Lilins frequently gravitate toward the following Con-
The need the world has for the Bahari is ever-grow- victions, their belief helping to justify their actions:
ing, at least according to the lilins. • Always correct the false myths of Caine
For every pain someone suffers, there is the chance when you hear them
at renewed purpose, or deep insight. There is no fear of To destroy Caine, one must destroy his myth. To ele-
death, or final death. In a world that seems increasing- vate Lilith as she deserves, one must destroy Caine
ly desperate and chaotic, the bloody hand that tilts up in every way.
someone’s chin to tell them the suffering are seen is a • Never feel remorse for serving Lilith
powerful one. The lilins spread a truth craved by those The Bahari cannot afford to dwell in remorse, be-
paralyzed by grief and pain. In the beginning, Lilith cause remorse is the thread by which self-doubt
was there, and Lilith was repeatedly betrayed, and they and artificial morals are sewn to the soul. Remorse
can attain vengeance for Lilith. The suffering that lilins creates hesitation.
spread feels like a substitute for the justice they will • Always participate in Bahari rituals
never have. To the new Bahari of the brutal modern The personal feelings of a Ba’ham do not matter in
world, the worship of Lilith is not only transgressive, regard to ritual. Whether they wish to be elsewhere,
but serves as a shadow faith against all human faith, a or believe the Garden they have entered is not wor-
shadow nation against the children of Caine. It is an thy of their presence, worship of the Dark Mother
unholy time, and the Bahari of the world walk through and her wisdom supersedes personal preferences
blood and thorns on their way to the ocean, to hasten or politics.
the waters’ rise. • Never allow the destruction of your
They are playing a dangerous game in war zones creations to go unavenged
around the world, operating under the noses of The Bahari hold the creation of their gardens and of
thrill-seeking members of the Camarilla and their en- life within their ghouls and mortal servitors as par-
emies, seeking to both lift up would-be lilins from the amount, in many cases. One of the surest ways to
bloodshed and strike down the children of Caine. send a Bahari into a murderous frenzy is to destroy
what they have built.
Recruitment • Never show fear in the face of death
Lilith did not show fear at any point after her crea-
Among mortals, promising future Bahari are often tion, nor should her children.
sought out among survivors of abuse, crime, and events • Only kill in sacrifice to Lilith
involving substantial fatalities (natural disasters, bus Killing is made sacred by being part of worship,
crashes, and the like). Mortals going through intense learning, and growth. Sacrifice can be about holy
periods of grief (someone who may have lost all immedi- vengeance. Sacrifice can mean volunteering your
ate family within a brief span of time, survivors of war) body to be the feast, to die in the hands and mouths
and those who take care of them are of particular interest. of other Bahari. All deaths must have meaning to
The Revelations of the Dark Mother — a text of importance the Dark Mother.
to the lilin, though its authorship is disputed within • Never fail to dispense pain and an-
the Bahari’s scholarly circles — have much to say about
grief and betrayal, and that’s what they look for; people guish to Lilith’s enemies
still within the gravity well of a grief that threatens to Bringing discomfort to the comfortable is not just a
destroy them, down to their soul. These are the people pithy saying, but a necessary component of bring-
crying in the waiting room or a parked car, unmoving at ing someone into the Dark Mother’s embrace as
home, putting on a strong face at work. They give their well as destroying her enemies in a manner she
mourning to pets, doctors, volunteers, other survivors, would find pleasing.
bar tenders, social workers, their dealer. Even when they
give their grief to the right people, they’re still drowning Among the children of Caine, Bahari still seek out
in it. A Bahari working in any of these roles is introduced those with broken hearts and broken will, but they also
to a sea of faces, constantly moving, and if she, like Lilith, seek out those who have been deprived justice, as Lilith
is meant to move within a sea… she’ll have a mortal in her was. Mortal acolytes who have known injustice are plenti-
talons with only a modicum of effort. ful in every era. But among the children of Caine, the rage
chapter two: Kindred Religions
SPIRALS OF VENGEANCE Purists — traditionalists among the Bahari, if one
Some lilins try to act with all humanity and use their can be described as such — say that initiations and
gifts to do nothing but help the victims of abuses, offerings alike don’t have to be made, you simply have
tortures, and harsh lives. to pay attention to where the Dark Mother directs you.
These lilins are, however, in the minority. For those who approach things with the swift and raging
Lilins are not “good vampires” and they are not sensibility of the modern era, there isn’t enough time left
“Kindred angels,” nor are they more interested in to waste on looking around. It’s an unpopular sentiment,
equality, fairness, and justice than they are in blood, and in antiquity it smacked of laziness. Those who believe
righteous mandate, and punishment. The Bahari are in this Burke-and-Hare shovel discount on observing the
more than happy to cultivate their image as aveng- teachings and sacrament of Lilith will become the bloody
ing angels, and some only feed from abusers, target rags and picked-over bones that fertilize one of her belov-
awful men, and persecute the patriarchy associated ed Gardens. What the Bahari do with these new recruits
with worshiping Caine. However, when the survivor is funnel much of their energy into directed violence
who pointed the lilin at their abuser thanks the vam- toward Cainites. The Bahari have no inner circle of any
pire, the vampire is inclined to take that mortal as kind to direct any Ba’ham as a puppet, and they rely on
a retainer, a blood doll, or just drop them without a cell-structure for their outward-facing activities, much
future aid, now their task is done. When they target like those used by terror groups.
awful men, ripping them to shreds in an alley, they
enjoy the pain they mete out, relishing the blood- The Bahari are an emulation cult, and any individual
shed and tortured cries. When they attack Cainite with a similar tale of woe is a healthy bud waiting to be
worship, they suggest a replacement: Lilith worship. nurtured into full bloom.
Neither is truly better than the other.
Some Bahari come face-to-face with their hypoc- Bases of Operations
risy and walk away from the cult. Others embrace
it and use it to elevate themselves. Others deny the The Bahari are a globe-spanning cult, and have tend-
hypocrisy and genuinely see themselves as deliv- ed Gardens in some places for hundreds, if not thousands,
erers, righteous in their actions. Very few Bahari of years. Generally, the Gardens have been located some-
ponder the idea that abuse begets abuse, or how where with fertile land and privacy, two things rapidly
the spiral of vengeance becomes all-consuming vanishing in the modern nights. Climate change has killed
until scores of innocents fall due to their supposed a number of Bahari, be they unwilling to move a Garden,
moral crusade. Examining their actions might give unable to leave their Garden, or perhaps caught una-
one a crisis of faith, and denying Lilith’s way is a wares by the shift of time and tide. There has been unease
good way to find oneself excommunicated from the among their number at the increase in groups seeking to
Garden, or lashed to the old Judas tree and burned build Gardens beneath the waves, where Lilith is said to
to ash. have lived among the dragons of the dark. Those seeking
to nurse poisoned wastes into beauty once again have all
and pain of a child taken from them in antiquity, or the died, save but a few known groups whose final fate no
husband lost to the hardships of life in a company town one has been able to confirm, including those who chose
— immortality gives these agonizing abuses of an unfair to go into the Zone Rouge in France after the Great War.
system the chance to become a frozen tableau in what Throughout their history, some Ba’ham who sought to
Kindred might call their soul; memories they can’t pry out heal the Earth did so to heal a measure of the Dark Moth-
of their minds, because half a world away — if not closer er’s unimaginable agony from when Caine sullied her
— are the people who orchestrated their agony. They Garden and killed her children. They are permanently at
might even ask them about it, from time to time, over the odds with the Bahari who prefer a technological and ac-
centuries. That painful wrath is Lilith’s wrath, and the Ba- celerated end to the planet, who will go to their starving,
hari will court one of the vampires outside the Garden for choking deaths with a smile after they have killed every
as long as it takes to bring that anger to the Dark Mother. descendant of Adam and Eve, and all of Caine’s as well.
It’s rare to have a chance to recruit a mage, or eat a In any part of the world, as long as a Ba’ham has a
saint, but these delicacies take effort, as does killing the pot of earth (or silt, if the sea-seekers are still alive and
last mortal descendants of a self-important beast who well), she is one of the most dangerous things beneath
knows his lineage back to Caine. It’s possible that if that the sun or moon. It doesn’t take a forest or a private park
death rends his heart and brings about his sympathy to to make a Garden, it’s simply powerful, and frequently
the ravages of grief, he could be opened to the truth. aesthetically pleasing.
Garden of Hope: underground and seized the city for men above all other vessels, though
Budapest their own. he couldn’t explain why.
These nights, the greatest Ba- For centuries, the cult influenced Steadily, Budapest became the
hari-led domain is in Budapest. For the city’s Kindred to abide by many Garden of Hope. Its natural beauty
nearly a millennium the lilin worked of Lilith’s precepts, manipulating plays a part, the glorious Danube cut-
in the background of the cities that vampire culture so the Kindred of ting through it like a life-giving vein.
led to Budapest’s formation. In the Budapest were unafraid of death Over the years, more Bahari traveled
present era they believe they have and pursued Golconda without fear, to the domain, reinforcing the cult’s
finally cultivated the domain into indulged in masochistic activities to rites around other Kindred of the
Lilith’s new Garden of Hope, and prove themselves to each other, and city until these became as natural as
only in the last decade have they restricted the murder of Kindred and the Camarilla Traditions in any other
emerged at the forefront of domain kine to only great sacrificial purposes. domain. Whenever a Bahari needed
politics. With the Beckoning calling Though Prince Laszlo didn’t know it, to rest for an extended period, they
away so many of Prince Laszlo’s allies, the reason he changed domain laws would sink to the bottom of the Dan-
the city’s Bahari drove the Prince over the course of the 20th century ube and bury themselves deep in the
to suit the ways of the Bahari was riverbed, giving their life to the city
because their voices filled his court. and taking the city’s life in return
He even encouraged feeding from upon awakening.
chapter two: Kindred Religions
Importantly, as a symbol of the could exorcise their guilt and hatred day engage in harmful behavior, with
city’s role as a domain of hope, the filled many with hope that with guid- this practice extending to sires who
Bahari dedicated much of their time ance, eternity needn’t be so cruel. have abused their childer.
to giving Kindred reason to exist,
reason to rise above the Beast’s pri- Now, the domain’s leader is a The Camarilla are interested in
mal needs, and a channel into which Nosferatu named Natali Tarr, though observing how long Budapest can
they could pour all their anger and she goes by the title “Anya,” meaning remain a Garden of Hope now that
self-loathing. For years, unknown to mother. She’s the latest in a line of the Bahari are in charge. It could
the Prince, the Bahari pursued the lilin to have led the cult in Buda- be a case where now that the cult
path of avenging angels, visiting pain pest, but easily the most ambitious, holds power, they don’t know how to
and sometimes death on every abuser reaching out to the until-recently control it. Or, the Bahari may cement
named in a newspaper or brought to torpid Vencel Rikard for assistance in their grip, find a balance between
their attention through anecdote or ousting Laszlo. Rikard called in some catharsis and purpose, and through
rumor. The cause became less about favors to aid the cult in removing Budapest form a paradigm for future
justice and more about catharsis, his usurper, but had no ambitions domains. Until then, the Kindred
with some Bahari finding their own of claiming the domain for himself, of Budapest follow highly modified
hold on Humanity slipping, but the content to just damage Laszlo’s pride. variants of the Camarilla Traditions
fact a domain existed where vampires and form a bulwark against outside
The Budapest of tonight is one attempts to change their domain
where at least 60% of the Kindred structure.
present are Bahari, with more joining
the cult each month. In this do- Goals
main, Natali’s lilin peers have built
up a trove of texts in the library of The Bahari seek to destroy the
Wenckheim Palace, forming the most Kingdom of Caine, make the world
complete record of Lilith and her Lilith’s, and bring her pain to the
most acclaimed followers’ exploits. living and the dead. How these things
Natali sends out feelers to Bahari in are accomplished varies between Gar-
other domains, inviting them to the dens, countries, Lhaka, mortals, and
Garden of Hope to contribute their the supernatural creatures who have
experiences and lessons. been drawn into the cult. Despite the
prohibition against killing, in con-
The Bahari believe Budapest is trast to sanctified death, there have
heavenly, but as with every domain, been lilins throughout history who
vampires on the wrong side of the re- felt engineering mass casualty events
ligious or political divide suffer horri- was perfectly acceptable when it
bly. The lilin carefully ration feeding allowed for the progress of the cult’s
grounds for non-believers, deny them goals. New generations of Bahari who
the right to Embrace, and persecute subscribe to the permissibility of
them mercilessly when they cross the violence have embraced the new era’s
cult. Likewise, the kine have expe- methods of death, from car bombs
rienced a rise in sudden deaths via and train derailments to chemical
heart attacks, aneurysms, and hemor- attacks and drone strikes. Their ap-
rhages, knife crime is apparently on proach to violence shares much with
the increase, and blood conditions Bahari who seek to destroy the world
such as anemia have shot up. These Cainites inhabit, and that the God so
issues seem to affect men while non- many love created, through pollution
males appear exempt. The city’s Baha- and accelerationism. Some target the
ri don’t hate all men, but if they’re to billionaires seeking to build climate-
hold to their ideal of avenging abuse, change-proof bunkers, pledging that
they would argue thatmale hands their last nights will be spent bring-
commit the vast majority of assaults ing pain to whoever seeks shelter in
and violent crimes. Some newcomers such shrines to the denial of death.
to the domain take a pre-emptive Others go after small-fry but no less
stance and beat, mentally crush, or
just kill men they suspect might one
horrible abusers, whether society Rites and Rituals worthy of Lilith), Blood and Roses
deems them reformed or not. (sacrifices are killed in ghost forests
There are all manner of rites and or copses of trees to keep the Garden
To the Gnostics of the Church of rituals performed by the Bahari, some fertile), and Night of Shadow (lilins
Caine in particular, the Bahari vow as frequently as several times a night, who were taken into the Bahari due
to systematically destroy their power, others perhaps only once every mil- to exceptional grief are imprisoned in
comfort, and belief in order to honor lennium. The Bahari are an oral tradi- a place of death or sorrow during the
the pain of Lilith and achieve venge- tion by pride and preference, written Winter Solstice, either to confront
ance against those who claim Caine rites being exceedingly rare. Even the their grief and rise above it to serve
as their forefather. The psychological most devoted and murderous lilin Lilith, or be sacrificed to keep their
cataclysm of such a process has result- looking for surviving written works Garden untainted by their past).
ed in almost as many conversions as are lucky to find even fragments of
it has deaths. such past worship. Winter is a cher- A lilin is not unmoved by life, or
ished time for rites that mourn and the dictates of their heart. Love, hate,
Due to the Bahari’s size and un- reflect on Lilith’s pain, leaving blood grief, joy, sorrow, all expressions of
coordinated nature, any given Ba’ham and entrails to steam on the snow feeling have their place in the Garden
might pursue personal agendas before they freeze. Spring is as vicious of Lilith. Their depth of feeling keeps
against solitary targets in emulation as the birth pangs felt by the Dark them from falling prey to purposeless
of Lilith’s lust for vengeance (or Mother, but any season and nearly sadism, dangerous sorrow, or profane
justice, if you were to ask the lilin), any sacrifice can be made within, or lust that would take them away from
just as easily as one might be on the to start, a Garden of one’s own. At their purpose. As long as Lilith is first
verge of founding a doomsday cell the most basic level, the rites and in their lives, and their Gardens sec-
entertaining the notion of destroying rituals of the Bahari should contain ond, any and all love, rivalry, or other
the local dam and flooding the town or celebrate pain, water, death, fertil- attachments are treated as natural
so life can grow again from scratch. ity, sex, excess (particularly of food, parts of existence. Whether one of the
These vampires believe they are blood, etc.), fury, and grief. Marking Bahari is human or something else, an
working in Lilith’s name to make the someone or something for suffering empty heart is an invitation for the
world a better place, but if the Bahari and death would be particularly apt. wrong things to take root within it.
have one commonality among them, The pride, pointless violence, egotism,
it is that their ambitions inevitably Among intrepid lilin who focus abuse, politics, and purposeless lives
lead to violence. their attention on the seas are rituals of the Camarilla and much of human-
like the Dark Fall (a sort of whale ity are a threat to the purity of Lilith’s
Those Ba’ham who cleave deeply fall, albeit conducted with a chained truth. It is the denial of deep roots,
to Lilith’s role as gardener in a literal Camarilla elder in torpor rather than and the disrespect for the fertility of
sense seek to make the world into a deceased cetacean, to bring prey to life, that places so many beyond the
one giant Bahari Garden, reversing the denizens of the ocean floor), the reach of the Bahari.
unsustainable farming and pollution Memory of Storm (a dusk-to-dawn
to restore it to a natural state, ter- vigil in honor of lilin lost in hurri- Enemies
rorizing all humans and Cainites left canes), and Deep Songs (a marathon
within it until they too either become rite praising the creatures that live in The Bahari list of enemies
sacrifices or Bahari themselves, giving the deep trenches, with continuous extends across the living, the dead,
Lilith a planet to rule and proving singing until the rite is done; the and plenty of entities who fit nei-
neither the children of Adam nor the first three lilins to falter in the song ther piece of taxonomy. Nearly all
Cainites were victors in the end. A are sacrificed at sea). These arcane Kindred are potential future Lhaka,
minority splinter group believes the practices have no material benefit, but all of them are enemies first,
planet must be completely covered in but provide a spiritual calm to the future coreligionists second, unless
water to bring about Lilith’s return to participants, reassuring them that circumstances make it clear that a
the Earth from her throne in darkest they’re following the correct path. particular Kindred could do very
night, interpreting the waters’ rise in little to threaten the Bahari. Even
the most literal of senses. These Baha- Those preserving the land and then, someone unassuming could be
ri are in the minority, but they exist, the followers who dwell on it have the someone else’s catspaw.
and while a number of them wait Song of Poison Gardens (for places
for the rest of their cult to catch up poisoned by war or industry, to bleed Among Kindred, the Toreador
with their way of thinking, others are away the poison and make them and Nosferatu are still afforded a
prepared to launch full-scale disasters
to start the wheel turning.
chapter two: Kindred Religions
sentimental regard on the part of can lead them. You just need to apply the New Rituals
the Bahari. This can be as gracious as correct blinkers.
leaving them intact after metaphorical- The lilin teach each other uncom-
ly or physically slaughtering everyone Los Hijos de Si: An interesting mon powers, that while not exclusive
around them, to as callous as a lilin development none of our legends mention, to the Bahari, are rare beyond their
saying they will be fair, and letting yet one that grips me whenever I delve ranks. When Bahari hear of other
their quarry have a head start to run into their behavior. Watch and learn, and vampires practicing these arts of the
before being killed and eaten. The see if they are of the same or a different Blood, they’re quick to pay a visit to
Bahari have their own reasons for long Garden as we. the Kindred involved and find out if
preserving the memory of the Torea- they represent another chapter of the
dor and Nosferatu progenitors’ atten- New Coterie cult, or if they’ve stolen these gifts
uated complicity in the destruction of Type from a more worthy vampire.
Lilith’s Garden and her children within
it. Gnostics of any clan or sect have Though many coteries formed Bahari Blood Sorcery exists in
earned a special place in many Gardens from religious Kindred emerge as the form of Rituals, with the rolls re-
as the centerpieces of sacrificial rites. blood cults (see Vampire: The Mas- quired detailed on p. 275 of Vampire:
There is no reason to try and convert a querade, p. 197), the Bahari have their The Masquerade and still requiring
soul so thoroughly defiled. own type of coterie formed through dots in Blood Sorcery, unless noted
unity among the downtrodden, the otherwise.
Perspectives marginalized, and the vengeful.
Level 1
Anarchs: They’re on the way to a Nemeses
certain form of wisdom, but that’s what Coax the Garden
a lot of alcoholics say after their fifteenth “Never again will we or you bend
shot. Yes, sometimes freedom for freedom’s over for these motherfuckers.” This Ritual allows the caster to
sake is a cause worth fighting for, and for bring plant life, such as roots, grass,
that they have my respect. Other times, Formed from the ranks of and tree branches to act in their
they rail, they swing, and they punch Kindred who were kept down in defense.
themselves in the face. life or unlife, nemeses coteries exist • Ingredients: Human blood, pop-
to ruin their enemies and improve
Camarilla: When I observe the the lot of those who suffered like py seeds.
Camarilla I see a two-edged blade. Wield them. Far from altruistic, most such • Process: The vampire casts a
it intelligently, benefit from its structure, coteries behave in this way as a form
and find that it’s the greatest modern of catharsis, often escalating until concoction of human blood and
creation of Kindred thought. Rely upon vengeance consumes them and all poppy seeds onto the earth, and
it, forget that it’s there, and you’ll find thoughts of questing for equality are in doing so rouses all plant life
yourself cut to ribbons by its politics, long forgotten. within a 5 yard/meter diameter.
backstabbing, and imprisoning hierarchy. • Domain: Chasse (••), Portillon (•) While these plants are rarely
lethal in their attacks, they can
Church of Caine: We have every • Contacts: (••) (downtrodden successfully disable and alarm
reason to despise this group of Gnostic kine) their victims.
bastards. Even in their own legends, • System: A win on the Ritual
Caine is a murderer, a pig, and a coward. • Influence: (••) (marginalized roll following the casting of the
Yet they revere him? It is typical of patri- mortals) Ritual ingredients animates
archal nonsense that this society of theirs the plant life. The affected flora
would prefer to defer to a flawed man • Enemy: (•) (a mortal who the causes a two-dice penalty to
than a near-perfect woman. coterie wishes to ruin) physical dice pools for those
caught in the range of the Ritu-
Church of Set: We share some • Status Flaw: (•) (Suspect) al, as plants trip and grip them.
similar principles, and for that they are Possible extras: Herd (survivors), Victims who stay in the area for
our kin. Of course, they see it differently, longer than a turn must make a
but Ministers, Setites, and the rest are Retainers (survivors)
easy to fool if you call Lilith “Sutekh”
or another name that appeals to their
sensibility. They want to follow, and we
Dexterity + Athletics roll (Difficulty 3), or be grap- it in, dislocate the jaw, or otherwise rend the throat
pled and suffer one point of Superficial Health dam- open, so long as it fits. As the body rapidly merges
age for each turn ensnared. If the caster achieves a with the tree’s roots and trunk, blood from mortals
critical win, the damage from plant attacks doubles. up to 1 mile/kilometer away drains into the earth and
On a total failure, the plants attack the caster. The out through the rotten apple in the vampire’s mouth,
plants will target anyone who isn’t the caster. They sating Hunger.
remain active until the end of the scene.
• System: The player makes a Ritual roll following
Level 5 the placement of the corpse and the apples. On a
win, the vampire’s Hunger is slaked to one, despite
Eden’s Bounty any Blood Potency feeding penalties. On a critical
win, the vampire’s Hunger is slaked to zero without
This rare Ritual allows a vampire to drain blood and killing. On a total failure, the vampire falls into a
energy from any living creatures in the nearby area, al- hunger frenzy. Depending on the number of kine in
lowing the caster to stave off Hunger without even having the Ritual area and the type of kine nearby, Stains
to bare their fangs. may accrue; for example vampires with a Prey Ex-
• Ingredients: A dead body, a living tree, one fresh clusion (see Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 181) may
suffer Stains if this Ritual is used in an area heavily
apple, one rotten apple. populated by their excluded class of mortal, whereas
• Process: The vampire lays a dead body (age of the varied groups with more kine to draw from are less
likely to bear an ethical cost.
corpse is immaterial) at the foot of a tree and places A lot of blood is wasted with this Ritual, as all the
the healthy apple in the corpse’s mouth, followed by
the rotten apple into the vampire’s. If the apple does mortals in the area lose a little blood to the earth, though
not fit in the corpse’s mouth, the caster may hammer the loss is not visible. For the remainder of the chapter,
those kine suffer a one-die penalty to all Physical rolls
and 1 Aggravated Health damage.
chapter two: Kindred Religions
WHAT OF GOLCONDA? with directional microphone by
Golconda is the semi-mythical state of enlighten- Father Glas in Miami, FL. Father
ment hundreds of vampires talk about, but nobody Glas apologizes for interruptions to
seems able to attain. In truth, some Kindred do transcript based on moving vehicles
reach a point where they exist more in harmony and Jehoshebah static interference.
with their Beast, where they’re capable of suppress-
ing some of their curses, and where they can even < RECORDING
pose as mortal without significant effort, but this BEGINS>
heavenly state comes at great cost. For some, they
must lose all mortal connection and become akin to Cardinal: g— roup will never amount
a cold-eyed, hunting shark to find such peace. For to more than a heresy. It was purged
others, they must diablerize their sire and study in once before.
the fallen vampire’s wake, retrace their steps, and
meditate until ready to feed their soul to their own Pygram: We won’t be purged again. The
childe. Beyond that, some Kindred find Golconda Cainites need faith now more than
through being more human than human, abandon- ever, and the old ways of your sect
ing Kindred society entirely, and existing as a para- have failed them.
gon of good and joy until their inevitable fall.
Importantly, there is no single route to Golconda, Cardinal: Is it arrogance that com-
despite what the adherents of the One True Way pels you to believe they would flock
(see p. XX) believe. It is possible to attain Golconda to your temple? Why would anyone so
as an adherent of the Church of Set, through liber- recently alive believe in Caine. Why
ation of Touchstones and Convictions, just as it is would they believe themselves as an-
as a Bahari, through sacrifice of all enemies and gels? It’s a folly. Pygram, my friend,
those who might harm you and your loved ones. A you can still join us in our crusade.
Mithraist may find inner peace through commitment There’s still time.
to law and hierarchy, while a Shalimite may find
the same through the absence of all things. Golcon- Pygram: I thought on it, your Emi-
da may be a perfect state for some Kindred, but to nence. I prayed on it.
those not at that level, the vampire who has reached
Golconda is often alien, detached, and terrifying. Cardinal: And?
The Church of Caine Pygram: Caine answered me. The Dark
Father spoke in my daytime dreams
“It is time to revel in the truth of our condition. and said the true heresy was with-
All Cainites must be taught. in your church of cannibalism.
They must know their truth. For as they know themselves, you That now was the time to accept our
will know the Dark Father.” divinity and allow you to destroy
— Arch Verger Alexi Farmer, Defender of the yourselves as the Amalekites and
Immaculate Church of the Dark Father, Detroit Canaanites were judged and.—
SoSL undead religions study. So- [Sounds of traffic eliminate near-
called “Church of Caine,” believed ly a minute of discussion at this
gnostic group. Meeting between un- point.]
dead titled “Cardinal” (name un-
known), undead named “Pygram” some- Cardinal: —never seize the hearts and
times titled “Deacon,” and undead minds of Kindred, no matter wheth-
named “Jehoshebah” (no title listed), er you call yourself “Deacon.” Your
no dialogue recorded, as her voice prophecies hold no more weight than
came through as static. Recorded those of a preacher on a box, on the
side of the road. You give yourself
and your followers over to a lie,
and for what? What’s your angle?
Pygram: Your use of the word “Kindred”
shows me how far you’ve fallen. There
is no angle but for salvation. Gol-
conda. Recognition from Caine himself
and elevation to his level. Caine was
ordained with the rite of bloodshed
because God wanted it that way. He is
an angel and we are his cherubs.
[Pause lasting 25 seconds. Car pulls over.] Gnosticism was declared a heresy
punishable by death. Just as the
Cardinal: You will see yourself killed if you speak Catholic Church had no more pa-
this way in any but the weakest Anarch domains. tience for rival faiths within its own
sphere, the Lasombra ran out of tol-
[Car door opens and closes.] erance for the Church of Caine’s in-
creasingly aberrant views of Earth as
Cardinal: Jehoshebah, I’m pleased you could join us. hell, vampires as angels, and mortals
Please tell me Pygram does not speak for all of you. as soulless cattle. Vampires who knew
of the cult’s denouement celebrated
Jehoshebah: [White noise for 11 seconds.] its fall, and those who campaigned
against it worked hard to scrub the
Pygram: Your time is up. Go join your legions. Fight cult’s name from the scant Cainite
in your Battle of Ramoth-Gilead. When only the history books that recorded it.
wounded remain, they will find our church waiting
for them with open arms. The Heresy Rises
Jehoshebah: [White noise for 24 seconds.] The idea of a Demiurge on high,
responsible for all the evil in the
Cardinal: No. No, I will not join you. Vampires are world, alleviating of that responsi-
not divine. We are not angels. I agree we are the bility the perpetrators of criminal
dominant predator, but you use faith to justify your acts, is a reassuring one to some.
monstrosity, and I remember what happened the last Vampires have a tendency to find
time you tried to do so. Good luck in surviving this excuses for their terrible acts, and
Inquisition. when one can point elsewhere and
say “He made me that way,” it — at
[Car door opens and closes.] least in the mind of the vampire —
helps absolve them of their sins. Not
Pygram: Remember doubting Thomas. We will show the that the modern Church of Caine
Cardinal the truth of our faith and he will respond are truly looking for absolution.
to direct personal experience. Or, he will never find
his way to the cargo ship designated to take him to The re-emergence of the Gnostics
Morocco. in the modern nights is a subject of
great mystery and conjecture. Few Kin-
Jehoshebah: [White noise for 35 seconds.] dred recall the original Cainite Heresy,
most being Beckoned, succumbing to
Pygram: Yes, a fine example. the sleep of ages, or destroyed in the
last eight centuries. While some believe
[Car pulls away and outdistances our recording the rising Gnostic tide must be at the
hardware.] beck and call of methuselahs who wise-
ly slept instead of facing the torches
<RECORDING ENDS> of the Inquisition 800 years ago, the
modern Church of Caine shows few of
The Heresy Falls The Cainite Heresy subverted the hallmarks of a methuselah-led cult.
the faith of mortals and vampires They don’t have a hierarchy based on
For over a thousand years, a alike, its adherents believing them- age, they care little for lineage and clan,
vampire subsect of Gnostic Chris- selves to be God’s chosen predators. and their centralized power comes
tianity operated within Cainite Most importantly for other vampires, in the form of the renewed Crimson
society. This group, known to some as their actions inside and outside the Curia — a council of priests — rather
the Crimson Curia, to others as the mortal Church drew the attention than a single, ancient figurehead.
Church of Caine, and to their ene- of the Catholic Inquisition as well
mies as the Cainite Heresy, posited as hunters from the ranks of the Of course, the other conclusion
that Caine was God’s divine angel of Muslims of Iberia. In a rare show of is that Caine brought the Church
murder who had absorbed the soul unity, imams sided with churchmen back into being, though there’s no
of Christ, and that all vampires were and put the torch to the Cainite
his children and just as blessed. It was Heresy before their Time of Caine
their divine mission to cull the weak, could arrive. The parent clan of most
turn the living hell of the world into of these “Gnostics” was the Lasombra,
a heaven, dominate the Catholic and along with vampires of the Banu
Church, and usher in the Time of Haqim and Clan Brujah they hunted
Caine, or third resurrection of Caine down the remaining stragglers.
and Jesus, prophesized to arrive in
the year 1239 CE. The Church of Caine reached its
end close to the time when mortal
chapter two: Kindred Religions
evidence to show he was ever around while the Demiurge is all-seeing and by the “Kindred,” who wish to come
to see the Church in its original form, all-knowing, he sends a representa- to some deeper sense of understanding
let alone approve of its purpose or tive (sometimes more than one) to of their damnation. Some Camarilla
methods. The idea that this cult may Earth to mete out his will. Specifical- domains have received word from one
exist in direct service to Caine is a ly, the Church posits, this repre- Justicar — Juliet Parr of Clan Malkavi-
thought that undoubtedly troubles sentative is Caine, though infamous an — that they are not to oppose this
many Kindred, however, and leads a vampires such as Sutekh and Mithras new missionary work. The running
surprising number to join its ranks may have been his angels as well, and theory among some Kindred is that
just to err on the side of caution. If Lilith certainly fits the mold of an Parr belongs to the Heresy, or one of
the Dark Father is real, awake, and angel who couldn’t help but abuse her ancestors did and now speaks with
leading a sizable cult, better to be on her power and fall. The Antediluvi- her through the Blood, but equally
his side. ans were likewise angels, but fought likely is that Parr wants no internal
Caine’s children and therefore fell conflict while the Inquisition is watch-
What is known, is the Church of from grace. They still deserve punish- ing. The absence of the Sabbat helps
Caine has leaked out of the darkness ment for this. Likewise, humans with the Camarilla and Anarch Movements
again, with its words, beliefs, and proficiency in angelic arts — whom greatly, so why start a new war when
practices becoming visible for the first the Tremere call mages — are of these priests aren’t striking out with
time in centuries following the Beck- greater importance and value than anything but words?
oning’s commencement. The Church the sleeping kine. The Church of
claims Caine himself calls his errant Set hotly refutes this notion, as they The Church of Caine’s belief sys-
childer to fill his long-empty veins, believe the Demiurge responsible for tem is unlike most widespread mortal
and only the Church will be saved. creation of all clans not descended religions of these nights, so their dog-
Caine is the face, voice, and mind of from Sutekh, and responsible for ma is one rarely delivered in full to
the Demiurge in this hell on Earth, preventing Sutekh’s absolute influ- vampires of any sect, at least not until
and he will not be denied. His angels ence over the world. vampires have shown willingness and
will ascend with him once the rest of acceptance of the Gnostic reality. To
the world accepts their place as the Earth is not a median point start, most Gnostics introduce their
meek and the fallen. Until then, his in this cosmic theory. Earth is hell, belief that Caine was chosen by God
will be done. and receiving the Embrace is a step and all vampires are likewise blessed
toward escaping that hell. All worlds children, uplifted to the role of divine
Hell on Earth layer on top of each other, so it is predators. This is a belief many vam-
possible to exist in heaven and hell at pires can understand, as most know
The Church of Caine has long the same time, but divine right grants the story of Caine and Abel and
held the view that the world is divid- one resilience against hell’s slings and most realize they possess more power
ed into many planes of existence, with arrows. At least, that’s the Church than when they were mortal. Tales
the Demiurge above all, and his angels of Caine’s theory behind Disciplines of layered planes of reality, vampires
governing the ranks of the unknow- such as Fortitude, and their reasoning as angels of murder, all beings as
ing. At each level of awareness, an for why all their powers are symbolic spirits trapped in a liminal state, and
individual grows closer to becoming of the type a god might use against a Earth being equivalent to hell tend to
an angel themselves, but these levels mere mortal. follow much later.
go down as well as up, and the farther
down one descends, the closer they Sublimating The Gnostics find themselves
come to being damned forever. Divinity occupying an unexpected role within
into Society Cainite society. While they them-
This view may seem incom- selves rarely use the term “Golconda,”
patible in a modern world, but to Gnostics have forged never-be- Kindred who know of the legendary
vampires of the Church, and mortals fore-seen paths into the Ivory Tower state of being see the way Gnostics
who believe themselves more enlight- and the rekindled Anarch Movement. believe in ascension and divinity,
ened — through intellect, influence, Their gospel celebrating the vampir- and the peace with which they hold
money, or even charm — it’s a ration- ic condition has seldom been heard their faith, and wonder if this cult is
al view. It’s a class society imposed by within these sects. This message the key to Golconda. For its part, the
a supreme power, and it makes sense is surprisingly accepted, if not enjoyed, Church of Caine makes no promises
to an amoral mindset. The Church that a follower will achieve a state
of Caine for instance believes that where they “lose their curse,” as its
doctrine is adamant vampires aren’t
cursed, but blessed. That blessing may grow as a vampire The Church’s outward confidence aside, many new
acquires wisdom and strength, and that may be what converts to the faith exist in constant fear of the Sabbat
others call Golconda, but to tell a Gnostic they’re cursed bringing forth all its fury down upon them. They worry
by God is a good way to earn an adversary. the sect will return from its crusade stronger, having
devoured a flock of angels, and will visit the same wrath
Ad Limina on the Gnostics that the Inquisition and traitor clans did
eight centuries ago. The Church amasses lore to defend
Despite its recent appearance, the Church of itself and reaches out for allies within the Cainite pop-
Caine draws vampires as old as ancillae, with at least ulace. Their current catechism is of unity, “compassion,”
one elder serving as a member of the modern Crimson and conversion, reaching out to those less fortunate and
Curia. Something of the cult draws vampires in, wheth- providing what help they can give. This religious instruc-
er through talk of Caine, reassurance that their state as tion coincides with Gnostic teachings and revealing of
vampires is not unclean or damned, or because of the the truth, wherein all vampires are Cainites, those of
hope for ascendancy from hell once the Time of Caine Caine, and his blessed children.
arrives again. According to the Crimson Curia’s proph-
ecies, that time will come soon, having been forestalled The Lasombra defection to the Camarilla poses
from the previous appointed time in 1239 CE. They claim an interesting conundrum for the Church, as while the
Caine arose and found his church absent, and so in great Cainite Heresy of old mostly consisted of Lasombra, it
sorrow destroyed the boundary between worlds and fell was other Lasombra who directed the faith’s purge. For
into a deep slumber. Kindred scholars wonder at what now, the few vampires who recall these details — most of
boundary this story relates to, whether geographical — whom are Lasombra anyway, or were told the stories of
as the appointed time was close to that of the Mongol the Cainite Heresy by older Magisters — prepare for the
Invasion into Europe — or spiritual, annihilating a layer Night Clan to once again visit destruction or manipula-
between hell and heaven, or bringing the deepest level of tion on their order. Old habits die hard and they expect
hell closer to the surface. The tale is likely apocryphal, but many Lasombra will assume the church is theirs to wield
vampires in cults make for dedicated theologians. or crush as it once was before. The Church is content
to provide guidance to most Kindred, but treads warily
around the Night Clan at this time.
chapter two: Kindred Religions
The reconstructed Church of Caine aims to rebuild the urge to frenzy, and how best to retain one’s Humanity
an official magisterium, a codified scripture, review and while accepting the nature of an undead blood-drinker.
revise their holy sacraments, and write canon law that Members of the flock are permitted to hear the cult’s
will be both easily disseminated and protect the con- liturgy but cannot witness the sacraments.
gregations. Then there is the defense of the new Holy
Cainite Empire in Heaven, which may not exist in any Doorkeepers
meaningful way as yet, but will soon if the Crimson
Curia’s plans come to fruition. With the Second Inquisi- The ancient role of doorkeeper was assigned to
tion’s control over most forms of travel, the Church strug- churches to prevent their persecution by other faiths,
gles to find a way to build all the answers needed to finish opposing societies and governments, and sabotage from
these tasks. The faith’s parishes have been content with unhappy citizens. This guard role exists to this night, with
building their own local traditions and denominations, those vampires more disposed to violence (whether doling
all with a different dogma, creating a tapestry of faith it out or preventing it) more likely assigned this title than
much more diverse than previously expected. one responsible for administering the faith. Doorkeepers
are more than hired muscle, as they’re expected to still at-
This is a time of new freedoms, an age of enlighten- tend services and participate in the sacraments, but they
ment constructing a marketplace of ideas for Cainites to are also the first vampires opponents of the Church will
partake in and defend. Some Gnostics appreciate this see, if threats or delivery of violence is required.
freedom, others fear the heresies that will inevitably
spring up to challenge the new order. Some churches Doorkeepers tend to hold Status: Church of Caine (•).
have already begun venerating the Second Genera-
tion as saints or bodhisattvas of the higher Cainite Acolytes
pantheon. These parishes are rare though, as above all
things, Caine is mighty and glorious. There are even Acolytes of the Church of Caine are responsible for
rumors of parishes who venerate both Caine and Lilith, several duties, including arranging safe venues for Gnos-
though the Bahari are still perceived as vile enemies to tics to meet, ensuring priests are equipped with the tools
most Cainites and burned out as the heresy they are. and apparel needed to perform their ministerial duties,
and hunting down artifacts important to the Church.
Church Hierarchy This varied role is commonly the first title a vampire
earns upon formally joining the Church of Caine, with
The Church of Caine upholds a hierarchy resembling each acolyte having performed at least one firewalk (see
a blend of the Medieval Catholic Church, modern Gnostic p. XX). Acolytes often act as audiences to encourage or
churches, and even the Eastern Orthodox Church. To cajole others participating in the sacraments.
the cynical vampire, the church hierarchy structure is
just a means to exert control and has little bearing on the Acolytes tend to hold Status: Church of Caine (•).
spiritual significance of the vampire holding the rank of
“deacon” or “bishop,” but curiously, the modern Church of Vergers
Caine eschews the idea that only the eldest may hold the
most important roles. This vampire religion rewards merit, The verger is a vampire who wanders from domain to
which may come to fracture the organization when elders domain teaching others of the liturgy, the Demiurge, and
refuse to shift from their long-held roles. Caine, in the most non-controversial terms. These roving
preachers vary in importance from nominal Gnostic
Congregation / The Flock mouthpieces to cult leaders building larger and larger
followings. The most notorious vergers are known as
The bulk of vampires who consider themselves faith- arch vergers. They hold no influence over the Church of
ful Gnostics, Cainites, or simply believers, are referred to Caine’s formal hierarchy, but in this era when the Second
as “the congregation” or “the flock.” Individual vampires Inquisition scrutinize cult-like behavior and strange
at this level believe in Caine as the progenitor and uphold reports of priests administering blood to their congrega-
the belief that they are divinely mandated as predators. tions, the merits of being a traveling holy person some-
Despite the latter belief, the congregation are far from times outweigh those of being a leader with a static flock.
uncontrollable monsters. Their superiors in the Church
teach Gnostics how to unleash their Beast, how to satisfy Vergers tend to hold Status: Church of Caine (•) and
at least one dot of Streetwise.
Lectors are few roles within the Church of least four dots in Occult and three
Caine so visible and so immediate- in Politics. Most hold proficiency
Lectors act as readers during ly influential as that of the priest. in Auspex, so they can glean deep
church services. The role is largely Priests might read from ancient insights into the priests and deacons
honorific, as when not performing religious texts verbatim, schooling beneath them.
for the flock, they occupy the same their flock on the word of Caine, or
standing as acolytes. The major they might lead a congregation with The Metropolitan
difference is in the confidence given their own interpretation of Caine’s
to a lector, as a priest or deacon will. Priests carry enough power There is no metropolitan in
speaks with them on matters of faith in their words and actions to form the Church of Caine, though if
and expects the lector to read from schisms without knowing it, and there were one, it would be Caine
the texts important to the Church for that reason their actions remain or a vampire who could believably
of Caine with earnest belief and closely observed by deacons who channel his will and direction. The
understanding. report priest behavior to the bishops, Church of Caine is growing swiftly
while priests report on flock behav- enough to warrant the appointment
Lectors tend to hold Status: ior to those same bishops. Every city of a proxy metropolitan in the next
Church of Caine (••) and rarely have with a contingent from the Church of few years, just due to the benefit of
fewer than two dots in Occult, with a Caine must have a priest, even if that having a strong autocrat in charge
Specialty in Gnosticism. requires bringing a priest in from a of such an organization, though the
separate domain. Without a vampire Crimson Curia may overrule any
Deacons who knows the rites and dogma, such appointment. Most bishops
there is no Church. agree a metropolitan is a necessity
Deacons hold administrative for some night in the future, but
power in the Church of Caine. While Priests hold Status: Church of few are prepared to nominate an
they might stand in for a priest to Caine (•••) or higher, and each has at untested vampire. They wish to
perform services, it’s more likely least three dots in Occult, with a Spe- avoid electing a metropolitan, only
the deacons busy themselves with cialty in Gnosticism, or sometimes, to see them suffer the Beckoning
upholding the financial, bureaucratic, Catholicism. Most have some profi- or suddenly become a target for
and personnel end of the Church. ciency in the Presence Discipline. the Second Inquisition, and so the
This sounds mundane, but the power bishops for now have agreed the
deacons wield over the channeling of Bishops Crimson Curia is sufficient, until a
wealth in and out of the Church, and suitable candidate reveals themself.
the prestige awarded to members of The Church of Caine’s bishops
the flock and the acolytes beneath — of which a select few form the The theoretical metropolitan of
them, is impressive. Deacons are Crimson Curia — are responsible for the Church of Caine holds Status:
effectively the Harpies of the Church keeping the entire order together, Church of Caine (•••••).
of Caine. In terms of reporting, furthering the Dark Father’s agenda
deacons bypass priests and report to (such as they interpret it), creat- Church Dogma
the bishops and Crimson Curia itself. ing new sacraments, interpreting
Gnostics cannot become priests of ancient texts and myths, and acting At its core, the Church of Caine
Caine before they have held the title as spiritual centers when domains believes it is a vampire’s destiny for
of deacon. run the risk of falling due to priest- the Demiurge to select them, make
ly absence or failures (though they them as holy as Caine, and take them
Deacons generally hold Status: often delegate this role to powerful to his right side. To achieve this
Church of Caine (••) and rarely have deacons). Bishops possess the ability requires controlling one’s Beast, not
fewer than two dots in Politics or to order sweeping changes across to become a pacifist or vegan, but to
Finance. the faith, though before any major gain the ability to let it off the leash
decisions are made they must form in a measured manner. The most
Priests / Church Leaders a conclave of at least nine vampires successful predators in the world are
from the Church of Caine, five or not those that mindlessly savage in a
Responsible for overseeing the more of whom must be at the bishop whirlwind, but those who stalk, hunt,
sacraments, administering Church or deacon rank. kill, and devour, leaving just enough
doctrine, and keeping the faithful bones to make their presence known.
community whole and growing, there Bishops tend to hold Status:
Church of Caine (••••) and possess at
chapter two: Kindred Religions
GNOSTIC CONVICTIONS they committed eons ago, before
Gnostics often adopt the following Convictions to help them maintain their they came to possess their current
sense of self while pursuing their faithful existence: forms, is one all the Church priests
• Never unwillingly allow the Beast to take over come to understand and believe in.
Exercising restraint by never succumbing to the extremes of behavior is As soon as a Gnostic accepts this
vital to becoming a renowned vampire in the Church of Caine. Wild, un- reality, it makes feeding and killing
controllable animals find the entire jungle working against them, where- a lot easier. The moral damage can
as cool, calculating predators find their stomachs full and their presence be severe, but the detachment from
unnoticed. the basic human perception of
• Never succumb to fear Earth brings one to a new state of
Willpower is all-important to these vampires, who believe that in order enlightenment.
to emulate (or even surpass) Caine, one must harden one’s mind against
hell’s weaponry. Gnostics are expected to sample a snatch of sunlight, To ascend toward heaven, the
walk through fire, and adorn themselves with holy symbols, just to show cult maintains a vampire must be
their defiance and power. capable of overcoming their fear of
• Let nobody prevent you from growing closer to Caine hell’s weapons. The Church of Caine
This Conviction can be interpreted in multiple ways, but generally refers do not believe the Demiurge made
to the cult’s desire to build its knowledge of Caine and of the Church’spre- vampires vulnerable to fire, but rath-
decessors from the first millennium. Other Gnostics with this Conviction er, this burden is a holdover from
believe any attempt to interfere with cult sacraments is to be punished, their time among hell’s denizens.
and frenzy if someone tries to stop their actions. After all, are mortals not harmed by
• Feed only from hell’s denizens fire too? They reason Caine must be
All Gnostics agree some mortals are more worthy than others, and de- immune to this element by now, so
pending on the domain, may have selected some strata of mortal society they must attempt to be the same
to exempt from hunting. They believe all others are beings in hell, and way, and so the Church preaches
there to sate the hungers and whims of angels above them. Some Gnos- that Gnostics must defeat the fire
tics might use this as justification to commit diablerie, if a vampire has by staring at it, handling it, and
fallen far enough from Caine’s grace. walking through it. The same will
• Do not consort with the lowest beings of hell apply to sunlight, when a Gnostic is
The Church of Caine believes strongly that all vampires are angels or powerful enough.
blessed, and spending time in the company of devils is a fine way to make
oneself fall. Many Gnostics cut away unnecessary mortal ties that might Arguably the most controversial
inhibit them from progression within the Church. of the cult’s beliefs is in diablerie as a
• Never brook an insult to Caine’s divinity necessary sacrament. If the Crimson
This Conviction leads to more conflicts than probably any other, but is fun- Curia deem a vampire unworthy of
damental to the Church of Caine’s beliefs: Caine is divine, he is the Dark their layer in the hierarchy between
Father of all vampires, and he is to be revered. Any who doubt that should heaven and hell — usually due to
receive correction and education. Any who insult that should receive pun- some grievous crime committed
ishment. Caine is the angel of murder and hunting, and the Church will not against the Church, in the name of
hear him be referred to as some common murderer. Caine, or because they’re a vocal,
influential proponent of another
The Church preaches the words Crimson Curia says — they must be faith — the Curia advocates for their
of Caine as recorded by experts and there to see and assist in the third diablerie. The Gnostics believe all
seers of the Crimson Curia, and their rising of angels, sometimes called “the spirits exist in a cycle and just reform
belief in Kindred as blessed. Their resurrection,” otherwise known as the on a lower level when their flesh
faith is one of trial and victory, in “Time of Caine.” vessel is destroyed. The only way to
which vampires must prove they’re prevent this is through the divine act
worthy of the love of the Demiurge The belief that the world is a of devouring the soul. While practiced
and of Caine, and when the time layered hell with strata of deserving rarely, it is not forbidden, nor is it
comes — and it will come soon, the and undeserving individuals, some withheld for any reason other than
of whom are being punished for sins appearances. The Church of Caine
has not yet gained sufficient allies to
make diablerie an acceptable ritual in
Camarilla and Anarch domains, but
they’re biding their time.
Sacraments System: The vampire must name self-awareness, as when the partici-
one of their fears and allow other pants discuss and demonstrate their
While it is true the parish struc- members of the cult to expose them respective clan banes and Caine’s
ture of the cult allows for disparities to it. The vampire makes a terror verses, they accept themselves for
in the way liturgy is delivered and frenzy test at Difficulty 3, and if the what they are and find hope in their
how Caine’s role in the world is fear is withstood, they reduce the Dif- ancestor’s words. Vampires who
described, there are certain defined ficulty of their next terror frenzy test participate openly in this sacrament
sacraments universal to all members. by 1. Whether the vampire frenzies or always feel refreshed and reinvigorat-
While many of these are being re- not, they heal a point of Aggravated ed upon its conclusion.
vised and blended together current- Willpower damage. Vampires may
ly, these sacraments are propagated as attempt to lie about their fear to System: When demonstrating a
universal gifts of the Dark Father. complete the sacrament, but doing clan bane or confessing to a way in
so conveys no benefit and requires a which the bane has severely impeded
Those Cainites who hold the successful Manipulation + Subterfuge them, the vampire’s player makes a
titles of priest or verger generally roll against the church leader’s Wits Resolve + Composure roll (Difficulty
teach these rites to the flock. These + Insight. 2 + Bane Severity). A win reduc-
vampires are protectors and defend- es their Bane Severity to 0 for the
ers of the gospel of the Dark Father. The Sacrament purposes of their clan bane, until the
Part preacher and part templar, of Exculpation end of the session. During that time
these vampires act as a communiqué their Bane Severity counts as 1 higher
between the parishes, delivering Once referred to as a “Sermon of for all other purposes, unless their
letters and artifacts between church Caine,” this rite sees members of the sacrament roll was a critical win. A
leaders, and helping to develop sacra- congregation invoking the flaws of total failure results in 2 Aggravated
ments and canon law. their bloodline while quoting stories Willpower damage. While their bane
or passages from the Book of Nod. The is reduced, certain curses don’t dis-
The Sacrament participants need to present how appear completely: Nosferatu remain
of Valediction their quotations can help Cainites in repulsive, Tremere unable to bond
their present situation. The sacrament vampires, etc.
When initiated into the Church invites vigorous discourse and the
of Caine, a Cainite focuses upon leav- possibility of social conflicts and res- The Sacrament
ing one’s previous life and accepting olutions, as the practicing theologians of Firewalking
the state of being of a vampire. In debate the modern merits of the Book
modern nights, the Church of Caine of Nod. The debates are often used to One of the most emblematic sac-
performs this rite as a symbolic act, show the folly of vampires closer to rament of the Church of Caine sees
but one filled with terror nonetheless. hell or to highlight wisdom found in them walking through fires of varying
angelic Caine’s words. size and ferocity to demonstrate how
A dedicant of the Church must they have risen above the weaknesses
openly name and describe one fear Demonstrating a clan bane dif- of hell’s creatures. Different branches
they held within their mortal lives fers from vampire to vampire, but for of the Church argue the ultimate pur-
or recent vampire existence and a Nosferatu it might mean participat- pose of such a potentially destructive
explain how they plan to go about ing in sacrament rite with no disguise sacrament, and whether it’s in fact
ridding themselves of it. Only by in place, or for a Hecata they would an insult to Caine and the Demiurge
witnessing their lack of fear can they need to feed from a vessel in front of to test one’s curses in such a way, but
be fully initiated into the Church the other practitioners, despite the as a measure of a vampire’s will few
by sacrament, usually with a drop of anguish caused. Some vampires find sacraments compete.
blood or vitae upon the new mem- their banes harder to invoke than
ber’s forehead. Every member of a others, but for those who have truly The Church of Caine typi-
parish must take part in this rite, situational curses, they are free to just cally makes its newest adherents
and even older members routinely discuss the problems and fears they walk down a narrow corridor of lit
rededicate themselves to Caine by possess surrounding their weaknesses, candles or lamps, surrounding them
participating in this sacrament, to and how these weaknesses keep them with several minor sources of fire.
show to the congregation their locked in hell. The fires increase with the prestige
deeper ecclesiastical understanding of the vampire. When attempting
of the Gnostic mysteries. Enlightenment gleaned from to achieve title in the Church, or
this sacrament comes through following another great act for
chapter two: Kindred Religions
which the vampire desires acclaim, vampire feels completely in control of Cainite Dominion:
a firewalk takes place as a way of their Beast. St. Louis
punctuating the vampire’s worthi-
ness. The fires in such tests are often System: Any trial of flame St. Louis has always been a con-
long pathways of burning coals or inevitably ends in horrific burns; tentious domain, swinging from one
recently broken up burning bonfires walking down a hallway of hot coals sect to the next as wars raged between
or haybales. To become a verger may inflict 2 Aggravated Health Kindred interests. These nights, the
or other church leader a vampire damage, whereas standing in a roar- battlefield has changed. Street crime is
must successfully pass through a ing bonfire might inflict 5 or more. down, reports of supernatural activity
roaring fire without succumbing to The vampire tests against terror have dried up — at least as far as
fear, maybe in the form of walk- frenzy with the damage suffered FIRSTLIGHT are concerned — and
ing through a standing bonfire, as their Difficulty. Completing a the Sabbat have, as with most Amer-
or perhaps having to traverse an firewalk without frenzying heals ican cities, moved on. The war for St.
obstacle course of burning tires and all Superficial Willpower damage, Louis now is for its soul, and the souls
rooms — the sacraments depend as and Aggravated Willpower damage of the vampires within it. Presently,
much on the sadism of the priest in equal to the fire’s initial damage. the warring cults are evenly contest-
charge as they do the beliefs of the The vampire may roll a Composure + ed, but rumor holds that influential
congregation. Survival test against the fire’s initial vampires from within the Camarilla
damage as a Difficulty, with each support the Church of Caine in the
In all cases, physical injury is success reducing the damage they Gateway to the West.
expected. Vampires with Fortitude suffer (to a minimum of 1). A critical
resist harm more easily than other win awards the vampire with an The Gnostics in St. Louis have
participants, but the physical scars additional dot of Status: Church of adopted a stance of aggressive Caine
are less important than the vampire’s Caine, which disappears at the end reverence, leaning into the evangeli-
ability to withstand the fear. If they of the story if not purchased with cal. They display the results of their
are able to pass through the fire experience.
without hesitating or frenzying, the
faith in secret ceremonies and displays for other Kindred, Jehoshebah says she voluntarily adopted a torpid state
manipulating flame and showing no fear of fire like carni- in the 13th century CE. Though few know if her words
val freaks looking to impress a crowd. They show rever- are true, she carries a body of impressive, believable
ence for the city’s elders, its remaining Primogen, and the tales, and regularly demonstrates her command over the
fallen Prince, just due to these vampires’ age. They claim Blood to cow Gnostics and unbelievers alike. She claims
that proximity to Caine brings a vampire closer to heaven the Beckoning has no effect on her because she com-
and thus, farther from the hell fledglings inhabit, making munes directly with Caine. Supposedly, he intervenes in
the Gnostics ready servants of the Camarilla’s hierarchy. the summons while she has work to do in the Americas.
The cult routinely meets with notable Camarilla vampires In truth, her Cainite generation is far from what one
in Busch Stadium or Six Flags St. Louis, in the belief that might expect of a near-900 year old vampire, but she
ostentatious displays of mortal hubris and wealth at once speaks with enough conviction to convince others of her
humble the undead while simultaneously reminding them power.
of the arrogant hell in which they reside.
Around Bishop Jehoshebah and the upcoming
Crucially, St. Louis’ Gnostics turned the tide of Kin- martyr Oubier, the cult commands six vampires — a
dred opinion in favor of the controversially brutal Chief mixture of priests and deacons — to handle different
Inspector (the Lou’s version of a Sheriff, who has weath- aspects of the city, each acting as a go-between for the
ered the sectarian storms) further to his diablerie of three Church and the Camarilla, Anarchs, kine, and other
Masquerade-breakers. Though Chief Inspector Oubier’s cults, respectively. Some take a militant stance and
punishment of these three vampires was unorthodox and employ coteries of doorkeepers to protect them as they
inhumane, tantamount to cannibalism in most domains, spread the Gnostic word, while others tread softly, such
the Gnostics acted as bodyguards to the vicious Malkavian as with the city’s Camarilla Kindred, offering spiritual
and extolled his actions as the will of Caine and in the advice and “evidence” of their progress on the journey
best interests of the domain. They successfully persuaded to Golconda, all to win converts and turn the Gateway
the city’s Anarchs that without Oubier’s brutality, the city to the West into a heavenly domain, at least by Gnostic
would have been the next target on the Second Inquisi- standards.
tion’s list, thereby slumping even farther into hell. What
the Church of Caine actually wants with a deranged killer Perspectives
like Oubier is unknown outside the cult. The Gnostics
know, however, that he is of significant blood potency Anarchs: A surprising fertile ground to till for worship,
and generation, and will make for an adequate figure of though the Ministry have their hooks in with talk of spiritual
worship, before becoming a martyr, a saint, and an icon liberty. I believe we could do wonders with this sect, however,
for the Church and city. The cult is adept at spinning if we could convince prominent Barons to accept their roles as
horrifying acts into gripping parables, and intends to do Caine’s appointed descendants and leaders of Cainites.
the same with the “passions” of Oubier.
Bahari: At least they don’t have the temerity to refer to
St. Louis’ Church of Caine are far from unassailable. Lilith as an angel. She was, but no longer. She fell just like the
The city contains plentiful rival cultists from among the Antediluvians fell, and just like all of hell’s creatures fell. They
Bahari, Mithraists, and even a couple of Nephilim. Each are misguided, and I feel they should be the last cult we attempt
wants a chance to steer the city through its period of con- to save. They need to learn to suffer.
flict and come out as the primary power player. Where the
Gnostics differ, is in their lack of desire to rule. The cult Camarilla: Just two decades ago I would have balked at
genuinely wants to pull the city from hell and into heaven, the idea of working within the Camarilla, but just as Chris-
even if that requires the sacrifice of every vampire who tianity, Judaism, and Islam (among countless other religions)
opposes their view of Caine and codified laws for hunting have undergone spates of persecution (some longer than others),
and herding the kine, to remind them of their place at the we are in a period of quiet worship and the Camarilla is
bottom of the food chain. They’re not going to appoint a the best-placed sect for such. We offer them our support and
Prince to rule the domain, nor are they going to try run- influence within mortal religious bodies, they offer us their
ning a theocracy, instead believing that spiritual dominion protection.
over St. Louis is more than sufficient.
Church of Set: Are they a clan or a religious order? How
The Gnostics in the Gateway City have adopted a can one be Embraced into a belief system? While I understand
formal structure around Bishop Jehoshebah, who makes the idea of baptism and indoctrination from birth (or the
her haven in the abandoned Eastern State Penitentia- Embrace, in our case), their entire structure seems more based
ry with several of her Gnostic kin. A Lasombra who on brainwashing than actual faith. That, and so many other
claims to be a member of the original Church of Caine, reasons, puts us at odds with this cult.
chapter two: Kindred Religions
Servitors of Irad: We would know more of this fellow- Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 274) in that it is usable
ship. Few cults rise to worship Caine’s first childer, so it begs from a distance and an efficient way to incapacitate
the question whether they know more of the Demiurge’s chosen rather than kill the victim.
than most other, non-Gnostic Kindred.. • Ingredients: A sample of the target’s blood, a visual
New Rituals depiction of the target such as a photo, painting, or
video recording, a candle made from red wax or a
The Lure of Flames is the thaumaturgical embodi- lighter made of iron.
ment of victory over fear. Pioneered by vampires of Clan • Process: The vampire concentrates on the visual
Tremere, the Church of Caine heavily utilizes these pow- depiction of their target (which can be the individ-
ers as part of their sacraments and their arsenal against ual in person) and burns the target’s blood sample,
enemies of the faith. It is both a way to protect oneself usually held in a petri dish, glass bottle, or vial, over
from the bane of fire and a weapon used to instill both the flame. The effect occurs almost immediately, as
injury and terror in the enemy. the victim’s blood heats up in their veins.
• System: The player makes a Ritual roll following the
This form of Blood Sorcery exists in the form of Rit- incantation versus the target’s Resolve + Occult (or
uals, with the rolls required detailed on p. 275 of Vampire: Resolve + Fortitude, if the target is a creature with
The Masquerade, unless noted otherwise. this Discipline). Each point of the vampire’s margin
is applied as Superficial Health damage that also
Level 1 inflicts wracking pain upon the victim, forcing them
to incur a −2 dice penalty to Physical pools for the
Dampen the Fear remainder of the scene. On a critical win, the penalty
increases to −3. A Kindred target must make a Rouse
This Ritual allows the caster to briefly douse their Check due to the damage to their vitae.
natural vampiric fear of fire.
• Ingredients: A holy object, such as a crucifix, bible, Level 5
or Qur’an. Creatio Ignis
• Process: The vampire must burn the holy symbol
The caster of this Ritual diverts hungry flame from
before walking into, past, or otherwise interacting their flesh, using an enchanted coating of vitae like a
with fire. The object does not need to be destroyed, buffer and can set items and people alight using the fire.
just exposed to the fire. This Ritual is a phenomenal breach of the Masquerade as
• System: A successful Ritual roll following the burn- the power is entirely visible and can cause intense envi-
ing of the holy object grants the character +2 dice on ronmental feedback, not to mention the bloody coating
all rolls relating to resisting Rötschreck. A critical of the caster’s hands before activation.
win results in the character needing to make no ter- • Ingredients: Sufficient vitae (from any vampire) to
ror frenzy rolls at all. The power wears off once the
scene ends. coat the caster’s arms up to the elbows, a source of
flame (such as a lighter).
Level 3 • Process: The vampire immerses their arms in the
blood and withstands the urge to feed or frenzy.
Fire in the Blood After extracting their arms, exposure to flame will
ignite the vitae rather than the vampire it coats. The
This Ritual allows a vampire to invoke the anguish vampire can then go on to set targets alight using the
of fire in a victim’s blood. Blistering heat emerges from fire on their skin.
the target’s veins and causes intense pain. The power • System: If the user is at Hunger 4 or more, make a
from this Ritual differs from Cauldron of Blood (see hunger frenzy test at Difficulty 3 to avoid draining
the ingredients. At any point during the night they
may expose the vitae to fire and the oldest of all Kindred religions, Church and State
make a Ritual roll. A win ignites stretching back in time across mil-
flames on the vampire’s hands lennia, the Church of Set have always In the nights following Gehenna,
and arms, which in a spectacular been present to “liberate” vampires a curious — though not unprecedent-
display provoke a terror frenzy from society’s strictures and encour- ed — schism occurred within the
test (Difficulty 2) in all nearby age them to find their true calling. flocks of Set, so the Serpents claim.
vampires except the caster. They Just as Set’s sarcophagus at Ombos
may touch others with Dexterity Yes, many fall, become wights, was said to shatter many centuries
+ Brawl in physical combat to and are used as valuable teaching les- ago, so too in these nights did the
inflict two Aggravated Health sons. But for those who survive? They body of Set’s faith fracture into dan-
damage. Entering a grapple ig- become stronger, and praise be to Set gerous shards.
nites the other person’s clothes, for helping those vampires become
continuing the damage each everything they are meant to be. One such splinter group, shed-
turn until a Composure + Sur- ding ties to its venerable history and
vival roll (Difficulty 3) is won to Due to their attitudes toward even abandoning the name of the Red
end the burn. The caster is only liberation from rules, theoretically, God himself, refers to itself as the
resistant to flame on their arms, many Kindred should oppose the Ministry. The Church of Set refers
and will burn as usual elsewhere. Church’s very existence. They are to them as heretics, and yet, it is
The fiery arms extinguish when servants of chaos, advocating that the Ministry who dominate the clan
the caster wills it or when the unlife only possesses meaning if vam- tonight. To understand the Church
scene ends. pires free themselves from the edicts of Set, one must first understand the
of ancient masters such as Princes Ministry.
The Church and Justicars. Yet, vampires see in the
of Set Church of Set wisdom that comes The Ministry are the Clan
through age and experience, freedom of Faith, but they are not a single
“If it seems sickly, infect it. If through anarchy, and a chance to religion. The Ministry holds the keys
it looks flammable, light the match. rebel against all the external tyrants to salvation and uses them to deface
Everything that remains is a thing that and internal guilt trips that hold every surface around them. They are
can’t be plagued, can’t be burned, won’t them down. Whenever a domain known to steal, reproduce, and even
be defiled. And such things belong to holds a temple of Set, the Kindred forge texts of orthodox doctrine,
Him.” know there’s a place they can visit disseminating them among unbeliev-
— Nonus Dis, Priest of the Cave of for a form of enlightenment, coun- ers, unworthies, and the otherwise
Apples in his Eighth Hour sel, and hard, bitter truth. They also unready. Doctrine is often twisted
know that by attending this temple, to fit their own needs, especially
The Chaos Cult they can find purpose in the mean- when it comes to the holy search for
ingless nature of eternity. the mysteries of Set. Ministers have
A vampire can follow Kindred shown themselves eager to enshrine
society’s laws, uphold the Camarilla’s The Church of Set is strong Set within or attribute to him any-
Traditions, cling onto their pillars of because it appeals to a Kindred’s base thing that benefits their autocratic
Humanity, and struggle nightly with nature, while promising to eradicate philosophies or actions, syncretizing
the growling Beast in their heart. Or, the worst of those desires. It is chaos, him with tyrannical kings, chosen
a vampire can make their own laws, storm, and promise of change. When Antediluvians, or, among the radical
drive their heel into the Camarilla, di- the alternative seems like stagnation, fringe, Set’s inimical brother Osiris.
vest themselves of their mortal shack- it’s no wonder neonates of tonight in- The Ministry is content to use Allah,
les, and make their Beast a weapon. creasingly flock to the temple doors. Catholic saints, Vishnu, or any other
being of reverence as a mask for Set.
The Church of Set favor the Despite their message of free- They attract followers because the
latter option. It is what they preach. dom, however, the Church of Set clan is made up from followers of
It is what they believe. Possibly is not some utopic faith to which every religion, every culture, and
all fledglings must cling. Even the every background. The Ministry are a
Ministry — the clan most commonly clan of chaos, but they are the body,
associated with the Church, through the bureaucracy, and the society that
their Blood, founder, and religious ostensibly governs the realm of faith
practices — urges caution to those among Kindred.
seeking to follow Set’s path.
chapter two: Kindred Religions
Ancient to the Ancients atones. Anyone shown the true path
who still allows the silvery voices of
Rise up! Rise up, o childe! the worldly to lead them astray has
Wield your flesh that rots not, your Blood that sours not, become useless in the eyes of the Red
Strike at the chains that crush all souls in common!
Your sire advances to lay bare your heart, To the rest of the world, the
Church and Ministry appear to
To guide you through Duat, to Set the Triumphant. occupy a shared history, but distinct
He is roused at your coming, enfolds you in his arms, spheres in these modern nights. They
share some members, they share some
Kisses you, consumes you, ideals, but the two are opposed at a
Fixes the undying stars in their orbits around you. structural and philosophical level.
The Church of Set’s leadership out-
The false gods fear you, wardly regards the Ministry as insig-
The great Eternals surround you, nificant, incorrigible children at best.
Ministers are not in the business of
The unread vessels serve you, being ignored, and seem to delight in
Vitae is threshed for you, overt, ill-advised stunts that threaten
Life is distilled for you, scrutiny by the Second Inquisition.
Such theatrics are to be smothered
Your monthly feasts are made with it, or undermined with any resources a
Your yearly feasts are made with it, temple, priest, or lay member has at
hand. The Church even says honest
As ordained and made evident by Set, cooperation with the Camarilla to
Your torturer, your father, your lover. suppress known Ministers is pref-
Rise up, o childe, you shall not die! erable to the Ministry operating
Hymn 11, the Book of Going Forth By Night The Clan of Lies
The Ministry perverts doctrine freedom as a whole — that is, Minis- Of course, that’s what the
of all religions to bring its members ters seem eager to rule Anarchs rather Church of Set wants other Kindred
closer to Set. They are wreckers and than convert them, in contradiction to think. The damage from this
despoilers to some, but liberators and to the edicts laid down by the Red so-called schism is difficult for any
counselors to others. Ministers might God. This is where the clan and the outsider to ascertain. The Church of
spread terrible lies about supposed Church most widely differ. As infil- Set maintains the fractures between
abuses of power committed by the trators and warmongers, the Ministry Church and Ministry are dire here-
Church of Set, just as the Church makes itself a frequent target of the sies. Some Ministers, however, believe
of Set finds itself taking in Ministry Camarilla, but while the Ministry the front-facing aspect of the clan is
survivors who have been subject to take the flak and earn support from just that: a carefully erected façade
those same abuses. It is not unheard their downtrodden Anarch brethren, that allows the Church to continue
of for a temple of Set to offer shelter the Church maintains a distance. The its own practices and aims, deflecting
to kine or Kindred misused by the Church does not involve itself in the all out-of-clan attentions toward the
Ministry. To many, it appears the sectarian wars. So committed is the new kids on the block making such a
Ministry and Church are at war. To Church to decrying these pretenders noise within the Anarch Movement.
others, it is clear a cycle of abuse and that they will justify a Contending —
manipulation in the form of nurture a trial more akin to a kangaroo court If this is true, the Church of Set
propels vampires between them. than a place to express one’s defense is successfully playing the Anarch
— against any adherent who abets a Movement and many of their own
The Ministry is devoted to the Minister outside the Church, to be clanmates. The Serpents have, after
cause of individual Anarchs rather called off only if the wayward child all, served Set for millennia. An
than the spirit of independence and returns to the flock and sufficiently overnight reformation is unlikely.
The danger to the clan from all this
scheming, is the possibility of their
new face growing in power and metaphor is more valuable than Osiris at turns visits upon him a
relevance over the ancient traditions linear narrative. The myths remain great violence, or tricks him into
and beliefs of the orthodoxy. If the in fragments. The interpretations an unwinnable conflict, or steals
Church of Set deliberately cultivated mature with each new era. Set’s consort for himself. Osiris
the Ministry, they may have lit the takes advantage of his own brother’s
fuse for a bomb destined to collapse In one translation, Set is a weakened state to seize rule of the
their foundations. betrayer to his kin. His father, Ra, world from him. Or, perhaps, Set
retires the throne and grants it never wanted to reign — an Anarch,
Divine Origins to Set’s brother, Osiris. In a cold even then, striving against the tyr-
rage, Set slays Osiris — some say by anny and corruption of Ra’s bloated,
Was Set really a god? That is a drowning, some by dismemberment. degenerate court.
question many Kindred aware of the In another version, Set is betrayed.
Church are obliged to ask.
The Church of Set claims that A special yearly ceremony is held in orthodox temples of Egypt, the Med-
millennia before two brothers squab- iterranean, and the Middle East. Some particularly radical branches in
bled over their offerings, a mighty the West may participate, though the ritual trappings are singularly diffi-
family reigned over the Earth, and cult to come by. On the anniversary of Baybars’ death in 1277, the faithful
among them dwelt the forebear of gather around a ceremonial brazier, tended by the acting Hierophant or
what some crudely refer to as the Fol- High Priest. He reveals a knife of obsidian, and a bone preserved from
lowers. Set, of violent storms, of the Baybars’ corpse.
cruel red desert, of the incomprehen-
sible outsiders beyond the civilized Leading the flock in the Execration Litany, the priest shaves a sliver from
world. Set the warrior, Set the trium- the bone and holds it over the fire, releasing it at the climax of the ritual
phant. Set, who would be king. chant. When the wraith of the old Sultan appears in the flames, the fol-
lowers shout it down, spit on it, and otherwise relish the eternal torture so
In the faith of ancient Egypt, delivered on their ancient enemy.
and through the ages to tonight,
chapter two: Kindred Religions
Regardless of interpretation: A History in Whispers the Sultan Baybars. His commitment
there is a great sin against truth, and to the eradication of infidels did
Set the Pharaoh never sits upon the Regardless of how one feels not stop at his decisive campaigns
throne. Setites of tonight abide by about his eminent divinity and the against European crusaders. Bay-
this message even now: members of mythical origins of his church, schol- bars’ Mamelukes destroyed ancient
the Ministry may claim cities for ars of the Hecata, Malkavians, and temples, burning and burying their
their own, but if you are a member Ministry record Set’s last appearance relics. They hunted two Eternals of
of the orthodox Church of Set, you on Earth as 33 BCE. He sundered the Sothis, methuselahs of the Church,
must never take rulership. ground with earthquakes, shook the and brought them to their final
palaces of Cairo with wild storms, death. They pillaged the Founding
According to legend, when Ra and delivered his final mysteries to Temple Ombos, most holy among
discovers what Set’s done to his broth- the faithful. When a cabal of Hi- the Church’s body, and desecrated its
er, he levels a curse similar to that from erophants and witches came to his contents.
Noddist theology, and banishes Set to resting place, they found the obsidian
the shadows. When Osiris tricks him sarcophagus empty and shattered, The Purge of Baybars drove
and the terrible serpent Apep sinks razor black shards embedded in the the Church of Set out of Egypt and
its fangs into Set’s mighty heart, it is sandstone walls. into exile, taking with them any
the monster’s venom that corrupts his artifact they could carry. They lived
physical form to resemble an eternal The ancient Hierophants of the in diaspora for decades until Bay-
corpse. When Set must hide him- clan ruled in his absence. The faithful bars’ assassination. Many of the old
self from his despotic siblings in the tended to Egypt through the reign treasures smuggled out during the
stygian waters of Duat, it is through of each pharaoh and invading king, Proclamation of Red Tears still have
starvation that he resorts to drinking guiding from the shadows and prun- not been returned, though modern
naught but blood. Or so the myths go. ing the crop as they had already done movements arise to repatriate those
for millennia. Their ideology and that have found their way into the
Curse, liberation, radical con- history had already prepared them in collections of unwary museums or
version. All of the stories together unique ways for the many and varied wealthy erudites.
make the shape of truth, but in the changes in leadership, from Mace-
telling they become lies. The Church donian to Ptolemaic. Enemies of the Forty years of exile in foreign
preaches that Set made his curse a word of Set were deeply polluted — lands brought the followers of the
gift and delivered it to his congrega- by necessity of their rejection of him Church new wisdom through pain.
tion, the gift of flesh that never rots — and it was the role of the faith- They found that while the Europe-
and blood that flows more potent ful to encourage that pollution to an Kindred despised them for their
than the rivers of the underworld. destroy their enemies from the inside faith or their subtleties or their skin,
The corruption of Apep burned out, and make those who survived they craved what the Church could
through that which was fallible in worthy of Set’s favor. provide them. The Church of Set fed
him and left only perfect, atom-fine these cravings gladly.
edges of obsidian. Duat’s unliving None of the fearsome conquer-
waters could not have converted the ors of Egypt showed any interest in It began with simple trade
god, changing him from one purpose rooting out the priests of Set and goods — silk, spices, rare animals. The
to another, so much as everted him, plundering their flocks. While a few Church’s coffers swelled, and so did
stirring the exalted appetites within. elder leaders groused at the supposed the hungers of wealthy Europeans.
dilution of his kingdom by endless Setite merchants began to trade in
The question remains: Was Set waves of barbarians, the orthodoxy opiates, hashish, specialized serv-
a god? The question is incompre- held — Set is also the god of for- ants. Then, goods more abstract and
hensible to those of the faith. He is eigners, in his role as the Lord of All cunning. A perfect forgery of a grant
a god, and, in the curious para-tem- Outside Egypt, and there was more of arms, for an ambitious commoner.
poral way gods have about them, will to gain in bearing an invader’s indig- An ignorant child with particular
always be a god, and has always been nities than in burning him out. physical traits, to pass off as a rival’s
a god. He sleeps in the temple at bastard. A sorcerous elixir of potency,
Ombos. He winnows unrefined souls The faith’s greatest test, however, for a knight afraid to meet his death
with his childer. He makes his living came during their first Inquisition. in foreign lands. The Church grew
church among them. Not the Christian-led burnings as a network of fixers and inform-
Western Kindred refer to — for the ants, collaborating in secret, passing
And when the tragic heroes of Church of Set, their Inquisition came goods from follower to follower. Each
the Book of Nod walked the Earth, a full century earlier, at the hands of branch and temple began to keep
Set’s “followers” were already ancient.
records of their resources, as well as one man over few or one man over cults with no physical structure
members’ skills and connections. a nation — or one false god over a to speak of, all the better to go to
universe. The Master of Duat did not ground if the Camarilla or the Sec-
Set’s treasuries grew, and so did allow himself to be denied the throne ond Inquisition decide to drive out
his flocks. Setites learned they could of heaven only for his childer to love the snakes.
lean ever harder on those who had other kings and despots.
grown dependent on them for favors Mortal-facing fronts are small,
of their own, deeds they couldn’t As such, it must come as no mobile institutions, meeting regularly
risk doing themselves. Entrenched as surprise that many of the faithful in and in-person, usually with Greco-Ro-
they were, the faithful of Set could these modern nights have taken up man influences. In the ‘70s, these
avoid the worst of another Inquisi- with the Anarchs, though members were bland New Religious Movement
tion, purchasing the silence of infidel of the Church rarely cling to the centers. The ‘80s and ‘90s saw a switch
priests and redirecting hunters Movement as fiercely as they do to to substance-abuse support groups.
to worthier targets. Meanwhile, the faith. Leave that for lay-Minis- These nights, pop-up mindfulness
Western clients who could withstand ters. Church members are encour- practitioners are coming into fashion.
their poisonous addictions were in- aged to enjoy the disdain of all sects, The format does not matter — the
vited into the Mysteries of the faith. in their own understated ways. Out- Church favors any organization that
And those who fell were, naturally, sider Kindred have long disdained preaches detachment from what binds
doomed from the start. the Setites as up-jumped pimps, you. Even at this level, the doctrine of
troublemakers and fixers. Being un- the Church of Set can be introduced
More Modern Deceits derestimated serves the Church just in subtle, bowdlerized formats. Lead-
fine... especially now. ers are encouraged to downplay use of
With the Renaissance, and the serpents and Egyptian gods in their
resulting Age of Reason, the West After the Red Star appeared in organization names and heraldry, in
saw a resurgence of classical thought the sky at the turn of the millennium, favor of the more palatable imagery of
and gnostic cabals. Philosophers of the high scholars and new witches Mars, Bacchus, or Pluto — all three,
science needed ever more taboo ma- reached an exceptional consensus: if possible, as they are identified with
terials for their research. Alchemists, the Red God sleeps no longer. He is Set as Typhon Trismegistus.
sorcerers, and their secret societies here. The modern world groans under
became inexplicably fashionable. the distended corpse of capital- Pierce this mundane shroud of
There were seductive new ideas to ism. Whole nations are bought and counselors and life coaches to find
spread, and who better to help their sold on the trade of weapons and the true face of the Church — the
dissemination than the world’s first narcotics. The Second Inquisition temple. The architectural require-
cult of mystery? burns Princes in their manors. Those ments for a temple of Set are few
with Blood of a thinness previously but unusual: there must be an inner
The thought-experiments of the thought impossible walk the land room from which all outside light can
Enlightenment led to wars of revo- — walk in the light! The Earth itself be blocked, and there must be space
lution and renewed conquest. The simmers and boils with the injustices within this room for a larger-than-
nascent New World promised liberty visited on its body. life statue of the Red God. Movie
and happiness, as entire peoples from theaters are the obvious choice,
half a world away paid for it with The world is ready for Set. And and darkrooms are equally valuable
their bodies. The Church was there, if they are to be believed, it is the though rarer in this age of digital
too, everywhere, a contact in every faithful of his Church that will begin photography.
port and palace; sometimes, they the threshing.
were first. The Church is nothing if not
Snakes in Their resourceful. Lacking the space or
The presence of the faithful in all Hidden Nests resources to construct a new temple,
corners of the conscious world, and and in absence of the perfect pre-
their history of playing both sides, Because of the Church of Set’s existing architecture, many smaller
leads many outsiders to think the reputation, both unearned and temples are assembled in abandoned
Church had some part in every atroc- carefully cultivated, leadership must garages, cellars, or large storage units,
ity of the last three centuries. Ac- construct and disclose their houses of with the inner sanctum separated
cording to the Church, these claims worship with a prudence bordering from the outer by blackout curtains.
are flimsy lies. The Church of Set has on paranoia. There are many branch
and always will stand in opposition The temple’s outer sanctum pre-
to all forms of tyranny, whether from pares the celebrant to face their god.
Priests help them strip to their skin,
chapter two: Kindred Religions
SECTARIAN MATTERS of higher rank available as a guide
If the Ministry so despises the idea of authority, why did it beseech the (the better for leadership to root out
Camarilla for membership? While desperation and fear are as likely any heresy in its infancy).
causes as any with the Gehenna Crusade arriving at their doorstep, the
clan’s true aim was to change the world’s most powerful Kindred sect Kindred are encouraged to
from the inside while benefiting from its walls. For all their talk of freedom maintain a shrine to Set within their
from hierarchy, the clan still possesses Hierophants and church leaders haven, provided it does not detract
who instruct and guide their less enlightened fellows, so installing their from attending Church rituals and
religious structure within the Ivory Tower would not be so anathematic to ceremonies. The shrine belongs in
the Ministers as many might believe. the darkest part of the darkest room,
cordoned off by black curtains.
The clan’s greatest philosophical division in these modern nights comes The altar can be as elaborate as the
between the Ministry and the Church. The clan’s “rebrand” or schism — worshiper feels necessary, though
depending on who one asks — that led to the Ministry’s creation came the Red Pharaoh is not known to be
before the attempted entry into the Camarilla, but following the failure impressed by extravagance. The only
of that coalition, many Serpents loudly eschewed the sects entirely, de- required accoutrements are a small
claring themselves Orthodox Setites, Snakes, or the Church of Set. The icon or statuette of Set, wrought in
vampires who cling to the Ministry epithet are more inclined to associate black and red; a bowl for offerings;
and politic with Kindred from other clans and join the Camarilla, Anarchs, and an incense burner with kyphi, if
and Ashirra, while the Church of Set takes the view of “once bitten, twice the worshiper can find it, though ju-
shy” and despairs for their liberal-minded clanmates, who they feel are niper or cedar incense are also known
destined to face bloody betrayal yet again. to please the Ruler of the Desert. The
worshiper may wish to keep imple-
cleanse themselves in a consecrat- regular pilgrimages to the Cave ments of pain or torture at hand to
ed mixture of ashes and urine, and of Apples temple in Naples, when enhance their prayers.
finally dress in shendyt, or Egyptian they can manage the trip, though
waistcloths, in deep red and green. this seat of Church operations in With access to a shrine, a Kin-
Past the light-blocking barrier, the Europe has been steadily emptying dred of the Church is expected to
inner sanctum is stark and somber, in the nights since the Beckoning perform the nightly offering ceremo-
empty save for the black statue of the began. Of course, most famous is the ny. It begins with burning incense
Master of Storms and the dim red legendary temple Ombos at Naqada, until its smoke hazes the air. Then
lights that illuminate its alien edges. Egypt, once the resting place of the the celebrant parts the curtain to the
Individual prayers and offerings Red God himself. Some say Ombos shrine, bowing before the image of
occur here, as well as the smaller or still lies in ruin, and some claim it the Red God while offering a favored
quieter rituals. is rebuilt. The few modern pilgrims hymn or a simple “Eternal homage
have not returned or even sent back to you, Set the Liberator.” They cut
Temples with size and secrecy word. their palm to allow some vitae to
enough can stockpile donations with- flow into the offering bowl, mixing it
in their walls, serving as a storehouse Rituals of with beer. The icon of Set is dressed
within the greater decentralized Liberation in green and red cords, smeared with
treasury of the Church. Still older the still-bleeding palm. The celebrant
temples feature libraries of Setite The experiences of the faith are may linger in meditation, inserting
ritual and magical texts. These texts intimate and individual to each mem- needles under their fingernails one
are precious in themselves and never ber. Church leadership encourages its by one or flaying a digit to allow pain
loaned out under any circumstances. flock to pursue personal relationships to clear their thoughts. When the
with the Master of Duat. Howev- offering is complete, they extinguish
The most ancient artifacts and er, study of the canon set down by the incense and withdraw from the
cornerstones of the Church’s doc- priests, meditations on the revela- shrine, scuffing their footprints as
trine can be found in aptly named tions of wisdom, and performance of they go.
Founding Temples. Such temples the Mysteries must be conducted or
include Red Hook in the Harlem shared in fellowship with a member The Lesser Mystery of Set
borough of New York City, founded
in 1893 as the oldest temple of Set Of less intimate but far higher
in the Western hemisphere. Schol- meaning are the two Mysteries of Set,
ars of Typhon Trismegistus make the Lesser and the Greater. The Lesser
Mystery is observed once a month during a full moon, ON THE GATE OF BLOOD
with special significance given to mysteries that occur Of the Nine, the Gate of Blood is considered most
during a lunar eclipse. Any Kindred who know of the sacred, and absolutely vital to full participation in
performance — though not necessarily who is sponsoring the Church of Set. To be initiated in the mysteries of
it — are welcome to attend and liberate themselves. Many the Gate of Blood, the celebrant must make herself
recruiters consider this a necessary community outreach a life sacrifice to the Red God. Her guide, acting in
event. their authority as a divine agent of Set, consumes
every drop of her blood before replacing it with
In the Lesser Mystery, the facilitating priest places some of the guide’s own. The initiate wakes from
emphasis on revelations — in this case, making dramatic their glimpse of Duat, reborn in the love of Set the
shows of magic, supposed artifacts, and other entertain- Triumphant. The Gate of Blood is a time for somber
ing displays. The most common sight at these ceremonies reflection on the part of the guide, and ecstatic rev-
is a large python serving the priest as a ghoul, passed elry on the part of the celebrant.
among the spectators. Kindred laity recognize this as an Embracing, done
up in the trappings of Egyptian esotericism. Though
Following his revelations, the priest conducts sacrifices, the Church considers Kindred adoptees of the faith
though these will be called by another name. Sometimes already inducted in the Gate of Blood in their own
the attendees are asked to paint a source of anger onto a way, priests of Set are eager to perform a facsimi-
red clay vessel, and then dash it against the wall. Sometimes le of the ceremony for them, that they may be Em-
they are bidden to pour their wine over specific stones in braced again.
the floor. Sometimes the audience comes looking for the Set
they hear of in Camarilla whispers and are disappointed to Wrath, doing whatever is required to goad the initiate’s
find anything less than ritual slaughter. rage into a single livid explosion, incinerating the last of
her false self. The Gate of Desire draws from the initiate
This Mystery is a lesser eversion, a small liberation her most abhorred, subjugated needs, and encourages
from the assaults of the soul. But for every attendee who reflection as she indulges them — why are they so hated?
feels the rebellion rise within them, and every member Must she suppress them, after all? The Gate of Satiety
the priest deems worthy, there is a second event to come gathers the seas of the initiate’s hunger and drowns her in
immediately after: a revelation of one of the Gates. them, until the very thought of indulging a past pleas-
ure is revolting to her. Under the Gate of Despair she
The Nine Gates loses everything she once thought vital to her self — her
temporal joys, her wealth and possessions, her playmates
The Mysteries of the Nine Gates of Wisdom are cor- and false loves — in order to learn that nothing outside
nerstones of the religious experience of the Church. It is the truth in her soul can possibly define her. At the Gate
impossible to progress in the hierarchy of secrets without of Ignorance, she experiences life-changing doubt brought
receiving their transformative lessons. The Gates are as fol- on by a shattering revelation, that something “true”
lows: Ecstasy, Terror, Wrath, Desire, Satiety, Despair, Ig- upon which she built the foundations of her being is not
norance, Chaos, and Blood. Passage through each requires true at all. And in the Gate of Chaos, she is shown with
a guide well-versed in their execution, though an initiate’s unerring soundness that the world itself is a lie, devoid of
awareness of the Gate ritual itself is not essential. Indeed, any reason or sense, and any belief she once placed in the
the Church encourages initiation without any anticipation material is guided to its proper home — belief in Set and
or prior agreement on behalf of the initiate, for the most his unbreaking Church.
effective, visceral experience.
At any of these Gates, a vampire may suffer fren-
As the Gates reveal discrete truths or experiences zy, gain Stains, or devolve completely into a wight. The
meant to strip the initiate of corrosion, each calls for a Church of Set covers this truth up, assuring its newest
wholly different approach and atmosphere. Scholars rec- members that they will be supported through these trials,
ommend the Gate of Ecstasy as an initiate’s first, as it is with the priest pointing to the handful of ranking Setites
the most palatable and most expected Church experience. in attendance as evidence of how the Church looks after
The initiate of Ecstasy is subjected to intense sensory ex- its own. This sense of brotherhood is a lie. Until a vampire
periences meant to awaken her body and smother her ego. has passed through every Gate, the initiate is on their own.
The second Gate is usually of Terror: the guide encourages If they fall, they must pick themself up. If they cannot,
the initiate’s starving id to express itself via her basest, the priest should experience no regrets over that vampire
most primal fear, then directs her need for relief to the
waiting arms of Set and his Church.
From here, the path is individualized to each initiate
and her necessities, though many sponsors move on to
chapter two: Kindred Religions
succumbing to the Beast in perpetuity, as clearly they were Any who discuss what they performed or witnessed
unworthy. Domains where the Church of Set holds sway while in the temple, either then or later, are silenced at all
may have a stable core where the Church is at its strong- costs and made subject to a Contending. Rarely has such
est, but in the domain fringes, more wights prowl than a thing been an issue — it seems the Greater Mystery is
perhaps in any other cities. far too intimate and personal for anyone to want to share
its wonder openly.
The Greater Mystery of Set
Beginning the Journey of the Faithful
Of the Greater Mystery, little is written or discussed.
Its very nature compels secrecy — to discuss the Greater All souls, living and unliving, knowing and un-
Mystery outside the confines of its performance is con- knowing, shadow the journey of the dead through
sidered heresy. There are, however, aspects of it that all Duat, an underworld of black water and pale flame. The
members of the Church understand: existence of this journey, and each person’s unwitting
recreation of it, may not be made obvious to the believ-
The Greater Mystery of Set is a ritual performed over er until they are well along their own journey. Leaders
the course of several nights, once a year, during a new of the Church take care to note each member’s progress,
moon in the darkest month. Those of the Fourth Hour so no one is forced to bear the scouring of a revelation
or later, who have already experienced a Lesser Mystery, before they are ready.
are obligated to attend. In the first night, sacred objects
are brought to the temple — an obsidian shard of an The First Hour of the Journey by Night represents
ancient sarcophagus, a winnowing-fan, red clay vessels of Ra’s descent into Duat, and Church doctrine likens it
unknown contents. A mortal man of a certain age must to struggling to make out shapes in the darkness. The
be brought into the temple, dressed finely and treated in Church designates potential converts and curious indi-
all ways as a king, his every desire attended to. From the viduals “just trying it out” as unbelievers in their First
temple’s outer sanctum, the leading priest declares the Hour. Recruiters make themselves constantly available to
start of the rites, and there is an all-night feast, though the First Hour initiate, anticipating his needs and meet-
not necessarily of food. ing these to the best of their ability, all while watching
carefully for signs that the initiate is ready to be guided
The second night, all initiates must be cleansed through his first mystery.
in dark water, which they are allowed to procure from
different sources, and can wear only green or red as they For many, their first mystery is a surprise. They
go about their nightly business. At least once in the night receive an invitation, formal or informal, to a celebration,
they must visit the temple to leave offerings for the ritual the details of which are vague and mundane: a secular
pharaoh. party, a small benefit concert, a get-together over vitae
and wine. The celebration turns out to be a thin front
In the third night, the fasting begins — Kindred for a performance of the Lesser Mystery of Set — but the
initiates may only drink the blood of those who are under recruiter-turned-guide is careful to conceal the fangs of
the influence of entheogens. Kine initiates likewise must doctrine under the shadows of a pleasing garden.
begin imbibing hallucinogenic drugs. The doors to the
temple close to all who are not allowed participation in Many performances of the Lesser Mystery end in the
the Greater Mystery, save the ritual pharaoh, who has revelations of the Gate of Ecstasy, for precisely the reasons
lived three days now as a god on Earth. anyone would expect. The guide crafts their initiate’s
sensory deluge to fit her particular tastes. This can be
Of what happens in the fourth night, only those head-pounding music and half-moons of molly, ending in
present know. But in the fifth night, all emerge from the a blur of flesh and heat. It can also be a flight of delicate
temple in states of injury or exhaustion, and the sacred mortals with carefully curated Resonance and choice
objects are carried out — an obsidian shard sticky with Dyscrasia, in a garden heavy with night-blooming jasmine.
fluid, a filthy winnowing-fan, red clay vessels now empty, One’s unknowing passage into the Second Hour is unfor-
and several crude cedar boxes that smell like a butchery. gettably pleasing, leaving the initiate with an enthusiasm
The ritual pharaoh is gone, though one member of his that will serve them well in the trials to come.
body remains with the priest.
There are moments when the pain and chaos of
In this final night there is an hours-long feast held the material world align to provide Set’s guide with the
somewhere secluded outside the temple, featuring all circumstances necessary to initiate her charge in the
manner of catharsis—specially-brewed beer, hashish and revelations of their next two Gates. When the Second
narcotics; carefully monitored frenzies and fights; orgies Inquisition flashes its muzzles, or the Camarilla levies
selective or all-inclusive; and other more exotic manners incomprehensible rulings, or petty grievances sour the
of release.
THE JOURNEY FOR MORTALS denied to others: namely, study of
For kine, the Journey by Night is conducted with rather more caution and Church doctrine, and membership in
patience. They are recruited through one of the Church’s front organiza- performance of the Greater Mystery
tions, invited to Lesser Mysteries scrubbed of most overt vampirism, and once a year. Members in their Fifth
guided through the more “palatable” Gates first. While boons and favors Hour only now realize there were
are still dispensed with reassurances and warm smiles, the Church presses even Hours to begin with, and often
back on mortals much sooner than Kindred. Members will find themselves look back on their journey so far with
volunteered for small tasks or donations — certainly nothing that comes a fearful wonder.
close to what they have so far enjoyed on the Church’s dime.
The Later Hours of Night
As the mortal initiate passes into their Fourth Hour, the demands of the
Church loom large. Tithes increase in frequency, flooding the mortal with At the Sixth Hour, a Kindred
debt. Church leadership now screens and approves relationships with must have mastered a total of six
outsiders, so that they won’t in their ignorance interfere with an initiate’s Gates of Wisdom. A member of
fragile enlightenment. Errands for the Church are now arduous undertak- this level now shoulders the heavy
ings — the mortal only has time for their Church membership. Kindred of responsibility of guiding others
higher levels may be granted permission to Blood Bond or ghoul mortals through Gates they themselves have
in their Fourth Hour, making the prospect of leaving the Church even more mastered — including the Gate of
difficult. Indeed, most of the Church’s labor force comes from mortals in Blood, if Church leadership blesses
their Fourth Hour, known interchangeably as the Hour of Trials or the them with permission to Embrace a
Hour of the Final Labyrinth. Still, kine are promised the greatest revelation childe. A Kindred in the Sixth Hour
to come if they remain — and having seen the results of a Contending, of her Journey by Night is a full-
they know all too well the consequences of leaving. time member of the Church of Set, a
spiritual employee. She may entertain
bonds of a coterie, the guide is there, of Osiris, enthroned in black wings, other hobbies, projects, or titles, but
offering shelter to her initiate and suspended over a lake of fire. In only if these enhance her usefulness
leading them to the shadow of Set. the initiate’s Fifth Hour, they have to the Church and to the Red God.
been broken upon four Gates in If she fails to bring Set his due of
The guide does not rely on these total. They have seen the world for souls — either in new fellowship or
moments to occur naturally. When what it is: twisted and restrictive, a destruction-by-vice — she must also
necessary, she creates them herself, place where the true self cannot find take care to guard herself against a
using her access to the Church’s happiness. They have known the love Contending on the basis of infidelity.
considerable network of contacts of Set and his Church, the only place
and resources to set the stage for the where they can be truly free. Their In the Seventh Hour, one of the
wisdom of the Gates to make itself sponsor can now reveal herself and Paths that an initiate may follow
manifest. The unknowing initiate her mission, confident that the ini- comes to a premature end. This
may soon find themself beset on tiate is ready for the truth. They are is the Hour of Set in his aspect as
all sides by sudden, unimaginable ready for a joyous welcome into the Triumphant Warrior and Consum-
hardship with no discernable source Church of Set, openly and officially. er of Apep. Those who follow the
or reason — lovers turned unfaith- Path of Wepwawet forever delay
ful, Touchstones in mortal danger, The initiate is central to the their spiritual development to serve
evidence mounting for crimes never confirmation ceremony, flensed of under the Triumphant’s command.
committed. everything but their Gate wisdom These warriors are fearsome ascetics,
and newfound love of the Church. mortifiers of the flesh, and protect
Does the guide feel remorse? Yes, The night begins with somber rituals the Church as swords of Set. Those
at times her heart aches for the state meant to reenact their Embrace into lucky enough to study with the
of this world, that it could construct the shadow of Set, and ends with paragon Faruq Abd al-Qadir in his
a soul-cage only torture can break. familial love. These re-Embraced training hall at Abu Simbel will find
But the initiate draws closer to sal- fledglings appear drunk on renewed themselves traded like currency from
vation in Set’s arms with every new devotion to their Church, but are temple to grateful temple. For all the
torment. More often, the guide feels undeniably spirited and courageous, adoration they receive, however, one
joy... and envy. making them essential to the recruit- of the Gates will always be out of
ment of new members. At this level, their reach. They are figures demand-
In the Fifth Hour of the Journey they are permitted further revelations ing both pity and great respect.
by Night, Ra and the host of the
dead finally reach the august tomb
chapter two: Kindred Religions
For those on other Paths, the management of the Church can be the Djet Sopdet, Eternals of Sothis,
Seventh Hour begins after the found at this level — High Priests methuselahs who were Embraced
mastery of eight Gates. This Hour of older temples (such as Khaled al- 1,460 years ago at the beginning of
confers the authority to open and Fakhani in the Court of Humility), a Sothic Turn. While nominally the
manage local temples as a priest of acclaimed Bahari witches and the heads of the Church, few continue
Set, one small node in a network of greatest of blood-sorcerers. active management at this level. It
tithes, favors, treasures and hirelings. is understood they have their own
For many, this is the Hour of their Members of the highest circle pious undertakings to attend to, but
spoiling. Once, they only had access of the Church of Set dwell in their no one of the Tenth Hour has been
to pleasures the Church gifted in its Ninth Hours, a level reached only by seen or spoken to since the Beckon-
wisdom, a leash perhaps too short to the aged, the accomplished, or the ing began.
choke on. However, not even a fol- gifted. This is the Hour of the An-
lower of Set is immune to corruption tipode Labyrinth, when Ra reverses Of the Eleventh Hour, there is
through power — and just as well, his course through the sandy maze only One. Lord Set, the Red God,
because that which can be liberat- of Sokar. High Priests of Founding remains in this penultimate state,
ed, must be. Such a weak leader is Temples guide the Church’s am- delaying his passage beyond Duat
allowed to take his fill, as the Gate of bitions from here — or, they did, to guide followers in the shadow of
Satiety allows, but his elders will step before the Beckoning left their his Church. And beyond this lies
in if it seems he has more followers offices empty. The Church has many the Final Hour: passage into the
consumed than converted. millennia of practice at operating primordial Nun, where the flensed
independent of centralized authori- and faithful will find a new world, or
Mastery of all Nine Gates of ty, though concerns rise through the create another. Or so the orthodoxy
Wisdom is required to reach the ranks regarding non-clan Kindred claims. No single entity, living or
Eighth Hour, the time in which Ra stepping into the vacuum left by otherwise, has experienced crossing
throws open the doors to Osiris’s Beckoned elders. beyond.
tomb and makes ready the way
for the host of the dead. Upper Demigods travel in the Tenth
Hour of the Journey By Night:
On the leaves out so many of the nuances that Set, seek to ruin, that we may find
Church of Set it might as well be useless. those resistant to the ruination. We
do not seek to destroy Osiris; that
As attributed to Khalid al-Fakhani, Many atrocities have been laid at would be foolish. Rather we bring
priest within the Church of Set in the Las the feet of the Church of Set over the those who cannot handle the truth
Vegas domain years. I will not waste time trying to of the Outside, that which Osiris
correct them all. Some are even com- and Horus sought, farther into the
Before the Red Star appeared, the pletely true. I venture to guess that darkness. We bring them to Set, so
Church of Set were referred to as the most of them have a grain of truth at that Set may protect the rest of us
Followers of Set. This is an extremely the core, but like any resource shared from the searing light of what waits
literal translation of the phrase Walid by immortals, time and distance beyond the doors of the world.
al-Set, and does not convey the full devour the truth alive.
extent and power of the faith. To An interesting note on the
call the Church “followers” is like Is the truth important here? I Church of Set is how we define
referring to the Roman Catholic will politely say no. Mythology is “we.” There are those of the Minis-
Church as “followers of the Trinity.” It built by the people who subscribe try, of course, but to think that our
is technically correct, of course, but it to it, and is a reflection of the flock membership is defined by bloodline
rather than of the god. or even Path is small-minded. The
Church of Set welcomes members
Liberation is our guiding light.
We, the members of the Church of
While ultimately, doctrine is less important to the Church of Set than ritual and experience, neither of those will be of
much use to an initiate who has no idea why she is doing what a priest commanded her to do. That said, the Church
follows closely the idea of secret knowledge: that certain authorities possess divine dispensation to withhold truths
from followers who are unready to receive them. An initiate is meant to receive the lessons on her body and soul
first, as guided by someone well-versed in the mysteries, before she is permitted to study the texts of a temple library.
The Church of Set finds the idea of commandments distasteful, but for those who require an easily-memorized litany
of convictions, the doctrine of the orthodox Church commonly manifests as the following Convictions:
• Always strive to liberate others of their vices
Vice is a tool, not a recreation. The faithful initiate can best serve Set by winnowing the souls of the world — that is,
separating the wheat from the chaff — by determining who is prone to degradation and who is strong enough to
resist. What can be liberated, will be liberated, and what remains will be a legion of refined souls in service to Set,
freed from their bondage to literally anyone and anything else. You are the thresher, not the threshed.
• Never refuse aid to another member of the Church
The Church of Set claims that when they rule this world, or move on to the next, they will do so as a brotherhood of
many. There are no kings here, save the Red Pharaoh himself.
• Always respect the commands of those in later Hours
The priests, and also the warriors and faithful witches who plumb the depths of Duat ahead of you, have made ready
the path you yourself travel. You are free, but they are more free. Their wisdom and guidance must be observed.
• Always do what is necessary to test another’s resistance to liberation
What an individual might think of as “compassion” is, to the Setite mind, nothing less than violence. In refusing to test
another soul’s limit for freedom, you are dooming it to slavery and denying Set his due. Do not wait for permission
when their liberty could begin now.
• Always seek the mysteries of Set, hidden throughout the world
The more Mysteries a Setite understands, and the more secrets they wield, the better they will serve the Red God
and his Church.
• Always do what is necessary to test the flaws in a social order
Beware the individual who desires authority. Organizations both mortal and Kindred are inherently degenerate by
virtue of their disconnection from the true god. If they are really as inviolate as they claim to be, then they must be
brought into service of Set’s living Church, or otherwise dismantled and allowed to rot.
chapter two: Kindred Religions
from across sects, and numbers Should there be young, eager The Prince stepped down, a new
among her body the paths of Lilith, warriors not affiliated with the Baron stepped up, Primogen joined
Typhon, the Warrior, and others. Church of Set in your domain, pay a wider council of elders, and the
Morality is personal. Doctrine is them. Give them work. Let them Sheriff — who attempted to cling on
essential. In order to be a member see you as a source of problems to to her position — vanished one night,
of the Church of Set, you must be handle, and you will have devoted to the mourning of nobody.
inducted by a priest, and follow the Setite warriors in under a year. Feed
guiding principles of the Dead God. their need for violence, and they will Kharkiv likewise exists as an
Judge those in your city. Protect your commit violence on your behalf. example of what the Church of Set
flock. can do to a Camarilla domain if they
Should there be eager neonates, get inside the heads of power players
The Church of Set has existed feeling isolated by their sires, and and convince them of the promise of
for thousands of years, ever since Set craving a slice of what the city has to Setite liberation. For years, the Setites
passed into Duat. We are in every offer, give them a taste. Allow them have worked on the city’s influential
city. You cannot cross a domain bor- to assist in managing the mortals Kindred, one by one, pushing them
der without running into an adher- who run errands for you, or plant a to the brink of falling to the Beast
ent. Even if you do not see us, we are word in the mayor’s ear. Make it clear before snatching them back as saviors
here. Ideally, a Setite presence (and that you are the giver of these gifts, every time. They show the possibil-
yes, the word Setite is acceptable, like and they will come to you, friends in ities of freedom without binding
Muslim for Islam) should contain at tow. Recruiting elders who already mortal ties and undead regret, and cut
least one priest and one warrior. The look at the Church of Set askance is those fetters if they feel their con-
priest guides the flock, and the war- a difficult task, and they will always verts are ready. Some resist or realize
rior keeps it safe. More are, of course, be using you for their own aims. Do the manipulation, only to find their
encouraged, but be careful to balance not allow this. Instead, go to their peers among the governing Kindred
out your fury with your place of children, and raise them in the ways are already members of the Church
succor. Priests report to bishops, and of Sutekh. It is through the children or worse, to return to their havens
so on, up to the head of the Church that societal norms change and we and find Setites already there, ready
in Cairo. Titles of priests who handle become more powerful by the night. to “vanish” the vampire who opposes
lesser priests in several domains may their plans.
vary by location. I suppose that could be the sin-
gle simplest principle in the Church Despite their success in working
While liberation may entail of Set. Feed someone’s vices, and on the city’s Kindred, the Church of
torture and death, be careful to keep they will commit more vices on your Set couldn’t care less whether the Ca-
your flock at a manageable level. behalf. The Church itself might not marilla or Anarchs govern Kharkiv.
Killing off all of your flock in a sui- be simple — we span borders and Set prohibits them from ruling a city,
cide pact is just not our style. If your cults and belief systems — but this and they’ve no real desire to become
faithful are dead, they cannot contin- is the simplest act we can commit to political advisors. Their objective is
ue to spread liberty, and they cannot further the glory of Set. Those who to test every vampire and indoctri-
be further liberated themselves. indulge and fall are failures and tools. nate those left standing into the cult.
Those who overcome are worthy of They observe the domain of Indian-
Should you have Bahari in the passing through the Gates of our apolis in the United States, where
domain, convert them. Give them a faith. the Ministry rule with a laissez-faire,
safe space to practice their arts and any-faith-goes attitude, and believe
explorations. The followers of Lilith The Ministry represent us, but Kharkiv needs to correct the mistakes
are useful to us, and they understand we represent their heart. made Stateside. Priests Vyacheslav
the exploration of the dark in a way and Akhtem feel it’s integral to the
some of us do not. Many of them crave Dua Sutekh. strength of the Church to convert
structure, as much as they struggle every meaningful vampire, and eradi-
against it. Give them a place in the Setite Temple: cate the opposition as the sandstorm
hierarchy, and duties to fulfill. If you Kharkiv scours skin from a cadaver. If only the
know anyone in the Order of Taweret, worthy remain, they can then move
make introductions. We used to have Kharkiv exists as an unusual do- onto another city instead of arrogant-
witches in the Church, long ago, but main, having recently experienced an ly trying to rule this one. They take
their ways were lost to us. In many almost-citywide conversion from the the view that the liberated should
ways, the Bahari fill that role. Let Camarilla to the Anarch Movement. rule themselves.
them do so.
ON THE SUBJECT OF PARIS The cult’s public face comes through their opera-
The mystery behind the perpetrators of the Paris tions in the Karazin University, where a handful of its
bombings that led to the Ministry’s rejection of the members claim territory, and a storefront in the Ave
Camarilla (or the Camarilla’s rejection of the Minis- Plaza shopping mall, where they meet Kindred of other
try) and subsequent joining with the Anarchs is on- cults in what is advertised as a Scientology testing office.
going, though the clan isn’t openly making strides to Unlike most domains, many meetings between Kindred
discover the perpetrators. occur to discuss faith, experiences, and tests of one’s
The prevailing rumor of the time was that the Banu self-control. To an outsider, it initially seems evangelical
Haqim sabotaged Ministry and Camarilla relations Christianity has taken hold among the city Kindred, as
to better insure their own admission into the Ivory the name “Set” is rarely mentioned outside the convert-
Tower. Several prominent Serpents refute this the- ed, though Priest Akhtem consecrated the museums
ory, however, based on the risk the Banu Haqim along Sumska Street as a place to use Church terms
faced if their attack on Camarilla Justicars and freely, after the M. F. Sumtsov Historical Museum hosted
Setite Hierophants was discovered. Though, those an Ancient Egyptian exhibition there in 2019, containing
same Serpents state, the Banu Haqim certainly the most intact enameled sculpture of Set dated from at
make for perfect scapegoats. The two clans have least 3,500 years ago.
fostered a rivalry for centuries.
Investigators into the Paris bombings wonder wheth- Kharkiv’s Church of Set possesses a loose hierarchy,
er the Camarilla set up the attack to remove trou- with the priests on top — three of them Ministry, two
blesome Justicars, deal a blow to the Snakes, and of them from other clans — and everyone else a warrior,
impress the Banu Haqim. Others wonder if it wasn’t who defends the faith, or a believer. Kharkiv’s Kindred
just another Second Inquisition attack with a hell of have quickly adopted the term “believer” to point to
a lot of collateral damage. With the Lasombra’s re- those who the Church of Set has saved, “non-believer” to
cent entry into the Camarilla, further thoughts go to those still to be targeted, and “the lost” for those in need
the Magisters taking early steps to remove a poten- of pity, ostracism, or elimination.
tial rival, though the fear such an attack could cause
might have jeopardized their attempt. Perspectives
The clan’s conspiracy theorists quietly discuss
whether the attack was orchestrated by the Church Anarchs: Of all the Kindred sects, this one is the most
of Set to sabotage the clan’s liberal arm before it tolerable. They’re aimless but do have a propensity for enjoying
made a terrible decision, while others theorize the unlife in a way in which so many other Kindred fail. The
Ministry might have planned this all along to make Ministry can guide their energies to something of worth while
them more sympathetic to the Anarch Movement we hide in their shadow.
(and remove some powerful Hierophants at the
same time). Ashirra: We occupy a necessary place in this sect, acting
The truth may never be known. as advisors and counselors without ever truly entering their
political and religious hierarchy. Sometimes an outside opinion
The Church of Set in Kharkiv operates a single, is required. The Banu Haqim would have the entire Ashirra turn
unobtrusive temple in the city, into which only confirmed on us, but thankfully, there are more clans to that sect than a
members of the cult may enter. A single-story grey building cabal of rabid assassins. Of note, the Ministry have no presence
in the thick of an industrial estate in the Kyivskyi District, among the Ashirra. It is a sect where we represent ourselves.
the temple is the Church’s statement that appearances mat-
ter far less than content. Within the temple, Setites may Banu Haqim: Where they admire and cling to law and
indulge in any pleasure they can pick up from Kharkiv’s autocratic rule with an almost feverish enthusiasm, we believe
streets or ferry in from elsewhere, as long as they leave the in freedom to explore one’s existence, and that the only way to
temple the following night with no desire to ever revisit truly find oneself is to do so without strictures. It is no surprise
the experience. Sometimes, that requires murdering a ves- we have been at odds for centuries.
sel to whom the vampire has become attached. Sometimes,
it means experiencing heroin in bloodstream, procuring a Camarilla: They were right to reject the Ministry. We
blood doll of rare Resonance, or even taking Ashe (see p. work best without the Aeons pulling our strings.
XX), with the guarantee they’ll never do so again. The grey
temple is a testament to the Setite ability to risk tempta- Hecata: Our relationship with the Clan of Death is deep
tion and overcome, if they’re worthy of doing so. and important. Remember the parable of Nakhthorheb and
Lazarus, and how both of our clans understand the lands of the
dead better than any other.
The Ministry: A body cannot stand without a spine and
a brain. One might say they are the spine and we are the brain.
chapter two: Kindred Religions
Or perhaps we are the heart and they are the flesh surrounding. JACKAL
Either way, some of us are of the Ministry, others are not, but
we cannot expect an entire clan to fall into lockstep in service Small, fast members of the wolf family, jackals primar-
to the greatest of faiths. No, they protect us, we guide them, and ily prey on small mammals and birds, or scavenge where
they can remain the cosmopolitan front to our beliefs. possible. Though not the toughest of creatures, the jackal is
an important animal in Egyptian mythology, encouraging
Animals some Ministers to take jackal form for religious reasons.
Vampires of the Ministry, and the orthodox branch of Standard Dice Pools: Physical 5, Social 1, Mental 1
their clan, are as capable of shifting into the form of a wolf Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 2
or bat as any vampire with the required level of Protean, but Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 7, Stealth 6;
the clan has a special affinity for beasts of importance in Intimidation 2; Awareness 3
Egyptian mythology and various types of snake. Special: The jackal’s long, curved canines are a light
piercing Brawl weapon with a +2 damage modifier.
There exists an instinctive fear of the animal that can “PROSERPINA”
wrap itself around you, squeezing the air from your lungs
and cracking your bones in its tight grip. Boa constrictors Epitaph: Blackmailer for the Greater Good
are native to the Americas, with Ministers identifying Quote: “Did you see the screens I sent? Good.
as members of the Tlacique — a vampire cult focused on Never mind how I got your texts. Let’s talk about how
Aztec mythology — commonly taking constrictor form to keep your Prince from getting them, too.”
using the Discipline of Protean. Clan: Caitiff
Embraced: 2015 (Born 1993)
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 5, Social 1, Mental 1
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 3 MORTAL DAYS: THE SCAPEGOAT DAUGHTER
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 6, Stealth 6; Intimi- Natalia Koblenko studied law on a merit scholarship
dation 4; Awareness 4
Special: If a boa constrictor successfully grapples at the Karazin University, concurrently pursuing a Juris
an opponent, it may constrict its victim as a +2 heavy Doctor and a Master of Laws. She was poised, eloquent,
impact Brawl weapon. the superstar of the Koblenko family, the true joy of her
mother’s life.
Her twin sister, Oksana Koblenko, hated her.
The cobra is renowned for the way it rears before Oksana pursued a degree in engineering at the same
striking and its notoriously venomous bite. While they school, without a scholarship, or poise, or her mother’s
range in size, the largest are up to four yards/meters in love. She didn’t want to be an engineer, but a throwaway
length. Ministers proficient at changing form often adopt comment from her mother convinced her it would finally
the shape of a cobra, while some endeavor to make animal get her attention. She kept her head down. She stayed away
ghouls of these venomous creatures. from boys. After a disquieting self-discovery, she stayed away
from girls. She repressed everything that wasn’t perfect, com-
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 1, Mental 1 pressed it down until she felt like she might blow to pieces.
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 2 Oksana let it out in little ways. Little cuts, mostly,
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 6, Stealth 7; Intimi- high on her bicep where the scars wouldn’t show. Then
dation 4; Awareness 4 little thrills she could get away with. She snitched on
Special: A cobra’s fangs are a light piercing Brawl fellow students because it made her feel good to receive
weapon with a +2 damage modifier. Its venom kills praise for exposing their secrets. She started accumulating
or debilitates a mortal victim by the end of the scene stores of blackmail material on students, teachers, even
if not treated. Against vampires, the venom from a family members. She called them “little tricks.” She’d
cobra bite has no effect. find a way to slip them into the public, in an email to
her sister, or a text to a classmate, and watch them work.
Entropy — the breakdown of order, the flaws in trusted
systems — fascinated her more than anything.
It started little and grew from there. Her tricks got shoulder. She ran, they shouted. The metro was smears of
better. Her cuts, deeper. She started going to group when wet light, incomprehensible.
her dormmate caught her; Olympian Counseling Center —
Free to Karazin Students! It helped, a little, to be around Oksana ran forever and everything melted together
others like her. She had more focus, which she bent to- like a nightmare. Until finally, finally, something looked
ward her little tricks. She found out she could sell them, familiar.
and her skills. People paid her money for acquiring intel-
ligence and extorting unsuspecting victims. Sometimes Olympian Counseling Center — Free to Karazin Students!
she’d see the aftermath of her tricks in the local news, and It was closed, of course. But she forced her way
it’d be her first smile in weeks. through the locked door. The group leader was there,
young and quiet and red-headed, sitting in the dark with
Then someone tried to kill her sister. a familiar woman. “Oksana.” He remembered her name.
“What happened?”
KINDRED NIGHTS: THE WANTED CHILDE She told him about the white strangers, about biting
and drinking. She told him about the cutting (though
Oksana woke up in the dark, slumped in a chair. The he already knew), and more poured out of her like black
night was a blur of unimaginable, bone-deep pain. Pain, water. The engineering degree she didn’t want. The girls
and a bleak, acrid hunger. Three white shadows loomed she didn’t want to notice. The little tricks. Her sister, her
over her. They brought her something big, warm and disgusting sister, better than her and everyone knew it
struggling. She bit into it without thinking. It tasted — and Natalia didn’t have the decency to feel bad about it.
no, felt incredible, a better release than the knife’s edge. Nobody wanted her, nobody. Not even her mother.
Akhtem sat with her for hours. The woman — an-
The white strangers asked something. She couldn’t other group member — came and went as Oksana sobbed
make it out over her throbbing head. They muttered. Got and Akhtem listened. He didn’t flinch, or ask questions,
angry. Started arguing. “God damn it, Simon!” A woman, or raise his eyebrows or scoff. He simply let her purge.
high and panicky. “You dumb piece of shit, that’s her “You’ve been hurting for a long time,” he said when
sister!” the black water finally stopped. He pulled her to him, an
arm around her shoulder like a cloak of snow. “You’ll hurt
She choked on fear, the scent of it rolling off them, for a long time more,” he admitted, and she found herself
and her own, crawling up her throat. The strangers kept reassured by it — a plain, respectful truth. “There is
arguing. One grabbed her by the shoulder and hauled someone who wants you,” he promised, gripping her hard.
her to her feet. What do we do now? We got the wrong damn “He led you to us,” the woman finally spoke, “because he
Koblenko! They dragged her outside, fighting in angry wants you to meet him.”
whispers. Oksana stumbled free of the white claw on her This was how Oksana found the Church of Set
in Kharkiv, to her mind quite by accident, but to the
Church by an act of providence. They assured her that
her reason for being there was ordained by a force greater
than any single being, and tutored her in the existence of
a vampire. They reminded her it couldn’t just be coinci-
dence that she was Embraced so close to a Setite temple.
They praised her good work so far in liberating others,
and made sure she knew that good work was to continue,
but under their direction.
Now, Oksana is a dedicated agent and adherent of
the Church of Set, traveling between domains, serving her
temple’s will. She finds even greater pleasure and purpose
in her actions now than when she performed them as
a mortal, as she finally receives congratulations for her
achievements. The Church of Set liberated her, and she
uses its ways to liberate others.
• Secure the Temple: In the midst of a new Anarch
court, Akhtem’s hold on Kharkiv’s Kindred wavers
between those driven politically and those who feel
chapter two: Kindred Religions
the summons of faith. What he needs is a front that • Tara Bakurova (Ally 1) When she met Tara, a fellow
can hold up to all scrutiny, cover its tracks, and grant self-harm survivor with a similar history of familial
protection to other Kindred Church members. Oksa- trauma, Oksana wanted desperately to be friends.
na is intent on procuring this for him by expanding When she got to know her, a determined, fiercely
her network of victims and defrauding anyone who romantic young woman, Oksana wanted desperately
would stand in the way of the temple’s expansion. to be lovers. She refuses to bring Tara into her herd —
• New Brothers and Sisters: The feuding Anarch gangs she wants her to love Oksana, not worship the Proser-
in the northwest represent huge, untapped potential. pina — but also worries that Tara will recover and
The Church can help them. Oksana knows it, but they leave the group before she’s ready to join the Church.
need to know it, too. She’s taken it upon herself to
deliver digital “presents” to prominent gang leaders, • Natalia Koblenko (Enemy 1) Beautiful, passionate,
like blackmail material on rivals or stolen identities talented Natalia, sharp as knives and twice as deadly.
to be mined for resources. No strings. For now. Natalia knows her twin is still in the city. She’s seen
• There Can Only Be One: Natalia Koblenko fin- her fingerprints all over — every local corporation
ished her Juris Doctor and her Master of Laws, suffering a public scandal, every sudden failure of
made a huge splash in the political and public the local government following a virus or leaked in-
law arena, and is now on track to be the young- formation, every feeble attempt at a smear campaign
est woman to run for — and win — the Kharkiv against her law offices. Natalia won’t be brought
mayoral seat. Baron Karina wants Natalia in her down to her level. But she will find Oksana.
retinue, and thwarting the Baron’s attempts is
another of Oksana’s full-time jobs. Oksana knows KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
she should be beyond care for her sister’s progress • Akhtem Veksler (Mawla 2, Adoration) Akhtem saved
or downfall, but she doesn’t care. She finally feels
superior to Natalia and refuses to let that change. Oksana from a premature final death in the chaos
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: of Kharkiv. But he did more than that — he re-Em-
• Temple of Gray Veils (Haven 2, Herd 4, Resources 2) braced her in the love of the Red God, and now he
When not holding support groups at the Olympian guides her as a divine agent of Set. Little is known
Counseling Center, Oksana works on the establish- of the man save his basic history: he abandoned his
ment of a second Kharkiv temple, in the stockroom father’s faith to come west with the late 19th century
of an abandoned KARE Kharkiv furniture store. goldrush... and found something better. His influ-
The faithful number seventeen kine currently, most ence is well entrenched in the city but maintaining a
of whom comprise a strange diversity of recover- permanent temple has eluded him. Oksana wants to
ing addicts. Oksana runs stolen power through the prove herself indispensable to his plans.
stockroom, making the place livable for her kine. The • The Ministry (Jealousy) Oksana has observed how
temple has a stockpile of useful contraband, as well representatives of the Ministry are accepted across
as a directory of Church members in the south who domains as diplomats, counselors, and bureaucrats,
can provide off-site resources. It also features a small and while she doesn’t know any Ministers personally,
library of old orthodoxy texts, which Oksana has not dislikes what she interprets as their cowardice. To
yet read. Oksana’s mind, they don’t deserve to be successful
THRALLS AND TOOLS: because they abandoned their orthodox beliefs. She’s
• Court of the Obsolete (Herd 3) Oksana’s person- only new to the Church of Set, but the Ministry’s
al herd knows her as the Proserpina, an affected polytheist, liberal bullshit is not for her.
cybergoth goddess who holds court with her lessers, • Simon Danilenko (Anger) Oksana hasn’t heard from
the vast majority of them sniveling incels. She’s Simon, personally, since he mistakenly Embraced
yet to master the art of nurturing Resonances and her a few years back. She does keep in touch, though,
takes anything she can get. Her followers adore her looking into his latest vices so she can deliver them
(Oksana’s Presence makes sure of it), and while they to him, in the hopes that one will be his undoing.
aren’t the most useful bunch, they faithfully follow Oksana knows he isn’t fit for divinity and will find a
the doctrine she lays down. Someday they’ll be ready way to destroy him if she can.
for the temple. WHISPERS:
• Doppelganger: In her efforts to become a self-
taught Mask cobbler, Oksana has learned how to
craft replica documents and normally have, but she tends to utilize the sbirri coterie type (see
spoof data from pre-existing fall into campy “dark goddess” Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 199),
Masks. So far, three titled clichés. while others opt for the more aggres-
Camarilla vampires have been sive saboteur type.
brought to task for breaches of Sire: Simon Danilenko
the Masquerade, only for the Saboteurs
Sheriff to later learn the breach- Ambition: See a permanent
es were committed by Anarchs temple of Set established in “We will erode their domain brick
using stolen Masks. Kharkiv by brick.”
• Muckraker: Oksana’s got taps
on major cell towers all over the Convictions: Never refuse The saboteur coterie is one with-
city, and for the past few years aid to another member of the out an immediate powerbase or roots
she’s been training an algorithm Church; Never turn down the within their new domain, but their
to sniff out Kindred texts with opportunity to liberate others reach among the kine is likely impres-
telling keywords, like juicebag, sive. They often have the support of
leech, donor, and lick. Touchstones: Tara Bakurova — a vampire assigning them to the task
MASK AND MIEN: fellow self-harm survivor; Natalia of spying, assassination, or political
• Oksana Koblenko appears Koblenko — narcissistic night- disruption.
to be a young woman in her mare twin • Contacts: (••) (disenfranchised,
early twenties, 5’4” and bony,
with dim, sad eyes and a small Humanity: 6 outsiders, etc.)
mouth. Her short, soot-black • Influence: (•) (surveillance
hair feathers her cheekbones Generation: 13th
and brushes the edge of her companies)
jaw. She writes more eloquently Blood Potency: 1 • Mawla: (••) (the vampire who set
than she speaks; her voice tends
toward sudden stops and mum- Attributes: Strength 1, Dexter- them to their task)
bles. Though she doesn’t have ity 2, Stamina 2; Charisma 2, • Mask: (•) (cover identities)
a Mask, she does have several Manipulation 3, Composure 3; • Resources: (••) (liquid cash to
online personas. Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve 2
• At work in the Church, Oksana assist with their cover story)
dresses simply: dark red leggings, Secondary Attributes: Health • Adversaries: (••) (at least one
a red tunic top, fingerless gloves 5, Willpower 5
to keep the joints in her sensitive vampire who would oppose their
hands from stiffening while she Skills: Craft (Electronics) 2, mission with violence)
codes. She travels in a haze of Drive 1, Larceny (Extortion) 3, Possible extras: Domain (if the
kyphi incense, and even outside Survival 1; Etiquette 2, Insight 2, coterie is embedded in their current
the temple bleeds a faint aura of Persuasion 2, Subterfuge 4; Aca- locale), Status Flaw: Suspect
frankincense and pine. demics (Research) 2, Awareness
• When she appears to her cult as 1, Finance 1, Investigation (Scan- New Powers
the Proserpina, Oksana’s frame dals) 3, Occult (Church of Set) 2,
becomes delicate and ethereal. Politics 2, Science (Engineering) The Ministry and their orthodox
She accentuates her eyes with 2, Technology 4 clanmates in the Church of Set prac-
charcoal, weaves long golden tice some refined versions of their
cords into her hair, and dresses Disciplines: Auspex 2, Presence clan Disciplines, utilizing the powers
in a cyber-nouveau collection 3 of Obfuscate and Presence to better
of neon green straps, gold rings, create cult members and crush weak-
and heavy black fabric. Her General Difficulties: 4/2 nesses, and Protean to better emulate
Proserpina persona gives her an their clan founder. These powers are
ocean of confidence she doesn’t New Coterie not exclusive to the Serpents, but few
outside the clan use these Disciplines
Type in the ways the Ministry does.
The Church of Set are masters
of secreting members of their cult
among other Kindred sects and
within foreign domains. Many Kin-
dred of this religion form coteries
specifically for this purpose. Some
chapter two: Kindred Religions
Obfuscate successes as the Difficulty, suffering a falling victim to this power for the
point of Superficial Willpower dam- rest of the story.
Level 3 age for every missing success if they
fail. This roll cannot benefit from On a win, the vampire adds their
Mental Maze Teamwork, as any guidance given Presence rating to any rolls for affect-
does not match what the victim sees. ing a mortal’s resonance or a vam-
Amalgam: Dominate 1 This power ends if the environment pire’s emotional state. Appearing as a
Serpents maintain that Obfus- becomes dangerous (e.g. the building vampire’s Touchstone is a dangerous
cate is less about illusion and more catches fire), unless the vampire has game, especially if the victim possess-
about perception. Mental Maze is Terminal Decree (see Vampire: The es Sense the Unseen (see Vampire:
the ability to remove all sense of Masquerade, p. 257). The Masquerade, p. 249), but played
direction and location from a victim, right it can lead to Stains for the
allowing the vampire to make their Duration: One night victim as their Touchstone appears to
target a prisoner in their current become damaged or detached entirely
environment, such as a home, a Presence through shifts in behavior, ideals, or
nightclub, or worse — a vampire’s even apparent death.
cellar. The victim finds their location Level 3
folding back on itself, subtly altering Duration: One scene
their perception of previously visited True Love’s Face
rooms, convincing them that an Protean
actual exit will only lead deeper into Amalgam: Obfuscate 3
the maze, and eventually breaking Using a potent cocktail of con- Level 5
them down into a state of panic and centrated emotion and illusions, the
fragility. vampire can alter a mortal’s blood The Heart of Darkness
Cost: One or Three Rouse resonance or even risk a vampire’s
Checks connection to Humanity. The victim Amalgam: Fortitude 2
Dice Pools: Charisma + Obfus- (and only the victim) perceives the Practiced almost exclusively by
cate vs. Wits + Resolve vampire as a mortal they hold strong vampires within the higher echelons
System: The vampire personally emotional ties with (such as hate for of the Church of Set, this power en-
speaks the words “you cannot escape” a rival, passion for a new lover, or the ables a vampire to remove their own
to their victim and rolls Charisma complicated feelings a vampire holds heart and store it outside their body.
+ Obfuscate versus the target’s Wits for their Touchstone). The vampire’s flesh and bone warp as
+ Resolve, with lower Generation Cost: One Rouse Check they reach their hand into their bare
vampires being able to negate the roll Dice Pools: Manipulation + Pres- chest without the need for incision,
with a Willpower point as per Dom- ence vs. Composure + Wits after which point, they remove the
inate’s characteristics (see Vampire: System: To impersonate some- heart. This power is not without risk
The Masquerade p. 255). On a win, one the victim has strong emotions to the practitioner, and can only be
the victim struggles to find their way for, the vampire must know their used by a vampire on themselves. The
out of the building they’re in. An appearance and what the victim feels vampire typically places the heart in a
additional two Rouse Checks allows for them. How they uncover this ceremonial canopic jar or urn, though
this power to be used in a single will vary between vampires. When ac- there is no restriction as to where the
room or a densely packed outdoor tivated the Storyteller rolls a hidden heart can go. Many cult-minded Kin-
environment (such as a construction contest between the user’s Manip- dred take advantage of the fact the
site or forest). ulation + Presence and the victim’s organ can retain vitae, and even slake
Mortals cannot attempt to Composure + Wits, where failure their Hunger from afar, by receiving
escape but supernatural creatures means the visage holds no emotional ritualistic blood donations. For as
can make a Resolve + Awareness test charge, which is deeply uncanny and long as it is removed, the vampire is
each scene using the vampire’s initial sours any social interaction with the immune to staking attempts, unless a
victim. It also prevents them from stake is driven through the removed
heart. The vampire’s emotions are
detached — metaphysically and
biologically, if the heart can be said changing. To the scientist, it seems those who have studied the secrets of
to be the font of emotion — provid- that every angle they discounted in Oblivion have spoken of a presence
ing them a resilience against their their studies as sorcery and magic has in the emptiness. A formless con-
Beast’s urges but a remove from been shown to exist, and all they have sciousness that seems to observe them
compassion and warmth. worked for has been for naught. To and whisper back. When a methu-
the religious, they are now agents of selah proposes that this is the very
System: This power requires evil, immortal and outside of God’s creator, not just of the clan but of the
no roll, but inflicts two Aggravated plan. Kindred survive by hanging on universe itself, it is difficult for the
Health damage to the vampire when to their core values and hopes, the egotistic and morbid minds of the
removing their heart. No powers can dreams that make them who they watchers of the Abyss to refuse its
be used to mitigate this damage, and are and convince them to drive on to seemingly simple truth.
reattaching the heart requires two the next night without falling into
Rouse Checks. Once removed the despair and, eventually, the death-like The first priests of Shalim have
vampire gains a two-dice bonus to sleep of torpor. been recruited and their numbers are
resist frenzy, but suffers a two-die slowly swelling in cities around the
penalty on Remorse rolls. The Cult of Shalim preys on world. As the tendrils of their faith
this fact in the most unusual way. Its grow, they reach out to other clans,
If the heart is dealt Aggravated agents pride themselves on uncov- targeting the disenfranchised and the
Health damage equal to or greater ering the great loves of a person’s desperate, those who appear to have
than the vampire’s Health, they fall life, the small joys and bonds that lost everything in life or unlife. They
into torpor. If an extracted heart is make their reality bearable. They call to them and speak of the succor
destroyed — only possible with fire then call those things into question, of emptiness and the bliss of the
or sunlight — the vampire experienc- expose their temporary nature and end. Binding them with a baptism
es final death. While the heart is re- sever them, leaving the target of their ceremony, they ask the questions the
moved, the vampire’s body cannot be predations left with no choice but to cult’s founder first asked of them:
staked unless the heart is located and accept the central doctrine of their
separately impaled, in which case the faith: that reality is suffering. In some “Abrenuntias re? Et omnibus operi-
vampire falls paralyzed. If blood is ways, the Cult of Shalim resembles bus eius? Et omnibus pompis eius?”
fed to the heart, it will slake the vam- the Ministry in their methods. The
pire’s Hunger as normal (even Blood difference is the Ministers and their With their every tie to reality
Bonding them if fed Kindred vitae Church of Set wish to replace the broken and their mind shattered
from the vein), and the heart can be void with faith, where the Cult of from loss upon loss, what can they do
fed from in the same way — possibly Shalim cares only for the void. but answer, “Abrenuntio.”
leading to diablerie. The vampire is
still susceptible to death via fire or The adherents of this faith do Out of Nothing
sunlight even without a heart. not seek a blissful, endless orgy of
experience where all of the bad is The Beckoning provides great
Duration: Permanent (or until eliminated. Their creed is far less opportunities for Kindred who
the heart is destroyed/returned) utopian and difficult to swallow for would previously have been perpet-
all but the most foolish. Shalim’s ually held down by their immortal
Cult of Shalim followers believe that elimination of overlords. However, the opportuni-
the suffering of existence can only ties come at a cost: something has
“Do you dream? Do you dare to come at the cost of its joys. It is a fact summoned all those elders away and,
dream? In this place, our dreams may of existence that happiness will turn whatever it is, it has Kindred guess-
take form, but the ravages of time and to sadness, pleasure to pain, and any ing all over the world and asking
endless march of reality render them to utopia will crumble with corruption questions of their long-held beliefs.
nothing. I can show you a way to end the and heresy. This black priesthood Like any good conspiracy theory,
suffering of hope. The pain of dreams.” preaches how a perfect world cannot the provision of plausible answers
— Apolleon the Traveler, founder of exist while the world itself exists. to those questions can turn into
the Cult of Shalim certainty in the minds of those most
This madness is what comes hungry to understand.
The hopes and dreams of all from staring too long into the Abyss,
Kindred hang by a silver thread. as many Lasombra mystics have Kindred scholars have long
Their very belief structures have done over the centuries, looking for spoken of the great and powerful
been fundamentally shaken by their truths in the emptiness that seems founders of the clans, the Antedilu-
to consume their very souls. Many of vians. In the modern nights, it seems
chapter two: Kindred Religions
logical for Kindred to believe these the calling of his children, he will themselves equal, since they are all
ancient masters have summoned their destroy the cancer perverting his part of the same problem. They often
closest childer to their sides much perfect blackness and return the meet in what appear to be noth-
in the way some of their own sires world to the state of nothingness. ing more than self-help groups or
may call to them through the Blood. In a stroke, war, suffering, disease, religious discussion classes, discussing
Most who claim to be messengers of unhappiness of all kinds will be their problems and their hopes for
these entities are quickly struck down expunged and all consciousness will the future. This is a guise they use to
by the local authorities as threats to become one with Shalim, all will lure those seeking help to their side,
the Masquerade or as agents of the return to God, all will be God. and to gain their trust.
apocalypse. Only the quick-witted
and sufficiently powerful remain Several Lasombra have now Priests of Shalim are always
elusive. One such Kindred is the knelt before him in one of his guises, Lasombra who have been touched by
ancient Lasombra known as Apolleon pledging the remainder of their time Apolleon. His predations vary from
the Traveler. in existence to ensuring its eradication, subject to subject: some kneel having
promising to be the scalpel that will only heard the word and accepted it,
The cult says Apolleon travels cut reality away and reveal the peace of such as Rabbi Basaras; others must
the world in the form of a great emptiness to a grateful world. be more directly “convinced,” such
black mass, sliding along the floor of as Gamal Hajjar of Cairo whose
the seabed, constantly communing The Flowering every happy memory was annihilated
with what he believes is his sire, the of the Abyss by the methuselah over a period of
voice in the dark. This semi-torpid several months. Each one of them is
state guides him around the Earth As a relatively new cult, the only released by Apolleon when he
as he reaches out into the minds of Shalimites maintain a somewhat considers their faith in the coming
Kindred of his bloodline he feels covert presence in many cities end to be incorruptible.
nearby, seeking those with the throughout the world. Apolleon’s
predisposition he needs: those who priests have been mainly recruited Shalimite Rites
have suffered great loss and who are from around coastal Mediterranean
asking the existential questions of cities, where his trek takes him, but Very little of this young faith has
what it all means. they have subsequently branched been formally codified; indeed, their
out to various areas of the world. practices and approaches seem to
Nothing. Nothing is the answer The most well-known of his follow- vary from cell to cell. Only through
he provides; there is no meaning save ers is Michalis Basaras, a Lasombra their correspondence do the priests
that which you assign to the act itself. in the city of Chicago. However, share their stories of success and
He comforts them with the knowl- cells of Shalimites can be found in failure, refining their methods.
edge that all Lasombra have, deep the United Kingdom, Brazil, South
inside themselves: that they are part Africa, and even Egypt where they Gematria
of a great destiny, and that destiny silently exploit the schism within the
lies in Oblivion. Not only will they Ministry and seek to twist their zeal They write using a coded cipher
end their own suffering, but that of to Shalim’s purposes. that involves translating their writ-
the entire world. ings into numbers using the system
Servants of the Abyss of gematria. For that reason, all the
This lofty goal can only be coded letters are written in Hebrew
achieved through Shalim, of course. The rank of priest is the high- and priests are required to learn it by
Apolleon preaches that Shalim is the est a cultist can aspire to; however, rote to ensure their messages can be
first Kindred and the master of the rank is generally not a concern of understood. These letters are often
emptiness that existed before the those joining this cult. Once one has disguised as missives being sent to
universe itself existed. He speaks of embraced the purity and perfection their distant sires or friends and
primordial deities, such as Erebus, of emptiness, such trappings are it is not entirely strange for such
from ancient cultures, and links mere words in your mind, though the correspondence to be encrypted, to
them back to Shalim, their “true” priests are those who speak directly preserve not only any secrets inside
identity. Shalim is the Kindred from with Apolleon and, through him, to but also the Masquerade should the
whom the first Lasombra arose, the Shalim itself. The cultists consider letters be intercepted.
progenitor of all bloodlines and
guardian of the purest of those, who
retain his link to the primordial
dark. Once Shalim wakes and hears
Abyssal truth as they feel his presence in that what must be ultimately destroyed.
Consecration cloud. Some emerge claiming to have Kindred in their service find them-
heard an indistinct voice, or even to selves twisting their Humanity and
“Do you feel it? Do you hear it? Is it have received visions and instructions replacing it with a horrific version of
not like God?” from the master of the cult. the cult’s credo.
— Rabbi Michalis Basaras, Priest of
the Cult of Shalim Dark Purpose Fundamentally, though the meth-
ods vary, the goal remains united. The
New cultists, once stripped of The end goal of the cult is clear, cult seeks to awaken Shalim from his
their hope, are brought into the ser- though the method of achieving it has dreaming and bring about the end of
vice of Shalim through a ritual akin not been made clear at all. Different reality, uniting everyone in their great
to a baptism. The priest coats the priests preach different ideas on how heaven and bringing them back into
supplicant in shadow, placing their to bring about the coming end, others Oblivion from whence they came.
hands on the shoulders of the new say the cult need only be ready to
member to comfort them and hold embrace it and focus on eradicating Enemies
them steady in the endless, unfeeling those who would prevent it.
darkness. They ask the convert if they The cult has no known apostates,
renounce reality itself, and all its var- In general terms, the cult targets or at least any who may have tried
ious trappings. By the time this rite anyone who seeks to gain knowledge to leave the cult haven’t been willing
is performed, the supplicant’s mind of their activities with a view to or able to speak of their experience.
is usually broken, however even those shutting them down. Usually, they But it does have many critics: failed
with slight doubts as to the presence seek to utterly discredit them instead conversions would be the first among
of Shalim are faced with the dark of killing them at the first instant. them, since nothing embitters a per-
Of course, the cult thinks nothing son more than finding out the people
of killing if necessary; the reality of who purported to be helping you
a person is simply another part of were sabotaging your every attempt
chapter two: Kindred Religions
at happiness. Investigators and leather, containing lists of dates, places cults in Kindred society, even when
Kindred who tend toward cynicism and names. These indicate sightings of they’re not trying to be so. It’s dif-
are also opposed to the view of this Apolleon by their brotherhood and list ficult to convince a vampire to give
cult and tend to treat its members the names of targets of his predations up all hope and material purpose,
or those who spend too much time for induction into the priesthood. which is why the Shalimites usually
around them with suspicion. Through their network, they also suggest target those already on the edge of
promising members of their own cults losing everything, or vampires who
Some Princes are aware of the who the methuselah may be interested have already experienced exile, a loss
cult’s presence but see them as little in converting or who may be ripe for the of Touchstones, or the death of their
more than an esoteric distraction embrace, being raised as Kindred in the last remaining mortal family mem-
for the Kindred of their city. If the emptiness of Shalim’s truth. ber. The cult has experienced dra-
cult seems benign and gives no sign matic success in finding targets and
of their intention to annihilate the Mortal Servants converts in the domain of Fukuoka,
Prince’s domain, those who are aware which spells ill tidings for the other
are willing to tolerate their activi- No creature is considered Kindred in the Japanese city.
ties. The first defense of the cult is anathema to the cult if it truly seeks
its secrecy, however, and they tend to supplicate itself before the Master A conservative domain with
not to formally announce themselves of the Abyss. While many of their a rigid hierarchy, Fukuoka has a
and avoid associating outside of their members are Kindred, there are a defined way of rewarding the elders,
joint activities in places where they good number of mortals within each the Mawlas, and the powerbrokers,
know they can speak freely. cell, often chosen for their positions while keeping the fledglings and
in the local society or the access they Anarchs under heel. Most move on
Malkavians often feel nervous can afford the cultists to materials or to other domains when they realize
in the presence of Shalimites; they information they require to conduct raging against the machine in this
recognize madness when they see it, their activities. The religious com- city is fruitless, but some remain,
regardless of the veneer of civility it is munity are often among the most because Fukuoka is what they know,
hidden behind. widely targeted by cult historians because the underground Anarch
and archaeologists, particularly those scene embraces everything insane
Artifacts and Symbology with interest in Mesopotamian and about Fukuoka’s nightlife and myriad
ancient Greek culture. of subcultures, and because it feels
The cult’s symbol is of a hollow like abandoning Fukuoka is aban-
person, often portrayed as a simple The cult in Palermo, Sicily is doning a city with a pulse.
human figure with a hole cut out determined to gain ownership of the
from the center. While this may seem site of Castel d’Ombro and reconse- This is where the Cult of Shalim
a quite morbid symbol, evincing a crate it as the first altar of Shalim. come in. The Shalimites in Fukuoka
great depression, the cultist would Through various organizations, both appeared organically, with their first
tell you that it is the hollow they re- religious and criminal, they seek to member — a clanless vampire named
vere above all. Take away the human achieve this aim. However, the cult Ryoko — having been the victim of
shape around it and the sadness of fears crossover with the Hecata in the domain punishment named “oy-
the symbol is gone. There is nothing this area as they share much of the ogu” or “the swim,” where a vampire
depressing about emptiness unless cult’s knowledge of Oblivion. Embraced without permission has
you obsess yourself with the nev- their hands, feet, and tongue removed
er-ending task of filling it. Shalimite and their body cast into the Chikugo
Operations: River. The trial takes place before
It is rare for cultists to identify Fukuoka dawn and few vampires survive the
themselves by such outward signs. ordeal. Ryoko herself disappeared
Instead, they speak the phrase “Shin- On one hand the Cult of Shalim for three months before returning
lamed-mem” to identify themselves is one of the least expansionist cults, with her body healed and her mind
to each other. This simple greeting rarely seeking converts with any pas- committed to the worship of void,
is unusual enough for cultists to sion. On the other, the Shalimites are which she only recently gave the
recognize it without being suspicious among the most pernicious, corrosive name “Shalim.” Ryoko spoke with her
to outsiders, since it is the root of the fellow mistreated fledglings and told
traditional Hebrew greeting, “shalom,” them of the wisdom she experienced
and of their cult’s eternal master. in the dark waters, and while few
listened, a couple tried to replicate
Cult priests carry with them
small books, normally bound in black
SHALIMITE CONVICTIONS against the establishment. Many other fledglings just
The Cult of Shalim practices a regular dance with feel a worship of nothingness is cool, that destruction is
self-destruction. Nihilistic cults are, as the word enjoyable, and joining a group where wearing black is “in”
implies, prone to implosion. Such behavior leaves and influence and wealth mean less than action is a more
a mark on one’s soul, especially if a Shalimite is rewarding way to spend an unlife than playing gopher for
drawn to destroy others in an effort to prove the their sires.
pointlessness of existence. The following Convic-
tions are common, if just to stave off the inevitability Perspectives
of Oblivion for long enough to spread their word:
• Never allow yourself to celebrate life Anarchs: They seem to want to exterminate us wherever
Life’s purpose is to end, and you can help hasten it. they find us. They believe we serve powerful elders who seek to
What you must never, ever do, is make the mistake crush their freedoms. They are blind. We serve the absence of all
of seeking joy through life’s existence. things.
• Never lose your temper with failure
Whether faced with your own failure or that of a Camarilla: While it’s not ideal, this is just another way
new convert, anger is a wasteful emotion and fail- of getting our childer through the long nights. The Camarilla
ure is best addressed through passivity or correc- preaches blissful ignorance in all things, and one cannot find
tion. fault in that, if it redirects those with curiosity to our ranks.
• Always work to impede those who
Clan Lasombra: The clan from which we draw our greatest
would control chaos number and inspiration, yet many of them look upon us with
You are not a Setite, so allow misrule to unravel nat- horror, as if worshiping the tools we use is some kind of sin.
urally or remove its obstructions without attempting
to channel it. Clan Malkavian: I believe sensory deprivation is the key
• Only allow Embraces that further the to soothing even the wildest of minds. Find a Malkavian and
introduce them to our cause. They will eat it up.
destruction of society
There is no gain to be had from Embracing someone Hecata: Interesting idea, narrow vision. I’m sure it’s
as a reward or permitting others to do so. The Em- comforting to them to think that everything is about flesh and
brace is Oblivion channeled into an unliving vessel. spirit, but for us, it goes much deeper. The Hecata who worship
• Do not succumb to the allure of pros- what we worship are known as Nagaraja, but they are so few.
perity The Ministry: The snake may shed its skin and pretend
The less you own, the closer you are to nothingness. to be something it is not, but we know. Their Church of Set is a
Absence is utter freedom and material objects tie half-measure. They exist only to satisfy their own desires.
you to life.
• Never maintain or protect more than a “PORCELAIN” PATRICIA
single mortal of importance
While the need to cling on to the kine is recognized Epitaph: Cultist or Apostate?
as an anchor in a tempestuous ocean, more than
one is an extravagance. Quote: “I may be a little touched but I can’t be the
only one who sees.”
her experience. They likewise returned three months later,
changed and possessed of a desire to erode the fabricated Clan: Malkavian
society that for so long has kept Kindred from wisdom.
Embraced: 2018 (Born 1996)
The Cult of Shalim appeals to the young vampires of
Fukuoka in a few ways. For those with a genuine esoteric MORTAL DAYS: THRILL SEEKER
interest, the idea of finding wisdom buried in the city’s Patricia was the youngest child of a wealthy family
waterways holds appeal, as their elders never pass down
such knowledge. The vampires of Anarch leaning see the from Denver. Her parents made sure that Patricia and
water burial — which many have since attempted, with her brother, Morgan, fell in love with the great outdoors,
more casualties than returns — as a proof of commitment regularly taking them out to their holiday home near the
to the Movement, and the Cult of Shalim as the vanguard Rockies, where they would engage in pursuits from horse
rides to rock climbing.
As she grew older, with the trust fund afforded by
the family business behind her, Patricia dedicated herself
to the enjoyment of life. She eschewed further education
and concentrated on scaling her own personal mountains,
chapter two: Kindred Religions
real or metaphorical. She targeted being the first female more than a rich girl who always had everything handed
to scale all the great peaks of the world and became to her, who made more money selling products than the
something of an internet personality in her attempts to people that produced them.
do so. This brought her attention and niche fame as a
fitness guru and socialite, with energy drink and health Her descent into depression, as well as her torn
supplement companies lining up to gain her endorsement state between the life she forged and what she saw as
on social media. the responsibility of home, caught the attention of her
sire. As she enjoyed an exclusive concert by the band
While she traveled the world, met and slept with Baby Chorus in an underground club in Chicago, she
interesting and beautiful people, and performed stunts threw herself upon their suave bass player and became
in exotic locales, her brother managed the family busi- his childe.
ness into the financial crisis. His risky investments had
funded Patricia’s lifestyle and his parents’ retirements. KINDRED NIGHTS: EMPTY ETERNITY
When those investments came home to roost, Patricia’s
fledgling career could have saved the company from Patricia had many problems to overcome as a Kin-
bankruptcy. However, Morgan refused to ask for her dred. Her sire, Raymond Falcon, disappeared almost as
help. By the time Patricia discovered the full extent of soon as he had Embraced her. Whenever he reappeared, he
the problem, her brother faced several charges of insider seemed different, like he didn’t remember her or the night
trading and a string of angry creditors who wanted they shared.
blood. He answered those charges with the blare of a
pistol into his own mouth. Her tutelage was left to the Primogen of Clan Malka-
vian, and he was only too happy to have a new plaything
Patricia returned to Denver to mourn her brother to break. He had her perform one final stunt for her
only to find her parents embittered at how she had seem- followers to enjoy, hanging herself in a hotel room on live
ingly abandoned him, too ignorant to notice what was stream.
going on in the “real world.”
After Son recovered her from the morgue, he in-
After a major falling-out at the funeral, they never troduced her to two things. First, the many comments
spoke again. mocking her death. “Another dead rich bitch” could have
been the carving on her headstone.
Afterwards, Patricia threw herself into dangerous
activities. She garnered ever more followers who saw her Second, Patricia’s face was far too famous to be seen
as an inspiration, while others called her a fraud, nothing roaming around the city. She’d have to travel incognito,
and he had just the way to do it. A Porcelain Noh mask
was surgically stapled to her head, etched with a beatific
smile. Son stated that were she ever to take it off, she
would be burned as a Masquerade breach.
“Don’t worry.” he mused, “Now you always look
happy, no matter what!”
The Kindred at court were no kinder than internet
trolls when Patricia was introduced at Elysium. “Porcelain
Pat” they called her. Patricia’s eyes swiveled around the
room, her anguish stifled by the saintly smile of the mask.
Everyone laughed, all but one.
The rabbi approached her, seeming genuinely inter-
ested in her and the losses she had suffered. Even in her
depression, she found him sitting silently by her, a reassur-
ing presence. He whispered to her and spoke of salvation
that she could find if she would let go of her pain.
After a year of listening to his sermons, the rabbi
felt she was ready. He offered her a place in the Cult of
Shalim and an answer to her cries for deliverance from
the suffering of her life.
Patricia wanted to believe him, but the idea that
everything she had seen meant nothing proved too
much for her. She had dreamed of climbing all the
great peaks. Maybe she couldn’t do that now, but
could she accept that the mountains themselves were
abominations that should be expunged so humanity • Montgomery Trust Fund (Resources 2) Son had
could finally know true peace? himself placed as the executor of her trust fund but
continues to disburse it with mocking contempt, al-
She fled the synagogue and threw herself upon ways reminding Patricia that she’s just “another dead
the mercy of anyone she could find. The Prince, her rich bitch.”
sire, her clanmates. As she ranted of the lowly rabbi’s
great plan of destruction, it was clear to the court that KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
she was truly mad. Son seemed amused by it, far too • Evan Klein (Occasional Lucidity) In the guise of
amused by her sudden isolation and pariah status to
consider that she might be right. Raymond Falcon, Evan is Patricia’s sire. Though often
absent, he’s likely to believe her tale -— for all the
To this night, she continues her crusade to expose good his support would do her at court.
the cult for what it is. But even as she does so, she can’t • Alphonse Gabriel Capone (Exploitative) Capone is
escape the nagging doubt at the back of her mind that in search of new allies and he has one eye on Patri-
maybe Basaras was right. cia’s former contacts as well as the remains of her
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: family’s estate. It could be just the score he needs to
• Expose the Cult: Patricia is horrified at the exist- get back on top.
• Rabbi Michalis Basaras (Erstwhile Mentor)
ence of the Cult of Shalim. Even though her mind is Though she is attempting to expose the cult, Ba-
racked with doubt and depression, she attempts to saras holds out hope that Patricia will return to the
convince anyone who will listen of their threat. fold once her final ties to the world fall away. He
aids in this by making sure she remains a laughing
• Recruitment Target: Although she is currently stock at court.
campaigning against the Cult, the mockery of her WHISPERS:
contemporaries, coupled with the complete absence • Remember Me: Patricia has been known to favor
of her sire, leaves her wondering if she shouldn’t step those who treat her with kindness, especially if they
into the darkness herself. talk to her positively about her former life.
• Followed by Day: Not content to plague her waking
• Famous Face: Patricia is shackled by her fame. hours, someone is haunting the places where Patricia
Though it causes her pain, both emotional and phys- sleeps and following her wherever she goes.
ical, she must continue to wear her mask at all times MASK AND MIEN:
or face the Blood Hunt, feeding through its detach- • Patricia is a short, but well-built woman with
able lower quarter. Furthermore, she cannot travel straight black hair and green eyes. Her features are
freely and relies on the patronage of Nosferatu who usually obscured by the mask she wears, however
pity her plight. many photographs of her exist and she was a very at-
tractive woman with a broad smile and pearly white
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: teeth. She carries herself with a slouched and with-
• Apartment, Lincoln Park (Haven 1) What little drawn demeanor but the power within her frame is
evident, even to the casual observer.
money she was able to secret out of her personal • Aside from the mask, Patricia wears cotton summer
funds has gone into purchasing a modest apartment dresses, often flecked with blood from reapplying the
for her use. She has no other haven or domain, staples to her head each night. These are offset by the
though she does not always sleep here if other Kin- hiking boots she always wears, which were one of her
dred are willing to put her up for a day to avoid her trademarks during her life.
predatory stalker. • Patricia rarely ventures out in public, but on rare
occasions when she does, she is mistaken for a street
THRALLS AND TOOLS: performer, occasionally handed a pocketful of change
• Cultists (Herd 2) Mortal members of the Cult of with comments on how genuinely scary she looks.
Shalim often approach Patricia as sympathetic ears
and easy meals and whisper heretical thoughts into
her broken mind.
• Connected (Influence 3) Although she cannot act on
her own these days, Patricia’s knowledge of who to
talk to inside many of the social circles and advertis-
ing companies in the city is rivaled by few.
Sire: Evan Klein Ceremonies
of Shalim
Ambition: Find my own peace, one way or another
Shalimites practice their own brand of Oblivion Cer-
Convictions: Don’t forget where I came from emonies, and while vampires outside the cult can learn
them with a suitable Mawla, it’s rare for a member of the
Touchstones: Frances Gault — fan, following in cult to teach an outsider. The rules surrounding learning
Patricia’s footsteps and practicing Oblivion Ceremonies are addressed on p.
XX, but following are some example Ceremonies rare to
Humanity: 7 anyone outside the cult.
Generation: 10th Note: The Shalimite Ceremonies use Oblivion pow-
ers from Chicago by Night as their pre-requisites. If you
Blood Potency: 1 do not own this book, the Storyteller is free to suggest
another Oblivion power to act as a pre-requisite.
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4; Cha-
risma 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 2; Intelligence Level 1
2, Wits 4, Resolve 3
Traveler’s Call
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 5
This simple Ceremony is taught by the cult to all
Skills: Athletics (Rock Climbing) 4, Brawl 1, Drive priests before their release into the wider world. Since all
2, Stealth 2, Survival (Wilderness) 3; Animal Ken 2,
Etiquette 2, Insight 3, Leadership 2, Performance 3,
Persuasion 2, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1; Academics
1, Finance 1, Medicine (First Aid) 1, Science (Nutri-
tion) 2, Technology 2
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Obfuscate 2
General Difficulties: 5/3
priests of Shalim are linked by their common bond with lived to tell of it speak of an all-consuming darkness
Apolleon the Traveler, they are able to use his presence in closing in around their thoughts and robbing them of all
eternal Oblivion as a nexus between themselves and their sensation. The last thing they recall is a distant, rumbling
followers. laughter echoing in their mind.
Pre-required Power: Oblivion’s Sight (see Chicago System: The vampire’s player makes their Ceremony
by Night) roll vs. the victim’s Resolve + Composure. On a win, the
vampire may activate this Ceremony’s effects any time
Ingredients: The black book gifted to them following they are in the victim’s presence. Upon activation, the
their indoctrination into the cult victim is paralyzed with despair for a number of turns
equal to the margin. While under this effect, victims
Process: By using the Traveler’s Call with their black cannot see, hear or experience any form of sensory input
book in hand and the name of another Shalimite in mind, except touch and physical pain, which brings them out of
a priest can send a ripple out across Oblivion, calling the the effect. The victim can expend Willpower equal to the
target to their location. Unlike a true summoning, this number of turns they would remain paralyzed to break
power does not place a compulsion upon the victim, but free of the power.
does alert the Shalimite being contacted to the vampire’s
current location through a repetitive, flashing vision of the Level 5
scenery surrounding the calling Kindred.
Pit of Contemplation
System: The cultist must possess their black book
and know the name of another Shalimite. The vampire’s Only the most powerful of Shalim’s priests have
player makes a Ceremony roll (Difficulty 3). The contact- been able to manifest this ability, but the effect is
ed vampire can choose to ignore the call, but the flashing one of the most terrifying and demonstrative uses of
vision gives them −2 dice to all rolls involving concentra- Oblivion yet seen in modern nights. The ability to cast
tion for the remainder of the scene, at which point the an enemy into Oblivion terrifies even the toughest of
call disappears. A critical win by the vampire allows them Kindred.
to send a single-word message to their point of contact
along with the vision. Pre-required Power: Tenebrous Avatar (see Chicago
by Night)
Level 3
Ingredients: Pot of ink, three pints/six liters or more
Name of the Father of blood from an innocent the user murdered, an unlit
room (this power does not work outside)
Priests of Shalim have all been trained to use their
voices as weapons, slicing through the sugar coating their Process: The vampire personally murders an inno-
victims wrap around their love for the world. By invoking cent mortal, likely incurring Stains depending on the
the name of their dark master and calling for his aid, they Chronicle Tenets and their Convictions. While inno-
channel a fraction of his power into an adversary and cence is subjective, traditional sacrifices are children,
cloud their very mind with shadow, causing them to stand virgins, and holy individuals. The vampire then takes at
dumbstruck by the emptiness of Oblivion. least three pints/six liters of the deceased’s blood into
an unlit room and uses it to paint a doorway on a wall
Pre-required Power: Shadow Perspective (see Chica- in the chamber. Finally, the vampire splashes a pot of
go by Night) ink onto the blood-painted portal. Focusing their will
upon the gateway, the priest opens a tear through to
Ingredients: The ability to speak ancient Greek, eye Oblivion.
contact with a victim, five charcoal sticks
Anyone foolish or unfortunate enough to fall into
Process: The priest invokes an incantation in a the gap is immediately transported into a pocket of
dialect of ancient Greek, invoking the name of Shalim eternal black nothingness for as long as the priest sees
as they crush four charcoal sticks in hand. These words fit. If the priest is destroyed without releasing their
are spoken while making eye contact with the victim, prisoners, any undead prisoners remain trapped in the
therefore the victim must be able to see and hear the user void (unless and until another vampire reverses the
for this power to be successful. Upon crushing the final Ceremony).
charcoal stick, a shadow crosses the eyes of the priest and
those of the victim, leaving the eyes of each participant Priests may choose to pass through the door, but
entirely black as the victim succumbs to a crushing sense doing so condemns them forever. Some Shalimites do this
of despair. Those who have experienced this power and
chapter two: Kindred Religions
when they feel they have completed their work as a part When Mithra was said to have walked the Earth in
of the cult. corporeal form, as gods in ages past were wont to do, the
Ventrue claim he was Embraced by an ancient vampire
System: Following the Ceremony steps, the priest’s named Veddartha. Mithra remained active for centuries
player makes their Ceremony roll, and on a success afterward, until the clash between his divine blood and
the effect is quick and implosive. A hole opens at the the curse of Caine forced him in and out of torpor. Still,
point where ink and blood mix. The hole draws objects, his followers remained loyal and Mithra’s teachings,
air, and people toward it and, if they fail a Dexterity + passed down orally, may even have inspired tales of the
Athletics roll (Difficulty 4), sucks them into a pocket Buddhist Maitreya. The cult learned to survive without
within Oblivion. their god’s direct presence, dutifully awaiting his return
— a trait that served them well to the modern nights.
While trapped, victims are suspended in an endless
blackness. They cannot see or hear anyone or anything Mithra became Mithras in Rome, and his religion
around themselves. Only the priest who conjures this took on the trappings of a mystery cult. His followers
blasphemous gateway can free those held within, by pour- congregated in caves and underground cisterns, coaxed
ing a vampire’s vitae over the painted door (sufficient to by Mithras’ lieutenants to ensure the god-turned-Cainite
provoke a Rouse Check). Mortals sucked into Oblivion could visit them. Whenever the Mithraists gained
are instantly killed. sufficient funds, they erected a new temple rather than
expand an existing one. His cult spread rapidly and far,
The Mithraic Mysteries operating in cells rather than as one collective, even
reaching Britain at the furthest reaches of the Roman
“All hail our lord and savior, Mithras, who journeyed Empire. Building on Mithra’s purview as divine judge of
through the Underworld and now returns to us!” truth, companionship, and trade, worship of Mithras was
— Rose Abawi, Toreador Pater of the Soho Mithraeum popular with soldiers, merchants, bureaucrats and custom
officials, freedmen, and slaves. For a while, Mithraism
The cult of Mithras lies in disarray. Forged in secrets rivaled the nascent religion of Christianity. In the end,
and persecution, the cult long preferred erecting a new however, the Church of Peter triumphed and Mithraism
temple over expanding an existing one. Likewise, it found- became a relic in mortal history.
ed new cells instead of forming a singular sprawling cult.
This worked well with Mithras at the helm, but his ru- A London Renaissance
mored destruction at the claws of Lupines and subsequent
disappearance left the disparate cult rudderless. Unscrupu- Though outdone on the mortal stage, Mithras
lous Patres started giving their own orders, while the most remained powerful in Cainite politics. He moved to the
loyal Patres — paralyzed with grief and a lack of guidance domain of Londinium in 71 CE, where Roman soldiers
— saw their cells fall apart. Yet now these loyal few sense did fierce battle with Britain’s people. By the time
a stirring in their blood, a whisper on the air: prepare, for Rome accepted Christianity in 313 CE, Mithras was so
He returns. The cells communicate with each other, the entrenched in Britain he could safely bring his most
network reforms, and the Mithraists stand to rank among dedicated followers to London, both as reward for their
the most active power players in Kindred society. service and to continue his worship. With the London cell
now the most important within the Mithraic Mysteries,
From Persia to Rome they began work on the London Mithraeum. Britain’s
rebellion against Rome spilled over into Cainite unrest
The Mithraic Mysteries is a cult of personality as though, leading the local Kindred to rebel against the
much as a mystery cult. For Cainites, there is no sep- foreign Mithras. Mithras emerged victorious, but again
arating the cult from the methuselah at its center. Yet slipped into torpor. The cult continued without him —
what Kindred know of Mithras is scarce and conflicting. split into independent cells, certain in their faith, and
To his followers, he is the Indo-Iranian god Mithra first awaiting his return as always.
mentioned in a collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns tran-
scribed around 1380 BCE, or depicted even earlier on the While the Mithraic Mysteries never regained the
royal seal of King Saussatar of Mitanni around 1450 BCE. global power it had in the era of Persia and Rome, the
They know Mithra was a member of the solar pantheon, cult spread throughout England, Wales, Scotland, and
and his divine purview centered upon honesty, camarade- even to the coasts of France. When Mithras awoke again
rie, and bargains. in 1066 CE, he found his cult diminished in numbers and
power, but with all its trappings in place and waiting
for him. Mithras brazenly reopened spread and thrive. The cells remained The London Blitz
the London Mithraeum, only to see separate and hidden though, each
it burned to the ground by Ventrue working toward their god’s greater Mithras designed his cult to
lords acting through the clergy. The purpose. One might worship Mithras survive without him. The Mithraic
cult retreated back into the shadows, as bull-slayer and soldier, while Mysteries propagated into inde-
playing to its strengths and attracting another celebrated him as god of bar- pendent and separate cells, remained
new followers among young nobles gains and merchants. Each cell made hidden, and fostered relations with
and soldiers. Meanwhile Mithras’ its own rules in accordance with the the middle and lower classes rather
Cainite agents sowed discord among Seven Steps to the Sun. than the elite. This let Mithras pursue
the local Ventrue. With the Ven- his myriad passions, yet always return
true focused on each other, Mithras’ Mithras himself traveled the to find at least one cell still serving as
popularity spread from young kine world, meeting with a variety of base of operations.
to young Kindred, patiently waiting famous and infamous Kindred in pur-
while his detractors turned against suit of knowledge and power, with The last six decades were
each other and replacing them with his cult remaining ever faithful. His different though. A Lupine pack
his loyalists. Come 1154 CE, Mithras followers survived Christian persecu- drove Mithras into torpor during the
openly claimed the Baronies of Ava- tion, bouts of madness in their god London Blitz in World War II, after
lon, England’s most powerful domain, during the Victorian era, and poten- which a Banu Haqim neonate named
as his own. tial coups against their Prince — only Montgomery Coven stole and diabler-
to await his return, and resume their ized his body. While no one knew of
With Mithras as Prince of service every time. Mithras’ diablerie, his followers could
London, the cult continued to
Mithra and the Bull
The Persian deity Mithra accomplished many great deeds, but none greater than slaying
the bull. He rode the creature until it was exhausted, then forced it into a cave and killed
it. This myth is retold over and over on steles and shrines dedicated to Mithra, and the
bull-slaying myth even carried over into Mithras’ Roman and British cults.
Yet these same myths name Sol Invictus, the Sun God, as Mithra’s patron. Does it
not seem odd to accomplish such a great deed away from your patron’s gaze? Most Kindred
dismiss the myth as allegory, or point out that Mithra as Cainite had to retreat into a cave.
They’re not paying attention. Myths are allegories, yes, but they are also intentional. This
one, specifically, names both the patron Sun and the cave. That’s not an error — Mithra
performed his greatest kill away from his patron’s gaze.
And this, my dear neonate, is where I urge you to stop and think. Who would serve as
patron to one as ancient as Mithras? Who would Mithras fear enough to hide his actions
from? What does slaying a bull, a symbol of fertility and procreation, embody? Rumors
have long named Mithras as Fourth Generation, yet not a direct childe of our clan founder.
Perhaps both are true.
no longer sense his presence and rum- their Pater’s strength — and many of Mithraist Ambition
ors of his final death swelled. Finally, them fell. Mithras’ Cainite enemies,
Queen Anne came forward and quiet- sensing blood in the water, came The Cult of Mithras follows a
ly confirmed his death. Certainly, she down on any cells that revealed them- many-headed religion, but above all,
would lie to advance her own cause, selves in their search for guidance. they are a cult of law. At the cult’s
but she also remained loyal to Mithras The cells that did remain were forced height its rituals were formal, its
— if motivated largely by opportun- wholly underground, with no way structure rigid, its mysteries impen-
ism and fear — throughout long bouts to contact each other. The London etrable to outsiders. Since Mithras’
of torpor, depression, and madness. Mysteries were disparate, weak, and destruction the cult broke up, and
Queen Anne breaking ranks now defenseless with Mithras seemingly with it the religion lost much of its
was a clear sign she believed Mithras gone forever. The cult of Mithras power. Mithraism is strongest when
either dead or never returning — and stood poised to fall. centralized around an unliving god
she would be in a position to know. with firm edicts. Since his apparent
Mithras’ acolytes desperately searched Then, in recent nights, a niggling return, the cells returning to the fold
for their god’s guidance — his voice in sensation. Not as powerful a presence have found great purpose in return-
their heads, his blood in their veins — in his followers’ minds and veins as ing to the old ways. They believe in a
and found nothing. For the first time before, but rather an echo of Mithras, world where secrets are kept secret,
since Mithras’ rise three thousand a voice that was both his and not where the truly powerful seize power
years ago, his followers’ faith wavered. his. The cells that survived, and the and hold on to it until someone more
Patres that still believed, painstaking- potent can topple the leader, and
Faces of ly pulled themselves back together. where training should start young,
the Bull God In London a new Mithraeum arose so age and experience might convey
under guidance of Rose Abawi, a wisdom.
Without Mithras to guide the Toreador claiming to be the Voice of
cult, separate cells survived or fell on Mithras. Throughout the long nights Mithras is the model the cult
without their god, several beliefs and strives to emulate. As a god, he is
practices yet remained. multi-faceted, symbolizing spheres
LAW AND CHAOS Divine Mithras
If there are two diametrically opposed cults in this book, one might suspect
the Church of Caine and Bahari make for the most contentious, but it’s the The Mysteries teach that Mithras
Cult of Mithras and Church of Set most inclined to go to war. One could is a god, Embraced by Veddartha
argue Mithras and Set are among the most “successful” of vampires, to when he walked the world in corpo-
have successfully masqueraded their identities behind the names of gods real form. While in the past the cult
and cultivated religions in their wake. However, the two have never been linked Mithras to the eponymous Ro-
comfortable sharing success, this world, or potential followers. The two man God, advancing historical insight
faiths have two completely opposed views of the world, which in extreme links Mithras to the Persian Mithra.
terms amounts to Mithras wanting a vampire world governed with tight Devout followers accept this without
laws, with power funneling up to him, while Set wants a vampire world hesitation — Mithras and Mithra are
with no laws, and power raging unbridled. The Mithraists may be the best one, even if the details of his worship
fit for the Camarilla, with the cult’s preference for hierarchy, Blood Bonds, changed from one ancient empire to
and secrets, while the Setites veer toward the Anarchs with their love of the other. The cells silence any infidels
unrestricted knowledge and influence. who believe Mithras an ancient
Persian impostor at best, or a much
Of course, neither vampire is open to speaking their views, which leads younger poser who handily connect-
to this law vs. chaos divide being one perpetuated among their follow- ed the dots between the Persian and
ers. It’s not known if Mithras and Set ever encountered each other or Roman deities in an effort to appear
discussed their opposing philosophies, but there’s enough vehemence older than he is.
between their followers to make any city with a temple of Mithras and
a temple of Set within its borders liable to assassination attempts, bomb- Mithras is a god of war, feasts,
ings, and other assorted strife. and fertility, and these attributes
reflect in ceremonies dedicated to
from conflict to fertility, and justice in enlightenment by way of control. him. His followers engage in war on
to business. This appeals to the cult’s Mithraists reinforce each other’s Mithras’ enemies, the feasts hosted in
varied followers, as while the Ventrue Convictions, Touchstones, and there- his name are extravagant and lavish,
adherent might find attraction to the fore Humanity, not due to ethical and loyal followers are permitted to
cult’s wealth, a Brujah might find ap- concerns, but because doing so makes Embrace — the only act of fertility
peal in its dedication to war. Through the cult stronger and brings a vampire available to Kindred — as a reward
this range of influence, Mithras closer to mastering their urges. for their service. These acts further
belongs to his followers, but they all the cult’s secular goals, but above all
belong to him in turn. When not pursuing their vein they channel the divine. Proper wor-
of enlightenment, the Mithraists ship prepares a Kindred’s body, and
Once a follower digs deeply into run a successful protection racket in the blackened remnants of their soul,
the Mithraic Mysteries, concepts such multiple domains, utilizing their tight to receive the true secret of Mithras
as diablerie become less and less of structure to extort and bodyguard — for he was once a companion of
a taboo. As Mithras gave himself up those who pay into the temple. The Sol Invictus, and still keeps the Sun’s
to his diablerist in the 20th century temple itself acts both as a clubhouse secrets.
— at least, that’s how the Mithraists — often along the lines of an exclusive
describe it going down — some of gentlemen’s club with old fashions Patres tell stories of Mithras
the cult’s elders may give themselves and practices, such as telling stories, acting during the day without any
over to promising up-and-comers. singing as a pianist or harpist plays, of the usual sluggishness, and even
They may even try to create gestalt or even playing war games — as well walking in sunlight. While these gifts
personalities, giving themselves up to as a site for cult rituals, inductions, are Mithras’ by divine right, he lost
create something close to divine. This and burial of torpid peers. The few them at the hands of Veddartha and
horrifying ritual rarely works, but Tremere who gain admittance to the spent long centuries regaining them.
such self-sacrifice is a point of great cult (Mithras always despised the They say Mithras achieved Golconda,
pride to Mithras’ cultists. clan) draw parallels between their a state which allows him to reclaim
practices and those of Hermetics, his place at Sol Invictus’ hand, and
Unlike the Setites, who believe Freemasons, and Rosicrucians, while this is the final secret he will teach his
in unshackling oneself from mortal the Mithraists boldly declare that acolytes. If so far none have actually
fetters, and the Bahari, who believe in if anyone set the mold the others attained this, it is surely a failing on
exalting in vampiric power to serve followed, it was them. their part — they were born mere
their goddess, the Mithraists believe
chapter two: Kindred Religions
mortals — rather than a refutation of Corax — the lowest ranking mem- Bull Running
the Patres’ claims. bers — to assume the risk of actually
inviting them. Acolytes are taught a Initiates wear down their enemies
Religious texts dating back to variety of secret codes, depending as in a ritual called bull running, which
ancient Persia further claim Mithra always on the individual cell. Rich can conclude in a single night or take
will save the world. While the Mys- merchants might identify themselves years to complete. Sometimes, if aco-
teries largely ignored this in favor of by wearing a specific lapel flower, or lytes seek appeasement in a symbolic
focusing on Mithras’ fortitude and a secret handshake. An anarchistic ritual, this enemy is an actual bull.
prowess, the story received traction cell sends out instructions through More often though, the Pater names
in the midst of the Beckoning and the the deep web or street graffiti. The a mortal, ghoul, or Kindred as the
Second Inquisition. Neonates believe Mysteries use some symbols near uni- bull. Mithras himself chose the targets
Mithras is a messiah who can save versally, such as the sun or bull, but when he was active, but now faithful
them from new calamities. Duskborn only Mithras knew every code. Patres make their own judgment as
note their own resistance to sunlight, to which enemy of the cult must be
and believe Mithras can teach them The London removed, while disloyal Patres send
to fully harness this power — though Uncertainty acolytes after their personal enemies.
they don’t know if this would make
them a vampire god like Mithras him- Even as Mithras’ fate languishes While the Pater chooses the
self, or let them return to a mortal in uncertainty, with rumors claim- target, the initiates themselves decide
state. The rumors of Mithras as savior ing his soul was diablerized, his old if an enemy must be killed, or can be
even find purchase with ancillae who vassals conspire to resurrect their defeated through other means such as
find themselves out of their depth god. Their work is shrouded in mys- social disgrace or financial ruin. Bull
with the upper echelons of vampires tery, gears moving within gears, but running is a favorite practice among
depleted. Had the cult better leader- one key component may be missing: Soho’s mortal acolytes, who delight
ship, it could easily grow to rival any faithfulness. in bringing down the powers that be.
methuselah cult or even the Church Rose isn’t fully focused in selecting
of Caine. Gwenllian Arwyn long served targets, and often strays from bull
as Pater in London’s largest Mithra- running that serves Mithras in favor
An Underground ic cell, after the former leader — of protecting her community. So far,
Religion Roger de Camden — was believed Mithras has allowed this in the name
destroyed. Her loyalty now turns of good practice, but he intends to
The Mithraic Mysteries suffered from the ancient. Once an enemy of correct her upon his return.
persecution at the hands of Chris- Rome, Arwyn was brought to heel by
tianity, both as genuine religious Mithras, and in his disappearance she Fertility Feasts
warfare and as a way for Mithras’ sees a renewed chance for freedom
enemies to undermine him. The cells and independence. If she takes the The traditional fertility feasts
learned to hide early on, and do so leap and betrays Mithras, the largest seemed poised for obsoletion, as few
well. Mithraea are underground, of the old cells finally falls. Arwyn modern mortals are willing to conceive
physically hidden from public sight. might even scuttle the resurrec- a child as part of a cult initiation. The
Ironically the oldest and most tion plot completely. The ancient feasts made a comeback as mortals
prominent Mithraeum in London has contingencies in place for that became increasingly sexually liber-
has since been discovered by mortals eventuality though, and he’s already ated though, and “fertility feast” was
and turned into a museum, but many grooming a new Pater from Soho to reinterpreted as “sex acts.” Some cells
more remain hidden. Their access replace her. see a couple performing an act pre-
points lie in elite clubs founded by dictably named “mounting the bull.”
merchants, illegal fighting clubs, Celebrating Other cells engage in grand orgies
occult shops, and even pubs. the Bull God where participants of all genders are
welcome. Likewise, one cell might sate
The cult is not just physically Each cell has its own approach the room with a thick opium smoke,
hidden though. Recruitment and ini- to worship, but some aspects are near while another forbids drugs entirely as
tiation are similarly obfuscated, with universal. it believes all sensations are to be expe-
a cell’s Pater and Heliodromi select- rienced without barriers. The purpose
ing new recruits and then sending the of all feasts, however, is to channel the
divine fertility of Mithras.