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Published by Ignasia Yuyun, 2020-03-31 04:56:09

2020 UDE Guide to Thesis Writing

2020 A Guide to Thesis Writing


Undergraduate Thesis Writing




Disusun Oleh:
Tim Dosen

Program Studi Sastra Inggris




Buku Panduan “Undergraduate Thesis Writing” UKRIDA Department of English merupakan buku
pedoman bagi mahasiswa UKRIDA Department of English dalam menyusun skripsi di semester VII atau
VIII. Undergraduate Thesis Writing merupakan salah satu komponen penting dari keseluruhan program
pendidikan sarjana Sastra Inggris. Undergraduate Thesis Writing bertujuan agar mahasiswa
menghasilkan karya ilmiah berkualitas terkait kajian Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
(TESOL), Translation and Interpreting (TIN), Creative Writing (CREW), dan Applied Linguistics. Selain
itu, Undergraduate Thesis Writing memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk berkontribusi di
dunia akademis dengan menghasilkan kajian ilmiah dalam bidang bahasa dan sastra Inggris. Buku
Panduan “Undergraduate Thesis Writing” UKRIDA Department of English memiliki rujukan bagi
mahasiswa dalam menyusun skripsi sesuai dengan prosedur dan standar yang ditentukan dan bisa
menyelesaikan skripsi tepat waktu.



Penanggung Jawab : Dr. Stefanus S. Sandjaja, M. Si., Kons.
Ignasia Yuyun, S. Pd., M. Pd.
Ketua :
Siegfrieda A. S. Mursita Putri, S. S., M. Hum.
Anggota : Hanna Juliaty, S. S.., M. A.
Athriyana S. Pattiwael, S. Pd., M. Hum.
Sekretariat : Emanuella C. Natalia Mau, S. Pd., M. Hum.
Austine Fillendri



KATA PENGANTAR ............................................................................ 2
TIM PENYUSUN ............................................................................ 4

DAFTAR ISI ............................................................................ 6
BAB I PENDAHULUAN ...............................................................................................
A. Latar Belakang ....................................…………………………………… 6
B. Tujuan Penulisan Skripsi .....................…………………………….. 6
C. Prinsip-Prinsip Penulisan Skripsi ......................………….………… 7
D. Syarat-Syarat Penulisan Skripsi .....................……………………... 7
E. Status Penulisan Skripsi ....................................…………………… 8
F. Mekanisme dan Teknis Pelaksanaan ..................................………
G. Sanksi Rangkaian Kegiatan Penyusunan Skripsi .......................… 10
BAB II SKEMA PENULISAN SKRIPSI ..................................................……….. 10
A. Jenis Skema Penulisan Skripsi ....……………………………….….
B. Syarat Pemilihan Skema .................……………………………….. 11
BAB III PEMBIMBINGAN SKRIPSI ..................................................………….… 11
A. Persyaratan Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi ....………………………. 11
B. Deskripsi Tugas Dosen Pembimbing .................………………….. 12

C. Pemilihan Pembimbing ......................…………………….………… 13
D. Pergantian Pembimbing .................................……………………... 18
E. Waktu Penyelesaian ..........................................…………………… 18
BAB V UJIAN KOMPREHENSIF 1 DAN 2 .........................................................
A. Syarat Administratif Pengajuan Ujian Komprehensif 1 dan 2 ........ 20
B. Pelaksanaan Ujian Komprehensif 1 dan 2 .................................... 20
C. Pelaporan Pelaksanaan Ujian Komprehensif 1 dan 2 ................... 20
D. Penilaian …………………………… …………….............................. 20
BAB VI UJIAN SKRIPSI .............................................................................………. 21
A. Sifat dan Tujuan Ujian Skripsi ......................................................... 23
B. Syarat Administratif Pengajuan Ujian Skripsi .......................……....
C. Kriteria Dewan Penguji ……………................................................... 24
D. Waktu Ujian Skripsi ……………........................................................ 24
E. Penilaian ……………………….…….................................................. 24
F. Pakaian Peserta Ujian dan Penguji ………….................................... 25

BAB VII TEKNIK PENULISAN SKRIPSI ........................................................……. 27
A. Standar Bahasa Penulisan .............................................................. 27
B. Standar Teknik Penulisan ..................................................……......
C. Bagian – bagian Skripsi ……………..................................................

A. Creative Writing …………..................................................................


B. Translation and Interpreting ..................................................……...... 31
C. TESOL …………………..…………….................................................. 35
D. Applied Linguistics …………………..……………................................ 41

LAMPIRAN-LAMPIRAN ........................................................................................……. 47



A. Latar Belakang
UKRIDA Department of English berkomitmen untuk melaksanakan kegiatan penelitian dosen

dan mahasiswa yang berkualitas. Penulisan skripsi sebagai salah satu kontribusi dalam kegiatan
penelitian mahasiswa dan merupakan salah satu syarat untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan pada program
sarjana (S1) yang memiliki bobot 6 (enam) satuan kredit semester (sks). Penulisan skripsi harus sesuai
dengan kaidah dan etika keilmuan, dibawah bimbingan dosen yang berkompeten dan merupakan
cerminan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni dan atau
humaniora pada lingkup keilmuan tertentu. Oleh karena itu, skripsi mahasiswa diharapkan menjadi karya
otentik permanen dalam pengalaman belajar mereka dan harus memenuhi syarat-syarat penulisan
ilmiah, yaitu objektif, metodologis, sistematis, dan komunikatif. Materi penulisan skripsi dapat berasal dari
penelitian lapangan dan/atau penelitian kepustakaan yang merupakan telaah terhadap salah satu topik
permasalahan. Skripsi tersebut diharapkan mengemukakan suatu temuan baru. Peran dosen sangat
berpengaruh dalam penyusunan skripsi mahasiswa dengan memperhatikan format yang sudah
ditentukan oleh UKRIDA Department of English.

B. Tujuan Penulisan Skripsi
Penulisan skripsi bertujuan sebagai berikut:
a) Mengidentifikasikan gejala dan merumuskan masalah yang dijadikan objek penulisan skripsi;
b) Menentukan tipe penelitian (deskriptif /eksplanatif /eksploratif) yang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian;
c) Menggunakan teori yang relevan dengan permasalahan dan, mengoperasionalisasikan konsep;
d) Memilih dan menggunakan metode penelitian yang relevan dengan sifat permasalahan;
e) Menyajikan dan menganalisis data secara cermat, tepat, dan benar;
f) Melakukan generalisasi yang valid dari hasil analisis data; dan
g) Menuliskan hasil penelitian secara sistematis dan logis, sesuai dengan format dan etika ilmu

C. Prinsip – Prinsip Penulisan Skripsi
Penulisan skripsi memegang prinsip-prinsip berikut:

1. Penulisan skripsi dilaksanakan secara terstruktur dan merupakan Mata Kuliah wajib yang
diadakan di semester 7 (tujuh) atau 8 (delapan), dengan beban kerja 6 (enam) SKS.

2. Penulisan skripsi dibimbing oleh dosen pembimbing yang relevan dan memenuhi syarat.
3. Penelitian dilaksanakan di instansi sesuai pilihan mahasiswa yang diketahui oleh program studi.
4. Penulisan skripsi dilaksanakan dengan manajemen yang sistematis, seperti penjadwalan,

pemilihan dosen pembimbing, proses pembimbingan, dan penilaian.

D. Syarat – Syarat
Pengajuan usulan skripsi mempunyai persyaratan sebagai berikut:

1. Terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa aktif di Program Studi Sastra Inggris.
2. Mahasiswa sudah menempuh mata kuliah semester I sampai VI dengan jumlah SKS sekurang-

kurangnya 120 SKS.
1. Lulus Mata Kuliah Research Methods in Language and Literature dan Seminar of Thesis

Proposal dengan nilai minimal C.
2. Mengontrak mata kuliah Thesis dibuktikan dengan printout KRS Online di Semester VII.
3. IP kumulatif sekurang-kurangnya 2.50.
4. Nilai akhir D dan E pada saat pengajuan judul skripsi tidak lebih dari 2 (dua) mata kuliah.
5. Skor English Proficiency Test (EPT) minimal 500.


E. Status Penulisan Skripsi
1. Thesis adalah mata kuliah berbobot 6 (enam) SKS dan wajib lulus dengan nilai minimal C.
2. Mahasiswa yang belum menyelesaikan Thesis dalam 1 (satu) semester wajib melakukan KRS
pengambilan Mata Kuliah Thesis untuk memperpanjang bimbingan skripsi dengan persetujuan
dosen Pembimbing Akademik dan Ketua Program Studi.

F. Mekanisme dan Teknis Pelaksanaan
1. Jumlah jam mata kuliah Thesis adalah 50 menit X 6 SKS X 14 pertemuan (4200 menit/70 jam)
dengan jumlah minimal bimbingan 1 (satu) minggu sekali.
2. Tahapan masing-masing sebagai Thesis berikut:

Pra Thesis
1. Mahasiswa wajib mengikuti sosialisasi dan pembekalan Thesis yang diadakan oleh Program
Studi Sastra Inggris UKRIDA.
2. Mahasiswa wajib mengajukan judul skripsi dan 1 (satu) dosen pembimbing kepada Ketua
Program Studi dengan persetujuan Pembimbing Akademik dengan menggunakan formulir yang
tersedia di administrasi Program Studi Sastra Inggris.
3. Mahasiswa wajib mengajukan hasil revisi proposal penelitian dari Mata Kuliah Seminar of Thesis
Proposal ke Program Studi sebanyak 1 (satu) eksemplar yang akan diberikan kepada dosen
4. Kebutuhan surat menyurat untuk perijinan pelaksanaan penelitian bisa difasillitasi oleh Program
Studi Sastra Inggris UKRIDA melalui staf administrasi.

1. Penulisan Skripsi dilaksanakan selama 1 (satu) semester di semester 7/8 dan bisa diperpanjang
1 (satu) semester ke depan atas persetujuan dosen pembimbing, dosen Pembimbing Akademik,
dan Ketua Program Studi.
2. Mahasiswa wajib melakukan presentasi Proposal Skripsi di hadapan dosen pembimbing. Jika
mahasiswa melakukan perubahan topik penelitian, lembar penilaian Proposal Skripsi wajib
diperbaharui dengan melakukan kembali Seminar Proposal Skripsi di depan dosen pembimbing
skripsi dan Ketua Program Studi.
3. Mahasiswa wajib menandatangi kontrak penelitian bersama dosen pembimbing skripsi.
4. Mahasiswa wajib melakukan konsultasi dengan dosen pembimbing skripsi minimal 1 (satu)
minggu sekali atau sekurang-kurangnya 10 (sepuluh) kali bimbingan.
5. Mahasiswa wajib mengisi buku bimbingan dan dokumen pembimbingan penulisan skripsi online
setiap kali proses bimbingan.
6. Dosen pembimbing skripsi dan mahasiswa wajib melaporkan segala permasalahan selama
proses bimbingan kepada Ketua Program Studi.
7. Dosen pembimbing dan mahasiswa wajib bersikap profesional selama proses pembimbingan
skripsi seperti berkomunikasi dengan baik secara lisan dan tertulis, melakukan persiapan diri
sebelum proses bimbingan, menindaklanjuti setiap proses bimbingan, menghargai setiap
tenggat waktu yang ditentukan oleh program studi dan universitas.
8. Mahasiswa wajib melakukan Ujian Komprehensif 1 (Bab 1-3) yang dihadiri oleh dosen
pembimbing dan Ketua Program Studi.
9. Mahasiswa wajib melakukan Ujian Komprehensif 2 (Bab 4-5) yang merupakan Seminar Hasil
Penelitian secara terbuka yang dihadiri oleh dosen pembimbing dan Ketua Program Studi serta
perwakilan mahasiswa (minimal 5 orang).
10. Mahasiswa wajib memberikan bukti hasil pengecekan deteksi plagiarisme menggunakan
program Turnitin.


11. Mahasiswa dan dosen pembimbing wajib menulis 1 (satu) artikel ilmiah di dalam jurnal ilmiah
(Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional Tidak Terakreditasi/ Nasional Terakreditasi/Internasional/Jurnal
Nasional atau Internasional Terindeks).

12. Mahasiswa wajib melakukan Ujian Skripsi secara tertutup yang dihadiri oleh 3 (tiga) dosen

Paska Thesis
1. Mahasiswa wajib melakukan revisi skripsi berdasarkan masukan dari dewan penguji.
2. Mahasiswa wajib menyerahkan hasil revisi ke Program Studi untuk proses pengesahan
skripsi yang ditandatangani oleh dewan penguji dan Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan
3. Mahasiswa wajib menyerahkan 1 (satu) santiran keras dengan hardcover ke Unit
Administrasi Akademik dan santiran lunak ke Perpustakaan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang
berlaku. Apabila melebihi batas waktu, maka akan ada pengurangan nilai.
4. Mengisi formulir laporan penyelesaian penulisan skripsi, lengkap dengan tandatangan
mahasiswa dan dosen pembimbing dan diketahui dosen Pembimbing Akademik. Formulir
tersebut kemudian diserahkan kepada bagian akademik.
5. Mahasiswa wajib mengunggah skripsi yang sudah lengkap ke portal yang sudah disiapkan
sebelum pelaksanaan wisuda.
6. Mahasiswa wajib memberikan bukti publikasi jurnal ke Program Studi atau draft artikel jurnal
(santiran lunak) ke dosen pembimbing dan Program Studi sebelum pelaksanaan yudisium.
Jika melebihi batas yang ditentukan, mahasiswa wajib mengisi Surat Pernyataan
bermaterai terkait batas pengumpulan dan sanksi.
7. Mahasiswa wajib menyelesaikan proses administrasi akademik selambat-lambatnya 3 (tiga)
hari sebelum pelaksanaan Yudisium.


Menyerahkan bukti persyaratan Proses Skripsi Mengajukan judul dan dosen
KHS dan KRS pembimbing
Mengikuti pembekalan

Presentasi Proposal Seminar Proposal
Menandatangani kontrak penelitian

Pendaftaran & Penyerahan Ujian Komprehensif 1 (Bab 1 - 3) Ujian
berkas Penjadwalan

Ujian Komprehensif 2 (Seminar Hasil) (Bab 4 - 5)

Pendaftaran & Penyerahan Penjadwalan Ujian

Pendaftaran & Penyerahan Thesis Defense (Bab 1 - 5) Ujian tertutup dengan 3 dewan
berkas Penjadwalan penguji

Menyerahkan revisi skripsi Paska Thesis
(santiran keras) ke UAA dan
Laporan penyelesaian Mengupload skripsi ke Administrasi Yudisium
santiran lunak ke
Perpustakaan) skripsi portal UKRIDA

Sanksi Rangkaian Kegiatan Penyusunan Skripsi
1. Mahasiswa akan dikenakan sanksi jika terbukti melakukan kegiatan plagiarisme. Plagiarisme
adalah tindakan menggunakan gagasan dan penemuan orang lain tanpa menyebutkan sumber

atau pengarang yang sebenarnya.
2. Untuk menghindari plagiarisme maka mahasiswa diharapkan mengutip sumber tulisan dengan

benar apabila menggunakan gagasan, pendapat, teori, fakta, grafik, statistik, gambar, atau
melakukan parafrase terhadap gagasan atau pendapat penulis lain. Pedoman pengutipan dapat
dilihat pada bab penulisan skripsi.
3. Sanksi berupa pembatalan nilai ujian, pembatalan skripsi atau sanksi lain sesuai dengan
ketentuan akademik UKRIDA.


A. Jenis Skema Penulisan Skripsi
1. Karya Cipta (Final Project)
Karya Cipta (Final Project) diberikan kepada mahasiswa yang mampu menciptakan dan
merancang suatu karya terkait peminatan Creative Writing dan TESOL dengan nilai akhir
maksimum A.
2. Thesis (Field Study dan Library Study)
Penulisan Thesis diberikan kepada mahasiswa yang mampu melakukan penelitian baik di
lapangan (Field Study) dan maupun studi pustaka (Library Study) dengan nilai akhir maksimum A.
Penulisan Thesis terbuka untuk semua peminatan yang ada di Program Studi.
3. Makalah (Final Paper)
Penulisan Makalah (Final Paper) diberikan kepada mahasiswa yang tidak mampu melakukan
skema Karya Cipta dan Skema Thesis berdasarkan pertimbangan akademik. Dalam skema ini,
mahasiswa diharapkan untuk membuat makalah terkait topik yang sesuai dengan peminatan yang
ada di Program Studi dengan nilai akhir maksimum B. Penulisan Final Paper terbuka untuk semua
peminatan yang ada di Program Studi.

B. Syarat Pemilihan Skema Penulisan Skripsi
1. Karya Cipta (Final Project)
o Wajib memiliki IPK ≥ 3.5
o Wajib memiliki nilai A/A- untuk beberapa mata kuliah terkait sesuai peminatan yang ada di
Program Studi
o Wajib memiliki nilai A/A- untuk mata kuliah Research Methods in Language and Literature dan
Seminar of Thesis Proposal
2. Thesis (Field Study dan Library Study)
o Wajib memiliki IPK ≥ 3.00
o Wajib memiliki nilai minimal B- untuk mata kuliah Research Methods in Language dan
Literature and Seminar of Thesis Proposal
3. Makalah (Final Paper)
o Memiliki IPK ≤ 2.75
o Wajib memiliki nilai minimal C untuk mata kuliah Research Methods in Language and Literature
dan Seminar of Thesis Proposal



A. Persyaratan Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi
1. Dosen pembimbing skripsi adalah dosen tetap Program Studi Sastra Inggris UKRIDA yang telah
bergelar Magister (S2) atau Doktor (S3) dan sudah mempunyai Jabatan Fungsional minimal
Asisten Ahli. Apabila ada kekurangan jumlah tenaga pembimbing, maka tenaga pengajar tidak
tetap Program Studi Sastra Inggris UKRIDA dapat pula ditugaskan untuk membimbing skripsi.
2. Pembimbing sebaiknya sudah pernah menghasilkan karya ilmiah yang dipresentasikan dalam
seminar nasional atau internasional atau menulis artikel ilmiah dalam jurnal nasional terakreditasi
atau jurnal internasional.
3. Pembimbing memiliki bidang pendidikan atau bidang keilmuan yang sesuai dengan topik skripsi
yang diambil oleh mahasiswa bimbingannya.
4. Pembimbing diusulkan oleh Ketua Program Studi Sastra Inggris dan disetujui oleh Dekan
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora untuk dibuatkan SK Pembimbingan Skripsi.

B. Deskripsi Tugas Dosen Pembimbing
1. Wajib memberikan masukan berupa arahan, petunjuk, dan saran kepada mahasiswa
bimbingannya tentang aspek ontologi, epistemologi, dan aksiologi untuk dipertimbangkan oleh
mahasiswa, tanpa melupakan bahwa yang bertanggung jawab atas skripsi itu adalah
mahasiswa yang bersangkutan.
2. Wajib menunjukkan apa yang dianggapnya masih kurang pada hasil karya mahasiswa dan
memberi saran perbaikan untuk dipertimbangkan oleh mahasiswa yang bersangkutan
3. Wajib memberikan dorongan kepada mahasiswa bimbingannya untuk dapat menyelesaikan
tugas penulisan skripsi secepatnya.
4. Wajib memberikan bimbingan minimal 10 (sepuluh) kali pertemuan dan rekap dicatat dalam
buku bimbingan Skripsi.
5. Wajib memberikan arahan penulisan artikel ilmiah dari hasil skripsi mahasiswa bimbingannya.
6. Wajib bersikap profesional selama proses pembimbingan skripsi seperti berkomunikasi dengan
baik secara lisan dan tertulis, melakukan persiapan diri sebelum proses bimbingan,
menindaklanjuti setiap proses bimbingan, menghargai setiap deadline yang ditentukan oleh
program studi dan universitas.

C. Pemilihan Pembimbing
Pembimbing skripsi mahasiswa dipilih dan ditunjuk oleh Ketua Program Studi. Pemilihan pembimbing
mempertimbangkan bidang keahlian dan distribusi. Setiap semester beban seorang pembimbing
sebaiknya tidak lebih dari 5 (lima) mahasiswa agar kualitas bimbingan kepada mahasiswa tetap terjamin.
Pembimbing skripsi ditentukan sesudah mahasiswa mengusulkan judul dan dosen pembimbing kepada
Ketua Program Studi dengan mengisi formulir “Pengajuan Judul dan Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi”. Setiap
mahasiswa dibimbing oleh satu dosen pembimbing.

D. Pergantian Pembimbing
Pergantian dosen pembimbing dapat dilakukan jika ada alasan yang dapat diterima secara objektif.
Pergantian dosen pembimbing ini harus mendapat persetujuan Ketua Program Studi dengan dasar:

1. Tidak ada perkembangan penulisan skripsi selama 1 (satu) semester.
2. Pergantian judul skripsi dengan konsekuensi mahasiswa harus ujian proposal ulang.
3. Dosen pembimbing berhalangan tetap (studi, sakit, dan sebagainya).


E. Waktu Penyelesaian
1. Waktu penyelesaian skripsi adalah 1 (satu) semester, dan apabila belum selesai dapat
diperpanjang maksimum 1 (satu) semester atas sepengetahuan dosen pembimbing dan dosen
PA, serta mendapat persetujuan Ketua Program Studi.
2. Mahasiswa mengajukan perpanjangan secara tertulis kepada Ketua Program Studi selambat-
lambatnya 2 (dua) minggu sebelum semester berakhir.
3. Apabila mahasiswa tidak mengalami perkembangan penulisan skripsi dalam satu semester
(ditunjukkan dengan ujian komprehensif) maka Ketua Program Studi berwenang untuk meninjau
ulang pembimbingan mahasiswa yang bersangkutan dengan berdiskusi bersama dosen
pembimbing dan mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan.



Proposal seminar disusun berdasarkan format berikut:



1.1 Background of the Study

This part covers a description of the topic and the reason why the topic is chosen and worth studying.
The reasons presented here may be influenced by a critic’s opinion, an expert’s comments,
appropriate theories, some challenging statements, etc. Avoid personal/subjective reasons and
1.2 Purposes of the Study
This part states clearly and precisely the objectives of the study (based on the order of the problem
formulation). Practically speaking, this part expresses the problem formulation (which is written in
interrogative statements) as objective (which is written in affirmative statements), such as to find out,
to see, to understand, and to identify.
Write this part in a paragraph form (do not use numbering).
1.3 Research Questions
This part presents the formulation of problems to be discussed/analyzed in the form of the question
(5W + 1How, avoid a yes-no question). The number of problems can be 2 (two) or 3 (three),
depending on the scope of the study. Problems should start with preliminary questions, followed by
specific questions of interest. All the questions/problems should be related to one another.
1.4 Scope of the study
This part elaborates on the context of the study accurately, and it will be in line with Part 1.2 and 1.3.
1.5 Significance of the Study
This part informs the benefits of the study.
1.6 Definition of Terms
Definition of Terms explains the specific, essential or critical terms mentioned in the title of the
undergraduate thesis or/and in the Problem Formulation. Appropriate references should be used for
specific terms such as literary terms, psychological terms, and philosophical terms.
The purpose of this part is to avoid misunderstanding on specific terms. Thus, it is not necessary to
define terms that are generally understood. Furthermore, it is crucial to relate the terms to the study
This part should be written in a paragraph form (do not use numbering).
1.7 Thesis Organization
This part elaborates on the structure of the thesis briefly.

A short introductory paragraph that highlights the relevance of literature and theories that will be
presented throughout the chapter is necessary.

2.1 Theoretical Framework and Review of Related Theories
This part explains one by one, the contribution of the theories and reviews in solving the problems of
the study. In this part, why the theories are needed and how they are applied are elaborated in the
study. The theories and reviews should be synthesized in order to make them operationally


applicable to the problems of the study. Therefore, this part presents a review of the theories applied
in the undergraduate thesis. Do not include unnecessary or unrelated theories. Review the theories
(do not just display them). Be sure that this part only contains the reviews of the most relevant
theories for the undergraduate thesis.

2.2 Review of Related Studies
This part is to review other related studies previously done by other researches/ writers on the same
work, topic, and author. Write what critics/ experts have said about the work understudy, or other
studies (such as paper, article, undergraduate thesis, or dissertation).

2.3 Review of Related Backgrounds (optional)
If the social-cultural-historical or biographical approach is applied in the study, it is necessary to
review the social background or the biographical background (related to the study) here. Write down
only the data needed to support the analysis. Fit the subtitle with the content of the discussion this
part, for example, The Jazz Age in the United States, Tennessee.

2.4 Concluding Remarks
This part summarizes the importance of theoretical framework, related theories, and related studies
to the current study.


3.1 Object of the Study

This part describes the object or the data of the study. It begins with the description of the work
analyzed and the information of its publication, such as the type of the work, the name of the writer,
the publisher, the year of the publication, the edition, and the structure of the work. It shows its
“special records” (winning a particular prize; made into a box-office movie; performed all over the
world; making a significant change in social structure, etc.) at the end of this part, it contains what
the work is generally about.
3.2 Approach of the Study
The approach(es) used in analyzing the work is stated here. This section explains the distinguishing
characteristics and the procedure of the application of the approach(es). It tells the reason why the
approach(es) is used.
3.3 Method of the Study
In this part, the way/procedure taken in analyzing the work is described. The following are generally
included in this part: (1) statement whether the study in library research or fields research, (2) the
primary and secondary sources (mention some of the essential sources the writer used in this study),
and (3) the steps taken in the analysis. The steps should be as precise and operational as possible.

3.1 Statements of the Problems

This part describes the background of the problems which lead to the problem formulation of the
3.2 Research Site and Participants
This part explains the setting of the study as well as the choice of respondents.
3.3 Design of Research
This part presents the approach(es) use in analyzing TESOL practice and phenomena. It explains
the description (definition or explanation) about the approach and why the approach(es) is used. The
instrument of the study is explored in detail.


3.4 Data Collection
This part consists of the Source of Data and Data and Procedures of Data Collection.
This part specifies whether the study is a population or a sample of a study. A sample study requires
a suitable sampling method in order to achieve a representative sample. It specifies how the data
are collected, organized, categorized, treated for the study. If a survey or an oral interview is
considered, there should be a description of how it is done and what instrumental is used.

3.5 Methods of Data Analysis
This part clarifies the steps of analysis for finding the answer to the problems. Each problem requires
a different analysis. Certain studies might require a statistical analysis because they are meant to
refuse or accept particular hypotheses developed in the theoretical framework. It also clarifies how
to interpret the numbers and the symbols presented in the statistical data.

3.1 Areas of Research

This part describes briefly the areas of translation research conducted by the writer, such as (a) text
analysis and translation, (b) translation quality assessment, (c) genre translation, (d) multimedia
translation, (e) translation and technology, (f) translation history, (g) translation ethics, (h) terminology
and glossaries, (i) interpreting, (j) translation process, (k) translation training (Williams and
Chersterman, 2002).
3.2 Object or Subject of the Study
This part describes the object or subject being studied. In translation research, the object is called a
translatable unit, which might include words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs.
3.3 Method of the Study
In this part, the method/way taken in analyzing the work is described. The following are generally
included in this part: (1) whether the study is qualitative or quantitative, (2) whether the study is a
library research or field research, and (3) whether the data are primary, secondary or both.
3.4 Research Procedure
3.4.1 Types of Data
It describes the kinds of collected data. The data might be (1) objective, (2) affective, (3) genetive.
a) Objective Data are taken from the Source Text (ST) and Target Text (TT). Elaboration of the
source must be as detailed as possible.
b) Affective Data are taken from the readers, respondents, or both. These data might be gathered
from the questionnaires, interviews, observation, and focused group discussion.
c) Genetive Data are taken from the translator himself/herself. This data is used to confirm or to
compare the data in the analysis phase.
3.4.2 Data Collection
It narrates how the data are collected. It describes the data collection process.
3.4.3 Population and Sample
A population is a collection of data whose properties are analyzed. The population is the complete
collection to be studied. It contains all subjects of interest. A sample is a part of the population of
interest, a sub-collection selected out of the population, for example, by using Krejcie-Morgan
Method. A triangulation method is done to ensure data validity. It might include source triangulation,
method triangulation, researcher triangulation, or theory triangulation.
3.4.4 Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics are used to describe the condition of the research variables, for instance, by
finding their minimum and maximum scores, mean, and mode completed with frequency distribution
and histogram tables. Describe how you analyze the data by giving an example.


The Introduction and the Review of the Literature are typically followed by the description of detailed
technical aspects of the study. The first method section describes the procedures in such a detailed way
that anyone wishing to replicate the study would be able to do so.

3.1 Research Method and Design
This part describes what research method that best reflects their studies in terms of Quantitative,
Qualitative, or Mixed Methods. Research design is closely related to the research method. For example,
the Case Study is a typical research design in the Qualitative Method.

3.2 Field of the Study
This part is where the writer explicates under which field of study their study may fall into
comprehensively. The topics of the study in Applied Linguistics studies might belong to these fields (but
not limited to): Sociolinguistics (e.g., language and gender, language and social class, etc.), Pragmatics,
Discourse analysis, Conversational Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, Electronic Discourse,
Language use and practice on online platforms, Textbook Analysis, Classroom Discourse, and any other
topics approved of by the Supervisor and the Department.

3.3 Subject or Object of the Study
This part is where the writer provides an explicit description of who (the participants/respondents) and
what (sessions of conversation, news texts, chatting sessions, textbooks, etc.) that they select as the
source of their data and focus of their analysis. The explanation of how and why the subjects or objects
are selected must be available. Also, the elaboration of procedures involved in the selection must exist.

3.4 Method of Data Collection
The writer is responsible for explaining how they collect the data and what instrument(s) they use to
support the process of collecting the data. The use of the particular method of data collection must be
justified in which the writer provides their considerations in working with particular methods of data
collection. All the data collection materials (e.g., questionnaires, interview protocols, tasks, observation
sheets) need to be exemplified in the appendix.

3.5. Method of Data Analysis
This part describes the procedures used for the quantitative or qualitative analysis of the data. The
relatedness to the Theoretical Framework should be present in which the writer demonstrates how each
analytical framework works in the process of analyzing the data.

Referring to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association edisi ke-tujuh, tahun

Seminar Proposal diadakan secara terjadwal dan diatur oleh Program Studi setelah pelaksanaan

Thesis Briefing di awal semester.

Pelaksanaan Seminar Proposal dilaksanakan dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1. Dilakukan secara tertutup dan dihadiri oleh 2 (dua) dosen penguji sesuai dengan kepakaran
Translation and Interpreting, TESOL, Applied Linguistics Studies atau Creative Writing.
2. Durasi Seminar Proposal Penelitian maksimal 60 menit, meliputi presentasi proposal penelitian
maksimal 25 menit dan sesi tanya jawab 35 menit.


3. Tempat seminar proposal penelitian adalah ruangan yang sudah diatur oleh staf administrasi
Program Studi.

4. Materi presentasi power point, presentasi dan sesi tanya jawab menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
5. Sesi diskusi dan tanya jawab dengan peserta menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
6. Untuk komponen penilaian Seminar Proposal adalah sebagai berikut:

Komponen Penilaian Nilai Bobot
Seminar Proposal
 Penyajian 1-30 20%
 Isi proposal 1-35
 Penguasaan materi 1-15
 Orisinalitas




Ujian Komprehensif dimaksudkan untuk menyajikan kemajuan penulisan skripsi/tugas akhir guna
mendapatkan saran dan masukan demi penyempurnaan penulisan hasil skripsi/tugas akhir. Dalam Ujian
Komprehensif 1, mahasiswa menyajikan hasil penulisan skripsi/tugas akhir Bab 1, 2, dan 3. Sedangkan
untuk Ujian Komprehensif 2, mahasiswa menyajikan hasil penulisan skripsi/tugas akhir Bab 4 dan 5.

A. Syarat Administratif Pengajuan Ujian Komprehensif 1 dan 2
1. Terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa aktif pada saat pengajuan seminar hasil, dibuktikan dengan
melampirkan fotokopi Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM) terbaru.
2. Mendapat persetujuan dari dosen pembimbing.
3. Menyerahkan draft skripsi sebanyak 2 (dua) eksemplar kepada bagian akademik sebagai syarat
Ujian Komprehensif 1 dan 2
4. Melakukan persiapan-persiapan sebagai berikut:
Mahasiswa melengkapi formulir pendaftaran Ujian Komprehensif 1 dan 2
Mahasiswa melakukan konfirmasi jadwal ke dosen pembimbing
Mahasiswa menyerahkan berkas ujian ke dosen pembimbing
Mahasiswa berkoordinasi dengan administrasi Program Studi terkait penggunaan ruangan
Mahasiswa berkoordinasi dengan administrasi Program Studi untuk mempersiapkan Daftar
Hadir, Berita Acara, dan Lembar Penilaian.

B. Pelaksanaan Ujian Komprehensif 1 dan 2
Ujian Komprehensif dilaksanakan dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
Ujian Komprehensif 1

1. Dilakukan secara tertutup dan dihadiri oleh 3 (tiga) dosen penguji.
2. Durasi Ujian Komprehensif 1 maksimal 90 menit.
3. Tempat Ujian Komprehensif 1 adalah ruangan yang sudah diatur oleh Unit Administrasi

4. Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan wajib merekam proses tanya jawab sebagai referensi untuk

menulis Berita Acara.
5. Materi presentasi power point, presentasi dan sesi tanya jawab menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
6. Sesi diskusi dan tanya jawab dengan peserta menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

Ujian Komprehensif 2
1. Dilakukan secara terbuka dan dihadiri 3 (tiga) dosen penguji dan minimal 5 (lima) mahasiswa
mahasiswa Program Studi Sastra Inggris.
2. Durasi Ujian Komprehensif 2 maksimal 90 menit.
3. Ujian Komprehensif 2 adalah ruangan yang sudah diatur oleh Unit Administrasi Akademik.
4. Moderator dan notulis ditunjuk oleh mahasiswa yang bersangkutan dan bukan termasuk 5 (lima)
mahasiswa peserta.
5. Materi presentasi power point, presentasi dan sesi tanya jawab menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
6. Sesi diskusi dan tanya jawab dengan peserta menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

C. Pelaporan Pelaksanaan Ujian Komprehensif 1 dan 2
1. Menyerahkan dokumen Ujian Komprehensif 1 dan 2 yang terdiri dari:
● Berita acara
● Daftar hadir
● Lembar notulensi masukan dari dosen penguji (diketik).


2. Waktu penyerahan dokumen Ujian Komprehensif 1 dan 2 paling lambat 3 (tiga) hari kerja setelah
pelaksanaan Ujian Komprehensif 1 dan 2.

3. Revisi laporan skripsi atau tugas akhir berdasarkan masukan yang diperoleh dalam Ujian
Komprehensif 1 dan 2 diselesaikan maksimal 30 (tigapuluh) hari setelah pelaksanaan seminar

4. Jika melebihi batas waktu, maka akan diberikan sanksi berupa pengurangan nilai.
5. Dosen penguji menyerahkan nilai Komprehensif 1 dan 2 ke staf administrasi Program Studi

D. Penilaian

Komponen Penilaian Nilai Bobot

Ujian Komprehensif 1

 Judul 1-10

 Abstrak 1-20
Latar belakang, tujuan, metode, hasil, kesimpulan,
key words

 Pendahuluan 1-20
Latar belakang, tujuan, referensi pustaka yang

relevan, signifikansi 25%
 Kajian Pustaka
Latar belakang teoretis, pustaka, penelitian terkini,
relevan dan asli dari sumber sesuai alur pikir topik 1-25

 Metode/Kerangka Teoretis
Kesesuaian antara pertanyaan penelitian, konteks,
objek, instrument pengambilan data, prosedur 1-25

pengambilan data, kualitas data dan prosedur

analisa data

Komponen Penilaian Nilai Bobot
Ujian Komprehensif 2 1-40 30%

 Hasil dan Pembahasan 1-25
Kumpulan dan kejelasan penampilan data, 1-15
proses/teknik pengolahan data, ketajaman analisis 1-10
dan sintesis data, perbandingan hasil dengan 1-10
hipotesis atau hasil sejenis sebelumnya

 Kesimpulan
Tingkat ketercapaian hasil dengan tujuan dengan
menampilkan rangkuman, implikasi, keterbatasan,
dan rekomendasi terkait

 Bahasa
Penggunaan bahasa terkait struktur, kosakata dan

 Referensi
Penggunaan gaya dan format, sitasi, referensi
sesuai dengan panduan APA edisi ke-6

 Penyajian
Sistematika penyajian dan isi, penggunaan bahasa
cara dan sikap presentasi, ketepatan waktu penyajian



A. Sifat dan Tujuan Ujian Skripsi
1. Ujian skripsi adalah ujian terakhir yang wajib ditempuh mahasiswa sebagai syarat untuk
mendapatkan gelar kesarjanaan.
2. Ujian dilaksanakan secara lisan dan bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi mahasiswa dalam
penguasaan ilmu dan penerapannya sesuai dengan bidang keahliannya.

B. Syarat Administratif Pengajuan Ujian Skripsi
Seorang mahasiswa diperkenankan menempuh ujian skripsi apabila memenuhi syarat-syarat berikut ini:

1. Terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa aktif pada saat pengajuan ujian skripsi dibuktikan dengan
melampirkan fotokopi Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM).

2. Telah menyelesaikan revisi penulisan skripsi berdasarkan masukan yang diperoleh dalam ujian
komprehensif 1 dan 2.

3. Mendapat persetujuan dari dosen pembimbing.

Setelah melengkapi persyaratan diatas, mahasiswa dapat mendaftarkan diri untuk ujian skripsi dengan
melakukan langkah-langkah berikut ini:

1. Membayar biaya ujian skripsi di Bank INA Perdana.
2. Menyerahkan fotokopi slip pembayaran biaya ujian akhir ke Unit Administrasi Akademik dengan

menunjukkan kuitansi asli.
3. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran ujian skripsi.
4. Telah lulus seluruh mata kuliah (kecuali Thesis) dengan nilai minimal C/C+.
5. Memiliki IP kumulatif sekurang-kurangnya 2.5 yang dibuktikan dengan melampirkan Transkrip

Nilai sementara yang bisa diperoleh di Unit Administrasi Akademik.
6. Menyerahkan dokumen skripsi yang telah disetujui oleh pembimbing sejumlah 3 (tiga) eksemplar.
7. Syarat-syarat lain yang ditentukan oleh Program Studi
8. Skor TOEFL ITP minimal 500
9. Poin softskill minimal 100 (bukti dari Unit Pengembangan Karakter)

Setelah melakukan proses pendaftaran, maka selanjutnya mahasiswa melakukan langkah-langkah
sebagai berikut:

1. Mahasiswa menyerahkan berkas ke dosen pembimbing dan penguji.
2. Jadwal ujian ditentukan oleh bagian akademik maksimal 5 (lima) hari kerja setelah pendaftaran.
3. Unit Administrasi akademik selanjutnya akan mengatur segala persiapan pelaksanaan ujian

skripsi bagi mahasiswa.

C. Kriteria Dewan Penguji Ujian Skripsi
1. Dewan Penguji ujian skripsi ditentukan oleh Ketua Program Studi berdasarkan diskusi dan
rekomendasi dari kelompok kerja skripsi program studi.
2. Dewan Penguji terdiri dari 3 (tiga) orang, yaitu Ketua Dewan Penguji yang sesuai dengan bidang
kajian skripsi mahasiswa yang diuji, dosen pembimbing sebagai anggota, dan penguji tamu.
3. Penguji bukan pembimbing dapat diangkat dari dosen program studi/instansi lain yang ditentukan
oleh Ketua Program Studi.
4. Ketua Dewan Penguji bertugas untuk memimpin ujian skripsi, menguji, dan memberikan
5. Anggota Dewan Penguji bertugas untuk mengatur kelancaran pelaksanaan ujian, menguji dan
memberikan penilaian.


D. Waktu Ujian Skripsi
Waktu yang disediakan untuk ujian skripsi adalah maksimal 90 menit.

E. Penilaian
1. Ketua Dewan Penguji memimpin musyawarah untuk menentukan nilai akhir ujian skripsi.
2. Untuk dapat dinyatakan lulus ujian skripsi, seorang mahasiswa sekurang-kurangnya harus
mendapat nilai yang setara dengan C.
3. Mahasiswa yang dinyatakan belum lulus ujian skripsi harus melaksanakan keputusan dewan
4. Mahasiswa diharuskan menyelesaikan dan menyerahkan laporan skripsi selambat-lambatnya 30
(tigapuluh) hari setelah ujian dengan berkonsultasi kepada dosen pembimbing dan dosen penguji.
5. Apabila sampai batas akhir revisi belum diserahkan maka akan diberikan sanksi yang sesuai,
yakni berupa pembatalan nilai ujian skripsi dan mahasiswa wajib melaksanakan ujian ulang, atau
sesuai keputusan dewan penguji sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.
6. Mahasiswa wajib mengumpulkan dokumen skripsi dalam format PDF dan Microsoft Word yang
diunggah ke portal UKRIDA dan jilidan sebanyak 1 (satu) eksemplar dengan panton warna
sampul warm red 2x dan bentuk penjilidan yang ditentukan oleh UKRIDA.
7. Nilai akhir dari skripsi termasuk nilai seminar proposal, proses pembimbingan, ujian komprehensif
1 dan 2, dan ujian skripsi dengan bobot sebagai berikut:

Komponen Penilaian Nilai Bobot

Seminar Proposal

 Penyajian 1-20

 Isi proposal 1-30 20%

 Penguasaan materi 1-35
 Orisinalitas

Ujian Komprehensif 1

 Judul 1-10

 Abstrak
Latar belakang, tujuan, metode, hasil, kesimpulan,
key words

 Pendahuluan 1-20
Latar belakang, tujuan, referensi pustaka yang

relevan, signifikansi 25%
 Kajian Pustaka
Latar belakang teoretis, pustaka, penelitian terkini,
relevan dan asli dari sumber sesuai alur pikir topik 1-25

 Metode/Kerangka Teoretis
Kesesuaian antara pertanyaan penelitian, konteks,
objek, instrument pengambilan data, prosedur 1-25

pengambilan data, kualitas data dan prosedur
analisa data


Ujian Komprehensif 2 1-40 30%
 Hasil dan Pembahasan 45%
Kumpulan dan kejelasan penampilan data, 1-15
proses/teknik pengolahan data, ketajaman analisis 1-10
dan sintesis data, perbandingan hasil dengan 1-10
hipotesis atau hasil sejenis sebelumnya 1-3
 Kesimpulan 1-4
Tingkat ketercapaian hasil dengan tujuan dengan 1-12
menampilkan rangkuman, implikasi, keterbatasan, 1-8
dan rekomendasi terkait 1-21
 Bahasa
Penggunaan bahasa terkait struktur, kosakata dan 1-21
koherensi 1-10
 Referensi 1-9
Penggunaan gaya dan format, sitasi, referensi 1-8
sesuai dengan panduan APA edisi ke-6
 Penyajian
Sistematika penyajian dan isi, penggunaan bahasa
cara dan sikap presentasi, ketepatan waktu penyajian

Ujian Skripsi
 Judul
 Abstrak

Latar belakang, tujuan, metode, hasil, kesimpulan,
key words
 Pendahuluan
Latar belakang, tujuan, referensi pustaka yang
relevan, signifikansi
 Kajian Pustaka
Latar belakang teoretis, pustaka, penelitian terkini,
relevan dan asli dari sumber sesuai alur pikir topik
 Metode/Kerangka Teoretis
Kesesuaian antara pertanyaan penelitian, konteks,
objek, instrument pengambilan data, prosedur
pengambilan data, kualitas data dan prosedur
analisa data
 Hasil dan Pembahasan
Kumpulan dan kejelasan penampilan data,
proses/teknik pengolahan data, ketajaman analisis
dan sintesis data, perbandingan hasil dengan
hipotesis atau hasil sejenis sebelumnya
 Kesimpulan
Tingkat ketercapaian hasil dengan tujuan dengan
menampilkan rangkuman, implikasi, keterbatasan,
dan rekomendasi terkait
 Bahasa
Penggunaan bahasa terkait struktur, kosakata dan
 Referensi


Penggunaan gaya dan format, sitasi, referensi 1-4
sesuai dengan panduan APA edisi ke-6

 Penyajian
Sistematika penyajian dan isi, penggunaan bahasa
cara dan sikap presentasi, ketepatan waktu

Total nilai di atas kemudian di konversi dengan pembobotan nilai menggunakan kriteria sebagai berikut:

No. Nilai Angka Nilai Mutu
1 80 - 100 A
2 75 – 79.99 A-
3 71 – 74.99 B+
4 67 – 70.99 B
5 63 – 66.99 B-
6 59 – 62.99 C+
7 56 – 58.99 C
8 45 – 55.99 D
9 ‘> 45.00 E

F. Pakaian Peserta Ujian dan Penguji
1. Pakaian peserta ujian

1.Baju kemeja lengan panjang putih

2.Memakai dasi
3.Celana panjang kain berwarna hitam

4.Sepatu (bukan sandal)

a. Baju kemeja putih
b. Memakai blazer
c. Rok hitam atau celana panjang kain berwarna hitam
d. Sepatu tertutup

2. Pakaian penguji
a. Baju lengan panjang berdasi
b. Baju lengan pendek berdasi dan memakai jas
c. Celana panjang kain
d. Memakai sepatu (bukan sandal)

a. Baju lengan panjang atau baju lengan pendek dengan memakai blazer
b. Rok kain atau celana panjang kain
c. Sepatu tertutup (bukan sandal)



A. Standar Bahasa Penulisan
Skripsi ditulis dalam ragam bahasa Inggris baku/formal.

B. Standar Teknis Penulisan
1. Bidang Pengetikan
a. Kertas yang digunakan untuk mengetik adalah kertas HVS 80 gram ukuran A4S (215 x 297) warna

putih. Ukuran kertas yang digunakan adalah A4S supaya ada ruang untuk dirapikan setelah
penjilidan, sehingga setelah dirapikan, ukuran kertas tetap A4 dan tidak mengganggu marjin lay-out.

b. Pengaturan Marjin dan Spasi
Pengaturan marjin berdasarkan pada hasil cetak, bukan yang terlihat di layar.

Lay-out kertas, untuk pengetikan naskah adalah sebagai berikut:
pinggir atas : 4 cm dari tepi kertas

pinggir kiri : 4 cm dari tepi kertas
pinggir bawah : 3 cm dari tepi kertas

pinggir kanan : 3 cm dari tepi kertas
Atau kira-kira 23 hingga 24 baris dalam satu halaman.

Jarak antarbaris dalam penulisan adalah 2 spasi (spasi ganda), kecuali halaman sampul, halaman
pengesahan, halaman penerimaan, abstrak, kutipan terindentasi, dan setiap masukan Bibliografi.

Salinan resmi skripsi harus dijilid dengan sampul bening.
Salinan resmi skripsi yang sudah disetujui harus dijilid dengan panton warna sampul warm red 2x dan
bentuk penjilidan yang ditentukan oleh UKRIDA.

c. Fonta
Fonta standar untuk penulisan skripsi Program Studi Sastra Inggris adalah Times New Roman ukuran
12, kecuali judul skripsi di halaman sampul depan, lembar pengesahan dan lembar penerimaan skripsi,
yaitu Times New Roman, ukuran 14 dicetak tebal dengan spasi tunggal. Untuk sampul dalam, jenis fonta
Times New Roman, ukuran 12, dicetak tebal dengan spasi tunggal. Spasi karakter mengikuti standar
yang berlaku atau pengaturan awal.

d. Teks
 Pengetikan hanya dilakukan pada satu halaman, tidak bolak-balik.
 Dicetak dengan tinta warna hitam.
 Tepi kiri kanan teks harus rata (justified), kecuali judul dan subjudul.
 Sedapat mungkin hindari “jendela” (baris pendek yang mengakhiri paragraph di bagian atas

halaman), dan “yatim” (judul atau subjudul di bagian bawah halaman tanpa diikuti teks).
 Kutipan terindentasi harus dituliskan dengan spasi tunggal. Kutipan terindentasi sedikitnya tiga baris.

Jika kurang, kutipan harus disatukan dalam teks.
 Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan catatan kaki.

e. Penomoran Halaman
- Mulai dari Halaman Judul, Halaman Sampul Depan, hingga Abstrak: nomor halaman dituliskan

dalam angka Romawi kecil (mulai dari i). Posisi nomor halaman: bagian bawah halaman, tengah.
- Mulai dari Bab I hingga halaman terakhir Lampiran: nomor halaman dituliskan dalam angka Arab

(mulai dari 1). Posisi nomor halaman di halaman pertama tiap Bab, Bibliografi, dan Lampiran: bagian


bawah halaman, tengah. Posisi nomor halaman setelah halaman pertama: bagian atas halaman,

f. Sistem Penomoran
Penomoran selalu dimulai dari ujung paling kiri marjin halaman. Gunakan sistem penomoran berikut:
1.1 ................
1.1.1 ............... ...............

g. Jumlah Halaman
Jumlah halaman atau kata yang disyaratkan untuk masing-masing skema penulisan adalah sebagai
o Untuk skema “Final Project/Karya Cipta” minimum 25-50 halaman
o Untuk skema “Thesis (Field and Library Study)” antara 30-50 halaman
o Untuk skema “Final Paper” berjumlah 5000-8000 kata

Ketentuan jumlah halaman atau kata tidak termasuk Referensi dan Lampiran.

2. Acuan Sistem Penulisan
Sistem penulisan lainnya mengacu pada Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association edisi ke-tujuh, tahun 2020.

C. Bagian – bagian Skripsi
Bagian skripsi terdiri dari:


The title of the undergraduate thesis should be in turn of a noun phrase without finite clausal
modifiers. The maximum number of words is 20 (twenty). The title of the library work under
discussion, and the author’s name are considered as 1 (one) word.

This page shows that the undergraduate thesis has been approved by the advisor. For the
undergraduate thesis defense and the final submission, both Advisor or Co-Advisor’s signatures are

This page contains the board of examiners’ names and signature. This page is required for the final
submission. It is not necessary to include this page for the undergraduate thesis defense. Consult
the Secretariat concerning the board of examiner’s names.

On this page, the writer certifies that the thesis contains no material which has been previously
submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of the writer’s
knowledge, the thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due
reference is made in the text of the thesis.


AKADEMIS (Undergraduate Thesis Waiver Form)
The statement contains the writers’s approval for the publication of the work by the library of
Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana for academic purposes.

This page is optional.

This page is optional.

This page is to express gratitude to people or institutions whose help is significant in the process of
writing the undergraduate thesis. The language used in this part should be formal, although it may
express something informal. Acknowledgments should be of no more that one double-spaced page.

The abstract should contain four main points: (1) the introduction or brief background of the study,
(2) the problem formulation or objectives of the study, (3) the method of the study, and (4) the results
or findings of the study. For the sake of convenience, the abstract is divided into four main
paragraphs, and each contains one point. The abstract should be of no more than one single-spaced

Abstrak is the Indonesian translation of the English Abstract. The title of the thesis must not be

The contents of the thesis are elaborated further in Chapter VIII.
Bibliography only contains references cited in the undergraduate thesis.
Materials which are peripheral but relevant to the study should be placed in the appendix. These may
include the summary of the work analyzed, the life of the author understudy, and additional data
significant to the study.



Susunan penulisan skripsi dibuat berdasarkan skema skripsi yang dipilih dari masing-masing peminatan
yang ada.

An undergraduate thesis is an extended piece of research and writing on a single subject. It is typically
completed in the final year of a degree program, and the topic is chosen based on a student’s area of
interest. This thesis is an extended project that allows the student to explore a narrow topic in greater
depth. The completion of the project is ensured by close work between a student and a supervisor. The
close work provides guidance and support throughout the process of research and writing.

As a piece of writing, the undergraduate thesis takes the form of an analytical piece of writing (research)
as opposed to a purely summative/descriptive one. The activity of research involves a planned and
systematic investigation of a particular linguistic phenomenon. It seeks to describe, identify, and control
relationships among phenomena in order to study them.

The students must address the following aspects of their writing:
a. The identification of a research area they are interested in and the formulation of one or more specific

research questions.
b. The familiarity with the most fundamental literature related to the topic and research question(s)
c. The selection and justification of analytical tools
d. The collection and selection of well-defined and justified sets of materials used as the basis of the

analysis. These sets of materials might be empirical quantitative data, the corpus of texts, sets of
course books, sets of news texts, sets of conversation sessions, etc.)
e. The analysis supported by clear and convincing argumentation and presentation of results.
f. The reliable conclusions drawn on the results and provide possible alternative views and
explanations, as well as practical implications.
g. Well-documented sources and references by following the APA 7th edition format guideline


Undergraduate thesis in Creative Writing may be of three types: (1) Final Project, (2) empirical thesis –
field study, (3) theoretical thesis – library study, and (4) academic paper – library study. The decision on
which type of thesis and study the students will work on is made by the Department.


1.1 Background of literary works
This section covers an elaboration of the chosen media. Also, the reason why is the media is chosen and
worth to be conducted. The reason presented here may be influenced by a critic’s opinion, an expert’s
comments, appropriate theories, some challenging statements, inspired by social events, movies or films,
talk show, etc. avoid personal/subjective reasons and clichés.
1.2 Purposes of the Study
This section states clearly and precisely the objectives of the study (based on the order of the problem
formulation). Practically speaking, this section expresses the problem formulation (which is written in the
interrogative statements) as objective (which is written in affirmative statements), such as to find out, to


see, to understand, to identify. Write this section in paragraph form (do not use numbering). This section
is the elaboration and the description of the works and the thesis statement of the written word. The
theories and approaches on the cause that made the researcher wrote the literary piece.
1.3 Research Questions
This section presents the formulation of problems to be discussed/analyzed in the form of the question
(5W+1How, avoid a yes-no question). The number of problems can be 1 or 2 based on the scope of the
study. Problems should start with preliminary questions, followed by specific questions of interest. All the
questions/problems should be related to one another.
1.4 Scope of the Study
This section elaborates on the context of the study individually, and it will be in line with section 1.2 and
1.3. This section also elaborates on the reasons for the chosen theme and topic. It also informs the shape
of the literary works, the category, and the length/quantity of the works discussed.
1.5 Significance of the Study
This section informs the benefits of the study.
1.6 Definition of Terms
The definition of terms explains the specific, essential or critical terms mentioned in the title of the
undergraduate thesis or/and in the Problem Formulation. Appropriate references should be used for
specific terms such as literary terms, psychological terms, and philosophical terms. The purpose of this
section is to avoid misunderstanding on specific terms. Thus, it is not necessary to define terms that are
generally understood. Write this paragraph form (do not use numbering).
1.7 Thesis Organization
This section elaborates on the structure of the thesis briefly.

This chapter, with a short introductory paragraph highlighting the relevance of literature and theories that
will be presented throughout the chapter.
2.1 Theoretical Framework and Review of Related Theories
This section explains one by one, the contribution of the theories and reviews in solving the problems of
the study. Particularly, why the theories are needed and how they are applied in the study. The theories
and reviews should be synthesized in order to make them operationally applicable to the problems of the
study. Therefore, this section presents a review of the theories applied in the undergraduate thesis. Do
not include unnecessary or unrelated theories. Review the theories (do not just display them). Be sure
that this section only contains the reviews of the most relevant theories for the undergraduate thesis.
2.2 Review of Related Studies
This section is to review other related studies previously done by other researchers/ writers/authors on
the same work, topic, or author. Write what critics/ experts have said about the work understudy, or other
studies (such as paper, article, undergraduate thesis, or dissertation).
2.3 Review of Related Background (optional)
If the social-cultural-historical or biographical approach is applied in the study, it is necessary to review
the social background or the biographical background (related to the study) here. Write down only the
data needed to support the analysis. Fit the subtitle with the content of the discussion in this section, for
example, The Jazz Age in the United States, Tennessee.
2.4 Concluding Remarks
This section summarizes the importance of theoretical framework, related theories, and related studies
to the current study.

3.1 Object of the study
This section describes the object or the data of the study. It begins with the description of the work
analyzed and the information of its publication (such as the type of the work. The name of the writer, the


publisher, the year of the publication, the edition, and the structure of the work). It shows its necessity to
be discussed as literary works.
3.2 Approach of the study
This section describes the approach used to write or compile the literary works under the same theme
and topic. This section also explains the procedures or steps of making/compile the literary works.

This section will explain the process of doing the literary works by relating the work to approaches used
in work along with the writing techniques and other relating theories. This section will also explain the
timeline and elaborate on the researcher’s reflections upon the work. It will also tell the necessary items
such as related questionnaires or other instruments that might help the researcher to finish the literary
works. This section is also describing the problems and challenges that the researcher’s encounter during
compiling or writing literary works.

This last section needs to show a full understanding of the researcher as a literature practitioner and
academician. It needs to be closed in a short essay or poem, or other forms of personal narrative works
made by the researcher to close the discussion of the work.


Chapter I of the undergraduate thesis covers seven (7) parts/subtitles:
1.1 Background of the Study
This part covers a description of the topic and the reason why the topic is chosen and worth studying.
The reasons presented here may be influenced by a critic’s opinion, an expert’s comments, appropriate
theories, some challenging statements, etc. Avoid personal/subjective reasons and clichés.
1.2 Purposes of the Study
This part states clearly and precisely the objectives of the study (based on the order of the problem
formulation). Practically speaking, this part expresses the problem formulation (which is written in
interrogative statements) as objective (which is written in affirmative statements), such as to find out, to
see, to understand, and to identify. Write this part in a paragraph form (do not use numbering).
1.3 Research Questions
This part presents the formulation of problems to be discussed/analyzed in the form of the question (5W
+ 1How, avoid a yes-no question). The number of problems can be 2 or 3, depending on the scope of
the study. Problems should start with preliminary questions, followed by specific questions of interest. All
the questions/problems should be related to one another.
1.4 Scope of the study
This part elaborates on the context of the study individually, and it will be in line with Part 1.2 and part
1.5 Significance of the Study
This part informs the benefits of the study.
1.6 Definition of Terms
Definition of Terms explains the specific, essential or critical terms mentioned in the title of the
undergraduate thesis or/and in the Problem Formulation. Appropriate references should be used for
specific terms such as literary terms, psychological terms, and philosophical terms. The purpose of this
part is to avoid misunderstanding on specific terms. Thus, it is not necessary to define terms that are
generally understood. Write this part in a paragraph form (do not use numbering).
1.7 Thesis Organization


This part elaborates on the structure of the thesis briefly.

Chapter II of the undergraduate thesis covers four (4) main parts/subtitles depending on the approach(es)
applied in the study. This chapter, with a short introductory paragraph, highlights the relevance of
literature and theories that will be presented throughout the chapter.
2.1 Theoretical Framework and Review of Related Theories
This part explains one by one, the contribution of the theories and reviews in solving the problems of the
study. Particularly, why the theories are needed and how they are applied in the study. The theories and
reviews should be synthesized in order to make them operationally applicable to the problems of the
study. Therefore, this part presents a review of the theories applied in the undergraduate thesis. Do not
include unnecessary or unrelated theories. Review the theories (do not just display them). Be sure that
this part only contains the reviews of the most relevant theories for the undergraduate thesis.
2.2 Review of Related Studies
This part is to review other related studies previously done by other researches/writers on the same work,
topic, or author. Write what critics/ experts have said about the work understudy, or other studies (such
as paper, article, undergraduate thesis, or dissertation).
2.3 Review of Related Backgrounds (optional)
If the social-cultural-historical or biographical approach is applied in the study, it is necessary to review
the social background or the biographical background (related to the study) here. Write down only the
data needed to support the analysis. Fit the subtitle with the content of the discussion this part, for
example, The Jazz Age in the United States, Tennessee.
2.4 Concluding Remarks
This part summarizes the importance of theoretical framework, related theories, and related studies to
the current study.

The organization of this subchapter depends on the field of the study.
3.1 Object of the Study
This part describes the object or the data of the study. It begins with the description of the work analyzed
and the information of its publication (such as the type of the work. The name of the writer, the publisher,
the year of the publication, the edition, and the structure of the work). It shows its “special records”
(winning specific praise; made into a box-office movie; performed all over the world; making a significant
change in social structure, etc.) at the end of this part, it contains what the work is generally about.
3.2 Approach of the Study
The approach (es) use in analyzing the work is stated here. This section explains the distinguishing
characteristics and the procedure of the application of the approach (es). It tells the reason why the
approach (es) is used.
3.3 Method of the Study
In this part, the way/procedure taken in analyzing the work is described. The following are generally
included in this part: (1) statement whether the study in library research or fields research, (2) the primary
and secondary sources (mention some of the essential sources the writer used in this study), and (3) the
steps taken in the analysis. The steps should be as precise and operational as possible. Past Tense is
used in explaining the steps taken.

This chapter analyses the aspect of literary studies that are in line with their underlying theories.



This part is the conclusion of the analysis. The answers to the problems should be directly provided,
without necessarily giving (further) explanation. Based on the answer to the problems, a broader or
general conclusion might be concluded in relation to the topic of the study. If any, give suggestion.


The introduction should reveal the reason of the chosen media to elaborate. It has to cover the plot of the
story and the significance of the work toward the recent studies, trends, or social gaps that maybe found.
It can be novels, novelettes, poem anthology, and film.

A review of a recent study and a theory that are used to portray the issue of the chosen literature media.
It should cover thorough parts of the chosen media and explained well in chronological written structures.

This section consists of a thorough discussion on every aspect that the researchers may find. It also
covers their own reflection of the work based on the proposed theory and study.

The conclusion is the summary of the work that they have been working on. The conclusion should cover
the opinion of the writer towards the work and the significance for the writer to make their own claim of
the work by considering the theory and study proposed previously.


Undergraduate thesis in Translation and Interpreting may be of three types: (1) empirical thesis – field
study, (2) theoretical thesis – library study, and (3) academic paper – library study. The decision on which
type of thesis and study the students will work on is made by the Department.


Chapter I of the undergraduate thesis covers seven (7) parts/subtitles:
1.1 Background of the Study
This part covers a description of the topic and the reason why the topic is chosen and worth studying. It
is possible that the reasons presented here are influenced by a critic’s opinion, an expert’s comments,
appropriate theories, some challenging statements, etc. Avoid personal/subjective reasons and clichés.
1.2 Purposes of the Study
This part states clearly and precisely the objectives of the study (based on the order of the problem
formulation). Practically speaking, this part expresses the problem formulation (which is written in
interrogative statements) as objective (which is written in affirmative statements), such as to find out…,
to see…, to understand…, and to identify… Write this part in a paragraph form (do not use numbering).
1.3 Research Questions
This part presents the formulation of problems to be discussed/analyzed in the form of the question (5W
+ 1How, avoid a yes-no question). The number of problems can be 2 or 3, depending on the scope of
the study. Problems should start from preliminary questions, followed by specific questions of interest.
All the question/problems should be related to one another.


1.4 Scope of the study
This part elaborates on the context of the study accurately, and it will be in line with Part 1.2 and part 1.3.
1.5 Significance of the Study
This part informs the benefits of the study.
1.6 Definition of Terms
Definition of Terms explains the specific, essential or critical terms mentioned in the title of the
undergraduate thesis or/and in the Problem Formulation. Appropriate references should be used for
specific terms such as literary terms, psychological terms, and philosophical terms. The purpose of this
part is to avoid misunderstanding on specific terms. Thus, it is not necessary to define terms that are
generally understood. Write this part in a paragraph form (do not use numbering).
1.7 Thesis Organization
This part elaborates on the structure of the thesis briefly.

Chapter II of the undergraduate thesis covers four (4) main parts/subtitles depending on the approach
(es) applied in the study. This chapter, with a short introductory paragraph, highlights the relevance of
literature and theories that will be presented throughout the chapter.
2.1 Theoretical Framework and Review of Related Theories
This part explains one by one, the contribution of the theories and reviews in solving the problems of the
study. Particularly, why the theories are needed and how they are applied in the study. The theories and
reviews should be synthesized in order to make them operationally applicable to the problems of the
study. Therefore, this part presents a review of the theories applied in the undergraduate thesis. Do not
include unnecessary or unrelated theories. Review the theories (do not just display them). Be sure that
this part only contains the reviews of the most relevant theories for the undergraduate thesis.
2.2 Review of Related Studies
This part is to review other related studies previously done by other researches/ writers on the same
work, topic, or author. Write what critics/ experts have said about the work understudy, or other studies
(such as paper, article, undergraduate thesis, or dissertation).
2.3 Review of Related Backgrounds (optional)
If the social-cultural-historical or biographical approach is applied in the study, it is necessary to review
the social background or the biographical background (related to the study) here. Write down only the
data needed to support the analysis. Fit the subtitle with the content of the discussion this part, for
example, The Jazz Age in the United States, Tennessee.
2.4 Concluding Remarks
This part summarizes the importance of theoretical framework, related theories, and related studies to
the current study.

The organization of this subchapter depends on the field of the study.
3.1 Areas of Research
This part describes briefly the areas of translation research conducted by the writer, such as (a) text
analysis and translation, (b) translation quality assessment, (c) genre translation, (d) multimedia
translation, (e) translation and technology, (f) translation history, (g) translation ethics, (h) terminology
and glossaries, (i) interpreting, (j) translation process, (k) translation training (Williams and Chersterman,
3.2 Object or Subject of the Study


This part provides a description of the subject or object being studied. In translation research, the object
is called a translatable unit, which might include words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs.
Meanwhile, the subject of the study refers to the translator’s voices.
3.3 Method of the Study
In this part, the method/way taken in analyzing the work is described. The following are generally included
in this part: (1) whether the study is qualitative or quantitative, (2) whether the study is a library research
or field research, and (3) whether the data are primary, secondary or both.
3.4 Research Procedure
3.4.1 Types of Data
It describes the kinds of collected data. The data might be (1) objective, (2) affective, or (3) genetive.
a) Objective Data are taken from the Source Text (ST) and Target Text (TT). Elaboration of the source
must be as detailed as possible.
b) Affective Data are taken from the readers, respondents, or both. These data might be gathered from
the questionnaires, interviews, observation, and focused group discussion.
c) Genetive Data are taken from the translator himself/herself. This data is used to confirm or to compare
the data in the analysis phase.
3.4.2 Data Collection
It narrates how the data are collected. It describes the data collection process.
3.4.3 Population and Sample
A population is a collection of data whose properties are analyzed. The population is the complete
collection to be studied. It contains all subjects of interest. A sample is a part of the population of interest,
a sub-collection selected out of the population, for example, by using Krejcie-Morgan Method. A
triangulation method is done to ensure data validity. It might include source triangulation, method
triangulation, researcher triangulation, or theory triangulation.
3.4.4 Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics are used to describe the condition of the research variables, for instance, by finding
their minimum and maximum scores, mean, and mode completed with frequency distribution and
histogram tables. Describe how you analyze the data by giving an example.

This chapter begins with an introductory paragraph showing the coherence of the analysis. The theories
presented in the reviews are applied in this part. The organization of the problem formulation. If there are
three problems in the Problem Formulation, then three subchapters are expected. However, it is possible
to divide each subchapter into several smaller sections.

This part is the conclusion of the analysis. The answers to the problems should be directly provided,
without necessarily giving a (further) explanation. A broader or general conclusion might be concluded to
the topic of the study. To this extent, the conclusion is based on the answer to the problems. If any, give

Library study is a field-study like, but the data collection is from the library (library research).
The study should include a synthesis of information on your topic. (Your discussion must integrate the
various sources that you found; it should not be a series of summaries of individual articles without a
discussion of the relationships among them.)

1.1 Background of the Study


The introduction presents the justification and rationale for the research. It lays out the reasons for the
importance of the problem raised in the research. The explanations are based on the development of
linguistics, both theoretically and practically. The justification must be able to answer the question: Why
the research (with the formulation of the problem proposed) is considered essential to do? This section
also provides the focus of the research and the significance of the research.
1.2 Problem Statement and Research Questions
This part is where the writer clearly state what issue(s) or problem(s) they choose as the focus of the
study. Research question(s) then is/are formulated based on this statement of the problem.
1.3 Objective(s) of the Study
The research objectives are formulated by emphasizing the type of knowledge or understanding of what
will be generated and the research conducted. The formulation is closely related to the Research
Question(s) stated in section 1.2.
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study
In this section, the writer describes the scope of the study setting the boundary and frame for their study.
It is followed then by explaining in detail the limitations of the study.
1.5 Significance of the Study
This part informs the benefits of the study.
1.6 Definition of Key Terms
In this section, the significant concept or constructs contributing to the overall make-up of the study are
defined clearly.
1.7 Thesis Organization
This part elaborates on the structure of the thesis briefly.

Overview of all theories read, reviewed, and discussed (at least 6 (six) sources). In this part, the writer
has an opportunity to develop the idea(s). Use reference materials and secondary literature to establish
context and to introduce existing hypotheses. By the end of this section, your reader should know where
you are heading (what are your goals).

This chapter consists of the findings and review of the theories. It includes the relationship among theories
to support the thesis, summary, or conclusion of the theories.

Includes conclusion and recommendation

The Final Paper scheme can be in the form of Comparative Analyses or Research Logs, depending on
the cognitive aspect of the students and approval from the UKRIDA Department of English.

Comparative Analyses
In comparative analyses, students are to locate an article on a specific event or topic from different
sources: newspapers or magazines, scholarly or research articles from a journal and website information
(National/International sites). Then, they are to compare and contrast the information provided for the
event/topic and present their findings.

1.1 Background and Purpose of the Paper
1.2 Paper Organization


Overview of all references read, reviewed and discussed (at least 6 (six) sources)

This chapter consists of the findings and review of the reference. Also, it includes the relationship between
one reference to another, summary or conclusion of the references.

It includes a conclusion and recommendation.

Research Logs
In research logs, the students are to keep a record of all the steps they took for researching their topic.
They shall note down their search terms, keywords used; techniques and methods used to find
information; sources consulted and reasons why; successes and failures of their process. The
assignment will not be graded more for searching success but for the process used, including analytical
and detailed log entries.

1.1 Background and Purpose of the Paper
1.2 Paper Organization

Describing in detail the steps taken for researching the topic: search terms and keywords used,
techniques, and methods to find information.

It consists of the findings and review of the references found (sources consulted), including the
description of whether it is successful or failed

Includes conclusion and recommendation

See the reference for a library research paper here

Undergraduate thesis in TESOL may be of four types: (1) Final Project, (2) empirical thesis – field study,
(3) theoretical thesis – library study, and (4) academic paper – library study. The decision on which type
of thesis and study the students will work on is made by the Department.

A. Curriculum Design or Development
In this type of project, students design or develop a curriculum formed around one or more of the
orientations suggested by Eisner and Vallance (1974). They are:
a) academic rationalism which focuses on disciplinary knowledge and cultural canons;
b) cognitive processes which focus on intellectual reasoning skills;
c) self-actualization or personal relevance which focuses on psychological conditions, individuality, and
personal expressions;


d) social reconstruction or critical pedagogy which focuses on sociological conditions, social justice and
collective reform;
e) utilitarian, which focuses on functional competencies, performance, procedure, and instructional

In designing or developing the curriculum, it is required for students to consistently employ necessary
judgments throughout the process of planning, shaping, and constructing the curriculum elements that
focus on the main question: “What should be learned?”
B. Instructional Design
In this type of project, students work on instructional design for English Language Teaching (ELT) at a
specific education level. If curriculum design tends to focus on the content, the instructional design
focuses on the form and process of how the content is organized and executed for teaching and learning.
Hence, an instructional design must consist of a learning system that involves relationships, conditions,
processes, causes, effects, and feedback.
C. Material Design or Development
In this type of project, students design or develop a set of learning materials, aids, and resources to be
used for specific instruction in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT). Similar to instructional
design, the material design focuses mainly on the form and process of how content is organized and
delivered for teaching and learning to meet the learning objectives. Therefore, products of material design
must consist of elaborated content in smaller or specific units, procedures, or instructions for using them
and assessments.

The outcomes of the Final Project consist of two documents that must be submitted: a) Final Project
report; and b) Project Outcome (e.g., curriculum documents, instructional documents, or learning
materials, aids, or resources).

1.1 Background of the Work
This part covers a description of the type of project and rationale(s) why the work is chosen and worth-
creating. The rationale(s) may be influenced by a critic’s opinions, an expert’s comments, appropriate
theories, recurring gaps from recent or previous studies, or authentic issues, problems or needs
encountered by specific education leadership, the academic community, faculty members, teachers or
learners in a specific institution or teaching and learning environment.
1.2 Description of the Work
This part describes the product(s) of the project. The description includes an elaboration of the product
details, its target user(s), purpose(s) and significance(s).
1.3 Thesis Statement
This part presents the formulation of the project to be discussed or reported in the form of a thesis
1.4 Scope of the Work
This part explains the contexts and contents used in the project, e.g., the area(s) of TESOL being focused
on in the project, the specific target user(s) and their context, and the number of contents being included
in the project.
1.5 Definition of Terms
This part explains the important vital terms used in the Final Project. The explanation must include a
specific definition, essential information about the terms, and the context where the term applies in the
project. This part must also be written in paragraphs.
1.6 Final Project Organization
This part explains the structure of the Final Project briefly, from the first chapter until the last chapter.


2.1 Related Theories and Theoretical Framework
This part elaborates on a few relevant theories on which the project is built. The theories must be reviewed
and presented clearly and logically and synthesized with the project being worked on.
2.2 Review of Related Studies
This part elaborates significant or influential studies relevant to the current project that has been
previously done by others. The review of related studies must also include an explanation of how those
studies contribute to the current project. Also, it explains what gap(s) can be identified that can be
narrowed down by the current project.
2.3 Concluding Remarks
This part summarizes the importance of related theories, theoretical framework, and review of related
studies to the current project.

3.1 Statement of the Problem
This part describes and explains the problem that leads to the objectives of the project.
3.2 Type of Project and Outcome
This part describes and explains the steps and rationales that students took in determining one type of
project out of three (curriculum design or development, instructional design, or material design or
development) to be worked on and its outcome (e.g., a curriculum document, instruction document,
teacher’s manual book, learning module, learning poster, educational video, website, etc.)
3.3 Target User(s)
This part describes and explains the steps and rationales that students took when selecting a specific
target user(s) aimed at the project.
3.4 Project Procedures
This part describes and explains the steps and rationales that students took throughout the project to
produce the project outcome.

4.1 Doing the Work
This part presents and elaborates on the student’s reflection on the process of doing the work. The
reflection must contain a synthesis between the reviewed theories and related studies in Chapter II and
the actual process undertaken and explained in Chapter III.
4.2 Problems and Challenges
This part presents and elaborates on the student’s reflection on the problems and challenges
encountered while working on the project.
4.3 Solutions
This part presents and elaborates on the student’s reflection on the solutions taken (or not taken) to solve
the problems and challenges encountered while working on the project.

5.1 Conclusion
This part briefly summarizes the conclusion gained from working on the project.
5.2 Recommendations
This part presents relevant recommendations that can be applied to improve the current project or to
create new outcomes in future projects.




Chapter I of the undergraduate thesis covers seven (7) parts/subtitles:
1.1 Background of the Study
This part covers a description of the topic and the reason why the topic is chosen and worth studying.
The reasons presented here may be influenced by a critic’s opinion, an expert’s comments, appropriate
theories, some challenging statements, etc. Avoid personal/subjective reasons and clichés.
1.2 Purposes of the Study
This part states clearly and precisely the objectives of the study (based on the order of the problem
formulation). Practically speaking, this part expresses the problem formulation (which is written in
interrogative statements) as objective (which is written in affirmative statements), such as to find out, to
see, to understand, and to identify. Write this part in a paragraph form (do not use numbering).
1.3 Research Questions
This part presents the formulation of problems to be discussed/analyzed in the form of the question (5W
+ 1How, avoid a yes-no question). The number of problems can be 2 or 3, depending on the scope of
the study. Problems should start with preliminary questions, followed by specific questions of interest. All
the questions/problems should be related to one another.
1.4 Scope of the study
This part elaborates on the context of the study accurately, and it will be in line with Part 1.2 and part 1.3.
1.5 Significance of the Study
This part informs the benefits of the study.
1.6 Definition of Terms
Definition of Terms explains the specific, essential or critical terms mentioned in the title of the
undergraduate thesis or/and in the Problem Formulation. Appropriate references should be used for
specific terms such as literary terms, psychological terms, and philosophical terms. The purpose of this
part is to avoid misunderstanding on specific terms. Thus, it is not necessary to define terms that are
generally understood. Write this part in a paragraph form (do not use numbering).
1.7 Thesis Organization
This part elaborates on the structure of the thesis briefly.

Chapter II of the undergraduate thesis covers four (4) main parts/subtitles depending on the approach
(es) applied in the study. This chapter, with a short introductory paragraph, highlights the relevance of
literature and theories that will be presented throughout the chapter.
2.1 Theoretical Framework and Review of Related Theories
This part explains one by one, the contribution of the theories and reviews in solving the problems of the
study. Particularly, why the theories are needed and how they are applied in the study. The theories and
reviews should be synthesized in order to make them operationally applicable to the problems of the
study. Therefore, this part presents a review of the theories applied in the undergraduate thesis. Do not
include unnecessary or unrelated theories. Review the theories (do not just display them). Be sure that
this part only contains the reviews of the most relevant theories for the undergraduate thesis.
2.2 Review of Related Studies
This part is to review other related studies previously done by other researches/ writers on the same
work, topic, or author. Write what critics/ experts have said about the work understudy, or other studies
(such as paper, article, undergraduate thesis, or dissertation).
2.3 Review of Related Backgrounds (optional)
If the social-cultural-historical or biographical approach is applied in the study, it is necessary to review
the social background or the biographical background (related to the study) here. Write down only the
data needed to support the analysis. Fit the subtitle with the content of the discussion this part, for
example, The Jazz Age in the United States, Tennessee.
2.4 Concluding Remarks


This part summarizes the importance of theoretical framework, related theories, and related studies to
the current study.

The organization of this subchapter depends on the field of the study.
3.1 Statements of the Problems
This part describes the background of the problems which lead to the problem formulation of the study.
3.2 Research Site and Participants
This part explains the setting of the study as well as the choice of respondents.
3.3 Design of Research
This part presents the approach (es) used in analyzing the TESOL practice and phenomena. It explains
the description (definition or explanation) about the approach and why the approach (es) is used. The
instrument of the study is explored in detail.
3.4 Data Collection
This part consists of the Source of Data and Data and Procedures of Data Collection.
This part specifies whether the study is a population or a sample of a study. A sample study requires a
suitable sampling method in order to achieve a representative sample. It specifies how the data are
collected, organized, categorized, and treated for the study. If a survey or an oral interview is considered,
there should be a description of how it is done and what instrumental is used.
3.5 Methods of Data Analysis
This part clarifies the steps of analysis for finding the answer to the problems. Each problem requires a
different analysis. Certain studies might require a statistical analysis because they are meant to refuse
or accept particular hypotheses developed in the theoretical framework. It also clarifies how to interpreter
the numbers and the symbols presented in the statistical data.

This chapter begins with an introductory paragraph showing the coherence of the analysis. The theories
presented in the reviews are applied in this part. The organization of the problem formulation. If there are
three problems in the Problem Formulation, then three subchapters are expected. However, it is possible
to divide each subchapter into several smaller sections.

This part is the conclusion of the analysis. The answers to the problems should be directly provided,
without necessarily giving a (further) explanation. A broader or general conclusion might be concluded to
the topic of the study. To this extent, the conclusion is based on the answer to the problems. If any, give

1.1 Background of the Study
The introduction presents the justification and rationale for the research. It lays out the reasons for the
importance of the problem raised in the research. The explanations are based on the development of
TESOL, both theoretically and practically. The justification must be able to answer the question: Why the
research (with the formulation of the problem proposed) is considered essential to do? This section also
provides the focus of the research and the significance of the research.
1.2 Problem Statement and Research Questions
This part is where the writer clearly state what issue(s) or problem(s) they choose as the focus of the
study. Research question(s) then is/are formulated based on this statement of the problem.
1.3 Objective(s) of the Study


The research objectives are formulated by emphasizing the type of knowledge or understanding of what
will be generated and the research conducted. The formulation is closely related to Research Question(s)
stated in section “Problem Statement and Research Questions.”
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study
In this section, the writer describes the scope of the study setting the boundary and frame for their study.
It is followed then by explaining in detail the limitations of the study.
1.5. Significance of the Study
This part informs the benefits of the study for the practitioners, students, or other researchers.
1.6 Definition of Key Terms
In this section, the writer clearly defines the significant concept or constructs, contributing to the overall
make-up of the study.
1.7 Thesis Organization
This part elaborates on the structure of the thesis briefly.

2.1 Review of the Related Literature
This section comes under a separate heading (or headings), which specifies the main aspects of the
review. The purpose of the review is to develop the background, to discuss the relevant literature, to give
the reader knowledge of the field (specifically relating to the research question), which the writer is
A literature review should be a comprehensive and well-structured overview, presented based on an
original organizing principle. A good overview is relevant, looks at all the aspects of the given topic, uses
a minimum of 15 primary sources, and presents the topic in a new light.
2.2 Related Previous Studies
The writer discusses and presents a review of previous studies in an objective-rational manner. It
underlies the idea that the writer should present not only supportive research findings theory, but also
those who reject it.

3.1 Research Method
This part is the core difference between the empirical thesis that is written to report the process and
results of a field study and theoretical thesis that is written to explore the selected issue(s) theoretically
as part of library research. The data gathered from the field are absent from this type of study.
Library research relies mainly on secondary sources that have been studied or discussed by other
researchers. The writer of the theoretical thesis then repackages the results and discussions in order to
answer his/her research question(s).

4.1 Results and Discussion
The Results section will typically contain the results of the analysis, which will detail and justify the
conclusion. This section is often merged together with the result discussion and takes into account the
research questions as well as the consequence of the results.

5.1 Conclusion
Theoretical papers typically end with a restatement of the problem under investigation and a summary of
the proposed solution(s) discussed. In the conclusion section, authors may indicate in what ways the
study contributes to current achievements in the field, refer to the limitations of the paper, and point to
possible areas for further investigation.
5.2 Suggestion


In the suggestion section, authors may indicate what may be done in future research.

The introduction should reveal some broad knowledge of the overall topic and quickly focus on the
significant point of the paper. It follows an ‘inverted pyramid’ structure in which they start broad and
narrow down to a specific thesis or research question. This part also covers the explanation of key terms
as a significant concept or constructs that contribute to the discussion.

A Review of Literature more synthesizes information explicitly from a variety of significant sources related
to the significant point of the paper.

This section is the center of the paper, where the writer finally makes the primary point or claim the
previous sections have led the reader to expect. This section will usually be the lengthiest section of the
paper and should include a thorough and well-supported argument, critique, or discussion.

The conclusion reflects the writer’s understanding of the topic or claim(s). It restates the thesis and shows
what contribution the findings add to the topic under study. It may also describe consequences or general
implications to the field.



Undergraduate thesis in Applied Linguistics may be of three types: (1) empirical thesis – field study, (2)
theoretical thesis – library study, and (3) academic paper – library study. The decision on which type of
thesis and study the students will work on is made by the Department.

An empirical thesis should investigate a problem and is argumentative. The writer uses empirical data to
support his/her hypotheses. An empirical – field study has two types: qualitative and quantitative.

The possible topics of empirical thesis papers in this field can be the following (but not limited to):
 Sociolinguistics (e.g., language and gender)
 Pragmatics
 Discourse analysis
 Communicative competence
 Critical Discourse Analysis
 Conversational Analysis
 Electronic Discourse
 Language use and practice on online platforms
 any other topic approved of by the Supervisor

An empirical thesis can apply various research tools, preferably a combination of the following:
 Questionnaires
 Interview


 Textbook analysis
 Observation
 Text analysis
 Spoken interaction analysis
 Verbal reports
 Analysis of methods, experiments
 Diary
 Tests

A theoretical paper usually focuses on an abstract problem. The main aim of the thesis is to show various
issues and/or treatments of the particular problem in the field and provide a synthesis of literature and/or
solution of the problem. The paper starts with a comparison of what different authors say about the same
topic, that is, a survey of the relevant literature arranged into some logical framework invented by the
writer. The overview should be critical and should be followed by an argumentative proposal of the writer’s
own opinion and solution to the problem.

1. The structure of an empirical thesis (Field Study)

The core parts of an empirical thesis written in the interest of Applied Linguistic are organized into five
chapters, namely: (1) Introduction, (2) Review of the Related Literature, (2) Research Methods, (4)
Results and Discussions, and (5) Conclusion and Suggestion (s).

The abstract describes the problem, purpose of the study, theoretical background, method of study, and
brief findings. It should be written within 200-250 words.

Chapter I of the undergraduate thesis covers seven (7) parts/subtitles:
1.1 Background of the Study
This part covers a description of the topic and the reason why the topic is chosen and worth studying.
The reasons presented here may be influenced by a critic’s opinion, an expert’s comments, appropriate
theories, some challenging statements, etc. Avoid personal/subjective reasons and clichés.
1.2 Purposes of the Study
This part states clearly and precisely the objectives of the study (based on the order of the problem
formulation). Practically speaking, this part expresses the problem formulation (which is written in
interrogative statements) as objective (which is written in affirmative statements), such as to find out, to
see, to understand, and to identify. Write this part in a paragraph form (do not use numbering).
1.3 Research Questions
This part presents the formulation of problems to be discussed/analyzed in the form of the question (5W
+ 1How, avoid a yes-no question). The number of problems can be 2 or 3, depending on the scope of
the study. Problems should start with preliminary questions, followed by specific questions of interest. All
the questions/problems should be related to one another.
1.4 Scope of the study
This part elaborates on the context of the study accurately, and it will be in line with Part 1.2 and part 1.3.
1.5 Significance of the Study
This part informs the benefits of the study.
1.6 Definition of Terms


Definition of Terms explains the specific, essential or critical terms mentioned in the title of the
undergraduate thesis or/and in the Problem Formulation. Appropriate references should be used for
specific terms such as literary terms, psychological terms, and philosophical terms. The purpose of this
part is to avoid misunderstanding on specific terms. Thus, it is not necessary to define terms that are
generally understood. Write this part in a paragraph form (do not use numbering).
1.7 Thesis Organization
This part elaborates on the structure of the thesis briefly.


2.1 Theoretical Framework and Review of the Related Theories: This section comes under a separate
heading (or headings), which specifies the main aspects of the review. The purpose of the review is to
develop the background, to discuss the relevant literature, to give the reader knowledge of the field
(specifically relating to the research question), which the writer is researching.

A literature review should be a comprehensive and well-structured overview, presented based on an
original organizing principle. A good overview is relevant, looks at all the aspects of the given topic,
uses a minimum of 15 primary sources, and presents the topic in a new light.

2.2 Related Previous Studies
The writer discusses and presents a review of previous studies in an objective-rational manner. It
underlies the idea that the writer should present not only supportive research findings theory, but also
those who reject it.

2.3 Concluding Remarks
This part summarizes the importance of theoretical framework, related theories, and related studies to
the current study.


The Introduction and the Review of the Literature are typically followed by the description of detailed
technical aspects of the study. An excellent method section describes the procedures in such a detailed
way that anyone wishing to replicate the study would be able to do so.

3.1 Research Method and Design
This part describes what research method that best reflects their studies in terms of Quantitative,
Qualitative, or Mixed Methods. Research design is closely related to the research method. For example,
the Case Study is a typical research design in the Qualitative Method.

3.2 Field of the Study
This part is where the writer explicates under which field of study their study may fall into
comprehensively. The topics of the study in Applied Linguistics studies might belong to these fields (but
not limited to): Sociolinguistics (e.g., language and gender, language and social class, etc.), Pragmatics,
Discourse analysis, Conversational Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, Electronic Discourse,
Language use and practice on online platforms, Textbook Analysis, Classroom Discourse, and any other
topics approved of by the Supervisor and the Department.

3.2 Subject or Object of the Study


This part is where the writer provides an explicit description of who (the participants/respondents) and
what (sessions of conversation, news texts, chatting sessions, textbooks, etc.) that they select as the
source of their data and focus of their analysis. The writer must explain how and why the subjects or
objects are selected, and the procedures involve in selection.

3.3 Method of Data Collection
The writer is responsible for explaining how they collect the data and what instrument(s) they use to
support the process of collecting the data. The use of the particular method of data collection must be
justified in which the writer provides their considerations in working with particular methods of data
collection. All the data collection materials (e.g., questionnaires, interview protocols, tasks, observation
sheets) need to be exemplified in the appendix.

3.4. Method of Data Analysis
This part describes the procedures used for the quantitative or qualitative analysis of the data. The
relatedness to the Theoretical Framework should be present in which the writer demonstrates how each
analytical framework works in the process of analyzing the data.

Results and Discussion: The Results section will typically contain the results of the analysis, which will
detail and justify the conclusion. This section is often merged together with the discussion section by
taking into account the original questions/hypotheses and the consequence of the results.

Conclusion: This section briefly summarizes the main findings of the analysis, discusses possible
alternative interpretations and views, examines the practical implications (where appropriate), mentions
the limitations of the research, and proposes directions for future investigations. All the conclusions have
to be drawn based on the data and not subjective speculations.

References: In this section, the writer lists all the references that were cited in the texts.

Appendices: The following materials are appropriate for an appendix: scales, tests, questionnaires,
handouts, teaching materials used or designed, raw data, visual aids, less important tables or figures,
practical examples of classroom activities, or other kinds of illustrative materials. The appendix needs to
contain a short sample of the data (e.g., filled in questionnaires, parts of texts produced by the
participants). All appendices have to be translated into English.

2. The structure of a theoretical thesis paper (LIBRARY STUDY)

The core parts of a theoretical thesis written in the interest of Applied Linguistic are organized into five
chapters, namely: (1) Introduction, (2) Review of the Related Literature, (2) Research Method, (4) Results
and Discussions, and (5) Conclusion and Suggestion (s).

The abstract describes the problem, purpose of the study, theoretical background, method of study, and
brief findings. It should be written within 200-250 words.


1.1 Background of the Study


The introduction presents the justification and rationale for the research. It lays out the reasons for the
importance of the problem raised in the research. The explanations are based on the development of
linguistics, both theoretically and practically. The justification must be able to answer the question: Why
the research (with the formulation of the problem proposed) is considered essential to do? This section
also provides the focus of the research and the significance of the research.
1.2 Problem Statement and Research Questions
This part is where the writer clearly state what issue(s) or problem(s) they choose as the focus of the
study. Research question(s) then is/are formulated based on this statement of the problem.
1.3 Objective(s) of the Study
The research objectives are formulated by emphasizing the type of knowledge or understanding of what
will be generated and the research conducted. The formulation is closely related to the Research
Question(s) stated in section 1.2.
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study
In this section, the writer describes the scope of the study setting the boundary and frame for their study.
It is followed then by explaining in detail the limitations of the study.
1.5 Significance of the Study
This part informs the benefits of the study.
1.6 Definition of Key Terms
In this section, the writer clearly defines the significant concept or constructs, contributing to the overall
make-up of the study.
1.7 Thesis Organization
This part elaborates on the structure of the thesis briefly.


2.1 Theoretical Framework and Review of the Related Theories: This section comes under a separate
heading (or headings), which specifies the main aspects of the review. The purpose of the review is to
develop the background, to discuss the relevant literature, to give the reader knowledge of the field
(specifically relating to the research question), which the writer is researching.

A literature review should be a comprehensive and well-structured overview, presented based on an
original organizing principle. A good overview is relevant, looks at all the aspects of the given topic, uses
a minimum of 15 primary sources, and presents the topic in a new light.

2.2 Related Previous Studies
The writer discusses and presents a review of previous studies in an objective-rational manner. It
underlies the idea that the writer should present not only supportive research findings theory, but also
those who reject it.

2.3 Concluding Remarks
This part summarizes the importance of theoretical framework, related theories, and related studies to
the current study.


Research Method: This part is the core difference between the empirical thesis that is written to report
the process and results of a field study and theoretical thesis that is written to explore the selected issue(s)


theoretically as part of library research. The data gathered from the field are absent from this type of

Library research relies mainly on secondary sources that have been studied or discussed by other
researchers. The writer of the theoretical thesis then repackages the results and discussions in order to
answer his/her research question(s).

Results and Discussion: The Results section will typically contain the results of the analysis, which will
detail and justify the conclusion. This section is often merged together with the discussion section by
taking into account the original questions and the consequence of the results.

Theoretical papers typically end with a restatement of the problem under investigation and a summary of
the proposed solution(s) discussed. In the conclusion section, authors may indicate in what ways the
study contributes to current achievements in the field, refer to the limitations of the paper, and point to
possible areas for further investigation.

References: In this section, the writer lists all the references that were cited in the texts.

3. The Structure of an Academic Paper (Final Paper)

The abstract describes the issue, purpose of writing, theoretical background, and points of discussion. It
should be written within 200-250 words.

The introduction should reveal some broad knowledge of the overall topic and quickly focus on the
significant point of the paper. It follows an ‘inverted pyramid’ structure in which they start broad and
narrow down to a specific thesis or research question. This part also covers the explanation of key terms
as a significant concept or constructs that contribute to the discussion.

Review of Literature
A Review of Literature more synthesizes information explicitly from a variety of significant sources related
to the significant point of the paper.

This section is the center of the paper, where the writer finally makes the primary point or claim the
previous sections have led the reader to expect. This section will usually be the lengthiest section of the
paper and should include a thorough and well-supported argument, critique, or discussion.

The conclusion reflects the writer’s understanding of the topic or claim(s). It restates the thesis and shows
what contribution the findings add to the topic under study. It may also describe consequences or general
implications to the field.
References: In this section, the writer lists all the references that were cited in the texts.


FORMULIR Lampiran 1

Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama Lengkap, NIM : NIM: ……………………..

Judul Skripsi Lama :

Dosen Pembimbing Lama :

Dengan ini mengajukan: :
Judul Skripsi Baru
Keterangan: Boleh mengajukan maksimal 3 judul sebagai alternatif.
Bidang Kajian Skripsi : TESOL / Translation & Interpreting / Creative Writing
Penulisan terhitung mulai
: Semester Ganjil / Genap
Tahun Akademik ……………. / …………..

(diisi oleh Program Studi)

Kelengkapan Dokumen: Bukti Pendukung

1 Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM) yang berlaku Salinan KTM

2 Terdaftar MK Skripsi di semester VI Salinan KRS

3 Transkrip akhir sementara: Salinan transkrip akhir sementara

- sudah menempuh semester VI

- jumlah min 120 SKS

- Lulus MK Research Methods in Language and Literature min B-

- Lulus MK Seminar of Thesis Proposal min C

- IP Kumulatif min 2.5

- nilai D dan E tidak lebih dari 2 MK

4 Draft proposal skripsi sebanyak 2 (dua) eksemplar kepada Administrasi UDE Jilid biasa

untuk penguji Presentasi Proposal Skripsi;

5 Telah mengikuti sosialisasi/ pembekalan skripsi Daftar Hadir di UDE

6 Formulir ini dikumpul paling lambat 7 (tujuh) hari kerja

7 Skor EPT minimal 500 Salinan sertifikat EPT

(berlaku 1 tahun sejak tanggal tes)

Dosen Pembimbing Akademik, Jakarta, ………………………………..
Yang Mengajukan,

……………………………………………. …………………………………………….




Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi: ………………………………………………………………………………………………......

Presentasi Proposal Skripsi: Hari, tanggal………………………………...…….Pukul: ……………Ruang: ……………

Jakarta, ………………………
Ketua Program Studi Sastra Inggris

Ignasia Yuyun, S. Pd., M. Pd.


Lampiran 2


1. Nama Lengkap Mahasiswa : ……………………………………………………………….
2. Nomor Induk Mahasiswa
3. Bidang Kajian Skripsi : ……………………………………………………………….

4. Judul Skripsi : TESOL / Translation & Interpreting / Creative Writing /
Applied Linguistics
: ……………………………………………………………….

5. Tanggal Seminar Proposal Skripsi :

6. Rekapitulasi Penilaian …: …………………………………………………………….

Aspek yang dinilai Nilai

1 Penyajian (1-20)
2 Isi proposal (1- 30)
3 Penguasaan materi (1-35)
4 Orisinalitas (1-15)

Total Nilai Akhir

Jakarta, ………………………
Penguji 1 /2 /3



Lampiran 3


Telah dilaksanakan Seminar Proposal Skripsi Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan
Humaniora, Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana (UKRIDA) pada:

Hari, tanggal :
2. Nama Lengkap :
2. NIM :
3. Bidang Kajian Skripsi : TESOL / Translation & Interpreting / Creative Writing

4. Judul Skripsi :

Yang telah dihadiri oleh: : …….. orang (terlampir)
1. Mahasiswa :
2. Dosen Penguji
Jakarta, ………………………………..
Dosen Penguji 1,
Dosen Penguji 2, Dosen Penguji 3,

…………………………… …………………………… ……………………………


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