1. Liza Lewis. FFA- 3; FBLA - 3, 4; I will that every student at LCHS have the
great times that I had. I hope everyone has the understanding that only a true
friend could have such as Judy Lewis.
2. Robert Lewis.
3. Tommy Lewis. Parents: John and Berveley Lewis. Science Fiction Reading Club
1; Band 1; Science Club 2; Speech & Drama 2; Beta 3, 4; Cardinal Classic -
Editor and Photographer 3, 4; Young Historians 3; Who's Who Among American
High School Students 4; I will all of my friends great futures and the Cardinal
Classic personal walk with Jesus Christ.
4 . Brenda Logan. Parents: David and Bruin Logan. Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Young
Republicans 2, 3, 4; Teens Who Care 3; FHA 4; I will Pennie Larimer the ability to
wear dull colors, Keithmo my car, Jack Smith a date, Pat Murphy my Bottle of
Ciara, Cheryl Brown a muzzle, the hick-twins nothing! And all my love to Keith
5. Irene Lowe - Parents Belua Clontz. Young Democrats 4; I will all the good
times in 3rd period to Willie Hughes. I will Sheila Fisher all the luck with Steven P .
and Glenda T. good luck with Mike. All my love to Scorpio.
6. David McBurney.
7. Steve McCowan.
8 . Deanna McCowan FHA 1; (Song Leader) 1; Young Republicans 2, 3, 4;
Teens Who Care 2; Miss LCHS Contestant 4 ; I will another Halloween night to
Missy, Marla, and Amy, to Mrs. Felts another funtastic teacher's aid and friends
like deadbeat and silly sow. To Mr. Bundy and unexcused tardy for locking the
gates. And another Spring Break like "84'' to Miss.
9. Amy McCowan - FHA 1; Young Repub. 2, 3, 4; FBLA 4; I will Mrrla, Missy,
and Dee another Halloween night. Melinda to become a dance instructor for ZZ
Top, Pat a georgia peach, Sherri a orange sucker, Denise another night of spying,
Billie another office aid like me, Kay a visit to see little spirit, Bobbie a pair of shoes.
10. Tim McCowan.
11. Angie McCravy.
12. Ray Lewis.
50 / Seniors
1. Becky McDaniel. Parents: Buddy and Yvonne McDaniel: I will all my love to that special
guy, and to Shan B. thanks for being my best friend for 12 years. To Garnet B. hang in there.
Tonya P. remember all the fun times we've had. Remember the monkey suit.
2 . Sharon McHargue . Parents: Robert and Evelyn McHargue. Deca 3, 4 (Treasurer) I will be
the best person I can be and not join the army. I will all my love to Mom, Dad, Grandma,
Grandpa, and Acar Askins. I will Tommy Carmack all the luck and happiness In the world . I
will everyone everywhere peace on Earth.
3. Mike McNulty . Parents Judy and George McNulty. Chess Club 1, 2; Track 1, 2, 3, 4;
Football1, 2, 3, 4; French 2, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4 - (President) and Parliamentarian
Junior Jear, Science 3 (Treasurer) Mu Alpha Theta 3, 4; (Historian and Reporter) Olympica
of the Mind 4; I will to Dorren all my love and the happiness in life can give. To Travis a day
without pranko - To Mullins - Kaye , Robin, and Jana, my luck and friendship forever.
Mom and Dad my love and Thank you.
4. Rhonda McQueen. •
5. Terry McQueen.
6. Stephanie McVay. Parents Mike and Marilyn McVay. I wiiJ to ''Bruises" "Rate;" " Li Ia" a
acog•kleasasnodfsKodooa,i-aAnidd many more good times at our special spots! K.L. TO S .H. ability to enjoy
to Mark who is still in my heart A ball Glove with no holes, to Joella, to
Denver another locker buddy like me! Luck to R. A. stay out of trouble, little brother!
7. Que,ntin McWhorter. Parents. Quentin and Brenda McWhorter. Football!, 2, 3, 4; Prayer
and Sh~re 1; FCA 2, 4; FFA 4; I will Henry Rudder a new cup: S. M. a boyfriend P. A. my
jersey; crazy my facemask; Nater a hall pass K. C. suck with C . V. My brother Sandy
Philpot; Bird Daddy a new hair style.
8. Todd Maggard. Parents. Sue and Charles Wright. Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Prayer and Share 1;
FCA 2, Young Historians 4. I will cr(}ZY, my locker; Morris, a good time with Denver. I will
Pam Proffitt a R/ R and a kiss. Kelly Brown some guy. I will Coach Polly a State Champion·
ship. Another Kiss to Pam.
9. Kevin Marcum.
10. Ronnje Marcum.
11 . Keith Mardis. Parents Faye and Lindsey Mardis. Young Republicans 2, 3; Young
Historians 2, 3; I will Greg Greer the ability to be more like me, Tim McCowan the ability to
drive, Feff Brown my ability to pick up women, Kelly Walton a trip to Wood's Creek, Nancy
Warren a deck of cards.
12. Cindy Martin . Parents: Annitta Martin . 4-H 1; FHA 1, 2; Student Council 2, 3; FBLA 4; I
will Mom and Dad thanks for everything. Dewayne may all you dreams come true. Todd
Messer, aU of my love and may God Bless you!! Rhonda, May you have a raise in your
Seniors f 51
1. Paula Martin.
2. Theresa Martin. •
3 . Tom Martin.
4. Travis Mason. Parents: James and Thelma Mason. Chess Club 1, 2; Track 2, 3; Track
Manager 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 3; Football Manager 3, 4; Science Club
3, 4 - Treasurer; Computer Club 3, 4; FBLA 4; I will to Tommy (Murdock) Wyatt my
forever friendship and a truck load of "trash bags," Mike McNulty a day without pranks,
Craig Getz a 50-foot Bon-Fire, Penny Bentley all my love and heart to my family a deserved
thank you, to Miss Bowling some organization.
5. Tammy Mastin. Parents: Daryl and Sally Mastin. Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin 2, 3; l will to all
my great friends who called me odie a stomach to K. D. a great time In her many high school
years and In Band. And to C . H. the ability to play her clarinet as great as I do
6. Robin Renee Maxey. Parents: Cecil and Shirley Maxey. Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4; Vice Presi·
dent Freshman Class 1, FHA 1 - Vice President; Band 1; Varsity Track 1; Pep Club 1;
Prayer and Share 1; 1st Runner Up Miss LCHS pageant - 3, Speech & Drama Club 2, 3
- President; 4 - President; FCA 2; TWC 2 - Secretary 3 - Secretary 4 - Secretary:
Speech Team 3, 4; HOSA 3, 4; Rotary Youth Leadership Award 3: Who's Who Among
American High School Students 4; I will to Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Thanks for aU the love and
guidance, To Miss Bowling a beautiful wedding, to aU B.V.C.'s a 1st place cheerleading
trophy. To Mr. T . Rudder all the crazy costumes To all my friends, thanks for making
L.C.H.S. enjoyable.
7. Denver Mays. Baseball! , 2, 3, 4; Key Club 3, 4 ; I will Mr. Happy a long and fulfilling life,
to Mike I wlll Beth, To Greg all of the F.B. he can drink . To the Baseball team another star
like me to K. B. a new car and P.M. and to me and Mike a good time at EKU (in Richmond).
8 . Theresa Mayton Parents - Maynard and Virginia Mayton Prayer and Share 1; Pep
Club 1; Band 1, 2, 3; Basketball manager 1; Teens Who Care 2, Young Republicans 3, 4; I
will to Sheldon H. my splattered baby egg; my great personality to Stan R. who calls my
Resa; To Sandy, Susan, and Paulette a special thank you; and to Reggie and Kandi my
friendship forever.
9. Darrell Melton . Parents - Vick and Patsy Melton . Vica 3; I will to Joe Smith, my best
jokes of "84,85" To Ron my old football helmet to "Catfish" my dirty old tennis shoes and to
Randy a locker by himself for next year.
10. Sophia Melton. Parents - Henderson and Verg1e Melton, Drama 1, 2, 3, 4; FHA -
Parliamentarian, 1; Band 1; Young Democrats 2, 3, 4; Choir - All-State - 2; All Festival
2; Annual Staff - Editor 4 ; Annual Staff 3 , 4; I will my friends the best out of life, because
they aU deserve it. To Sherri Hammons S.C. to Ranme Bernhole, Pat Murphy, and Jeff
Brown the "Ring Man." To my mom and dad thanks for being understanding and giving me
so much.
11. Todd Messer. Parents - Eddie and Glenda Messer. Young Republicans 3, Vica 4;
FBLA 4; I will to all my friends all the happiness in the World, to my Mom and Dad thanks
for being so wonderful, to Cyndl Martin all my love. May God Bless you .
12. Charlotte Miller.
52 I Seniors
1. Joe Mitchell. Parents. Shermen and Alma Henderson. Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track
3, 4; I will Ketta my locker and a great Jr. and Sr., year and all my love Jamaal-
akeem. My cool Mr. Patton a sense of humor.
2. Linda Minter.
3. Charlotte Moore.
4. Connie Moore - Parents. Eugene Moore and Nellie Moore. FBLA 2, 4; Chorus
2, 3, 4; (Treasurer) Teens Who Care 3; Young Dem 4; I will my love to my faithful
friends, to my Family for their love and support; and to God for the strength and
faith I needed during those trying moments. I also will my love to the one special
person in my life; to everyone - success. •
5. Dewayne Morgan.
6. Mike Morris - Parents: William and Brenda Morris. Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Captain;
FBLA 3; Key Club 4; I will the best of luck to Coach Polly and next years football
team. To Greg and Todd I will future success and happiness. To Beth I will my love.
I would like to thank the Cheerleaders for their support. Finally, I will Denver and
myself a great time at EKU.
7. Stephanie Morris - Parents: Tim and Margaret Morris. Mu Alpha Theta 2, 3;
Pep 1; 'Library 2; Beta 2, 3; Governor's Scholar 3; I will to Deb, a triple decker,
peanut butter sandwich: To Donna, Mel, Robin, Jeanie and Suzy - a senior year
as hreat as mine; To Barry, my love and my heart forever, and a life with as much
joy and happiness in it as he has given me.
8. John Mullins. •
9. Tracey Mullins. FBLA 2, 3; Vica 3, 4; French 2, 3; Young Rep. 1; Track 1, 2; I
will my old locker to Gayle Hopkins, Thank you to my Mom and Dad and all my
love to Anthony Brummett.
10. Willetta Nantz - Parents: Lonnie and Lois Nantz. FBLA 2, 3, 4; Young
Republicans 2, 3; I will Bonnie a pair of boots that match. To Charlotte an actual
trip to the Maverick on me and Susan.
11. Vince Mullins.
12. Pat Murphy -Parents:
Seniors/ 53
-r \ 't,
-, "--'' •
l. •
1. Jennifer Napier - Parents: Patsy and Bentley Napier. Prayer & Share 1; French 2; Beta
4; I will special thanks to my Mom and Dad. All the luck in the world to my sister, Deanna
and Tammy P . Thanks to Theresa for always being there when I needed her.
2. Ronald Wade Napier - Parents: AJonco and Shirley Napier . Band 1, 2, 3, 4; 4-H 1; Stu-
dent Council 3, 4; Hosa 4 - President; Who's Who 4; I will to Cheryl B., a new reputation,
Leslie C. a clean criminal record. Jenn, the remembrance of all our exciting experiences. To
Joni a bigger mouth, Soher foot will fit in It better. To Trina, the ability to make up her mind.
Henry G. ..Taboo" & Michelle B. a mountain medicine kit.
3. Tami Napier - Parents: Dorothy Napier. Art 4 - Secretary; I will Seymore Dennis and
James to Susan and Wiletta. To Shire and Phyllis all the happiness In the world and to the
juniors all my Senior privileges.
4. Jane Neeley - Parents: Doie (Rader} Neeley. Deca 4; I will all my love to my grand-
parents and to my mom . All the luck in the world to my sisters all my thanks to Jenifer
Napier for being a special friend , and with all my love to Jummy Napier
5 . Jennifer Nicholson . Drama 1 - Secretary; 4-H 1, 2, 3, - Secretary; Band 1, 2, 3 , 4;
Young Rep. 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3; Regional and State Speech team 3; Latin 4 - Presi-
dent. I wlll to Cheryl a clone of Rod Stewart and my friendship forever; Sweet Lou a por-
table toilet; and Ron a core for guilties. To Les a carton of eggs and my practivac jokes; John
(pt's) a filing cabinet for tardy slips and a life long supply of M.J . to Robyn, a con of pink
spray paint and a X-Rated movie; Patti, Mr. Right. And to all of my "Lian" members my
love and best wishes.
6. Bruce Nicley.
7. Regina Nicholson. Hosa 3, 4 ; I wlll, to my parents my love, for giving me courage to keep
on when I was ready to quit. To Letcher and Carter all my friendship; and to aU my teachers
another student like me and to my cousin Barb "We finaJJy made it."
8. Ben Norton.
9. Sherr! Lynn North. Parents: Harold and Ada Bowling. FFA 3; Hosa 4; I will Gina, Renee,
Lois, Joyce, the ability to have a red bird. To William my Elvis Presley tape. And to Wayne
aU my love. And to Mrs. Sharp another class like her a.m. class and thanks to my sister.
10. Mitzi Onkst. Parents: Jesse and Wanda Onkst. Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Regional Band 3; Beta 1,
3, 4 ; 4-H 1; Pep 1; Mu Alpha Theta 1, 2, 3, 4; I will my love and thanks to my parents; to
John Adams my undying love and all the happiness he has given me; to Beth, her favorite
dessert and a trip to Martinique; a degree in pediatrics to Paulette; two more terrific years at
LCHS to Usa and Robin, more great bands like us C84-'85) to Mr. Walker; and the love of
Jesus Christ to everyone.
11. Rita Onkst. Parents: Veron and Joyce Onkst. Pep 1; 4-H 1; Latin 2; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; I
will Brenda the ability to back around Mickey D's without getting killed . KD and CH fight it
out for 1st To Mr. Walker, a winning band. Todd B. a Ufetime supply of dumb blond jokes.
LS the ability to keep up with "Gronnys" ducks.
12. Debbie Owens. Parents James H. and Betty Owens. Pep Club 1; Tennis Club 1; Tennis
Team 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Young Republicans 2, 3 , Mu Alpha Theta 2, 3; Show
Choir 2, 3, 4; I will to Stephanie Morris the ability to get rid of the dreaded "racoon eyes. "
To Mrs. Osborne (Mom), a bright young talented hardworking accompanist to take my place,
and a key chain with a homing device. And to Donnie Philpot, I will my healthy heart, my
wordJy possessions, and all of my love.
54 / Seniors
1. Kathy Parker. I Kathy Parker, will all my love to Charles Ray Snyeder. My soon
to be husband and my family Elvia Hurlley and Marien Parker and to all the
students that want to take accounting next year in Mrs. Jones Class.
2 . Mike Parsley. Parents: David and Norma Parsley. Band 1, 2, 3 , 4; Mu Alpha
Theta 2; Beta Club 4; I will to my teachers the gratification in my heart to Mr.
Walker all the respect that only he will know, and to the most beautiful and wonder-
ful girl I know, I give my everlasting love and admiration. I love you Jami!!!
3. Barry Parsons.
4. Tina Parsons. Parents: Coy and Elva Parsons. Art Club 1; Beta Club 3, 4; FBLA
3, 4 - Vice. Pres. I will Glenn Chesnut my undying love and care. Love and thanks
to D and H and the rest of the family - I Love you all. 'To J and H. all my friends
happiness always. And to Mrs. Hulett a free 5th period.
5. Thomas Parton.
6 . Kinny Parrot. Chorus 3 - Treas. 4 - Treas. All Festival 4; All state 4; Show
Choir 3, 4; Concert Choir 3 , 4 ; I Kjnny Parott hereby will Mrs. Osborne (Mom) all
the tenors she can find . I will Mrs. Clark someone else to be late to class everyday. I
will Todd Orill the Best. Love To ALL
7. Lore•!a Patterson.
8. Tammy Patton. Parents: Randall and Eubie Patton. Prayer Share 1; Young
Repub. 1, 2; Teens Who Care 3 ; FBLA 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; I will a special thanks
to my parents for all their love and support. To Sandy Philpot the one special guy,
and a life time friendship. To Kip Jervis, thanks for making my senior year the best
ever and all my love. To the Senior Cheerleader the best of luck, and thanks for a
special year.
9. Sheila Pennington. Drama 1; Chorus 1, 3; FBLA 2, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; I
will all my books to Joy Robinson. I will all the luck in the world to Erika Beaman
and Brett Woodward. I also will good luck to all of my friends .
10. Ronnie Patton.
11. Melissa Proffitt
12. Barbara Rally
Seniors / 55
1. Patty Peters. Parents: Authur and Orpha Peters. 4-H 1, 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4;
Young Repub. 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3; Latin Club 4 - Secretary. I will to
Kim G. faonrdmAamkiyngC.mmyosree• npioero pyleealriksepemceiatlo, march by. I will to Henrietta and Tina,
thanks To john H. a real mercedes. To Lion
another trip to Jen and Roba "Hotel Room". ToLes and Marlon 1 wild night and
Kyle - Ron my ambition to give hickies. And B.V. all my love.
2. Thereas Lynn Peters. Art 1; FBLA 4; I will all our baby powder fights to R. M.
To Jennings Brock all of Timmy's love. To all the Keavy boys graveyard mamas
revenges. All love to J. M. and all my love and thanks to my friends and especially
my family for their continued love and help through the years.
3. Carrie Ann Peltzer.
4. Sandra Elaine Philpot. Parents: Rollan and Doris Philpot. Young Repub. 1;
Prayer and Share 1; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; Teens Who Care 2, 3; FBLA 4; FCA 2; I
will Tammy Patton; everlasting friendship. To the Senior BV's the best out of life.
The Junior BV's luck with next years squad. To my "cutie-button (Todd Bearup) a
" great" senior year, my eternal love. To my mom; a special thanks for all her love
and devotion.
5. Joey Pittman. Parents: James and Betty Pittman. Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band Club 4;
Chorus 4; I wiU to Mr. K. Smith two more smart students like Teddy W. and myself,
another Math Bowl championship. Mike Polly, the ability to have the brains of a
mad scientist. To Kenny K., a better freshman class trumpet line, and last but not
least, Mr. Jack Walker. To you I will at least on'? Murfeesboro championship and
another trumpet line to take my place. on the marching field.
6. LeTonya Sue Poindexter. Parents: James and Jackie Poindexter. 4·H 1; Art 1;
Deca 2, 3; Y. Hist. 3; I will all my love to Joey D. Baker; my friendship to Tammy,
Denise and Becky; a spoon to Shawn C. a hug to Marty; and my nova to anyone
whom can keep it running.
7. Donna Po]Jt;. :--arents: C. C. and Lou Pope. Band 1; FBLA 2, 3; l will to David all
the fun times I've had at LX. To Valirie all the happiness, in the world. My thanks
to my mom and dad for all their support and all my love to Roger forever.
8. Kathy Pope. Parents: Roy and Peggy Pope. Reading Club 1; Band 1, 2, 3; Latin
2, 3, 4; Beta 4 ; I will Carolyn Houston the ability to play the clairnet as good as me
and Odie and also the ability to find a guy she can stay with more than a week; and
to Jeannine W., all the passion pink in the world; and to everyone else, a good life.
9. Peggy Powell.
10. James Powell.
11 . Joanathan Prewitt.
12. Anita Pridemore.
56 / Seniors
1. Billy Reams.
2. Jil Reams. Parents: Jimmie and Doris Reams. Crafts Club 1; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; 4-H
1; Latin 2 ; Beta 3, 4; Teens Who Care 3; FBLA 3; Mu Alpha Theta 4; I will to Jana
and Mel, all the fun and luck possible in Band: to Sherri, Sonya, and April, all my
love for the special times: and to SH SR MP EH and ML my love and thanks for be-
ing such great friends.
3 . Darin Reed. Basketball 1, 2; FCA 1, 2; Speech and Drama 2, 3; I will Greg
Smallwood and Jody Binder a year supply of skoal, all my troll brothers a piece of
tree bark, Rodney Hibbitts a new stomach and Jimmy Handy a haircut, and aU my
love to that special girl.
4. Grant Reed Ill. Science Fiction Reading Club 1; History Team 1. 2, 3; 4-H 1, 2,
3, 4; Science Club 1, 2, 3; Student Council 2, 4; Computer 3; Scholastic Challenge
4; Academic Team 4; I will all the anger of Mr. Weave to the people who attempt
to be on the Laurel County Academic Team. I will all the teachers I've had to all
the students that are unfortunate enough to have them. Good Luck, you'll need it!!!
5 . Tod Reed. Parents: Jack and Minie Reed. Key Club 2, 3, 4 ; I will my personality
to Mr. Wison, My " V" to Terry Young, My cowboy boots to Derrick Swonner, My
onl9 Zeppelin Record to Keith Langley, all I learned to Coach Polly and aJI of my
love toTeresa Smith.
6. Wayne Reed. FFA 1, 2, 3, 4; I will all the good times I've had to my brother and
any upcoming agriculture students a new advisor.
7. Lisa Reeves. FCA 1, 2; Pep Club 1; FBLA 2, 4; Yeung Republicans 3; I will to
Kellie "Head" Karr the ability to Scooby-Doo. To Lisa Felts the ability to say "I'm
Mad!" To J . M. the ability to try to get D. A. To my friends LF, JJ, SF, and FJ the
future full of luck. To alJ the love of God and to Michael Barton my love. Special
thanks to my parents. •
8. Greg Reynolds. Football 1, 2; FCA 2; Latin 4; I will Denver a life supply of
toothpeck to Mike I will Beth's body. To Todd a gallon ofTJ Swan. To J . Brock all
the trouble he can get into. To Edwina what she wants. What ever that Is.
9. Ray Reynolds.
10. Le Gynne Rice.
11 . Scott Rice.
12. Jack Riley. Football 1, 2, 3, 4; I will the corner to David " Hoot" Gibson" To
women to William "Cool Willie" Hughes. My good looks to all the women to lust
after me. To coach Polly another safety as good as I am. To Gator (Joe Mitchell}
and Ketta my lunch card. My toothpick to no one because nobody is as cool as me.
And it's mine!!! Mrs. Deaton somebody that's as handsome as me.
Seniors / 57
1. Stan Riley. Parent. Frances Riley. Band 1, 2 , 3, 4; Pep Club 1; I will my cool to
David Gibson who needs it very much and to Teresa (Rosa) Mayton I leave my
friendship forever and to KF my lover for life. And to future band rats I will good
luck cause you'll need it.
2. Marie Roark. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. James A. Roark. Band 2, 3, 4; TWC 2;
Track 2; Chorus 4; FBLA 4; Vica 4; will my rifle to anyone who is willing to hold on
to it and my chorus folder to (Katrina) aU my love to Mr. Walker who has always
helped me and been there when we needed him.
3. Marty Robbins.
4. Danika Roberts.
5. Debbie Robinson.
6. Keith Robinson.
7. Kim Robinson.
8. Tammie Root.
9. Robert Roth.
10. Debbie Rudder. Parents: Anna Le.e Rudder. FBLA 2; VICA 4; I will to Kim and
Sandy a great future . To Lisa the ability to stay out of trouble. And most of alii wiJJ
my everlasting love to that one special guy " MD" (I love you) A special thanks to all
of my good friends {I love ya all.)
11. Connie Rush. Parents: Dennis and Janice Rush. Band 1, 3, 4; Pep Club 1;
Young Rep. 2, 3, 4 ; Student Council3, 4; I wUI My one "tone" to Bob Woods, more
laughs and orange Maidenform panties to Sherri H. and to Todd G. a whole family
of ccGrowlies." May Sonya H's future future son be a b. ball star. Her daughter
another Baryshnikov; To Trava much fun In his 67 red Lmons." May Buscalgia teU
Mr. Wis psych. classes more about "lov.''
12. Mark Rush.
58 / Seniors
1. Abe Sasser - Parents: Abe and Ruby Sasser. Basketball - 2, 3; V. Pres.
Junior Class - 3; V. Pres - Math Club - 3, 4 - Pres. Beta Club - Pres 4;
Academic Team 4.
2. Pam Sasser - Parents. Leon and Barbara Sasser. 4-H 1; Young Democrat 1;
Vica 3, 4; Secretary 3; I will all the love, Joy, and Happiness to my older sister
Miranda for always being there when I needed her. And Best of Luck to Vincelea
and Joe.
3. Teddy Schmidt.
4. Liz Scott - Parents. Robert and Betty Jo Moore. FHA 1; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Pep
Club 1; Young Democrats 2, 3, 4 - Secretary and Treasurer; TWC 2; Speech &
Drama 3; All-Festival Choir 3; Student Council 3; FBLA 4; I will my bird suit to the
future Boy's Varsity Mascot and hope they'll have as much fun as I have had. And
to my friends I wish them the best of luck in the years to come.
5. Jackie Seeley.
6. Darryll Shepard.
7. Paulette Sides - Parents. A. C. and Pauline Sides. Beta - 1 Vice pres, 3, 4 V.
Pres. Band - 2, 3; Mu Alpha Theta 2; Academic All-American 3; Who's Who 3;
Governor's Scholar 3; National Science Merit Scholarship 3; Academic Team 4;
Speech4; Senior Advisory Council 4; 1 will the best of luck to the Academic Team
and my sincere gratitude to J . Cox, C. Gregory. Mr. Rudder, and E. Rudder for all
their help and patience. I especially want to will my love to my parents and Abe for
aU their support.
8 . Steve Simpson. ..
9. Charles Sizemore.
10. Debbie Sizemore.
11 . Lisa Sizemore.
12. Alan Slusher- Parents. Wm Wade and Sandra M. Slusher. Beta 1 - Pres, 4;
Young Rep. 1; 4-H 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 2, 3; French 2; Stu-
dent Council 2; Governors Scholar 3; I will patience and understanding to anyone in
band; you will need it. I will all the great times and fun to F. W., A. K., T. B., M. E.,
and Buzz. I also will B. S., a real personality at his own. Seriously, I thank everyone
at L.C.H.S. for the best years of my life.
Seniors / 59
1~ )lOTIO...\ I.
1. Betty Smith. ·
2. Bonnie Smith. Parents: Luther and Louise Smith. I will to my best friend Diane
Cowden and all the students at Laurel County Hjgh School the best of luck in the
3. Brenda Gail Smith. Parents: George and Mary Smith. FBLA 2 ; Vica 3, 4; I will to
Melissa Ron, to Reba and Linda all the guys they can handle. To Mary Chuck Johns
and to Kim and Randy Best of Luck.
4. Brenda Smith. Parents: Cecil and Mary Smith. Reading Club 1; Band 1, 2, 3, 4;
Young Rep. 2; 4-H 3; I will to Riga the ability not to flush her contacts. To " Odie"
the ability to stay quiet for 2 seconds. To them and also ''Bonfire" and "Freaks"
another great Halloween with a couch, and to future Band members Good Luck
(You'll need it).
5. Chester Smith.
6 . Cliffton Smith.
7. David Smith. Art Club 2; Academic Team 4; I will to my loyal and trusty friend
Perry Sturgill, my dog Spanker; To Randy Lewis, my Hersheys Chocolate MiJk. To
Christine Thompson my boxing gloves. To Deronda Thompson, I leave my most
coveted possession my intelligence. There are aU my worldly possessions, use them
wisely my friends.
8. James Smith.
9. Joe Smith. All-Festival Choir 2, 3, 4 ; All-State Choir 3, 4; FBLA 4; I will aJl my
love to Debbie Owens who has been a inspiration to me. Good-Luck Coach Polly. I
will my singing talent to Jeff Binder and Carl Weaver (Good-Luck - Good luck
10. Linda Smith.
11 . Louis Smith. Parents: Buster and Carolyn (Dixon) Smith. Most School Spirit 4 ;
Band 1, 2, 3, 4; - Drum Major; Student Council 2; Rep 3, 4 ; All-Festival Band 1;
All-Region Band 2; 4-H Pledge leader 3 - VP, 4 - Secretary; Drama 1 - Presi-
dent; 3 - Treasurer; 4 - Program Committee; Speech Team 2, 3; Who's Who 3;
I will another smelly tuna to Cheryl, a new pinto wagon to John G, my favorite
number to Rob , more giggles and pranks to Jen, another park ranger to John M,
and obscene Phone call to Pat, a dry eye to Beth, and many more years of a super
Band to Future Band Rats.
60 I Seniors
1. Melinda Smith. Reading Club 1; FBLA 2, 3, 4; Young Repub. 3, 4; I will to Amy
a great pair of legs; to Sherri an orange jacket; to Pat a Georgia Peach~ Brenda and
Denise another concert like AC DC; Billie another office aid like me; Hope, Elaine,
Bridgett, and Julie the best of luck; Miss Bowling another class like 4th; Kevin, a
good hunting trip; All my love to Kenny.
2 . Ronnie Smith. Football 2, 3; VICA 4 ; I will Jerry King a body; Looks and com·
mon sense; Jimmy Hedrick muscles like mine. Luck for all who enter the doors at
L.C.H.S.; Mrs. McWhorter the patience to put up with someone like me and my
bad attitude.
3 . Shirley Susan Smith. Parents - Kenneth R. and Shirley (Fiuckizer) Smith; FBLA
4; I will John Holmes to Bonnie, April and Jamie M.; A renault to Tammy; To
Cha' rlotte 1will an actual trip to the Maverick on me and Willetta.
4. Teresa Smith. Parents- Leroy and Thelma Smith; Teens Who Care 2; HOSA
3; I will a1l the happiness in the world and the best of luck to my friend Jennifer
Napier: And all my love to Todd Reed.
5. James Snyder. FFA 2, 3, 4; I will all my books and homework back to my
6. Greg Southerland.
7. Steven Sparkman.
8. Beth Spivey.
9. Sheila Sprinkles.
10. Vickie Stewart.
11 . Mike Stivers.
12. Billie Jo Stokes.
Seniors / 61
1 . Paul Sturgill - Parents. Paul R. and Lucretia Sturgill. Art Club 1; FFA 2, 3, 4; Reporter.
I will to Mike Farley all the .Luck In the world and the best friend a person could ask for. To
Kathy, Phillips all my love and Care. And to my brothers all the fun I've had at L.C.H.S.
2. Kristin Maria Sullivan - Parents: Judge 0 ' and Paula (Schroerlucke) Sullivan. 4-H 1;
Science Club 1; Science Fiction Club 1; Student Council 1, 2, 3; Boy's Varsity Cheerleader
2, 3, 4 ; FCA 2; Teens Who Care 2, 3; Class officer- Treasurer 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Rep. 2,
3 ; Who's Who 3; Leadership Award 3; FBLA 3, 4 - Treasurer, District and Regional
Delegate; Recipient of the J oe White Citizenship Award 4; I will Libby (Bean Head) aiJ my
friendship and an Icecream cone. To Sandy (Dean) multiple Choice. To Ms. Bubble an even-
ing with D. C. To my sister B.V. Cheerleader. To Dad, Paula, and Grandma Love and
Thanks!! I My Grandfather love and may your soul rest in heaven. Brian Keller all my love.
To Lisa, Lynn, Karen, Jennifer, a trip to texas.
3. Tammy D. Sutton. FBLA 3, 4; I will James L. Mary H. Sutton, I will my dull locker to
anyone enough to quality.
4 . Derrick Swanner - Parents: Samue~ B. Swanner and Nellie Swanner. Vica 4.
5 . David M. Sweet - Parents. Jessie and Dora Lee Sweet. Reading Club Vice Pres 1; 4-H
1, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 2, 3 - Vice Pres. Mu Alpha Theta 2; Olympics of the
Mind 4; I David M. Sweet Hereby decree the following: To Michelle Young my highest quali-
ty as a Baritone and person and my Baritone with all of our tradition. To Todd Stepher, a
year 's supply of Beef Sticks. To all of my underclassmen friends, with special love to Cin-
namon, Jeannine, and especially Becky Rendner , these words: " All we are is Dust In the
Wind. "
6 . Sean Swinney - Parents. Tom Swinney and Judy McKnight. Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ; French
Club 3; FBLA 3, 4; I will to my little marching buddy, Todd Stopher, " my marching
Baritong." I will the ability to yell at all the underclassmen in the Baritone Section to Michelle
Young, and I will to my favorite buddy and best friend, Robin Brooks, all the love that she
has given to me.
7. Green Turner- Parents. Josepline Mary and Green Berry Turner. Chess Club 1; Tripple
"S" 1; De D Club 1, 2 , 3, 4; Science 2, 3, 4; 4-H 3 ; Band 1 Green Turner lll, Being of sound
mind and body hereby decree the following - My +30 double handed sword to Bungo, the
habbit; my bag of holding and its contents to Hawk, the slayer; my ring of invisibiUty to
Bloody Arcon of Munga; and the test of my belongings to my beloved wife sparkess.
8. Sheila Taylor - Parents. Mr and Mrs. Robert Walstrom . FHA 1; Mu Alpha Theta 3;
Drama Club 3; Latin Club 4; I will Tim Smallwood all my love To Patty, Rena, Reggie and to
aU of my friends will that all your dreams come true. Mom and Dad, thanks! I love you!!!
9 . Melissa Thomas.
10. Rena Tolbert - Parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Tolbert. Art Club 1; Vocational Work Ex-
perience 3; FHa 4; I will another class as good as we were to Mrs.Bundy, and to Kim Sheila,
Vicki, and the rest of my friends everything they ever wanted.
11 . Marla Trosper - Parents. Julian and Shirley Trosper. Young Republicans 1, 2, 3, 4 -
Reporter; Basketball1, 2, 3, 4; Class Reporter 2, 3; FBLA 2, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 4 ; I will my
basketball uniform to anyone who thinks she can play up to the Laurel County name; to
Missy, Amy, and Doe another Halloween night; to Kelly and Jill a State Championship; to
Miss Bowling another great 4th period; and all my love to Mark Roberts.
12. Glenda Tuttle.
62 / Seniors
1. Scott Tyree.
2 . Mike Vandeventer. Young Republicans 1, 2 , 3 ; 4-H 1; Vica 3, 4; I will all my
good times at Laurel County to my friends and to Mr. Thompson and Mr. Polly bet-
ter classes with better students.
3. Janha Vaughn.
4. Rhonda Vaughn.
5. Stephen Vaughn. Parents: Earl Eugene and Vivian Vaughn. Young Republicans
1; Science Club 2, 3 , 4; Young Historians 2; 4-H 3; Vica 3; Who's Who 4; I will Mr.
Weaver a new head and a jump rope, Dewayne some clean underwear, Bob a big-
ger handkerchief, M. L. and M. H. a cornndoll, Stephen Bales one of my old
girlfriends since he can't get one of his own, and toT. C. my Mustang and all my
great times at LCHS.
6. Emmitt Waddle.
7. Glenn Wadgers.
8. Tony Wadgers.
9 . James Kevin Walden. Parents: Gary and Elizabeth Walden. I will all the good
times a,nd bad times and all my lockers, to my brother the whole rotten High School
and hope he gets all the old rotten teachers that I had and all the leaks in the roof to
future students.
10. Libby Walden. Parents: Glae and Tommie Lou Walden. Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4;
Band 1; Track 1; Home Ec. 1; Student Councill -Treasurer. Teens Who Care 2;
4-H 1, 4; Science 4; Speech & Drama 3 - Secretary, 4 - Secretary; Speech
Team 2 , 3 , 4; Tennis 3, 4; Golf 3 , 4; Beta 3 , 4; Rotary 3; Principals list 1, 2 , 3, 4;
1st runner up in Miss LCHS Senior Year. I will to my parents, all my love and
thanks; to my sister, B.V. Cheerleader; to Kristy (Teen face) more laughs, hugs,
and a new body; to Robin, a new pair of tights, another mirror, and a new guy; to
Becky, 1st woman pres. and to everyone else, the love of God.
11. Alex D. Walker. Parents: John E. and Judy L. Walker. Baseball!; French 2, 3,
4; Computer 4 ; I will Slusher, Coach, Walker, Herndon, an Attitude Adjustment,
Mrs. Bundy a son-in-law with a big nose. Quinto and Coal Bucket th have the watch
me eat a king size snickers, To Bob my Billy Idol Gloves.
12. Ron van Norton.
SenJors / 63
1 Kim Walker.
2. Nancy Walker
3. Steve Walker. French 2, 3, 4; FootbaJI 3; Computer 4; I will to good times to all
those who have helped me and the bad times to those who didn't care. I'm taking
all my personal belongings with me.
4 . Rick L. Ward. Vlca. I will the masonry shop to Mr. Harris, and now I'm in
welding shop on the hill and fayet is alright.
5 . Kathy Wardrup (Baldwin) - Parents: Clarence and Bernice Wardrup. Art: 2, 3;
Industrial Arts: 4; I will to my loving husband Sam all the love and Caring that I can
give him. Thanks to my mom and Dad for the help during my school years. and to
Darlene Williams for being such a great sister!!!
6. Nacy Warren. Parents· Calvin and Marcedo Warren. Cheerleader 1, 2; Pep Club
1, 2, 3; Drama Club 1; FCA 2; Twc 2, 3 , 4; Young Repub 3, 4; I will to Karla E. a
great senior year, also a threesome!!! To Deanna F. the ability to skip with us and
hope she never has to go "6" months again, To Cheryl B. a trip to Flonda, a Kuna~
and a lifelong friendship. Ketth and Greg a deck of cards and room 135.
7 . Judy Wells. Parents: Mr. Ellis and Lottie Wells. Pep Club 1; FBLA 2; French 2,
3, 4 ; Young Hist 3; Hosa 4; I will to Michelle Gibson a turbo booster for her car so
we can finally be home on time! To Angie a yellow, neon shirt to match her hair!!
To Paige, the talent to figure out ''Pink Floyd" to Kandie and Tonjua lots of
Babies!!! To Tina, a never-endin9. Saturday night with Glenn!! To Steve Bledsoe a
week at Charm School!!! To S. R. another girl just like me to HF, all my love
8 . Bobbie White. Young Pep. 1 - Pres. 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Team Capt.)
Sophomore Class Pres. French Club 2; Junior Class Pres. Teens Who Care 3, 4 -
Vice Pres. Beta 3, 4 (Sec); Senior Class Pres. Football Homecoming Queen 4; Miss
LCHS 4 ; Miss Laurette 4; I will my parents all my love and thanks; my sisters a
great time at LCHS: Kelly Srruth someone else to run into; Mark Huff all my love;
GV B-Ball Team a State Championship. Lisa J . a great time at college. S. R. a 4th
period pal. Everyone the Love of Jesus Christ.
9 . Michelle Wells.
10. Mike Wells.
11 . Kim White.
12. Kevin Whittacker. Chess 2; VICA 3 , 4; I Will all my school possessions in-
cluding my broken down locker to anyone who wants them. Also, all the problems
of machine shop to Greg and Tony.
64 / Seniors
1. Billy Joe Williams. I will my auto body work to my brother Paul Williams and hopes he
does a good job.
2. Darlene Williams. Parents - Hasque and Pansy Williams. Band 1; Student Council 1;
Basketball Homecoming Queen 1; FBLA 2, 3; Young Historians 2, 3; VICA 4 ; I will to my
Dad and Mom thank you for all the faith you had In me during my high school year. To David
Stanley Coffey "my love forever" and " my life for always"! To my friends live your lives to
their fullest. K~thy and Sam kiss kiss.
3. Fernie Williams. Parents - Fernie and Robbie Williams. Cross Country 1; Chess Country
1; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 1; French Club 2; 4-H 2, 3; Computer Club 3 {Vice-
President), 4 {Vice-President); Science Club 3, 4; Who's Who 3, 4.
4. Kathy WiJson. Parents - Roy and Marie Wilson: Art Club; DECA: ZZ CLUB; I will my
love to Tony (and my Chevelle); Judy a book rack for the top of her car; Loretta bionic legs;
Jeff, love and happiness; Miss Bowling a great first period Business Law class like ours! Anna
a million dollars. . •
5 . Bob Woods. Football; basketball; Track; Key Club; I will to Darin and Robin the "BIG
ONE". To Brian K. a steady girlfriend; Brian C. tough luck; To Jennings Brock a girl to flirt
with who doesn' t have a boyfriend; and last but not least to A.M .L.; P.S. Lou, someone to go
to th•e prom with.
6. Herbert Woods.
7. Brett Woodward.
8. Bryan'Woodward.
9. Darren Wyatt. Parents- Bill and Lowana Wyatt. Ind . Arts; 4-H; VICA; VICA Science; I
will all my books back to my teacher. All my chemistry home work to Mr. Williams. A elec-
tricity test to J . B. Phelps which he never gave. And a great senior year to Gladys Hughes
and all the juniors at L.C.H .S.
10. Edith Wyatt. Parents - Johnnie and Mary Wyatt. Art Club 2; Voc. Work Ex. 3; VICA
4 ; l will . . . to A. EdHh a big thanks for everything. To Lisa and Mike aU the happiness
forever. To Gracie, all the great fun I've had. To Kay, Kathy, and Charles the best at
whatever you do. And to a speciaJ guy (TOM) aU my love forever.
11. Tommy Wyatt- Parents- Robert and Bethel Wyatt. Student Council 2, 3, 4 .; Com-
puter Club 3; BETA 3, 4; FBLA 4; I will to David Coffey my ability to have numerous
lockers; to Coach Polly and the football team, a good season; to the managers, many
COKES; to Travis Mason, the chance to "Shoot Somebody"; and to the newspaper
photographer, many ''happy times" in the darkroom.
12. Terry Young. VICA 3, 4; I will Mr. Marvin Dale Hurley a straight jacket, he will need one
after '85. To Tom and Chico, some Cay-ock and an appointment with me and Jim. All the
fellers in welding, I will a welding job and a case.
Seniors / 65
66 / Seniors
unt• or
JuniOrs / 67
L toR: Krtsty McWhorter, Reporter; Jennifer Stepp, Sec.-Treas.; Lon Baker, Vice-Pres., Carl Weaver, President.
Jr./ 68
Juniors/ 69
Boyd Abrams
Cindy Adams
Justin Adams
Kenny Adams
Shelly Adams
Shella Adkins
Steve Alexander
Ronnie Alcorn
Jamie AJien
Unda Allen
Lisa Allen
Mike Allen
Sharon Allen • •
Amy Alsip
Lls.2 Alsip ,
Bnan Anders
Kelly Asher
Lisa Back
Kim Baker
Paul Baker
Richard Baker
Robert Baker
Stephanie Baker
70 / Juniors
Gary Barnes
Charles Barrett
Tania Barton
Kim Baxter
Lori Baxter
Todd Bearup
Usa Belcher
Elbert Belt
• Doug Benge
RacheUe Benge
Claude Bennett
• •'
Donna Bentley
Jeff Binder
Mtssy Binder
Larry Blrchette
Edward Blair
Rodney Blair
Jason Blanton
Cindy Boone
Bobby Bowling
Lisa Bowling
Paula Bowling
Juniors / 71
Gwen Boykin
Connie Brackett
Jeff Bradley
Tammy Bray
Teresa Bryant
Kimberly Burchett
Rhonda Burke
Billy Burkhart
Mike Burkhart
Scott Burkhart
Andrea Burner
Andy Bums
... • •
72 1 Juniors
Patricia Carnes •
Rose Carnes •
Darrell Carroll
Kevin Carroll
Sherry Case
Freddie Cathers
Steve Cawood
Gina Centers
Kristy Cheek
James Cherpak
Cherie Childers
Scott Childress
I Charles Clark •
Clifton Clark
, Karla Clark
Rita Clark
Chris Clemons
•/ Dean Cobb
David Coffey
I Lisa Cole
_ _-4 •
Beverly Collins
'heila Collins
Paul Cornett
Juniors / 73
Paul Cornett ,
Steve Cornett
David Couch •
Lance ••
Steve Cunningan
T ina Cunnigan
Elizabeth Cupp .,- -- . ....
Shirlie Cupp
Florence Dav1dson
Jay DaVis
Tony Davis
74 / Junlors
Lynn Denny
Tim Depew
Ten Dodd
John Dotson
Mary Durham
Tammy Durham
Kyle Edwards
Usa Elam
Debb1e Eversole
Julie Faddis
Janice Farler
Joe Feltner
Dewayne Ferguson
John F1elds
Julie Fields
Kevin F1elds
Shawna Fields
Sheila Fisher
Suzanne Fischer
Ron Aoyd
Tommy Foster
Greg Franks
Jeannie Fugate
Juniors / 75
Tina Gabbard •
Denean Gaines
Brad Gardner •
Randy Gay
Scott Grogan
Keith Grubb
76 / Juniors
Valerie Hale
Donnie Hall
James Hall
Carl Hammock
Linda Hammock
Elaine Hammons
Michael Hammons
Jim Handy
Ron Harris
Jamie Hanilon
Tammy Hart
Shannon Harville
Steve Henderson
Cheryl Hoffer
VaJene Holbrock
Ben Holt
John Holt
Tammy Holt
Carol Hooker
Gale Hopkins
Doug House
Karen House
Juniors / 77
LiJa House
Sheila House
Loretta Hoskins
Kewt Houston
78 I Juniors
Bridgette Jackson
Vickie Jackson
Angela Jamieson
David Jeffrey
Chuck Johns
Ben Johnson
Jimmy Johnson
Karen Johnson
Kaye Jones
Paul Johnson
Vincent Johnson
Charles Jones
Denise Jones •
Kevin Jones
Sherry Jones
Mark Justice
Jennifer Karr
James Kelley
Caprecia Kilburn
Carla Kilburn
Kenneth Killion
Doug King
Kenny Knauer
Juniors / 79
David Lanham •
Teresa Laudermilk
Donna Lawson .1
Gary Lawson
O'Dall Lawson
Vickie Ledington
Tom LeMaster
Brian Lerch
Lalle Leatherman
Sandy Letterman
John lewis
Lisa Lewis
Ronald Lewis
Ronnie lewis
Regina Lockaby
Edwina love
Kenny Lunsford
Barbara Maggard
Calvin Marcum
BOiy Mattingly
James Martin
Lisa Martin
Terry Martin
80 / Juniors
'- Tony Martin
James Maxey
Lisa McBurney
Brad McCJure
ll'llldda McDonald
r ..
J uniors /8 1
David Nea rman •
Eldon Nelson
~eff North I
l.lsa Oakes
.....,. Oakley
Jen•n O'Neal
Todci Orrill
Gina Osborne
Doug Owens
Kyle Owens
Renee Owens
Sharon Owens
82 / Juniors
Kenny Parmen
Kathy Parrett
Renee Patton
Frank Perino
Karen Peters
Randy Peters
Della Petty
Renee Petty
Debbie Philpot
Donnie Philpot
Michelle Philpot
Laurie Poling
Chris Pope •
Tom Porter
Donna Poynter
Mark Pratt
Debrah Proffitt
Pam Proffitt
Donna Queen
Karen Quinlin
Rlchard Ramsey
Brian Reams
Maria Reed
Juniors / 83
M1ssy Reed -
James Reeves
Usa Reynolds
Michelle Reynolds
...... " .,
Nathan Reynolds -&
Kim Rice
Troy Rice
Cindy Robinson
Keith Robinson
• Lonnie Robinson
Mark Robinson
Michael Robinson
R1ck Robinson \.
Steve Robinson
Jay Rogers \
Paula Rogers
Kim Roth I
AI Royster
Henry Rudder )
Sherri Rudder
Ted Rush
Gala Salyers
Billy Sammons
84 / Juniors
Michelle Scalf
Rhonda Scalf
Teresa Schell
Lara Scott
Tommy Scott
Chris Sears
Melodie Shackelford
Gilbert Shoupe
Mark Sibert
Carol Sizemore
Michael Sizemore
Stephanie Sizemore
Tammy Sizemore
Tammy Slone
Gary Slusher
Threcia Smlroldo •
Anthony Smith
Brad Smith
Connie Smith
Hope Smith
Jack Smith
Jan Smith
Johnalhon Smith
Juniors I 85
Mike Smith I
Pebble Smith
Sandra Smith
Teddy Smith
Tonya Spicer
Tina SprtnkJes
Tony Spurlock
• Lee Stallard
Steve Starks
Teresa Steele
Jennifer Stepp
Jerry Strunk
Teri Stuber
Michelle Stuagean
Mike Sturgill
Randell Tabor
Greg Taylor
John Taylor
Kenny Terry
Robin Tincher
Jeff Tinker
86 / Juniors
Darren Tuggle
Karen Vance
Kelly Vanover
Cindy Vaughn
Roy Vaughn
Jennifer Vickers
Fernando Vltuet
John Vlcken
Denise Wagers
Doug Wagers
Frankie Wagers
Mike Wagers
Tammie Walden
Debbie Walker
UsaWagner •
Diane Watkins
Terry Wattenbarger
Carl Weaver
Juddy Weaver
Heather Webb
Mike Wells
Juniors f 81
Darlene White •
Melame White
Craig Whlhs
Anita Whit1emore
Barton Wiggins
Cherrl Withelm
Frank Wilkerson
Barry W11llams
Belinda Wilson
Dana Wilson
Lori Wilson
Stephen Witt
John Wlttenback
Paula Wittworth
Carlos Wombles
Danny Wombles
D.J. Wood
Mike Wood
Donna Woods
Russell Woods
Wayne Woodyard
Donnie Wooten
Jenean Wyatt
88 / Juniors
Robert Wyatt
Richard Wynn
Justa Allen
Jennfngs Brock
Karen Birchfield •
Gracie Caldwell
Shelley Fields
Keith Hibbitts
Jackie Hoskins
Brian Keller
Karen Kennedy
Kathy McCracken
Kealyn Napier
Mike Simpson
Gordon Tlnnat
\ '
Juniors / 89
90 1 Juniors
Juniors / 91
"' .a,... -·j_ -.- ol
• . .. r. ,.
.•• ;1. ~·~.J
92 / Juniors
Does your wife know about his, Mr. P? Aren't they cute?! •
• •
MANAGERS ... hard at work?
Just wook at dat face!! I SOMETHING must have been funny ll
94 I Sophomores
Thoughts on Friendship
Friendship is to be purchased only by
friendship .
A friend is one who comes to you when
all others leave.
Friends are made by many actst and
lost by only one.
A friend is one who knows all about
you and still likes you.
Real friends are those whot when you
have made a fool of yourselft don 't feel
you've done a permanent job.
Friendship is the only cement that will
ever hold the world together.
There is no better exercise for
strengthening the heart than reaching
down and lifting up your friend .
To be a good friend, be careful how
you live, for you may be the only Bible
they ever read,
Friendship and kindness are a
language the dumb can speak and the
deaf understand.
The only safe and sure way to destroy
an enemy is to make him your friend . ·
Be the first to give a friendly smile,
• • speak first and if necessary forgive first.
Doug Adams
John Adams
Mike Adams
Paul Allan
Bobby AJsjp
Tony Anders
Tina Arnold
Teddy Arthur
Debbie Asher
Maggle A~her
Shawn Asher
Dwayne Bailey
Carol Baker •
Dana Baker
Garnett Baker
Klm Baker
Teresa Baker
Amy Bales
Roger Bales
Steve Bales
Jimmy Ball
Mike Barrett
Marietta Barton
Doug Benge
O .D .II I
96 / Sophomores
Jerry Bennett
Lori Bemhold
Richard Best
Donna Binder
Sheila Birchfield
Troy Blair
Smile for Ric, Elizabeth!
James Blankenship
Brian Boggs
Chris Boggs
Wyonna Boggs
Vickte Bolton
'' Annie Bores
BethAnn BowiJng
• Randy Bowling
Steve BowiJng
Tim Bowling
Jim Bowman
Richard Boykln
LeeAnn Bradsteader
Vickie Bray
Beth Brewer
Sandra Brewer
Jeannine Brock
Mark Brock
Norman Brock
Shane " Hollywood"
Sophomores / 97
Shane Brock • I
Steven Brock l
Robin Brooke \
Brian Brooks l•
Bobby Brown Linda Caldwell
Sonya CalweiJ
Susan Brown Lisa Campbell
Artie Brummett
Carmen Bruner
Craig Bruner
John Bruner
Robert Bruner
Todd Bruner
David BuiJard
Tonya Burdine
Dexter Burgan
Daniel Burkhart
Kleth Bums
Tim Bums
Travis Butcher
Carolyn Buttrey
Mike Carnes
Joni Caudill
Oma Champion
Shame on you, Miss Bowling!!
98 / Sophomores
' Marty Chandler
KevJn Cheek
J Kristy Cheek
Randy Chesnut
, Rhonda Chesnut
• Richard Childers
Bonnie Clark
' Donna Clay
RobJn Clay
Donna Clontz
Earl Clontz
Gerald Clontz
Bryan Coffey
Pam Coffee
Chad Cole
Johnny Collette
Darlene Collins
Dale Combs
Vernnon Cope
Jamie CorneUus
Sherry Cornett
Kevin Couch
Kim Cox
Anita Creech
Cheryl Creech
Clark Creech
They really do keep you here forever.
Sophomores / 99