Issue 128
Finding Miss Daisy
A chilling account of the Namaqualand region
The official magazine of the Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa
30 days of memories
LR Series Fest The Yates tackle Namibiadownload
The start of something special 14 AARTO - But what does it mean for us?
16 Life Simplified - Disco 3 Auxiliary battery System
52 Lets fix it - Defender Td5 radiator bleeder pipe
Editorial Team Executive Committee
Editor Clint Mason Jakob Jordaan
Deputy Editor Alida Timberlake
Deputy Designer Trevor Fletcher Chariman
Administrator Madeleine Zwaneveld 082 808 1422
Brendon Lowe
Austin, Storm Non-Member
Harris, Cecil Vice Chairman
The Landy Net 082 655 4717
Mason, Chanel
Opland, Russell Member
Schutte, Amaré Member
Yates, Jonathan Malcolm Timberlake
Verster, Andre Indgro Outsourcing
Wiederhold, Kari Secretary
Member 082 339 9126
Independent Consultant
Corlia Myburgh
Junior Member Treasurer
Member 083 419 1554
LR Classic
Amaré Schutte
Absolute Events 082 785 4381
Photography and Imagery
Coenie Du Toit
Austin, Storm Non-Member
Trophy Secretary
The Landy Net 082 928 0470
Editorial enquiries Jonathan Bydendyk
Advertising enquiries
Membership enquiries Membership Secretary
076 278 1674
Digital Pieter Greyling Driver Trainer
082 655 4717
The opinions expressed in LANDROVING do not necessarily reflect
those of the Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa, it’s
Committee or members. Nigel Wilshire
While reasonable effort and precautions have been taken to ensure Clerk of Events
the accuracy of the information and advice given to readers, 082 448 4298
the editor, the Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa,
the contributors, proprieters and the publishers cannot accept
responsibility for any damages or inconvenience that may arise Kevin Prozesky
therefrom, including Advertisers advertisements.
Radio Officer
All Rights Reserved 072 665 4198
Published by The Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa - May 2019
Clint Mason
LROC Chapter in your area
Border Chapter Port Elizabeth Chapter 073 293 6458
Athol Cocks Paul Foster
The Yates tackle Namibia 6
Finding Miss Daisy 20
30 Days of Memories 31
LR Series Fest 44
From the Chairman’s Desk 4
From the Editor 4
AARTO But what does it mean for us? 14
Life Simplified | Disco 3 Auxiliary battery System 16
BOSKOS | Scrum-a-licious chicken skewers 43
Kiddies Corner 50
Lets fix it | Defender Td5 radiator bleeder pipe 52
Common Spiders of Southern Africa 55
From the
Chairman’s Desk
Jakob Jordaan
Fellow LROC members. story! You might become a doing what we have been involved in making things
published writer sooner than doing, then we would keep happen in the Club and how
The Club is an amazing later! Please get in contact on getting what we’ve the Club’s offerings to its
place for most of us and we with Clint, he will advise been getting. Something is members could improve as
sincerely hope you share you on how to package your brewing and following the we go into the future!
the same thought! It offers amazing experience so that Strategic Planning Session on
plenty. Whether you are it would make an excellent 1 May, the Committee will Fill up your Landy, we are
interested to get to know article in the next magazine. start sharing their ideas on going places!
your Landy better, how to where the Club could be in
drive it with more confidence, The Committee is well a few years’ time, how the parts, personality and soul
maintain it to excellent status, aware that if we carry on members could get more drive the exhilaration of
pack it smarter, fitting new bespoke adventure, so too
things, seeing new places, From the is the Land Rover Owners
camping with new and Club of Southern Africa -
existing members, having a Editor driven forward by the souls,
good family time out in the Clint Mason personalities, and skills of its
bush, going on a breakfast members and a dedicated
run, or even reading amazing I like change, in fact I actively in the early Eighties, to finally group of individuals who have
stories about what other encourage it. I believe that climb into the driver’s seat of volunteered their passion to
members have done with change allows us to strive my very own Defender, a day form an elected committee,
their Landys. forward, correcting past I affectionately remember intent on providing a unique
mistakes with the advantage and a day on which I, most membership experience
Which brings me to this of experience, insight and certainly, changed. This was to, for and with each of the
edition of our LandRoving improved understanding, the day that I came to realize Club’s loyal members.
magazine in an exciting new giving us the freedom to that a vehicle, a Land Rover,
format. With an energetic make new mistakes which has a soul, forging a unique Yes, adding new personalities
Editor on board bringing a better positions us for success personality which shines indeed means change –
fireball of enthusiasm with in the future. Even from the through every adventure how could it not… but as
him, it did not take Clint long perspective of a pessimist, forming a unique bond and I said earlier: change, in
to see a great opportunity to if each mistake we make is experience - which to most is my opinion, is good. I am
tell our stories in a different an improvement on the last, incomprehensible. confident that in the true
way and to convince the then we are moving onward spirit of our club, which too
Committee to support his to greater things. I like Actually that’s not entirely is stooped in pedigree and
ideas. The new LandRoving change. It makes us better! true. It was on that day I proud history, our roots
format has lifted the image of This makes my choice found out that Defenders easily traced back to the last
our magazine and our Club to of vehicle a little bit of have souls, a belief that century, where passionate
the next level. It has created a conundrum. You see, stood steadfast for another people came together to
an aspirational base where I absolutely adore the 10 years until I was schooled enjoy spectacular driving
we all would like to see our Defender, a vehicle stooped by a Discovery 3 in the art experiences, this change will
stories being published. in pedigree and proud history, of the Discovery soul. It was drive us forward, engaging
Stories about our Landys, a shape which can easily be only after this bare-knuckle members and encouraging
travels, projects, accessories, traced back to its roots in educational summit, kind excitement behind the
technical stuff, recipes, places the last century, a vehicle compliments of my Disco, wheel of the most incredible
to go, something for the which ridicules aerodynamics, that I came to realize that vehicles ever built.
kiddies and what the industry stands for tradition – actually - ALL Land Rovers
out there has to offer. The and conjures images of have souls. Empowered by
new LandRoving format exploration in a time where personality and driven by
will undoubtedly create adventure took courage, not components, Land Rovers are
interest in the industry and planning… a unique experience in the art
we might get such players of adventure.
queueing to advertise in our It took me just short of 28
magazine. In the meantime, years after first climbing into It occurs to me that as it is
you are invited to write your the back of a Land Rover 110 with each Land Rover, whose
In my short time on the of the Club’s members. share
committee as Editor, I have
had the pleasure of enjoying If the club events are akin to in the story...
a day out with fellow club the body of the Land Rover,
members at the Autumn Trial the visual part that we all Our collective passion for Land Rovers
organized by our new Events see and experience, and is something special, something to be
committee member, Pieter the chairmen are the heavy revered and most certainly something to
Greyling and Driver Trainer right boot placed firmly on be written about.
Nigel Wilshire. Both Pieter the accelerator, then the
and Nigel are truly serious balance of the committee, LandRoving has a proud history of
about driving skills and this the unsung heroes are the sharing truly remarkable adventures,
shone through in their tight critical components that experienced by truly remarkable people,
course filled with demanding compel the vehicle forward in truly remarkable vehicles.
obstacles, putting driver through the most trying of
experience to the test. What situations, without which we We are proud of our history, our
a fantastic day it was. would simply be a shell sitting pedegree extending well into the previous
on the side of the road. century, with stories of adventure and
I have also been fortunate achievement highlighting the excitement
to see first-hand the I am extremely proud to be of our past and the exuberance of our
precision and focus of the a part of this committee and future.
committee in the execution I look forward to being a
of their administrative duties, component in the delivery Share in this story, in this history of
compelled by the relentless of an exciting experience, adventure, by sharing your amazing
drive of our new Chairman, uniquely Land Rover, to the experiences with us. To get started, send
Jakob Jordaan, a man of Club’s members. a quick email to and
few words - 100 or less, we’ll walk you through the process.
dSeOteLrmIHinUedLLtoAde6liAveDr alnaenpdicscape 2014 11/24/14 10:14 AM Page 1
environment for the benefit
The Yates tackle Namibia
a family expedition by Jonathan Yates
The best way to start off a new adventure is to start Augrabies Falls is a long and brutal drive from
off early in the morning with the cars packed, the Johannesburg. Flat scenery that stretches for miles into
trailers hooked, the fuel tanks filled to the brim, the the distance is the order of the day with an all-consuming
snacks crammed in, the water bottles topped up, and heat that envelopes all within its path. Actually, on this
the GPS co-ordinates entered and ready to go. It’s the particular trip we would not experience the usual brutality
way I most certainly like to see an adventure start and of the Northern Cape heat, but rather surprisingly, we
this adventure - that would see some of the strongest would experience what, for the area, could be considered
winds, coldest nights and unexpectedly mild days, was mild temperatures.
off to that type of a start. An awesome start. Namibia
here we come! It would only be on our arrival in Kuruman, that we would
stop the relentless forward motion to refuel the vehicles
Our first stop was Augrabies Falls National Park, deep and ourselves as we consumed snacks and water. It would
in the Northern Cape province a stone’s throw from the take the balance of the day to push through to the falls,
Namibian border. An early departure was an absolute arriving after dark to a campsite which felt as if it were
requirement and with my father behind the wheel some sort of maze.
of our Defender 110 Puma, our pack set off into the
darkness with family friends, the Patience family, in tow. The majestic bellowing sound of the falls surrounded our
every move, releasing a heightened unleashed a reign of terror. With the passing of an amazing and
sense of excitement as we expedited eventful day and a delicious dinner,
the setup of our camp in the darkening There was no limit to their boldness surrounded by this barren beauty, we all
surrounds. Keeping pace with the as they jumped into unzipped tents, decided that an early night was exactly
relentless drumming of the water gleefully rounding up any food left out what the doctor ordered and with that
cascading down the falls, food was and emptying the boots of cars which we headed off to bed mindful of our
prepared, snacks and drinks shared and had been left open. Necessitated by early departure the following day, for
finally, we settled in and relaxed to enjoy action, we rushed towards the monkeys Growery campsite.
the excitement of what still lay ahead. in an effort to chase them off.
The early morning was fraught with
It seemed that all in our group shared After our early morning escapade that activity as we readied ourselves to set
the same sense of excitement and it had jolted each of us from our much- off towards our next location. On arrival
was only with the arrival of wildlife, needed rest, it was time to ready at Growery campsite, we swiftly set up
investigating our delicious supper laid ourselves for the day. After getting the camp on the banks of the Orange river,
out on our camping table, that our obvious morning routines out of the with a respectful distance between the
minds would become temporarily way we sat down together to eat a us and the water’s edge. One never
focused in the present rather than on hearty breakfast, followed by an on-foot knows what weather might be unfolding
the joys expected to come. departure for one of the hiking trails in upstream and you certainly do not want
the area. to be desperately clawing your way to
Even with this collective energetic safety in flood waters as you watch your
enthusiasm for what lay ahead, it would It’s incredible to me that this investment in camping equipment sail
not be long before we would succumb to barren land, frequented by a drastic downstream.
the toll of the day’s travel, with each of climate, usually void of moisture and
us heading off to bed, exhausted. characterized by a relentless heat, is With our camp now completely set
filled with such spectacular views. Our up we were off to explore both the
The next morning we were jolted to our hike took us to tiny streams, massive magnificent gardens as well as the river.
senses from restful slumber as screams waterfalls and even in the brutality of We were fortunate, managing to borrow
filled the camp site. A barrel of monkeys this environment, we were constantly canoes in which we skilfully negotiated
had descended upon the camp and surrounded by wildlife. the torrent of water on a day of active
participation in delightful activities that in a ritual crossing which dates back to that we would first begin to experience
continued until the sun began to set. centuries now long past. fierce, relentless winds. Blustery winds
that would heave our tents around, the
After the light had faded and with it the Having undertaken the necessary guy ropes tugging feverishly at the pegs
joys of our various activities, we made activities to depart South Africa and beaten into the ground. The weather
our way to the bar, got our braai packs then enter Namibia, we would again entrenched itself, the wind howling
and a much-needed beer. commence with our journey, only to find through the night and into the following
an ever-worsening terrain. It was so bad morning, significantly increasing the
Leaving Growery campsite, we that we lost a jerry can of fuel off the difficulty level of packing up camp. We
encountered ever increasingly rough back of the trailer and at some points would continue with our drive from Daus
terrain and with each passing kilometre the trail necessitated first gear low range Desert Horse Camp towards Kolmanskop
the route became increasingly technical as we crawled ever so slowly over the in this ever present gale.
as we pushed our way ever deeper path before us.
into the Richtersvelt. We had identified We inched along the track, our progress
Sendelingsdrift as the location where we With our pace now verging on reverse marred by the density of the dust
would cross the border between South and faced with the ever increasingly through which we were desperately
Africa and Namibia. This border crossing difficult terrain which now included peering. Eventually our progress was
still employs a pontoon on which two dunes, it became apparent that we halted as the intensity of the sand storm
vehicles at a time are carried across the would not be making our booking at demanded an end to further progress.
Orange River into neighbouring Namibia. De Hoop and instead it was time to try
and find another destination for our Sand now blew through every nook
There is something adventurous about evening camp. Fortunately, Daus Desser and cranny in the Land Rover with such
crossing a border on a pontoon. Perhaps Horse Camp would be the answer to our intensity that it was even difficult to see
it’s the isolation or the quaintness of overnight predicament. inside the vehicle and outside was an
such border posts or perhaps it’s the impossibility.
perception of history - as you participate It was here, at this saviour of a camp,
Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa LANDROVING 9
It would be quite some time before
the dust kicked up by the tenacity
of the wind would dissipate, and we
could again move forward. With the
bulk of the wind now past we were
able to return to a normal speed as
we continued to our camp site at
Kolmanskop. Along the way we stopped
off at a view point just as the sun was
setting and saw some beautiful wild
horses in the distance heading towards
water and us.
Heading back to camp in the dark we
saw the most extraordinary sky. Milky
Way from horizon to horizon, the stars
fireworks that dared to light up the
velvet dark sky. It was unfortunate that
the continued swirling of an increasingly
cool wind sent us to bed early. As the
wind continued to howl outside the
relative safety of the walls of our tent,
the temperature continued to drop. I
was delighted to be tucked away in the
comparative warmth of my sleeping bag.
It would not be long until we were
again on an awful road heading towards
Sossous Oasis campsite, near Sossous
Vlei. These would be some of the
hardest, roughest roads I have ever
been on. Mile after mile the corrugation
thumped the vehicles and trailers
ruthlessly. Coupled with the relatively
tough tracks driven thus far, we were
bound for a breakdown, the first
occurrence being our trailer’s limiter
strap which broke resulting in the shock
being sheared off, causing the right-
hand side swing arm to loosen with
the eventuality of the wheel bottoming
out. Fortunately, we were able to stop
After chocking the wheels of both the playing on one’s nerves. Sitting there The solution was the use of ratchet
Landy and the trailer it was out with the looking at this beaten up trailer and a straps to secure the spring which had
high-lift jack which we skilfully used to single dirt road in the middle of nowhere been kindly collected and brought to
raise the trailer’s height to afford us an was certainly having a negative effect. us by our travel companions. Returning
improved vantage. The Patience family the spring to its original location on the
had also recovered our departed spring “No! This is not the time to stress, we trailer’s undercarriage, we used the
and what was left of our shock absorber. just needed to crack on and solve the ratchet straps to ensure that the spring
With around 60 kilometres remaining to problem with careful and considerate could not extend completely and fall
camp and the sun now low in the sky, it action and continue on our way. Focus!” out and we then drove at a snail’s pace
was time to find a solution and get on
our way.
Being stranded in the middle of nowhere
is never fun and it has a strange way of
10 LANDROVING May 2019
onward to our destination. the way to the parking lot. The most collect was an extended shock made for
obvious action to be taken when driving a two-inch lift and so once fitted, the
We had agreed with the Patience family in such thick sand is to ensure that you trailer was skewed, but within sufficient
that they should drive ahead and scout have reduced your tyre pressure to parameters to continue with our drive.
for spare parts which might be useful allow for a larger contact area with the
in returning the trailer to full working sand. Next, keep your momentum up Back on the road, it was hard driving yet
condition. and finally follow the tracks. Vehicles again as we pushed forward towards
before you have graciously compacted Windhoek. With the lopsided trailer
Traveling at no more than around 15 km, the sand for you and the marker for this playing on our minds, our speed was
which is slower than the speed of a top compacted sand is of course their tracks. again brought to a snail’s pace. This is
marathon runner, it would take us over 4 The more compact the sand, the denser where the atmosphere becomes thick
hours to finally reach camp. As it would the area on which the tyre is making with frustration, stupidity creeps in and
turn out, the Patience family had been contact and the less chance there will be one is inclined to put foot and take what
fortunate and found an old, beaten up of wheels sinking. Apart from enjoying comes. Fortunately, we have an antidote.
shock, which was seemingly correctly an awesome drive, we also spent some Stop, break out the tea and coffee, cake
specked for our Conqueror trailer. We parts of the day parading up and down and sandwiches and take a little time to
set up camp, cracked a beer, and regaled the dunes. It was most enjoyable being remember that the harder the drive the
the events of the day, eventually turning out of the car, even though it was closer to nature you are.
in for the night. exhausting.
Just on 100 km from the outskirts of
At the start of a new day, it was time With the end of another day, it was time Windoek, our friends’ trailer limiter strap
for us to continue onward to Sossous to return to camp, the swimming pool, also broke! It was a repeat of history…
Vlei and then off to the dunes. The sand a meal and then back to work on the again on the right hand side which lead
was deep and there were more than a trailer. As it would unfortunately turn the shock to extend and snap dropping
few vehicles that had bottomed out on out, the shock that we had managed to the spring out, again on a single dirt road
Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa LANDROVING 11
in the middle of nowhere, but this time include the addition of a second nut as a minimum of an additional 50 litres
we were armed with the solution and we creating a lock nut on the bolt, which of fuel, because you never know when
quickly reengineered the workaround should assist dramatically in securing the scarcity of a garage will necessitate
so that we could get back on the road, these potential weak points for the refueling in the middle of nowhere.
albeit once again at a snail’s pace. distance.
Our adventure into Namibia was drawing
On our arrival at Windhoek, with the We also agreed that future trips would to an end and we would return to South
much appreciated help of a family include longer rest periods after long, Africa using the relative ease offered by
friend, we found a mechanic who hard and rough roads to ensure that the roads through Botswana and on to
helped restore both trailers to complete we have sufficient time to complete South Africa. Even though our trip was
working condition, including new shocks vehicle and trailer checks to ensure fraught with challenges, we had spent a
on both trailers and a check of all of the that optimum working condition is week with family and excellent friends
nuts and bolts, which, to my surprise, maintained. We also like to include at and had amazing experiences that will
were all found to be loose. We will be least 3 litres of water per person per be remembered for a life time.
sure to double check the torque of each day to ensure that people have enough
of the nuts and bolts before undertaking access to fluids, which can also be used May 2019
a trip like this again and where possible, in the event of a radiator failure, as well
AARTO The Administrative Adjudication of Road protruding elbow) …protruding from moving
Traffic Offences or “AARTO” Bill was approved vehicle” is likely to be a very common offence.
But what does it mean for us? by Parliament on 5 March 2019 and sent to Luckily for you, that will cost you zero points,
the President for signature. If I lost you at but R250 fine. Again, for the Defender and
“Bill”, just hang in there for another sentence Series lovers, “engine emitting smoke” will run
or two, because this is actually important for - pun quite intentional - you zero points, but
all of us. R250 fine.
by There have been several news articles on this For all of us, “driving while using hand-held
Russell Opland Bill in the past few weeks. A simple Google cell phone” will cost us one point, and R500
search for “new aarto bill” will provide you fine. Oddly, though, “driving in convoy during
with a range of examples most of which weekend” will also cost us one point, and
focus on the implementation of a new points R500 fine—event planners, please take note!
But, now here’s a strange one: “Using chocks
Simply put: if you accumulate too many between wheel and road” will cost you three
points, your driver’s license will be suspended points, and R1,000 fine! That puts you 25%
automatically. Accumulate too many more, of the way to having your license suspended
and your license will be revoked! What does already! So, I guess the rule of thumb with
that mean? Well, how does taking your this one is not to chock your wheels on a
learner’s written test, and then your driver’s public road surface. But what if you have a flat
practical test, again, sound to you? I’m on uneven terrain? I guess you’ll have to take
thinking a road trip through Zimbabwe and that one up with a magistrate and see if the
Mozambique might be slightly less painful. theoretical legal argument of a “reasonable
person” standard actually works in practice!
So, what kinds of “offences” can generate
points, how many points does any particular Speaking of roadside emergencies, if your
offence generate, and how many points does warning triangle (the one that you ensured
it take before your license is suspended or was there ages ago) is not up to scratch or
revoked? not deployed correctly, it will cost you zero
points plus a R250 fine, but if you don’t have a
Let’s start with the easiest question first: warning triangle at all, it will cost you 1 point
12 points. If you exceed 12 points, your and R500 fine. Best go check your vehicles
license is automatically suspended right now!
for a number of months equal to
three times the number of points In the unfortunate situation where you are
you have in excess of 12. For involved in an accident, there are several
example, if you accumulate offences that might apply. If you fail to
15 points, your license will stop to ascertain injuries or damage, that
be suspended automatically is considered a “hit-and-run” in common
for 15 – 12 = 3 x 3 = 9 parlance, and results in six points and
months. compulsory court appearance. This is not
good for your YouTube ratings, and puts you
Now, if your license is halfway to automatic suspension! If you don’t
suspended under this system stop, or don’t report “third party damages”,
three times, your license is then you’re in for three points and R1,000 fine. If
automatically revoked, meaning you remove your vehicle from an accident
you have no license, and must start involving injury or death without police
over from the very beginning. It’s kind authorisation, you’re in for two points and
of like being time-warped back to high school, R750 fine. While it might be taxing on one’s
except you’re still old, wrinkly, and have grey patience in a remote rural area to wait for the
or perhaps no hair, with all the same bills, police, perhaps this will give you pause.
exes and kids you have right now. Not cool,
right? Now, we all know our Land Rovers never
break down, and for a Land Rover to be towed
Well, let’s take a look at the kinds of offences rather than doing the towing, might be the
that could generate points for us Land Rover ultimate humiliation. Fortunately, any offences
lovers. For those Defender drivers, “part of relating to the towing, such as excess speed -
driver’s body… (which definitely includes your which I do hope you know is no greater than
the snail’s pace of 30 kph with a tow it’s titled “Lane Discipline”. This is a Now, you may be scratching your head
rope, length of tow rope, unlicensed veritable smorgasbord of unlawful acts, as to why I might include speeding in an
driver at the towed vehicles’ controls, with penalties ranging from one to three article for Land Rover lovers—especially
passengers in the towed vehicle, and so points and R250 to R1,000 fine. One those Series and Defender drivers—but
on, all result in a single point offense and of my biggest pet peeves is someone speeding offenses are not linked to a
R500 fine. who accelerates when I try to overtake particular speed: they are categorized
them; if there ever happens to be a by the amount by which you exceed the
In a similar vein, the various illegal traffic cop around when that happens, speed limit. So, for the afore-mentioned
stopping offences almost all generate he or she will incur three points, and Series and Defender drivers, we’re
three points and R1,000 fine. This R1,000. I savour that delicious thought! talking about those 40- and 60-kph
includes such gems as stopping Failing to use your indicator at all or speed limit signs here—for the Disco
alongside another vehicle when the road while changing lanes costs you one point and (gasp) Freelander drivers, the 80-,
width is less than 9 metres (perhaps we and R250 fine. Failing to keep left when 100-, and (gasp, again) 120-kph signs. To
should all add 10-metre tape measures turning left will earn you two points and make matters simple, here’s a little table
to our recovery kits), alongside or R750 fine. Various overtaking offenses, showing the excessive speed about the
opposite an excavation or obstruction, such as on a bend or blind rise, illegally posted limit and the fines:
at or within 6 metres of a bridge or on the left, cutting in after overtaking,
tunnel, meaning we will all be using our and so on, will all result in three points Speed range Points Fine
legs to walk to see those views, at or and R1,000 fine. 11 to 15 kph 0 R250
within 6 metres of a narrow portion of 16 to 20 kph 1 R500
road, anywhere constituting a danger or We then come to our vehicles and their 21 to 25 kph 2 R750
obstruction, and lastly on the wrong side drivers. By and large, the offences in 26 to 30 kph 3 R1,000
of the road. Phew. That somewhat limits these categories generally result in zero, 31 to 35 kph 4 R1,250
the choices for those of us with smaller one or two points, with corresponding 36 to 40 kph 5 R1,500
bladders! fines. The standouts, however, are Above 40 kph 6 Court
driving without a license, which gets
However, if you stop in contravention of you 30% of the way to suspension of So, as you can see, if you’re cruising
a “no stopping” sign, that’ll only cost you your non-existent license, accumulating along happily in your air-conditioned
two points and R750, whereas stopping 4 points and R1,250 fine. Rather more Disco 4 with the cruise control set at
on a freeway illegally is worth 1 point drastically, though, is driving a motor 120 kph, and you come to one of those
and R500. Now I’m really in a quandary vehicle without number plates, which pesky intersections where they drop the
with 2 little kids in the car on a long road gets you halfway to license suspension limit to 80 kph for about 200 meters,
trip! with six points and an automatic court you might be having a bad day if there’s
appearance! Motorcyclists, in particular a traffic cop around.
I find it odd and perhaps you might too, those who roar around on crotch-rockets
that all the parking offences generate take note! Similarly, if your plates are The new Bill has a variety of other
zero points and R250 fine. There are “not applicable” or both plates are changes that impact us, but—as
too many to list here individually, but obscured or illegible, you’re halfway to mentioned at the outset—these have
they include most of those described, suspension with six points and going been discussed in various news articles
above, for stopping, plus several others. straight to court without passing GO. that are accessible with a simple Google
It seems very odd to me that parking For those of you who love Botswana in search. For those of you who’d like to
on a bridge or in a tunnel results in zero the wet season, it would be advisable see the entire list of offences, points
points, whereas stopping there gets you to carry a spray bottle and lappie for and fines, feel free to click your way to
25% of the way to license suspension! cleaning off those plates after romping
But that’s just me. through the mud! AARTOop.html. Happy and safe Land-
The next category of offences sounds And in conclusion, simply as an
like it was intended for swimmers, as afterthought, we come to speeding.
we’ve taken the AARTO topic digital
life simplified
Disco 3 Auxiliary battery System
a techtourque with Amare Schutte
Invariably, when one meets a fellow Landy owner, an intense permanent modifications – especially when you get to the
conversation ensues about the specialness of the vehicles, Discovery 3’s, 4’s and 5’s. We certainly enjoy the comfort
the awesome adventures that have been undertaken and these modifications can provide, but we still want to be able
more often than not, you share the fantastic things that you to remove everything without any permanent alteration. This
have done to your Landy, which has made your life so much doesn’t mean that we want to, or have to go without, it only
simpler. There is just something about Landys. They invite means that in many instances we might need to be a little more
customization which enhances their character. creative. One such modification is an auxiliary battery system.
Defender owners in particular are infused with a burning desire Humanities reliance on electricity is highlighted when it’s
to add modifications to suit their every need and with each not available. When you’re in the bush it’s no different
modification the more individualized the Defender’s character and maintaining certain creature comforts can significantly
becomes, resulting in a bond between vehicle and owner which improve the experience. Why would anyone purposefully eat
very few people can understand. dehydrated food mixed with warm water when you can eat like
As a Discovery owner, it has been my general experience a king by simply bringing along your fridge.
that we (Discovery owners) are a little more hesitant to add An auxiliary battery system is however advisable to supply the
16 LANDROVING May 2019
additional electrical load required to maintain our creature
Much has been said about auxiliary battery systems. The
technical aspects are well documented and covered
extensively in various magazine articles, forums and
social media discussions. In fact, in the previous issue of
LandRoving, Brendan Lowe shared some fabulous insight
on maintaining your lead acid auxiliary battery to ensure
that you maximise its life and capacity. But regardless of
the technical aspect, each Landy owner generally does
something unique to best suit their individual needs, and
my husband and I are no different. We would like to share
our solution with our fellow Discovery 3 and 4 owners, a
solution which made our life with our Landy, simplified.
The Discovery 3 and 4 have space provision for an auxiliary
battery within the engine bay and many owners start there.
Due to various reasons we did not want to utilise this space
and looked for an alternative option. Given how we pack
our vehicle, we found the ideal location in the footwell of
the last row of seats.
The available space in this area is very limited and a download LAND
normal sized 105Ah battery will not fit. However, after a ROVER
few measurements we determined that it would be quite
possible to fit four 12-volt 24 Ah (up to 28 Ah) batteries LANDROVING 17
in this space. Each battery has an overall dimension of (L)
176mm x (W) 166mm x (H) 125mm. Utilizing the available
space in the footwell, we designed a battery box with space
JAGUARfor the four batteries as well as a DC/DC charger, and had it
manufactured. In case you’re interested in doing the same,
we have included the technical
drawing on the following page.
A pdf copy is also available for
download at:
d3aux.pdf (or you can just scan
the QR code).
The four batteries connected in
parallel results in a 12-volt auxiLliaAry bNatDtery system with a
total capacity of 96 Ah. ROVER
In addition to this we have connected a small, movable,
“distribution box”to the auxiliary battery system for easy
access to the battery monitor, 2 hella plugs, 1 cigarette
lighter plug and 2 USB ports, which we installed in a
convenient location just behind the front seats, easily
accessibly when power is needed.
The solution works perfectly for us. We no longer
constantly worry about the status of the vehicle battery.
Our auxiliary batteries and DC/DC charger are safely out of
the way and we have easy access to the outlets and battery
monitor. We hope that if you decide to use this design that
it will go a long way to simplifying your life as well.
18 LANDROVING May 2019
Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa LANDROVING 19
Finding Miss Daisy
A chilling account of the Namaqualand region
by Cecil Harris
I had met André Verster only once before when we had tours, I collared him and persuaded him to allow myself and
discussed with other members of the Land Rover Owners Mo to join him.
Club (LROC) of Southern Africa the possibility of completing
a self-drive tour into Angola. Unfortunately, as is sometimes He readily agreed and told us that Joe van der Merwe, who
the case, our participation in the proposed trip to Angola has been traveling with André since the dawn of time and
did not materialize and it would be a few years until I had understandably become the best of travel buddies,
would once again bump into André, quite by chance, at would also be joining us on our flower hunting expedition.
a Bush Mechanics course that I had decided to attend. It Joe, an enthusiastic LROC member and energetic retired
was during this mild winter’s day in June, that I overheard gentleman, landed up with the unenviable task of setting
André mentioning that he was planning an adventure to up an itinerary and finding us camping accommodation.
Namaqualand to see the flowers early in August. My wife Understandably not an easy undertaking given that it was
Maureen or Mo to all, is an ardent photographer and we going to be peak flower season.
had on many an occasion discussed, even threatened to
take a trip through the Northern Cape to see the flowers He did a sterling job, booked three nights at the Goegap
in bloom. Knowing André’s astute reputation for fantastic Nature Reserve outside Springbok, four nights at Kroon
Lodge in Kamieskroon and four nights which is somewhere between this point Riemvasmaak Community Conservancy
at Groenrivier Camp in Niewoudtville. and that point, that’s as good as Wild areas. Both Mo and I have agreed that
On the night between Kamieskroon and Camping is going to be. People say Africa our decision to break the long drive to
Niewoudtville the intent was to wild is empty, but it really isn’t, there are Springbok was the best one we could
camp somewhere south of the Groen people everywhere , so knowing that have made.
River mouth, with permitted access, at the activity is permitted within the area
one of the designated locations in this calms the mind. Not only did this detour present us
area where wild camping is allowed. with stunning, rugged roads and
The concept of wild camping with The agreed starting point for our scenery as we drove from Kakamas
permission might strike traditionalists expedition was Goegap. Mo and I to Riemvasmaak, a hamlet of a place
as a contradiction of terms, but this decided to leave two days earlier tucked away in the aged mountains of
is probably one of the few places in to travel to Kakamas. André had the area, it also presented us with an
South Africa where you can and would mentioned that the area was a jewel opportunity to experience optimistic
want to do this type of camping and and recommended a route that would entrepreneurship in the most remote
when your marker is a tree in an area allow us to explore the Bitterpos and of areas. It’s my understanding that
the entire conservancy is managed
and operated by locals, including the
delightful chalets which can be found
huddled together in Riemvasmaak next
to the hot springs.
If you happen to find yourself driving
through this part of the Northern Cape
in a four-wheel drive with good ground
clearance, I would most certainly
recommend that you extend your trip by
a day or two to enjoy this remote part of
Sothern Africa. Our additional one day
excursion ended as we rounded back
towards Augrabies Falls which in itself
is a treat to behold, this mass of water
that answers to the name Orange River,
which rages through the desert to this
point, where it cascades into the 18 km
abyss of the Orange River Gorge and
then onward to the Atlantic seaboard of
Southern Africa.
With the first section of our excursion
now behind us we took a leisurely drive
down to Springbok and then onto our
campsite in Goegap Nature Reserve
where we were soon joined by André
in his Defender and a bit later by Joe,
who too drives a Defender, a Defender
of character held together by passion
and duct tape. It was at this very small
campsite with no electricity that we
would first experience the poor weather
that would relentlessly follow us for the
majority of the trip to come.
Whilst our choice of clothing may as the simple joys of finding things as and when required. I recall making
have been considered a dismal failure easily exactly where you left them, no a mental note of how impressed I was
considering the cold weather that had matter where you are. Pulled by the when I first saw it going up. It looked
befallen our expedition, our vehicles ever-capable Discovery 4, there are few effortless and certainly made for a
most certainly were not. It was also places we would not dare to venture and comfortable shelter on top of his trusty
easy to comprehend each individual’s as anyone who has been for a drive in a Defender.
camping preference with a simple glance Discovery will attest, each day’s driving is
around at the vehicles surrounding in complete comfort too. If you are looking for functional, then
us. Mo and I enjoy bringing as much you don’t get much more functional that
comfort with us as we can muster and André, on the other hand, likes the Joe’s setup. He has simply renovated the
our stock standard Imagine Comfort off functional aspects of a roof top tent. Still inside rear of his Defender to include
road caravan, which we affectionally young enough to climb up and down basic accommodation to which he
refer to as the Van, brings that much the ladder, he has ensured that his roof happily retires at the end of the day’s
needed comfort along in a compact, top tent has all the bells and whistles excitement. As for setup, well it’s as
ready and easy to use format. It’s a to make it easy to put up and collapse easy as opening the rear Defender door
well-equipped, capable little flatlet on
wheels which makes our life on these
trips comfortable. It’s actually more
about the small things, like being able
to stop whenever necessary to use
the self-contained ablutions as well
22 LANDROVING May 2019
and clambering into bed. Simple and the previous year, the flowers were not well before you experience significant
effective and the fastest to pack up in going to bloom. The extreme cold was tyre damage. The one that I use is a
the morning. resulting in the flower buds not opening simple system which replaces the valve
fully which as you might imagine, cap on your wheels’ valves and transmits
If our holiday was about seeing flowers, when your trip has been planned the pressure readings to a small receiver
then our first day would be considered around the flowers, can become a little in your vehicle. In fact, I am so fond of
by the less adventurous as a little disheartening. the system that I have it installed across
disappointing. For us, though, the all my vehicles as well our Van.
fantastic drive into the mountains of the Whilst we were all scanning the horizon
reserve brought with it some challenging for flowers in full bloom, André’s eagle With the unremitting assault of wet
four-wheel drive tracks, including what, eyes had noted an issue with Joe’s and cold which was showing little
from the very top, looked like a very vehicle and flagged him down. Joe had chance of improvement, we decided to
risky descent over a very large smooth a sidewall puncture and hadn’t realized adjust our itinerary to include a visit to
rock outcrop. it. Whilst it was quick to change, the tyre nearby Nababeep to have a tour of the
was toast! The reality of the vehicles we old copper mine. The interesting little
“If the Defenders can do it so can I” all passionately drive, especially when museum and tour showcase what must
was my prevailing thought as I edged off road, is that they are so incredibly have been a thriving little town in days
the Disco over the hurdle, cautiously capable and powerful that incidents now passed, when the copper price
maneuvering in the tracks of my travel like flat tyres can often feel like nothing justified the existence of the mine in
companions. It was exhilarating! I can more than track below the chassis. the area. Unfortunately, these days are
confess that at no stage did I feel unsafe, now long gone, and I could not help but
the Discovery simply traversed the I am a strong supporter of a tyre feel gloomy as I looked around at what
terrain within its stride, but I am not pressure monitoring system and I believe was once a thriving mine, now reduced
sure that the same could be said for Mo. that these are worth every cent of the to the scrapheap. The efforts of the
Alas, even after crossing this somewhat cost. I only know of it as an aftermarket locals to capitalize is admirable, but one
difficult terrain we were still no closer to installation, but it’s quick to make you can only imagine how that reliance on
finding flowers and we were beginning aware of pressure issues allowing you to passing trade requires much patience
to worry that, as had been the case stop, assess and take corrective action and hope, with every vehicle that leaves
without visiting signifying an enormous And so, with our tour of this once other outside the resident bottle store.
defeat. We collected another puncture thriving little town complete, it was onto One can hardly keep from feeling a
here, this time on the Disco. Luckily a the thriving metropolis of Kamieskroon, little heartsore when you look around
quick plug was all that was needed to a town like so many others in this part at the sparsity of opportunity in this
solve the problem and we were soon on of the world, characterized by two remote little town. The feeling that you
our way. queues, the first trailing from the doors get is that people have reached a point
of the local SASSA building and the beyond hope; it’s sad really .
24 LANDROVING May 2019
Kroon Lodge, found at the very edge of
Kamieskroon, would be home for the
next few days. Whilst a little cramped,
especially with our Van, the campsite
was overall very neat and tidy. The
weather had kicked up a notch and was
now freezing. I now found myself layered
in 3 or 4 of my t-shirts as I desperately
attempted to hold body heat, preventing
the consistent gusts of cold air from
consuming the entirety of my body. In
hindsight, a decent jacket would have
made the world of difference but at the
time of packing in the Johannesburg
heat, it really was the last piece of
clothing on my mind.
If we thought the days were freezing,
the nights were from another dimension
where the sun is never present. After a
night of socializing marred by chattering
teeth whilst dressed like the Michelin
Man, Mo and I would nestle in the
protective bosom of the Van, shocked as
we watched ice form on the inside of the
Van’s roof. When I say cold, I mean really
really cold.
Weather aside, Kamieskroon is an
excellent base from which to drive the
various passes on offer in the area,
including Kammieshoogte, Groenkloof
and Studer’s Pass which all offer a
spectacular experience. It was during
our stay and drives in the area that the
sun finally broke through the clouds,
golden rays of warmth filtered down
from the heavens, thawing everything
that they touched. This sudden change
in our fortune at last rewarded our party
with the flowers that we had desperately
been searching for.
Daisies as far as the eye could see
suddenly sprung to life in the seas of
green fields before us; their colours
clawing its way into the world and
to appreciative eyes. This sudden
bombardment of light and colour
reinvigorated all in our party, our
excitement clearly visible to anyone who
cared to look. After so many cold days
and freezing nights, the flowers that we
had travelled so far to see had opened.
We were suddenly blessed with field
after field of daisies and later towards
Leliefontein, yellow pokers would make
their presence felt.
doubt to win the day with his arguments
in favor of pulling. Given the antics that
followed, it was likely not a bad idea.
After lots of digging and letting the tyres
down we hitched up the old Defender,
driven by its very old driver, to the far
younger Disco team and began to pull…
but she did not move. It would seem
that we were a little more stuck than I
had guessed at first and after a second
round of debate, the decision was made
to unhitch the Van so that we only
had to concentrate our efforts on the
recovery of the Disco. Success!
André waxed lyrical about fish and for the Groen River Mouth after which Having now freed the Disco, we decided
chips at Hondeklip Bay so we decided we turned south and drove along the to hitch the Van to the back of André’s
to include the addition of an off- coast looking for a suitable spot to wild Defender and on we went. Defenders
road adventure that transverses the camp for the night. The coastal scenery 1 – Disco 0! It was not long after, that
magnificent Wildeperdehoek Pass. This was beautiful, as well as distracting and we found our ideal camping spot – right
pass spans a section of South Africa that it was not too far further when the Disco on the beach just a few meters from the
few see, and I would guess that outside came to a grinding halt in the loose sea.
of your immediate travel companions sand as a result of a multitude of issues
the likelihood of seeing others is slim at combined with distraction and more The shoreline consisted of crushed
best. than a little inexperience on my part. shells which stretched towards the
water’s edge before dropping a meter
Mist was the order of the drive, making I had intentionally not let my tyres or so to sea level. Walking across this
a very winding road feel like ice below down. The Disco has 19-inch rims which beach of crushed shells I could not help
the wheels and to this add an impeded makes the tyres “semi” low profile and but wonder how many millennia had
view. I can imagine that on a clear day letting them down significantly increases contributed to the crushed shells that
the vistas must be wonderful. the risk of sidewall damage, something now forms a plateau above the crashing
I did not want to happen so far from waves below. It really puts the shortness
As for the fish and chips? Tasty certainly, a town with significantly reduced tyre of one’s own time into perspective.
but to quote André, “they seem to options. We were in 4 low, but I had not
have shrunk a bit”. Before arriving, the raised the suspension and had become It did not take long before we came to
hype had been built up to a fever pitch. a little distracted and perhaps a little the unanimous decision to lager the
Driving towards this little spot on the complacent given the tremendous wagons in an attempt to gain safety
beach it certainly looked like we were performance of the Disco thus far. The from persistent wind that brought with
in for a treat, the mind picturing fish combination of these factors with a it an incredible chill that reminded us
draped over both sides of the plate. surprisingly high middelmannetjie and of days past and would result in the
Unfortunately, like most of South Africa, the relatively heavy Van, packed with return of the weather that had become
it would seem this perfectly situated fish our comfy essentials, saw us belly down symbolic of our trip. After securing the
and chips restaurant had not escaped on the sand. openings with the addition of some
the tough economic times, and I would shade-cloth windbreaks, we settled in.
suspect the choice was simple, either Discussions ensued on how the recovery Our encirclement resisted the wind and
push up the price or reduce the portion. was going to be effected. André had allowed the four of us to sit and enjoy
Such is the sign of the times! suggested a simple snatch recovery an amazing sunset, the crashing waves
which seemed reasonable, but Joe was just out of sight and the tranquility that
After a few days of impressive vistas and not convinced that this was as safe as comes with being surrounded by nothing
super trails, it was time for our convoy we presumed and after much further but wild coastal bush… not another
to leave Kamieskroon behind and head deliberation Joe had sowed enough person in sight, just us travelers enjoying
the bliss of an idyllic place to camp.
There is something quite special about
traveling in a small group. The ever
present camaraderie in a small group is
infectious and everyone engages with
26 LANDROVING May 2019
everyone. It’s magical, especially when
you find such a spectacular location to
enjoy together.
Off again the next morning with the Van
reattached to the back of the Disco. I
had mentioned to André over a morning
cup of coffee that I wanted to gain the
experience of pulling the Van in terrain
like this and he was in agreement, and so
we reattached my Van to the back of the
Disco and set off towards Niewoudsville,
armed with a newfound experience
and dedicated concentration. I was not
going to allow what happened yesterday
to happen again today. Not after the
Defenders had taken pole position. It
was time to regain reputation. Mission
Our travels took us via the steep Van
Rynsdorp Pass as we progressed towards
Groenrivier Guest Farm, which is
situated just outside of Niewoudsville.
We arrived to find big camping stands
and private ablutions waiting to greet us,
much to the delight of Mo and as with
many holidays plagued by bad weather,
as we approached the end of ours, much
improved weather was ushered in. This
change in the weather was accompanied
by a spectacular day of flower sightings,
perhaps one of the best of the trip to invitation to us to join him. It did not Clanwilliam, followed by Tankwa and
date. This appeased everyone in the take long for final plans to materialize Sutherland, so after breakfast and
convoy who I am certain had similar and our convoy, now dwarfed with the packing up we all said our goodbyes and
feelings to mine: disappointment that addition of the Unimog, would travel to set off in opposite directions.
a trip to see the spectacular scenery the outskirts of Papskuilfontein to enjoy Whilst the intent of our trip had been
created by the spectacle of August this haven of private scenery. overshadowed by the severity of the
flowers had instead turned out to be a cold weather, which resulted in us seeing
trip marked by cold, wet weather, albeit After the inclusion of lunch at the far fewer flowers than we had hoped
interspersed with sightings of amazingly Matjiesfontein farmstall, we drove down and wearing far more clothes than
colourful flowers, which were just too to Louriesfontein to view the flowers expected, this remained a wonderful
short-lived. and waterfall, followed by a visit to the adventure and certainly one for the
unique quiver tree forest. While both the books.
André had taken it upon himself to flowers and the waterfall were beautiful
introduce our group to a fellow camper to behold, there was something surreal We got to experience parts of our
traveling in a very large Unimog. about visiting the quiver tree forest. fantastic country where few venture. We
Actually, it was more like an apartment They are incredibly selective about built fantastic new friendships with both
on wheels. I had a good chuckle at his where they grow and are not usually André and Joe, two avid adventurers,
sticker which adorned the front of his found in large numbers. They are also who were not only knowledgeable
monster of a truck much like the “One dying out, and it is my understanding about the whole area, but also excellent
Life Live It” stickers frequently seen on that no one knows why, so being there company, accomplished bush chefs
the Land Rover Defender. His read, “Go in amongst these sacred trees was truly and wonderful story tellers. We got to
Big or Go Home”. Apt considering the special. experience first-hand the tremendous
colossal size of his rig. capabilities of our Discovery 4 and learnt
Next morning our nemesis - the weather the hard way the value of concentration
As it would turn out, our newly found - turned against us and André and Joe and correct vehicle preparation. All in
friend had been granted permission to decided to return to Johannesburg. all it was a truly unique and memorable
enjoy the flowers and a waterfall located experience.
on private land and he extended an Mo and I decided to continue onto
28 LANDROVING May 2019
30 Days of Memories
Epic Botsambia by Chanel Mason
My husband said this time would be most beautiful parts of Southern Africa. our Defender 90 TD5 while my husband
different. and I were comfortable in our newly
Our holiday began on a beautiful day in rebuilt Great White Defender 90 TDi.
I am certain that these words have December 2018, but my husband and
been uttered by many a husband when I had spent the better part of the 2018 Leaving casually after sunrise on the 7th
negotiating the annual holiday with the confirming details, planning for every of December 2018, we meandered our
family and, lovingly, I chose to ignore eventuality, and creating lists of lists that way towards Groblersbrug, overnighting
dancing devil on my shoulder that had listed every item of camping equipment at self-catering accommodation just
exploded with laughter, the result of a we owned, at least that’s how it seemed 30 minutes on the South African side
previous horrid experience of traveling at the time. of the border. The “self-catering” part
to Botswana in our Disco 3, which was a little over rated with the wash
eventually resulted in us having to fly At long last we were ready to load up up sink being in the bathroom, but
parts into Maun in an attempt to get and get on the road, and no-one was the accommodation was comfortable
home. Rather, I place my faith in the more startled than I when both vehicles enough to afford us a good night’s rest.
unshakeable, unbeatable, and most started up without a hitch. My mother-
beloved Defender 90’s that have carried in-law, Clarissa, had decided to join us The following day our cross over into
us on adventures through some of the on our adventure, and was driving Libby, Botswana turned slightly nightmarish
as we negotiated our way through the experience of watching these gentle I was not one of those people.
long queues. The most frustrating aspect giants in action. Our carefully planned
is that truck drivers, of whom there are menu called for something on the braai, The following morning after breakfast
many, keep handing their paperwork but we opted to rather enjoy the food and the settlement of a larger than
over to someone who has reached the offered at their restaurant. Although a expected bill, we were back on the road
front of the line with a little extra money little on the expensive side, considering and on our way to Lesoma Valley Lodge,
for the effort. Thus, even though there what you get, not having to take out just shy of the Kasane Kazungula border
may only be eight people in the queue utensils and braai was very pleasing. The post.
ahead, it is like there are fifty and what’s food was good, the company even better
worse is that the officials never tell the and the sunset magnificent! It was most certainly not my favourite
person to take a position at the back of accommodation. As for my hubby, he
the line. I can understand two or three I am not certain that I would have just wanted to sit in the pool as the heat
collations of paperwork, but I doubt that had the same sentiment if we had of the afternoon scorched the earth.
there is ever a situation where a driver been camping. Strong winds and We were at the lodge for only the one
is responsible for the paperwork for thunderstorms were the order of the night, but as only my husband could,
twenty trucks all belonging to different day. In fact, the winds from the night he still needed to get certain border
transport companies. before had destroyed one of the chalets requirements, like reflective stickers and
originally booked for our party and the likes fitted to the vehicle before we
After a rather long wait we managed they were frantically trying to mend tackled the border. Instead of getting it
to get back on the road towards the it when we arrived. Fortunately, a done in the light of day, he waited until
northern section of the country. Our cancellation resulted in us being moved the fall of night before he decided to
first night in Botswana was spent at a into an adjacent tent which sorted affix reflective tape to vehicle magnets,
beautiful venue just outside of Nata out the issues, but I recall looking sticking them onto the bumpers of the
called Elephant Sands Lodge, where across at the very exposed camp sites two defenders - and in the dark, with the
the elephants are in charge and the watching people pitch and collapse their rain bucketing down due to the arrival of
humans are grateful for the wonderous campsites in the rain, thanking God that a heavy thunderstorm which tripped the
32 LANDROVING May 2019
supply of electricity to the area; mom-in- had arrived in Zambia! responsible to ensure that your White-
law and I having to hold portable lights Water Adventure is nothing less than
so he could see what he was doing. Being our first visit to Zambia we were spectacular. I cannot commend Choongo
somewhat apprehensive about what and his team more for the fantastic
The next day we were to attempt the was about to befall us, but wow! What experience, even though they advised
dreaded crossing into Zambia via the an amazing country! As we made our me at the beginning of the day that the
Kazungula Ferry. Our vast amounts way to our first stop, Victoria Falls baby crocodiles in the river only ate fish
of research indicated that this border Waterfront, we found that the open and South Africans!
crossing was nerve-racking, nail-biting friendliness of the Zambian people was
and wrought with confusion. Before not limited to those at the border, but Following our brief stay it was time to
we even left Botswana, we were rather appeared to be a natural way of head out to Kafue National Park after
approached on the shore of the Zambezi life. Being somewhat used to the abrupt an amazing stay in the tented camp at
by Elvin, a native Zambian with ages of Jo’burg ways, the welcome we received Victoria Falls Waterfront, which we all
experience negotiating the ways of the from every person we interacted with agreed was great value in every way, and
Kazungulu Border Post. Our research was refreshing! after a short stop at the local market,
had indicated that we should reject we made our way to Andy and Libby’s
assistance, but his calm manner had the Our first day at Victoria Falls Waterfront, Kasabushi Camp, situated on the banks
effect of persuading us and we certainly which proved to allow more time of the Kafue River. Kasabushi Camp
did not regret it. He arranged everything, than expected, was spent next to the opened in 2014 and is situated in the
including making sure that we were not pool and later, on a sunset cruise on Central Kafue National Park, Zambia. The
bothered by anyone else for the entire the upper Zambezi. The next day we central part of Kafue National Park had
process. His intimate knowledge of the joined the amazing team from Safpar been unavailable to campers, so Lib and
processes proved invaluable and worth for an adventure down the mighty Andy have introduced a whole new area
every cent, helping us to negotiate the Zambezi. There are no words to describe of the river and bush for self-drivers to
border in just over an hour with minimal the incredible power of the rapids enjoy and explore.
fuss and very few delays, with which we and the attentiveness of the guides
There was only one issue, we didn’t get The next morning, we arrived at modelled the camp on their personal
there... No, the Defenders were doing Kasabushi Camp and enjoyed a warm camping wish-list and created a marvel.
just fine, we just miscalculated how long welcome from Libby and Andy. The From the spacious open-air showers
the journey would take. After hours campsite was a short few metres from to the cleverly decorated toilets, and
and hours and then some more hours the river, which afforded us protection everything in-between, our stay was
following the GPS directions, and after a from the tsetse flies, and we spent the remarkable. Although the wildlife was
long deliberation with cold Flying Fishes balance of the day, after fighting about not as plentiful as that of Botswana, we
in one hand, these being the last cold the placement of the camp, resting in had some truly amazing experiences,
drinks of the holiday, and a close eye on our brand new 4x4 camping hammocks, made great friends with fellow visitors,
the hippo’s in the distance, we decided contemplating the wonders of the got very stuck in some boggy mud, and
to wild camp at Hippo Bay Campsite. natural world while listening to the made some incredible memories that
snorting of the hippo’s and … blessed will live with us forever.
Although the camp was closed for silence.
December and January the sun had Knowing that the trip back to Victoria
dipped below the horizon and we The next day, the first Defender Falls Waterfront would require an
needed a rest place that afforded us just Challenge started. Challenge 1: Start additional days drive, we left Kasabushi
enough space to put up a tent, three Your Vehicle. And that’s where it ended. a day early with the intention of
chairs and a braai without the constant Challenge lost. The remainder of the overnighting in Itezhi tezhi. Libby
bother of persistent tsetse flies. Dinner stay was punctuated only by our vain directed us to New Kalala, a bed and
that night was baby pizzas on the braai, attempts to get the Defender TD5 to breakfast camp that offered a good
and after a battle with the bugs, we start. After numerous attempts we night’s rest, great food, and cold beer.
spent a very restless night huddled in the conceded that a pull start was our only Nick and his wife were awesome hosts
tent, listening to every sound, waiting option, and subsequently spent each and we had a lovely stay.
for that low growl from outside that morning honing our pull-start skills.
indicated that a bullet like exit from the We arrived in Livingston with the
tent and precision entry into the closest The short few days at Kasabushi intention of getting the Defender TD5
Defender at hand was imperative. Camp were heavenly. Andy and Libby starter motor repaired, which by now
had been identified as the cause of the Ihaha Camp in Chobe National Park. Our festive period. Fortunately, Mario owns a
current calamity and found ourselves carefree holiday was simply not meant Landover 110 TDi, and Mario offered to
relaxing on the deck of the Victoria to be. replace the pump with one from his own
Falls Waterfront overlooking the great TDi and once the ordered part arrived,
Zambezi. A trip to the market at the Falls Mario sadly informed us that the power he would in turn replace the pump
for some memorabilia, and a visit to steering motor pump needed an attempt in his own vehicle - an offer that was
Foley’s Land Rovers would see us back at a repair, falling which, it would need accepted with much appreciation and
on the road and heading to our next to be replaced. It was agreed that we vast amounts of gratitude.
adventure a day late, but at least we would leave the TDi with him, drop
were on the go. mom-in-law off in Kasane, fetch the As a young girl I had fond memories
camping gear from the TDi in the TD5, of Serondela, Chobe (marred only by
Botswana! drive to camp, set up camp, return to the scariness of having a huge baboon
Kasani, collect mom-in-law, return to charge towards you, wanting whatever
The mere name conjures up images of Kasane, fetch the TDi and continue with food you happened to be holding). Ihaha
roaring lions, snorting buffaloes and the holiday. As it turns out, planning Camp was more restful, peaceful and yet
rumbling elephants. After a drawn- is far simpler than doing. We ran late exciting, so it was very unfortunate that
out border crossing back into Zambia, getting everything to Ihaha, didn’t our stay in this spectacular part of the
with the indomitable Elvin ushering manage to set up camp before having world would be spent with many a drive
us through the various stations, we to return to fetch mom-in-law, which to and from Kasani with one vehicle
re-entered Botswana, a place of meant I was still in the car when we down.
adventurous beauty. And that’s where collected Clarissa and I had to return to
Defender Challenge 2 started: Turning camp sitting on the centre console with Challenge 3: Go on A Game Drive. Well,
the steering wheel. my feet hanging over each side of the Libby started up just fine and mom-in-
gearbox only to set up in a thunderstorm law and I left camp, intending to take
On the way to the border, my husband that had rolled in over the savanna -, it a 30-45 minute drive around to see if
had noticed a new grinding sound was an absolute joy! we could spot the lions we had heard
coming from the engine of the TDi. As the previous evening. We drove, and
we were close to Kasane, we decided The following day we would be drove, and drove, and finally opted to
to pay a visit to Mario’s garage situated devastated to find out that the repair ask for directions on how to leave camp.
close to the Kasane Kazungula border had failed, and Mario was leaving to How HUMILIATING! Two self-sufficient,
post, before continuing our holiday to spend time with his family over the independent and strong-willed ladies
unable to find the road that leads out eye, ready to pit his wits against one of I think that Savuti should be renamed
of camp. Note to self: Always drive with nature’s marvels. Hotazell. The temperatures were almost
someone who has a better sense of unbearable but the beauty more than
direction than you do. Our time at Ihaha came to an end, made up for it. What an incredible place.
our Defender TDi was back, and we I had some of my most memorable
Our last day in camp led to a lovely were ready to face the next challenge, experiences in Savuti on this holiday,
experience with the elephants. Mom-in- Challenge 4: Use the Air-conditioning. from the beautifully majestic lioness
law and I had opted for a late afternoon that posed for us providing some of our
drive, leaving my husband to watch Our next destination was Savuti Camp, best pictures yet, to the honey badger
camp. On our return we happened Chobe National Park. Now, everyone that visited us on our last day in camp,
across a herd of approximately fifteen knows that temperatures in Botswana trotting in and stopping about a meter
elephants, including youngsters and reach up to 45° in the summer months, away, looking for anything he could
babies. We were so caught up in the and this time was no exception. While possibly scavenge from camp. The days
experience that we failed to notice negotiating the thick sand that marks were too hot to do anything other than
my husband curled up in a tight ball the track between Ihaha and Savuti, lie under whatever shade the trees
next to the stoned braai area, with an we noticed that when in 4WD LR, provided but the afternoons provided
elephant munching on a tree a few the temperature gauge kept climbing the best game viewing opportunities,
metres away. The giant pachyderm was steadily towards the red, and would from regal lions to magnificent kudus,
most unconcerned by the presence of hover some way between hot and stop- lofty giraffes and playful elephants. Not
humans so close by, and although my the-sh&*^%ng-car! Everyone knows to mention the fascinating bushmen
heart was pounding faster than a bullet that one of the ways to bring the engine paintings – definitely worth a visit!
train, the experience was truly humbling. temperature down is by switching on
Needless to say, when my husband the heater in the car. 45° temperatures, And so onwards to Khwai River Camp
tells the story, the elephant was a mere windows down and heater blowing full in the Okavango Delta. I first took my
centimetre away and he was standing blast does not make for a happy wife! husband to the Delta in 2011 for a
tall and proud, looking it directly in the three night stay in Khwai Camp and
Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa LANDROVING 37
he instantly fell in love with the place. And on to Challenge 5: Do Not Drip
We had decided to leave Savuti a night Diesel.
earlier to spend a little more time in
the relative coolness of Khwai, with the While on our trip into Maun to stock up
unfortunate consequence that we ended on food and drinks, we noticed that the
up putting up camp twice in two days. Defender TDi was leaking a few drops
Nonetheless, we had some amazing river of diesel every few meters. This was a
crossings, wonderful wild dog sightings concern and we most certainly could
in camp and got stuck in some terrible not drive this vehicle while in the Delta
bog holes while out on a game drive, area, dripping diesel where ever we
necessitating the use of our hard-earned went. A mechanic from Khwai Village
Recovery Training from LROC. All part by the name of Patrick, took a look and
of the bush experience and always very determined that there was a leak in the
welcome! fuel pump which meant that while the
vehicle was running, the diesel would
continue dripping. So, the TDi was they grabbed mouthful after mouthful Naturally as we had just come from
parked and our plans to visit Third Bridge until their tummies could not hold more. there, we filled him in on some of our
cancelled. We would again revert to And even then, we noticed still hundreds experiences, outlining the potential
using one vehicle for transport. Luckily of flying ants crawling on the ground pitfalls, best driving techniques and best
for my husband, this time I did not have to the point that we struggled not to places to stay on his journey.
to sit on the centre console again! step on them. Our moves must have
looked like a badly choreographed dance We spent a lovely few days with Mike,
While the ablutions were in the worst routine if you watched us from some being regaled with stories about being
state I have ever encountered in Khwai distance away! The next morning, we an American while not in America and
River Camp, and water availability noticed that the monkeys were having realised that the many challenges we
was problematic, we had a most a feast, from oldest to tiniest little baby face in South Africa are not unique
unforgettable experience on our last gorging themselves on what the hyenas to our country, and are in fact being
evening. We had just sat down to eat, had missed. After that, the birds came experienced throughout the world. Of
with the fire blazing and our mood a to clean up and what they didn’t carry course, after a few beers we collectively
little low, due to the fact that this was away the ants enjoyed. The cycle of found solutions to nearly every problem
our last night in Khwai, and the end of Nature at its best. facing the world, including solving Brexit,
our holiday, when suddenly, we saw Global Warming and Weapons of Mass
a swarm of flying ants coming out of Our final few days in Botswana were Destruction in one fell swoop – Masters
a log in camp, seemingly attracted to fraught with more tension as we were of the Universe!
the wood on the fire, followed by their informed by one of Maun’s Landrover
swarming of the lights we had up in mechanics, a man by the name of And with that the time came to go
camp. Yamaha, that the Defender TDi needed home. Due to the extension of time
to have a part replaced, which would needed to repair the TDi, I flew home
We scrambled to either a vehicle or a take three to four days to procure and and prepared to welcome my husband
tent and watched this drama play itself fit, and the Defender TD5 was having and mom-in-law home a few days
out. My husband eventually braved the starter motor issues once again. While later. Luckily both vehicles held up on
onslaught and moved the lights away ensconced at Audi Camp in Maun we the drive from Maun to home, leaving
from camp in an attempt to lure the met a most fascinating man by the us with memories of adventures that
flying ants away from where we were. name of Mike, an American who had will last a lifetime. [Until the next
The idea worked, the lights becoming just arrived in Maun after a challenging adventure…]
swarmed by the flying ants. The resident stay in Pilanesberg National Park and
camp hyenas then darted into camp was on his way to Savuti. Mike was the
and started to gorge themselves on this sole occupant of a rented 4x4, with his
mass of flying ants. For over an hour main focus being to get to Victoria Falls.
40 LANDROVING May 2019
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Method Ingredients Scrum-a-licious chicken skewers
Crush the garlic, chili, lemon and coriander 2 cloves of garlic Delicious skewered chicken recipe shared by Kari Wiederhold
together using a pestle and mortar; add the 1 chili
honey, soya sauce and olive oil and toss with Juice of 1 lemon
the chicken strips. Leave to marinate for an 1 handful of resh coriander
hour or so. 1 teaspoon honey
1 tablespoon soya sauce
Thread the marinated chicken strips onto 2 tablespoons olive oil
soaked bamboo skewers and braai for 3-4 3 chicken breasts cut into 2cm strips
minutes a side.
Serve with
Sweet corn - grilled on the braai with salted
Pawpaw salsa- diced pawpaw with chili and
chopped coriander.
Tomatoes and avocado salad - cherry
tomatoes, diced avocado, onion and rocket.
Rust de Winter 2019
LR Series Fest
by Andre Verster
Rust de Winter. Friday 5 April 2019, just Winter from the Wednesday getting The guys are excited to see a beautiful
after 9:00. The hosts of the first ever things ready. “It’s a great venue,” Forward Control on the trailer behind
Land Rover Series Fest are applying the says André Verster, one of the hosts, the Defender. The Forward Control was
finishing touches. A phone rings. “Hi under massive decades-old Swart known as the Land Rover 101FC and
Dad. The heavens have opened here in Apiesdoringbome. This is bushveld. developed for the British army.
Kempton Park! It’s pouring; the streets
are rivers!” By Thursday evening everything is ready. André’s pride and joy is a Series 2A 109.
André, his co-host Johan Kriek and LR She is called Landy Jane, but typically
We’re not scared. Land Rover Owners Series marketing man Rocco le Roux woman she won’t be ready on time
are tough. A little rain doesn’t scare us are sitting around a massive camp fire – – something about an oil leak that
– it makes playing in the mud so much bush TV, as they call it. They hear the call still needs to be fixed at a workshop
more fun! The Series guys are serious of a jackal far away. somewhere in Strijdom Park. Sean
guys – guys with a 5pm shadow five couldn’t fit the gearbox in time. What a
minutes after shaving, guys having a leg Suddenly there is movement around pity – a huge disappointment.
of lamb for breakfast and the rest of the the entrance to the camp site. The
lamb for lunch. A little rain doesn’t scare lights of a Defender come into view. It’s She’s about to miss her first LR Series
them... André Mouton from main event sponsor
Leimers Land Rover.
The Series hosts have been at Rust de
44 LANDROVING May 2019
As the rising sun starts heating
up the Friday morning, the
scene begins to change. The
men and women taking part
in the challenge start arriving
in their Series vehicles. It is a
hive of activity as they set up
camp. Food stalls are brought in
alongside sponsors getting their
displays ready, exhibitors put
up their gazebos; children are
running around without a care in
the world.
From newborns to seniors
of 80+, Series 1, 2, 2A, 3 and
Defenders, and last but not
least – Wim Odendaal and his
Overlander Forward Control
with an Oz tent and camping
chairs on top.
Sean Slattery and his family in
their Series 3 all the way from
Richards Bay arrive safely. So
does Thomas Erasmus in the
oldest Series at the fest, a 1954
Series 1.
Richard Huchzermeyer in his
beautiful 1963 Series 2A 88
arrives as well.
A quick count reveals no less
than 40 Series Landys – and
lots of spectators in Defenders,
Discoveries and even some
Range Rovers. Even the
ambulance is a Defender.
Oh, well, some other vehicles as
well, yes. “It’s a Land Rover thing
– you won’t understand.”
The arena is bursting at its
seams with all the exhibitors
and sponsors, including main
sponsor Leimers with their
Forward Control and three
other Landys; Fakawi with three
vehicles – a 110 Hard-top with
a canvas canopy older than 12
years, a 130 boasting a brand
new Fakawi canopy and a 110
single-cab with a Fakawi High
Capacity frame that can hold 300
Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa
kg. The Landy Net with two beautiful drivers and navigators each receiving a A beautiful route was laid out along the
Series Landies, REM Landy with two Rust de Winter LR Series Fest Leimers many tracks in the bush, including a river
Series Landies as well, Frontrunner with 2019 T-shirt and a Spanjaard “goody- bed loaded with some challenges and
their fully-equipped 130, Opposite Lock, bag” filled to the brim with Spanjaard obstacles. It’s Land Rover country – up
Spanjaard, Superwinch, LROC, Dinokeng lubrication products and other goodies, and down the river banks, sharp turns in
Nature Conservation and many others, every competing vehicle receives a the bush (the old ladies take their time),
all promising a great LR Classic Fest. unique metal LR Classic badge – a one- across washouts and dongas and up
off token that will have a very special and down steep inclines. Every now and
The Kempton Park rain arrived on Friday meaning in the years to come. then a LROC marshal jumps out to stop
evening. the vehicle and challenge the occupants
The convoy departs in high anticipation to a game – sometimes the driver and
The sun breaks through the cloud on of the challenges lying ahead, not sure sometimes the navigator, or both.
Saturday morning, announcing what exactly what to expect. Every vehicle has
later becomes a beautiful, hot day. a score card for the games the occupants These include shooting at animal targets
Members of the Land Rover Owners Club have to take part in along the route. using catapults; navigators sucking and
of SA (LROC) help control competitors on Driving expertise was not taken into holding ping-pong balls to the end of
the challenging 4x4 route and man other account as the route was laid out in such a pipe and transferring it to the driver;
activities during the morning. a way that the elderly vehicles (and their using a stick to pick up wheelnuts and
owners) would be able to complete the stacking them; playing “giffie” - throwing
All competing Series Landys park in a route without endangering the classic motorcycle tyres over steel pins; picking
convoy. With entries and documentation vehicles or their occupants. up cans and moving them around using
completed, vehicles numbered and a piece of spaghetti...
The radio crackles. It’s Johan Kriek who the guys from SuperWinch are eagerly who gets stuck.
announces a late arrival – a light blue standing by to help if necessary. The
Series 3. Corlius Jooste first finished his onlookers encourage the participants Then the unthinkable happens! Where
roof carrier, hence his late arrival. In and one by one the old Landys manage the old ladies managed in style, the
typical Land Rover fashion Corlius took to exit – without any help from Disco snapped a prop shaft, but no
the shortest route – cutting through the SuperWinch. problem – with more than enough “bush
forest – to join the convoy. mechanics” on hand the broken part is
LROC chairman Jakob Jordaan followed quickly disconnected, downgrading the
At the last obstacle the Landys have the convoy in his Discovery to act as Discovery to a two-wheel drive with a
to exit the river bed. It’s slippery and sweep, lending a helping hand to anyone red-faced Jakob completing the route.
However, getting out of the river bed to manoeuvre. last pieces of wood started burning high,
with only two wheels doing the work, Johan called out the winners of a host
became an impossible feat and the Disco Rocco took to the PA system – time for of sponsored prizes and a lucky draw for
ended up as the only vehicle that had to the last activity of the day. Everyone a Superwinch. The winner was a lady all
be recovered by the Superwinch team... was called to the arena for the “Crank the way from the Far East.
a Landy and tyre change” challenge.
Well done to each of the Series Land Rocco shows his mettle turning the crank Leimers also offered discount vouchers
Rovers! It was great fun! lever – that is the lever pushed into the to some special winners:
engine form the front bumper to turn * Wim Odendaal – the owner of the one
The hot sun burnt off every bit of cloud the crank, hence the saying “turning and only Forward Control at the event
and the guys worked up a thirst – time to the crank” to start the engine. After * Sean Slattery – who came all the way
head back to camp for lunch. the 1920s this was unique to the Series from Richards Bay in his Series 3 to
series – to crank the engine to start her collect his badge
The food stalls served up jaffels, up. The challenge included the spare to * Thomas Erasmus – owner of the oldest
pannekoek, slaptjips, and a variety of be removed from the bonnet, the engine Landy, a 1954 Series 1
meals and drinks. The morning activities to be cranked, the spare replaced with * Richard Huchzermeyer – owner of a
took its toll on man, but not machine. the engine idling, and then then engine beautiful 1963 Series 2A 88
switched off using the key – all with the * Darin Boyce – who arrived with a
Soon after the lunch break the next stopwatch running. Some of the younger spluttering Series 3 and received the
activities were announced – the LR guys had the advantage of upper body Spirit award
Series Fest RC challenge. As they say strength and some even broke a lever or
– boys never grow up; their toys get two, but no problem – we brought 10! Thank you everyone for making the 2019
more expensive, and in the event of the LR Series Fest a major success. See you
radio-controlled miniature Land Rovers As the sun sets, André serves up “pap next year.
this was definitely the case. Some of the en sous” for everyone at a bring and
ladies also took the controls, although braai at the centre camp fire and no less
for some of the competitors it was not than five braais. The day’s activities were
as easy – RC cars are notoriously difficult discussed long into the night, and as the