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Storm King's Thunder

Storm King's Thunder


CREDITS The following D&D books provided material and inspiration:
Baker, Richard, Christopher Perkins, and others. Princes ofthe
Lead Designer: Christopher Perkins
Story Design: Jenna Helland, Adam Lee, Christopher Perkins, Apocalypse. 2015.
Baur, Wolfgang, Steve Winter, and others. Hoard ofthe Dragon
Richard Whitters
Additional Design: Mike Mearls Queen. 2014.
Managing Editor: Jeremy Crawford Bonny, Ed, JeffGrubb, Rich Redman, Skip Williams, and Steve
Editors: Kim Mohan, Michele Carter
Editorial Assistance: Matt Sernett, Chris Dupuis, Ben Petrisor, Winter. Monster Manual II. 2002.
Boyd, Eric L. City ofSplendors: Waterdeep. 2005.
Sean K Reynolds, Stan! Cordell, Bruce R., Ed Greenwood, and Chris Sims. Forgotten Realms
Story Consultant: R.A. Salvatore
D&D Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford Campaign Guide. 2008.
Art Director: Kate Irwin Doyle, Will. "King of the Wolves." Dungeon 220. 2013.
Additional Art Direction: Shauna Narciso, Richard Whitters Greenwood, Ed. Vo/o's Guide to the North. 1993.
Graphic Designer: Emi Tanji Greenwood, Ed, and Jason Carl. Silver Marches. 2002.
Cover Illustrator: Tyler Jacobson Greenwood, Ed, with Sean K Reynolds. "Wyrms of the North:
Interior Illustrators: John-Paul Balmet, Beet, Mark Behm, Eric
lymrith." Dragon 242. 1997.
Belisle, Jedd Chevrier, Olga Drebas, Michael Dutton, Wayne Greenwood, Ed, Sean K Reynolds, Skip Williams, and Rob Heinsoo.
England, Lars Grant-West, Lake Hurwitz, Tyler Jacobson, Julian
Kok, Olly Lawson, Christopher Moeller, Scott Murphy, Chris Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. 2001.
Rahn, Ned Rogers, Chris Seaman, Richard Whitters Jaquays, Paul. The Savage Frontier. 1988.
Cartographers: Jared Blando, Will Doyle, Jason A. Engle, Lee Moyer, Kenson, Steve, and others. Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. 2015.
Christopher Perkins, Mike Schley Salvatore, R.A., James Wyatt, and Jeffrey Ludwig. Legacy ofthe
Project Manager: Heather Fleming
Product Engineer: Cynda Callaway Crystal Shard. 2013.
Imaging Technicians: Sven Bolen, Carmen Cheung, Kevin Yee Schend, Steven E., and Thomas M. Reid. Wyrmsku/1 Throne. 1999.
Art Administration: David Gershman Selinker, Michael. "Lear the Giant King." Dungeon 78. 2000.
Prepress Specialist: Jefferson Dunlap Winninger, Ray. Giantcraft. 1995.
Other D&D Team Members: Greg Bilsland, John Feil, Trevor Kidd, Playtesters: Teos Abadia, Robert Alaniz, Jay Anderson, Christopher
Christopher Lindsay, Shelly Mazzanoble, Hilary Ross, Liz Schuh,
Nathan Stewart, Greg Tito, Shawn Wood Arroyo, Paul Baalham, Henry Bangsberg, Dave Bendit, Stacy
Bermes, Brian Boring, Mik Calow, Joseph Chora, Mitch Clark,
Disclaimer: Creatures and objects in this adventure are bigger than they appear. No giant Justin Clift, Jacob Ela, Jason Fransella, Gregory L. Harris, Adam
beanstalks were damaged and no golden geese were harmed in the making ofthis boolc. Hennebeck, Mary Hershey, Sterling Hershey, Justin Hicks, Bruce
Higa, Chris Hodge, Eric Hufstetler, Joe Hughes, Paul Hughes,
Donald Jacobs, Chris Jacobsen, Evan Jorstad, James Jorstad, Alex
Kammer, Steven C. Knight, Yan Lacharite, Jon Lamkin, Majorie
Lamkin, Randy Lenius, Mike Liebhart, Tom Lommel, Michael
Long, Jonathan Longstaff, Keith Loveday, Joyce McCosco, Paul
Melamed, Mark Meredith, Lou Michelli, Mike Mihalas, Daren
Mitchell, Albert Paoletti, Clint Pushee, Rob Quillen II, Karl Resch,
Sam Robertson, Steve Roe, Jeremy Schaefer, Robert Schwartz,
Arthur Severance, Ray Slover Jr., Caoimhe Snow, Keaton Stamps,
David "Oak" Stark, David Steele, Kyle Turner, Angel Uribe, Will
Vaughan, Shane Walker, Morgan Wessler, Keoki Young


Heir to the Wyrmskull Throne, and indeed all of giant-kind, the
storm giant Serissa stands amidst the clouds, in the shadow of her
mighty father, King Hekaton. Her contentious elder siblings, Mirran
and Nym, occupy the forefront of this tempestuous illustration by
the esteemed Tyler Jacobson.

62008669000001 EN CE:
ISBN: 978-0-7869-6600-4
First Printing: September 2016
9 8 7 6 5 4321

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards ofthe Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master's Guide, all other Wizards of
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CONTENTS Citadel Felbarr....................................... 79 Leilon ....................................................... 96
Coldwood ................................................ 79 Lizard Marsh..........................................96
Introduction................................................. 7 Crags........................................................ 79 Llorkh ......................................................96
Adventure Background .............................. 7 Daggerford.............................................. 80 Lonely Moor ........................................... 96
Dawn Pass.............................................. 80 Long Road ..............................................96
The Ordning............................................. 8 Deadsnows .............................................80 Longsaddle............................................. 97
King Hekaton and His Daughters....... 9 Deadstone Cleft ..................................... 81 Lost Peaks..............................................97
lymrith..................................................... 10 Delimbiyr Road ..................................... 81 Loudwater............................................... 97
The Giant Lords.................................... 10 Delimbiyr Vale....................................... 81 Lurkwoo d................................................ 97
Sidebar: Creating New Giant Lords ..... 12 Dessarin Hills........................................ 81 Luska n..................................................... 97
Factions in the North ........................... 12 Dessarin Road....................................... 81 Maelstrom............................................... 98
Running the Adventure............................ 13 Dessarin Valley...................................... 81 Mere of Dead Men.................................98
Sidebar: Tendays and the Druarwood ............................................. 81 Mines of Mirabar...................................98
Everlund.................................................. 81 Mirabar.................................................... 98
Roll ofYears........................................ 13 Evermoor Way .......................................83 Misty Forest ........................................... 98
Adventure Synopsis.............................. 16 Evermoors ..............................................83 Mithra! Hall............................................99
Deadly Encounters ............................... 16 Eye of the All-Father............................. 83 Moonwood ..............................................99
Treasure .................................................. 18 Fallen Lands........................................... 83 Morgur's Mound.................................... 99
Far Forest ............................................... 83 Mornbryn's Shield ................................ 99
Ch. 1: A Great Upheaval......................... 19 Fell Pass.................................................. 83 Nesme .................................................... 100
Nightstone ................................................... 20 Fireshear................................................. 83 Nether Mountains...............................100
Sidebar: Nightstone: Flint Rock ............................................... 84 Neverwinter.......................................... 101
Forgotten Forest.................................... 85 Neverwinter Wood.............................. 101
General Features............................... 20 Fork Road ............................................... 85 Newfort.................................................. 101
Sidebar: The Nandars of Nightstone .... 26 Forlorn Hills...........................................85 Nightstone............................................. 101
Dripping Caves...........................................28 Frost Hills...............................................85 Noanar's Hold...................................... 101
Sidebar: Dripping Caves: Gauntlgrym ............................................ 85 Northern Means..................................102
Glimmerwood........................................ 86
General Features............................... 29 Goldenfields ...........................................86 orthfurrow......................................... 102
Morak's Quest ............................................32 Grandfather Tree ..................................86 Olostin's Hold....................................... 102
Tower of Zephyros..................................... 32 Graypeak Mountains............................ 87 One Stone .............................................102
Unfriendly Skies........................................ 34 Grayvale .................................................. 87 Orlbar..................................................... 103
Sidebar: Character Advancement..........36 Grayvale Run .........................................88 Parnast.................................................. 104
Great Worm Cavern ............................. 88 Phandalin ............................................. 104
Ch. 2: Rumblings...................................... 37 Griffon's Nest ......................................... 89 Port Llast .............................................. 104
Special NPCs ............................................. 37 Grudd Haug............................................ 89 Purple Rocks........................................ 104
Bryn Shander............................................. 38 Gundarlun............................................... 89 Rassalantar ..........................................104
Goldenfields................................................ 44 Gundbarg ................................................90 Rauvin Mountains............................... 105
Triboar ......................................................... 53 Hawk's Nest ........................................... 90 Rauvin Road......................................... 105
Sidebar: Character Advancement.......... 62 Helm's Hold............................................ 90 Raven Rock........................................... 105
High Forest............................................. 91 Red Larch .............................................106
Ch. 3: The Savage Frontier ................... 63 High Moor............................................... 91 Red Rocks.............................................106
Peoples of the North.................................63 High Road............................................... 91 Reghed Glacier....................................106
Hundelstone ........................................... 91 Rivermoot ............................................. 106
Civilized Folk.........................................64 Ice Peak...................................................92 Ruathym................................................ 106
Northlanders.......................................... 64 Ice Mountains and Ice Spires............ 92 Sea of Moving lce................................ 106
Reghed Barbarians...............................64 Iceshield Lands .....................................92 Secomber.............................................. 107
Uthgardt Barbarians............................65 lcewind Dale ..........................................92 Shadowtop Cathedral........................107
Ores and Half-Ores...............................68 Iron Road ................................................93 Shining Falls........................................ 107
Shield Dwarves.....................................68 Iron Trail................................................. 93 Shining White...................................... 107
Elves......................................................... 68 Ironmaster.............................................. 93 Silver Marches..................................... 108
Halflings..................................................68 Ironslag ................................................... 94 Silverwood............................................ 108
Random Wilderness Encounters...........68 lymrith's Lair .........................................94 Silverymoon .........................................108
Locations of the North ............................. 72 Jalanthar.................................................. 94 Silverymoon Pass...............................108
Amphail................................................... 72 Julkoun..................................................... 94 Southwood ...........................................108
Anauroch................................................. 72 Jundar's Pass..........................................94 Spine of the World ..............................108
Ardeep Forest ........................................ 73 Kheldell ................................................... 95 Star Mounts..........................................109
Arn Forest............................................... 73 Kheldell Path ......................................... 95 Starmetal Hills.................................... 109
Ascore...................................................... 73 Klauthen Vale......................................... 95 Stone Bridge ........................................ 109
Aurilssbarg............................................. 73 Korinn Archipelago..............................95 Stone Stand..........................................109
Bargewright Inn .................................... 73 Kryptgarden Forest.............................. 95 Stone Trail............................................ 110
Beliard..................................................... 76 Sumber Hills........................................ 110
Beorunna's Well.................................... 76
Black Road.............................................. 77
Blackford Road...................................... 77
Bryn Shander......................................... 77
CairnRoad .............................................77
Calling Horns......................................... 77
Carnath Roadhouse ............................. 78
Citadel Adbar ......................................... 78

Sundabar............................................... 110 Ch. 8: Forge ofthe Fire Giants ........... 167 Figures
Surbrin Hills........................................110 Fire Giants ................................................167 Figure 0.1: Giant Runes............................. 7
Surbrin Trail ........................................ 110 Ironslag ......................................................168 Figure 0.2: Adventure Flowchart .......... 17
Svardborg ............................................. 110 Sidebar: Ironslag: General Features .. 171 Figure 3.1: Harper
Sword Mountains................................ 110 Sidebar: Slaves of the Yakfolk.............. 172
Ten Trail ................................................ 110 Special Delivery.......................................186 Teleportation Circles........................... 119
Thornhold ............................................. 111 Sidebar: Character Advancement........186 Figure 4.1: Archway Runes...................125
Trade Way............................................. 111
Triboar................................................... 111 Ch. 9: Castle ofthe Cloud Giants ......187 Maps
Triboar Trail......................................... 111 Cloud Giants ............................................. 187 Map 1.1: Nightstone .................................. 21
Tuem...................................................... 111 Lyn Armaal ...............................................188 Map 1.2: Dripping Caves ......................... 29
Turnstone Pass.................................... 111 Sidebar: Lyn Armaal: Map 1.3: Tower ofZephyros ................... 33
Uluvin..................................................... 111 Map 2.1: Brynjhander ............................. 39
Uttersea................................................. 112 General Features.............................189 Map 2.2: Goldenfields............................... 45
Valley of Khedrun...............................112 Conquering the Castle........................... 200 Map 2.3: Triboar ........................................ 55
Vordrorn Forest...................................112 Sidebar: Character Advancement....... 200 Map 3.1: The North................................... 74
Waterdeep ............................................. 112 Map 3.2: Beorunna's Well ....................... 76
Way Inn.................................................. 113 Ch. 10: Hold ofthe Storm Giants......201 Map 3.3: Everlund .....................................82
Weathercote Forest ............................ 113 Storm Giants ............................................201 Map 3.4: F lint Rock................................... 84
Westbridge............................................ 113 Maelstrom .................................................202 Map 3.5: Grandfather Tree...................... 87
Westwood ............................................. 114 Sidebar: Maelstrom: Map 3.6: Great Worm Cavern................. 89
Whalebones.......................................... 114 Map 3.7: Morgur's Mound........................ 99
Womford................................................ 114 General Features.............................202 Map 3.8: One Jtone ..................................103
Xantharl's Keep................................... 114 Sidebar: Character Advancement........ 214 Map 3.9: Raven Rock..............................105
Yartar ..................................................... 115 Map 3.10: Gundarlun and Ruathym....106
Zelbross................................................. 115 Ch. 11: Caught in the Tentacles ......... 215 Map 3.11: Shining White .......................108
Zymorven Hall ..................................... 116 The Golden Goose ..................................215 Map 3.12: Stone Stand........................... 110
Featured Encounters.............................. 116 The Grand Dame ..................................... 216 Map 3.13: Tuern and Purple Rocks..... 111
Old Tower.............................................. 116 The Hunt for Hekaton.............................219 Map 3.14: Old Tower............................... 117
Inner Circles......................................... 117 The Morkoth .............................................221 Map 4.1: Eye of the All-Father ..............123
Harshnag .............................................. 118 The Kraken Cometh ...............................223 Map 4.2: Harshnag's Map......................132
Back to Maelstrom? ................................224 Map 4.3: Dragon Cult Airship...............135
Ch. 4: The Chosen Path........................121 Sidebar: Character Advancement........224 Map 5.1: Grudd Haug ............................. 141
Journey to the Eye....................................121 Map 6.1: Deadstone Cleft....................... 151
Eye of the All-Father ............................... 121 Ch. 12: Doom ofthe Desert.................225 Map 7.1: Svardborg .................................160
Sidebar: Eye of the All-Father: Finding Iymrith........................................225 Map 7.2: Svardborg Lodges .................. 161
Sidebar: Harshnag Returns!.................226 Map 7.3: The Krigvind ............................ 166
General Features.............................122 Iymrith's Lair............................................226 Map 8.1: Ironslag..................................... 174
Words of the Oracle ................................129 Sidebar: Iymrith's Lair: Map 8.2: Ironslag, Lower Level ........... 182
Sidebar: Hekaton's Conchs ................... 131 Map 9.1: Lyn Armaal, Level 1............... 194
Airship of a Cult .......................................132 General Features.............................227 Map 9.2: Lyn Armaal, Levels 2-6........195
Encounter with lymrith..........................136 Adventure Conclusion ............................230 Map 10.1: Maelstrom,
Troubleshooting.......................................136 Sidebar: Character Advancement........230
Sidebar: Character Advancement........136 Levels 1 and 2 .......................................205
Appendix A: Linked Adventures.......231 Map 10.2: Maelstrom, Level 3 .............. 213
Ch. 5: Den ofthe Hill Giants...............137 Lost Mine of Phandelver .......................231 Map 11.1: The Grand Dame.................. 217
Hill Giants.................................................137 Hoard of the Dragon Queen..................231 Map 11.2: The Morkoth ..........................222
Grudd Haug ..............................................138 Princes of the Apocalypse.....................232 Map 12.1: Iymrith's Lair.........................228
Sidebar: Grudd Haug: Sidebar: Using the Elemental Cults....232
Out of the Abyss.......................................232
General Features.............................138
Sidebar: Character Advancement........ 144 Appendix B: Magic Items ....................233
Sidebar: Ruling Scepters
Ch. 6: Canyon ofthe Stone Giants .... 145
Stone Giants ............................................. 145 of Shanatar .......................................235
Deadstone Cleft........................................146
Sidebar: Deadstone Cleft: Appendix C: Creatures.........................240
Crag Cat .....................................................240
General Features............................. 148 Hulking Crab ............................................240
Sidebar: Character Advancement........154 lymrith the Dragon.................................. 241
Maegera the Dawn Titan .......................241
Ch. 7: Berg ofthe Frost Giants...........155 Purple Wormling .....................................242
Frost Giants .............................................. 155 Tressym .....................................................242
Svardborg ..................................................156 Uthgardt Shaman....................................243
Sidebar: Svardborg: Sidebar: Uthgardt Shaman

General Features.............................159 Tribal Spells .....................................243
The Krigvind............................................. 165 Yakfolk (Yikaria) ......................................244
Sidebar: Character Advancement........166 New Giant Options..................................245

Appendix D: Special NPCs .................247


The main members of the adventure's cast of characters are listed here in alphabetical order for easy reference.

Major NPC Description Main Description
Alastrah Cloud giant infant daughter of Countess Sansuri Chapter 9 ("Lyn Armaal," area 23)
Augrek Brighthelm Dwarf sheriff's deputy in Bryn Shander Chapter 2 ("Bryn Shander," area Bl), stat block in
appendix D
Beldora Human spy for the Harpers in Bryn Shander Chapter 2 ("Bryn Shander," area B7), stat block in
appendix D
Braxow Stone giant thane in Maelstrom Chapter 10 {"Maelstrom," area 14)
Brimskarda Fire giant duchess and wife of Duke Zalto Chapter 8 {"lronslag," area 31)
Cinderhild Adolescent fire giant daughter of Duke Zalto Chapter 8 ("lronslag," area 268)
Claugiyliamatar Reflusive ancient green dragon in the Kryptgarden Chapter 3 ("Kryptgarden Forest")
Cog Hill giant guard in Maelstrom Chapter 10 ("Maelstrom," area 15)
Cressaro Cloud giant castellan of Lyn Armaal Chapter 9 ("Lyn Armaal," area 14)
Cryovain Adult white dragon chained aboard the Krigvind Chapter 7 ("The Krigvind")
Darathra Shendrel Human lord protector of Triboar Chapter 2 ("Triboar," area Tl), stat block in
appendix D
Darz Helgar Retired human member of a Waterdhavian thieves' Chapter 2 ("Triboar," area T2), stat block in
guild appendix D
Duvessa Shane Human town speaker of Bryn Shander Chapter 2 ("Bryn Shander," area BS}, stat block in
appendix D
Eigeron Cloud giant ghost Chapter 4 ("Eye of the All-Father," area 11)
Felgolos Adult bronze dragon imprisoned by Countess Chapter 9 ("Lyn Armaal," area 8)
Ghelryn Foehammer Dwarf smith and owner of Foehammer's Forge in Chapter 2 ("Triboar," area Tl 8), stat block in
Triboar appendix D
Guh Hill giant chief based in Grudd Haug Introduction ("The Giant lords"), chapter 5
("Grudd Haug," area 2)
Harshnag legendary good-aligned frost giant adventurer Chapter 3 ("Harshnag")
Hekaton Storm giant king abducted by the Kraken Society Introduction ("King Hekaton and His
Daughters"), chapter 11 ("The Morkoth," area 3)
Hellenhild Frost giant jarl in Maelstrom Chapter 10 ("Maelstrom," area 14)
lsendraug Adult white dragon confined to Svardborg Chapter 7 ("Svardborg," area 4 E)
lymrith Ancient blue dragon stirring up trouble among the Introduction ("lymrith"), chapter 4 ("Encounter
storm giants with lymrith"), chapter 10 ("Maelstrom," area
Ka altar 15), chapter 12 ("lymrith's lair," area 3), stats in
Kayalithica Cloud giant infant son of Countess Sansuri appendix C
Stone giant thane based in Deadstone Cleft Chapter 9 ("Lyn Armaal," area 23)
Keila Darkhope Introduction ("The Giant lords"), chapter 6
Khaspere Drylund Zhentarim spy hiding in the Nightstone Inn ("Deadstone Cleft," area 14)
Klauth Human noble and member of the Kraken Society Chapter 1 ("Nightstone," area SF)
Lifferlas Meddlesome ancient red dragon in Klauthen Vale Chapter 11 ("The Grand Damti")
Awakened tree in Goldenfields Chapter 3 ("Klauthen Vale")
Markham Southwell Chapter 2 ("Goldenfields," area G6), stat block in
Human sheriffof Bryn Shander appendix D
Miros Xelbrin Chapter 2 ("Bryn Shander," area B6), stat block in
Human proprietor of Northfurrow's End, an inn in appendix D
Mirran Goldenfields Chapter 2 ("Goldenfields," area GS), stat block in
Evil storm giant and eldest daughter of King appendix D
Moog Hekaton Introduction ("King Hekaton and His
Upset hill giant Daughters"), chapter 10 ("Maelstrom," area 14)
Chapter 3 ("Old Tower")

Major NPC Description Main Description
Morak Ur'gray Dwarf innkeeper imprisoned in the Dripping Caves Chapter 1 ("Dripping Caves," area 4)
Narth Tezrin Human proprietor of the Lion's Share, a store in Chapter 2 ("Triboar," area T6), stat block in
Triboar appendix D
Naxene Drathkala Human mage of the Watchful Order of Magists and Chapter 2 ("Goldenfields," area G8), stat block in
Protectors appendix D
Nimir Storm giant sent to kill lymrith Chapter 12 ("Finding lymrith"), stat block in
appendix D
Nym Evil storm giant and second daughter of King Introduction ("King Hekaton and His
Hekaton Daughters"), chapter 10 ("Maelstrom," area 14)
Oren Yogilvy Halfling musician staying at Northfurrow's End Chapter 2 ("Goldenfields," area G8), stat block in
appendix D
Orlekto Storm giant sent to kill lymrith Chapter 12 ("Finding lymrith"), stat block in
appendix D
Othovir Human owner of Othovir's Harness Shop in Triboar Chapter 2 ("Triboar," area Tll), stat block in
appendix D
Pow Ming Human mage and head of security aboard the Grand Chapter 11 ("The Grand Dame")
Rool Half-ore assassin and first mate of the Morkoth Chapter 11 ("The Morkoth")
Sansuri Cloud giant countess based in Lyn Armaal Introduction ("The Giant Lords"), chapter 9 ("Lyn
Armaal," area 8)
Serissa Storm giant and youngest daughter of King Hekaton Introduction ("King Hekaton and His
Daughters"), chapter 10 ("Maelstrom," area 15)
Shaldoor Storm giant sent to kill lymrith Chapter 12 ("Finding lymrith"), stat block in
appendix D
Shalvus Martholio Human shepherd and Zhentarim spy Chapter 2 ("Goldenfields," area GS), stat block in
appendix D
Sir Barie Nylef Human knight of the Order of the Gauntlet in Bryn Chapter 2 ("Bryn Shander," area B8), stat block in
Shander appendix D
Sirac of Suzail Human son of Artus Cimber living in Bryn Shander Chapter 2 ("Bryn Shander," area B4), stat block in
appendix D
Slarkrethel Spellcasting kraken of the Trackless Sea Introduction ("The Kraken Society"), chapter 11
("The Kraken Cometh")
Storvald Frost giant jarl based in Svardborg Introduction ("The Giant Lords"), chapter 7 ("The
Tartha Fire giant duchess in Maelstrom Chapter 10 ("Maelstrom," area 14)
Tholtz Daggerdark Human archmage and mad captain of the Morkoth Chapter 11 ("The Morkoth")
Thullen Cloud giant count and brother of Countess Sansuri Chapter 9 {"Lyn Armaal," area 28)
Tug Hill giant guard in Maelstrom Chapter 10 ("Maelstrom," area 15)
Urgala Meltimer Human proprietor of Northshield House, an inn in Chapter 2 {"Triboar," area TlO), stat block in
Triboar appendix D
Uthor Storm giant imperator and castellan of Maelstrom Chapter 10 ("Maelstrom," area 15)
Vaal Cloud giant count in Maelstrom Chapter 10 ("Maelstrom," area 14)
Vaasha Storm giant sent to kill lymrith Chapter 12 ("Finding lymrith"), stat block in
appendix D
Xolkin Alassandar Half-elf leader of the Seven Snakes mercenary band Chapter 1 ("Seven Snakes")
Zaltember Adolescent fire giant son of Duke Zalto Chapter 8 ("lronslag," area 18)
Zalto Fire giant duke based in lronslag Introduction ("The Giant Lords"), chapter 8

Zephyros Eccentric cloud giant wizard ("lronslag," area 28)
Zi Liang Human acolyte of the Harvesthome Abbey
Chapter 1 ("Tower ofZephyros")
Chapter 2 ("Goldenfields," area G7), stat block in
appendix D

Map 1.3 shows the tower. The stairs are made of firm Top View Second
cloud stuff and spiral downward, stopping just short P1a,r
of the ground. They are sized for humans and safe leqi,ae•IOfie« First
to climb. After climbing the stairs for 1,000 feet, the Floor
characters stand in front of the tower's entrance, on a
cloud that feels as firm and safe as solid ground. If the Aerie
characters enter the first floor of the tower, a cloud giant
wizard named Zephyros descends from the second floor Second
(using a levitate spell) to greet them. Floor

Zephyros is an eccentric cloud giant with windswept First
white hair, a wispy white beard, and a billowy purple Floor
robe adorned with gold stars. He poses no threat to
Nightstone or the characters.

Ever since the ordning shattered, Zephyros has been
using contact otherplane spells to find a way to set
things right. Failed castings of the spell have driven him
insane on multiple occasions. He has recovered from
the madness, yet it has accentuated his eccentricity. His
magical investigations led him to Nightstone. He had
nothing to do with the cloud giant attack on the settle­
ment and is horrified to learn of the damage his fellow
giants caused.

Zephyros holds "small folk" in higher regard than
most giants. If the characters introduce themselves to
him, a wide smile settles on the cloud giant's face as he
realizes they are the ones mentioned by the mysterious
planar entities with which he has spoken. Convinced
that the characters can restore the ordning, Zephyros of­
fers to transport them to one destination of their choice
in the North. That is the extent of his involvement. The
planar entities with whom Zephyros has spoken via the
contact otherplane spell warned him against taking
a more direct hand in events. The party's destination
should coincide with Morak's quest. After safely deliver­
ing the characters to their destination, Zephyros and his
tower depart for the Moonshae Isles.

If the characters ask Zephyros to take them some­
where other than Bryn Shander, Goldenfields, or
Triboar, Zephyros (eccentric wizard that he is) gets a
little befuddled and ends up taking them to one of these
places by accident.

Zephyros is a cloud giant, with the following changes:

• Zephyros is neutral good.
• He has an Intelligence score of 18 (+4) and the spell­

casting feature described below.
• He carries a giant-sized staffofthe magi instead of a

morningstar. As an action, he can make two melee at­
tacks with the staff. Each attack has a +15 bonus to hit
and deals 20 (3d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage on a hit,
or 23 (3d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage if used with two
hands. This damage is considered magical.
He has a challenge rating of 13 (10,000 XP).

Spellcasting. Zephyros is a 12th-level spellcaster. His spellcast­
ing ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +11 to hit with spell

attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): mending, message, prestidigitation, ray of frost,

shocking grasp
1st level (4 slots): charm person, comprehend languages, magic

missile, shield
2nd level (3 slots): crown of madness, gust of wind, levitate
3rd level (3 slots): nondetection, protection from energy, tongues



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