• Volunteering to assist in (a family ghoul), Fame Flaw: Dark 176), other predators arise among
“Second Inquisition proofing” Secret (family criminal connections) the Necromancers. Hecata baggers
a Camarilla domain, to protect typically gain a dot of Oblivion in
their interests and your own. Gatekeepers place of Blood Sorcery at character
New Coterie “Our friends straddle the boundary
Types between life and death.” When selecting the Bagger
Predator Type, the player may
As the only clan independent The gatekeepers coterie utilize choose Oblivion instead of Blood
of the sects, the Hecata often form their skills in communion with (and Sorcery for their additional
their own kinds of coterie. Though potentially control over) the dead to Discipline dot.
they’re perfectly capable of blend- establish a type of coterie com-
ing in with Camarilla and Anarch mon among the Hecata and other Extortionist
groups, many vampires in the Clan Oblivion users, providing spiritual
of Death prefer to stick to their aid and counseling to some, spec- The extortionist likes to force
own. tral assaults and sabotage against their victims to bleed for them.
others. They are prestigious users Ostensibly, the extortionist acquires
Family of animated corpses and ghosts as blood in exchange for services such
servants. as security or surveillance, but as
“No matter how much I hate you • Domain: Chasse (••), Lien (•), many times as the need for pro-
right now, you’re my brother, and nobody tection is real, it is just as often a
does that to you.” Portillon (•) fiction engineered to make the deal
• Contacts: (••) (graverobbers, feel acceptable.
The family coterie is one of • Add a specialty: Intimidation
reliance, connection, and support morticians)
networks. Vampires within this • Resources: (•••) (stolen from the (Coercion) or Larceny
coterie may be related in a mortal (Security)
sense as well as through the Blood, dead) • Gain one dot of Dominate or
and they likely recruit mortal mem- • Retainers: (•••) (a wraith serv- Potence
bers of their extended families to • Spend three dots between
assist them in their plans. ant and spy) the Contacts and Resources
• Domain: Chasse (•), Lien (•), • Enemies: (••) (a vampire hunter Backgrounds
• Gain the Enemy Flaw: (••) The
Portillon (•••) who recognizes the coterie deal- police or a victim who escaped
• Ally: (•) (a connected mortal ing with the dead) your extortion and now wants
• Status Flaw: (•) Notorious revenge
family member) (dealings with dark entities) Predator Pool: Strength or
• Contacts: (••) (family, extended Possible extras: Mawla (accom- Manipulation + Intimidation, you
plished necromancer) feed through coercion both subtle
family) and painfully obvious.
• Resources: (••) (cash and assets New Predator
Types Graverobber
on loan from the family)
• Enemies: (••) (one or more The Hecata have their preferred Graverobbers often feed from
ways of feeding, passed down from fresh corpses, but despite their name,
mortals who oppose the family sire to childe. With their Bane (see they prefer feeding from mourners in
business) p. XX) preventing an enjoyable cemeteries and sad, frightened visitors
Possible extras: Herd (extend- Kiss, the Clan of Death are forced and patients in hospitals. Melancholic
ed family members), Influence to find other methods of extracting Resonance in a victim’s blood appeals
(family business), Mawla (vampire blood. While some become baggers more than any other humour. This
within the same family), Retainers (see Vampire: The Masquerade, p.
15 0
chapter three: the cult of death and undeath
predator type often requires the vam- • Gain the Haven Advantage: (•) blood. Moving among miserable
pire to hold a haven in or connections mortals for a vulnerable bite uses
to a church, hospital, or morgue. • Gain the Herd Flaw: (••) Manipulation + Insight. A cold
• Add a specialty: Occult (Grave Obvious Predator (your cold corpse can slake up to 3 Hunger,
nature makes you act in a but suffers the same slake penalties
Rituals) or Medicine (Cadavers) deeply unsettling matter when as bagged blood. A body fed from
• Gain one dot of Fortitude or hunting) soon before death, drained of blood
Predator Pool: Resolve + afterwards, or missing parts will
Oblivion slake less.
• Gain the Feeding Merit: (•••) Medicine, sifting through the quiet
dead for a body bearing rancid
Iron Gullet
chapter four
“As a boy you burned ants with a magnifying glass and stomped on snails, yes?
This is how you should now think of the kine. They are pests, curiosities, and distractions.”
— Mason Ha of Clan Tremere to his new childe Joseph Dominguez
Humans have long sought the comfort of religion regardless of proof. To an enterprising lick, creating a
in the wake of death, and the newly Embraced are no cult of adoring human worshipers looks almost too easy:
different. Their catastrophic change in condition leads make up some sermons, use a dose of vitae, and desper-
many a young lick to question the beliefs they held in ately hope your elders and betters don’t kill you on the
life, and reach for new answers to provide solace and spot for breaching the Masquerade. It’s only that last
direction. When other Kindred can’t provide camarade- caveat that prevents vampire cults from proliferating out
rie in shared belief, the kine will do in their place, and of control.
the power of the vitae in their veins makes amassing
followers a simple task for many a young, spiritually Finally, the Kindred aren’t the only ones who have
syncretic vampire. These heterodox groups can be nihil- discovered the utility of faith. The first Inquisition was
istic or joyful, cruel or cooperative, but beneath even the founded within a religion, one that kept its followers
kindest vampire-led religions the Beast is waiting, ever zealous in their task. While the modern intelligence
hungry for the congregation’s life-giving blood. agencies of the Second Inquisition prefer to skirt the
issue of the supernatural, shrouding every phenomenon
To some Kindred, religion is more tool than calling. in science on their official reports, cults can be a useful
Many spiritual belief systems have promised what they tool in the war against the blankbodies. Whether they’re
themselves already have: life beyond death, reincarna- turning existing groups into deniable assets, tracking
tion, immunity to the ravages of time. The more direct vampires through their human followers, or creating
Disciplines can be dressed up to look like miracles, proof entirely new cults, the Second Inquisition is well versed
of a connection to a higher power or an enlightened in using people’s faith to serve their own ends.
state of being. Subtler arts like Presence sway a crowd
The House established themselves in a small pale shadow of the real thing, so share
of Anteros domain, and began building a herd it. At worst, inhibited love makes a
for indefinite sufficiency without mockery of the term, and isn’t really
“There’s no force in this world more needing to involve themselves in love at all.
powerful than true, radical, selfless love.” Elysium’s games.
— The Eaden Family The Blood Bond is the truest
The House of Anteros was form of love in existence, perfect
The House of Anteros advertises founded on Virginia and Leonard’s selfless devotion enforced by spiritual
itself as a “self-help group phenom- personal spiritual beliefs, though power that makes it unbreakable, and
enon,” and offers free seminars and both would admit to having dressed thus stronger and better than mortal
paid workshops on their radical up the truth to make it more palat- love. To be part of a one-sided Blood
philosophy. Followers are taught able to prospective members. In the Bond is a wonderful thing, to be part
that love is the key to happiness, and 1960s, they used the language of free of a mutual Blood Bond is a state of
that true love is completely selfless. love and peace, giving their followers virtue that cannot be equaled.
Beautiful retreats, healthy food, and flyers to hand out at concerts and
simple spiritual ceremonies make nightclubs. Free “sharing circles” run Love conquers all. Failure, illness,
learning about love enjoyable, and out of cheap rented spaces within the and unhappiness stem from an inabil-
initiates are given ample praise and vampires’ domain let them solidify ity to love completely. Perceived fail-
a strong sense of community from a group of kine followers who could ure from someone in a mutual Blood
existing members. As recruits are serve as both food and messengers, Bond must be victory in disguise.
drawn deeper into the philosophy, bringing their doctrine of love across
the community becomes more and vampiric borders. What is Love?
more encompassing. Members are
encouraged to hand themselves over In the ‘90s, the House of An- The House of Anteros sends
completely to the House, forfeiting teros evolved to target unfulfilled a mixed message regarding love,
personal possessions, identity, and white-collar workers, nihilistic preaching freedom to love whom
eventually the very blood within their college students, and bored couples, one wishes, while advocating for true
veins. advertising on the early internet and love, devotion, and servitude through
through word-of-mouth. Having fully love. They praise monogamous as well
History embraced technology, Virginia and as polyamorous relationships. They
Leonard are always looking for new treasure intimate unions between two
Virginia and Leonard Eaden ways to grow and change with the individuals and revel in wild orgies.
were both born in the 1910s. They times, making the House of Anteros As more than one cultist has asked
grew up together, fell in love togeth- stronger and more flexible with every the Eadens, “what is love?”
er, and died together, Embraced on passing decade.
the same night by members of the The truth is impossible to define,
same coterie after short mortal lives Doctrine and the Eadens know it. They tailor
full of dancing and saloons. Officially their message to their followers,
bowing to the local Camarilla, the Love is everything: power, happi- but they really do believe their own
two young licks stayed out of politics, ness, and spiritual enlightenment all tract, citing how love is different for
preferring each other’s company to rolled into one. Learning how to love all but the constants show that love
the complex treacheries of the court. properly is the most important thing emboldens, empowers, and triumphs.
This reclusive behavior was as much anyone can do with their life. Love is The meaning of love may vary from
necessity as choice: the two vam- also a sort of divine force, not quite person to person, but so long as a
pires formed a mutual Blood Bond a god but often spoken of in similar cultist carries love in their heart and
almost immediately, and they were terms. openly shows it, they’re welcome to
proud of it. Lacking understanding participate in cult practices.
from their fellow Kindred, they The truest love is the most self-
sought like-minded souls among the less, the most freely shared, the most Activities
kine instead. By the 1960s, they had devoted. You must be willing to do
anything for the one you love, leaving The House of Anteros has
all your own wants and needs behind, branches in Chicago, St. Louis,
to make the world and the lives of Phoenix, Houston, New York, and
others better. Love that is in any way Salt Lake City, five of which are
limited or conditional is, at best, a staffed entirely by mortal followers.
15 4
These distant offices focus on earning cars are sold, and money is moved think about vampire myths when
money from expensive weekend into the House’s bank accounts, participating, even when present-
“wellness retreats,” funneling profits an act of selfless, trusting love that ed to the Eadens for the first time.
back to headquarters at the Anteros pushes acolytes further toward en- Members practice blood-sharing for
mansion, a huge suburban complex lightenment. Recruits who hesitate or decades before they learn about the
in Arizona with several buildings refuse aren’t pushed or punished, just Eadens true immortal nature, by then
located in the middle of the Eadens’ quietly ostracized by House friends a glorious extension to everything
domain. Retreats, and the group’s who are disappointed at their lack they’ve already internalized.
general philosophy, are advertised of selflessness. The House claims to
at free seminars open to the public; want love that’s freely given, but the Barring emergencies, the Eadens
most hosted by senior members, with Eadens expect more than just affec- feed only in their main house, well
the Eadens going on tour once a year tion if they’re providing protection within the official domain as granted
to speak in person across the country. and homes to their lovers. by the Camarilla. They’ve also negoti-
Most House events are held in rented ated for feeding rights at the House’s
auditoriums or campgrounds, but the Those who accept are introduced two campgrounds: they are off-limits
group owns two retreat properties to the idea of blood drinking slowly to other Kindred, in exchange for
outright: one in the Midwest and one and carefully, first through blood- a few won’t-be-missed attendees
near the US-Mexico border. letting rituals held between mortal getting plucked off and delivered to
members. Offering your blood to local Princes by the senior members
Most people leave an Anteros another is discussed as another way hosting retreats. Disowned college
workshop, either rejuvenated or to devote yourself to them complete- students, down-on-their-luck unem-
ripped-off, and return to their daily ly, and acolytes living at the mansion ployed singles, and people struggling
lives, but a few come back again and are encouraged to make small cuts on with mental health are targeted for
again. These regulars are nudged their arms to be licked clean by other these disappearances, with House
toward meeting the Eadens in person, followers, who will offer blood in ex- money used to cover them up and
and encouraged to drop all their change. Only one among a number of bribe local authorities into keeping
external ties and move into the com- rituals that the outside world would the camps’ reputations untainted.
munal mansion property. Houses and deem distasteful, few acolytes even
15 5
Future Plans law degree to protect the House’s already been introduced to the blood
interests. She fell in love with the rites and spends hours most days
More than power, wealth, or feeling of being utterly worshiped, alone with the Eadens. She’s a true
even stability, the Eadens crave but had a hard time understanding believer, young and optimistic, and
family. The House of Anteros isn’t the joy of selfless giving until her first a promising candidate for induction
just their belief system and their experience with the Kiss. Now she’s into the House’s highest circles. Her
herd, it’s a method of searching for hooked, but quietly frustrated that worried parents have contacted the
someone who shares their values, who neither of the Eadens will share their authorities over her apparent cult
can understand love on the same level blood with her in return. brainwashing, a potential threat to
that they do. Both vampires hope the House if words like “blood” and
dearly to find such an individual Standard Dice Pools: Physical “immortality” ever make it into the
and turn their paired bond into a 3, Social 4, Mental 5 federal investigation reports.
three-way partnership, each Kindred Secondary Attributes: Health
bonded to the others. From there, 5, Willpower 6 Standard Dice Pools: Physical
they could become a quartet, and so Exceptional Dice Pools: 3, Social 4, Mental 3
on, spinning an ever-wider web of Drive 4; Insight 5, Persuasion 7; Secondary Attributes: Health
perfect, immortal love. They’ve had Finance 6 4, Willpower 8
dozens of potential candidates over General Difficulties: 4/2 Exceptional Dice Pools:
the years, but none who have lived up Etiquette 5, Insight 6, Persuasion
to the couple’s zealous scrutiny and JACOB WRIGHTSON 5; Academics 4, Occult 4
obsessive need for perfect adoration. General Difficulties: 3/2
A third member of the Eaden family Jacob looks incredible for a man
would share in every aspect of the of sixty-five, since he’s been a ghoul The Eaden Family
House’s business, with full access to for the last twenty years. A top inter-
its bank accounts and larders. national recruiter, he runs seminars Virginia and Leonard are both
around the world and occasionally Kindred of Clan Ventrue, and have
In the meantime, the cult con- plays interference for the Eaden cou- lived lives so intertwined that sepa-
tinues to expand. Though the Eadens ple in Kindred society. More interest- rating them out into two individu-
have all the blood and money they ed in free love than true love, his high als is nearly impossible. They sleep
need for a comfortable eternity, the position in the House is due to hard together, feed together, finish each
House of Anteros is a true religious work and natural charisma, not any other’s sentences, and come up with
mission. Inserting themselves into deep faith in the group’s beliefs. The the same plans without saying a
more cities is a top priority, even if more he learns about wider vampire word. They even look alike: both pale
over-extension means increasing the society, the more he yearns to be Em- and strong-boned, with jet black hair.
risk of discovery. Two more facil- braced himself, but knows his current In public appearances, they cultivate
ities are planned in smaller North masters are unlikely to grant him that two identities: the original Eaden
American cities, one in a city that privilege. couple who founded the House, made
has recently fallen to the Anarchs. up to appear to be in their mid-six-
The Eadens are also planning a trip Standard Dice Pools: Physical ties, and their own now-adult twin
to Europe, hoping to scout out a new 5, Social 5, Mental 3 children. Both like to present them-
location and handle the associated Secondary Attributes: Health selves as compassionate and caring
Camarilla politics in person. They’re 6, Willpower 5 people, invested in cooperating with
bringing a small army of followers Exceptional Dice Pools: Eti- anyone who doesn’t actively threaten
with them: ghouls and blood-slaves quette 6, Leadership 6; Finance them or their cult. They might even
to provide comfort, protection, and 4, Politics 5 believe their own line, but they’re
potential bribes to those they seek to Disciplines: Presence 1 quick to turn against anyone they
court. General Difficulties: 3/2 perceive might betray their generos-
ity, with or without evidence. Those
ANNABELLE JONES ALYSON KING who know them well might notice
that Virginia takes the lead in long-
Annabelle joined the cult after Alyson has only been with the term planning, while Leonard tends
her messy divorce. Once a fierce group for a year and a half, but she’s to speak first in social situations.
corporate lawyer, she now uses her
15 6
chapter four: mortal cults
VIRGINIA EADEN Generation: 12th that don’t directly assist them in
being reunited. They are both
Clan: Ventrue Blood Potency: 2 Consensualists and their Ventrue
Bane manifests to reinforce this,
Sire: James Acker Attributes: Strength 3, Dexter- preventing them from drinking
ity 2, Stamina 3; Charisma 5, from anyone who doesn’t give
Embraced: 1933 (Born 1910) Manipulation 3, Composure 4; their blood freely.
Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve 4
Ambition: Don’t let other Kin- Story Hook:
dred discover the cult Secondary Attributes: Health Love in Death
6, Willpower 8
Convictions: Always defend The player characters find the
your loved ones; Never turn Skills: Brawl 4; Insight 4, House of Anteros hosting self-help
down a new experience Leadership 5, Performance 4, sessions on their territory, but with-
Persuasion 4, Subterfuge (Cult out the presence of the Eadens or any
Touchstones: Andrew Eaden — members) 2; Academics 2, undead involvement. For an enter-
Virginia’s now adult son; Jacob Awareness 3, Finance 1, Occult prising Kindred, the cult presents
Wrightson — sexually spectacu- 3, Politics 2 an opportunity to gain retainers, the
lar lover, and her favorite cultist procurement of a herd, or — if feeling
Disciplines: Dominate 2, Forti- savage — a one-stop shop for an
Humanity: 6 tude 2, Potence 1, Presence 4 indulgent night of feeding.
Generation: 12th General Difficulties: 5/3 Unless the player characters
Blood Potency: 2 Special: Both the Eadens suffer
from a unique Codependency
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexter- Flaw; when separated, they
ity 3, Stamina 2; Charisma 4, lose two dice from all actions
Manipulation 4, Composure 5;
Intelligence 5, Wits 4, Resolve 4 Do you HATE yourself?
Secondary Attributes: Health Many of us do. Life is hard, you don’t earn
5, Willpower 9 enough, and you’ve just seen another relationship
fail. You blame yourself. So many of us blame our-
Skills: Melee 2; Insight 3, Lead- selves.
ership 3, Performance 3, Persua-
sion 3, Subterfuge 3; Academics We have the answers. This isn’t a scheme you
4, Awareness 3, Finance 3, have to pay into. This isn’t therapy. It isn’t religion.
Occult 5, Politics (Southwestern What we offer is an ear for your problems, under-
United States) 5, Technology 3 standing, and acceptance. We’ve all been where
you’ve been. It might not comfort you to know it yet,
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Domi- but we promise you, none of us hate ourselves now.
nate 2, Fortitude 1, Presence 3
Come by Starlin’s Gymnasium on 33rd Avenue
General Difficulties: 5/3 on Tuesday 3rd and we’ll teach you the first steps to-
ward stopping the hate and starting to love yourself.
LEONARD EADEN If it doesn’t work out, we promise, you will never
hear from us again.
Clan: Ventrue
But it will work out. You have our word.
Sire: James Acker
Embraced: 1933 (Born 1912)
Ambition: Expand the cult to
new domains
Convictions: Never refuse
someone’s affections
Touchstones: Nadia Eaden —
Leonard’s now adult daughter
Humanity: 5
15 7
scare the cult away, they return night after night, drawing to protect himself, make himself invaluable, and quickly.
a larger and larger crowd mainly consisting of single indi- He found it in his voice, his sire’s accumulated
viduals on low income, who all leave feeling happier. The
House acts as a form of Resonance alteration chamber, wealth, and his old life’s history in advertising. With cha-
shifting the melancholic into the sanguine. risma, good business sense, and a thorough understand-
ing of human nature, he began the Church as a means
The further the player characters probe into the of assembling a loyal herd and a vast fortune as quickly
House of Anteros’ activities, the more likely it is the Ead- as possible. The judicious application of Presence made
ens will take notice and take action. If the characters have finding converts easy, the trick was keeping things subtle
been respectful and show interest in the group’s message, enough to avoid breaching the Masquerade. Joseph copied
the Eadens may attempt to lure the vampires further into heavily from the doctrines of kine churches and cults
the cult. If they’ve been nothing but predatory, the Ead- while creating his own, hiding himself in plain sight as
ens will not stop in their attempts at visiting vengeance just another fringe inspirational speaker. He used his seed
on their cultists’ abusers. money to hire a team of human assistants, including a
convincing body double for daytime appearances, and let
The Church of Means natural human greed replace the use of disciplines in al-
most every recruitment event. In many ways, the Church
“Do you believe in a higher power? Is your faith strong of Means was barely a vampire cult at all, though hints
enough to put it all in His hands? Then you might be destined of Joseph’s personal beliefs about immortality inevitably
for RICHNESS ON THIS EARTH. Ask us how to become one colored the doctrines he wrote.
of the prosperous, and LIVE FOREVER as a MILLIONAIRE.”
The Church of Means prospered quickly. Members
Only a few years old, the Church of Means is were split evenly between those who were emotionally
reaching an international audience through live internet and spiritually moved by Joseph’s doctrine, and those
broadcasts, a strong focus on proselytizing to friends who saw the Church as a chance to make money. The
and family, and the inhuman charisma of leader Joseph most ruthless congregated at the top, earning the title of
Dominguez. Presenting itself as a “nondenominational priest, and forming a powerful and vicious inner circle of
understanding of the divine and its plan for humankind,” ghouls to protect their leader and exemplify the wealth he
the Church’s doctrine places a strong emphasis on the offered.
happiness derived from material wealth. Of course, to
make money you have to spend money: new converts are Doctrine
expected to buy into the church, paying for pamphlets
and workshops and proprietary devotional symbols. Suc- There is a Higher Power, who is conflated with the
cessful recruiters take home a share of the proceeds gen- highest force of every major world religion (the Abra-
erated by those they register, a pyramid scheme gilded in hamic God, the concept of nirvana, the Supreme being,
faith. Slowly numbed to the atrocity of conning desperate and so on.) This Higher Power is benevolent and wants
people out of their money, top earners are encouraged to everyone on Earth to be happy, but He also believes in
commit greater crimes, eventually luring people to the free will; humans must choose to be happy for the Higher
Church’s lavish enclaves as slaves and blood dolls. Eternal Power to act upon them.
life, presented to recruits as a metaphor for success, is
eventually revealed as the ultimate reward for those who Choosing to be happy involves signing up for the
serve the leader best, though their eternity as ghouls gives Church of Means and completing the exercises detailed
their master one more string on his leash of control. in the books you buy from them; opening yourself to
prosperity through meditation, mantras, and the like.
History After that, the best way you can signal your readiness to
be happy is by recruiting others to the Church, sharing
Joseph Dominguez was a young vampire with a low the good news. Their attempts to be happy will magnify
generation and high ambitions. Not yet dead fifty years your own.
before his sire was called to the Gehenna War, he was
left in a very unpleasant position in Kindred society: too Some techniques of the Church are secret, for the
potent to be ignored, but too disposable to stay out of the safety of the world at large. New initiates aren’t spiritually
cross-hairs of his sire’s enemies. He needed to find a way advanced enough to understand everything about how the
Higher Power works, and learning about everything the
priests do before understanding all the basic material could
be harmful to your physical and emotional well-being.
15 8
chapter four: mortal cults
Money can buy happiness, but only if it comes from profit per worshiper with an ever-improving blend of
the will of the Higher Power. If you complete all the hope and pressure. Most invested members of the Church
exercises correctly and do everything in your power to are at or near the poverty line, if not when they start
recruit others, you will become both rich and happy. If then certainly after a few months of trying to buy their
you aren’t rich and happy, you’ve done something wrong, way up to priesthood. When a priest notices someone at
and you should return to the Church of Means’ teachings the bottom of the pile has lost the support of all their
and redouble your efforts. friends and family after sinking themselves too deeply
into the Church, they see an opportunity to pick that
Eternal life will come to those who are open to the won’t-be-missed preacher up and quietly deliver them to
Higher Power by way of good luck and medical advances. Dominguez himself, earning further favor.
Though the Higher Power takes care of the faithful in the
afterlife, His greatest gift to humanity is their time on Like any good pyramid scheme, risk flows down-
Earth, and maximizing that time is what He wants for stream and money flows upstream, fueling the decadent
people. lifestyle that the priests live as an example of what adher-
ing to Church doctrine can bring; penthouse apartments
Activities and luxury villas, extravagant parties full of beautiful
people, fast cars, designer brand clothing, and all the sex
The Church is still expanding rapidly, keeping its and drugs money can buy. Spending money freely isn’t just
operations lean and flexible by renting space and working allowed by the church, it’s actively encouraged as a way of
with third party manufacturers for publication and ship- demonstrating devotion to the Higher Power and giving
ment of their devotional materials. Independent members thanks for the good things with which He has provided
buy in to become preachers, proselytizing to local crowds you. The Church’s website and promotional videos put
around the world from auditoriums, coffee shop open mic all these amenities in the spotlight, selling a vision of a
nights, dingy apartments, and street corners. Hired risk bacchanalian heaven on Earth that anyone can be a part of
management staff and programmers work on algorithms with enough hard work and faith.
to target preachers who are ready to pay more or con-
sidering leaving, minimizing drop-outs and maximizing New priests are ordained every few months, in an
elaborate ceremony broadcast to every member that fo-
cuses on their life stories, how they’ve risen out of nothing
and become millionaires through the the Kindred, trading favors here and Standard Dice Pools: Physical
Church’s teachings. The truth about there to see just how much a young 5, Social 4, Mental 3
Joseph’s vampiric nature comes after upstart like him can get away with. Secondary Attributes: Health
the ceremony, once he’s sure they’re in The old ways are crumbling, and the 6, Willpower 6
too deep to run. The revelation gives places at the top of the new order will Exceptional Dice Pools:
them a new goal to chase: true immor- go to whoever can take them first. Athletics 6, Firearms 7, Melee
tality and superhuman power, through Potent blood and low generation 6; Intimidation 5, Persuasion 6;
a taste of their leader’s blood. Only were the tools of the old Princes and Occult 4
the best of the best are granted ghoul Barons, but Dominguez is wondering Disciplines: Celerity 1
status, and those who have achieved it if his hired guns and herd of followers General Difficulties: 4/2
know their domitor can take it away, might be even better. All he needs is
encouraging competition at every the right target, a city in the throes MORGAN BRANT
rung of the ladder. At the top, looking of a civil war calling out for a natural
down, priests inevitably realize the leader to take the reins. With all the Morgan joined just a little too
truth: the only Higher Power granting traveling he does, he’s bound to find late to be a founder, and has regretted
them happiness is Joseph Dominguez, one sooner or later. it ever since. Now well into his sixties,
and everything they’ve earned will be he bought his way up the ladder with
lost if they turn against him. Financially, the cult is looking his life savings, chasing dreams of
to diversify. Real estate has been an enough money to ensure his children
Dominguez himself participates obvious choice, and Church mon- and grandchildren could always afford
in almost none of his supposed luxury ey has flown into a skyscraper of the best healthcare. The whole family
life, sending subordinates and body condominiums aimed at “night-shift is involved in the Church now, but
doubles to events where his personal workers,” with state-of-the-art UV only Morgan has been made a priest,
oversight isn’t required. With fame and light-blocking window controls and thus made aware of the cult’s true
and fortune, Dominguez has put and facilities that operate on an af- intentions. He’s shown no remorse
himself in the spotlight; he’s playing ter-dark schedule. Dominguez is quite for the people he’s climbed over to
a dangerous game and knows it, so interested in backing other vampiric succeed, convinced he’s doing what’s
instead of having fun, he’s investing in endeavors, bringing start-up money best for his family and that’s all that
security. Much of this investment goes to businesses that can’t go to the matters. The next step is earning ghoul
to paying off the Princes and Barons of bank for funding. A small consulting status for himself, and eventually his
the cities where he lives, flitting from firm of trusted mortal and ghoul cult descendants, ensuring their prosperity
one to another to avoid accumulating members can even help older vam- for all eternity.
grudges. So long as he can arrange pires adapt their ideas to the modern
for an Elysium night full of beautiful world of algorithmic advertising and Standard Dice Pools: Physical
snacks and top-of-the-line security, innovative technology. If his resourc- 2, Social 5, Mental 4
and so long as his mortal fame makes es help him gain more allies among Secondary Attributes: Health
taking him out a potential breach the Kindred, backing his future bid 5, Willpower 7
of the Masquerade, Joseph believes for power, then all the better. Exceptional Dice Pools: Drive
himself relatively safe from vampiric 3; Etiquette 6, Persuasion 7;
retribution. The Second Inquisition MILLICENT JARVEY Investigation 5, Politics 6
is another matter, one he handles General Difficulties: 4/2
through several layers of natural and Millicent likes to think of herself
one layer of supernatural security. as a strong woman who’s broken into MALIK LUGO
Money buys him the best private the boys’ club, a role model that oth-
army, security technology, and bribes er people should follow. She was one Malik is the Church’s newest
to keep the feds away. Meanwhile, he of the first to start kidnapping people priest, the model of a Means success
trains his ghouls in secret to fight for for Joseph, and alleviates her guilt by story. Born into poverty, he worked
his life, quite prepared to feed them to imagining they would have done the his way into business school, and
the wolves if he ever needs to get away. same to her if they could. She’s at the used what he’d learned there to buy
top of the class learning how to use into the cult and recruit through
Future Plans firearms, and expects to lead the team networking and conferences. He
in taking down anyone who threatens
Joseph Dominguez is beginning their leader, and her immortal life
to experiment with his power among with him.
16 0
chapter four: mortal cults
Don’t Believe
Everything You Read
So many people will tell you “this is how you make more money,” “this is where to invest
your cash,” and “trust me with your savings, I’m a banker.” Don’t believe everything you
read or hear. These shysters will rob you blind and leave you destitute. Every recession to
date has been the fault of greedy brokers who don’t care for their clients’ wealth so long as
they take home fat bonuses.
Luckily, there’s another way.
Since time immemorial, the Church has been a safe pair of hands. The Catholics haven’t
lined the Vatican with gold because they’re poor. In fact, they’ve been rich for 2000 years.
That’s longer than any other single group in the world. So, it’s time to open the doors and
allow people to once again invest in religion.
We are the Church of Means. We emulate the Catholic Church’s methods of sponsor-
ship, slow investment, and quick growth. We know we can make your money grow because
we’ve seen our own money grow. Don’t believe us? Stop by Campbell & Campbell on Lake
at any time between 9am and 8pm, and we’ll open our accounts for you.
We won’t ask you to trust us with your money. We won’t tell you to believe everything
you’re reading here. We definitely won’t ask for thousands of your hard-earned dollars.
What we will ask, is you hear us out. Come to Campbell & Campbell, and if you’re interest-
ed, drop as little as $10 and we’ll make your money grow in a week. That’s our guarantee,
or your $10 bill goes right back in your hand.
We hope to see you there and make you richer.
thought of the Church as a company Secondary Attributes: Health anoia war within his heart, making
like any other, an amoral entity he 5, Willpower 5 him dangerously unpredictable: ex-
would work for blamelessly; if what Exceptional Dice Pools: panding into new territory one night,
he did was wrong, there would be Firearms 4, Survival 4; Insight retreating to his private penthouse
laws against it. Now that he’s found 6, Leadership 6, Persuasion 6; and avoiding all outside contact the
out about the vampire behind the Finance 7 next. He speaks with a stammer he’s
scenes, he’s starting to realize what General Difficulties: 4/2 had since childhood.
he’s gotten himself involved with,
but now there’s no way out: the cult JOSEPH Clan: Tremere
owns his wealth and reputation, DOMINGUEZ
and if he tried to leave he’d surely Sire: Mason Ha
run afoul in some “unfortunate Joseph is a handsome, athletic
accident.” His plan is to keep in the Spanish man who looks to be in his Embraced: 1989 (Born 1962)
boss’s good books and look for an mid-forties. He’s of Clan Tremere,
opportunity to escape without rais- though not adept at the bloodline’s Ambition: Locate a domain in
ing any red flags along the way. famed sorcery. Ambition and par- the throes of civil war
Standard Dice Pools: Physical Convictions: Never show fear
3, Social 5, Mental 4 to an aggressor
Touchstones: Millicent Jarvey
— cultist and adept kidnapper
Humanity: 5 to get the police involved, Joseph through music and fashion. She was
Dominguez reaches out and explains never one to seek the spotlight, but
Generation: 11th they’re interfering with his influence. people in the local scene saw Lilah
He won’t offer the return of any lost as a friendly and helpful pillar of
Blood Potency: 2 funds, but will offer them an invest- the community, the sort who would
ment opportunity. welcome in newcomers without
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexter- passing judgment. She was also
ity 3, Stamina 2; Charisma 3, Leah’s Circle quite bright, earning a scholarship
Manipulation 5, Composure 4; to the local university and pursuing
Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 4 “Only monsters can give other a Bachelor of Social Work, hoping
monsters something to fear. Our dark that helping others professionally
Secondary Attributes: Health angel can give you fangs, and together we might provide her with a sense of
5, Willpower 8 will take back the night.” purpose in a world she so often
found depressing. She was turned
Skills: Brawl (When Cornered) In smoky clubs and dingy theme by mistake a year before gradua-
2, Firearms 4; Etiquette 4, Insight bars, alt fashion scene kids and occult tion, by an inexperienced vampire
2, Leadership 4; Academics (Eco- enthusiasts meet with a purpose: who hadn’t sought his Prince’s
nomic Theory) 2, Awareness 4, saving the world, one act of vigilante permission, and abandoned as soon
Finance 5, Investigation 1, Occult justice at a time. They are creatures of as she rose.
2, Politics 3, Technology 2 the night, but not of evil, the chosen
few empowered to protect the weak Awakening with no idea
Disciplines: Celerity 2, Domi- and innocent from those who would what had happened to her, Lilah
nate 3, Presence 2 murder, rob, or violate those who had both the knowledge and the
walk the city streets after sunset. At imagination to put two and two
General Difficulties: 6/4 their center is the dark angel Leah, together and come up with “vam-
a vampire abandoned by her sire, a pire.” She also knew better than to
Story Hook: blood-drinker with a noble heart. tell everyone what had happened;
Financial Drain if the supernatural was real, but
What no one in Leah’s circle hidden, there must be a good reason
Many people show a marked knows is just how much they have all for it. But being a vampire felt
dislike and distrust of the poor, come under her thrall. As she feeds good, better than anything she’d
obliging those on low income to take her blood to her friends to give them ever felt before. She finally had the
out loans, remortgage the house, and the strength to fight by her side, she’s strength to enforce her will upon
see bankruptcy as a real option, be- turning them into puppets who can’t the world, to make a real difference,
cause in truth, there’s no other way help but agree with her every plan. and it changed her. Lilah chose the
out. When one of the player char- While she wrestles with her new name Leah, angel of the night. She
acters’ Touchstones comes to them, bestial nature, she has unknowingly began piecing together a personal
cap in hand, they explain they’ve lost turned everyone close to her into mythology through trial-and-error
everything: the job, the house, the a blood-slave, and the truth could experiments, gut feelings, and a fair
savings, even the kid’s college fund. destroy her carefully manufactured dose of pop culture that felt “right”
At first the Touchstone is reticent to self-image as a righteous, avenging enough it had to be true. A few
explain why and mutters that it was angel of the night. weeks later, she introduced herself
a gamble. With a push, they admit to some of her old friends, explain-
they invested in a start-up colleagues History ing what had happened: she was a
recommended, led by a city success vampire now, and she planned to
story named Morgan Brant. Born Lilah Hawkins, the young use her powers for good, but needed
girl who would become Leah was a their help to stay connected to
If the player characters show weird kid. Introverted and philo- humanity and feed without getting
concern toward the Touchstone sophical, she started her goth phase someone killed. A few more exper-
and help them out of their financial young and never looked back, find- iments, non-lethal largely by luck,
bind, they willingly take the cote- ing peace in the ability to express taught her how she could share a
rie to Brant’s building, which has the darkness she saw in the world portion of her own power with her
since closed down without leaving friends through letting them drink
a forwarding address. The inves- her blood too.
tigation leads to the truth behind
Morgan Brant running a multitude
of pyramid schemes throughout
the city. If the player characters try
16 2
The group has continued to and monsters who would use the cov- Activities
grow, but slowly, hindered by a er of darkness to harm the innocent.
healthy sense of paranoia about being Leah’s circle have a mission:
discovered. Each new member is Vampires and their friends protect the city at night from those
vetted carefully over several months, must remain hidden from the world. who would do harm to innocents.
exposed to various vampire media Humanity isn’t ready to know about Inspired by superheroes and vigilante
franchises, and questioned about their existence, and would react with pop culture vampires, they primar-
how they might react to meeting a fear and hostility. Other supernat- ily patrol the clubs and back alleys
real one. The city’s active goth scene ural forces might also want to hunt where their goth scene congregates
provides the circle with natural cam- any vampires who make themselves on Friday and weekend nights,
ouflage, a community of people who known. Exposing a member of the sometimes venturing further afield
see talking about real vampires as group to outsiders is tantamount to to known dangerous neighborhoods.
only mildly eccentric, a fun game of murder. Elaborate makeup, outfits, and code-
what-if to pass the time and inspire names help them hide their identi-
interesting narratives. If you drink the blood of a will- ties, to prevent retaliation and police
ing vampire, you become a “half-vam- reports. When they spot someone
Doctrine pire,” still alive but with some of acting suspiciously, half-vampire
a full vampire’s power. The effect circle members decide whether to
Vampires are real, natural crea- wears off after a while, so becoming a interfere themselves, or contact Leah
tures of the night. Their appetites half-vampire is harmless and com- for help.
tempt them toward evil actions, but pletely reversible.
they are not inherently evil them- Most of the time, the circle
selves. It’s possible to become a vampire intervenes with a few thrown fists
by drinking vampire blood while and a demand to get lost and never
Good vampires are natural pro- close to death, but only a small try something like that again. Repeat
tectors of humanity, active at night percentage of humans are capable offenders, and those the circle have
to best defend against wicked people of rising again, everyone else simply deemed extremely dangerous, are
dies. Leah, a full vampire, is rare and
16 3
dealt with more permanently by Leah. She hasn’t con- JAKE “DIABOLIC” MARTINS
sciously noticed how all of her half-vampire followers are
always willing to help her hide a body, while her human Jake used to date Leah, back before her death and
friends are a lot more unsettled, but she’s still taken to resurrection. Chronically obsessed with coolness, he’s lev-
keeping the murderous side of her activities away from eraged this tenuous connection into a position as second
those who haven’t tasted her blood. in command. Being able to beat people up and get praised
for it suits him very well, and Jake lives for his half-vam-
On weeknights, when patrolling isn’t as necessary, pire life as Diabolic, daydreaming through morning shifts
the circle meets as friends and to discuss strategy. Leah as a line cook. He’s become convinced that he could
is always at the group’s heart, adored to the point of survive the transformation into a full vampire, and has
near-worship by her ghouls. She’s tried to stay hum- petitioned Leah to try, but so far she’s been too afraid of
ble, but nearly everyone close to her is supernaturally failing to grant his request.
bound to her will, and she doesn’t even know it. New
doctrine is forming among the circle, fed by half-vam- Standard Dice Pools: Physical 5, Social 4, Mental 3
pire devotion and Leah’s growing ego. It’s only a Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 6
matter of time before she becomes less of a leader, and Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 6, Brawl 8; Intim-
more of a god. idation 5; Investigation 4
Disciplines: Potence 1
Future Plans General Difficulties: 4/2
As the group grows, security is becoming more of a MIKA BITTERMANN
concern among Leah and her circle. The group has already
gained some notoriety within their community; no one Mikah was a friend of Leah’s back in college, a horror
knows exactly who their new “night guardians” are, but and occult movie fan who’d always daydreamed about
the club scene is taking notice of a substantial drop in meeting a real vampire. He’s been acting as the group’s
muggings, sexual assaults, and other violent crimes. Other administrator since the beginning, but a childhood
people, like the local police, are noticing an uptick in accident and amputation left him without a right leg, or
missing persons among the career criminals who prey on much interest in learning how to fight. As one of the only
the drunk and disoriented after the clubs close. This rec- circle members who doesn’t regularly drink Leah’s blood,
ognition is all the more threatening because Leah knows he’s starting to get worried about how everyone else is
she’s ignorant of what forces are out to harm her. Do the starting to act, but isn’t sure how to bring it up with the
police know that vampires exist, and do they have agents vampire without upsetting her.
trained to fight them? If vampires are real, what other
monsters are real too? Leah plans to direct resources away Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 4, Mental 5
from her vigil and toward finding her sire, or anyone Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 7
else who could help explain how this supernatural world Exceptional Dice Pools: Craft 4; Subterfuge 5;
really works. Academics 6, Occult 6, Technology 6
General Difficulties: 3/2
While Leah is looking for vampires, other vampires
are looking for her. The city’s Sheriff has guessed that MELISSA “RAZOR” THOMSON
someone is hunting in the rack without permission, but
would rather track down the perpetrator herself before Razor has been chasing new thrills since she was a
mentioning the matter to the Prince. The sire who aban- teenager. Drugs and warehouse raves gave way to kick-
doned her is now realizing just how stupid it was to leave boxing and roller derby as she grew up, finding steady
an illicit childe running free, one who could identify him employment as a personal trainer. The rush of endorphins
by description. It’s a big city, and Leah is cautious about and power that comes from Leah drinking her blood,
where and how she shows her face, but she’s determined then offering blood in return, is the best of both worlds,
enough to make a difference that she is bound to be a drug-like high and the adrenaline she needs to feel alive.
found eventually. Whoever finds her first will also have to Razor leads the charge among the half-vampires, the first
deal with her circle, an unexpected army of well-equipped to get into fights and the one who’s teaching everyone else
ghouls who have devoted themselves to training for a how to win them.
fight against any evil, supernatural or otherwise, that
might want to harm their angel of the night.
16 4
chapter four: mortal cults
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 3, Mental 4 [DIABOLIC SIGNED IN]
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 6 Diabolic: come on come on
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 7, Survival 7; Intimi- [RAZOR SIGNED IN]
dation 5, Streetwise 5, Subterfuge 4 Razor: Just got your message. What’s up?
Disciplines: Celerity 1 Diabolic: got a bead on a real bad cat who
General Difficulties: 4/2 ferries victims to a drinker
LEAH Razor: Where?
Diabolic: often makes the drop off on the
Leah is too short and freckly to resemble the classic park southside near the fountain
expectation of a vampire, though she does keep her hair
dyed raven black and her eyes filled with red contact Diabolic: think we need to teach them the
lenses. She’s clanless, not that she knows what a clan or difference between good and bad
a Caitiff is. A once-shy girl with newfound confidence,
she’s prone to indecision, and overcompensating when Razor: Okay have you ran this by Leah?
she feels she’s made a mistake. She cut off all ties with Diabolic: nah going to deal with this our-
her family after death, fearing for what they’d think of selves earn our stripes ok?
her, and now couch-surfs with the members of her circle,
feeding off their blood and their money to fully immerse Razor: I don’t know. She should be told.
herself in her nocturnal life. Diabolic: come on raz where are your
Clan: Caitiff
Sire: Unknown Razor: Yeah yeah. I know. All right. I’ll meet
Embraced: 2010 (Born 1991) you. Where and when.
Ambition: Find my sire
Convictions: Always protect the innocent Diabolic: if it’s good enough for them the
Touchstones: Mikah Bittermann — friend from fountain at 4?
school and cultist
Humanity: 5 Razor: 4AM? Fuck off man I’m asleep then.
Generation: 13th Diabolic: these bastards come out at night
Blood Potency: 1 come on
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2; Cha-
risma 4, Manipulation 1, Composure 3; Intelligence Razor: No way. Maybe if Leah’s there, but
3, Wits 2, Resolve 2 4AM is well past my bedtime.
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 5
Skills: Athletics 1, Firearms 2, Stealth 2; Animal Ken 1, Diabolic: ffs i’ll do it myself
Etiquette 3, Insight 2, Intimidation 2, Leadership (Goth [RAZOR SIGNED OUT]
Subculture) 3, Persuasion 3; Academics 2, Awareness Diabolic: pathetic
2, Investigation 1, Occult 2, Technology 1 [DIABOLIC SIGNED OUT]
Disciplines: Celerity 2, Potence 1, Protean 1
General Difficulties: 4/2 why, the player characters discover the individual was
hospitalized in the early hours of the morning, apparently
Story Hook: Mugging Gone Wrong mugged. If the player characters visit the individual in
hospital, they explain that the muggers started threat-
In the middle of a chronicle the player characters ening violence if they didn’t disassociate from Kindred
are pursuing, a ghoul or mortal they’ve met in the story’s society. Not fully grasping the situation, the victim told
course fails to show up to a rendezvous. Investigating the muggers to “fuck off,” at which point the circle beat
them severely.
The circle soon shifts their sights to the player char-
acters. They saw their target meeting with the characters
and have been following at least one of them back to their
haven. The player characters should have the chance to
detect they’re being followed. If they interrogate their
16 5
pursuer and find their way back to Leah, the young Cai- form of social support, the initial three agents were able
tiff expresses honestly that the mugging went too far, and to initiate twenty adherents after only three months. By
the circle is mostly interested in protecting the innocent the time the original timescale of the project was run-
while punishing the wicked. The player characters may ning up, Project Cathedral had made itself a real army,
see a possibility to influence or punish the hopelessly hundreds of adherents across three countries who were
naïve vampire for her circle’s actions. willing to do more-or-less whatever they were asked, all
in the name of a fictional elder vampire.
The Dread
Cult of Eligos After reassessment panels and some serious ethical
debate, Project Cathedral was given the green light to
“Blood for Eligos, blood for Eligos, blood for Eligos. continue its experiment, assessing the limits of what hu-
Praise the dark master, worship the dark master, fear the mans could be convinced to do in a cult-like environment
dark master.” as a control group to measure against blankbody mental
influence. The risk to the lives and mental well-being of
Eligos has walked in darkness since before the dawn the cult’s followers was deemed acceptable, and agents
of written history. He drank from those who built the who disagreed with that assessment were quietly reas-
Parthenon, fanned the flames of crusade and grew bloated signed. Remaining agents were given permission to use
and content upon the blood that ran through the streets. the cult to further other SI goals; no sense letting a good
He taught the infamous Countess Báthory the ritual of brainwashed army go to waste.
eternal youth, gave Vlad III the strength and cruelty he
needed to crush his enemies. To the herds of humanity, El- Doctrine
igos is a nightmare incarnate, the immortal monster who
has spawned so many vampire myths. To the enlightened Might makes right, all other ethics are petty human
few who have chosen to worship him, he is a demanding contrivances of the weak and fearful. Working with oth-
taskmaster, but capable of granting his chosen few a por- ers for mutual benefit is useful, but in the end it’s every
tion of his power. Under the shroud of night, his cabal of man for himself.
followers meet in secret, receiving orders from their dark
master through a chosen few disciples before dispersing to Eligos is the mightiest being in the world. To follow
commit the evil deeds their demonic king commands. him means gaining a portion of his power, to disobey him
means death.
Fortunately for everyone involved, Eligos does not
exist. Eligos speaks through his High Priests, with whom
he has shared a portion of his power. They can read minds
History and perform magic spells through blood rites.
Only months after the Second Inquisition began, To become a High Priest, you must obey Eligos and
specialists within the Newburgh Group began to notice his speakers’ commands. He will only share his power
a pattern among the blankbodies: many were found with those who know how to serve him, for to do other-
surrounded by willing humans who had been convinced wise would be to risk his own downfall.
to become blood donors and even bodyguards through
promises of power, ecstasy, blankbody transformation, or Activities
spiritual enlightenment. Project Cathedral was created to
study this phenomenon, determining how much influence Recruitment is an ongoing concern for the cult, who
blankbody mind control had on such groups, and how lose members to dissent and death at an unfortunate rate.
much was simply human nature. To this end, they created Most new members are recruited from message boards and
a cult of their own. private email lists associated with a series of conspiracy
theory and occult websites. Agents of the Newburgh Group
The Dread Cult of Eligos worked almost too well. pose as cult members online, answering questions and
Targeted ads on fringe websites focused on European showering new members with attention and validation.
and North American white males ages 18-32 with a prior Once someone has become part of the online community,
interest in violence, self-sufficiency, or the occult. Honing they’re encouraged to join the group in real life, and those
in on disenfranchised, angry candidates with no other who pass on the opportunity face social exclusion. Liaisons
with the local police department and MI5 keep civilian
investigators at bay, even when a stray member reports the
group’s obviously threatening nature.
16 6
chapter four: mortal cults
Once made loyal, each member is given a task by prayer, and trained members extract the blood of suppli-
the High Priests of the cult once every few weeks. Most cants with sanitized needles, an offering to Eligos. The High
tasks are small and only vaguely menacing — listen to this Priests forward donations to blood banks through back-al-
television channel at 8:00 PM on Monday for two hours, ley channels, reserving only a small amount for ritual use.
get your boss’s phone number and home address, deliver New tasks are given out to members privately in small con-
a parcel from one end of the city to the other. These jobs fessional booths, and those who were previously assigned
are a mix of busy work and real spy work that benefits a job report their success or failure. The final phase of the
the Newburgh Group, though the latter assignments tend meeting is a lavish dinner provided by the cult, a gift from
to go to members who have a positive track record with Eligos to the loyal, but mostly a chance to make members
meaningless tasks. Sometimes, a member is asked to do socialize. Friendships and networking are encouraged, to
something obviously illegal — steal something, gather better socially isolate anyone who decides to leave.
blackmail material, poison food at a grocery store, or
commit murder with a provided weapon. These are part Future Plans
of agency tests to see how far a civilian will go when sub-
jected to mundane religious brainwashing, as compared Three months ago, the cult’s primary site received an
to the supernatural influence of the blankbodies. While anonymous letter, warning it to cease and desist due to
most are carefully controlled, set up to prevent any real something called the “Masquerade.” Though the correspond-
loss of life, Project Cathedral has been called on to take ence has not been traced, contacts within FIRSTLIGHT be-
illegal actions against known blankbody collaborators, lieve it may have been a genuine attempt at communication
working in conjunction with FIRSTLIGHT to coordinate from a blankbody, or more accurately a society of blank-
their attacks. Members who succeed at their tasks, only to bodies. Has Eligos managed to fool even the real undead?
find their theft or poisoning or murder unreported on the Fearing a trap, the Newburgh Group has been reluctant to
news, are told the cover-up is the work of Eligos’ high-lev- pursue contact, but the agents of Project Cathedral think
el influence on world events. it’s worth the risk. If the blankbodies think they’re writing
to one of their own, how many secrets might they be tricked
Church meetings are held every week, at secret loca- into revealing?
tions that change frequently and are communicated through
code on various conspiracy sites. Attendees engage in
In the meantime, FIRSTLIGHT JADEN MICHAELS Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl
has asked for a contingent of cult 6; Insight 5, Intimidation 6; Inves-
members to complete tasks in Amer- Jaden was one of Project Cathe- tigation 5
ica, and perhaps even set up a branch dral’s founders, a trained psychologist General Difficulties: 3/2
of the cult somewhere in the States. brought in to monitor the mental
Less interested in the science experi- state of cult members and assist with RUPERT BRANT
ment than in the potential source of efficient recruitment. He did his job
devoted off-the-books followers, the well, but when it came time to extend Rupert was one of the cult’s
international organization is eager the project, Jaden dissented. Going first recruits, having found the group
to adapt the model to multiple new any further was unethical, he argued; through one of the conspiracy web-
countries. There’s also talk of train- they had to deprogram their recruits sites set up to attract members. He’s
ing FIRSTLIGHT agents to better and help them return to society. A a dedicated true believer who’s taken
mimic real blankbody cult leaders, week later, he was “laterally promot- the “might makes right” doctrine
hoping to infiltrate their society ed” to a cushy position in MI5, with thoroughly to heart, spending every
deliberately through posing as one of a nice pay raise and very few respon- available moment outside his desk job
their own. sibilities. He’s tried to keep his head and his cult activities training in mar-
down since, but what he did with the tial arts and firearm use. Though he’s
AMY MONTAGUE Dread Cult of Eligos still haunts him, devoted to Eligos, he’s starting to get
and he lies awake at night wonder- fed up with the High Priests. It’s high
Amy is the agent who came ing if blankbodies are really more time an exemplary member like him
up with the Eligos myth, and put monstrous than the people sworn to got to meet the dark one in person,
together most of the symbolism and fight them. and gain access to the real power.
rituals. A trained intelligence opera-
tive with a dark creative streak, she’s Standard Dice Pools: Physical Standard Dice Pools: Physical
secretly enjoying her role as High 4, Social 5, Mental 5 3, Social 4, Mental 3
Priestess far more than she should Secondary Attributes: Health Secondary Attributes: Health
be. She sometimes likes to pretend 6, Willpower 8 5, Willpower 6
she really is a sexy, immortal vam- Exceptional Dice Pools: Exceptional Dice Pools: Fire-
pire, controlling her adoring masses Firearms 6; Etiquette 6, Insight 7, arms 5, Survival 4; Politics 4
with unnatural powers instead of Subterfuge 6; Science 6 General Difficulties: 3/2
technology and psychological tricks. General Difficulties: 4/2
It’s fun to see just how far she can TERESA MILES
push her slavish followers and get FRANKLIN BRYANT
away with it, all in the name of Teresa joined the cult for the
“research.” An honest psychological Franklin was numb to atroc- sake of her girlfriend, the 300-year-
assessment would make even the ity long before he joined Project old Sheriff of the city who wants
Newburgh Group’s dubious ethical Cathedral. An expert in “enhanced to know what the hell is going on.
advisors take her off the project in interrogation techniques,” he’d been The 50-year-old ghoul has slipped in
a heartbeat, so no one can ever find torturing civilians for decades for the unnoticed with a fake identity that
out how deep she’s sunk into the DIA before FIRSTLIGHT headhunt- hasn’t been checked too hard, but
mythology she created. Within the ed him, trading him across the pond the longer she stays the more likely
cult, she’s known as High Priestess to work on the cult project. Aside someone will check her history and
Jezebeth. from acting as a High Priest, he serves discover it’s not all there. Until then,
as the head of security within the cult, she plays her part, and tries to figure
Standard Dice Pools: Physical assessing risk to agents and coordinat- out just who this Eligos person is, and
5, Social 5, Mental 4 ing assault missions carried out by the where he’d been hiding before his
group’s members. Within the cult, he’s cult sprang up.
Secondary Attributes: Health known as High Priest Agramon.
7, Willpower 7 Standard Dice Pools: Physical
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 5, Social 6, Mental 4
Exceptional Dice Pools: 5, Social 4, Mental 4 Secondary Attributes: Health
Firearms 6; Leadership 7, Perfor- Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 8
mance 6; Investigation 5, Occult 6, Willpower 6
General Difficulties: 4/2
16 8
chapter four: mortal cults
We’re not alone in the dark. Kindred named “Eligos” is having student members, a small army just
You know it. their retainers draw blood from hap- waiting for instructions. The Order
We know it. less vessels in church halls and other was infiltrated and transformed, its
rented spaces, in a way that implies largely harmless members turned into
It’s time to find out the truth. a very callous master with Bagger unwitting servants of the cause. Some
With whom do we share this world? tendencies. They ask the player char- Society members find it distasteful,
acters to investigate who this Eligos turning innocent college kids into as-
Are you between the ages is, and if they can find this Kindred, sassins, but a cardinal somewhere up
of 18 and 35? If so, contact us: bring them to the court — willingly the chain has decided that their lives or staked, whichever is easier. are a small price to pay for ensuring
human security.
No more As the player characters look
secrets. into the cult’s activities, they spot an- History
other of the city’s Kindred hovering
Exceptional Dice Pools: around the group’s fringes. In a case Founded in 1835 by a group of
Stealth 6; Insight 7, Subterfuge of mistaken identity, it’s possible the bored Classics students, the Order of
7; Investigation 4, Occult 5, player characters believe this vampire the Broken Branch was set from the
Technology 6 is “Eligos” and attack them for their beginning on maintaining the “secret”
Disciplines: Auspex 1 perceived Masquerade breach. In re- in secret society. Unlike other organ-
General Difficulties: 4/2 ality, the vampire is just as concerned izations that had been discovered, or
about the cult’s activities, especially even made their presence known on
Story Hook: Eligos’ Breach as they’re taking place in a location campus, the Broken Branch char-
this vampire considers their territory. ter specified that the group was to
Word reaches the player char- remain hidden, and members were
acters of a new vampire in the city The Order commanded to deny any knowledge
making waves, and the ruling vampire of the Broken of it when questioned. While not
is less than happy. Apparently, this Branch completely effective, the Order has
managed to remain a rumor, oft-re-
“Incendo flammam veritatis; let the peated but only sometimes believed.
fire of truth burn bright, and the demons
of Ignorance will fall by our torch and Much of the group’s doctrine
blade.” comes from that original charter,
which shrouded the Order’s goals
Before modern Greek fraterni- in poetic, Latin text. The struggle
ties, American university students to gain knowledge and expose lies is
formed all manner of secret societies. described in metaphor as an army of
The Order of the Broken Branch is knights-templar fighting an army of
among the oldest, one part social ignorance. The founding generation
club, one part exercise in getting was quite satisfied with their writing,
away with something you’re not and spent years holding meetings in
supposed to be doing. The secret living rooms and bars, debating liter-
society has always had an interest in ature and politics and congratulating
mysticism and the occult, ostensibly each other at the end of the night for
as metaphors and tools for philosoph- a “fight well-won” with the demon
ical enlightenment and intellectual Ignorance.
growth, which made them an early
target for the Society of St. Leop- In the ‘70s, members began to
old. Hoping for real vampire facts, direct the club’s activities outward,
the hunters instead found a team of organizing war protests and civic
smart, cooperative, semi-brainwashed action campaigns. To justify the new
approach, leaders cherry-picked
journal entries from the found-
ers, reimagining them as activists
themselves. Historical revisionism
16 9
continued into doctrinal belief, with out its mission. When asked, mem- or project. All current members are
the metaphors of fighting ignorance bers must deny the existence of the expected to attend each meeting, but
being reframed as a command to act Order. Those who break this edict are alumni members are invited only on a
up and change the world. Blood ran forever outcast. case-by-case basis, involving only those
hot, but as the decades went by and who are necessary for that particular
freshmen recruits gradually stopped The Order must always be led engagement.
remembering the ‘70s, future cohorts by current undergraduate students,
were never able to recapture that though graduate students and alumni With the Society of St. Leopold
same fervor. Photos of protests and may participate in many activities. controlling the Order from within,
guerilla anti-government action were This keeps the organization young and these special meetings usually involve
carefully preserved alongside the focused, better able to hunt, and less a hunt for a particular Kindred or
Order’s charter, oft-imitated since likely to fall prey to ennui. Kindred organization. Facts about the
but never matched. supernatural menace are passed on
Activities by the Society to the students, who
The Society of St. Leopold became are then asked to come up with ways
involved with the Order only a few The Order keeps up some of its to use that knowledge to hunt them.
years ago, when an alumni member got old activities as a smokescreen, dis- Often, alumni members — usual-
in touch through the right priest to cussing literature and current events ly trained government agents and
ask about the potential for the Order academically with other members at sometimes priests in disguise — carry
to help their cause. Hunters young weekly or bi-weekly meetings held out the student plans, reducing risk
enough to pass as students joined the in reserved library corners or dorm and casualties while still benefiting
group, and were soon able to take over rooms. Anyone curious enough to from the free student think-tank.
leadership as older members gradu- try and track down the Order of the Undergraduate members are only
ated and left. The active fervor of the Broken Branch usually finds only one called upon for fieldwork when the
‘70s was stirred again, but this time of these meetings, and walks away Society needs an extra level of plau-
with a new enemy: literal demons, evil disappointed that the famous secret sible deniability. Guerilla assaults on
creatures of the night who have tried society is just a bunch of undergrads respectable demon-owned homes and
to keep humanity ignorant of their talking about books. These weekly businesses are planned out as home
existence since history began. Just get-togethers are open to all mem- invasions, with the perpetrators
like previous generations, the Society bers, past and present, allowing trained to give alternative motives
borrowed from the charter to support undergraduates to meet and network to the police and media; political
their cause, suggesting a new read- with successful alumni and securing dissent, personal revenge, or what-
ing that posited the founders as the the Order’s success through a chain ever other story suits. Although the
first demon hunters, and challenging of well-connected generations. Each Society tries to protect these student
current members to live up to their weekly meeting opens with a reading soldiers from capture, those who do
calling. from select portions of the charter, get caught are expected to deny the
call-and-response between a meeting existence of the Order and go to jail
Doctrine leader and the attending members. quietly, comforted by the knowledge
New members are expected to mem- that they’ve made the world a better
Ignorance exists in the world orize these responses within a month place.
because of the forces of evil, manifest of joining, internalizing them in the
as demons who must be fought. The process. Food, wine, and an atmos- Future Plans
secret Order of the Broken Branch phere of colloquial collaboration help
was created to lead that fight. cement ties of loyalty and friendship, Due to the Order’s organiza-
to other members and to the Order tional structure, Society personnel
The Order’s fight is of utmost at large. working as undergrad members
importance to humankind: with- can only lead the project for one or
out them fighting back Ignorance, Real meetings are held off cam- two years, and finding experienced
everyone would become slaves to the pus, at office space rented out for the members who look young enough
demons. Sacrificing yourself in the Order by well-to-do alumni. Scheduled to be undergrads has become harder
name of the Order is the greatest sporadically via coded emails, texts, and harder. The current leader of the
good you can do with your life. and word-of-mouth, each meeting is Order has stayed on for four years,
run by a current undergraduate leader taking a second undergraduate degree
The Order of the Broken Branch and is planned to address a single issue to meet the requirements, but dissent
must remain secret in order to carry
17 0
chapter four: mortal cults
is growing among members who soil terrorism as “demon fighting.” but forgotten, until reports started
feels this violates the spirit of the She’d love to put a stop to it, but first coming in about students from his
charter. The easiest solution would she has to prove it, and then find out old alma mater working for the Sec-
be to change the Order’s rules for who she can trust to help bring them ond Inquisition. An affable Nosfer-
leadership, allowing a single agent down. atu, well-liked by Kindred society,
to stay in charge indefinitely, but Sullivan is tracking down old haunts
that idea is wildly unpopular among Standard Dice Pools: Physical and history, trying to discover what’s
current and alumni members alike, 3, Social 5, Mental 5 happened to his old Order and how
who see it as disrespecting the club’s Secondary Attributes: Health he can stop it.
oldest tradition. Since the Society 4, Willpower 8
of St. Leopold usually regards this Exceptional Dice Pools: Clan: Nosferatu
ingrained loyalty as a strong positive, Stealth 5; Etiquette 6, Leadership
dissolving it in this case will have to 6; Science 6, Technology 7 Sire: Hedwig
be done carefully. General Difficulties: 4/2
Embraced: 1823 (Born 1749)
The utility of the undergraduate SAMANTHA WATTS
members as a secret think tank had Ambition: Discover what be-
been underestimated, until recent cre- Samantha gave up a promising came of the Order of the Broken
ative hunting designs were presented career in the Vatican to work for the Branch
to Society leadership. A group of phys- Society of St. Leopold after encoun-
ics students have a prototype device tering a vampire firsthand. Her Convictions: Always fight
that can perfectly mimic sunlight, baby face got her into the Order as a ignorance
while a team of computer science and “freshman” seven years ago, and she’s
history majors are working together led the club since her third year back Touchstones: Lars Magnusson
to sort through old documents and at school. Though she knows she’s — faithful mortal servant for the
cross-referencing the names, locations, doing good work, pretending to be a last 20 years
and physical descriptions of supposed twentysomething student is draining,
historical “monsters” with modern so- and not what she signed up for. She’d Humanity: 6
cial media data, rooting out suspected much rather be in the field, fighting
immortals. Creative, interdisciplinary the monsters who once stole her Generation: 10th
innovation is hard to foster within the blood and her dignity.
confines of the Catholic Church, even Blood Potency: 3
within secret societies such as the So- Standard Dice Pools: Physical
ciety, so student ideas are starting to 6, Social 4, Mental 4 Attributes: Strength 3, Dexter-
get more than a cursory glance. With Secondary Attributes: Health ity 4, Stamina 3; Charisma 3,
more funding, perhaps the Order 5, Willpower 6 Manipulation 4, Composure 3;
could extend itself to additional cam- Exceptional Dice Pools: Intim- Intelligence 4, Wits 4, Resolve 3
puses, targeting the best and brightest idation 5, Persuasion 5; Investi-
for recruitment worldwide. gation 6, Occult 6 Secondary Attributes: Health
General Difficulties: 3/2 6, Willpower 6
EDWARD H. Skills: Brawl 3, Craft 3, Lar-
Margaret used to be president SULLIVAN ceny 4, Stealth 4; Animal Ken
of the Order, until she graduated 3, Etiquette (Kindred) 3, Insight
three years ago. Now working on Edward is quite certain that the 2, Intimidation 2, Persuasion
her Master’s in Engineering, she’s Order of the Broken Branch is real. 2, Subterfuge 3; Academics 3,
stayed involved with her old club and After all, he helped found it. He was Awareness 2, Finance 1, Inves-
outwardly supports its new direction. Embraced long after graduation, tigation 2, Occult 3, Politics 1,
In private, she has serious doubts. brought into eternity as a man in Science 2
Overheard conversations and unusual his early seventies. Over nearly two
phone calls have her suspicious that centuries, his youthful misadventures Disciplines: Animalism 1, Ob-
one or more fellow alumni might be founding a secret society had been all fuscate 3, Potence 2
trying to turn the Order into govern-
ment agents, masking acts of home- General Difficulties: 6/4
Story Hook:
God’s Weapons
Just last night, some well-mean-
ing cops interrupted a trade between
high-up members of the Order of
the Broken Branch and the Society
Recording Number: 1190
Subject/s: Human
Pertinent Notes: Catholic order of blankbody hunters, the SoSL
Voice 1 (Father Harry Grainger, Suspected): — won’t fly any more.
Voice 2 (Unknown, Female?, Late 20s or 30s): I’m sorry. I really am sorry. I know
how important it was that we get it, but the cops.
Voice 1: Where is it now?
Voice 2: Best guess is it’s still there. We can send someone to retrieve it now, if
you give the word.
Voice 1: No. Todd says he saw a figure watching as he was led away. Maybe an un-
dead set the police onto the entire operation.
Voice 2: If they’re aware of the Order, then we need to close up shop. Immediately.
Voice 3 (Margaret Thales, Confirmed): Father, how have you been?
Voice 1: Margaret! My goodness, I didn’t see you there. I’m well. I’m well. And have
you met [indiscernible noise].
Voice 2: A pleasure.
Voice 1: We were just talking about some equipment we lost. A stupid thing.
Voice 3: Lost? Where?
Voice 1: A building site. Here. Let me show you the map on my phone. Here. One of
our students dropped something of importance. Something the college owns. But the
student can’t go back there because they’ve headed out of town.
Voice 3: Do you need me to go out and get it? I don’t mind. It’s not that far from
where my boyfriend lives.
Voice 2: That would be wonderful. Thank you so much, Margaret!
Voice 1: You are an angel.
of St. Leopold held in a mobile office The entire event would have Other Cults
at a building site outside of town. passed Kindred society by, were it not
The cops saw lights on at the aban- for a nomadic Kindred who saw the The Black Blood Seekers believe
doned site, and suspecting a drug whole thing go down, and who at Ely- in the historical truth of vampires. A
deal, commenced a raid on the of- sium now laughs about the sight of a loose network of jaded historians, con-
fice. As the protesting cultists were few priests and some students being spiracy theorists, and people seeking
led away, one of them coincidentally led away by the city’s boys in blue. an outlet for their darkest imaginings,
possessing a small bag of marijuana The event might draw the coterie’s the Seekers have communicated over
in their pocket, the cops left the curiosity, especially as the building the internet since the earliest usenet
most important prize: a sunlight site sits in unclaimed territory. Of groups. According to their research,
caster. This device was constructed course, eventually the Society or the vampires ruled much of the Western
by student members of the Order of Order is going to return to the build- world before a series of human upris-
the Broken Branch, and now sits in ing site to claim their device, capable ings wiped them out in the 12th-14th
a bag kicked into a cupboard in the of casting a beam of light said to be centuries. The blood-drinkers were
mobile office. as potent against Kindred as the light highly intelligent philosopher kings
of the sun.
17 2
chapter four: mortal cults
with centuries of accumulated wisdom, His baser human desires were gone, mouth, the group is getting popular
beneficial to humankind even though replaced with a simpler Hunger that enough that the Second Inquisition
their existence required the frequent could be more completely understood. can’t be far behind.
sacrifice of less worthy lives. Whether He preaches long fasting and hours of
or not any vampires survived the cull- meditation to his students, and tries to The Order of St. Rose broke
ing is a matter hotly debated between follow his own advice. Unfortunately, off from the Society of St. Leopold
the Seekers, and members who do a vampire fasting for too long leads to centuries ago, over a divine revelation
manage to make contact with a real undesirable consequences, and more received by their original leader and
one have never managed to produce than one private meditation ceremony rejected by the main church. The Or-
enough proof to convince the group at has ended with blood on the walls and der believes that spilling the blood of
large. Modern Kindred looking for a a supplicant dead at Hong’s feet. Such the undead upon the Earth serves only
neatly prepackaged cult of supplicants accidents are regrettable, but Hong to corrupt the planet, transmuting
nonetheless eye the Seekers with deep soothes himself with the belief that his the evil of the vampire into a cloud of
suspicion: a group that open about victim’s karmaphala will be a pleasant darkness upon the souls of all human-
their theories on the internet has surely rebirth, since their sacrifices have ity. Of course, they still mean to hunt,
attracted the attention of the Second aided his quest for nirvana. just with careful rituals around blood
Inquisition, to whom the Seekers’ contamination and clean-up. Ideally,
obsessive combing of news articles and The Church of Nigel, Reborn they capture vampires alive, and take
rumors for evidence of vampire activi- is a tiny, accidental movement that them to a specially equipped facility
ty is a useful spot of free manpower. has sprung up around Thin-Blood where they can be drained dry into a
vampire Nigel Hunt after he rose consecrated silver basin, a process that
The Temple of Endings was creat- from the dead in the middle of a takes hours of excruciating pain. The
ed by Yong-un Hong, a Seon Buddhist protestant church sermon. His pastor blood is then preserved in contain-
before his Embrace. Dying transformed and a group of church elders have ers and prayed over daily to prevent
him from vaguely religious to utterly decided he was sent by God, and Nigel it from infecting the Earth. Rumor
devout, and he soon fixated on the doesn’t want to disappoint them. He is among the Kindred holds that the vitae
vampire myth of Golconda, believing it capable of doing some pretty amazing the Order preserves actually retains
to be a form of buddhahood achieved things now, and the pastor seems to its power indefinitely, acting just like
by the undead. He resolved to become think that the bite marks he leaves on the fresh lifeblood of a vampire even
an ascetic as the first step to achieving parishioners to perform miracles are a when consumed months later. Once
this enlightenment. Knowing he could form of stigmata. In his small church, a year, a priest of the order is chosen
not walk the Eightfold Path alone, he people are lining up to see him, offer- to drink all the blood that its knights
turned to the local Buddhist com- ing their blood in exchange for happi- have accumulated, then set himself on
munity, his blood-laced tongue easily ness and healing, the latter of which fire at dawn. The priest’s burning death
talking many into following him. As he has no idea how to provide. Though and the cleansing sunlight remove the
an undead creature, he argued, he was the only evangelizing the Church of dark taint of the executed vampires
closer than many to enlightenment. Nigel does is through local word-of- from the world for good.
chapter five
“As I entered church today, I heard a few of you bemoaning your lack of cash. Your scarcity of capital.
Your absence of money. Well let me tell you, my friends: money does not occupy these seats. Money does not fill a heart.
Money cannot hear my words. More important than money is the soul. And I see a lot of souls out there tonight.
Your souls are ripe and full of love and aspiration. Souls are all I need!”
— “Coach” Tyrone Soros, Motivational Speaker, Ministry, Indianapolis
The majority of this book revolves around cults The Act of Creation
already in existence within the text of Vampire: The
Masquerade. These are only a small fraction of the cults One could describe an organized religion as a cult
within the world, however. Small circles of Kindred, that’s received formal recognition. In truth, there’s
ghouls, and humans form their own religious move- little to divide the two, beyond the word “cult” becom-
ments that either grow or splinter off into tiny subsects ing dirtier as organized religions consumed the world.
that eventually die. People ask themselves what the Neither cults nor religions are two-dimensional clubs
meaning of life is, and turn to charismatic leaders and for wayward hobbyists. They’re families bound togeth-
mystery rituals to find the answer. Cults give people er by belief, values, and ideology. Over the past thirty
a sense of purpose — and since there are seven billion years, Kindred society has seen a glut of individual
people on the planet, there are as many types of cults as churches rise to the fore, which has created a sea of
there are stars in the sky. competing faiths. Players are encouraged to build their
own coteries, cults, and spiritual covenants. The follow-
This chapter gives you the tools you need to create ing material helps customize a methodology and system
your own cult, religion, or organization, as well as to put meat and flesh on the bones of an idea. In order
cult-related coteries. Note that this chapter deals with to get started, the players can ask themselves several
in-character perceptions of cults, as well as discussions crucial questions:
of love-bombing, grooming, and abuse.
• What are the core tenets of this faith? What are its This can also help Storytellers create a framework
central mandates? that remains consistent despite the questions or chal-
lenges characters encounter. The more specific players
• What is the structure of the cult? are in their answers, the easier it is to understand what
• How does the cult recruit members? is and isn’t acceptable and who does or doesn’t call the
• What rituals, rites, ceremonies, and sacraments shots in any given situation.
enhance the faith? How to
• Are there any revered texts or protected relics? Build a Cult
• Are certain holidays or specific dates honored and
Like any stable group, a cult requires three things:
celebrated? people, money, and time. In order to have a flock of
• What symbols and colors represent the cult? fanatical worshipers, you need people to convert. You
• Where does the cult meet? need time to convert those people, and rewrite their
• How do cult members live night to night? thought processes to be more in line with your doc-
trine. Finally, you’ll need money in order to house, feed,
A discussion or exploration of answers to these and clothe those people, and advertise your new group.
can turn a whisper of an idea into a three-dimensional It’s a lengthy process, and many find themselves with-
organization with previously unimagined motivations. out enough of one of the three resources listed above to
With each added layer of detail infused into the creation complete it.
of a religious organization, storylines, chronicle hooks, and
coterie possibilities emerge on their own. Vampires, however, have access to as many people
as they can get their hands on, all the time in the world,
chapter five: cult construction
and plenty of ways to get money. Most don’t tend Doubt, dissent, and questioning are discouraged,
to play nice with others, but some decide to spread violently if necessary. In mainstream religions, there are
their reach and form cults, both to gain more mortal ministers whose job it is to counsel the doubters among
and Kindred followers, and to genuinely worship. A their faithful. If someone is a member of a cult, how-
Vampire is a selfish creature, and so if she is devoted ever, she is right, with a capital R. Questioning is not
to an entity worthy of worship, others should be too. normal in a cult, it’s a sign of weak faith. Weak faith
After all, who better to judge the situation? means the cultist has the potential to defect, and that
cannot be tolerated. Leadership makes use of shame,
Vampire cults are often stereotyped as the flock of withholding food or sleep, physical punishments like
blood dolls and ghouls eagerly awaiting their turn on beatings or kneeling for hours, emotional abuse, and
the St. Andrew’s cross or the operating table, opening other methods to keep everyone in line. Anyone who
their veins and wallowing in depravity. While this is cer- questions is part of the out-group, and might poison
tainly true for some vampiric cults, others are not quite the in-group. This cannot be allowed.
so gauche. Some Tremere chantries manage cults of
eclectic occult practitioners, who they use to do research The cult is the cultists’ world... Long-term mem-
they don’t have time for and groom new members of the bers of a cult cannot think of a life without it. All their
clan. Ventrue host cults of superstitious tech developers, time and energy goes into the cult’s activities: promo-
fostering atheist discussion circles and solstice rituals tion, worship, work, punishment. Even leisure time is
without a focus, channeling that energy into themselves spent doing cult-approved and cult-related activities.
and their projects. There are dozens, maybe hundreds of The outside world is full of sin and suffering, so why go
iterations of the cult model all across the world. out there when you can just stay in here? Even if all of
her money and time is going toward the cult, a cultist
The Basics sees it as a necessary sacrifice for whatever the cult
promises her.
Whatever the cult’s use of money, people, and
time ultimately looks like, there are several character- ...but not so for the leadership. Leaders of cults of-
istics that all cults share. These are, according to the ten hold some sort of mystical, even messianic, standing
International Cultic Studies Association, in no particu- among the membership. They hold all of the wealth and
lar order: power of the cult in their hands, and it’s not long be-
fore they’re using it to fuel their own vices. Some cults
The leadership dictates what members do, where have true believers as leadership; some Bahari cults, for
they go, who they marry, and more. This may be small, example, channel that centralized power into acquiring
such as recommending members only live in a certain more knowledge and better teachers for their fellow
part of town or telling them not to get involved with cultists. Others, especially in more famous mortal cults,
another race, gender, religion, or tax bracket. On the spend their followers’ money on drugs, booze, seven-
other end, it may involve arranged marriages, commu- ty-bedroom mansions, swimming pools, and all sorts of
nal housing, disposal of all non-cult items, and sched- other luxuries while their flocks live in squalor, seeing
uled mealtimes and meetings. it as a divine hardship.
The group claims an exalted or privileged status in Cults do not think of themselves as evil. It is easy
the world. Cults often claim to offer secret knowledge, to judge a cult from the outside, to say that they’re all
the key to happiness, immortality of various kinds, and brain-damaged or pathetic or sadists. The truth is, cults
a place to belong. Humans, ghouls, and Kindred who are as complex as any other group of people, living or
feel lost, abandoned, or spiritually hungry are drawn to otherwise. Recruiters prey on the lost, the damaged, the
cults by these inducements. Some even receive what the lonely, and the depressed — what they, themselves, once
cult promises. were. Cults are insidious in that they build a space for
people to feel accepted and part of something greater,
Everything is presented as “us versus them.” The a feeling they might not have had before. All the work
cult’s dialectic resembles battlefield strategy. It’s a way they do, all the crimes they commit, everything they
to get one over on those outside, those who don’t un- sacrifice is for this group that has shown them love and
derstand and who persecute the cultists because of it. A acceptance. That’s just human nature.
cultist is convinced she knows “what’s actually going on”
and she has to keep that secret from the undeserving. This is a difficult mindspace to get people into,
The cult defines the in-group, or the people inside, and especially in Western societies. Many American and
the out-group, the people who are not members of the European cultures have a strong thread of individualism
cult and therefore are evil. running through them, and in any “normal” religious
relationship, telling a devotee she can’t leave the church
17 7
home except during certain times New cultists are shiny and innocent tools, working on behalf of a single,
or she can’t speak to her family any and should be treated with kid gloves, ancient Kindred. Such cultists offer
more sparks outrage and backlash. but members who have been in the patronage to their church, hoping
There are some exceptions to this, cult for weeks or months and still to appease their god and earn their
monastic orders for example, but manage to commit transgressions attention. The most common list of
in that case the power relationship against its doctrine, leadership, or deified methuselahs include:
with the religion is consensual and other members need to be shown the • Banu Haqim: Mancheaka,
up front. error of their ways. It’s just a neces-
sary cycle of love and punishment. Tegyrius, Ur-Shulgi
Cults recruit using a technique • Brujah: Altamira, Menele, Uga
called “love-bombing.” Essentially, Belief
they find people who are struggling, Dugud
lost, lonely, or grieving, and provide At its core, a shared system of • Gangrel: Enkidu, Matasuntha,
them with a space that uncondition- belief binds a group together. Be it
ally affirms them. As the potential religious, ideological, or philosoph- Mictlantecuhtli, Odin the
cultist is drawn further in, this af- ical, this belief defines the identity All-High
firmation slowly gives way to rules, of the organization. While mortal • Hecata: Augustus Giovanni,
demands, and punishments. The society may claim a difference be- The Baron, The Capuchin,
cultist craves that love she had been tween saintly churches and deviant Japheth, Lamia, Lazarus
given, and so she acts in accordance cults, Kindred society makes few • Lasombra: Boukephos,
with the cult’s rules, hoping to such distinctions. When it comes to Montano, Sybil
receive it once again. When she is in “churches” and “cults,” the terms are • Malkavian: The Eater, Malakai,
this space, she is the perfect adher- largely interchangeable. Nissiku
ent: fanatical, refusing to care for • Ministry: Nakhthorheb, Set
herself, and sublimating her needs Ancestral Worship • Nosferatu: Azazel, Gorgo, Yima
into serving the greater whole. • Toreador: Amarantha, Beshter,
The vast majority of Kindred Helena, Michael
It’s important to note here cults worship a specific methuselah. • Tremere: Goratrix, Meerlinda,
that, once again, cults do not think Some followers seek to emulate Tremere
of themselves as evil. While they these blood gods, while others • Ventrue: Hardestadt, Mithras,
may very well be, their members see commit themselves to the role of Artemis Orthia, Tiamat, Tinia
love-bombing and punishments as useful pawn. In general, Kindred
necessary steps. Many cults use terms suspect they are unknowing tools
such as “religion,” “faith,” and “order” in a greater Jyhad, but members
to reassure followers and themselves. of an ancestral cult are voluntary
Very few people want to be the next
Charles Manson, nor do many people
want to join the next Manson Family.
As mentioned in the text, there is little to no difference between a cult and
a religion beyond the veneer of respectability and accepted practices. Some churches center less
The public see cults as groups of brainwashed fanatics in service to some on a specific individual and more
esoteric or violent purpose. The public see religions as groups of individu- around a particular concept. The
als who have made the choice to commit to faith, and while they may not Amaranthans hunt down diabler-
understand the faith, they might respect the choice to follow it. ists. The Eyes of Malakai believe
madness is the only way toward
This chapter makes some rigid definitions of what a cult is or could be, but absolute truth while the Nosferatu
those definitions can apply equally to many religions. While many find Cleopatras of Yima attempt to
comfort and cause within belief, others find control, deceit, and horror. regain their beauty. There is no
We use the word “cults” because to some vampires, when freshly Em- founding blood god to guide these
braced, these faiths represent exactly those horrifying, alien belief systems churches, but rather a prime value
they’ve heard about. But one vampire’s cult soon becomes another vam- crucial to their identity and unique
pire’s religion, faith, or church. to their organization.
chapter five: cult construction
Heresies You Shall Not… the same hierarchical structure. A
single leader commands and the
Even among Kindred society, By contrast, a cult should have masses follow. Those masses are part
tolerance has its limits. Many circles at least one sin or prohibited action, of a ladder leading ever upward,
tolerate cults like the Bahari or the but may have many, many more. A elevating members based on merit,
Church of Caine. But other cults, cult succeeds based on the amount devotedness, seniority, education,
especially those Gehenna cults who of control it has over its members. charisma, gamesmanship, and other
preach the end of the world, are too So, a cult likely has a long list of manipulations. Some churches focus
radical in the opinion of these same “do’s” and “don’ts.” Some of these on dedication of faith while others
circles. At best, Kindred discourage rules can be minor infractions honor ability. Regardless of what
these cults, or purge them outright requiring repentance and absolution promotion is based on, which is
at worst. Such organizations exist if transgressed. Violating other rules usually a combination of factors, the
on the fringes of vampire society. might be impossible to forgive and further someone climbs the lad-
They gather in secret behind closed demand the ultimate retribution. der the more they are able to peek
and guarded doors. When discov- These directives may or may not behind the curtain. Through their
ered, these heresies suffer swiftly conform to the sins of a given sect, elevation, they gain greater under-
and publicly, though more than one so part of the fun in creating a cult standing of the cult’s inner work-
Prince has persecuted a local cult is the Kindred involved may need to ings and, at times, its hypocrisy.
less on grounds of security and more tread very carefully when navigating
out of political expedience. these two worlds at the same time. Laity
Mandates The First Rule Laity are members of a religious
of Vampire Club group who are not an ordained part
Religions have commandments. of it. “Lay members” often refers to
Governments have laws. Sects have The first rule of Vampire is people who participate in a field
the Traditions. Every major organ- don’t get caught. A Kindred can get without being professionals in that
ization, religious or secular, has a away with anything they want until field. This can include volunteers
specific list of rules or forbidden someone else catches them. That’s and hobbyists.
actions to solidify their character. when consequences come knocking.
Do they list this rule explicitly in In relation to cults, these are
You Shall… the vampire handbook? No. Or at the outermost ring of involved
least, not as such. This is an implicit individuals. Time and circumstance,
A well-crafted cult has at least rule or a cultural norm, meaning along with their doubt, misfortune,
one mandate which helps define there can be completely unwritten or naiveté has led them to it. Laity
who they are, what they want, and rules for a cult as well. may still have misgivings, questions,
what they represent. These rules are or reservations with one foot in and
very personal, and players should These unwritten rules are one foot out, but for the moment,
customize them for their cult. A mandates everyone seems to know, they are curious enough to contrib-
good rule of thumb is to ask what but usually have no idea where they ute. For them, the cult represents
each faith believes in and why. came from or how they got started. a chance at peace, purpose, and
The cult of Mithras, for example, Phrases like “it’s always been this community. There must be appeal
has deified the most powerful and way” and “we don’t do that here” are or advantage to their participation
famous Ventrue Prince in Kindred good indicators of cultural norms for people who the cult often tasks
history. As a result, Mithraists based on tradition rather than any- with the most menial chores and
place the honor of the lineage, or thing to do with faith or doctrine. obligations.
the greater community, above their
own. Meanwhile, the Meneleans Hierarchy These members are the weakest
honor the memory of Carthage and links in regard to security and secre-
have sworn vengeance against the The following groupings cy, but are often the best vectors for
Toreador whom they believe be- only serve as an example because pulling more people into the cult.
trayed them during the Punic Wars. terminology may change from cult They participate because of their
to cult. But, most have roughly love for the deity or passion for the
espoused ideals of the organization,
and their enthusiasm draws others
in. Keeping these members happy
17 9
(or seemingly so) with real or imagined benefits is
important to the success of the cult.
Inducted Initiates are the general rank-and-file
within the cult. They understand the basic tenets of
the faith and are both able and willing to carry out the
commands of their superiors. Initiates have committed
themselves to the cause, and while they may have lin-
gering concerns or questions, they are generally smart
enough not to voice them openly. Initiates focus only
on the positive aspects of the cult and tend to ignore
or deny any doubts voiced by others.
Initiates who have committed to the cult’s agenda
usually perform essential nightly tasks to keep the be-
lief machine running. Some function as preachers and
messengers, traveling between cities in order to recruit
new members and pass along communiqués from their
superiors. Others participate in internal ceremonies,
assisting leaders in their religious services. Finally,
Initiates may serve as soldiers tasked with guard duty,
city patrols, or offensive attacks.
Acolytes are the most fanatical members of the
cult. They have followed its precepts, participated in
its rites, and have been rewarded for their devotion.
They spearhead short-term missions or coordinate
some aspect of the cult. When a cult needs to get its
hands bloody, an Acolyte tends to lead the charge.
They are the first to volunteer their services and the
first to put down dissent. For them the cult is their
entire identity and the only real source of purpose in
their life.
Specialized Acolytes take on specific positions
ranging from shock troops to secretaries. They are the
bread and butter of the cult. These people support the
cult because they have tied their lives and livelihood
to it.
Clergy are leaders. They are the shepherds to the
sheep. They can perform all of the major rites, handle
internal disputes, and conduct religious services.
Smaller cults may have a single Clergyperson who
serves as the right hand of the highest authority.
Larger cults may have more, with each focusing on
an aspect like financial, organizational, or spiritual
chapter five: cult construction
They can also function as an advisory council to take the form of ancient tales passed down to form a
the cult leader. Given their role and their understand- kind of living history. Cultists may, for example, base
ing of the cult’s inner workings, they are also the most their prayers, what they do or don’t eat, or what they
likely to use it for their own personal agendas. A cultist do on a particular day on such historical manuscripts.
who is the equivalent of Clergy likely has their life and
the lives of others dependent on the successful execu- Scriptures are for teaching, but the documents
tion of the cult’s objectives. Because of this, they can be themselves can become holy relics. Holy books, sacred
enforcers of doctrine, the secret police, or propaganda texts, and ancient tomes can become as important for
artists who maintain the status quo. their pages as for what those pages say. A cult that
venerates knowledge might preserve books simply
Prophets because they are books. Another cult might protect a
letter written by the founder because they believe it has
Prophets are the people at the top. They are the magical properties.
charismatic cult leaders, the CEOs of the brand, and
the visionaries who inspire a movement. Unless there Relics
is a particularly wily member of the cult or the struc-
ture is something other than a hierarchy, Prophets set Along with sacred texts, objects and artifacts can
the agenda for the cult. They can inspire or manipu- become holy relics. The ashes of a great Kindred, a
late their followers because they are the heart of the sword once wielded by a blood god, or the home of a
cult and control the power it can wield. And, they use founder are all examples of relics. The most prized are
everyone underneath them. They make the decisions or the most protected. For many, being in the presence of
set the goals those lower in the hierarchy execute. a relic makes their worship feel more real. In a cultist,
an object can inspire a feeling of connection to their
Whether a rousing preacher, an inspirational leader or god and remind them of their faith.
thought leader, or the Pater of a blood cult, often they
are the cult. Likewise, when something decapitates the Services
cult by taking out the head, the whole organization can
crumble. This is why cult leaders surround themselves While some more devout members may actually
with true believers and people who would give their live in the temple, others may be more infrequent visi-
lives to save them. tors, only attending on holidays or during major events.
Determining when the church gathers helps determine
Cult Practices how active and cohesive its membership is. A regular
worship service every month or every week creates a
Strict rules often govern the night-to-night dependable schedule that followers can rely on.
practices of a cult, but this is not always the case. A
sense of community and rigorous indoctrination might Nightly activities, such as recruitment drives,
be all anyone needs to remain dedicated to a cause. training, and social events may not be religious services,
Indoctrination can come from techniques like brain but they do help solidify a group and assist in the over-
washing and induced dependency, but followers can all growth of the cult. Meanwhile, weekly feasts may
also come together because of the culture or lifestyle become formal occasions, with an additional half dozen
the cult provides. holidays to augment the year.
Religious practices are the building blocks of a Apparel
cult’s culture and community. To some extent, every-
one in the cult participates in its practices. From the Not every cult has strict mandates when it comes
prayers they recite to the clothes they wear, these to clothing. Some churches need to blend in with their
aspects create a group’s spiritual identity. surroundings to avoid drawing unwanted attention
to themselves. Others are quite brazen in their faith,
Scripture traveling together in groups wearing the same garments
or color scheme. Clothing (or the lack of it) can easily
Not every religion has a single holy book, but many become another one of those unwritten rules. But
have stanzas, prayers, and songs. Scriptures capture key mostly, for the purposes of the cult, wearing the same
occasions, either developed over centuries or recorded clothes or having particular vestments adds to the over-
by the faithful in the presence of their god. They can all indoctrination of followers.
Rituals significance. For vampires, holidays their actual date of birth difficult
and religious observances come in to pin down. But, without birth, no
Acts of adoration, veneration, several different forms. Kindred would exist.
and homage are the cornerstones
of any faith. To believe in a deity is Lunar Death Day: Dates of Embrace
one thing, but to properly express are more impactful the older the
belief is something else. Cultures In many vampire cults, holidays Kindred. The Embrace can be an
throughout history have developed are associated with the lunar calen- occasion of celebration as much as
intricate methods of worship and dar. Given their nocturnal connec- horror, but it is a defining night for
Kindred cults do the same. Rituals tion, the moon not only represents any Kindred.
can be small nightly actions cultists shifts in time, but also has specific
take, like saying a prayer or lighting meanings depending on its given True Death Day: Methuselahs
a candle, or larger ceremonies com- phase. do not die often, but when they do,
bining the magical will of the group it reverberates throughout Kindred
to perform massive feats. The New Moon: As the sun society. Such true death days can
shines against the far side of the be solemn occasions, marked by
Blood: The primary ingredient moon, new moons represent mo- commemorations, sacrifices, and
in the rites of most Kindred cults. ments of renewal. remembrances.
Consuming blood during feasts and
sacrifices isn’t uncommon, nor is The Waxing Moon: As the Major Events: The most com-
painting sigils of protection, bap- moon grows each night, so too do mon kind of historic holidays com-
tism, or curses in blood. intention and preparation to act. memorate major events. The blood
Nights under the waxing moon are cult of Ur-Shulgi marks the moment
Fire: Given the destructive about growth and building. Haqim created Alamut, home of
nature of fire, Kindred cults tend the Banu Haqim. The Meneleans
to use it only on rare occasions. The Full Moon: Full moons are remember the date Carthage fell to
Conversely, the use of fire can be a powerful, ceremonial, and climactic. the Romans.
punishment for wayward followers. Kindred cults might use the full
moon for Embraces, coronations, Seasonal
Incense: Burning something to and initiations into the cult.
honor the gods is no new concept. Those Kindred cults closely tied
Most use it as a means of purifica- The Waning Moon: Sliding to nature often use seasonal festivals
tion, suffuming a room or person back toward the new moon, waning to highlight their beliefs.
with smoke from frankincense, moons represent times of heal-
myrrh, and benzoin. ing, self-reflection, and the end of Midwinter: The winter sol-
something. stice is the longest night of the
Construction: Creating works year in the Northern Hemisphere
of art or feats of engineering are Historic and the shortest in the Southern
common enough shows of worship. Hemisphere.
Faith inspires many cultists to use Some cults might center holi-
their talents. days on key events. As many prac- Vernal Equinox: The spring
tice some form of ancestral worship, equinox takes place in March in
Sacrifice: To prove their the majority of these historic events the Northern Hemisphere and
dedication to their ancestor, many focus on the progenitor’s birthday, in September in the Southern
cults conduct blood sacrifices. But death day, or in rare instances, their Hemisphere. During the equinox,
sacrifice doesn’t have to be bloody. true death day. Other holidays cele- day and night are of equal length.
Rumors suggest the followers of brate key milestones such as praxis
Helena create works of exquisite art seizures, founding dates, and major Midsummer: The summer
only to sacrifice them to her. victories. solstice is the shortest night in the
Northern Hemisphere and the long-
Holidays Birthday: Kindred largely ignore est in the Southern Hemisphere.
mortal birthdays. Ancestors tend to
Nights set aside for religious have little connection to their mortal Autumnal Equinox: The fall
observances, holidays serve specific mother or father, placing their vam- equinox, like the spring equinox, is
customs within a given cult. Used pire sire above their blood parents. when the day and night are equal.
to celebrate or commemorate an Some methuselahs are so old they pre- It takes place in September in the
event, holidays hold traditional date even the Julian calendar, making Northern Hemisphere and March in
the Southern Hemisphere.
18 2
chapter five: cult construction
A Letter from Laylah Froud of the Bahari
I’ve been thinking a lot about last week’s discussion on the differences between a witch
and a priest, how each has different duties and methods. While I agree with you that the
witch grows and prunes and the priest codifies, I think there’s a great deal more fluidity
between the two roles than you allow. I am well aware that the Church of Set requires,
well, set roles for all things, but there is no reason a priest couldn’t receive visions or a
witch couldn’t set canon.
I suppose it’s our difference in upbringing, so to speak. I know the Church has the
Order of Taweret, what I would call a Bahari sect within the Church itself. As a fol-
lower of Lilith, I find myself at home with your witches in the Order, the Kindred who
mix growth and law. In a sense, you could say they are the counterbalance to the larger
church, the life to your god of death.
(Let it be known, of course, that I do not revile Set in any way. Set is simply a
new frontier, held by a masculine-presenting force, that I have yet to explore!)
I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on the subject. I know you’re busy,
so take your time in getting back to me.
Yours sincerely,
Laylah Froud
Methods of The Desperate purpose, and a family. It’s an appeal-
Recruitment ing prospect to a Kindred in pain.
Kindred existence is often a The leader who can take away pain,
With a combination of charm lonely affair. Ennui grows, causing even for a moment, earns true loyal-
and intimidation, a recruiter taps a vampire to become bored, listless, ty in return.
into a person’s fears, hopes, and and disillusioned. After someone
dreams, and lures them into a belief has fallen in love with someone or The Driven
system. Be they the desperate, the something, only to see it die with
driven, or the indulgent, vampire age, repeatedly over centuries, it’s Some Kindred join cults not
cults capitalize on those in search of understandable for a vampire to fall out of desperation but out of drive.
something more than a solitary life into despair. It’s a muted existence They seek to join a group larger than
provides. wrought with atrophy. themselves either for protection, ca-
maraderie, or power. They play the
For these individuals, a Kindred game and they play it well, rising
church can provide new meaning, high enough in the ranks of the cult
18 3
GROOMING, LOVE-BOMBING, AND DISCIPLINES cults are more nomadic. Rented
If you and your fellow players decide to tell a story about your coterie spaces or temporary ones fill this
being inducted into a cult, be sure everyone knows what they’re getting need. Some examples might be a
into. Read over the rules for considerate play in Vampire: The Mas- high school gymnasium after hours,
querade and use them as needed. Be ready to pull back on scenes if a rented mortuary, the backroom of
they are too much. Love-bombing is similar to partner grooming, and can a bar, or a converted slaughterhouse
be part of abuse patterns. complete with folding chairs and
linoleum floors.
If you do decide to play a game like this, consider how Disciplines could
be used to assist in love-bombing new members. Presence and Dominate Quick Cult
are the obvious ones, but what about Animalism to win over their pets Creation
or Auspex to sense their motives before they realize them? Give it some
thought — and again, be mindful of your players’ boundaries and desires.
to use it for their own ends. Drawn The Temple Below are tables for rolling up
more toward dominion than dogma, your own cult. Use these for random
they must strive to stay atop the Those who choose to call a place rolls, or pick what you like from the
proverbial ladder. their temple gather in a safe building, tables and use them as inspiration.
using it to pray, commune, or per- There is no wrong way to use these
The Indulgent form their religious rites. It’s a secure resources.
location, purchased outright and free
Finally, Kindred with beliefs, from outsiders. Most cults utilize Backgrounds
tastes, or indulgences considered remodeled buildings or churches
too deviant for polite society con- large enough to house their flock but Cultists all need certain
duct themselves in secret far from small enough not to attract unwanted Backgrounds to make sure their cult
prying eyes and always with one attention. Cults usually want to keep is functioning as it should. Below
glance over their shoulder. They are their prayers, blood rites, and other are suggested uses of the some of the
often lonely creatures, angry at the practices discrete. Temples also often Backgrounds within a cult context.
world, or view themselves as morally serve as hostels for the cult, requir-
superior. For such hedonists, certain ing multiple sleeping quarters and Allies
cults represent a welcome release daytime security systems.
and an opportunity to express their • A cult recruiter who is willing
true selves. These groups can also Historic Site
delve into the darker aspects of to take care of you when you’re
Kindred society, performing blood A historic location connected hurting, but needs you to also
sacrifices and worshiping creatures to a cult’s deity is of personal value recruit new members of the
deemed heretical to the undead to the parishioners especially if it’s cult.
community. a place of ancestral significance.
Perhaps it’s the place where their • One of the cult’s cooks who
Places of Worship methuselah was born, Embraced, or
killed. Perhaps it’s the former home has access to the food supplies
While the internet has allowed of their progenitor or where they and knives.
individuals to come together in won a great battle. Cults can view
massive numbers without actually such locations as vital to their iden- •• Two mortal cult members
ever being in the same room, cults tity, going to great lengths in order
require direct contact. Though they to financially secure them. with whom you’re close.
come in various forms, a physical
place is necessary for meetings, reli- Anywhere and Nowhere •• A landlord who is a new mem-
gious services, and emergencies.
Not every church needs a ber of the cult, who lets the
permanent location. Some transient cult get away with not paying
the rent in exchange for free
counseling and protection
from their shady past.
18 4
chapter five: cult construction
••• A new member of the cult, Influence governor or involved in the
country’s legislative branch.
who has a certain amount • (Church) The cult holds They push really hard for
of influence within the local legislation that benefits the
city’s politics. meetings at a local house of cult, and manage to get funds
worship, claiming to be a directed to the cult.
••• An established cultist, fanat- self-help group like Alcoholics
Anonymous. ••••• (Underworld) The cult has
ically loyal to the religion but
less than functional in the • (Street) The local gangs leave designated hitmen who take
outside world. out their enemies, as well as
the abandoned home the cult money launderers, spies, and
•••• A ghoul or prestigious mortal squats in alone, unless they other criminals at their dis-
need something. posal. Some of them may even
within the cult who would die be members of the cult. They
for you. •• (Bureaucracy) The cult can get control the equivalent of a big
mafia family’s territory.
•••• The cult’s elite members who forged IDs once every couple of
months for members who have Haven
will defend the organization to gotten in trouble with the law.
the hilt. • An abandoned house in an
•• (Transportation) Some of the
Contacts inner-city block. No running
cult members work as taxi water or electricity, but room
• A cultist from another branch drivers for extra money and for all of the cultists.
don’t charge fellow cultists fare.
of the order. • Tents in the woods of a na-
••• (High Society) Several celeb-
• A new member in the cult tional park, moving whenever
rities are members of the cult you’re discovered.
with a decent grasp of the and promote it whenever the
occult. cult tells them to. •• A nice two-bedroom apart-
•• A police dispatcher in a town ••• (Media) The cult has con- ment with crash pads on the
floor and a futon for cultists,
unfriendly to the cult. tacts in several local (or one and the beds for leadership.
national) news outlets that
•• A ghoul researcher with a allow them to run ads, and •• Rented space at a camp-
also be interviewed in special
sizable library on the occult, segments, on the regular. ground, held indefinitely.
willing to look things up for
you. •••• (Industry) The cult makes and ••• An apartment building full
••• The leader of another sells a product that has made of studios, with the cult’s sanc-
them a formidable force in tuary on the ground floor. The
branch of the cult, or a sec- the market. Several high-up building is managed by the
ond-in-command of the local members of the cult are also leadership.
cult. infiltrating competitors to try
and either force a merger or ••• A full campground owned by
••• A cultist well-placed in the drive them out of business.
the cult, with a lodge and tents.
city emergency services. •••• (Police) The cops look the oth- Most of the space is rented out
to families and backpackers,
•••• A celebrity who vocally er way when the cultists drive who you try to indoctrinate.
drunk or people and animals
supports the cult in a way go missing near the com- •••• A suburban development
that doesn’t damage the pound. It’s too much trouble
Masquerade. to get involved. owned by the cult, with the
cult’s center of worship either
•••• A cultist with impressive in- ••••• (Politics) One of the mem- in the community center or
housed in its own building.
fluence over the running of the bers of the cult is a regional
18 5
A Letter from Khaled al-Fakhani of the Church of Set
Honored Laylah Froud,
As much as I appreciate your views on the Walid al-Set, I think you lose
something from not having a formal education within the ranks of the faithful. There
is much to be found within the exploration of pain, but you are not bringing your
work to the great scholars and either letting it stand up or watching it crumble. To
be frank: you have no network of orthodoxy to fall back on, no one to objectively say
that your communications with Lilith have been, indeed, with Lilith. That is why you
don’t understand the priesthood.
I don’t mean to say, of course, that I disbelieve in the Typhonic Mother. Quite
the opposite. One would be a fool to think that an entity called Lilith does not exist
in some capacity. It would also be foolish, further, to think that this entity has not
been speaking to you through some means. Looking at you with enough Auspex clears
that up immediately. This letter is not about diminishing your own faith within the
Order of Taweret, but you did ask for my thoughts, and unfortunately they come
with a preamble.
Let us look at the largest religions in the world as of right now: Christianity and
Islam. Within Christianity, the largest denomination is the Roman Catholic Church.
In Islam, the Ahl as-Sunnah, or the Sunni Muslims, are almost 90% of the popu-
lation of the faithful. Why is that?
I posit to you it is the strong network each denomination possesses. You were
raised in the United States, so perhaps Catholicism will be an easier comparison for
you. The priest guides the spiritual well-being of his flock. The bishops guide their
flock of priests. The cardinals guide their bishops, and the Pope is the Shepherd
of all Shepherds, the throne of God on Earth. Doctrine is passed down from hand
to hand, solidified and codified through the repetition of the faithful. There is, of
course, personal gnosis, but you know when that revelation comes from your god —
there are hundreds of texts and mountains of theology to look to.
This brings me to my second posit: a priest is a link in this network. To keep the
faith strong and stable, to express the faith outwards and help others seek the truth
— that is the duty of a priest.
This of course does not mean that witches don’t have their faith. A priest is meant
to pull from the theology and canon set down by other priests before him. So it is in
Catholic Christianity with the Bible and papal letters and bulls, so it is in Sunni
Islam with the hadith and the Quran. A priest is a conduit for the faith as it is. A
witch goes into the spirit of the faith itself and pulls out new meaning for herself
18 6
chapter five: cult construction
and others. She may not always be listened to — she may even be a heretic, and
burned for it, as so many were — but a witch wields the power of the faith and
grows it, whereas a priest tends to the faithful and the doctrine. A faith that is all
witches is a philosophy, a faith that is all priests grows stagnant.
I hope this helps with your confusion. I remain, as always, your faithful friend.
In Set’s shadow,
Khaled al-Fakhani
•••• A mountain lodge with cabins. Full ameni- •••• A vampire Osiris who can find you teachers, al-
ties, so long as the members of the cult behave lies, contacts, and other useful people and things
themselves. in and connected to the cult.
••••• A massive house of worship situated downtown ••••• A vampire within the inner circle of the cult, who
in a major city. There are public spaces, of course, has taken you on as a special project. Their com-
but the private spaces are heavily locked down bined resources and connections are formidable.
and controlled.
••••• The Kindred behind the cult, who sees more use
••••• A network of comfortable safehouses throughout
for you than others do.
the country, all heavily decorated with cult ico-
nography and things that can be used as weapons. Cult Names
Each safe house has an alarm system.
Naming things, especially groups, can be extreme-
Mawla ly difficult for even the most experienced storyteller.
Below is a mix-and-match table of cult names. Add or
• A Kindred cultist, one step above you in the remove prepositions and conjunctions, and pluralize as
Church of The Light Journey
• A vampire who has been studying the cult from
Congregation of The Darkness Pilgrims
the outside.
People’s The Garden Service
•• A vampire well-practiced in recruiting for cults.
•• A vampire who holds title in the cult and the First The Three Angels Slaves
local Kindred government. Heaven’s Caine Servants
••• A Kindred member of the cult who has magical Children of Lilith Bound To Serve
aptitude and has taken a shine to you. Family Arikel Worshipers
••• A vampire who used to belong to the cult, and Temple of Ishtar Disciples
still knows many of its old secrets. Dominion of Absimiliard Faithful
•••• A Kindred member cultist with wealth, influence, People of Haqim Apostles
and magical aptitude who will teach you some of Garden of The Crone Witches
the mystic secrets of the cult.
Tree of Veddartha Saints
City of Tremere Citizens
Earth’s Zhao-lat Corpses
Death’s Saulot Spirits The Promised Immortality/ Secrets
Servants of Enoch Freedom Immortal
Slaves of Irad Revolutionaries House of Spirit/Spiritual Coven
Lilith’s Zillah Lovers Pilgrims of Saint Covenant
Caine’s The Lovers Warriors Saint Purity/Pure Circle
The Abyss’s The Martyr Soldiers Shepherds of Mourning/Mourn Rebirth
General Dancers of/in Morning Sect
Repentant Ennoia Children Blessing of Evening Religion
Penitents of Malkav Literalists United Midnight Union
Precious Ravana Scholars One Daybreak Consecration
Community of Set Gardeners Two Resurrection Bond
Songs of Troile Singers Three Open Healers
Order of Brujah Dancers Four Special Brethren
Local Ilyes Teachers Five Chosen Fraternity
Disciples of Al-Mahri Warlocks Six Sacred Sorority
Fundamentalist Nergal Of the Garden Seven Holy In Silence
World Ninmug Of the Abyss Sunrise Royal In Suffering
Unification Loz Of the Light Sunset Imperial In Love
Mission of Lucian Of the Undying Valley of Suffering In Truth
At the Heart of Mekhet Of the Word Society of Empathic In Beauty
Fiat Laodice Of the Umbra Holy Service/Serving In Knowledge
Fidelity of Dracian Of the Roses The Way of Kingdom Triumphant
International Temple Of the Mother Sacred Principality Princes
Society of Consecrated Nation Saints
Yearning for Group Home Of the Father Bound Shining In Blood
Foundation for Candlelight Of the Blood Happy Repentant Family
Ancient Mystical Vigil Prayer Neo- Wild Blood Brethren
Order of Cainite Raging Movement
Apostolic Malakai Guardians Kindred Untamed Philosophy
Brethren of Insight Of Enoch Ghoul Fallen Army
Darkness Song Of the Second Shadow of Silent Heathens
City Covenant of Reborn Heretics
Cyber- Blood Of the Third City Traditional Welcoming Proclaimers
Esoteric Promise Of the First Traditions of Warm Believers
Garden Syncretic Cold Society
Insight Sin Of the Second Heretical Golden Anonymous
Garden All Silver Order
Monastic Order of Redemption Of the Third Circle of Scarlet Identity
Garden Alliance of Dark Theism
Movement of/to Prayer Devotions Reformed Pale Anchorites
Moral Worlds Fundamentalists Saints Crystalline Mystics
Blood of Martyrs Community Council of Final Mediums
Hands of Thorns Church Marriage of Apocalyptic Psychics
Nation of Knives March
The New Ashur Promises
18 8
chapter five: cult construction
Gateways to Starlight/Starlit Celebrants/ Colors Authority, Darkness, Death, Elegance,
Celebration Formality, Power, Sophistication, Strength
Final Umbra/Umbral Thought Black Coldness, Emotion, Honor, Integrity,
Beginnings of Singing Universal Blue Loyalty, Melancholia, Peace, Trust, Water
Home of Quiet Academy Brown Confidence, Earth, Endurance, Nature,
Antinomian Still Reason Gold Reliability
High Low Transcendence Green Achievement, Success, Triumph
Grey Balance, Calm, Growth, Honesty, Money,
Symbols Orange Nature, Relaxation, Safety
Purple Intelligence, Neutrality, Seriousness,
While not every church has a symbol, many do, Red Tradition
and the following tables offer some basic meanings Communication, Creativity, Optimism
for colors, objects, and creatures. Storytellers and Silver Elegance, Imagination, Magic, Mystery,
players can use them in combination to create a quick White Royalty, Sophistication
flag, crest, or icon as well as incorporate them into Yellow Action, Ambition, Anger, Courage,
rituals and practices. For example, a cult dedicated to Determination, Energy, Love, Passion,
peace and integrity might use a combination of doves Romance
in blue and white, while a cult dedicated to war and Emotions, the Moon, Mystery
victory might showcase a ram and arrow in black, red, Innocence, Peace, Perfection, Purity,
or gold colors. Winter
Comfort, Cowardice, Energy, Impatience,
18 9
Objects Star Fame, Inspiration, Majesty, Spirit, Triumph
Sword Defense, Protection, Safety, Security,
Air Communication, Imagination, Intelligence, Strength
Perception, Travel Water Intuition, Life, Purification, Reflection,
All-Seeing Eye Higher Knowledge, Inner Vision, Insight, Transformation
Spiritual Sight Wheel Change, Destiny, Fate, Luck, Motion
Apple Immortality, Knowledge, Luxury, Peace, Wings Flight, Release, Weightlessness
Sexual Awakening Wreath Conquest, Success, Triumph, Victory
Arrow Flight, Knowledge, Masculinity, Mortality,
Power, Swiftness, War Creatures
Bell Signals, The Expansion of Consciousness,
The Mind, The Voice of God Bear Healing, Introspection, Strength
Book Education, Faith, Knowledge, Learning, Buffalo Courage, Endurance, Sanctity
Secrets Butterfly Hope, Resurrection, Transformation
Caduceus Authority, Harmony, Health, Infinity, Crow Death, Prophecy, Wisdom
Medicine, Supernatural Forces Deer Gentleness, Nobility, Power
Candle Benevolence, Life, Light, Truth, Vigilance, Dove Peace, Tranquility
Wisdom Dragon Luck, Nobility, Power, Strength
Chalice Communion, Femininity, Forgiveness, Eagle Divinity, Integrity, Nobility
Sacrament, Sharing, Water Elephant Loyalty, Power, Stamina, Strength
Circle Femininity, Magic, Perfection, Protection, Fish Fertility, Purification
Sacred Space, Unity, Wholeness Fox Agility, Cunning, Intelligence
Compass Balance, Direction, Perfection, Spirit, Time Griffin Boldness, Courage, Strength
Crescent Moon Dreams, Intuition, New Beginnings Lion Leadership, Nobility, Strength
Crown Authority, Loyalty, Power, Royalty, Mermaid Emotion, Independence, Mystery,
Superiority, Wealth Perceptiveness, Seduction, Untamed
Earth Dependability, Material Wealth, Mouse Emotion
Orderliness, Prosperity, Sustenance, Ouroboros Innocence, Scrutiny, Survival
Egg Wisdom Continuity, Eternity, Motion, Purity,
Feather New Life, Resurrection, The Moon Owl Rebirth, Renewal, Wholeness
Air, Balance, Communication, Flight, ice, Phoenix Fertility, Magic, Mystery, Wisdom
Fire Truth Rabbit Immortality, Resurrection, Victory
Anger, Creativity, Destruction, Ram Fertility, Serenity, Virtue
Fruit Knowledge, Transformation Scorpion Force, Glory, Innocence, Power
Earthly Pleasure, Overindulgence, Snake Death, Protection, Transformation
Heart Sexuality, Temptation Creation, Death, Power, Transmutation,
Horseshoe Charity, Compassion, Love, Mercy Sphinx Wisdom
Hourglass Fortune, Good Luck, Protection Spider Guardian, Riddles, Wisdom
Key Death, Rebirth, Time Tiger Construction, Divinity, Femininity, Patience
Access, Freedom, Initiation, Spiritual Power, Protection, Royalty,
Ladder Knowledge Unicorn Unpredictability
Ascension, Fulfillment of Potential, Harmony, Innocence, Integrity,
Lotus Flower Transcendence Wolf Purification, Truth, Wisdom
Lightning Bolt Beauty, Enlightenment, Purity, Reinvention Education, Guardianship, Instinct, Loyalty
Boldness, Energetic Action, Power,
Mirror Salvation, Strength
Scepter Awareness, Gateways, Reflection
Scythe Authority, Control, Royalty, Wealth
Shell Collection, Death, Harvest, Loss, Ruin
Journey, Pilgrimage, Resurrection
19 0
chapter five: cult construction
Basic Cult Descriptions • A cult of ghouls who take a blood sacrament. They
are all unbound to any one Kindred and swear
Use these as the basis of a cult and build from allegiance only to each other.
there. These descriptions do not include any mechanics,
so feel free to customize them as you like. • A cult of singers who meet in unlit places at night
• A Bahari cult. They grow urban gardens and pro- to placate Oblivion with their songs.
vide job education for mortals, but they are also • A cult of elders who only drink blood from those
notorious for their less-regulated “education.” with True Faith, in hopes this will cure their curse.
• A heretical Ministry sect. They believe that Set’s
murder of Osiris was not necessary, but is some- • A cult dedicated to the three angels who visited
thing that needs to be atoned for. This cult has Caine: Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. They hope
its fingers in various funeral homes and performs to be forgiven one day and raise their Humanity as
strange rituals on the dead. high as possible in order to do so.
• A Gehenna cult. They believe the Red Star event is
a reminder of things to come. • As the cult of the three angels above, but they seek
• A cult of Arikel. Consisting of Toreador and their to destroy or diablerize the three angels.
loveliest ghouls, this cult dedicates itself to physi-
cal perfection, reasoning that the struggle to attain • A cult of personal transcendence that is really just
the highest form of aesthetic attraction reflects a front for seeking out ideal candidates for the
itself in the soul. Ministry Embrace.
• A cult of Oblivion. They practice various shadow
arts and blindfold themselves to worship. • A Brujah cult based on the Cult of the Supreme
• A cult of vampiric reason. Based on the writings of Being, with Troile as the Supreme Being. Virtues
Dr. Netchurch, they seek out the scientific explana- include honesty, physical prowess, and purity of
tions for vampirism and vampiric Disciplines, and intent.
perform horrific experiments on nonbelievers.
• A cult of the Typhonic beast. They run under- • A cult that seeks to corrupt society at the highest
ground fight clubs and sell highly-trained human level through needless things and billionaires’ fear
combat ghouls, but also rescue dogs. of the poor.
• A cult completely made up of humans who worship
a Ventrue elder. They take “business acuity” classes • A UFO cult that believes the antediluvians were
and dress in rigid business formal every day. beings from another planet or a higher dimension
• A teenage cult. They talk a big game about sacrific- and not the childer of the biblical Caine.
ing animals to Satan, but honestly they love their
cats too much. Their leader is very disappointed. • A cult of news nightcrawlers who sell the informa-
• A cult that runs a vegan pop-up restaurant to find tion they gather to flood the media with material
clean blood for their rigorously health-conscious to help fill time and distract from vampire life.
undead members. They obsess over the coverage they get and feel
• A sex cult with regular masked orgies. touched by humanity from the stories they share.
• A cult of Ravana. Its members practice strange
uses of Presence and Obfuscate alongside other • A cult of former sun worshipers who miss dearly
Disciplines in the hopes of finding a way to bring the light they once loved so much. They work to
him back. recreate their precious sun-soaked days with white
linen outfits, bright lights, and sandals.
• A cult of personality around a single vampire. He
gives his worshipers occasional blessings or gifts,
but mostly the cultists serve him in any capacity he
• A group of vampires obsessed with eating (in the
mortal sense) even in unlife. They go so far as to
willingly make themselves sick eating normal food
just to get the taste. Less extreme members mix
alcohol and herbs with their blood, or deliberately
feed off people who have been fed strong-tasting
• A cult of neonate vampires who worship the thrill
of the hunt. They dress impeccably and treat feed-
ing like British nobility treat foxhunting.
• A cult of vampires who worship the 1950s nuclear
family and go so far as to have mock wedding and
birth ceremonies. They’re extremely gendered and
insist they draw power from that binary.
• The Patmostine Order believes the Gehenna event was
the evangelical Christian Rapture, and that no one was
found worthy. They work to prepare Kindred society to
be saved, whether they like it or not.
• The Diamond Thunderbolt is an all-Kindred order
that practices self-sacrifice and self-abnegation to
bring forth a rain of “spiritual nectar” to bless and
uplift the souls of humanity. They are divided as to
whether or not this will extend to vampires.
• A mysterious Nosferatu cult that believes it is their
mission to mutate humanity to a higher state of being
through disease and culling of weakness. Some of their
more fanatical members also create blood plagues.
• A cult of blood dolls who dress modestly and
bleach their skin. They believe they honor their
undead gods by doing so.
• An Anarch cult that tries to find the common
thread in all human religions. They seek to free
themselves from the Beast by rigorous study and
unlocking the riddle of unfettered spirituality.
• An offshoot of the Church of Set, populated mostly
by members of the Clan of Death. They perform
elaborate rituals which follow the journey of Osiris
and Sutekh through the underworld, sometimes even
sailing on literal rivers in total darkness on flimsy
• A wild, hedonistic mystery cult of blood dolls and
ghouls who dance themselves into unconsciousness
so their regnants can feed on them. They say they
have visions from the ecstasy.
• A Gangrel cult whose members sacrificially and
nonfatally immerse themselves in sand, the ocean,
swamps, and other natural features to meditate.
• A cult that only has one member in every city.
They are meant to represent Caine, wandering in
the wilderness with no friends.
chapter five: cult construction
• A Bahari cult that follows the Revelations of the • A ghoul who tortures misbehaving human cultists.
Dark Mother to the letter. They believe Lilith wants She’s very pleasant to talk to when off the job.
the unworthy dead, and so they steal knowledge
and kill those who held it. • Members of a revenant family who act as sextons
and housekeepers for the cult.
• A Banu Haqim cult that focuses on hand-to-hand
combat. Their philosophy suggests that is the only • A human celebrity who talks up the cult on day-
way to truly grapple with your demons. They dia- time TV. Somehow he maintains his charisma.
blerize everyone they kill.
• A single middle-aged human woman who flirts
• A Clan of Death cult whose members spend all of their with all of her fellow cultists and then shares their
time preparing mortals to become powerful wraiths secrets with the leadership.
once they are inevitably destroyed by outside forces.
• A grandfatherly type with a violent streak.
• A vampire cult that ghouls only children to keep • Children of human cultists. They have wide eyes
them in their state of innocence. They almost ex-
clusively feed off these children. and are constantly on alert.
• A human who keeps a vampire’s schedule, drinks
• A cult of Tremere who worship Thaumaturgy as its
own entity. They feel blessed to be chosen by the blood, and only eats raw meat. Their hair is falling
god they channel. Other Tremere think of them as out and their scalp is swollen, but they seem happy.
fanatics at best. • A former teenage runaway who has become a prize
• A cult of twelve vampire elders who believe • A ghoul with a “sacred familiar”: a snake, a raven,
themselves to be the fallen twelve gods of Mount or something else.
Olympus. Their servitors worship them with mys- • A blood doll who plays at being modest and shy to
tery rituals and blood. be seen as worthy of being fed on more.
• A cultist at any stage of life or undeath who refuses
• A cult of Malkavians who view trauma as the only to leave the compound, citing that “they” will get
true method of growth, and so regularly perform her.
nonconsensual exposure therapy on themselves and • A human cultist who feels that the cult justifies the
others. They have keen Auspex senses that reveal conspiracy theories she clings to.
strange beings. • A human member of the cult who ran away, came
back, was punished, and holds her faith closer than
• A ghoul cult within the Church of Set that practic- ever.
es snake-handling. • A ghoul and a vampire who are deeply in love. It’s
unclear who was in the cult first, but one of them
Sample Cult Members pulled the other in.
• The cult’s online recruiter who is not particularly
Below are a smattering of potential members of good at his job — he uses too much jargon.
your cult. Whether human, ghoul, or vampire, they are • A human who holds down odd jobs when she’s
all devoted to the cause. not working for the cult for free. She doesn’t get
enough sleep and her eyes are bloodshot.
Mortals • A ghoul who “collects” foster children to induct
into the cult. Some of them go missing.
• A ghoul who does the cult’s laundry and is private- • The human Sunday school teacher who takes care
ly a deep fanatic. of the children and liaises with the adults.
• A human blood doll who wears his multiple sacrifi-
cial scars with pride.
• A human who manages the weapons storage for the
cult. She says she’s former military, but the branch
keeps changing.
19 3
• The ghoul chef who cooks for own. Some might be ghouls, some devoted, maybe even heretical,
the humans of the cult and might not be, it’s difficult to but she is still part of the cult
looks down on them. determine with the naked eye. and she is treated either like
royalty or with resentment.
• The human former therapist Vampires • The former Primogen who
who constructed the cult’s struggles with letting go and
regimen of love-bombing and • An ancilla cultist who recently letting her faith carry her along
gaslighting. joined after escaping their abu- with the cult’s practices.
sive sire, she has all the desper- • The cult’s resident vampire
• The former investigator who ate zeal of a new convert. pyromaniac and fire-dancer.
tried to remain detached but • A member of the Ministry who
fell into the cult’s arms. • A neonate who was Embraced seems to link the cult to the
into the cult and knows noth- story of Sutekh at every op-
• A human who claims to be a ing else. portunity. Leadership tolerates
psychic and medium. Maybe she him.
is, maybe she isn’t. Her “chan- • Twin Malkavian neonates who • A vampiric spiritual counse-
neling” is always incoherent and refuse to be farther than ten lor who practices Oblivion to
esoteric. feet away from each other at all lend an air of legitimacy to her
times. sessions.
• A ghoul who always seems to • A self-abnegating neonate who
get blamed for the problems in • A Toreador who has taken a strives for both physical and
the cult. vow of silence. spiritual perfection in odd and
concerning ways.
• The husband of a human cult • A Tremere ancilla who only
member who seems terrified believes in practical research, Sample Cult: The
of everyone else in the cult. He not theory. Order of Taweret
takes great pains to be seen as a
“normal” cultist. • A former teenage runaway who Description: The Church of Set
is now an ancilla with a youthful is one of the single largest (per-
• A ghoul who only wears cloth- face and a saintly disposition. haps the largest of) Kindred faiths,
ing she’s made and will only eat spanning clans, age categories, and
raw food. • A vampire neonate who keeps political groups. It is a wealthy
notes on everything everyone institution and a powerful one, and
• A blood doll who resents any- says. some groups attach themselves to
one the leadership talks to and it out of convenience, safety, an
jealously guards her access to • A vampire from the Clan of agreement in doctrine, or a mix
them. Death who is always playing of the three. As a result, there are,
with tarot cards, ouija boards, of course, disagreements with the
• A human cultist who was born pendulums, etc. mainstream stance.
into another cult, and as a
consequence, clings to this one • A Toreador who makes the The Order of Taweret are one
as part of her adult identity. cult’s sacred icons in ex- such group. Founded by a Ba’ham
change for blood and spiritual who fled to the Church of Set for
• A wild-haired, wild-eyed older counseling. protection, the Order are nom-
human cultist who cheerfully inally followers of the Church’s
explores the darker beliefs of • A neonate who struggles with doctrine — but they focus on Lilith
the cult and talks about them the cult’s doctrine even though as Set’s progenitor, and not on Set
as though they are normal and she truly believes in its mission. himself.
fine. He occasionally has sei-
zures, though whether those are • A vampire ancilla who uses the
“normal” or supernatural, no human members of the cult as
one seems to be able to tell. personal servants.
• The animals of the cult. They are • The childe of the vampire who
very suspicious of newcomers founded the cult. She is less
and seem to have minds of their
19 4
chapter five: cult construction
In Egyptian mythology, It is extremely rare to find working together, we have a chance at
Taweret is a goddess of childbirth more than one member of the survival. I want to turn our differences
(specifically of the struggle and pain Order of Taweret in any given into collective strengths.”
of childbirth) and funeral rites. She domain. Sometimes they meet in
is a liminal goddess, and one who person, but most often they leave This group serves on diplomatic
guides humans through the two markers on sites related to mater- missions, functioning as negotiators
most potent transitions in their nity, such as hospitals and orphan- and mediators between disparate
short lives. Taweret is also repre- ages, to say whether they’re present parties. Most often, envoy cote-
sented as a hippo-woman, and the in the city or when they departed. ries form in the wake of conflicts
mother of various Egyptian gods, As Lilith and Taweret walked their between warring factions. When
including, in some cases, Set. Her paths alone, with brief respites two or more cults come to a com-
links to growth, the Underworld, for company, so too do Order promise, they sometimes task their
the river Nile, and children make members. younger members with forming
her an obvious avatar of Lilith — at such a coterie so shared service and
the very least for the hybrid Bahari Concepts: Undead midwife, common causes can transcend old
who revere her in this form. dictatorial project manager, urban grievances.
gardener/farmer, fanatical Harpy, • Domain: Chasse (•), Lien (•••)
The Order of Taweret is an odd ceremonial Elysium Keeper, graffiti
construction. While they do keep artist, millennial burnout hungry • Contacts: (•••) (mortals from
the Oath of Lilith as described in for more diverse backgrounds and
the Revelations of the Dark Mother, professions)
that is about the extent of their ad- Recommended Backgrounds:
herence to “typical” Bahari doctrine Mawla, Influence (High Society), • Resources: (••) (pooled cash and
(if anything can be described as Influence (Politics), Influence assets)
typical when it comes to the follow- (Bureaucracy), Mask, Status, Haven
ers of Lilith). Order devotees keep • Status Flaw: (•) Suspect
urban gardens, usually on empty New Coterie Possible extras: Mask (cover
lots or in their apartments. They Types
assist their Church of Set fellows identities for different domains),
in judging the ethos of humanity — Over the last two decades, No Haven (always on the move)
but through this harsh and unfor- Kindred society has experienced
giving judgment, they find those unprecedented tectonic shifts. As Think Tank
who have been chosen to walk the Anarchs are routed and as Camarilla
Path of Lilith. This is their strongest cities fall, the Second Inquisition “Okay, but I’m gonna have to see
divergence from Church orthodoxy, makes short work of wayward the books.”
the idea that those who suffer in Kindred who travel on their own.
their own imperfection can find a In response, Kindred have found Consisting of old and more
way out, instead of dying in it. strength in numbers, forming cote- established Kindred, think tank
ries for the purposes of self-interest, coteries are advisors, strategists,
Order members are spiritual shared beliefs, and mutual survival. and researchers for a given cult.
midwives, torturers, shepherds, and Within those Kindred communi- Preferably, they are a small group
psychopomps. Pain and love are ties of faith, cohorts and coteries of individuals who are part of the
both gifts to be given, and Order have taken on additional functions. membership, but leaders sometimes
members only offer them to the Cerberi, Champion, Nomad, and hire think tanks when they are
genuinely willing and able. They Watchmen coteries are common, as trying to take their faith to the next
offer spiritual counseling to mem- are the examples below. level.
bers of the Church of Set as well as
unaffiliated vampires, keep tabs on Envoys A think tank can take a small
the Church’s targets to see if any of cult and grow it into a powerful
them are worth rebuilding, and tend “We may view the world differently, entity through their expertise. They
gardens, both physical and emotion- and we may worship different gods, but tend to research the best ways to
al. They also shepherd the Embrace, recruit in a particular city, how to
encouraging it, grooming kine for disseminate information, and how
rebirth into undeath, and making to use the local laws to the cult’s ad-
the entire process ritualistic. vantage. They have almost unlimited
access to the logistical aspects of the
19 5
An Accord Between Faiths
I admit, it took me three fucking readings of your letter to read it without getting pissed.
Being told I don’t know what I’m doing is a good way of getting to me — but I think
you knew that when you wrote that letter. I would expect nothing less from a Priest of Set,
especially one who knows I prefer to learn through, shall we say, visceral methods.
I agree with you that a religion which is all witches is more of a philosophy. Some people
who read Dolium’s Revelations of the Dark Mother mistake the Bahari for an organized
religion with pointlessly sadistic methods. Those people are fools. Each Ba’ham is a witch and
a religion in her own right, her own temple and pope and sacred scripture. To destroy that is
to destroy a precious resource. A cult of Bahari is like several different sects trying to work
together on a long-term interfaith project. It can work, of course, but eventually we will leave to
seek friends elsewhere. There is only so much one person can teach us — luckily I have a
lot more to learn from you!
There is gnosis to be had here, and to be had elsewhere as well. A human can never fully
know themself and their own depths — but as vampires, we have infinite time. I mean to
learn and learn and learn until my very body is torn away and all that remains is the glory
of the garden of knowledge that I will become. I understand that priests cannot have this
experience, and for that I pity them.
A priest must be solid and stable. I cannot follow that route. I have never been able to
follow that route, and I do not look nor hope to at any point. If I am to take on an appren-
tice or an acolyte, I might do that, but then they will change in their own way, and their faith
will not be the same as mine. To see you with your childer is to watch you shaping clay, and
while that is beautiful, I would much rather be planting and growing a tree. I want to see
that life that they take on without me, without my name attached.
As always, thank you so much for allowing me a position within the Church of Set to
continue practicing and discussing my faith in safety. It means so much more to me than you
I look forward to seeing you again next Elysium.
Yours sincerely,
Laylah Froud
19 6
chapter five: cult construction
church so they can create new pro- efficiency experts, former bureau- • Haven: (•) (small office as base
cedures or policies for the benefit of crats, marketing geniuses, or ex- of operations)
the leadership. perts in a subject critical to a cult’s Possible extras: Resources
Most think tanks are • Domain: Chasse (•) and Lien (profits made from selling their
long-standing allies who have spent services), Retainers (librarians,
years working together, but some (•••) scholars)
come together for a specific task
and dissolve once they complete • Allies: (•••) (analysts, bureau-
their goal. Members of think tanks crats, soldiers, etc.)
are often procedural specialists,
The Clan of Death, Necromancers, Graverobbers,
The Family, Stiffs, Corpses, Devil-Kindred, Lazarenes
You feel it, don’t you? Just like all Kindred, you died and the living. You’ll possess a power no other vampires
and came back. But when you died, your soul resisted have the balls to harness.
a little longer than that of your neighbor. You felt the
pull of Oblivion, and it fucked you up. You struggled You’re now of a family, a clan, and a religion
with the return to the mortal shell and you’re not sure dedicated to enriching our lives, such as they are, and
you’re happy to be back. You’re less and more than all those of our mortal kin. Every member of this family is
your undead kin. You already understand what it is to determined to master death. Maybe you’ll want to stave
be dead, to experience the end, to know the fear of the off the end for your loved ones, perhaps you’ll want to
great nothingness. Welcome to the family. become a notorious necromancer and revive your dead
girlfriend, or maybe, just maybe, you’ll want to feel more
You’re one of us. You’re my cousin, his sister, and her potent than you ever did in life.
daughter. We’re connected not only by blood, and by vi-
tae, but by that first-hand knowledge of death. Consider This didn’t happen by accident, okay? You were cho-
yourself awake now? When you died, you nearly stayed sen. Keep that in mind when you feel isolated from other
dead and you’re terrified. But I bet you’re turned on by vampires. You were selected for the Embrace because
the thrill of it too. How exciting, to feel death and evade we know you’re capable of making your family prouder
it. It’s like looping a belt around your neck and jerking dead than you were alive.
off while hanging in a wardrobe, and God you want that
feeling again. It’s enticing, isn’t it, to know now you can Listen, just like every family, there’s going to be
commune with death like its your brother, your aunt, or those you see every week, some you see every year, and
your father? some you only hear of behind closed doors. The ones not
invited to parties. The black sheep. Well to some of us,
Mystery. It’s a gorgeous word. The mystery of the you’ll be one of them. But to others, you’ll be closer than
missing treasure. The mysterious Mr. X. The murder a living relative.
mystery. The mystery of life after death. The greatest
mystery of God in heaven. We’re going to accomplish so much together, you
know? You really are going to make your family proud.
You’ll work on studying and solving the darkest Do right by us and we’ll take care of you.
mysteries, and forming new, forbidden ones. You belong
to a family who want all the answers, because we’re The rest though? All those pricks of other clans and
greedy, and once we have them, we’ll use those answers sects?
against our enemies. You’ll gain mastery over the dead
Fuck them. Fuck anyone else breathing or not
breathing, if they’re not of our Blood.
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