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Name Index
Aakre, J. M., 365 Alterman, A. I., 270 Arnau, A., 226 Barlow, D. H., 117, 121, 122, 123, 127,
Aarestad, S. A., 332, 337 Althof, S., 318, 319, 324 Arndt, S., 375 128, 131, 176, 319, 320, 321, 324, 450,
Aarsland, D., 445 Altindag, A., 305 Arnold, L. E., 393 455, 458
Abbott, M. J., 127 Aluja, A., 201 Arntz, A., 294
Abdelmessih, S., 367 Alvarez, K., 400 Aronoff, G. M., 153 Barlow, J., 65
Abdo, C. H., 324, 333 Aman, M. G., 393 Arroll, B., 203 Barongan, C., 332, 337
Abel, G. G., 328, 330 Amaya-Jackson, L., 164 Arsenault-Lapierre, G., 188 Barratt, E. S., 263
Abel, K. M., 361 American Academy of Child and Adoles- Asarnow, R. F., 361 Barrett, P. M., 121, 124, 125
Ablon, J. S., 456 Aseltine, R., 66 Barrowclough, C., 368
Abraham, S., 221 cent Psychiatry, 412 Asen, E., 374 Barsky, A., 145, 146, 148, 153
Abram, K. M., 360, 406 American Anthropological Association, Ash, S. L., 435 Barth, N., 357
Abramowitz, J. S., 135 Ashby, D., 203 Barzee, W., 357, 358
Abrams, K., 114-115, 260 40 Ashford, J. W., 432 Barzega, G., 122
Abramson, L. Y., 184, 194, 195 American Association on Mental Retarda- Ashton, H., 273 Baskin, T. W., 456
Abujaoude, E., 145 Askin-Edgar, S., 425, 428, 435 Basran, J., 436
Access to Alcohol Action Team, 69 tion, 383 Assaloni, H., 160 Bass, J. L., 392
Accordino, M. P., 461 American Psychiatric Association, 73, 91, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Bassarath, L., 406, 407, 412
Achenbach, T. M., 411 Basson, R., 318, 336
Adams, C., 374 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 136, 142, 143, Therapies, 209 Bastos, F. I., 267
Adams, G., 145 144, 145, 153, 155, 156, 157, 160, 164, Atkinson, J., 187 Bates, A., 208
Adams, H. E., 142, 313, 314, 315, 318, 174, 178, 179, 180, 181, 184, 185, 186, Atserias, N., 226 Battaglia, A., 391, 392
205, 210, 216, 218, 220, 221, 223, 233, Attia, E., 234 Bauman, M. L., 393
321, 329 237, 238, 246, 265, 284, 285, 286, 287, Atwood, C. S., 438 Baumeister, R. F., 103
ADAPT (Alcohol and Drug Abuse Preven- 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 312, 313, 314, Auer, C., 135 Baumgard, C. H., 305
315, 326, 327, 329, 330, 338, 348, 351, Auquier, P., 369 Bauminger, N., 399
tion Team), 68 352, 353, 356, 357, 359, 382, 383, 384, Aussilloux, C., 397 Bauserman, R., 465
Addae, J. I., 437 385, 386, 387, 403, 404, 422, 424, 428 Austad, C. S., 464 Bayley, N., 396
Addington, D., 354 American Psychological Association, 35, Avasthi, A, 359 Beach, S. R., 195
Addington, J., 354 41, 63t, 135, 299, 396, 453, 454, 467, Avenevoli, S., 116 Beals, C. M., 264
Addis, M. E., 458 469 Avery, D., 192 Bean, L. H., 391
Aderibigbe, Y. A., 161 Ames, D., 191 Axelrod, B. N., 441 Beardslee, W. R., 190, 199
Adinoff, B., 258 Amieva, H., 425 Axelrod, J., 413 Beattie, A. M., 437
Adler, L., 416 Amminger, G. P., 58 Aybek, S., 140 Beauchaine, T. P., 408
Afif-Abdo, J., 324 Ananth, J., 372 Aylwin, A. S., 334 Beaulieu, N., 339
Afrank, J., 408 Anastasiadis, A. G., 319 Azevdeo, D. C., 35 Beberman, R., 305
Agostini, J. V., 424 Andersen, B. L., 332, 337 Beck, A. T., 37, 38, 120, 130, 131, 194, 195,
Agras, W. S., 224, 235 Andersen, K., 445 Babe, K. S., 153
Agresta, J., 373 Anderson, A., 398 Babin, P. R., 200 201, 295, 297, 298, 302, 350, 372
Agronin, M. E., 428, 430, 439, 440, 441 Anderson, I. M., 222 Bach, A. K., 320, 324 Becker, A., 38
Aguirre, I., 197 Anderson, M., 318 Bachar, E., 223 Becker, B., 61
Ahern, D. K., 148, 153 Anderson, R. C., 144 Bachmann, S., 368 Becker, E. S., 120
Ahmed, G., 114 Anderson, R. D., 335 Badcock, P. B., 197 Becker, J. V., 328, 332, 334
Akhter, S., 86 Anderson, R. N., 186, 187 Bagby, R. M., 204 Bedard, L. E., 125
Akiskal, H. S., 197 Anderson, S. M., 322 Baghdadli, A., 397 Bédard, M. A., 369
Akiskal, K. K., 197 Anderson, V. A., 393 Bailey, E. D., 148, 153 Bednar, R. L., 458
Akyuz, G., 161, 406 Andrasik, F., 457 Bailey, J. E., 118 Beech, A. R., 333, 336
Alami, K. H., 319 Andrassy, J., 459 Bailey, J. M., 336 Beers, C., 12, 13
Alarcon, R. D., 293 Andreasen, N. C., 368, 375 Baker, D., 162, 167 Behl, C., 435
Alavi, A., 441 Andrew, B., 209 Baker, S., 399 Beidel, D. C., 103, 113, 398
Albano, A. M., 112, 121, 127, 458 Andrews, B., 135 Baker, T. M., 371 Beitchman, J. H., 401
Alberman, E., 391 Andrews, P. W., 197 Bakhia, A., 181 Belaise, C., 199
Albertini, R. S., 151 Andrist, L. C., 227 Bakti, S. L., 363 Belanoff, J. K., 192
Alberts, M. J., 433 Angermeyer, M. C., 365 Baldessarini, R. J., 205 Belardinelli, L., 196
Albinsson, L., 443 Angold, A., 55, 405, 407, 412 Baldwin, R. C., 209 Bell, C., 167
Alcaro, A., 260 Anisman, H., 184 Ball, S. A., 274, 305 Bell, M., 373
Alcohol 101ϩ, 65, 66 Ansari, D., 393 Balla, D. A., 397 Bell, P., 365
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Anthenelli, R., 277 Ballard, C. G., 443 Bell, S. E., 305
Antipova, A. V., 123 Ballester, D. F., 436 Bellack, A. S., 365, 373, 375
Inc., 276 Anton, E. S., 392 Balthazor, M., 390 Belmaker, R. H., 205
Alda, M., 146, 191 Antonova, E., 361 Balzuweit, S., 359 Belmonte, P. L., 116, 189, 361
Alden, L. E., 299 Antony, M. M., 458 Banaschewski, T., 412 Belzile, E., 445
Aleman, A., 357 Antshel, K. M., 413 Banda, T., 450 Bemak, F., 467
Alex, K. D., 364 Anttila, T., 424 Bandelow, B., 38 Bender, A., 148
Algozzine, B., 393 Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Banhatti, R. G., 405 Bender, D. S., 303
Allan, C. A., 322 134 Bankston, C. L., 61 Bennett, D. A., 432, 438
Allan, W. D., 121 Aragona, M., 151 Banon, E., 302 Bennett, M. C., 434
Allardyce, J., 359 Aragones, E., 146 Baranoski, M. V., 462 Bennington, V. T., 433
Allebeck, P., 374 Araya, R., 148 Barbaree, H. E., 331, 336 Ben-Porath, Y. S., 151
Allen, D. N., 364 Arbisi, P. A., 200, 369 Barbarich, N., 223 Bentall, R. P., 348
Allen, E. G., 391 Arboleda-Florez, J., 305 Barberger-Gateau, P., 436 Beretta, S., 433
Allen, N. B., 197 Archer, R. P., 151 Barch, D. M., 355 Berg, J. S., 468
Allet, J. L., 145 Argyropoulos, S. V., 118 Bardone-Cone, A. M., 235 Bergem, A. L., 432
Allet, R. E., 145 Arik, A.C., 105 Barker, R. A., 428 Bergeron, L., 396
Allilaire, J. F, 195 Ariogul, S., 436 Barkhof, F., 441 Bergeron, S., 319
Allison, K. C., 235 Arkowitz, H., 463 Barkley, R. A., 403, 411, 412, 415, 416 Bergin, J. L., 237
Almeida, O. P., 436 Arlinde, C., 257 Berglund, P., 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 183, 184
Alonso, Y., 146 Armfield, J. M., 122
Armstrong, J. G., 166 I-1
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Bergman, J., 251 Boekeloo, B. O., 264 Brody, J. F., 197 Camisa, K. M., 287, 358
Berk, L., 204 Boergers, J., 464 Brom, D., 161 Campbell, A., 436
Berk, M., 204 Bogaerts, S., 331 Brondel, L., 233 Campbell, B., 319
Berkman, N., 238 Bogenschutz, M. P., 276 Brondino, M. J., 413 Campbell, J. C., 62
Berkowitz, G. S., 123 Bogetto, F., 122 Brook, D. W., 264 Campbell, L. A., 114
Berkowitz, D., 360 Bohus, M., 167 Brook, J. S., 264 Campbell, T. W., 338
Berle, D., 121 Boivin, D., 206 Broome, M. R., 365 Campbell, W. K., 290
Berlin, F. S., 329 Boke, O., 105 Brosschot, J. F., 146 Campo, J., 339
Berlin, H. A., 296 Bolea, P. S., 123 Brott, T. G., 433 Canetti, L., 223
Bernal, M., 197 Bolla, K., 258 Brotto, L., 336 Cankurtaran, M., 436
Bernardy, N. C., 119 Bollini, P., 209 Brown, A. M., 121 Cannell, J., 161
Berner, W., 332, 336 Bolt, A., 163 Brown, C., 365 Cannon, M., 364, 366
Berns, S. M., 367 Bona, J. R., 200 Brown, D., 63, 63t, 299 Canter, P. H., 208
Bernstein, D., 298 Bonanno, G. A., 61t Brown, E. J., 35 Cantor-Graae, E., 361
Berrios, G. E., 162 Bond, A. J., 195 Brown, G. K., 201 Capanema, M. B., 35
Berry, E. M., 223 Bond, M. J., 226 Brown, G. W., 194 Capone, G. T., 392
Bersick, M., 421 Bongar, B., 203 Brown, J., 298 Carbranes, J. A., 445
Bertelli, M., 382 Bor, J. H., 431 Brown, R. D., Jr., 433 Cardeña, E., 159, 164, 167
Bertholet, N., 274 Borden, S., 399 Brown, R. J., 140, 149 Cardno, A. G., 359, 361
Bertram, L., 430, 434 Borenstein, A. R., 445 Brown, R. T., 390 Carey, J. C., 391
Best, S. R., 123, 164 Borges, G. L., 188 Brown, S. A., 261 Carey, M. P., 314, 317, 318, 321, 323
Beutler, L. E., 458 Borkevic, T. D., 103 Brown, T. A., 114, 127, 320 Carise, D., 270
Bevins, R. A., 262 Bornovalova, M. A., 263 Brown, T. T., 253 Carlat, D. J., 221
Beynon, S., 199 Bornstein, R. F., 294, 296 Bruce, K. R., 225 Carlson, E. B., 166
Bhati, K. S., 456 Borras-Valls, J. I., 319 Brucki, S. M., 115 Carlson, G. A., 179
Bhati, M. T., 350 Borson, S., 440 Brug, J., 226 Carlson, M. D., 389
Bhugra, D., 184, 187, 197 Borst, T. S., 460 Brun, A., 429 Carlsson, A., 364
Biancalana, V., 389 Bossaert, L., 429 Brun, J. M., 233 Carpenter, B. C., 444
Bianchini, K. J., 153 Bossy-Wetzel, E., 434 Brune, M., 366 Carpenter, B. N., 332
Biederman, J., 119, 405, 406, 407, 409, Bostwick, J. M., 358 Brunette, M. F, 277 Carpenter, D. O., 436
Boteva, K., 375 Bruscoli, M., 445 Carpenter, W. T., 364
415, 416 Both, S., 324 Bryant, R. A., 163 Carrey, N., 191
Bienias, J. L., 436 Bottmer, C., 368 Buchanan, A., 360 Carrier, S., 318
Bienvenu, O., 124 Boudjenah, D., 266 Buchsbaum, M. S., 362, 375 Carroll, K. M., 274, 275, 458
Bierut, L., 257 Boulerice, B., 409 Buckley, P. F., 350 Carta, M. G., 197
Big Ten Suicide Study, 58 Bouman, T. K., 152 Bucks, R. S., 436 Carter, A. S., 384
Bijl, R. V., 359 Bounthavong, M., 371 Bufkin, J. L., 407 Carter, D. B., 432
Billstedt, E., 388, 400 Bourin, M., 205 Buitelaar, J. K., 405 Carter, W. P., 234
Billups, K. L., 322 Bourke, M. L., 305 Buka, S. L., 365 Carty, J., 129
Binford, R. B., 232 Bourland, S. L., 121 Bulik, C. M., 220, 222, 223, 225, 226, Casey, L. M., 120
Binik, Y. M., 315 Bove, L., 266 Casey, M., 373
Birbaumer, N., 144 Bowden, R., 450 237, 238 Casiero, D., 220
Bird, T. D., 432 Bowen, J. D., 440 Bums, B. J., 412 Caso, J. R., 191
Birek, C., 251 Bowers, C. A., 267 Bundy, E., 305 Cass, K. M., 235
Birmaher, B., 405, 409 Bowers, W. J., 439 Burd, L., 392 Cassidy, S. B., 391
Birmes, P., 110-111 Boyd, C. J., 249 Burgess, M., 123 Castellanos, F. X., 393, 407
Birnbaum, M. H., 158 Boydell, J., 186, 197, 359 Burke, H. M., 192 Caster, J. B., 121
Bishop, D., 464 Boydell, K. M., 235 Burke, J. D., 405, 407, 409, 410, 416 Castle, D. J., 114-115
Bisht, J., 149 Boyer, C. A., 373 Burme, R. W., 153 Castle, K., 183
Bisson, J., 153 Boyle, J. R., 264 Burn, D. J., 434 Castro, J., 117
Biswas, P., 359 Bracha, H. S., 120, 148 Burnand, B., 274 Catapano, L. A., 191
Bjorgvinsson, T., 133 Bradley, B. P., 261 Burns, A., 429 Cater, J., 360
Black, D. N., 147, 332 Bradley, R., 28, 123 Burns, G. L., 415 Cather, C., 358
Black, D. W., 117, 305 Bradley, S. J., 339, 340, 341 Burr, R., 263, 291, 295 Catignani, G. L., 435
Black, K., 43 Bradshaw, J. L., 118 Burton, C., 147, 148 Catts, H. W., 388
Black, S. E., 427 Braff, D. L., 371 Burton, N., 168 Cauce, A. M., 161
Blackburn, R., 288 Bragin, V., 436, 442 Burtscheidt, W., 275 Cayan, S., 316
Blackwood, N., 348 Brähler, E., 147 Bush, G., 407 Cederbaum, S., 389, 391
Blair, R. J., 288 Brandes, B. M., 391 Busse, R., 372 Centers for Disease Control and
Blakely, T. A., 187 Brandl, C., 227 Butcher, J. N., 82, 151, 166
Blanco, C., 152 Brandt, J., 167 Butcher, L., 464 Prevention, 265
Blasey, C., 355 Brandt, R., 434 Butler, A. C., 131 Cerce, D. D., 335
Blashko, C. A., 206 Brannan, S. K., 190 Butler, L. D., 167 Cerceau, D. M., 35
Blasingame, G. D., 335 Brannigan, G. G., 90 Butler, R. N., 319, 439 Cerezuela, G. P., 154
Blatt, S. J., 457 Braunstein, G. D., 322 Butterworth, B., 387 Cervantes, E. A., 270
Blaustein, M., 162 Braxton, L., 319 Buttress, S., 272 Chacko, A., 412
Blazei, R. H., 296 Brayne, C., 431 Byerly, M., 373 Chahrour, M., 390
Blazer, D. G., 186, 207 Breier, J. I., 399 Byne, W., 362 Chai, Y. D., 265
Bleich, S., 257 Bremner, J. D., 166, 191, 296 Byrd, R., 428 Chaix, Y., 387
Bleichhardt, G., 152 Brennan, P. A., 196, 360 Byrne, J., 429 Chakrabarti, S., 388
Blennow, K., 427 Breteler, M. M., 431 Byrsting, K., 372 Chamberlain, S. R., 115
Blesch, A., 442 Brewin, C. R., 121, 135 Chan, C. C., 206
Bloch, R. M., 161 Bridges, M. R., 332 Cabanyes, J., 429 Chan, R. C., 369
Bloemers, W., 374 Brieger, P., 186 Cacabelos, R., 432, 433 Chanen, A. M., 299
Blöink, R., 359 Briere, J., 166 Cacciola, J. S., 270 Chang, E., 277
Bloom, M., 64 Briken, P., 332, 336 Cadigan, J., 354, 355 Chang, P. H., 369
Bloomfield, K., 265 Brindis, C. D., 65 Caeiro, L., 429 Chang, S. Y., 277
Blozis, S. A., 148 Brinton, R. D., 439 Calabrese, J. R., 188, 202 Chant, D., 357, 359, 365
Blum, K., 259 Briones, D. F., 266 Calage, C. A., 368 Chapman, J. E., 131
Blum, N., 117, 301 British Psychological Society, 201 Calati, R., 225 Charman, T., 384, 401
Blumberg, H. P., 191 Brkanac, Z., 257 Calugi, S., 215 Charney, D. S., 61, 117
Bob, P., 167 Broadbent, E., 149 Calvo, R., 117 Charrow, J., 390
Boden, J. M., 253 Brodaty, H., 444 Camarata, S, 398 Chawarska, K., 395
Bodensteiner, J. B., 392 Brodbeck, C., 113 Camargo, C. A., 221 CHEERS, 66, 68
Bodfish, J. W., 385 Brody, G. H., 406 Cambron, S. L., 121 Chelminski, I., 286
Bodkin, J. A., 148 Cami, J., 257 Chen, C. P. L.-H., 437
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Name Index I-3
Chen, J., 436 Connell, C. M., 437 Cummings, J. L., 425, 428, 433, 434 Deane, R., 434
Chen, M. J., 438 Conner, K. R., 183 Curnoe, S., 332 Deary, I. J., 438
Chentsova-Dutton, Y., 88 Conners, C. K., 370, 411, 412 Curran, P., 369 Deboutte, D., 406
Chenu, F., 205 Conners, N. A., 264 Curtis, J. T., 251 DeCarli, C. S., 445
Cherpitel, C. J., 188 Connor, D. F., 407, 412 Curtis, K. L., 153 Decker, S. L., 90
Cherubini, A., 436 Connor-Greene, P., 2 Curwen, T., 305 Deeks, J. J., 358
Chesen, C. L., 204 Constant, 192 Cutrona, C. E., 43 DeFries, J. C., 390
Chesterson, J., 444 Conway, K. P., 264 Czobor, P., 367 Dekel, A., 153
Cheung, S. K., 458 Conway, M, 114 Czoty, P. W., 259, 262 DeKosky, S. T., 424, 429
Chew, J., 161 Conwell, Y., 183 Del Barrio, V., 201
Chhean, D., 123 Cook, B. L., 202 Daalder, A., 331 Delamater, B. A., 148
Chi, I., 443 Cookson, J., 205 Daban, C., 191 DeLamater, J., 318, 321, 330, 333, 334,
Chick, J., 250 Cookson, M. R., 433 Dackis, C. A., 259
Chiles, J. A., 182, 186, 188, 198, 209 Coolidge, F. L., 339 Dadds, M. M., 121 337
Chiliza, B., 375 Coonrod, E. E., 396 Dadds, M. R., 122, 333 DelBello, M. P., 184, 186, 190, 199
Chiu, W. T., 2, 53, 54, 112, 113, 183, 184, Coons, P. M., 157, 168 Daeppen, J. B., 274 Delgado, C., 267
Cooper, H. L., 265 Dages, P., 444 Delis, D. C., 370
256 Cooper, J., 129 Dagli, N., 436 Dell, M. L., 367
Chivers, M. L., 336 Cooper, P. J., 117 Daglish, M. R., 258 Della Sala, S., 425
Choi, J. S., 363 Cooper, Z., 232 Dahl, R. E., 192 Delprato, D. J., 398
Chóliz, M., 154 Copolov, D. L., 362 Dahlstrom, W. G., 82 Delva, J., 267
Chorot, P., 127 Corcoran, R., 348 Daker-White, G., 437 Demarco, K., 394
Chorpita, B. F., 122 Corey, K., 123 Dalle Grave, R., 215 DeMartino, R., 66
Chouinard, G., 129 Cork, C., 411 Damasio, A. R., 146 DeMaso, D. R., 153, 465
Chow, N., 434 Cormier, C., 462 D’Amico, E. J., 267 Dembo, R., 263
Chow, T., 332 Cormier, E., 465 Dammen, T., 120 Demler, O., 2, 53, 112, 113, 183, 256
Chowdhury, U., 411 Cornelius, C., 439 D’Amora, D. A., 335 Démonet, J. F., 387
Christodoulou, J., 388 Cororve, M. B., 152 D’Andrea, J. T., 358 Dendukuri, N., 422, 445
Chronis, A. M., 412 Corrigan, P. W., 14, 15 D’Andrea, M. R., 428 Dening, T. R., 430
Chu, B. C., 121 Corsello, C., 398 Dandreaux, D. M., 407 Dennerstein, M., 32
Chuckowree, J. A., 437 Cortoni, F. A., 333 Danesh, J., 290, 360 Denys, D. A., 129, 301
Chudakov, B., 205 Coryell, W., 153 Daniel, S. S., 461 Denzler, M., 261
Chun, C.-A., 464 Coryell, W. H., 210 Danielson, C. K., 202 Department of Health and Human
Chung, R. C.-Y., 467 Cosci, F., 114–115 Dannon, P. H., 205
Churchill, R., 129, 208 Costello, E. G., 55 Dao, M. D., 146 Services, 254, 255, 264
Cicchetti, D., 61, 298, 409 Costello, E. J., 405, 407 Dassylva, B., 332 Depla, M. F., 113
Cicchetti, D. V., 396 Côté, G., 462 Daugherty, R., 257 Derogatis, L. R., 321, 369
Cillessen, A. H., 408 Cottler, L. B., 318 Daughters, S. B., 263 DeRubeis, R. J., 38, 208
Claes, L., 226 Counts, C. A., 408 Daum, I., 364 Desarker, P., 181
Clara, I. P., 194 Court, A., 234 Dave, J., 444 DesJardins, J., 272
Clark, D. C., 203 Couture, A., 431 Davey, G. C., 122 Desmet, M., 201, 331
Clark, D. M., 120 Couture, S., 15 David, A. S., 140, 146, 147, 160, 166, 167 Desmond, D. W., 427
Clark, L. A., 287, 302 Couturier, J., 205, 235 Davidson, K., 370 Desrochers, G., 319
Clark, N., 273 Coverdale, J. H., 442 Davidson, R. J., 191 Deveci, A., 145
Clarke, G., 199 Cowan, P., 222 Davidson, S., 426 Deveney, C., 108
Clarke, M., 267, 365 Cowen, E. L., 64 Davies, G., 365 Devilly, G. J., 158, 333
Clarke, R., 436 Cox, B. J., 112, 194 Davies, S., 443 Devinsky, O., 397
Clarkin, J. F., 303 Cox, W. M., 261, 270 Davila, J., 194 Devries, M. W., 194
Clarren, S., 267 Cox-Hayley, D., 442 Davis, B., 196 DeWall, C. N., 103
Classen, C., 110-111 Coyne, J. C., 209 Davis, L., 184 Dews, P. B., 251
Clayton, A., 318 Crabbe, J. C., 257 Davis, M., 118, 192 Deyo, Z., 371
Clayton, A. H., 312 Craddock, N., 190 Davis, R., 300 Di Ceglie, D., 339, 340
Clayton, P. J., 146 Craig, D., 431 Davis, S. L., 161 Di Chiara, G., 258
Clements, R., 271 Craig, R. J., 248, 271, 272 Davison, G. C., 38 Di Forti, M., 364
Clifford, P. R., 277 Craig, T. K., 146 Dawe, S., 263 Di Martino, A., 393
Clingempeel, W. G., 413 Craig, W. M., 408 Dawson, G., 385 Di Nardo, P. A., 127
Cloninger, C. R., 146 Craighead, W. E., 209 Dawson, K., 431 Diament, A., 319
Clyne, C., 220 Craissati, J., 332 Dawson, R., 210 Diamond, G. M., 275
Coatsworth, J. D., 62 Cramer, A., 408 Dawson, T. M., 433 Diamond, G. S., 275
Cocozza, J., 414 Cramer, V., 286 Dawson, V. L., 433 Diana, M., 259
Coelho, H. F., 117, 208 Craske, M. G., 67, 103, 108, 116, 117, 125, Dayal, S., 153 DiCarlo, A., 431
Cohen, D., 315, 412 de Bildt, A., 396 Dick, D. M., 257, 415
Cohen, L. G., 144 128, 130, 131, 455, 458 de Boer, A. G., 143 Dickerson, F., 357, 359, 372
Cohen, L. J., 328, 329, 332, 334 Craven, R. M., 364 De Bruijn, C., 277 Dickson, T. C., 437
Cohen, M., 161 Creamer, M. C., 129 De Bruyn, E., 410 Dickstein, D. P., 186
Cohen, P., 298 Creed, F., 145, 146 De Clercq, B., 298 DiLalla, L. F., 24
Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., 339, 340, 341 Crick, N. R., 294 De Fruyt, F., 298 Diler, R. S., 319
Coie, J. D., 408 Crijnen, A. A., 408, 410 de Geus, F., 129 Dillon, J., 329
Cole, M. G., 422, 445 Crimlisk, H., 146 de Graaf, R., 113, 277 Dilsaver, S. C., 197
Coleman, K., 367 Crisp, A., 223, 224 De Gucht, V., 142 Dimatou, S., 160
Collie, R. M., 332 Cristi, C., 204 de Haes, J. C., 143 Dimidjian, S., 195
Collings, S. C., 187 Crits-Christoph, P., 38, 302, 305 de Jong, J. T., 164 Dindo, L., 129
Colliver, J. D., 264 Croarkin, P., 468 de Jonge, P., 160 Ding, Y. S., 406
Colombres, M., 434 Crocker, A. G., 462 De Leo, D., 114 Ding, Z., 389
Coltheart, M., 364 Crosby, R., 223 De Nitto, S., 151 DiNitto, D. M., 265, 266
Coma, M., 436 Crouter, A. C., 226 de Oliveira, R., 296 Dishion, T. J., 262
Comings, D. E., 259 Crow, S., 237 De Piano, F., 455 Dissanayake, C., 385
Commons, M. L., 327 Crow, T. J., 361, 364, 366 De Ronchi, D., 225 Dittmann, R. W., 412
Compton, M. T., 365 Crowley, T. J., 288 De Ruiter, C., 328 Dix, D., 12
Compton, S. N., 412 Crozier, S., 161 de Silva, P., 337 Dixon, L., 374
Compton, W. M., 264, 265 Csernansky, J. G., 372 De Strooper, B., 437 Doan, B. T., 286
Conduct Problems Prevention Research Cubells, J. F., 367 de Tubino Scanavino, M., 333 Dobkin, R., 319
Cuesta, M. J., 353, 355 de Vries, H., 404 Dobs, A. S., 253
Group, 408, 410 Cui, L., 116 de Zwaan, M., 224, 237 Dobson, K. S., 351
Conforti, K., 286 Cullen, C., 348 Deacon, B. M., 112 Docherty, N. M., 365
Conigrave, K. M., 267 Culverhouse, R., 277 Dodart, J. C., 439
Connecticut Society for Mental Hygiene, 12 Dodd, P. R., 433
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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
Dodd, S., 204 Ekehammar, B., 34 Fassbender, K., 438 Foster, N. L., 427
Dodd-Kimmey, S., 327 Ekman, S., 271 Fastbom, J., 439 Foster, S. L., 86
Dodge, H. H., 429 Elder, J. H., 465 Faustman, W. O., 200 Foulks, E. F., 294
Dodge, K. A., 164, 408, 410 El-Gabalawi, F., 388, 400 Fava, G. A., 149, 199 Fountoulakis, K. N., 291, 397
Dodson, W. W., 412 Elie, M., 422 Fava, M., 174 Fowler, J. S., 226, 406
Dogan, O., 161, 406 Elkin, A., 190 Fay, C., 153 Fowles, D., 129
Dogan, S., 406 Ellason, J. W., 168 Fazel, S., 290, 360 Fox, M. J., 428
Dolberg, O. T., 205 Ellaway, C. J., 388 Fear, J. L., 222 Fox, N. A., 119
Dolder, C., 371 Elliot, D. L., 267 Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Fox, N. C., 425
Dominguez, D. V., 161 Elliot, L., 65 Francis, D. J., 396
Donaghey, C., 188 Elliott, B., 205 Family Statistics, 55 Frank, E., 193, 208
Donaher, P. A., 273 Ellis, A., 35, 39 Fehr, S. S., 455 Frank, J. E., 324
Donaldson, D., 464 Ellis, H. D., 393 Feinberg, D. T., 408 Frankel, F., 408
Donnelly, K., 399 Ellsworth, P. C., 197 Felce, D., 461 Franken, I. H., 261, 266
Donnelly, M. J., 82 Elmore, J. L., 167 Feldman, H. H., 64 Frankenburg, F. R., 305
Donovan, C., 124 Emery, G., 37, 120 Feldman, M. D., 154 Franklin, M. E., 135
Donovan-Lepore, A.-M., 367 Emmelkamp, P. M., 413 Fera, F., 117 Franzini, L., 394
Dooley, B., 208 Emmerich, J., 148 Fergusson, D. M., 253 Frare, F., 106, 145
Dorahy, M. J., 160, 163 Emre, M., 433 Fernell, E., 400 Fratiglioni, L., 431
Dorward, J., 112 Emrick, C. D., 275 Fernquist, R. M., 183 Frazier, E., 184
Dotson, J. A., 267 Emsley, R., 375 Ferrarese, C., 433 Fredrickson, B. L., 222
Dougherty, D. M., 263 Endicott, J., 210 Ferrell, C. B., 113 Fredrikson, M., 118
Douglas, K., 205 Engedal, K., 432 Fey, M. E., 388 Freedman, R., 371
Douglas, K. S., 166 Engel, S. G., 233 Fichter, M. M., 135, 153, 227, 237, 238 Freeman, D., 348
Dove, A., 263 Engel, S. M., 123 Fick, D. M., 424, 444 Freeman, S. B., 391
Doyle, A. E., 409 Engelhart, M. J., 436 Field, A. P., 122 Freides, D., 25
Draijer, N., 160 Engin, E., 117 Field, M., 261 Freidl, M., 148
Drake, P. L., 273 Engle, D. E., 463 Figueredo, A. J., 332 Freshwater, S. M., 370
Drake, R. E., 267, 277 Ennett, S. T., 267 Filippi, T., 392 Freud, S., 29, 30, 32
Drevets, W. C., 190 Enns, M. W., 194 Fincham, F. D., 195 Freudenreich, O., 358
Dropik, P. L., 385 Epstein, C., 440 Findling, R. L., 202 Freund, K., 333
Drummond, D. C., 262 Epstein, J. N., 412 Fineberg, N. A., 129 Frewen, P. A., 162
Drummond, K. D., 341 Ergis, A. M., 195 Fink, M., 206 Frick, P. J., 405, 407, 412, 413, 416
Duane, W., 151 Eriksen, J. L., 433, 434 Fink, P., 144, 145 Friedberg, R. D., 131
Duberstein, P. R., 183, 187 Eriksson, A., 265 Finney, J. W., 274, 275, 277 Friedl, M. C., 160
Dubosvsky, E. V., 202 Erixon-Lindroth, N., 421 First, M. B., 80, 150, 200, 232 Friedland, R. P., 436
Dubosvsky, J., 202 Ernst, E., 208 Fisak, B., 121 Friedman, D., 421
Dubovsky, A. N., 190, 205, 210 Ernst, F. A., 263 Fischel, J. E., 405 Friedman, H. L., 34
Dubovsky, S. L., 190, 205, 210 Escobar, J. I., 145 Fischler, B., 142 Friedman, M. J., 119
Duckworth, M. P., 142 Esiri, M. M., 364 Fisher, P., 411 Friedman, R., 265
Dude, K., 68-69 Esper, C. D., 363 Fiszbein, A., 369 Friedman, R. S., 261
Duffy, S., 199 Essau, C. A., 198 Fitch, W. L., 337 Friedman, S., 113, 206
Dugas, M. J., 114, 127 Estabrook, D. M., 272 Fitzpatrick, A. L., 428, 445 Friedman, S. R., 265
Dulcan, M. K., 406, 411 Estrada, A. L., 264 Flament, M. F., 115, 222, 412 Friedmann, P. D., 461
Dunn, C., 250 Evans, D. A., 436 Flanagan, N. M., 387 Friedrich, W. N., 166
Dunn, H. G., 393 Evans, D. L., 62, 64, 65 Flannery, K., 388 Friis, S., 120
Dunn, M., 384 Evans, S. W., 413 Flaum, M., 375 Frishman, W. H., 220
Dunn, M. E., 267 Even, C., 206 Fleischhacker, W. W., 350 Frith, C. D., 348, 350
DuPaul, G., 411, 412 Evers, C., 339 Fleitlich-Bilyk, B., 43 Fromme, K., 267
Duppils, G. S., 429 Evers, M. M., 442 Fleming, M., 274 Fuji, S., 123
Durand, V. M., 398, 461 Evlice, Y. E., 319 Fleming, S. K., 355 Fuller, B. E., 265
Durbin, J., 263, 291 Ewald, H., 145 Fletcher, J. M., 399 Fuller, S. J., 438
Durkheim, E., 183 Ewald, K., 145 Flett, G. L., 227 Fullerton, C., 153
Durkin, M. S., 388 Exley, C., 436 Flobmann, E., 433 Furmark, T., 118
Durlak, J. A., 64, 65 Flojo, J. R., 400 Furukawa, T. A., 129
Durrett, C. A., 283 Faber, P. L., 427 Flor, H., 144, 146 Fyer, A. F., 116
Duska, R., 272 Fabiano, G. A., 412 Flora, J., 195
Dutra, L., 267, 277 Factor, S. A., 363 Flory, J. D., 355 Gabbard, G. O., 456
Dwivedi, K. N., 405 Fadem, B., 144, 145 Flynn, H., 209 Gacono, C. B., 332
Dyches, T. T., 393 Fagan, P. J., 329, 332, 336 Foa, E. B., 133, 135 Gadde, K., 190
Dykens, E. M., 388, 391, 393 Fagg, J., 209 Foley, E. M., 272 Gaebel, W., 375
Dziegielewski, S. F., 274 Fagiolini, A., 359 Foley, S. R., 360 Galanis, D. J., 436
Dzokoto, V. A., 145 Fahy, T., 360 Folin, M., 433 Galbraith, K. M., 113
D’Zurilla, T. J., 455 Fahy, T. A., 462 Folley, B. S., 392 Galderisi, S., 362
Fairburn, C., 222 Folstein, M. F., 440 Gale, T. M., 129
Eastley, R., 436 Fairburn, C. G., 226, 232, 235, 236, 237, Folstein, S. E., 440 Gallagher, M., 225
Eastwood, B., 261 Foltynie, T., 428 Gallagley, A., 429
Eastwood, S., 153 238 Fombonne, E., 388 Gallinat, J., 361
Eaton, W. W., 359 Falkai, P., 361 Fone, K. C., 412 Galvankar, P., 387
Eaves, L. J., 116 Fall, K. A., 450 Fontaine, F., 444 Galynker, I. I., 328, 329, 334
Ebly, E. M., 436 Fallon, B. A., 151 Fontaine, J., 201 Gamble, G., 317
Ebmeier, K. P., 188 Falloon, I. R., 374 Foorman, B. R., 399 GAMMA (Greeks Advocating the Mature
Edell, W. S., 184 Fama, J. M., 153 Forbes, C., 268
Edmond, T., 267 Fanous, A. H., 361 Forbes, D., 268, 269 Management of Alcohol), 66
Edwards, G., 123 Farabaugh, A., 305 Forbes, E. A., 322 Ganguli, M., 429
Edwards, N., 425 Faraone, S. V., 190, 361, 406, 407, 409, Forbes, T., 268 Gannett News Service, 252
Eells, T. D., 457 Forde, D. R., 160 Gannon, T. A., 329, 332, 333
Egan, M., 298 415 Forette, F., 439 Gans, S., 332
Egger, H. L., 55, 405 Faravelli, C., 145 Forman, E. M., 131, 464 Gansler, D. A., 431
Ehlers, C. L., 264 Farmer, A. E., 190, 361 Forray, M. I., 259 Ganz, J. B., 398
Ehrt, U., 186 Farmer, E. M., 412 Forrest, K. A., 164 Garb, H., 85
Einstein, A., 4 Farmer, J. M., 433 Forsberg, L., 271 Garber, B. B., 322
Eisen, A. R., 121, 458 Farooque, R. S., 263 Forster, D. P., 424 Garcia, C., 438
Eisen, M. L., 161 Farre, M., 257 Förster, J., 261 Garcia, L. F., 201
Ekeberg, O., 120 Farrell, J. M., 407 Fossati, P., 195 Garcia-Bueno, B., 191
Farrer, L. A., 430 Foster, L. M., 393 Garcia-Campayo, J., 146
Farrington, D. P., 296
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Name Index I-5
Garcia-Toro, M., 195, 197 Goddard, A. W., 119 Grimshaw, G. M., 339 Haring, A., 359
Garden, G. A., 424 Goedert, M., 434, 438 Grisaru, N., 205 Hariri, A. R., 117
Gardenswartz, C. A., 67, 125 Goenjian, A. K., 123 Grisham, J. R., 114 Haro, J. M., 368
Gardner-Schuster, E. E., 205 Goff, D., 358 Grisso, T., 462 Haro-Abad, J. M., 197
Garfield, S. L., 457 Gold, J. M., 373 Grob, G. N., 10 Harold, G. T., 195
Garland, O., 198 Goldberg, D. P., 145 Grodstein, F., 436 Harrington, R., 65
Garlipp, P., 461 Goldberg, J. F., 194, 210 Groenvynck, H., 201 Harris, A. E., 461
Garlow, S. J., 191 Golden, C. J., 370 Groetzinger, G., 373 Harris, D., 365
Garno, J. L., 210 Goldenberg, H., 43, 44 Groleau, D., 146 Harris, G. T., 336, 462
Garrett, Z., 398 Goldenberg, I., 43, 44 Gronbaek, M., 436 Harris, L. M., 122
Garrido, P., 329 Golden-Schulman, S. J., 275 Gross, K., 192 Harris, S. J., 399
Garza, A. A., 438 Goldfried, M. R., 38 Grossman, S., 300 Harris, T. O., 194
Gatz, M., 430, 432, 443 Golding, J., 339 Grounds, A., 301 Harrison, P. J., 367
Gaveriaux-Ruff, C., 257 Goldman, D., 438 Grove, W., 85 Harrow, J., 210
Gearon, J. S., 365 Goldman, M. B., 360 Grover, N., 149 Hart, J., 133
Gécz, J., 388 Goldman, S., 431 Grover, S., 359 Hart, S. D., 291
Geddes, J. R., 199 Goldman, S. A., 442 Gruenberg, A. M., 361 Harter, S. L., 264
Gee, K., 464 Goldmeier, D., 319 Grunhaus, L., 205 Hartman, J. K., 153
Geers, M., 120 Goldner, E. M., 359 Gsell, W., 433 Hartmann, U., 319
Gehricke, J. G., 201 Goldstein, G., 364 Gu, H., 375 Harvard School of Public Health, 249
Geiger, T. C., 294 Goldstein, H., 398 Guarda, A. S., 233 Harvey, P. D., 355
Gelenberg, A. J., 204 Goldstein, R. B., 117 Gudard, J. L., 329 Harwood, T. M., 458
Gelfand, L. A., 208 Goldstein, R. Z., 258 Guerra, N. G., 409 Hashimoto, M., 434
Gelhorn, H. L., 288 Goldstein, S., 388 Guerrini, R., 392 Hassan, Z., 273
Geller, B., 181, 184, 186, 190, 196, 199, 200 Goldston, D. B., 461 Guillaume, L. B., 195 Hassett, A. L., 149
Genain quadruplets, 362 Golombok, S., 339 Guisinger, S., 221 Hatch, M., 113
Gentil, V., 186 Gonnier, V., 397 Gunatilake, S., 372 Hatgis, C., 458
George, J., 276 Gonz·lez-Correales, R., 319 Gunderson, J. G., 288, 296, 302 Hatzichristou, D., 313
Geppert, C. M., 276 Goodman, A., 43 Gunnell, D., 203 Hatzimouratidis, K., 313
Geracioti, T. D., 153 Goodman, G. S., 161 Gunter, H. L., 393 Haugaard, J. J., 168
Geraerts, E., 161 Goodman, J., 178 Gupta, V. B., 436 Hautzinger, M., 202
Gerardin, P., 412 Goodman, R., 43 Gur, R. C., 373 Havermans, R., 194
Gerhartsreiter, C. K., 461 Goodman, R. G., 35 Gur, R. E., 373 Haw, C., 358
Gericke, C. A., 372 Goodman, S. H., 190, 191, 196 Guralnik, O., 161, 167 Hawgood, J., 114
Gerochi, C., 264 Goodnick, P. J., 205 Gureje, O., 145, 153 Hawke, J. L., 390
Gershon, J., 405 Goodwin, F. K., 192 Gursky, D. M., 127 Hawkridge, S. M., 332
Gershuny, B. S., 164 Gordon, K. C., 322 Gustafson, L., 436 Hawton, K., 209, 222, 358
Gerstein, R. K., 194 Gordon, L., 103 Gutheil, T. G., 327 Hayashi, H., 349
Gersten, R., 399, 400 Gorzalka, B., 336 Guze, S. B., 146 Haynes, C., 148
Geschwind, M. D., 424 Gotlib, I. H., 196 Gysling, K., 259 Haynes, S. N., 86
Geslani, D. M., 445 Gottesman, I. I., 369, 371 Gyulai, L., 195 Hayward, C., 121, 224
Geurts, H. M., 407 Gould, M. S., 187, 199 Hayward, P., 208
Geuze, E., 191 Gould, R. W., 262 Ha, T. G., 438 Hazelwood, K. J., 273
Ghahramanlou-Holloway, M., 120 Gourion, D., 367 Habermann, N., 332 Hazlett, E. A., 362
Ghaziuddin, M. E., 393 Grabe, S., 214, 228 Hadley, S. J., 152 Hazlett-Stevens, H., 108
Ghera, M. M., 119 Gracey, D., 349 Haedt, A., 235 Head, E., 432
Ghisalbert, D., 160 Gracies, J. M., 433 Hafner, H., 352, 357 Heape, C. L., 298
Gibbon, M., 80, 150, 200, 232 Gracious, B. L., 359 Hagedorn, J., 203 Heath, A. C., 116
Gibbs, P. M., 32 Grados, M., 117 Hagerman, R. J., 389 Heaton, R. K., 370
Gibeau, D., 335 Graham, J. R., 82, 151 Hajek, T., 181, 191 Hebben, N., 90
Gibson, J. P., 371 Graham, S., 399 Hakko, H., 357 Hechtman, L., 411
Gidron, Y., 123 Grahame-Smith, D. G., 205 Hales, R., 110-111 Hedges, M., 465
Gilbert, B., 444 Gralla, O., 319 Hall, G. C., 332, 337 Hedley, L., 120
Gilbert, P., 120 Granholm, E., 373 Hall, J., 361 Hedlund, S., 227, 237, 238
Gill, J. M., 178 Grant, G., 123 Hall, J. M., 163 Heffelfinger, S., 133
Gill, L. H., 433 Grant, J. E., 331 Hall, K. S., 430 Heilig, M., 257
Gillberg, C., 388, 400, 405 Grant, W. B., 436, 437 Hall, R. C., 331, 338 Heiman, J., 317
Gillberg, I. C., 400 Gräsel, E., 443 Halldin, J., 271 Heiman, J. R., 316, 324
Gillespie, N., 226 Graves, A. B., 425, 427, 430, 437 Halligan, P. W., 147 Heimberg, R. G., 107, 130
Gillham, J. E., 384 Gray, J. A., 118 Haltenhof, H., 461 Hein, J., 296
Gilliard, J., 437 Gray, P., 319 Ham, L. S., 115, 263 Heinrichs, R. W., 364
Gillum, H., 398 Gray, R., 250 Hamaguchi, T., 424 Heintz, J. M., 271
Gilman, S., 425 Green, A., 444 Hamel, C. M., 399 Heinz, A., 274, 296, 351
Gilmour, J., 408 Green, J., 65, 361 Hamet, P., 190 Helenius, H., 408
Gimpel, G. A., 411 Green, M., 359 Hammen, C., 44, 183, 194, 196 Helstela, L., 408
Gingell, C., 319 Green, M. F., 210, 352 Hammen, D. A., 337 Hembree, E. A., 133
Gingerich, S., 373 Green, M. J., 364 Hammond, D. C., 134 Hempel, A., 350
Ginsburg, G. S., 124 Green, R., 340 Hammond, M., 412 Hempel, E., 350
Giscombe, C. W., 123 Greenberg, J., 152 Hampshire, A., 65 Hen, R., 118
Gitlin, M. J., 204 Greenberg, L., 349 Han, L., 422, 445 Henderson, D., 267
Gizer, I. R., 406 Greenberg, R. L., 120 Hankin, B. L., 194 Henderson, H. A., 119
Gjerris, A., 372 Greenberg, T, 187 Hanna, A. C., 226 Henderson, J., 250
Gladstone, G. L., 119 Greenfield, S. F., 271, 272, 277 Hansen, M. S., 145 Henderson, L., 113
Gladstone, T. R., 190, 199 Greengross, B. S., 439 Hansen, N. B., 464 Hendry, C. N., 386
Glass, R. M., 427 Green-Paden, L. D., 372 Hanssen, M., 359 Henggeler, S. W., 404, 413
Glass, T. J., 427 Gregory, R. J., 153 Haour, F., 456 Henin, A., 114
Glasser, D. B., 319 Greicius, M. D., 424, 425 Happel, B., 358 Henken, H. T., 208
Glazer, J. L., 221 Greve, K. W., 153 Harciarek, M., 425 Hennen, J., 305, 331, 337
Gleason, O. C., 146 Greydanus, D. E., 328 Hardie, T., 162 Hennessey, G., 271, 272
Gleaves, D. H., 152, 159, 167 Grieger, T. A., 123 Hardiman, E. R., 459 Henningsen, P., 146, 148
Glenthoj, B. Y., 362 Griez, E .J., 114-115 Harding, C. O., 389 Henon, H., 427
Glueckauf, R. L., 444 Griffiths, J., 184 Hardoy, M. C., 197 Henquet, C., 365
Gmel, G., 265 Grillo, C. A., 119 Hardy, J., 433 Henry, J. D., 425
Godart, N. T., 115, 222 Grills-Taquechel, A. E., 121 Hare, R. D., 288, 289, 291 Hepp, U., 42
Godbout, L., 369 Grilo, C. M., 305 Hargreaves, W. A., 371 Herbert, M. R., 394
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Herbrink, M., 305 Howe, C., 461 Jackson, G., 318 Kagan, J., 119
Herman, C. P., 226 Howell, A. J., 168 Jackson, H., 332 Kahan, M., 273
Hermesh, H., 43, 368 Howieson, D. B., 90 Jackson, H. J., 299 Kahn, R. S., 357, 375
Herring, M., 196 Howland, J., 266 Jackson, W. C., 35 Kalivas, P. W., 258, 259
Hersen, M., 86 Howland, R. H., 192, 203 Jacob, T., 43 Kallert, T. W., 461
Heruti, R. J., 153 Hsieh, H. F., 207 Jacobi, C., 224, 225, 226, 227 Kalmus, E., 336
Herzberg, G., 388 Hsu, L., 359 Jacobson, N. S., 195 Kaltman, S. I., 365
Herzog, D. B., 221 Hu, X., 277 Jacova, C., 64 Kalucy, R., 467
Hescheles, D. R, 458 Hua, J. M., 198 Jaeger, J., 367 Kalueff, A. V., 119
Heston, C., 424 Hubbard, J. A., 408 Jaffe, S. L., 264 Kamatenesi-Mugisha, M., 319
Hetrick, S. E., 203, 234 Hudson, J. I., 161 Jagust, W., 428, 445 Kamboh, M. I., 432
Hettema, J. M., 116, 117, 184 Hudson, J. L., 108, 121 Jahng, S., 286 Kambouropoulos, N., 263
Hewitt, P. L., 227 Huebner, T., 296 Jakes, R., 434 Kamphaus, R. W., 411
Heyerdahl, S., 406 Huesmann, L. R., 409 Jakobsen, T., 148 Kamphuis, J. H., 328
Heyman, R. B., 272 Hugdahl, K., 393 James, A., 263 Kampush, N., 330
Hicks, M. S., 436 Hughes, C., 398 James, I., 443 Kanaan, R. A., 140, 146
Hides, L., 369 Hughes, F., 131 Jamison, K. R., 192 Kanka, M., 336
Hill, A., 332, 336 Hugo, C. J., 118 Janca, A., 150 Kantrowitz, L., 388
Hill, A. E., 387 Hugo, F., 332 Janevic, M. R., 437 Kaplan, B., 153
Hill, A. J., 226, 227 Huibers, M. J., 208 Jang, D. P., 133 Kaplan, E., 370
Hill, J., 408, 409 Huizinga, D., 296 Jang, K. L., 295, 296, 297 Kaplan, M. S., 336
Hiller, W., 150, 153 Hull, E., 314 Jankovic, J., 152, 442 Kaplow, J., 164
Hiller-Sturmhofel, S., 429 Hulse, G. K., 436 Jansen, K. L., 332 Kaprinis, G., 397
Hilsenroth, M., 85 Hulshoff Pol, H. E., 375 Janssen, B., 328 Kaprinis, G. S., 291
Hines, M., 339 Hultberg, B., 436 Janssen, E., 320 Kaprio, J., 190, 415
Hingson, R. W., 266 Hundelt, M., 434 Jansson, E. T., 436 Kapur, S., 371
Hinkin, C. H., 332 Hunt, M., 298 Janzen, H. L., 206 Karande, S., 387
Hinton, D. E., 123 Hunter, E. C., 160, 167 Järvelin, M. R., 357 Karasz, A., 318
Hinton, D, T., 123 Hunter, J. A., 332 Jaskiw, G. E., 363 Kariuki, C. M., 129
Hippocrates, 11 Hunter, R. D., 464 Jasper, F. J, 157, 167 Karl, A., 144, 146
Hirsbrunner, H.-P., 375 Huntjens, R. J. C., 160 Jeammet, P. H., 115 Karno, M. P., 458
Hirsch, C. R., 120 Huprich, S. K., 333 Jedele, K. B., 388 Karp, J., 409
Hirschfeld, R. M., 203, 209 Hurlburt, R., 86 Jelicic, M., 161 Karr, J. M., 329
Hirshfeld-Becker, D. R., 114, 119 Hurley, R. A., 147 Jellar, C. C., 232 Karshin, C. M., 66
Hirstein, W., 384 Hurwitz, T. A., 140, 144, 147 Jensen, A. L., 465 Kasai, K., 191
Hirvonen, J., 364 Husted, D. S., 329 Jensen, P. H., 434 Kashi, E., 425
Hjern, A., 42 Hutchinson, G., 365 Jensen-Doss, A., 450 Kasl-Godley, J., 443
Ho, B.-C., 375 Hutton, M., 433 Jenson, J. M., 267 Kaslow, N., 196
Hoadley, S. L., 390 Hwang, B., 398 Jeon, Y. H., 444 Kaslow, N. J., 365
Hoblyn, J., 442 Hyde, J., 318 Jervis, L. L., 437 Kates, W. R., 392
Hodapp, R. M., 388, 393 Hyde, J. B., 424 Jeste, D. V., 370, 430 Katona, C., 443
Hodges, J. R., 431, 434 Hyde, J. S., 184, 214, 228, 321, 330, 333, Jester, J. M., 43, 415 Katzman, D. K., 235
Hodgins, S., 196, 359, 360 Jilek, W. J., 41 Kaufer, D. I., 424
Hoek, H. W., 220 334, 337 Jin, C., 160 Kaufmann, W. E., 392
Hof, P. R., 392 Hyler, S. E., 300, 301 Jin, R., 53 Kaul, M., 424
Hoffart, A., 120 Hyman, S. E., 259 Jin, X., 397 Kaul, T. J., 458
Hoffman, D., 385 Hynd, G. W., 393 Jindal, R. D., 192 Kaushal, R. K., 149
Hoffman, H., 375 Hynd, M. R., 433 Jindal, S., 153 Kawa, J. D., 186
Hofman, A., 430 Hyoki, K., 427 Jobe, K. W., 153 Kawakatsu, S., 349
Hofmann, S. G., 135 Hypericum Depression Trial Study Jodoin, M., 319 Kawas, C. H., 428, 445
Hogan, D. B., 436 Johannessen Landmark, C., 205 Kawasaki, Y., 363
Holden, J. M., 450 Group, 204 Johansson, L. M., 357 Kay, D. W., 424
Holden, K. J., 442 Johnson, B. T., 16 Kay, S. R., 369
Holeva, V., 110, 135 Iacono, W. G., 296 Johnson, J. G., 298 Kaye, A. L., 300, 301
Holland, M. L., 411 Iacovides, A., 397 Johnson, R. Jr., 421 Kaye, W. H., 222, 223
Holland, P. C., 225 Ianni, F., 302 Johnson, S. D., 318 Kayser-Jones, J., 443
Hollander, E., 151, 152 Ichiki, M., 365 Johnson, S. L., 186, 188, 198 Kazdin, A. E., 38
Holley, H., 305 Iezzi, A., 142, 146, 152 Johnston, C., 408 Kearney, C. A., 96, 112, 119, 121, 122,
Hollon, S. D., 208 Ihle, D., 150 Johnston, K., 339
Holloway, I., 393 Ikeda, M., 431 Johnstone, E., 350, 361 123, 135, 276, 390, 399, 400, 458, 461,
Hollt, V., 257 Ilyin, S., 428 Joiner, T. E., 209 465, 466
Holly, L., 65 Inderbitzen, H. M., 121 Jones, E. E., 456 Keck, P. E., 210
Holman, T. B., 322 Ineichen, B., 437 Jones, I., 190 Keck Seeley, S., 166
Holmes, E. A., 121, 163 Inestrosa, N. C., 434 Jones, P. B., 43, 364, 366, 368, 372 Keel, P. K., 222, 223, 235
Holt, D., 358 Ingalls, S., 388 Jones, S., 406 Keem, M., 265
Homish, D. L., 409 Inghilleri, M., 151 Jordan, J., 223 Keen, S., 332
Hoogduin, C.A., 148 Inouye, S. K., 424, 440 Jordan, J. V., 35, 457 Keene, R. L., 425
Hooley, J. M., 196 Institute of Medicine, 64 Jordan, N. C., 400 Kehrer, C. A., 303, 304
Hope, D. A., 121, 130 Ipser, J.C., 129 Jorgensen, R. S., 321 Keightley, M. L., 190
Hopko, D. R., 131, 207 Ironson, G., 44 Jorm, A. F., 130, 445 Keks, N. A., 358
Hopko, S. D., 207 Irvin, J. E., 267 Jovev, M., 299 Kellam, M., 461
Hopper, J. W., 162 Irwin, H. J., 163 Joyal, C., 332 Keller, M. B., 210
Hopper, K., 375 Irwin, M., 277 Joyes, B., 392 Keller, R. C., 106
Hops, H., 196 Ishikawa, J., 349 Juckel, G., 351, 372 Kellermann, J., 120
Hordern, A., 318 Ishikawa, T., 431 Judson, R., 412 Kelley, A. E., 461
Hori, S. E., 368 Isidori, A. M., 324 Jung, Y. C., 273 Kellow, J. T., 461
Horowitz, J. A., 178 Islam, M. M., 267 Jungkunz, G., 433 Kelly, B., 356, 359
Horton, N. J., 461 Itzhaki, R. F., 436 Jurica, P. J., 440 Kelly, J., 276
Horwitz, S. M., 388 Ivanov, I., 263 Juriga, S., 35 Kelly, J. F., 459
Horwood, L. J., 253 Ivarsson, B., 374 Juster, H. R., 130 Kemether, E. M., 362
Hosier, S. G., 270 Iversen, P., 384 Kemper, T. L., 393
Hounie, A., 333 Iversen, S. D., 296 Kadri, N., 319 Kempes, M., 404
Howard, M. O., 267 Iwamasa, G. Y., 463 Kaduson, H. G., 456 Kendall, P. C., 202
Howard, R., 348 Kaemmer, B., 82 Kendjelic, E. M., 457
Howard, R. J., 365 Jackson, A., 65 Kafka, M. P., 327, 331, 336, 337 Kendler, K. S., 24, 42, 116, 189, 190, 194,
Jackson, A. J., 387 225, 226, 361
Jackson, C. T., 383
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Name Index I-7
Kendrick, D., 65 Koopman, D., 110-111 Landi, N. A., 277 Leonard, B. E., 414
Kennedy, N., 186, 197 Koopmans, R. T., 431 Landry, M., 263 Leonard, H., 388
Kent, D. A., 153 Kopelman, M. D., 429, 433 Landry, T., 319 Leonardo, E., 118
Keogh, F., 365 Koran, L. M., 145 Lane, M., 55 LePage, J. P., 207
Kerker, B. D., 388 Korczyn, A. D., 433 Lane, M. C., 286 Lerer, B., 361
Kern, R. S., 373 Korn, D., 132 Lane, R. C., 168 Lerner, J., 107
Kern, S. E., 273 Korndorfer, S. R., 220 Lane, W., 63, 165 Lesar, M. D., 275
Kerns, J. G., 364 Korner, H., 273 Lang, A. J., 133 Lessov-Schlagger, C. N., 436
Kertesz, A., 425 Kornhuber, J., 443 Lang, U. E., 361 Lester, B. M., 396
Kertesz, S. G., 461 Koshera, A., 444 Langa, K. M., 427 Letarte, A., 127
Keshavan, M. S., 357 Kotov, R., 123 Langberg, J. M., 413 Letenneur, L., 436
Kesmodel, U., 250 Kovacs, M., 201 Langdon, S. W., 414 Leung, A. K., 403
Kessler, R. C., 2, 42, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, Kovel, J., 333 Langevin, M., 332 LeVay, S., 328, 333
Koyama, T., 385 Langevin, R., 332, 335 Levenson, J. S., 328, 335, 462
112, 113, 116, 123, 183, 184, 195, 256, Kozak, M. J., 135 Langstrom, N., 331, 333 Leverich, G. S., 192
286, 416 Kraemer, H. C., 224, 235 Lanham, D. C., 392 Levin, J. S., 62
Ketterson, T. U., 444 Kraepelin, E., 23 Lanius, R. A., 162 Levin, J. M., 258
Kety, S. S., 361 Kragh-Sorensen, P., 445 LaPalme, M., 196 Levin, R., 314
Khalifa, N., 162 Kramer, J. H., 370 Lapierre, C. B., 123 Levy, K. N., 184
Khalife, S., 315 Kreidler, M. C., 167 Laposa, J. M., 299 Lewander, W., 464
Khalil, M., 436 Krem, M. M., 152 Lappin, J., 364 Lewis, A. J., 32
Khan, S., 360 Kringlen, E., 286, 367, 432 Large, M. D., 145 Lewis, M., 319
Khantzian, E. J., 275 Krishnan, R., 190 Larkin, C., 365 Lewis, S. J., 428
Khashan, A. S., 365 Krishnan, S., 365 LaRoche, C., 196 Lewis, V., 385
Khouzam, H. R., 400 Krol, N., 410 Larsen, J. P., 445 Leza, J. C., 191
Khouzam, R. H., 388 Krueger, R. F., 296 Larson, E. B., 427, 437 Lezak, M. D., 90
Kiefer, F., 273 Krueger, R.B., 336 Larson, J. H., 322 Li, H., 399
Kieffer, B. L., 257 Kruger, T., 319 Larson, S. A., 388, 461 Lia, B., 467
Kienast, T., 274, 296 Krugman, S. D., 63 Lasky, G. B., 468 Liberman, R. P., 370
Kihlstrom, J. F., 160, 164 Kuhn, J., 194 Lassi, S., 382 Libero, D. Z., 166
Kikuchi, M., 106 Kuipers, E., 348 Latner, J. D., 220 Liberto, J., 267, 273
Kilkenny, L., 145 Kukull, W. A., 430, 445 Latty, E. M., 336 Liberzon, I., 118
Killiany, R. J., 425 Kulkarni, M., 387 Lau, A. S., 409 Licence, K., 395
Kim, C., 188 Kuller, L. H., 428, 445 Lau, H. C., 28 Liddle, H. A., 275
Kim, J. E., 409 Kumari, V., 359, 361 Laumann, E. O., 316, 318, 324 Lieb, K., 167
Kim, J. Y., 226 Kunce, L. J., 385 Laurens, K. R., 359 Lieb, R., 116, 148, 153
Kim, K. Y., 425 Kundakci, T., 161 Laurila, J. V., 429 Lieberman, D. Z., 250
Kim, S., 461 Kunik, M. E., 442 Lautenschlager, N. T., 436 Lieberman, J. A., 263, 368, 372, 375
Kim, S. C., 319 Kuo, M., 66 Lavelle, C., 251 Liechty, A., 322
Kim, S. W., 319 Kupelnick, B., 209 Lavi, T., 123 Liederman, J., 388
Kimonis, E. R., 407 Kupfer, D., 193 Lavori, P. W., 210 Lifschytz, T., 192
Kinderman, P., 348 Kupka, R. W., 192 Law, J., 398 Lightman, S. L., 118
King, D. J., 412 Kupper, Z., 375 Law, S., 183, 188 Lilenfeld, L. R., 223
King, S. M., 88 Kurasaki, K. S., 464 Lawlor, E., 208 Lilienfeld, S. O., 85, 86, 166
Kingdon, D., 38, 372 Kurita, H., 385 Lawrence, A. A., 341 Limoge, F., 369
Kingsberg, S., 324 Kuroki, N., 362 Lawrie, S. M., 361, 362, 365 Lin, J. H., 445
Kingston, T., 208 Kurth, R., 146 Laws, D. R., 331 Lindberg, L., 42
Kinmonth, A. L., 145 Kurtz, M. M., 373 Lazaro, L., 117 Lindeman, S., 357
Kinnealey, M., 388 Kushner, M., 260 Lbo, C. F., 319 Linderson, E., 434
Kinney, D. K., 361 Kuyken, W., 305 Le Grange, D., 232, 235 Lindsay, J., 445
Kirchheiner, J., 234 Kvernmo, S., 406 Leach, K., 461 Linehan, M. M., 300, 302, 303, 304
Kirchmayer, U., 273 Ky, J. H., 319 Leahy, R. L., 195 Ling, W., 273
Kirk, M., 135 Kyle, U. G., 365 Lecht, S., 291 Lingford-Hughes, A. R., 258
Kirk, S., 334 Kymalainen, J., 368 LeCroy, C. W., 458 Linnet, K. M., 407
Kirkley, S. M., 431 Lee, C., 65 Linning, L. M., 121
Kirmayer, L. J., 146, 148 La Greca, A. M., 123 Lee, H., 66 Linszen, D., 365
Kirsch, L. G., 332 La Malfa, G. P., 382 Lee, H. G., 438 Lipsanen, T., 160
Kisiel, C. L., 161 Laan, E., 324 Lee, J., 66, 332 Lipsey, T. L., 164
Kitchener, K. S., 468 Labad, A., 146 Lee, J. H., 245 Lipton, S. A., 424, 434
Kiziltan, E., 161 LaBauve, B. J., 123 Lee, J. K. P., 332 Lisanby, S. H., 205
Klaiberg, A., 147 Labrecque, J., 127 Lee, K. S., 123 Lisper, H.-O., 34
Klaric, J., 412 LaBrie, J. W., 266 Lee, S. S., 415 Liss, H., 166
Klauer, T., 161 Lacerenza, L., 399 Lee, T. M., 206 Litzinger, S., 322
Klein, D. N., 178 Lacourse, E., 408 Lee, V. M., 433 Liu, P., 183, 188
Kleinman, A., 77 Lacy, T., 167 Leeds, A., 132 Livesley, W. J., 295, 296, 297
Kleinsasser, D., 271 Lad, S. P., 153 Leeuw, F., 331 Livingston, G., 443
Klerman, G. L., 208 Laferla, F. M., 433 Leff, J., 209 Lobbestael, J., 294
Klevens, J., 65 Lahey, B. B., 410, 415, 416 Legoff, D. B., 398 Lobel, M., 123
Klin, A., 388, 390, 395, 400 Lahiri, D. K., 432, 438 Lehman, C. L., 114 Lobo, A., 430
Klinger, E., 133 Lahti, A. C., 363 Lehmann, D., 427 Lobo, M., 43
Klinger, L. G., 385 Lai, C. K., 443 Le-hua, L., 427 Lochman, J. E., 408
Klonsky, E. D., 302 Laird, R., 408 Leibbrand, R., 153 Lock, J., 235
Kluft, R. P., 167, 168 Lakin, K. C., 461 Leibenluft, E., 186 Locke, B. Z., 58
Klump, K. L., 222 Lalumiere, M. L., 335 Leibing, E., 303, 305 Lockhart, D., 319
Knight, R. A., 335 Lam, D. H., 208 Leiblum, S. R., 319 Lodder, J., 445
Knight, R. G., 205 Lam, K., 145, 393 Leichsenring, F., 303, 305 Loeber, R., 405, 409, 410, 416
Knol, D. L., 407 LaMantia, A.-S., 368 Leisse, M., 461 Loftus, E. F., 160
Knutelska, M., 161, 167 Lamb, T. F., 266 Leitten, C. L., 440 Lohman, C., 349
Ko, C. H., 275 Lambert, M. J., 464 Lejuez, C. W., 207, 263 Lohr, I., 201-202, 238
Koerner, K., 303 Lambert, M. T., 161 Leland, H., 397 Lohr, K. N., 238
Kohn, Y., 361 Lambert, M. V., 166 Lemaitre, M. P., 392 Lolk, A., 445
Kokai, M., 123 Lambert, N., 397 Lemay, J. F., 403 Lombart, K. G., 457
Kokish, R., 335 Lamberti, P., 436 Lende, D. H., 265 London, E. D., 263
Kolanowski, A. M., 444 Lampley-Dallas, V. T., 437 Lengenfelder, J., 433 Loney, B. R., 405
Kolodziej, M. E., 16 Lancon, C., 369 Lenzenweger, M. F., 286, 287, 291 Loney, J., 415
Koonce, D. A., 463
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Longo, M. B., 167 Malm, U., 374 Mayne, T., 454 Meinischmidt, G., 148
Lönnqvist, J., 190, 367 Malmon, A., 16 Mayo Clinic, 444 Meldrum, S., 183
Loomis, J. S., 444 Malone, K., 208 Mazet, P., 414 Melis, M., 259
Looper, K. J., 146, 148 Mambour, W., 150 Mazure, C. M., 194 Meloy, J. R., 332
Loosen, P. T., 153 Man, J. W., 318 McAllister, M. M., 157 Melton, G. B., 462
Lopez, O. L., 428, 445 Manassis, K., 121 McAnulty, R., 329, 331, 337 Melzer, D., 461
Lopez, S. R., 370 Mancill, R. B., 114 McAuliffe, W. E., 275 Menard, W. A., 153
Lopez-Figueroa, A. L., 192 Mandel, J. L., 389 McCabe, M., 322 Mendez, M. F., 332
Loranger, A. W., 286 Mandelli, L., 225 McCabe, M. P., 331 Mendoza, M., 450
Lorentz, W. J., 440 Mandrusiak, M., 209 McCabe, S. E., 249 Menendez, M., 391
Loring, D. W., 90 Maneros, A., 186 McCall, K. M., 320 Menza, M., 319
Lott, I. T., 432 Mangelli, L., 149 McCarten, D., 414 Menzies, R. G., 122
Lou, K., 120 Manji, H. K., 191 McCarthy, D. M., 261 Merali, Z., 184
Louria, D. B., 272 Manly, J. T., 409 McCaul, M., 274, 275 Merckelbach, H., 158, 161, 164, 339
Lousberg, R., 445 Mann, J. J., 186, 199 McClelland, G. M., 360, 406 Merello, M., 428
Lovasz, M. M., 123 Manoach, D. S., 364 McClure, J. M., 131 Mericle, A. A., 406
Lovejoy, E. A., 196 Manson, S. M., 437 McClure, K. S., 200 Merikangas, K. R., 116, 210
Lovell, K., 459 Marceau, K., 184 McClure, M. M., 355, 358 Merrell, K. W., 411
Lovestone, S., 445 Marchand, A., 127 McConaghy, N., 340 Merry, S. N., 203
Lovett, M. W., 399 Marchand, W. R., 186 McCormick, W. C., 437 Mervielde, I., 298
Low, M. D., 394 Marchesini, G., 215 McCusker, C. G., 260 Meschia, J. F., 433, 438
Low, N. C., 116 Marcin, M. S., 119 McCusker, J., 422, 445 Mesibov, G. B., 385
Lowry-Webster, J., 124 Marder, K., 431 McCutcheon, L. K., 299 Mesrobian, H. G., 391
Lu, P. H., 391 Margraf, J., 150 McDermott, A., 268 Messer, S. B., 457, 465
Lu, R. B., 265 Marin, D. B., 442 McDermott, B. E., 154 Meston, C. M., 314, 320, 321, 323
Lubman, D. I., 369 Marin, H., 319 McDermott, C., 42 Metitieri, T., 443
Luborsky, L., 458 Mark, T. L., 56 McDermott, S., 388 Metzler, T, 123
Lucas, C. P., 411, 457 Markowitsch, H. J., 163 McDermut, W., 300, 301 Meuret, A. E., 134
Lucena, C, 146 Markowitz, J. C., 208 McDonald, C., 365 Meuser, T., 443
Luchsinger, J. A., 436 Marks, I., 340 McElroy, S. L., 146 Meyer, B., 198, 298
Luckasson, R., 383 Marmar, C. R., 123 McElwain, J., 383 Meyer, J. M., 372
Luckenbaugh, D. A., 192 Marneros, A., 359 McEvoy, P., 459 Meyer, P. M., 58
Lucksted, A., 374 Marom, S., 43, 368 McEwan, K., 198 Meyer, T. D., 202
Ludwig, S., 165 Marquis, A., 450 McEwen, B. S., 191 Meyer-Bahlburg, H. F., 340
Lugo, R. A., 273 Marra, C., 145 McFarlane, H. G., 364 Meyerhoff, D. J., 259
Lundvig, D. M., 434 Marshall, L. E., 328 McGee, B. J., 227 Meyer-Lindenberg, A., 364
Luoma, S., 357 Marshall, P. J., 119 McGee, C. L., 259 Mezulis, A., 184
Luthar, S. S., 61 Marshall, W. L., 328, 333 McGeoch, P., 332 MHS Staff, 370, 414
Luttrell, V. R., 407 Marteinsdottir, I., 118 McGlashan, T. H., 65, 184, 296, 305, 358 Miano, J. M., 434
Lutzenberger, W., 144 Martell, C. R., 195 McGorry, P. D., 234, 299, 368 Micco, J., 119
Lykken, D. T., 287 Martens, S., 261 McGovern, M. P., 267 Micco, J. A., 114
Lynam, D. R., 287, 291 Marti, C. N., 229 McGrath, J., 357, 359, 365 Middleboe, T., 372
Lynch, P., 113, 461 Martin, A., 147 McGuffin, P., 190, 359, 361, 406 Middleton, W., 163
Lynch, T. R., 263, 303 Martin, N., 406 McHale, S. M., 226 Miech, R., 359
Lyneham, H. J., 127 Martin, N. G., 226 McHugh, P. R., 440 Miguel, E. C., 333
Lynn, S. J., 167 Martin, P., 429 McHugo, G. J., 369 Mihailides, S. P., 333
Lyons, J. S., 161 Martin, R. L., 146 McIlroy, S. P., 431 Miklowitz, D. J., 186, 188, 209
Lyseng-Williamson, K. A., 442 Martinez, J., 456 McIntosh, A. M., 361, 365 Mikton, C., 301
Martino, S., 274 McIntosh, C., 250 Milberg, W., 90
Ma, C., 225 Martins, R. N., 438 McKay, E., 152 Miller, A. L., 178
Ma, S. H., 208 Maruyama, S., 265 McKay, J. R., 277 Miller, B., 433
Ma, X., 259 Marwit, S. J., 443 McKenzie, J., 203 Miller, B. L., 424
Maaranen, P., 160 Masaki, K. H., 436, 445 McKenzie, K., 365 Miller, J. D., 290
MacDonald, D. A., 34 Mash, E. J., 86 McKibbin, C. L., 370 Miller, L., 399
MacDougall, A., 268 Masho, S. W., 114 McKim, S. E., 248 Miller, L. S., 56
MacFarland, M., 208 Masi, G., 397 McKim, W. A., 261 Miller, M. B., 295
Machado, A. C., 324 Masliah, E., 434 McKnight, T. J., 390, 397, 399 Miller, R. D., 462
Machado, L. A., 35 Maslow, A., 33, 35 McLachian, R. I., 322 Miller, T. J., 358
Machleidt, W., 461 Masten, A. S., 62 McLellan, A. T., 270 Miller, W. R., 270, 275
MacIntosh, H. B., 163 Masters, K., 223 McLeod, B. D., 121 Millon, C., 300
Macintosh, K. E., 385 Mastrogianni, A., 184, 187 McMahon, B., 65 Millon, T., 297, 300, 302
MacLeod, A. K., 148 Masukawa, N. K., 148 McMahon, C. G., 316 Milos, G., 42
MacLeod, P. M., 393 Mataix-Cols, D., 340 McManus, F., 120 Minami, T., 456
Macmillan, H., 122 Mateus, B., 266 McNally, R. J., 123, 127, 161 Mindell, J. A., 461
Madeley, R., 263 Mathew, S. J., 117 McNaughton, N., 118 Mineka, S., 119, 122
Madhav, T. R., 205 Mathews, A., 120 McNeece, C. A., 265, 266 Minks-Brown, C., 263, 291, 295
Maes, M., 331 Mathias, S., 369 McNeil, D. W., 207 Mintz, A. R., 351
Magariños, M., 152 Mathis, M., 167 McNeil, T. F., 364 Miranda, J., 467
Magnusson, A., 206 Mattay, V. S., 117 McNicoll, L., 445 Missouri Partners In Prevention, 69
Magraw, M., 267 Mattelaer, J. J., 41 McVary, K. T., 318 Mistretta, P., 324
Mahoney, R., 443 Matthews, F. E., 430 McWilliams, L. A., 194 Mitchell, B., 357, 358
Mahurin, R. K., 190 Matthys, W., 404 Mead, D. E., 195, 209 Mitchell, I. J., 333
Mai, F., 142, 145, 146, 147, 148 Mattis, S., 440 Meadows, E. A., 128, 200 Mitchell, J., 223
Maier, S. F., 195 Mattson, M. P., 438, 439 Meadows-Oliver, M., 185 Mitchell, J. E., 237
Maier, W., 361 Matza, L. S., 371 Meagher, D. J., 423, 424 Mitchell, P. B., 119
Maina, G., 122 Maughan, B., 407 Meana, M., 315 Mitelman, S. A., 362, 375
Maisto, S. A., 277 Maurer, K., 352 Means, R., 437 Mitte, K., 129
Maj, M., 205 Maxwell, C. J., 436 Mechanic, D., 373 Mittelman, M. S., 440, 442, 444
Maki, K. M., 133 May, A. L., 226 Medalia, A., 373 Mitter, P. R., 365
Maki, P., 367, 439 May, M. C., 159 Medina, K. L., 260 Moberg P. J., 373
Makris, N., 407 May, R., 33, 34, 35 Mednick, S. A., 360 Modglin, A. T., 397
Malamuth, N. M., 332, 335 Mayberg, H. S., 190, 191, 200 Meesters, C., 120 Mody, M., 399
Malatesta, V. J., 313, 314, 315, 318, 321 Mayer, P., 257 Mehler-Wex, C., 234 Moeller, F. G., 263
Maletsky, B. M., 334, 335, 336, 337 Mayeux, R., 436 Mehta, M. A., 461 Moene, F., 148
Malhi, G. S., 119, 359 Maynard, T. M, 368 Meile, I., 368 Moergeli, H., 160
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Name Index I-9
Moffitt, T. E., 409 Nacmias, B., 438 Nocolosi, A., 319 Otani, K., 349
Mogg, K., 261 Nadeau, L., 263 Noffsinger, S. G., 348 O’Toole, M., 329
Moghaddam, B., 260 Nader, M. A., 259, 262 Nolen, W. A., 192 Ott, A., 431
Mohan, R., 41, 462 Nager, A., 357 Nolen-Hoeksema, S., 184 Otte, C., 192
Mohanty, S., 442 Nagin, D., 408 Nomura, Y., 390 Otto, M. W., 133, 135, 455
Mohr, D. C., 192 Nakakuki, M., 333 Nopoulos, P., 375 Ottosson, J. O., 206
Mojtabai, R., 461 Namkoong, K., 273 Norcross, J. C., 45, 454, 465 Ousley, O., 367
Molfese, D. L., 397 Nanke, A., 148, 152 Norko, M. A., 462 Overall, J. E., 200
Molfese, V. J., 397 Narita, M., 245 Norris, D., 467 Overholser, J. C., 199
Molinder, I., 335 Narrow, W. E., 186 Norris, M. L., 235 Owen, L. D., 262
Moller, H. J., 188 Nash, J., 349, 350 Norstrom, T., 250 Owen, M. J., 361
Money, J., 334 Nasrallah, H. A., 357 Norton, G. R., 112 Owens, D. G., 361
Monteagudo, M. J., 154 Nation, M., 43 Norton, P. J., 133 Owens, P. L., 388
Montejo, A. L., 318 National Alliance for Research on Schizo- Nowraty, I., 407 Oxhoj, M. L., 145
Montgomery, S. A., 405 Noyes, R., 117, 148 Ozer, E. J., 164
Monuteaux, M. C., 415 phrenia and Depression, 209, 375 Nunez, M. T., 434 Ozkan, M., 305
Moore, D. J., 433 National Anxiety Disorders Screening Nusbaum, M. M., 319 Ozturk, E., 163
Moore, J. D., 200 Nusbaum, M. R., 317
Moos, B., 459 Day, 64 Nutt, D. J., 118, 119, 258, 414 Pace, J., 318
Moos, R. H., 274, 275, 276, 459 National Association of Anorexia Nervosa Nye, C., 398 Padma-Nathan, H., 324
Morakinyo, O., 41 Pagano, M. E., 153
Morales, C., 249 and Associated Eating Disorders, 237, Oades, R. D., 406 Paick, J-S., 319
Moran, P., 365 238 Obeka, N. C., 318, 319 Paik, A., 316
Moran, S., 251 National Center for Health Statistics, 186 Ober, B. A., 370 Paitich, D., 335
Morasse, K., 444 National Committee for Mental Hygiene, Obiakor, F. E., 393 Palmatier, M. I., 262
Mordecai, K. L., 441 12 O’Brien, C. P., 251, 259 Palmen, S. J., 392
Moreira, E. D., 319 National Comorbidity Survey-Replication O’Brien, J., 191, 443 Palmer, B. A., 358
Morer, A., 117 (NCS-R), 53, 54, 55, 59 O’Brien, K. M., 223 Palmer, R. L., 220
Morgan, A. E., 393 National Drug Control Policy, 251 O’Callaghan, E., 365 Palmes, G. K., 461
Morgan, A. V., 35 National Eating Disorders Association, O’Campo, P., 359 Pampallona, S., 209
Morgan, C., 434 237 Ockene, J. K., 273 Pankratz, V. S., 358
Morgan, D., 434 National Health and Social Life Survey, Oddo, S., 433 Pantelis, C., 368
Morgan, T. C., 464 316, 318 O’Dea, J. A., 229 Panza, F., 438
Morgentaler, A., 319 National Institute of Mental Health, 375 O’Donohue, W., 450 Pao, M., 145, 149, 349
Morimoto, K., 265 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and O’Donohue, W. T., 331 PAR Staff, 370
Morin, J. W., 328 Alcoholism, 249 Oei, T. P., 120 Paradis, C. M., 113
Morrell, J., 408 National Institute on Drug Abuse and Office of National Drug Control Policy, Paradise, M., 165
Morris, E. P., 115, 263 National Insitute on Alcohol Abuse Parameswaran, S., 372
Morris, J. K., 391 and Alcoholism, 246 252, 253, 254 Parente, F., 359
Morris, M., 365 National Institutes of Health (NIH), 94 O’Hagen, D. T., 395 Parikh, S. V., 209
Morris, M. C., 436 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Ohannessian, C. M., 264 Paris, J., 295, 305
Morris, R., 361 265 O’Hara, M. W., 185 Park, K., 319
Morris, T. L., 111 National Women’s Health Information O’Hara, S., 454 Parker, G. B., 119
Morrow, C., 121 Center, 254 Ohlsen, R. I., 273 Parker, R. N., 263
Morse, T., 461 Nayt, G., 369 Ohman, A., 119 Parkin, M., 227
Mortimer, J. A., 432 Neale, M. C., 116, 189, 226 Okabe, N., 339 Parmet, S., 427
Morton, J., 410 Neighbors, C., 277 Okamoto, M. P., 371 Parry-Billings, M., 222
Moscona, S., 370 Neighbors, H. W., 461 Okeahialam, B., 318, 319 Partners In Environmental Change, 69
Moskowitz, A., 165 Nelson, M., 371 Olanow, C. W., 433, 442 PARTY (Promoting Awareness and Re-
Mostert, M. P., 465 Nemeroff, C. B., 119, 191 Olbrich, H. M., 258
Moulds, M. L., 133 Nemoto, T., 339 olde Hartman, T., 145 sponsibility Through You), 66
Mouridsen, S. E., 386 Nesse, R. M., 197 O’Leary, D. S., 368 Pascual, A., 146
Moyer, A., 194, 277 Nessler, D., 421 Olfson, M., 373, 414, 461, 464 Passignham, R. E., 28
Msall, M. E., 382, 388 Nestler, E. J., 259 Olivan, B., 146 Pastor, P. N., 388
Mueller, C., 160 Neto, T. N., 35 Oliver, J. S., 272 Patel, D. R., 328, 401
Mueller, W. E., 407 Neul, J. L., 385 Olivier, B., 322 Patel, V., 43
Muenke, M., 250 Neumark-Sztainer, D., 227 Ollendick, T. H., 127 Patelis-Siotis, I., 208
Mueser, K. T., 277, 369, 373, 374 Newberg, A. R., 191 Ollinen, T., 357 Paterson, J. G., 206
Muhle, R., 390 Newcombe, P. A., 120 Olsen, K. A., 351 Patterson, D., 391
Muhlnickel, W., 146 Newcorn, J. H., 263 Oltmanns, T. F., 302 Patterson, G. R., 408
Muir, A., 220 Newell, J. M., 184 Omar, H., 203 Patterson, T. L., 370
Mukamal, K. J., 436 Newens, A. J., 424 Onder, Z., 406 Pattison, P., 332
Mulder, C., 234 Newlin, D. B., 265 Ondersma, S. J., 465 Paule, M. G., 404
Muller, D. J., 183, 361 Newman, C. F., 195, 208 Onishi, H., 357 Pavlov, I., 36
Muller, M., 151 Newman, J. P., 288 Onken, L. S., 275 Paykel, E. S., 199, 208, 461
Mulligan, R., 441 Newsholme, E. A., 222 Oosterlaan, J., 407 Pbert, L., 273
Mumley, D. L., 462 Newton, A. W., 393 Oosterman, J. M., 441 Pearce, B. D., 365
Munday, C., 461 Newton-Howes, G., 415 Oosthuizen, P., 332 Pedersen, E. R., 266
Munitz, H., 43, 368 Nezu, A. M., 200, 455 Operario, D., 339 Peek, K., 385
Munizza, C., 209 Nezworski, M., 85 Opler, L. A., 369 Pehek, E. A., 364
Muñoz, F. J., 436 Niccols, A., 392 Ord, J. S., 153 Pei, Q., 205
Muntaner, C., 359 Nicholas, J., 388 Oreskovich, M. R., 257 Peindl, K., 359
Murdach, A. D., 154 Nichols, H. R., 335 Origoni, A., 359 Peix, M. A., 226
Muris, P., 120, 164 Nichols, K. E., 119 Oroszi, G., 438 Pelham, W. E., 414, 415
Murnen, S. K., 221, 222 Nichols, M. P., 43, 44 Orr, L., 65 Peltzer, K., 41
Murphy, K. C., 367 Nicolson, N. A., 194 Orrell, M., 443 Penn, D. L., 15
Murray, K. S., 262 Niemann, B. K., 322 Orsillo, S. M., 133, 134 Pennington, B. F., 388
Murray, L., 117, 408 Niemi, L. T., 367 Orvieto, R., 153 Pepler, D. J., 408
Murray, M. J., 398 Nigg, J. T., 408 Oryem-Origa, H., 319 Pepper, C. M., 210
Murray, R. M., 186, 197, 359, 364, 365, Nihira, K., 397 Osada, H., 385 Peralta, V., 353, 355
Nijenhuis, E. R., 157 Osborn, C., 328, 330 Perdereau, F., 115, 222
366 Nijman, H. L., 339 Osborne, L. N., 195 Perel, J. M., 359
Muthén, B. O., 410 Nilsson, K., 436 Oscar-Berman, M., 431 Perelman, M., 319
Mutton, D. E., 391 Nimatoudis, I., 397 Oshino, S., 349 Perera, R., 65
Myers, J., 42 Nishiyori, A., 265 Ota, M., 356 Perez-Tur, J., 433
Myers, W. C., 329 Nissenson, K., 152 Otani, F., 324 Perkins, D. O., 375
Nitschke, J. B., 191
Nixon, R. D., 133
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Perkins, H. W., 266 Ponder, W., 422 Rao, P. N., 391 Riley, A., 323
Perosa, L., 166 Pope, H. G., 161 Rao, U., 263 Riley, E. P., 259
Perosa, S., 166 Popli, A. P., 363 Rapee, R. ., 107 Rinck, M., 120
Perry, J., 461 Porter, D. E., 461 Rapee, R. M., 120, 121, 127 Rind, B., 465
Perry, J. C., 302, 305 Porter, R. J., 205 Rapin, I., 384, 390 Ringel, N., 359
Perry, R., 205 Post, R. M., 192 Rappley, M. D., 408 Ringman, J., 332
Perugi, G., 106, 145 Pothos, E. M., 261 Rappuoli, R., 395 Ringman, J. M., 391
Peselow, E. D., 359 Potter, J. S., 274 Rasanen, P., 393 Risk, N. K., 262
Peters, R., 198 Poupard, A. T., 233 Raskin, C., 272 Riso, L. P., 223
Peterson, A. M., 153 Poustka, F., 407 Rasmussen, S. A., 151 Riva, M. T., 468
Peterson, C., 237 Poveda, A. M., 437 Raspa, R., 33 Rizvi, S., 209, 232
Peterson, L., 63, 63t, 299 Powell, K. J., 368 Rasquin, S. M., 445 Robbins, P. C., 275
Peterson, R. P., 127 Powell, L. H., 62 Rassin, E., 158 Roberts, C., 65
Peterson-Badali, M., 341 Powell, M. P., 391 Rathod, S., 38 Roberts, T., 222
Petit, A., 432 Powell, R. A., 168 Rathus, S. A., 29 Robertson, E., 414
Petot, G. J., 436 Poythress, N., 462 Ratnavalli, E., 431 Robertson, G. J., 370, 396
Petrila, J., 462 Poythress, N. G., 166 Rautalinko, E., 34 Robertson, G. S., 368
Petrovich, G. D., 225 Pozdol, S. L., 396 Ravindran, A. V., 184 Robichaud, M., 114
Petrovitch, H., 445 Pratt, D. M., 58 Ravnkilde, B., 191 Robins, L. N., 58, 59, 60, 305
Petrucelli, L., 433 Pratt, H. D., 328, 401 Ray, O., 247 Rochester Primary Health Project, 64
Petry, N. M., 263, 274, 275 Prendergast, M. L., 277 Raymaekers, L., 161 Rockefeller, C., 461
Pettifor, J., 161 Prescott, C. A., 42, 190, 194 Raymond, C. R., 389 Rockers, K., 367
Pettit, G. S., 410 President’s New Freedom Commission on Read, C. Y., 389 Roelofs, J., 208
Petty, F., 161 Reagan, L. P., 119 Roelofs, K., 148
Peveler, R., 145 Mental Health, 14 Reagan, R., 424 Roemer, L., 133, 134
Pfäfflin, F., 339, 340 Preston C. A., 443 Reas, D. L., 220 Roesch, M. R., 258
Pfeiffer, B., 388 Price, A. R., 458 Rebec, G. V., 258 Roe-Sepowitz, D. E., 125
Pfohl, B., 301, 304 Price, E. P., 133 Reblin, M., 60 Roessner, V., 414
Pham, M., 123 Price, G. R., 393 Rector, N. A., 350, 372 Rogers, C., 33, 34, 35
Phelps, D. L., 318 Price, J. R., 458 Redgrave, G. W., 392 Rogers, J. W., 392
Philipsen, A., 167 Price, M., 327 Reed, C., 388 Rogers, M. A., 436
Phillips, K. A., 146, 151, 153 Price, R. B., 117 Reed, V., 106 Rogers, R., 301
Phillips, L. H., 425 Price, R. H., 65 Regan, C., 443 Rogne, T., 145
Phillips, L. J., 368 Price, R. K., 262, 288 Regier, D. A., 58 Rogosch, F. A., 409
Phillips, M. L., 162, 166, 167 Priddle, T. H., 364 Rehm, R., 197 Rohde, L. A., 405, 409
Phillips, M. R., 203 Priest, F., 388, 400 Rehn, N., 265 Roizen, N. J., 391
Phillips, N. A., 323 Priklopil, W., 329 Reich, D. B., 305 Rollnick, S., 270
Pich, V., 123 Pring, L., 385 Reichborn-Kjennerud, T., 238 Rolls, E. T., 296
Pichard, C., 365 Prins, P. J., 413 Reichler, R. J., 397 Romano, E., 409
Picken, A., 360 Prins, P. J. M., 103 Reid, I., 82 Romanos, M., 234
Pickering, A., 222 Prochaska, J. O., 465 Reid, M. J., 408, 414 Romanoski, A. J., 392
Pickrel, S. G., 413 Proctor, M., 203 Reid, R. C., 332 Romanski, L., 393
Pierzchala, A., 440 Proietti, J. M., 298 Reid, V., 185 Romney, D. M., 351
Piha, J., 408 Prouty, G., 34 Reif, W., 135, 150 Ronan, G. F., 200
Pike, J., 205 Pruvo, J. P., 392 Reiff-Hekking, S., 273 Rondeau, V., 436
Pike, K. M., 232 Psi Chi, 454 Reilly-Harrington, N. A., 195 Rönnberg, S., 271
Pilger, F., 150 Puglisi-Allegra, S., 260 Reine, G., 369 Roorda, L., 374
Pilkonis, P. A., 290, 298, 457 Pulkkinen, L., 415 Reiss, S., 121, 127 Roozen, H. G., 275
Pilling, S., 373 Pull, C. B., 113 Reitan, R. M., 370 Ropacki, S. A., 430
Pillmann, F., 359 Puls, I., 361 Remer, R., 413 Rorschach, H., 85
Pilowsky, L. S., 273 Purcell, R., 234 Remington, G., 371 Rose, R. J., 415
Pina, A. A., 113 Purdon, C., 121 Remschmidt, H., 357 Rose, S., 135, 178
Pinel, P., 12 Puri, B. K., 362 Remschmidt & Global ADHD Working Rosen, H. J., 433
Pinhas, L., 235 Purnine, D. M., 321 Rosen, J. L., 358
Pinikahana, J., 358 Putnam, F. W., 166, 333 Group, 414 Rosen, R. C., 316, 318, 319, 321
Pinol, J. L., 146 Renieri, A., 388 Rosenbaum, B., 351
Piontek, C. M., 359 Qin, J., 161 Renner, B. R., 397 Rosenbaum, J. F., 119
Pirkola, S., 210 Qiu, C., 431 Renner, P., 385 Rosenberg, E., 465
Piroli, G. G., 119 Quadflieg, N., 227, 237, 238 Rescorla, L. A., 411 Rosenberg, M., 340
Pirwani, N., 388, 400 Quallich, S. A., 322 Ressler, K., 123 Rosenhan , D. L., 365
Pisani, M. A., 423 Quinn, J., 368 Restifo, K., 208 Rosenheck, R. A., 461
Pitkala, K. H., 429 Quinsey, V. L., 334, 462 Retzlaff, P., 271 Rosenmann, A., 330
Pizzagalli, D., 191 Reuben, C. A., 388 Rosenthal, M. Z., 263
Place, M., 408 Rabinerson, D., 153 Revheim, N., 373 Roses, A. D., 430
Placidi, G. F., 384 Rabung, S., 303 Revicki, D. A., 371 Ross, C. A., 168
Plaga, S. L., 394 Rachman, S., 121 Reynolds, C. R., 392, 411 Ross, G. W., 440, 445
Plante, D. T., 193 Racine, S., 263 Reznek, L., 154 Rosseel, Y, 201
Plasa, O., 123 Radloff, S. E., 82 Rice, D. P., 56 Rosso, S. M., 431
Plata-Salaman, C. R., 428 Radomsky, A. S., 455 Rice, M. E., 336, 462 Roth, J. H., 122
Plazaola-Castano, J., 114 Rae, W. A., 450 Richards, D. A., 459 Roth, W. T., 120, 134
Pliszka, S. R., 406 Raffel, M, 58 Richardson, D., 319 Rothenberger, A., 414
Plosker, G. L., 442 Raguram, R., 148 Richter, B. Z., 430 Rothschild, A. J., 178
Pluto, C. P., 364 Raich, A., 254 Richter, D. M., 263 Rothschild, L., 286
Podus, D., 277 Raine, A., 294, 295 Richter, L., 263 Rothwell, P. M., 433
Poewe, W., 428 Ramachandran, V. S., 384 Richter, R. W., 430 Rouillon, F., 206
Poikolainen, K., 274 Ramamurthy, S., 318 Riddick, N. V., 262 Rounsaville, B. J., 458
Polak, D., 205 Ramana, R., 461 Riederer, P., 433 Rowe, R., 407
Polaschek, D. L., 329, 333 Ramirez, L., 221 Rief, W., 147, 148, 149, 152, 153 Roy-Byrne, P. P., 116, 467
Pole, N., 123 Ramirez-Leon, V., 357 Rieger, G., 336 Rubenstone, E., 264
Polimeni, J., 120 Ramsay, M. C., 392 Rieiss, J. P., 120 Rubin, D., 165
Polivy, J., 223, 226 Ramsey, J. B., 329 Riekse, R. G., 427 Ruble, A. E., 221
Pollack, M. H., 123, 133 Ramstedt, M., 250 Riemann, D., 192 Ruchkin, V., 406
Polley, J., 153 Randall, P., 221 Rifkin, A., 160 Rudd, M. D., 209
Polnay, L., 65 Ranjith, G., 41 Rigaud, D., 233 Rudd, M. G., 443
Ponder, L., 422 Rao, D., 148 Rigotti, N. A., 251 Rudolph, K., 183
Rao, P. A., 398 Rikoon, S. H., 270
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Name Index I-11
Rufer, M., 160 Schepis, T. S., 263 Sellwood, W., 368 Shull, R. L., 36
Ruffolo, G., 145 Scherder, E. J., 441 Selten, J. P., 357, 361 Shulman, L. P., 394
Ruggiero, I. L., 111 Schermer, C., 249 Semkovska, M., 369 Shuttleworth-Edwards, A. B., 82
Ruini, C., 199 Schiavo, R. S., 223 Semple, D. M., 365 Siddiqui, M., 436
Ruitenberg, A., 430, 436 Schiffman, J., 367, 368 Sensky, T., 148 Sidman, L. J., 407
Ruiz, M. A., 166 Schiltenwolf, M., 148 Serbin, L., 409 Siegel, S. D., 44
Ruiz-Pérez, I., 114 Schjodt, T., 372 Serby, M., 425 Sierra, M., 160, 162, 166, 167
Ruscio, M., 113 Schmahl, C., 167, 296 Sergeant, J. A., 407 Sieswerda, S., 294
Rush, A. J., 37 Schmeck, K., 407 Seritan, A. L., 147 Siever, L. J., 294, 302, 355
Rush, B., 12 Schmeidler, J., 161, 167 Serpe, R. T., 145 Sigman, M., 121
Russell, J. M., 203, 209 Schmidt, C. W. Jr., 329 Serran, G. A., 333 Signorini, A., 220
Russo-Neustadt, A. A., 438 Schmidt, N. B., 123, 130, 135 Serretti, A., 225 Signs of Suicide (SOS), 66
Rust, J., 339 Schmitt, R., 129 Sethi, M., 160 Sikich, L. M., 368
Ruther, E., 38 Schmitz, C., 392 Setlow, B., 225 Silber, T., 272
Rutherford, L., 235 Schmitz, J. M., 263 Seto, M. C., 331, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338 Silber, T. J., 145, 149
Ryan, F., 261 Schneck, C. D., 205 Sexton, M., 123 Silk, K. R., 305
Ryan, S. M., 121 Schneider, R., 160, 333 Seymour, A., 272 Sills, T., 322
Ryder, A. G., 204 Schneider, T., 190 Shabsigh, R., 318, 319 Silverman, D. H., 441
Ryder, R. G., 299 Schneiderman, N., 44 Shadlin, M.-F., 437 Silverman, M. M., 58
Schnurr, P. P., 119 Shaffer, D., 187, 411 Silverman, W. K., 113, 123, 127
Saba, G., 205 Schochet, I., 199 Shaffer, H. J., 266 Silverstein, S. M., 375
Sachs, G. A., 442 Schoeman, R., 375 Shah, A., 437 Simeon, D., 161, 162, 167
Sachs, G. S., 205 Schoenbaum, G., 258 Shah, B., 413 Simmer, E. D., 167
Sackheim, H. A., 429 Schofield, J., 364 Shah, N. R., 185 Simoes, N. A., 114, 119
Sadock, B. J., 118, 119, 428, 429 Schönknecht, P., 350 Shahabi, L., 62 Simon, C., 186
Sadock, V. A., 118, 119, 428, 429 Schonlau, M., 318 Shahani, N., 434 Simon, D. G., 436
Sadowski, C. M., 166 Schopler, E., 385, 397 Shalev, A. Y., 135 Simon, G. E., 145, 153
Safarik, M. E., 329 Schork, N. J., 371 Shalev, R. S., 387, 400 Simon, J., 337
Safir, M. P., 330 Schott, J. M., 425 Sham, P., 208 Simon, N. M., 129
Safren, S. A., 201 Schotte, C. K., 301 Shamasundar, C., 35, 457 Simons, A. D., 208
Saha, S., 357, 359 Schouten, E., 120 Shan, Z., 397 Simons, J. S., 317
Sahin, A. R., 105 Schrag, A., 140 Shankman, S. A., 178 Simpson, I., 364
Saigal, C. S., 318, 319 Schraufnagel, T. J., 467 Shannon, K. D., 441 Simpson, R. L., 398
Saigh, P. A., 123 Schreiber, S., 205 Shapiro, D., 201 Sinclair, J., 358
Saitz, R., 461 Schreibman, L., 398 Shapiro, E. G., 390 Sindahl, P., 203
Saiz-Ruiz, J., 195 Schroder, C. M., 206 Sharma, R., 149 Singh, S. P., 375
Sakai, J. T., 288 Schröder, J., 350, 368 Sharma, T., 361 Singleton, C. K., 429
Salerno, S., 13 Schroeder, L., 234 Sharpe, M., 152 Sinha, R., 260
Sales, B. D., 334 Schruers, K. R., 114-115 Sharpley, M. S., 365 Sinha, V. K., 181
Saligan, L. N., 178 Schubert, E. W., 364 Shastry, B. S., 361 Siniscalchi, J. M., 146
Salkovskis, P. M., 152 Schuchart, E. K., 372 Shaw, B. F., 37 Sink, K. M., 442
Sallstrom, J., 434 Schuckit, M. A., 257, 273, 277 Shaw, D. S., 62, 408 Sipski, M., 314
Salsman, N., 303 Schuff, H., 374 Shaw, H., 221, 228, 229 Sirof, B., 161
Salvini, R., 382 Schulte, A. P., 391 Shaw, I., 461 Sjögren, M., 427
Salzinger, K., 145 Schultz, K. P., 263 Shaw, M., 411 Skinner, B., 317
Sambamurti, K., 432 Schultz, R. T., 393 Shaw, R. J., 350, 153 Skinner, B. F., 36
Samet, J. H., 461 Schulz, U. G., 433 Shaywitz, B. A., 388, 390, 393 Skodol, A. E., 286, 296, 305
Sanders, M. R., 208 Schulze, B., 365 Shaywitz, S. E., 388, 390, 393 Skoog, I., 431
Sandijck, P., 148 Schulze, U. M., 234 Shcherbatykh, I., 436 Skuse, D. H., 408
Sandin, B., 127 Schurhoff, F., 190 Shea, A., 122 Slade, M., 462
Sandner, C., 129 Schuurmans, M. J., 429 Shea, D., 444 Slater, A., 221
Sands, R. G., 451 Schwab-Stone, M., 406, 411 Shea, M. T., 300, 301 Slattery, T., 467
Sanislow, C. A., 457 Schwartz, A. C., 123 Shea, S., 436 Slesinger, D., 151
Sankhyan, N., 149 Schwartz, A. G., 430 Shea, S. C., 203 Sloane, F., 58
Santiago, N. J., 178 Schwartz, D., 408 Shean, G. D., 349 Slobogin, C., 462
Santosh, P. J., 414 Schwartz, M. S., 457 Shearer, S., 103, 132 Slof-Op’t Landt, M. C., 225
Saperia, J., 203 Schwartz, R. C., 43, 44 Sheeber, L., 196 Slooff, C. J., 372
Sar, V., 161, 163 Schwartz, R. H., 272 Shega, J. W., 442 Smailes, E. M., 298
Sareen, J., 120 Schwarzenbacher, R., 434 Sheidow, A. J., 404 Smallbone, S. W., 333
Sarisoy, G., 105 Schwegler, A. F., 123 Shek, D. T., 406 Smart, E., 357, 358
Sarokoff, R. A., 398 Schweitzer, I., 191 Shelef, K., 275 Smedley, A., 40, 44
Sarrel, P. M., 322 Schwitzer, A. M., 220 Sheline, Y., 191 Smedley, B., 40, 44
Sartory, G., 373 Scileppi, J. A., 459 Shelton, R. C., 208 Smith, B. L., 186
Sass, L., 351 Scott, J., 208 Shemansky, W. J., 364 Smith, D., 209
Satterfield, K. L., 273 Scott, D. A., 251 Shen, C., 429 Smith, E., 268
Sattler, J. M., 82, 396 Scott, H. L., 433 Shen-shan, Z., 427 Smith, E. O., 265
Saunders, W. B., 374 Scotti, J. K., 111 Sher, K. J., 263, 286, 291 Smith, E. W. L., 464
Savory, J., 436 Scourfield, J., 406 Sher, L., 202 Smith, J. T., 389
Sawant, S., 387 Seedat, S., 160, 161 Sheridan, M. J., 272 Smith, N., 348
Saxe, G. N., 164 Seftel, A., 319 Sheridan, M. S., 153 Smith, R. C., 152
Saxon, A. J., 257 Segal, L. H., 149 Sherman, S. L., 391 Smith, S. M., 167
Sayette, M., 454 Segal, N. L., 148 Sherrington, J. M., 209 Smith, S. R., 166
Scaer, R., 162 Segal, S. P., 459 Sherrington, R., 433 Smith, T. L., 277
Scanlan, J. M., 440 Segawa, M., 390 Sherry, A., 123 Smith, Y. L., 341
Schaefer, C. E., 456, 458 Seghers, J. P., 365 Sherry, S. B., 227 Smolak, L., 221, 222
Schaefer, G. B., 392 Segraves, R. T., 318, 323 Shiffman, S., 261 Smolla, N., 396
Schaefer, J. A., 459 Segrin, C., 195 Shigeta, M., 427 Smoller, J. W., 116
Schalken, H. F., 167 Seidler, K. P., 461 Shih, R. A., 116, 189, 361 Snitz, B. E., 364
Schatschneider, C., 395 Seidler-Brandler, U., 38 Shiner, R. L., 294 Sno, H. N., 167
Schatzberg, A. F., 192, 355 Seidman, L. J., 407 Shinfuku, N., 123 Snow, J., 52, 53
Schedlowski, M., 319 Seipp, C. M., 408 Shirai, M., 319 Snyder, C. R., 61
Schelde, J. T. M., 201 Selah, F. M., 348 Shirtcliff, E. A., 184 Snyder, J., 408
Scheltens, P., 441 Self, D. W., 259 Sholapurwala, R., 387 Soares-Weiser, K., 199
Schempf, A. H., 392 Seligman, M. E., 195 Shore, J. H., 264 Sobradiel, N., 146
Schepers, J. P., 431 Selkirk, S. M., 442 Shortridge-Baggett, L. M., 429 Sobue, I., 265
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Sohlman, B., 210 Stinson, J. D., 334 Tangney, C. C., 436 Treffert, D., 385
Sole, M., 436 Stip, E., 369 Tanner, C. M., 431 Treit, D., 117
Solfrizzi, V., 436 Stippich, C., 350 Tantam, D., 400 Tremblay, J., 190
Solhkhah, R., 264 Stirling, J., 153 Tanzi, R. E., 430, 434 Tremblay, R. E., 409
Solomon, H., 318 Stockman, D. J., 148 Tapert, S. F., 261, 264, 273 Tremolizzo, L., 433
Solomon, Z., 123 Stockwell, T, 265 Tarrier, N., 110, 360, 368 Trenkamp, S., 135
Somers, J. M., 359 Stolar, N., 350 Tarsitani, L., 151 Trentacoste, S. V., 390
Sommer, W. H., 257 Stolberg, R. A., 203 Tate, S. R., 261 Triebwasser, J., 302
Sommerville, J., 359 Stolberg, S. G., 209 Tauber, R., 370 Trierweiler, S. J., 461
Sonuga-Barke, E. J., 409 Stone, M., 305 Taylor, C. B., 230 Trimble, M., 140
Sorocco, K. H., 463 Stone, M. H., 289, 297, 305 Taylor, C. T., 299 Trinh, N. H., 442
Soto-Ares, G., 392 Stone, W. L., 396 Taylor, E., 392 Troisi, A., 334
Sotomayor, M., 318 Stone, W. S., 361 Taylor, H. G., 393 Trojanowski, J. Q., 433
Sotomayor, R., 259 Stoner, J., 271 Taylor, J. J., 387 Tromovitch, P., 465
Sourander, A., 408 St-Onge, B., 462 Taylor, L., 108 Tronick, E. Z., 396
Southwick, S. M., 61 Storosum, J. G., 199 Taylor, S., 106, 133 Trost, A., 221
Soylu, L., 319 Story, M., 227 Taylor, S. E., 42 Trost, W. T., 303
Spackman, M., 332 Stout, R. G., 263 Taylor, M. A., 350 Truelsen, T., 436
Spady, S., 249, 250 Stout, R. L., 153, 277 Teasdale, J. D., 199, 208 Truijen, S., 429
Spampinato, U., 259 Stouthamer-Loeber, M., 409 Teed, E. L., 459 Trull, T. J., 77, 82, 85, 95f, 263, 283, 286,
Spanagel, R., 257, 266 Strakowski, S. M., 191 Tejero, P., 154
Sparrow, S. S., 384, 397 Strandberg, T. E., 429 Telch, C. F., 232 287, 290, 291, 293, 294, 295, 301
Speckens, A. E., 151 Strang, P., 443 Tellegen, A., 82 Tryon, G. S., 132
Spector, A., 443 Strathdee, S. A., 267 Tempalski, B., 265 Trzepacz, P. T., 423, 424, 440
Spector, A. Z., 196 Strauss, B. J., 322 Templeman, T. L., 331 Tsai, J., 88
Spence, S. H., 124 Strayhorn, G., 319 ten Have, M. L., 113 Tsatsanis, K., 393
Sperry, L. A., 385 Street, G. P., 135 Tenback, D. E., 372 Tse, W. S., 195
Spiegel, D., 110-111, 167 Strosahl, K., 186, 188, 198, 209 Tenhula, W. N., 372 Tseng, W., 40, 41, 91, 92
Spiering, M., 328 Strosahl, K. D., 182 Tenney, N. H., 301 Tseng, W. S., 162, 464
Spiga, S., 259 Stroud, C. B., 194 Teplin, L. A., 360, 406 Tsuang, D. W., 190
Spillers, C. S., 34 Strutz-Seebohm, N., 361 Tessitore, A., 117 Tsuang, M. T., 116, 190, 361, 365
Spinazzola, J., 162 Stuart, G. L., 133 Thaker, G., 364 Tsuno, N., 427
Spindler, A., 42, 409 Studer, L. H., 334 Thakker, J., 332 Tuckwell, V., 191
Spinhoven, P., 148 Stunkard, A. J., 235 Thapar, A., 404 Tuke, W., 12
Spira, E. G., 405 Sturm, H., 400 Thase, M. E., 192 Turecki, G., 188
Spira, J. L., 468 Sturmey, P., 398 Thayer, J. F., 146, 164 Turk, C. L., 107, 130
Spirito, A., 464 Suay, L. L., 436 Thede, L. L., 339 Turkheimer, E., 302
Spitzer, C., 161, 166 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Theron, L., 332 Turkington, D., 38, 372
Spitzer, R. L., 80, 150, 200, 232, 339 Thoma, R. J., 364 Turner, C., 124, 125
Spitznagel, E. L., 262 Services Administration, 252 Thomann, K., 158 Turner, L. C., 457
Sripada, C. S., 118 Sudi, K., 221 Thomas, K., 361 Turner, L. M., 396
Srivastava, A., 273 Sudweeks, R. R., 393 Thomas, L., 467 Turner, S. M., 103, 113
St. George-Hyslop, P. H., 432, 433 Sue, S., 464 Thomas, M., 152 Tuszynski, M. H., 442
Stack, S., 183 Sugano, E, 339 Thomas, R. E., 65 Tuulio-Henriksson, A. M., 367
Stadler, C., 407 Suh, G. H., 437 Thomas, Y. F., 264 Twamley, E. W., 373
Stahl, S. M., 350 Suicide Prevention Resource Center, Thompson, C., 250 Twitchell, G., 332
Staiger, P. K., 263 Thompson, E. E., 461 Tyler, K. A., 161
Stalnaker, T. A., 258 58, 66 Thompson, J. K., 214
Stanley, B., 305 Sullivan, M. M., 197 Thompson, P. M., 362 Uchino, B. N., 60
Starcevic, V., 121, 149 Sullivan, P. F., 189, 222, 225 Thony, B., 389 Uezato, A., 184
Stargardt, T., 372 Sumathipala, A., 151 Thoresen, C. E., 62 Uguz, S., 319
Starkstein, S. E., 428 Sun, S. Y., 458 Thornicroft, G., 374 UK ECT Review Group, 205
Starling, J., 393 Sun, W. L., 258 Thornton, L. M., 223 Unal, M., 319
Starr, J. M., 438 Sundquist, K., 357 Thudium, D., 436 Unal, S. N., 163
Stawicki, J. A., 408 Suribhatla, S., 424 Thummel, E. C., 340 United States Department of Health and
Steed, L., 201 Surtees, P. G., 461 Thyer, B., 125
Steele, J. D., 188 Suryani, L. K., 77 Tibaldi, G., 209 Human Services (USDHHS), 14, 55,
Steer, R. A., 201 Susser, E., 366, 374, 461 Tierney, S. C., 456 59, 60, 61
Steiger, H., 225 Sutcliffe, P. A., 341 Tiggemann, M., 221, 237 Urada, D., 277
Stein, D. J., 118, 129, 332 Sutton, L., 358 Tildesley, E., 196 Ursano, R. J., 123
Stein, M., 116, 117, 160 Suvisaari, J., 367 Tillbrook, C. E., 462 U.S. Census Bureau, 421, 429
Steinberg, M., 166 Svirko, E., 222 Tillfors, M., 118 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Steinberg, M. B., 369 Swaab, H., 339 Tillman, R., 181 Prevention, 255
Steinberg, M. H., 389 Swain, A. M., 185 Tilvis, R. S., 429, 445 USA Today, 250
Steiner, M., 122 Swan, G. E., 436 Timko, C., 275 Useda, J. D., 286, 295
Steinhauser, C., 334, 337 Swann, A., 443 Timmer, B., 152 Ustun, T. B., 145
Stejskal, W., 85 Swann, A. C., 263 Tincani, M., 398 Utter, J., 227
Steketee, G., 258 Swartz, H., 193 Tolentino, R. B., 334
Stephen, M., 77 Swartz, K. L., 392 Tomasson, K., 153 Valente, S., 328, 333
Stern, D. M., 434 Swearingen, C. E., 277 Tomblin, J. B., 388 Valentiner, D. P., 112
Stern, Y., 429 Swisher, R., 409 Tomko, R., 286 Valera, E. M., 407
Stewart, A. J., 42 Symons, F. J., 385 Toni, C., 106, 145 Valla, J. P., 396
Stewart, J., 260 Tonigan, J. S., 275, 277 Vallee, L., 392
Stewart, M. C., 223 Taber, K. H., 147 Torgersen, S., 146, 286, 294, 296, 297 van Balkom, A. J., 113
Stewart, R., 365 Tachimori, H., 385 Torgesen, J., 395 Van Broeckhoven, C., 297
Stewart, S. E., 136 Tahiri, S. M., 319 Toro, J., 117 Van Deerlin, V. M., 433
Stewart, S. H., 115, 263 Tait, R. J., 436 Torrance, H., 272 van den Berg, P., 214
Stewart-Brown, S., 65 Takeda, T., 385 Torres, R. D., 459 van den Bree, M., 406
St-Hilaire, A., 365 Takeshita, T., 265 Torrey, E. F., 361, 365, 461 van den Brink, W., 199, 277
Stice, E., 221, 226, 227, 229, 232 Takuma, K., 434 Tost, H., 332 van den Eeden, S. K., 431
Stickgold, R., 132 Talavera, J. A., 195 Toth, S. L., 298 van den Heuvel, O. A., 118
Stickle, T. R., 407 Talonneau, I., 233 Tough, S. C., 267 van der Hart, O., 157, 163
Stieber, J., 461 Tambi, M. I., 319 Toupin, J., 462 van der Kolk, B. A., 162, 163
Stinnett, R. D., 331 Tanabe, H., 431 Tozzi, F., 222 van der Sar, R. M., 410
Stinson, F. S., 113 Tandon, R., 357, 361 Treat, T. A., 133 Van Duijl, M., 164
Tang, M. X., 430, 436 van Engeland, H., 392, 404
Tang, T. Z., 208 van Furth, E. F., 225
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Name Index I-13
Van Gestel, S., 297 Wallace, G., 43 Wessely, S. C., 146 Wolpe, J., 132
van Goozen, S. H., 341 Wallace, J., 190, 370 West, A. B., 433 Wonderlich, S., 223
van Gorp, W. G., 167 Wallach, M. A., 267 West, A. K., 437 Wonderlich, S. A., 237
van Harten, P. N., 372 Waller, J. L., 444 West, J. C., 365 Wong, A., 435
van Hasselt, V. B., 305 Wallien, M. S., 339 West, S. A., 359 Wood, J., 85, 121
Van Heerden, B., 332 Wallin, A., 427 Westen, D., 28 Wood, K., 319
van Hoeken, D., 220 Walsh, B. T., 235 Westenberg, H. G., 129, 301 Wood, K. M., 421
van Lankveld, J. J., 323 Walsh, C., 63, 122 Westphal, E. L., 123 Wood, P. K., 286
Van Leeuwen, K., 298 Walsh, D., 365 Wetzel, R. D., 151 Wood, T., 414
van Lier, P. A., 408, 410 Walsh, E., 360 Wexler, B. E., 373 Woodard, J. L., 441
Van Manen, T. G., 413 Walsh, J. A., 415 Whalley, L. J., 438 Woodhouse, A., 437
van Megen, H. J., 301 Walterfang, M., 362 Whiffen, V. E., 163 Woodman, C. L., 148
van Os, J., 186, 197, 359, 365, 366, 372 Walters, E. E., 2, 53, 112, 113, 183, 256, Whitaker, D. J., 65, 333 Woodruff-Borden, J., 121
Van Rompaey, B., 429 Whitbeck, L. B., 161 Woods, B., 443
van Straaten, E. C., 441 257 White, E., 3 Woods, S. W., 65, 358
van Swieten, J. C., 431 Walters, S. T., 277 White, J., 414 Woolacott, N., 199
Van Tubergen, N., 257 Wampold, B. E., 456, 457 White, K. E., 425, 428 Woolaway-Bickel, K., 135
van Zwieten, B. J., 199 Wan, M. W., 361 White, L. R., 445 World Health Organization (WHO), 56,
van Zwieten-Boot, B. J., 405 Wandersman, A., 43 Whiteside, S. P., 121
Vanderbilt-Adriance, E., 62 Wang, G. J., 226, 406 Whitford, T. J., 362 58, 60
Vandereycken, W., 226 Wang, H.-X., 436 Whitty, P. F., 353, 359 Worling, D. E., 403
Vandeven, A. M., 393 Wang, J. J., 207, 225 Wichstrom, L., 406 Worrall, B. B., 438
Vanheule, S., 201, 331 Wang, L., 445 Widiger, T. A., 283, 287, 291 Worthman, C. M., 407
Vasilaki, E. I., 270 Wang, M. C., 267 Wiederman, M. W., 327, 336, 337 Wrase, J., 296
Vassar, R., 438 Wang, P., 53, 55 Wiersma, D., 374 Wright, K., 208
Vaughn, M., 267 Waraich, P., 359 Wietlisbach, V., 274 Wrightsman, L., 461
Vauth, R., 373 Ward, A., 123 Wijker, W., 143 Wrightsman, L. S., 462
Vecchio, J., 96, 400 Ward, T., 332, 333 Wikblad, K., 429 Wrisley, B. R., 267
Vehmanen, L., 190 Warwick, H. M., 152 Wilbourne, P. L., 275 Wszolek, Z., 433
Velligan, D. I., 373 Wasdell, M. B., 403 Wilcock, G. K., 436 Wu, H. Y., 275
Velting, D. M., 187 Washington, B. T., 307 Wilcox, A., 339 Wunderlink, L., 374
Ventura, R., 260 Wassermann, E. M., 205 Wilcox, H. C., 117, 188 Wyatt, R. J., 461
Venturello, S., 122 Wasserstein, S. B., 123 Wilcox, J. A., 266 Wylie, F. M., 272
Vergun, P., 277 Watanabe, N., 129 Wilcutt, E., 415 Wylie, K., 316, 322
Verheul, R., 263, 305 Watari, K. F., 113 Wilder, L. K., 393 Wymbs, B. T., 414
Verhey, F. R., 445 Waterhouse, John, 201 Wileman, S. M., 206
Vermeiren, R., 406 Waters, A. J., 261 Wilhelm, F. H., 134 Xu, J., 397
Vermeulen, H.D., 199 Waters, A. M., 108 Wilhelm, K. A., 119
Vermetten, E., 191 Watkins, E. R., 208 Wilhelmsen, K. C., 264 Yaffe, K., 442
Versage, E. M., 190 Watkins, L. R., 195 Wilkeson, A., 161 Yager, A., 192
Vertommen, H., 226 Watson, J. D., 23 Wilkinson, G. S., 370, 396 Yager, J., 220
Vesterinen, M., 393 Watson, L., 65 Will, J., 324 Yager, Z., 229
Veurink, G., 438 Watson, P. J., 197 Willcox, J. K., 435 Yagla, S. J., 148
Vicary, J. R., 66 Wattendorf, D. J., 250 Willcutt, E. G., 388 Yamada, K., 362, 434
Vickers, J. C., 437 Wauchope, M., 331 Willes, D. L., 332 Yan, S. S., 434
Vidaeff, A. C., 394 Weaving, L. S., 388 Willett, W. C., 436 Yanez, A. A., 226
Videbech, P., 191 Webb, L., 332 Williams, C. L., 151 Yang, M. J., 265
Viglione, D. J., 85 Weber, J. B., 442 Williams, J. B., 80, 150, 200, 232 Yaroslavsky, Y., 205
Viitanen, M., 439 Webster-Stratton, C., 408, 414 Williams, R., 120 Yates, A., 357
Viken, R. J., 415 Wechsler, D., 81, 370, 440 Williams, R. J., 277 Yates, W. R., 146
Vincent, N. K., 223 Wechsler, H., 66, 249, 251 Williams, V. S., 319 Yavanian, G. J., 364
Viney L. L., 443 Weddle, K., 259 Williams-Gray, C. H., 428 Yavuz, B., 436
Virgo, K. S., 262 Wedekind, D., 38 Willson, V. L., 461 Yeaman, P. A., 425
Visser, S., 152 Wehmeier, P. M., 357 Wilmshurst, L. A., 413 Yeargin-Allsop, M., 388
Vives-Cases, C., 114 Wei, E., 409 Wilquet, V., 437 Yehuda, R., 123
Vocci, F., 273 Weiden, P., 38 Wilson, G. T., 235, 236, 238, 329 Yen, C. F., 275
Voeller, K. K., 388 Weiden, P. J., 372 Wilson, K., 123 Yen, J. Y., 275
Vohs, K. D., 103 Weimer, J. M., 392 Wilson, K. A., 121 Yolken, R. H., 361
Voight, A., 260 Weinberger, D. R., 117 Wilson, R. S., 436 Yoshida, T., 362
Volkmar, F. R., 384, 388, 390, 395, 400 Weinbrenner, S., 372 Wilson, T. F., 249 Yoshioka, D. T., 148
Volkow, N. D., 226, 258, 259, 406 Weiner, C., 364 Wilt, T. J., 318 Young, M., 148
Vollebergh, W., 277, 359 Weiner, D. A., 360 Wiltfang, J., 443 Young, S. E., 339
Von Eye, A., 408 Weisman de Mamani, A., 368 Winblad, B., 439 Youngstrom, E. A., 202
Vuijk, P., 408 Weiss, D. S., 164 Wincze, J. P., 314, 317, 318, 320, 321, Youssef, F. F., 437
Vuilleumier, P., 147 Weiss, M. D., 403 Yuen, H. P., 368
Vythilingam, M., 61 Weiss, M. G., 148 323, 324 Yung, A. R., 64, 368
Weiss, M. J., 399 Windgassen, K., 373
Waal, H., 273 Weiss, P. S., 365 Windle, M., 43 Zafar, U., 152
Waddell, C., 198 Weiss, R. D., 113, 274 Winiecki, P., 461 Zahn-Waxler, C., 184
Wade, T. D., 226, 237 Weissman, M. M., 113, 208 Winkelman, J. W., 193 Zalenski, R. J., 33
Wade, W. A., 133, 458 Weisz, J. R., 38, 409, 465 Winkens, I., 445 Zanarini, M. C., 305
Wadsworth, S. J., 390 Weizman, A., 43, 319, 368 Winokur, H., 425 Zandi, P. P., 116, 189, 361, 436, 438
Wagner, A. W., 467 Welham, J., 357, 359, 365 Winokur, J., 425 Zanetti, O., 443
Wagner, M., 361 Welker, T. M., 194 Winters, A., 410 Zarate, C. A., 191
Wahlbeck, K., 210 Wellness Resource Center (WRC), 66, Winzelberg, A. J., 229 Zaretsky, A. E., 209
Wahlberg, K. E., 361 Wirth, L., 186 Zaudig, M., 150
Wakefield, J. C., 284 68-69, 266 Wise, M., 424 Zbinden, M., 375
Wald, J., 133 Wells, A., 110 Wisner, K. L., 359 Zech, T., 148
Waldinger, M. D., 322 Wells, A. M., 64 Wittchen, H. U., 106, 116 Zelli, A., 408
Waldman, I. D., 406 Wells, K. B., 108 Witthaus, H., 362 Zemishlany, Z., 319
Waldrep, D. A., 123 Welsh, C. J., 267, 273 Wohlfarth, T., 199 Zera, M., 410
Waldron, J. H., 364 Wen, X., 388 Wolf, M., 399 Zetterstrom, T. S., 205
Walker, W. R., 161 Wen, Y. Q., 225 Wolf, M. E., 262 Zhang, C., 264
Wall, M. M., 227 Wenze, S. J., 194 Wolfensberger, W., 461 Zhang, L., 103
Wallace, C. J., 370 Wenzel, A., 120 Wolff, M. S., 123 Zhang, X. Y., 388
Wesner, K., 43 Wolfson, D., 370 Zhang, Y. P., 225
Wessells, H., 318
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Zheng, D., 210 Zinbarg, R., 122 Zornberg, G. L., 365 Zuroff, D. C., 457
Zhou, M., 61 Zlokovic, B. V., 434 Zucker, K. J., 331, 333, 339, 340, 341 Zvolensky, M. J., 123
Zigler, E., 388 Zmeili, O. S., 273 Zucker, M., 162 Zwinderman, A. H., 322
Zimbardo, P., 113 Zoghbi, H. Y., 385, 390 Zupancic, M. K., 167 Zygmunt, A., 373
Zimmerman, M., 286, 300, 301 Zorn, C., 373
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Subject Index
Abnormal behavior gender and blood alcohol level, 247t Antisocial personality disorder
assessing, 77–92 genetics and, 257 epidemiology, 290–291
classifying, 74–77 violence and, 263 features, 287–288, 288t
criteria for determining, 3–6 Alcohol abuse
defining, 72–74 diagnostic categories, 246t–247t Anxiety
forms, 72 diathesis-stress model, 51f continuum, 104f
studying, 92–97 effects, 248–250 defined, 103
prevention, 65–66 Freudian theory and, 30
Abnormal psychology Alcoholics Anonymous, 275, 276t, 459 GABA and, 25
definitions, 2, 7t Alcoholism hierarchy, 132, 133f
features continuum, 8f brain and, 258, 260f sensitivity, 121
history, 10–13 defined, 249
introduction to, 2 stigmas, 224t Anxiety disorder. See also specific types
themes, 13–17 Alogia, 350, 351 age of onset, 55
types of prevention, 14 Altruistic suicide, 183 assessing, 126–129
Aluminum, and dementia, 436 biological risk factors, 116–120
Abnormality Alzheimer’s disease brain and, 117f
defining, 6 assessing, 440–441, 441f causes, 123–124
statistical definition, 3–4, 4f DSM-IV-TR features, 425t comorbidity, 114–115, 115t
features, 424–425 continuum, 104f–105f
Academic skills training genetics and, 432–435 cultural factors, 122–123
developmental disorders and, 399 long-term outcomes, 445 defined, 104
disruptive behavior disorders and, 413 prevalence rates, 429–430, 430f environmental risk factors, 120–123
reality orientation and, 442, 443 epidemiology, 112–115
Acetylcholine, 25t tips for caregivers, 444, 444t family-based contributions, 121–122
Achievement test, 396 Amenorrhea, 215, 216t features, 104–112
Acquaintance rape, 332 Amnesia gender and, 113, 114, 114f
Acrotomophilia, 331t anterograde, 429 global, 114, 115
Active schizophrenic phase, 352, 352f dissociative, 156–157 learning experiences, 122
Acute stress disorder, 110–111, 111t DSM-IV-TR dissociative types, 156t medications for, 129t
Acute transient psychosis, 359 retrograde, 429 prevalence rates, 113f
Adaptation difficulties, 4–5 Amnestic disorder, 428–429 preventing, 124–125
Adaptive Behavior Scale—Residential and Community: Amniocentesis, 394, 395 prognosis, 135–136
Amok, 41 screening questions, 135t
Second Edition, 397 Amphetamines self-evaluating, 134–135
Adaptive functioning, 382 abusing, 251 somatoform disorders and, 145–146
Addiction Potential Scale, 271 diagnostic categories of abuse, 246t–247t treatment, 129–134
Addiction Severity Index, 270 Amygdala treatment seekers, 113, 113f
Addictions Acknowledgement Scale, 271 anxiety disorders and, 117–118
ADHD Rating Scale-IV, 411 substance-related disorders and, 258, 258f Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV
ADHD Symptoms Rating Scale, 411 Amyloid cascade hypothesis, 437–438, 438f (ADIS), 127
Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale Angelman syndrome, 391t
Anhedonia, 351 Anxiety Sensitivity Index, 127, 128t
(A-DES), 166, 167t Anomic suicide, 183 Anxiolytic, diagnostic categories of abuse, 246t–247t
Adverse life events and schizophrenia, 365, 366f Anorexia nervosa Anxious/fearful personality disorder
Age defined, 41–42, 42f
DSM-IV-TR features, 216t biological risk factors, 297
cognitive disorders and, 430 features, 215–217 causes, 298, 298f
mental disorders and, 58–59, 60t genetics and, 225t cognition examples, 298t
normal cognitive changes, 421 prevalence rates, 220, 221t environmental risk factors, 297–298
Parkinson’s disease and, 431 Antagonists, and substance related disorders, epidemiology, 293–294
sexual dysfunction and, 316 features, 284, 291–294
Agonist 273 Apotemnophilia, 331t
partial, 273 Antecedent, 86 Arbitrary inference, 37
substance-related disorders and, 272–273 Anterior cingulate Asperger’s disorder
Agoraphobia DSM-IV-TR features, 386t
features, 106, 106t obsessive-compulsive behavior and, 118 epidemiology, 388
gender and, 114f substance-related disorders and, 258, 258f features, 385
prevalence rates, 113f Anthrophobia, 41 Asphyxiophilia, 329
treatment seekers, 113f Antianxiety medication, 129, 129t Assessment
Al-Anon, 275 Antidepressant behavioral, 86
Alateen, 275 anxiety disorders and, 129, 129t biological, 86–88
Alcohol for mood disorders, 203–204 clinical, and culture, 92
blood test and, 272 Antipsychotic medication ethics and, 467–468
cognitive disorders and, 436, 437 compliance, 373 neurochemical, 88
drug interactions, 249t ethics and, 371 neuropsychological, 88, 90
effects, 245 psychotic disorders and, 371–372, 371t, 372f personality, 82–86
epidemiology, 254, 255f Assessment technique
intelligence test, 81–82
Page numbers followed by f indicate figures; page interview, 80–81
numbers followed by t indicate tables.
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Assessment technique (continued) Behavior management (school-based), 412–413 Body dissatisfaction
MMPI-2 clinical scale, 83, 84f Behavior problem, addressing, 400 continuum, 215, 216f–217f
MMPI-2 validity scale, 82–83 Behavior therapy defined, 214, 227–228
neuroimaging, 87–88 questionnaires for assessing, 232t
objective personality measure, 82–83 cognitive disorders and, 443
observation, 86 somatoform disorders and, 152 Body dysmorphic disorder, 144–145, 145t
projective personality measure, 83–86 substance-related disorders and, 274 Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire, 232t
Rorschach test, 84–85 Behavioral activation, for depression, 206–207 Body image disturbance
self-monitoring, 86 Behavioral assessment, 86
Behavioral avoidance test, and anxiety disorders, defined, 227–228
Asthma, and stress, 475 questionnaires for assessing, 232t
Asylum, 11–12 127 Body mass index (BMI), and eating disorders,
Ataque de nervios, 91, 114 Behavioral inhibition, and anxiety disorders, 119
Atrophy, brain, 434–435 Behavioral observation 233, 234t
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), 232t
developmental disorders and, 397 Borderline personality disorder
(ADHD) disruptive behavior disorders and, 411–412
brain changes and, 407 Behavioral perspective, 35–36 epidemiology, 291
causes, 409 Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt test (Bender-Gestalt features, 288, 289t
culture and, 409 Brain
defined, 401, 403 II), 90f Alzheimer’s disease and, 432
DSM-IV-TR features, 404t Benton Visual Retention test, 90, 90f anxiety disorders and, 117–118
features, 403–404 Benzodiazepine, 129, 129t assessing function, 88
genetics and, 406 Biastophilia, 331t assessing metabolic changes, 87
long-term outcomes, 415–416 Binge drinking assessing structural abnormalities, 87, 88
neurochemical changes and, 406 bipolar disorder and, 193f
sample multifactorial model, 409, 409f defined, 65–66 conversion disorder and, 148f
treatment (biological), 412 effects, 248, 249 dementia and, 435, 435f
Attraction to Sexual Aggression Scale (revised), Binge eating, 218 depression and, 191f
Binge eating disorder developmental disorders and, 392f
335 compensatory behaviors, 220t disruptive behavior disorders and changes,
Attribution theory, 194 features, 219–220, 221t
Attrition, in longitudinal studies, 96 genetics and, 225t 407
Autagonistophilia, 331t prevalence rates, 221t dissociative disorders and, 162, 163f
Authenticity in psychology, 34 questionnaires for assessing, 232t DLB and, 425
Autism Binge Eating Scale, 232t eating disorders and, 225, 225f
Biofeedback imaging techniques, 86–88, 89f
CARS rating sheet sample items, 397t and anxiety disorders, 134 major depression and, 193f
concordance rate, 390 and stress, 480 major features, 26f
DSM-IV-TR features, 384t Biological assessment, 86–87 memory and, 421
epidemiology, 388 Biological model mental retardation and, 392–393
features, 383–385 evaluating, 25, 28 mood disorders and, 190–191, 191, 192f
Autism Diagnostic Interview—Revised, 396 mental disorders and, 23 normal changes during aging, 421
Autistic disorder. See Autism Biological risk factor overview, 25
Autogynephilia, 329 for anxiety disorders, 116–120 paraphilias and, 332, 333f
Automatic thoughts, 194 for anxious/fearful personality disorders, 297 Parkinson’s disease and, 435
Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire—Revised, 201, 202t for cognitive disorders, 432–435 personality disorders and, 296
Autonepiophilia, 331t for developmental disorders, 389–391 Pick’s disease, 428
Autosomal recessive disorder, 389 for disruptive behavior disorders, 406–407 schizophrenia and, 361–363, 363f
Autosuggestibility, 144 for dissociative disorders, 162–163 somatoform disorders and, 146–147, 147f
Aversion treatment, and paraphilias, 336 for dramatic personality disorders, 295–296 substance-related disorders and, 258–259, 259f,
Aversive drug, 273 for eating disorders, 224–226
Avoidance conditioning, 38, 38f for gender identity disorder, 339 260f, 261f
Avoidant personality disorder for mood disorders, 189–193 symmetry and developmental disorders, 393
environmental risk factors, 297–298 for odd or eccentric personality disorders, vascular dementia, 425, 427
features, 291–292, 292t Brain fag, 41
gender and, 293 294–295 Breathalyzer, 272
Avolition, 347, 351 for paraphilias, 332 Breathing retraining, for anxiety disorders, 130
Axis I (DSM-IV-TR), 74, 75t for sexual disorders, 332 Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, 200, 369
Axis II (DSM-IV-TR), 74, 75t for sexual dysfunctions, 318 Brief psychotic disorder
Axis III (DSM-IV-TR), 74, 75t for somatoform disorders, 146–147 DSM-IV-TR features, 357t
Axis IV (DSM-IV-TR), 74, 75t for substance-related disorders, 257–265 epidemiology, 359
Axis V (DSM-IV-TR), 74, 75t for suicide, 189–193 features, 347t, 356–357
Biopsychosocial model, 46 Bulimia nervosa
Basal ganglia Bipolar I disorder binge-purge cycle, 235–236, 236f
function, 25 cycle, 182f CBT monitoring sheet, 236f
obsessive-compulsive behavior and, 118 features, 180–181 DSM-IV-TR features, 220t
schizophrenia and, 362 prevalence rates, 184f features, 217–219
transcultural variation and, 187f genetics and, 225t
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development— Bipolar II disorder prevalence rates, 220, 221t
Third Edition, 396 cycle, 182f sample maintenance plan, 237f
features, 181
Beck Anxiety Inventory, 128t prevalence rates, 184f Caffeine
Beck Depression Inventory-II, 201 transcultural variation and, 187f abusing, 251
Beck Hopelessness Scale, 201 Bipolar mood disorder diagnostic categories of abuse, 246t–247t
Beck’s cognitive theory, 37 defined, 173
Behavior mood-stabilizing drugs, 204, 205t CAGE alcohol measure, 271
schizophrenia and, 193f California Verbal Learning Test-II, 370
blood alcohol level and, 248t Bipolar schizoaffective disorder, 354 Cannabis diagnostic categories of abuse,
continuum, 8–9f Bleeding stroke, 427
criteria for abnormal, 3–6 Blood alcohol level 246t–247t
degree of normality, 6–9 defined, 245 Cannabis sativa, 253
maladaptive, 4 expected behavior and, 248t Case
Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second relationships among variables, 247t
Blood test, for substance-related disorders, 272 alcohol abuse (DeShawn), 50
Edition, 411 antisocial personality disorder (Duane), 287
Behavior genetics, 24 anxiety disorders (Angelina), 102
bulimia nervosa (Annalisa), 217
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Subject Index I-17
cognitive disorders (William and Laura Clinician rating and mood disorders, 200–201 College student
Ponder), 420 Clinician-Administered Dissociative States Scale, alcohol use disorders and, 65–66
suicide and, 58
delusional disorder (Jody), 355 166
dependent personality disorder (Betty), 292 Club drugs, 253–254 Commitment, to a treatment statement, 209
developmental behavior disorder (Robert), 380 Cocaine Community
diagnosis and assessment (Professor Smith), 72
disruptive behavior disorder (Will), 402 abusing, 251, 252 mental disorders and, 43
dissociative disorders (Erica), 154 brain and, 260f psychotic disorder interventions, 374f
drug use (Elon), 242 diagnostic categories of abuse, 246t–247t Community psychology, 459
eating disorder (Sooki), 214 Cocaine Anonymous, 275 Community reinforcement, and substance-related
gender identity disorder (Austin), 338 Codeine, 252–253
indecent exposure (Tom), 326 Codependency, and substance-related disorders, disorders, 275
learning disorder (Alison), 386 Comorbidity, 54
mental disorder risk factors (Jana), 57 264 Compartmentalization, 162–163
mood disorders and suicide (Katey), 172 Cognition Compensatory behavior
obsessive-compulsive disorder (Jonathan), 108
overview (abnormal psychology), 2 disruptive behavior disorders and, 408–409 for binge eating, 220t
personality disorder (Michelle), 282 normal changes during aging, 421 bulimia nervosa and, 218
personality disorder (Treva Throneberry), 3 Cognitions about Body and Health Competency to stand trial, 462
perspectives (Mariella), 22 Composite International Diagnostic Interview,
posttraumatic stress (Marcus), 110 Questionnaire, 150
schizophrenia (James), 346 Cognitive assessment 150
schizotypal personality disorder (Jackson), 285 Comprehensive Drinker Profile, 270
sexual dysfunction (Douglas and Stacy), 312 of cognitive disorders, 440–441 Compulsion, 109
somatization (Gisela), 140 of psychotic disorders, 370 Computerized axial tomography (CT) scan
Case study Cognitive beliefs
advantages, 97t dramatic personality disorders and, 297, 297t as assessment tool, 87
as study tool, 96–97 of odd/eccentric personality disorders, 295, 295t cognitive disorders and, 441
Catalepsy, 350 Cognitive deficit, and schizophrenia, 364 Concordance, and developmental disorders,
Catastrophizing, 120 Cognitive disorder
Catatonia, 347 assessing, 439–441 390
Catatonic behavior, and schizophrenia, 350, 351 biological risk factors, 432–435 Concurrent validity, 80, 80t
Catatonic schizophrenia, 352, 353t causes, 437–438 Conditional positive regard, 33
Categorical approach, to behavioral definitions, 73 continuum, 422f–423f Conditioned response (CR), 36
Catharsis, 458 environmental risk factors, 435–437 Conditioned stimulus (CS), 36
Caudate nucleus, 118 epidemiology, 429–431 Conditioning, and anxiety disorders, 122, 122f
Central nervous system function, 24 features, 422–429 Conduct disorder
Cerebellum long-term outcomes, 445
function, 25 maltreatment of patients, 431 defined, 403
schizophrenia and, 362 prevention, 438–439 DSM-IV-TR features, 405t
Cerebral cortex function, 25 treatment (biological), 441–442 features, 404
Cerebrovascular disease, 425 treatment (nursing home), 442 genetics and, 406
Child Behavior Checklist, 411 treatment (psychological), 442–444 neurochemical changes and, 407
Child maltreatment, preventing, 63t, 298, 299t treatment (residential), 442 sample multifactorial model, 410, 410f
Child molestation, 328 Cognitive distortion Confabulation, 429
Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), 397, 397t anxiety disorders and, 120 Confidentiality, 468
Childhood disintegrative disorder defined, 37 Confound, 96
DSM-IV-TR features, 387t eating disorders and, 227–228 Confusion Assessment Method, 440
epidemiology, 388 mood disorders and, 194–195 Conners ADHD/DSM-IV Scales, 411, 411t
features, 386 paraphilias and, 333 Conners Rating Scales (Conners 3), 411
Children’s Depression Inventory, 201, 202t for substance-related disorders, 260–261 Conscience, 30
Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale, 128t Cognitive perspective, 35, 36–37 Consequence, 86
Cholera deaths, 53f Cognitive principles, 37 Construct validity, 80, 80t
Cholinesterase inhibitor, 442 Cognitive psychologist, job description, 452t Content validity, 80, 80t
Chorionic villus sampling, 394 Cognitive rehearsal, 39 Contingency management
Chromosomal aberration, and developmental dis- Cognitive risk factor, for anxiety disorders, for depression, 207
somatoform disorders and, 152
orders, 391, 391t 120–121 substance-related disorders and, 275
Chromosome, defined, 24 Cognitive schema, 37 Continuous amnesia, 156t
Circadian rhythm, and mood disorders, 192 Cognitive test, for developmental disorders, Continuous Performance Test, 412
Cirrhosis, of the liver, 250 Continuous Performance Test II, 370
Civil commitment, 462 395–396 Continuum of intervention, 64, 64f
Clang association, 350 Cognitive therapy Control delusion, 348
Clarke Sex History Questionnaire for Males Control group, 93
anxiety disorders and, 130–131 Controlled observation, 86
(Revised), 335 mood disorders and, 207–208 Controlled weight gain, 233
Classical conditioning theory, 36, 36f paraphilias and, 337 Conversion disorder
Classification, defined, 74 somatoform disorders and, 151–152 behavior therapy and, 152
Client identification, 468 Cognitive-behavioral model brain changes and, 147, 148f
Client-centered therapy, 34 assessment, 38 features, 143–144
Clinical assessment evaluating, 39–40 prevalence rate, 145t
example, 37–38 Coping, and depression, 207
culture and, 91–92 learning principles, 36 Coprophilia, 331t
defined, 77 overview, 35–40 Coronary heart disease, and stress, 476
Clinical interview, for personality disorder assess- treatment, 38–39 Corpus callosum, 362
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) Correlation
ment, 301t defined, 38–39 advantages, 97t
Clinical psychologist eating disorders and, 235–237, 236f defined, 95–96
for personality disorders, 303 Correlation coefficient, 95, 95f
job description, 452t psychotic disorders and, 372–373 Correlational studies, 94–96
qualifications, 450 sample maintenance plan, 237f Cortisol, and anxiety disorders, 119
Clinician substance-related disorders and, 274 Counseling psychologist
compared to researcher, 465 Cohort effect job description, 452t
cultural responsibilities, 92 children and, 55 qualifications, 450
in cross-sectional studies, 96 Couples therapy, 44
Collectivist culture, 44 Courtship stages, and paraphilias, 333
College Alcohol Study, 249
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Covert sensitization, and paraphilias, 336–337 long-term outcomes, 445 Dexamethasone suppression test (DST), 202, 203f
Craving, 258 prevalence rates, 429–430, 430f Dhat, 41, 114
Criminal commitment, 462 signs and symptoms, 440t Diagnosis
Criterion-referenced test, 396 types, 424
Cross-dressing Dementia due to Parkinson’s disease advantages, 73–74
features, 428 categorical, 73
gender and, 315 prevalence rates, 431 culture and, 77
transvestic fetishism and, 329–330 Dementia due to Pick’s disease, 428 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Cross-sectional study, 96 Dementia of the Alzheimer’s type
Cross-tolerance, 272 features, 424–425, 425t Disorders (DSM-IV-TR). See DSM-IV-TR
Cue exposure therapy, 274–275 prevalence rates, 429–430 Dialectical behavior therapy, 303
Cultural idioms of distress, 148 Dementia Rating Scale, 440 Diathesis, 46, 51
Cultural-familial mental retardation, 393 Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 425 Diathesis-stress model
Culture Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and mental
bipolar disorder and, 187f anxiety disorders and, 123
clinical assessment and, 91–92 disorders, 24 defined, 46
cognitive disorders and, 437 Dependent personality disorder eating disorders and, 228–229
defined, 40 implications, 52
depression and, 186f environmental risk factors, 298 mental disorders and, 57, 67
diagnosis and, 77 example assessment questions, 302t overview, 50–52
disruptive behavior disorders and, 409 features, 292, 292t substance-related disorders and, 266
dissociation and, 162 gender and, 293–294 Diet
dissociative disorders and, 164 Dependent variable, 93 cognitive disorders and, 438
eating disorders and, 228 Depersonalization disorder, 160, 160t dementia and, 436
emotion and, 5 Depressant abuse, 245, 248–250 Dietary restraint questionnaires, 232t
expression and, 5 Depression. See also Major depression Dieting, 215
gender identity and, 339–340 associated disorders, 200t Diffuse plaque, 434
mental disorder development and, 91 biologically oriented, 198 Dimensional approach to behavioral definitions,
mental disorders and, 42t brain activity and, 191f
mood disorders and, 196–197 brain and, 193f 72–73
paraphilias and, 333–334 continuum, 174f–175f Direct learning and anxiety disorders, 122
schizophrenia and, 365 defined, 173 Directionality, 96
sexual dysfunction and, 319, 320t developmental pathway, 198f Disability, 57f
somatoform disorders and, 148 differential diagnosis, 424t Discrete-trial training, 398
substance-related disorders and, 264–265 elderly people and, 207 Disengaged family, 43
Culture-bound syndrome, 41–42, 222 endogenous, 198 Disinhibition, 245
Cyclothymia. See Cyclothymic disorder environmentally oriented, 198 Disorganized schizophrenia, 352, 353t
Cyclothymic disorder exogenous, 195, 198 Disorganized schizophrenic dimension, 353, 353f
cycle, 182f family factors, 196 Disorganized speech, 350
DSM-IV-TR features, 183t Hamilton Rating Scale, 201t Disorientation, 422
features, 181–182 interpersonal factors, 195–196 Disruptive behavior disorder
medications for, 25, 205t
Date rape, 332 nonbiological, 195 assessing, 411–412
Date rape drugs, 254 prevalence rates, 186f biological risk factors, 406–407
Day hospital, 461 somatoform disorders and, 145–146 causes, 409–410
Decatastrophizing, 131 stigmas, 224t continuum, 402f–403f
Defense mechanism twin studies and, 190f defined, 401, 403
women and, 185 environmental risk factors, 407–409
examples, 31t Depressive schizoaffective disorder, 354 epidemiology, 405–406
overview, 30 Derealization, 160 features, 403–405
use, 29 Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory, 321 long-term outcomes, 415–416
Deliberate self-harm, 182–183 Designer drugs, 253–254 neurochemical changes and, 406–407
Delirium Detoxification, 274 prevention, 410
causes, 422–423 Development screening questions, 413t
defined, 421 continuum, 380f–381f treatment (biological), 412
differential diagnosis, 424t normal, 383 treatment (multisystemic), 413
DSM-IV-TR causes, 422t Developmental design, 96 treatment (psychological), 412–413
features, 422–424 Developmental disability. See Developmental treatment (residential), 413
prevalence rates, 429 violence and, 414
Delirium Rating Scale–Revised, 440 disorder Dissociation, 154f–155f, 155
Delirium tremens (DT), 244 Developmental disorder. See also specific types Dissociative amnesia, 156–157, 156t
Delusion. See also specific types Dissociative disorder
defined, 347 addressing problem behaviors, 400 assessing, 166
schizophrenia and, 348 assessing, 395–397 biological risk factors, 162–163
Delusional disorder biological risk factors, 389–393 brain and, 163f
DSM-IV-TR features, 356t causes, 393–394 causes, 164
epidemiology, 359 environmental risk factors, 393 continuum, 154f–155f
features, 347t, 355–356 epidemiology, 388 cultural factors, 164
Dementia ethics and, 390 defined, 155, 173
advanced directives, 444, 445 features, 383–388 environmental risk factors, 163–164
of the Alzheimer’s type, 424–425, 425t, 429– long-term outcomes, 400–401 epidemiology, 160–161
normalization, 461 gender and, 161, 162
430 patient residential facilities, 461 historical introduction, 140
brain and, 435f prevention, 394–395 long-term outcomes, 168
brain changes and, 435–434 sample final common pathway, 394f prevention, 165
defined, 421 social role valorization, 461 treatment (biological), 166–167
differential diagnosis, 424t testing for and ethics, 396 treatment (psychological), 167–168
due to Parkinson’s disease, 428, 431 treatment (biological), 397 types, 156
due to Pick’s disease, 428 treatment (psychological), 397–400 violence and, 165
ethics and, 445 types, 380–381 Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES), 166
features, 422–423 Developmental psychologist, job description, 452t Dissociative fugue, 157, 157t
with Lewy bodies (DLB), 425 Deviance from the norm as abnormal behavior, Dissociative identity disorder
defined, 41
3–4 DSM-IV-TR symptoms, 157t
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Subject Index I-19
features, 157–160 personality disorder organization, 284 Emotion
personality relationships, 160 posttraumatic stress disorder and, 110, 111t continuum, 8–9f
Dissociative trance disorder, 164 Rett’s disorder features, 386t culture and, 5
Distal factor, 266 schizoaffective disorder features, 356t
Distress, as abnormal behavior, 5–6 schizophrenic features, 352t Emotion regulation training, 299, 300t
Distress tolerance skills training, 303 schizophrenic subtypes, 353t Emotional dysregulation, 299
Diversity. See also Ethnicity schizophreniform disorder features, 356t Emotional personality disorder, 284
anxiety disorders, sociocultural factors and, separation anxiety disorder and, 112, 112t Emotional processing, 121
social phobia/social anxiety disorder and, 106, Emotional reasoning, 120
114 Emotional regulation skills training, 303
culture and diagnosis, 77 106t Emphysema, 262
depression and, 207 somatization disorder classification, 143t Employment and mental disorders, 60t
influence on emotion, 5 specific phobia and, 107, 107t Endogenous opioid, 226
influence on expression, 5 substance abuse features, 243t Engineering psychologist, job description, 452t
research limitations, 464 substance dependence features, 244t Enlarged ventricle
schizophrenia and, 359 substance intoxication features, 243t
Dopamine Dual relationships, 468–469 developmental disorders and, 392
functions, 25t Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), psychotic disorders and, 361
schizophrenia and, 25, 363–364 schizophrenia and, 362f
Double depression, 178 232t Enmeshed family, 43
Double Trouble in Recovery, 275 Dyscalculia, 387 Environmental risk factors
Down syndrome, 391 Dysfunctional Thought Record, 86, 87f anxiety disorders and, 120–123
Dramatic personality disorder Dysgraphia, 387 anxious/fearful personality disorders and,
biological risk factors, 295–296 Dyslalia, 388
causes, 297 Dyslexia, 387 297–298
cognition examples, 297 Dysnomia, 388 as cause for somatoform disorders, 147–148
environmental risk factors, 296–297 Dyspareunia cognitive disorders and, 435–437
epidemiology, 290–291 developmental disorders and, 393
features, 284 features, 315 disruptive behavior disorders and, 407–409
Dream analysis, 31 gender and, 315 for dissociative disorders, 163–164
Driving factor, 38 Dysphasia, 388 dramatic personality disorders and, 296–297
Drug cue, 258 Dyspraxia, 388 eating disorders and, 226–228
Drugs. See also Substance-related disorder abus- Dysthymia mood disorders and, 193–197
DSM-IV-TR features, 178t for odd or eccentric personality disorders, 295
ing, 250–254, 255f features, 178 for paraphilias, 332–334
alcohol interactions, 249t prevalence rates, 184f, 185f psychotic disorders and, 364–366
categories of abused, 245–254 Dysthymic disorder for sexual disorders, 332–334
first-time use, 255, 256f cycle, 179f for somatoform disorders, 147–148
testing for and ethics, 272 DSM-IV-TR features, 178t substance-related disorders and, 260–265
type of illicit use, 255, 255t features, 178 Epidemiologist, 52
DSM-IV-TR Epidemiology, 52
acute stress disorder and, 110–111, 111t Early morning wakening, 174 Episodic memory and aging, 421
ADHD features, 404t Eating disorder Erectile dysfunction
agoraphobia and, 106t culture and, 162–163, 319
Alzheimer’s disease features, 425t assessing, 230–233 model, 320f
anorexia nervosa features, 216t biological risk factors, 224–226 treatment (biological), 322
anxiety disorders and, 128t causes, 228–229, 229f Erogenous zone, 30
Asperger’s disorder features, 386t cognitive factors, 227–228 Erotomanic delusion, 356
associative amnesia types, 156t continuum, 215, 216f–217f Erratic personality disorder, 284
autistic disorder features, 384t culture and, 228 Esteem needs, 33
Axes, 74, 75t defined, 214–215 Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of
behavioral definition and, 73 diagnostic scale sample items, 232t
binge eating features, 221t DSM-IV-TR diagnostic scale, 232 Conduct, 467
brief psychotic disorder features, 357t environmental risk factors, 226–228 Ethics
bulimia nervosa features, 220t epidemiology, 220–223
causes of delirium, 422t features, 215–220 antipsychotic medication and, 371t
childhood disintegrative disorder features, 387t long-term outcomes, 237–238 dementia and, 445
conduct disorder features, 405t prevalence rates, 220, 221t developmental disorders and, 390, 396
culture and, 92, 93t prevention, 229–230 drug testing and, 272
cyclothymic disorder features, 183t questionnaires for assessing, 232t electroconvulsive therapy and, 206
delusional disorder features, 356t screening questions, 238t ending therapy, 469
depersonalization disorder symptoms, 160t stigmas, 223, 224t exposure-based practices and, 135
diagnostic categories, 74–76 treatment (biological), 233–235 humanistic perspective and, 35
dissociative fugue types, 157t treatment (psychological), 233, 235–237 mental disorder treatment and, 468–469
dissociative identity disorder symptoms, 157t Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale, 232, 232t mental health professionals and, 467–470
dysthymia features, 178t Eating Disorders Examination (EDE), 232 mental health research and, 94
dysthymic disorder features, 178t Eating Disorders Inventory-2 (EDI-2), 232t pro-anorexia websites, 235
eating disorder diagnostic scale, 232 Echolalia, 350, 384 recovered memories and suggestibility, 160, 161
essential somatoform disorder features, 145t Echopraxia, 350 resolving issues, 469–470
generalized anxiety order and, 108, 108t Education, and mental disorders, 60, 60t rights of the hospitalized, 463
hypomanic episode features, 182t Educational psychologist sex offenders and, 337
learning disorder features, 388t job description, 452t sexual intimacy with clients, 468–469
major depressive episode features, 174t qualifications, 450 Ethnicity. See also Diversity
manic episode features, 179t Ego, 29 ADHD and, 409
mental retardation features, 382t Ego ideal, 30 defined, 40
mood-stabilizing drugs for bipolar disorder, Electrocardiogram, 88 mental disorders and, 60t
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) research limitations, 464
204 for depression, 205 schizophrenia and, 359
obsessive-compulsive disorder and, 109, 109t ethical dilemmas, 206 substance-related disorders and, 264, 265f
oppositional defiant disorder features, 405t manic-depression and, 180–181 Etiology, 52
panic disorder and, 105, 106t Electroencephalogram (EEG), 88, 90f Euphoria, 173
paraphilias, 327t Electronic diary, and eating disorders, 233 Evening people, 340
Electroshock, 180 Evidence examination, and anxiety disorders,
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Evolution Fetal alcohol effects, 392 Generalized anxiety disorder
anxiety disorders and, 119–120 Fetal alcohol syndrome, 250, 250f, 258, 261f causes, 124
mood disorders and, 197 Fetishism, 327–328, 327t cognitive therapy examples for, 131t
paraphilias and, 333–334 Final common pathway, 393–394 exposure-based therapy examples for, 132t
schizophrenia and, 365 First-degree relative, and anxiety disorders, 116 features, 108, 108t
somatoform disorders and, 148 Fixation, 30 gender and, 114f
substance-related disorders and, 265 Flashing, 327 genetics and, 117
Flat affect, 347, 351 prevalence rates, 113f
Excess dopamine hypothesis, 363 Flavonoid, 436, 437 psychoeducation example for, 130t
Exhibitionism Flight of ideas, 179–180 somatic control exercise example for, 130t
Flooding treatment seekers, 113f
features, 327
focus of arousal, 327t anxiety disorders and, 133 Genetics
gender and, 315 defined, 39 Alzheimer’s disease and, 432–435
Existential psychology, 34 example, 134f anxiety disorders and, 116–117
Exorcism, 10 Focal testing, 90 cognitive disorders and, 432–435
Expectancy, 37 Folie à deux, 357 developmental disorders and, 389–391
Experiment Forensic psychologist, job description, 452t disruptive behavior disorders and, 406
advantages of, 97t Forensic psychology, 462 eating disorders and, 224–225, 225t
as study tool, 93–94 Fragile X syndrome, 389 mental disorders and, 23–24
Experimental group, 93 Free association, 31 mood disorders and, 189–190
Experimental psychologist, job description, 452t Free radicals, 435 psychotic disorders and, 361
Exposure treatment, 39 Freudian slip, 31 somatoform disorders and, 146
Exposure-based practices Freudian theory substance-related disorders and, 257
anxiety disorders and, 131–134 defined, 28
ethics and, 135 psychosexual stages, 30, 30t Genotype, 24
Expressed emotion FRIENDS workbook, 124–125 Ghost dance, 287
defined, 43 Frigophobia, 41, 41f Glutamate, 25t
eating disorders and, 227 Frontal lobe Grandiose delusion, 348, 356
schizophrenia and, 368 function, 25 Grandiosity, 179t
Expressive speech, 398 normal changes during aging, 421 Gray matter, and schizophrenia, 362, 363f
External validity, 94 Frontotemporal dementia Grossly disorganized behavior, 350
Extrapyramidal effect, 372 features, 428, 429t Group therapy for substance-related disorders,
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing genetics and, 435
prevalence rates, 431 275
(EMDR), 132 Frotteurism Gynemimetophilia, 331t
features, 328
Faíafafine, 339 focus of arousal, 327t Hair analysis, for substance-related disorders, 272
Factitious disorder, 153–154 Functional analysis, 38, 86 Halfway house, 461
Fakaletti, 339 Functional MRI (fMRI), 87 Hallucination
Family Functional somatization, 142
defined, 347
activity, 43 Galvanic skin conductance, 88 schizophrenia and, 349
affect, 43 Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) Hallucinogens
anxiety disorders and, 116, 121–122 abusing, 253
control, 43 anxiety and, 25 diagnostic categories of abuse, 246t–247t
depression and, 196 anxiety disorders and, 119 Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery,
disruptive behavior disorders and, 408 functions, 25t
disruptive behavior disorders and parent train- Gender 90, 370, 441
anxiety disorder and, 113, 114, 114f Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, 200, 201t
ing, 412 cognitive disorders and, 430 Hard Core boot camp, 413
eating disorders and, 226–227 date rape drugs and, 254 Health psychologist, DSM-IV-TR job description,
environment, 43 dementia caregivers and grief, 443
mental disorders and, 43 depression and, 185 453t
mood disorders and, 189–190 dysthymia and, 185f Hemorrhagic stroke, 427
paraphilias and, 332–333 eating disorders and, 221, 222 Heritability, 24, 24f
problematic environments, 43 major depression and, 185f Heroin
problematic relationships, 43 mental disorders and, 42, 58, 60t
substance-related disorders and, 257, 263–264, personality disorders and, 294 abusing, 252, 253
sexual dysfunction and, 315, 316t, 317t Vietnam soldiers and, 262
267 suicide and, 188f–190f Heteromodal association cortex, 362–363
Family suicide, 41 Gender development, 338 Hierarchy of needs, 33f
Family systems perspective, 43 Gender expectation, 42 High school student suicide prevention, 66–67
Family therapy Gender identity, 42 Hippocampus and substance-related disorders,
Gender identity disorder
defined, 44 assessing, 340–341 258, 258f
eating disorders and, 235 causes, 339–340 Histrionic personality disorder
for mood disorders, 208–209 defined, 338
psychotic disorders and, 373–374 features, 339 epidemiology, 291
substance-related disorders and, 275 long-term outcomes, 341 features, 289, 290, 290t
Fantasy training, 323 prevention, 339–340 Home and School Situations Questionnaire, 411t
Fast Track model for disruptive behavior preven- treatment (biological), 340 Hopelessness, 203
treatment (psychological), 340 Hopelessness theory, 194
tion, 410 Gene damage, and developmental disorders, Hormonal features of mood disorders, 192
Fatalistic suicide, 183 Humanistic assessment, 34
Fear 389–390 Humanistic model, 32–35
Gene definition, 23–24 Humanistic treatment, 34
brain and, 117, 118f Gene therapy Hypersomnia, 174
conditioning model, 122f Hypertension, 476
continuum, 104f dementia and, 442 Hypnosis, and dissociative disorders, 167
defined, 103–104 developmental disorders and, 397 Hypnotics, 246t–247t
as learned response, 122 General Behavior Inventory and Hypomanic Hypoactive sexual desire disorder, 313
Fear Questionnaire, 128t Hypochondriasis
Fear Survey Schedule for Children–Revised, Personality Scale, 202 cognitive therapy and, 152
Generalized amnesia, 156t features, 144
128t prevalence rate, 145, 145t
Female orgasmic disorder, 314 Hypomanic episode, 181, 182t
Female sexual arousal disorder, 313–314 Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system
Female Sexual Function Index, 321, 322t
Femicide, 62 and anxiety disorders, 121–122
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Subject Index I-21
Hypothalamus Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and stress, 475 Malingering, 153–154
eating disorders and, 225, 225f Ischemic stroke, 427 Maltreatment
function, 25
Jealous delusion, 356 anxiety disorders and, 121–122, 121f
Hypothesis Jinn, 162 disruptive behavior disorders and, 409
anxiety disorders and, 131 Juvenile delinquency, 404 Managed care, 464–465
as experimental tool, 93 Kathoey, 340 Mania, 173
Kegel exercises, 323 Manic depression. See Bipolar I disorder
Hypoxic ischemia, and psychotic disorders, Kids Eating Disorders Survey (KEDS), 232t Manic episode, 178–180, 179t
364 Kleptophilia, 331t Manifest content, of dreams, 31
Klinefelter syndrome, 391t MAOI, for depression, 203, 205t
Hypoxyphilia, 329 Klismaphilia, 331t Marijuana abuse, 253
Koro, 41, 114 Marital status, and mental disorders, 60, 60t
Id, 29 Korsakoff’s syndrome Marital therapy
Illness Attitude Scales, 150–151 mood disorders and, 208–209
Illness attribution, 147–148 alcohol use and, 250 substance-related disorders and, 275
Illness behavior and somatoform disorders, 147 features, 429 Marriage and family therapist qualifications, 451
Illness Behaviour Questionnaire, 150 prevalence rates, 431 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 33f
Illness belief, 147–148 Mass madness, 11
Impact of Event Scale, 128t La belle indifference Masturbation training, 323
Impotence, 314 conversion disorder and, 147 Masturbatory reconditioning, 337
Impulsivity defined, 144 Masturbatory satiation, 337
Maudsley Obsessional-Compulsive Inventory,
defined, 51 Laboratory assessment
eating disorders and, 226 of cognitive disorders, 441 128t
substance-related disorders and, 263 of mood disorders, 202 Meaninglessness, definition, 34
Inappropriate affect, 347, 350 of substance-related disorders, 271 Measurement psychologist, DSM-IV-TR job
Incidence, 52
Indecent exposure, 327 Lack of control over eating, 215 description, 453t
Independent variable, treatment as, 93 Lack of insight, and schizophrenia, 351 Media
Indicated prevention, 65 Language training, and developmental disorders,
Induction defect, 392 eating disorders and, 227
Industrial psychologist, DSM-IV-TR job descrip- 398 mental disorders and, 97
Latah, 114 Medication
tion, 453t Latent content, of dreams, 31 for cognitive disorders, 441–442
Infantile autism. See Autism Learned helplessness, 195 for eating disorders, 233–235
Inflexible family, 43 Learning disorder for mood disorders, 203–205
Informant report for personality disorder assess- Medulla, function, 25
concordance rate, 392 Megan’s laws, 337
ment, 301–302, 301t DSM-IV-TR features, 388t Melancholia, 176
Information transfer, and anxiety disorders, 122 epidemiology, 388 Memory
Informed consent, 135, 468 features, 386–387 change and dissociative disorders, 162–163, 164f
Inhalants Learning experience problems continuum, 422f–423f
anxiety disorders and, 122 training, 443
defined, 254 paraphilias and, 333 Mental disorder
diagnostic categories of abuse, 246t–247t substance-related disorders and, 261–262 age of onset, 54–55, 55f
Insanity, 462 Lethal dose (LD), 245 assessing, 77–92
Insight, 31 Lewy body biological assessment, 25
Insomnia, and stress, 476 defined, 425, 435 biological model, 23
Insula, and substance-related disorders, 258, dementia and, 434 classifying, 74–77
Parkinson’s disease and, 428 commitment, 462
258f Lewy body dementia, 425 consumer perspective, 14
Insular cortex, and substance-related disorders, Lifetime prevalence criminal justice system and, 462
defined, 53 dangerousness, 462
258, 258f of mental disorders, 55f defined, 2–10
Integrative psychotherapy, 45 rates, 54, 54f defining, 72–74
Intelligence test Light therapy for SAD, 206, 207 dimensional perspective, 13
Limbic system, 25 disability and, 57f
as assessment technique, 81–82 Limited developmental disorder, 381 DSM-IV-TR diagnoses, 74–76
developmental disorders and, 395–396 Localized amnesia, 156t features, 73
Internal consistency reliability, 79, 79t Longitudinal study, 96 genetics as cause, 23
Internal validity, 94 Long-term memory and aging, 421 heritability, 24, 24f
International Diagnostic Checklists, 150 Loose association, 350 major diagnostic categories, 76t
Interoceptive exposure, 133 Lycanthropy, 11 media research, 97
Interpersonal effectiveness skills training, 303 models describing, 23
Interpersonal factors, and mood disorders, MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale, 271 prevalence rates, 53–55, 55f
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) prevention, 62–67
195–196 prevention perspective, 13–14
Interpersonal therapy (IPT), for depression, 208 as assessment tool, 87 protective factors, 60–62, 61t
Interpretation in psychodynamic therapy, 31–32 cognitive disorders and, 441 psychogenic perspectives, 12
Interrater reliability, 79, 79t function, 25 relevance of understanding, 6–10
Intervention, brief, and substance-related healthy, 28f research method advantages, 97t
schizophrenic, 28f research use and quality, 465–466
disorders, 274 Major depression rights of the hospitalized, 463
Interview brain and, 193f risk factors, 57–60, 60t
cycle, 177f severe, and aftercare services, 459, 461
anxiety disorders and, 126–127 features, 177–178 severity rates, 54f
as assessment technique, 80–81 prevalence rates, 185f somatogenic perspectives, 12
cognitive disorders and, 439–440 Major depressive disorder studying, 92–97
developmental disorders and, 396–397 cycle, 177f treatment seekers, 454–455
disruptive behavior disorders and, 411 features, 177–178 violence and, 462
dissociative disorders and, 166 prevalence rates, 184f Mental disorder treatment
eating disorders and, 230–231 Major depressive episode, 174, 175t, 176–177 active ingredients, 454–455
mood disorders and, 200–201 Maladaptive behavior, 4 aftercare services, 459, 461
paraphilias and, 335 Male erectile disorder, 314
personality disorders and, 301, 301t Male orgasmic disorder, 314
psychotic disorders and, 369
sexual dysfunction and, 321
somatoform disorders and, 150
substance-related disorders and, 270–271
Intrapsychic, 28
Inventory of Dyadic Heterosexual Preferences,
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Mental disorder treatment (continued) Mood disorder Neuron, 24f
biological, 25 age of onset, 55 Neuropsychological assessment, 88, 90
caveats, 463–464 assessing, 200–202 Neuropsychological problems, and rape, 332
client-therapist differences, 464 biological risk factors, 189–193 Neuropsychological testing, 396
clinicians vs. researchers, 465 brain and, 192f Neuropsychologist, DSM-IV-TR job description,
cost, 56 causes, 197–198
cultural differences, 464 cognitive factors, 194–195 453t
effectiveness, 458 culture and, 196–197 Neurosis, 347
ethics and, 468–469 environmental risk factors, 193–197 Neurotic disorder, 347
lack of access, 467 epidemiology, 183 Neurotransmitter
managed care, 464–465 evolution and, 197
manualized, 458 long-term outcomes, 209–210 anxiety disorders and, 118–119
noncompliance, 463–464 prevalence rates, 184f defined, 24
nonspecific factors, 456–457 prevention, 198 mental disorders and, 25t
prescriptive, 458 screening questions, 209, 210t Nicotine abuse, 246t–247t, 251
for preventing child maltreatment, 63t treatment (biological), 203–206 Nicotine replacement therapy, 273
process variables, 456–457 treatment (psychological), 206–209 Nocturnal penile testing, 322
quick fixes, 465 treatment seekers, 187f Nonassociative theory of fear, 122
rights of the hospitalized, 463 types, 173–182 Nondirective treatment, 34
seekers, 454–455 Noonan syndrome, 391t
seeking, 55–56 Mood-stabilizing drugs Norepinephrine
self-help groups, 459 for bipolar disorder, 204, 205t anxiety disorders and, 118–119
for depression, 204–205, 205t depression and, 25
Mental health functions, 25t
public policy and, 462 Morphine abuse, 252–253 Normal behavior definition, 3
research ethics, 94 Motivating factor, 38 Normal impulsivity, 282f–283f
MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Normal mood change, 173
Mental health professional Mukhannathun, 340 Normal rambunctious behavior, 401
ethics and, 467–470 Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children, Normalization, 461
preparation, 451–452 Norm-referenced test, 395
seeking treatment from, 454–455 128t No-suicide contract, 209
types, 450–451 Multidimensional Assessment of Sex and
Objective personality measure, 82–83
Mental hygiene, 13 Aggression (Revised), 335 Observation
Mental hygiene movement, 12 Multiphasic Sex Inventory II, 335
Mental retardation Multiple personality disorder. See Dissociative as assessment technique, 86
of mood disorders, 202
chromosomal aberrations and, 391t identity disorder of psychotic disorders, 369–370
DSM-IV-TR features, 382t Munchausen syndrome, 153 of substance-related disorders, 271
epidemiology, 388 Myograph, 336 Obsession, 109
features, 381–385 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
severity subtypes, 383 Nar-Anon, 275 brain features and, 118
Mental status examination, 439–440 Narcissistic personality disorder cognitive distortions and, 120–121
Mesolimbic system, and substance-related disor- cognitive therapy examples for, 131t
epidemiology, 291 exposure-based therapy examples for, 132t
ders, 258, 258f features, 289–290, 290t features, 108–109, 109t
Metabolite and neurochemical assessment, 88 Narcotics abuse, 252–253 gender and, 114f
Methamphetamine abuse, 251–252 Narcotics Anonymous, 275, 459 genetics and, 117
Miami-Dade Juvenile Assessment Center Post- Narratophilia, 331t prevalence rates, 113f
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 459 psychoeducation example for, 130t
Arrest Diversion Program, 414 National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, 229 somatic control exercise example for, 130t
Michigan Alcohol Screening Test, 271 National Institute of Mental Health Diagnostic Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test, 271 environmental risk factors, 298
Migration defect, 392 Interview Schedule for Children (Version features, 293, 293t
Milieu therapy, 372 IV), 411 Occipital lobe
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III, 271, 300 Natural incidental training, 398 function, 25
Mind Naturalistic observation, 86 schizophrenia and, 362
Necrophilia, 331t Odd/eccentric personality disorder
Freud’s structure, 29f Needs, human, 33 biological risk factors, 294–295
structure and mental disorders, 29–30 Negative affectivity, 114 causes, 295, 295f
Mindfulness Negative cognitive triad, 194, 195f, 350 environmental risk factors, 295
anxiety disorders and, 134 Negative correlation, 95 epidemiology, 286–287
personality disorders and, 303 Negative reinforcement, 36 features, 284–287
as treatment for depression, 208 Negative schizophrenic dimension, 353, 353f Olfactophilia, 331t
Mini-Cog dementia screening test, 440 Negative thought pattern, and anxiety disorders, Oligogenic transmission, 190
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), 440, 441f 120 Operant conditioning, 36, 37f
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Neighborhood and mental disorders, 43 Opiate abuse, 252–253
Neologism, 350 Opioid abuse, 246t–247t, 252–253
(MMPI-2), 151, 271, 300 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Network Oppositional defiant disorder
Mixed dementia, 427, 435 Neurobehavioral Scale, 396 defined, 404
Mixed design study, 96, 97t Nervous system, and mental disorders, 24 DSM-IV-TR features, 405t
Mixed episode, 180 Neuritic plaque, 434 features, 404
MMPI-2 clinical scale, 83, 83t, 84f Neurochemical assessment, of neurotransmitter sample multifactorial model, 410, 410f
MMPI-2 validity scale, 82–83 systems, 88 Orbitofrontal cortex
Mobility Inventory, 128t Neurochemical change obsessive-compulsive behavior and, 118
Model ADHD and, 406 substance-related disorders and, 258, 258f
cognitive disorders and, 435 Organismic variable, 86
defined, 22 Neurochemical features Organizational psychologist, DSM-IV-TR job
uses, 23f of eating disorders, 225–226
Modeling of mood disorders, 191–192 description, 453t
anxiety disorders and, 134 of schizophrenia, 363–364 Orgasmic reconditioning, 337
defined, 37–38 of substance-related disorders, 259 Other-centeredness, 34
Molecular genetics, 24 Neurodevelopmental hypothesis, 366–368 Oxidative stress, 435
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), 203, 205t Neurofibrillary tangles, 435–434
Mood Neurofibromatosis, 391t
continuum, 174f–175f Neuroimaging, 87–88
cycling, 181
normal changes, 173
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Subject Index I-23
Pain disorder, 144, 145t borderline personality disorder (anonymous), Possession trance disorder, 164
Painkiller abuse, 253 306 Postpartum depression, 185
Pa-leng, 114 Postpartum psychosis, 357
Panic and Agoraphobia Scale, 128t clinical psychology study (Julia Martinez), 456 Posttraumatic stress disorder
Panic attack, 105 counseling psychologist (Tiffany Borst), 460
Panic disorder depression (anonymous), 78 culture and, 122–123
depression (Karen Gormandy), 176 dissociation, 164
causes, 124 dissociative fugue (Hannah Emily Upp), 158 exposure-based therapy examples for, 132t
cognitive therapy examples for, 131t eating disorders (Rachel Webb), 231 features, 110, 111t
exposure-based therapy examples for, 132t integrative psychology (Dr. J. C. Norcross), 45 gender and, 114f
features, 105–106 schizophrenia (John Cadigan), 354–355 genetics and, 117
gender and, 114f substance-related disorders, 268 prevalence rates, 113f
genetics and, 116 suicide (Alison Malmon), 16 psychoeducation example for, 130t
prevalence rates, 113f transsexuality (Sam), 342 somatic control exercise example for, 130t
prevention, 67 Wellness Resource Center (Kim Dude), 68 treatment seekers, 113f
psychoeducation example for, 130t Personality Poverty, and disruptive behavior disorders, 409
somatic control exercise example for, 130t disruptive behavior disorders and, 407 Prader-Willi syndrome, 391t
treatment seekers, 113f substance-related disorders and, 263 Predictive validity, 80
Paranoid personality disorder, 284–285, 284t, trait, 283 defined, 80t
Personality assessment Preferential rape, 333
358f as assessment technique, 82–86 Prefrontal cortex
Paranoid schizophrenia, 352, 353t somatoform disorders and, 151 anxiety disorders and, 118
Paraphilia Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4 (PDQ-4), substance-related disorders and, 258, 258f
Premature ejaculation
assessing, 335–337 300, 301t features, 314–315
atypical, 330, 331t Personality disorder. See also specific types treatment, 323
causes, 334 Premenstrual dysmorphic disorder, 185
defined, 326 assessing, 300–302 Prenatal complication
deviant sexual interest and, 331t assessment method comparison, 301t developmental disorders and, 391–392
DSM-IV-TR descriptions, 327t cognitive-behavioral therapy and, 303 schizophrenia and, 364–365, 365f
epidemiology, 330–331 dialectical behavior therapy and, 303 Preparedness and anxiety disorders, 119
features, 326–331 features, 283–284, 284t Presenile dementia, 424
long-term outcomes, 337–338 gender and, 294 Presenting somatization, 142
physiological assessment, 335–336 impulsivity continuum, 282f–283f, 283 Pre-therapy, 34
prevalence, 330–331, 331t long-term outcomes, 305 Prevalence rates, of major mental disorders. See
prevention, 334 organization, 284
risk factors, 332–334 paraphilias and, 332 also specific disorders, 54, 54f
sample developmental pathway, 334, 335f prevalence rates, 287 Prevention, of mental disorders, 62–67
treatment (biological), 336 prevention, 298–299 Primary gain, 147
treatment (psychological), 336–337 screening questions, 304, 304t Primary prevention
Paraprofessional qualifications, 451 short-term psychodynamic therapy and, 303
Parasuicidal behavior, 182–183 treatment (biological), 301–302 of alcohol use disorders, 65–66
Parent Interview for Autism—Clinical Version, 396 treatment (psychological), 302–304 defined, 64
Parietal lobe violence and, 289 of suicidal behavior, 66–67
function, 25 Personalization, 37 Priming, 258
learning disorders and, 393 Perspective Privileged communication, 468
schizophrenia and, 362 defined, 22 Pro-anorexia websites, 235
Parkin gene, 433 uses, 23f Problem behavior, addressing, 400
Parkinson’s disease, 428 Pervasive developmental disorder, 381 Problem-solving skills training, 207
brain atrophy and, 434–435 Phallometric testing, 336 Process variable, 34
genetics and, 433 Phencyclidine abuse, 246t–247t Prodromal schizophrenic phase, 351, 352f
prevalence rates, 431 Phenomenological approach, 33 Prognosis, 135
Partial agonist, and substance-related disorders, Phenotype, 24 Projection, 30
Phenylketonuria (PKU), 389, 390 Projective hypothesis, 31
273 Phii bob, 162 Projective personality measure, 83–86
Partialism, 331t Phong tap, 148 Projective technique, 31
Pedophilia Physical assessment and eating disorders, 233 Protective factor
Physiological assessment for children, 63
features, 328–329 of anxiety disorders, 128–129 mental disorders and, 60–62
focus of arousal, 327t of psychotic disorders, 371 Proximal factor, 266
Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests, 336t of sexual dysfunctions, 321–322 Pseudoseizure, 143
subtypes, 329 Physiological needs, 33 Psychiatric nurse (R.N.) qualifications, 451
Peer influence, and disruptive behavior disorders, Pick’s disease Psychiatrist qualifications, 450–451
brain atrophy and, 436 Psychic determinism, 29
408 features, 428 Psychoanalyst qualifications, 451
Peer-mediated intervention, 399 Placebo effect, 457 Psychobiological theory, of personality disorders,
Penile plethysmograph, 336 Planum temporale, and learning disorders, 393
Penn State Worry Questionnaire, 128t Plastic surgery, guidelines, 150, 151t 295
Perceptual psychologist, job description, 452t Playboy bunnies, and eating disorders, 227, 228f Psychodynamic model
Perfectionism, and eating disorders, 226 Pleasure principle, 29
Perinatal complication, and developmental Plethysmography, 336 assessment, 30–31
Polysubstance abuse, 245, 246t–247t evaluating, 32
disorders, 391–392 Pons, 25 mental disorders and, 28–32
Peripheral nervous system, 24 Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, 369 overview, 29–32
Permissive hypothesis, 192, 194f Positive correlation, 95 treatment, 31–32
Persecutory delusion, 348 Positive psychology, 34 Psychodynamic perspective principles, 28–29
Personal distress as abnormal behavior, 5–6 Positive regard, 33–34 Psychoeducation and anxiety disorders, 129–130,
Personal Journal of Body Image, 230 Positive reinforcement, 36
Personal narrative Positron emission tomography (PET scan) 130t
as assessment tool, 88 Psychological autopsy, and suicide, 203
ADHD (Toni Wood), 414 cognitive disorders and, 441, 441f Psychological drug dependence, 245
Alzheimer’s disease (Sara Davidson), 426 Possession disorder, and culture, 162 Psychological predisposition, 51
anorexia nervosa (Kitty Westin), 218 Psychological risk factor
anxiety disorders (anonymous), 126
author’s note (Christopher Kearney), 466 for gender identity disorder, 339
bipolar disorder (Andy “Electroboy” Behrman), for sexual dysfunctions, 318–319
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Psychological testing, and substance-related dis- Reaction formation, 30 Schizoid personality disorder, 285, 285t, 358f
orders, 271 Reality orientation, 442, 443 Schizophrenia
Reality principle, 29
Psychological treatment, of anxiety disorders, Recidivism rate, 338 adverse life events and, 365, 366f
129–134 Referential delusion, 348 bipolar disorder and, 193f
Regression, 30 brain and, 361–363, 362f, 363f
Psychologist Rehabilitation cognitive deficits, 364
public statements by, 469 culture and, 365
types, 450, 452t psychotic disorders and, 373 differential diagnosis, 424t
substance-related disorders and, 274 dimensions, 353, 353f
Psychopathologist, 6 Rehabilitation psychologist, DSM-IV-TR job dopamine and, 25
Psychopathy, 263, 288 DSM-IV-TR features, 352t
Psychophysiological assessment, 88 description, 453t DSM-IV-TR subtypes, 353t
Psychophysiological disorders, 474-475 Relapse prevention epidemiology, 357–359
Psychosexual development stages, 30, 30t evolution and, 365
Psychosis, 347, 351 paraphilias and, 334 features, 347–348, 348t
Psychosomatic, 142 substance-related disorders and, 267 labelling and, 365
Psychotherapist qualifications, 451 Relaxation training, 130 MRI results, 28f
Psychotherapy, and dissociative disorders, 167 Reliability of assessment measures, 78–79, 79t negative symptoms, 347–348, 348t, 350–351,
Psychotic disorder. See also specific types Reminiscence therapy
for dementia, 443 358f
adverse life events and, 365 for depression, 207 neurochemical features, 363–364
alternatives to hospital care, 374f Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation other criteria, 351
antipsychotic medication and, 372f phases, 351–352, 352f
assessing, 369–371 (rTMS), 205, 206 positive symptoms, 347, 348–350, 348t
biological risk factors, 361–364 Repression, 30 prenatal complications, 364–365, 365f
causes, 366–368 Research design, 93 prevalence rates, 361, 361f
continuum, 348f–349f Researcher vs. clinician, 465 spectrum disorders, 358f
environmental risk factors, 364–366 Residual schizophrenia, 352, 353t substance abuse and, 365, 366t
epidemiology, 357–359 Residual schizophrenic phase, 352, 352f subtypes, 352–353
examples, 347 Resilience, 61–62, 61t two-hit model for prevention, 368
features, 347–357 Resiliency factor, 61–62 violence and, 360, 360t
long-term outcomes, 375 Resourceful Adolescent Program-Adolescents Schizophreniform disorder
prevention, 368 DSM-IV-TR features, 356t
sample developmental pathway, 367f (RAP-A), 199 epidemiology, 358–359
screening questions, 375t Resourceful Adolescent Program-Family (RAP-F), features, 347t, 353
substance abuse and, 365 Schizotypal personality disorder, 285–286, 286t,
treatment (biological), 371–372 199
treatment (psychological), 372–374 Response prevention, in obsessive-compulsive 358f
types, 347t School psychologist
Psychotic schizophrenic dimension, 353, 353f behavior, 133
Psychotic schizophrenic prephase, 352, 352f Restricted eating, 215 DSM-IV-TR job description, 453t
Psychoticism subscale, 370t Restricting behavior, and anorexia nervosa, qualifications, 450, 451
Public health model, and abnormal psychology, School Refusal Assessment Scale—Revised, 128t
215–216, 216t School refusal behavior, 112
14 Reticular activating system, 25 Scientific method, 93–97
Public policy, 462, 463 Retrospective analysis, and suicide, 203 Screening for Somatoform Disorders (SOMS),
Purging Rett’s disorder
anorexia nervosa and, 216, 216t DSM-IV-TR features, 386t Screening for Somatoform Disorders-7
bulimia nervosa and, 218 epidemiology, 388
Purkinje cell, 393 features, 385 (SOMS-7), 150
Reuptake, 24 Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests (SSPI),
Qualitative assessment, 34 Reward deficiency syndrome, 259, 332
Quantitative psychologist, DSM-IV-TR job descrip- Right to least restrictive treatment, 463 335, 336t
Right to refuse treatment, 463 Seashore rhythm test, 90
tion, 453t Right to treatment, 463 Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Quasi-experimental method, 96, 97t Risk factor. See also specific types
Questionnaire for depression, 318–319 features, 178
for gender identity disorder, 339–340 light therapy, 206, 207
for anxiety disorder assessment, 127, 128t for mental disorders, 57–60, 60t Secondary gain, 147
for cognitive disorders, 440 for mood disorders, 189–197 Secondary prevention
for dissociative disorders assessment, 166 for suicide, 189–197 defined, 64
for eating disorder assessment, 232, 232t Ritual prevention, and obsessive-compulsive of panic disorder, 67
for mood disorder assessment, 201 Sedative
paraphilias and, 335–336 behavior, 133 abusing, 245, 248–250
for personality disorder assessment, 300, 301t Roofie, 332 diagnostic categories of abuse, 246t–247t
for sexual dysfunction assessment, 321–322 Rorschach test Selective amnesia, 156t
for somatoform disorder assessment, Selective prevention
as assessment technique, 84–85 defined, 64–65
150–151 continuum, 85f of panic disorder, 67
psychodynamic assessment and, 31 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
Race for depression, 203–204, 205t
anxiety disorder and, 113 Sadism for eating disorders, 234
defined, 40 features, 329 Self-actualization, 33, 33f
eating disorders and, 221–222 focus of arousal, 327t Self-care skills training, 399
mental disorders and, 59, 60t rape, 332 Self-control therapy
personality disorders and, 287 for depression, 207
suicide and, 188f–190f Sadness continuum, 174f–175f as treatment, 455
Sadomasochism, 329 Self-help group
Randomization, 93 Safety/security needs, 33 mental disorders and, 459
Rape Saliva test, for substance-related disorders, 272 substance-related disorders and, 275
Satiety, 225 Self-monitoring
preferential, 333 Scale for the Assessment of Illness Behavior, as assessment technique, 86, 127
violence and, 332 eating disorders and, 232–233
Rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, and mood dis- 150 mood disorders and, 202
Scatterplot, 95f sexual dysfunction and, 322
orders, 192–193 Schedule for Affective Disorders and substance-related disorders and, 274
Rating scale
Schizophrenia (SADS), 200, 369
developmental disorders and, 397 Schizoaffective disorder
disruptive behavior disorders and, 411
Rational restructuring, 39 DSM-IV-TR features, 356t
epidemiology, 359
features, 347t, 354–355
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Subject Index I-25
Self-report questionnaire personality disorders and, 298–299, 303 genetics and, 116
as assessment technique, 127, 128t psychotic disorders and, 368, 373 prevalence rates, 113f
eating disorders and, 232 schizophrenia and, 373 psychoeducation example for, 130t
mood disorders and, 201 substance-related disorders and, 274–275 somatic control exercise example for, 130t
personality disorders and, 300 Sleep deficiency, and mood disorders, 192 treatment seekers, 113f
Smith-Magenis syndrome, 391t Speech imitation, 398
Senile dementia, 424 Social anxiety disorder Sports psychologist, DSM-IV-TR job description, 453t
Senile plaque, 436 behavioral inhibition and, 119 St. Vitus’s dance, 11
Sensate focus, 323 characteristics, 9 Standardization, of assessment measures, 80
Separation anxiety disorder example, 7, 8 State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, 128t
features, 106–107, 106t Steroids, 254
cognitive therapy examples for, 131t gender and, 114f Stigma, 14–16, 15f
exposure-based therapy examples for, 132t genetics and, 116 Stimulant abuse, 250–252
features, 111–112, 112t prevalence rates, 113f Stress
gender and, 114f sample developmental pathway, 123f culture and, 91
prevalence rates, 113f treatment seekers, 113f defined, 46, 474
psychoeducation example for, 130t Social Anxiety Scale for Children—Revised, 128t diathesis and, 51
somatic control exercise example for, 130t Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, 128t management of, 480
Septal-hippocampal system, and anxiety disor- Social needs, 33 mood disorders and, 193–194
Social norming, and substance abuse prevention, substance-related disorders and, 260
ders, 118 Stress inoculation training, 131
Sequential design, 96 66 Stress-induced relapse, 260
Serotonin Social phobia. See also Social anxiety disorder Stria terminalis
anxiety disorders and, 118
anxiety disorders and, 118, 119f cognitive therapy examples for, 131t substance-related disorders and, 258, 258f
depression and, 25 exposure-based therapy examples for, 132t Stroke
functions, 25t psychoeducation example for, 130t causes, 427
Sex offender, 328, 336 somatic control exercise example for, 130t genetics and, 433
Sex Offender Treatment Rating Scale, 335 Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory, 128t vascular dementia and, 425
Sex reassignment surgery, 340 Social play group, 398–399 Stroop Color and Word Test, 370
Sex therapy, 323 Social psychologist, DSM-IV-TR job description, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, 150
Sexual arousal measurement, 336 Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I
Sexual aversion disorder, 313 453t
Sexual behavior Social role valorization, 461 Disorders (SCID-I), 80, 200, 232
continuum, 312f–313f, 324f–325f Social skills training Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV
factors affecting, 321f
normal, 312, 325 for depression, 207 Dissociative Disorders-Revised (SCID-D-R),
Sexual desire, normal, 325 disruptive behavior disorders and, 413 166
Sexual disorder. See also Paraphilia for schizophrenia, 373 Structured interview, 80
continuum, 324f–325f Social worker qualifications, 451 Structured Interview for DSM-IV Personality
defined, 326 Socialization differences, 42 (SIDP-IV), 301, 302t
epidemiology, 330–331 Socialization training, for developmental disor- Student Bodies, 229–230
features, 326–331 Subcortical dementia, 428
risk factors, 332–334 ders, 398–399 Substance abuse
screening questions, 325t, 338t Sociocultural assessment, 44 continuum, 244f–245f
Sexual dysfunction Sociocultural model, 40–46 diagnostic categories, 246t–247t
age and, 316, 316t,317t Sociocultural perspective, 40 features, 243, 243t
assessing, 321–322 Sociocultural treatment, 44, 46 schizophrenia and, 365
biological risk factors, 318 Socioeconomic status, and mental disorders, 60 social norming and prevention, 66
causes, 320f, 320–321, 321f Somatic control exercises, 129–130, 130t street names, 246t
continuum, 312f–313f Somatic delusion, 348–349, 356 Substance dependence, 243, 244, 244t
culture and, 319, 320t Somatization, 140, 142f–143f Substance intoxication, 243, 243t
defined, 312 Somatization disorder Substance use
epidemiology, 315–318 age of onset, 55
features, 313–318 classifying, 143t categories of, 245–254
gender and, 315, 316t, 317t, 320t features, 142–143 normal defined, 242–243
long-term outcomes, 324–325 prevalence rate, 145t schizophrenia and, 366t
prevalence rates, 316t, 317t Somatoform disorder Substance withdrawal, 244–245, 244t
prevention, 321 assessing, 150–151 Substance-related disorder
psychological risk factors, 318–319 biological risk factors, 146–147 assessing, 270–271
screening questions, 325t brain and, 147f biological risk factors, 257–265
treatment (biological), 322 causes, 148–149 causal model, 266f
treatment (physiological), 322 continuum, 142f–143f causes, 265–266
treatment (psychological), 323 defined, 141–142 comorbidity, 256
Sexual Dysfunction Scale, 322 environmental risk factors, 147–148 continuum, 244f–245f
Sexual fantasy, 325–326 epidemiology, 145–146 defined, 243
Sexual Interest and Desire Inventory, 322 essential features, 145t environmental risk factors, 260–265
Sexual intimacy, with clients, 468–469 features, 142–145 epidemiology, 254–256
Sexual masochism, 327t, 329 guidelines, 150t features, 243–254
Sexual response cycle, 313 historical introduction, 140 long-term outcomes, 276–277
Shame therapy, 336 long-term outcomes, 152–153 prevalence rates, 255, 256t, 264, 265f
Shared psychotic disorder, 347t, 357 prevalence rates, 145t prevention, 266–267
Shock therapy, for depression, 205 prevention, 148–149 treatment (biological), 272–273
Short-term memory, normal changes, 421 treatment (biological), 151 treatment (inpatient), 274
Short-term psychodynamic therapy, 303 treatment (psychological), 151–152 treatment (psychological), 273–276
Sickle cell disease, 389 Somatoform Disorders Schedule, 150 treatment (residential), 274
Sign language, 398 Somatosensory Amplification Scale (SAS), 151, treatment seekers, 256, 256t
Single photon emission computed tomography urinalysis and, 271, 271t
151t Suicidal behavior
(SPECT), 441 Somatosensory awareness, 148 defined, 182
Skills training Special education teacher qualifications, 451 prevention, 66–67
Specific phobia Suicidal ideation, 182
developmental disorders and, 399–400
disruptive behavior disorders and, 413 causes, 124
for emotion regulation, 299, 300t cognitive therapy examples for, 131t
mood disorders and, 207 exposure-based therapy examples for, 132t
features, 107, 107t
gender and, 114f
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Suicidality Therapist Vaginal photoplethysmograph, 335
assessing, 202–203 clinicians vs. researchers, 465 Vaginismus, 315
long-term outcomes, 210 negative characteristics, 466–467 Validity
multidimensional model, 198 types, 450–451
schematic for assessing, 203, 204f of assessment measures, 80
spectrum, 182–183, 183f Therapy. See specific types of experimental studies, 94
treatment, 209 Thinking problems continuum, 422f–423f types, 80t
Third variable problem, 95 Variable (experimental), 93
Suicide Thought Vascular dementia
attempt, 183 features, 425, 427
biological risk factors, 189–193 continuum, 8–9f prevalence rates, 430–431, 430f
college students and, 58 primary process and id, 29 Vicarious conditioning, 37–38
completion, 183 secondary process and ego, 29 Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition
epidemiology, 186–188 Thought-action fusion, 120–121
gender and, 187–188 Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ-R), (VABS-II), 397
mood disorders and, 182–183 Violence
prevalence rates, 188f–190f 232t
prevention, 199 Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon, 421 alcohol and, 263
transcultural variation and, 188f Tobacco dissociative disorders and, 165
elderly people and, 431
Superego, 30 cognitive disorders and, 436 juvenile arrests and diversion, 414
Supervised training center, 461 epidemiology, 254–255 mental disorders and, 462
Supportive psychotherapy, 372–373 Token economy personality disorders and, 289
Sweat test, for substance-related disorders, 272 defined, 39 prevention, 62
Symphorophilia, 331t medication compliance and, 373 rape, 332
Symptom Checklist 90-R Crime-Related PTSD milieu therapy and, 372 schizophrenia and, 360, 360t
Transference, 32 somatoform disorders and, 148, 149
Scale, 128t Transsexualism. See Gender identity disorder Virtual reality therapy, 132–133
Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R), 369, Transvestic fetishism Voodoo death, 41
features, 329–330 Voyeurism, 327t, 330
370t focus of arousal, 327t Vulnerability
Synapses, and mental disorders, 24 gender and, 315 to anxiety disorders, 123–124, 123f
Syndrome definition, 23, 73 Transvestism, 329–330 to dramatic personality disorders, 295–296,
Systematic desensitization Trauma
dissociative disorders and, 163–164 297f
anxiety disorders and, 132 resilience and, 61, 61t to eating disorders, 229
defined, 39 Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children, 167t to mood disorders, 197–198
Systematized amnesia, 156t Trephination, 10
Triangular relationship, 43 Washington University in St. Louis Kiddie
Tactual performance test, 90 Trichotillomania, 115 Schedule for Affective Disorders and
Taijin kyofusho, 114 Tricyclic antidepressant, 203 Schizophrenia, 200
Tangentiality, 350 for depression, 205t
Tarantism, 11 Troilism, 331t Waxy flexibility, 350
Tardive dyskinesia, 372 Turner syndrome, 391t Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Fourth Edition
TAT. See Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Twin study
Tay-Sachs disease, 389–390 anxiety disorders and, 116–117 (WAIS-IV)
Teacher Report Form, 411 depression and, 190f cognitive disorders and, 441
Telephone scatalogia, 327 eating disorders and, 224–225 overview, 81–82
Temporal lobe mood disorders and, 190 psychotic disorders and, 370
schizophrenia and, 361 simulated examples, 81t, 82f
function, 25 Two-hit model for schizophrenia, 368 Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-III)
schizophrenia and, 362 Type D personality, 477 cognitive disorders and, 440–441
Teratogen psychotic disorders and, 370
developmental disorders and, 391–392 Ulcers, and stress, 475 Weight, percentage of expected, 228f
disruptive behavior disorders and, 407–408 Unconditional positive regard, 34 Weight concern
Terrorism, and medically unexplained symptoms, Unconditioned stimulus (UCS), 36 continuum, 215, 216f–217f
Unconscious, 28 defined, 214
149 Unconscious motivation, 28 Whiteley Index, 150
Tertiary prevention, 65 Undifferentiated schizophrenia, 352, 353t Wide Range Achievement Test (4th edition) (WRAT-4),
Test-retest reliability, 78, 79t Unipolar depression, 177–178, 177f
Thalamus Unipolar mood disorder, 173 370, 396
Universal prevention Williams syndrome, 391t
function, 25 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, 370
obsessive-compulsive behavior and, 118 of alcohol use disorders, 65–66 Worry
schizophrenia and, 362 defined, 64
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) of suicidal behavior, 66–67 continuum, 104f
as assessment technique, 85–86, 85f Unstructured interview, 80 defined, 103
psychodynamic assessment and, 31 Urinalysis, and substance-related disorders, 271, Worry exposure, 133
Theory of mind, 368 Write-say spelling method, 399–400
Therapeutic alignment, 457 271t
Therapeutic alliance, 457 Zoophilia, 331t
Therapeutic relationship, 468–469
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AXIS I Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Substance Use Dissociative Disorders
Disorders Usually First Diagnosed Disorders
in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence Dissociative Amnesia
Learning Disorders (Academic Skills Disorders) Polysubstance Use Disorder
Reading Disorder (Developmental Reading Disorder)/ Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders Dissociative Fugue
Mathematics Disorder (Developmental Arithmetic
Disorder)/Disorder of Written Expression (Developmental Schizophrenia Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality
Expressive Writing Disorder) Paranoid Type/Disorganized Type/Catatonic Type/ Disorder)
Undifferentiated Type/Residual Type
Motor Skills Disorder Depersonalization Disorder
Developmental Coordination Disorder Schizophreniform Disorder
Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
Pervasive Developmental Disorders Schizoaffective Disorder
Autistic Disorder/Rett’s Disorder/Childhood Disintegrative Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
Disorder/Asperger’s Disorder/PDD Not Otherwise Specified Delusional Disorder
Sexual Dysfunctions
Disruptive Behavior and Attention-Deficit Disorders Brief Psychotic Disorder Sexual Desire Disorders: Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disor-
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder/Oppositional der; Sexual Aversion Disorder/Sexual Arousal Disorders:
Defiant Disorder/Conduct Disorder Shared Psychotic Disorder (Folie à Deux) Female Sexual Arousal Disorder; Male Erectile Disorder/
Orgasm Disorders: Female Orgasmic Disorder (Inhibited
Feeding and Eating Disorders of Infancy or Early Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Female Orgasm); Male Orgasmic Disorder (Inhibited Male
Childhood Condition Orgasm); Premature Ejaculation/Sexual Pain Disorders:
Pica/Rumination Disorder/Feeding Disorder of Infancy or With Delusions/With Hallucinations/Substance-Induced Dyspareunia; Vaginismus/Sexual Dysfunctions Due to
Early Childhood Psychotic Disorder a General Medial Condition/Substance-Induced Sexual
Tic Disorders Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
Tourette’s Disorder/Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder/ Mood Disorders Paraphilias
Transient Tic Disorder Exhibitionism/Fetishism/Frotteurism/Pedophilia/Sexual
Depressive Disorders Masochism/Sexual Sadism/Voyeurism/Transvestic
Communication Disorders Major Depressive Disorder/Dysthymic Disorder/Depressive Fetishism
Expressive Language Disorder (Developmental Expressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
Language Disorder)/Mixed Receptive/Expressive Language Gender Identity Disorders
Disorder (Developmental Receptive Language Disorder)/ Bipolar Disorders Gender Identity Disorder: in Children/in Adolescents and
Phonological Disorder (Developmental Articulation Bipolar I Disorder/Bipolar II Disorder (Recurrent Major Adults (Transsexualism)
Disorder)/Stuttering Depressive Episodes with Hypomania)/Bipolar Not
Otherwise Specified/Cyclothymic Disorder Eating Disorders
Elimination Disorders
Encopresis/Enuresis Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition Anorexia Nervosa
Other Disorders of Infancy, Childhood, or Substance-Induced Mood Disorder Bulimia Nervosa
Separation Anxiety Disorder/Selective Mutism (Elective Mood Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
Mutism)/Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Anxiety Disorders
Childhood/Stereotypic Movement Disorder (Stereotypy/ Sleep Disorders
Habit Disorder) Panic Disorder
Without Agoraphobia/With Agoraphobia Primary Sleep Disorders
Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic, Dyssomnias: Primary Insomnia; Primary Hypersomnia;
and Other Cognitive Disorders Agoraphobia without History of Panic Disorder Narcolepsy; Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder; Circadian
Deliria Rhythm Sleep Disorder (formerly Sleep-Wake Schedule
Delirium Due to a General Medical Condition/Substance- Specific Phobia (Simple Phobia) Disorder)/Parasomnias; Nightmare Disorder (Dream Anxi-
Induced Delirium/Delirium Due to Multiple Etiologies ety Disorder); Sleep Terror Disorder; Sleepwalking
Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder) Disorder/Sleep Disorders Related to Another Mental
Dementias Disorder
Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type; With Early Onset: if Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
onset at age 65 or below; With Late Onset: if onset after Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition
age 65/Vascular Dementia/Dementias Due to Other Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
General Medical Conditions/Substance-Induced Persisting Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder
Dementia/Dementia Due to Multiple Etiologies Acute Stress Disorder
Dyssomnia Not Otherwise Specified
Amnestic Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Includes Overanxious
Amnestic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition/ Disorder of Childhood) Parasomnia Not Otherwise Specified
Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder (refer to
specific Substance for code) Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Impulse Control Disorders Not Elsewhere
Condition Classified
Substance-Related Disorders
Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Alcohol Use Disorders
Anxiety Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Kleptomania
Amphetamine (or Related Substance) Use Disorders Somatoform Disorders
Caffeine Use Disorders Somatization Disorder
Pathological Gambling
Cannabis Use Disorders Conversion Disorder
Cocaine Use Disorders Hypochondriasis
Impulse-Control Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
Hallucinogen Use Disorders Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Adjustment Disorder
Inhalant Use Disorders Pain Disorder
Adjustment Disorder
Nicotine Use Disorders Somatoform Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
With Anxiety
Opioid Use Disorders Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder
Factitious Disorders With Depressed Mood
Phencyclidine (or Related Substance) Use Disorders
Factitious Disorder With Disturbance of Conduct
Factitious Disorder Not Otherwise Specified With Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct
With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood
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Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Additional Conditions That May Be a Focus Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Attention of Clinical Attention Antisocial Personality Disorder
Bereavement/Borderline Intellectual Functioning/Academic Borderline Personality Disorder
Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition Problem/Occupational Problem/Childhood or Adolescent Histrionic Personality Disorder
Antisocial Behavior/Adult Antisocial Behavior/Malingering Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Medication-Induced Movement Disorders Phase of Life Avoidant Personality Disorder
Problem/Noncompliance with Treatment for a Mental Dependent Personality Disorder
Relational Problems Disorder/Identity Problem/Religious or Spiritual Problem/ Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Relational Problem Related to a Mental Disorder or Gen- Acculturation Problem/Age-Associated Memory Decline Mental Retardation
eral Medical Condition/Parent–Child Relational Problem/ Mild Mental Retardation/Moderate Mental Retardation/
Partner Relational Problem/Sibling Relational Problem AXIS II Severe Mental Retardation/Profound Mental Retardation
Problems Related to Abuse or Neglect Personality Disorders
Physical Abuse of Child/Sexual Abuse of Child/Neglect of
Child/Physical Abuse of Adult/Sexual Abuse of Adult Paranoid Personality Disorder
Schizoid Personality Disorder
The DSM-IV Task Force judged that these disorders do not currently have sufficient supporting data for inclusion The key feature of this disorder is the repeated occurrence
in DSM-IV and therefore require further study. In fact, only a few of these proposed disorders will ultimately meet of binge eating. The person has impaired control over the
criteria, while others will be excluded from further consideration. Many of the more interesting disorders are discussed bingeing and is distressed by it. Compensatory behaviors,
in one or more appropriate chapters. such as those typical of bulimia nervosa, are absent.
Postconcussional Disorder Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Depressive Personality Disorder
The key features of this disorder are specific cognitive im- The key features of this disorder are marked anxiety or
pairments as well as excessive fatigue, disordered sleep, depressed mood, affective lability, and decreased interest The key feature of this disorder is a pervasive pattern of
and headaches following a head trauma that resulted in a in activities. These symptoms regularly occur during the depressive thoughts and behaviors that develops by early
concussion. week preceding menses and are never present during the adulthood and occurs in a variety of contexts. The symp-
week following it. toms are not better accounted for by dysthymia and do not
Mild Neurocognitive Disorder occur only during major depressive episodes.
The key feature of this disorder is an impairment in Minor Depressive Disorder
neurocognitive functioning that is the result of a general The key feature of this disorder is one or more periods Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder
medical condition. of depressive symptoms that have the same duration as (Negativistic Personality Disorder)
a major depressive episode but fewer and less severe
Caffeine Withdrawal symptoms. The key feature of this disorder is a pattern of negativistic
The key feature of this disorder is the experience of attitudes and the use of passive means to resist occupa-
headaches, fatigue, anxiety, nausea, or vomiting after Recurrent Brief Depressive Disorder tional and social demands. This pattern develops by early
the abrupt cessation of caffeine consumption following The key feature of this disorder is one or more periods of adulthood and occurs in a variety of contexts.
prolonged daily use of the substance. depressive symptoms. The symptoms are equal in number
and degree of impairment to those seen in a major depres- Medication-Induced Movement Disorders
Alternative Dimensional Descriptors sive episode, but they last for less than 2 weeks.
for Schizophrenia This category of disorders was designed to assist in the
A three-factor dimensional model (psychotic, disorganized, Mixed Anxiety–Depressive Disorder management of medication and the assignment of psy-
and negative) has been suggested to describe current and The key feature of this disorder is the presence of persis- chological diagnoses. The key features of these disorders
lifetime symptomatology. The psychotic factor includes tent or recurrent dysphoric mood as well as a number of are abnormal physical movements or characteristics such
delusions and hallucinations. The disorganized factor symptoms of negative affect for at least 1 month. as tremors, muscles rigidity or spasms, pacing, fidgety
includes disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, and behavior, or abnormal posture that are judged to be side
inappropriate affect. Factitious Disorder by Proxy effects of specific medications. The following diagnoses
The essential feature is the deliberate production or have been proposed for this category: Neuroleptic-
Postpsychotic Depressive Disorder feigning of physical or psychological signs or symptoms in Induced Parkinsonism, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome,
of Schizophrenia another person who is under the individual’s care. Typically Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia, Neuroleptic-Induced
The key feature of this disorder is a major depressive the victim is a young child and the perpetrator is the child’s Acute Akathisia, Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia,
episode that occurs only during the residual phase of mother. Medication-Induced Postural Tremor, Medication Induced
schizophrenia. Movement Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.
Dissociative Trance Disorder
Simple Deteriorative Disorder (Simple The key feature of this disorder is an involuntary state of
Schizophrenia) trance that is not considered normal within the person’s
The key feature of this disorder is the development of culture or religion and causes significant distress or
prominent negative symptoms (e.g., alogia, avolition) in impairment.
the absence of positive symptoms (e.g., hallucinations,
delusions) over the course of 1 year.
Source: Adapted with permission from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision. Copyright © 2000 American Psychiatric Association.
Copyright 2010 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.