a Read the text and answer the questions. PEOPLE?
Where is a good place to go in Walla Walla ifyou want to...? 3 •42>)) On the street Watch or liste, to five people
l have lunch or dinner
2 hear stories about the past and answer the questions.
3 buy a present
4 stay for a night Yoni Yvonne Tiffany Ben Anya
5 see a show
Which sentence is true?
b Look at the l1lgh ligl1ted words or phrases in the text
and guess their meaning. a Yvonne can't play the piano.
b Yoni can play a musical instrument.
c Read the text again and underline the thing you would c Yvonne can play the piano and the harp.
like to do most. 2 Tiffany _ _ _
Walla Walla, Washington a has noisy neighbors
b doesn't have noisy neighbors
-thefriendly city c is the noisy neighbor
In 2011, a US newspaper had a competition for friendly 3 Yoni's favorite month is in the _ __
towns in the US, and Walla Walla in Washington was
the winner.Jason and Nikki Wynn went to the city for the a winter b fall c summer
competition. and they say it's a happy town with friendly 4 Ben doesn't like _ __
people. Local people gc_e_et visitors with smiles, and if you get
lost on Main Street after shopping, ask people for directions. a classical music b heavy music c folk music
They are happy to help you. 5 Right now, Anya is reading _ _ _
There's a lot to do in Walla Walla. Fo.J exampli!, you can ride a
bike around the city or. in the summer. go on a hot-air balloon a a romantic novel b a biography c a trilogy
ride. It's a great view! In the city, you can see an entertaining
show at the Little Theater of Walla Walla and visit the Fort CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH?
Walla Walla Museum. The tour guides there are very friendly
and can tell you interesting stories about Walla Walla's past. Do the tasks with a partner. Check (.I) the box ifyou
can do them.
If you want to stay for a night. the Marcus Whitman Hotel is
the place to stay. It's a beautiful. htsto.rlc.1 hotel in downtown Can you...?
Walla Walla, and the hotel workers are, of course, friendly and
D1 say two things you can do well, and two things you
helpful. But the best
thing about the hotel can't do (e.g., cook)
is the food. They make
' it with vegetables 02 say three things you can or can't do in class (e.g., use
from the hotel's
garden. your cell phone)
In general, the food is 03 say what kind ofbooks you usually read, and what
good, there are lots
of things to see, and you are reading right now
the people are great.
It's no surprise that 04 ask your partner questions with the words below
Walla Walla won the
competition! ... tired ? Why?
... like watching sports on TV? Which sports?
... enjoying your English classes?
... play a musical instrument? Which one?
• • 1Short movies Willi-amsburg, New York ,_
Iv10Eo_ Watch ~nd enjoy t~~ovie.______J
Online Procr e
G 'r p V"'
V word formation: paint >painter Who was she?
P sentence stress The National Portrait Gallery has a collection of
portraits of famous American men and women
1 GRAMMAR was I were f rom the 17th century to the present day.The
portraits are both paintings and photographs. The
a Read about the National Portrait Gallery in National Portrait Gallery is in Washington. D.C.. a
Washington, D.C. and answer the questions. short wallc from the National Mall. It isopen daily and
admission is free.
1 Where is it?
2 What can you see there?
3 When is it open?
4 How much does it cost?
b 3. 43 >)) Look at a photo that is in the
National Portrait Gallery. Cover the
dialogue and listen. Who are the two people
in the photo?
c Listen again and read the dialogue. Then fill 2 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING
in the blanks.
sent ence stress
Simple present Simple past
a 3 4 5 >)) Listen and repeat. Copy the ~chm.
He is the president. He ____ the president.
1±11 was at a QMty. She was born in Mexico.
She is an actress. She an actress. My parents were ~mgry.
_ Th_e:y_a_ re _h__a_p:_p;_y:_._ _.J._They happy. El He wasn't at home. They weren't very happy.
ITl When were you born? Where was the hotel?
d >- p.136 Grammar Bank 7A. Learn more
Was it expensive? No, it wasn't.
about was fwere and practice it. Were they at the concert? Yes, they were.
- b 3 46 >)) Say the sentences in the simple past.
>))I'm at home. ~was at home.
c >-Communication Where were you? A p.103 B p.108.
3 READING 4 VOCABULARY word formation
a Look at three more a Find words in the texts for people made
pictures from the National from these words:
Portrait Gallery. Do you
know who the people are act _ _ (OR actor) 5 sing _ _
or anything about them?
2 sail _ __ 6 business __
b 3 47>)) Read and listen to three audio guide extracts. Check your
answers to a. 3 play _ _ 7 design _ _
4 write _ __ 8 invent _ _
p Word building: professions
We often add -er or -or to a verb, e.g.,
writer, actor.
We often add -ian, -ist, or
-man/woman to a noun, e.g., musician.
b Are the words below verbs or nouns? Do
you know the words for the people?
1 play 6 novel _ _ __
2 compose 7 sports
3 politics
4 science 8 paint
5 direct movie 9 art
10 music
c 3 48 >)) Listen and check. ,Underline the
stressed syllable. Practice saying the words.
d Write the names offour famous people in
each circle. Ask a partner.
~an inventor and businessman, was born in Ohio !.JWho's Celine Dion 0he's a singer.
N.13, he was an excellent salesperson selling candy a nd
flimlll8irs to t rain passengers. Later, he was the inventor of the 0eWho was was a scientist.
MM*1't tight bulb, a movie camera, and the phonograph. Charles Darwi'!!.d
was also the owner of many companies, and some of them
~-· ie~ss today, e.g., General Electric. He was the loving
a 3 49 >)) Listen to five clues about two
oftwo wives-Mary Stillwell (1855-1884) and Mina Miller famous people. Do you know who they are?
;i,947)-and the father of six children. b With a partner, write clues about a famous
man and a woman (both dead).
c Read the texts again and answer the questions.
c Read your clues to another pair. Do they
l Why was Marilyn's life hard when she was a child? know the people?
2 Who were Joe DiMaggio and Arthur Miller?
3 Were there any men in The Supremes?
4 Why is The Supreme's music still popular today?
5 What was Thomas Edison good at when he was a boy?
6 Who was Thomas's second wife?
d Cover the texts. What can you remember?
Online Practice
V past time expressions What did they
P -ed endings want to do?
1 READING & LISTENING Charles Spencer,
Princess Diana's
a 3 SO>)) Read and listen to the true story about a trip. brother, has three
Number the sentences 1- 7. daughters. 18-year-old
Kitty. and 15-year-old twins
D The taxi arrived ac the girls' house. Eliza and Amelia. They live
in Althorp. a large country
n They looked out ofthe window. house near Northampton,
about 85 miles (136 kilo-
0 They chatted and listened co music. meters) north of London.
[1J The girls wanted to go to a match . One of the sisters and her friend wanted to go to a soccer
match in London. It was a Premier League match between
D The taxi stopped in a street with pretty houses. Chelsea and Arsenal at Stamford Bridge. They called a
0 They called a taxi. taxi to take them to London and back. The taxi arrived
0 The taxi driver typed their destination into his GPS. and the driver typed Stamford Bridge into his GPS. The
girls relaxed in the back of the car. They probably chatted.
b 3151 l)) Listen and check. Do you think they were listened to music on their iPods, and texted their friends.
in London? They didn't talk to the taxi driver.
c 3 •52l)) Listen to the news story on the radio. Where Two hours later the taxi stopped. They looked out of the
were they? window. It was a street with pretty houses.
>-d Communication Stamford Bridge p.103. Read some The girls were a little surprised. and they asked the taxi
driver where they were. "In Stamford Bridge," he said.
tourist information about the place they were in and "Where did you want to go?"
look at the map.
e Do you think it is easy to make a mistake like this?
Whose fault was it?
simple past: regular verbs
a Read the text again and highlig t ten more simple past
regular verbs[±], one simple past negative sentence B
and one simple past question [IJ.
b In pairs, complete the chart and answer questions 1- 3.
Simple present Simple past
They want to go to They to go to
the match. the match.
They don't talk to the They to the
taxi driver. taxi driver.
Where do you want to go? Where _ ___ to go?
- What letters do you add to a reguJar verb in the simple
past, e.g., call?
2 What do you do ifthe verb ends in e, e.g., type?
3 What happens to verbs that end with one vowel and
one consonant, e.g., chat, stop?
>-c p.136 Grammar Bank 78. Learn more about simple
past regular verbs and practice them.
d Stand up and move around the class. Ask Didyou... 4 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING
yesterday? questions with the verb phrases below. When
somebody answers Yes, I did, write his or her name. past time expressions
YESTERDAY a Number the past time expressions 1- 10.
Find a person who... 0 IDterday !D.Q.(ning
- used a GPS D last night
D lastmonth
- watched a soccer match D three days agQ
- chatted online mfive minutes agQ
- studied for an exam D last week
D last summer
- texted a friend 0 the day be~ y:esterday
0 a yearagg
- arrived at work I school late _ __ _ D in 2009
- listened to the radio p Past time expressions
We say last week, last month NOT t~
- started a new book ~. the last month.
- worked I studied until late b 51 >)) Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.
- played a computer game c Look at the questionnaire below.Tell your partner
true sentences with past time expressions. Ask for
00.Did you use a GPS yesterdar!l I didn't. Did you...? more information.
I cried at the end.of ) ( ~~· really?
3 PRONUNCIATION -ed endings
a movie last we~ ~twas it?
p Simple past regular verbs
The e in -ed is not usually pronounced, and -ed is When was
pronounced /di or /ti, e.g., closed /kloozd/, stopped /stopt/. the last time
The -ed is pronounced ltd/ only in verbs that end with the
sound 't/ or Id!, e.g., waited r we1t1d/, ended rcnd1dl. you...?
a 3 54 >)) Listen and repeat the verbs. * cried at the end of a movie
* traveled by plane
1 -ed = 1<l.1 2 -ed= .i: 3 -ed = '1d * started a new hobby
* walked more than 5 miles
called looked wanted
arrived relaxed chatted * booked a flight online
listened stopp»d texteo
* downloaded a song
b 3 55 >)) Look at the verbs in the list.Ghe ones that
belong to group 3. Listen and check. * played a sport
played finished started traveled asked missed * missed an English class
cooked needed watched lived liked typed * watched a really good movie
* called a friend
c 3 56>)) Listen to some verb phrases. Make true[±] or * exercise
El sentences about yesterday.
!.>))play tennis ( . ~layed tennis yesterday.I
~n·t play tennis yesterday.
Online Practice
" l!ular verbs What did
you do?
We went to
a restaurant.
a Look at the photos and read the introduction to the article.
For each photo, say why you think the night was memorable.
b Read about two people's nights, and match them to a photo.
c Read the texts again and match the questions to their answers in
the texts.
0 What time did you get back? D What did you wear?
0 What was the weather like? D Who were you with?
D What did you do?
C Why was it a memorable night?
0 When was it? Where were you?
II] It was in February when I went to New York City. [II It was last year. I was in
..... .................................. ..................................................................................... ... Istanbul, where I Live.
~ I was with my family, and it was my sister's birthday. She
rn I was with my friends. It was my best friend's birthday.
wanted to see a Broadway show. and my favorite actor,
Nick Jonas. was the star. So my dad got tickets and [}) I wore a black T-shirt and blue jeans.
organized a surprise meeting with Nick after the show.
I . .~.~r..i.~~ ~ hot night~..~.nd ~~~: water was really..~:~·~:~- . .....
[Ij I felt pretty. I wore a black dress and a red coat and
Irn We went to a great place called Cezayir. It's an old building with a
warm, black boots. great restaurant. We had dinner. and after dinner we had a coffee.
Then we went to the beach at Florya and swam in the ocean. It was
@] It was a cold and cloudy night. fantastic. The water wasn't very clean. but we didn't mind!
[fil After the show. many people were at the side door. @] After our swim. we were tired and decided to go back, but I
couldn't find my car keys! We went back to the beach and we
Then a theater worker opened the door and Nick looked everywhere. but it was too dark. In the end. I left the
Jonas came out! We were really excited because he car at the beach and I went home in my friend's car! I got home
spoke to us and said happy birthday to my sister! We really late. at 5:00 in the morning.
took some pictures with Nick, and then he left.
[7J It was a memorable night because we had a fantastic dinner and
@] We went back to our hotel at 11 p.m.
took a great swim. but also because I lost the car keys - 1t was my
12] It was an amazing evening! I saw a great show
f..,..,__fa_t~he-r-·s_c_a_r _an_d he was really angry!
and met my favorite actor. And my sister had a
memorable birthday.
2 GRAMMAR simple past: irregular verbs 4 VOCABULARY go, have, get
a Look at the article again and find the past tense of a Can you remember these phrases about Mehmet?
these irregular verbs. Write went, had, or BOt.
1 We to a great place called Cezayir.
can 'ai.lla 1kud' 2 We _ dinner, and after dinner we _ a coffee.
come /kcrnit 3 Then we_ to the beach at Florya.
feel 4 I _ home really late, at 5:00 in the morning.
get /fell)
go _ _ _ _ .1yo1 >b p.160 Vocabulary Bank go, have, get.
hear Wt:Ol f 5 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
leave /ha:dl
lose a Look at the questions in "A memorable night" below.
meet /hard/ What words are missing?
speak /left/ b 3 62 >)) Listen and repeat the questions. !:&py the
take ib~t f ~thm.
b 3 58>)) Listen and check. Practice saying the verbs.
>c p.136 Grammar Bank 7C. Learn more about simple
past irregular verbs and practice them.
d Work in pairs. A re-read the text about Maggie.
B re-read the text about Mehmet.
>e Communication A night to remember
Ap.103 Bp.108. Test your partner's memory.
Whose night do you think was more fun?
a You are going to listen to David from Spain talking a Think about a time you had a memorable night. Look
about his memorable night. Look at photo C from 1. at the questions in Sb and plan your answers.
Where was he? Why was it a memorable night?
b Interview your partner about his or her night.
b 3 60>)) Listen and check. c Write about your night. Answer the questions in Sb,
c Listen again. Correct the information. and use the article in 1 to help you.
I It was on August 11th. No, it was onJuly 11th.
2 He was in Buenos Ai res. 7 3 63>)) SONG Summer Nights ~
3 He watched the match in a hotel room.
4 He wore a Spanish soccer shirt and a yellow scarf.
S The match was in the evening.
6 There were a lot ofAmerican tourists there.
7 After the match, they went to a restaurant downtown.
8 It was very cold that night.
9 He got to the hotel at 4:00 in the morning.
Online Practice
a 3 64>)) Rob and Jenny are planning what to do on a Match the words and pictures. __J L - ..c•:::±:::::!::::..!
their free morning. Watch or listen once. What is
the problem? D on the mrner 'brn~' ~ • ~ G!J.=s5•;;;:;r;
[J at the traffic lights :'t ra:f1h. Ja1h1 1
111 A iD0 a bridge 1'11 1, 1-
m• lIJ:' •0 across (from) ;:rko-,,'
[] turn left t:>rn It ft'
rr3 0 l-=:I D
CJ turn right 1t:u 11 ra11i 01•C
0 go straight ahead ~1 rl'H ;o'htd CITJ•0
D go past (the church) 1p,C\l[
b 3 65>)) Listen and check.
a 3 66 >)) Jenny is trying to find the Tate Modern.
Watch or listen. Is it A, B, C, or D?
b Watch or listen again. Complete the sentences with ''
a word, a name, or a number.
•1Jenny I
I Rob suggests that they go _ _ _ __
2 He says that they can _ _ _ _ bikes.
3 calls _ _ _ __
4 Rob needs to interview an _ _ __ _
S Rob asks ifhe can do the interview on _ _ _ _ _
6 Rob and Jenny arrange to meet at - - - - -
o'clock outside the Tate Modern*.
0 Cultural note
•The Tate Modern is a famous art gallery in London.
b Watch or listen again. Complete the You Hear phrases. ~ JENNY AND ROB GO
You SayQ l)) YouHear
Excuse me, please. Where's •Idon't live here.
the Tate Modern?
Excuse me. Is the Tate The Tate Modern? It's near
Modern near here? here, but Idon't know
exactly . Sorry.
Thank you.
Excuse me. Can you tell me Yes, of course. Go straight
the way to the Tate Modern, on.Go the church.
please? Then turn - · · - at the
traffic lights. And it's at the
end of the street.
Sorry, could you say that Yes, go straight on. Go _ _ a 3 68l)) Watch or listen to Jenny and Rob. Mark the
again, please? the church. Then turn sentences T (true) or F (false). ·
at the traffic lights. And it's
at the end of the street. 1 The Millennium Bridge is for cars and people.
2 le was the first new bridge over the Thames in 100 years.
You can't it! 3 Rob interviewed the engineer last year.
4 Jenny doesn't like Shakespeare.
Thank you. 5 Daniel calls and invites Jenny to dinner.
6 Jenny accepts the invitation.
c 3 67 >)) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say phrases. 7 There's a gift shop on the top floor of the Tate Modern.
CQpy the ~thm. 8 The Tate Modern was a power station until I981.
d Practice the dialogue with a partner. b Watch or listen again. Say why the F sentences are false.
0 Can you._? or Could you...? c Look at the Social English phrases. Who says them:
Jenny, Rob, or Daniel?
Can you tell me the way to the Tate Modern?
Could you say that again, please? Social English phrases
We can use Can you...? Or Could you...? when we want to What a view!
ask another person to do something.
Could you...? is more polite. What is there to see?
e - In pairs, role-play the dialogue. A ask for directions Would you like to meet What would you like to visit?
to building A (the library). Start with Excuse me, for lunch? We could go to the Globe Theatre.
where's... ? B give directions. Then change roles. Ask That's really nice of you.
for directions to building C (the post office). Maybe another time?
Yes, of course.
American and British English
go straight ahead go straight on = British English
=American English
across from opposite= British English
=American English
d 3 69 >)) Watch or listen and check. Do you know what
they are in your language?
e Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases.
• Canyou...?
C ask for and understand directions
D give simple directions
D ask someone to do something in a polite way
Online Practice
G simple t ·pg• ;ir and irregular Did you hear
V irregular verbs anything during
P simple past verbs
the night?
a Read the back cover ofa murder story. Then
cover it and look at the photographs. Can
you remember who the people are?
Who's Amandai)_ 0he's Jeremy's wife.
b 4y2>)) Read and listen to the story. Mark the
sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the
F sentences.
Somebody killed Jeremy between 12:00 a.m.
and 2:00.
2 The detective questioned Amanda in the
living room.
3 Jeremy went to bed before Amanda.
4 Amanda and Jeremy slept in the same room.
5 Somebody opened and closed Amanda's door.
6 Amanda got up at 7:00.
7 Amanda didn't love Jeremy.
c Look at the !highlighted irregular verbs in
the story. What are the base forms?
1 was= be
2 PRONUNCIATION D etective Granger arrived at about 9:00.
He 1w~ a tall man with a big black
simple past verbs
mustache. Amanda, Barbara, Claudia,
a t4 •3>)) Listen to the pronunciation of these and Gordon 2were in the living room. The
detective 3camc in.
verbs in the simple past.
"Mr. Travers died between midnight last
sat could found heard read
said saw took wore night and seven o'clock this morning," he
4 said. "Somebody in this room killed him." He
b f414>)) Now match the verbs in a with a looked at them one by one, but nobody 5spoke.
word below that rhymes. Listen and check. "Mrs. Travers, I want to talk to you first.
Practice saying the words.
Come into the library with me, please."
book four Amanda Travers followed the detective into
round___ draw
bird ___ cat the library and they 6sat down.
good _ _ bed _ _ __ "What did your husband do after dinner
c ~4.., 5>)) Find and underline nine simple past last night?"
"When we finished dinner,Jeremy said he
regular verbs in the story. How do you
was tired and he 7 wem to bed."
pronounce them? Listen and check.
"Did you go to bed then?"
"No, I didn't. I went for a walk in the yard."
"What time did you go to bed?"
"About quarter to twelve!'
"Was your husband asleep?"
a '4_.6, 7, 8 >)) Listen to the detective question Barbara. Write the
information in the chart. Listen again and check. Then do the
same for Gordon and Claudia.
../fnuuula .<&r6ara !/ord<Nl {~amlia ·
What did I
they do after
dinner? She went for
a walk.
What time 11:45.
did they go
to bed?
Did they hear Jeremy's
anything? door opened
and closed.
/ :/
Possible She hated
motive? him.
f? b Compare your chart with a partner. Who do you think was the
murderer: Amanda, Barbara, Gordon, or Claudia? Why?
"I don't know, Detective.~e..~:- -- . !:1·'. ·
c "4~ 9>)) Now listen to what happened. Who was the murderer?
8slepl in separate rooms. But I 9saw ; ·i Why did he/ she kill Mr. Travers? Were you right?
that his door was closed." ~ ~,; 4 GRAMMAR simple past: regular and irregular
"Did you hear anything when you
. J~ a Cover the story and look at these verbs. Are they regular or
were in your room?" ~ irregular in the simple past? Write the simple past form 1±1 and El
"Yes, I lOhcardJeremy's bedroom for each verb.
eeme kill close speak sleep sit hate walk
door. It opened. I 11thought it was
J eremy. T hen it closed again. I 12read 1±1came El didn't come
in bed for halfan hour and then b 4 10>)) Listen and check.
I went to sleep." >c p.138 Grammar Bank SA. Learn more about simple past
"What time did you get·up this regular and irregular verbs and practice them.
morning?" >d p.165 Irregular verbs Check(,/) the irregular verbs you know.
"I 13got up at about 7:15. I 14had
Choose three new ones and learn them.
breakfast and at 8:00 I 15took my
husband a cup oftea.
> Communication Police interview A p.104 B p.108.
I 16found him in bed. He was...dead." Interview robbery suspects. Are they telling the truth?
"Tell me, Mrs. Travers, didyou love Online Practice
your husband?"
':Jeremyis.. .was a difficult man."
"But did you love him, Mrs. Travers?"
"No, Detective. I hated him.''
e are some I dny+ plural noun~ Is there
V the house a garage?
P /er/ and /ir/, sentence stress
1 VOCABULARY the house Beautiful country house.
a Read the advertisement about a house for rent. Very quiet. Six bedrooms,
Would you like to rent it? Why (not)? four bathrooms, large yard.
Five miles from town. Perfect
b Cover the advertisement. What can you remember family house.
about the house?
c With a partner, think of three things you can usually
find in a bedroom, a bathroom, and a living room.
>-d p.161 Vocabulary Bank The house.
a 4 13 >)) Kirn and Leo are a young couple. They want
co rent the house in I . Cover the dialogue and listen to
their conversation with Barbara. Which three rooms
in the house do they go into?
b Listen again and complete the dialogue.
K The yard is wonderful. I love it.
L Is there a 1ea.r~?
B Oh yes, there's a big garage over there. Let's go
inside the house.
This is the 2 • ihere are five rooms on this
floor: the kitchen, the 3_ _ , the living room,
the 4 _~ , the library...
L Wow! There's a library, Kim!
B This is the living room.
L I love the furniture-the old sofa, the armchairs,
the 5 .~ ...
B And this is the 6 . It's very big, as you can see.
K. Is there a dishwasher?
B No; there isn't. It's an old house, you see.
L Never mind. l think it's nice. Is there a 7_
B Yes, there's one 8_ _ _ and there are three upstairs.
K Are there any 9_ _ _ with children?
B No, there aren't any neighbors near here. But there are
some families with children in town.
K That's great. You lived in this house, 1s that right, Mrs...?
B Call me Barbara, dear. Yes, I lived here. A long time ago.
Now I live in town. Let's go io__ _ ...
- c 4 14>)) Listen. What does Kim say about one of the
bedrooms? Whose bedroom was it?
d 4 19>)) Listen and repeat. Copy the Ihx.thm.
A A re there any stairs?
s Yes,they're over there.
d '4 15>)) Kim and Leo go to a local restaurant. Listen A Is there a bank near here ?
and answer the quest ions. s Yes.
I What do they have to drink? Why? A Where?
2 What does the waiter tell them ... ? B There's one in the square.
a about what happened in the house e Practice t he dialogues with a partner.
b about Barbara
c about what happened to the house later f Ask your partner questions with Is there a.. .inyour...?
3 What do Kim and Leo decide to do? Are there any...inyour... ? Give more information in
your answers ifyou can.
3 GRAMMAR there is I there are
TV books plants pictures
a In groups of three, practice the dialogue in 2b.Then mirror fireplace lamps
complete the chart. kitchen bedroom bathroom
dining room living room
Is there a T~_,.., ') ( H. ~o, there isn't, but
in your kitch~ ~e·s one in the living room.
singular plural l 5 SPEAKING
There _ some families in
1±1 There's a yard. town. I a Look at the questionnaire Your h om e. Interview a
There aren't any neighbors. partner. Ask for and give more information if you can.
_ _ _ _ any neighbors? Your home
El There - - a dishwasher.
Ill ____ a garage?
b What's the difference between...? #l Do you live in a house or an apartment?
l There are three families in town. #l How old is it?
2 There are some families in town.
mHow big is it?
c ~ p.138 Grammar Bank 88. Learn more about
there is/ there are, etc., and practice it. mHow many bedrooms are there?
bat h rooms?
$ Is t here a study?
a yard or a balcony?
t.r and 1r , sentence st ress * - -- -- - -heat or central air conditioning?
Do you like it? Why (not)?
a 4.17 >)) Listen and repeat t he words and sounds.
b Draw a simple plan ofyour living room . Show the plan
to your partner and describe the room.
( ::~;~ is the living room. It's big and it's very light.
~e are two sofas and an armchair.
b Put the words in t he right place. 6 WRITING
c fut dear W · h the ~ p.114 Writing Describing your home.
n stairs th w h Ar wh Write a description ofyour house or apartment.
c 4 18 >)) Listen and repeat the words. 7 4 20 >)) SONG House of the Rising Sun fJ
Online Practice
V prepositions: place and movement
P silent letters
a Do you believe in ghosts? Are there buildings in your town / city
that people think are haunted?
b Read the text once and fi nd out:
Who are the ghosts in the two hotels?
2 Check (I') the things that happen in the hotels:
D Da people hear strange noises d lights go on and off
Db people see somebody De things fall on the floor
Cc doors open and close Df people feel that somebody is watching them
c Look at the highlighted words in the text related to hotels and guess their meaning.
d Would you like to stay in one of t hese hotels? Why (not)?
u t khttt
The owner of the hotel, Rod Davies, says, "I didn't bellfie
I came here, but strange things happen in the hotel Qne 9ues
in the middle of the night and saw a tall man stan -
checked out the next morning." Rod's wife says, •0nt
fell off a shelf in the lounge. And sometimes when I am .
someone is watching me, but when I t um around, nobclitf
GHOST HUNTERS: Ask for Room 11 www.. . .M I !
Comlongon is a 15th-century castle in a small Yitlqe
southwest Scotland. The cast le is haunted by the
ghost of lady Marion Carrut hers. lady Marlon was
she was married to a man she did not love, and In 1570 .....
the castle walls and killed herself. Many strange things h
hotel - doors open and close, and lights go on and off&l
An American couple once opened t he door of their room
woman sitting on the bed. They left because they th~t
the wrong room. In fact i t was their room, but when~
room was empty.
GHOST HUNTERS: Ask for The Carruthers suite.
2 VOCABULARY prepositions: place and movement b 4 25 >)) Do you think S tephen saw the
ghost? Listen to p a r t 2 and find out. Listen
a Look at the pictures of the ghosts from the hotel. Where is the again and answer the questions.
woman sitting? Where is the man standing?
Did he wake up during the night?
Ifyes, what time?
2 Did anything strange happen?
Ifyes, what?
3 Did he "feel" the ghost?
4 Was he frightened?
D D Dvery a little not at all
5 Would he like to go back?
Why (not)?
>b p.162 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. place and movement. 5 GRAMMAR
3 PRONUNCIATION silent letters there was I there were
p Silent letters a 4 26 >)) Complete the sentences from the
Some English words have a silent letter, listening with was, wasn't, were, or weren't.
e.g., in cupboard /'kAb:ird/ you don't pronounce the p. Then listen and check.
a 4 23>)) Listen and cross out the silent letter in these words. 1 There _ __ many other guests
building castle could friend ghost guest
half hour know listen talk what write in the hotel.
b Practice saying the words. 2 There _ _ _ only three.
4 LISTENING 3 There an old TV on a table,.
A newspaper, the Sunday Times, sent one of its journalists, 4 There _ _ _ a remote control.
Stephen Bleach, to Gosforth Hall Inn. They asked him
to spend the night in Room 11. >b p.138 Grammar Bank SC. Learn more
a 4 24>)) Listen to part 1 ofStephen's night. Correct the
information in these sentences. about there wasJthere were and practice it.
He arrived at Gosforth Hall early in the evening. 6 SPEAKING
2 There were four other guests in the hotel.
3 He talked co one ofthe guests. > Communication The Ghost Room
4 The manager was a man.
S He went to his room at 11:00. A pl04 B p.109. Look at the picture of
6 Room 11 was on the first floor.
7 The room was very small. another haunted hotel room for one minute.
8 There was a TV and a remote control. Try to remember what there was in the room.
9 There was a horror movie on TV.
10 He went to sleep at the end ofthe movie.
CCircl~ a, b, or c. a Complete the professions with -er, -or, -ist, or -ian.
1 Marilyn Monroe ___ an actress. a c t_ _ 3 paint__ S scient__
2 art__ 4 music__
a was b were c are
2 Where ___Shakespeare born? b Complete the phrases with have, BO, or Bet.
a was b were c is 1 _ __ a good time 4 a taxi
3 _ __ the tickets expensive? a sandwich
2 _ __ an email S
a Was b Were c Did
4 I_ _ a good movie on TV last night. 3 ___ away for the weekend
a watched b watch c watches c Complete the sentences with back, by, in, out, or to.
S They _ _ at Stamford Bridge stadium.
1 I went _ __ with my friends on Saturday night.
a didn't arrived 2 They went home _ __ car.
b don't arrived 3 What time did you get ___ the restaurant?
c didn't arrive 4 lwasborn _ _ 1982.
6 _ __ you see the soccer match last night? 5 After lunch, I went ___ to work.
a Did b Do c Was
7 We ___ to Cuzco three years ago. d Label the pictures.
a go b were c went
8 When _ __ in Los Angeles? l __ 2 3 __ 4_ _ 5 __
a you live e Write the prepositions.
b did you lived
c did you live I __ 2 _ _ 3 __ 4 __ s __
9 I ___ you at the party last night.
a didn't saw b didn't see c don't saw PRONUNCIATION
10 Whattime _ __ home?
a did you get b you did get c you got a Circle) the word with a different sound.
11 _ _ a big table in the living room.
a There are b There is c It is 1 'id! wanted waited Jived ended
12 How many bedrooms ___?
a there are b are there c are they c:::O2 saw walked thOught cOUld
13 There aren't ___ pictures on the walls.
a any b some c a 3 E heard met said teft
14 _ _ only three guests in the dining room. near there wel stairs
a There was b There were c There is ~ hour behind
15 How many people _ _ in the hotel?
a therewere
b wasthere
c werethere
/i'\ hall heat
- b l!nderline the stressed syllable.
1 mujsilcian 2 algo 3 yes jterlday 4 be ltween 5 fire lplace
a Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or PEOPLE?
F (false).
4 28>)) On the street Watch or listen to five people
Arthur Conan Doyle was Scottish, but he worked and answer the questions.
in England.
2 He started writing stories about Sherlock Holmes
while at university.
3 Conan Doyle lived at 22 lb Baker Street in London.
4 In 1893, he didn't want to write more Sherlock Holmes
stories. Heba Polly Jeanna Phoebe Ben
5 Sherlock Holmes didn't die in Austria. Heba
6 Sherlock Holmes is very popular today. a has family in New York
b lives in Egypt
b Look at the h1ghllgl1tea words or phrases in the text c was born in Cairo
2 Polly went out for dinner on
and guess their meaning.
a Friday b Saturday c Sunday
...., ' 3 Jeanna likes her kitchen because
J : I .. a it has a refrigerator
b it's not big
1~~~he man wh~_wrote c it has two stoves
4 Phoebe's bedroom
:·:;:::H:L... a has a big bed
b has nice windows
-:.·:::m:•••·• c isbig
.~. ~!~. 5 Yesterday evening, Ben
a went out to a restaurant
mg;;· b worked at home
c went to bed early
if.;;_··I Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh on
rEE;;,. .. May 22, 1859.He studied medicine at Edinburgh
f:t" ,:.:: Univel'~ity, and as a student, he began writing short
Hm stories. He became a doctor in the south of England, but
~:#.iat fii-st he didn't have many p,gt1er it . So in his free time,
he began wrjting stories about avery smart dete '
Stierl ock Holmes Conan Doyle based Holmes's
person9tlty on one-0f his university professors. Holmes,
who llves:at221 b Baker Street rn London,is famous for
solving:difficult crim and mysteries using his great CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH?
. intelligence. The SlTerlock Holmes storiessoon became Do the tasks with a partner. Check(-/) the box ifyou
can do them.
m:· very popul-ar, butin 18CJ3, Conan Doyle became tired of his
Can you...?
detective, and decided to ·tiflr him. In The Final Problem,
L1 say three things about a famous (dead) person from
Sherlock Holmes-and h~ enem) , ProfessorMoriarty, die
your country
when theyfa:ll off the Reichenbach Falls in Switzerland.
D2 say five things you did last week, using past time
. _But people werevery unhappy to lose Sherlock Holmes,
expressions, e.g., last night, yesterday, (three) days
::·:w~:nd there were letters in many newspapers asking for him
ago, etc.
~:~:~:. · to COIT'P ba· k. Finally, in 190 I, Conan Doyle
lJ3 say where and when you were born
::m, brought hfm back in a new story, The Hound
D4 ask your partner five questions about yesterday
of tM Boskeriillles. He ex-plained that Holmes
did not die in the Reichenbach Falls, but •• Sho;t Jm;~i;~ Ed1nburg·h-ca,-;je
Watch and enjoy the movie.
miraculously ~u v1..tedl Conan Doyle ...... ...._.......
died on July 7, 1930, but Sherlock -: VIDEO
Holmes continues to live both in
the stoMs and in many movie
versions. Recently, he was the
inspiration for the character
Dr. Gregory House in the TV
series House.
I Online Practice
le u"'c ourtable nouns , some y
What did you
have for lunch?
A pizza and
some salad.
a What food words do you know
in English ? Wit h a partner, try to
think of five words.
>-b p.163 Vocabulary Bank Food.
a Look at the photos that show meals What I ate last week
that three people - a polo player, a
model, and an actress - ate last week.
Guess which person ate which meal.
b Read three articles from a series Nacho Figueras polo player
New York Diet in New York MaBazine.
Check your answers to a. Wednesday
c Read the articles again. Answer the Breakfast In the morning, I drank an Argentinian drink called
questions with P (the polo player), mate. I put it in a pot, and I drink it with a ;Stra . It's like green
M (the model), or A (the actress). tea. I start every day with mate. I also had itoasi and cream c eese.
Lu 1 !t I had a salad, just a regular salad at a hotel. I was in the
l never eats one kind of food? area for a meeting, so I just had it there.
2 didn't have salad for lunch?
Dinner We put the kids to sleep first. I kissed them good night.
3 has tea every morning? Then, I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art restaurant with
4 didn't have soup for dinner? my wife. I had soup and a dish ofmushroom risotto.
5 had dinner at a restaurant?
6 didn't drink tea or coffee? Selita Ebanks model
7 didn't eat any fruit?
8 had breakfast, lunch, and dinner in Sunday
one place? Breakfast I was in Dallas, Texas for business. I had a nice
9 had home-cooked food? with my manager at the hotel. I had an omelet, toast, and
pancakes. I also had coffee and orange juice.
d With a partner, look at the highlighted
words related to food and guess their Lunch I had some meetings after breakfast, so I worked from
meaning. Use the photos to help you. the hotel. I had fruit, potato chips, and French fries sent to my
room so I didn't have to leave the hotel.
e Whose food do you prefer? Why?
Dmner We ate in my manager's room. I had chicken and
mashed..p6tatoe~. Then I flew from Dallas to New York City.
The plane landed around I a.m. I drank a lot of water because I
was so thirsty. When r got home, l had to walk my dogs!
Jennifer Esposito actress
Breakfast I am very careful about what I eat. I don't eat food
with wneat, or I.get sick. I also don't eat at restaurants often.
risotto an lcalian dish made with rice and So I had a bowl of cereal with fruit for breakfast.
Lunch Lunch was a big salad. I was at work on a new movie, so
vegecable or meat broth
omelet a dish with eggs, often with small
pieces ofmeat, vegetables, or cheese they got me a salad with olives, lettuce, carrots, and tomatoes.
pa ncakes thin, sweet, round cake~. cooked Dmner For dinner, I made soup with pasta and vegetables. I
- in a pan
._____ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ ____, like to cook. About ten years ago when I was in Los Angeles,
I was bored, so I started cooking to be creative.
.. GRAMMAR countable I uncountable 6 LISTENING
nouns; aI an, some I any a What cooking shows do you have on TV in your
country? What do you think ofthem? Do you
a Look at the photos. Fill in the sometimes use their recipes?
blanks with a, ar1, or some.
I _ __ strawberry
2 ____ tomato
3 rice
4 _ __ _ cookies
s onion
b ,.... p.140 Grammar Bank 9A.
Learn more about countable/
uncountable nouns, etc., and
practice them.
c Make sentences with there's a/ an/ some... and
there are some... Choose food and drink from
p.163 Vocabulary Bank ood. b 4 32>)) Listen to part 1of a TV cooking competition
called Get ready! Cook! where contestants have to
4 PRONUNCIATION the letters ea cook an appetizer, a main course, and a dessert.
Answer the questions.
a How is ea pronounced in these words? Put them in the 1 How many ingredients are there in the bag?
correct column. 2 How long do the contestants have to make theil"dishes?
bread breakfast eat h ealthy ice cream 3 Name three ofthe basic ingredients they can use.
meat peas steak t ea c 4 33>» Listen to part 2. Complete the dishes that Jack
and Liz make.
cp j ~~~I
r amtree egg
2 breasts filled with
3 pancakes with _ __ IJudge's comments
b 4 31 >)) Listen and check. Practice saying the words. 1 carrot and salad
Which is the most common pronunciation ofea?
with _ _ _ dressing
- :--sa_u_c_e_ _:-~:-h-~-r_ea__m~- ~ - -- -
a Make a food diary for yesterday. Write down what food mousse J
and drink you had. Use Vocabulary Bank Foo 1p.16 1to
help you. d ,..... Communication Get ready! Cook! p.109 Look at the
Breakfast a cup ofcoffee, some cereal photos of their dishes. Whose dishes do you prefer?
b Work in pairs.Tell each other what you had yesterday. e 4 34 >)) Listen to part 3. What does the judge say about
Was it very similar or very different? Jack and Liz's dishes? Who wins?
<;;_or breakfast, I had a cup ofcoffee and some ce1eal. f In pairs, think ofone ofyour favorite dishes. Write the
ingredients you need. Tell your partner.
Online Pro f
G u• n' f 0 s lie rr uchl how many, a lot of, etc How much salt
V food containers does it have?
P !fl and Isl
1 VOCABULARY food containers
a 4 35>)) Match the words and pictures. Listen and check.
D a bottle :__J a box [__! a can LJ aQI.tOn LJ a jar LJ a~ckage ~a bag
b 4 36l)) Listen and write five phrases.
c Make phrases with the containers and the words below. <;_;_package of cookies
cookies chocolates soda potato chips juice jam water rice sugar tuna
quantifiers: how muchI how many, a lot of, etc. a 4 3Bl)) Listen and repeat the words
and sounds.
a Look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Then ask and
answer questions about the food. J1f. sugar ~ salt
fish chocolates
sh ower snake
a lot a little I not much none
l ( ..How much sugar i~_._.., ~·m not sure. b 4 39 l)) Put the words in the right column.
there in dark chocot~ ~nk there's a tot. Listen and check.
>b Communication Sugar and salt p.109. Check your answers to a. cereal sauce delicious fre sh
information center rice glass reception
c Complete the sentences with a food or drink from a. salad science shopping special sure
1 There isn't any sale in _ __ c 4 40>)) Listen and repeat the dialogue. Then
2 There's a little sugar in _ __ practice it with a partner.
3 There's not much salt in
4 There's a lot ofsugar in _ __ A Are you sure this is salt? I think it's sugar.
B No, I'm sure it's salt. I put some in the rice
d )>- p.140 Grammar Bank 98. Learn more about quantifiers and
practice them. salad.
A Let's taste the salad... Aargh. It was sugar.
I told you.
B Sorry!
a Read rhe quest ionnaire and complete the questions
wirh Jl o ll' muclz or How many.
How much sugar and c,att do YOU .ave a t y? At different times in history, both suga r and salt
were called "white gold,'' because they were so
Sugar expensive and difficult to get. But there are many
more interesting facts about sugar and salt. ..
1 _ _ spoonfuls of sugar do you have in your
tea or coffee?
a t wo or more b one c none • Christopher Columbus introduced
2 cans of soda (or other carbonat ed drinks) _ _ _ to the New World in 1493
do you drink a day? on his second voyage.
a two or more b one c none • If you eat too much 2_ _ __
(about .03 ounces per 2.2 pounds
3 _ _ _fruit or fruit juice do you have a day? of weight), you can die. This was
a method of ritual suicide in
a a lot b not much c none ancient China.
4 cookies do you eat a week?
a a lot b not many c none
Salt •Salzburg in Austria was
called "the city of 3_ _ _
5 How of ten do you add salt to your food at the table? because of its mines.
a always b sometimes c never
6 take-out food do you eat? •If you want to check if an egg is fresh , put it in
a alot b not much c none a cup with water and 4 . If the egg floats,
7 bread do you eat a day? it isn't very fresh.
a a lot b a little c none • In Brazil, fuel made from 5_ _ _ is used irn cars
instead of gas.
B cheese do you eat a week?
a a lot b a little c none
b In pairs. interview your partner. Do you think he/ she • Americans eat or drink abouts pounds of 6_ _ _
needs to eac less sugar and sale? a month.
c Work in pairs. A say how much you eac / drink of the • 7 is used to make glass, laundry detergent,
things below. B respond a nd ask for more information. and paper.
Then say ifyou th ink A has a healrhy die t or not.
Change roles. • 8 kills some bacteria, and so helps food to
last longer, which is why cheese contains a lot.
f ish meat pot atoes vegetables chocolat e
fast food eggs pasta olive oil butt er • If you put 9 into a vase of flowers, the
I eat a lot of fis~ 0 owoften do you eat fish? flowers last longer.
• 10 only contains energy. It doesn't contain
any vitamins or minerals.
• Sure and 11 are the only two words in
the English language that begin with "su" and
5 READING are pronounced "sh."
a Read the magazine article White Gold. With a partner, • We need to have a little u _ __
complete the facts with SUBar or salt.
in our diet, but not more than
b Read the article again, and highJighc five
new words or phrases. Compare with 4 grams a day, which is about
a partner.
one teaspoon.
c Did any ofthe facts surprise you?
6 4 41>)) SONG Sugar Sugar
C 1r t ''e d jertives Is t he US bigger
V high numbers than Mexico?
P far/, sent ence stress
a Read three questions from a radio a 4 45 >)) W hat quiz shows are popular in your country?
quiz show. Choose the right answer for Listen to the introduction to a quiz show called Quiz Night.
each question. Answer the questions.
Wha~ 15 tlw ~ppttl~ltntl tl' populatioh How long do the contestants have to say if the sentences are
,, "1\1 true or false?
a 68,000,000 2 How much do they win if they get... ?
b 78,000,000
c 88,000,000 a the first answer right c the third answer right _ _ _
' iow mmv til lot1~s i'ltt? the'" 111 a Big Ma~? b the second answer right d all eight answers right _ _ _
a 670 3 If they get an answer wrong, how much do they lose?
b 540
c 305 4 What can a contestant do if they are not sure of the answer?
1 How t;;i• •'> 1~ fton' t-.lew 'fotk C1ly lo b In pairs, look at the sentences from Quiz Night. Write T (true) or
, \ n1:P.l'"' F (false).
a about 2,500 miles c 4 46 >)) Listen to a contestant on Quiz NiBht. Check your an,swcrs
b about 1,500 miles
c about 3,100 miles to b. How much does she win? '
d Listen again for why the answers are true or false. Write down
any numbers you hear.
b 4 42>)) Listen and check. How do
you say the three answers?
>c p.149 Vocnbul1ry Bank DBys ltf'ld
numbers. Do part 4.
d Look at the numbers below. Correct
the mistakes.
175 a hundred and seventy-five
2,1 50 two thousand and
one hundred and fifty
3,009 three thousand nine
20,000 twenty thousands
3,000,000 three millions
e 4 44>)) Listen and write the ten numbers
you hear.
f Answer the questions with a partner.
What's the population ofyour town {city?
2 What's the population ofyour country?
3 How far is it from your town/ city to...?
a New York City
b London
3 GRAMMAR comparative adjectives Jeopardy!
a Look at the adjectives in the quiz sentences. In A quiz show where three t ,ntestaj1t
pairs, answer the questions. answer general know t-dgt> questions
about many different subjects. Correct
Using adjectives to compare two t hin gs: answers must be in the form of a question
I What two letters do you put at the end ofone- The contestant with the most money at
the end :. ·
S) liable adjectives (e.g., cold)?
2 Why is biB different? Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
3 What happens when an adjective ends in -y?
4 What word do you pul in front oflong adjectives A quiz show where contestants can win a
maximum , ·~e of one million dollars if
(e.g., danBerous)? they can answer multiple choice questions
S What's the comparative form of8ood and bad? that become more and more difficult.
6 What's the missing word? Contestants can usually get help three
ways: They can ask the .11Hl1<' r:ic..e., reduce the
Chma is biBBer _ /apart. four choices to two, or call a friend.
b )i- p.140 Grammar Bank 9C. Learn more about
comparative adjectives and practice them.
4 PRONUNCIATION Are You Smarter Than a -
5th Grader?
/~r , sentence stress
A quiz show where contestants answer
a 4 48 >)) Listen to the eight quiz sentences from 2. questions about subjects that 5th-grade
How is -er pronounced at the end ofa word? students Learn ln school. If contestants need
help, they ask actual 5th-grade students who
b Listen again and repeat the sentences. are part of the show. When contestants give
an incorrect answer or leave the game, they
.G.Qpy the lfuthm.
......must say, "I'm not smarter than a 5th grader."
)i- Communication Quiz Night A p.105 B p.110. Q Who is the best quiz contestant in
Play Quiz NiBht. the country?
6 READING A Ken Jennings
a Read about three quiz shows. Do you have the In 2004, Ken Jennings, a 30-year·old software engineer, 1..wo.a
same or similar shows in your country? Do you
enjoy them? more games than anybody in US quiz show history. He 2
b ow read about Ken Jennings. Why is he the a 74·game winner on Jeopardy! and won over $2.5 million!
best quiz contestant in the country?
But Jeopardy! 3 _ not the only quiz show he appeared
c Read the article again and complete it with
a verb from the list in the simple past. on. In 2008, Ken, cor µeted on Are You Smarter Than a 5th
answer ask be become get Grader? He 4_ _ all the questions except the last one
give know play wffl
because he wasn't sure he 5 the answer. He didn't win
d With a partner, look at the
lug ·gh.t@words in the texts and had to say, "I'm not smarter than a 5th grader."
related to quiz shows and guess
their meaning. Ken was never a contestant on Who Wants to Be
e Would you like to be a contestant a Mil/ionalfe?, but he was an "expert"- a person
on a quiz show? Which one?
with a lot of knowledge. When contestants needed
help, they 6 Ken.
In 2011, Ken 7 _ _ Jeopardy! again. But this
time he competed against past Jeopardy! rnt:iJ.Qr
Brad Rutter and Watson, an IBM supercomputer.
In a two·game match, Watson ti both Ken and
Brad. Ken was second and 8 $300,000,
_ _ to a charity.
Online Practice
' ·-~~ajil restaurant
.L:..lliillll!!:::.J.:::.&~.Ut.;l!iro..:.:::!111&1..____.::._,________~.::.:~ln!mmm1,;~ g=~":: ·
a 4 491)) Watch or listen and mark the sentences T (true) understanding a menu
or F (false).
a Complete the menu with Main courses,
1 Jenny and Rob worked lase night. Desserts, or Appe tizers.
2 Jenny wants to read Rob's article.
3 It's Eddie's birthday today. b 4 521)) What do t he higliligbted words
4 Rob and Daniel invite Jenny to dinner. mean? How do you pronounce them?
5 Jenny says yes to Rob. Listen and check.
c Cover the menu. In pairs, try to remember
what's on the menu.
. .,
u191 s
2 courses $20.00
3 courses $29.00
Onion soup
Mozzarella and tomato salad
b Watch or listen again. Say why the F sentences are false. Grilled ch icken breast
with vegetables
c 4 50>)) Read the information box. Listen and repeat B's phrases. Mushroom ravioli
6 eaiood risotto
0 Responding to what somebody says
l::lomemade vanilla ice cream with
l A It's my birthday today. B Happy birthday! hot chocolate .sauce
2 A We won t he game! B Congratulations! j' r~h fruit salad
3 A I have my driving test tomorrow. B Good luck! ,
4 A I got all my English homework right. B Good job!
--~A I didn't get the job. IB ~ett:r_~~c~ next time.
d 4 51 l)) Listen and respond with phrases from the box.
>)) I got two goals this afternoon. ~ood job!
a 4 55>)) Watch or listen and answer the questions.
1 How does Jenny usually celebrate her birthday?
2 Do they order dessert or coffee?
3 What does Daniel say to Jenny after the meal?
4 How doe!> Jenny answer?
5 Does Barbara give Jenny good news or bad news?
6 Where docs Jenny want to go after the meal?
a 4 53>)) Watch or listen to Jenny and Daniel having
dinner. What food do they order?
b Watch or listen again. Complete the You Hear phrases.
>)) You Hear You Say ;i.- J
- -- -- --
Good evening. Do you Yes, a table for two.
have a ? My name's Daniel O'Connor. b Look at the Social English phrases. Who says them:
Jenny, Daniel, the waiter, or Barbara?
Come this
please. Social English phrases
Nothing special.
Are you ready ·· Would you like a dessert? The same for me, please.
to ? Not for me, thanks. Go ahead.
I'd like the mozzarella salad and A decaf espresso. Good news?
then the chicken, please. Could I have the bill, please?
What would you American and British English
_ __ to drink? A bottle of mineral water, please.
= =check American English bill British English
_ _ or sparkling? Is sparkling OK?
Thank you, sir. Thank you. c 4 56>)) Watch or listen and check. Do you know what
they are m your language?
c 4 54>)) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say phrases.
Copy the ~chm. d Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases.
d Practice the dialogue in groups of three. • Canyou...?
e .... In groups of three, role-play the dialogue. A is use common phrases, e.g.. Good luck.
the waiter. Start with Good everiin[J. Doyou have a
reservation? Band C go to LuiBi's. Then change roles. =:J• J
understand a menu
1order a meal
Online Practice
VOCABULARY places and buildings
a Complete these famous tourist sights with a word from
the list. Do you know what countries/ cities they are in?
Bridge Castle Mountains Square Street
Trafalgar _ __ 4 Edinburgh _ __
5 The Rocky _ __
2 The Golden Gate
3 Wall _ _
b 5 2>)) Listen and check.
>c p.164 Vocabulary Bank Places and buildings.
2 GRAMMAR superlative adjectives
a Look at the photos. Do you know what countries
they arc in?
b 5 4>)) With a partner, complete the captions with
a phrase from the list. Listen and check.
the biggest the busiest the most dangerous
the longest the most popular the widest
c Complete the chart with superlatives from b.
Adjective Comparative Superlative
big bigger the biggest
long longer
wide wider
busy busier
dangerous more dangerous
popular more popular
d What letters do you add to a one-syllable
adjective co make a superlative? What
words do you put before longer adjectives?
>e p.142 Grammar Bank lOA. 5
Learn more about superlative
adjectives and practice them.
4 Tiananmen Square
a 5 6 l)) Listen and repeat the adjectives in 2 c. a Work in pairs.
[p-~::~~~~:: ~;:~~~-~:-::,.:~sona~t: t~=~::.-~-:~-1 A Imagine you are a tourist in your tmvn (or nearest big
L___(as~:~~ c~n ~e _d~f~i~-~~ to~-°-~~~~:~~- _ town) who only speaks English. Ask B, who lives in
__________J the town, questions 1-5. Get as much information
as you can.
b 5 7 l)) Listen and repeat these superlatives.
B You live in your town. A is a tourist who doesn't speak
the most expensive the most exciting the oldest
the most beautiful the smallest your language. Answer his f her questions (1-5).
c > Communication Cities quiz A p.105 B p.110. Explain everything very clearly and give as much
Complete the questions with superlative adjectives. information as you can!
Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.
Then change roles for questions 6-10.
What's the ~~st ) ( I think Griffth Park.
a Read the article below and look at the photo. Would
you like to ride a bike there? Why (not)? beautiful par~ .µ--
b Read the article again. Then cover the text and answer Where's tha ~ { ~t.':.?own town, near the
the questions in pairs.
~ywood sign. It has...
1 Where is the North Yungas Road?
2 Why is it called "Death Road"? A 1 What's park? (beautiful)
3 How wide is the road? way to get around? (easy)
4 Why is it popular with bike riders? 2 What's
5 When is the most dangerous time of year to go? 3 What's museum? (interesting)
6 Why is the road similar to London Bridge 4 What's time ofyear to visit? (good)
5 What's place to eat typical food? (nice)
and the Sydney Opera House?
7 Why didn't Marte enjoy riding a bike on the B 6 What's building? (old)
Yungas Road? 7 What's place to go for a day trip? (nice)
c In pairs, guess the meaning of the lllglilightea words. 8 What's __ area to walk at night? (dangerous)
d Is riding a bike popular in your country/ region? [s 9 Where's _ _ place to buy a souvenir? (good)
there an area that is very popular with bike riders? Why?
10 What's area to go at night? (popular)
b Imagine you want to advertise your town / city for
tourists. Write an advertisement using superlative
adjectives. Add photos ifyou can.
Come to Veracruz. It isn't the biggest or the most important
town in Mexico, but it has the nicest people and the most
delicious seafood...
G be going to (plans), future time expressions What are
V vacations
P sentence stress
1 LISTENING 2 GRAMMAR be going to (plans)
a Read the dictionary definition for couch, and look at the a 5 lOl)) lria Gonzalez Liano, a teacher from Spain,
CouchSurfing website. What do you think CouchSurfing is? is going to CouchSurfthrough all SO states in the
couch /kaotJ/ noun 1 a long comfortable scat for two US. Cover the dialogue and listen to the interview.
What are her plans?
orin6:repeoplc to sit on(= a sofa) 2 the bed in a
Listen again and fill in the blanks with a verb.
" doctor's room for a patient to lie on
Host Tell me about your plans, lria.
b 5 Bl)) Listen to part of a radio travel program. Were you
right? How does CouchSurfing work? lria I'm go_ing to travel around the U - to all
c 5 9l)) Now listen to the speaker give more details about 50 states.
CouchSurfing. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Host Wow! That's amazing! How lon_g are ,you going
D1 CouchSurfers usually pay their host a little money.
D2 You need to create a profile on the website. to.JJ in each state?
D3 When you find a person with a bed, you call them to
lria I'm not sure, but I think maybe three nights
agree on the days you want to stay.
in each state-maybe more in big states like
D4 You have to offer other people a bed in your house
California and Texas.
or apartment.
Host ltio areyou going to 1 ~
05 CouchSurfing is safe because you can read what other
lria I'm going to stay with all kinds of people. I want
travelers say about the host.
to make new friends across the US!
D6 The host always shows their guests their city.
7 LJ You can CouchSurfall over the world. Host Are you going to 4 on a couch?
d Would you like to go CouchSurfing? Why (not)? Would you lria Yes, I'm going to sleep on a lot of couches!
like to have a stranger stay in your house? Why (not)?
Host How are )'OU going to s ?
lria rillgQJDg tqJ most y_ by QMsJ
Host What are you going to 7 _ _ _ in each state?
lria I don't just want to see the typical tourist
sights. I hope I'm going to 8 things that
aren't in a guide book.
Host Well, have a good trip and good luck!
c Look at the[liigfiiiglite sentences in the dialogue.
Then answer the questions.
What form is the verb after goin8 to?
2 Do we use 80iti8 to to talk about the past, the
present, or the future?
>d p.142 Grammar Bank 108. Learn more about
be BoinB to (plans) and practice it.
e Number the future time expressions 1- 8.
[J tonight D tomorrow night
D next year Q] today
D Dtomorrow morning next week
L next month :=J tomorrow afternoon
- f 5 12 l)) Listen and check. Then listen again and
repeat. Make four true sentences about your plans.
sentence stress vacations
a 5 13>)) Listen and repeat the highlighted phrases in 2b. a Complete the vacation phrases using a verb
from the list.
Copy the tlzy.thm.
go have see stay show
I'mgQing to travel around the US.
1 _ _ in a hotel/ with a friend J for a week
b > Communication What are you going to do? A p.105 B p.110. 2 __ somebody around your town / city
Interview a partner about his/ her plans. 3 the sights
4 _ _ by train (bus, plane) J back home
4 READING 5 __ a good time / nice meals
a Read Iria's blog about her CouchSurfing trip. Did she have b In pairs, plan a vacation. You are going to
a good time? visit three citiei; on the same continent. Your
vacation can be a maximum often days.
b Read the blog again. Then cover it and answer the questions
Answer the questions:
from memory.
• What cities are you going to visit?
What color was the desert in New Mexico?
2 Where were the big, beautiful houses? • Where are you gomg to stay?
3 Which state didn't have much ta do?
4 What information did she have in case things didn't work out? • How arc you going to get there?
5 What was a problem she had?
6 How did she feel before meeting a host? • Hm' long are you going to stay in each city?
c Read the blog again and look at the iighlig Wil verb phrases.
With a partner, say what you think they mean. r -- - - -,• What are you going to do in each place?I
j) Making suggestions
L Let's (go to...) I prefer to (go to...)
Why don't we (go to...)? That's a good idea. :
I had fun CouchSurfing through the US. Every stale c Change partners. Tell each other about your
had something interesting to see. In my opinion. the vacation plans.
best states were New Mexico and Rhode Island. I "" We're going to go to South America - to
Buenos Aires, Rio, and Montevideo. We're
loved the desert and its -.-..~ gorng to CouchSurf because we don't have
much money...
pretty. brown colors rn New
Mexico. I also enjoyed the
d Do you prefer your new parcner's plane;?
Spanish history there In Rhode Island, Would you like to change partners and go
with him / her?
..__.......,,__.... of some big beautiful houses.
North Dakota was my least favorite state
because there wasn't much to do.
I never had a bad experience while CouchSurfing. However, I always
had a hotel address in case things a· 1 · a"
IOI peop!J, and I slept in all kinds of places, from comfortable beds
to old couches! I only had one problem-sometimes I arrived late 6 WRITING
at a host's house. Once it was because I forgot to change the time >- p.115 Writing A formal email. Make a
on my watch. Another time 1 g~ . Then one time I didn't have reservation at a Bed and Breakfast.
a cell phone, so I couldn't call my host and my host couldn't call
me! Whenever that happened, I tried to stay calm. CouchSurfers
and hosts are usually friendly and very understanding.
The best thing about CouchSurfing ..
1s seeing the world and meeting
new people at the same time I •
love that when I travel somewhere,
I have "friends" to stay with. I'm
always excited before meeting a
host. And the worst thrng about
CouchSurfing? Sometimes the
couch you sleep on can be very
surprising That's the real adventure!
Online Prnrtirn
G 1e RC 1(T t (pr"ldictions) Am I going to
V verb phrases fall in love?
P the letters oo
a Do people in your country go to fortune -tellers, or use a 5 14>)) Read and listen to PART 1 ofa story. In pairs,
fortune -telling sites on the Internet? Do you believe in answer the questions.
fortune -telling?
Who does Jane wane to see?
b Match the fortune-teller's cards and verb phrases. 2 Who is going co tell her about her future? Why?
3 Why couldn't she see the man very well?
D become famous ::J get a lot of money
L get a new job b 5 lSl)) Listen to part 2.
C get married [] have a surprise Then, with a partner, complete
~ be illcky the information.
n meet somebody new
i::J travel Jane has a problem with
D fall in love her
::J move co a new house 2 She chooses __ cards.
3 Her first card means she's
going to be _ _.
4 Jane asks the fortune -teller
ifshe's going to _ _ with her friend.
c 5 16 >)) Read and listen to PART 3. In pairs, answer
the questions.
I What's che second card? What does ic mean?
2 Why is this a problem for Jane?
3 What's her third card? What does it mean?
4 Who's Jim? Where did Jane meet him?
5 What do you think the fourth card is going to be?
d 5 1 7>)) Listen to part 4. Then,
with a partner, complete the
Her fourth card means she is
going to her friend
and go away with Jim
2 Very soon they are going
3 Jane asks ifshe is going to
be and the fortune-
teller says _ _.
4 She pays the fortune -teller
$_ _.
- e 5 18>)) Read and listen to PART 5. In pairs, answer
the questions.
Who was the fortune -teller?
2 Why did he pay Madame Yolanda $100?
3 What's the fifth card? What do you think is going
to happen?
PARTl 3 GRAMMAR be going to (predictions)
"Come in," said a voice. Jane Ross opened the door and
went into a small room. There was a man sitting behind a Look at these two sentences. Which one is a plan?
Which one is a prediction?
a table. l She's going to be very lucky.
"Good afternoon," said Jane. 2 She's going to go on vacation next week.
"I want to see Madame Yolanda, the fortune -teller."
" Madame Yolanda isn't here today,'' said the man. >-b p.142 Grammar Bank lOC. Learn more about be
" But don't worry. I'm going to tell you about your BoinB to (predictions) and practice it.
future. What questions do you want to ask?" Jane
looked at the fortune-teller. She couldn't see him very c Write four predictions, about the weather, sports,
well because the room was very dark. your town / coun try, and you. Use I think.. ·BoinB to...
I think it'sgoing to snow tonight.
He turned over the second card. d Compare your predictions with a partner. Do you agree?
"Hmm, a house. A new house. You're going to move, 4 PRONUNCIATION the letters oo
very soon, to another country."
rp The pronunciation of oo
"But my friend works here. He can't move to oo can be pronounced l<i (e.g., book /buk/) or /u/
another country." (e.g., spoon /spun/). use your dictionary to check the
pronunciation of new oo words.
"Let's look at the next card," said the fortune-teller. Be careful, room can be pronounced 1rurru or 'rum/.
He turned over the third card.
a 5 20>)) Listen to the two sound words. Can you hear
"A heart. You're going to fall in love." the difference in the vowel sound?
"With who?" asked Jane.
"Let me concentrate. I can see a tall man. He's very b s 21 l)) Listen and write the words in the right column.
"Oh, that's Jim," said Jane. afternoon book choose c ok food good
"Who's Jim? Your friend?" took moon school soon spoon too t ook
"No. Jim's a man I met at a party last mont~. He's an
actor, from New York. He says he's in love with me. It c 5 22 l)) Listen and check.
was his idea for me to come to Madame Yolanda."
"Well, the card says that you're going to fall in love d Practice saying the sentences.
with him."
"Are you sure?" asked Jane. "But what about my Good afternoon. It's too soon!
boyfriend?" Look at the moon!
"Let's look at the fourth card," said the fortune-teller. He's a good-looking cook. Is the f ood g ood?
The fortune -teller stood up. He turned on the light.
At that moment, an.old woman came in. "So, what Role-play fortune-telling.
happened?" she asked.
A Look at the ten cards in 1. Secretly, number the cards
"It was perfect! She believed everything," said Jim. 1- 10 in a different order.
"I told you, I'm a very good actor. She was sure I was a
fortune-teller!" B Choose five numbers between 1 and 10.
He gave the woman $100. A Predict B's future using those cards.
"That's Jane's $50 and another $50 from me. Thanks
B Ask for more information. Then change roles.
very much, Madame Yolanda. Bye."
Madame Yolanda took the money. The fifth card was A I'm going t.o tell you about y~ur future. ~:)ur
still on the table, facedown. She turned it over. It was first card 1s a star. You're going to become
the plane. She looked at it for a minute and then she
shouted: 0famous. You're going to be on TV... Great ! What show?
"Wait, young man! Don't travel with that girl - her ,-6 s 23l)) SONG Fortune Teller J'
plane is going to..." Online Practice
But the room was empty.
Q a,b,orc. a@ the word that is different.
1 There's ___ milk in the refrigerator. I breakfast lunch dessert dinner
a some b any c a 2 strawberries mushrooms onions water
2 We don't need ___ bread. potatoes
3 orange juice sugar milk chicken
a no b any c a
3 How _ _ _ fruit do you eat a day? 4 potato chips French fries tomatoes
a much b many c a lot 5 fruit salad ice cream cake
4 I drink _ _ _ coffee.
b Match the food and the containers.
a much b a lot c a lotof
5 A How much salt do you eat? soda fruit juice cookies sugar honey
B _ _. 1 a can of 3 a jar of_ __ 5 a carton of_ _
a A little b A few c Much 2 a bag of_ _ 4 a package of_ _
6 A Is there any sugar?
c@ the right word or phrase.
B No, sorry, _ __ .
a there isn't none 1 It's a hundred twenty f a hundred and twenty miles from here.
b there isn't any
c there isn't some 2 The population is about three million f millions.
7 Tea is _ _ coffee in this cafe.
a cheaper that 3 That new department mall / department store is great.
b more cheap than
c cheaper than 4 Let's have a snack at one ofthose cafes in the square f br,id(Je.
8 Oranges are ___ than bananas.
a more healthy b healthier c healthyer 5 Where is the main train office f station?
9 My English is _ _ than my brother's.
a gooder b better c more good d Complete the phrases with these verbs.
10 This is _ _ size that we have.
a the biggest b the most big c the bigger become fall get go have · meet move see show stay
11 It's ___ restaurant in the city.
a the baddest b the worst c the worse 1 ___ in a hotel 6 ___ the sights in a city
12 What's ___ park in your town? 2 __ bybus 7 _ __ somebody new
a the most beautiful 3 ___ famous 8 ___ somebody around your city
b most beautiful 9 ___ a great meal
c the more beautiful 4 married 10 ___ to a new house
13 ___ to buy my ticket this afternoon. 5 _ __ inlove
a I go b I going c I'm going
14 _ _ to get married? PRONUNCIATION
a Do they going
b They are going cpa @ the word with a different sound.
c Are they going 1 bread peas meat tea
15 I think ___ tomorrow.
a itsnows ~2 sugar shopping fish soda
b it's snowing
c it's going to snow 3 ~ cereal carrots salad rice
~4 chef chmxh chicken cheese
5 ~ food cook book good
b Underline the stressed syllable.
- 1 cho colate 3 su per mar ket 5 dangerous
2 dessert 4 in teres ting
'. ' ..~~?~~:~.-· ·~
·~ ·:~ ,-~
a Read the article once. Then read it again and choose PEOPLE?
a, b,orc.
5 24>)) On the street Watch or listen to five people
A survey showed that Americans _ _ .
a eat 15 percent more junk food than healthy food and answer the questions.
b eat the same amount ofjunk food as healthy food
c eat too much junk food Yvonne Cecile Joel Reed Arja
2 Americans have unhealthy diets because _ _ .
a they eat cheap food Yvonne doesn't eat much _ __
b they think healthy foods are expensive
c they think cooking at home is expensive a fruit b sugar c salt
3 Americans can make their diets better, ifthey _ _.
a spend a lot of money 2 Cecile cooks excellent food.
b cook more often at home
c never eat fast food a Italian b Indian c Indonesian
b Look at the highlighted words or phrases in the text 3 Joel likes Barcelona because there are a lot of_ _ _
and guess their meaning. a great stores b great buildings c great beaches
The unhealtl!J 4 Reed is going to stay at his 's house in .
American diet Los Angeles.
The US has a problem with
obesity. and the govern(Jlent a aunt b friend c family
says we need to have healthier
diets. However. American S When Arja compares the US to her country she doesn't
shoppers are continuing to fill mention _ _ _
their supermarket baskets with
unhealthy food. a the food b the buildings c the weather
Asurvey showed that more than 30 percent of calones CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH?
Americans eat comes from j unk food~food high in salt. sugar,
and fat. And nearly 15 percent of Americans eat a fast-food Do the tasks with a partner. C heck (I') the box ifyou
meal every day (e.g., a hamburger. French fries. and asoda).
can do them.
Children have a problem, too. Scientists say that children
born today can die before their parents because of obesity Can you ••.?
and unhealthy food choices by their families.
01 say what you usually have for breakfast
Why do Americans have unhealthy diets? There are many D2 compare your country with the US in three ways
reasons, but money is the main one. Americans think that 03 ask your partner four questions with the
healthy foods are more expensive than packaged foods.
They also think it takes a long time to cook a healthy meal. superlative ofthe bold adjective
• What's _ _ present you've ever bought?
So. how can Americans make their diets better? They can
stop eating fast food and cook more often at home. They expensive
can bring healthy lunches to work or school, and they can • What 's _ _ movie you've seen this year? good
have fruit for snacks during the day. • What's _ _ vacation you've ever had? bad
• What's _ _ place you've ever been to? cold
04 ask your partner what he Jshe is going to do
• tonight • tomorrow • next weekend
. . . Short movies the history of the sandwich
v10Eo Watch and enjoy the movie.
Online Proct"
1 READING Travel biogs
a Look at the photos of three cities. A Kate in ___
Do you know what countries they are in?
- The driving
•• I think people drive r eally dangerQusly,
which surprised me because I thought they
•• were careful drivers here. They don't drive
fast, but people are always on the phone
:~ in the car, which you don't see much in my
country nowadays.
- b Read two biogs on a travel website, about people's first
The food
impressions oftwo ofthese cities. Which two are they? The food can be delicious, but I think people eat very
unhealtMy. In restaurants, they often add salt to their
c Read the biogs again. Answer with the names ofthe cities. food. And they drink a lot of soda! The headquarters of the
Coca-Cola company is based here, and they even have
W here...? a Coca-Cola museum. Once I went to a coffee shop and
I do people eat a lot ofsalt and sugar asked for a double espresso, no milk and no sugar. I had to
2 do TV shows have subtitles repeat my order three times because the waitress couldn't
3 are the days very shore in winter understand me. She said people here only ask for lattes
4 do a lot of people have bad habits when they drive and cappuccinos with a lot of sugar!
5 is the city safer than the writer thought
6 are the houses colorfully painted The people
7 do you see men taking care ofyoung children In general, people are very friendly. The people I'm
8 do people speak very slowly staying with, who live just outside the city, know all their
neighbors really well. They often don't lock their doors,
which surprised me because people say it's a dangerous
city. They speak incrediblJ! slowly, with a strong accent and
- ~.~.~.~:,sometimes I have a problem understanding them.
It's December and it gets dark at about
3 p.m., which is depressing! There's a lot of
snow right now, but all the buses and trains
are running perfectly, not like in my country
where everything stops when it snows!
The houses
All the houses are painted in pretty colors,
like red, green, and blue. And many houses have a yellow
and blue flag. Inside, the houses are decorated beautifully
with a lot of flowers and modern wooden furniture.
The people
People are friendly and polite, but formal. They dress
fashionably but.casually, and of course, you see a lot of
very blond women here. You also see a lot of men who
are taking care of very young babies. Everybody speaks
English really well, maybe because a lot of the TV is in
English with subtitles.
d Find words in the biogs that mean: LISTENING & SPEAKING
Kare _ __ adv at this time a 5 30 >)) Listen co Jemma talking about the third
Para 1 city. In general, is she positive, negative, or neutral
Para 2 _ _ _ noun the office where the leaders ofan about it?
organization work
Para 3 b Listen again. Then, with a partner, complete
_ _ _ verb close with a key Jemma's sentences.
Para 4 adj sth making you feel sad
Para S adj made from a tree
Para 6 adv not in a formal way
e Which ofthe two cities would you prefer to live in? Why?
2 GRAMMAR adverbs People spend a lot of time in 1 . People who
a Look at the h lgfilig hte<l adverbs in the biogs. Answer the 2 go out to have 3_ _ _. They don't have it
in their 4_ _ __
What two letters are added to an adjective to make an adverb?
2 Which adverb is the same word as the adjective? When people go out in big groups, s_ _ _ _ _ __
3 Which is the adverb from Bood? all sit at one end of the table and 6_ _ _ _ _ __
4 Which three adverbs are describing other adverbs?
at the other.
b Now look at the highlighted adverbs again in Kate's first
paragraph. Complete the rules with before or after. Women here talk very 7_ _ _ and very a_ _ .
1 Some adverbs describe how people do things. Women dress 9_ __ _ __
They go _ _ the verb or verb phrase.
2 Some adverbs describe another adverb (or adjective). There's a myth that the Spanish don't 10_ _ _
They go _ _ the adverb (or adjective). _ _ _ , but I don't think it's 11
c )-- p.144 Grammar Bank llA. Learn more about adverbs People have a 12 _ _ lunch break, but they leave
and practice them. work very 13 _ _ _.
d 5 27>)) Listen and say what is happening. Use an adverb. c Answer the questions in small groups.
~hey're speaking quietly. 1 In your country or city how do people...?
3 PRONUNCIATION word stress • dress for special occasions
• treat tourists
a Underline the stressed syllable in the adjectives. • drive
• eat at lunchtime during the week
Adjectives Adverbs • speak foreign languages
• behave during sports games
dan!gejrous dangerously • decorate their houses
pojlite politely
beaujtilful beautifully 2 Think of a time when you went to another
inlcrejdilble incredibly country or another city I region in your country
carejful carefully for the first time. What did you notice about...?
falshiolnalble fashionably
cajsujal casually • the people
perjfect perfectly • the food
unjheal~hy unhealthily • the driving
• the houses
• the weather
b 5 28 >)) Listen and check. Repeat the adjectives. ~ WRITING
c 5 29>)) Now listen and repeat the adverbs. Does the Choose two headings from the biogs in 1 or the
stress change? listening in 4 . Write two paragraphs, either about
your country or a country you have visited.
Online Practice ~ ----
G ve ·bs + irtf nit1ve
v verbs that take the infinitive Would you like
P sentence stress to get a new job?
--.,......~~~~~~~...,...~~~,..,..,.~.,.........,..._,,.,,.,..,.""""'.,,.,,...,,..,.,..,~ No, I want to
stay where I am.
a Read about the website What do you want
How does it work?
to do with your life?
43Thinaspeople is a website where
write things~at they want to do. ////d///U/////////////////////////////h'///////////////////.4-W//////d//////////////////////////////////////////////HW/////IY///U///d////
There are always 43 different ambitions. On 43Things today, people want to ...,
Some are trivial, and some are more serious. climb Mount Kilimanjaro get up earlier go.on a safari
get a newjob have very long hair have more time for myself
Other people respond and write about their
learn to cook learn to dance like Shakira make a short movie
experiences and sometimes give advice.
visit all the continents spend less time on the Interne t write a novel
b Read today's 43 things and responses A- E.
Match the responses with five things people read 12 books a month run a half marathon see Radiohead live
want to do. Do you think their advice is good?
learn to speak Italian stop bit ing my nails get married
c Complete the phrases from the text with a go to Iceland write a song become a Goth paint my kitchen
verb from the list.
sµ~nd I.,•, mo"ey f)n doth(·< stop eating meat :;tay ,;,1;dk< frr 24 hm;r<:
become bite choose climb /kla1m/
download go learn spend ',ljsit Spend less time on Facebook, for example, only two
hours on weekends. Stop using Second Life if you use
___ a mountain it. (I uninstalled it.)
2 on a safari
3 to cook Get a Laura Pausini CD. Download the lyrics to a song
4 less time on the Internet and translate them - you can use Google Translate for
5 the lyrics this. Listen carefully to the pronunciation, and then
6 five things you really like eating sing along with her. (I sang "lncancellabile.")
7 a Goth
8 all the continents You just need to stop cutting it! Don't worry about the
9 my nails latest fashions. Go for it!
d Cover the verbs and try to remember them.
2 GRAMMAR verbs + infinitive Choose five th ings you really like eating (e.g., roast
chicken and chocolate cake) and then look at recipes
a Look at the liigfiligllfo verbs in the text. on the Internet. Choose the recipes that you'dl ike to
try, preferably ones that aren't too difficult. Make the
What's the form ofthe next verb? Which five things again and again until they're perfect. It isn't
one is different? difficult. You just need to practice.
>b p.1-M Grammar Bank UR. Learn more
about verbs + infinitive and practice them.
- Wear black clothes. Be yourself, and listen to bands like
The Cult and The Mission.
Second Life® a website that is a free 30 virtual world where users
can socialize, create new personalities, and interact with other users
La ura Pausini an Italian pop singer, popular in several European and
Latin American countries
3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
a 5 32>)) Listen and repeat the dialogue. ,C,Qpy thel'.b>:thm. How do
you pronou nee to?
A Would you like to go to Iceland?
e No, 1wouldn't.
A Whynot?
e Beca.use 1don't like the cold.
b 5 33>)) Listen to another dialogue. Complete the missing
stressed words.
A you _ __ to _ __ a _ _ ___ _ ?
B ,I'd to.
B Because I _ _ _ my _ __. It's
c Practice the dialogues with a partner.
d In pairs, choose ten ambitions from W hat do you want
t o do with your life? Ask your partner questions using
Would you like to...?
Would you like to. ___,., ') ( • ~es, I would. I
climb Mount Kilimanj~ ~ wouldn 't.
Work in pairs. Take turns.
A Tell your partner about the things below.
B Respond to what A says. Ask questions.
A Ask What aboutyou?
a country you want to go to
e> something you would like to learn to do
something you need to do tomorrow
e> a vacation you are planning to take soon
a famous person you hope to meet one day
e a movie you want to see soon
a dangerous sport you would like to try
e something you need to buy soon
~ a singer or group you hope to see one day
I really want to go to Australi~ <;_;:,h, yes? Why Australia?
a Create a class page for 43T hings. Write three things you really
want to do. Your teacher will write some ofthem on the board.
b Read other students' ambitions and choose one that you know
something about. Write a response (like the ones in 43T hings)
to give advice or talk about your experience.
f s 34 >)) SONG Don't Tell Me that it's Over ~
Online Practice
Do men and women
use the Internet in
the same way?
I the Internet
a Do you ever visit any ofthe websites 'on this page, or
websites like them? How much time do you spend a day
on the Internet? Do you use it mainly for your work/
studies or for pleasure?
b Look at some words and phrases related to the
Internet. Match them with their definitions.
a ttach ment down load goo gle log in on line
search for skype so cial net work up load wi fi
1 adj, adv on the Internet
3 noun sth you send with an email, e.g., a
document or a photo
4__ _
5 _ __ verb to move sth from your computer to
6__ _ an Internet site, e.g., photos
7__ _
verb to move sth from an Internet site to
8 your computer, e.g., music, movies
verb to type words into the search engine
10 Google® to find information about sbI sth
verb to make a telephone call over the
verb to type your username (usually
your name or email address) and a
password to begin using a computer or
a website
noun a way of connecting a computer to
the Internet without wires
noun a website that people use to
communicate, e.g., Facebook, Twitter,
verb to try to find sb or sth, e.g., on the
Dictionary abbreviations
sth =something sb =somebody
c 5 35>)) Listen and check. Repeat the words. Underline
the stressed syllable in the multisyllable words.
..- . -
'-, .".'
•:~ ~
... . ..- ...,,. • ., '
a With a partner, look at some things that people do a Complete the email with a, an, the, or - (= no article).
on the Internet. For each one, say ifyou do it often,
sometimes, hardly ever, or never. Sent Friday, July 8 4:16 PM
To: Carola Whitney
<;;_often send emails for work. What about you?
Subjoct: Re: Hello!
D send personal emails
D send emails for work Hi Carola,
D read the news
D buy things on shopping websites Thanks for your email. I would really like to write to you and
practice my English.
D buy things on eBay (or a similar site)
D get sports information I'm i _ _ student at Buenos Aires University. It's
2_ _ biggest university in Argentina. I'm studying 3_ _
D visit websites about health and medicine medicine. I live in Buenos Aires with my grandmother,
4_ _ my mother's mother, because my family lives in
D use social networks s_ _ small town far away, but I go 6_ home on
7 weekend.
D play games
D download music I love listening to e_ _ classical music, and 9_ _ fast
D visit forums about diet or caring for children
week, I went to 10_ _ amazing concert at 11_ _ Opera
D use online banking House here.
D use online maps for directions
>-b p.144 Grammar Bank llC. Learn more about
n book tickets and hotels online
articles and practice them.
c Work in pairs. A choose a circle. Think ofthree things,
three places, etc., and tell B. B respond and ask for
more information. Then change roles.
I love fish, strawberries, and ) ( '.~.r;iatoes?
chocolate cake. I don't like tomat~ ~not?
.· things you things you
sometimes do always have
.:' · kinds of food on Saturday in your bag or
you love (and evening pocket
one you don't
things you do things women
first thing in usually like
the morning doing (but
men don't)
things you did
last night
b Now go through the list again and write M ifyou iobs you t hings men
think men do them more than women, W ifyou think would like to
women do them more than men, and ND ifyou think Jo(andone usually like
you wouldn't)
there is no difference. doing(but
women don't)
c 5 36>)) Listen to an interview with a marketing expert
about how men and women use the Internet. Check
your answers.
d Do you think the situation is the same in your country?
Online Practice
Going home
~ JENNY'S LAST MORNING VOCABULARY public transportation
+a Match the words and pictures.
GJ train
n mD plane
[J bus - -
0 fruy
D fillhway
b 5 39l)) Listen and check.
c Complete the headings with a word from a.
a 5 38>)) Watch or listen and mark the sentences T (true) You get one at a stand or by waving your hand.
or F (false). They are also called cabs.
People usually give the driver a tip (= some extra
Rob arrives lace. money, about 10-20%).
2 He has a coffee with Jenny. In New York City, they are yellow.
3 Jenny has good news for him.
4 T he job offer is for a year. 2
5 Rob thinks A Writer in New York is a good name for
You get one at an airport.
the column. First, you have to check in.
6 Rob needs time to think. Then you go through security to the departure lounge.
Finally, you go to your gate.
b Watch or listen again . Say why the F sentences are false.
3 _____
You get one at a station.
You usually need to buy a ticket or card first.
Then you need to find the right platform.
Most go underground in big cities.
4 _____
You get one at a station or a stop.
Some are public and some are private.
You can buy a ticket in advance or sometimes
you can pay the driver.
In New York City, they are white and blue.
d Cover the columns and look at the headings. Try co
remember the four facts about each type ofpublic
a 5 :40>)) Watch or listen to Jenny's three conversations. a 5,42>)) Watch or listen and answer the questions.
How does she get to the airport?
b Watch or listen again. Complete the You Hear phrases.
0You Say >))You Hear
Could you call me a taxi, Yes, of course. to?
To Paddington station. And when would you like
it ?
Now, please.
How much is it? That's £_ _ _, please.
Make it £15. And could I Thank you very
have a receipt? much, _ __
Could I have a ticket to Single or _ _ _? What does Jenny leave in the hotel?
Heathrow Airport, please? 2 .How does she get it back?
3 What has Rob decided to do?
Single, please. Standard or _ _ _ class? 4 Is Eddie going to meet her at the airport? Why,.(not)?
5 Who is Eddie? How old is he?
St andard, please. That's £18.
Can I pay by credit card? Yes, of _ __ b Look at the Social English phrases. Who says them:
Jenny or Rob?
c ~41>)) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say phrases.
Copy the J:h)'..thm. Social English phrases American and British English
d • Practice the dialogue with a partner. I can't believe it! one-way ticket= American English
e In pairs, role-play the dialogue. Then change roles. Thank you so much. single ticket= British English
A (book open) You are the receptionist, the taxi driver, I'd love to [accept].
and the ticket clerk. The taxi costs $12.60. The ticket =round-trip ticket American English
costs $32.50.
B (book closed) You wane to get a taxi to Penn Station,
and then a train to JFK Airport. Begin with Couldyou
call me a taxi, please?
I'm so happy. return ticket= British English
Have a good journey. coach= American English
See you in [New York]. standard= British English
c 5 43>)) Watch or listen and check. How do you say
them in your language?
d Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases.
Can you...?
D ask for a taxi
D buy a ticket for public transportation
D use common phrases, e.g., Thank you so
much, See you in New York, etc.
Online Procrce
'·''-G pres1>"t ; ·ft:>c
V irregular past participles
P sentence stress
1 GRAMMAR present perfect
a Look at some images from movies. What do the
movies have in common?
b 5 44l)) Listen to Alan and Lucy talking on
the phone. What two things are they going
to do tonight?
c Listen again and read the conversation.
Complete the chart below and answer the
questions with a partner.
Alan Hi, Lucy. Have you f inished your report ?
Lucy Ye!;;, I have, finally!
Alan What do you want to do tonight? Do you want
t n.goout?
Lucy No, I'm a little tired.
A[an Would you like to come here? I can order pizza
and we cam watch a movie.
tocy Good idea, What movies do you have?
Afan How about Eclipse? Have you seen it ?
Locy No; I haveo't seen it, but I've read t he book.
Alan Ts itgood?
( ucy l loved it! Vampires - perfect for a winter night!
Alan Greot. What pizza topping do you want ?
Lucy Cheese and blood,, cheese
and tomato.
ill I've seen the movie.
BI you _ ___ the movie.
l1J the movie?
1 What is 've? What verb is seen from?
2 Change the three sentences in the chart to third
person singular (He or She) .
3 Lucy says, "I've read the book." Do we know when
she read it?
>-d p.146 Grammar Bank 12A. Learn more about
the present perfect and practice it.
e Look at the movies in a and talk to a partner.
Which ofthe movies have you seen? Have you
read any ofthe books?
I've seen Eclipse, b;)t ~haven't seen the movie
I haven't read the book. ofAlice in Wonderland,
but I've read the book.
2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress d Complete the Verb column with a past participle from a .
a 5 46>)) Listen and repeat the dialogue. Copy the Verb
~thm. 1 Have you • your homework?
2 I'm sorry, I've • your name.
A Have you seen The Hobbit? 3 Have you ever • a photo ofan actor?
e No, 1 haven't. 4 Ann's • on vacation. She's going to be away
A Have you read the book?
e Yes.1have.rve read it twice. for three weeks.
5 Have you • to Mike about the party?
b Write down the names of three more movies 6 I've never • that jacket. It was a big mistake.
from books. Ask and answer with a partner. 7 Jim's • in love with an Argentinian woman.
8 Oh, no! f've • my glasses.
Have you seen..~.?) ~es,I have. I e Cover the Verb column. Can you remember the sentences?
No, I haven't.
Have you read the book! l
irregular past part iciples a Complete the phrases with the past participle of the
verb in parentheses.
a Look at some irregular past participles. Which MOVIE EXPERIENCES
verbs do you think they are from? Write the base
form and t he simple past. Find someone who has
IName IWhat movie was 1t ?
Ibase form simple past past participle 1 asleep watching a movie
1 be was/were been (fall)
2 broken 2 the soundtrack of a
movie (buy)
3 done 3 the movie theater
before the end of a movie {leave)
4 eaten 4 - - a movie more than three
times (see)
5 fallen
5 during a movie (cry)
6 forgotten 6 a movie in English with
subtitles (see)
7 gone
8 left 7 in a movie (appear)
9 sung b Stand up and move around the class. Ask Haveyou ever.. .?
questions with 1- 7. When somebody answers Yes, I have,
10 spoken write down h is or her name and ask What movie was it?
11 taken c 5 49>)) Listen to three people answering one of the
12 worn questions from a . Which question is it?
d Listen again. Complete the chart for each person.
b 5,47>)) Listen and check. Which movie? How many? Why? j
c S 48>)) Cover a. Listen and say the simple past 1
and past participle.
>))be ~as I were, been 2
5 s so>)) SONG Flashdance 1'
Online Practice
V more irregular past participles
P irregular past participles
a Are you following a TV series right now? Which one? present perfect or simple past?
Why do you like it?
a Look at part ofthe conversation between
5 b 51 >)) Look at the information about an episode from an Matt and Jess. In pairs, answer the questions.
American TV series. Listen co part of the episode. Then answer
questions 1 and 2. Matt Have you been to The Peking Duck?
Jess Yes, I have.
Which restaurants has Jess eaten at before? Check(../) or Matt Oh, no! When did you go there?
put an 1 in the boxes. Jess Last month. I went with some people
D D DThe Peking Duck Appetito Luigi's from work.
2 Do they agree on which restaurant to go to? I What tense is Matt's first question?
2 What tense is Matt's second question?
c Listen again and answer the questions. 3 Which ofthe two questions is about a
When did Jess go to The Pekin8 Duck and who with? specific time in the past?
2 How many times has she been to Appetito?
3 What did Matt say happened when they went to Lui£ji's? >-b p.146 Grammar Bank 12B. Learn more
4 Why is Jess angry?
S Who does Jess think Matt went with to LuiBi's? about the present perfect and simple past
6 What does Matt say? Do you believe him? and practice them.
c Play Guess where I've been.
Guess where I've been
1 Write down the names of six cities in
your country or abroad (three you have
been to and three you haven't been to.)
2 Exchange lists with your partner. Check
(.I) the three cities you think your partner
has been to, but don't tell him I her.
3 Ask Have you been to...? for each
place to check your guesses. Did you
guess correctly?
~ave you been to Boston?
4 Now ask some simple past questions for
the cities your partner has been to.
0hen did you go to...?
<;;:id you like it?
a Look at question 1 below. What words are missi ng in the present
more irregular past participles
perfect question? What words are missing in the simple past
a Look at some more irregular past participles. question? What form do you need of the verb in bold?
Write the base form and the simple past.
__ ,.....,.....
I buy bouaht bought
2 drunk Present perfect Simple past
3 found 1 I be to the movie theater recently? What I see? / like it?
4 given 2 I buy any new clothes recently? What / buy?
3 I have a really good meal recently? Where I go? What I have?
s _ __ heard 4 I be to a sports event recently? I your team win?
6 _ __ had
7 _ __ known
8 _ __ lose
9 _ __ made
IO met
11 _ _ _ paid
12 _ __ sent
13 - - - - _ __ spent
14 rhought
15 _ _ _ won
.b 5 •54>)) Listen and check.
c )o- p.165 Irregular verbs Check (.I) all the
ones you know. Try to learn the new ones.
d 5:55>)) Put three irregular past participles In your life...
in each column. Listen and check.
Present perfect
bought brcken c st d ne dr ven 5 I ever be on TV? Simple past
drunk forgotten given got 6 I ever lose your cell phone?
known lost made paid spoken 7 I ever win a cup or medal? What TV show I it?
s t .1ken wr tten
a I ever speak to a famous person? Where / lose it? I find it?
..:.~' .(' .' -.. What I win it for? I
, Who I it? What I say?
cl ck tr a,n
up phone saw
e Play past participle BinBo· b Work in pairs. A ask B the questions. If B answers Yes, l have, ask
the simple past questions, too. Then change roles.
Online Practice
1 READING . ..
a Read the information about Sir Ian McKellen. Have SIR IAN MCKELLEN
you seen any of his movies? Did you like them?
Sir Ian McKellen is one of Britain's
greatest actors. He was born 1n What kind of music do you tike?
Burnley in the north of England on I hardly ever listen to music at home - I prefer going to
May 25, 1939. He first became well concerts. I enjoy classical music and pop, but my favorite
known as an actor for his roles in kind of music is traditional American music.
Shakespeare's plays, e.g., Hamlet and
Macbeth. In recent years, he has had What book are you reading right now?
many important movie roles including I'm reading The Hammersteins, a biography ofthe American
theater family written by Oscar Andrew Hammerstein.
James Whale in Gods and Monsters,
Gandalf in The Lord ofthe Rings trilogy, Who's your favorite historical character?
Perhaps William Shakespeare.
and Magneto in X-Men.
What time do you usually get up in t he morning?
b Sir Ian McKellen agreed to be interviewed especially If I am working, l get up one hour before I have to leave
for American EnBlish File. Read the interview and write the house. If I am not working, and I went to bed late the
a heading from the list below in each section. night before, I get up at about 10 in the morning.
YOUR ABILITIES How much time do you spend a day on the Internet?
I can very easily spend three or four hours on the Internet,
YOUR WORK EXPERIENCES answering emails, reading the news, etc. I think of the
Internet as a wonderful encyclopedia of information.
How do you relax?
YOUR LIFESTYLE I enjoy a late night sudoku, but especially being with friends.
What's your favorite room in the house?
c Read the interview again. Then mark the sentences Perhaps the living room where I cook and eat, and from
T (true) or F (false). Say why the Fones are false. where I can see the River Thames in London.
I He became an actor when he was a student. What do you always have on your desk?
2 He lives outside London. I always have too many letters, papers, and books which
3 He gees up early ev<!r, clay. are waiting for me to read.
4 He's never been to India.
S He spends a long rime on the Internet every day. Do you have any pets? I love dogs, but I can't have one
6 He read The Lord ofthe RinBS because I'm often away from home.
when he was young.
7 His desk isn't very neat.
8 He doesn't like animals.
9 He relaxes by playing games.
10 He doesn't have any ambitions.
4_ _ _ 2 VOCABULARY review: word groups small
What languages do you speak? a Put these words from the interview in the right column.
I only speak English, but I can remember a
little of the French I learned at school. actor books desk goto bed living room
Can you play a musical instrument ? No. Rooms Things Jobs
Is there something you would like t o learn Furniture Adjectives Daily rout ine
to do? Yes - many things, e.g., to sing
well, to play the piano, and to speak b With a partner, add three more words to each column.
foreign languages.
3 PRONUNCIATION review: sounds
What's your favorite pla e in London?
a Look at some words from the interview. Which word has a
I love the River Thames and the views from its different sound?
many bridges.
~ school choose cook too
Wliere are you .going to go for your next
~2 first earn worst year
vac:a~l0co? I'm going to go to India for the
first time in February. ~3 sa) wait c n't favorite
What'$ t~e rnost beautiful city yclll've ever 41 friends many people ever
visited? I can't choose between Edinburgh,
Prague, and Venice. ~5 enjoy bridge dog languages
6 ----~-- ~6 hou• hom• P"h•ps h"dly
What was your first job? &7 thing three the think
The first money I earned as a professional
actor was when I was a student at Cambridge ~8 information school traditional professional
University in 1959.1 played small parts in
audio recordings of Shakespeare's plays. b 5 56>)) Listen and check. Practice saying the words.
When did you first read The Lord of the Rings? 4 GRAMMAR &SPEAKING
I read it first when I was preparing to play
Gandalf in the movie trilogy. review: question formation
What was the best and worst thing about a Without looking back at the interview, try to remember the
filming The Lord of t he Rings? questions for these answers.
The best thing about filming was discovering Perhaps William Shakespeare.
the countryside and people of New Zealand. 2 I'm going to go to India for the first time in February.
But the worst thing was living away from 3 I only speak English...
home for a year or more. 4 I can't choose between Edinburgh, Prague, and Venice.
5 I read it first when I was preparing to play Gandalf...
b C hoose eight questions from the questionnaire to ask a partner.
Online Practice
~ a,b,orc.
a Write the opposite adjective or adverb.
I Youspeak _ _.
I quickly _ _ 3 well 5 formal
a very slow 6 healthily _ _
b very slowly 2 safe 4 noisy _ __
c very slower
2 She plays tennis ___. b Complete the sentences with these verbs.
a really well
b really good need learn promise want
c really goodly
3 My husband works _ _. l I'd like to _ _ to speak english.
2 You don't ___ to wash it. You've only worn it once.
a incredible hard 3 I can't ___ to be on time. It depends on the traffic.
b incredibly hard 4 Do you ___ to go to a restaurant or to a cafe for lunch?
c incredibly hardly
4 I'd like ___ a Ferrari. c Complete the sentences with these Internet words.
a drive b to drive c driving attachment wifi download online website
5 What do we need ___ next?
1 I do a lot ofshopping _ _ these days.
a todo b do c doing 2 I can ___ the song for you tonight.
6 She wants co pass her exams, but she 3 You can find all the information on the hotel's ___ .
4 Don't open an ___ when you don't know who it's from.
doesn't like ___. 5 We have ___ at home so I can send emails from my bedroom.
a study b studing c studying d Complete the sentences withfor, in, with, or up.
7 __ usually drive fast in chis country.
1 Log ___ with your username and password.
a The men b Men c The man 2 I looked _ _ U2 on Wikipedia - they started in 1976.
8 I saw ___ good movie last night. 3 You can search ___ all kinds ofinformation on the Internet.
4 Have you ever seen a movie _ __ subtitles?
a the b a c -
9 It's ___ best place to eat in the city. e Write the past participle ofthe following verbs.
a the b a c - 1 see saw ___ 3 know knew ___ 5 fall fell
10 Do you go to ___ bed late on weekends?
2 go went ___ 4 give gave 6 take took_ _
a the b a c -
11 I've read the book, but I ___ the movie. PRONUNCIATION
a don't see rna @ the word with a different sound.
b haven't saw 1 done sung gone won
c haven't seen
12 A Have you ___ anyone famous? j2 said betn any left
B Yes, I have. A famous movie actor.
a ever met b ever meet c met ever 3 ~m want had father watch
13 ___ he been to New York?
4 ~ choose soon food book
a Has b Did c Have
14 We _ _ to Canada last year. 5 ~ worst wore prefer search
a have gone b have been c went b Underline the stressed syllable.
15 She _ _ in a restaurant before. 1 pollitelly 2 danlgelrouslly 3 dejcide 4 alttachlment 5 weblsite
a did never worked
b have never worked
c has never worked
a Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or
F (false). 5 57>)) On the street Watch or listen to five people
and answer the questions.
1 It is more expensive to live in the US than in the UK.
2 It is less expensive to be sick in the UK. 'Arja James Ruth Ben Justin
3 Waiters are better in UK restaurants.
4 It's more difficult to make friends in the US. I Arja is visiting the US for _ __
5 Americans are more direct than the British.
a amonth
b Look at the [email protected] words or phrases in the text b four days
and guess their meaning. c for the first time
Amy Johnson is an English woman who 2 James would like to _ _ _,
lives and works in the US. We asked her to tell a have a beautiful garden
us about her first Impressions of the US. b build a great park
c be a gardener in a park
0 ne of my first impressions was that the US is
cheaper than the UK. I live in Ohio and cost 3 When Ruth talks about Mamma Mia, she doesn't
QI. 1v1ng (rent, bills food, etc.) is lower than in mention _ __
Oxford, where I'm from in the UK. The only thing that's
more expensive here is ealthcare. You need to have a the actors b the soundtrack c the story
health insurance, which can be very expensive. Of
course in the UK, it's free to go to the doctor's or to the 4 Ben thinks that women drive than men.
a more slowly b less dangerously c better
Eating out is less expensive in the US as well and the 5 Justin went to a karaoke bar _ __
service is better, but you can eat very well in England.
There's a wjde varje_ty of food from all around the world a a long time ago b quite recently c last year
(Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Turkish, etc.). And generally, I'd
say British food is healthier than American food, and the CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH?
postio_ns are a lot smaller, too.
Do the tasks with a partner. Check(.!) the box ifyou
As for the people, I find Americans very positive and can do them.
optimistic about the future compared to British people,
who can be pessjmrstic. Also, when I'm in Ohio, I talk to Can you...?
everybody: salespeople, the person behind me in the
supermarket line, the person sitting next to me in the 01 say how people in your country a) drive b) dress
restaurant. I can't do that in the UK - people are much 02 say three things you would like to do in the future
03 say which ofthe following you prefer and why
more re.servea. But, oo the otl:l anCll, I think it's easier
• classical music or pop music
to make teal friends in the UK than in the US. • summer vacations or winter vacations
• Chinese food or Japanese food
I also think British people
are not very good at CJ4 say what things you do on the Internetand how often
telling you what they LJ5 answer the questions below
really think or (in
a work situation) • What city have you been to recently?
saying something • When did you go there?
negative about • What did you do there?
you. Americans • What's the bestJworst thing about your town?
just say things
as they are! m'4 : _ jShort movies I 11 •tor 1
1v1oeo Watch and enjoy the movie.
Online Practice
St udent A a Look at the names ofyour fou r people. Two are their real names
a Ask B the questions about person 1. and two aren't. Put an X by the names you think are not their
• Where's Masako from?
• Where in (country)? real names.
Name Masako Carlo Erica Tom Hanks, Marc Anthony Angelina Jolie, Katy Perry,
actor singer actress singer
b Answer B's questions about person 4. b Check your answers. Tell BI think ___ is fisn't his f her real
c Repeat for the other people.
name. IfB says No, it isn't, ask B What's his/ her real name? How do
you spell it? and write the name under the photo.
c Answer B's questions.
Name Ali Antonia Oliver Jude Law, Tina Turner, Eminem, Scarlett Johansson,
actor singer J( singer J( actress
From Turkey Mexico Germany
(Ankara) (Acapulco) (Berlin) Marshall Mathers ./ real name
./ real name Anna Mae Bullock
Student s A+B --~--
a Look at the picture for one minute. Try to
remember the things on the table.
b Close your books and write down the ten
things on the table.
c Now compare with your partner. Did he f
she remember more things than you?