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Published by sjktarumugampillaisp, 2020-02-21 01:21:18

The Heinle Picture Dictionary

The Heinle Picture Dictionary

Words in Context

There are more than 15,000 kinds of fish in the sea. The
largest fish is the shark. The great white shark c a n grow to over
7 m eters*. There are also som e very fast fish in the sea. For
exam p le, the swordfish swims at about 90 kilometers** per hour,
and the tuna swims at about 70 kilom eters*** per hour. The
slowest fish is the sea horse. It only swims about 0.001 kilometers
per hour!

7 m eters = 23.1 fe e t 90 kilom eters = 55.8 miles 70 kilo m e te rs = 43.4 m iles

Parts of a Fish

Word Partnerships

a school of fish

a freshwater

a saltwater

a sea turtle
a snapping

a hammerhead shark
a great white

1 a seagull 16 a cod
2 a dolphin 17 an octopus
3 a swordfish 18 a n eel
4 gins 19 a squid
5 a fin 20 a stingray
6 scales 21 a shrimp
7 a killer w hale / 22 a sea urchin
23 an angelfish
an orca 24 a crab
8 a turtle 25 a sea anem one
9 seaweed 26 a coral reef
10 a tuna 27 a mussel
11 a jellyfish 28 a starfish
12 a shark 29 a sponge
13 a (scuba) diver 30 a halibut
14 a sea horse
15 a bass

Words in Action

1. Make a list of all the sea animals you
have seen. Then com pare your list with
your classmates' lists.

2. Study the spread for five minutes. Close

your books. With a group, make a list
of as many sea animals as you can
remember. Take turns describing what
each one looks like. You may want to
draw pictures on the board.


Words in Context

Woodland anim als have m any different hom es. Some,
like moles and rabbits, live underground. Cardinals,
blue jays, and other birds m ake their nests in trees. Squirrels
also live in trees and keep their nuts and berries there.

1 a robin 16 a mole
2 a cardinal 17 a salam ander
3 a nest 18 a worm
4 a blue jay 19 a raccoon
5 an eagle 20 a toad
6 a bobcat 21 a chipmunk
7 on opossum 22 a skunk
8 a squirrel 23 a dragonfly
9 a deer 24 a mosquito
10 a groundhog 25 a tick
11 a porcupine 26 a hornet
12 a turkey 27 a ladybug
13 a woodpecker 28 a rabbit
14 a duck 29 a mouse
15 a beaver

Word Partnerships

as quiet as a mouse
as busy as a beaver
as prickly as a porcupine
as scared as a rabbit

Words in Action

What animals live on or near water?
What animals live on land? Make lists
with a partner.
Choose three animals on the list. Write
a list of at least three things you know
about e ach of the animals.

1. They have wings.
2. They live on water.
3. Baby ducks follow their mother.


You use math every day. You use subtraction to b a la n ce your
ch eckb o o k. You use fractions to cook. You use addition to add
up the total on a restaurant bill. You m ay even use geometry to
decorate your home. Geom etry can help you figure out how much
w allp ap er you need for your walls and how m uch carp et you need
for your floors.

Word Families

Noun Verb

addition add

subtraction subtract

multiplication multiply

division divide

1 plus 9 an angle 17 an oval 25 a cylinder
2 minus 10 a side 18 a rectangle 26 addition
3 equals 11 perpendicular lines 19 a triangle 27 subtraction
4 percent 12 parallel lines 20 a square 28 multiplication
5 multiplied by / times 13 the circum ference 21 a pyramid 29 division
6 divided by 14 the radius 22 a cube 30 a fraction
7 a straight line 15 the diam eter 23 a sphere 31 geometry
8 a curved line 16 a circle 24 a cone 32 algebra

Shapes Solids

Height Words in Action__ 1 9 3 -----

Width 1. Look around your classroom. Find an
WxDxH =V example of each of the shapes on the list.
Share your ideas with the class.
a x 2 + bx + c = ■ My desk is a rectangle and the clock
is a circle.

2. Work with a partner. One student writes
down a math problem. The other student
figures out the answer, then reads the
problem and the answer out loud.
■ Student A: (writes: 3 + 3)
■ Student B: Three plus three equals six.

Words in Context

The fam ous physicist Albert Einstein won the
Nobel Prize in Physics for his ideas about sp a c e
an d tim e. He is also fam ous for his formula E = m e2.
There is even an element in the periodic table
n am ed after Einstein. It’s ca lle d einsteinium.

1 biology 21 a dropper
2 a biologist 22 g stopper
3 chemistry 23 a b eaker
4 a chemist 24 g flask
5 physics 25 g m icroscope
6 c physicist 26 a m agnifying glass
7 o prism 27 g funnel
8 forceps 28 a slide
9 a balance 29 g petri dish
10 o solid 30 a m ag n et
11 a liquid
12 o gas Word Partnerships
13 a test tube
14 g Bunsen burner a biology class
15 the periodic table
16 on element a chemistry lab / laboratory
17 an atom
18 o molecule Word Families
19 a formula
20 a graduated cylinder Noun Adjective

atom atomic
magnet magnetic
microscope microscopic
liquid liquid
solid solid



13 14 15 IE 17


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Words in Action

1. Work with a partner. One person describes a
laboratory object from the list. The other
guesses the object. Take turns.
» Student A: You use this to pour liquid into
a beaker.
■ Student B: A funnel.

2. Put the items on the word list into three

groups: items you find in a physics lab, items
you find in a biology lab, and items you find in
a chemistry lab. Compare lists with another
student. (Note: Some items can be on more
than one list.)

Words in Context

Writing an essay is a process. First you brainstorm ideas.
Next you write an outline, and then you write a draft. Before you
edit, you get feedback. Are you ready to write the final draft?
Before you do, make sure the punctuation is correct. Have you
used capital letters for the first letter of each word in the title?
Have you indented each paragraph? If so, now you are ready
to write the final draft.

1 a letter 8 a title 14 an apostrophe
2 oword 9 punctuation 15 parentheses
3 o sentence 10 a period 16 quotation marks
4 a paragraph 11 c com m a 17 a colon
5 a paper / an essay 12 a question mark 18 a semicolon
6 on indentation 13 an exclam ation point / 19 a hyphen
7 a margin
an exclam ation mark

(O.'Vl ,.lit

20 brainstorm ideas 22 write a draft

23 get feedback 25 type your final draft


mw 0

mW ritin g 10

mWriting an essay is a process. 0

0 9
Writing an essay is a process. There are four
stages to this process: prewriting, drafting, revising, 0
and editing. Each of these stages is an important
part in the process that leads a writer to create a well f
thought out and well organized paper.
Megan Purdum
English 1A 14

| 8 | The Writing Process O

-{Writing an essay is a process. There are four stages to 15
this process: prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. Each
{ofthese stages is an important part in the process that leads a 16
writer to create a well thought out and well organized paper.

Prewriting consists of things the writer does before
writing a draft of a paper. This is the stage in which the
writer gathers and organizes ideas for the paper. This stage
can include thinking, talking to others, gathering information,
brainstorming, and making an outline of the paper.

In the next stage, the writer writes a draft. While writing
a draft, the writer puts ideas into sentences and paragraphs.
Each paragraph must have a topic sentence. The topic sentence
is what that paragraph is about. The rest of the paragraph should
explain and support the topic sentence. It is not important to
focus on things like grammar and spelling at this stage.

Word Partnershios Words in Action 17

a capital / an uppercase letter Look at a magazine or newspaper 18
article. Find and circle the following:
a lowercase ■ a comma 19
■ an apostrophe
a vocabulary word ■ a sentence 197
a slang ■ a paragraph
a one-syllable
a two-syllable What are the steps in writing a paper?
Discuss with a partner.
a term paper
a research

Explore, Rule, Invent

_______________Words in Context_______________

Humans h ave a ch ieve d am azing things. We have composed
operas and poetry. We have discovered cures for diseases. We
have sailed the world’s o ce a n s and explored the continents.
We have launched rockets into sp a c e and reached the moon.

1 Hum ans m igrate from Asia to th e A m e ricas. Word Partnerships
2 M esopotam ian s produce th e first w h ee l.
3 The Egyptians build / construct pyram ids. win a war
4 The Vikings sail to present-day C a n a d a . a contest
5 The C h in e se grow te a .
6 Jo a n of A rc defends Fran ce. compose a song
7 M ontezum a I rules th e A ztecs. a letter
8 A m erigo V e sp u cci explores the A m azon.
9 Sir Isa a c Newton discovers gravity. elect a prime minister
10 Ludwig v a n B eeth o ven com poses his first symphony. a president
11 The Suez C a n a l opens. a mayor
12 Thom as Edison invents th e lightbulb.
13 The Wright brothers fly the first p lan e. build a road
14 World W ar II ends. a bridge
15 The Soviet Union launches the first satellite.
16 Martin Luther King Jr. wins the Nobel P e a c e Prize.
17 J a p a n introduces the high-speed "bullet" train.
18 Apollo 11 astronauts reach the m oon.
19 The Berlin Wall falls.
20 South A frica elects Nelson M a n d e la president.


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Words in Action

1. Work with a partner. Cover the sentences.
One student points to a picture. The other says
the event. Take turns.

2. Work with a partner. One student says one of
the verbs from the verb list. The other student
uses that verb in a sentence.
» Student A: Invent
■ Student B: Alexander Graham Bell invented
the telephone.

U.S. Government and

Words in Context 1 a (political) can d id ate
2 a ballot
The U.S. government has three parts. These parts are 3 a voting booth
called branches. The executive branch includes the 4 a citizen
president and the vice president. The legislative branch 5 the U.S. Constitution
includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. 6 the C ap ito l (Building)
There are 100 senators in the Senate and 435 congressmen 7 the W hite House
and congresswomen in the House of Representatives. The 8 the Suprem e C ourt
judicial branch includes nine Supreme Court justices. 9 o congresswoman /

a congressman
10 a sen ator
11 the president
12 the v ic e president
13 the justices

Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch

House of


a United States citizen
14 vo te 15 o b ey the law congressman

16 p a y taxes 17 serve on a jury in Action

18 protest / dem onstrate 19 serve in the military 1. Com pare the U.S. government
with the government of another
country. How are they similar? How
are they different?

2. Discuss which branch of the
U.S. government you think is most
important. Explain your reasons.


Fine Arts

Words in Context

Pablo Picasso is probably the most fam ous artist of the last
100 years. His portraits and still lifes hang in the world’s great
museums. Picasso worked as a painter, sculptor, and potter.
He painted with oils and watercolors, and he sculpted in clay.

1 o fram e 5 a model 10 paint 15 c mural
still life 6 a palette 11 an ease! 16 a sculpture
7 a painting 12 a c a n v a s 17 a sculptor
3 a portrait 8 a paintbrush 13 a ske tch p a d 18 pottery
4 a landscap e 9 a painter 14 o sketch 19 o potter
Verbs 20 a potter's w heel
21 c la y
^____ 22 a photograph
24 draw
26 photograph /
take a photograph

Word Partnerships

a work of

acrylic painting

a watercolor
an oil

Work with a group. Make a list of famous
artists. Answer the following questions
about each:
■ What kind of artist is he/she?
» What materials did/does this artist use?
■ Do you know the names of any of the

artist's works?

What is your favorite kind of art? Why?
Discuss with a partner.

Performing Arts

Words in Context 1 a ballet 6 a stage
2 a balcony 7 a conductor
Different performing arts b eg an in different countries 3 a dancer 8 an orchestra
around the world. For exam p le, theater began in ancient 4 a mask 9 an audience
G re e ce . The actors wore masks and performed plays in 5 a costume
large outdoor theaters. Opera beg an in Italy at the end
of the 16th century, and soon b e c a m e popular in France
and G erm any. Ballet also b egan in Italy at the end of
the 16th century, and it b e c a m e very popular in France
while Louis XIV was king.


26 cla p / applaud 27 bow

Word Partnerships

a ballet dancer

a tap

a ballroom

a flamenco

a belly

an opera singer
a nightclub
a lead
a backup


10 a (rock) concert 18 an actor
11 o spotlight 19 a set
12 a drummer 20 a seat
13 a microphone 21 an usher
14 a singer 22 a ticket
15 a guitarist 23 a program
16 backup singers 24 a box office
17 a play 25 an opera

_________ Words In Action_________

1. Have you ever seen a ballet? An opera? A
play? Choose your favorite and tell a partner
about it.

2. Imagine you are the directors of a new arts
center. What kinds of concerts, plays, and
other performances will you present this year?
Discuss with your group.


Percussion instruments are thousands of years old. Drums
are one of the oldest percussion instruments. They were part
of African culture as early as 6000 b . c . The tambourine is also
thousands of years old. M any countries, from Ja p a n to M orocco
to England, use tam bourines in their music. Other percussion
instruments include maracas, from Latin A m erica, and
cymbals, from China.


play an instrument

practice the piano
the violin
the cello

an acoustic guitar
an electric
a bass

Percussion Woodwind
1 drums 11 a saxo p h o n e
2 cym bals 12 a flute
3 a tam bourine 13 an o b o e
4 a m arim ba 14 a clarin e t
5 m aracas 15 a bassoon
16 p a n pipes
Brass 17 a h arm o n ica
6 a tuba
7 a French horn String
8 a trombone 18 o sitar
9 a trumpet 19 a bass
10 a bugle 20 a cello
21 a violin
22 a guitar
23 a banjo
24 a harp

25 an electric keyboard
26 a piano
27 an organ
28 an acco rdio n

Words in Action_____

1. Make a list of famous musicians
and the instruments they play.

2. Work with a partner. Pretend to
play an instrument. Your partner will
guess the instrument. Take turns.

Film, TV, and Music

Words in Context

My husband and I never a g ree on films. For exam ple, my
husband alw ays wants to see action films or horror movies.
I usually prefer dramas or comedies. But we have children, so
w e usually end up at animated films!

Films / Movies Word Partnerships
1 action / adventure
2 com edy an independent film
3 mystery / suspense a foreign
4 dram a
5 rom ance a funny movie ■
6 scie n ce fiction a scary TV |
7 western
8 fantasy satellite
9 horror cable

10 d o c u m e n ta ry
11 a n im a te d

a TV station

loud music

TV programs
12 new s
13 sitcom
14 carto o n
15 g a m e show
16 so a p o p era
17 talk show
18 n ature program
19 child ren's

20 sports
21 reality show

22 pop
23 jazz
24 rock
25 blues
26 R&B / soul
27 hip hop
28 classical
29 country and


1. With your class, make a list of;
h action films
h comedy films
■ sitcoms
» game shows

2. What is your favorite kind of music?
Why? Tell your partner.



There is a beach in Japan with perfect weather 30 surf 31 dive
every day of the year. How is it possible? The beach 32 swim 33 float
at Ocean Dome is indoors! Sunbathers put their
beach towels on the sand and relax. There is no
sun, but it feels warm and sunny inside. Swimmers
swim in a man-made ocean, and surfers surf on
man-made waves!

1 a sailboat 8 a swimmer 17 a lifeguard 23 a w ater wing
2 a pier 9 a wave 18 a cooler 24 sunscreen
3 a water-skier 10 o snorkeler 19 a sunbather 25 a sand castle
4 a motorboat 11 a snorkel 20 a bea ch ball 26 a (diving) mask
5 the o ce a n / 12 a sailboard 21 sand 27 fins
13 a sailboarder 22 a (sea)shell 28 a pail
the w ater 14 a life ja cke t 29 a shovel
6 a ship 15 a surfer
7 a lighthouse

a public beach
a private
a tropical umbrella
a beach chair
a bottle of house
a tube of sunscreen
apply / put on
use sunscreen

Words in Action_______

1. Plan a day at the beach. What will you take
to the beach? What will you do there?

2. Think of different ways to group the words in
the word list. For example, Things children play
with or People and things you see in the

_______________ Words 8n Context______________

The Appalachian Trail is a 2,174-mile* trail in the U.S. It starts
in Maine and goes all the way to Georgia. Some people hike
a small part of the trail for a day. Others hike longer portions of
the trail. These hikers usually bring a backpack, a tent, and a
sleeping bag, along with other camping equipment like a trail
map, a compass, a water bottle, and a pocket knife. Hiking
the whole trail takes an entire season!

*3,478.4 kilometers

Word Partnerships

a camping trip

a fishing boat
a ski

a street
a city
a road

1 a compass 9 a paddle 15 a cam ping 22 insect repellent
2 a rock clim ber 10 a raft stove 23 m atches
3 a horseback 11 a backpack 24 a tent
12 a backpacker 16 a lantern 25 c sleeping bag
rider 13 a w ater bottle 26 an air mattress
4 a hiker 14 a (hiking) trail 18 a (trail) map 27 a cam per
5 a fishing pole 19 a canteen 28 a (cam p)fire
6 a fisherman 20 binoculars
7 a (row)boat 21 a pocket knife



29 ca m p

Words in Action

1. Imagine you are going on a camping trip.
What will you do? What will you take?

2. You are lost on a hiking trail. You can only bring
five of the items on the list. Which items will you
bring? Explain why you need each one.

City Park

_______________ Words in Context_______________

Central Park is a beautiful park in the middle of New York City.
It is about two miles* long and has something for everyone. For
adults, there are bicycle and jogging paths. For children, there
is a playground with a sandbox, monkey bars, and swings.
There is even an old carousel, an ice rink, and a zoo.

*3.218 kilometers

1 a kite 19 a pond
2 swings 20 o jogger
3 monkey bars 21 a skateboard
4 a playground 22 o skateboarder
5 a slide 23 a skater
6 a jungle gym 24 (in-line) skates
7 a seesaw 25 a cyclist
8 a sandbox 26 a bicycle / a bike
9 a trash can / 27 o path
28 o street vendoi
a garbage can 29 a pigeon
10 a puppet show
11 a picnic a local park
12 c picnic basket a national
13 a picnic table an amusement a bike
14 a carousel / ride a carousel
a picnic
a merry-go-round have
15 a Ferris wheel go on a kite
16 a roller coaster
17 a bridge
18 a (park) bench

2 1 4 ----------------

wjfc ■


Words in Action

Work with your class, Discuss your dream park.
Draw a picture of the park on the board.
Each student adds an item to the park and
labels this item.
When did you last go to a park? What did you
do? What did you see? Tell a partner.

Places to Visit

_______________ Words in Context______________

Try a new activity this weekend. Do you like shopping? You
could go to a flea market or a garage sale. Do you enjoy
nature? You could walk on a hikingtrail or ride your bicycle on
a bicycle path. Do you like animals? You could go to a zooor
on aquarium.

1 a cafe 13 a b o ta n ica l g a rd e n
14 a gym
2 a zoo 15 a circus
3 a planetarium 16 m iniature golf
4 a nursery
5 a bowling alley 17 a b ic y c le p ath
6 a sporting event
7 a pool hall 18 a v id e o a r c a d e
8 an aquarium 19 a c arn iva l
9 a g arag e sale 20 a m useum
10 an a m u se m e n t park 21 a w a te r park
11 a (hiking) trail 22 a m ovie th e a te r
12 a lecture 23 a rodeo


h in Q

a petting zoo

a traveling circus

a three-ring


an outdoor cafe

a sidewalk

an internet

■r t Words in Action

22 1 SILLY MOVIE 3 1. What are your five favorite places to visit
KV from this list? Compare your favorite places
with your classmates'. Can you find another
i ;2 student with the same favorite places?
2. Work with a group. Make a list of famous;


» amusement parks
a museums


Indoor Sports and Fitness

__________ Words in Context__________

Different sports and fitness activities help in
different ways. Yoga and martial arts can help you
relax. Aerobics and the treadmill can help you
lose weight. Push-ups and free weights can help
you becom e stronger.

1 martial arts 21 wrestling

2 yoga 22 a wrestler

3 basketball 23 gymnastics

4 a referee 24 a gymnast

5 o basketball court 25 weightlifting

6 o (basketball) player 26 a weightlifter

7 o basketball 27 a bench

8 ping-pong 28 a barbell

9 a ping-pong paddle 29 c dartboard

10 o ping-pong table 30 darts

11 c chin-up 31 aerobics

12 a push-up 32 a diving board

13 g sit-up 33 a diver

14 a (stationary) bike 34’ a (swimming) pool

15 g treadmill 35 a locker room

16 boxing

17 a boxer

18 a boxing glove sports club
19 a boxing ring team
20 o punching bag a yoga equipment
an aerobics injury
a martial arts

with a partner.

Outdoor Sports and Fitness

Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world. The
rules are simple. A player uses a racket to hit a tennis ball over
the net. The other player tries to hit the ball back. The first player
to win four points wins the game.

1 tennis 10 a volleyball 16 track 22 a uniform
2 c (tennis) racket 11 a (volleyball) net 17 a runner 23 football
3 a (tennis) ball 12 golf 18 a track 24 a goalpost
4 baseball 13 a (golf) club 19 soccer 25 a (football) helmet
5 c baseball 14 o golfer 20 a fan 26 a cheerleader
6 a batter 15 o golf course 21 a soccer field 27 a football
7 o bat
8 o catcher
9 volleyball


Word Partnerships

a baseball player

a soccer

a volleyball

a rugby

a golf ball
a soccer
a rugby

hit the ball

a baseball glove

1. Which of these sports do you like to
play? Which do you like to watch?
Discuss with a partner.

2. Work with a partner. One person
pretends to play one of these sports.
The other guesses the sport. Take turns.

Word Partnerships

a hockey team

Skiing began in Norway in the 1700s. Early skiers used game
long wooden cross-country skis and wooden ski poles. Today
there is a new kind of winter sport called snowboarding. arena
Snowboarders don’t use ski poles. They slide down the slopes
with both feet on a snowboard. a skiing injury

1 a snowmobile 6 ski poles 11 (cross-country) skiing
2 snowshoes 7 a toboggan 12 (downhill) skiing
3 o sled 8 a chairlift 13 c skier
4 skis 9 ice skating 14 snowboarding
5 ski boots 10 an ice skater 15 a snowboarder


16 a snowboard 21 a goal 1. Which winter sports are the most fun? Which are
17 (ice) hockey 22 a (hockey) player the most dangerous? Discuss with your class.
18 a scoreboard 23 a hockey stick
19 a score 24 a (hockey) puck 2 . One student names a winter sport, The other
20 an ice (skating) rink 25 (ice) skates
students take turns naming clothing

and equipment for that sport. ~\\

■ Student A: Hockey. -

Student B: Ice skates. 25

Student C: A hockey stick.

Games, Toys, and Hobbies

____________ Words 8n Context__ • <"TJ

Playing cards are popular in countries ► OvJ
around the world. The French style deck is
the most common. This deck has 52 cards and •cv>
four suits—spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. There are
13 cards in each suit: ace, king, queen, jack, and numbers *♦
2 through 10. People use these cards to play different games
around the world, like b rid ge and gin rum m y in the U.S., king in
Brazil, and d a i hin min in Japan.



1 cards 13 mah-jongg Verbs 26 crochet
2 an ace 14 dominoes 28 build a model
3 a king 15 checkers 25 knit
4 a queen 16 a puzzle 27 embroider
5 a jack 17 dice
6 a joker 18 crayons
7 a spade 19 a doll
8 a diamond 20 knitting needles
9 a club 21 yarn
10 a heart 22 a crochet hook
11 backgammon 23 (embroidery)
12 chess
24 c needle


«> 1(1
o I
#> #
\ # # 17


a board game
a card
a chess piece
a checker cards

a deck of cards
a hand of a game
play spades

1. Make a list of your three favorite games
from the list. Put the list in order, with the
game you like best at the top. Share your
list with a partner.

2. Take a poll to find out the favorite games
of the students in your class.
» Which is the most popular game?
s Which is the least popular game?


Camera, Stereo, and DVD

______________ Words in Context______________

Audio equipment keeps changing. Until the 1980s, most
people listened to music on records or tapes. Then in 1983,
CD players and CDs becam e available. By 1998, more people
bought CDs than records. By the late 1990s, MP3 technology
becam e popular. Now MP3 players are becoming one of the
most popular items at electronics stores.

1 (a roll of) film 11 headphones 21 a VCR / a videocassette
2 a zoom lens 12 a CD player recorder
3 c camera 13 a CD / a com pact disc
4 o camcorder 14 o speaker 22 a video(cassette)
5 o tripod 15 a stereo (system) 23 a remote control
6 a plug 16 a tape / a cassette 24 a DVD player
7 an adapter (plug) 17 a boom box
8 a record 18 a satellite dish 25 a DVD
9 an MP3 player 19 a television / a TV
10 a (personal) CD player 20 a (video) game system Word Partnershios

2 2 6 ---------------------- a digital camera

a 35-millimeter

a disposable

shoot (a roll of) film

turn up the TV
turn down the stereo


27 fast forward
28 rewind
29 pause

Words in Action

1. Which three items on the list would you most
like to get as gifts? Why? Discuss with a partner.

2. Which items on the list could help you learn
English? How? Discuss with your class.

Holidays and Celebrations

_______________ Words in Context______________

People celebrate the New Year in different ways around
the world. In Brazil, many people have parties. They often go to
the beach after midnight and watch fireworks. It is also
traditional to throw flowers into the sea. The Chinese New Year
happens between January 17 and February 19. Chinese people
all over the world celebrate with parades and firecrackers.

1 New Year 8 fireworks
2 a firecracker a barbeque
3 a parade
4 Valentine’s Day 10 Mother’s Day
5 chocolates 11 c gift / a present
6 a card 12 flowers
7 Independence Day 13 Halloween
14 a costume



29 wrap 30 light 31 blow out 32 open
a present candles candies a present

a birthday party
a retirement
a New Year's Eve gift
a birthday card
a wedding

a birthday
a Valentine's Day
a Mother's Day

15 a jack-o-lantern a (Christmas) tree
16 Thanksgiving 23 a birthday _________ Words in Action________
17 a turkey 24 a balloon
18 a pumpkin pie 25 a cake 1. Work with a group. Choose a holiday on the
19 Christmas 26 an anniversary list. What are the different ways the people in
20 Santa Claus 27 a baby shower your group celebrate this holiday? Discuss
21 lights 28 a retirement with your group.

2. Plan a birthday party for a friend.
■ What will you eat?
■ How will you decorate?
h What gift will you give?


Index Guide

All entries inthe Index are followed by a phonetic listing, Following the phonetic listing, most
entries have two numbers.The first number, inbold type, isthe page number on which the
entry itemisfound.The second number corresponds to the item's number inthe word list.
See the example below.

Pronunciation Page number
Word — d o g /d o c j/152-16— Word number

Some entries have two numbers inbold type. Inthiscase, the entry Isa topic covered ina
two-page lesson, and the numbers Indicate the page numbers of thislesson.

Ifthe entry isincapital letters, itisa unittitle, and the two numbers inbold type indicate the
pages on which this unit begins and ends.

ifan entry isfollowed by only a single number inboldtype, then the entry appears on this
page number as a subhead inthe word list, or Itappears somewhere else on the page.

Verb and verb phrase entries appear Inbold type inthe index. Some entriesappear twice
inthe index—once inbold and once inregular type, Inthese cases, the bold type entry is
a verb, and the regular type entry isa noun.

Guide to Pronunciation Symbols

Vowels Key Word Pronunciation Consonants Pronunciation
Symbol /h a t/ Iboil
/a / hot /fa r/ Sym bol Key Word /d e i/
far /kaet/ /cfjASt/
/as/ cat /fa in / Ib l boy /fe is /
/a i/ fine /h a o s / Id l day /g e t/
/a o / house /b e d / /<%/ just /hast/
/£ / bed /n e im / h i face Ikar/
/e i/ name /nidi /g / get /la it/
need /s it/ /h / hat /m ai /
/i/ sit /g o u/ / k / car /n a in /
/b u k/ m light
/i/ go /b u t/ /ml my /s ip /
/o u / book /d o g / /p e n /
boot /fo r/ nine /ra it/
M dog /to i/ w sing
In/ four /kAp/ Ip l pen /si/
hi toy /b e rd / h i right mi
cup /o ’baut/ Is/ see
h\l bird / ’asftor/ m tea /tfip/
hi about h i cheap /vo u t/
hr/ after h i vote /w est/
hi / w / west / yes/
lyi yes Izul
h i zoo
/d e i/
Idl they / 0u]k/
IQI think /Ju /
h i shoe / ’v i3on/
13/ vision

Stress city /'s iti/ used before a syllable to show prim ary (m ain) stress



aardvark /'a r d ,v a r k / 182-14 Antarctica /a e n t'a rk tik a / 174-14
above / 'a ' b A v / 13-10
absence note /'aebsans nout/ 23-27 Antarctic Circle /a e n t'a rk tik 's3r k o l/ 174-4
accelerator /ik 's e la ,r e ita r/ 121-27 antelope /'a e n tl,o u p / 185-9
accessories/ik 's e s a riz / 108-109 antenna /a e n 'te n a /16-21
accident /'aeksadant/
antibacterial cream /aentibaek'tirial krim/ 143-29
have a n .../h a e v a n / 123-19 antibacterial ointment /a e n tib a e k'tiria l 'a in tm a n t/ 143-29
accordion /a e 'k o rd ia n / 207-28 antihistamine ^ a e n ti'h is ta ^ n in / 142-14
accountant /a 'k a u n tn t/ 146-1 antler /'sentIar/ 185-21
ace /eis/ 224-2 ants /'aen ts/ 76-23
acid rain A e s id r e in / 171-14 apartment /a 'p c irtm a n t/ 63-9
acne / 'a e k t ii/ 135-22
across /a 'k ro s / 130-17 decorate the... /'d e k a ^ e it 6 i/ 64-13
look for an... /lu k fa r a n / 64-1
act /s e k t/ 150-10 rent an... /re n t a n / 31-7
action /'a e k ja n / 208-1 studio... /'s tu d io u / 67-9
actor /'s e k ta r/ 147-25,205-18 see the... /s i 6 i/ 64-4

acupuncture / ' a e k y a ^ A i j k t j a r / 141-3 apartment building /a 'p a rtm a n t 'b ild ig / 66-67
acupuncturist /'a e k y a g M r jk tfa r is t/ 141-4 apologize / a 'p u la ^ a iz / 40-9
adapter (plug) /a'daeptar ( p U g ) / 226-7 apostrophe /a 'p a s tr a fi/ 196-14
add /aed/ 92-4 appetizer /'a e p a ,ta iz a r/101-26
addition /a 'd ija n / 193-26 applaud /a 1pi ad/ 204-26
address /a 'd re s / 53-21 apple /'aepal/ 83-11
address /'a 'd re s / 42 apple juice /'aepal d3u s / 88-28
apples /'aepalz/
mailing... /'m e ilig / 52-6
return... / n 't 3rn / 52-4 basket of... /'ba e skit a v / 97-31
apply for /a 'p la i fa r/ 65-22
adhesive bandage /a d 'h is iv 'baendic^/ 143-28 appointment /a 'p o in tm a n t/
adult /o 'd A lt/ 30
make a n .../m e ik a n / 64-2,137-21
adventure /a d 'v e n tja r/ 208-1 appointment book /a 'p o in tm a n t b u k / 155-14
aerobics /e 'ro o b ik s / 218-31 apricot /'a e p rg k a t/ 83-16
afraid /a 'fr e id / 39-19 April / 'c ip r a l/ 7-19
Africa/'a c fn k a / 174-12 apron /'e ip r a n / 101-3

afternoon /,e e fta r'n u n / 5 aquarium /a k w e ria m / 216-8
aftershave /'a e fta r je iv / 144-17 architect /'u rk o ,te k t/ 146-19
agree /a 'g r i/ 40-11 Arctic Circle/'a r k tik 's3r k a l/ 174-2
air bag /e r baeg/ 121-10 area code /'e ria k o o d / 16-22
air conditioner /e r k a n 'd ija n a r/ 67-14 Argentine / 'a r d p n t in / 44-9
air conditioning /e r k a n 'd ija n ig / 121-19 Argentinean /a r d p n 'tm ia n / 44-9
air mattress /e r 'm a e tris/ 213-26 argue /'u r g y u / 40-1
airplane /'e r p le in / 125 arm /a r m / 133-8
air pollution /e r p a 'lu ja n / 171-13 armchair /'a n rg tje r/ 72-3

airport /'e rp o rt/ 124-125 armed robbery /a rm d 'ra b o ri/ 61-14
aisle / a i l / 99-13,125-29 around /a 'r a o n d /13-12,130-9
alarm clock /a 'la r m k la k / 74-9 arrange /a 'r e in d j/ 64-12
algebra /'a e ld p b ra / 193-32 arrest /a 1re s t/ 150-4
alive /a 'la iv / 14-11 arrest /a 're s t/ 61-15

allergic reaction /a 'b r c ^ ik ri'a e k ja n / arrival and departure monitors
have an.../hsv a n / 136-12 /a 'r a iv a l and d i'p a r tfa r 'm u n a ta rz / 125-11

alligator/'e e la ^ je ito r /182-18 arrive at/a 'r a iv / 123-24
almonds /'u m a n d z / 83-31 arson /'a rs a n / 61-7
along /a'lag/ 130-18 art gallery /a rt 'g ae lo ri/ 58-3
alphabet /'sel fa ,b e t/ 19-1
ambulance /'a e m b ya la n s/ 118-27,139-29 arthritis /a r'G ra itis / 135-16
American /a 'm e rik a n / 44-2 artichoke /'a rta ,tfo o k / 84-13
amusement park /a 'm y u z m a n t p u rk / 216-10 artist /'a r tis t/ 146-3
anchor/'a e g ka r/ 163-18
graphic.../'g ra e fik / 146-7
anesthesiologist /a e n a sO izi'a la d g st/ 138-7 THEARTS / 6 a a rts / 202-209
angelfish / 'e m d p lf ij/ 189-23 Asia /'ei3a/174-11
angle /'a e g g a l/ 193-9 ask /assk/ 64-5
angry /'a e g g ri/ 38-3 ask for /aesk fa r/
animals/'a e n a m a lz /153
...a pillow/o 'p ilo o / 126-14
ANIMALS, PLANTS, AND HABITATS ...directions /d a 're k ja n z / 123-4
/'aenam olz. plaents, an d 'h a e b a ^a e ts/178-191 ...the check / 6 a t je k / 102-17
asparagus /o'spaeragas/ 84-3
animated /'ae n a m e ita d / 208-11 aspirin /'a e sp rin / 143-27
ankle /'a e g k a l/ 133-15 assembler /a 's e m b la r/ 146-18
assembly line /o 's e m b li l a i n / 156-3
swollen... /'s w o u la n / 135-11 asthma /'aezm a/ 135-2
anniversary / ^ n a 'v s r s a r i/ 229-26
answer/'aensar/ 17-27 astronaut/'a e s tp n o t/ 176-14
astronomer /a 's tra n a m a r/ 176-10
answering machine /'aensarig m a 'f in / 16-18 athletic shoe /aeB 'letik j ' u / 109-23
a n t/'a e n t/ 181-24
antacid /aent'aesid/ 142-8 athletic supporter /ae B 'letik s a 'p o rta r/ 107-28


Atlantic Provinces /a t'la e n tik 'p r a v in s a z /172-6 banana /ba'naena/ 83-29
atlas /'ae tla s/ 55-15 bandage /'b a e n d i^ /
ATM / 'e i t i e m / 51-20
ATMcard /'e itie m k a rd / 51-22 adhesive.../ a d 'h is iv / 143-28
bangs /b te g z / 33-23
insert your... / in s e r t y a r / 51-24 banjo /'baencfeou/ 207-23
atmosphere /'a s tm a s .fir/
bank /b a sg k/ 50-51,58-2
Earth's... / 3 r 0 s / 176-15 bankcard /'b s e g k ^ a rd / 51-22
atom /'a s te r n /194-17 bank manager /'basgk 'm asm c^ar/ 51-8
attendant / a 't e n d a n t / 146-21 bar /b a r /
attic /'s e tik /6 9 - 2
attorney /a 't 3r n i / 6 1 -2 4 ...of soap / a v s o u p / 97-8
audience /'e d ia n s / 20 4 -9 barbecue /'barbgkyu/ 69-6
auditorium /.a d a 'ta ria m /23-18
August /'a g a s t/ 7 -2 3 barbell /'bar(bel/ 218-28
aunt /a e nt/ 2 7 -3 barbeque /'barbi,kyu/ 228-9
Australia /a s 't r c ily a / 174-13 barber /'barbor/ 146-17
Australian /a s 'tr e ily a n / 4 4 -3 0 barbershop /'barbarjap/ 48-12
author /'a 0 a r / 55-21 bar code /bar koud/ 9-21
autobiography /,a ta b a i'u g ra fi/ 55 -2 4
automated check-in machine /'a to u m e ita d tje k -in 'm a jin / barcode scanner /'barkoud 'sksenor/ 99-19
barn /barn/152-3
124-7 barrette /bo'rst/144-7
baseball /'beis^al/ 220-4
automobile exhaust /,a ta m a 'b il ig 'z a s t/171-20 baseball /'b e is ,b a l/ 220-5
auto theft /'a to u 0e ft/ 61-1
autumn /'a ta m / 7-14 baseball cap /'beis,bal kaep/ 109-27
avalanche /'aeva^aentf/ 171-7 baseball hat /'b e is ,b a l haet/ 109-27
avocado ^ c iv a 'k a d o o / 83-10 basement /'beismant/ 67-7,77-9
ax / a s k s / 1 6 0 -5 BASICWORDS /'beisik W3rdz/ 2-27
baby /'b e ib i/ 30, 56-32 basket /'bseskit/ 97-31
baby animals/'b e ib i 's e n a m a lz /153
baby carrier /'b e ib i 'k a s ria r/ 57-9 basketball /'b a e s k it,b a l/ 218-3,218-7
baby lotion /'b e ib i 'lo u j’a n / 57-23 basketball court /'bseskit,bal kart/ 218-5
baby powder/'b e ib i 'p a u d a r /57-22 basketball player /'bseskit,bal 'pleiar/ 218-6
baby shower /'b e ib i 'Ja u a r/ 229-27 bass (fish) /bass/189-15
babysitter /'b e ib i,s ita r / 147-30 bass (instrument) /b c is / 207-19
baby swing /'b e ib i s w ig / 57-6 bassoon /ba'sun/ 207-15
baby wipes /'b e ib i w a ip s / 57-24 baste /beist/ 92-16
back /b a e k /133-22 bat /bast/182-4,220-7
backache /'b a s k e ik /135-17 bath /bas0 /
backgammon /'b a s k ^ a e m a n / 2 2 4 -1 1
backhoe /'b a s k h o u / take a... /te ik a / 34-22
bathe /b e id / 29-7
operate a... /'a p a ^ e it a / 165-15
backpack /'baek(pask/ 23-15,213-11 bathing suit /'b e id n j s u t/ 107-7
backpacker /'b a e k ^ e e k a r/ 213-12 bathrobe /'b a e 0 ,ro o b /107-13
backup singers /'b a c k u p 's ig a rz / 205-16 bathroom /'ba 20,ru m / 23-10,74-75
bacon /'b e ik a n / 88-20 bathtub /'bas0,tAb/ 75-22
batter /'beetar/ 220-6
broil... / b r a il/ 92-9 battery /'baetari/ 121-33,163-33
bag /basg/ bay / b e i / 169-25
b e /bi/
carrya.../'kasri a / 165-18
...of potatoes /a v p a 'te ito u z / 97-22 ...a single mother /a 's irjg a l W d a r / 27-29
bagel /'b e ig a l/ 90-5 ...divorced /d i'v a rs d / 26-28
baggage /'b a s g id j/ 124-5 ...inpain /in p e in / 136-1
check your.../tfe k y a r/ 126-3 ...inshock /in J a k / 136-4
baggage claim (area) /'basgic^ k le im (Je ria )/ 125-19 ...married /'m a e rid / 26-27
bagger /'baegar/ 99-18 ^ c m 'la in / 24-30
baggy /'b a e g i/ ...pregnant /'p re g n a n t/ 31-14
...pants /p a snts/ 111-12 ...remarried /ri'm a s rid / 27-30
bags /b a sgz/ ...unconscious /A n 'k a n ja s /136-2
claim your... /k le n n y a r / 126-24 beach /'b itf/ 169-23,210-211
beach ball /'b itf b a l/ 211-20
bake /b c ik / 93-31 beak / b i k / 187-20
beaker /'b ik o r / 194-23
baked potato /b e ik d p a 'te ito u / 90-9 beans /b in z / 91-28
bakery /'b e ik a r i/ 48-22,99-5 bean sprouts /b in s p ra u ts / 84-20
balance /'ba e la n s/ 51-18,194-9 bear /b e r/
balcony /'b a s lk a n i/ 67-16,204-2 grizzly... / 'g r iz li/ 187-5
bald /b a ld / 33-14
ball / b a l/ polar... / 'p o o le r / 187-8
bear cub /b e r k A b / 187-9
tennis... /'te m s / 22 0 -3 beard /b ir d / 33-16
ballet/b a e l'e i/204-1 beat /bit/ 93-27
balloon / b a 'lu n / 229-24 beautiful / 'b y u t a f a l/ 14-14
ballot /'b s e la t/ 200-2 beauty salon /'b y u ti s a 'la n / 48-11
ballroom / 'b a ^ r u m / 159-8 beaver /'b iv a r / 190-15
b e born / 'b i b a rn / 31-1

become /bi'kAm/ blow dryer /'b lo u ^ r a ia r / 144-6
blow out /'b lo o a u t/
...a grandparent h 'grsei'gpersnt/ 31-21
bed /b e d / 74-14 ...candles /'ka e n d ls / 229-31
blue / b lu / 10-9
go to... /g o o to / 34-23
make the.../meik 60/ 79-1 / 'n e iv i/ 10-11
bedpan /'bed,paen/ 139-19
blueberries /'b lu ,b e riz / 83-17
bedroom /'b e d ^ u m / 74-75 blue jay /b lu cfjci/ 190-4
bedspread /'b e d ,s p re d / 74-17 blue jeans /b lu c fe in z /104-27
bee / b i / 185-1 blueprints /'b lig p r in tz /
beef / b it'/ 86
bee sting/b i s tig / 135-28 read.../ r id / 165-17
beetle / 'b i t l / 182-24 blues /b lu z / 209-25
beets /'b its / 84-2 blush /blAj'/ 144-28
behave /b i'h e iv / 29-24 board /b o rd / 126-8
board /b o rd /
behind /b i'h a in d / 13-14,130-6
beige /b e 13/ 10-17 black.../b la 'k / 19-6
bellhop/'b e l,b a p / 159-15
bulletin... /'b u lo tn / 19-7
bell pepper /b e l 'p e p o r/ 84-23 erase the.../i'rcis 60/ 20-17
below/ b i'lo o / 13-13 g o t o . . . / g o u tu / 20-16
belt /b e lt/ 109-6 white... /w a it/ 19-14
boarding pass /'b o rd ig p a s / 124-8
tool.../ t u l/ 160-12 board lumber /b o rd 'U m b o r / 163-30
bench /b e n tf/ 72-1,218-27 boat /b o u t/ 213-7

park... /p a r k / 214-18 bobcat /'b a b ,k a t/ 190-6
beside / b i's a i d / 13-11 boil / b o i l / 92-17
between / b i'tw in / 13-4,130-8 bolt /b o u lt/ 163-21
beverages /'b e v n d p z / 99-11 bone / b o u n / 133-3
bib / b ib / 57-16 book / b u k / 19-11
bicycle /'b a is ik o l/ 214-26
bicycle path /'b a is ik o l p a 0/ 216-17 appointment... /o 'p o m tm o n t/ 155-14
big / 'b ig / 14-2 close your... /k lo u z y o r/ 20-9
bike /b a ik / 214-26 date... /d e it/ 155-14
lookfor a... /lo k fo r 0/ 54-26
stationary... / 's t e ij^ n e r i/ 218-14 open your..,/'o u p o n y o r/ 20-10
bikini / b i'k in i/ 107-8 share a... /Jer 0/ 21-21
bill /b i 1/ 52-1,101-31 bookcase /'b u k ,k e is / 72-22
billboard /'b i^ b o r d / 58-9 books /b u k s /
bills / 'b i lz / 8
check out... /tfe k a u t/ 54-27
pay the.../pei do/ 79-6 return.../ r i 't 3r n / 55-29
binder/'b a m d o r/ 155-2 bookshelf /'b u k fe I f / 19-10
binoculars /b o 'n a k y o b r z / 213-20
biography /b a i'a g r o fi/ 55-23 bookstore /'b u k s to r/ 48-9
biohazard ^ b a io u 'lu e z o rd / 156-30 boom box /b u m b u k s / 226-17
biologist/b a i'a la c fp s t/ 194-2 boot /b u t/ 109-25
biology /b a i'a lo d p / 194-1 boots /b u ts /
birch (tree) /b s rtf ( t r i) / 179-3
birthcertificate / b 3 r 0 s o r 't if ik it / 43-24 safety.../'s e ift i/ 157-28
birthday / 'b 3r 0 ,d e i/ 229-23 bored /b o rd / 39-13

celebrate a .../'s e b ,b r e it o / 31-20 botanical garden /b a 'ta e n a ku l 'g a rd n / 216-13
black / b l a k / 10-22 bottle / 'b a t l/ 57-2
blackboard /'b la e ^ b o rd / 19-6
blackboard eraser / 'b la k ^ o r d l're is o r/ 19-4 ...of olive oil /av 'a liv o il/ 97-7
black hair /b lse k h e r/ 33-3 bottled water /'b a tld 'w o to r/ 88-15
blade /b le id / 161-30 bottle opener /"o a tI 'o u p o n o r/ 94-15
blanket /'b la e ig k it/ 74-2 boulder /'b o u ld o r / 181-3
blanket sleeper /'b k e g k it 's lip o r/ 107-16 bouquet 'b o u 'k e i/ 97-6
bleach /b I itf/ 116-5 bow /b o u / 40-14,204-27
bleachers /'b litfo r z / 23-5 bowl /'b o u l/ 70-24,101-14
bleed / b lid / 136-3
blender/'b le n d o r / 70-12 bowling alley /'b o u lu j 'ic li/ 216-5
blind /b la in d / 135-18 box/ b a k s / 97-20
blinds /b la in d z / 72-19 boxer/'b a k s o r/ 218-17
boxers/'b a k s o r z / 107-26
blister/'b lis te r / 135-25 boxer shorts /'b a k s o r J o rts / 107-26
blizzard/'b liz o r d / 171-2 boxing /'b a k s itj/ 218-16
blond hair /b la n d h e r/ 33-4
blood / b U d / 138-9 boxing glove /'b a k s ig 'g U v / 218-18
boxing ring /'b a k s n j r ig / 218-19
draw.../dro/ 137-24 box office /'b a k s 'o fis / 205-24
blood pressure / b b d 'p re fo r/ boy /b a t/ 57-14
bra/ b r a / 107-19
check.../tjek/ 137-23 bracelet/ 'b r e is lit/ 109-10

blood pressure monitor/b U d 'p re jo r 'm a n o to r/ 141-19 braces/'b re is s z / 141-29
bloody nose / ' b 1a d i n o u z / 135-29 braids /b re id z / 33-21
blouse /b la u s / 104-14 brain / b r e i n / 133-24
brainstorm/'b r e ir g s to n n /196-20
brake light/b re ik la it/ 121-6


brake p edal /b re ik 'p e d l/ 121-26 busser /'bA sar/101-5
b ranch /b ra e n tf/ 179-10 bus stop /bA s s ta p / 128-7
brass /b ra e s/ 207 butcher /'butj'ar/146-20
Brazilian / b r a 'z ily a n / 44-7 butter /'b.Atar/ 102-8
bread /b re d / butter /'bAtor/ 88-23
butterfly /'b A ta p fla i/182-21
butter t h e .../'b A to r d a / 102-8 buttocks /'bAtoks/ 133-47
loaf of... /lo u f a v/ 97-16 button /'bAtn/ 114-10
break /b re ik / button /'bA tn/117-15
...a leg /a l e g / 136-5
break /b re ik / button-down /'bAtn-d a u n /
take a ... /te ik o/ 20-14 ...shirt / J a r t / 1 1 1 - 6
breaker panel /'b r e ik a r 'paenal/ 77-12
breakfast /'b re k fa s t/ buttonhole /'bAtn,hool/117-14
eat... / i t / 34-9
have... /haev/ 34-9 buy / b a i / 114-5
breast /b re s t/ 133-10 ...a house /a haos/ 31-13
bribery /'b r a ib a ri/ 61-2
bricks / 'b n k s / buying a house /'baipg a h a u s / 65
lay... / l e i / 165-5 buying c lo th e s /'bai,ig klouz/ 114-115
bridge /b n c ^ / 214-17
b riefcase / 'b r i^ k e is / 109-16 c a b /kaeb/ 128-4
briefs / b r i f s / 107-27
British / ' b r i t i j / 44-10 ca b b a g e /'kaebidj/ 84-8
British Colum bia /'britij' k a 'U m b ia /172-2
broccoli /'b rakali/ 84-1 c a b driver /'kacb 'd r a iv a r / 128-5
steam ... /slim / 92-10
broil /'broil / 92-9 cab in /'kaeb in/
broken /'broukan/ 77-10 log... /lo g / 63-4
broom /brum/ 80-28
brother /'br.Adar/ 27-17 cab in et /'k s e b o n it/ 70-2
brother-in-law /'br.Adar-in^la/ 27-14 file .../ f a i l / 155-18
brown /braun/ 10-16 supply.../s a 'p la i/ 155-22
brown hair /braun her/ 33-2
bruise /bruz/ 135-30 c a b le / 'k e ib a l/ 25-11
brush /brAjV 34-3 ca ctu s /'kaektas/ 181-16
brush /brAj/ c a fe /k a e 'fe i/ 58-8,216-1
hair... / h e r / 144-10 cafeteria ^ k a e fa 'tiria / 23-6
bucket /'bAkit/ 80-16 c a k e / k e ik / 88-16,229-25
b u ckle /'b .A k o l/114-11
bud / 'b A d / 179-17 p ie ce of... /p is a v / 97-15
buffalo /'bAtblou/ 185-17 ca k e pan /k e ik paen/ 95-30
bugle /'byngol/ 207-10 calcu lato r / 'k a e lk y a ^ e it a r / 155-11
bug spray /bAg s p re i/ 80-15 calendar / ‘kaelandar/ 6-7
build /bi Id/ 198-3,224-28
building m aterial / 'b ild n j m a 't ir ia l/ 162 call / k o l/ 40-16
bulb /b A lb /179-18
bull/b ul/ 152-7 ...a realtor /a 'ria lta r / 65-16
bulletin board /'b u lo tn b o rd / 19-7 ...the doctor / 6o d a k ta r /137-20
bum per /'bAinpar/ 121-9 call button /k a l 'b A t n / 1.39-21
bun /b A n / 33-22 caller / ' k o l a r / 16-13
bunch /'bA iitJ/ call in /k a l in /
...of carrots / a v 'kaerats/ 97-29 ...sick / s i k / 151-22
Bunsen b u rn e r/'bAiisAii 'b3rnar/ 194-14 calling c a rd / 'k a lig k u r d / 16-3
burglary /'bsrglari/ 61-3 calm /k a m / 38-5
burn /'b 3 rn /136-6
burn /'b 3 rn /135-24 cam co rd er /'kcC ir^ko rda r/ 226-4
burned out /'bsrnd a u t/ 77-6 ca m e l /'k a s m a l/ 181-8
burrito /b e 'r it o u / 91-25 cam era /'kaem ra/ 226-3
b u s /b A s /102-25 cam isole /'k a e m o s o u l/107-22
b u s /b A S/128-9
b u sb o y/'b.As,boi/ 101-5 camp /'ka e m p / 213-29
bus driver /'bAs 'd ra iv a r/128-8
bush /b u (7 185-16 cam p er /'kae m p a r/ 213-27
lila c .../'la e k /179-7 cam pfire /'k a e m p fa ir/ 213-28
business c ard /'b iz n is k a r d / 43-20 cam ping /'ka e m p ig / 212-213
business c a rd file /'b iz n is k a rd f a i l / 155-15 cam ping stove /'kasm p ig s to u v / 213-15
business ce n te r / 'b iz n is ' s e n t o r / 159-7 can /kam /
businessman /'b izm s^ n a en / 146-23
business suit / 'b iz n is s u t / 104-29 ...of soda / a v 's o u d a / 97-27
businesswoman / ' b i z n i s p v u m a n / 146-23 C a n a d a /'kacn a d o / 172-173
C a n a d ia n /k s e n 'e id ia n / 44-1
234 candidate /'kaenda,deit/

political... / p a 'lit ik a l/ 200-1
can d le /'k a e n d l/ 70-28

light a ... / la it a / 102-3
candles /'kaendls/

blow out... /' b lo u a u t/ 229-31
light.../la it / 229-30
can d y bar /'k ie n d i b a r/ 99-25
c a n e /k e m / 142-17

can ned goods /kaend g o d s/ 99-12
can o e /ka'nu/ 213-8
ca n opener /kaen 'o u p a n a r/ 94-16
cantaloupe /'k a e n t^ o u p / 83-12
canteen /k a e n 'tin / 213-19
can vas / ‘kaenvas/ 203-12

canyon /'k a s n y a n / 169-13 turnoff your.../t3rn of yor/ 126-11
Capitol (Building) /'kaepotl ( 'b ild iij) / 200-6 Celsius /'selsias/ 166-1
capsule /'kae p so l/ 142-2 centimeter/'sentagnitor/ 163-2
car / k a r / century /'senjari/ 4
Certificate of Naturalization / s o r 't if ik it a v ^ a e ja r a la z e ija n /
compact.../k s m 'p te k t/ 118-30
park the.../p a rk 6 a / 123-26 43-26
chain / t f e i n / 163-32
wash t h e . .. / w a j 6 s / 79-16 chair /J e r/ 19-26,70-22
card /k a r d / 228-6 chairlift/ 'J e r lif t / 222-8
chalet /Jae'lei/ 63-5
remove your... /ro 'm u v y a r/ 51-28 chalk /'tfo k / 19-3
car dealership / k a r 'd ila r jip / 47-23 change /J e in c y
cardigan /'k a r d ig a n /
...diapers /'daioporz/ 29-8
...sweater/'s w e ta r/ 111-15 ...the sheets /6a Jits/ 79-2
cardinal /'k a r d n a l/ 190-2 ...the tire /'6a tair/ 123-22
cardiologist ^ k a r d i'a la d jis t/ 141-8 changing table /'tfeinckin 'teibal/ 57-26
cardiopulmonary resuscitation cheap /tfip/ 14-16
cheat /Jit/
^ k a rd io u 'p o lm a n a s ri r js a s a 't e ija n / 139-24 ...on a test /an a test/ 18-31
cards /k a rc tj/ 224-1 check /Jek/ 21-24
caring for clothes /'k e rig fa r k lo u z / 114-115 ...his blood pressure /h iz b l A d 'prejar/ 137-23
carnival /'k a r n a v a l/ 216-19 ...the monitors /6a 'manatar/ 126-6
carousel /'k a e ra 's e l/ 214-14 ...the oil /6a oil/ 123-16
carpenter /'k a r p a n to r / 147-26 ...your baggage /yor 'baegic^/ 126-3
carpet / 'k a r p it / 74-3 check / t je k / 51-13,101-31
askforthe.,./aesk far 6a/ 102-17
vacuum th e .../'v £ e k ly u m 6a / 79-7 pay the.../pei 6a/102-24
carrot /'k s e rs t/ 84-19 personal.../'p3rsanal/ 9-25
carrots /'ka e ra ts/ traveler's... /'traevalorz/ 9-24
checkbook /'Jek,buk/ 51-12
bunch of... /'bA ntj' a v / 97-29 checked /'tjekt/ 113-18
chop.../J a p / 93-23 checker /'tjekar/ 99-21
peel... / p il/ 93-22 checkers /'Jekorz/ 224-15
carry /'k a e ri/ 29-6 check in/Jek in/ 126-1,159-25
...a bag /a baeg/ 165-18 check-in counter/Jek-m 'kauntar/ 124-4
...a tray /a tr e i/ 102-4 checking account number/'tfektig a'kaunt 'nArnbar/51-11
carry-on bag /'k s e ri-a n baeg/ 125-16 check out /'tfek aut/ 159-27
stow your.../s to u y a r/ 126-10 ...books /boks/ 54-27
carton / 'k a r t n / checkout counter/'Jek^ut 'kauntar/ 99-15
...of eggs / a v egz/ 97-23 checkout desk /'Jekaut desk/ 55-16
...of orange juice / av 'o rin c ^ / 97-10 checkup/'tfek,Ap/141-18
cartoon /k a r 'tu n / 209-14 Cheddar cheese /'Jedar tfiz/ 88-22
cash /k a e j/ 9-26,51-6 cheek /Jik/ 133-36
withdraw.../w id 'd ro / 51-26 cheerleader /'tjirjidar/ 220-26
cashier /k s e 'J ir/ 9-15,99-21,147-24 cheese /tfiz/
cashmere /'kaes^nir/ 113-9 Cheddar.../'tjedor/ 88-22
cash register /ka e j 're d g s ta r/ 9-17,99-16 grate.../greit/ 92-11
casserole (dish) /'ke e sa ^o u l ( d ij) / 95-25 Swiss.../swis/ 88-24
cassette /k a 's e t/ 226-16 cheetah /'tfita/ 185-13
cassette player/k a 's e t 'p le ia r/ 19-24 chef/Jef/101-1
cast /kaest/ 141-15 chemist/'kemast/ 194-4
castle /'kae so l/ 63-19 chemistry/'kemostri/ 194-3
casual /'kae3U3l/ cherries /'tferiz/ 83-21
...clothes /k lo u z / 111-24 pound of... /paund a v / 97-19
cat /ka e t/ 152-17 chess /tjes/ 224-12
catalog /'k a e t^o g / 52-14 chest /Jest/ 133-46
catcher /'k a e ^ o r/ 220-8 chicken /'Jikan/ 87-31,152-28
caterpillar/'k a e to ^ i lo r/ 182-20 baste.../beist/ 92-16
cauliflower /'k o l^ fla u o r / 84-16 roast.../roust/ 92-15
caulking gun /'k o k ig g A n / 160-8 season.../'sizan/ 92-14
cave / k e iv / 169-14 chicken breasts /'Jikan brests/ 87-29
cavity/'k a e v o ti/ 141-32 chicken pox/'Jikan paks/ 135-6
C-clamp /s i-k la e m p / 160-2 chicken teriyaki /'Jikan teri'aki/ 91-21
CD / .s i'd i/ 226-13 chickpeas /'Jikpiz/ 84-10
CD player /,s i'd i 'p le io r / 226-12 child /Jaild/30
personal... /'p e rs o n a l/ 226-10 childcare worker /'Jai ldker 'w3rkar/ 57-17
CD-ROM /.s i.d i-'r a m / 25-1 child car seat/Jaild kar sit/ 121-1
CD-ROM drive / ^ J d i- 'r a m d r a iv / 25-28 children's program /'Jildranz 'prou.graem/ 209-19
ceiling /'s i 1ig / 72-17 Chilean /Jil'eian/ 44-8
ceiling fan /'s ilig faen/ 72-16 chimney /'Jimni/ 69-1

celebrate /'s e lo ,b re it/ 31-20 235
celebrations /,s e la 'b re ija n z / 228-229
celery /'s e la r i/ 84-14

cello /'J e lo u / 207-20
cell phone /s e l fo u n / 16-20

chimpanzee /.tfimpsen'zi/ 182-3 clothesline /'k lo u z ^ a in / 107-1
chin /tfin/ 133-38 clothespin /'k lo u z ,p in / 107-2
Chinese /tjai'niz/ 44-23
chin-up /tJin-Ap/ 218-11 CLOTHING /'k lo u d ig / 104-117
chipmunk /'J^mAgk/ 190-21 clothing store /'k lo u d ig s ta r/ 48-2
chips /'tfips/ cloud / k la u d / 166-12
cloudy / 'k la u d i/ 167-26
potato.,, /p a 'te ito u / 99-27
chisel / 'tfiz a l/ 160-14 club /k lA b / 224-9
chocolates / 't ja k lit s / 228-5 golf... / g o lf / 220-13

choke /tfo u k /136-7 clutch /k lA tf/ 121-25
coach /k o u tf/ 23-1
choose /t$uz/ 126-20 coach (class) / k o u j (klaes)/ 125-23
coal /k o u l/ 171-26
chop /fla p / 93-23 coat /k o u t/ 104-30

chopsticks /'tfa p ^ tik s / 90-18 cockroaches /'k a k ,ro u tfe z / 76-27
Christmas /'k ris m a s / 229 -19 coconut /'k o u k a ,n A t/ 83-13
Christmas tree /'k ris m a s t r i / 229-22 cod /k a d / 87-22,189-16
chrysanthemums /k ri'sa e n G a m a m z/ 179 -21 coffee / 'k o f i/ 90-11
church / 't f 3rtJV 47-13
cider /'s a id a r / cup of... /kAp av/ 97-13
pot of... /p a t a v / 97-12
gallon of... /'gaelan a v / 97-21 coffee break /'k o f i b re ik /
cinnamon /'s in a m a n / take a .../te ik a / 34-12
coffeemaker /'k o fim e ik a r / 70-10
sift... / s if t / 93-28 coffee shop /'kafi Jap/ 48-20
circle /'s 3 r k a l/ 21-28 coffee table /'k a fi 'te ib a l/ 72-12
circle /'s 3r k a l/ 193-16 coin / k a i n / 16-4
circuit breaker /'s 3r k it / 77-13
circular saw /'s 3r k y a la r sa/ 161-31 coin return /k a in r i 't 3r n / 16-7
circulation desk / (S3 rk y a 'la iJ a n d e s k / 55-16 coins /k a in z / 8
circumference /s a r 'k A m fr a n s /193-13 colander /'k a la n d a r / 95-27
circus /'s 3 rk a s / 216-15 cold (illness) /k o u ld / 135-5
citizen /'s ita z a n / 200-4 cold (temperature) /k o u ld / 15-30,166-6
citizenship / 's it a z a n jip / 200-201 cold cuts /k o u ld kAts/ 88-21
city / 's it i/ 43-12,63-20 collar /'k a la r / 117-12
city hall / 's iti hoi/ 47-17
city park / 's it i p a rk / 214-215 collect /k a 'le k t/ 20-3
city square /'s it i s k w e r/ 58-59 college / 'k a lid j/ 47-9

claim /k le n n / goto.../gou tu/ 31-6
college degree /'kalic^ da'gri/ 43-27
...your bags /y a r basgz/ 126-24 Colombian /ka'lAinbian/ 44-5
clams /k la e m z / 87-16 colon /'k o u lan /196-17
clap /k ls e p / 204-26
clarinet /.k la s ra 'n e t/ 207-14 colors /'k A larz/10-11
classical /'k la e s ik a l/ 209-28 com b /koum/ 34-5
classroom /'k la e s ,r u m /18-19, 23-20 comb /koum/ 144-8
claw / k b / 187-22 comedy /'kamadi/ 208-2
clay / k le i/ 203-21 comet /'k a m it/176-19
clean / k l i n / 14-6 comfort /'kAmfart/ 29-12,40-13
clean / k l i n / 79-10 comfortable /'kAmftabal/ 39-24
cleaner /'k lin a r / 48-17 comforter /'kAmfartar/ 74-16
comma /'kama/ 196-11
vacuum... /'v a s k ^ u m / 80-5 COMMUNITY /ka'm yunati/46-61
cleaning supplies / 'k lim g / 80-81 compact car /'kamjpaskt kar/ 118-30
cleanser /'k le n z a r / 80-19
clear / k l i r / 102-25 compact disc /'karr^paekt disk/ 226-13
clerk / c b r k / compass /'kAmpas/ 213-1
com pliment /'kamplam ant/ 40-10,102-13
postal... /'p o u s ta l/ 52-20 com poses /kam 'pou zaz/198-10
click / k l i k / 24-33 computer /kam 'p yutar/155-8
cliff / k l i f / 169-27
clim b / k la im / 165-14 desktop... /'desk,tap/ 25-17
clock / k la k / 19-13 handheld... /'haend^eld/ 25-16
clock times / k la k ta im z / 5 laptop... /'laep,tap/ 25-23
clog / k la g / 109-20 notebook... /'noutbuk/ 25-23
clogged /k la g d / 77-2 use a.../yuz a / 151-21
clo se /k lo u z / 20-9
closed /k lo u z d / 15-38 computerized catalog /kam 'pyutatraizd 'kaetjag/ 55-6
closet / 'k la z it / 74-1 computer program /kam'pyutar 'prou^raem/ 25-25
close to /k lo u s ta / 13-15 computers /kam'pyutarz/ 24-25
cloth diaper /k la O 'd a ia p a r/ 57-29
clothes /k lo u d z / 104-105 computer technician /kam'pyutar tek'nijan/ 146-10
concert /'kansart/
casual... /'kas3ual/ 111-24
dress.../d re s / 111-25 rock.../rak/ 205-10
fold the... /fo u ld 6 a / 79-5 concierge /k a 's y e r3 / 159-13
formal... / ‘fa rm a l/ 111-25 concrete / k a n 'k r it /
informal... /in 'fa r m a l/ 111-24
pour... /p a r/ 165-7
236 conditioner /k a n 'd ija n a r / 144-3
condo /'k a n d o u / 63-10

condominium /,kanda'miniam/ 63-10 crate /k r e r t/ 97-30
conductor /kan'dAktar/ 128-13,204-7 c r a te r /'k r e it a r / 169-10
co ne /k o u n /193-24 c ra w l/ k r a i / 29-22,37-21
confused /kan'fyuzd/ 39-18 crayons /'k re i,a n z / 224-18
congratulate /kan'graetfajeit/ 40-24 cream / k r im / 10-21,88-14
Congress /'kaggris/ 201 crea m e r /'k r im a r / 101-8
congressman /'kaggrisman/ 200-9 credit card /'k re d it k a rd / 9-28
congresswoman /'kaggriswum an/ 200-9 crescent moon /k rs s a n t m u n / 177-30
constellation /,k a n sta 'le ija n /176-2 crew neck /k ru nek/
construction worker /kan'strAkJan 'w a rk a r/146-6
c o n ta c t (lens) /'kan^aekt (le n z )/ 141-22 ...sweater /'s w e ta r /111-14
container /kan'teinar/ 97-25 crib /k r ib / 57-3
containers /kan'teinarz/ 96-97 cricket / ' k r i k i t / 181-22
continents /'kantanants/ 174 crim e /k r a im / 60-61
conversation /,kanvar'seijan/ criminal /'k rim a n a l/ 61-18
crochet /k ro u 'J e i/ 224-26
have a..,/haev a/ 17-28,40-6 crochet hook /k ro u 'J e i h u k / 224-22
convertible /k an 'v3 rta b al/118-31 crocodile /'k ra k a ,d a i 1/ 182-19
conveyor belt /kan'veiar b e lt / 156-6 crop / k r a p / 152-11
cook /kuk/ 79-22,93-24,150-1 cross /k ra s / 37-10
cook / k u k / 146-4 cross-country skiing /kras-'kAntri 's k iir j/ 222-11
cookbook /'kuk,buk/ 55-22 cross out /k ra s a u t/ 21-23
cookie sheet /'kuki J it / 95-21 crosswalk /'k ro s ,w a k / 58-18
crutch /'k rA tJ / 141-14
grease a ... /gris a/ 93-26 cry /k r a i/ 29-23
cooking /'kukig/ 92-93 cub /kA b/

do the... /du 6a/ 79-22 b e a r.../b e r/187-9
cooking equipment /'kukig I'kwipmant/ 94-95 cubby /'k A b i/ 57-12
cool / k u l/ 166-5 cu b e /k y u b / 193-22
cooler /'kular/ 211-18 cucum ber /'k y u ,k A in b a r/ 84-25
cop /kap/ cuff /k A f / 117-17
cup /k.Ap/96, 97-2,101-18
traffic... /'traefik/ 58-6
copier /'kapiar/ 155-4 ...of coffee / a v 'k a fi/ 97-13
copies /'kapiz/ curb /k a rb / 58-15
curlers / 'k s r la r / 144-9
m ake... / n ie ik / 151-20 curling iron / ' k 3 r ln j 'a i a r n / 144-5
co py /'k a p i/ 20-4 curiy hair / 'k 3r li h e r/ 33-18
co p y / 'k a p i / 155-5 cursor /'k-arsar/ 25-6
c o p y m ach in e / 'k a p i m a 'J in / 155-4 curtain rod / 'k 3 rtn ra d / 72-15
co py shop /'k a p i J a p / 48-15 curtain /'kartn/ 72-20
coral / 'k a r a l/ 10-3 curved line / k 3 rv d la in / 193-8
coral r e e f/'k a r a l r i f / 189-26 cushion / 'k u ja n / 72-2
cord /kord/ 16-15 custodian /kA'stoudian/ 146-11
customer /'kAstamar/ 51-7,101-7
extension.../ik 'ste n ja n /160-20 customs /'kA stam z/125-17
cordless phone /'kard lis foun/ 16-19 customs (d eclaration) form /'k A s ta m z (,d e k la 'r e ija n ) fa r m /
corduroy /'karda,rai/ 113-2
corn /karn/ 84-24 125-18
corner /'karnar/ 47-25 cut /k A t/
cornrows /'karn,rouz/ 33-25
correct /ka'rekt/ 21-25 ...a pipe /a p a ip / 165-21
correction fluid /ka'rekjan 'f lu id / 155-28 ...yourself /y e r 's e lf/ 136-8
costum e /'kus,turn/ 204-5,228-14 cu t /k A t/ 135-23
co ttage /'katidj/ 63-3 cu to ff /k A t a f / 114-7
cotton /'katn/ 113-1 cutting board /'k A tig b a rd / 94-1
co u ch /kau tf/ 72-8 cyclist /'s a ik lis t/ 214-25
cough /kaf/ 137-16 cylin d e r/ 's ila n d a r / 193-25
cough / k a f / 135-3 g rad u ated ... /'g r a s c k u .e itid /194-20
cough drops /k a f d ro p s/142-10 cym bals /'s im b a lz / 207-2
cough syrup /k a f 'strap/ 142-7 daffodils /'d a e fa .d ils / 179-22
counselor /'kaunslar/ daily activities /'d e ili a e k 'tiv a tiz / 34-35
dairy products /'d e ri 'p ra d a k ts / 99-3
guidance... /'gaidns/ 23-17 d a isie s/'d e iz iz / 179-31
counter(top) /'kauntar(tap)/ 70-5 d a n c e /daens/ 40-22
country /'kAntri/ 63-23 dan ce r /dsensar/ 204-3
country and western /'kAntri and 'westarn/ 209-29 darken /'d a rk a n / 21-29
courthouse /'k o r fh a u s / 47-19 dartboard /'d a rt,b a rd / 218-29
courtroom /'kart,rum/ 61-25 darts /'d a rts / 218-30
courtyard /'kart,yard/ 67-17 dashboard /'d c c j,b a r d /121-16
cousin /'kAzan/ 27-11 date /d o it/ 31-9
c o w /kau/ 152-26 d a te / d e it / 6-1
coyote /k a i'o u ti/181-4 d a te book /d e it b u k / 155-14
CPR /s i p i a r / 139-24 d a te of birth /d e it a v b srO / 43-6
crab /krse b / 87-18,189-24
cracked /kraekt/ 77-4 237

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