Student A a Ask B the questions below. B must find the answers in the text.
a Read the conversation. 1 What time does Nico get up? (He Bets up at 6:30 a.m.)
2 What does he have for breakfast? (He has a coffee and cereal.)
A What's the matter? 3 What two things does he check at the restaurant? (He checks the
B l'msad.
A Don't be sad. Cheer up reservations and his emails.)
B Thanks. 4 What time do all the customers arrive? (They arrive at I:30 p.m.)
5 How many customers do they have in the restaurant at lunchtime?
b Have four conversations with B. Ask B
What's the matter? B answers. Then choose a (They have 85 customers.)
phrase below.
6 What does Nico ask the customers? (He asks ifthey are happy with
Relax. Take a vacation. Open the window.
Have a drink. Don't worry. thefood.)
7 What does Nico do after lunch? (He Boes back to the kitchen and
plans thefood for the eveninB menu.)
c Change roles. Basks you What's the matter? 8 What time does he go home in the afternoon? (He Boes home at
You answer with 1 below. B responds with a
phrase. Then you respond, e.g., Thanks, OK, 5:30p.m.)
Good idea, etc. 9 What does Nico do at 7:30 p.m .? (He Boes back to the restaurant and
I'm bored. 3 T'm tired. checks that everythinB is OK.)
2 I'mcold. 4 I'm hungry. 10 What time does Nico go home? (He Boes home at 10 o'clock.)
b Look at the text. Find the answers to B's questions.
d Cover the phrases and do all eight 4C SHORT LIFE, LONG LIFE? Students A+B
conversations again from memory. Interview your partner. A ask the questions in the questionnaire.
PE2 WHAT'S THE TIME? B answer and give more information ifyou can. Then change roles.
Student A ! .Howoften do you...? 6
'L a hardly ever / never
Ask and answer questions with B to complete II b sometimes
the times on the clocks. Then compare c every day
your clocks. I a hardly ever/never
~lock 1: What's the time/What time is it? 7 • our 1'1t ''
b sometimesI usually
a sometimes
c always b often
c very often
re2 ~ tab I.
• ~ ' ii
i a hardly ever
b once a day a Oto4
c three times a day
b 5to6
3 1 t "c.. c 7to9
a often 9 C 1ps. Of l"Jff'
]'.b sometimes a more than five
c hardly ever/never b usually only one or two
c I don't drink coffee
10 I" ~ ,1 LI " ? f t J II
a hardly ever/never
b once or twice a week a I'm not very positive about Ute.
c three or four times a week
b I'm usually positive about life.
a always/often c I'm always positive about life.
b sometimes
c hardly ever/never
Now calculate your partner's score.
" Tot ail score = number of years you live
Communication 101
Interview each other with the questionnaire. Ask Canyou.. .? Ifthe answer is
Yes, I can, ask How well? Do you think your partner can be famous?
You want to be famOUS - but what can you do?
r.I= yrs Music .IIX How well? Words .//X How well?
IX ~no play an instrument D D write short stories D D
performance D D write poems or song lyrics D D
3 - very wPll read or write music D D speak foreign languages D D
D D speak in public D D
I1:2 - Wet~ Art
take artistic photos Sports D D
1 riot very 1vell ' draw cartoons D D
paint pictures D D run a half marathon D D
! design websites or logos D D play a team sport D D
D D do a winter or water sport
D D do an individual sport
You and B have the same picture but with eight differences.
a Tell B what is happening in apartments 1-4 and in the ard on the left.
B will tell you what is different in his /her picture. Circle the differences.
b Listen to B telling you what is happening in apartments 5-8 and in the yard
on the right. Look at your picture and tell B ifit is the same or different. Ifit
is different, tell B what is happening. @ the differences.
c When you finish, compare the two pictures.
~--~- H Ct 11
Student A
Tourist Inf ormation
a Ask B your questions.
• What do you do?
• What are you doing now? Stamford Bridge is a small village in the North of England, near York.
• Are you wearing a watch today?
• Do you usually wear a watch? It is about 230 miles (370 kilometers) from London. It has a population
• What kind ofbooks do you usually read?
• What are you reading right now? Iof 3,500 people. It is famous for a battle between the English and the
Vikings in 1066.
b Answer B 's questions.
NOTE: Don't confuse Stamford Bridge near York with Stamford Bridge
in London, the stadium ofChelsea Football Club!
Students A+B
How do you usually read?
a on paper b on screen c on an eReader
What kind of things do you read?
a books d websites
b newspapers e work documents
c magazines f others (what?)
When and where do you usually read?
a at work I school
b when you are on a bus or train
c on vacation
d before you go to bed
Do you ever need t o read in English? What?
a Ask B your questions. Ask Where were a Ask B the questions about Mehmet's night.
you at...?
When and where was it? (Last year, iri Istanbul.)
• 9 o'clock yesterday morning 2 Who was he with? Why? (Hisfriends. It was his bestfriend's
• 11:30 yesterday evening
• 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon birthday.)
• 12 o'clock last night 3 What color T-shirt did he wear? (Black.)
• 6:30 yesterday evening 4 What is Cczayir? (It's an old buildinB with a restauram.)
• 7 o'clock this morning 5 What did they do after dinner? (They had some coffee and then
b Answer B 's questions. they went to the beach to swim.)
6 Was the water cold? (No, it was warm.)
Useful language 7 Why did he go home in his friend's car? (Because he couldn't
at home I work I school
in bed I the library I my car I college find his car keys.)
on the bus I the train I the street 8 What time did he get home? (Really late, atfive o'clock in
the morninB.)
b Answer B 's questions about Maggie's night.
c Whose memory is better? .·
Communication 103
Student A Name: _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _~ Date: - - - - - -
Work in pairs with another A. You are police What time? Where? More details:
officers. There was a robbery last night. B
and Bare two friends. You think they were I meetl
responsible. They say that they went out for
dinner and went to the movies last night. You I have -··
want to know ifthis is true. dinner?
a Look at the police interview form and I go to the
prepare to ask the Bs the questions.Think
ofmore questions to get more details about movies~
the evening, e.g., What did you wear? What
did you eat and drink? What movie was it? What I do after
the moviesl
b Interview one ofthe Bs. Write down his /
her answers in the form. (Your partner
interviews the other B.)
c Compare with your partner. Did the two
Bs tell exactly the same story? Ifnot,
arrest them!
What time I get
a Look at the picture for a minute. Try to
remember what's in the room.
b Ask B the questions.
• /a TV? (No, there wasn't.)
• / a double or a single bed?
(There was a sinBle bed.)
/ a mirror? Where was it?
(Yes, there was.It was on the table.)
• /any plants? (No, there weren't.)
• /any books in the room? (No, there weren't.)
• How many windows / ? (There were two.)
c Close your books. Answer B's questions.
a Complete your sentences 1- 8 with the comparative of a Complete your questions with the superlative of the
the bold adjectives. adjectives in parentheses.
1 small Brazil is _ _ _ than the US. What's the _ _ _ city in the world? (noisy)
(True. Brazil is 3.3 million square miles and the US is a Tokyo b Madrid c Santiago
3.79 million square miles.) 2 What's the _ _ city in the world? (hot)
a Rio de Janeiro b Bangkok c Nairobi
2 long The Amazon River is than the Nile 3 Which city has the _ __ monument in the world?
River. a New York b Paris c Istanbul
4 What's the _ _ city in the US? (wet)
(False. The Amazon is about 4,000 miles long and the a Chicago b San Diego c New Orleans
5 Which city has the _ __ traffic jams in the world?
Nile is about 4,130 miles long.) (bad)
a Sao Paulo b Beijing c Mexico City
3 old Oxford University is than
b Answer B 's questions.
Cambridge University.
c Ask B your questions. Does he/ she know the answers?
(True.Oxford University wasfounded in 1167 and (The correct answers are in bold.)
Cambridge 43 years later.) ( What's the noisiest city in the
~Id-Tokyo, fvladrid, or Santiago?
4 short The English alphabet is than the
Arabic alphabet.
(True. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet and
28 in the Arabic alphabet.)
5 dangerous K2 is to climb than Mount
(True. 25% ofclimbers who get to the top ofK2 die,
but only 9% ofclimbers ofEverest die.)
6 large A gigabyte is than a megabyte.
(True. A megabyte is 1,000 bytes, but agifjabyte is 108 WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?
1,000 megabytes.) Student A
7 dry The Sahara Desert is than the
Atacama Desert. a Ask B the questions below.
(False. Sahara Desert avera8e rainfall = 0.79 inches; Tonight • What / do tonight?
Tomorrow • / study English? Why (not)?
Atacama Desert average rainfall= 0.004 inches.) Next weekend • What time/ get up tomorrow?
• Where/ have lunch?
8 far New Zealand is south than Australia. • /go away next weekend?Where to?
• What / do on Saturday night?
(True. It's about 1,242 miles southeast ofAustralia.)
b Play Quiz Night. You are the host. b Answer B's questions.
• Read your sentence 1 to B. B says ifit's true or false.
• Tell B ifhe / she is right and give the extra
information in parentheses.
• IfBis right, he / she wins 500 dollars. Then read
sentence 2 for 1,000 dollars, sentence 3 for 2,000
dollars, sentence 4 for 4,000 dollars,etc.
• IfB gets a question wrong, he/ she loses the money,
but continues to play. The prize starts again from
500 dollars.
c Play Quiz Night again. You are the contestant.
Communication 105
·:::: "!!L
•ii0 ;c, ~
Student B a Look at the names ofyour four people. Two are their real names
and two aren't. Put an Xby the names you think are not their
a Answer A's questions about person 1. real names.
Name ' Masako Carlo Erica Jude Law, Tina Turner, Eminem, Scarlett Johansson,
actor singer singer actress
From Japan Peru the US
(Osaka) (Lima) (Denver)
b Ask A the questions about person 4. b Answer A's questions.
• Where's Ali from?
• Where in (country)?
Name Ali Antonia Oliver
Tom Hanks, Marc Anthony, Angelina Jolie, Katy Perry,
actor actress
singer x singer x
./real name ./real name
Marco Muniz Katheryn Hudson
c Repeat for the other people. c Check your answers to a. Tell A I think ___ is/ isn't his/ her real
name. IfA says No, it isn't, ask A What's his/ her real name? How do
you spell it? and write the name under the photo.
2C WHAT'S THE MATTER? Student B c Have four more conversations.
Ask A What's the matter? A answers.
a Read the conversation. Then choose a phrase below.
A What's the matt er? Close the window.
B l'msad. Have a sandwich.
A Don't be sad. Cheer up. Read a book.
B Thanks. Sit down.
b Have four conversations with A. A asks you What's the matter? d Cover the phrases and do all eight
You answer with 1 below. A responds with a phrase. Then you conversations again from memory.
respond, e.g., Thanks, OK, Good idea, etc.
1 I'm hot. 2 I'm thirsty. 3 I'm worried. 4 I'm stressed.
rlf. 106
Student B a Look at the Father & DauBhter text. Find the answers to A's questions.
Ask and answer questions with A b Ask A the questions below. A must find the answers in the text.
to complete the times on the clocks.
Then compare your clocks. 1 What part of the newspaper does Nico read? (l le reads the sports section.)
2 Where does he go after breakfast? (He aoes to the market.)
Clock 2: What's the timeI What time is it? 3 What time does he start cooking the food for lunch? (He starts cookina at
0 l0:30a.m.)
0 4 How many cups ofcoffee does he have in the morning? (He has three cups ofcoffee.)
' 5 What time docs Nico have lunch? (He has lunch at 3:30p.m.)
0 0. 6 Why doesn't Nico enjoy his lunch? (Because he doesn't have time to relax.)
7 How long does he spend with the children in the afternoon? (He spends a
couple ofhours/ two hours with them.)
8 What do Nico and the children do between 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. (The
children do their homework and Nico makes their dinner.)
9 What is the first thing Nico does when he gets home? (He takes a shower.)
10 What time does he go to bed? (He aoes to bed at 11 o'clock.)
You and A have the same picture but with eight differences.
a Listen to A telling you what is happening in apartments 1-4 and in the yard
on the left. Look at your picture and tell A if it is the same or different. If it is
different, tell A what is happening. @ t h e differences.
b Tell A what is happening in apartments 5-8 and in thuard on the right.
A will tell you what is different in his/ her picture. ~the differences.
c When you finish, compare the two pictures.
Communication 107 -
a Answer A's questions about Mehmet's night.
a Answer A's questions .
b Ask A the questions about Maggie's night.
b Ask A your questions.
• Do your parents work? What do they do? Where was she with her family? (In New York City.)
• What do you think they are doing now? 2 Who did she want to see? (Herfavorite actor,
• Do you watch a series on T V?
• What TV series are you watching right now? Nick Jonas.)
• Is it raining now? 3 Who got the tickets for the Broadway show?
• Does it rain a lot at this time ofyear?
(Herfather aot the tickets.)
7A WHERE WERE YOU? Student B 4 What color coat did she wear? (Red)
5 Who opened the door for them? (A theater worker.)
a Answer A's questions . 6 Why was she excited? (Because Nick Jonas spoke to her.)
7 What else happened? (Nick took some pictures with
A Where were you at nine. ~ ')
them and wished her sister a happy birthday.)
o'clock yesterday morn~ ~ I was in bed. 8 What was the weather like? (It was a cold,
b Ask A your quest ions. Ask Where wereyou at...? cloudy niaht).
9 What time did she get back to the hotel? (At eleven
• 8:30 yesterday morning
• 6:30 yesterday evening o'clock in the evenina.)
• 11:30 yesterday morning
• 10 o'clock last night c Whose memory is better?
• 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon
• 6:30 this morning 8A POLICE INTERVIEW Student B
Useful language Work in pairs with another B.You are friends. Last night
at home I work I school
in bed I the library I my car I college you met, had dinner, and went to the movies. There
on the bus I the train I the street was a robbery last night. A and A are police officers.
They think you were responsible, and they want to
interview you separately. Ifyou both tell the same story,
you are innocent!
a Prepare your story. Use these questions. Think ofextra
details, e.g., What did you wear? What didyou eat and
drink? What movie was it?
• What time/ where did you meet?
• What time/ where did you have dinner?
• What time/ where did you go to the movies?
• What did you do after the movies?
• What time did you get home?
b Answer A's questions.
c Did you and your friend tell the same story?
a Look at the picture for a minute. Try to
remember what's in t he room.
b Close your books. Answer A's questions.
c Ask A the questions.
• / a clock? Where was it?
(Yes, there was. ft was next to the window.)
• /a rug on the floor? (No, there wasn't.)
• / a lamp or light? Where was it?
(Yes, there was. It was on the wall.)
• /any pictures on the wall? What of?
(Yes, there was one. It was ofa woman.)
• / any cupboards? (No, there weren't.)
• How many chairs / ? (There was one.)
Students A+B
Jack's Meal Liz's Meal
I IlrHow much sugar?
Appetizer Appetizer According to the American Heart Association,
a woman should have no more than 20g
(grams) of s ugar a day (= 5 teaspoons) and a I
man no more than 36g (= 9 teaspoons). 1
Main course Main course • a can of Coke has approximately 39g of sugar
• an apple has approximately 23g of sugar
Dessert Dessert • a small (40g) bar of dark chocolate has
•approximately 7g of sugar
an egg doesn't have any sugar
IHow much salt?
According to UK Government studies, an
adult should eat no more than 6g of salt a
I• a small bag of potato chips has approximately 1
.15g of salt
• a slice of white bread has approximately O.Sg
of salt
•a bottle of water has approximately 0.0023g
I of salt
• a bottle of olive oil doesn't have any salt
. . . "i-.. ). Communication 109
chocolate and orang~ mousse
• al!.- -
.....•.,. ...
4.; iii ~
9C QUIZ NIGHT Student B c Play Quiz Ni&ht again. You are the host. Use your
questions 1-8.
a Complete your sentences 1- 8 with the comparative of
the bold adjectives. lOA CITIES QUIZ Student B
I old The pyramids in Egypt are than the a Complete your questions with the superlative of the
adjectives in parentheses.
Parthenon in Greece.
b Ask A your questions. Does he/ she know the answers?
(True.The pyramids are about 4,500years old and the (the correct answers are in bold.)
Parthenon is about 2,500years old.) Which city has the _ _ quality oflife in the world?
2 short World War I was than World War II. a Tokyo b Copenhagen c Miami
2 W hich US city has the _ _ population? (big)
(True. World War I lastedfour years (1914- 1918), but a New York b Chicago c San Francisco
3 Which city has the _ _ airport in the world? (busy)
World War II lasted sixyears (1939-1945).) a London b Atlanta c Singapore
4 What's the _ _ capital city in the world? (high)
3 high The mountains on Earth are than a La Paz , Bolivia
b Kathmandu, Nepal
the mountains on Mars. c Lima, Peru
5 Which city has the ___ public transportation in the
(False. Olympus Mons on Mars is 16 miles hiBh; Everest world? (expensive)
a Seoul b Mexico City c London
is about 5 miles hi8h.)
c Answer A's questions.
4 big China is than Canada.
( ~~ich city has the best quality oflife in
(False.Canada is about 3,800,000 square miles; China is ~world-Tokyo, Copenhagen, or fvliami?
about 3,700,000 square miles.)
S popular Coffee is _ __ with women than men
inthe US.
(False. On avera8e, men drink 1.9 cups ofcoffee a day
and women drink 1.4 cups ofcoffee a day.)
6 warm The Mediterranean Sea is than
the Red Sea.
(False.Mediterranean Sea avera8e temperature =
75- 78 °F; Red Sea avera8e =78- 86 °F.)
7 good It's - - - -- to do exercise in the morning 108 WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?
than in the afternoon.
(Faise. In the afternoon between 4 and S p.m., the body Student B
temperature is at its maximum, which means it is the
perfect time to exercise.)
8 hot The earth is than the moon.
(False. The avera8e temperature ofthe moon is about
225 •F durinB the day; the avera8e temperature ofthe a Answer A's questions.
earth is 55-62 "F.)
b Ask A the questions below.
b Play Quiz NiBht. You are the contestant. Tonight • What/ have for dinner tonight?
Tomorrow • What/ do after dinner?
• A will read you his/ her sentence I. You say ifit's · Next weekend • /go to work (or school) tomorrow?
true or false. • What/ do in the evening?
• /go out on Friday night? What/ do?
• A will tell you ifyou are right, and give you extra • What/ do on Sunday?
• Ifyou are right, you win 500 dollars. A then reads
you sentence 2 for 1,000 dollars, sentence 3 for 2,000
dollars, sentence 4 for 4,000 dollars, etc.
• Ifyou get a question wrong, you lose all the money,
but continue to play. The prize starts again from
500 dollars.
a Look at the information about capital letters.
Ip Capitalle~ters - ------- ~ l About You last name (Family name)
First name
I; In English these words start with a CAPITAL letter.
• first and last names Melissa Rogers Mr. Mrs. Ms. Gender Male Female
• countries, nationalities, and languages Japan, Japanese Day Year
• towns and cities New York City Date of birth Month Single · Divorced Separated
Marital status Married
=J• days ofthe week Monday Town/City
Nationality Email address
L .I • the first word in a sentence Her father is from Miami. Place of birth
the pronoun I she:_s Vietn~mese ~d I'm Mexican. Country
b Complete the form with your information. Home address
c Write this text again with capital letters where necessary. Phone number
my name's alberto. i'm from salvador in brazil, and i speak cell phone
portuguese, english, and a little french. my teacher is
american. her name's kate. my english classes are on Passport/ Identity card number
mondays and wednesdays. Signature
d Write a similar text about you. Check the capital letters
are correct. Then check for any other mistakes.
~ '"I
2 A PERSONAL PROFILE Netfriends Worldwide
a Read Jamie's profile. Do you have similar interests? Jamie Hamilton
b Look at the examples below. Myproftle
j )II and, but, and or W~ll Horretown I'm from Chicago, but I live
Occupclti on in San Francisco.
and I speak English and a little Italian. Profile Languoges
Photos (SI) I'm a graphic designer. I work for
I watch the news and soccer on the weekend. Notes an international company.
Friends I speak English and a little Italian.
j but I speak English, but I don't speak Italian.
I'm from Chicago, but I live in San Francisco.
Music I like pop and folk. I don't like classical
lor I don't speak English or Italian. music or blues.
I don't like classical music or blues.
Films I like American and Asian movies. I love
e.g. e.g. =for example. We often use it when we write old Japanese movies, e.g., Kurosawa's
Seven Samurai.
1 informally./ like folk music, e.g., Ballyhoo.
TV I watch the news in the evening and
L- soccer on the weekend.
c Write a profile ofyourself. Use the same headings Sports I play tennis and I go to the gym.
(Hometown, Music, etc.). Attach a photo ifyou can.
Use and, but, and or to join your ideas together.
d Check your profile for mistakes (e.g., capital letters
and spelling).
Writing -
3 A MAGAZINE ARTICLE My favorite day
a Read Cristina's article. Is her Saturday like yours? My favorite day of the week is Saturday because
it's the first day of the weekend!
b Look at the examples below. I get up very early during the week, so on Saturday
it's nice to get up late, and I always stay in bed
j) after and then until about 10:30. iflleriI usually go shopping with
a friend. In Mexico stores are sometimes closed on
Use after+ another word, e.g., after lunch, aft er work, Sundays, so Saturday is the best day for shopping.
We don't always buy anything, but we have fun
after that, etc. just looking.
I often have lunch with my mother and my brother.
Use then to say what happens next, e.g., I get up and It's great because my mom is a really good cook and
then I have breakfast. she always makes things we like, and my brother
and I have time to talk about our week. After lunch, I
c Read her article again and check that you understand sometimes study from about 4:00 to 6:00, especially
if I have exams.
the lhighliglttJ!_dJwords. Then use them to complete the In the evening, I usually go out with my friends. We
sentences below. often go to the movies, and then we have a pizza or
tacos. I never go to bed before 1:00, or sometimes later.
Jack usually gets up at 7:30. _ __ he takes
a shower.
2 lunch, I often sleep for halfan hour.
3 She always takes a bath she goes to bed.
4 the week I work 9:00 _ _ _
S I usually get home at about midnight, and _ __
l go to bed.
6 We usually watch TV _ _ _ it's time to go to bed.
d You are going to write an article for a magazine called
My Favorite Day. Write four paragraphs. First, look at
the questions and make notes o f what you can say.
I W hat's your favor ite day ofthe week? Why?
2 W hat do you usually do in the morning?
3 Where do you h ave lunch ? What do you usually do
after lunch?
4 W hat do you usually do in the evening?
e Now write your article. Choose which ofyour ideas
you want to use. Don't forget to use some of the
lhigfiliglitCJ . words to link together your ideas.
f Check your article for mistakes. Show your article
to another student. Find one thing in your partner's
article that is the same for you.
~ p.31
a Jun is traveling around the world. He writes posts To practice your English, you can write to a pen pal in
and puts photos from different places on a social another country. You can find pen pal websites on
networking site. Read his posts and match them to the the Internet.
photos. What countries do you think he is in?
a Read the email. Then cover it. Can you remember what
I'm standing above Niagara Falls... Wow! Check out information Chiara gives in the three main paragraphs?
my photos!
From· Chiara [[email protected]]
aD I'm sitting on the beach looking at the sunset and To: Stefan ([email protected]]
watching a game of beach volleyball. I have three Subject: Hi from Italy!
more days here - paradise!
Hi Stefan,
cO I'm on the bullet train going to Mount Fuji. It's really My name's Chiara. I'm 19, and I'm from Milan, in Italy. I'm a
fast -186 miles per hour - just like the trains at receptionist at a hotel. I'm ~English ~I need it
home! ha ha© for my job.
I live with my parents and my brother and sister. My father
o[ l I'm having lunch at a little trattoria just one minute is an ~and my mother works in a clothing store. My
brother and sister are at school.
from the Trevi fountain. I have my three coins ready I don't have very much free time because I work six days a
to throw in - but my wish is a secret... week. I ~go St!9QiAg on my day off. In the evening, I
I'm watching a cricket match in the park in Oxford. like listening to music, or talking with ~· I really like
A very strange sport - I think they're stopping to pop - do you like it?
have tea now! Can you believe it? Please write soon.
Best wishes
b Imagine you are on vacation in your country or abroad. Chiara
Write four different posts ofabout 20-25 words saying
what you're doing. b Look at the six underlined spelling mistakes. Can you
spell these words?
c Check your posts for mistakes.
4( p.4.1. p Informal emails
beginning: Hi+ name
middle: Use contractions, e.g.. I'm from Milan.
end: Best wishes, or Love (for a good friend)
c You are going to write a similar email to your teacher.
First, make notes about the following information.
Paragraph 1 Your name, age, and where you are from.
Paragraph 2 What you do, and why you are studying
Who you live with. Your family.
Paragraph 3 What you like doing in your free time.
d Now write your email. Use your notes and the
language in the information box.
e Check your email for mistakes.
4( µ49
Writing -
6 DESCRIBING YOUR HOME ~m~~~~'~:~~' ~"omm
d~e-s-cr-i-pt-i-on--o.·t·y·o·u·r ·h·o·us.e II11 a"d wow iJo;o
a Read the website and the description ofan
apartment in Hermosa Beach, California. 1 co=o=y=o=u==w=a=n=t =a=c=h=e=a=p=v=a=c=a=ti=o=n=?=W:-r-i-te_a__
Would you like to stay there? m.ty IHelp I
b Number the information in the order it ....
comes in the description.
If or apartment, and say where y_g_y want to go. Post the description I
C Details about some of the rooms
C How far it is from Los Angeles I on our website, and find someone to swap homes with.
D What floor the apartment is on 1I
D What rooms there are
D What services there are nearby I My home
D What you can see from the apartment
D Where it is Apartment near the beach
c Look at the information about so. My apartment is on a quiet street Where I want to go
in Hermosa Beach, California. It's
j) so on the second floor. It has two New York City, Buenos
bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living Aires, Phuket
There's a sofa bed in the study, so you can use room, a study, and a kitchen. The
kitchen is small, but it has a stove,
it as an extra bedroom. a refrigerator, and a dishwasher.
There's a sofa bed in the study, so
We can use so to express a result or you can use it as an extra bedroom.
The bedrooms have a great view of
consequence, e.g., the beach and the Pacific Ocean.
The apartment doesn't have a yard,
I was very tired, so I went to bed early. but it has a community swimming
My office is near my house, so I walk to work. pool. It's a 5-minute walk from stores,
restaurants, and a bus stop. It's also
d You are going to write a description ofyour about a 30-minute car ride from
downtown Los Angeles.
house or apartment for the website. First,
make notes on the topics in b.
e Now write your description. Choose which
ofyour ideas you want to use. Don't forget
to say where you would like to go.
f Check your description for mistakes. Show
it to other students. Whose house or apartment
would you like to stay in?
7 A FORMAL EMAIL The Bay House
a Read the advertisement and Marco's email. Bed and Breakfast
Complete the email with the words in the list. in Bath, Maine
about confirm Dear double from Gary and Rebecca Brewster
hope Sincerely reservat ion would and their family "clcome you
to their IOO-year-old home in a
b Look at the in formation box and then w rite small town in l\Iainc.
a similar email to the Bay House Bed a nd s double bedrooms, 3 single. and a
family suite D TV ~ WIFl
• Decide how many nights you want to stay
and the kind of room you need. The Bay House - reservation
• Ask an Tsthere / Are there...? quest ion. From Marco Perez [[email protected]]
To: [email protected]
p Formal emails (e.g., to a hotel or Bed and
_ _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Brewster,
Breakfast, a language school, etc.)
I 2 _ _ __ like to make a 3_ _ _ _ _ for a 4 room
Dear Mr. I Mrs. I Ms. + last name, or and a single room for two nights, 5 June 24th to June
Dear Sir I Madam if you don't know t he
person's name 26th.
Use a comma (.) NOT a colon (:)
Dear Mr. Brown, NOT Dear Mr. Brown: We 6 to arrive by car at 7 5:00 in the
Don't use contraction s. afternoon on the 24th. Is there a place where we can park near
I would like to make a reservation.
NOT I'd like to... your house?
Use a comma (.) Could you please 8 _ _ _ the reservation?
Srn cerely,
Your first name+ last name 9- - - -·
~ p 79 Marco Perez
Writing -
•: ....
Ill ,"'If'
1 13>)) Receptionis t W hat's your address? Jenny Yes.
Darly In Rio? R ob This is Rob. Rob Walker...From London
A Acheese and tomato sandwich, please. Receptionis t Yes.
B That's 7 dollars and 20 cents. Darty It's 350 Avenida Pr incesa Isabel. 24seven?
2 A So Anna, your classes are on Tuesday R eceptionist That's 350 Avenida Princesa Jenny Oh, Rob, yes, ofcourse. Hi.
R ob Hi. How are you?
andThursday mornings. Isabel. Je nny Oh, I'm fine, thanks. A little tired,
B Yes, that's fine. Thank you. D arly Yes.
3 }erBlue flight to Los Angeles is now Receptionist Whar's your zip code? that's all.
boarding at gace number 9. Darty Sorry? Rob l can meet you at the hotel tomorrow
4 A Where co, madam? Receptionist The zip code, you know, a
B Manchester Road, please. Number 16. morning. Is nine OK for you?
S A Here's your key, sir. Room 12. number? Or postcode? Jenny That's perfect.
B Thankyou. Darty Ah,yes.Ic's220 11 -010. R o b Great. OK, see you tomorrow at nine.
6 A Here we are. Receptionis t 22011-010. Great. W hat 's Jenny Thanks. See you then. Bye.
B Oh no. It's closed. Wait ress Would you like another tea?
A Look, it says "Closed on Mondays~! your email address? Jenny No, than ks. It's time for bed.
Darly It's [email protected]. Waitr ess Good night, and enjoy your stay.
1 29 >)) Receptionis t And what's your phone Je nny Good night.
The train waiting ar platform 13 is the number? 1 55 >))
Meiroliner co Washingcon, D.C. Darly My cell phone number or my home
2 A Excuse me! How far is it to Miami? I have a big table, and on the table I have a
B It's about 40 miles. number in Rio? computer and a printer, pens and pieces
B Thanks a !or. R ecep t io nist Both - home and cell phone. of paper, uh, photos, and a lamp. Lors of
3 IS love. D ariy My phone number in Rio is SS - that's things. My table isn't neat. It's very messy.
4 Will all passengers on flight BA234 to 2 On my desk I have a lamp, a phone, books,
New York please go to gate 60 immediately. the code for BraLil 219 560733. a laptop, a photo of my family, pens and
S A How much is that? Receptionist 55 219 560733. pencils, and a lot of pieces of paper I think
B A pizza and two waters.That's 17 dollars. Darly Yes, that's right. And my cell phone my desk is neat. Not very neat, but neat.
6 A What'~ your address? 3 On my desk I have a lamp, a calendar, a
B It's 80 Park Road. number is 970-555-3784. It's an American Spanish-English dictionary, a computer,
A Sorry? What number? cell phone. OVOs, and some pens. Oh, and tissues.
B 80,8zero. Receptionist 970-555-3784. Thar's great, Right now, my desk is very neat.
7 Teach er OK. Can you be quiet, plea~e? Darly. Thank you. OK, so you're in level 6.
Your first class is on Monday. 1 70 >))
Open your books to pagi= 90.
Studen tl Whatpage? 1 44>)) R ecep tion ist Good evening, sir. Good
Studen t 2 Page 90. evening, madam.
Rob Hi. My name's Rob Walker. l live here
1 39 >)) in London, I work in London, and I write D ad Good evening. Can we have two double
about London! I work for a magazine rooms, please?
R eceptionist Hello. Are you a new student? called Loridon 24severi. l write about life
Darly Yes, I am. in London. The people, the theater the R eceptionist Do you have a reservation?
Recept ionis t Sit down, please. I'm the restaurants... It's fun! I love London. It's a Dad No, we don't.
great city. R ece ptionis t I'm sorry, sir. The hotel is full.
receptionist and my name's Mark. I'm just Mom Oh, no!
going to ask you a few questions. Jenny Hi. My name's Jenny Zielinski. I'm D ad Come on. Let's go. I know another hotel
Darty OK. from New York. The number one city in
Recep tionist Great. What's your first name? the world. I'm the assistant editor ofa near here.
Darty Oarly. magazine, New York 24severi. I'm the new Police officer Excuse me, sir. Is this your car?
Recept ionist How do you spell that? assistant editor. But this week, I'm on a D a d Yes, it is. What's the problem?
Darly 0 -A-R-L-Y business trip to London. This is my firsc Police o fficer This is no parking, sir. Look
Recept ionist 0 -A-R-L-Y? time in the UK. It's very exciting!
Darty Yes, that's right. at the sign.
Receptio nist And what's your last name? 1 48>)) D ad I'm very sorry.
Darly Bezerra. Waitress Is your rea OK? Police o fficer Can I see your driver's licence,
Receptionist Bezerra. ls that B-E-Z-E-R-A? Jenny Yes, thank you. It's very quiet this
Darty B-E-Z -E-R-R-A. please?
Recept ionist B-E-Z-E-R-R-A. OK. Where evening.
are you from? Waitress Yes, very re laxing! Are you on 2 10>))
Darty I'm from Brazil. Announcer And now on WKOT, Ilisjob,
Receptionist Where in Brazil? holiday?
Darly From Rio. Jenny No, I'm here on business. herjob.
Recept ion ist And how old are you? W aitress Whi=re are you from? Host Good evening and welcome again to
Darly l'm20. Jenny I'm from New York. What about you?
Waitress I'm from Budapest, in Hungary. the jobs quiz, His job, her job. And our
116 Jenny Really? Oh, sorry. team tonight is David, a teacher...
Waitress No problem. David Hello.
H ost ...Kate, who's unemployed...
Jenny Hello? Kate Iii.
Rob ls that Jennifer? H ost ...and Lorna, who's a writer.
Lorna Good evening.
Host And our first gucsr conight is... 2 19 >)) Rob But it's crue!
K aren Is chis your first cime in che UK,
Wayne Wayne. K evin Do you like Scar Wars?
Host Hello, Wayne. Welcome to the show. Jennifer?
Samantha No, I don't. Jenny Yes, it is. Bue it isn't my first time in
What's your wife's name, Wayne? Kevin Why not? It's a fantastic movie.
Europe. I have family in Poland.
W ayne Her name's Tanya. Samant h a I don't like science fiction. Kar en Really? And where do you live in New
H ost Tanya? Nice name. OK team, you have K evin What kind of movie~ do you like?
Samantha I love foreign movies, French, York?
one minute to ask Wayne questions about Jenny In Manhattan. Do you know New
his job and then one minute to ask him Italian, Spanish. York?
about Tanya's job, starting now. Let's have Kevin Oh. Karen Yes. My sister lives in Brooklyn.
your first question. S amantha My salad's very good. Jenny I have family in Brooklyn, too. Where
David Hi. Wayne. Do you work in an office? Kevin Oh. My burger's good. too.
Samantha Whac kind ofmusic do you like? does your sister live?
Wayne No, I don't. K evin Music? I love heavy music. What about Daniel Jennifer!
Lorna Do you work in the evening? Jenny Daniel?
Wayn e h depends. Yes, sometimes. you? D aniel How nice to meet you, at lase. Would
Kate Do you make things? Samantha Opera. you like something co drink? Tea, coffee,
Wayne No, I don't. Kevin Opera- that's not really my thing!
Lorna Do you wear a uniform or special Kevin What do you do on the weekend? water?
Samantha I go to rescaurancs, I cook. I love Jenny No, I'm fine, thanks.
clothes? Daniel Great. Oh, Karen. What cime is my
W ayne Uh, yes - I wear special clothes. good food. And you?
Kevin Well, I don't cook! I meet friends and next meeting?
Kate Do you drive in your job? K a re n At twelve o'clock.
we play video games. D a niel That'~ good, we have time. OK, come
Wayne No, I don't. Sam antha You meet friends and you play
Lor na Do you work with other people? into my office, Jennifer.
video games. Wow. Jenny Thank you.
Wayne Yes, Ido. Ten people. K evin Do you want some more water? D aniel Talk to you later, Rob.
Kate Do you have special qualifications? Sam antha Oh, excuse me. Hi. Oh? Why? Rob Yeah. Sure.
W ayne Qualifications? No, I don't.
Dav id Do you speak foreign languages? Now? OK.See you in a minute. Sor ry 2 35>))
Kevin. I need to go. Nice to meet you. Bye. Anna Who's that?
W ayne No, only English. Is abel That's my friend, Alex.
Host You only have time for one more K evin Oh. Bye. Anna He's good-looking. How old is he?
W a iter Here's your check.
question team. Kevin The check! Hey, Samantha. Wait!
David Uh, do you earn a lot of money?
Wayn e Yes, I do. 2 25 >)) Isabel Twe::nty-six.
H ost Your time's up... R ob Um... Jennifer? Anna What does he do?
Isab el He's a police officer.
2 11>)) Jenny Rob? Anna Really? Docs he like it?
Host Now you have a minute to ask Wayne R ob Yes, hello. Nice to meet you, Jennifer. Isabel Yes, he loves it. And this is my dad.
about Tanya's job. Jenny Call me Jenny. Good to meet you, too. Anna He looks very young.
Kate Wayne, does Tanya work outside? Is abel Well, he's fifty-five this year.
R ob Welcome co London. Am I late?
W ayne It depends. Outside and inside. Jenny Um... just a little. Anna He doesn't look fifty-five! ls that your
Lorna Does she work on the weekend? R ob Whac cime is it? mother?
Isab el No, that's Gloria, my stepmother.
Wayne Yes, she docs. Je nny Nine fifteen.
K ate Does she work with computers? R ob I'm really sorry.The traffic is ter rible Ann a Is she nice?
Way ne No, she doesn't. today. Is ab el Yes, she's great. She's a hair stylisc-
David Does she wear a uniform or special Jenny No problem. she does my hair for free!
Rob How are you? How's the hotel? An na How nice! Who's that?
clothes? Jenny The hotel's very nice. Bue breakfast
Wayne Yes, she does. She wears special Isabel That's Natalie.
isn't great. I'd like a good cup ofcoffee. Not Anna Who's she?
clothes. Isabel My brother's friend.
K ate Does ~he travel? hotel coffee, real coffee.
Wayne Yes, she does. Alot. R ob OK, let's gee a coffee. Anna She's pretty!
Lorna Does she earn a lot ofmoney? Jenny Do I have time? 1have a meeting at Isabel Do you think so?
Anna Yes. Don't you like her?
Way ne Yes, she does. A lot. nine-thirty. Isab el Not very much. She thinks she's very
Host That's time. OK team... R ob With Daniel?
2 l2l)) Jenny Yes. intelligent, but she isn't really.
Rob Don't worry. We have lots oftime, the
H ost OK team. So, what's Wayne's job? Anna What does she do?
office is very near. So, Jenny, where do you Isab el She's a student. She studies Spanish-
K ate OK, so you wear special clothes, you live m New York? but she can't speak it very well...
work with ten other people, you earn a lot 2 28 >)) 2 40 >))
of money. Are you a soccer player, Wayne? Rob Here we are. This is the office. And chis
In terviewer What time do you get up in the
Wayne Yes, I am. is Karen.
Host Very good! And Tanya's job? Jenny Hello, Karen. morning?
David Let's see. She works outside and Rob Karen, this is Jennifer Zielinski from the Am elia Me levanto a las seis y media. Nunca
inside. She works on the weekend. She me quiero levantar porque es tan temprano.
doesn't work with computers. She wears New York office. l get up at six thirty. I never want to get up
special clothes. She travels a lot. She earns Karen Hello, Jennifer. because it's very early.
a lot ofmoney. We think she's a night Jenny Nice co meet you. Inter view er Do you have breakfast?
R ob Karen is our administrator. We all Amelia Yes, a quick breakfast, and then I go
Host Is that right, Wayne? depend on her. to school.
W ayne No, that's wrong. Tanya is a model. Karen Don't listen to Rob. Interviewer How do you go to school?
Listening 117
Am elia By bus. We have the~e yellow school 3 7 >)) and sometimes cloudy, with temperatures of
buses we call them liebres. about 85 degrees Fahrenheit. And ofcourse, it
Inter viewer Do you have a problem with
Interviewer What time do you start school? noisy neighbor~, Rebecca? sometimes rains.
In the winter, the temperature is usually
Amelia At 8 o'clock. In the first class Reb ecca No, I don't, not at all. But
sometimes my neighbors have problems between 30 degrees and 40 degrees. It can be
everyone is really sleepy. with me! I live man apartment building windy and cold, but it doesn't snow often. .
Inter vie wer Ho"' many cla~~e~ do you have? and the house rules here arc really strict.
Am elia In the morning we usually have five Jn the spring and in the fall the weather is
Inte r viewer What kind of house rules do
but sometimes six. very changeable -you can have all the four
Interviewer What time do you have lunch? you have?
Rebecca Well, for example, durmg the week seasons in one day! It can be sunny or foggy
Amelia Ar I o'clock. in che morning, cloudy at lunchtim e, raining
Interviewer That's a very long morning! you can't make noise between 12:30 and in the afternoon, and then cold and windy in
Amelia Yes, it is. We're ,·cry hungry at cwo o'clock because this is when young the evening. I always tell tourists to take their
children are asleep and the same is true sunglasses and their jackets when they go out!
lunchtime. after ten o'clock at night. So, for example,
Inter viewer Where do you have lunch' 3 15>))
Amelia We have lunch at school in the after ten o'clock you can't listen to loud
music without headphone~, or play a R o b Hey, Jenny!
cafeteria We only have fifty minutes, so we musical instrument. I think ic's becau~e Je nny Oh, hi, Roh. Is that coffee for me?
don't have much time to relax. We just eat people in SwitLerland get up early in the
our food and then run to the next class. morning. so chcy go co bed very early. R o b Yes. A double espresso.
In ter viewer How many d.isses do you have Inter viewer Can you watch TV after ten Jen ny Oh, wow, thanks. That's really nice of
in the .ifternoon' o'clock? YOU
Amelia On a good day only three, on a bad R ebecca Yes, you can, just not really loudly.
R o'b No problem. Do you have a meeting
day five. After the second cla~~ everybody So, I watch TV, but with che volume low
is tired and we don't concentrate on what and the windows closed ~o that\ not a v. ith Daniel?
the teacher is telling us. problem. But the problem is I can't use Je n ny Yes, another meeting. And you?
Inter viewer What time docs school finish? my hathroom, because the water makes
Amelia Ar five thirty. R o b I'm going to the office, coo. I have an
Inter viewer Do you go home then? a noise, and my bathroom is next to my interview in twenty minute.~.
Amelia h depends. On Mondays and
Wednesdays I go to extra clas~es to prepare neighbor's bedroom. Jenny Oh really? With who?
for college entrance exam~, and onTuesdar In terview e r So you can't take a shower or a
,md Thursdays Ih.ive basketball practice. Rob A theater director.
Interviewer What do you do when you get bath?
R ebecca No, not after ten o'clock. This isn't Je nny Sounds interel>ting. . . .?
Amelia I just want to relax, but it's true in all apartments in SwitLerland, but R ob What time is your meeting with Dame!.
in my apartment it is. Maybe because the
impossible. I have homework and exams, Je nny At half past nine.
<;O I need co studyl So I sit down at my desk apartmenti. are small.
and start working again. After dinner, I go Inter viewer What about on the weekend? Rob Cgh!
back to my room and study until 11 o'clock, Rebecca On Saturday, the rules are the same. Jenny Oh, no. Arc you OK? I'm so sorry!
or sometimes later. No noise after ten o'clock in the evening. R ob I'm fine!
Interviewer What rime do you go to bed? Jen ny I'm really ~orry. You can't wear that
Amelia About eleven thirty. I he in bed and Interviewer What happens ifyou want to
shirt to an interview!
think about the next day and the classes I
have. Luckily, it's Friday today! No school R ob Don't worry, there's a clothes shop over
tomorrow! there. I can buy a new one.
2 57>)) Jenny OK. I can help you choose one.
GARY Je nny Oh, chat's my phone. Sorry, I need to
Gary (sings)
Judge I Very nice Gary. have a party? . answer this. See you in there?
Judge 2 Yes, I like it. Good job. Rob OK.
R ebecca You can have a party, but the music
JUSTIN 3 19 l))
Justin (sings) can't be loud after ten.
Judge 1 In a word... "terrible!" Interviewer What happens ifyou make a lot
Judge 2 Justin, you have a very prett} face,
ofnoise after ten? E ddi e So, Jenny, what do you chink of London?
but I'm sorry, you can't sing! R eb ecca Well, the neighbors complain and if Jenny I love it, Eddie! It's so cool!
E ddie What about che people in the office?
NAOMI it's really loud, they can call the police. Jenny They're really nice. And they're very
Naomi (sings) Interviewer What about on Sunday?
Judge 1 Thank you, Naomi. Very.nice. .
Jud ge 2 Naomi, you have a beautiful voice, R eb ecca Sunday is a day ofrest in polite!
Switzerland, so you can't make any noise in E ddie What arc you doing right now? You
but I can't hear the feeling. your apartment at all. For example, in my
Judge 1 OK. Justin and Naomi. Thank building you can't move furniture, or p~c a aren't in the office. I can hear traffic.
picture on the wall, or turn on the washmg Je nny Right now? I am standing outside a
you very much, but no thank you. Gary,
congratulations. See you on the show next machine. men's clothing score.
Inter viewer What do you think of these
week. Ed die You're what?
Gary Awesome! That's great. Thank you. rules? Jenny I'm waiting for Rob.
R eb ecca Well, I like the rules chat control Edd ie Who's Rob? Do you have a new
noise during che week and on Sunday. I friend already?
think it's a good idea. But I think they ne~d Jenny Oon'r be silly. He's just a guy from the
to be more flexible on Saturdays. I mean if
a party is Mill a little loud afte.r ten, I don't office. He's buying a new shirt.
Ed d ie Wait a minute. So you're waiting for
a guy named R.ob outsiJe a men's clothi ng
think you need to call the police. score?
Inter viewer Doe& that really happen? Jenny Stop it. I don't have time to explain it
Reb ecca Yes, it happened co me. all now. Oh, here he is now. I have to go.
3 10>)) Eddie OK. Have fun.
Je nny Bye, Eddie. Love you.
The best thing about the wearher in New R ob So, what do you chink?
York City is chat it's always changing. In the
summer, it's usually hot and sometimes sunny Je nny You cannot be serious!
R o b What's wrong? You don't like my new
118 Listening
Jenny No way! You can't wear that to an 3 60l)) Jenny Well, you're the expert on London life!
inter view! Come on, let's go back into rhe What do you suggest?
store and change it. Interviewer When was your memorable
night? Rob Well, we can go cycling.
Rob OK. Jenny I don't have a bike.
David Tc puedo decir exactamenre, fue el Rob We can rent bikes. Ir's easy.
3 33l)) once de julio de! dos mil diez. I can tell you Jenny That'scool.
exacdy, it was July 11th, 2010. Rob OK, great.So we can cycle through the
Interviewer What's your favorite time of
day? Interviewer Why do you remember the parks, and you can see a bit ofLondon. Oh,
date? hang on. Uh, oh. It's Daniel. Daniel, hi!
Martin It depends. During the week it's Daniel Hi, Rob. You need to do an interview
seven in the evening, because that's when I David Because it was the final ofthe World this morning, with an artbt. He's at the
get home from work and when I can relax. Cup, Spain against Holland. Tare Modern.
But on rhe weekend, my favorite time is Rob Can I do the interview on Monday?
breakfast time. I have a big breakfast, and Interviewer Where were you? Daniel Sorry, he can only do this morning.
I have time to read the papers and listen to David Well, I'm a flight attendant and that Rob OK, send me the derails.
the radio. Daniel T hank you very much, Rob.
day I was in Acapulco in Mexico. Rob I'm sorry.
Interviewer What's your favorite day ofthe Interviewer Who were you with? Jenny Thar's OK, I understand. Work is work!
week? D avid I was with th ree other Spanish flight Rob But I can meet you later, outside the Tate
Modern. It's on rhe South Bank.
Martin My favorite day ofthe week is Friday, attendants. Jenny I can find it. I have a map, I can cycle
because then I know the weekend is near. there.
Interviewer Where did you go to watch the
Interviewer What's your favorite month? march? Rob Let's meet at twelve o'clock then.
Martin Probably May. Ir's when the weather Jenny Great.
David We didn't go out. We watched the
starts to get warm and the evenings are Jong. match in the hotel restaurant. 3.sai))
Interviewer What's you r favorite season?
Martin Spring, because it means that winter Interviewer And what did you wear to watch Rob Sorry about the weather.
the match? Jenny Yeah .. bur what a view! It's a great
is finally over. I love riding my bike, and
spring is a great time for bike riding- not David We wore Spanish soccer shirts that we bridge too.
too hot and not too cold. bought in a store, and we also had red and Rob Ir's the Millennium Bridge. It's not for
Interviewer What's your favorite holiday? yellow scarves.
Martin Probably New Year's Eve, because cars, only for people. It was the first new
you don't need to worry about buying Interviewer Tell me about the night. What bridge over the Thames in I00 years.
presents or cooking a big lunch, and did you do? Jenny You sou nd like a tour guide! 1
everybody's in a good mood. Rob Sorry... I inter viewed the architect lase
David Well, the match was on in the year. So what would you like to visit?
3 49l)) afternoon Mexican time. We went down to Jenny What is there to see?
the hotel restaurant early to get a good seat. Rob Well, we could see the Tate Modern first
I He was an English writer. There was a big screen. T he restau rant was as we're here, and then we could go to the
He was born in the 16th century. full ofSpanish tourists. T here was a great Globe Theatre. Do you like Shakespeare?
He was married with three children. atmosphere. Jenny Not really. I studied too much
He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon. Shakespeare in college. It's Daniel. Sorry.
He is famous for his plays, for example, Interviewer And Spain won the match, of Hi, Daniel.
Hamlet and Macbeth. course. Daniel Hi, Jennifer. How's your free day?
Arc you enjoying London?
2 She was born in London in 1932 to David Yes. It wasn't a good march, but when Jenny Absolutely. It's fantastic.
American parents. Spain got their winning goal everybody Daniel Listen, I have some free time today.
She was a famous actress. shouted and jumped up. It was amazing! Would you like to meet for lunch?
She was dark-haired and very bedutiful. When the match finished we all went Jenny That's really nice ofyou, Daniel, but
She was best friends with Michael Jackson. out. We wanted ro celebrate. We went to I'm sorry, I can't. I'm really far away from
She was famous for her dark blue eyes. another restaurant near the beach, and it the office right now.
was full ofSpanish people. Everyone was Daniel Thar's OK. No problem. Maybe
3 52 l)) really happy. We had a great party! another time?
Jenny Definitely. Bye.
... and finally on the news today the story of Interviewer What was the weather like? Do Rob What did he want? Anyrhing
two soccer fans who missed the big match. you remember? important?
Last week, Chelsea played Arsenal at David Yes, it was a warm night. About 20 Jenny Nor at all. Hey, let's go inside the Tate
Chelsea's famous stadium, Stamford Bridge in degrees Celcius, I think. Modern now.
west London. It was the match that soccer fans
all over the world wanted to watch. Charles Interviewer What time did you gee back to Rob Yes, ofcourse. There's a great restaurant
Spencer's daughter and a friend were among your hotel? on the top floor. The view is fantastic. The
the lucky people with tickets. The girls were Tate Modern was a power station until
in Althorp, which is about 85 miles from David I can't remember exactly bur very late, 1981. Did you know that?
London, and they decided to go by taxi. But about three in the morning. Luckily, I had a
when the taxi stopped in a small village, it was free day the next day, so I didn't need ro get Jenny I didn't. Do you know anything else
clear that something was wrong. They were up early. about the Tare Modem?
in Stamford Bridge, but not at the Chelsea
stadium. The driver had typed Stamford Inte rviewer Why was this night so Rob Thank you for asking. I know a lot about
Bridge into his GPS. But unfortunately, memorable? it actually.
Stamford Bridge is also a small village in the
north ofEngland - and that's where they were! David First, ofcourse, because Spain won Jenny Oh, great!
Ofcourse, they missed the match. their first World Cup, but also because of
the circumstances -we were ve ry far away
from Spain, thousands of kilometers away
in another country, but we all felt very
Spanish that night!
3 64>))
Rob So, Jenny, we have a free morning. What
do you want ro do?
Listening 119 ~
Detective Were you just his assistant? 4 15 >))
4 6>)) Claudia What do you mean? Leo 1lello.
Detective Were you in love wirh Mr. Waiter Good evening. sir, madam. What can
Then the detecrive ques1toned Barbara Travers.
Detective What did you do after dinner Travers? I get you?
Claudia No, I wasn't. Kim How about a coffee? I'm still cold.
yesterday evening? . Detective The truth please, Claudia.
Waiter Yes, madam. And you, sir?
Barbara After dinner? I played cards wnh Claudia Fine, Detective. Yes, l was in love Leo You know, I'm cold, too. I'll also have a
with him, and he said he was in love with
Gordon, and then I went to bed. coffee, thanks.
Detective What time was that?
Barbara It was about eleven thirty. 1 me. He said he wanted to leave his wife - Waiter Here you are!
Amanda-and marry me. I was stupid. I Leo Well, here's to our new house!
remember I looked at my watch.
Detective Did you hear anything m your believed him. He used me, Detective! I was Kim Yes!
Waiter You're new around here, aren't you?
father's room? very angry with him.
Barbara No. I didn't hear anything. Detective Did you kill him? Leo Yes, that's right.
Detective Miss Travers, did you have any Claudia No, Detective, I loved Jeremy. Kim We just rented the big house on Darwin
problems with your father? 4 9 >)) Road.
Barbara No, l didn't have any problems Waiter Which house?The Travers family's
with him at all. My father was a wonderful Before dinner, Gordon met withJeremy in the house?
man and a wonderful father. I'm sorry, ltbrary. Leo Yes.
Gordon Happy birthday, Jeremy. Waiter Oh.
Detective. Leo Is something wrong?
Detective Don't worry, Miss Travers. No Jeremy Ah, rhanks, Gordon. Waiter Who showed you the house?
Gordon Listen, Jeremy, I want to talk to you
more que~tions.
4 7 >)) about Barbara. Kim Barbara.The old lady who lived there
Next, the detective questioned Gordon Smith Jeremy Barbara? What's the problem?
Detective What did you do after dinner, Gordon It's not exactly a problem. I am in before.
Waiter Ahh, Barbara. Old Mr. Travers's
love with her, and I want to marry her.
daughter. Some people thought that sh~
Gordon? Jeremy Marry Barbara? Marry my daughter! was the one who did ir. She never married,
Gordon I played cards with Barbara. Then
Are you crazy? Never! You don't love ofcourse.
she went to bed. Barbara. You only want her money! Kim The one who did what? What
Detective Did you go to bed then?
Gordon No. l stayed in the living room and l Gordon That's not true, Jeremy. l love her. happened? Why didn't she marry?
Jeremy Listen to me. If you marry Barba~a, Waiter Didn't she tell you?
had a cup of tea. Then I went co bed. Leo Tell us what?
when I die all my money goes to Claudia. Waiter About the murder.
Detective What time was that?
Gordon I don't remember exactly. l didn't Gordon To Claudia? To your assistant?
look at the time. Jeremy Yes. Leo & Kim Murder??
Detective Did you hear anything during the Gordon ls rhat your last word, Jeremy? Waiter Yes, Mr. Travers was murdered in
night? . Jeremy Yes, it is. that house in 1958 ... in his bed.
Amanda Dinner everybody!
Gordon No, l didn't. l was very med. I slept Reader At midnight, Gordon was in the Kim Oh, how horrible!
Waiter The man who killed Mr. Travers was
very well. living room. He finished his tea and went Barbara's lover. The family never lived
Detective You and Mr. Travers were
upstairs. there again. They tried to sell the house,
business partners, weren't you? Jeremy Who is it? Gordon? but nobody wanted to buy it. Not after a
Gordon Yes, that'~ right. murder. That's why that house is always
Detective And it's a very good business I 4 14>))
Barbara Let's go upstairs. Follow me. Be rented.
understand. Leo Kim.
Gordon Yes, Dececcive, it is. careful. The ceiling is very low here. Kim Yes.
Detective And now, it is your business. Leo It's a very old house. Leo Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Gordon Listen, Detective, I did not kill Barbara Yes, the house is three hundred Kim Yes - I don't want to sleep in a house
Jeremy. He was my partner and he was my years old. My family lived here for nearly . where somebody was murdered. Come on.
eighty years. There arc six bedrooms. This
friend. was my father's bedroom. Let's go to a hotel.
Waiter Hey, your coffee! You didn't drink
4 8>)) Kim Is there heat in the house? your coffee! Ah, well.
Finally, thedetective questioned Claudia Barbara Yes, there is. Why do you ask? Are
Simeone. you cold? 4 24>))
Detective What did you do yesterday Kim Yes, it's very cold m here. [arrived at Gosforth Hall late in the evening.
Leo That's because we're from California. I don't believe in ghosts, but yes, I felt a little
evening, after dinner?
Claudia I went to my room and I took a bath Barbara Let's go and sec the other nervous. I checked in, and the fronr-desk clerk
and I went co bed. bedrooms. gave me the key and showed me to my room.
Detective What time was that? I left my things in the room and came
Claudia About 11 o'clock. Leo Yes, ofcourse.
Detective Did you hear anything? Leo Well, what do you think, Kim? I love it! downstairs. There weren't many other guests
Claudia Yes. I heard somebody go into
Don't you? in the hotel. There were only three. I sat in
Jeremy's room. It was about 12 o'clock. Kim I'm not sure. There's something about the lounge and I talked to the manager, S_ara
Detective Who was it? the house I don't like. Daniels, about her hotel. Then I had a dnnk
Claudia It was Amanda, his wife. Leo Kim, it's perfect for the kids.Think of and at 12 o'clock, Iwent upstairs to my room.
Detective Are you sure? Did you see her?
the yard. And it's a real authentic country Room 11 was on the top floor. I opened the
Claudia Well, no, I didn't see her. But I'm
house. What do you say? door and turm:d on the light.
sure 1t was Amanda. Kim I suppoi.e so. If you're sure. . It was a very big room, very old, and yes,
Detective You were Mr. Travers's assi~tant,
Leo I am sure! Mrs...uh, Barbara. We want 1t. it was a little spooky.There was an old TV on
Claudia .
Claudia Yes, I wa.s. We want to rent the house. a table - but there wasn't a remote control. I
Barbara Excellent. turned on the TV.
Leo When can we move in?
Barbara As soon as you like.
120 Listening
There was a movie on. I was happy co see Jack ror the apperizer, rhere's carrot and Host Well, jui.t try to relax. The rules are the
that it wasn'r a horror movie. I decided LO orange soup, for the main course I made same as always. I'm going to read you some
watch the movie, but I was tired after my long chicken breasts filled wirh cream cheese, sentences, and you have ten seconds ro say
trip and afrer halfan hour, I went to sleep. and for dessert I made pancakes with if the sentence is true or false. Ifyou get
chocolate sauce. the fi rst answer right, you win 500 dollars.
4 25 >)) Then for each correct answer you double
Stephen In the middle of the night, Isuddenly Host That all looks delicious. And you, Liz? your money, so ifyou get the second answer
Liz I made a carrot and onion salad with right, you win l,000 dollars, and for the
woke up! I looked at my watch. It was two third correct answer you win 2,000 dollars.
o'clock in the morning. The TV was off! But orange dressing. Then for rhc main course, For eight correct answers you win 64,000
how? There was no remote control, and I I made pasta with creamy chicken sauce, dollars. But ifyou get an answer wrong, you
didn't get up and turn it off. The light was and for dessert, chocolate and orange lose all the money. Remember you can also
on, but suddenly tht! light went off, coo. mousse. call a friend, so ifyou're not sure about one
Now I was scared! I couldn't see anything Host It all looks good, too. But now, the of the answers, you can call your friend ro
strange, bur I could feel that there was moment oftruth. Let's taste your dishes... help you. ls that OK, Colleen?
somebody or something in the room. I got
our ofbed and turned on the light and TV 4 34>)) Colleen Yes, OK.
again. Linle by little I scarred to relax, and I
went co sleep again. When I woke up, it was Host OK, Jack. Let's cry your soup. Mmm, 4 46 >))
morning. I had breakfast and checked out. that's delicious. It's a great combination,
I left the hotel about ten o'clock. carrot and orange. Is there any onion in the Host OK Colleen, first question for 500
Interviewer So the question is, did you see soup? dollars. The North Pole is colder than the
the ghost? South Pole. True or false?
Stephen No, I didn't see the ghost, but I Jack Yes, one onion.
definitely felt something or somebody in Host It's very good, but next time maybe you Colleen The North Pole is colder than the
the room when I woke up in the night. Sourh Pole. Uh, false.
Interviewer Were you frightened? could add a little cream, not much, just a
Stephen Yes, I was! Very frightened! little. OK, now the chicken. Mmm, that's Host Correct. The South Pole is much
Interviewer Would you like to spend nice. Not very original, but very tasty. And colder, because it's much higher than the
another night in the hotel? finally, che pancakes. They look beautiful... North Pole. In the summer, the average
Stephen Definitely, yes. and they caste great. Now Liz. let's try your temperature at the North Pole is 32 degrees
Interviewer Why? dishes. The salad first. Mmm, it's nice, but Fahrenheit, but at the South Pole it's
Stephen Well, I'm sure there was something the caste ofonion is very strong. How many minus 15. Now, for 1,000 dollars, carrots
strange in that room. I can't explain the onions did you use? are sweeter than tomatoes. True or false?
television and the light. I want to go back Liz Three.
because I want to see the ghost. Host I think maybe rwo are enough for this Colleen Uh, I think it's true.
salad. OK, the pasta. Moun, it's very good Host Correct. It's true. Carrots are abo1fr five
4 32>)) but it needs a little more salt and peppt!r.
And finally, the mousse. That's a beautiful percent sugar, but tomatoes, even though
Host Good afternoon and welcome to mousse, Liz. they are a fruit and not a vegetable, don't
today's edition ofGet Ready! Cook! Liz Thank you. have any sugar at all. OK, for 2,000 dollars,
And a big round ofapplause for today's Host Mmm, and it tastes wonderful, a proton is heavier than an electron.
contestants, Jack and Liz. Hello, Jack. So, absolutely delicious. Colleen I think it's true.
do you like cooking? Well, congratulations ro you both. I loved Host Correct. A proton is more than 1,800
illl your dishes- but only one of you can times heavier than an electron. Next, for
Jack I love it. I cook dinner every evening at win - and today's winner is.. .Jack! 4,000 dollars, The White House is bigger
home. than Buckingham Palace. True or false?
4 42 l)) Colleen The White House is bigger than
Host How about you, Liz? Buckingham Palace. Uh, false.
Liz Yes, I'm the cook in my family, too. I cook Host Question I. What is the approximate Host Correct. Buckingham Palace has 775
population of Vietnam? Is it a 68 million, b rooms, but the White House has only 132
every day ofcourse, but what I really like is 78 million, or c 88 million? rooms. Next, for 8,000 dollars, oranges are
cooking for friends on the weekend. healthier than strawberries. True or false?
Host OK, so you know the rules. In the Contestant I I think it's c, 88 million. Colleen Uh, true. No, uh, false.
bagthere are six ingredients, just six Host c is the right answer! Question 2. How Host Do you want to call a friend?
ingredients. You have an hour to make Colleen No, I think it's false.
three dishes, an appetizer, a main course, many calories are there in a Big Mac? Is it a Host Correct. An orange has 70 milligrams
and a dessert. Apart from the ingredients in 670, b 540, orc 305? ofvitamin C, but a cup ofstrawberries, a
the bag, you can also use basic ingredients Contestant 2 I think it's a, 670. normal serving, has 98. OK, for 16,000
like pasta, rice, eggs, sugar, salt, pepper, Host Final answer? dollars, female mosquitoes are more
and so on. OK? Are you ready? Let's open Contestant 2 Final answer, 670. dangerous than male mosquitoes.
the bag. And today's ingredients are a Host I'm sorry, rhe right answer is b. A Big Colleen Uh, true.
chicken, some carrots, some onions, three Mac has 540 calories. And Question 3. Host Correct. Female mosquitoes are the ones
oranges, some cream cheese, and some How far is it from New York City to Los that bite. Male mosquitoes don't bite. OK,
dark chocolate. OK, Jack and Liz. You have Angeles? Is it a about 2,500 miles, b about Colleen, for 32,000 dollars, in judo a green
five minutes to decide what to make, and 1,500 miles, or c about 3,100 miles? belt is better than a blue belt.True or false?
then it's Get ready! Cook! Contestant 3 About 2,500 miles. Colleen Uh, I'm sure that's false. My brother
Host Are you sure? does judo. False.
4 33>)) Contestant 3 Yes. I'm sure. Host Correct. The order ofbelts in the lower
Host a is the right answer! stages of judo is white for a beginner, then
Host Liz and Jack, you have two more yellow, orange, green, blue, brown, and
minutes, so I hope you're almost ready. 4 45>)) black. And finally, the last question. Be
OK. Time's up. Stop cooking now, please. very careful, Colleen. Ifyou get it right, you
OK, Jack. What did you make? Host Good evening. Welcome co Quiz NiBht. win 64,000 dollars, but if you get it wrong,
Tonight's show comes from New York City. you get nothing. Are you ready?
And our first contestant is Colleen from
Miami. Hi, Colleen. Are you nervous? Listening 121
Colleen Yes, a little.
Colleen Yes, ready. 4 SS >)) create a profile. Then you search for the
Host OK, for 64,000 dollars, hepa1iris A is city you want to visit, and you look for
Oaniel So, Jenny, I hear it's your birthday people there who are offering a bed. When.
worse than heparitis B. True or false? you find somebody, you send them an email
today. and then you can agree on the day or days
Colleen Uh... uh... Jenny Yes, that's right. that you want to stay. The website is free.
Host Quickly, Colleen, your time is almost Daniel Well, Happy Birthday! How do you Host And do you have to offer a bed in your
up. normally celebrate? house?
Colleen I want to call a friend. Jenny Oh, nothing special. Maybe .' go out for Alan No, not ifyou don't want to. You can
Host OK, Colleen. So, who do you want to
dinner with friends or see a movie. just be a guest or you can be a host and offer
call? Daniel Well, we could go out somewhere, a room in your house, or you can do both
Colleen Kevin. things. It's up to you.
Host Is he your friend? after dinner. Host Is CouchSurfing safe?
Colleen Yes. Waiter Would you like a dessert? Alan Yes, it is. You have a lot of information
Host OK then. Hello, Kevin? Je nny Not for me, thanks. on the website about the person you are
Daniel OK, no. going to stay with. Every ~ime a person
Kevin Yes. Waiter Coffee? stays with a host, they write a report,
Host I'm calling from Quiz Ni[Jht. Colleen Jenny A decafespresso. either p<.>sitive or negative, and you can
Daniel The same for me, please. read all these reports. Also, you can email
needs ~ome help. You have 30 seconds, Waiter Two decaffeinated espressos. the person before you go OAnd ask any
Kevin. I!ere she is. Certainly, sir. questions you want.
Colleen Hi Ke\'in. Daniel You know Jenny, you've got beautiful Host Does the host usually show you his or
Kevin Hi Colleen.
Colleen Listen, Kevin. It's the last question. eyes. her city?
Jenny I ger rhem from my mother. Anyway, Alan Well, it depends on the person. Some
Hepatitis A is worse rhan hepari1is B. True
what are your plans for the July edition of hosts cake their guests to see some of
or false? the sighrs, but others don't. It depends .
Kevi n Uh, I think ir's true. Hepatitis A, yes, the magazine? when you visir, too. Some hoses take their
Daniel The, er, July edition? I um... gucsrs out on the weekends, but are too
chat's the serious one. Jenny I have to cake this. Sorry. busy during the week. But hosts usually
Colleen Are you sure? Daniel '.'lo problem. recommend things to do, so you often see
Kevin Yes, definitely! Jenny Hi, Barbara. things that tourisrs don't usually see.
Host Time's up. OK Colleen, true or false? Barbara Jenny, just a quick call. We really Host And can l CouchSurfall over the
Colleen True. like your idea about Rob Walker. He's a world?
Host Final answer? Alan Ofcourse. In fact, you can visit 230
Colleen Final answer. True. great wr iter.
Host I'm sorry, Colleen, it's false. Heparitis Jenny So can I ask him? countries and more than 70,000 cities.
Barbara Yes. Go ahead.
Bis much more serious. You can die from Jenny That's great. s lS>))
it. You had 32,000 dollars, but now you go Barbara Good luck. I hope he says yes.
home with nothing. Jenny Me, too. "Well I have a problem with my friend.
Colleen Ooh, Kevin. You wait until I see him... Daniel Good news? We argue all the time. I'm not sure that he
Jenny Uh, yeah. That was Barbara my boss loves me. I want to know ifwe're going to
4 49>)) stay wgether." "Please choose five cards,
Jenny Thanks for showing me around from the New York office. She just gave me but don't look at chem." Jane rook five cards.
The forrune-teller put them on the table face
London yesterday. Ihad a great time. a little birthday present. down. He turned over che first card. "Ah, rhis
Rob Me, roo. So, what did you do last night? Daniel So, would you like to go ~omewhere is a good card. This means you're goi~g to be
Jenny Norhing really. I had a lot of ~ork to , very lucky." "But am I going to stay with my
else? boyfriend?" Jane asked. "Maybe,'' said the
do. Emails, phone calls... What did you do. Jenny l'm sorry, Oaniel. l'm a little tired. fortune-teller. "We need to look at the other
R ob I wrote my article about the amsr that I Daniel Yes, ofcourse. Waiter, could I have
cards first ."
interviewed yesrerday morning. the bill, please?
s 17>))
Jenny Can I see it? s 8>))
Rob Sure, it's on my laptop. Hang on a Part4
Host On today's travel program, Alan Marks The fortune -teller turned over a card with
second. There. is going to tell us about CouchSurfing, a cwo rings. "Now I can see everything clearly.
Jenny Sorry. Hi, Eddie. new way of traveling. Alan, what exactly is You are going to leave your friend and go
Eddie Happy birrhday, Jenny' away with the other man, with Jim...to another
Jenny Thanks! But lisren, I can't ralk right now. CouchSu rfing? country. And very soon you're going to get
Alan Well, CouchSurfing is an exciting and married." "Married ?To Jim? But am I going to
Eddie Oh, sure. be happy with him?" "You're going to be very
Jenny I'm in the office. cheap way oftraveling and seeing new happy rogerher. I'm sure ofir." Jane lo~kedat
Eddie I'll call you back. places. Ir's a very simple idea. When you her watch. "Oh, no, look at the ume. I m gomg
Jenny Yeah, later. visit another city, you stay in somebody's to be late for work." She stood up, left a $50
Eddie OK. apartment or house.That person, the host, bill on the table, and ran out ofthe room.
Jenny OK. Sorry, but it's my birthday today. gives you a room and a bed, and if he or she
Rob Really?! Happy birrhday! Maybe we doesn't have a bed, then you can sleep on 5 30 >))
One of the first things I noticed in Valencia
could have dinner tonight? their couch, or sofa. is that people eat out a lot. They spend a.
lot of time in cafes. You find people having
Daniel Jennifer. s 9>))
Jenny Oh, hi Daniel.
Daniel I'd like to take you out for dinner this H ost Do you have to pay for the bed?
Alan No, you don't. It's completely free.
Jenny This evening? CouchSurfers usually take a small present
Daniel Yes, for a working dinner. We have a for the host or mayhe they can help with
the housework or make a meal. But you
lot to talk about before you go back to New
York. I know a very good restaurant. never pay any money.
Jenny Oh, uh... yes, ofcourse. Host How do you find these people?
Daniel Great. Sec you later. Alan Well, there is a website called
Jenny Yes, sure. Sorry, Rob.
CouchSurfing.org. l'irsr, you go there and
122 Listening
breakfasr or rea, not just lunch and dinner. 5 38>)) want to sir on the sofa and watch a movie.
Actually, 1think it's a great movie.
People who work go out w have coffee, rhey Jenny Rob! 2 Yes, The EmpireStrikes Back, the second
Star Wars movie, well, the fifth episode
don't have it in rheir office. In restauranrs, one Rob Jenny, hi. Sorry I'm a bir late. in che series. l've seen it abour twenty
times probably. It·~ my favorite movie of
thing that really surprised me was that when Jenny No problem. all time, and when I meet a girl, I always
watch it with her. It's a kind oftest. Ifshe
people go out in big groups, rhe men all sit Rob Really? doesn't like rhe movie, then I think that our
relationship isn't going to work.
at one end of the cable and the women ar rhe Jenny Really! 3 Yes, I have. Flashdance. l've seen it, oh,
more than a hundred t imes. I absolutely
other. Rob I got your message. love it. I love the music, and the movie
Anorher thing I notice, maybe because I'm Jenny Would you like a coffee or something? just makes me feel good. Whenever I feel
depressed I think, OK, I'm going to watch
a woman myself, is what Spanish women are Rob No, I'm fine thanks. So whar did you Flashdarice. It always makes me feel better.
like, or Valencian women maybe. Ofcourse, want to talk about? You think London is I've bought the DVD three rimes because
afcer you've played a DV l) a lot, ic doesn't
I'm a foreigner, but l find that the women che best city in the world and you don't
work well.
here talk very fast and very loudly, much want to go home.
5 51 >))
more than the men. Women dress very well, Jenny Not exactly. We'd like you to come to
Jess So, where arc you going to take me for
especially older women, and they alwar look New York.
my birthday?
immaculate! Rob Me? To New York?! Matt l want to take you somewhere really
Finally, there's a myth that the Spanish Jenny I talked to Barbara about you. You
nice. Have you been to The Peking Duck on
don't work hard, but I don't chink it's true, it's know, Barbara, my boss? She loves your
24th Street?
just that they work different hours. People articles, too. So, would you like to come Jess On 24th Street. Yes, I have.
Matt Oh, no! When did you go there?
have a long lunch break, but they leave work over to New York and work for us? Just for Jess Last month. I went with some people
very late. a month. And write a column for New York
24seven. And maybe a daily blog? from work.
Matt OK. Somewhere else. Have you ever
5 36 >)) Rob Wow, sounds great! What could I call ir?
eaten at Appetito on 2nd Avenue?\hey
Interviewer Today, most people spend a lot An Enlllishmari in New York? make delicious pasta.
Jess I know. I've been there twice. But we
of time every day online, but do men and Jenny Why not! Are you interested? could go there. I love Italian food.
women u~e the Internet in the same way? Rob Yes, very. It'~ amaz.ing! But I need ro Matt No, listen. Why don't we go back to
Luigi's? We had an amazing meal last time.
Expert Research shows that in general, think about it. Do you remember? The Italian waiter sang
they use the Internet in different ways. Jenny Ofcourse. for you. It was so romantic!
Jess No, I don't remember.
For example, men and women both use Rob When do I need to decide? Matt You don't?
Jess No, I don't remember because ir wasn't
the Internet to send emails, but men send Jenny Before rhe end ofthe week?
me. I've never been tO Luigi's.
more work emails, while women send more Rob OK, great. Thank you. Matt Oh. My bad memory again.
Jess So, who did you go there with? With
personal emails to friends and family. Jenny And now, I really have to go.
your ex- friend?
Interviewer What abour online shopping? 5 42 >)) Matt No, no, I wenr there with.. .my sister.
Expert As you can imagine, women do
Yes, with my sister.
more Internet shopping than men. They Jenny Where is it? Where's my phone?! Jess Your sister, huh? Let's forger it. I don't
often use online stores to buy things for Rob Are you looking for this? think I want to go out on my birthday.
the house, clothes, coys, and so on. Men, Jenny Rob! I can't believe it! My phone!
on the other hand, prefer buying things on You're a hero, thank you so much.
auction sires like eBay. Rob No problem. lt gave me a chance to see
Interviewer What ocher sites are more you again. And I had more time to think
popular with men? about your offer.
Expert News sites are more popular with Jenny And?
men than with women. Men also like Rob I'd love to accept. I really want to come
vis iring sports sites where they can find and work in New York.
our, for example, game scores. In general, Jenny That's great, Rob! I'm ~o happy.
men use the Internet a lot for fun. They Rob Me, too. Oh, you had a call from Eddie.
download music and play games much I didn't answer it. ls he going to meet you at
more than women do. the airport?
Interviewer What do women do more than Jenny Eddie? No. He's at college in
men? California.
Expert Well, women often use the Internet co Rob ln California? Does he teach there?
get information about health and medicine. Jenny Teach? No, he's a student.
And they are also more interested in Rob Astudent?
websites that give rhem advice, for example, Jenny Well, he's only 19. Eddie's roy brother.
websites that give advice about how to be Announcement Next departure flight 232
good parents, or diet websites rbar help to New York is now ready for boarding.
them to lose weight. They also use the Jenny I need to go.
Internet for directions much more than Rob Well, have a good journey.
men. They use websites like Google maps Jenny Thanks, Rob. Bye.
when they need tO go somewhere new. And Rob Bye. And see you in New York!
they use social networks like Facebook 5 49 >))
more than men do. 1 Yes, I have. I don't usually sec movies more
Interviewer Are there some things that boch than once or rwice, but I've probably seen
It's a Wonderful Life, the old Frank Capra
men and women do? movie, at least six or seven rimes because
Expert Yes, they both use the Internet to it's on TV every Christmas. It's usually on
jusr after lunch on Christmas Day, which
book tickets for trains and planes, and to is when I'm full and a little sleepy, and I
book horels. They also both use online
banking, for example, to pay bills or make
Listening 123
lA present tense verb be El, subject pronouns: /, you, etc.
[!]=affirmative form 1 5>)) • Always use a subject pronoun (you, he, etc.) with a verb, e.g.,
It's a school. NOT J'j a:!t:hool. They're teachers. NOT Arc: teacJ1ers.
Full form Contraction
• Always use capital I, e.g., He's Mike and I'm Sally. NOT i'm Sally.
I am your teacher. I'm your teacher. With other pronouns only use a capital letter when it's the first word
You are in room 7. You're in room 7. in a sentence.
He is Mike. He's Mike.
She is Hannah. She's Hannah. • you= singular and plural.
It is a school. It's a school. • Use he for a man, she for a woman, and it for a thing.
We are students. We're students. • Use they for people and things.
You are in Class 2. You're in Class 2.
They are teachers. They're teachers. Contractions
• In contractions'= a missing letter, e.g., 'm =am.
• We use contractions in conversation and in informal writing, e.g., an
email to a friend.
18 present tense verb be G and Ill Ill• question for~m..._,,.,,,.,.,.,....,...,....
I'm not Brazilian. ' l 23>)) Are you Chinese?
Is he/she /it American?
She isn't from Los Angeles. Are we Turkish?
Are you
They aren't Spanish.
Are you Peruvian? Yes, I am. Are they
Is she South Korean? No, she isn't.
El =negativeform
. fuUform Contraction lam. I'm not.
you are.
l am not I'm not he I she /it is. you aren't.
You are not You aren't Yes, weare.
He/She/ltis not He I She I It isn't Italian. No, h~ I she I it isn't.
Weare not We aren't Spanish. you are, we aren't.
You are not You aren't Mex ic a n . they are.
They are not They aren't you aren't.
they aren't.
• Put not after the verb be to make negatives. • In questions, put am, are, is,~ /,you, he, etc.
• You can also contract are not and is not like this: Areyou German? NOT You are Ger marl?
Where areyoufrom? NOT Vlhe1 eyou ai efrom?
You're not Italian. She's not Spanish.
• Don't use contractions in affirmative short answers.
Areyou Iranian? Yes, I am. NOT ~
lC possessive adjectives: my, your, etc. p it's or its?
I'm Chinese. My family is from Beijing. l , 41 >)) Be careful with it's and its.
You're in level 1.
He's the director. This is your classroom. =it's =it is It's a school.
She's your teacher.
It's a school. His name is Michael. its possessive Its name is
We're an international school.
They're new students. /vlcQueen's Language School.
Her name is Tina.
Its name is McQueen's Language School.
Our students are from many different countries.
Their names are David and Emma.
• his= ofa man, her= ofa woman, its= of a thing.
• their= ofplural people or things.
• Possessive adjectives don't change with plural nouns.
our students NOT 01:m strulents
lA b Write the sentences with contractions.
a Complete with am, is, or are. He is late. He's late.
Tam Mike. 1 It is Friday.
l We from Boston. 2 They are in school.
2 He early. 3 I am very well.
3 They teachers. 4 You are in my class.
4 Today Wednesday. c Write the sentences with a subject pronoun and a contraction.
5 I sorry. M ike and H annah are students. Thzy1e students.
1 John is in room 5.
6 le a hotel. 2 Sam and I ar e early.
3 Julia is a teacher.
7 You in room402. 4 T he school is in Santiago. _ - - -- - - - -- -- - - -- - -
8 She a student.
9 Myname Carla.
lO I in a taxi. ~ p.5
18 c Complete the dialogue. Use contractions if
a Write the sentences in the negative.
A Hi. Cm Mark.
She's Australian. She isn't Australian. B Hello, Mark. My name 1__ Maria.
I'm Amcrican. A 2__ you Spanish, Maria?
B No. I 3__ from Mexico.
2 They're Brazilian. A 4__ you from Mexico City?
B No. I 5__ from Tijuana.
3 h's in South America. A 6__ Tijuana near Mexico City?
B No, it 7_ _ • It 8 in the north.
4 You're French. A 9__ you a student?
B No. I 10_ _ a teacher.
b Make questions and short answers.
~ p.7
/ you Russian? _______[1J Ar~)!QU B.uui,.m? 0 Yes, lam.
1 / I in room 10?
rn - ? [{)
2 J it Italian? rn ? [l] ____ _ __
3 /they students? rn ? [l] _ ______
4 J he from the US? rn ? 0 _ _ ____
5 I you sure? III ? [l) _ _ _ _ __
lC b @the correct word.
a Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective. Mark and Simon are friends.c§pTheir are in class 2.
~name's Dady. I'm from Brazil. 1 She's a new student. She f Her name's Carla.
The students are from Italy. _ names are Susanna
and Tito. 2 ls they/ their teacher British?
2 She's in my class. __ name is Rebecca.
3 We're in class 2. __ teacher is Richard. 3 My name's Soraya. I'm in you fyour class.
4 London is famous for _ _ parks.
S How do you spell __ last name, Anna? 4 Where are you Jyour friends from?
6 This is my teacher. __ name is Brad. 5 We're French. We/ Our names are Marc and Jacques.
7 I'm from Boston. __ address is 31 Kent Road. 6 Isshe/herJapanese?
8 Sic down and open _ _ books, please. 7 Peter is a teacher. He/ His is from Canada.
9 Laura is in my class. __ desk is near the window. 8 What's he/ his name?
10 We're from Beijing. _ _ last name is Wong.
9 I'm Karen. I/ My last name is White.
10 She / Her is from Seoul.
~ p. 9
Online Proa·
2A aI an, plurals; this I that I these I those irregular plurals
aI an, plurals a man /nuI!n/ Plural
a woman /'wum.,n/
It's a bag. 1 52>)) a child /tfa1ld/ men /men/
Ir's an umbrella. a person /'p:Jrsn/ women /1w1m<in/
They're books. children /'t.flldr~n/
They're watches. people /'pipl/
al an (indefinite article) this/ that/ these/ those
a bag. [I]
It's . pen. ~
an IDcard.
umbrella ,
• Use a/an with singular nouns. What's this? It's a ticket. l 57l))
• Use an with a noun beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u).
• Use a with nouns beginning u when u =/yu/, e.g., university. These watches are Japanese.
2 That car is Italian.
regular plurals What are those?They're headphones.
~ Sih1Utar Pbirat SPe.Uin1 ' .. l
a book books add-s
a key keys
a watch watches add -es after ch, sh, s, x
a box boxes
a country countries consonant + y >ies Use this/ these for things nearyou (here}.
2 Use that/ those for things which aren't near you (there).
a dictionary dictionaries • this/ that =singular; these/ those= plural.
• this, that, these, and those can be adjectives (this watch) or
• Add -s (or -es or -ies) ro make plural nouns:
pronouns (What's this?).
lt's a pen. They're pens.
• Don't use a/ an with plural nouns:
They're keys. NOT Fhey'1e t:1 k~.
28 adjectives
The White House is in the US. 1 63>))
They're blue jeans.
2 He's strong.
It isn't easy.
Is it American?
3 Ir's a very big city.
She's really small
2C imperatives, let's Use imperatives to give orders or instructions.
• [+)imperatives= verb (base form).
Open the door. Turn right. 1 71>))
Don't worry. Don't stop. {-]imperatives = don't+ verb (base form).
Be quiet, please. Please sit down. • Add please to be polite: Open the door, please.
2 Let's go home. Let's wait. • We often use be+ adjective in imperatives: Be quiet, Be careful, etc.
• Don't use a pronoun with imperatives: Be quiet.
- 2 Use Let's+ verb (base form) co make suggestions.
Use Let's not+ verb to make a negative suggestion: Let's not wait.
2A c Complete the dialogues with this, these, that, or those.
a Complete with a or an. Write the plural. Teacher What's i_ _ _ ,
singular plural
photos Jenny Ct's an iPod.
aphoto Teacher And what are
l __ city 2 , Jenny?
Jenny They're
2 email
3 __ person Teacher Give chem to me,
4 __ box
please, Jenny.
s woman
b Write sentences with It's or They're (and a or an ifnecessary). Who's 3_ __
man over there?
pen It's ape.a. Boy 1 He's my father.
buses They're buseS, Andare 4_ _ _
children Boy2 your dogs?
2 change purse Boy I Yes, they are.
3 men Wow!
4 umbrella Boy2
5 sunglasses Boy 1
<lll( p.12 <Ill( p.13
28 b Put the words in the right order.
a Underline the adjectives in these sentences. is Chinese he ? ls. he Chines.e.?
l a day very it's hot
He's a rich man. 2 your Australian is teacher?
1 They're Japanese tourists. 3 car fast isn't that very
2 lt's an international school. 4 a idea bad it's
3 That isn't the right answer.
4 We're good friends. s a are student you good?
5 Hi, Anna. Nice to meet you.
6 Those animals are dangerous. 6 easy is English very
7 This is a big country. 7 strong my is brother very
8 My phone is very cheap. 8 watch expensive is this an
~ p.14
2C b Complete with Let's and a verb from the list.
a Complete with a verb from the list. Use a GoraG imperative.
close go Opet! sit down stop turn off
be go have epeR park read speak take turn on wewy
It's hot. Let's. open the window.
A It's hot. B Qpm the window. 1 Comeon. _ _ _
2 It's late. _ _ _ the TV and go to bed.
A I'm very sorry B 12..!m'Ul!Qrry. It isn't a problem. 3 I'm tired. _ _ _
4 It's very cold in here. _ __ the window.
1 A I'm bored. B the TV. S There's a service station. _ _ _ and have
2 A No entiendo. B This is an English class. Please _ __ Spanish. a coffee.
<Ill( p.17
3 A I'm tired. B It's late. to bed.
Online Practice
4 A ls this book good? B No, it isn't. it.
S A l'mhungry. B _ _ _ asandwich.
6 A Look ac chose animals. B careful. They're dangerous.
7 A It's raining. B _ an umbrella.
8 A Where is our hotel? B It's over there. _ __ here.
3A simple present l±l and G • Contractions: don't= do not, doesn't "' does not.
• To make negatives use don't/ doesn't+ verb (base form).
Americans like fast food. 2 4>))
They live in houses with yards. He doesn't work. NOT He doesn't works.
My husband works from 9:00 co 5:00.
Ann has three children. I work I play I live. He worksI plays/ lives.
I watch I finish I go I do. She watches I finishes I goesI does.
13 El I study. She studies.
Iwork. .I don't work. • The spelling rules for the he/she/ it forms are the same as for
You work. You don't work. the plurals (see Grammar Bank 2A p.126).
He/She/ltworks. He I She I It doesn't work.
We work. · We don't work. p Be careful with some heI sheI it forms
You work. You don't work. I have He has NOT He haves
They work. They don't work. I go He goes /gooz/
I do He does /dAz/
• We use the simple present for things that are generally I say He says /sez/
true or that habitually happen.
38 simple present III p doanddoes
do = /du/, does= ldAzl
Do you work in an office? No, I don't. 2 14>)) Do and does can be:
Does she work outside? Yes, she does. l the auxiliary verb to make simple present
questions. Do you speak English? Does she
til live here?
2 a normal verb. Ido my homework in the
Dot work? ldo. I don't. evening. He does housework every day.
Do you work? . you do. you don't. • The word order for simple present questions is
auxiliary (do, does), subject (I,you, he, she, etc.),
Does he I she /it work? Yes, he /she / it does, No, he/she /it doesn't. base form (work, live, etc.).
Dowe work? we do. we don't.
· Do you work? you do. you don't.
Do they work? thevdo. they don't.
• Use do (or does with he, she, it) to make questions.
3C word order in questions p Word order in be questions
Questionwordfphrase Auxiliary Subject Base form ofverb 2 ' 20>)) Remember the word order in
Do you live near here? questions with be. Put be before
Does your mother work?
do you do? the subject. Where are you from?
does he live? What's your name? Is he Japanese?
do you have?
What does she like?
Where do you spell your last name?
How many children
What kind ofmusic
- • The word order for simple present questions with do and does
is auxiliary, subject, base form, e.g., Doyou live here? OR
question word, auxiliary, subject, base form, e.g., Where doyou live?
• We often use question phrases beginning with What, e.g., What color...?
What size...?What make...?What time...?, etc.
3A b Complete the sentences with a
a Change the sentences. G or G verb.
My mom drinks coffee. Lddnk coffee. eat have listen play read
I I go to the movies. speak study wear work
2 We live in an apartment. Slihee_______________~_ _-__-·
3 She has two children. G They S1.Jl.d). economics.
4 My dad doesn't like cats. They _ _ _ __ _ __
S The stores close at 9:30 p.m. I G Pedro in an office.
6 We don't study French. 1 -----------~
7 Ido housework. 2 El Eva books inEnglish.
8 I want a guitar. The supermarket _ _ __ _ __
My sister _ _ _ __ __ _ 3 El You Arabic very well.
9 Idon't work on Saturdays. My husband _ __ _ _ _ _ __
10 Our classes finish at S o'clock. My son _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ 4GI games on my phone.
My friend S El Paolo glasses.
Our English class _ _ _
6 El We to music on the bus
7 G They fast food.
two children.
m8 Julia
<lll( p.20
38 b Make questions.
a Complete the questions with do or does. A She works at night. B Does she work on the weekend?
Ila you work with a computer? A I don't play the guitar. B Doyou play the piano?
1 _ _ she have any quaIifications? A He likes sports. B tennis?
2 __ you speak a foreign language?
3 _ _ Jamie play the guitar? 2 A She speaks foreign languages. B Chinese?
4 _ _ you like Mexican food?
S _ _ you study another language? 3 A I don't eat fast food. B _ __ _ _ pizzas?
6 school children wear a uniform?
7 your dad cook? 4 A They cook Italian food. B lasagna?
8 _ _ people in your country work
S A Teresa doesn't live in an apartment. B _ _ _ _ in
long hours?
a house?
6 A I want a new phone. B an iPhone?
7 A My dad drives a Ferrari. B _ _ _ __ fast?
<Ill( p.22
3C b Complete the questions.
a Order the words to make questions. What's your name? My name's Andrew.
you live where do? Where do you live? I How many children ? Three, two girls and a boy.
l phones how many do you have?
2 interesting is job it an? 2 What kind ofmovies ? He likes science-fiction
3 you drink how do coffee much?
4 brother your where from is ? movies.
5 you with work computers do?
6 read ofwhat do kind you magazines? 3 Where - - -- -? We're from New York.
7 do what does weekend he on the?
8 want you do drink another? 4 What your father ? He's a lawyer.
9 your where does sister live?
IO do how that you say English in? 5 What kind offood ? I like Japanese food.
6 Where ?She works in an office.
7 Where ? Our apartment is near the mall.
8 How many foreign languages ? I speak French
and Spanish.
9 When to the gym? I go on Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays.
IO Howold - - -? I'm 21.
<Ill( p.25
Online Practice
4A Whose...?, possessive 's 3 We use Whose ...? to ask about possessions.
We can ask Whose is this bag? OR Whose baB is this?
He's George Clooney's father. · 2 31 >)) You can answer It's Maria's bag. OR It's Maria's.
It's James's house.
2 They're my parents' friends. 4 We don't usually use a thing+ 's, e.g., the end ofthe movie
3 Whose bag is chis? It's Maria's. NOT the movie's end, the city park NOT the city's park.
4 The end ofthe movie is fantastic.
I live near che city park. p 's
Be careful with 's. It can be two things:
We use 's with a person to talk about family and possessions: fvlaria's mother ('s = of Maria)
George Clooney's mother NOT the mother o;'George Cloo11ry =Maria's Spanish ('s is)
2 We uses' not 's with regular plural nouns, e.g., Whose I Who's
They're my parents'Jrier1ds. NOT They '1 e niy pt11 wt'sfriwds. Who's = Who is, e.g., Who's that girl? She's my sister.
• With irregular plural nouns, e.g., children, men, use 's: Whose= of who, e.g., Whose is this bag? It's Jack's.
the children's room, men's clothes. Whose and Who's are pronounced the same.
48 prepositions: (at, in, on, to)
Time Movement and place
in on at ' 2 42>)) I He goes to work at 8:00. 2 43>))
2 He has lunch at work.
the morning Monday three o'clock
the afternoon Tuesday (morning) He works in an office.
the evening the weekend noon I midnight
the summer We use to for movement or direction: She goes to the gym.
lunchtime N OT Shegoe~atthegym.
night We don't use to before home: go home NOT go to hom'
• We use in for parts ofthe day and seasons. 2 We use at and in for position.
• We use on for days and the weekend. • We use at + work, home, school.
• We use at for times ofche day and night. • We use in+ other places: an apartment, an office, a room, etc.
p Other uses of in and on • We can use in or at with some public places: a restaurant, the
We also use in with months and years. movies, etc.
e.g., in December, in 2015 On Saturdays he usually has lunch in/ at a restaurant.
We also use on with dates.
e.g., on January 1
(See Grammar Bank 7A p.136)
4C adverbs and expressions of frequency
Ialways have toast for breakfast. 2 ·49>)) We use adverbs of frequency to say how often you do something.
Do you usually go to work by bus? • Adverbs of frequency go ~all main verbs (except be).
She doesn't often go to the movies.
They're sometimes late. after be.
She hardly ever watches TV.
He is never stressed. • Use a[+) verb with never and hardly ever. He never sm okes.
NOT He doem't ne~e r smoke.
2 I have English classes twice a week.
She doesn't work every day. • In negative sentences, the adverb offrequency goes between don't/ doesn't
and the verb.
2 Expressions offrequency usually go at the end ofa sentence or verb phrase.
a @ the correct form.
Monica Cruz is~ sister's Penelope Cruz.
I It's my mother's birthday/ my birthday's mother.
2 That's her house's parenls /her parents' house.
3 I'm tired when I go home at the end ofthe day/ the day's end.
4 Those arefriends' my sister/ my sisler'sfriends.
5 That's Anne's baa/ Annes' baa.
6 Those arc the students' desks/ the student's desks.
b Look at the pictures. Answer the questions with a short sentence.
Whose is the laptop? Lt'; Bill]~ 3 Whose are the magazines?
Whose are the cars? 4 Whose is the watch?
2 Whose is the wallet? 5 Whose are the glasses? _ _ __
c Complete with Whose or Who's.
Whose car is this? l:\aJ<U the man with dark hair?
I book is this? 4 Kevin's friend?
2 keys are these? 5 bag is this?
3 your favorite singer? 6 their English teacher?
~ p.28
48 b Complete with to, at, in, or - . ~ p.31
a Complete with itt, on, or at. We go to school by bus. They get _ . _ home late.
Sorry, John's not here. He's work.
Q11 Saturday 2 It's a great day. Let's go __ the beach.
I the evening 3 Laura's husband works __ an office.
2 September 22nd 4 My brother studies math the University ofChicago.
3 the summer 5 I go __ the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4 7:30 6 What time do you go home?
5 night 7 We live an apartment.
6 Monday mornings 8 It's Monday. The children are school.
7 the weekend 9 My father's a doctor. He works a hospital.
8 January 10 Jack isn't __ the store. He's on vacation.
4C b Order the words to make sentences.
a Put the adverb or expression of frequency in the right place. always she at six up gets
She always aets up at SIX.
They drive - they don't have a car. never l for late never I am class
Tliey never drive - tliey don '1 have a car. 2 eat ever fast hardly we food
Do you wear glasses? usually 3 what work you usually time do finish ?
2 I'm bored. hardly ever 4 parents radio often the my listen don't to
3 She does housework. sometimes 5 always brother lunchtime is my hungry at
4 We go to the movic1.. once a week _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ 6 don't homework always our we do
5 Why are you late? always 7 you work every day to do drive ?
6 I walk to work. every day 8 hardly teacher angry is our ever
7 My friend is stressed. never
8 Does it rain in the winter? often ~ p.32
Online Practice
SA can I can't IT' 8
l I can sing, but I can't dance. ' 2 58>)) I/You/ can swim. I/You/ can't swim.
He/She/It/ come. He/She/ It/ come.
2 I can come on Tuesday, but 1can't come on We/They help. We/They help.
Wednesday. &J 0
3 You can park here. You can't park there. rI/you/ swim?
4 Can you help me? Can I open the window? I/you/ I~/eyIosuh/e I
Can he/she/ come? Yes, he/she/ can. No, can't .
it/we/ help? it/we/
• can+ base form ofverb has different meanings:
they they they
I I can = I know how to.
I can't= I don't know how to. • can and can't are the same for all persons (/,you, he, etc.). NOT He-ettm:
• Contraction: can't =cannot.
2 I can= It's possible for me.
I can't= It's impossible for me. • Don't use to after can.
I can swim. N OT /e411t<Hwirn.
3 You can= It's OK/ It's permitted.
You can't =It's not OK/ It's not permitted.
4 Canyou .. .? =Please do it.
Can I ...?= Is it OK if I do it?
58 present continuous: be+ verb + -ing f?1 .
They're having a party in apartment 4. Am i t am. I'm not.
Oh, no! The baby's crying. you aren't.
It's raining. Are you you are. he/she/it
A What are you doing? isn't .,.
B I'm waiting for my brother. Is he/she/it having Yes, he I she /it is. No, we aren't.
we a.re. they aren't.
• We use the present continuous for things that are Are we a party?
happening now.
Are they they are.
• We also use the present continuous with longer periods
oftime, e.g., today, this week. spetl.mg ru es for ttie -ing form " ,.,
I'm workino at home this week because my daughter's
notfeelin8 well. basefotm verb+-ing spelUn1 ' +''· .
add -ing
cook cooking
study studying
dance dancing ')!:,+ -ing
shop shopping =one vowel + one consonant
. double consonant +-ing
I'm I'm not having a party.
You're You aren't
He I She /It 's He I SheI It isn't
We aren't
We're They aren't
SC simple present or present continuous? • We often use the present continuous with riBht
now, today, this week.
simple presen t present continuous 3 . 12l))
p What do you do? or What are you doing?
_M__,y__s_is_te_r_w_o_r_k_s_i_n_a_b_a_n_k_. ------11-T-oday she's work.i_ng at home:__
A What do you do?(= What's your job?)
W~ac d~ you usu~ll_,y_w__e_a_r_t_o_w_o_r_k_? -+_W_h_at_a_r_e_.y_o_u_w_e_a_r i_n-""--l!n:_o_w_? B I'm a teacher.
A What are you doing?(= now, at the moment)
It rains a lot here in the spring. Look! It's raining. B I'm waiting for a friend.
- • We use the simple present to say what we usually do, or things that are
normally true.
• We often use the simple present with adverbs and expressions of
frequency, e.g., always, often, once a week, etc.
• We use the present continuous tO say what is happening llilli'.·
SA b Complete the sentences with can or can't and the verbs.
a Rewrite the sentences using the correct form ofcan I'm sorry. I can't remember your name. (remember)
or can't.
I She French, but not Spanish. (speak)
I know how to play the piano. I can play the piano.
It's possible for her to meet me after work. 2 you me? These bags are
She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ very heavy. (help)
2 Please open the door. 3 I you tonight. I'm very busy. (see)
_ __ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, please? 4 the ~indow? It's cold in here. (close)
3 My friend doesn't know how to ski. 5 you your address, please? (repeat)
My friend _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ 6 It says "No parking". 'We here. (stop)
4 Is it 0 Kif I use your car? 7 Andy doesn't want to go to the beach because
he . (swim)
____ _ _ _ _ ! __________?
8 _ _ I_ _ your phone? Iwant to call my dad. (use)
5 It isn't possible for us to come to your party.
'We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ <Ill( p.36
SB b Put the verbs in parentheses in the present continuous.
a 'Write a question and answer. A (On the telephone) Hi, Frank. It's Tina.
What's she doing? She's crying. B Hello, Tina. It's good to hear from you. 'Where are you?
_ _ _ _ _ _? - - - - - - - --
2 ______? --------- A I'm here in Boston. I'm on vacation, so I'm visiting (visit) my
3 ? _________ parents. I 1____ (stay) with them all this week. They're
4 ? _________
5 ? _________ retired. Right now they 2 (work) in the yard and I 3_ _
(sit) in the sun. And you, Frank? 'What 4_ _ _ you _ _ _ these
days? (do)
B Is (look) for a job.
A Good luck! 'What about your parents. How are they?
B Fine. My mom 6 (learn) to drive! She 7 (not
enjoy) it much because she's very nervous. Right now, she
a (make) dinner and my dad 9 (help) her.
A It's great to talk to you, Frank. Can we meet?
B Yes. Let's have dinner tonight.
<Ill( p.39
SC b Put the verbs in parentheses in the simple present or
present continuous.
Qa the correct form.
A 'What doyou cook/~ I'm really hungry. Look. It's raining. (rain)
B Spaghetti. 'We can eat in ten minutes.
A Hello. Is Martin at home? A Hi, Sarah! 'What you _ _ _ here? (do)
B No, he plays/ he's playing soccer with his friends. B I for a friend. (wait)
2 A Doyour parents live/ Areyour parents livinB near here?
2 A Let's have lunch. you _ __
B Yes. They have/ are having an apartment in the same
building as me. hamburgers? (like)
3 A How often doyougo/areyou goinB to the hair stylist? B No, sorry. I'm a vegetarian. I meat. (not eat)
B About once a month. 'When I think/ I'm thinking my
hair's too long. 3 A Listen! The neighbors a party again. (have)
4 A Don't make a noise! Your father sleeps/ is sleepi"fJ! B They a party every weekend! (have)
B Is he OK? He doesn't usually sleep/ isn't usually sleepi"fJ
in the afternoon. 4 A 'What your husband ? (do)
B He's a teacher. He at the local school. (work)
5 A Hi, Lisa. 'Where you ? (go)
B To the gym. I to the gym every evening. (go)
<Ill( p.41
Online Practice
6A object pronouns: me, you, him, etc. • Pronouns take the place ofnouns.
• We use su bject pronouns when the noun is the subject ofa verb (i.e., the
subject object 3 21 >))
pronoun pronoun person who does the action):John is a doctor.He lives in Chicaeo.
me Can you help me? • We use object pronouns when the noun is the object ofa verb (i.e., the
person who receives the action): Anna meetsJohn. She invites him to
you you I know you. a concert.
he him She isn't in love with him. • Object pronouns go~
the verb:
she her He calls her every day.
I f()) -"" ·~(: /y~Iloveyou. NOT Iyoit lot1t.
it it I don't like it.
• We also use object pronouns
we us Wait for us! after prepositions (with, to,
they them Call them this evening. ~~ ?' ~':tfrom, etc.):
Listen to me! I'm in love with
~ ~ JAJ11rher. NOT I'm iii lo\1e ~ith:the.
He loves her, but she doesn't love him.
68 like (+ verb + -ing) • We use verb+ -ina after like, love, don't mind, and hate.
I$pel.ikra rutes "fo8rftbn•-.m.inagror1..n. spelUna .... ... -i:' I
... I
I love shopping 3 34>)) l
I like going to the movies. took cooking add -ing
., s t u d y studying
II I don't mind getting up early. ::e::+ -ing ..
make makelng
,,-I-I-., I don't like doing housework. "' shop =one vowel +one consonant
double consonant + -ing
,,-"--., ,,-I-I-., I hate driving at night.
6C be or do?
be do/does p do as a main verb
Remember, we also use do as a
Hi. I'm Jim. 3 36 >)) Do you speak English? 3 37>)) main verb.
Where do they live?
She isn't very friendly. They don't have children. I'm doing my homework.
Does he do the housework?
Are you Brazilian? Does your sister have a job?
What does your father do?
2 Ican't talk. I'm driving. Alan doesn't like pop .
They aren't working today.
ls it raining?
1 We use be as'a main verb. • We use do/ does and don't fdoesn't to
2 We also use be to form the present
make questions and negatives in the
continuous. Be here is an auxiliary verb. simple present.
• Remember the word order for simple
present questions: auxiliary, subject,
base form OR question word,
auxiliary, subject, base form.
(See Grammar Bank 3C p.128).
6A b Complete the sentences with a subject pronoun(/, he, etc.) or
object pronoun (me, him, etc.).
a Change the highlighted words to object
pronouns. John is American. He lives in California with his parents. Ik
I call my mother once a week. argues with tlwn a lot.
I call her once a week.
I can't find my wallet. Susan has a big apartment. ___ likes ___ a lot. We often
visit ___ on Sundays because she invites ___ for lunch.
2 She speaks to her father in Japanese.
2 I am very happy with my neighbors. ___ often help _ _
3 He meets his friends after work. with my children. They often take ___ to school when I'm
4 Can you help my friend and me? working.
5 Paulo is in love with his friend. 3 Mark loves Ruth, but she doesn't love ___. He calls _ __
every day, but ___ doesn't want to speak to _ __ .
6 My son doesn't like cats.
4 My brother has two dogs. ___ takes ___ for a walk twice a
day. I don't like ___ very much because ___ bark at _ __ .
S We often take my grandfather some magazines, but _ __
never reads _ __. _ __ watches TV all day and never
turns off.
~ p.44
68 b Write sentences about Bob with love,
a Write the -ina form ofthe verbs in the chart. ..not like, like, not mind, or hate and a verb.
ll in an office a computer
come cook make eat get have
run sleep stop study swim wfite 'J '-../
work > working II the newspaper housework
lunch at work home late
'-' tennis to the movies
t,t, TV music
" ',-,.;..ii'
live> living writing He loves working in an office.
shop >shopping 1 6 - - -- - - - - - -- -
? - - - -- - - -- - - -
8 -----------~
9 -----------~
~ p.47
6C b Complete the dialogues with do/ does or am/ is/ are.
A llii you speak Spanish? B Yes, but I don't speak it very well.
a Put the phrases in the correct column.
1 A Where ___ Gemma going? B She _ __ going to the gym.
Rtffigfy like heavy music tired 2 A ___ youliveinahouse? B Yes,butit _ __ haveayard.
waiting for a friend stressed 3 A _ __ Matt like shopping? B He ___ mind it.
have a ar speak Spanish 4 A Why _ __ you crying? B Because I ___ feeling sad.
listening to me know those people S A _ __ your boyfriend cook? B Yes. He ___ making dinner now.
6 A ___ you busy? B Yes. We ___ doing our homework.
Are you...? Do you...?
hungry ,_7 A How old ___ your father? B He's 66, but he ___ want to retire.
8 A ___ you watching TV? B No. I ___ playing a video game.
~ p.48
Online Practice
7A simple past of be: was/ were I: ff] IG
II He I She I It was there.
II HeI SheJIt wasn't there.
President Reagan's wife was an actress. 3 44>)) You I We / They were t here. . You/We/They weren'tthere.
She wasn't in class yesterday. Was she sick?
The Beatles were famous in the 1960s. m
Where were you last night? You weren't at home.
- - - - - -Was II he/she/it
Yes, I was. No, I wa$n't.
Were you I we I famous? Yes, you were. No, you
• We use was/were to talk about the past. they weren't.
• We often use was/ were with past time expressions,
e.g.,yesterday, last niBht, in 1945, etc.
• We use was/ were with born: I was bom in Vietnam.
78 simple past: regular verbs G
I played tennis this morning. 3 . 53 >)) I/You/ worked I/You/ didn't work
He/She/It/ yesterday. He/She/It/ yesterday.
We watched a good movie on TV last night. We/They
My grand father lived in Sao Paulo when he was young. 00
I studied Korean when I was at school.
• We use the simple past for finished actions in the past. I/ I/ I/
you/ you/ you/
spetnng rule$ for regular verbs .•J .. ' ' he/ work he/ did. : No, didn't.
.1 Did she/ yesterday? Yes, she/ he/
it/ jt/ she/
' baseform ptlt speWna i we/ it/
they we/ we/ ,
watch watched adcf -ed t they
play played they
live lived add -d • Contraction: didn't= did not.
• Regular verbs in the past[!] end in -ed,
stop stopped one-syllable verbs: one vowel
study studied e.g., worked, lived, played.
=+ one consonant double • The simple past is the same for all persons (I,you, she, etc.).
' • Use auxiliaries did/ didn't+ base form for simple pastf.1l and[::J.
consonant +y >ied Did is the past ofdo.
7C simple past: irregular verbs • Use the irregular past form only inG sentences:
I went to Canada last month. 3 59>)) I saw a movie last niBht.
I didn't go to Toronto.
Did you go to Montreal? • Use the base form af~er did fdidn't:
base furm pastf+~ past::· DidyouseeamovielastniBht? NOT Dtdyoruaw... ?
go went didn't go soI didn't out last niBht. NOT I didn't werit...
had didn't have
have didn't get • Remember the word order in questions:
got didn't teach
get taught auxiliary, subject, base form, e.g., Didyou 80 out last n4Jht? or
teach didn't hear question word, auxiliary, subject, base form, e.g., Where didyou eo?
hear didn't feel • There is a list ofirregular verbs on page 165.
feel felt didn't l&ave
didn't lose p could
leave left didn't meet =Past of can could.
lose lost didn't see =El couldn't NOT ffidtt'~ ean
didn' t wear f.1l =Couldyou...? NOT Didyoti can...?.
meet met didn't speak
didn't do
see sa~
wear wore
speak spoke
do did
7A b Complete the dialogues with was, wasn't,
were, or weren't.
a Complete the simple past sentences with was/ wasn't or A Were you and Miguel at the concert last night?
were/ weren't. B Yes, we 1_ _ __
simple present simple past A 2 it good?
My father's a painter.
I Today is Monday. My grandfather .l:!!aS a painter, too. B No, it 3 . The singer 4_ __ terrible.
2 Where are you now?
3 I'm in Brazil. Yesterday Sunday. A 5 the tickets expensive?
4 ls it hot today?
5 The cafe isn't open now. Where ___ you yesterday? B Yes, they 6
6 My neighbors aren't at home.
7 We're in Tokyo now. l in Peru last month. A Where 7_ _ _ your mother born?
8 They're tired. B She 8_ _ born in Argentina in 1955.
it hot yesterday?
It open this morning. A 9 her parents Argentinian?
They at home yesterday. B No, they 10 _ . I [er father 11
We in Kyoto yesterday. German and her mother 12_ _ from
They tired last week. the US.
~ p. 52
78 b Complete the sentences with a verb in the
simple past.
a Rewrite the sentences in the simple past withyesterday.
Present Past not call cry dance fiAish not listen play
I watch TV. I watched TY yesterday.
I We study English. We~ work late yesterday.
I I my mother on her birthday.
2 Do you listen to the news? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 The movie was very sad. _ _ __
3 He doesn't cook dinner.
4 Does she play sports? you ?
5 They work late.
6 1use the Internet at work. 3 My brother _ _ video games all
7 She talks to her friends.
8 My brother doesn't work. day yesterday.
4 [ to the news this morning
because [was late.
5 Sarah with Martin at
the party?
~ p. 54
1C c Correct the information using the word in
a Complete the textwith the verbs in parentheses in the simple past. parentheses.
They got home at midnight. (11 p.m.)
Last weekend, [went (go) to New York City with some friends. We They didn't get home at midnight.They got
home at 11.
1 (meet) at the train station at 7:30 a.m. Our train 2_
I She wore a red dress. (blue)
(leave) at 7:45 a.m. In the morning, we 3 _ _ (buy) some
2 I left work early. (late)
souvenirs. Then, we 4 (have) lunch at a Chinese restaurant.
3 We went by train. (bus)
In the evening, we 5 (see) a play at Lincoln Center. We 6_ _
4 He Jost his cell phone. (wallet}
(get) borne very late that night. We all 7 (feel) very tired but
S You had a sandwich. (salad)
very happy.
h Complete the questions in the simple past.
Did.you~ last night? Yes, I did.
I What ? I wore jeans.
2 Where your friends? We met in a cafe.
3 What time ? We got home late.
4 How _ __ _ home? We went home by taxi. ~ p.57
5 - - - - - a good time? Yes, we had a great time. Online Practice
BA simple past: regular and irregular verbs 4 11>)) The past ofbe is was/were. We add not to make
negatives and invert the subject and verb to
1 be make questions.
G I was born in Japan. 2 Regular verbs add -ed or -din the simple past[!],
e.g., like-liked, want-wanted.
They were late for class yesterday.
3 Irregular verbs change their form in the simple
3 She wasn't at home last night.
past B e.g., so-went, see-saw.
You weren't very nice to her.
• Regular and irregular verbs (except can) use:
11J Were you sick yesterday?
- didn't+ base form to make negatives, e.g.,/ didn't
When was he born? like it. She didn't see him.
2 regularverbs - did + subject + base form to make questions, e.g.,
Didyou want to come? Where did sheso?
G I really liked the present.
p can/ could
n She wanted to be a docror.
She didn't enjoy the concert. The past of can is could. We add not to
They didn't arrive until very late. make negatives (I couldn't find my glasses.)
[lJ Did you watch the game last night? and reverse the subject and verb to make
questions (Could you use your cell phone on
When did you finish the book? the mountain?).
3 irregularverbs
r+ I went to Seoul last summer.
She slept on the sofa.
;J He didn't come home lase night.
They didn't hearrhe music.
[?] Did you speak to your sister yesterday?
Where did you have lunch?
BB there is I there are, some I any+ plural nouns a I an, som e and any
Singular Plural 4 16 >)) • We often use there is fthere are with
a fan, some, and any.
[E There's agarage. There are some pictures on the wall.
There aren't any plants in rhe room. • Use some and any with plural nouns.
G There isn't a swimming pool. Are there any neighbor~ with children? Some = not an exact number.
l1J Is there a bathroom downstairs? Yes, there are.
0 Yes, there is. No, there aren't. • Use some in G sentences and any inG
0 No, there isn't.
and [11.
there isl t here are
p There is or It is?
• We use there is f there are to say that somebody or something exists. We use there is +
a singular noun and there are+ plural nouns. Be careful. There is and It is are
• There is is often contracted to There's. There are is not usually contracted.
• When we talk about a list ofthings, we use there is ifthe first word in rhe list is There's a key on the table. It's the
singular or there are ifthe first word in the list is plural: key to the kitchen.
Jn my bedroom, there's a bed, two chairs, and a desk.
In the livins room, there i:ire two armchairs and a sofa.
BC there was I there were
S ingular Plural 4 27>))
G [here was an old TV. There were only three guests.
G There wasn't a remote control. There weren't any more people.
\\'ere there any windows?
[?' \\'as there a ghost?
Yes, there were.
0 Yes, there was. No, there weren't.
[!.] No, there wasn't.
- • there was fwere is the past ofthere is/are.
BA b Complete the text with the simple past of
a Complete the dialogue using the simple past ofthe verbs in parentheses. the verbs in parentheses.
A Where .lffIT (be) you last night at 8:00? Last night, I~ (be) asleep in my room when
a Strange noise I (wake) me up. [
B 11 (be) at home, Detective. With my wife. We 2 (not want) to leave my room
2 (be) at home all evening. because 13 (feel) very scared.
A What 3 you _ (do)? Then I 4 (hear) the noise again, so
B We 4 (warch) TV and then we 5_ I 5 (decide) to go and investigate.
(have) a lighr dinner. We 6 _(not be) hungry. After When 16 (turn on) the light in the
that, we 7 (go) to bed. kitchen, a bird 7 (fly) out ofthe
A What time 8 you (go) to bed? window.
B About 10 o'clock. f B (close) the window SO that the
A 9_ _ ____ you-- - - - - (hear) a noise during bird 9_ (not can) come in again,
the night? and then I io (go) back to bed.
B No,1 10_ _ __ _
(not hear) anything. ~ p.61
BB b Write G, B or [1J sentences with there is/ are+ a/ an,
a Complete with G or [1J ofThere's or There are. some or any.
llifil a dishwasher in the kitchen.
El trees/ the yard There are some trees in the yard.
Are there any people in the room? 1 El table/ the kitchen
1 any books on the shelf?
2 a toilet downstairs? 2 [1J fireplace/ the living room
3 some stairs over there. 3 [;] plants/ your apartment
4 a rug on the floor. 4 [1J people/ the hall
5 some pictures on the wall.
6 a shower in the bathroom? 5 El pictures/ your bedroom
7 some chairs in the yard.
8 _ __ a lamp in the bedroom? 6 [;] TY/ the kitchen
9 a bicycle in the garage.
IO any glasses in the cupboard? 7 G computer /the study
8 [;] chairs/thediningroom
9 [1J mirror/ the bathroom
10 [;] car/ the garage
~ p.63
BC b Complete the sentences with there was/ were/ wasn't/ weren't +
a/ an, or some/ any.
a Complete the dialogue with the correct
form of there was or there were. There were some ghosts in the haunted hotel I stayed in.
A How many guests J&m ~in the hotel? 1 My sister didn't take a shower because spider in the
B 1_ four including me. 2
a Brazilian tourist and 3 _ __
two businessmen. 2 We couldn't watch the news because_ TV in our room.
3 1couldn't sleep on the plane because _ _ _ _ noisy children
A " a restaurant? behind me.
B No, s_ _ __ ,but 6_ ____ a
4 They couldn't play tennis because tennis balls.
coffee shop. 5 She didn't have a coffee because cups.
A 1_ a refrigerator in your room? 6 He took a photo because beautiful view.
B Yes, 8 _ , but 9_ _ 7 They couldn't park near the restaurant because _ _ __
parking lot.
any drinks in it.
8 I couldn't work in the hotel because computer.
A How many beds 10_ _ ?
B One. A double bed. ~ p.65
Online Practice
9A countable I uncountable nouns aI an, someI any
· -an apple threeapples countable uncountable 4 30 >))
some butter.
Ii) We need an apple.
~ome apples . any rice.
rice meat 8 We don't need a comato. an) sugar?
• There are two kinds ofnouns in English, any tomatoes.
countable (C) and uncounrable (U). [?' Do we need an orange?
any oranges ?
C = things you can count, e.g., apples. C nouns can
be singular (an apple) or plural (apples).
U =things you can't count. • We use a/an with singular C nouns; a/an= one.
butter, meat NOT two butters, three meats • We use some~ with plural C nouns and with U nouns; some= not an
exact number or quantity.
U nouns are usually singular.
rn• We use any in G and with plural c nouns and with u nouns.
• Some nouns can be C or U, but the meaning
is different. p some in[1]
an ice cream (C) some ice cream (U) We use some in [i] to ask for and offer things.
Can I have some apples, please?
Would you like some coffee?
98 quantifiers: how much I how many, a lot of, etc. • We use How much ...? with uncountable (U) nouns and
How many.. .? with plural counrable (C) nouns.
uncou ntable shor t a nswers fu ll answers 4 37>))
(singular) • We use:
a lot (of) with C and U nouns for a big quantity.
How much sugar A lot. I eat a lot ofsugar. a little/ l!Ot.. .much with U nouns for·a sm all quantity.
do you eat? A little. aJew/ not...many with C plural nouns for a small quantity.
Not much. rcata little sugar. not. ..any (none in short answers) for z ero quant ity.
None .
I don't eat much sugar. a lot ofand much! many
rdon'c eat an) sugar. • In 0sentences we usually use a lot of
countable (plural) • Jn G sentences and [1). we usually use much and many:
How many cookies A lot I eat a lot ofcookies. I don't drink much water. Do you drink much coffee?
do you eat? A few I eat a few cookies.
Not many I don't eat many cookies. • It is also possible to use a lot ofinG and !1J: Do you drink
None I don't cat any cookies.
a lot ofcoffee? Idon't eat a lot of veBetables.
9C comparative adjectives [ adjective comparative spelling .l
Is your sister older than you? 4 47 >)) old older one-syllable adjectives: add -er '
cheap cheaper
Buckingham Palace is bigger than the White big bigger adjectives ending one vowel+ one
hot hotter consonant: double consonant, add -er
Female mo~quitocs are more dangcrou., than dry drier one- or two-syllable adjectives ending
healthy healthier
males. consonant + y >-ier
My new job is bectcr rhan my old one. famous more famous two- or more syllable adjectives: more +
expensive more expensive adjective
The traffic is always worse in the evening.
• Use comparative adjectives + than to good better
compare two things, people, etc. bad
far worse irregular
farther I further
9A b Complete the dialogue with a, an, some, or any.
a Write a, an, or some + a A What can we make for your brother and his friend?
food/ drink word. B Let's make f! lasagna.
~ m~ rn & A Good idea. Are there 1__ onions?
B Yes. And there are 2__ tomatoes, too.
- .•. m©~ ~ A Great!
B Oh, no! There isn't 3__ pasta!
A Oh. Wait a minute. I bought 4_ _ chicken yesterday. Are there s__ potatoes?
B Yes, there are.
A Good. So we can have chicken and mashed potatoes. Do we have 6__ fruit?
B Yes. I think we have 7__ oranges. Why?
some bread s ___ _ A You can make 8_ fruit salad for dessert. There's 9 apple and 10_ _
2 bananas, too.
6 _ _ __
B OK. Let's start cooking.
3 _ _ __
.o< p.69
4 _ _ __ 8 _ _ __
98 b @ the correct word or phrase.
a Complete with How much/ How many. I don't put 9 many salt on my food.
1 We don't eat a lot of/ a lot candy.
How much sugar do you put in your tea? 2 A How much chocolate do you eat? B A little/ Afew.
_ __ butter do you use? 3 My friends don't drink much/manycoffee.
2 cans ofsoda did she dri:nk? 4 A How much fruit do you buy? B A lot/ A lot of
3 oil do I need? 5 We eat a lot off much fish. We love it!
4 chocolates were in that box? 6 A Do your children drink any milk? B No. Not much/Not many.
5 rice do you want? 7 Donna ate her hamburger, but she didn't eat much/ many French fries.
6 coffee does he drink? 8 A How many vegetables do you eat? B Any/None.I don't like them.
7 bottles ofwater did you buy? 9 I have a cup of tea and afew/ a little cereal for breakfast.
8 cansoftunadowehave? l 0 A Do you eat much/ many meat?
9 orange juice is there in
that carton? B No, I don't eat no/ any meat. I'm a vegetarian.
10 _ _ _ cookies did you eat?
-oC'. p.70
9C b Complete with a comparative adjective + than.
a Write the comparative form of My sister is younger than me. She's only 18. (young)
these adjectives.
The farmer's market is the supermarket for vegetables. (cheap)
big bi88er 2 Italian is for Spanish students _ _ _ it is for
1 high
2 dirty English students. (easy)
3 dangerous
4 good 3 It rains a lot in the spring. April is _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ___ July. (wet)
5 thin
6 slow 4 This restaurant is _ _ _ when it first opened. (busy)
7 healthy
8 far 5 Come in the summer. The weather is in the spring. (good)
9 comfortable
10 bad 6 I love science. I find it history. (interesting)
7 Cuzco is _ _ __ _ ___ from the ocean _ _ __ ___ Lima. (far)
8 I'm _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ my brother. He's very tall. (short)
9 The situation is it was last year. (bad)
IO Skiing is I thought it was. (difficult)
-oC'. p.73
onrn P r
lOA superlative adjectives adjective comparative superlative
5 S>)) cold c old e r the coldest add-est
high higher the highest
It's the hottest month of the year.
big bigger
It's the most dangerous road in the world. hot hotter the biggest double consonant,
the hottest
She's the best student in the class. dry drier add -est
sunny sunnier
Monday is the worst day ofthe week. the driest >-iest
dangerous more dangerous the sunniest
• Use the +superlative adjective to say which is the good better the most dangerous the most+
(biB13est, etc.) in a group. bad worse
far farther/ further adjective
• After superlatives, we use in (not of)+ places, e.g.,
the world, the class. the best irregular
the wors t
the farthest/
108 be going to (plans) rn
I'm going to cake a vacation next month. 5 11 >)) Am i going to take a vacation next
l'm not going to study English. Are you month.
Are you going to take a vacation, too? Is he I sheI it study English tonight.
Are we
Are they
full form
lam I'm l am. I'm not.
You are He I She I It's take a vacation next you are. you aren't . ,.
[+] He I She I It is We're going to month.
They're Yes, he I she /it is. No, he I s he I It isn't .
We are study English tonight.
They are we are. we aren't .
take a vacation next
going to month. they are. they aren't.
. We use be goi118 to +verb (base form) to talk
lam not I'm not study English tonight.
You are not You aren't . about future plans.
We often u<;e future time expressions with
G He I She / It is not He I She / It isn't
We are not We aren't
801118 IO:
They are not They aren't
tomorrow, next week, nextyear, etc.
lOC be going to (predictions)
• We can use be soi118 to+ verb (base form) to make
predictions(: to say what you think or can see is
going co happen in the future).
I think it's going to rain. 5 19>))
You're going to be very happy.
I'm sure they're going to win.
lOA b Complete the sentences with a superlative. Use the adjectives in parentheses.
a Write the opposite. The tigers are the most danaerous animals in the zoo. (dangerous)
the smallest lb~ bigae.st 1 Our house is house on the street. (big)
1 the coldest 2 For me, Saturday is day ofthe week. (good)
2 the most expensive 3 My bedroom is room in our house. (small)
3 the best 4 July is month in my country. (hot)
4 the most difficult 5 My neighbors upstairs are people in the world. (noisy)
5 the driest 6 driver in my family is my dad. (bad)
6 the shortest 7 Sophie is student in our English class. (young)
7 the nearest 8 building in my town is the museum. (beautiful)
8 the cleanest .-<_ p.76
108 b Complete the sentences with be BOinB to + a verb.
a Complete the sentences with the correct form of not buy call not come eat
be BOinB to and the verb in parentheses. go not see sleep watch
She doesn't have a car. She's aoin.g to travel by train. (travel) I'm staying with a friend. I'm goina to sleep on the couch.
We need a vacation. We _ _ _ _ _ a hotel near the 1 I need to talk to my mom . I her tonight.
beach. (book) 2 There isn't any food. What _ __ __
we :>
2 Tomorrow is Saturday. I _ _ __ _ in bed. (stay)
3 My sister wants to be a doctor. She 3 My friend is sick. She to the party.
medicine. (study) 4 They don't have any money. They _ __ _ any
4 Laura and David are in love. They new cloches.
married. (get) 5 The Yankees are playing the Red Sox. _ __ __
5 Ian is busy. He _ late tonight. (work) you the game?
6 Their house isn't very neat. They _ __ __ 6 Our friends are away. We _ _ _ _ _ them this week.
housework this afternoon. (do) 7 The children are tired. They co bed.
7 It's raining. We an umbrella. (take)
8 I have a problem at work. I to my boss. (speak) .-<_ p.78
lOC b Complete the predictions with be BOinB to and a verb.
a Write predictions for the pictures. be break not finish forget have
not like not pass tell win
I'm a fortune-teller. L'Ul.8Qing1Qldl you aboutyour future.
A be catch make pley send
B the bus an email a nice day an omelet ~ You're driving very fast! I'm sure we _ _ __ _
He's goi718 to pla~__.te..n...,n.i..s.....- - - - - -- - - - - an accident!
3 2 She's a very bad ~tudent. She the exam.
4 ------------------~ 3 Be careful with that glass! You it!
4 We have a lot ofhomework. I'm sure we ir.
5 They're playing well. I think they _ _ __ _
che game.
6 Look at the time. We late.
7 Oh, no, it's a horror movie. I'm sure f _ _ _ _ _ ir.
8 He didn't put her number in his phone. He _ __ it.
--< p.81
u-Online Practice
llA adverbs (manner and modifiers)
adverbs of manner adjective adverb spelling ~. modifying adverbs: very, really, etc.
T hey drive dangerously. 5 25>)) slow slowly It isn't very expensive. 5 26 >))
He dresses fashionably. quick quickly She d rives incredibly fast
She ears very quickly. bad +-ly They speak really slowly.
I work hard. careful badly
We speak English well. carefully
easy happily consonant • We use modifying adverbs with
easily + y >-ily adjectives or other adverbs.
• We use adverbs ofmanner to say h!m: possibly le> -ly • They always go~ the adjective
good or adverb.
people do things. fast well
hard fast irregular p words ending in -ly
• Adverbs usually go after the verb. hard Not all words that end in -ly are
I speak EnBlish very well. adverbs, e.g., friendly= adjective.
NOT { 1peale ~t:iy well E11gli1lt. • Remember the difference between He's a friendly person.
adjectives and adverbs:
I'm acareful driver. (careful is an
adjective. It describes the noun, driver.)
I drive carefully. (carefully is an adverb.
le describes the verb, drive.)
118 verbs + infinitive: want to, need to. etc. would like to
I want to find a new job. 5 31 >)) • I would like to= I want to (now or in the future) .
• Contractions: 'd = would; wouldn't = would not.
You need to practice every day. • Use the infinitive after would like. I would like to learn.
When d id you learn to play the guitar? NOT /.-would like ken 11.
• Remember you can also use Wouldyou like...? to offer:
Would you like to be fa mous?
Would you like a drink?
• Many verbs are followed by the infinitive. • would like is the same for all persons.
• These include: want, need, learn, promise, decide, plan, and hope.
p would like and like
=I'd like to dance. I want to dance.
I like dancing. :::: I enjoy it; I like it in general.
llC articles We use a/an
1 a/an • to say what something is or what job people do.
A What's this? B It's a photo of my daughter. 5 37>)) • in expressions of frequency.
2 We use the
A What do they do? B Jim's a doctor. Sally's an engineer.
• when the speaker and hearer know the thing we are talking
A How often do they have classes? B Three times a week.
about: Close the window. =the one that is open.
- 2 the
Can you close the window, please? • when there is only one ofsomething: the Internet, the sun, etc.
Can you check their address on the Internet? • before superlative adjectives: the biBBest, the best, etc.
It's the best restaurant I know. 3 We often use a the first time we mention a person or thing and
then the the next time because it is now clear who or what we
3 aor the? are talking about.
4 We don't usually use the
Let's have a pizza. The pizzas are very good here.
• when we talk about people or things in general:
4 no article Men are more interested in sports than women. (general)
Men arc usually more interested in sports than women. The women in this class work harder than the men. (specific)
She's my mother's cousin. T hat's Tom's chair!
Jim goes to school by bus. • before possessive's. She's my mother's cousin. NOT ~
tlte my mothe1 '5 emisi11.
• with the following:
meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.
places: work, school, colleBe, bed, home, etc.
by + transportation: BO by car, travel by train, etc.
llA b Complete with adverbs from these adjectives.
a Adjective or adverb?@the correct form. bad careful easy fast good
hard fashionable ~ quiet
People drive really dan8erous / ~
The buses and trains in Malmo run peefectly when it snows.
He wrote down the phone number careful/ carefully.
2 My neighbor's children aren't very polite/ politely. l Can you talk , please? l'm crying to sleep.
3 My niece plays the piano beautiful/ beautifully.
4 Fast food is incredibly unhealthy/ unhealthily. 2 Don't drive when it's raining.
5 Old people often walk very slow/ slowly.
6 I bought a real/ really cheap bag at the sale. 3 I don't like the ocean because I can't swim very _ __
7 My friend sings very BOOd /well.
8 My sister speaks Spanish perfect/ perfectly. 4 She picked up the baby and put him in
9 We wear casual {casually clothes to work.
l0 The view from the top is incredible {incredibly beautiful. the bathtub.
5 We're working because we have an exam.
6 I always dress when I go co a party.
7 We played in the semifinal game and we lost 5- 1.
8 She was the best athlete so she won the race _ _ __
~ p.85
118 b @the correct form.
I hatefly ~o I usually travel by train.
a Complete the sentences with the infinitive form ofa verb from the list.
Would y~~ave /to have dinner with
be buy call eltffle drive get married
go leave pass see stay me tonight?
2 My grandmother learned to drive/ drivinB
Sam loves Africa. He wants to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.
when she was 62.
1 Ilearned a car when I was 17. I passed my test the first time! 3 I'd like to travel/ travelinB around Asia.
4 I like relax/ relaxinB on weekends.
2 Our refrigerator is broken. We need a new one. 5 Do you wane to play/ playin8 soccer?
6 He's hoping to have {havinB more time when
3 l wouldn't like famous. I'm happy the way Jam now.
he retires.
4 He promised his friend after work. 7 Most people hate to 80 / BoinB to the dentist.
8 I love to read/ readinB detective stories.
5 The weather was terrible. We decided at home. 9 It's cold. You need wear/ to wear a coat.
10 My mom doesn't like to cook/ cookin8.
6 My friend would like Radiohead live. She loves them.
~ p.86
7 They're planning . Their wedding is on July 12th.
8 Istudied hard last week. I hope the exam.
9 Do you like animals? Would you like on a safari?
I 0 She's enjoying the party. She doesn't want _ _ __
llC b Complete with the, a fan, or-.
a @the correct word or phrase. I'm going to buy q new laptop next week.
1 What time do you finish __ work?
How much time do you spend on Internet~ 2 We usually go to the movies once __ month.
3 __ children behaved very badly yesterday.
I My brother is at colleBe/at the colleBe studying math. 4 Lorena doesn't like __ dogs.
2 I'd like cup oftea/ a cup oftea, please.
3 We're going to visit my aunt on weekend/ on the weekend. 5 Iwant to be __ engineer when I finish studying.
4 We have English classes twice a week/ twice week. 6 __ sun came out so we went for a walk.
5 I love reading novels/ the novels.
6 Yolanda is best/ the best student in our class. 7 Can you pass __ salt, please?
7 My mom's lawyer {a lawyer. 8 My mom chose __ most expensive dessert.
8 He's the man/ a man that Ttold you about yesterday. 9 Last year, we went on vacation by __ train.
9 Can you open a door/ the door for me, please? 10 This is Joanne. She's _ very good friend.
10 He had breakfast {the brealefast late this morning.
~ p.89
Online Procf
12A present perfect m IHHaasve Ih/eyIosuh/ewI eit/they r seen that movie? ·.
A Have you seen his new movie? 5 45>))
B Yes, I've seen all his movies. I[2J
She hasn't read any Harry Potter books. Yes I/you/ we/they have.
2 Have you ever read a Russian novel? ' he/she/it has.
Sarah's never worked in a big company.
3 Have you finished the exercise? @
Your parents have arrived. They're in the living room. rNo I/you/ we/they haven't.
We use the present perfect when we talk or ask about things ' Ihe/she/it hasn't.
that have happened in the past, but when we don't say when.
2 We often use the present perfect with ever(= at any time in • To make the present perfect use have/ has + the past participle
your life) and never(= at no time in your life). ofthe verb.
3 We also use the present perfect to talk about something that
has recently happened. • 's =has in present perfect.
· fullform of have contraction • Past participles ofregular verbs are the same as the simple past.
: base form simple pest pastparticiple
I have I've like liked liked
You have You've want wanted wanted
HeI She I It's
ill He/She/It has We've • Past participles ofirregular verbs are sometimes the same as
They've the simple past, e.g., read, but sometimes different, e.g., seen.
We have
They have t haven't seen that movie. base form simple past pc1st participle
You haven't
I have not He I She I It hasn't read Irid( read /rt<l/ read /rt;d/
You have not We haven't
They haven't see saw seen
G He/She/It has not
(There is a list ofirregular past participles on p.165)
We have not
They have not
128 present perfect or simple past?
A Have you been to Luigi's? B Yes, I have. •S, 52>)) been or gone?
A When did you go there? B l went last weekend. I've been to Brazil. 5 53>))
A Who did you go with? B I went with some people My sister's gone to Brazil to study Portuguese.
from work.
I've been to New York twice. I went to visit my sister - she's • Been to and Bone to have different meanings. Been is the past
participle ofbe, and 80ne is the past participle of80·
married to an American.
• In the present perfect, we use been to (NOTgmtHOorbeemn)
• We often use the present perfect to ask about or tell to say that somebody has visited a place.
somebody about a past action for the first time. We don't I've been to the US three times. Haveyou been to the new
Vietnamese restaurant on Geor8e Street?
ask/say when the action happened: Have you been to LuiBi's?
I've been to New York twice. • We use Bone to when somebody goes to a place and is
still there:
• We then use the simple past to ask/ talk about specific past My parents havesone to the USfor their vacation. They don't
details: When did you 80 there? Iwent to visit my sister. come back until Saturday.
• We use the simple past NOT the present perfect with when • Compare: Nick has been to Paris = He visited Paris and came
and past time expressions, e.g.,yesterday, last week: back at some time in the past.
When did you see it? NOT Whe11 li:a11eyott st:c!lt it? Nick hassone to Paris, = He went to Paris, and he is in
Jsaw it last week. NOT {'11e $c!t!lt it lmt wec!le. Paris now.
12A c Write a sentence in the present perfect for each picture. Use the
verbs in the box.
a Write the sentences with contractions.
They've won the cup.
I have seen the movie. I've seen the movie. _ _ _ __ his leg.
She has not read the book. 2 _ _ ___ to the beach.
2 You have not washed the dishes. 3 _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ offhis motorcycle.
4 - - -- - - - -- - the newspaper.
3 We have done the housework. S - -- - - - -- - - - -- a new car.
4 He has been sick. ~ p.92
5 They have not eaten Japanese food before.
rnb Write G. G' and sentences in the present
G I/ meet a famous actor.
l've met a.,famous actor.
G I/ forget your name
2 G my boyfriend/wear his new shirt
3 III you/ speak to your boss
4 G they/do their homework
5 III your brother/ work in New York
6 G the train/ leave the train station
7 G we/ take any photos
8 III the children/ eat all the cookies
9 G my friend/ call me today
IO G Janet/ leave her book at home
128 c Put the verbs in parentheses in the present perfect or
simple past.
a@ the correct form.
A Haveyou ever traveled abroad? (travel)
~ Didyou ever eat at Appetito? B Yes, I went to Peru last year. (go)
A 1_ _ _ you ever _ _ _ any countries in Asia? (visit)
I I haven't bouBht/didn't buy any new clothes recently. B Yes, I have. 12_ __ to South Korea a few years ago.
2 My friend has Biven/ Bave me a ring for my (go)
A WhoJ_ _ you _ _ with? (go)
last birthday. B My husband. It was a work trip and his company
3 They've spent/spent a lot of money yesterday. 4_ _ for everything. (pay)
A How wonderful! How 5_ __ you _ __ there? (get)
4 Haveyou ever won/ Didyou ever win a competition? B We 6_ _. (fly)
A Where 7_ _ you _ _ ? (stay)
5 My friends have had/ had a party last weekend. B We a___ a suite in a five -star hotel. It was beautiful!
b@ the correct form. (have)
A 9_ _ the company _ __ you on any other trips
Let's go to the Peking Duck. I've neve@ Bone there.
1 The secretary isn't here. She's Bone/ been to the bank. recently? (take)
2 I've never Bone/ been to the US. B No. My husband 10_ _ _ working there a year later, so
3 My neighbors aren't at home. They've Bone/ been
that was our only trip. (stop)
on vacation. A Too bad!
4 Have you ever Bone /been abroad? ~ p.94
5 We have lots of food . We've Bone/ been to the
Online Practice
Days and numbers VOCABULARY BANK
a Complete the days ofthe week with the letters. a Write the numbers.
W Fr S S Th T M twenty-~ /'twcnti w...nJ
thirty l'fbrti/
Monday /'rnAndcr/ _ iday /'fra1de1/ thirty-five /'(mti fa1v/
_ uesday f'tuzde1f _ aturday /'s<et;irdcr/ forty i' brt ii
_ ednesday /'wrnzder/ _ unday /'sAnderi forty-three /'farti Ori!
_ursday /'0drzde1/ fifty /'f1fti/
fifty-nine /lftfti narn/
b 11110>)) Listen and check. sixty /'s1ksti/
~ty-&ven /'s1ksti 'scvn/
c Cover the days ofthe week. Say them in order. ~venty /'scvnt i/
&venty-UYQ /'scvnti tu/
pusefulphrases eighty /1e1ti/
the weekend (= Saturday and Sunday) righty-eight /'e1ti cit/
a weekday (= Monday-Friday) ninety /'namti/
What day is it to~? It's Friday. ninety-four /'namti f:ir/
Have a good weekend. You too. a/ one hundred /'hAndr;.">d/
See you on Monday.
b 1 26>)) Listen and repeat.
Capital letters
Days of the week begin with a capital letter. p Pronunciation
Tuesday NOT fttesf:lay
13 and 30, 14 and 40, etc., are similar, but the stress is
2 NUMBERS 0-20 different, e.g., thirteen, thirty, fourteen, forty, etc.
a Match the words with the numbers. ~ p.7
twelve twenty eleven #!tee
eighteen five fifteen seven
0 zero /'z1roo/ 11 /r'lcvn/ 4 HIGH NUMBERS
1 one /wAn/ 12 tcwdvi
2 two /tu/ 13 thir~ /0or't in/ a Write the missing words or numbers.
3 ~ 10ril 14 four1"ll /br'tin/
4 four /hr/ 15 /f1f'tin/ _lQS_ a / one hundred and five
5 /farv/ 16 sixteen /siks'tin/
6 six /s1ks/ 17 seventeen /sevn'tin/ 350 two hundred
7 /'scvn/ 18 /er'tin/ 875
8 eight /elti 19 nineteen /nam'tin/ 1,000 three hundred and
9 nine /nam/ 20 /'twcnti/
10 ten /ten/ 2,012 eight hundred _ __ seventy-five
a / one thousand /'Oaoznd/
1,000,000 one thousand five hundred
two thousand and _ _ _
five thousand four ___ and twenty
twenty-five thousand
b •1,11>)) Listen and check. a/ one hundred _ __
c Cover the words. Say the numbers. a/ one million /'m1lyon/
p Phone numbers two million _hundred thousand
We say the digits separately.
794-1938 =seven nine four, one nine three eight b 4 , 43 >)) Listen and check.
~ p.72
~ p.5
a Match the words and continents.
Continent Adjective
~frica 'ccfnb1 African f~frrbn fHJlt(
~sian /'e13n/ OCIA#
~sia /'c13:i.' Australian h 'strc1ly;m/
Australia l:l'strc1lya/ EuroQ.ean /yur:i'pi:m/ I A( U I ( ~
Europe /'yurap/ North American
1 NorthA~ica South American 0 ( f rltfr0/
South America
North I# 0 I A I
/~tflia.1tf tc I A•
b 1 15 >)) Listen and check. l 0 U1 N
O< f AN
c Cover the words and look at the map. Can you remember /Sou6'
the continents and their adjectives?
a ' 1 16>)) Match the words and countries. Then listen and check.
Country /'kAnlri/ Nationality adjective
England /'11Jyl;}ud/ - ish
Ireland /'a1:irl:ind/ fnglish /'11JghJ'
Spain /~pcm! Jrish /1a1r1JI
Turkey ,'1a1ki/ ~nish /'<;premji'
Turkish 't:irk1f/
Chile /'tf1li/
Germany /'d3:irmani/ -an
Mexico 1'mcks1kou!
South Korea l'>aoe b'ri~ Chilgan /Lf1'lc1an/
The (United) States I the US(A) German /'d3arm:in/
Mexican /'mcks1k:in/
Brazil /hro'z1J/ South Ko~an 1sati} k::i'rian/
l C_gnada /'kreoad:i/ American /a'mcrikan,
Iran 11'rren -ian
!taly P1treli! Brazilian /bra'zdyan/
Peru /p:i'rul Canadian /ka'ne1di;m/
Russia /'11\j·a/ Iranian 1'n.m1;in f
Italian lt'tielyan/
China 'tJam::v Peruvian ipa'ruvianf
JaQQD /d3:l1pa:n/ Russian /'rAfn/
Vietnam /vict'nrem/
France /fncns/
Thailand /'taila::nd/ Chinese 1lfa1'niz/
Japa~ fd3e:epo'ni.d
Vietnamese /viatna'miz/
French /frtntf/
Thai /ta1/
b Cover the words and look at the maps. Can you remember
the countries and nationalities?
p Capital letters
Use CAPITAL letters for countries, continents, nationalities, and
languages, e.g., Japan NOT japan; Spanish NOT spat'lish.
~ p.6
Online Practice
Classroom language VOCABULARY BANK
The teacher says l.
a Match the phrases and pictures 1- 13.
Open your books, please.
Go to page 84.
Do exercise a.
Read the text.
Look at the board.
Close the door.
1 Work in pairs/ groups.
Answer the questions.
Listen and repeat.
Stand up.
Sit down.
Turn offyour cell phone.
Please stop talking!
b 1 32 >)) Listen and check.
You say
a Match the phrases and pictures 14-22.
Sorry, can you repeat that, please?
14 Sorry I'm late.
I don't understand.
Can I have a copy, please?
How do you spell it?
I don't know.
Excuse me, what's _ _ in English?
Can you help me, please?
W hat page is it?
b 1 33 >)) Listen and check.
c Cover the sentences and look at the pictures.
Say the sentences.
Look at the board.
Answer the questions.
• Use the when we know which (board,
questions, etc.).
Look at the board. NOT Look et 6 hoerd.
• Use the w ith singular and plural nouns (t he
board, t he questions).
'( p.8