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Published by vitor galdino, 2021-02-10 14:47:19

Vampire The Masquerade 5th Edition

Vampire The Masquerade 5th Edition


descendant of vasantasena

(malkavian characters only)

Vasantasena and her Malkavian sire Unmada traveled the world
throughout the Middle Ages, preaching against the Blood Bond.
They rejected the vinculum, traditional Kindred hierarchy, and all
loss of free will. Ultimately, they condemned the Antediluvians for
their cruel tyranny through Jyhad, joining the Sabbat during its formation.

As the Camarilla had, the Sabbat rejected her cause, instituting both hierar-
chy and ritual enslavement through vitae. She eventually rejected them in turn,
assembling a faction of Malkavians to embrace freedom from the Sabbat.

Vasantasena’s descendants are many and varied, and all of them followed
her from the Sabbat before the sect’s recent, bestial devolution. Some joined
the Camarilla, others the Anarchs. All possess the zeal and charm she wields
like a knife. All fight for something.


Agent of Chaos: You thrive while offspring. Such was her power that Sabbat. Once per story, you can depro-
everything around you burns or spins she could smell the Bond on individual gram a vampire from their sect beliefs.To
into catastrophe. In turbulent situations, vampires and recognize the same odor do so, you must completely isolate the
such as an unusually chaotic and unpre- on the vampire Bonded to, or Bonding, subject and make an extended test (p.
dictable combat, a car chase through them. Once per story, on a successful 293) of either Intelligence or Charisma
a crowded city, or when fleeing an Resolve + Awareness test (Difficulty 4), + Insight in an atmosphere of specialized
exploding building, once per session, you you can do the same. perfumes. Roll once per three nights of
may re-roll a single die without spending disputation; you win after achieving a
Willpower. Destroy the Bond: Vas- number of successes equal to twice the
antasena’s greatest act is the destruc- subject’s Willpower.
Hear My Words: You carry tion of the Blood Bond. Some say she
your ancestor’s skills of persuasion, performed this act many times in recent
finding your voice speaks to the Blood years among the Sabbat, in part leading
of others before it reaches their minds. to their rapid degeneration. Once per
Once per story, if you attempt to story, you too can remove the Blood
counsel others in a chaotic environment Bond imposed on a victim, if you drink
and they actually stop to listen, they may a mouthful of the thrall’s vitae and then
re-roll one dice pool in one future test ride out a frenzy.
during the same situation.
Sabbat Becomes
Scent the Bond: Vasantasena’s Camarilla: Vasantasena achieved the
loathing of Blood Bonds was part of the impossible and showed her descendants
reason she targeted the Antediluvians how it was done. Alien, inhuman phi-
and the ties they maintained with their losophies locked most vampires into the



high clan

Though formally Historically, the High Clans
abandoned with were Lasombra, Toreador,
the rise of the Tzimisce, and Ventrue, though
Camarilla, some Brujah and some of the Clan
clans still consider themselves of Death clung to the epithet.
“High,” compared to their peers In various parts of the world,
among “Low Clans.” You are the members of the High Clans
a vampire from a High Clan, change to include the Banu
convincing you that you have Haqim and Ministry, and rarely,
certain rights to bully and the Tremere.
order those of Low Clans. These
rights can only be pushed so As a High Clan vampire,
far, of course. your clan bane is, to your mind,
less a curse than a blessing.


Peacock: You are proud of your clan’s Elevate the Low: Some quirk you, or they allow you to take high
status as High, and you carry yourself with of your bloodline or an ancient Prince- responsibility (and power), unless you
all the pomp and circumstance befitting ly decree allows you to proclaim the have created a personal grievance
a vampire of noble station. Once per ascendancy of one Low Clan in your between you.
session, you may re-roll a single die when city to High Clan status.You can do
attempting to command deference from this once per chronicle, but of course, Blessed, not Cursed:
one non-titled vampire in your domain. you can promise to do it “eventually” Like many vampires of the High Clans,
for quite a while first. Until then, add you have convinced yourself that you
Sway the Low: The High Clans one die to Social tests against Low bear no Curse of Caine. Rather, your clan
once sat upon thrones, ordering Low Clan Clan Kindred when you allude to this weakness is a blessing that reveals more
vampires to die for them on battlefields possibility. to you about your nature, your position
and subjugate themselves in court.You still on God’s Earth, and the areas in life you
possess the ability to persuade vampires Embraced to Rule: Vam- must strengthen. Once per session, you
of Low Clans more easily than you do the pires of the High Clans often opted may spend one Willpower to ignore the
vampires of High Clans.You have bullied to Embrace mortals of noble birth burdens of your clan bane.
the equivalent of three dots of Mawla into or powerful ancestry.Your ancestors
a loyal, abused retinue of Low Clan vam- may not be kings and queens, but you
pires.You gain three extra dice to pools were Embraced to rule. Add one die
using Intimidation or Leadership against to pools for Leadership tests involving
those Kindred; if you ever roll a total fail- High Clan vampires who know your
ure on such a test or contest, you need to lineage. Once per story, other vampires
compensate them, or they turn on you. of the High Clans defer to voting for



low clan

You come from one of the clans histori-
cally identified as “Low,” though in your
domain, it’s less past than present-night
fact. You labor under the weight of a
heavy curse, heavier (you might argue) than those of
High Clan vampires.

Your geographical region determines which clans
the eldest vampires still consider Low, but uniform-
ly, the Gangrel, Malkavians, and Nosferatu fill that
bracket, with Brujah and Tremere also occupying
that position in various domains.

Your status as a Low Clan Kindred marks you as
less than your peers, but you are still a prominent
source of rebellion and counter-culture. You have
access to the bottom rungs of society, and all the
benefits and drawbacks that come with it.


Thick Hide: Often denigrated by Uncanny Kinship: Due to Criticality Incident:
those who name themselves “High,” your persistent persecution from the High Your influence among Low Clan vam-
ambition and independence do not falter Clans, vampires of Low Clans feel pires can let you tip the scales of power
with belittling words and snubs.You do inclined to stick together.You often medi- in your domain – if you choose. Add
not respond easily to base provocations. ate between Low Clan disputants, and one die to all your pools for Projects
Once per story, you can shrug off verbal you see the merit of the underworld’s undermining High Clans in your domain.
barbs for a scene without needing to Kindred banding together against the he- Once per chronicle, you can sacrifice up
make a test. gemony of the High.You can select three to 10 of your own Background dots to
dots from among Mawla or Status from bring down the same number of High
Cursed with Pride: In some other Low Clans in the domain. Clan Kindred in a coup.
cases, the Low Clans take great pride in
the severity of their banes. For example, Trade Among Equals:
some Nosferatu believe their hideous For all their suffering, the Low Clans
appearances are a mark of glorious benefited from their adversity in one
monstrosity, instead of something to key way – they taught each other their
be hidden.You have learned to use powers.This collaboration may not be
your clan bane as a weapon, gaining an true in all domains, but this old tale still
automatic success on one roll per story holds in yours.You may select one Low
when incorporating your bane into an Clan’s Discipline and buy dots of that
action. Discipline, using experience points as if it
was in-clan for you.



ambrus maropis

Ambrus Maropis rarely and culture. Embraced in his late teens,
leaves his opulent apart- Ambrus is, at heart, an introverted fan
ment in Cyprus to meet of anime, gaming, and online roleplay-
the public, yet his reputa- ing, with an elaborate online persona.
tion as a trend-setter and Masquerade- Ambrus uses this persona to sell soft-
protector spreads widely throughout ware and information he hacks; advise
Kindred society. The Toreador who on the best security methods stolen
know that Ambrus is a Nosferatu from governments and corporations for
loathe the vampire’s popularity. His Kindred to utilize; inform Elysia about
disciples, akin to superfans, act as go- emerging musicians, entertainers, and
betweens to Princes and Barons while trends; and make himself an invalu-
he remains forever hidden. able resource to Camarilla and Anarchs
who want to appear more human than
Ambrus has a reputation as a vam- human.
pire on the cutting edge of technology


True Believer: If Ambrus has Taught by the Best: As one Ambrusite abandoned in a hurry. Either
taught you anything, it’s that the of Ambrus’ disciples, you are provided way, you can only log in once per story
Camarilla is right and the Masquerade is with a ready supply of intel on topics for security’s sake, but it gets you two
essential.You follow his edicts on security from Second Inquisition operations automatic successes on any Investigation
and subterfuge religiously, granting you to the fashion in Harajuku tomorrow test involving anyone’s cell activity or
knowledge of the best shared Kindred night. Ambrus can also time-lock in- online presence.
hiding places in a city, providing a one-die formation in the Dark Web or set you
bonus to tests to find such a place.You up with your own Ukrainian hacker On Another Grid
may not have access to this bonus if at “friend prices.” Consider Ambrus a E­ ntirely: Ambrus went all out with
the domain is typically opposed to your three-dot Mawla (  ). your false identity.You have two two-dot
political or philosophical view. Mask ( ) cover identities and have
Back Door Panopticon: been Zeroed (p. 192).You get three
Clandestine Information: You Ambrus hooked you up with a back extra dice to resist attempts to research
can use a digital dead drop to request door into PRISM/NUCLEON surveil- you online or uncover your activities in
a hack from Ambrus’ fan community. lance software, tracking and sorting the mortal world.
Once per story, you can get one piece online communications (including cell
of information stored online about most phone calls) for keywords and names.
mortals within two to 20 hours. Or perhaps you stole it from him or
found it on a machine in a safe house an



carmelita neillson

D esperate elders seek- Her friendly manner, natural
ing ways of staving curiosity, and abilities as a polyglot
off Gehenna and the make her a natural choice to debrief
Beckoning increas- a Methuselah just awakening from
ingly seek out the Brazilian-Irish torpor, investigate a ruined temple,
Toreador archaeologist Carmelita or interpret a captured Sabbat scrip-
Neillson. She unearths the past and ture. Believing that art need not be
interviews Kindred, chronicling a in a frame or museum to be admired,
vast array of vampire history and Carmelita strongly feels the greatest
conversations with vampires as old art, one ignored by Kindred for so
as two millennia. The Camarilla long, is the storytelling of their own
forbids her from archiving any of kind. A gifted storyteller and writer,
her findings electronically, so she Carmelita’s skills appeal to many Tor-
has established several “Neillson eador who wish to break the “pretty
Libraries” in discreet locations. and talentless” stereotype.


The Art of Story: You and Neillson Library: Carmelita secret.Whether Carmelita knew of this
C­ armelita share the belief that story­ Neillson’s small libraries dot the world recording and gave it to you or some-
telling is one of the lost art forms. in Camarilla domains, serving as hives of one made the recording in secret, the
Whenever regaling other vampires with information used to prompt and sup- information in the interview gives you an
historic lore or tales of myth and legend, port elder vampires’ memories.You are advantage over the vampire in the clip
Toreador naturally gravitate to hear the curator or warden for one of these and the clan discussed. Interestingly, the
your words, regardless of your standing libraries, which counts as a two-dot voice following Carmelita’s at the end of
toward each other. Haven ( ) with a two-dot Library the tape mentions further recordings.
(   ). Other vampires and Kindred
The Art of Will: A specific objet historians meet there as well, which has Ancestor’s Tomb:
d’art or relic, entrusted to your safekeep- both advantages and downsides. Carmelita has entrusted you to guard
ing by Dr. Neillson, inspires and enthralls the supposed resting place of one of
you. If you spend an hour meditating on Interview With the your ancestors. As long as you keep it
this object (and make a Resolve + Aca- Methuselah: You have obtained a safe, you can call upon her for a major
demics test at Difficulty 5) before resting recording of Carmelita interviewing an boon once per story. Should you fail to
for the day, you awaken with one extra impossibly old vampire who divulges keep it safe, there will likely be… other
Willpower point.You can meditate in this secrets about one of the clans in your consequences.
way once per session. domain. Once per story, you can ask the
Storyteller to provide you with such a



fiorenza savona

When the Moving up through NGOs
Lasombra and the UN, she knows
reasserted everyone worth controlling
control in the Davos elite. Her sire
over their old religious targeted her for her contacts
power centers, the Ventrue list and discovered her
responded by expanding Machiavellian political and
their influence in the new business acumen.
nobility: government and
multinational corporations. A fresh power player in
With global political pull, Fiorenza Savona keeps the clan the Camarilla, many elders
relevant and dangerous – at the center of global power. and ancillae consider her a mere “new money” Ventrue.
Their wiser clanmates know her actions sway councils,
Hard-nosed and unafraid to tell another vampire to corporations, and individual mortals possessing real
take a running jump, Fiorenza worked hard as a mor- power. Where her predecessors focused on vampire poli-
tal and continues to do so as a Kindred to ensure that tics, Fiorenza believes the key to Kindred longevity lies in
wealthy and powerful vampires remain in their positions. the manipulation of the living.


On Fiorenza’s List: Fiorenza ing with Fiorenza can be lucrative and her to their will. If you accept, you submit
knows who you are, which either informative, if you ask her the right to a Blood Bond and have your memo-
means she thinks you’re an asset to the questions. ries of the Directorate’s identities erased
clan or a problem. Consequently, she – but you receive six dots to select from
has assigned a Gifted mortal (p. 185) Friendly Benefits: You were among Contacts, Mawla, and Resources.
Retainer – bodyguard, driver, butler, close to Fiorenza before she became Of course, you could approach Fiorenza
etc. – to you, though they remain in "the next big thing" in Clan Ventrue, and and offer to work as her double agent.
her employ.They make no secret of this friendship pays dividends: she can
spying on you and reporting back to smooth over ruffled Ventrue, provide Government Motion:
Fiorenza, and they never drift far, even you with insider trading tips, loan a Fiorenza owes you a favor – once per
if dismissed. If the mortal is harmed Gulfstream equipped with polarized chronicle, she agrees to influence a
or killed, Fiorenza makes a note that windows and pre-cleared flight plans, etc. mortal political leader as you request. Her
you’re not to be trusted, but if your If you overuse or misuse this connection, suggestions equal five dice to distribute as
conduct is good, you move further into the equivalent of a three-dot Mawla you like among any roll involving govern-
her good graces. ( ), she cuts you off without ment action. If you create a major political
h­ esitation. disturbance or otherwise act to reinforce
Breakfast with Fiorenza: Fiorenza’s “suggestions,” the Storyteller
Despite her high-profile role, once The Directorate: The may add other dice based on your plan
per story Fiorenza will make a space shadowy Ventrue Directorate ap- and on how well you succeed at it.
in her busy schedule to meet with proached you. Concerned about
you. Maybe you have dir t on her or Fiorenza’s meteoric rise, they chose you
perhaps you are close friends. A meet- to approach her, suborn her, and break



descendant of karl schrekt

(tremere characters only)

Clan Tremere is a hollow reflection of its former
glories. With the Pyramid decapitated and its lead-
ership scattered, Tremere traditionalists look to one
vampire for authority: former Justicar, Karl Schrekt.
A legend within his own clan and the Camarilla, Schrekt
hunted vampires before his Embrace in 1235. For centuries, he
acted as the Camarilla’s weapon against the Sabbat, Anarchs,
and occult menaces. He suppressed or destroyed lore regarding
Antediluvians, eliminated countless threats to the Masquer-
ade, and did it all without mercy. He earned his share of
disciples, but few enemies. Those he got, he killed.

Now he’s one of the eldest Tremere remaining.
Schrekt’s descendants largely follow their ances-
tor’s hardline clan and sect views: enforce the Traditions,
strengthen the clan, and hide the secrets of Blood magic
from other vampires.


Remember the House: Once per Ritual Preparedness: Allegedly, Know the World: Karl
story, you can ask the Storyteller for one Karl Schreckt prepares all of his rituals Schrekt believes knowledge is power and
piece of information regarding the activi- in advance and keeps several such-pre that vampires who limit their learning
ties of House Tremere or the clan before prepared rituals about his person at all to the study of fellow Kindred are fools.
its grievous injury. times. Once per story, you may perform Whether Schrekt’s puppet or nemesis,
one of your rituals in five minutes, you agree with his assessment and keep
Hardliner: Schrekt’s way is the only without preparation, having done all the archives on werewolves, magi, wraiths,
way forward for your clan.You follow preparations beforehand. fae, and other weird entities.This col-
Schrekt’s laws fanatically.With the Story- lection equates to a three-dot Haven
teller’s agreement, add two dice to any Archon’s Bane: You find Library (pick three suitable specialties of
dice pool when testing to resist attempts Schrekt’s targeting of supernatural enti- Occult), although you might not store
to sway you from Schrekt’s goals. ties deplorable, and you have formed a your reference materials in your haven.
tight bond with a member of another Also once per story, you can ask the Sto-
supernatural background.You have a ryteller to answer any simple question
four-dot Ally: a mage, werewolf, wraith, related to such creatures.
changeling, or something even stranger.
You must keep your friend safe, as they
are being hunted. Once per story, they
come to your aid within one to ten
hours when called.



descendant of xaviar

(gangrel characters only)

Nobody, even fellow Gangrel, listened to Xaviar the first time
he spoke. It took marching into a convocation of the Cama-
rilla’s biggest players for other Kindred to take notice of him.
He spoke of interacting with one of the Antediluvians and
seeing his entire coterie eaten alive by this mythological creature. He ac-
cused the Camarilla of perfidy against its members and cast aside his role
of Gangrel Justicar.

News travels slowly among the Gangrel, as a clan with little hierarchy
and lacking an effective communication network. Slowly, Gangrel followed
Xaviar out of the Camarilla, some becoming Autarkis, while more ulti-
mately joined the Anarchs.

Gangrel now share a communal guilt for their initial disbelief of
Xaviar’s claims and slow reaction to his proclamation, as he met Final
Death soon after. Few know if the Camarilla or some other agency slew the
mighty Gangrel, but all know their ancestor was wronged. Now they take
up his torch and attempt to bring the Gangrel into truth’s flickering light.


Martyred Ancestor: Other Gan- loyalty, the local Camarilla Prince awarded Experienced the
grel treat you with the respect they took you status, feeding rights, and territory, A­ ntediluvian: Xaviar was not the
too long to afford Xaviar. Despite any amounting to four dots you can distribute only Gangrel to sink into the ground and
personal grievances, you can always find among Domain, Herd, and Status. Non- find himself inside his clan founder’s vast,
sanctuary with other Gangrel, if any are Camarilla Gangrel despise you, and even inhuman form.You have done the same,
present in your current domain, at least Camarilla vampires of other clans pity your and the experience changed you.You
until you insult them grievously.With solitude, but you guarantee yourself a voice are now a little mad, likely suffering from
them, you have two dots of Status ( ). among the Primogen, should any rebel paranoia or claustrophobia.Whenever
Gangrel pass through your domain. you call your encounter to mind, you
Where the Bodies Are feel your veins rooted to the ground,
Buried: Xaviar’s experiences with Monstrous Bat: Xaviar’s connecting to every other Gangrel in the
melding through earth, blood, and vitae preferred bestial form was once that of a world. Once per story, you can sense any
left a mark on his lineage. Gangrel of bat, but following his encounter with the Gangrel’s location and drain a thimbleful
his line can make a Resolve + Aware- Antediluvian, he found his form capable of vitae from them to reset your Hunger
ness test to detect whether a vampire of changing into a hybrid between hu- level to 2.You must be touching open
has merged with the ear th or lays tor- man and bat. Once per story when the ground, not concrete, to use this ability.
pid beneath the soil. Difficulty depends moon is just right, you can take the same
on the area you have to search. form.This man-sized bat has an extra dot
in all Physical Attributes and can glide in
Loyal Hound:You resisted the the air from any height. Biting in this form
winds of change, remaining with the Cama- adds +1 Aggravated damage to mortals
rilla despite your clan’s actions. For your and vampires alike.




A Blood Leech 176 Competence Dragon’s Breath Fortitude 258
Blood Of Potency 273 Assumption 352 Rounds: 380 Freeform 291
Abstracted scene 291 Blood Potency 215 Composure 156 Draught Of Elegance 254 Frenzy 219
Academics 168 Blood Sorcery 271 Compromised 189 Draught Of Fury Frenzy 220
Addiction 180 Blood Surge 218 Compulsions 208 Endurance 259
Advance 296 Bloodthirsty Sheriff 375 Compulsion Severity 311 Draught Of Might 265 G
Advanced Conflict 295 Blood Walk 276 Conceal 262 Drawing Out The
Advantages 179 Blush Of Life 218 Concessions 295 Beast 247 Gangrel 69
Adversary 193 Bond Famulus 245 Conflicts 123 Dread Gaze 267 Gangster 371
Aggravated Damage 126 Bonding 180 Consensualist 177 Drive 160 Gear 378
Airborne Bond Junkie 181 Contacts 185 Dyscrasia 227 Generation 214
Momentum 287 Bond Resistance 181 Conventional Ghost In
Alleycat 175 Bondslave 180 Weapons 379 E The Machine 262
Allies 184 Branded By The Convention Of Ghoul 372
All-Out Attack 298 Camarilla 182 Thorns 387 Earth Meld 270 Ghouls 234
All-Out Defence 298 Brawl 160 Convictions 172 Earthshock 265 Golconda 389
Amalgam Powers 244 Broken Corrosive Vitae 272 Eat Food 182 Grappling 301
Anarch 38 Social Scenes 324 Coterie 139, 195 Effectiveness 185 Guard Dog 373
Anarch Comrades 183 Brujah 65 Cover 302 Elder 140
Anarch Brutal Feed 264 Craft 160 Elysium 51 H
Revolutionary 374 Craft Bloodstone 276 Enduring Beasts 258
Ancestor Urn 381 C Creepy 189 Enemies 184 Hafla 380
Ancilla 140 Crippling Injuries 303 Entrancement 268 Hardestadt 390
Animal Dominion 247 Caine 47 Critical Success 120 Envelop 285 Hard Extended Test 294
Animalism 244 Cainite Heresy 384 Critical Win 120 Escape To True Harpy 374
Animal Ken 164 Calcinatio 284 Sanctuary 280 Haunted 189
Animals 373 Called Shots 302 D Essence Of Air 278 Haven 188
Animal Succulence 246 Camarilla 37 Etiquette 164 Haze 285
Antagonist Camarilla Contact 183 Dagon’s Call 278 Experience 130 Healing 127
Expenditures 375 Carna 385 Dark Secret 187 Extended Contests 294 Health 119
Antagonists 370 Cascading Test 294 Daunt 267 Extended Tests 293 Heart Of Stone 281
Antediluvians 47, 214 Catenating Blood 183 Day Drinker 183 Extinguish Vitae 273 Heightened Senses 249
Archaic 180 Cat’s Grace 252 Day Watch 198 Extra Skills 145 Helena 391
Archon 49 Cauldron Of Blood 274 Dead Flesh 183 Extreme Cold 221 Herd 190
Armor 304 Celerity 252 Decapitation 221 Eyes Of Babel 277 Hidden Armory 189
Ashirra 51 Cell 189 Defense Of The Sacred Eyes Of The Beast 269 Hidden Compulsions 311
A Taste For Blood 272 Cerberus 197 Haven 279 Eyes Of The High-Functioning
Athanor Corporis 284 Champions 197 Deflection Of Wooden Nighthawk 279 Addict 180
Athletics 159 Chaoscopes 378 Doom 278 Hooks 351
Auspex 248 Chapter 116 Defractionate 286 F Hopeless Addiction 179
Automatic Wins 120 Characters 133 Defy Bane 259 Horse 373
Awakening 219 Character Creation 135 Degeneration 239 Faerie 377 Humanity 236
Awareness 168 Charisma 156 Dementation 256 Faith Hunter 371 Humanity Track 239
Awe 267 Chasse 195 Descendant Of Fame 186 Hunger 205
Checks 123 Hardestadt 390 Fang Gang 198 Hunger Dice 205
B Childer 140 Descendant Farmer 177 Hunger Frenzy 220
Choleric 226 Of Helena 391 Far Reach 284 Hunting 306
Baal’s Caress 274 Chronicle 117, 139 Desire 174 Feral Weapons 270 Hunting Grounds 308
Baby Teeth 182 Chronicle Tenets 172 Despised 187 Feral Whispers 245 Hunting Party 198
Bagger 176 Circulatory System 386 Destitute 188 Final Death 223
Bahari 382 Clairvoyance 251 Dexterity 155 Finance 168 I
Bat 373 Clan Compulsions 210 Diablerie 234 Fire 221
Bear 373 Clan Curse 183 Dice Pool 118 Firearms 160 Illiterate 179
Beautiful 179 Cleaver 176 Difficulty 118 Firewalker 279 Illuminate The
Beckoning 37 Clergy 371 Directed Freeform 291 First Inquisition 388 Trail Of Prey 277
Bestial Failure 207 Clinging Of Discipline Affinity 184 Fist Of Caine 266 Impairment 126
Bestial Temper 182 The Insect 276 Disguised Weapons 379 Fixatio 284 Impostor’s Guise 263
Bird Of Prey 373 Cloak Of Shadows 261 Disliked 187 Flamethrowers 380 Incendiary Weapons 379
Bite 213 Cloak The Gathering 263 Distillation Methods 283 Flaws 179 Incorporeal Passage 280
Blankbodies 363 Close Combat 301 Distillation Roll 283 Fleetness 253 Infamy 187
Blink 253 Cloud Memory 256 Dodging 125 Flesh Of Marble 259 Influence 187
Block 297 Commando 197 Domain 195 Folkloric Bane 182 Inquisitor Delta 372
Blood Bag 212 Communicate Dominate 254 Folkloric Block 182 Inquisitor
Blood Bond 233 With Kindred Sire 277 Dots 118 Formula 283 Investigator 372
Blood Cult 197 Compel 256 Downtime 291 Fortify The Inner Insight 165
Bloodhound 182 Facade 259 Intelligence 156
Intensity 227



Intimidation 165 Mist Form 271 R Spotlight Scene 290 Traits 118
Investigation 169 Modes Of Play 291 Spotlight Traversal 253
Iron Gullet 182 Modifiers 120 Ranged Combat 125, 301 Distribution 356 Tremere 93
Irresistible Voice 268 Molotov Cocktail 380 Rat 373 Stains 239 Trinity 393
Items 378 Mortal Frailty 183 Rationalize 257 Stake Bait 182 True Faith 222
Movement In Raufoss 380 Stake Launcher 381 Truth Of Blood 277
J Conflicts 298 Regency 199 Stakes 221 Turn 115
Multiple Opponents 125 Relationship Map 142 Stalkers 194
Jeanette/Therese Mythic Merits And Reliability 185 Stamina 155 U
Voerman 394 Flaws 182 Remorse 239 Star Magnetism 269
Justicars 49 Repulsive 179 Status 194 Ugly 179
Jyhad 48 N Resilience 258 Stealth 164 Unbondable 181
Resolve 157 Stigmata 182 Uncanny Grip 265
K Neonates 140 Resonance 226 Story 117 Unerring Aim 254
Net Gun 380 Resources 193 Storyteller 40 Unliving Hive 246
Kindred Intimacy 310 Noddist Bishop 375 Retainers 194 Streetwise 152 Unseen Passage 261
Known Blankbody 192 No Haven 188 Riding The Wave 219 Strength 155
Known Corpse 192 Nomads 198 Ritual Roll 274 Stunning 179 V
Nosferatu 81 Rituals 274 Substance Use 179
L Notorious 194 Rouse Check 211 Subsume The Spirit 247 Vampiric Mending 218
Rousing Subterfuge 166 Vampiric Resilience 184
Laboratory 189 O The Blood 211 Success 118 Vanish 262
Larceny 163 Rudi 396 Summon 268 Vegan 181
Leadership 165 Obfuscate 260 Sunbag 378 Vehme 199
Leisure Skills 145 Obvious Predator 190 S Sunlight 221 Ventrue 99
Lethal Body 264 Occult 170 Superficial Damage 126 Vitae Dependency 183
Library 189 One Roll 296 Sandman 177 Supernatural
Lien 196 One-Roll Conflicts 298 Sanguine 226 Equipment 381 W
Life Event Skills 145 Organovore 181 Sbirri 199 Surgery 189
Lifelike 184 Osiris 177 Scene 116 Surprise 300 Wake With Evening’s
Lightning Strike 254 Scene Queen 178 Survival 164 Freshness 276
Lingering Kiss 267 P Science 171 Ward Against
Linguistics 179 Scorpion’s Touch 273 T Cainites 280
Living In The Past 180 Performance 166 Scry The Soul 249 Ward
Location 189 Persuasion 166 Sect 140 Tainted Blood 310 Against Ghouls 277
Long Bond 181 Phlegmatic 226 Sect War Veteran 392 Taking Half 123 Ward
Long-Term Plumaires 199 Security System 189 Teamwork 122 Against Lupines 279
Compulsions 311 Police Detective 371 Sense The Beast 245 Technology 171 Ward Against Spirits 278
Looks 179 Politics 170 Sense The Unseen 249 Telepathy 252 Warding 190
Loresheet 151, 382-396 Portillon 196 Series Test 294 Terminal Decree 257 Warding Circle
Luxury 189 Possession 251 Session 116 Terror Frenzy 220 Against Cainites 282
Postern 189 Session Zero 135 The Forgetful Mind 257 Warding Circle
M Potence 263 Shaft Of Belated Dissolu- The Four Humors 226 Against Ghouls 278
Powers 244 tion 281 Theft Of Vitae 274 Warding Circle
Magician 377 Predator Types 175 Shapechange 270 Theo Bell 383 Against Lupines 280
Majesty 268 Predator Pools 307 Share The Senses 250 The Prelude 138 Warding Circle
Malkavian 75 Premonition 249 Short Bond 181 The Second Inquisi- Against Spirits 279
Maneuver 297 Presence 266 Shunned 194 tion 39 Warding Circles 275
Manipulation 156 Prestation 314 Shunned By The The Unfettered Heart 271 Wards 275
Maréchal 198 Prey Exclusion 181 Anarchs 183 Thin-Blood 109 Watchmen 199
Margin 121 Primogen 51 Silence Of Death 261 Thin-Blood Watchmen (Haven) 189
Marks 322 Prince 51 Simple Test 117 Alchemist 184 Weapon Ratings 304
Mask 192 Profane Hieros Siren 178 Thin-Blood Alchemy 282 Week Of Nightmares 395
Mask Of A Thousand Gamos 285 Sites 333 Thin-Blood Flaws 182 Weight Of
Faces 262 Professional Skills 145 Skill Pool 118 Thin-Blood Merits 183 The Feather 269
Mass Manipulation 257 Protean 269 Slaking Hunger 211 Thrown Weapons 301 Werewolf 376
Mawla 192 Prowess 264 Soaring Leap 264 Tick Words 292 Werewolf Blood 376
Medicine 169 Prowess From Pain 260 Social Combat 304 Toreador 87 Wight 375
Melancholy 226 Punctuated Spark Of Rage 265 Torpor 223 Willpower 122, 157
Melee 163 Freeform 293 SPC 40 Total Failure 122 Win At A Cost 121
Memoriam 311 Specialties 159 Touchstones 173 Wits 156
Mending Damage 218 Q Spectre 377 Toughness 258 Wolf 373
Mesmerize 256 Spending Willpower 158 Trackers 119
Messy Critical 207 Quell The Beast 246 Spirit’s Touch 250 Traditions 51 X
Metamorphosis 271 Questari 199 Split Second 254
Methuselah’s Thirst 181 Xscopes 378
Minor Actions 298



Appendix I: Standard Feats

Characters often attempt the fol- ivory carving might require Dex- ficulty dependent on the system’s
lowing relatively common activi- terity or Resolve. Plastic arts use security (4 for decent corporate
ties during play. The specific dice Craft as the Skill; performing arts security, 6 for secure databases, 8+
pools and rules provided here exist use Performance; architecture and for the NSA). If the character rolls
solely to guide the Storyteller. literary arts use Academics. a total failure, they alert security
The Storyteller always determines to their presence. In some chroni-
which dice pool a player builds to Art conveying a secret mes- cles, hacking may be resolved as a
attempt any feat or action, and sage (e.g., forbidden love, political conflict.
they can always change it to better samizdat, occult codes) uses the
serve the narrative. “encoded” Skill (e.g., Insight, Poli- Most hacking in the real world
tics, Occult) but requires a higher is social engineering: convinc-
Mental Feats rating in the “surface” artistic Skill. ing an administrative assistant to
re-enter their password online,
These systems cover tasks involving The quality of the work de- sending phishing emails, or just
the three Mental Attributes: Intel- pends on the number of successes buying a bunch of passwords from
ligence, Wits, and Resolve. Mental the artist achieves. A messy critical a Ukrainian malcontent. Those
tests can provide you with infor- might betray vampiric origins to hacks use different pools (Manipu-
mation about things your character a knowledgeable onlooker or oth- lation + Subterfuge or Intelligence
knows but you do not, and to erwise fails spectacularly; a clean + Streetwise, for example) and total
determine if the character knows critical might be worth a boon. failure attracts a different sort of
something that you do know. exposure.
computer use
artistic creation At the end of the day, what
Older Kindred have long thought exactly can be accomplished by
Some vampires were artists, musi- computers spell nothing good, hacking and how long it takes is up
cians, or poets in life, and desper- and with the Second Inquisition to the troupe and depends heav-
ately husband their creative spark behind every screen, they have ily on the level of realism in your
through the endless nights. Others doubled down on their technopho- games.
attempt to clothe their muse with bia. That said, computers remain as
inhuman glories. Camarilla courts essential as they are dangerous, and concealment
compete in art as in all things, but clever fledglings still know that
even an Anarch street gang prides better than their elders. Disguising one’s haven, cleaning up
itself on MC skills or murals of blood stains, disposing of bodies,
occult graffiti. Many Skills simply require camouflaging Elysium – the Mas-
(or assume) basic computer use; querade rests on concealment.
Normally, players can have Investigation, for example, hardly
their characters create various functions in these nights without Camouflage in nature or
pieces of art to their heart's con- a few database searches. Academ- burying a body outside undetect-
tent, but in some cases, when they ics and Science likewise comprise ably uses Intelligence + Survival as
wish to accomplish something with at least a quick Google or JSTOR its pool. Urban camouflage uses
their art, such as impressing some- trawl. Other Skills function on a Intelligence + Streetwise, although
one, it might be prudent to roll. computer just like they might off it some vampires get creative and use
– lying in a bar and lying in a chat Academics (Architecture) or Craft
The Attribute in the pool var- room both involve Subterfuge. (Interior Design) to make one
ies: Intelligence is most common, building appear like another.
but a clever satire might use Wits Hacking into a computer
or Manipulation, or a delicate system by writing or deploying Building false compartments or
code script to subvert it uses Intel- secret chambers uses Intelligence +
ligence + Technology against a Dif- Craft (Carpentry) or Intelligence



+ Academics (Architecture), if you honed by long training, or fogged preparedness
trust your workforce. Cleaning by rage and blood-scent.
up a murder scene tests Resolve + Nothing slows the game down
Larceny; concentration and focus Build most perception pools more than a lengthy inventory
are essential, if you want to remove with Awareness as the Skill. The scene in which players list every
every drop of DNA. Attribute varies depending on conceivable item or object they
whether the perceiver notices may need for the night’s activities.
The result of your concealment something in the moment (Wits), The preparedness test avoids this
test becomes the Difficulty for any- recognizes something (Intel- scenario by allowing players to test
one trying to spot what you have ligence), or picks something out during the session to see if they
hidden. of a cloud of distraction or detail remembered to bring something
(Resolve). “You hear a sound” uses along or pick it up earlier.
explosives Wits; “You hear the guard com-
ing” uses Intelligence; “Despite Characters need not roll for
From IEDs by a desolate roadside the alarm going off, you hear soft signature items: the gun-happy
to an impromptu Primacord crypt footsteps behind you” uses Resolve. Brujah brought their pistol, the
opening, explosives can play a sneaky Nosferatu brought their
dramatic part in the unlife of the Feeling a puff of air from a lockpicks, and so forth. Everybody
modern vampire. secret door likely uses Wits; spot- has the normal sorts of things
ting an ambusher in camouflage people might have in their pockets:
Creating explosives uses Intel- likely uses Intelligence; noticing a cell phone, pocket knife, pencil,
ligence + Science. Building a bomb very small detail after long study or what-have-you. This test covers
uses explosives (made or sourced) likely uses Resolve. The Storyteller slightly outré or unusual things:
as well as Intelligence + Technology should ask how much the action rope, a shovel or other larger tools,
(or Craft, for old-school bombs depends on instinct or sensory acu- extra burner phones. The less likely
made of clock parts and colored ity vs. memory or recognition vs. the item, the higher the Difficulty
wires). pure mental focus. the Storyteller should set.

The pool for using a pre-made Resolve also applies in general The Attribute for a prepared-
bomb or explosive depends on its to detecting supernatural signs ness test is Intelligence; the Skill
purpose: blowing a safe or breach- amidst the mundane information should relate to the item or its
ing a wall uses Intelligence + Lar- surrounding them and to notic- use in some way. Roll Intelligence
ceny; controlled demolition uses ing qualities in blood (or Blood) + Firearms to have brought a
Intelligence + Science (Engineer- despite the distractions of Hunger. silencer, Intelligence + Craft to re-
ing); setting a car bomb uses Intel- member a wrench, or Intelligence
ligence + Technology. Just tossing a Tests to perceive a living target + Occult to produce a tarot deck
grenade or a stick of dynamite is a use the target’s Stealth as the base from the folds of your trench coat.
regular throwing action (see p. 301). Difficulty. For contests of percep-
tion vs. sneaking, see Sneaking research
A total failure on any roll with (p. 415).
explosives may cause an accident, The pool for a research attempt,
ruin the materials, detonate the Specifically searching a crime whether it’s scouring an archive or
explosive prematurely, or result in scene for clues or evidence uses paying a human grad student to
something else at the Storyteller’s Intelligence + Investigation. Other look it up, is Intelligence + the rel-
discretion. Skills may encompass dedicated evant Skill (not just Academics or
perception tests as well; spotting Science but anything from Finance
perception a disease symptom on a human to Occult). The character still has
uses Intelligence + Medicine, for to direct the grad student, after all.
The vampire’s senses may be keenly instance.
attuned to their surroundings, With the advent of the inter-



net, finding out basic facts or even eering equipment lowers Difficulty The Difficulty depends on
fairly recondite information has by -2 or more. all those conditions, alone or in
never been easier; the Difficulty combination. By and large, each
for almost any mundane research Falling Damage possible complication (speed, ma-
test is 3 or 4 at most. Very obscure, Falling characters sustain one level neuvers, traffic, weather) adds +1 to
occult, or deliberately concealed of Superficial damage per meter of a standard Difficulty of 3 (with a
information increases the Dif- uncontrolled fall. Landing on one’s light, responsive vehicle) or 4 (with
ficulty. That sort of research often feet (negating the damage) requires a heavy, unwieldy one). An extreme
requires an extended test; a clean a Dexterity + Athletics test at a version of any complication adds
critical uncovers the needed fact Difficulty equal to meters fallen. +2 to the Difficulty. Failing the roll
faster or leads to an unsuspected slows or even stops the driver.
secret or trove of facts. driving
A complete failure under such
tracking Nobody needs a Drive roll to oper- adverse conditions might mean a
ate a vehicle normally. The pool crash or spinning out.
Unlike shadowing (p. 414), tracking when you do need a test depends
requires you to follow physical on the nature of the complication; feats of strength
evidence in the wild – footprints, driving at high speed, making com-
blood smears, bent blades of grass plex maneuvers, or evading traffic Storytellers should feel free to
– to find a target. The tracking requires Dexterity + Drive; weather set a Difficulty to perform any
dice pool is Wits + Survival; the that makes it hard to see the road given feat of strength based on the
base Difficulty equals the target’s is a job for Wits + Drive. character’s Strength Attribute, and
Survival. Inclement weather and completely ignore the chart below.
elapsed time since the target’s
passage also modify the Difficulty STRENGTH FEATS DEADLIFT WEIGHT (kg)
upwards. Extra successes provide
more information about the quar- 1 Crush a beer can 20 (Christmas tree, stop sign)
ry: rate of speed, estimated weight, 2 Break a wooden chair 45 (toilet)
number of people followed, etc. 3 Break down a wooden door 115 (manhole cover, empty
coffin, refrigerator)
Physical Feats 4 Break a wooden plank; break down a 180 (full coffin, empty dump-
standard interior door ster)
These systems cover actions involv- 5 Break open a metal fire door; tear 250 (motorcycle)
ing the three Physical Attributes open a chain link fence or chained gate
(Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina). 6 Throw a motorcycle; snap handcuffs 360 (tall steel street lamp)
These feats typically require a test. 7 Flip over a small car; snap a padlock 410 (horse)
8 Break a lead pipe; punch through a 455 (telephone pole, grand
climbing brick wall piano)
9 Punch through concrete; break chains; 545 (tree trunk, small plane)
Climbing usually requires a test rip open a car door
of Dexterity + Athletics. If the 10 Rip open a steel pipe; bend an I-beam 680 (speedboat)
climber rolls a total failure, they 11 Overturn a car; punch through 2.5 cm 910 (Predator drone)
either get tangled and stuck or fall, thick sheet metal
at the Storyteller’s discretion. 12 Break a metal lamp post; throw a 1.3 metric tons (police
wrecking ball helicopter, sports car)
Vampires using the Uncanny 13 Overturn an SUV; toss a sports car 1.8 metric tons (police car)
Grip power (see p 265) to accom- 14 Overturn a bus; rip open a vault door 2.25 metric tons (empty ship-
plish most climbing tasks without ping container; SUV, pickup
a test. Using ropes and mountain- 15 Overturn a truck; toss an SUV truck)
2.75 metric tons (Humvee)



The usual pool for lifting or smash- Whatever the test, it needs If the race pits two roughly
ing things is Strength + Athletics; to succeed on the first attempt equally matched characters (or
for throwing heavy things, the against active security, or the vehicles) or the slower party has
Storyteller might use the worst of intruder sets off the alarm. Most some countervailing advantage
Strength or Dexterity + Athletics. commercial buildings or large (helicopter overwatch, knowledge
Prowess (Potence 2) generally adds public facilities like museums, have of the Cairo bazaar), resolve the
to feats of strength. Difficulty 4 or 5 security systems; pursuit as a basic contest.
bank vaults and secure facilities
For Storytellers who prefer shelter behind higher Difficulties. A vehicle chase uses Wits +
hard-and-fast numbers (and slight- A government building might have Drive for its dice pool, given the
ly weaker vampires), this chart Difficulty 4 alarms and locks on importance of keeping the quarry
provides the minimum Strength the front door but a Difficulty 6 (or pursuer) in sight.
needed to deadlift various weights secure wing – with a Difficulty 8
or perform feats of strength hazardous materials vault inside A foot pursuit contest uses
without a test. Characters of lower that. Some systems simply can’t be Athletics for the Skill. The At-
Strength may use a Strength + cracked with low Larceny ratings; tribute in a foot pursuit varies
Athletics Attribute test to affect for example, Larceny 1 lets you depending on the type of chase:
heavier weights than their Strength pick a Yale lock but not defeat a a long marathon run might use
ratings allow. keypad or crack a safe. Stamina, a sprint over a few blocks
uses Strength, and a multi-level
Lifting is all or nothing – if you Setting up a security system parkour pursuit over the rooftops
fail the roll, nothing happens. At uses Intelligence + Larceny. Add of Mumbai uses Dexterity.
the Storyteller’s discretion, drag- the margin from that roll to the
ging an object may be easier than Difficulty to penetrate the system Depending on the nature of a
lifting it; increase the character’s and to the the watchers’ test to chase, many pursuits can benefit
effective Strength by 1 in such a spot a sneaking attempt (p. 412). from teamwork if more than one
case. character is chasing a target (or can
Intrusion requires proper tools plausibly distract a pursuer).
intrusion (lockpicks, circuit bridgers, etc.)
to avoid a Difficulty increase of 1 Players that want more drama
Intrusion covers breaking and (improvised tools) or 2 (credit card from a chase can run it as a con-
entering, evading physical security and a bobby pin). At the Storytell- flict, where the combatants inflict
devices, picking locks, cracking er’s discretion, characters may be damage on each other (represent-
safes – and preventing others from able to use Intelligence + Technol- ing things barged into or short,
doing the same. Intrusion feat ogy to penetrate purely electronic fleeting bursts of combat) using
pools almost always use Larceny as security systems at +1 to the Diffi- their pursuit pool. Any combatant
the Skill. culty. An Intelligence + Technology may concede the chase at any time
test is a likely prerequisite for such (allowing the quarry to escape, or
The Attribute in an intrusion heist staples as tapping into the the pursuer to catch up). Use the
pool depends on the precise task closed-circuit camera feed or hack- level of hazards in the environment
in the spotlight; picking a lock or ing into smart building software. as weapon damage.
dodging a laser sensor uses Dexter-
ity + Larceny, while cracking a safe pursuit shadowing
or bypassing an alarm circuit uses
Intelligence + Larceny. Noticing a Vampires may have to pursue their One character shadows another by
hidden camera might require Wits prey or flee from hunters or wit- keeping them in sight, ideally with-
+ Larceny; breaking a lock cleanly nesses. out being noticed themselves. The
might use Strength + Larceny (and pools used vary considerably with
maybe Potence). who knows what – as long as the
shadower isn’t spotted, use Wits +



Awareness vs. the target’s Resolve character’s Wits + Awareness in and persuasion may find the game
+ Streetwise (representing normal a basic contest. Darkness, back- less predictable and thus more in-
precautions). If the quarry suc- ground noise or other distractions, teresting. After all, the Prince may
ceeds, the shadower(s) are spotted. or being downwind may add a die have her own reasons for agreeing
If the shadower is discovered, but to the sneaker’s roll; security de- with the player characters or for
doesn’t know it, use Wits + Stealth vices, scanners, or superior vantage concealing her distaste for them.
or Streetwise vs. Wits + Awareness points may add dice to that of the
to shake the surveillance. If eve- watcher. standard social feat
ryone knows, the feat is no longer modifiers
shadowing; it’s now a pursuit! Like shadowing, vampires using
Obfuscate may not have to make ATTITUDE DIFFICULTY
Award bonus dice to the shad- tests to sneak. MODIFIER
ower in busy areas vs. an unaware Loyal/Devoted
target, but to the quarry instead swimming Friendly/Weak -1
if it knows and is trying to shake Indifferent
the tail off. Award one additional Characters with one dot or more in +/- 0
die in busy areas or two additional Athletics can swim. Vampires can’t
dice in crowded areas or areas with drown, but fresh corpses aren’t +1
many potential exits and blind very buoyant, which balances out.
spots (e.g., wooded parks, train sta- Suspicious +2
tions, department stores). To determine whether a char-
acter makes a long swim without Aggressive/ +3
Unless potential helpers are being pulled off course by the cur- Unfriendly +5
masters of disguise (or can some- rent or drowning (or sinking, for
how shapeshift to resemble the vampires), roll Stamina + Athlet- Hostile/Violent
target), only the shadower’s side ics against a Difficulty set by the
benefits from teamwork. Vampires weather conditions. Loyal/Devoted: Targets may risk
using Obfuscate may not need to their careers, and possibly their
test at all to shadow mortals. Vampires caught in shallow lives, for you. They will give any
water during the day take damage information they think will help
sleight of hand from sunlight as though they are you, whether requested or not,
under cloud cover. and may perform services such as
Picking pockets, making a brush watching prisoners, medical care,
pass with a contact, or just plain Social Feats breaking down doors, or distract-
shoplifting are sleight of hand feats ing the cops. They will follow your
just like card tricks or palming an These systems cover tasks involving lead and agree to your plans with
item. They use Dexterity + Larceny the three Social Attributes Cha- few questions asked, even when it
vs. any watcher’s Wits + the greater risma, Manipulation, and Compo- seems risky.
of Larceny or Awareness. sure. In general, SPCs react to the
characters based on their actions. Friendly/Weak: Targets will not
Fortunately, diversions and readily harm you, and they may
distractions, as well as crowds or Some players don’t like having try to prevent others from doing
darkness, can give the light-fin- the dice dictate their character’s so. They will answer any questions
gered character bonus dice. response to an SPC, and they you ask, if they seem reasonable or
often insist on at least playing a safe. They will recommend reliable
sneaking full social combat scene (p. 304) service providers, speak up on
rather than rolling a basic contest. your behalf, or give the occasional
A sneaking (or hiding) charac- However, players and Storytellers helpful tip. They are willing to be
ter pits their Dexterity + Stealth who open themselves up to the convinced of your plans, and they
against a watching (or searching) dramatic possibilities of influence



will sign on if the benefits are clear. sible to sabotage your plans, even if Charisma + Performance: the more
Indifferent: Targets will not go out they cannot immediately torpedo successes, the greater the qual-
of their way to harm you without them. ity. Just as with artistic creation,
clear orders or benefit. They may always indicate the purpose behind
answer some questions, if polite- You can also modify the Diffi- the roll. On a total failure, the
ness or profit beckon. They will not culty of a Social test depending on performance was a total disaster –
bestir themselves to help you with- the power differential between the and the performer may have new
out clear reason. Your plans strike parties, incentives offered, and the enemies among the Toreador they
them as risky and foolish, but they type and manner of the request. didn’t have when they woke up this
are unlikely to actively prevent you evening.
from trying them as long as they CIRCUMSTANCE DIFFICULTY
can stay safely out of it. MODIFIER carousing

Suspicious: Targets suspect your Target is of higher +1 or higher With a simple test of Charisma
intentions might be unwholesome, rank or power + Insight, you influence others
illegal, or otherwise dangerous, but (particularly potential vessels) to
they have no reason to harm you Target is of lower -1 or lower relax and have fun. Carousing en-
– yet. They respond with minimal rank or power compasses showing a potential ally
courtesy or professionalism. They a good time, loosening an inform-
are unlikely to listen to your plans, Character offers -2 ant’s tongue, and making instant
unless shown immediate reasons or valuable trade or drinking buddies who come to
benefits in doing so. favor payable in your aid when a brawl starts.
advance Vampires who can’t drink (most
Aggressive/Unfriendly: Targets will of them) may lose one or two dice
harm you if they think they can get Character offers -1 per level from this roll (or have to make a
away with it, keep a wary eye on boon of boon sleight of hand test (p. 415) to fake
you, and will egg others on to harm it), depending on how important
you. They will clam up in your Target’s Conviction, -1 or -2 sharing a beer or the equivalent is
presence, or they offer misleading or personal or po- to the subject.
answers to questions. They will litical agenda, agrees
give bad advice, if they give advice with request credibility
at all. They will not help you,
and they will oppose your plans, Request is easy, safe, -1 Flashing a phony ID and brushing
regardless of their merits, unless or profitable past the rope line, perpetrating a
support is the only thing keeping scam or con, presenting false cre-
them alive. Request is complex +2 dentials to get a job, passing coun-
or risky terfeit artifacts, impersonating the
Hostile/Violent: Targets will risk authorities – tests of credibility
their careers, and possibly their Request is unknown, +3 or more take many forms. The scammer
lives, to harm and possibly kill you. dangerous, or costly uses Manipulation + Subterfuge;
They will actively prevent others the mark rolls Wits + Insight.
from giving you answers, help, or Skill or specialty -1 or -2
comfort of any kind. They may well chosen for the Storytellers and players inter-
even help your enemies, and they target (e.g. Subter- ested in running a long con can set
will certainly do everything pos- fuge (Seduction) for a suitably impressive Difficulty and
someone on the play out an extended test.
Superior fake documents and
Skill or specialty +1 or +2 other forgeries add dice (an addi-
poorly chosen for
the target (e.g.,
Intimidation for a

artistic performance

Vampires are egotistical monsters
even when they weren’t performers
in life. When a character per-
forms live before an audience, roll



tional one or two) to the scammer’s Interrogating someone peace- On a total failure by an inter-
pool; clever hacks might do the fully (Manipulation + Insight) rogator using torture, the subject
same thing if the scam requires involves asking strategic questions dies, enters torpor, or goes mad.
online backup. designed to reveal specific facts.
Use a basic contest between the Two or more interrogators can
fast-talk interrogator’s pool and the victim’s use teamwork (p. 122); this partner-
Less con artist and more snake-oil Wits + Composure. ship works even if one interrogator
sales associate, the fast-talker tries uses Insight while another uses
to get agreement from a target by Violent interrogation (Manipu- Intimidation (the classic “good
deploying a barrage of half-truths lation + Intimidation) involves cop/bad cop” ploy).
and engaging nonsense. Fast-talk torturing the victim’s mind and/
pools use Charisma + Subter- or body until they reveal what The extent and relevance of
fuge vs. the target’s Composure + they know. The victim resists with shared information are up to the
Insight. Composure + Resolve. Regardless Storyteller. Especially after torture,
of the outcome of the contest or a subject often skews the details or
interrogation conflict round, torture damages invents extra facts based on what
the subject: they take one point of they think the interrogator wants
Anyone can ask questions, but Aggravated damage for each point to hear.
getting answers is a different thing. of their own Resolve. Physical
With interrogation, you ask ques- torture damages Health; mental In most chronicles, torture is
tions with leverage behind them. torture damages Willpower. often a fast-track to earning Stains.



intimidation lower Strength takes the margin on depends on coaxing potential
the intimidation contest as Super- prey into an intimate liaison. The
Intimidation has two effects. The ficial damage to Health. particular situation and style of a
passive effect doesn’t involve a test; seduction determine the pool used:
it simply gives a character plenty oration getting a prime dance at a formal
of space, whether on a bus or in a cotillion involves Composure +
bar. The higher their Intimidation From a general’s rousing speeches Etiquette; picking someone up in
rating, the wider the berth that to a politician’s slick double-talk, a bar might start with Charisma
others give them. Active Intimida- the capacity to sway the masses + Insight; picking them up at the
tion works through subtle coercion creates and destroys empires. gym might depend on Manipula-
or outright threat. When your character speaks to an tion + Athletics; a coffee shop
audience, from a small board meet- meet-cute could be Wits + Subter-
Subtle coercion (Manipulation ing to a large crowd, roll Charisma fuge. Whatever the situation, the
+ Intimidation) uses a perceived + Performance. Looks Merit (p. 179) almost always
threat: losing one’s job, being adds dice to the pool, as does Pres-
arrested, pain and agony a few If the character has time to ence in some cases.
minutes or days later. This action is prepare the oration beforehand,
usually a quick contest against the they may roll Intelligence + Insight Like any other test or contest
target’s Composure + Resolve. The to tailor the speech to the crowd. in the game, the Storyteller can
loser backs down. Success on this test reduces the abstract a seduction into a simple
subsequent oration Difficulty by test of Charisma + Subterfuge
Blatant threats (Strength + 1; a critical reduces it by 2. Failure or turn it into an ongoing epic
Intimidation) begin with words has no effect, while a total failure subplot throughout the chronicle.
and can escalate to minor physi- increases the oration Difficulty by If the seduction means more than
cal damage (biting off fingers, 1 as the character inserts a gaffe just a refueling stop for the charac-
that sort of thing). This action into the speech. ter – gaining access to a Dyscrasia
is a contest against the target’s or to an office building at night –
Composure + Resolve or Strength + seduction then running it as conflict provides
Intimidation (whichever is higher). plenty of dramatic possibility ■
The loser backs down; regardless of Vampires are master seducers,
who loses, the character with the for their very sustenance often



Appendix II: Projects

The word project comes from the glyph spray-painted on the wall of launch roll
Latin proicere, meaning “to throw their haven.
forward,” as in to throw the dice. If the Storyteller expects that
And for the first half millennium Then, the player and Story- nurturing or protecting the project
or so, the word implied a gamble teller need to come up with the might take on a major role in the
or mad scheme, not a sensible plan mechanical representation of their chronicle going forward, or that
marked out with Gantt charts or goal. This usually takes the form of the scene can provide dramatic
PERT graphs. Vampires tend to one or more dots in a Background juice or relief, the troupe should
remain conservative in their word or other Trait. The harpy would play out a scene or even a chapter
usage, and the Camarilla’s insti- become a Mawla, destroying the dedicated to stage one, laying the
tutional inertia and conservatism bank might add to their Resources groundwork of their plot.
keep much of the old skepticism (by selling short) or just subtract
when they refer to younger vam- Resources from a hated rival, tak- At the end of that period, the
pires’ projects. Given the number ing over the vice squad provides player makes the Launch roll to
of things that can go wrong when dots of Influence, and figuring out start the project. The Storyteller
bloody-minded predators plan the glyph might provide dots on a tells them which dice pool to use
them, the Camarilla has a point. Loresheet or allow the purchase of for the Launch roll: for most
a Blood Sorcery Ritual. projects, the launch roll is Skill +
However, players often want Background. Courting the harpy
their characters to accomplish Vampires often use projects to might be Subterfuge + Status, de-
goals and affect the outside world, change a vessel’s Resonance and stroying the bank requires Finance
but don’t want to focus every scene intensify their temperament over + Resources, taking over the vice
of the game on a scheme to un- the long term. One dot changes squad uses Politics + Influence, fig-
dermine public housing policy (so Resonance and increases it to uring out the glyph calls for Occult
many more tasty homeless to feed Intense, while two dots changes a + Loresheet (or Blood Sorcery, or
from) or bankrupt a chain of coffee Resonance and adds a Dyscrasia. a magician Ally). As with mortals,
shops run by a rival. For this sort vampires need leverage to get lever-
of subplot or sub rosa activity, the The number of dots the project age. Temporary dots from Boons,
Project system offers the Storytell- adds if successful is called the Memoriam, and other sources
er a way to ask the elders’ recurring project’s Scope. might also bolster the Launch roll.
question: “Are you sure you want
to do that?” and to monitor the project increment The launch roll is a simple
action when the players inevitably test against a Difficulty equal to
answer “Of course! What could go Finally, the player and Storyteller the project’s Scope + 2. The player
wrong?” decide on the increment for the cannot spend Willpower or use a
project: days, weeks, fortnights, Blood Surge on the launch roll. The
Launching a Project months, years, sevenals, decades, Storyteller may allow the player
mortal generations, centuries, etc. to use Disciplines on the launch
To launch a project, the player (or One increment should roughly roll, especially if the player aims
players) must first describe their equal the project’s likely time span the project at mortals rather than
goal in story terms: Win the heart divided by ten. Thus a project that fellow Kindred.
of the chief harpy, destroy the culminates in a year has a roughly
credit of the biggest bank in the monthly increment. On a critical win, the player
city, take over the vice squad, un- does not have to commit any of
cover the meaning of a mysterious A project less than ten days their current dots to the project.
long should just be an extended
test (p. 293). On a regular win, the player
must commit a number of dots
equal to the project’s Scope + 1,



minus their margin on the launch but it’s easy to imagine gambling cies to track likely keeps a master
roll. Resources to get Influence, or some list on paper or in their phone, but
other combination. Storytellers nothing beats the visual and tactile
EXAMPLE should be wary of players offering sensation of clicking a die over to
“empty dots” that don’t come up the next face when the time comes
Istvan wishes to build a drug in play or don’t lose effectiveness right.
empire in Hamburg to get five at lower levels (like Mask, or some
dots in Resources. He already has Loresheets) as stakes. Because indeed, the Project
Resources ••, so his project Scope is Die decrements by one after each
three dots. Given that he only has On a failure, the player can try increment, counting down from 10
Resources ••, he asks the Storyteller again to start the project, with a to 9 to 8 … and eventually, to 1.
if he can leverage his Influence ••• launch roll Difficulty one higher.
in the docks instead. The Story- The time isn’t right, someone If the players (or characters)
teller agrees and sets the Launch talked who shouldn’t, something become impatient, they can make a
die pool as Streetwise + Influence. went wrong. Goal roll at any time. The Sto-
Istvan calls in a boon from the ryteller tells you your dice pool,
Primogen to bump him up from On a total failure, the character which may or may not be the same
seven (Streetwise 4 + Influence 3) to has a new enemy, or an energized as your Launch roll dice pool. (You
eight dice, against a Difficulty of 5 and motivated old enemy. The can use “staked” dots in the Goal
(2 + Scope 3). He rolls well, getting Storyteller may decide that these roll, since they’re already dedicated
six successes. He can subtract one enemies destroy or estrange some to that goal.) However, the Goal
dot (his margin was 1 over the part of the character’s Background, roll is a conflict roll, against a dice
Difficulty) from the stake, for a net costing them a dot or more. pool equal to the current value of
stake of three dots. Rather than the Project Die: for example, if you
play without any Influence, Istvan If the Storyteller agrees, players try for success when the Project
stakes one dot of Resources and two can cooperate on a Launch roll, Die shows 6, you roll against a pool
dots of his Influence on this plot. either by using a Coterie Back- of six dice.
(The boon dot disappeared when he ground or by using regular Team-
spent it on the Launch roll.) He’ll work (p. 122). However, multiple Again, you cannot spend
have some lean times and have to players take multiple risks: the Willpower, Blood Surges, or (usu-
live by his wits for a while, but it stakes and losses must come from ally) Disciplines on this roll. Also,
all pays off at the end. every player involved in the launch the plotter gets no criticals on the
roll, even if that means increas- Goal roll: each 10 only counts as
The minimum commitment, or ing their cost. If four characters one regular success. Worse yet, the
stake, on a regular win is one dot. helped, and the stake is three dots, opposition criticals do count –
Dots committed to a project stake all four vampires need to put up call it the house advantage for the
cannot be used in play until the one dot. status quo.
project ends one way or another –
the player has those dots “tied up” goal roll If the player wins, they do
in the project. As a rule of thumb, damage to the Project Die, dec-
the dots in the stake should be Assuming a win, the Storyteller rementing it by the number of
the same type as dots in the goal, sets a Project Die at 10. Rather extra successes they rolled. If the
than keep a loose die on the table Project Die decrements below 1,
when it’s not being used, they can the project suddenly succeeds. The
also just write the Project Die Storyteller comes up with an in-
number for a given scheme down game reason for this dramatic shift
in their notes along with its Scope of events, which they may or may
and intended mechanical effect. A not share with the player.
Storyteller with multiple conspira-
If the player loses, they take



damage as losses to their Back- made with their plot so easily. Opposition Projects
ground dots, starting with the The Storyteller may still make
stake. If the loss reduces their stake Player characters are hardly the
to 0, the project suddenly collaps- the player pay Experience for dots only Kindred with tangled knots
es. (The exception: a player who gained through a Project – the Pro- of long-running schemes. They
rolled a critical on their Launch ject system provides the in-game can detect, hamper, and even
roll can keep a project in play even action component of an improve- hijack their opponents’ (or allies’)
after losing a Goal roll.) Again, the ment only. Some Storytellers may projects nearly as easily as starting
Storyteller comes up with an in- allow a price break on the goal’s their own.
game reason for this failure, which Experience cost, depending on the
they may or may not share with degree of success, the quality of The Storyteller needs to deter-
the player. the players’ planning and roleplay- mine the current Project die value
ing surrounding the project, and for the project, and at least a rough
EXAMPLE: the general looseness of the game’s dot value for its Scope. When in
Experience economy. doubt, roll a die for the Project
Istvan makes a Goal roll when the die value; roll again and divide the
Project Die shows 5. He rolls his The Longue Durée result in half (rounded up) for its
Streetwise + Influence (plus his one Scope.
staked Resource dot, for a total To properly profit from a project
of eight dice) against the opposi- lasting decades or centuries, the detecting an
tion pool of five dice. He rolls six characters need to have already
successes, against four for the op- launched their plot decades or opposition project
position. He decrements the Project centuries ago.
Die by his margin of 2, lowering it Discovering that a plot exists at all
to 3. If the opposition had rolled a To have already launched a may require specific in-game ac-
critical, however, he would have Longue Durée project in the past, tions from the characters. Deter-
lost four dots – his whole stake, the characters need to play out a mining how far it has progressed
plus one more dot (likely from launch chapter in Memoriam – getting the correct value of the
Influence) – and the project would (p. 311). Project die – definitely requires
have collapsed. investigation, or at least an inform-
This uses the same rules as ant.
Like stakes, damage must be shared above, but the characters’ Goal
among all the players who assisted dots from Memoriam become part On screen, an enemy Project
with a project’s Launch roll, or (or all) of the Launch roll die pool, die decrements at least once during
taken from the Coterie’s Back- and of the stake going forward. The the story, because an intensifying
grounds. Project Die can only be decrement- conspiracy makes for better drama.
ed in the present by the number of Dramatic considerations also make
Ending a Project Goal dots achieved in Memoriam: it more likely that a noticeable
if you want a Project Die at 4 in project is dangerous or unfriendly
The initiator of a project can al- the present, you need to gain six to the player characters. Other-
ways end it, although they may not Goal dots in Memoriam and spend wise, why bring it on stage at all?
be able to call off any enemies they them all on the project.
affecting an
Damage done by a lost Goal
roll in the present comes off opposition project
present Backgrounds, not off the
Memoriam stake. Player character coteries can affect
supporting characters’ Project die
by dedicating a chapter (or a story,
for longer-term or larger-magni-
tude projects) to advancing or de-
laying its plot. Dramatic law means



the coterie turns out to be critical poses. The specific systems in play Project Die. Failures during this ex-
(or potentially critical) to whatever vary with the coterie’s wishes and tended test alert the owners of the
plot they focus the story on – and the existing conspiracy’s design: project that someone is interfering
realistically, a group of vampires draining money from a financial with it; a total failure tells them
can indeed do an awful lot of dam- conspiracy requires skills that specifically who dares to interfere.
age if they work together. It’s up to false-flagging cultists from an
the Storyteller to help them decide underground church does not, and Once successfully entwined
a suitably powerful in-game action vice versa. with the project, the characters can
for the coterie to take, even if it’s either loot it or hijack it. Looting
of the “for want of a nail the battle However, in general the char- a project transfers half of its Scope
was lost” or “tiny pebble trigger- acters must first be in a reasonable in dots (rounded up) to the coterie,
ing the avalanche” sort of powerful position to access or influence and requires no further roll: the
action. the conspiracy’s elements. The extended test represents getting
Storyteller judges whether they enough access to loot the project.
Successful interference incre- meet this requirement just by
ments (or decrements) the Project discovering the plot, or must also Hijacking a project requires an
die by one or more, at the Story- maneuver themselves into such a immediate Goal roll, just as if the
teller’s discretion. Critical wins on position with a story action or a characters had originated the pro-
critical rolls might even short- roll or both. ject. (The Storyteller may change
circuit a project entirely, or (less this dice pool up to put the player
plausibly) bring it to completion The Storyteller then sets the characters’ Backgrounds into play,
early. player character Goal roll dice or to better suit the narrative.) If
pool; since the characters don’t successful, they get the benefit of
Interfering with an ongoing need to have laid any ground- the project; if they fail, they lose
project almost certainly invites re- work, this pool can be a normal the indicated number of Back-
prisal from someone powerful: the Skill Pool such as Manipulation ground dots.
target of the plot if the coterie tries + Finance or Occult or Politics
to advance it, or the author of the or Streetwise, or something else Whatever the outcome, the
plot if the coterie tries to derail it. entirely, depending on the nature characters now have another
of the project. enemy to go along with their new
using an opposition project hoard of dots. If their new enemy
Then, they need to make a (Dif- defeats them over the course of
Instead of derailing or accelerating ficulty 5) hard extended test that story or the next, story, the
a scheme, often a coterie prefers (p. 294) with a Target Number characters lose their looted or
to hijack it for their own pur- equal to 15 minus the value of the hijacked dots ■



Appendix III:
Advice for Considerate Play

Character and (and thus excluding, for instance, in detail and are bound to have
the trans experience or the experi- opinions on what’s going on in
Player identity ence of growing up as an Arab kid the world right now. Even so,
in Northern Europe from your it’s pretty easy to steer the game
One of the best things about game) play with sexuality, gender, away from totalitarian perspec-
tabletop roleplaying is that you nationality, and so on. Who knows, tives. Emphasize the differences
can play someone different from you may even discover aspects of between individual vampires,
yourself. No gender, ethnicity, yourself you never suspected. and between factions as well as
sexual preference, disability, class, inside factions. Tell stories about
or position in society is off limits. If you need help with making infighting, surprising kindness,
But remember that this freedom your portrayal respectful and true and new ideas. Play thin-bloods,
comes with a responsibility to your to life, ask someone who belongs Caitiff, Anarchs, or even Camarilla
fellow players. When portraying to the group you are portraying for members in a Hellene city where
someone not like you, the good tips and insights. most of the Ivory Tower’s tradi-
choice is to create a complex, tions have been adapted to suit the
nuanced and respectful portrayal. Fascism in Play present. Another way is to play is
Incidentally this also makes for to portray Kindred society in all its
a better game. For instance, your Vampire: The Masquerade is not a malicious (and fascist) glory, but
table may include people who fascist-friendly game. If you are a let the player characters oppose
identify as trans and, whether they neo-Nazi, "alt-righter", or whatever the system, from the inside or from
plan to transition or not, they will you’re calling yourself nowadays, without.
probably not feel comfortable if we urge you to put this book down
you portray the trans experience as and call someone who you trust What if someone wants to
a simple preference or a condition to talk about where you went so play a fascist, though, or a Story-
to be cured, or if you just assume wrong in your life. teller wants to introduce a fascist
that all their characters are also SPC? There are plenty of those
trans. Always respect your players’ That said, Kindred culture throughout the World of Dark-
identities and remember that they is inherently monstrous. Part of ness — monsters, but many with
do not necessarily align with the the political horror of Vampire: pretty faces. They can be a tragic
identities of their characters. The Masquerade is surviving in villain, or a former friend who fell,
a culture that worships the Bad or even someone who the player
In a Storytelling game, where Old Ways. Large parts of Kindred characters think of as an ally. They
imagination runs riot and lines are society (especially the Camarilla might be the Brujah neo-Nazi, the
made up on the fly in a split sec- and the Sabbat) adhere to cults far-right Ventrue billionaire, or the
ond, using the wrong pronoun for of tradition, ascribes to the idea Tzimisce eugenicist. Whatever face
a character or player or accidental- of humiliating their enemies with they present, the player characters
ly dropping an offensive stereotype overwhelming wealth and force, should be given the satisfaction
in a description are understandable and praises religious fundamen- of redeeming or destroying them
mistakes. Still mistakes, but un- talism or even pre-modern ideals eventually. After all, the player
derstandable. Rather than fearing like feudal rule. Many Kindred are characters are something unique
representing different identities, old enough to remember WWII and special — something fascists
cannot abide.



Remember: playing a character perform their will. After all, they try the more ethical Predator types
whose opinions you oppose can are apex predators and consider it (listed above) or let your players
be a great way to understand how their right. Vampires who embrace invest in a willing Herd. The game
supremacist ideas work and how this perspective ignore or outright is designed to allow players to fight
to spot and fight them in the real laugh at consent. against the worst in their nature
world. Fictionally experiencing instead of just giving in to it.
seductive perspectives like blaming Consent in this case can be
the Other, conforming to norms nonsexual, but the nature of the chronicle tenets. None of the
and fighting for a grand purpose, Kiss and the vampire as human examples of Chronicle Tenets (core
can help you spot these tendencies predator carries with them an aura book, pp. 172-173) in V5 allow char-
in yourself and others and dimin- of sex. Polidori’s original vampire acters to use and abuse humans.
ish their power over you. was a sexual predator who drank Even the hard-boiled “Street Code”
the blood of virgins on their wed- set includes the tenet “Respect oth-
This is all in character, of ding nights. (Polidori was Lord ers, and demand respect”. Remov-
course. At the time of writing, the Byron’s friend and literary histori- ing someone’s consent is never
real world is currently inundated ans argue that The Vampyre was an respectful. This is intentional.
with far-right fascist ideologies attempt to depict the poet as a de- Vampire becomes a stronger moral
being given free reign by well- viant and a sexual predator.) While game it you choose a set of Chroni-
meaning people who want to your Vampire: The Masquerade cle Tenets that everyone around
preserve civility. If you see people game could strive to avoid sexual the table can agree with.
at your table opening up with alt- content at all costs, it’s important
right talking points, we encourage to be aware of the potential for stains are your friend. If a
you to shut that shit down. If you sexual violence as a theme. With player character (including your
become uncomfortable with a that in mind, let’s look at a few key own) does something that feels
storyline in game because of what’s points: vicious and breaks a Chronicle
happening out of game, use one of Tenet (like removing or ignoring
the techniques listed here. You are some feeding scenes can a human’s consent) feel free to
not obligated to tolerate fascists suggest handing out one (or more)
in-game or out-of-game. This game resemble sexual assault. This Stains. Either ask the Storyteller to
is a way to tell stories about under- could be a huge deal for players add one, or if you are the Story-
standing and perhaps fixing some at your table who have been as- teller, have the player add a Stain.
of the darkness in our own world. saulted. Unless the character has a Some vampires don’t have much
Use that to your advantage. willing Herd or is a dedicated Con- compassion, and have Convictions
sensualist, Bagger, Farmer, or Blood to match, but nonetheless, every
Sexual Violence Leech (core book, pp. 175-178), time they turn humans into slaves
feeding scenes often involve using or playthings, their Beast gets
in Games Disciplines, tricking, or forcing a stronger.
human into a situation where you
Let’s not mince words here — vam- can attack them and steal some of allow for self-reflection ...
pires, since John Polidori’s story their blood. Exploration into the As a vampire’s Humanity degener-
The Vampyre was published in 1819, depths of the human psyche can be ates, they should have the oppor-
have been used as a metaphor for intense and worthwhile, but only tunity to look back and see what
human predation. They seduce, be- with the enthusiastic buy-in of they have done. Part of the narra-
guile, coerce, dominate, and some- your table. If your group wants to tive of Vampire: The Masquerade
times outright force humans to avoid the whole “vampire as sexual is the potential for redemption,
predator” theme, at least for their
own characters, encourage them to



and player characters should be ers what they’d like added to the gated,” sometimes the camera cuts
faced with the consequences of lists, and notes that the lists can away right before the action — oc-
what they have done and oppor- be edited at any time. Veils can casionally with a moan or a scream
tunities to make full and genuine be moved to Lines, Lines can be included as appropriate. This
restitution. If they don’t take those moved to Veils, new Veils or Lines technique is called “fade to black,”
opportunities, then continue piling can be added, or Veils or Lines can and can be used in your chronicle
on the consequences. This is cov- be taken away (with the consent of as appropriate. If you don’t want
ered in the rules for Remorse (core the other players). Veils and Lines to narrate every caress of a love
book, pp. 239). cannot be used to cut out antago- scene or the blood gushing out of
nists (i.e. “I don’t want vampire to a corpse you overfed on, simply
...but remember that people be a part of this game at all, not fade to black and focus on another
even mentioned in passing”) but scene. A player can also request a
are more important than the can be used to restrict antagonists’ fade to black if they are uncom-
actions that might be uncomfort- fortable with what is happening at
game. If you or another player able for some players (i.e. “I do not the table (see core book, Types of
start feeling uncomfortable out of want to explore sexual violence Scenes pp. 290-291).
character, use one of the tools de- or the ramifications thereof in
tailed in this Appendix to stop and this game at all”, which would cut The Stoplight System
check in to see if everyone is doing out feeding scenes and explicit
ok. Fellow players will thank you descriptions of certain Dominate This was pioneered by the group
for it. Vampire is a game and it’s and Presence powers, among other Games to Gather. The Storyteller
meant to be horrible and thought- things, though they are still present lays out three different colored
provoking fun. It’s not supposed to in the metafiction). circles on the table: red, yellow,
just be horrible. and green. Each color indicates
common lines: sexual violence, a response to different levels of
Calibration explicit depiction of torture, force intensity. Green means “yes, I
Techniques feeding, starvation, mutilation, am okay with and encourage the
racial slurs, gender-specific slurs, scene getting more intense.” Yellow
Lines and Veils spiders, needles, bestiality, explicit means “the scene is fine at the in-
depiction of bodily functions, tensity level it is now, and I would
A classic technique originally animal suffering like it to stay here if possible.” Red
described by Ron Edwards in his means “the scene is too intense
book Sex and Sorcery, Lines and common veils: explicit depic- for me in a bad way and I need it
Veils allows players to pick and tion of consensual sexual activity, to decrease or I need to tap out.”
choose what they want to address torture, emotional abuse, physical Players can tap the colored circles
in the campaign. Before game, the abuse, body horror, human experi- as appropriate to indicate to the
Storyteller should prepare two mentation, dream or nightmare Storyteller what they want or need
sheets of paper. Label one “Lines” sequences, childhood memories, at that moment.
and the other “Veils.” Lines are prophetic visions, animal death
things that will absolutely not be The Storyteller can also use the
touched on in the course of play, Fade to Black stoplight system to ask the players
not even mentioned in passing. if they’d like intensity increased
Veils are things that can happen, In a movie, when the hero is just or decreased as necessary without
but will not be played out, and about to get into bed with her love breaking the narrative flow. To
instead addressed with a “fade to interest or be “forcibly interro- do so, the Storyteller can repeat-
black.” The Storyteller asks play- edly tap a color — green for “more



intense,” yellow for “keep it here,” The Door is Debriefing
and red for “do you need me to Always Open
stop?” The players can then touch Debriefing is a post-game tech-
a color in response. Players can This is another technique that nique, used primarily by European
also respond by saying the color in needs very little explanation. If a and American freeform LARP
question out loud. player needs to stop play for any groups, and can be used along
reason, they are free to do so after with any and all of the suggestions
The X Card giving the Storyteller a heads up. above. After the session is finished,
The session is then on pause until the Storyteller asks the players to
The X card was designed by John that player either returns or leaves put away their character sheets and
Stavropolous and is fairly self-ex- the premises. take some deep breaths. Soft music
planatory. A card or sheet of paper or snacks can also be used to assist
with an “X” drawn on it is placed Some good reasons to leave a ses- in debriefing. Debriefing is all
in the middle of the table. At any sion early could be: about bringing the players back to
point, a player or the Storyteller ■■ Your Storyteller or other the real world.
may touch the X card to call a halt
to any action currently making players deliberately ignore the Use this time to talk about the
them uncomfortable in a bad techniques you all agreed to use game in a context other than first
way. If they would like to explain ■■ You are having a family or person. Players tend to refer to
themselves, they may, but it is other emergency their characters as “I.” During the
not necessary, and the Storyteller ■■ You feel ill or panicky debriefing the Storyteller should
should continue play once every- ■■ You are uncomfortable and encourage them to use the char-
one is settled back in. have addressed that with others acter’s names and use first person
at the table only for things that they felt as
The OK Check In ■■ Your Storyteller or other play- players, not as characters. What
ers are using out-of-game (or did they think was the highlight
The OK Check In is a LARP tech- in-game that you’re not com- of this session? What was their
nique that uses quick hand signals fortable with) name calling, favorite interaction they had with
and no paper or props. If a player threats, or extended arguments another player’s character? An
or Storyteller is in an intense scene to force you into situations you SPC? Is there anything the play-
and wants to check in on another don’t want to be in ers think the Storyteller could be
player, they simply flash an OK ■■ You have a prior engagement or doing better? Are the techniques
symbol with their fingers. The per- need to leave early and story-building suggestions in
son being checked in with should ■■ You don’t feel this is the experi- this book working out for everyone
either give a thumbs up (good, con- ence you signed up for at the table? Should anything be
tinue), thumbs down (bad, stop), changed to make the game more
or a hand-wiggle (so-so, unsure). Remember that you as a Storyteller fun and engaging for everyone
Anything other than a thumbs up also always have a right to stop the involved? These are all questions
stops play, so that the responder session. Being a Storyteller is a lot that can be asked during debrief-
can take a moment to breathe. of emotional labor, often uncom- ing, though they’re not necessary.
pensated, and if the group you are If there are other, more important
playing with refuses to acknowl- topics that need to be covered,
edge that, it may be better to take feel free to use debriefing time to
a break or stop running for that cover those as well. Respect if some
group entirely. players don’t want to take part in



debriefings. Like all other tech- Further Reading:
niques in this Appendix it’s meant
to make the game more fun, not ■■ “Sexual Assault Myths” on the Minnesota State University website:
force players to do things they are
uncomfortable with.
■■ “What do the terms Lines and Veils mean?” on RPGStackExchange:
Debriefing does not need
to last for a set amount of time lines-and-veils-mean
(five minutes per player is usually
enough). However, after a particu- ■■ The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt
larly intense session, it’s probably a
good idea to have a longer debrief- ■■ “Let’s Play with Fire! Using Risk and its Power for Personal
ing period than normal. Transformation” by Bettina Beck:

■■ “Creating a Culture of Trust Through Safety and Calibration
Mechanics” by Maury Brown:

■■ creating-culture-trust-safety-calibration-larp-mechanics/

■■ “Ur-Fascism” by Umberto Eco:

■■ Sex and Sorcery by Ron Edwards

■■ Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence from Domestic Abuse to
Political Terror by Judith Herman.

■■ The Vampyr by John Polidori

■■ “The X Card” by John Stavropolous:


Name Concept Predator
Chronicle Ambition Clan
Sire Desire Generation


Strength Physical Charisma Social Mental
Intelligence ¡¡¡¡¡
¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡

Dexterity ¡¡¡¡¡ Manipulation ¡¡¡¡¡ Wits ¡¡¡¡¡

Stamina ¡¡¡¡¡ Composure ¡¡¡¡¡ Resolve ¡¡¡¡¡

Health Willpower

¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨


Athletics ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Animal Ken ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Academics ¡¡¡¡¡
Brawl ¡¡¡¡¡
Craft ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Etiquette ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Awareness ¡¡¡¡¡
Drive ¡¡¡¡¡
Firearms ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Insight ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Finance ¡¡¡¡¡
Melee ¡¡¡¡¡
Larceny ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Intimidation ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Investigation ¡¡¡¡¡
Stealth ¡¡¡¡¡
Survival ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Leadership ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Medicine ¡¡¡¡¡

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Performance ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Occult ¡¡¡¡¡

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Persuasion ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Politics

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Streetwise ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Science

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Subterfuge ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Technology


¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡

Resonance Hunger ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ Humanity ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨

© 2018 White Wolf Entertainment

Chronicle Tenets Touchstones & Convictions Clan Bane

Advantages & Flaws Blood Potency ¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡

¡¡¡¡¡ Blood Surge Mend Amount

¡¡¡¡¡ Power Bonus Rouse Re-Roll

¡¡¡¡¡ Feeding Penalty Bane Severity

¡¡¡¡¡ Total Experience
¡¡¡¡¡ Spent Experience

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ True age

¡¡¡¡¡ Apparent age
¡¡¡¡¡ Date of birth
Date of death

Notes Appearance

Distinguishing features


© 2018 White Wolf Entertainment


No one holds command over me.
No man. No god. No Prince.

What is a claim of age for ones who are immortal?
What is a claim of power for ones

who defy death? Call your damnable hunt.
We shall see whom I drag screaming
to hell with me.

A Storytelling game of personal and political horror.

Mature Advisory: contains graphic and written content
of a mature nature, including violence, sexual themes,

and strong language. Reader discretion is advised.


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