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new features like the much-touted smaller numbers of players. Maps
Levolution send the intensity level are also once again destructible on a
soaring to impressive new heights. less significant scale, many of them
Having maps that evolve as you littered with smaller buildings and
wage war on them has been a foliage that can be torn to pieces.
Battlefield staple since Bad Company, As usual, theres a wide variety of
but the scale of the destructibility has vehicles with which to toy around on
never been quite so imposing as it is both land and sea, as well as in the air.
here. Siege of Shanghai s crumbling Theres a definite focus on improving
skyscraper that was so heavily water-borne vehicular combat, with
featured in BF4s marketing push is all-new heavily armed boats to use to
obviously a particularly memorable pummel the enemy along with small,
exercise in Levolution, but other maps nippy craft useful for zipping around
feature everything from a collapsing more water-centric maps. And while
dam wall to an aircraft carrier that we re on the subject, for the first time
ploughs into an island. It s not only the players are now able to draw their
physical destruction that s pertinent secondary weapon while swimming
either environmental effects so that they re not completely
dramatically alter the nature of maps defenseless in the water. You re also
as well. Flood Zones waters rise as able to dive below the surface of the
the map progresses, forcing the use water to hide from enemies.
of boats, while Paracel Storms calm There are a couple of new
seas become violent when a powerful game modes to enjoy in BF4, and
storm rolls in. Obliteration is the standout mode.
Even without the spectacle of Obliteration sees a single bomb spawn
Levolution, most of the maps are between the two opposing teams,
masterfully designed (with a few and each team must vie for control of
painful exceptions, as with any it in order to deliver the bomb to key
game), offering up a pleasing mix enemy points to destroy them. It s a
of opportunity for everything from heavily mobile mode and the frontline
the large-scale warfare of the is constantly shifting, keeping the
64-player matches that have become fighting strongly concentrated around
synonymous with Battlefield, to more the bomb. The intensity of it suits
intimate skirmishes between much Battlefield perfectly.
Previous games in the series really empower the visuals, bringing
have always had a strong focus on this digital battleground to life in a
teamwork, encouraging players highly effective way. Unfortunately,
to work together to overcome the it s got its problems as well. By now
enemy rather than facing the enemy you ve probably heard that, at launch,
solo. That s still very much the same Battlefield 4 is a bit of a mess. It s
case here, but that doesn t mean you pretty shocking really. Audio randomly
can t play the game as a lone wolf. cuts out. Battlelog is still no fun to
For those whod rather work with work with. Crashes to desktop are
others, teams are again divided into commonplace. Still, its teething
smaller squads. This time around, problems don t change the fact that
squads gain small bonuses when they this is a brilliant, utterly absorbing
perform particularly well together. multiplayer game.
Commander Mode returns from [Dane Remendes]
Battlefield 2, putting certain players
in charge of directing their teams
efforts from an RTS-style aerial view. Would you buy it?
Commanders can call in support
powers like supply drops and gunships Yes. There s nothing
that circle the sky and rain down fire else out there that can
on enemies. It s a worthwhile addition match the large-scale
to the game and a nice change of pace multiplayer devastation
for when the fighting on the ground of Battlefield 4.
gets too stressful.
As we ve come to expect from DICE, The Score
the games an absolute technological
powerhouse throughout. Not only
are its Frostbite 3-powered visuals 8.5/10
absolutely breathtaking, but the
audio deserves a mention as well.
The immersive sounds of the battle
38 The OverClocker Issue 27 | 2013 Issue 27 | 2013 The OverClocker 39