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Published by sjktarumugampillaisp, 2020-02-21 01:21:18

The Heinle Picture Dictionary

The Heinle Picture Dictionary

dates /d c its / 83-24 askfor.../cEsk fo r / 123-4
daughter /'d o to r/ 27-22 directory assistance /d e 're k to ri o 's is to n s / 16-6
dawn /don/ 5 dirty / 'd 3r t i / 14-5
day /d e i/ 4 disabilities / ^ is o 'b ilo t iz / 134-135
d aycare center /'d e c k e r 'sentor/ 58-57 d isag re e /,d is o 'g r i/40-12
days of the week / d ciz a v 6o w ik / 6 discipline /'d is o ,p lin / 29-13
d e a d /d e d / 14-12 discovers /d i's k A v o r z /198-9
dead-bolt (lock) /'ded-Jooult (la k )/ 67-28 discuss /d i's k A s /
d e af /d e f/ 135-21
debit card /'d e b it k a rd /9 -2 7 ...your ideas /y o r a i'd io z / 20-11
d ecad e /'d e k e id / 4 dishes /dij’oz/ 70-3
Decem ber /d i'se m b o r/ 7-27
decision /d i's ^ o n / do the... /d u d o / 79-21
dry th e .../d r a i d o / 79-23
m ake a .../m e ik 0/65-18,151-26 put aw a y th e .../p u t o 'w e i d o / 79-24
deck /d e k / 69-5 wash th e .../ w a j d o / 79-21
decorate /'d e k o ,re it/ 64-13 dish rack / d i j rack/ 70-16
deer / d i r / 190-9 dish soap / d i j s o u p / 80-13
defends / d i'fe n d z / 198-6 dish towel / d i j ta u o l/ 70-18
deli co u n te r/'d e li 'k a u n to r/ 99-6 dishwasher /'d i j,w a jo r/ 70-14,101-2
deliver / d o 'liv o r / 150-7 dishwasher detergent /'d ij.w a jo r d i'ts rc ^ o n t/ 80-12
delivery person / d o 'liv o r i 'p e rs o n / 146-9 dishwashing liquid / 'd if. w a f in 'lik v v id / 80-13
demonstrate /'d e m o n ^ tre it/ 201-18 disk/d isk /25-2
denim / 'd e n o m / 113-6 disposable d iap er /d i's p o u z o b o l 'd a io p o r/ 57-27
dental floss /'d e n tl flo s / 144-13 dive / d a iv / 210-31
dental hygienist/'d e n tl h a i'c ^ in is t/ 141-25
dentist / 'd e n t is t / 141-26,146-2 d iver/'daivor/189-13,218-33
deodorant /d i'o o d o r o n t/ 144-20
departm ent store /d i'p a rtm o n t s to r/ 48-25 divided by / d i'v a id id b a i / 193-6
deposit /d i'p a s it/ 51-16 diving board /'d a iv irj b o rd / 218-32
diving mask / 'd a m p maesk/ 211-26
m ake a .., /m e ik o / 51-27 division / d i ' v ^ o n / 193-29
depth / d e p 0 / 193 divorced /di'vorst/ 26-28
describing clothes /d i's k ra ib itj k lo u z / 110-111 d izzy/ 'd i z i/ 135-20
desert /'d e z o rt/ 169-1 1 ,180-181 do /d u /
design d i 'z a i n / 151-19
designer /d i'z a in o r / 156-1 ...homework /'h o u m p v a rk / 34-17
desk /d e s k / 19-21,155-7 ...housework /'h a u s ,w 3r k / 34-21
desk clerk /d e sk k l3 r k / 159-11 ...the cooking /60 'k u k n j/ 79-22
desktop (com puter) /'d a s k ^ a p (k o m 'p y u to r)/ 25-17 ...the dishes do d ijo z / 79-21
dessert / d i'z a r t / 101-28 ...the laundry /d o '1o n d ri/ 79-3
doctor /'d a k to r/ 139-16,146-12
share a ... /Jer o/ 102-19 call th e .../k o l d o / 137-20
destination ^ d e s to 'n e ijo n / docum entary /,d a k y o 'm e n to ri/ 208-10
docum ents /'d a k y o m o n ts / 42-43
arrive a t th e .../o 'ra iv ot 60/ 123-24 dog / d o g / 152-16
deterg ent /di't3rcfeont/ doggie bag /'d o g i baeg/
o ffe ra,../'o fo r 0/ 102-20
laundry.../'I o n d r i/ 116-4 doll / d a l / 224-19
dolly / ' d a l i / 157-19
d ia l /'d a io l/ 17-25 dolphin / ' d a l f m / 189-2
diameter /d a i'se m o to r/ 193-15 dominoes /'d a m o .n o u z / 224-14
diam ond /'d a io m o n d / 224-8 donkey / ' d a g k i / 152-24
diaper /'d a io p o r/ do n o ten te r /d u n a t 'e n t o r / 118-5
do not pass /d u n a t p ie s/ 118-4
cloth... /k lo G / 57-29 door /d o r/ 69-12
disposable... /d i's p o o z o b o l/ 57-27 doorbell /'d o r,b e l/ 69-13
d iap er pail /'d a io p o r,p e i 1/ 57-21 door chain /d o r tfe m / 67-27
d iap er pin /'d a io p o p p m / 5 7 -3 0 doorknob /'d o r,n a b / 67-29
diapers /'d a io p o rz / doorman /'dor.m aen/ 67-25
chang e... /tfe in c ^/ 29-8 dorm /d o rm / 63-18
dice /d a is / 92-2 dormitory /'d o r m ^ to r i/ 63-18
dice /d a is / 224-17 double room /'d A b o l r u m / 159-17
dictionary / 'd ik jo ^ e r i/ 55-9 doughnut /'d o u .n A t/ 90-15
look up a word in th e... / lo k Ap 0 w 3 rd in d o / 2 0 -8 down / d a u n / 130-11
die /d a i/ 31-24 downhill skiing /'d a u n 'lu l 's k iig / 222-12
difficult /'difi,kAlt/ 14-8 down paym ent/'daun 'pennont/
dig /d ig /165-22 make a ... /m e ik 0/ 65-23
dime /d a n n / 8-3 draft /d ra e ft/
dimple /'d im p o l/ 3 3 -9 type your.../ta ip y o r / 196-25
diner /'d a in o r / 101-7 w rite a . . . /r a it 0/ 196-22
dining a re a /'d a in ig 'e rio / 70-71 dragonfly /'d ra s g o n ,fla i/ 190-23
dinner /'d in a r / drain /d r c in / 75-20
e a t .../ i t / 34-19 dram a /'draem o/ 208-4
h ave... /haev/ 34-19 dram a club /'drasm o kl.vb / 23-23
m ake... /m e ik / 34-18
directions /d o 're k jo n z /


draw /dro/ 203-24 eat / i t / 102-15
...blood /b U d / 137-24 ...breakfast /'b re k fa s t/ 34-9
...dinner /'d in a r / 34-19
drawer /dror/ 74-5 ...lunch /b \n tjy 34-13
dress /dres/ 29-11
dress /dres/ 104-1 eclipse / i ' k l i p s / 176-5
econom y (class) /I'kanom i ( k lr e s ) / 125-23
...clothes /k lo u z /111-25 edit /'e d it/ 196-24
dresser /'dresar/ 74-6 ed itor/ 'e d it o r / 146-16
dressing 'dresnj/ eel / i l / 189-18
eggplant /'eg,plscnt/ 84-12
salad... /'saebd/ 88-19 eg g roll /e g r o u l/ 91-22
dressing room /'dresig ru m / eggs /e g z / 88-25

go into a... /goo 'intu a/ 114-3 carton of.../'kartn a v / 97-23
fry.../frai/ 92-8
d rill/di 11 /165-4 scramble... /'skraembol/ 92-7
Egyptian /a'djipjan / 44-18
drill /d n 1/ 141-31.161-28 eight cit/ 2
drill b lt/d r il b i t / 161-29 eighteen /ei'tin / 2
drink /d riq k / 102-12,137-28 eighteenth /e i'tin O / 3
drink /d rtg k / eighth /e it0 / 3
eighty /'e iti/ 2
spill a .../s p il g/ 102-9 eject /I'd je kt/ 227-31
drips /d rip s/ 77-5 EKG /'ike i'c fei/141-9
drive /d raiv/ 123-3,151-25
driver's license /'draivarz 'laisans/ 43-18 elastic b a n d a g e / 1'1aos11k 'baendic^/ 142-19
drive-up w indow ld raiv-lAp 'w m d o u / 51-21
drivew ay/'draiv,w e i/ 69-18 e lb o w /'elbou/ 133-9
drop down menu /drop daun 'm enyu/ 25-8 e le c tric a l/iT ektrako l/ 161
drop off /drop o f/ 29-18 electrical hazard /i'lektrakal 'haezard/156-31
dropper /'d rapar/ 194-21 electrical t a p e /i'lektrokal teip/ 160-19
drought/draut/ 171-3 electrician /^lek'trijan/ 77-14,147-27
drown /d r a u n /136-9 electric keyboard /i'lektrik 'kibord/ 207-25
drug dealing /drAg 'd iln j/6 1 -5 electric pencil sharpener /i'le k trik 'pensol ja rp a n a r/ 155-21
drugstore ''drAg, s ta r/4 8 -26 electric razor/i'lektrik 'rcizor/ 144-19
drummer /'drAmor/ 205-12 electric shaver /i'lektrik 'je iv a r /144-19
drums /drA m z/ 207-1 electric shock /i'lektrik Jak/
drumsticks /'drA m ,stiks/ 87-33
drunk driving /drAnk 'd ra iv ig /61-6 get an .../get a n /136-14
dry /drai / 114-19 electrocardiogram /ije k tra 'k a rd ia ^ rre m /141-9
electronics store /ilek'tram ks star/ 48-1
...the dishes /6a dij'oz/ 79-23 elects / f l e k t / 198-20
dry c le a n /dra i k 1in/ 115-20 elem ent 'elamont/ 194-16
dry cleaner /drai 'klinor/ 48-17 ele p h an t/'elafant/ 185-10
dry clothes drai klouz/ 116-9 elevator 'elo,veitar/ 67-23
dryer 'draiar/ 116-6 eleven /i'levan/ 2
drying rack /'d ram j rask/ 70-16 eleventh /i'levan©/ 3
drywall /'d ra iw o l/ 163-4 elm (tree) /elm (tri)/ 179-6
e-mail (message) /'i- (meil ('mesitfe)/ 25-22
put u p .../p u t Ap/ 165-1 e-mail address /'i-,mei 1 a'dres/ 43-10
duck /d A k / 87-32,190-14 embarrassed /em'baerasd/ 38-7
duct ta p e /d A k t te ip / 163-31 embroider /em'braidar/ 224-27
dumpster /'dAmpstar/ 67-2 em broidered /e m 'b ra id a rd /113-21
dum p truck /d A m p t r A k / 118-21 embroidery thread em'braidori 0red/ 224-23
duplex /'dupleks/ 63-6 em ergency assistance/i'm3rd5ansi a'sistans/16-5
dusk /'d A s k / 5 em ergency b ra k e /i'm3rc^ansi b r e ik /121-28
dust /'dASt/ 79-8 em ergency e x it/i'ni3rcfeansi 'e g z it /125-25
dust cloth /dAst kloG / 80-10 em ergency room /i'm3rc^ansi r u m /139-25
dust m op /dA st m a p / 80-27 empty /'em pti/ 79-13
dustpan /'dASt,paen/ 80-2 e m p ty /'e m p ti/14-20
DVD /.d i.v i'd i/ 226-25 EMT / i ein ti/ 139-26
DVD player ,d i,v i'd i 1p 1e io r/ 226-24 encourage /en'k3ra(fe/ 29-15
eagle / 'i g o l / 190-5 encyclopedia /en^saikla'pidia/ 55-10
ear / i r / 133-35 en d s/e n d z /198-14
e a ra c h e / 'i r , e i k / 135-1 end tab le /end 'teibal/ 72-4
earmuffs /'ir,m A fs / 109-28 energy /'enarcfei/ 170-171

safety.../'s e ift i/ 157-29 geotherm al.../^ io u 'O s rm a l/171-25
earplugs '’ir . p U g z / 157-24 nuclear.../'nuk lia r / 171-28
solar.../ 's o u l a r / 171-27
earrings /'irigz/ 109-9 engine /'e n tfe in /121-32
engineer /^ n d p 'm r /146-22
Earth /3 r0 / 176-26 en ter/'e n ta r/ 37-3
EARTH AND SPACE /3 r0 and speis/ 166-177 ...your password /y a r 'paes,w3r d / 24-31
earthquake /'3 r0 ,k w e ik /171-5 ...your PIN /y a r p m / 51-25
Earth's a tm o s p h e re /3r0s 'retmas.fir/ 176-15
Earth's surface /3r0s 's 3 rfa s /168-169 239
easel /' izol/ 203-11
east /is t/ 130-20
easy /'iz i/ 14-7
easy chair /'izi tfer/ 72-3

envelope /'e n v o (lo u p / 52-8 faucet /'lbsit/ 75-27
equals / 'ik w o l// 193-3 ...drips /'drips/ 77-5
Equator/I'kweitor/ 174-3
fax machine /faeks m o 'J m /155-3
erase /I're is / 20-17 feather duster /'fe d o r 'dAstor/ 80-1
feather /'fe S o r/ 187-23
eraser /11re iso r / 19-22 February /'fe b y ig e r i/ 7-17
blackboard.../'b lc e k ,b o rd / 19-4 feed /fid/ 29-5,153-33
feedback /'fid ,b a e k /
escalator/'e s k o .le ito r/ 159-10
essay / 'e s e i/ 196-5 get.../ g e t / 196-23

edit your.../'e d it y o r / 196-24 feel /fi 1/
Europe / 'y u r o p / 174-10
evening / 'iv n ig / 5 ...better / 'b e t o r / 137-29
exam /ig 'z a e m / 19-29 feelings / 'f ilig z / 38-39
examine /ig 'zae m o n/ 150-2 feet / f i t / 162
female / 'f i, in e il / 42
...the patient /5 o p e ijo n t / 137-22 fence /fe n s / 69-24
fender / 'f e n d o r / 121-31
exch an ge /iks'tfeincfc/ 20-5 fern /'fa i n / 182-16
Ferriswheel /'fe n s w il/ 214-15
excited /ik 's a itid / 39-20 ferry/ ' f e r i / 128-17
exclamation mark /.e k s k lo 'm e ijo n m a r k / 196-13 fever / 'f iv o r / 135-15
exclamation point /^ k s k lo 'm e ijo n p o in t / 196-13 fiction section /'f ik jb n 's e k fo n / 55-7
Executive branch /ik 'z e k y o tiv braentjV 201 field / f i l d / 152-9
e xercise /'e k s o p s a iz / 34-16 fifteen / , f i f t in / 2
expensive /ik 's p e n s iv / 14-15 fifteenth / , f i f t i n 0 / 3
explores 'ik 's p io r / 198-8 fifth/ f i f 0 / 3
explosive materials /ik 's p lo u s iv m o 't ir io lz / 156-32 fifty / ' f i f t i / 2
extension cord /ik 's te n jo n k o rd / 160-20 fiftycents /'fifti sents/ 8-5
exterminator /ik 's ts rm o ^ ie ito r / 77-18 fifty-dollar bill / 'f if ti- 'd a lo r b il/ 8-10
eye /ai/ 133-39 fiftydollars /'fifti 'dalorz/ 8-10
eyebrow /'a g b ra u / 133-34 figs /figx/ 83-22
eye chart /ai tfurt/141-21 file /fail/151-24
eyedrops/'a g d r a p s /142-13 file / f a il/ 25-7,160-7
eyeglasses/'a ig la e s iz /141-24 file cabinet / f a il 'k a e b a n it/155-18
eye hook /a i h u k / 163-19 filefolder /f a il 'f o o ld a r / 155-20
eyelashes /'a g la e jb s /133-40
eyeliner/ 'a g la m o r /144-31 filet of sole / f i'le i a v s o u l/ 87-21
eye shadow /ai 'Jaedou/ 144-29 Filipino/filo 'p in o u / 44-28
fabrics/'f c t'b r ik s / 112-113 fill in/ 'f iI i n / 21-26
fabric softener /'fa s b n k 's o fo n o r /116-3 filling/'filirj/ 141-27
face /fe is / 32-33,133-31 film/film/
face powder /'fe is 'p a o d o r/ 144-26
factory /'fs e k to ri/ 47-1,156-157 roll of... /r o u l a v / 226-1
Fahrenheit /'fa e ro n ^ ia it/ 166-2 films / f i l m / / 208-209
fail / f e i l / fin/ f i n / 189-5
find / f a i n d / 126-9
...a test/o t e s t / 18-32 finding a place to live /'fa m d n j a p le is to liv / 64-65
falcon / 'fa s lk o n /187-19 fine arts /fa in a rts / 202-203
fall / f o l/ 7-14 finger 'f ig g a r / 133-5
fall / f o l / 37-7,136-15 fingernail / 'f ig g o p n e il/ 133-23
fall in love / f o l in I a v / 31-10 fins /f in z / 211-27
fa lls/fo l z / 198-19 fire / f a ir / 72-30
FAMILY /'fa e m o li/ 26-31
family /'fa e m o li/ 26-27 forest.../ 'f o n s t / 171-1
firecracker /'fa ip k ra e k o r/ 228-2
raise a.../reiz o/ 31-16 fire engine /fa ir 'e n d jin / 118-28
family name /'faemoli neim/ 43-2 fireescape /f a ir i's k e ip / 67-19
famine /'fsein/171—4 fireextinguisher /f a ir ik 's t ig g w ija r / 157-17
fan /faen/ 220-20
firefighter / 'f a i ^ f a i t o r / 147-28
ceiling... / 's ilig / 72-16 fire hydrant / f a ir 'h a id ro n t/ 58-11
fantasy /'fa e n to s i/ 208-8 fireplace /'fa ip p le is / 72-27
fare /te r / 128-3 firescreen /f a ir s k r in / 72-28
fare card /fe r k a r d / 128-21 firestation / f a ir 's t c ijo n / 47-16
far from/ f a r fr o m / 13-2 fireworks 'fa irp v a rk s / 228-8
farm / f a r m / 152-153 first /fa rs t/ 3
farmer /'fa r m o r / 152-14 first-aid kit /fa rs t-e id k i t / 143-23
farmhand /'fa r m h a e n d /152-6 firstciass /tb rs t k h e s / 125-22
farmhouse /'fa rm h a u s / 63-8,152-15 firstname /tb rs t n e im / 43-3
farmworker 'fa r n g w a r k o r /152-6 fish /fij/ 213-30
fast /fa e s t/15-34 fish/ f i j / 87
fasten /'fa e s o n /126-12
fast food restaurant /faest fa d 're s to r o n t/48-24 fishand chips / f i j and tfip s / 90-6
fast forward /faest 'fo r w a r d / 227-27 fisherman /'fijb r m o n / 213-6
fat / f a c t / 15-25 fishing pole / 'f i j i g p o o l/ 213-5
father /'fa d o r / 27-6 fitness center/'fitn is 's e n to r /159-19
father-in-law /'fa d o r-m -J o / 27-10


fittings / ' f i t i g z / 160-24 411 /for WAn WAn/ 16-6
five /f a iv / 2 fourteen /,for'tin/ 2
five after six / f a iv 'aeftor s ik s / 5 fourteenth /,for'tin0/ 3
five cents /fa iv se n ts/ 8-2 fourth /for0/ 3
five-dollar bill /fa iv - 'd a lo r b i 1/ 8-7 f b x /f a k s /187-11
five dollars / f a iv 'd a lo r z / 8-7 fraction /'fra e k jo n / 193-30
five of seven / f a i v a v 's e v e n / 5 fractions /'fra e k fo n z / 3
five past six / f a iv paest s ik s / 5 fram e /freim / 203-1
five to seven /fa iv to 'se von / 5 freckles /'fr e k o l/ 33-6
f ix / f ik s / 150-15 freezer /'frizor/ 70-19
flag /fla s g / 19-8 freezing / 'f r iz ir j/ 166-7
fla m in g o / f lo 'm iy g o u / 182-15 French /fre n tf/ 44-12
flam m able m aterials /'fla e m o b o l m o ' t i r i o l / 156-33 french fries /fr e n tf f r a iz / 90-7
flared /fle r d / French horn /fre n tf h o rn / 207-7
Friday /'fr a id e i/ 6-9
...jeans /c tjin z / 111-10 frog / f r o g / 182-12
flashlight /'fla e j'.Ia it/ 163-8 front office /frAnt 'o f i s / 156-2
flask /fle e s k / 194-24 frozen /'fr o u z a n / 77-8
fiat tire /fle e t t a ir / frozen foods /'fro u z o n fu d z / 99-4
frozen veg etables /'fro u z o n 'v e tfe ta b a lz / 88-1
h a v e a .../h a e v o / 123-21 frozen waffles /'fro u z o n 'w a fo lz / 88-2
flea market / f li 'm a rk it/ 48-30 fruits / f r u t s / 82-83
flight a tte n d a n t/ f la it o 'te n d o n t/ 125-26 frustrated /'fn y s tr e ito d / 39-12
flip flops / 'f lip , f la p s / 107-10 fry /frai/ 92-8
flipper / 'f lip o r / 187-18 frying p an /'fr a n g paen/ 94-3
float / f l o u t / 210-33 full /ful/ 14-19,38-9
flood /flA d / 171-6 full moon / f u l m u n / 177-32
flooded /'flA d o d / 77-9 full price / f u l p ra is / 9-22
flo or/ f lo r / 72-14 funnel /'fA n l/194-27
fur /far/ 185-28
mop th e .../m a p d o/ 79-12 furnace /'farms/ 67-5
sweep the... /s w ip do/ 79-4 furnished apartm en t /'fa r n ij'd o 'p a r tm o n t/ 67-21
floral / ‘flo r a l/ 113-16 furniture /'fa r m tfo r /
florist / 'f lo r i s t / 146-14
flo w er/ 'f l a u o r / 179-14 arrange the... /o 're in d j do/ 64-12
flowers /'fla u o r z / 228-12 polish th e... / 'p a l i j d o / 79-9
bouquet o f.../b o u 'k e i a v / 97-6 furniture polish /'fa r m tfo r 'p a lijV 80-9
flower stand /'fla u o r steend/ 48-19 furniture store /'fa r m tfo r s to r/ 48-8
flu / f l u / 135-14 g alaxy / 'g a e lo k s i/176-7
fluids / 'f l u i d z / gallon /'g e e lo n / 97-21
drink... / d r ir jk / 137-28 gallon /'g a e lo n / 96
flute / f l u t/ 207-12 g am e system /g e im 's is to m /
fly /f l a i/ 37-1,198-13 video... /'v id io u / 226-20
fly /flai/ 181-20 gam es g e im z / 224-225
flyswatter /'fla i,s w a to r / 80-22 gam e show /g e im Jo u / 209-15
fog / f o g / 166-16 gang violence /gaeg 'v a io lo n s / 61-13
toggy /'fo g i/167-29 garage /g o 'ra 3 / 69-16
fold /fo u ld / 92-12 garage sale /g o 'ra 3 s e il/ 216-9
...the clothes /d o k lo u z / 79-5 garbage can /'ga rb itfe keen/ 69-19,214-9
folder /'fo u ld o r / 25-5,155-20 garb ag e disposal /'g a rb le ^ d i's p o u z o l/ 70-17
fo llo w /'fa lo u / 37-17 g a rb a g e truck /'garbicfe tv\k/ 118-14
F O O D /fu d / 82-103 garbanzo beans /g a r'b a n z o u b in z / 84-10
food processor /fu d 'p ra ,se so r/ 94-8 garden /'g a rd n / 68-69,69-21,178-179
food to go / 'f u d to g o u / 90-91 w eed the... /w id d o / 79-15
foot (body) / f u l / 133-16 gardener / 'g a r d n o r / 146-8
foot (m easurem ent) / f u t / 162 garden hose /'g a rd n h o u z / 69-27
football /'fu t.b o l/ 220-23,220-27 garlic /'g a r lik / 85-29
football helmet /'fu t,b o l 'lie lm it/ 220-25 dice... /d a is / 92-2
forceps /'f o r c e p s / 194-8 whisk... /w is k / 92-3
forehead /'fo r ,h e d / 133-33 garm ent worker /'g a rm o n t 'w 3 r k o r / 147-29
forest / 'f o r is t / 169-16 gas /gaes/ 194-12
forest fire /' fo ri st f a ir / 171-1 g e t.../ g e t / 123-15
fo rk / f o r k / 101-21 natural... /'n a e tfo ro l/ 171-22
forklift / 'f o r k jli f t / 157-10 gas g au g e /gaes g c ic fe /121-15
form / f o r m / gas meter /gaes 'm ito r / 77-20
registration... /,re c ^ is 'tre ijo n / 43 gas pedal /gaes 'p e d l / 121-27
formal /fo r m a l/ gas station /gaes 's te ifa n / 47-20
...clothes / k lo u z / 111-25 g as t a n k /gaes ta e g k /121-7
formula / 'fo r m y o lo / 57-19,194-19 gate /g e it/ 69-23,125-14
forty / 'f o r t i / 2 w ait a t th e . .. / w e it ot d o / 126-7
fossil / 'f a s o l/ 185-2 gauze /g o z / 143-24
fountain /'fa u n tn / 58-7
four / f o r / 2


gazelle / g a 'z e l/ 185-15 goose /g u s / 152-19,187-1
gearshift/ ' g i r j i f t / 121-23 gopher/ 'g o u f a r / 185-19
gender /'d je n d a r / 43-5 gorilla /g a 'n la / 182-7
general practitioner /'rfjenoral prask'tifanar/ 141-20 go shopping /g o u 'J a p n j/ 114-1
geometry/dp'amatri/ 193-31
geothermal energy / ^ io u 'G s r m a l 'e n a rc ^ i/ 171-25 g o through /g o u 0r u /
geraniums Afea'reiniamz/ 179-30
German /'dyjrman/ 4 4 -11 / s a 'k y u r a t i/ 126-5
g o up /g o u Ap/ 37-20
get /get/ gown /g a u n / 104-5

...a speeding ticket/a 's p id n j 't ik it / 123-6 GP A fe fp i/ 141-20
...a job /a tfju b / 31-8 grade /g re id / 19-28
...a(n electric) shock /a (n i'le k tr ik ) j a k / 136-14 /'fid ^ a e k / 196-23 graduate /'g ra e d ju ^it/
...gas /g ie s / 123-15
...the key /5 a k i/ 64-8 ...fromhigh school /fra m hai s k u l/ 31-5
...your boarding pass /y a r 'b a rd irj p ic s / 126-4 graduated cylinder /'graecfeu(e itid 's ila n d a r / 194-20
g e t d ressed /g e t d re s d / 34-8 graduation /.g ra e c ^u 'e ija n / 23-19
get e n g a g e d /g e t en'geic^d/ 31-11 graffiti / g r a 'f it i/ 61-8
g e t in /g e t in / 37-6 gram /g ra e m / 96
get married /g e t 'm aerid/ 31-12 grandchildren /'grae nltfild ra n / 27-23
g e t off /g e t o f/ 37-14 grandfather /'gra e n ,fa 6a r/ 27-1
...the highway / 6a 'h a i, w e i/ 12 3-9 grandmother /'g ra e ^ m A d a r/ 27-2
...the plane / 6 a p ie in / 126-23 grandparent /'g ra e i^ p e ro n t/
g e t on /g e t an/ 3 7 - 12
...the highway / 6a 'h a i,w e i/ 12 3 - 12 become a.../bi'kAin a / 31-21
grandparents /'g ra e n ,pe ra n tz/ 27-24
g e t out (of) /g e t a u t ( a v ) / 37 -5 grapefruit /'g r e ip ,fr u t/ 83-9
grapes /g re ip s / 83-5
get sick /g e t s ik / 3 1- 18 graphic artist/'g rre fik 'a r tis t/ 146-7
grass /g rre s / 69-8
get up /g e t Ap/ 34-2
mow the... /m o u 5 a / 79-17
gift / g i f t / 2 2 8 -11 grasshopper / 'g r a s 'h a p a r / 181-19
give a... /g iv a / 40-7 grasslands /'g ra 2s,Iaendz/ 184-185
grate g re it/ 92-11
gift shop / g if t ja p / 48-4,159-22 grater /'g r e ita r / 94-13
gills /gilz/ 189-4 gray /g r e i/ 10-23
giraffe /t^ a 'ra s f/ 185-6 gray hair /g re i h e r/ 33-5
girdle /'g a r d l/ 107-21 g re a se g ris / 93-26
girl /g 3r l / 57-13 Greek / g r ik / 44-15
green / g r in / 10-5
give /g iv / green beans /g rin b in z / 85-28
green card /g rin k a rd / 43-17
...a gift /a g if t / 40-7 greenhouse /'g r ii^ h a o s / 179-8
...a shot/a J o t / 137-25 green onions /g r in A n y a n z / 85-27
glacier / 'g le ija r / 169-4 greet g r it/ 40-2
glass /glees/ 70-25 greeting card /'g r itig k a rd / 52-3
refill the.../ 'r i . f i l 6a / 102-14 grill / g r il / 92-6
water.../'w a ta r / 101-16 grill / g r il/ 69-6,94-4
glass cleaner /glees 'k lin a r / 80-11 grizzly b e a r / 'g r iz li b e r/ 187-5
glasses /g la e siz/ 33-28,141-24 groceries /'g ro u s a riz / 99-22
safety.../ 's e if t i/ 157-25 ground beef /g ra u n d bi f / 87-8
globe / 'g l o u b / 19-9 groundhog /'g ra u n d ,h o g / 190-10
glove compartment/ g la v k a m 'p a r tm a n t/121-18 group /g ru p /
gloves /glAvz/ 109-1
glue / g lu / 155-25 talkwith a... /ta k w i6 a / 21-20
grow /g ro u / 29-26,198-5
glue /g lu / 165-24 grow up /g ro u Ap/ 29-27
guest /g e s t/
go /gou/
hotel.../ h o u 't e l/ 159-4
...home /h o o m / 34-14 guidance counselor /'g a id n s 'k a u n s la r/ 23-17 bed /ta b e d / 34-23 guitar /g i'ta r / 207-22 college /ta 'kalic^/ 31-6 guitarist /g i'ta n s t/ 205-15 the board /ta 6a b a rd / 20-16 gums /g A tn z / 141-30 work /ta W3rk/ 34-11 gun /gAn/
goal /g o u l/ 223-21
goalpost /'g o u ljp o u s t/ 220-24 caulking.../k a k ig / 160-8
goat /g o u t/ 152-21 gym Afeim/ 23-4,48-13,67-15,216-14
g o down /g o u d a u n / 37-19 gymnast /'(^ im .n a s t/ 218-24
goggles /'g u g a lz / gymnastics /d jim 'n s e s tik s / 218-23
safety.../ 's e if t i/ 15 7 -2 3 hacksaw /' 160-11
hail/heil/ 166-18
g o in /g o u in / 37 -3 hailstone /'h e i^ s t o u n / 166-21
hair /h e r/ 32-33,133-32
g o into /g o u 'in t u /
comb... /k o u m / 34-5
...a dressing room/a 'd re sig rum/ 114-3 hairbrush /'he r.b rA jV 144-10
gold /gouId/ 10-13 hairdresser /'h e r,d re s a r/ 146-5
golf / g o lf / 220-12
golf club /gulf klAb/ 220-13
golf course /gulf k a rs / 220-15
golfer /gulfar/ 220-14


hairdryer /h e r 'd ra io r/ 144-6 put on your.../put an yor/126-16
hair gel /h e r d j e l / 144-4 headset/'hed,set/ 16-16
hairnet /'h e r,n e t/ 157-20 healing /'hilig/ 136-137
hair salon /h e r s o 'la n / 48-11 HEALTH/hel0/ 132-145
hairspray / 'h e r .s p r e i/144-1 health aide /hel0 eid/146-21
hairstylist /'h e r,s ta i 1is t/ 146-5 health club /he10 kkb/ 48-13
half /h a e f/ 3 hear /hir/17-26
half dollar /h a ef 'da Io r/ 8-5
half past six /h a e f paest s ik s / 5 heart /hart/133-26,224-10
half sister /h a e f s is to r/ 27-13 heart attack /hart o'taek/
halibut/'ha e lo b o t/ 189-30
Halloween /,h a e lo 'w in / 228-13 have a.../haev o/ 136-13
hallway /'h o l,w e i/ 67-12 heater /'hitor/121-20
ham /haem / 87-4
hamburger /'haem ,b3rg o r/ 90-4 ...doesn't work /'dAzont w3i k/ 77-7
hammer/'h a e m o r/165-9 heating pad /'hitig paed/142-21
hammer/'ha e m o r/ 160-9 heavy /hevi/14-23,15-25
hammock /'h a e m o k/ 69-7
hand /h a e n d /133-4 ...jacket /'c^aekit/111-2
hedge clippers /hec^ 'kliporz/ 69-25
raise your... /r e iz y o r/ 20-1 heel /hil/ 133-17
handbag /'h a e n d ^a e g / 10 9 -2
hand cream /haend k r im / hlgh.../hai/109-17
heels /hilz/
tube of... /tu b a v / 97-9
handcuffs /'haend,kAfs/ 61-19 high.../hai/ 111-22
handheld (computer) /'ha e n d ,h e ld (k o m 'p y u to r)/ 25-16 low.../lou/111-23
handicapped parking space /'haendi,kaept p a rk ig sp e is/ 58-14. height/hait/193
hand in /haend in / helmet /'heiinit/
football... /'fut,bol/ 220-25
...your paper /y o r 'p e ip o r/ 20-2 help /help/ 29-16,40-19
hand mixer /haend 'm ik s o r/ 95-19 hem /hem/ 117-18
high /hai/
hand out /haend a u t/ ...heels/hilz/ 111-22
high chair /hai tj’eir/ 57-18,101-17
...papers /'p e ip o rz / 2 1 - 1 8 high heel /hai hil/109-17
handsaw /'h a e n d ^ o / 160-6
hand tools /haend tu lz / 160 high rise(building) /hai raiz ('bildig)/ 47-22
hand truck /haend trAk/15 7 -19 highschool/hai skid/
handyman /'haendi,m aen/ 7 7 -17
graduate from.../'graedj^eit from/ 31-5
hang /h a e g /183-28 high school diploma /hai skill di'ploumo/43-28
highway /'hagwei/
h ang (up) /haeg (Ap)/1 15 - 2 4
hanger /'h a ^ g o r /117-11 get offthe.../get of So/123-9
h an g up /haeg Ap/ get onthe... /get an So/123-12
h ik e /haik/213-31
...the phone /d o f o u n / 17-29 hiker /'haikor/ 213-4
happy /'h s e p i/ 38-2 hiking boot /'haikig but/ 109-24
hard / h a r d / 14-9
hardcover (book) /'hard,kAvor (buk)/ 55-13 hikingtrail /'haikig treil/213-14,216-11
hard hat /h a rd hast/ 156-8 hill/hil/169-22
hardware / 'h u r d , w e r / 16 3
harmonica /har'maniko/ 207-17 hinge /hincy 163-25
harp /h a r p / 207-24 hip /hip/133-12
hat /haet/ 104-17 hip hop /hip hup/ 209-27
hippopotamus /,hipo'putomos/ 185-7
hard... / h a r d / 156-8 hire /hair/150-13
knit... / n it / 109-26 hobbies /'hubiz/ 224-225

have /haev/ hockey /'haki/
ice.../ais/ 223-17
...a conversation /o ,k a n v o r's e ijo n / 17-28,40-6
...a flat tire /o flaet t a i r / 123-21 hockey player /'haki 'pleior/ 223-22
...a heart attack /o h a rt o 'ta e k /136-13 hockey puck /'haki pAk/ 223-24 accident /o n 'a e k s o d o n t/123-19 hockey stick/'haki stik/ 223-23 allergic reaction /o n o 'b r d z ik ri'a e k fo n /136-12 hold /hould/ 29-4
...breakfast /'b re k fo s t/ 34-9 hole /houl/
...dinner /'d in o r / 34-19
...lunch /iAntf/ 34-13 drill a.../di d o/165-4
h ave a b a b y /haev o 'b e ib i/ 31-15 hole punch /houl pA ntf/155-30
hawk / h o k / 181-1 holidays /'halo.deiz/ 228-229
hay / h e i / 152-13 home /houm/
hazardous waste /'haezordos w e is t / 171-18
head / h e d / 1 3 3 - 19 go... /gou/ 34-14
headache /'h e d ,e ik / 135-13 home attendant /houm o'tendont/ 146-21
headlight /'h e d ,la it/ 121-37 home health aide /houm hel0 eid/ 146-21
headlights /'h e d .la its / homemaker /'houm.meikor/ 146-13
turnon the.../ t 3rn an S i / 123-7 homesick /'houm,sik/ 39-16
headline /'h e d ,la in / 55-18 homework /'houm,w3rk/
headphones /'h s d ,fo u n z / 226-11
homework assignment/'houm,w3rk o'sainmont/19-5
honey /'liAni/

jar of... /cfear a v / 97-24

honk /haiik/ 123-14 photo.../'foutou/ 124-3
hood /hud/ 121-30 showyour,../j'ou yor/126-2
hoof/huf/ 185-22 student... /'studnt/ 43-19
hook/hok/ 163-27 Ideas /ai'dioz/
hop /hap/183-27
horn /horn/121-21,185-23 brainstorm... /'brcin,storm/ 196-20
discuss your... /di'skAs yor/ 20-11
honkthe,., /haijk do/ 123-14 igloo /'1g1u/ 63-15
hornet/'hornit/ 190-26 ignition /ig'mjon/121-22
horror /'horor/ 208-9 ill/11/39-14
horse /hors/ 152-22 illnesses/'1lnisiz/134-135
horseback rider /'hors,baek 'raidor/ 213-3 immigrate /'imo,greit/ 31-4
hose /houz/ immigration /,imo'greiJon/ 125-20
in/in/ 13-5
garden.../'gardn/69-27 . inch /intj/ 163-1
hospital /'haspitl/ 47-8,118-3,138-139 indentation ^mden'tcijbn/ 196-6
hospital gown /'haspitl gaun/ 139-20
hot/hat/15-29,166-3 Independence Day /,indo'pendons dei/ 228-7
hot dog /hat dog/ 90-8 Indian /'mdion/ 44-22
hotel /hou'tel/ 58-1,158-159 indoor sports and fitness/'m,dor sports ond 'films/218-219
hotel guest /hou'tel gest/159-4 infant /'infont/ 30,56-32
hour /'auor/ 4 informal /m'formol/
house /haus/ 63-1,68-69
...clothes /klouz/111-24
buy a.../bai o/ 31-13 information /,infor'meiJ'on/16-6
Inspectthe.../in'spekt 60/ 65-21 infront of/in frAnt a v / 13-17
wire a.../wair o/165-8 inhaler/in'ho1lor/ 142-11
houseboat /'haus,bout/ 63-13 injuries /'in c^oriz/134-135
household chores /'haus,hould tforz/ 78-79
household cleaners /'haus,hould 'klinorz/ 99-9 in-lineskates /'in-lain skeits/ 214-24
household problems /'haus,hould 'prablomz/ 76-77 inlove /m Iav/ 38-8
housekeeper /'haus,kipor/ 146-15,159-1
housekeeping cart/'haus,kipig kart/ 159-2 insect repellent /'insekt ro'pelont/ 213-22
House of Representatives/haus av .repra'zentotivz/ 201 insect spray /'insekt sprei/ 80-15
housepalnter /'haus,peintor/148-14 insert /in's3rt/ 5 1-2 4
house payment /'haus 'peimont/ inside /'m,said/ 13-5
make the... /mcik 60/ 65-26
house plant /'haus,pisent/ 72-29 Insidethe refrigerator /'m,said do ri'fridjo^eitor/ 88-89
houses /'hauziz/ inspect /in'spekt/
lookat.../luk ot/65-17
housework /'haus,w3rk/ ...the house /5i haus/ 65-21
do.../du/ 34-21 install /in'stol/ 165-13
HOUSING/'hauzig/62-81 instructor/m'stiAktor/148-9
hug /hAg/ 40-17 instruments /'instromonts/ 206-207
human body /'hyuman 'badi/ 132-133 insulation/,inso'leijon/ 163-6
humidifier /hyu'mido^aior/143-32 intensive care unit/in'tensiv ker 'yunit/138-3
hummingbird /'hAmn],b3rd/182-10 intercom/'intor,kam/ 67-30
hungry /'hAggri/ 38-10 interest /'intrist/ 51-15
hurricane /'h3ro,kein/171-8 interested /'intnstid/ 38-4
hurting /'h3rtig/136-137 International call /^ntor'naejonol kol/16-11
husband /'liAzbond/ 27-18 Internet/'internet/ 25-29
hydrant /'haidront/ intersection /'intor,sekjon/ 47-26
fire.../fair/ 58-11 into /'iniu/130-3
hydroelectric power/,haidroui'lektnk 'pauor/171-29 intravenous drip /^ntro'vinos drip/ 138-4
hydrogen peroxide /'haidroc^on po'rak,said/ 142-22 introduce /,mtro'dus/ 40-15
hyena /hai'ino/ 185-5 introduces /pntro'dusiz/ 198-17
hygienist /hai'cfeimst/ invents m'vents/ 198-12
dental.../'dentl/ 141-25 invite in'vait/ 40-23
hyphen /'haifon/ 196-19 Iranian /I'ranion/ 44-17
ice /ais/ 166-24 irises/'ainsiz/ 179-19
iceberg /'ais,b3rg/ 187-10 Iron /'aiorn/115 - 2 3
ice cream /ais krim/ 88-3 iron/'aiorn/116-2
ice cream stand /ais krim stiend/ 48-28
iced tea /aisd ti/ 88-9 Ironing board /'aiormg bord/116-1
Ice hockey /ais 'haki/ 223-17 island /'ailond/ 169-8
Ice pack /ais pick/ 143-33 Italian /i'tartyon/ 44-14
Ice (skating) rink/ais ('skeitig) ngk/ 223-20
Ice skater /ais 'skeitor/ 222-10 IV/'ai'vi/ 138-4
Ice skates /ais 'skeits/ 223-25 Ivory /'aivori/ 10-21
Ice skating /ais 'skeitig/ 222-9 Ivy /'aivi/ 179-27
Ice tray /ais trei/ 88-4
Icons /'agkanz/ 25-9 Jack /(feask/ 121-2,224-5
ID/'ai'di/ jacket/'c^aekit/ 104-16

244 heavy.../'hevi/ 111-2
jack-o-lantern /'c^ick-o-Jientorn/ 229-15
Jail /cfeei1/61-26
Jam /(^aem/ 88-17
jammed /i^asmd/ 77-11
janitor /'c^mnotor/146-11

January /'d ja e n y i^ e ri/ 7-16 lamp /lasm p/ 72-5
Japanese A fetepa'niz/ 44-25 lampshade /'la e m p je id / 72-6
jar /d ja r/ 97-24 land /la e n d / 126-21
jazz /c^ccz/ 209-23 landlord /'la e n d ,lo rd /
jeans /c|;inz/ 104-27
m eet the... / m it 6a / 64-3
flared... /fle r d / 111-10 landscape /'laend,skeip/ 203-4
straight leg .../streit le g / 111-11 language lab /'la e g g w id j laeb/ 23-3
jellyfish /'d je lg fiJ V 189-11 lantern /'la e n ta rn / 213-16
jewelry /'c fe u a lri/ 109-13 laptop (computer) /'laep,top (k a m 'p y u ta r)/ 25-23
jewelry store / 'd ju a lr i s to r/4 8 -5 large /la r c f ;/14-2
job /cfeab/ lasagna /la 'z a n y a / 90-2
ge^a... /g e t o / 31-8 last n am e /laest n e im / 43-2
jobs /cfeubz/146-149 latex gloves /'le i,te k s g U v z / 139-12
jockstrap /'c tja k ^ tr s e p /107-28 launches ,/lo n tfe z /198-15
Jog /cfeag/ 3 7 -9 laundromat / ' l 3ndra,m aet/ 48-23
jogger /'(ija g a r/ 214-20 laundry / 'lo n d r i/ 116-117
joker /'c ijo u k a r/ 224-6
do the... /d u 6a/ 79-3
ju d g e /c^A3 / 61-23 laundry basket /'lo n d ri 'b a e s k it/116-10
laundry d e te rg e n t/'lo n d ri d i't 3r c ^ a n t/116-4
Judicial branch /c ^ u 'd itja l braentf/ 201 laundry room /'lo n d ri r u m / 67-18
July A fe u 'la i/7 - 2 2 law /lo /
jum p /djAmp/ 37-24
jum per cables /'c^Ainpar 'k e ib a lz /121-34 obey th e.../o u 'b e i 6a / 201-15
lawn /Io n / 69-8
June /ctjun/ 7-21
mow the.., /m o o 6 a/ 79-17
jungle gym /'djArjgol d jim / 214-6 water the... /'w o ta r 6a / 79-18
Jupiter /'c fe u p a ta r/176-24 lawn mower /Io n m o o a r/ 69-9
jury /'tfe o ri/61-22 lawyer /'lo y a r / 61-24,148-3
lay /le i/
serve on a... /s3rv an a/ 201-17 ...bricks / ' b n k s / 165-5
justice /'dpvstis/ 60-61 lead./ l i d / 37-18
justices /'c^AStisaz/ 200-13 leaf / l i f / 179-13
kangaroo /.kaeggo'ru/ 185-4 leaks /lik s / 77-3
ketchup /'ketjap/ 90-16 learn /barn/ 31-2
kettle /'k e tl/ 70-7 lease / lis /
key /k i/ 25-18,67-31 sign the... /s a in 6 a / 64-6
keyboard /'kibord/ 25-21,207 leather / 'la 6a r/ 113-5
leave / liv / 37-2,123-2
electric.../i'le k trik /207-25 ...a tip /a t ip / 102-23
key chain /ki tfein/ 109-29 leaves / liv z /
kidney/'k id n i/133-30 rake the... /r c ik 6 a/ 79-20
kidney b e a n s /'kidni b in z /84-18 lecture /'le k tfa r/ 216-12
killer w hale /'k ila r w e il/ 189-7 left / le f t / 130-15
kilogram /'kila,graem/ 96 leg / l e g / 133-14
kilometer /k i'la m ita r/ 162 break a... /b re ik a / 136-5
king /k ig / 224-3 Legislative branch /'le c ^ is ,le ili v braentj’/ 201
kiss /k is / 40-21 leg of lam b /le g a v laem/ 87-2
kitchen /'kitjan / 70-71 legs /le g z / 87-33
kitchen timer /'kitfan 'taim ar/ 94-7 lemon /'le m o n / 83-14
kite /k a it/ 214-1 lemonade /,le m a n 'e id /
kiwi /'k iw i/ 83-2 pitcher of... /'p itfa r a v / 97-14
knee /n i/ 133-45 lens /le n z /
knee brace /ni b re is /142-18 contact... /'k a n ,ta s k t/141-22
kneel /n il/ 37-22 leopard / 'l e p a r d / 185-11
knife /naif'/ 101-24 leotard / 'lia , t a r d / 107-18
letter /'le ta r / 52-2,196-1
pocket... / 'p a k it / 213-21 write a... /r a it a/ 40-8
knit / n it / 224-25 letter carrier /'le to r 'ka e ria r/ 52-10
knit hat / n i t haet/ 109-26 letterhead /'le ta r,h e d / 155-13
knitting needles / 'n i t i g 'n id lz / 224-20 lettuce /'le ta s / 84-5
koala /k o u 'a la / 185-3 level / 'le v a l / 160-16
Korean /k o 'r ia n / 44-24 librarian /la i.'b r e r io n / 55-11
lab /laeb/ 139-14 library / 'la i. b r e r i/ 47 -1 8 ,5 4 -5 5
label / 'le ib a l / 155-32 school... / s k u l/ 23-7
laboratory / ' ls e b ro 'to ri/ 139-14 library card /'la i,b r e r i k a r d / 55-12
lab technician /lseb te k 'n ija n / 139-15 lice /la is / 135-4
lac e / l e i s / 113-11 license plate /'la is a n s p l e i t / 121-8
ladder /'laedar/ lid / l i d / 94-6
life events / l a i f I'v e n ts / 30-31
climb a... /klaim a / 165-14 lifeguard /'la if,g a r d / 211-17
ladle /' leidl/ 94-11 lifejacket / l a i f 'ckjaekit/ 211-14
ladybug /'le id i,b A g /190-27
lake / l c i k / 169-7
lamb /laem/ 86

leg of... /leg a v / 87-2
lam b chops /laem tfapz/ 87-1


light /lait/10 2 -3 ...a book /a b u k / 54-26
...candles /'kaendls/ 229-30 ...a jacket /a c ^ a e k it/114-2 apartment /an a 'p a rtm a n t/ 64-1
light /Iait/ 14-24
...jacket Afeaekit/ 111-1 look up / lu k A p /

llghtbulb /'lail^Alb/160-22 ...a word /a ward/ 20-8 burned out /iz 'b3rnd aut/ 77-6 loose /Ius/

lighthouse /'lait,haus/ 211-7 ...pants /p a snts/ 111-12
lightning /'laitnnj/ 166-15 lotion / 'lo u f a n / 144-23
lights /Iaits/ 229-21
light switch /lait switJV 72-24 baby... /'b e ib i/ 57-23
lilac bush /'lai.laek buf/179-7 loud / l a u d / 15-35
lilies/'liliz/179-20 loudspeaker /'la u d ^ p ik a r / 23-13
lima beans /'laima binz/ 84-21 love /1av/ 29-1
lime /laim/ 83-20 love seat /Iav s it/ 72-11
lime green /laim grin/10-7 low / lo u /
limo /'limou/118-18
limousine /,11ma'zin/ 118-18 ...heels/ h i l z / 111-23
line /lain/ 125-21 lozenges /'la z a n c tje z /142-9
luggage /'L v g ic fe /124-5
curved.../k3rvd/193-8 luggage cart/'lAgic^ k u rt/ 159-16
straight.../s tre i t / 193-7 lumber / 'U m b a r / 163
subway... /'sAfywei/128-16
wait in... /w e it in/ 51-23 board.../ b a r d / 163-30
linen /'l inon/113-7 lunch /lA ntjV
lines /lainz/
parallel.../'paera^el/ 193-12 eat.../ i t / 34-13
perpendicular... /jrsrpan'dikyalar/ 193-11 have... /haev/ 34-13
lion /'laian/ 185-20 lung / U g / 133-27
lip/lip/ 133-42
lipstick/'lip,stik/ 144-27 machine operator /m a 'j’in 'a p a ^ e ita r /157-14
liquid /'likwid/ 194-11 magazine ^ m a e g a 'zin / 55-2
listen /'lisan/ 20-12,126-17 magnet/'n ic E g n it/194-30
liter /'liter/ 97-17 magnifying glass/'m ic g n a ^ a ig g le e s /194-26
liter /' 1iter/ 96 mah-jongg / 'm a ^ a g / 224-13
litter /'litar/171-21 mail / m e il/ 53-24
little /'litl/14-1 mail /meil/
liver /'liver/ 87-12,133-28
living room/'livig rum/ 72-73 open.../'o u p a n / 150-5
lizard /'lizard/ 181-10 mailbox /'m e i^ b a k s / 52-9
load /loud/ 150-6 mail carrier /m e il 'ke e ria r/ 52-10
...a van or truck /a vaen ar trAk/ 64-10 mailing address /'m e ilig 'a 'd re s / 52-6
loading dock /loudig dak/157-18 mail truck /m e il trAk/ 52-11
loaf /louf/ 97-16 main course /m e in k a r s / 101-27
loafer/'Ioufar/ 10 9 -19
loan /loun/ 65-22 make /m e ik /
loan documents /loun 'dakyomonts/
sign the... /sain 6a/ 65-24 ...a decision /a d i's i3 a n / 65-18,151-26
loan officer /loun 'afasar/ 51-9 ...a deposit /a d i'p tiz it/ 51-27
lobby /'labi/67-22,159-9 ...a down payment /a daun 'p e n n a n t/ 65-23
lobster /'lubstar/ 87-14 appointment /an a 'p a in tm a n t/ 64-2,137-21
local call /'loukal kal/ 16-9 offer /a n 'a fa r/ 65-19
lock /luk/ ...a reservation /a ,re z a r'v e ija n / 102-1,159-24
dead-bolt... /ded-boult/ 67-28 ...copies /'kapiz/151-20
...isjammed /iz c^asmd/ 77-11 ...dinner /'dinar/ 34-18
locker /'Isekar/ 23-14 ...the bed / 6a b e d / 79-1
locker room /'lackar rum/ 218-35
locksmith /'lak.smiG/ 77-22,148-7 ...the (house) payment / 6a (haus) 'p e n n a n t/ 65-26
log cabin /log 'kasbin/ 63-4 makeup /'meik,Ap/144
loneiy /'lounli/ 39-17 Malaysian /m a 'le i3 a n / 44-29
long /log/ male /m e il/ 42
...skirt/skart/ 111-21 mall /mal/ 47-3
long-distance call /log-'distons kol/16-10 man /m a e n /15-39
long hair /lag her/ 33-13 m an ag e 'm s e n ic ^ /151-18
long-sleeved /log-slivd/ mane / m e in / 185-26
...shirt/fart/111-5 mango /'m s e g g o u / 83-8
long underwear/lag 'Andar,wer/107-15 manicurist /'m a e n g k y u ris t/148-2
look at /luk at/ mantle /'m a e n ta l/ 72-26
...a map /a tueep/123-11 m anufacture ^ m a e n y a 'fie e k jfa r/151-23
...houses /hausez/ 65-17 map /m a s p /19-12
...the menu /6a 'menyu/102-7
look for /luk far/ lookat a... /lu k at a / 123-11
trail... /tre i 1/213-18
246 maple (tree) /'m e ip a l ( t r i) / 179-4
maracas /m a 'ra k a z / 207-5
m arch /m artJV 37-4
March /in a rtj'/ 7-18

margarine /'m a n d a r in / 88-6
margin / ' m a r g i n / 196-7
marigolds /'m a e r a ^ o u ld z /179-26
marimba /m a 'rim b a / 207-4

marinate /'m se ra g ie it/ 92-5 military /'m ilo ,te ri/
marker / 'm a r k o r / 19-15 serve in the... /S 3 rv in d o / 201-19
maroon /m o 'r u n /10-2
m arriage certificate /'maeric^ s a r'tifik it/ 43-25 m ilk/ m i l k / 153-32
married /'in ten d / 26-27 milk / m i l k / 88-26
Mars /m a rz / 176-25
martial arts / 'm a r f a l a r ts / 218-1 quart of.../k w o rt a v / 97-18
mascara /m as'ska e ra /144-30 millennium /m o 'le n io m /4
mask /m aesk/ 204-4 miniature golf / 'm m io f o r g a ll’/ 216-16
minivan / 'm in iv a e n / 118-17
diving... / 'd a iv i g / 211-26 minus / 'm a m a s / 193-2
surgical.../'s s rd p k a l/ 139-13 minute / 'm in it/ 4
masking ta p e /'m a e s k ig te ip / 163-13 mirror / 'm ir o r / 74-7
m atch /maetJV 21-22 m isbehave /,m is b i'h e iv / 29-25
matches /m aetfaz/ 213-23 mittens / m i t n z / 109-3
maternity dress / m a 't 3rn a ti d re s / 104-24 mix /m ik s / 93-29
math /maeB/ 192-193 mixer / 'm ik s o r /
mattress /'m a e tn s / 74-13
air... / e r / 213-26 hand... /haend/ 95-19
May /m e i/ 7-20 mixing bowl /'m ik s ig 'b o u l / 94-12
mayonnaise /'m e ia g ie iz / 88-7 mobile home /'m o u b a l h o u m / 63-7
meai /m il/ mobile phone /'m o u b o l f o o n / 16-20
model /'m o d i / 203-5
choose a... /tfuz a/126-20
m easles/'m izalz/ 135-9 build a... /b ild 0 /2 2 4 -2 8
measure /'m e3ar/ 92-1,165-11 molding / 'm o u ld ir j/ 163-29
measurements /'megarmants/ 96-97 mole / m o u l/ 33-27,190-16
molecule / 'm a lg k y u l/ 194-18
measuring cups / 'm s s s r i q kA ps/ 95-23 M onday /'niAigdei/ 6-5
measuring spoons /'n u ’3 a n g s p u n z / 95-24 m oney /'m.Ani/ 8 -9 ,5 1 -6
m eat /m it/ 86-87 money order /'niAni 'o rd o r/ 51-19
meats /m its/ 99-2 monitor /'m anotor/ 25-19
m eat thermometer /m it G ar'm am atar/ 94-17 monitors /'m anotorz/
m echanic /m a 'k a e n ik / 148-10
m edical center /'m e d ik a l 's e n ta r /140-141 check the... /tfe k d o / 126-6
m edical chart /'m e d ik a l f a r t / 141-2 monkey / W n k i / 182-6
m edicine cabin et /'m e d a sa n 'ka eb o n it/ 75-21 monkey bars /'m A n k i b a rz / 214-3
meet /m it/ month /m.An0/ 4
monthly statem ent /'mAnGli 's te itm o n t/ 51-10
...the landlord / 6o 'la e n d ^a rd / 64-3 months of the year /niAnGs a v do y i r / 7
...the neighbors /d o 'n e ib a rz / 64-15 monument /'m a n y o m o n t/ 58-10
meeting room /'m itn j ru m / 159-6 moon /m u n /176-12
melons /'m e lo n z /
crate of... / k re it a v / 97-30 crescent... / k r e s o n t / 177-30
m end /m e n d / 115-21 full... / f u l / 177-32
menu /'m e n y u / 101-20 new... / n u / 177-29
drop down... /d ra p d a u n / 25-8 quarter... / 'k w o r t o r / 177-31
look a t th e .../ lu k ot d a / 102-7 moose /m us/ 187-2
Mercury /'m 3r k y o r i / 176-28 mop /m a p / 79-12
merry-go-round /'m e ri-g o u -ra u n d / 214-14 mop /m a p / 80-26
mesa /'m e is o / 169-15 morning /'m orm g/ 5
message /'m esicfe/ mosque /m a s k / 47-5
e-mail... / 'i - m e i l / 25-22 mosquito/m o 's k ito u / 190-24
take a... /te ik o / 150-12 moss / m o s / 187-6
m etal d e te c to r/'m e t 1 d i'te k to r /125-9 motel /m o u 'te l/ 47-4
m eteor / 'm itio r / 176-16 moth /m o B /181-21
meter /'m ito r / 128-2 mother /'m A d o r/ 27-7
parking... / 'p a r k n j/ 58-20 single... / 's ig g o l/ 27-29
m eter reader /'m ito r V id o r/ 77-21 mother-in-law /'m A d o r-in -J o / 27-9
methods of paym ent /'m eB adz a v 'p e im o n t/ 9 Mother's Day /'n iA d o rz d e i/ 228-10
Mexican /'m e k s ik o n / 44-3 motor / 'm o o t o r / 121-32
mice /m a is / 76-24 motorboat /'m o u ta p b o u t/ 211-4
microfilm m achine / 'm a ik r o ^ ilm m o 'J in / 55-3 motorcycle /'m o u ta p s a ik a l/118-32
microphone /'m a ik ro ,fo u n / 205-13 mountain / 'm a u n t n /169-2
microscope /'m a ik ra ^ k o u p / 194-25 mountain lion /'m a u n tn 'l a i a n / 181-5
microwave /'m a ik r o ^ e iv / 92-13 mouse /m aus/ 25-27,190-29
m icrowave (oven) /'m a ik r a p v e iv ( V v o n ) / 70-1 mouse p ad /maus paed/ 25-26
Mid-Atlantic States /m id -o t'la e n tik s t e i t s / 172-10 mousetrap /'maus,traep/ 80-24
midday /'m id ,d e j/ 5 mouth / m a u B / 133-41
m iddle initial / 'n u d l i'n iJ o l/ 4 3 -4 ...of th e river / a v da V i v a r / 169-19
midnight /'m id ,n a it/ 5 move /m u v / 31-17
Midwest /p ru d 'w e s t/ 172-9 m ove in / m u v in / 65-25
m igrate / 'm a g g r e i t / 198-1 movie theater /'m uvi B ia ta r/ 47-12,216-22
mile / m a i l / 162 mow /m o u / 79-17
MP3 player /,em'pi Bri 'pleiar/ 226-9
mudslide / 'm . \ d s la id / 171-9


muffin /'mAfin/ 90-14 nightshirt / 'n a i t j 3 r t / 107-12
mug /mAg/ 70-30 night ta b le /n a it 't c ib a l/ 74-10
mugging /'m .\gir)/ 61-9 nine /n a in / 2
multiplication /gn A lta p la 'k e ija n /193-28 911 / n a in w aii w a ii/ 16-5
multiplied by /'n iA lta^ laid bai/ 193-5 nineteen/^lain 'tin /2
mumps /niAmps/ 135-7 nineteenth ^nam'tinO/ 3
mural /'m yu ra l/ 203-15 ninety /'n a in ti/ 2
murder /'m 3rdar/ 61-10 ninth /nainB/ 3
muscle /'m A s a l/133-2 nipple /'n ip al/ 57-1
museum /m yu'ziom / 59-24,216-20 noisy / 'n a i z i / 15-35
mushroom /'mAj^rum/ 85-32 no left turn /n o o le ft t a r n / 118-6
music /'m y u z ik / 209 nonfiction section ^ n a n 'fik ja n 's e k ja n / 55-8
noon /n u n / 5
listen to .../'lisan t a / 126-17 north /n a r 0 / 130-19
musician /m y u 'z ija n /148-24 North A m erica /n a r0 a 'm e n k a / 174-8
music store /'m y u zik star/ 48-10 Northern C a n a d a /'n a rd a rn 'k s e n a d a /172-1
mussel / ' itiasoI/ 189-27 Northern Hemisphere /'n a rd a rn 'h e m a ,s fir /174-6
mussels /'m A salz/ 87-17 North Pole /n a r0 p o u l / 174-1
mustache /'m A lstasj'/ 33-8 nose / n o o z / 133-37
mustard /'niAstard/ 90-17
mystery /'m is tari/ 208-3 bloody... / ' b l A d i / 135-29
nail / n e i l / 163-20 note /'n o u t/

ham m er a... /'haemar a / 165-9 absence... /'sebsans/ 23-27
nail clipper /n e il 'k lip a r /144-12 notebook / 'n o u tb o k /19-27
nail polish /n e il 'p a lij/ 144-11 notebook (computer) /'noutbuk (k a m 'p y u ta r)/ 25-23
nail salon /n e il s a 'la n /48-16 no U-turn /n o u ' y u - ^ r n / 118-11
nam e /n e im / 43-1 novel /'n av al/ 55-20
November /n o u 'v e m b a r/ 7-26
spell your... /spel ya r/ 20-13 nuclear energy /'n u k lia r 'e n a r d ji/171-28
write your... /ra it yar/ 20-6 number /'nA in b a r/
n ap /naep/
take a... /tcik a/ 34-15 dial a... /'d a ia l a/ 17-25
napkin /'m epkin/ 70-31,101-22 numbers /'n A m b a r z /1-2
narrow /'naeroo/ nurse / n 3r s / 29-2
...tie /ta i/ 111-9 nurse / n 3r s / 138-2,148-19
nasal (d eco n gestant) spray /'n eizal ^dikan'ckjestant) sprci/
142-12 school... / s k u l/ 23-8
nationalities ^mcja'naelatiz/ 44-45 nursery /'n a r s a r i/ 216-4
natural disasters /'nsetjaral di'zaestarz/170-171 nurses'station / 'n 3 r s iz 's t e i j a n / 138-1
natural gas /'naetfaral gses/171-22 n u t/ n at/ 163-23
nature program /'neitfar 'proi^grsem/ 209-18
nauseous /'n a ja s /135-19 w ing.../ w i g / 163-24
navy (blue) /'n e iv i ( b lu ) / 10-11 nuts / nats/' 82-83
near / n i r / 13-15 nylon / 'n a g l a n / 113-10
neck /n e k /133-20 nylons / 'n a g la n z / 107-5
necklace /'n e k lis /109-8 oak (tree) /o u k ( t r i ) / 179-5
needle /'n id i/ 117-29,224-24 oasis / o u 'e is is / 181-15
negotiate /m 'goujgeit/ obey /o u 'b e i/ 201-15
...the price /6a prais/ 65-20 oboe /'o u b o u / 207-13
neighbors /'neibarz/ observatory /a b 'z s r v a ^ a r i/176-8
m eet the... /m it 6 a /64-15 obstetrician ^ a b s ta 'tr ija n /141-10
nephew /'nefyu/ 27-20 ocean /'o u ja n / 169-24,211-5
Neptune /'n e p tu n /176-21 October /a k 'to u b a r/ 7-25
nervous /'n3rvas/ 38-6 octopus /'a k ta p a s /189-17
nest /nest/ 190-3 off / o f / 13-7
net /net/ 25-29 offer / 'a fa r / 102-20
volleyball... /'v a li,b a l/ 220-11 offer /'a fa r /
new /nu / 15-31
newborn /'nu,barn/ 56-31 make a n .../m e ik a n /65-19
New England /nu 'ig g la m d /172-11 office / 'a f i s / 154-155
new moon /nu m u n /177-29 office assistant /a fis a 's is t a n t / 155-19
news /n u z/ 209-12 office building /'a fis 'b ild ig / 47-15
newspaper /'nuzjpeipar/ 55-17 office m a n a g e r/'a fis 'm aem c^ar/ 155-6
newsstand /'nuz^taend/ 59-25 oil / a i l / 171-23
New Year /nu y ir/ 228-1
next-day mail /nekst-dei m e il/ 52-19 check th e.../tj'ek 6a / 123-16
next to /nekst t a / 13-11 oil g au g e /o il g e i<45/ 121-13
nickel /'n ik a l/ 8-2 oil spill / a il s p i l / 171-15
niece /nis/ 27-19 old / o u l d / 14-21,15-32
Nigerian /nai'dgrian/ 44-20 olive green / 'a l i v g r i n / 10-6
night /n a it/ 5 olive oil / 'a l i v a il/
nightgown /'n a it,g a o n /107-14
bottle of... /'b u t l a v / 97-7
measure... /'m e3a r/ 92-1

olives / ' u liv z / 83-23
on / a n / 13-3
one /wAn/ 2

one-bedroom apartment /wAn-'bed,rum a'partmant/ 67-13 overdose /'o u v a r, d o u s / 136-11
one cent /wait s e n t/ 8-1 overhead compartment /'o u v a r, bed k a m 'p a r tm a n t/125-24
one dollar /wait 'dular/ 8-6 overhead light /'o u v a r,h e d la it /
one-dollar bill /wAn-'dalar bi 1/ 8-6
one-half /wAn-haef/ 3 turn on the... / t 3rn an 6a / 126-15
one hundred /WAn 'hAndrid/ 2 overhead projector /'o u v a r,h e d p ra c ije k ta r/ 19-16
one hundred-dollar bill /'waii 'hAndrid-'dalar bi 1/ 8-11 overnight mail /,o u v a r'n a it m e il/ 52-19
one hundred dollars /'wAn 'hAndrid 'dalarz/ 8-11 over-the-counter medication /'o u v a r -6 a -'k a u n ta r ,m e d i'k e ija n /
one hundred thousand /'waii 'hAndrid 'Bauzand/ 2
one million /wAn 'milyan/ 2 142-6
one-quarter /wAn-'kwnrtar/ 3 owl / a u l / 181-2
one thousand /waii 'Bauzand/ 2 oysters /'a is ta r z / 87-15
one way /waii w e i / 118-1 pacifier /'pa e s a ,fa ia r/ 57-25
onion /'Anyan/ 84-15 p a c k /pack/ 64-9,123-1
package /'p a e k id j/ 52-17
slice... /s la is / 93-18 packer /'p a e k a r /156-7
online /,an'lain/ pad /p a e d /155-31
paddle /p se d l/ 213-9
b e .../ b i / 24-30 padlock /'p a e d ,la k / 163-34
online catalog /,a n 'la in 'kse tl,a g / 55-6 pail / p e il/ 80-16,211-28
Ontario / a n 't e r io u / 172-4 pain /p e m /
on the left of /a n 6 a le ft a v / 13-8
on the right of /a n 6a r a it a v / 13-9 be in... /b i i n / 136-1
on top of /a n ta p a v / 13-1 paint /p e in t/ 165-3,203-25
open /'o o p a n / paint /p e in t/ 163-14,203-10
paintbrush /'p e in t,b r A j/ 163-10,203-8
...a present /a 'p re z a n t/ 229-32 painter /'p e in ta r / 203-9
...mall / m e il/ 150-5
...your book /y a r b u k / 20-10 house.../h a u s / 148-14
open / 'o o p a n / 15-37 painting /'p e m tig / 203-7
opens /'o o p a n z / 198-11 paint roller /p e in t r o u la r / 163-16
opera /'a p r o / 205-25 paint supplies /p e in t s a 'p la iz / 162
operate / 'a p a , r e it / 165-15 paint tray /p e in t t r e i / 163-15
pair of scissors /p e r a v 's iz a rz / 117-23
operating room /'a p a ,rc itio r u m / 138-5 paisley / 'p e iz li/ 113-17
operating table /'a p a ,r e itirj 'te ib a l/ 138-8 pajamas /p a 'c ^ a m a z /107-17
operation /,a p a 'r e ij'a n /139-11 palace /'p s e lis / 63-14
operator / 'a p a , r e it a r / 16-17 palette /'p s e lit/ 203-6
opossum /o 'p a s a m /190-7 palm tree /p a m t r i / 181-7
opposites / 'a p a z it z / 14-15 pan /p a m /
optometrist / a p 'ta m a tn s t/ 141-23
orange / 'a r in d j/ 10-19,83-3 frying... /'fra u g / 94-3
orange juice /'o r ir n ^ d p is / 88-27 pan pipes /paen p a ip s / 207-16
panther /'p s e n B o r/182-17
carton of... /'k a r tn a v / 97-10 panties / 'p a m t iz / 107-20
orangutan /a 1raega,taeg/ 182-13 pants /'p a c n ts /104-22
orbit / ' o r b i t / 176-6
orca / 'o r k a / 189-7 baggy... /'b a e g i/111-12
orchard /'o r tja r d / 152-1 loose.../Iu s / i l l - 1 2
orchestra /'a r k a s tra / 204-8 pantyhose /'p a e n ti,h o u z /107-5
orchid / 'a r k i d / 182-11 papaya /p a 'p a ia / 83-18
order /'a r d a r / 102-10 paper / 'p c i p a r / 196-5
hand in your... /haend in y a r/ 20-2 service /r u m 's3 r v i s / 159-26 paperback (book) /'p cip a r,b a e k ( b u k )/ 55-14
order /'a r d a r / paper bag /'p e ip a r baeg/ 99-14
paperclip /'p e ip a r k l i p / 155-29
take an... /te ik a n / 102-11 paper products /'p e ip a r 'p ra d a k ts / 99-8
orderly / 'a r d a r l i / 139-22 papers /'p c ip a r z /
organ /'a rg a n / 207-27 collect the.../k a 'le k t 6a / 20-3
orthopedist/ , a r 0 a 'p id is t / 141-17 exchange... /ik s 'tfc in c f;/ 20-5
ostrich / 'a s t n t f / 185-14 hand out.../haend a u t / 21-18
otter / 'u t a r / 187-7 paper shredder /'p e ip a r J'redar/ 155-16
ottoman /'a ta m a n / 72-13 paper towels /'p e ip a r 'ta u a lz / 80-7
ounce /a u n s / 96,97-3 parade /pa'reid/ 228-3
out / a u t/ paragraph /'paera,graef/ 196-4
parakeet /'p a e r a ,k it/182-1
power is... /'p a u a r iz / 77-1 parallel lines/'paera,lel l a i n / / 193-12
outdoor sports and fitness /'a u t,d o r sparts and 'fitm s / 220-221 paramedic /,p a e ra 'm e d ik /139-26
outlet / 'a u t,le t/ 72-32 parent /'p e r a n t/ 57-8
outline /'a u t,la m / parentheses /p a 'r e n B o s iz /196-15
parents /'p e ra n ts / 27-25
write an... /r a it a n / 196-21 park / p a r k / 123-25
out of /a u t a v / 130-5 park /p a r k / 47-28
outside (of) /,a u t's a id (a v ) / 13-6 park bench /p a rk bentjV 214-18
oval / 'o u v a l / 193-17 parking / 'p a r k ig /
oven /'Avan/ 70-8 valet... / v a e 'le i/ 159-23

microwave... /'m a ik r a ,w e iv / 70-1 249
over / 'o u v a r / 13-10,130-14
overalls /'o u v a r ,a lz / 104-12

parking garage /'p a r k ig g a 'r a j/ 47-21 permissionslip /p a r'm ija n s lip / 23-26
parking meter /'p a r k u j 'm ita r / 58-20
parking space /'p a r k ig s p e is /6 7 -8 perpendicular lines /,p 3rp a n 'd ik y a la r la in z / 193-11
parrot/'paerat/ 182-5 personal CD player / 'p 3rsa n a l ,si'd i 'p le ia r/ 226-10
particle mask /'partikol msesk/ 157-26 personal check / 'p 3rsanal tj'ek/ 9-25
parts /p a rts / 157-13 Peruvian /p a 'r u v ia n / 44-6
parts of a car /p a rts a v a k a r / 120-121 pesticide poisoning /'pe sta ,sa id 'p a iz a n ig / 171-16
parts of a fish /p a rts a v a fijV 188 petal /'pell/179-16
petfood /p e t f u d / 99-10
pass /pres/ petri dish / 'p itr i dijV 194-29
petroleum / p a 't r o u lia m / 171-23
...a test /a t e s t / 19-35 pet store /p e t s ta r/ 48-21
...a truck /a t r A k / 123-13 pharmacist /'f a r m a s is t/ 142-5
p ass a w a y /pass a 'w e i/ 31-24
passbook /'p a ss,b u k/ pharmacy /'fa r m a s i/ 48-26,142-143
savings account... /'s e iv ig z a 'k a u n t/ 51-14 phone /fo u n /
passenger /'paesanc^ar/ 124-6,128-6
passport /'pae s,pa rt/ 43-22 answer the.../'te n s a r 6a / 17-27
password /'pass,w3rd/ hang up the... /heeg ,\p 6a/ 17-29
enter your... /'e n ta r y a r/ 24-31 pick up the... /p ik Ap 6a / 17-24
past /p a s s t/130-2 phone book /fo u n b u k / 16-8
pastries / 'p e is tr iz / phone card /fo u n k a r d / 16-3
tray of... /tre i a v / 97-11 phone jack /fo u n d ^ k / 16-14
path /p ce G /214-27 phone number /fo u n 'n A m b a r /16-23
patient / 'p e ij a n t / 139-18 photocopier / 'fo u ta .k a p ia r /155-4
examine the.../ig 'zasm a n 6 a / 137-22 photocopy / 'f o u t a ^ a p i / 155-5
patio /'p a e ti.o u / 69-22 photograph /'fo u ta .g re e f/ 203-26
patterns /'p a e ta r n z /112-113 photograph /'fo u ta ,g rs e f/ 203-22
p au se /p a z / 227-29 take a... /te ik a / 203-26
paw / p a / 185-27 photographer /fa 'ta g ra fa r/ 148-12,203-23
photo ID /'fo u to u 'a i'd i/ 124-3
pay /p e l/ photo kiosk/'fo u to u 'k i,a s k / 48-29
physical (exam) / 'f iz ik a l (ig 'z a sm )/ 141-18
...a security deposit /a s a 'k y u ra ti d i'p a s it/ 64-7 physical therapist / 'f iz ik a l 'B e r a p is t/148-6
...a toll /a t o u l / 123-23 physicist/'fiz a s is t / 194-6
...taxes /'ta s k s iz / 201-16
...the bills /5 a b ilz / 79-6 physics / 'f iz ik s / 194-5
...the check /d a t f e k / 102-24 piano /p i's e n o u / 207-26
...the rent /5 a re n t/ 64-14
payment /'p e im a n t/ pick /p i k / 153-31
make the... /m e ik 5 a / 65-26 pickles /'p ik a lz / 88-10
pay phone /p e i f o u n / 16-1 p ick u p /p ik a p / 29-10,29-19
PDA/ 'p i 'd i 'e i / 25-16
peach /pitf/ 83-19 ...the phone / 6a f o u n / 17-24
peacock / 'p i , k a k / 182-8 pickup truck / 'p ik r \p t r A k / 118-15
peak / p ik / 169-1 picnic / 'p ik n ik / 214-11
peanuts /'p i,n a ts / 83-33
pear /p e r/ 83-1 picnic basket /'p ik n ik 'b ic s k it/ 214-12
peas / p iz / 85-30 picnic table /'p ik n ik 't e ib a l/ 214-13
pebble / 'p e b o l/ 181-17 picture book /'p ik tja r b u k / 55-25
pecans /p i'k a n z / 83-30 piece /p is /
pedestrian /p a 'd e s tria n / 58-17
pedestrian crossing /p a 'd e s tria n 'k ra s ig / 118-9 ...of cake / av k e ik / 97-15
pediatrician ^ p id ia 't r ija n / 141-7 pie pan /p a i p te n / 95-29
p eel /p i 1/ 93-22 pier /pir/ 211-2
peephole / 'p ip ,h o o I/67-26 pierced ears /p irs d ir z / 33-20
pen /p e n / 19-19 pig / 'p i g / 152-25
pencil /'p e n s a l/ 19-20 pigeon /'piem an/ 214-29
pencil sharpener /'p e n s a l 'ja rp a n a r/ pigtails / 'p i g j e i lz / 33-26
electric.../ i'le k t r ik / 155-21
penguin /'p e g g w m / 187-13 pile /p a il/
peninsula /p a 'n in s a la / 169-17 ...of tomatoes / a v ta 'in e ito u z / 97-28
penny / 'p e n i/ 8-1
PEOPLE /'p ip a l/ 32-45 pill / p i l / 142-3
pepper shaker/'p e p a r 'J'eikar/ 101-13 take a... /te ik a / 137-27
percent /p a r's e n t/ 193-4
percussion /p a r'k .\j'a n / 207 pillow/'p ilo o / 74-12
perform / p a r 'f a r m / 150-10 ask for a .../ce sk fa r a / 126-14
performing arts /p a r'fa rm ig a rts / 204-205
perfume /'p a r (f y u m / 144-21 pillowcase /'p ilo u ,k e is / 74-11
period / 'p ir ia d / 196-10 pilot/'p a ilo t/ 125-15,148-23
periodical section /,p ir i'a d ik a l 's e k ja n / 55-1 PIN/ p in /
periodic table / ,p ir i'a d ik 'le ib a l/ 194-15
periods of time /'p ir ia d z a v t a im / 4 enter... /'e n ta r/ 51-25
pin /p in / 109-12,117-21
250 pincushion /p in 'k u ja n / 117-22
pine (tree) /p a in ( t r i ) / 179-1
pineapple /'p a g n se p a l/ 83-7
pinecone /p a in k o o n / 179-9
ping-pong /'p ig - p a g / 218-8
ping-pong paddle /'p ig - (pag p re d l/ 218-9
ping-pong table /'p ig -,p a g 'te ib a l/ 218-10
pink /p tg k / 10-4

pint /paint/ 96, 97-1 polo /'p o u lo u /
pinto beans /p m to u b in z / 84-9 ...shirt/ fa r t/ 111-7
pipe /paip/ 161-26
pomegranate /'p a m a .g ra e m t/ 83-4
cut a... /kAt o/165-21 poncho /'p a n tfo u / 104-11
pipe fittings /p a ip 'f it ig z / 160-24 pond /p a n d / 214-19
pipes /p a ip s / ponytail /'p o u n i,te il/ 33-24
pool / p u l/
...are frozen /a r 'fro u z a n / 77-8
pipe wrench /p a ip rentJV 161-25 swimming.../ 's w im ir ) /159-21,218-34
pistachios /p i's ta e jg o u z / 83-32 pool hall /p u l h o i/ 216-7
pitcher / 'p i f a r / 97-14 poor / p u r / 15-28
pizza /'p its a / 90-1
placemat /'p lc is m a s t/ 70-26 pop /p a p / 209-22
place of birth /p le is a v b 3 r 0/ 43-7 popcorn /'p a p ^ a r n / 99-28
poppies / 'p a p iz / 179-32
places around town / 'p le is iz a 'ra u n d ta u n / 46-47 porch /p a rtf/ 69-14
places to visit /'p le is iz ta 'v iz .it/ 216-217 porcupine /'p a rk y a tp a in / 190-11
plaid / p lt e d / 113-19 pork /p a rk / 86
plains /p le in z / 169-26
plan / p lt e n / 150-16 pork chops /p a rk tja p s/ 87-3
plane / p le in / pork roast /p a rk ro u s t/ 87-7
portrait / 'p o r t r it/ 203-3
...wood / w u d / 165-23 postal clerk /'p o u s ta l k b r k / 52-20
plane /p le in / 125 postal scale /'p o u s ta l s k c il/ 52-15
postcard /'p o u s fk a r d / 52-16
board the... /b a rd 6 a / 126-8 poster /'p o u s to r/ 19-23
get off the.../g e t a f 6a / 126-23
planetarium /,p la e n a 'te ria m / 216-3 postmark /'p o u s t,m a rk / 52-18
planets /'p la e m ts / 176 post office /p o u s t 'a fis / 47-14,52-53
plant /p ls e n t/ 153-29 post office box /p o u s t 'a fis b a k s / 52-13
plaster /'p la e s ta r /165-2 pot /p a t/ 94-5
plastic bag /'p la e s tik b te g / 99-20
plate / p le it / 70-23,101-23 ...of coffee / av 'k a f i / 97-12
plateau /p la e 'to u / 169-12 potato /p a 'te ito u / 84-26
platform /'p la e t,fa rm / 128-19 potato chips /p a 'te ito u tj'ip s/ 99-27
play / p le i/ 227-26 potatoes /p a 'te ito u z /
play / p le i/ 205-17
player / 'p le ia r / bag of... /baeg a v / 97-22
boil... / b a il/ 92-17
basketball... /'baeskit,bol/ 218-6 potholder / 'p a fh o u ld a r / 70-9
hockey... /'haki/ 223-22 potter /'p a to r/ 203-19
playground /'p lc g g ra u n d / 214-4 potter's wheel / ‘p a ta rz w il/ 203-20
playpen /'p le g p e n / 57-4 pottery /'p a ta r i/ 203-18
play with /p le i w id / 29-9 potty chair /'p u ti tfe r/ 57-20
pleated / 'p lito d / poultry / 'p o u lt r i/ 86-87,99-2
...skirt /sk3rt/ 111-19 pound /p a u n d / 96,97-19
pour /p a r/
pliers /'plaiarz/ 160-15
plow /plau/ 152-5 ...concrete / k a n 'k r i t / 165-7
plug /p i A g / 226-6 ...water / 'w o t a r / 102-2
plum /p U m / 83-15 powder /'p a u d a r/
plumber/'plAinar/ 77-15,148-15 baby.../'beibi/ 57-22
plumbing /'plAmig/ 161 power /'p a u a r/
plunger /plAnd3ar/ 75-23
plus / p ias/ 193-1 hydroelectric... / (h a id ro u i' le k t r i k / 171-29
Pluto /'plutou/ 176-20 ...isout / iz a u t/ 77-1
plywood /'plagwod/ 163-28
RO. Box /,pi'ou b a k s / 52-13 power sander /'p a u a r 'saendar/ 161-32
pocket /'pakit/ 117-13 power strip /'p a u a r ,s trip / 25-12
pocket knife /'pakit naif/ 213-21 power tools /'p a u a r t u l z / 161
poison /'paizan/ Prairie Provinces /'p r e r i 'p ra v in s a z / 172-3
praise /p re iz / 29-17
swallow... / 's w u lo u / 136-10 pregnant /'p re g n a n t/
poisoning /'p a iz a n iij/
be.../ b i / 31-14
pesticide.../'p e s ta ,s a id /171-16
poisonous materials /'p a iz a n a s m a 'tir ia lz / 156-34 pregnant woman /'p re g n a n t 'w u m a n / 141-11
polar bear /'p o u la r b e r/ 187-8 preschooler /'p r g s k u la r/ 56-34
polar lands /'p o u la r lasndz/ 186-187 prescription /p r i's k r ip ja n / 142-15
police car /p a 'lis k a r / 118-26
police officer /p a 'lis 'a fa s a r/ 61-20,148-11 prescription medicine /p ri's k r ip ja n 'm e d asa n / 142-4
police station /p a 'lis 's t e ija n / 47-10 present /'p re z a n t/ 228-11
polish /'p a lijV 79-9
political candidate / p a 'litik a l 'kaenda(d e it/ 200-1 open a... /'oupan a/ 229-32
polka d o t / 'p o u lk a d u t / 113-15 wrap a... /rasp a/ 229-29
pollution /p a 'lu j’a n / 170-171 president /'prezadant/ 200-11
press /p re s / 115-23
air... /er/ 171-13 pretzels /'pretsolz/ 99-26
water.../'w o ta r / 171-19 price /prais/ 9-18
negotiate the... /m 'g o u s g e it 6a / 65-20
price tag /p ra is tseg/ 9-16
primary colors /'p ra g m e ri 'kAlarz/ 10
principal /'p rin s a p a l/ 23-16

print (out) /p r in t (a u t)/ 24-35 raft /raeft/ 213-10
print / p r in t / 113-14 rag /ra e g / 80-17
printer /'p r in te r / 25-15
prism/'p r iz a m / 194-7 railroad crossing /'re il,r o u d 'k r a s ig / 118-7
prison /'p n z a n / 61-26 rain / r e i n / 166-20
prisoner /'p r iz a n a r/ 61-27
produce /p ra 'd u s / 198-2 acid... /'sesid/171-14
produce /'p ro u ,d u s / 99-1 rainbow /'rein,bou/ 166-11
program /'p ro u .g ra e m / 205-23 raincoat /'rem,kout/104-10
raindrop /'rein,drap/166-23
computer... /kam'pyutar/ 25-25 rainforest/rein 'forist/ 182-183
projector /p ra 'c fe e k ta r/25-13 raining /'rein 113/167-30
raise /reiz/
overhead.../,o u v a r 'h e d /19-16
protect /p ra 'te k t/ 29-14 ...a family /a 'fa s m a li/ 31-16
protest /p r a 'te s t/201-18 ...your hand /y a r haend/ 20-1
proud /p ra u d / 38-1 raising a child /'re iz ig a tj’a ild / 28-29
psychologist / s a i'k a la d g s t/ 141-5 raisins /'re iz a n z / 83-27
public transportation / ' p A b l i k ^ rs e n s p a r'te ija n / 128-129 rake /rcik/ 79-20
puck/ p A k / rake / r e ik / 69-17
ranch /ram tjV 63-16
hockey... /'h a k i/ 223-24 rash /raejV 135-26
pull /pul/37-27,165-6 raspberries /'ra e z,b e riz/ 83-26
pull over /pul 'ouvar/123-20 ra t/ra e t/ 181-13
pullover /'pul,ouvar/104-20 rats /raets/ 76-25
pump /pAtnp/109-18
pumpkin pie /'p.Ainpkin p a i/ 229-18 rattle /'rs e tl/ 57-10
punching bag /'pA ntjTg b te g /218-20 razor /'r e iz a r / 144-18
punctuation /lpAigktjLi'cij'an/196-9
puppet show /'pApit j'ou/ 214-10 electric.../ I ' l e k t r i k / 144-19
puree /p y u 'r e i/ 93-25 R&B/a r an b i / 209-26
purple /'p3rpal/10-14 reach / r i t f / 198-18
purse /pars/ 109-2 read /rid/ 20-7,29-20.55-28
push /pA.f/ 37-25,165-20
push-up /'pAj^Ap/ 218-12 ...blueprints /'blu,pnnts/165-17
put /put/ reading room/'ridnj rum/ 55-4
realityshow /ri'aclati j’ou/ 209-21
...air inthe tires /e r in 6a t a i r z / 123-18 realtor /'rialtar/ 148-20
...a stamp on /a staemp o n / 53-23
put away /p u t a 'w e i/ 79-24 call a... /kal a/65-16
put down /p u t d a u n / 126-18 rearview mirror /'rir,vyu 'mirar/121-11
put on /p u t a n / 114-8 receipt /ri'sit/ 9-14 /'meik,Ap/ 34-7
...your headphones /yar 'h e d ,fo u n z /126-16 receiver /ri'sivar/16-2
put out /put aut/ 79-19 receptionist /ra'sepjamst/ 141-16,148-5
put up /p u l Ap/ 165-1 recipe /'resa.pi/ 92,93
puzzle /'pAzal/ 224-16 record /'rekard/ 226-8
pyramid /'piramid/193-21 RECREATION /.rekri'eijan/ 210-229
pyramids /'piramidz/ rectangle /'rek,taeqgal/193-18
build... /biId/198-3 recycling bin /ri'saiklig bin,/ 80-25
quart /kwart/ 96,97-18 red /red/10-1
quarter /'kwortar/ 3,8-4 red hair /red her/ 33-1
quarter after six /'kwartar 'aeftar siks/ 5 referee /,refa'ri/ 218-4
quarter moon /'kwartar m u n / 177-31 reference desk /'refarans desk/ 55-5
quarter of seven /'kwartar av 'se van / 5 refill /'ri.fil/102-14
quarter past six /'kwartar paest siks/ 5 ’ refrigerator /n'fncfea,reitar/ 70-20
quarter to seven /'kwartar ta 'se va n / 5
Quebec / k w a 'b e k / 172-5 regions of Canada /'ridjanz a v 'kaenada/172
queen / k w in / 224-4 regions of the UnitedStates /'ridjanz a v 5a yu'naitid steits/172
question mark /'k w e s tja n m a r k / 196-12 registrationdesk /,recfeis'treijan desk/ 159-12
questions /'k w e s tfa n z / registration form^redjis'treijan farm/43
ask... /aesk/ 64-5 regular price /'regyalar prais/ 9-22
quiet /'kwant/15-36 reindeer /'rein,dir/ 187-3
quotation marks /'k w o u 'te ifa n m u r k s / 196-16 remarried /ri'maerid/ 27-30
rabbit /'r s e b it/ 152-18,190-28 remote control /ra'mout kan'troul/ 226-23
raccoon /rs e 'k u n / 190-19 remove /ra'muv/ 51 -28
racket /'rs e k it/ rent /rent/
tennis... / ‘te rn s/ 220-2
radiation / . r e id i'e ija n / 171-17 apartment /an a 'p a rtm a n t/ 31-7
radiator / 'r e id i,e ita r / 121-35 rent /r e n t/
radio / 'r e id io u / 121-17
radioactive materials /,re id io u 'a e k tiv m a 'tir ia lz / 156-35 pay the.../p c i 6a / 64-14
radish /'raedijV 85-31 renting an apartment /'re n tn j an a 'p a rtm a n t/ 64
radius /'r e id ia s / 193-14 repair /r a 'p e r / 115-21,150-15
report card /ra 'p a rt k a rd / 23-24
252 reporter /r a 'p a r ta r / 148-1
reservation /,re z a r'v e ij’a n /

make a... /m e ik a/ 102-1,159-24
Resident Alien card /'re z a d a n t e ilia n k a rd / 43-17
respirator/'r e s p a ,r c ita r /157-22

rest / r e s t / 137-26

restaurant /'re s ta ra n t/ 100-101 Russian / 'r A ja n / 44-21
rest mat /re s t m eet/ 57-5 RV/'ar'vi/ 118-16
restroom/'re s tr u m / 23-10 sad /seed/ 39-21
resume / 'r e z a ^ n e i/155-17 safe-deposlt box /s e if-d i'p a s it b a k s / 51-1
retire / r s 't a ir / 31-22 safety boots /'s e ifti b u ts / 157-28
retirement /r a 'ta ir m a n t/ 229-28 safety-deposit box /'s e ifti- d i'p a s it b a k s / 51-1
retirement home /ra 'ta irm a n t h o u m / 63-17 safety earmuffs/'s e ifti 'ir.m A fs / 157-29
return / n 't 3r n / 55-29 safety glasses/'s e ifti g la e s iz /157-25
return address / r i 't 3rn a 'd re s / 52-4 safety goggles /'s e ifti 'g a g a lz /157-23
revolving door / r i'v a lv ig d o r/ 67-24,159-14 safety pin /'s e ifti p i n / 117-30
rewind /r i'w a m d / 227-28 safety vest/'s e ifti v a s t / 157-27
rhinoceros /ra i'n a s o ro s / 185-8 safety visor /'s e ifti 'v a iz a r/ 157-21
ribs / n b z / 87-9 sail /s e il/ 198-4
sailboard /'s e il,b o rd / 211-12
rice /r a is / 91-19 sailboarder /'s e il,b o rd a r/ 211-13
rich /ritJV 15-27 sailboat /'s e il,b o u t/ 211-1
ride /r a id / 37-26 salad /'saelad/ 88-18
right / r a i t / 130-16 salad bar /'saelad b u r / 101-30
ring / r i g / 109-7 salad dressing /'saelad 'd re s ig / 88-19
river / ' r i v o r / 169-21 salamander/'saela,m aendar/ 190-17
salami /sa'lami/ 87-5
rlverbank /'riv a rb a e g k / 169-20 sale /s e il/ 9-12
road trip /ro u d t r i p / 122-123 sale price /s e il p ra is / 9-23
roast /ro u s t/ 92-15 salesperson / 's e i l z ^ r s a n / 148-21
roast beef /ro u s t b if / 87-11 sales tax /'s e ilz tasks/ 9-19
robe /r o u b / 107-13 salmon /'saem an/ 87-24
robin /'r a b in / 190-1 salsa /'s a ls a / 91-27
robot / ‘r o u b a t / 156-5 saltshaker /'soltjeikar/ 101-12
rock Iraki 29-3 sand /s a e n d /165-25
rock Iraki 181-11,209-24 sand /s a e n d /211-21
rock climber /r a k 'k la im o r / 213-2
rock concert /r a k 'k a n s a rt/ 205-10 shovel.../'jAval/ 165-19
rocket /'rakot/176-4 sandal /'s a s n d l/109-21
sandbox /'saend.baks/ 214-8
rocking chair / 'r a k ig tfe r/ 72-31 sand castle /saend 'kaesal/ 211-25
sand dune /saend d u n / 181-6
Rocky Mountain States / r a k i 'mauntn s t e it s / 172-8 sander /saendar/
rodeo /'r o u d i,o u / 216-23
roller / 'r o u la r / power.../ 'p a u a r / 161-32
sandpaper /'sae n d ,p e ip a r/ 163-12
paint.../ p e in t /163-16 sandwich /'s a e n d w itf/ 90-10
roller coaster /'roular 'koustar/ 214-16 Santa Claus /'s e e n ta ^ la z / 229-20
rollers /'roularz/144-9 sari / 's a r i / 104-9
rolling pin/'roulig pin/ 95-22 satellite /'s a e tl.a it/ 176-13
roll of film/roul av film/ 226-1 satellite dish /'sae tl.a it d i j / 226-18
roll up /roul Ap/ 114-12 Saturday /'sae ta r,de i/ 6-10
romance /rou'masns/ 208-5 Saturn /'s a e ta rn /176-23
roof /ruf/ 69-4 saucepan /'sos,paen/ 94-10
saucer /'s o s a r/ 101-19
...leaks / lik s / 77-3 Saudi Arabian /'s o d i a 're ib ia n / 44-19
roofer /'r u f a r / 77-16 sauna /'s a n a / 159-20
room /r u m / sausages /'so sic^e z/ 87-6
sautd /s o 'te i/ 93-19
double.../'d A b a l/ 159-17 savings account passbook /'s e iv ig z a 'k a u n t 'paes,buk/ 51-14
meeting.../ 'm it ig / 159-6 saw / s o / 165-10
single... / 's ig g a l/ 159-18 saw /s o /
roommate / 'r u n y n e it / 67-11
roomservice /r u m 's3r v is / 159-3 circular.../'s 3r k y a l a r / 161-31
order.../'ordar/ 159-26 saxophone /'sa e ksa ^o u n / 207-11
rooster /'ru s ta r/ 152-20 scale /s k e il/ 99-7
roots /r u ts / 179-12
rope /'r o u p / 163-9,213-17 postal... /'p o u s ta l/ 52-15
pull a.../p u l a / 165-6 scales /s k e ilz / 189-6
roses /'ro u z a z / 179-28 scallions /'ska e lya n z/ 85-27
rouge /1U3/ 144-28 scallops /'skaelaps/ 87-19
router /'ra u ta r/ 161-27 scan /skaen/ 24-34
rowboat / ‘r o u ^ o u t/ 213-7 scanner /skaenar/ 25-14
rubber band /'rA b a r baend/ 155-24 scar /s k a r/ 33-7
rubber gloves /'rA b a r g U v z / 80-18 scarecrow / 's k e r ,k r o u /152-12
rug /rA g / 74-4 scared /s k e rd / 39-19
shake out the... /jeik aut 6a/ 79-14 scarf/ s k a r f/ 104-18
ruler / 'r u l a r / 160-17 schedule / 's k e d z u l/ 128-22
rules / r u lz / 198-7
run /rAn/ 37-11 student... /'s tu d n t/ 23-25
runner /'rAnar/ 220-17 SCHOOL / s k u l / 18-25
runway /'rAn,wei/125-13
rural area /'rural 'a ria / 63-23 253

school /skul/ 47-6 ...a meal /a mil/ 102-16
start... /s ta r t/ 31-3 ...inthe military /in 6a 'mila,teri/ 201-19
take your child to.../te ik y a r tja ild ta / 34-10 ...on a Jury /un a 'ctjuri/ 201-17
server /'ssrvar/ 101-4,101-6,148-18
school bus /s k u l B as/ 23-12,118-12 signal the... /'signal 6a/ 102-18
school library /s k u l 'la i,breri/ 23-7 thank the... /Otegk 6a/102-21
school nurse /s k u l n 3rs / 23-8 s e t/set/102-5
SCHOOL SUBJECTS /s k u l 'sAbcfeikts/ 192-201 set /set/ 205-19
school zone /s k u l z o u n / 118-8 set of knives /set av naivz/ 94-2
science /'s a ia n s / 194-195 seven /'sevan/ 2
science fiction /'s a ia n s 'f ik f a n / 208-6
scientist /'s a ia n tis t/ 148-16 seventeen /,sevan'tin/ 2
scissors /'s iz a rz / seventeenth /,sevan'tinG/ 3
seventh /'sevan0/ 3
pair of... /per av/ 117-23 seventy /'sevanti/ 2
score /skar/ 223-19 sewing /'souirj/117
scoreboard /'skar,bard/ 223-18 sewing machine /'souuj ma'jin/117-20
scorpion /'skarpian/181-23 sew on /'sou an/115-22
scouring pad /skauriij pied/ 80-14 sex /seks/ 43-5
scram ble 'skreembal/ 92-7 shade /Jeid/
scraper /skreipar/163-11
screen /skrin/ 25-20 window... /'windou/ 74-8
screw /skru/163-22 shake hands /Jcik hsendz/ 40-4
screwdriver /'skru,draivar/160-18 shake out /j’eik aut/ 79-14
scroll bar /skroul bar/ 25-10 shampoo /Jasm'pu/144-2
scrub /skrAb/ 79-11 shapes /Jeips/193
scrub brush /skr.Ab brAj/ 80-20 share /Jer/
scuba diver /'skuba 'daivar/189-13
sculptor /'skAlptar/ 203-17 ...a book /a buk/ 21-21
sculpture /'skAlptfar/ 203-16 ...a dessert /a di'z3rt/ 102-19
sea /si/ 188-189 shark /Jark/189-12
sea anemone /s i a 'n e m a n i/ 189-26 shave /Jeiv/ 34-6
seafood / 's i,fu d / 86-87
seagull /'si,gAl/189-1 shaving cream /Jeivuj krim/144-16
sea horse /s i b a r s / 189-14 shawl /Jal/ 104-23
seal /s i 1/187-12 sheep /Jip/152-23
seam / s im / 117-25 sheet /jit/ 74-15
seashell / ' s i j e l / 211-22 sheets /Jits/

season /'s iz a n / 92-14 change the... /tfeincfc 6a/ 79-2
shelf /Jelf/ 70-4
seasons /'s iz a n z / 7 shellfish /'Jel,fiJ/ 87
seat / s it / 19-26,125-27,205-20 shingles /'Jirjgalz/163-5
ship /Jip/ 211-6
find your... /fa in d y a r / 126-9 shipping clerk /'Jipnj klark/157-16
seat belt /s it b e lt/ 121-12,125-28
shirt /Jart/ 104-2
fasten.../'fa e s o n /126-12 button-down... /'bAtn-daun/ 111-6
unfasten your... M n'fassan y a r/ 126-22 long-sleeved... /larj-slivd/111-5
sea urchin /s i '3r t f i n / 189-22 polo... /'poulou/111-7
seaweed /'s i, w id / 189-9 short-sleeved... /Jart-slivd/ 111-4
second /'s e k a n d / 3, 4 sleeveless.../'slivlis/111-3
second-hand store /'s e k a n d -h a m d s ta r/ 48-14
secretary / 's e k r o , t e r i/ 155-19 shishkebab recipe /fif ka'bab 'resa.pi/ 92
security /s a 'k y u r a ti/ shock /Jak/
go through.../g o u 0r u / 126-5
security checkpoint/s a 'k y u ra ti 'tfe k (p o i n t / 125-10 be in... /bi in/136-4
security deposit/s a 'k y u ra ti d i'p a s it/
pay a... /p e i a / 64-7 get a.../get a/136-14
security guard /s a 'k y u ra ti g a rd / 51-2,148-8 shoes /Juz/108-109
sedan /sa 'd a sn / 118-19 shoe store /Ju star/ 48-3
shop /jap/
see /s i/ 64-4
seed / s i d / 179-24 shoplifting /'Jap,1iftig/ 61-11
seesaw /'s i,s a / 214-7 shopper /'Japar/ 9-13,99-23
shopping /'Japnj/ 9
select /s a 'le k t/ 24-32 shopping basket /'Japnj 'beeskit/ 99-24
shopping cart /'japng kart/99-17
sell /s e l/ 150-14 shops /Japs/ 48-49
shore /Jar/ 169-18
semi / s e m i / 118-25 short-/Jart/ 14-18
semicolon /'s e m i,k o u la n / 196-18
Senate /'s e n it/ 201 ...skirt /skart/ 111-20
senator /'s e n a ta r/ 200-10 short hair /Jart her/ 33-11
shorts /Jarts/ 104-8
send /s e n d / 53-24
short-sleeved /Jart-slivd/
senior (citizen) /'s in y a r ('s ita z a n )/ 31 ...shirt/Jsrt/ 111-4
sentence / 's e n t n s / 196-3
shot / j u t /
copy the... /'k a p i 6a / 20-4
September /s e p 'te m b a r/ 7-24 give hima... /giv him a/ 137-25
shoulder /'Jouldar/133-21
serve /S 3rv/


shoulder-length hair /'jo u ld a r-le g k S h e r/ 33-12 skin / s k i n / 133-1
shovel /'JavoI/ 16 5 -19 ski poles 's k i p o u lz / 222-6
shovel /'jAval/ 16 0 -4 ,2 11-2 9 skirt /s k 3r t / 104-15
show / j'o u / 126-2
shower /'ja u a r / 75-18 lo n g .../ la g / 111-21
p le a te d .../ p l i t i d / 111-19
take a .../tc ik a/ 34-4 short... / j a r t / 111-20
shower curtain /'Ja u a r 'k 3r tn / 75-19 straight.../ s t r c i t / 111-18
shredder /Jred a r/ tight... / t a i t / 111-17
skis /s k iz / 222-4
p a p e r .../ 'p e i p a r / 155-16 skunk / s k A i j k / 190-22
shrimp /jnm p / 87-20,189-21 sky / s k a i / 166-10
shrub /fi'A b/185-16 skylight / 's k a it/ 69-3
shut /jAt/ 15-38 slacks /s le e k s /104-22
shutter /'jAtar/ 69-11 sled /s le d / 222-3
sick /sik/ 39-14 sledgeham m er /'s le c ^ h a e m a r /160-3
side /said/ 193-10 sleep 's lip / 34-24
sideburns /'said,b3rnz/ 33-15 sleeper /s lip a r/
sidewalk /'said,wak/ 47-24,58-16 b la n k e t.../'b k e g k it / 107-16
sift /sift/ 93-28 sleeping bag /s iip ig b<eg/ 213-25
sign /sain/ sleepw ear / 's lip o v e r / 106-107
sleeve / s i i v / 117-16
...the lease / 6a I is / 64-6 sleeveless / 's liv h s /
...the loan documents /6a loun 'dakyamants/ 65-24 ...shirt / J s r t / 111-3
sign /sain/ 58-19 slice /s i ais / 93-18
signal /'signal/ 10 2-18 slide / s la id / 194-28,214-5
signature /'s ig n a tfa r/ 43-15 sling / s l i g / 141-13
signs /sainz/ 118 slip / s lip / 37-8
silk / s i l k / 113-4 slip / s lip / 107-23
silo /'sailou/ 152-2 slippers / 's l i p a r z / 107-11
silver / 's ilv a r / 10-24 slow / s l o u / 15-33
silverware /'s ilv a r,w e i7 70-27 slow down /s lo u d a u n / 123-8
simmer /'simar/ 93-21 small / s m o l / 14-1
sing /s ir ) / 150-11 small town /s m o l ta u n / 63-22
singer /'s ig a r / 205-14 smile /s m a il/ 40-18
single mother /'s ig g a l 'n iA d a r/ 27-29 smog /s m a g / 171-13
single room /'s ig g a l r u m / 159-18 smoke detecto r /s m o u k d i'te k ta r / 72-18
sink / s ir jk / 70-15,75-28 snacks /snaeks/ 99
clean th e .../klin d a/ 79-10 snail / s n c i l / 182-22
sister / 's is ta r / 27-15 snake / s n e i k / 181-14
sister-in-law /'s is ta r - m - la / 27-16 sn e a k e r/'s n i k a r / 109-22
sit (down) / s it ( d a u n )/ 20-15, 37-16 sn eeze /s n iz / 137-17
sitar / 's it a r / 207-18 snorkel /'s n a r k a l/ 211-11
sitcom /'s i^ k a m / 209-13 snorkeler /'s n a rk a la r/ 211-10
sit-up /s it- A p / 218-13 snow / s n o u / 166-19
six / s ik s / 2-6 snowboard /'s n o u ,b a rd / 223-16
six fifteen /s ik s / i f t i n / 5 snowboarder /'s n o u ,b a rd a r/ 222-15
six fifty-five /s ik s ' f i f l i - f a i v / 5 snowboarding /1s n o u ,b a rd ig / 222-14
six forty-five /s ik s ' f a r t i - f a i v / 5 snowflake / 's n o u / f le ik / 166-22
six o 'clo ck /s ik s a 'k lu k / 5 snowing /'s n o u ig / 167-28
six-oh-five / s ik s - o u - fa iv / 5 snowmobile /s n o u 'm o u ^ il/ 222-1
six-pack /siks-p se k/ 97-26 snowshoes /'s n o u ju z / 222-2
sixteen /s ik s 'tin / 2 soap / s o u p / 144-24
sixteenth /s ik s 'tin O / 3 bar of... /b a r a v / 97-8
sixth /s ik s O / 3 soap opera /so u p 'a p ro / 209-16
six-thirty /s ik s - 'O s r ti/ 5 soccer /'s a k a r/ 220-19
six thirty-five /s ik s 'G s r ti- fa iv / 5 so cce r field /'s a k a r f i l d / 220-21
six twenty-five /s ik s 't w e n t i- f a iv / 5 Social Security card /'s o u ja l s a 'k y u ra ti k a rd / 43-8,43-21
sixty / 's ik s t i/ 2 socks / s a k s / 107-3
skateboard /'s k c it,b a r d / 214-21 soda /'s o u d a / 88-5
skateboarder /'s k e it.b o rd a r/ 214-22 c a n of... /keen a v / 97-27
skater /'s k e ita r/ 214-23 six-pack of... /s ik s -p ie k a v / 97-26
skates /s k e its / sofa /'s o u fa / 72-8
ice.../ais/ 223-25 soft / s o f t / 14-10
in-line... / 'in - J a in / 214-24 software /'s a ft,w s r/ 25-25
skating rink /s k e itig r ig k / 223-20 soil / s a i l / 152-10
sketch /ske tj'/ 203-14 solar e n e rg y /'s o u la r 'e n o r d ji/ 171-27
sketchpad /'s k e tf pred/ 203-13 soldier / 's o u lc ^ a r / 148-4
ski boots /s k i b u ts / 222-5 solid / ' s o l i d / 113-13,194-10
skier /s k ia r/ 222-13 solids / 's o lid z / 193
skiing / 's k iig / son /s a ii/ 27-21
cross country... /k ra s 'kAntri, 222-11
downhill.../ 'd a u n 'h il/222-12


sonogram /'san o g ra em / 141-12 stationary bike /'s te ij^ n e r i b a ik / 218-14
sore throat /s o r O ro u t/ 135-8 station wagon /'s te ijo n waegan/ 118-29
soul /s o u l / 209-26 statue /'staMju/ 59-23
sour cream /s a u r k r im / 88-8 steak /s te ik / 87-10
South /s a u G /172-13 steam /stim/ 92-10
south / s a u 0 / 130-21 steamer /'s tim o r /
South America /sa u 0 o 'm e rik o / 174-9
Southern Hemisphere /'sA d o rn 'h e m o ts f ir / 174-7 vegetable... /'veifetobol/ 95-26
South Pole /sauO p o u l / 174-5 steel wool /s til w u l/ 163-17
Southwest /s a u O 'w e s t/ 172-12 steering wheel /'stiruj wil/121-24
soy sauce /'s o i,s o s / 91-24 stem /stem/ 179-15
space /s p e is / 176-11
space shuttle /s p c is 'J 'A tl/176-17 stepfather /'s te p .fa d o r/ 27-8
space station /s p c is 's te ijo n / 176-1 stepladder /'step,laedor/ 80-23
spade /s p e id / 224-7
spaghetti /s p o 'g tli/ 90-3 stepmother /'step,mA6or/ 27-5
Spanish /'spasm j7 44-13 steps /steps/ 69-15
Spanish club /'spa e m j k k b / 23-22 stepsister /'step,sistor/ 27-12
sparrow /'s p a s ro u /185-18 stereo (system) /'stergou ('sistom)/ 226-15
spatula /'sp a e tjo lo / 95-31 sterile pad /'sterol p a e d /143-25
sp eak / s p i k / 150-3 sterile tape /'sterol teip/143-26
speaker /s p ik o r/ 226-14 stethoscope /'s te 0 o ,s k o u p /141-1
speeding ticket /'s p id ig t ik it / sticky notes/'stiki noutz/ 155-26
still life/st11 laif/203-2
get a... /g e t o / 123-6 sting /stirj/
speedometer /s p i'd a m o to r/ 121-14
s p e e d up /'s p id ,A p / 123-5 bee.../bi/135-28
spell /s p e l/ 20-13 stingray /'s tig r e i/ 189-20
sphere / s f ir / 193-23 stir / s t 3r / 93-20
spice rack /s p a is n e k / 70-11
spider/'s p a id o r/ 181-18 stir-friedvegetables /s ta r-fra id 've d ^to b o lz/ 91-20
spill /s p i 1/102-9 stitches / s t it f e z / 139-28
spinach /'s p m itjV 84-4 stockbroker /'s ta k ^ r o u k o r / 148-13
split peas /s p lit p iz / stockings /'stukigz/ 107-6
stomach /'stAinok/133-29
stir... /s t3r / 93-20 stomachache /'stAmok,eik/ 135-12
sponge /spAncfc/ 80-21,189-29 stool /s tu l/ 70-21
Spoon /s p u n / 101-25 stop /s ta p / 123-10,227-30
sporting event /'s p o rtig i'v e n t/ 216-6 stop /s ta p / 118-2
sporting goods store /'s p o rtn j gudz s ta r/ 48-6 stopper / 's t a p o r / 194-22
sports /s p o rts / 23-21,209-20 storage space /'s to r id j s p c is / 67-1
sports car /sp o rts k u r / 118-24 stores /s to rz / 48-49
sports coat /s p o rts k o u t / 104-21 storm/s to rm / 166-14
sportsjacket/s p o rts 'd ja s k it/ 104-21 stove /s to u v / 70-6
spotlight /'s p a t,la it/ 205-11
sprained wrist /s p re in d r i s t / 135-10 camping... /k a ;m p ig / 213-15
sp read 'spi ed/ 93-30 stow /s to u / 126-10
spring /s p r ig / 7-12 straight / s t r c i t / 130-1
sprinkler /'s p r ig k o lo r / 69-29
square /s k w e r/ 193-20 ...skirt / s k s r t / 111-18
squash /s k w a j’/ 84-6 straight hair /s tre it h e r/ 33-17
squat /s k w a t/ 37-23 straight leg /s tre it le g /
squeegee / 's k w id ji/ 80-6
squid s k w id / 189-19 ...jeans /cfeinz/ 111-11
squirrel /'s k w 3r o l/ 190-8 straight line /s tre it lain/193-7
stadium /'s t e id io m / 47-2 strainer /'s tre in o r/ 94-18
stage /s tc id g / 204-6
stairs /s te rz / 67-4 strap /straep/ 128-15
stamp /sta e m p / 52-5 straw/s tro / 90-13
strawberries /'s tr o ^ e r iz / 83-25
put a...on /put 53-23
stamp machine /staemp mo1Jin/ 52-12 box of... /b a k s a v / 97-20
stand up /staend Ap/ 21-19,37-15 stream / s t r i m / 169-6
staple /'steipol/151-17 street / s t r it / 47-27
stapler /'steipbr/ 155-10
staples /'stcipolz/155-27 street address /s tr it o 'd re s/ 43-11
star /sta r/176-3 streetlight /'s tr it,la it/ 58-4
starfish/'star.fij*/ 189-28
start /start/ street musician /s tr it m y u 'z ijo n / 59-22
street vendor /s u it 'v e n d o r/ 58-12,214-28 / s k ill/ 31-3 stretch /s tre tf/ 126-19
state /s tc it/ 43-13 stretcher /'s tre tfo r/ 139-27
statement /'s te itm o n t/ string / s tr ig / 207
string beans /s trig b in z / 85-28
monthly... /'mAn01i/ 51-10 striped / s t r a ip t / 113-20
stroller /'s t ro u l o r/ 57-11
256 strong / s t r o g / 14-3
student / 's t u d n t / 19-25
student ID/'s tu d n t ai d i / 43-19

student schedule /'s tu d n t 's k e d ju l/ 23-25
studio (apartment) /'s tu d io u (o 'p u rtm o n t)/ 67-9
study / ‘s t A d i/ 19-33

subtraction /s a b 'tra e k ja n / 193-27 set th e .../set 6 a / 102-5
suburbs /'s A b ,3 rb z / 63-21 w ipe th e .../w a ip 6 a/ 102-22
subw ay (tra in )/'s A b 'w e i ( t r c in ) / 128-18 tablecloth / 'te ib a l,k la 0 / 101-11
subw ay lin e /'s A b 'w e i la in / 128-16 tablespoon /'te ib a l,s p u n / 97-5
suede /s w e id / 113-8 tablespoon / 't e ib a js p u n / 96
sugar fju g a r/ tablet / 't ie b li t / 142-1
ta co /'ta k o o / 91-26
sift.../ s if t / 93-28 tail / t e il/ 185-29
sugar b o w l/'j’ugar 'b o o l/ 101-10 taillight / 't e i l . l a i t / 121-5
suit / s u l/ ta ilo r/'t e ila r / 117-19
take /te ik /
business.../'biznis/ 104-29 ...a bath /a bae9/ 34-22
suite /sw it/ 159-5 ...a break /a b re ik / 20-14
summer /'sAinar/ 7-13 ...a coffee break /a 'k a fi b re ik / 34-12
sun /sa n/ 166-9,176-18 ...a m essage /a 'm esicf}/ 150-12
sunbather /'sAigbeidar/ 211-19 ...a nap /a m ep/ 34-15
sunburn /‘sAigbarn/ 135-27 order /a n 'a rd a r/ 102-11
...a photograph /a 'fouta,graef/ 203-26
Sunday /'s.Argdei/ 6-11 ...a pill /a pi 1/ 137-27
sunflowers /'sAigflauarz/ 179-29 ...a shower /a 'fa o e r/ 34-4
sunglasses /'sAi-gglaesiz/ 109-14 ...a test a t e s t / 19-34
sunny /1s,\ ni/ 167-25 ...a vacation /a v e i'k e ija n / 31-19
sunrise /'sAn,raiz/ 5 ...a walk /a w a k / 34-20
sunscreen /'su yskrin / 144-22,211-24 o f /k e r a v / 150-9
sunset /'sAn(set/ 5 ...hom e / b o o m / 114-6
sunshine /'sA n Jain / 166-13 ...your child to school /y a r tfa ild ta s k u l/ 34-10
super ''supor/ 67-3 ...your tem perature ,/yar 'te m p a ra tja r/ 137-19
superintendent /^ u p a r in 'tim d a n t/ 67-3 ta k e o ff/te ik a f / 114-17,126-13
supermarket /'s u p a i^ m a rk a t/ 48-27,98-99 take out /te ik a u t/ 79-19
supervisor /'s u p a i^ v a iz a r/ 156-9 taking a flight / t e ik iij a f la it / 126-127
supplies/s a 'p la iz / 16 2-16 3 talk / t a k / 2 1-2 0
supply c a b in e t /s a 'p la i ‘k ic b a m t/ 155-22 talk show /ta k [o u / 209-17
Supreme Court /s u 'p rim k a rt/ 200-8 tall / t a l/ 14-17
surf /s 3r f / 2 10 -3 0 tambourine /Jtemba'rin/ 207-3
surfboard /'s3i r,ba rd / 211-16 tan /ta e n /10-17
surfer /sarfar/ 2 1 1 - 1 5 tangerine jtc e n ^ a 'r in / 83-28
surgeon /'ssrctpn/ 139-10 tank top /taegk t a p / 107-25
surgical m a s k / 's 3rd 5ik a l m aesk/ 139-13 tap e /te ip / 155-9,226-16
surname /'s3rneim/ 43-2 d u ct... / d A k t / 163-31
surprised /s a r 'p r a iz a d /39-22 m asking.../ m ie s k i g / 163-13
sushi /'su ji/ 91-23 tap e measure /te ip 'm e3 a r/ 117-28,163-3
suspenders /s a 's p e n d a rz / 109-5 ta p e recorder te ip n 'k a r d a r / 19-24
suspense /sa 'sp e n s/ 208-3 tarantula /ta'racntj a la / 182-25
SUV /es y u v i / 118-22 ta u p e / t o u p / 10-18
swallow /'swalou/ 136 -10 taxes /'ue ksa z/
sw eater /'sw et ar / 104-20 pay.../pai/ 201-16
taxi /'tte k s i/ 128-4
cardigan... /'k a rd i,g a n / 111-15 taxi driver/'laeksi 'd ra iv a r/ 128-5,148-17
crew n e c k .../k ru n e k / 111-14 taxi s ta n d /'tc e k s i s tie n d / 128-1
tu rtlen eck.../'t3rtlln s k / 111-16 te a / t i / 90-12
V -n e ck .../ v i- n e k / 111-13 te a c h e r/'tilj'a r / 19-2,148-9
sw eatpants /s w e tp re n ts / 104-4 te ach ers' lounge / ' t i t j a r z launcfe 23-9
sweatshirt / s w e js r t / 104-3 te a kettle / t i 'k e tl/ 70-7
sw eep /swip/ 79-4 teal / t i l / 10-8
sweet potato /s w it p a 'te ito o / 84-22 team / t im / 23-2
swim / s w im / 210-32 te a p o t /'ti,pat/ 70-29
swimmer /s w im a r/ 211-8 tear down te r d a u n / 165-16
swimming pool /'s w im n j p u l/ 159-21.218-34 teaspoon / ' t i ,spun/ 96,97-4
swimming trunks/'s w im n i tr/sjgks/ 107-9 tee n a g er /'tin ,e ic fe a r/ 30
swimsuit /'s w n rg s u t/ 107-7 teeth / t i 0/
swim wear /'s w im p v e r/ 106-107 brush.../b r A j/ 34-3
swing / s w ig / 183-26 teething ring / t i 6 nj r ig / 57-7
swings / s w ig /./ 214-2 telephone /'te la ^ o u n / 16-17,155-12
Swiss c h e e se s w is tfiz / 88-24 telephone book /'te la ,fo u n b u k / 16-8
switch /s w itj/ telephone number /'te la ,fo u n 'n .\m b a r/ 16-23,43-9
light.../la it/ 72-24 te le s c o p e / 't e la ^ k o u p / 176-9
swollen ankle /'s w o u ls n 'r e g k a l/ 135-11 television /'t e la . v ^ a n / 226-19
swordfish /'s a r d ,fij7 87-23,189-3 w atch... /w a tf/ 34-25
symptoms s im p ta m z / 134-135 teller /'te la r / 51-4
synagogue /'s in a ^ a g / 47-7 teller window /'te la r 'w in d o u / 51-5
syrup /'s ira p / 88-13
ta b le /'te ib a l/ 19-17,70-32
busthe.../bAS 6a/ 102-25
cle a r the . .. / k l i r 6 a / 102-25

tem perature /'te m p a ro tfa r/ 135-15 time /ta tm / 4-5
ta ke yo u r.../ t e ik y a r / 137-19 time ca rd /ta im k a r d / 157-11
time clo ck /la im k l a k / 157-12
ten /te n / 2 tim er/'ta im a r/
tenant /'tenant/ 6 7-10
ten cents /ten sents/ 8-3 kitchen... /'k itfa n / 94-7
ten-dollar bill /ten-'dalar bi 1/ 8-8 times / t a im z / 193-5
ten dollars /ten 'dalarz/ 8-8 times of d ay /ta im z a v d e i/ 5
tennis /'tenis 220-1 time zo n e s/ta im z o u n z / 16-12
tennis ball /‘tenis bal/ 220-3 tip / t ip /
tennis racket /'tenis 'reekit/ 220-2
tent /tent/ 63-2,213-24 leave a .../ liv a / 102-23
tenth /tenO/ 3 tire / t a i r / 121-4
ten thousand /ten 'Oauzond/ 2
terminal /'t3rm anal/ 124-1 c h a n g e t h e .../tje in c (3 6 a / 123-22
termites /'t3r,maits/ 76-26 tired /ta ird / 39-23
test /test/ 19-29 tires / t a ir z /

c h e a t on a ... / fit un a/ 18-31 put air in th e .../p u t er in 6 a/ 123-18
fail a ... /fed a / 18-32 tissues / ' t i j u z / 144-25
pass a ... /pees a / 19-35 title / 't a i t l / 55-19,196-8
study for a . . . /'st.vdi far a / 19-33 to ad / t o u d / 190-20
take a ... /teik a / 19-34 toaster /'to u s ta r / 70-13
test tube /test tu b / 194-13 toboggan /ta 'b a g a n / 222-7
text /tekst/ today / t a 'd e i/6-3
select... /sa'lekt/ 24-32 toddler /'tu d la r / 56-33
textbook /'te ksjb u k/ 19-30 toe / t o o / 133-18
Thai /tai/ 44-26 tofu / 't o u f u / 88-11
th a n k /Oaegk/ 10 2 -2 1 to ilet/ 't a ilit / 75-25
Thanksgiving /'Oeeijks^ivig/ 229-16
theater /'Oiatar/ 47-11 clog ged / iz k la g e d / 77-2
theft /0eft/ 6 1-4 scrub th e... /s k tw b 6a / 79-11
thermometer /O a r'm a m a ta r/ 143-30,166-8 toilet brush / 't n il it b r.A j/ 75-30
m eat... /m il/ 94-17 toilet p ap e r / 't a i l i t 'p c ip a r / 75-24
thermostat /'O a m ja .stre t/ 72-25 toilet tissue / 't a il it 't i j u / 75-24
th ig h / 0 a i/ 133-13 token / 't o u k a n / 128-20
thighs /0uiz/ 87-27 toll / t o u l/
thimble /'0 im b al/117-26 p a y a . . . /p e i a / 123-23
thin / 0 i n / 15-26 tom ato /ta 'm e ito u / 84-7
third /0 3 r d / 3 tomatoes /ta 'm e ito u z /
thirsty /0 3 r s ti/ 39-11 pile of... /pail av/ 97-28
thirteen /O a r'tin / 2 tomorrow /ta 'm a ro u / 6-4
thirteenth /0 a r'tin 0 / 3 tongue / tA ij/ 133-43
thirty / '0 3 r t i/ 2 toolbar /tu lb a r / 25-4
thongs /O a g z / 107-10 tool b elt/tu l b e lt/ 160-12
thread /O re d / 117-27 tools / t o lz / 160-161
embroidery... /em'braidary/ 224-23
three /0ri/ 2 tooth /tuO/ 133-44,141-28
three-fourths /Ori-far0s/ 3
three quarters /0ri 'kwartars/ 3 toothbrush /'tu O ^ rA j/144-15
thrift shop /On ft Jap/ 48-14 toothpaste / 't u 0 , p e is t / 144-14
throat /Orout/ 133-25 tornado / t a r 'n e id o u / 171-11
throat lozenges /Orout 'lazanc^ z/142-9 tortilla / t a r 't ia / 91-29
through /O ru/130-4 tortoise /'ta r ta s / 181-12
throw pillow /Orou 'pilou/ 72-9 total / 't o u t l/ 9-20
throw up /O ro u Ap/ 13 7 - 18 to the left of /ta 6 a le ft a v / 13-8
thumb /0 A in /133-6 to the right of /ta 6a r a it a v / 13-9
th u m b ta c k /'OAmjcek/ 155-23 touch /t A f / 40-5
Thursday /'Osrz^ci/ 6-8 touchpad /tAtfpaed/ 25-24
tick / t ik / 190-25 tour guide / t u r g a i d / 148-22
ticket /'tikit/ 124-2,128-11,205-22 tourist information booth / 't u n s t p n fa r'm e ifa n buO/ 59-21
ticket co u n te r/'tikit 'kau n tar/124-4 toward / t a r d / 130-7
ticket w in d o w /'tikit 'w m d o o /128-10 towel /'ta u a l/ 75-26
tidal w a v e /'taidl w eiv/ 171-10 town hall /ta u n hai./ 47-17
tie / t a il/ 104-28 townhouse /'la u n jta u s / 63-12
narrow... /'naerou/ 111-9 tow truck /to u t r . \ k / 118-13
w ide... /w a id /111-8 to ys/ t a iz / 57-15,224-225
tiger /'taigar/ 182-9 toy store /ta i s ta r/ 48-7
tight /tait/ track /treek/ 128-14,220-16,220-18
...skirt / s k s r t / 111-17 trackp ad /trackpasd/ 25-24
tights / t a i l s / 10 7 -4 tra c to r/'tre e k ta r/ 152-4
tile / t a i l / 163-7 tractor traile r/'trr e k ta r 't r e ila r / 118-25
traffic accid e n t / 'tr te fik 'asksadant/ 58-5
258 traffic co p /'tracfik k a p / 58-6
traffic signs /'tra c fik s a m z / 118
trail/tre il/

hiking... / 'h a ik ig / 213-14,216-11

trailer / ' t r e i l o r / 118-23 turtle /'t3rtl/ 189-8
trail m ap /treil m sep/ 213-18 turtleneck /'t3rtlnek/
train / t r e in / 128-12
...sw e a te r/'swetar/ 111-16
subway... /'sAb, w e i/ 128-18 tusk /tAsk/ 185-24,187-17
training pants / 't r e im i] / 57-28 tuxedo /tAk'sidou/ 104-6
TRANSPORTATION / W n s p a r 't c i j a n / 118-131 TV /ti'vi/226-19
trash /tr<eJ7 TV programs /ti'vi 'prou.grtemz/ 209
tweezers /'tw iz o rz /143-31
put out the... /put aut do/ 79-19 twelfth /twelfD/ 3
take out the... /leik aut do/ 79-19 twelve /twelv/ 2
trash bags /irccj’ btegz/ 80-8 twentieth /'twsntioO/ 3
trash c a n /trsej kien/ 69-19,214-9 twenty /'twenti/ 2
travel /'m evol/ 31-23 twenty-dollar bill /'twenti-dalor bil/ 8-9
travel a g e n c y /'traevol 'eic^obsi/ 58-13 twenty dollars /'twenti dalorz/ 8-9
travel ag en t /'trrevol 'a c t a n t / 148-27 twenty-first /'twenti-f3rst/ 3
traveler's c h e c k /'trsevolorz tfek/ 9-24 twenty-five after six /'tw enti-faiv 'aeftor siks/ 5
tray /tre i/ 101-29 twenty-five cents /'twenti-faiv stmts/ 8-4
carry a . . . /'kicri o/ 102-4 twenty-five of seven /'twenti-faiv a v 'sevan/ 5
...of pastries / a v 'p e is tr iz / 97-11 twenty-five past six /'tw enti-faiv ptest siks/ 5
p a in t.../p e m t/ 163-15 twenty-five to seven /'tw enti-faiv to 'sevon/ 5
tray ta b le /ire i 'te ib o l/ twenty-one /'twenti-WAn/ 2-21
put down yo u r.../put daun yor/ 126-18 two /tu/ 2
treadmill /'tredpnil/ 218-15 two-family house /tu-'ficmoli haus/ 63-6
tree /tri/ two-thirds /tu-03rdz/ 3
birch... /barlj'/ 179-3 type /taip/ 150-8,196-25
Christmas.., /'krismos/ 229-22 types of homes /taips av houmz/ 62-63
elm... /e lm /179-6 typewriter /'taip,raitor/ 155-1
m a p le .../'m eip o l/179-4 ugly /'acjI i/ 14 - 13
oak... /ouk/ 179-5 ultrasound /'Altro^aund/ 141-12
pine... /pain/ 179-1 umbrella /A in'brelo/109-4
w illow .../'w ilo u/ 179-2 unbuckle /a n'ba k o I/ 114-16
trench /trentjV unbutton/An'bAtn/ 114-14
dig a ... /dig o / 165-22 uncle /'.Aijkol/ 27-4
trench c o a t /trentf kout/ 104-19 uncomfortable /An'k.\mftobol/ 39-25
trial /'traiol/ 61-21 unconscious /An'kanfos/
tria n g le /'tra i,seij go1/ 193-19
tripod /'trapped/ 226-5 b e ... /bi/ 136-2
trombone /tram'boun/ 207-8 under /'aiicIoiV 13-13,130-13
trousers /'trauzorz/ 104-22 underline /'Andor,lam/ 21-27
trout /tracjt/ 87-25 underneath /'AiidopniO/ 13-16
truck /trAk/ underpants /Vndoi^paents/ 107-20
load a ... /loud o/ 64-10 undershirt /'AndarJ’a r t / 107-24
p icku p .../'pik,/\p/118-15 underwear /'vndoi^wer/106-107
truck d riv e r/trAk 'draivor/ 148-26 unfasten Mn'faesan/ 126-22
trumpet /'trAinpot/ 207-9 unfurnished apartm ent /A n 'f3 rm jt o 'p u rtm o n t/ 67-20
trunk /trApk/ 121-3,179-11,185-25 uniform /'yuna/ornt/ 104-13,220-22
trunks /trArjks/ United States /yu'naitod stcits/ 172-173
swimming... /s w im n j/107-9 Universe/'yuna^ars/ 176-177
try on /trai cm/ 114-4 unpack /Aii'ptek/ 6 4 -11
T-shirt /'ti-Jart/ 104-25 unzip /.Nii'zip/ 1 1 4 - 1 5
tsunami /su'nomi/ 171-10 up /Ap/ 130-10
tuba /'tubo/ 207-6 upside d o w n /'A n ^ a id 'd a u n / 130-12
tube /tub/ Uranus /y u 'r e in a s / 176-22
...of han d c rea m /an hsend krim / 97-9 urban area /'a rb a n 'e ria / 63-20
Tuesday /'tuz^dei/ 6-6 U.S. Constitution / , y l i 'es ^ a n s t a 't u ja n / 200-5
tulips /'tulips/ 179-25 U.S. governm ent / (yu 'es 'gAvarmanl/ 200-201
tuna /'tuno/ 87-26,189-10 use /y u z /
tunnel /'tAnol/
out of the... /aut a v d o /130-5 ...a com puter /a kam 'p yu tar/151-21
into th e .../'in tu do/ 130-3 usher /'Ajar/ 205-21
through t h e .../0 ru do/ 130-4 utility knife /yu'tilati naif/ 160-1
turkey /'tarki/ 87-30,152-27,190-12,229-17 vacuum /'vae^yum/ 79-7
Turkish /'tarkij'/ 44-16 vacuum (cleaner) /'va?k,yum (,klinar)/ 80-5
turnip /'t3rnip/ 84-17 vacuum clea n e r attachm ents /'vaek^um ,klin a r ^'tretfmants/
turn off /tarn o f / 126-11
turn on /t3rn cm/ 80-4
...the h ead lig hts/do 'hcd,laits/ 123-7 vacuum cleaner bag /'v r e k ju m ,k lin a r ,bseg/ 80-3
...the overhead lig h t/di ^uvar'hed hut/ 126-15 Valentine's Day /'v te la i^ ta in z ,dei/ 228-4
turn signal /tarn 1signoI/ 121-36 valet parking /vse 'le i jia r k ig / 159-23
turnstile /'tarn^tail/ 128-23 valley / 'v a ; li/ 169-5
turquoise /'lai^kwaiz/ 10-10 van /v s n / 118-20

load a ... /lo u d a/ 64-10
vandalism /'vtendlizam/ 61-12


vase /veis/101-9 warehouse / 'w e ^ h a u s /157-15
vault /volt/ 51-3 warm /w o rm / 166-4
VCR / 'v is i'a r / 226-21 warning label /'w o rm g ' lc ib o l/ 142-16
veal cutlets /vil,kAtlits/ 87-13 wash 'w a f t / l 14-18
vegetable peeler /'vecfcjtobol ,p ila r/ 94-14
vegetables /'v e d ^ to b o lz / 8 4 -8 5 ...the car /d o k a r / 79-16
vegetable steamer 'ved^tobol ,s tim o r /95-26 ...the dishes /do diftoz/ 79-21
vehicle registration card / 'v iik o l .red g s'tre ifto n k a r d / 43-16
vehicles /'viikolz/118-119 ...the windshield /d o 'w m d ji ld / 123-17
velvet /'velvit/113-3 washcloth /'w a ^ k lo G / 75-29
Venezuelan /,veno'zweilon/ 44-4 washer /'w a fto r/ 116-7,163-26
vent /vent/ 72-23 washing machine /'w u jii] m o 'f in / 116-7
Venus / ' v i n o s / 176-27 wasp 'w a s p / 182-23
vest / v e s t / 104-26 waste /w e is t/

safety... /'seifti/157-27 hazardous.../'hre z o rd o s / 171-18
vet /vet/ 148-28 wastebasket /'w e is ftb a e s k it/ 75-31
veterinarian ^ v e to ro 'n e rio n / 148-28
vice president /v a is 'p re z o d o n t/ 200-12 empty the... /'e m p ti d o / 79-13
victim /'v ik to m / 61-16 w atch /w a ft/ 34-25
video(cassette) /'vidiou(ko'set)/ 226-22 watch /W a ft/109-11
video arcade /'vidiou ar'keid/ 216-18 water /'w o to r / 79-18,153-30
videocassette recorder /'v id io u k o 's e t n 'k o r d o r/ 226-21 water /'w o to r / 211-5
video game system /'vidiou gcim 'srstom/226-20
video store /'vidiou stor/48-18 literof.../ 'lit o r a v / 97-17
Vietnamese /'v iy e tn o tm iz / 44-27 pour.../por/102-2
Vikings /'v a ik ig z / water bottle /'w o to r 'b a d / 213-13
waterfall /'w o to i^ fo l/ 169-9
...sail / s e i l / 198-4
villa / ' v i l o / 63-11 water fountain /'w o to r 'fa u n tn / 23-11
vine /'v a in / 182-2 water glass 'w o to r glass/ 101-16
vineyard / 'v in y o r d / 152-8 water heater /'w o to r 'h ito r / 67-6
violet /'v a io lo t/ 10-15 watermelon /'w o to r 'm e lo n / 83-6
violets / 'v a io lo t s / 179-23 water meter /'w o to r 'm ito r / 77-19
violin /.v a io 'lm / 207-21 water park /'w o to r p a rk / 216-21
visa /'vizo/ 43-23
vise v a is / 160-13 water pollution /'w o to r p o 'lu f o n / 171-19
visit 'v iz it / 40-3 water-skier /'w o to r-,s k io r/ 211-3
visitor /'v iz o to r / 139-17 water wing /'w o to r w ig / 211-23
vitamins /.v a ito m m z / 142-20 w ave w e iv / 40-20
V-neck /'v i- ,n e k / wave /w e iv / 211-9

...sweater /'swetor/ 111-13 tidal.../ ' t a i d l / 171-10
volcanic eruption /val'kamik i'rApfton/171-12 wavy hair /'w e tv i her 33-19
volcano 'val'keinou/169-3 weak / w i k / 14-4
volleyball /'validol/ 220-9 wear/wer/114-13
volleyball /'vali,bol/ 220-10
volleyball net /'vali,bol net/ 2 20 -11 wearing clothes /w e n t) k lo u z / 114-115
vomit /'vamit/ 13 7 -18 weather /'w e d o r/ 166-167
vote /vout/ 201-14 Web /w e b / 25-29
voting booth /voutij b u 0 / 200-3 Wednesday /'w e n z d e i/ 6-7
vulture /'vAlftor/ 181-9 w eed 'w id / 79-15
waist /'weist/ 13 3 - 11 week /wik/ 4
wait /'weit/126-7 weekdays /'w ik ,d e iz / 6
waiter /'weitor/ 10 1-6 weekend /'wik,end/ 6
waiting room /'weitnj r u m / 141-6 weigh /w e r 53-22
wait on /weit an/102-6 weightlifter / w e it ^ if to r / 218-26
waitress /'weitris/ 101-4 weightlifting / w e it , lif t ii] / 218-25
w ake up /weik Ap/ 34 -1 weld / w e l d / 165-12
walk /wok/ 3 7 - 13 west / w e s t / 130-22
walk /wok/ West Coast/w e s t k o u s t / 172-7
western /'w e s to rn / 208-7
learn to... / b i n to / 31-2 wet clothes /w e t k lo u z / 116-8
take a... / te ik o / 34-20 whale / w e i l / 187-14
walk(way) /w o k (w e i)/ 69-28
wall /w o l/ 72-21 killer.../'k i l o r / 189-7 cracked 'iz k r a ;k t/7 7 - 4
paint a... /p e in t o / 165-3 wheel /w i 1/
plaster a.../'p k e s to r o / 165-2 produce the... /'p ro u .d u s d i / 198-2
tear down a.../te r d a u n o / 165-16
wallet / ' w a l i t / 109-15 wheelbarrow ''w i^ b a s ro u / 69-26
wall unit /w o l 'y u n it/ 72-7 push a .../p u ft o/ 165-20
walnuts /'w o l!nats / 8 3 -3 4
walrus / 'w o lr o s / 187-15 wheelchair / 'w ild e r / 139-23
whisk w is k / 92-3
260 whisk /-w is k / 95-20
whiskers / w is k o r z / 187-16
white / w a it / 10-20
whiteboard /w a it,b o r d / 19-14
White House /w a it ba n s/ 200-7
wide 'w a id /

...tie / t a i / 111-8
width / w i d 0 / 193

wife / w a if / 27-26 work out / w 3 i k a u t/ 34-16
willow(tree) /'w ilo u ( t r i ) / 179-2 workout room/ 'w 3r k (aut ru m / 67-15
wind /w in d / 166-17,171-24 World / w 3r ld / 174-175
windbreaker / 'w in d ,b r e ik a r / 104-7 WorldWide Web /w a rld w a id w e b / 25-29
window /'w in d o u / 25-3,69-10 worm/ w 3r m / 190-18
worried / w 3r id / 39-15
install a.../m 's ta l a / 165-13 broken / iz 'b ro u k a n / 77-10 wrap /rasp/
window seat /'w in d o u s it/ 72-10
window shade /'w in d o u J’e id / 74-8 ...a present /a 'p re z a n t/ 229-29
windshield / 'w i n d j i l d / wrench /re n tf/ 160-10
wash the.../waf 5s/ 123-17
windshield wiper/ 'w i n d j i l d 'w a ip a r/ 121-29 pipe... /p a ip / 161-25
windy / 'w in d i/ 167-27 wrestler /'re s la r/ 218-22
wine glass /w a in glses/ 101-15 wrestling /'re s ltr j/ 218-21
wing /wii]/ 187—21 wrinkle /'r u jk a l/ 33-10
wing nut /wiij nAt/ 163-24 wrist / r i s t / 133-7
wings / w iq z / 87-28
wins / w in z / 198-16 sprained... /s p re in d / 135-10
winter /'w in ta r / 7-15 wristwatch /r is t,w a ^ / 109-11
winter sports /'w in ta r s p o rts / 222-223
write / r a it / 20-6
wipe /w a ip / 102-22
...a draft /a d r asf t / 196-22
wipes /w a ip s / ...a letter /a 'le ta r/ 40-8
baby.../ 'b e ib i/ 57-24 outline /a n 'a u tla in / 196-21
writer /'r a ita r / 55-21,148-25
wire / w a ir / 165-8 writing / 'r a it ir j/ 196-197
wire / w a ir / 160-21 X-ray /'e k s -re i/ 138-6
wire stripper / w a ir 's trip a r/ 160-23 yard /y a rd / 69-20,162
withdraw / w id 'd r a / 51-26 yarn / 'y a r n / 224-21
withdrawal /w id 'd ro a l/ 51-17 year / y ir / 4
witness / 'w itn is / 61-17 yellow /'y e lo u / 10-12
wok / w a k / 95-28 yesterday /'y e s ta r,d e i/ 6-2
wolf / w u lf / 187-4 yield / y i l d / 118-10
woman /'w u m a n / 15-40 yoga /'y o u g a / 218-2
wood / w u d / 163 yogurt /'y o u g a r t/ 88-12
container of... /k a n 'te in a r a v / 97-25
glue.../ g l u / 165-24 young ly\\)l 14-22
plane.../ p le in / 165-23 zebra /'zibra/185-12
sand... /sasnd/ 165-25 zero /'zirou/ 2
saw... /s o / 165-10
wooden spoon /'w u d n s p u n / 94-9 zip /zip/ 114 - 9
woodlands/'w u d la n d s / 190-191
woodpecker/'w u d ,p e k a r/ 190-13 zipcode /z ip k o u d / 43-14,52-7
woodwind /'w u d ,w in d / 207 zipper/'z ip a r / 117-24
wool / w u l/ 113-12 zoo /z u / 216-2
word /w s r d / 196-2 zoom lens /z u m le n z / 226-2
look up a... / lu k Ap a / 20-8 zucchini /z u 'k in i/ 84-11
WORK/ w 3r k / 146-165
work / w 3r k / 77-7

goto.../gou ta / 34-11
workbook /'wsrk^uk/19-18
worker / 'w 3r k a r / 156-4
working/'w a r k n j/ 150-151



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The Heinle Picture Dictionary

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Workbook—beginning 0-8384-4401-6 Chinese, Traditional 981-254-812-2
Workbook—intermediate 1-4130-1467-4 Chinese, Simplified 1-4130-0551-9
Audio CDs 0-8384-4405-9 Japanese 1-4130-0552-7
Audio Tapes 0-8384-4406-7 Korean 1-4130-0550-0
Lesson Planner with Portuguese, Brazilian 1-4130-0549-7
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Activity Bank CD-ROM 0-8384-4410-5
Interactive CD-ROM

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A picture is worth 4,000 words!


Unlike other dictionaries, The Heinle Picture Dictionary presents new
vocabulary within thematic readings, offers opportunities to practice
new words with multi-skill activities, and introduces students to high-
frequency English collocations.

■ 4,000 words are taught contextually through color photographs
a n d illustrations, re ad in g s, a n d activities in 16 th e m a tic units.

■ Words in C ontext shows how the la n g u a g e is a c tu a lly used
through accessible, contextualized readings.

■ Words in Action offers activities d esig n ed to help students put the
words to m eaningful use.

■ Word Partnerships exposes students to high-frequency word
patterns and collocations.

■ The Audio Program allows students to h e ar e a c h word
p ro no u n ced a n d to h e a r the Words in C ontext a s a read -alo n g .

■ The Lesson Planner, with 342 fully d evelo p e d lesson plans,
provides extensive multilevel support for the busy teacher.

■ The Activity Bank CD-ROM, in clu d e d in the Lesson Planner,
contains reproducible activity masters that can be custom ized
for individual and classroom use.

■ The Beginning and Interm ediate Workbooks provide extensive
v o c a b u la ry a n d listening p ra c tic e . E a c h in clu d es its own a u d io
pro gram .

■ The Interactive CD-ROM offers students additional v o cab u lary
practice through activities, gam es, and word webs.

ISBN-13: T7fl-l-413D-0444-l
ISBN-10: 1-4130-0444-X


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