/DC charger or, if you have mains
supply, a 220V charger to boost the There are several good quality Intelli-
charging rate.
gent Maintenance Chargers onLAtNhDeROmVINaGr|-25

ket which will ensure that your battery step recharge program which includes
gets what it needs in terms of time and a diagnosis of the battery’s health
energy to reach a fully recharged state. followed by an automated sequence of
But remember that in the past few years recharge rates to recover, restore and
the market is being swamped with so- enhance battery life. Best of all, the
called ‘Intelligent Chargers’, but make charger is self-regulated, so it can be
sure you select one of the better known connected to your battery for an indef-
brands out there. Generally one finds inite period of time without the risk of
3-step, 5-step and 8 step chargers, but damaging the battery or over-charging
beware, they don’t all perform the same. it.

The high quality chargers have an eight-


The charger starts charging the target battery when the supply voltage exceeds 13.1 V for 5 sec (engine on).
The charger stops charging the target battery when the supply voltage drops below 12.8 V for 10 sec (engine off).


11 2 3 4 5

Detects sulfated batteries. Pulsing current and voltage, removes Maintaining the battery voltage at maximum level by providing
sulfate from the lead plates of the battery restoring battery a constant voltage charge.
capacity. STEP 5 PULSE
STEP 2 BULK Maintaining the battery at 95–100 % capacity. The charger
Charging with maximum current until approximately 80 % bat- monitors the battery voltage and gives a pulse when necessary
tery capacity. to keep the battery fully charged.
Charging with declining current to maximize up to 100 % bat- Lj&/LjtLj
tery capacity.

Source: CTEK D250S Owners Manual






PART 1 Shelley The Shed In

Pete Ablitt AFRICA
Stopping for flamingo photos
on the drive out to Pelican
Point in Walvis Bay we both
suddenly had a bit of a mo-
ment… Is our Shelley “The
Shed”, who used to roam up
and down the Yorkshire Dales,
really now in Africa?! The trip
we’ve dreamed of for so long
is actually now happening!
Wow! We had made it and the
dream born in 1992 had come
to fruition.

Driving out of the warehouse in Walvis
Bay had been a nervous and exciting
moment. We had the barest of insur-
ance (Third Party comes with the fuel
levy in Namibia), were in Africa on the
verge to start one of the biggest adven-
tures we have dreamed of: Travelling
to Sudan from UK
Bouncing around in the back of a sin-
gle cab bakkie on a trip with 7 friends
through Zimbabwe and South Africa
back in 1992, produced the first dis-
cussions of an overland trip back to the
UK. Twenty odd years and many trips
later, mainly in a VW Kombi called
Katie with bicycles on the back and
hang gliders on the roof, had taken me

to most of South Africa and the neigh- ever, our ideas on the perfect vehicle
bouring countries. However, the trip differed somewhat. Pete’s romantic
through Africa kept bubbling away and view of African travel saw him behind
rearing its head from time to time. the wheel of a Land Rover Defender.
The arrival of a wife didn’t dampen the Caroline did her own research and came
ardour either, much to my glee and relief back with the conclusion that Defenders
Caroline was also enthusiastic. How- were noisy, uncomfortable and leaked.
‘I’m not going in a Deafener!’ she said.


A knowledgeable mate of mine suggest- non-negotiable £4,000 but with a full
ed a Discovery as a good compromise service history and no rust we felt it
– it was the same chassis and engine but was worth it - not knowing much about
came with a few more creature com- them at the time. Not quite following the
forts, including air conditioning which previous trend of ‘Katie Kombi’,
was high on Caroline’s list of require- ‘Ronnie Ranger’, ‘Tulula Toledo’ etc a
ments. For me at the time though the ‘Shelley’ arrived in Yorkshire. Proudly
image was not quite what I had envis- showing her to my work mates, one of
aged! them took one look and said ‘that’s not a
We were living on a canal boat in York- vehicle, that’s a shed!’... We were living
shire, UK when a Land Rover mate of on a canal boat in the UK at the time - a
Pete’s put us onto a Discovery for sale great life but not flush on storage space
in the Midlands. Pete was busy with for Land Rover bits and pieces. ‘Shelley
a cycling event so Caroline drove the the Shed’ was born and literally became
3 hours there and back to check it out her own shed!
in July 2013. The 1999 Discovery 300 When we talked of our trip to other
Tdi Safari model was in great condition overlanders they kept asking ‘how’s the
and had low mileage of 96,000 miles, fitout going?’. Fitout, fitout? We had
an original Discovery tape deck and done a lot of talking about it but we
to Caroline’s delight functioning air didn’t really know where to start…. My
conditioning! It was steeply priced at a


initial lack of confidence in something |LANDROVING 31
unknown had led me to want to pay peo-
ple who know what they were doing to
get the Land Rover ready for us. How-
ever, Caroline encouraged me and along
with the reasoning that if I did it myself
I would know how to fix it I slowly
started to get my mind around doing
some jobs myself. In mid-winter 2017
I suddenly decided to take action and
one cold Saturday removed the shiny
side running boards in readiness for rock
sliders and it was game on! I had had
fun and taken the first step.
I quickly learned that there is a humun-
gous, friendly and helpful community of
like-minded people out there who just
love Land Rovers. There were so many
sources of information and advice once
I started to look around. I really had no
idea that people would bother to take
the time to video themselves doing jobs
on their Landies but these were soooo
useful. Thanks folks! Youtube became a
friend and so did several specific web-
sites and characters.
Over the course of 2017 brake discs and
calipers were renewed, springs, shocks
and most suspension bushes replaced,
a split charge system installed, steel
bumper, bull bar, winch and rock sliders
added, single seat removed ready for a
fridge and full dog guard installed along
with shelving in the rear on top of an al-
uminium storage box. The roof top tent
had been donated by Caroline’s parents
in South Africa and shipped to the UK
ready to go back again! Caroline and
I removed the roof rack to the floor of
my dad’s workshop and fixed the tent to
it. Caroline then went off to work. Pete
and his 86 year old father then realised

that there was scant clearance between the end was in sight, the flat was nearly
workshop ceiling, hoisted roof rack now empty and Caroline pushed us to book
containing tent and Land Rover roof… Shelley onto a ship and flight tickets for
A system of ropes was used to pull the us to South Africa…
rack and tent up into the rafters before The complexities and costs of travelling
carefully reversing Shelley between the through Egypt and a desire from both of
runners and lowering down. We were us to get back to Southern Africa lead to
chuffed that between the two of us and investigating the fairly smooth shipping
some turns around the rafters we just route from Kent, UK to Walvis Bay. It
managed to get roof rack onto vehicle. really was a case of drop off, follow on and collect 6
Towards the end of 2017 we were near- weeks later. One thing we did omit to do
ing ready with the Land Rover and mad- was a re-waxoyling or equivalent of the
ly trying to organise all the things you chassis as Shelley arrived with a light
need to organise when you leave life brown film of fresh rust on the chassis.
in one country behind. I frequently got The journey started as we left Walvis
overwhelmed with all the tasks so we Bay for overnight in Swakopmund. The
used the ‘how do you eat an elephant?’ shock of high camping prices in Swa-
- ‘one bite at time’ metaphor to keep kopmund itself saw us out at Mile 4 for
us sane. Caroline even drew up a pink 3 nights (N$140 pppn) to finish wiring
elephant with jobs written all over it to
LkAeNDeRpOVtINhGe| momentum up! By late 2017


things up and repack all the gear. Final a fabulous view of the mountain in front
prep in the UK was done in winter in a of us. Our first Safari Tea (Carolines
car park in York so enthusiasm for the grandmothers recipe incorporating roo-
finer details was impacted by the drizzly ibos tea, condensed milk and whiskey)
short days with close to zero tempera- celebrated our first day’s travel and first
tures; ‘we can do that in Africa’ became night’s wild camping.
the ‘let’s get the hell out of here’ slogan!
Our first night away from civilisation Visits to the Giant Welwitchia, Henno
was spent in a river bed campsite just Martins Shelter in the desert during
north of Hentie’s Bay (about 100km WW2, Ganab, Sossusvlei and the Na-
north of Swakopmund) after a chilly mib Naukluft National Park completed
swim in the Atlantic to say goodbye a two week shake down trip which due
to the sea which we would not see to winter we’d never done in the UK
again until Tanzania or Kenya. It was before leaving… Things were slowly
a new community campsite where the finding places and the rear seat was
welcome could not be friendlier even becoming clearer.
though we pulled in at dusk. The solar
panel was wired and soldered up the Palmwag concession lies 650km NW
following morning – another first for of Windhoek. It is a wild, open, dry,
Pete and free energy from the sun was unspoilt and quiet area of 5,500 km2
now available. where you can drive through for a few
The glow of solar success was soon days overnighting at designated wild
wiped from my face when I pointed the campsites. Black rhino, lion, leopard, gi-
Land Rover east away from the coast on raffe, elephant and antelope can be seen
our first ‘marble’ gravel road. Shelley but the main attraction is the unspoilt
really felt like she was on ice as some- open environment and the peace which
times we snaked our way along with me comes from being the only people out in
overcorrecting and panicking. I sud- a wild area. The bird life was engross-
denly felt completely out of my depth ing and we’d stop for ages to identify a
and what the heck was I thinking about new species. ‘Birds of Southern Afri-
wanting to drive a British Land Rover ca’ would help with descriptions like
through a continent I had lost touch with ‘occurs in savanna & semi-arid wood-
where roads were not all tarred, sign- land, often hilly, dry water courses with
posted and painted. My white knuckle large trees’ when we struggled over the
grip on the steering wheel relaxed Damara Hornbill. We got into a routine
somewhat during the afternoon as we of get up early, morning walk, drive for
approached the spectacular Spitzkoppe. a couple of hours then stop in a shady
We both felt ok with taking the left turn spot (preferably under an iconic African
before the village and after a few kilo- tree) for an extended breakfast including
metres over a rocky surface we pulled fresh coffee then drive again, stop for a
up ‘in the middle of nowhere’ but with light lunch and stop again early enough
to make fire for the evening over which
we initially experimented then perfect-
ed the art of bread making. The whole
| 33

experience grew our confidence in the spitting with rain and there was no sign
vehicle, our equipment and our indepen- of accommodation of any sort let alone
dence as we rarely saw other vehicles. an Overlander camp site. We thought
This confidence in independence was of my sister who would have had every
to come in very useful in Botswana and hour of her trip planned out, accommo-
Zambia when the wet season caught up dation booked and an itinerary mailed
with us. out. However, with travellers luck, just
The community campsite overlooking at the right moment we drove between
Epupa Falls was reed shades amongst some imposing but unsigned gate posts
rock terraces with a stunning view of to find a new lodge under construction
the Falls. Our campsite was on the edge in Eenhama! The owner was welcom-
of the slope, the cheapest in Namibia at ing and apologetic that things were not
N$80 per person per night and the sound finished!!
of water cascading over the falls put Wonderful lodge stays at Samsitu on
us to sleep at night. The road along the the Cubango river to the west of Rundu
Angolan border through to Ruacana had and the fun camp site at Ngepi to the
been described as rough in places but al- east were a great way to spend a week
ready we were not being put off by such in northern Namibia. By late February,
idle talk! Asking for some advice at a it was here that we first encountered the
lodge in Epupa the owner asked ‘you do rainy season and quickly realised that
have a 4x4?’, I replied ‘well, in Namib- travelling in this season provides more
ia, you don’t consider a Land Rover a challenges in several areas: sloshy roads
4x4!!’. The country is full of Toyota with invisible suspension testing holes,
Land Cruisers! Can’t say anything bad mud, wet camp sites and tents, mosqui-
about them but it was refreshing to be a toes and just wet.
bit unique. Due to rain and road conditions we had
Continuing along the Angolan border long debates about whether to continue
Continuing along the Angolan border on the tar road through the Caprivi Strip
we marvelled at the enormous Baobab to Katima Mulilo then Kasane and into
tree at Outapi (750 years old and used as Chobe National Park or the more adven-
a hiding place, chapel, prison and by the turous route of down to Maun then on
SA army) and learned a little of the Bor- to Savuti and into Chobe. This route had
der War history and legacy. The town held mythical attraction for Pete since a
had a friendly, relaxed feel as people brief visit to Chobe in 1991. However,
went about their Friday afternoon busi- how wet would these Delta roads be and
ness and smiled at us as we took photos how low could our Shelley go in the
of a goat reaching the low branches of a water??
tree by standing on the roof of a parked
car! By 7 p.m it was getting dark,



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Tough Trails in a Discovery 4

Chris Watcham


My LR Discovery SE 4 com- render no assistance, and on the return
pletes another really tough trip voyage ended up on the rocks and sank
in Namibia. We crossed amaz- near Rocky Point. Methias Koraseb and
ing Damaraland, and Kaoka- First Mate, Angus Campbell- MacIntyre
land, travelled up the Ugab, were two crew members who tried to
Abba Huab, the Huab, Huanib, help rescue passengers, but both lost
and the Hoarusib Rivers, and their lives in doing so on 6th December
up the Coast to the Kunene 1942. A memorial to these brave men
River Mouth then on through was erected in their honour.
the challenging Dunes to Hart- We drove inland onto the Dunes to get
man’s Valley. – 1st July to 13th to the Hoarusib River, as we were taken
July 2017. down a very steep slip-face I just got a
Tour Day 9 taste of what was to come. The descent
into the River bed was also very steep.
We enjoyed the fantastic feeling of We drove a short way down the river
freedom, driving along the beach, right where we climbed out again and drove
on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, in back towards the sea. We drove down
the Skeleton Coast Park, today this is the Coastal Platform along the beach
only accessible with a Guide and permit. a bit higher on the drier sand, but still
We passed our first shipwreck, a wood- had some pools of seawater pushing up
en ship, the Karimong which sank in from the sea level below. We were lucky
1971, it’s engine rusted and lying to to see a Brown Hyena (Strand Wolf)
one side. We passed an old Diamond although their spoors were everywhere.
mining operation, which failed and all We head for the sea at Cape Fria to
that remains is a rusted Bulldozer and an camp, and see a Porcupine wandering
old tractor. The Duneden Star sank on between the sand mounds built up by
29th November 1942, 70 miles North of plants, and also a few Jackals. The cold
Rocky point. The Recovery of passen- wind was howling, forcing us to put up
gers and crew became the longest rescue wind shields at the kitchen, and some
effort in history, in Namibia. A Ventura tents as well, where we could enjoy our
Bomber was sent with supplies for sur- drinks. The cold was also made worse
vivors, and landed on the beach where by the wind.
it got stuck. It eventually flew off but
crashed in the sea with the crew surviv- Tour Day 10
ing the crash. A second Ventura bomber
was sent with supplies, but they decided We drove to the ocean, arriving at False
not to fly to Rocky Point because of the Cape Fria and then Cape Fri (where
dangers. A Tug boat, the Sir Charles there is talk of building a Port in the
Elliot, was sent from Walvis Bay to tow deep water there). It is always a thrill to
the Duneden off the rocks, but it could see the ocean when you come out of the
Desert dunes. We do some beach driv-

ing, and see a lot of Jackals anLdANaDRhOVuINgGe| 37

colony of Seals on our way passing hicles with buckets of water. The guide
Angra Fria. We passed the remnants of also took water for washing. We drove
the crude shelter built by the survivors back about 40 km and camp behind a
of the Dunedin Star (1942). Further on large dune to escape the wind.
we come across the carcass of a Hump-
back whale, A Land Cruiser got stuck Tour Day 11
in what was becoming heavy sand. Our
Guide said “As jy vas val in hierdie Heading for Hartman’s Valley, we leave
sand, dan gaan jy China toe.” a very enjoyable and happy camp,
bitter cold and all. We drove on into the
The tide was coming in quite fast, and I heaviest sand dunes experienced by all,
managed to avoid getting the Disco wet. travelling parallel to the Kunene River
Some vehicles were heavily doused by a and came to the view point of the river,
sudden wave. Lunch was done at Boslu- where we could see on the Angolan side
is Baai with a nice view. Continuing, the buildings where we slept in when we
we came to a dip with water with one of came down the Angolan coast from Fla-
the vehicles getting seriously stuck and mingo Bay, including the famous 90km
needed to get help. After a struggle to stretch known as “DOODSAKKER.”
free a total of 4 vehicles with the help We were told that these buildings are
of mining machinery we continued with being renovated at present.
urgency up the beach to Kunene River We filled our fuel tanks with the fuel
Mouth. . The sun was out, but a strong from the jerry cans to lighten the load
wind blew up, and it was cold. The on the roof and prepare for heavy fuel
River water was beautiful in the sun and consumption driving through heavy
we took the opportunity to douse our ve- sand. The LR Defender experienced a


slow puncture and has been maintaining 37 km, and decided to camp in a suit-
his tyre pressure with frequent inflating. able spot. We all felt it was enough for
Every vehicle’s tyres are deflated to 0.8 the day, and a relaxing evening at the
Bar, as the going is so heavy, and going fire was the best idea all day.
up one steep dune, our LR Discovery
goes into “restricted performance”. I Tour Day 12
kept my foot flat on the accelerator, and
she finds somehow, some power from We drove through the last of the dunes,
somewhere, which kicked in, and she with the Hartmans Mountains coming
crawled to the top. My conclusion was into view. The sand was a little firmer,
that the air filter was blocked, which and we drop down a steep slip face into
proved to be the case. When tapping the Hartmans Valley. Here we pump our
filter on the wheel, all were amazed to tyres to 1.5 Bar to cope with the really
see the amount of dust that came out. bad corrugations ahead.
After a few circles, the Disco resets and I call the corrugations in places “ra-
the dreaded sign went away. Needless to vines” and I took my tyre pressure down
say all vehicles then cleaned out their air to 1.2 Bar. We see two Gemsbuck. We
filters. drove through the Barkan Dunes cov-
The sand was so heavy, each vehicle ered in black ILMANITE, (used for in-
had to stay in the track of the vehicle in sulation with asbestos) and red Garnets.
front, which was compacted. Drving in We got to Groen Drom and broke for
thick sand requires skill and concentra- lunch. Ben van Zyl, who opened up van
tion to avoid slipping out of the track Zyl’s Pass, was responsible for develop-
and getting stuck. A big air bag is an ing Damaraland and Kaokoland. (Kaoko
essential on thick sand like this to get a Himba word for STRONG right hand.)
tyre inflated again. The Himba were Nomadic people with
With vehicles getting stuck so often, no cattle or goats. When they came
through the day, we only managed to do across the other Tribes with cattle, they
became beggars, and known as the Ova


Himba. They would beg other’s with Chalets to take in tourists, and they
plenty of animals, to share with them leave him alone, and he does not inter-
and give them a cow or a bull or a goat. fere with them.
Divorce Pass got it’s name because We go to the old marble mine which was
“Wives would not go down, because it abandoned. The original owner found
was so steep, but rather walk down”, (or the marble to have fissures and worse in
Divorce). it. He cut a small piece of good looking
We got to “Orange Drom” These drums marble, and took it to Italy, where he
were placed by the S.A army to give di- managed to get a buyer of his whole
rections to troops. Next was Blou Drom operation. The Italians came out to find
and finally Rooi Drom. This whole area that they had been taken for a ride and
was pioneered by Jan Joubert, who the seller had already disappeared.
wrote a few books on the area, and these We drove through the Otjhita Plain,
books are still used by Guides today to where only the Himba are allowed
learn from. Unfortunately he was mur- to stay and graze their animals. The
dered at Swartboois Drif on the Kunene grazing is obviously finished and we see
River. groups of people on the move with their
Rooi Drom Pass is a very steep, narrow stock, going North. The LR Defender
and rocky pass, requiring low range all finally calls on the radio to say that his
the way up and further to protect your tyre which he was pumping more and
vehicle and tyres. On the way up you more often, had finally given up. We
are lucky to see the Running Stone man waited nearly two hours while we took
and later the Squatting Tin man. We a tyre off a Land Cruiser with the same
reached our camp at Marble Camp, an rim size, and put it on the LR Defender,
abandoned Marble Mine. A very pleas- so that we could finish the day. We had
ant camp site and facilities, only no one lunch while we waited under a scrub
had kept their word and it was all but Mopani tree.
full with SA Tour groups. However we We proceeded, crossing the Hoarusib
managed to squeeze th efull group in, River three times, and passed through
a number of vehicles in one camp site, Otjiu. Here the dust was unbelievably
and some in the river below. I grabbed thick again. A Prado Land Cruiser spare
another delightful cold shower, the tem- tank calls down, fortunately only one
peratures having climbed significantly side, and we manage to strap it back in
since leaving the Coastal area. position. We pass through Kaoko Otavi
Village, and arrive at Opuwo at sunset,
Tour Day 13 We made our way to Opuwo Coun-
try Lodge, where I left the group and
Our final day, and we were given a slap rushed to get a photo of the sun setting
up breakfast. We leave Marble camp, a from their Pool Patio, with an out-
Community Business given to the local standing view of the hills below. It is a
people, by a man who made a deal with
them. He builds his house and some


very up-market Lodge, catering for the
German and European Tourists. We had
taken the plunge and paid for a room
up-grade (R1400 pp) from camping. We
also opted for the hotel buffet dinner,
where most of us sat together and had
our last evening together.
This is where we all said our good byes,
as we would all depart early, to go our
own way home.

Tour Day 14, 15 & 16.

We drove down to Etosha Galton gate,
where we phoned Okakeujo Camp
without success, but we were assured
that we would get accommodation there.
However on arrival there, we were told
that all camping and chalets were fully
booked. We had to leave the Park before
gate closures at 5.30 pm
We drove another 100 km to OUTJO
where we found good accommodation at
Ombinda Lodge. on the 15th we drove
a stiff 970 km to Kang where we were
lucky to get accommodation before we
made the final 650 kms back home.

Moores Auto Sales Ad_horizontal_2016\p.indd 1 |2016L/0A8N/3D0RO2V:I0N0GPM 41

Brendon Lowe

The upcoming 2018 LROC we have decided to take club
Christmas weekend will be members on a guided mountain
held at Base 4, which is a mere drive on Saturday 1st of De-
stone’s throw from the Henn- cember on one of the trails on
ops Off-road trail venue. Hence offer at this excellent facility.


What do they offer? Facilities

At Hennops, the oldest private 4x4 trail Other activities for the adventurous
in the country, Gautengers have learned include Mountain Biking trails, Hiking
that a 4x4 can be used for much more trails and the Picnic spot which boasts
than the run-around school taxi. The two swimming pools, braai facilities and
trail has been around for 25 years and clean ablutions. The cost to use the pic-
runs next to the Hennops River, about nic spot, mountain bike and hiking trails
35km from Pretoria and Sandton. It’s is R70 per adult and R40 per school
perfect for a quick getaway from the going child. If you’ve paid for the off-
city’s hustle and bustle. Despite fierce road trail, entrance to the picnic spot is
competition by a number of new trails included for 4 persons.
in the area, it remains popular because
of it’s rugged terrain and proximity to 4x4 Trails
the city. The routes are well marked
and a challenge – even for experienced ZonkieTrail - This trail is designed to
drivers. enable any off-road driver to experience
the true pleasure of four wheel driving
Hennops offers 2 trails which are the in conditions that will satisfy anyone
Zonkie trail and Kliprift trail. from the novice to the experienced
driver. For the experienced driver the
The condition of the trails change con- trail lends itself to achieve the ultimate
siderably as the seasons change. Many performance with any four wheel drive
people drive them in the dry winter vehicle over a wide variety of obsta-
months as well as in the wet summer
months for a completely


cles including mud-holes, steep rocky arrangement only and for groups of 4 or
climbs, descents and dongas. For the not more vehicles. The trails takes about 2-3
so experienced and soft-roaders, tricky hours to complete. Any group attempt-
obstacles can be bypassed by existing ing this trail must be able to recover
tracks and service roads. Game you may themselves so bring your recovery gear
spot on the way include Zebra, Blue along. Keys are available at the main
Wildebeest and Blesbok with a wide gate and require a R100 refundable
variety of bird life to be seen. deposit to be paid.

The trail has a 2-4 technical grading. There is a beautiful picnic and braai area
halfway through the trail at the Donga
Kliprift Trail - For those that are Lapa area where you can stop to enjoy
looking for a new challenge, the Klip- the surrounding mountains or have a
rift route is open to the pubic by prior light lunch. There are toilet and shower
facilities available here.

Contact details How to get there

Visit for more details Take the N4 West from Pretoria (note there is
about the trails or contact Hennops Off-road a toll gate!) or the alternative route R104 and
Trail at / 082 825 9205. then take the R511 towards Centurion. From
Johannesburg take the N14 Krugersdorp road
Costs and then turn off onto the R511 towards Hart-
beespoort Dam past the Hennops Pride Resort.
The cost to ride the trail is R250 per vehicle for Or take the R511 from Sandton.
a max. of 4 persons. Each additional adult is
R70pp and R40 per school child. All fees are GPS: S25° 47’ 28.92” E27° 58’ 48.46”







Any fillings can be used, it will depend
on space in the camping fridge.

- Lamb chops
- 500ml tub of low fat yoghurt
- 1 x Lemon or lime
- 5 - 8 Leaves of mint
- Pinch of salt & pepper to taste
- 2 x Tbs Olive oil


Take the defrosted lamb chops into a
bowl, mix the yoghurt, chopped mint
leaves, salt, pepper, olive oil and the
juice of one lemon, mix together, coat
the meat with this marinade and leave
to stand for at least 30 minutes.

This marinade can also be used on a
rack of lamb.

Hanneke Bydendyk





You’ve gotta love its long-range tank
The odd squeak squeak, the scrape, the clank!

The intrepid convoy took to the road
We headed north with our heavy load.
A lesson we learned, and won’t ever forget,
Is you can’t believe all that you read on the net.
A luxury lodge may turn out to be nasty.
A campsite could even end up being classy.
But in the end whether truth or a rumour,
The one thing that helps is a good sense of humour.


The classic African border post
Is a sight that fascinates me the most.
A seething pit of roaches and vultures
Posing as people of various cultures.
Wheeling and dealing, exchanging signs and glances
The crooks and the cops all taking their chances.
They’ll turn a blind eye or take you to task
But the secret is calmly doing all that they ask.
There’s an art to the system, just watch and learn
Some jump the queue, others wait their turn.


A snake in the toilet bowl, a spider under the chair
No electrical power to straighten our hair.
Elephant graveyards and GPS blues,
A skulking hyena has eaten my shoes!
Let’s CELEBRATE!!! It’s sundowner time
With a G&T and a slice of lime.
Broken trailers, or faulty suspension
Batteries needing divine intervention.
Gentian violet and Jerry cans,
Insect bites and interesting tans

The simplest pleasure in life is hot water
Or handing the washing up duty to a daughter.
Baboons playing musical chairs while you’re out,
It makes no difference if you scream and shout.

No point in leaving fresh eggs on a shelf,
‘Cos in Mana it’s every beast for himself.

Lions roaring, fellow campers snoring,
The ever-present fish eagle soaring.

Hippo’s laughing and snorting and splashing,
Monkeys stealing and looting and trashing.


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