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36      Vodafone Group Plc
                 Annual Report 2013

         Sustainable business

         Improving lives

         around the world

         Vodafone’s strategic focus on emerging markets,

         enterprise, data and new services brings signiicant
         opportunities to align our business growth with our
         goal to be a sustainable business, by contributing to
         resource eficiency, energy and carbon reduction,
         and sustainable development.

                                           The global footprint of our telecoms network,   M-Pesa continues to grow. New services
                                           our signiicant presence in emerging markets   include a savings product, M-Shwari, enabling
                                           and our long track record as an innovator   people in Kenya to save as little as KES1
                                           in mobile communications, enable us to make   shillings (less than 1 pence) and a funeral
                                           an important contribution to socio-economic   insurance plan in Tanzania, both of which
                                           development. This is underpinned by our   further drive the inancial inclusion of people
                                           strong commitment to operating responsibly   with very limited resources. There are over
                                           and ethically.                   18.1 million active users of Vodafone’s M-Pesa,
                                           Our consumers and government and   up from 14.4 million a year ago. (See page 27)
          Connected Worker research        enterprise customers face signiicant   Vodafone’s M2M solutions connect machines
          Our Connected Worker research, explores how   challenges, ranging from food shortages   to the internet, transforming them into
          mobile technology can be used to make   and ageing populations, to lack of access   intelligent devices that exchange real time
          organisations more productive and eficient, while   to communications and inancial services.   information. This opens up new possibilities
          improving the quality of life for workers in emerging   Mobile technology has become a vital   for how businesses are run, as well as the
          markets. Findings across 12 markets highlight the
          potential for six workforce management solutions to   tool for improving people’s livelihoods and   opportunity to reduce running costs and
          boost workers’ livelihoods by US$7.7 billion by 2020,   quality of life.  carbon emissions.
          while enabling a further US$30.6 billion in
          commercial beneits to organisations, through   Delivering transformational services  In 2013, we continued to establish Vodafone
          improved productivity.                                            as a leading M2M technology provider, offering
                                           A 2012 report by Deloitte and the GSMA found   new end-to-end services, including remote
                                           that a 10% expansion in mobile penetration   energy monitoring solutions.
                                           leads to a 4.2% increase in economic
                                           productivity in emerging markets. As 68%   Our carbon-reducing applications for M2M
                                           of our customers live in these markets,   are wide-ranging, from improving leet
                                           our efforts to extend the coverage of our   management performance, to enabling
                                           networks creates tangible socio-economic   smart energy grids. We now have contracts
                                           beneits, while simultaneously building our   in place to supply over 9.5 million M2M
                                           customer base.                   connections to speciically enable carbon
                                                                            reductions through energy and fuel savings
                                           We continue to explore new market   for our customers.
                                           opportunities to bring further sustainable
                                           beneits to societies through new partnerships   Fostering enterprise and partnership
                                           and the development of products and services   In sectors such as agriculture and health,
                                           that focus on: agriculture, education, inance,   we are developing commercial solutions
                                           health, low carbon products and services and   in partnership with governments and NGOs,
                                           smart working.                   to deliver a range of business and sustainable
                                                                            beneits to society, as well as further growing
                                           Building up to commercial scale  our business.
                                           Our aim is to create commercially viable
                                           services that can be scaled up and rolled out   In 2013, we announced two new strategic three-
                                           across different markets, adding value for   year partnerships. The irst, with the US Agency
                                           customers, commercial partners, our business   for International Development (‘USAID’) and the
                                           and society. Our mobile money transfer   NGO, TechnoServe, aims to reduce poverty and
                                           solution, M-Pesa, and our M2M platforms are   increase resilience for half a million smallholder
                                           already well established, and work continues   farmers across Kenya, Mozambique and
                                           to extend their positive impacts.  Tanzania. This will be achieved through the
                                                                            introduction of simple but innovative mobile
                                                                            technologies, including a registration system for
                                                                            growers, information on crop prices, collection
                                                                            days and quality reminders.
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