Regular tollgates and armed police blocks,
Battered axels and hammered shocks.
Finding supplies and cooking en masse.
Hungry mouths to feed using gas.
Two minute noodles or cup-a-soups,
The perfect fillers for larger groups.
Box wine and beer are a must, there’s no doubt,
Chibuku is IN, and Chicory’s OUT!
Candlelight and a touch of romance,
Sharing dark Lindt, spilling wine down our pants!
And as we toasted the end of each day
Watching hippo’s dive and monkeys play.
The sunsets were golden, then orange then red
Our spirits were high and our bodies well fed.
The Landie, our home, our security blanket
I do believe that we should gratefully thank it
For being so faithful through potholes and puddles,
In times of order, or mayhem or muddles.
And so, brave explorers, take a mighty big sip,
Cheers to Zimbabwe, it was a great trip!
Help the Game Ranger & his Landy find the Big 5. Use
different colour crayons for the different animals
Danelle Murray
If there is one thing that you understand that owls share our natural
can always be sure of, owning habitat and play an important role in
a Landy guarantees many ad- the ecological system. The education
ventures. Owl Rescue Centre, is aimed to give insight to the misper-
a wildlife rescue and rehabil- ceptions people have about owls and to
itation organisation based in inform them that owls pose no threat to
Hartbeespoort, has three Land human beings.
Rovers that they use for res-
cue missions, research and Brendan can tell many stories about the
release projects. The founders, memorable moments and eventful esca-
Brendan and his wife Danelle pades they’ve had journeying through
Murray are both avid Landy the country with their defenders.
owners and have thus chosen
Land Rovers as their vehicle of As many people can relate, old land rov-
choice for the organisation. ers break down pretty often. “We aver-
age about 4000 km per month per Landy
“One of the cool things about running an and as you can imagine, on several oc-
Owl Rescue Centre,” Brendan explains, casions, there are a few unscheduled pit-
“is that you get to travel to all outskirts stops along the way. It has never been
of the country, visiting amazing places. an issue though, because help is never
These journeys in a Landy almost al- far away. One thing about Land Rover
ways turns into an adventure. We have owners is that we are always willing to
three defenders, each with over 400 000 help each other out. We are invited for
kms on the clock.” coffee, towed to where we need to be or
even offered accommodation.”
The organization takes in hundreds of
owls every year through their rescue Brendan remembers one incident very
efforts. The owls are rehabilitated and well. “It was a Sunday and we were
when they can survive on their own in wading through the crocodile river on
the wild, are released in the sanctuary - our way to a remote release site. We
a farm which is located within a twelve were reintroducing three Pearl Spotted
thousand hectare protected conservancy. Owlets back into the wild. It had been
Efforts are aligned to decrease the risk raining the preceding days and I hadn’t
factors to owl species’ population and been paying much attention to the
are executed in ongoing Owl Conser- terrain. The next thing I knew we were
vation Projects. They create awareness stuck proper, with no chance of going
among communities helping them to anywhere. I asked for help from a 4x4
group and within minutes people were
queuing up to help. We sat back and
relaxed, with our feet hanging out the
window, until help arrived about 2 hours
“Our Landys have served us well.”
Brendan adds. “From doubling up as a “We fill two needs with one deed.”
mobile home on release sites to leav- Danelle explains. “Instead of the plastic
ing her running outside a Muti-market being harmful to the environment, it
where we had just rescued live owls now has a purpose of providing a habitat
and were followed by a mob of angry to aid in environmental conservation.”
When you see these Landys on the road,
“Over the ten years, since the start-up wave with both hands or better yet, give
of Owl Rescue Centre, our Land Rov- them a hoot.
ers have been responsible for so many
memories.” To support this worthy cause, visit
their website at
Earlier this year Brendan and his wife
decided that they would make a con-
certed effort to curb plastic pollution
through one of Owl Rescue Centre’s
conservation projects. Instead of using
wood, they are now making use of re-
cycled plastic to manufacture conserva-
tion products such as Owl Houses, Bat
Houses and Bee Hives.
SOLIHULL A6 AD landscape 2014 11/24/14 10:14 AM Page 1
May be life threatening in Painful sting, but does
Has caused small children and animals not require antivenom
human fatalities
Rough T ail - light form Rough Thicktail - dark form Transvaal Thicktail Cape Thicktail
(Parabuthus granulatus) (Parabuthus granulatus) (Parabuthus transvaalicus) (Parabuthus capensis)
Drab Thicktail Eastern Nomad Common Lesser-Thicktail Highveld Lesser-Thicktail
(Parabuthus planicauda) (Hottentotta trilineatus) (Uroplectes carinatus) (Uroplectes triangulifer triangulifer)
Striped Lesser-Thicktail Plain Pygmy-Thicktail Rough Burrower
(Uroplectes lineatus) Bark Scorpion (Pseudolychas ochraceus) (Opistophthalmus glabrifrons)
(Uroplectes vittatus)
Cape Burrower Kalahari Burrower Karoo Burrower Giant Rock Scorpion - male
(Opistophthalmus capensis) (Opistophthalmus wahlbergii) (Opistophthalmus karrooensis) (Hadogenes troglodytes)
HARMLESS HARMLESS HARMLESS © Johan Marais African Snakebite InstituteHARMLESS
Rock Scorpion - female Drakensberg Creeper
(Hadogenes longimanus) Tree Creeper (Opisthacanthus validus) Jones’s Creeper
(Opisthacanthus asper) (Cheloctonus jonesii)
NOTE In the case of stings from harmless species, apply EMERGENCY PROTOCOL
a topical anaesthetic cream to manage the pain.
JOHAN MARAIS is the author of various books on reptiles including the best-seller A Complete Stings from dangerous and very ... apply a tourniquet.
Guide to Snakes of Southern Africa. He is a popular public speaker and offers a variety of courses dangerous scorpions must be ... cut and suck the wound.
... use ice or very hot water.
including Snake Awareness, Scorpion Awareness and Venomous Snake Handling. Johan treated as a medical emergency. ... give the victim alcohol.
is accredited by the International Society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS) and is a Field Guides 1 Transport the victim to hospital without delay. ... apply electric shock.
... inject antivenom randomly.
Association of Southern Africa (FGASA) and Travel Doctor-approved service provider. 2 Immobilize the affected limb to slow the spread of venom.
Antivenom (if required) must
Johan Marais | African Snakebite Institute 3 If the victim stops breathing, apply artificial respiration be administered by a doctor
+27 82 494 2039 | [email protected] or use a Bag Valve Mask. in a hospital environment. 4 Call the Poison Information Centre helpline for further
advice: 0861 555 777.