ASCENSION THROUGH LOYALT Y, DUT Y, practice with his disappearance. The Soho cell, however,
AND SERVITUDE plans to hunt down one of Mithras’ Kindred enemies as
Compared to the Church of Set’s doctrine of ele- their sacrifice.
vation via freedom, the Mithraist view of obeying
one’s elders, taking the Blood Bond to grow closer The Blooding
to Mithras, and sacrificing oneself to form a gestalt
divine entity seems murderous, arcane, and a hell The Blooding sees select Kindred bathed in the blood
of a lot less glamorous. Despite this, many vampires of their Pater and Mithras, denoting them as elite soldiers
are drawn to structure, codified goals and meas- in Mithras’ army. Back in the old nights, Patres carefully
urements of success, and the number of stories told guarded a chalice of Mithras’ vitae for this ritual. Now,
by Patres of vampires reaching glorious levels of however, most chalices are long empty or the Pater is too
power through loyal servitude is addicting. Unlike terrified of Mithras’ enemies to remove the holy vessel
the Setites, who abandon or conceal their failures, from its hiding place. Until Mithras’ return, this ritual
the Mithraists hate the stain of failure to the degree remains in disuse.
they’ll do whatever they can to rub it out and make
it clean, including attaching a Mawla to a failed Seven Steps to the Sun
initiate until they make it. Giving up is not an option
in the Cult of Mithras. All Mithraic Mysteries follow the Seven Steps to the
The cult’s loyalty, especially within respective cult Sun, which sees the initiate rise closer to Mithras and by
cells, is almost fanatical. Mithraists have a genu- extension his solar patron. Most cells welcome mortals
ine solidarity through shared rituals, secrets, and into the lower steps, then force them into becoming
faith in Mithras as a figure to aspire to emulate. ghouls, or Embrace them as they prove their worth. On
The Blood Bond also helps enforce this feeling, of the flipside of this belief that vitae is a reward for worthy
course. mortals, all Kindred initiates automatically started as
Miles in the olden nights. The modern era saw a rush of
If a Kindred acolyte is granted the right to Embrace, Kindred joining the cult for secular reasons though, most
they do so during a fertility feast. Kindred fertility feasts seeking to be close to Mithras as Prince of London, rather
rarely host any vampire-on-vampire sex, as the chances of than out of sincere religious belief. To combat this, many
someone biting and becoming Blood Bound to another modern cells “ease” a Kindred into the cult by starting
acolyte instead of Mithras are too great. Instead the Kin- them as Corax. The Soho cell specifically did this with its
dred joins the mortals’ fertility feast, in whichever form Duskborn, not as a mark against them but rather to hail
it takes, and quietly steals their intended childe away for their potential as a rare Kindred who could walk all seven
the Embrace during the feast’s climax. steps. Hyde, and Rose’s lover and ghoul Noelle, both act
as Soho’s Heliodromi, while Rose serves as the cell’s Pater.
The Blood Equinox
Kindred initiates take an oath not to Embrace, lest
Mithraists fast in late Spring, then hold a grand they dilute their devotion to Mithras, or spend their time
feast on the summer solstice. While for mortals this teaching when they should be learning. The cult does
might mean no alcohol, cigarettes, or other drugs, for not begrudge them existing childer, and encourages the
Kindred it entails a literal fasting — feeding just enough initiate sire to recruit these too.
to keep the Beast at bay. The purpose of the summer
feast, for Kindred, is to inspire a divine frenzy which The First Step: Corax, the Raven
channels the warrior spirit of Mithras. Frenzying during
the fasting period indicates a lack of self-control, while The raven serves as messenger in the Roman legend
not frenzying during the Summer feast means the aco- of Mithras. The Corax initiate is both the recipient of a
lyte didn’t push themself far enough in spring — both message — the invitation to join the cult — and bearer of
disgrace the acolyte and, in higher ranks, might lead to a message when they’re sent to invite someone else.
a demotion.
The Raven associates with the element of air, as does
The meal during the feast can be anything from an the Pater to bring the Seven Steps full circle. Air is the
animal — bulls are popular for obvious reasons — to element of mental clarity, and of cutting bonds as the in-
mortals or even other vampires. Only Mithras may assign itiate foregoes old baggage upon entering the cult. This is
the right to Amaranth however, so the latter fell out of both liberating, as a Corax might finally flee their abusive
family, and, as cults are wont to do, isolating.
10 0
chapter two: Kindred Religions
A Kindred joining the cult in any rank must bow Pater. Leones serve largely the same task as Milites — to
to the divinity of Mithras’ blood. In practical terms this combat Mithras’ enemies — but are sent after larger and
means obeying Mithras, descendants of his bloodline, and more dangerous targets. They also serve as messengers to
the Patres who carry his vitae. Mithras’ Kindred allies, often traveling from London to
other domains with all the dangers this entails.
The Corax wears a raven mask during ceremonies.
A Kindred reaching Leo initiation must pray to the
The Second Step: Nymphus, the Bride sun nightly, though they may choose whether to pray
at sunrise or sunset. They must also recognize fire as
The bride(groom) has proven their worth and purity. These initiates build resolve by fire leaping and,
enters a spiritual bond with Mithras in a binding cere- in extreme cases, branding rituals. Their self-control
mony. The Pater leads this ceremony, and a relic takes and mental acumen becomes just as important as their
the place of the absent Mithras. The Nymphus’ task is physical prowess, and a Leo’s calm and clarity gives them
to learn all they can about Mithras’ enemies, and they a trustworthy air.
often serve as spies.
The Leo wears a lion mask during ceremonies to
The Nymphus’ element is water, symbolizing a com- show their strength and ferocity.
ing together as the initiate becomes a drop in Mithras’
ocean. Nymphi pledge their voices to Mithras by singing The Fifth Step: Perses, the Persian
or rapping during their initiation, and swear to tell no
secrets of the cult. The Perses serves Mithras in his aspect as fertility
god. They are the keepers of Mithras’ fruits, often repre-
The Nymphus wears a veil, which covers both their sented symbolically by honey, bull semen, or the treated
head and body, during ceremonies. vitae of cult elders. Mortal initiates are tasked with grow-
ing Mithras’ influence in the city, whether that means
The Third Step: Miles, the Soldier starting a new cell, financing a movie hailing the deeds of
Mithra, or doctoring a new drug that uses Mithras’ vitae
Mithras is a war god, and his chosen are soldiers. to Blood Bond mortals en masse.
Where once the methuselah scorned anyone who did not
partake in actual physical combat, passing centuries have The Persae see a division between Kindred initiates.
led the broken cult to reconsider — there is value in fight- Some are chosen for the Blooding ritual, which marks
ing investment bankers, politicians, and socialites who them as elite soldiers for Mithras. These are given an item
get in Mithras’ way. With Mithras seemingly returned, ostensibly belonging to Mithras to keep. The item is usu-
however, even Kindred armed with briefcases may be ally symbolic and false, but Persae who prove themselves
expected to pick up the sword or javelin. dedicated and resourceful find their fake relic replaced by
one of actual value.
Once a Kindred achieves initiation as Miles, they
must preserve their purity by making every kill a tribute Kindred not chosen for the Blooding are finally grant-
to Mithras — this absolves them of the moral implica- ed permission to Embrace, so long as they immediately
tions of the kill, and bestows Mithras’ blessing on them. bring their new childe into the cult. No one but Mithras,
However, they must not kill if the target would make an and any Patres he wishes to tell, knows what criteria de-
unworthy sacrifice. termine the difference between the two classes of Persae.
For mortal initiates this stage is represented by the When Mithras still ruled London, Persae killed by
element of fire, and they are branded with the mark of his command. The cult provided them with anything they
Mithras. While this used to be an actual fire brand, mod- needed to leave the murder site unscathed, from alibis to
ern cells opt for a tattoo bearing Mithras’ symbol. For secret identities. If that failed, Mithras would still par-
Kindred, however, earth represents the soldier’s element don them — though he preferred to maintain plausible
and they are reburied before emerging as a Miles. deniability.
The Miles wears a wreath, which represents both The Perses carries a sickle during ceremonies to
Mithras’ blessing and dominion over them. signal their task of growing Mithras’ crops.
The Fourth Step: Leo, The Lion The Sixth Step: Heliodromus,
the Courier of the Sun
The Leo represents purity. They must never act out of
individual interest and, in recognition of how confusing The Heliodromus relays Mithras’ commands — of-
the world can be, have most of their actions dictated by a ten as given by the Pater — to the rest of the cult. They
suggest new initiates, determine who Mithras. All Patres are Cainite, and standing Prince does not abide by
is worthy to rise in the Seven Steps, worthy mortal Heliodromi are Em- Mithraic worship.
and help the Pater select enemies for braced upon their elevation to Pater.
bull running. As the Patres are all The Pater seeks out Mithras’ enemies, The Pater bears a ring and a staff
Kindred, the few mortal — though mortal and Kindred alike, and sets to represent their authority over the
usually ghouled — Heliodromi also the rest of the cult upon them. They cell and fealty to Mithras.
serve as the daytime face of a cell. also choose areas ripe for the Myster-
ies to expand, whether kine slowly Mithraeum:
The Heliodromus is also respon- return to ancient pagan religions, or Edinburgh
sible for preparing the summer feast, the Beckoning leaves Kindred search-
whether they’re a mortal bringing ing for spiritual guidance. An old faith in an old city, the
fruits and the occasional sacrificial Cult of Mithras is nevertheless new
bull, or a Kindred bringing mor- They also guard the vitae of to the domain of Edinburgh. Long
tals and the occasional sacrificial Mithras, given to them in a vessel to under the control of Brujah and
Kindred. All Heliodromi, Kindred use in Blooding rituals. With Mithras Toreador interests, nominally inde-
and mortal alike, are Blood Bonded absent so long now, unscrupulous pendent from the reach of Mithras’
to Mithras, and what little of the me- Patres filled the vessel with their own London even when he was declared
thuselah’s vitae the Pater still has goes vitae to Blood Bond acolytes. Mean- Prince of the British Isles, Edinburgh
to bonding new Heliodromi. while loyal Patres fiercely guard the has finally fallen to the Mithraists
last droplets they have. Many Patres following the cult’s core migrating
The Heliodromus carries a whip willingly met the sun when they north from London. Shortly before
during ceremonies, as they are an could no longer feel Mithras’ presence the Second Inquisitions systematic
extension of Mithras’ commands. following his diablerie. assault on London’s Kindred, Mithras
found a way to communicate with
The Seventh Step: Some Patres take charge of his Seneschal and cult Pater, Roger
Pater, the Father/Mother entire nations, while others claim de Camden, and commanded him
only cities. Some lead cults directly, to take the cult’s elite with him to
The Pater (occasionally Patre) and others stand alone following the
oversees a Mystery cell as deputy of religion’s fractures. Mithras expects
Patres to become Princes if the
chapter two: Kindred Religions
Edinburgh and set up a new regime in CULT OF MITHRAS CONVICTIONS
the Scottish capital. Never one to re- The Cult of Mithras’ adherents firmly believe in the benefit of order and
fuse his god, de Camden did just that. aspire to control. Mithras is one of the grandest examples of a vampire
Kindred the world over are hearing who was able to straddle the line between god, vampire, and emperor,
the tale of how London’s Kindred fell and with his dominion over Britain for a millennium, he exercised influ-
to the Second Inquisition, but none ence on a scale rarely paralleled within Cainite society. Many Mithra-
are speaking about how Edinburgh’s ists, in emulation of their god, attempt to uphold the same Convictions as
Kindred fell to the Mithraists. Mithras:
• Always have a say in the governing of your domain
The invasion of Edinburgh was The Mithraists may operate openly or in secret within Kindred society, but
swift and bloody. De Camden and they are compelled to influence the domain government in some mean-
his cohort didn’t take the time to ingful way.
negotiate their presence or opt to • Never abandon your allies
exist in exile. The cult had long kept Brotherhood and sisterhood within the cult is important. You are never
Edinburgh — and a couple of other alone when you are a member of the cult.
potential domains — as possible • Accept no disparagement of Mithras’ name
cities for retreat. They observed Mithras is your god, and through his will you fall under his protection and
every Edinburgh vampire, keeping prosper from his benevolence. If you hear of anyone insulting Mithras,
mental notes on practices, habits, you must draw their blood.
and havens, so when it came time to • Always put the weak in their place
take the city they could do so with Weakness does not deserve a place in Mithras’ church. If you find a
minimal resistance. While some of cultist to be weak, beat them, hector them, and ridicule them until they
Edinburgh’s Kindred survived the on- improve. If you find a weakling outside the cult, make sure they’re aware
slaught, no vampires of title escaped of their lowly state so they might better themselves.
with their unlives. • Protect the pregnant / newborns / fresh Embraces
Mithras is a fertility god, and his cult advocates the protection of the
Edinburgh is a display of what young and pregnant. This is not through altruism; Mithraists should protect
the Cult of Mithras can do when and cultivate the herd.
challenged. The cult is an army wait- • Immediately punish chaos and misrule among your
ing for orders, and whenever they
receive them, they strike with little servants
reservation. Now, the Cult shows The cult can only function if the hierarchy remains in place. Accept no
what a traditional Mithraic domain rebellion among your servants. Punish it severely.
is all about: competence, reverence,
war, and fertility. Under de Camden’s manipulated mortal interests were and drainage, want to show other
command, the Mithraists Embrace severed and replaced with the grip of Kindred how service to Mithras can
fledglings into their ranks, showing those trained, practiced, and capable enrich existence through duty and
them that true power lies in the of doing so with the same discretion purpose. They want others to see
hands of vampires willing to fight for Mithras used for a millennium across how being warriors in a surviving,
their existences. De Camden declared an entire country. millennia-old army is glorious. The
the city Camarilla — though the Mithraeum de Camden’s cult have
Justicars suspect this was to prevent For now, the Cult cements constructed beneath Greyfriars Kirk
the sect’s reprisals — and himself its rule over Edinburgh. De Cam- — a church in the city center — is
Prince, as there was no obvious re- den isn’t interested in murdering open to all who would partake of the
placement for the fallen one. The city every non-Mithraic vampire in the cult’s vitae in search of enlighten-
has swiftly changed from one where city, as every court needs peasants, ment, with the promise than as the
old vampires pursue petty aspirations yeomen, and traders. He and the cult rejuvenates and spreads, these
toward wealth and influence, into rest of the former London core, new converts will find positions of
one where Mithras’ might deserves numbering around a dozen vampires power in other domains.
regular worship and sacrifice, so you with firm influence over different
too might benefit from his hierar- mortal sectors, including police,
chy and spread your reach to other telecommunications, and city transit
domains. In many ways, it’s shaping
up to be the perfect Camarilla city, as
the fingers of vampires who callously
10 3
Perspectives has its Difficulty increased by two, or suffers a four-dice
penalty in contests. The Difficulty cannot rise above 7.
Queen Anne Bowesley: Usurper. Cannibal. Coward.
She got what she deserved. The Unconquered Sun’s throne must Duration: Passive
remain empty until his return.
Level 4
Hecata: In one hand I hold a coin, in the other a blade
that stabs into my flesh. The Hecata have served this cult so Ancestral Dominion
loyally in times past, but just as soon bite the hand that feeds
them. I know we will not admit any Kindred with the name Amalgam: Blood Sorcery 3
“Giovanni” in these nights. Vampires of great age and potency find it possible
to exert their will via the Blood, without the traditional
Clan Tremere: Mithras has long hated the Tremere, need for eye contact and verbal communication with
almost as much as he despised the Church of Set. We believe their target. This power enables a Kindred to compel a
they are intent on destroying our cult once and for all, to rid descendant to take an action on their behalf, even if it’s
themselves of a potential enemy. Maybe what we need to unify one the target would normally be opposed to. Vampires
us is a good, active enemy. instinctively know an ancestor is manipulating them,
when subject to this power.
Clan Ventrue: Are they truly the Clan of Kings? Cost: One Rouse Check
Certainly, they seem to spawn more leaders than any other Dice Pools: Manipulation + Dominate vs. Intelligence
clan. And yet, these modern nights have seen them fall into + Resolve
a horrible trend of white-collar rulership. Long gone are the System: On a successful roll of Manipulation + Dom-
nights where a Ventrue deserved the title of “god,” excepting inate, the victim acts to fulfill the dominating vampire’s
Mithras, of course. request, providing it doesn’t entail harming themself.
For every generation beyond the first one separating the
The Church of Set: Our greatest enemies. Fire to our user of this power from their target, the resisting vampire
water, chaos to our order. Do not suffer a temple to this god to gains an additional die to their roll. For example, when a
exist in a city where you hold dominion. Fifth Generation vampire attempts to use this power on a
Seventh Generation descendant, the Seventh Generation
New Powers descendant gains one die in defense. An Eighth Gener-
ation descendant would gain two dice. If the number of
The Mithraists possess some unusual powers connect- dice in the resisting vampire’s pool would exceed ten, the
ed to their fallen god-emperor, in some cases passed down power automatically fails. On a total failure, the vampire
through Mithras’ vitae, in others taught by vampires of cannot use this power on that target for the remainder of
higher rank within the cult. the chapter.
Duration: Whichever comes sooner: until the com-
Dominate pelled action is taken or the scene ends.
Level 2 Fortitude
Slavish Devotion Level 4
Amalgam: Presence 1 Shatter
Those already under the mental dominion of the
vampire find their minds strengthened against interfer- Requirement: Toughness
ence from other Kindred. When a fist hits concrete, it’s usually the fist that
Cost: No additional cost breaks. So it is with this power, where a vampire turns a
System: Any attempt to mentally coerce a character
already under the influence of the vampire’s Dominate
10 4
chapter two: Kindred Religions
blow against the one delivering it. This power has been The Children of the Angel are certainly one of the
known to break weapons and shatter bones. most open and popular of the Kindred religions, and it
is easy to see the attraction. However, the draw goes far
Cost: One Rouse Check deeper for some and the rewards can be far more life
Dice Pools: Stamina + Fortitude vs. Stamina (+ For- changing.
titude, if the attacker is attacking unarmed and possesses
Fortitude) The Nephilim don’t just offer perfection; those who
System: Anyone who makes a successful Brawl attack have served the cult the longest embody it without excep-
against the user suffers the damage which Toughness tion. Kindred whisper of cultists whose appearances alter
subtracts (see Vampire: The Masquerade p. 258) as Super- as they make more and more trips to their local temple.
ficial Health damage. Melee weapons also suffer reflect- Their skin becomes clear, soft and radiant. The color of
ed damage, and break once they endure their damage their eyes sharpens and brightens. Their hair becomes
modifier’s worth (unless it is holy, magical, or otherwise shiny and lustrous. Moreover, they become confident and
unbreakable). This power may only be used while Tough- self-assured within the love of the cult and its revelers.
ness is active, and can be used in response to an attack so Abandoning worldly pursuits, they turn to more aesthet-
long as the vampire has yet to use a Discipline during the ic, artistic, and spiritual endeavors, often turning over
current turn. their businesses and properties to the use of the society
Duration: One scene (or until hit) and to fund the spectacular parties their new siblings host
to celebrate their great becoming.
The Nephilim,
A large, hedonistic, sex-crazed cult full of beautiful
Children of the Angel people requires very little selling to most. However, when
one gets past the sheen of glory, the practices of the Ne-
“Our world was once perfected and it can be again. philim are found to be far from altruistic.
Cast aside your petty concerns, sleep and dream the dream of
Michael the Archangel, become one with the perfect beauty of The Unending Dream
his great vision.”
— “Annatoliya,” Bloodline of Michael, Clan Toreador The Nephilim originated in Constantinople as a
hedonistic society of Toreador directly descended from
The Dream of Constantinople is well known among Michael, the self-proclaimed Archangel. They spent their
Kindred scholars as an ideal for a perfect Kindred society. time seeking to perfect the outer beauty of the world. In
It was a goal pursued by the three rulers of Constantino- the old city, they commissioned glorious monuments, ren-
ple, known as the Trinity. When they each fell from the ovated old buildings and laid ugly slums to waste to re-
pages of history, their followers scattered and the great place them with far more pleasing aesthetics. Their quest
hope of a generation of Kindred was lost.
Lost for all save the Nephilim. Drinking the vitae of a Fifth, Sixth, or Seventh Gen-
Known to those who have encountered them or eration Nephilim conveys the Beautiful Merit, or if
to the few who actively seek them as the Children of the vampire already possesses it, the Stunning Mer-
the Angel, the Nephilim are a society that wishes to it (see Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 179 for
embody perfect beauty in all things. From art and both). If the vampire already possesses the Stunning
architecture, to the honing of the body, to refining and Merit, they gain an additional die to all uses of the
improving in whatever task they pursue. The Nephilim Presence Discipline. Nephilim vitae waives the ef-
seek to be angelic and divine in every outward respect. fect of the Ugly Flaw. These Merits are temporary,
Many shun them and curse them as hedonists and de- with the benefits fading after a chapter of the story.
generates, some see them as a Toreador plot to subvert Nephilim vitae has an unusual effect on the Repul-
the iron grip of the Ventrue on the Camarilla, and oth- sive Flaw or any Nosferatu. It does not make the
ers still as little more than a distraction for immortals vampire appear more attractive, but does convey
seeking a night of pleasure. For each Kindred who turns an additional die to all Obfuscate, Subterfuge, and
away from their promise of perfection and pleasure, Performance rolls used when attempting to look
there is always one who turns back, curious and allured like someone else. Again, this benefit fades after
by the orgies and the lavish lifestyles the members of a chapter, after which time more Nephilim vitae is
the cult pursue. required.
10 5
for perfection led to great purges of hidden war that finally brought about brazen statues of gold bearing his
the unwashed and the unworthy from the collapse of the great society itself. image. All would be reshaped in his
the streets of the city as they might Others say the influence of malefac- likeness. They began to summon to
offend the sight of the Angel. tors from jealous clans outside of the themselves the first of their followers.
benevolent guidance of the Trinity
Their philosophy of personal caused the fall. Whatever the case, The Seeds of
improvement did not entirely revolve the Dream was dashed to nothing and the Garden
around the pursuit of physical beauty. the childer of Michael fled the city in
The childer of Michael competed despair. “Take unto your lips the chalice.
among themselves to be the most Feel the blood of the Angel coursing
pleasing to their great ancestor, to It was not until centuries later through the paltry clay of your imperfect
prove they were worthy of the blood that they began, as though guided by form. Let it guide you, let it change you.”
of heaven. Within this selfish game, some hidden hand, to seek each other — Andreu La Torre, Bloodline of
many mortals and Kindred alike out once more. As the modern nights Michael, Clan Toreador
were ensnared, moved as pieces on a cast a new darkness over the world
board to enhance the image of their and consigned the old to history, the The Children of the Angel start-
Toreador masters in the sight of Beckoning summoned still more of ed as an almost exclusively Toreador
Michael. They were forbidden to fight them together. United as one for the affair and enjoyed a relatively steady
among themselves, though discord first time since the fall, the childer of pace of growth, given their pleasur-
was invited from outside their ranks Michael looked upon each other and able practices. When word began to
to test the strength of the Dream knew they were the last scions and spread of how these Nephilim could
against alternative ideals and improve the last hope for the survival of his alter and beautify the normally static
it accordingly. great plan. and unchanging Kindred, many inter-
ests were piqued, particularly some
However civil they were to each All of the world would come to of the more desperate members of
other in the open, their jealousy of recognize him for the divinity he was.
one another was beyond compare. All would bow their heads gratefully
Many believe it was partly their in the sight of endless cathedrals and
10 6
chapter two: Kindred Religions
Clan Nosferatu. Rumors persist that becomes aware of it, though Clan no better than servants or beasts of
many members of that clan who fully Toreador remain, perhaps not so burden. Only the mortal adherents
embraced the love of the Nephilim strangely, aloof on the matter. who attend a temple but have not
have reverted to a more human ap- been inducted fully into the faith are
pearance, albeit still ugly in com- With word of these glorious mir- beneath them; such kine have not yet
parison to vampires of other clans acles spreading, the Nephilim have earned a place within the Basilica.
and the divinely beautiful Nephilim gone from a petty underground orgy
themselves. society to a well-established religion All of those mentioned are in a
in their own right. far loftier position than that in which
The seeds of this rite lie in the those outside the grasp of the Nephil-
Blood Bond to a true Nephilim, a The Basilica of im are viewed. While they treat others
descendant of Michael. Imbibing the the Archangel with a form of kindness and attempt
vitae of a Kindred separated from the to attract them into the Temple,
Angel by no more than three Embrac- The Children of the Angel, de- those who have taken the blood of the
es will beautify the drinker, subtly spite their chaotic appearance, exist Nephilim into their unbeating hearts
altering their physical appearance to in a strict social hierarchy that feeds see those who have not as little more
an angelic form. Their skin softens down from Embrace to Embrace. than ugly, unworthy stains on the per-
and takes on a glow, their eyes glisten They refer to this as the Basilica, fection of the world. If they show no
and imperfections and blemishes represented by a segmented drawing interest in improving themselves, then
fade. Their teeth become the purest of a cathedral’s facade. Occupying they are not even worth sneering at.
white and gleam in the light, and the apex of the Basilica are the true
their bodies become toned and lean. Nephilim themselves, direct descend- Lex Sanctorum
While this is a poetic way of saying ants of the Archangel separated from Decis Angelorum
that, essentially, “it makes you look him by no more than three Embraces.
nicer,” the fact that it can even make Below them are the frescoes and art- Known usually in short form as
the usually monstrous Nosferatu ap- work adorning the Basilica’s frontage, the Lex Angelorum, the Law of the
pear more like they did as mortals is a their own childer. Not true Nephilim Angels is the only code that matters
great attraction, and the clan does its as they do not carry the blessing of to the Nephilim. It is learned by rote
best to stifle such rumors. Michael within their very vitae, none- by all members and they can recite
theless they still bear his legacy into its seven tenets at a whim. They are
Due to the price of each drink, the modern nights and the knowledge as follows:
the Nephilim and their servants keep of the modern world back to the • Thou shalt obey the Children of
the secret power of their vitae hidden true Nephilim. Below this stratum
from outsiders. Those who submit stand the pillars of the Basilica, the the Angel in all things
themselves willingly to the Nephilim adherents brought in from outside of • Thou shalt not sow discord
are certain to become little more than the Blood of Michael. They feature
adoring slaves in their great plan. both Toreador converts and those of among thyselves
It is not just their faces and bodies other clans, save for the Nosferatu. • Thou shalt tolerate not the ugly
that change; they lose all thought The lowest members, columns, are
of their own personal pursuits and the ghouls and mortal servants of nor the wicked in the sight of
become almost mindlessly obsessed Nephilim. Nosferatu adherents are the Nephilim
with pursuing the goals and desires the foundations of the Basilica, rep- • Thou shalt seek to bring all into
of their Nephilim overlords. Unlike resented by the steps leading up to it. the light of the Angel
other Blood Bonds, it seems to be a Their Blood prevents them from ever • Thou shalt not compromise the
servitude that cannot be broken by attaining the true beauty demanded perfection of a Tabernacle or
the mere passage of time and many by the Nephilim. However, they have Temple
who have been forcibly separated at least chosen to walk the path of • Thy Angel is thy savior, revere
from their masters for even years at a penance for their great sins against above all the one who brought
time continue to cry out in the night the beauty of the world. They are you into the light
and beg to be returned to their side, the foot soldiers, spies and some of • Thou shalt not expose the nature
often calling out the name of Michael the most firebrand preachers of the of Angels to the mortal world, lest
or Mary. Nephilim to outsiders, but within thee be purged by the fires of day
the cult itself they remain second
The thought of their entire clan class members and are often treated
falling prey to this predation disgusts
and terrifies any Nosferatu who
NEPHILIM CONVICTIONS Temples and tabernacles are
Michael’s children focus predominantly on self-elevation and experi- always renovated and constantly kept
ence, maintaining a veneer of civility and class despite many of them be- clean to an obsessive degree. When
ing egomaniacs or lust-driven degenerates. Maintaining their Humanity the nightly debauch is concluded,
would be a challenge, without Convictions allowing them to justify some foundation members immediately
of their behaviors to themselves: set to work preparing the premises
• Always obey Michael’s direct descendants for the following night. Column
Michael’s vitae is divine. Never deny the will of his children; they are your ghouls continue this work by day and
saints. ensure the place remains in pristine
• Do not consort with the hideous condition inside and out. To fail the
Ugliness has no place in the cult or your existence. Avoid disfigurements, inspection of a temple’s curator or
disease, and ugly behavior. Hideousness is more than skin deep. There is the Nephilim inside of a tabernacle
no beauty in monstrous actions. could result in a swift end for the
• Never tolerate the desecration of a thing of beauty people responsible.
Artifacts, temples, artistic creations, and so much more require preser-
vation and development. You serve Michael by protecting these things. Rites of Pleasure
• Always cultivate your own beauty and Perfection
Your appearance and behavior are important as a standard for the cult
and in emulation of the divine founder. You must always strive to look and The most outward-facing levels
appear your best. Let nobody witness any inner ugliness. of the Nephilim are designed to
• Reinvent yourself for every audience draw wary outsiders in to progres-
So few vampires exhibit the ability to change with the times, but you will sively deeper degrees. On the sur-
be the exception. Attending Elysium in the same outfit, always speaking face, the cult seems like it wants to
with the same people, always drinking from the same blood doll, are all help Kindred to improve themselves.
bad behaviors. Once a Kindred is deep enough to
• Delve into every sensation to expand your awareness know better, it is often too late.
Pleasing or painful, experiences enlighten us and improve our under- Their relationships with others
standing of the world. Both are important for empathy. have been severed and replaced
with attachments to other cultists.
Many of the followers of the cult night spots, fall into their hands and They fear to lose what progress they
revere these laws even above the Tra- take their places as temples of the have made into the Temple of the
ditions, though their overseers in the faith in turn. Archangel and are soon addicted to
faith do well to keep such talk within the aloof and distant leaders of the
their own temples and domains and The tabernacle within any city cult via the heady draught of their
out of Elysia. is always the seat of a true Nephilim ancient vitae.
and always receives far more atten-
Places of Worship tion and spending than any other In the most carnal and secretive
dwelling the cult operates. circles of the Nephilim organiza-
The Nephilim, when operating tion, where only the most trusted
in any city, immediately begin by The first and most sacred go, it is said the oldest among the
purchasing a suitable property which, tabernacle is the one established in Children of the Angel feed on the
once they have occupied it, they Istanbul — still referred to as Con- blood of their own followers rather
initially dedicate their time and re- stantinople by most vampires, who than the ready supply of mortals at
sources to converting into a veritable hold the old city name sacred due to their command.
Garden of Eden, fit for the nightly its association with the Trinity. The
revels of the Nephilim. They call Constantinople tabernacle is said to While the Nephilim are legend-
these locations tabernacles. Once the hold a vial of earth that soaked up the ary among young Kindred for their
cult becomes more established, other blood of the Archangel himself. Only rites of carnal lust, many of their
properties, often including popular Michael’s direct childer are permitted temples are also places where in-
within, and none are known to be struction in the arts both martial and
active these nights. aesthetic can take place. Gymnasiums
and studios are common properties
for cult members to hold or havens
for them to inhabit.
10 8
chapter two: Kindred Religions
There are those within the Children of the Angel who do not wish to share
The goal of the Nephilim is to the Dream with those who, both previously and now, only seek to cor-
enfold all the world in their arms and rupt and destroy it. These are known, among themselves, as the Angels of
guide it toward a shining and glorious Vengeance. While they practice many of the same rites as other Nephil-
future, following the vision of Michael. im, they view anyone who refuses to live within the Dream as dangerous
Some Kindred fear they can make this and a stain upon the world. While the majority of the cult’s zealots and
happen as more and more young vam- leaders are content to wait until these subversive elements either fall in
pires, seeking respite from the crushing line or can be quietly disposed of, the Angels are not content to wait. They
weight of their condition, find solace offer outsiders service only once and refusal means death.
amid the writhing seas of bodies that Rumors of ritualistic killings and group suicides all around the world,
often cover the floors of the cult’s tem- marked with a common symbol, have begun to spring up in conspiracy
ples. Many others point out that with theorists’ blogs, each one noting the image of a blood red sword with a
only so many childer of Michael to go winged crossguard being discovered at the scenes.
around, the chances of their mem- The main body of the cult dismisses any link to these atrocities, laying them
bers bringing all Kindred into blood at the door of some other crazed blood cult, likely remnants of the bestial
servitude are exceptionally small. Most Sabbat. The truth is that the cult’s leadership is well aware of the activities
see them as little more than a slightly of the Angels of Vengeance and, while they do not openly support them,
troubling distraction for the young are content to allow them to continue.
or for desperate Nosferatu seeking to More than this, the Angels of Vengeance wish to eliminate all those in-
escape some of the terror invoked each volved in the fall of Constantinople and their descendants, as well as Clan
night by their own ravaged faces. Nosferatu in its entirety. They even desire to purge Nosferatu members
of their own cult, though those in servitude to the Dream will be the last
Enemies against the wall.
The Angels of Vengeance are zealots beyond compare. To them, the
The Nephilim have not yet Dream does not need to be tested against outside beliefs, it must simply
cultivated any true enemies; however, replace them. All who question the greatness of Michael’s vision must die
senior members of Clan Nosferatu in order for the world to be beautified by his light; there is no other course.
are already eyeing the Children of the Like the flaming sword of heaven they will sweep away the unclean and
Angel with great suspicion. Others the unworthy. Only once there is not even a single thought out of tune with
whisper in the dark of what they Michael’s divine chorus will the whole world be in harmony.
might be able to do if they could get
their clawed hands on some of the Some of the cult’s members carry Without fail, mortals targeted by
Nephilim’s legendary vitae. a set of small, polished silver knives, the Children of the Angel for mem-
which they use to draw blood from bership are physically beautiful in the
Artifacts and Symbology vessels or simply to cleanly cut their eyes of whichever member identifies
clothes off. They believe biting a them. They are often people working
The symbols of the Nephilim victim to feed reveals their snarling, toward some aspect of physical or
vary wildly. Most feature images of bestial nature, and should be avoided artistic perfection. The cult is also
angels or divine beings. Stained glass at all costs. extremely attractive to people who
windows, statuary and paintings have are vain, conceited or consumed with
all been commissioned by the cult’s Mortal Adherents vices of lust and lechery.
members to try to embody the majes-
ty of the Dream, but only the genuine The Nephilim do not welcome This heady cocktail makes for
conversion of the world into that mortals into their number; howev- an interesting ride to anyone in the
image could satisfy the true Nephilim er, they do welcome them into the outer circles of the cult. While some
as a symbol of Michael’s radiant glory. outer circles of the cult if only to of the adherents seem to have the ra-
convert them to their ways before the ra attitude of summer camp counse-
The only true image that could Embrace. The idea of living forever lors or fitness instructors, others are
be seen to represent the cult is the as a beautiful and perfect being is narcissistic hedonists or even sadists
Basilica, and it is drawn differently appealing to some. who want nothing more than to be
depending on the artist. Many rendi- surrounded by beautiful people.
tions of it exist.
10 9
Nephilim Dreams: domain each fortnight. Under his governance, the co-
Johannesburg operation zone exists to highlight the city’s beauty, and
that of the vampires within it, when forced to inhabit
A city of culture and street battles, of integration on parts of a domain and interact with individuals they’d
one street and apartheid on the next, of opulent mansions barely ever stop to observe otherwise. On one night the
in one quarter and gang-invaded tower blocks in another: Nephilim might set up a cooperation zone on Constitu-
Johannesburg is more than an Anarch domain — it’s a tion Hill, and on the next occupy the Mandela Museum
permanent warzone between Kindred, kine, and other, or the shanties in Soweto. To entice other vampires, the
stranger creatures, and the Second Inquisition have yet cult makes it clear everything in the cooperation zone
to even touch the surface. In the thick of it, the Nephilim is to be sampled freely, whether in the form of art or
have dreams of making this city a new bastion of their sustenance. The half-dozen Nephilim in Johannesburg
faith, but it’s an uphill struggle. They view Jo’burg much keep the peace at these gatherings, pushing the vampire
as they once did Constantinople: as a place where hun- attendees to appreciate the world around them and the
dreds of viewpoints can come together in peace and every company they’re keeping.
philosopher can reach a new state of enlightenment under
the beneficent rule of Michael, or one of his descendants. Pakourianis wants to shepherd the city’s Kindred,
Their cause is in vain, however, and their efforts may watch them, learn from them, and from their assorted
destroy the cult. views and disagreements form a philosophy that will
make Johannesburg a domain of mixed but harmonious
Under the leadership of the Toreador named viewpoints. When blended together, with some edges
Pakourianis, sometimes titled “the Dove,” the city’s Ne- shaved off and a little bit of Michael’s Dream added
philim guide the “cooperation zone” (what constitutes to the mix, he and the rest of the cult believe they can
an Elysium in this domain) to different spots in the create a new utopia for Kindred in South Africa, and
a possible template for further domains. The view is a
grand one, despite the Dove’s prejudices against all who
chapter two: Kindred Religions
are, to his eyes, ugly in personality or features, and his
consideration that they are some of the “edges” in need
of shaving.
Just as Setites and infernalists helped bring down
Michael’s Constantinople, Pakourianis’ Johannesburg
has saboteurs chipping away at his grand plan. Due to
Pakourianis’ status as a direct childe of Michael, if he
fails, the entire faith may fall with him. That is of no
concern to the Church of Caine, however, as the Gnos-
tics in Jo’burg consider Pakourianis’ cult a foul heresy.
They take exception to the view of Michael as keeper of
the Trinity, savior, or guiding light for Kindred. There
should only be one angel in their view, and that angel
is Caine. Led by a priest named Jabulani, the Gnostics
aim to poison other Kindred against Pakourianis, citing
his sire’s infamous fall, the Dove’s own predilections for
feeding from other Kindred, and stoking the existing
fires of conflict that Pakourianis just keeps below the
surface. The Gnostics aren’t above enlisting mortals to
disrupt cooperation zones so the Nephilim lose all trust.
Anarchs: Villains. Michael believed all Kindred must be Anna was the only daughter of a minor aristocrat
welcome in a domain for true enlightenment to ever exist, but and a dancer in the Russian Ballet. Her earliest memo-
I make exception for these saboteurs. They know only how to ries of childhood are watching her mother perform. She
destroy. would twirl and leap through the air in a way that seemed
to defy the laws of nature. Anna believed that there was
Camarilla: They have a strong sense of what can be nothing her mother could not do. One of the things she
achieved with application and dedication to a cause. I just wish was unable to do, however, was prevent the swelling
they had a sense of what it is to actually experience the world. discontent among the people of her country toward the
ruling classes.
Clan Nosferatu: Our gifts could lessen their disastrous
curse, if they would but listen to Michael’s words. Malachite Her father was certainly not a humble or pious man,
was of their clan, do not forget, so the Nosferatu may make but not the monster that many of those denouncing him
firm disciples yet. from their pulpits made out. He couldn’t cast down the Tsar
and undo centuries of tradition just to appease a mob.
Clan Toreador: If there truly is a clan not cursed but
blessed, it is the Toreador. To share the vitae of Michael and be- Anna remembers being scared in those nights
come ever-more enthralled by the beauty that exists and might and trying to soothe her mother’s terror by learning to
yet exist in the world is a true blessing. dance. Instead, she found herself engrossed in the music
to which the dances took place. Her father had tutors
Hecata: Their morbid fascinations blind them to the beauty brought in from around the country and Anna proved
that exists in every waking step we take through the night. Why prodigious, with a voice as clear as an angel’s bell. Her
focus on the end when the present can be so much like heaven? performances provided a stay of execution and she
became known as the “Songbird of St. Petersburg.” For
ANNA YUSUPOVA a time, publications spoke of her as the Russian Mozart,
“ANNATOLIYA” saying her music could unite the nation.
Epitaph: True Nephilim With the assassination of Tsar Alexander, it became
clear this would not be. No matter how talented she was,
Quote: “I am the last of my line. My childer will not she could not sing away the reality in her country. She
bear the blessing of the blood, but they will bear the yearned for a way to save her parents but also to heal her
promise of the Dream.” wounded nation. A vampire offered her everything she
wanted, at the cost of her life.
Clan: Toreador
Embraced: 1881 (Born 1860)
KINDRED NIGHTS: AWAKENING TO THE DREAM Greece and finally Turkey. She adopted the name An-
natoliya, in homage to the beautiful land she now called
He introduced himself to her as “a Spaniard” but she home. She lived as a hermit songbird, going from town to
came to know him as Andreu La Torre. With his exotic town, entertaining, gaining what nourishment and money
accent, devilish charm and handsome looks he seduced she could before moving on. It was a transient existence,
and Embraced the young Anna, giving her the power to but also her calling.
enthrall and entrance the crowds.
Annatoliya found her way to Istanbul, arriving at
Her abilities soared, though her parents and some what would become the first tabernacle of the Angel.
others noticed how pale she had become, and how she Something in her blood called her to enter the sanctum
was never seen during the day. Word spread among the and, once inside, bid her stay as others, including her sire,
people of the city and, before long, the Bolsheviks were began to arrive.
decrying her father as a demon worshiper who had made
pacts with devils. Those who had gathered questioned the reason why.
They discovered that they all had one thing in common:
The family home was burned with her parents inside. their link to the ancient known as Michael the Archangel.
Only Anna was spared and spirited away by La Torre As they spent their time there in contemplation, each
to his home in Spain. The journey took them across the vampire received the same vision, of a light piercing the
Eastern and Western fronts of the Great War and Anna sky, a guiding hand reaching from the past and pointing
hoped things would get better once they reached Barcelo- the way to a glorious destiny.
na. While their first years in Spain were relatively happy,
she quickly lost the interest of her sire. La Torre became “Go forth,” it seemed to say, “bring my truth to the
more interested in the politics of the city than he was in world!”
his young charge. The rising tensions of Franco’s civil war
convinced her to abandon La Torre in search of peace in In that first conclave, the Nephilim were forged.
which to live with her art. They put aside old enmities and spoke of a hope and a
restoration of what had once been. Anna would play her
It seemed war and destruction followed her; Europe part, she would be a guiding light, leading the world to
was on fire. She moved from Spain to Italy, then to the place she had always wanted to live.
chapter two: Kindred Religions
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: a test of their unity, she names the candidates and
• Bring About the Dream: Annatoliya is a true Ne- watches them closely for any violations of the Lex
Angelorum. These are her most loyal and devoted
philim, revered by the followers she has gathered to followers and would kill to earn her Embrace.
herself. She will stop at nothing to turn the whole • Prodigious Talent (Resources 2) Annatoliya acts
world into a reflection of the beauty she finds in as patron to up-and-coming talents. The cellist,
song and dance. Bertrand Phelan, is garnering a great deal of interest
• Pleasing La Torre: Annatoliya herself is still en- and attention. His performances are a big draw at
thralled by her sire and often takes on tasks, projects her concert hall and his performances elsewhere also
or performances aimed at pleasing him. She watches bring potential new recruits to her notice.
for any change in his whimsical mood and alters her KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
appearance to suit. Any she thinks are stealing away • Andreu La Torre (Changeable) La Torre has always
the spotlight he shines upon her will earn her ire. been pleased with his choice of childe, even when
• Bloodline Search: Her followers have spoken to her she struck out on her own. The problem is that he is
of Kindred known for their enchanting, perhaps often too wrapped up in his own magnificence to pay
hypnotic singing voices. Anna is interested in any much attention to her. He forgets to respond to her
mention of these reclusive and enigmatic vampires. correspondence or simply can’t be bothered. Despite
What she wants with them is anyone’s guess. this whimsical nature, he remains a core focus of her
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: quest for perfection. If he were to be destroyed, she
• Nephilim Tabernacle (Haven 4, Herd 4, Influence may lose faith in the Dream as her forebears once did.
(Artistic Community) 4, Resources 3, Retainers 4, WHISPERS:
Status 2) Anna’s haven is a large concert hall that • Solace of the Monstrous: Rumors of the mysterious
holds performances of orchestras including operas and qualities of Anna’s blood have reached the local Nos-
ballets. Its sprawling antechambers, side rooms and feratu and have set their minds racing with possibil-
backstage areas provide a fitting venue for the more ities. Some wish to submit themselves to her, others
esoteric rites of her religion. The rear of the audito- wish to take her gift by force. Such an assault would
rium is occupied by a large pipe organ over which a not be easy.
permanently illuminated, stained glass representation • Hatred of Bolsheviks: Anna’s past has made her incred-
of Michael the Archangel hangs, with a golden city at ibly distrustful of Bolsheviks. She will subtly attempt to
his back. Many of the employees of the auditorium are undermine and oppose anything that indicates support
also members of the cult. She allows its use as an Elysi- for the works of Lenin. Many observers have noted the
um if required, earning the respect of the Camarilla. color red is never in her ensemble, never part of her mul-
• Nephilim Temples (Domain 3, Herd 2, Retainers 2) ticolored hair, and absent from the décor in her haven.
The various other temples of her cult include a 24- MASK AND MIEN:
hour gym, a youth center offering various voluntary • Annatoliya is phenomenally beautiful. Even before
classes, an exclusive watersports club and a small, her Embrace she was the belle of St. Petersburg. The
family-run restaurant. The adherents who operate vitae of the Nephilim flowing inside her keeps her
these establishments are ghouls of hers, bonded to features vital and alive. Each night, she dedicates an
her will. hour to preparing her appearance. Her hair is dyed
THRALLS AND TOOLS: a multifaceted array of glittering colors that seem to
• Adherents of the Angel (Adversary 2, Herd 2, Influ- shift as she turns her head. Her body is scented with
ence 3) Through her many followers, Anna can direct bespoke perfumes that beguile those who come near
a great deal of influence in her chosen city. While she her. Everything about her is unnervingly divine, and all
defers to Princes and Primogen where appropriate, find themselves dumbfounded upon first viewing her.
those in power understand and respect her pull and • Anna’s dress changes with her mood and the situa-
her word goes a long way at court. At least one of the tion, which often makes her tardy for appointments.
Primogen of the city is growing tired of her. When she arrives, however, she is always on point for
• Potential Childer Annatoliya openly screens several the mood of the event.
of her adherents for the position of her childe. As
• Though she speaks many languages from her up- chapter. These other cults predominantly form around
bringing and travels, Anna still maintains a Russian worship of a methuselah or Antediluvian, or around a
accent. She can mimic other accents very effectively concept such as the Beast, Golconda, or the Amaranth.
if the fancy takes her. Many have fallen into memory due to persecution,
their membership being annihilated, or their long-lived
• Anna always introduces herself as Annatoliya to members simply moving on to other pursuits and phi-
Kindred. She refers to herself and is referred to as losophies. Others are localized, and so only affect their
“The Diva” by mortals. Some Kindred find her way domain, or are new to the night.
of referring to herself in the third person as rather
annoying, but others find it humorous and charming. The most peculiar of these minor cults are those that
Annatoliya acts as a weak disguise, but it has held up emerge from the pages of history without any of their
so far (Mask 1). original members. Vampires are creatures of ritual, plac-
ing great importance on ancestry and myth, yet it is an
Sire: Andreu La Torre oddity to see a religious order spring up in an apparently
random domain in worship of an until-recently forgotten
Ambition: Sing the dreamers to the Dream methuselah. Perhaps, muse some, these cults manifest
when those methuselahs stir in their torpid slumber, or
Convictions: Make the world into the heaven I worse, when they wake.
imagine; Be a worthy childe
Touchstones: Bertrand Phelan — Virtuoso Cellist;
Sandra Dawn — Sound Engineer Worshipers of the ancient Toreador named Amaran-
tha, the purported first victim of diablerie, the Amaran-
Humanity: 6 thans have existed for millennia as hunters of vampire
cannibals, operating without sectarian authority in their
Generation: 7th pursuit of diablerists. Established by Amarantha’s lovers
among Clans Brujah, Nosferatu, and the Banu Haqim, the
Blood Potency: 4 cult still largely consists of Kindred from those clans, few
of whom remain in one domain for longer than it takes
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4; Cha- to kill their target and acquire a new one. The process of
risma 5, Manipulation 4, Composure 4; Intelligence joining the Amaranthans isn’t one usually undertaken by
3, Wits 5, Resolve 4 choice, with mortals Embraced by members of the cult
immediately indoctrinated into an existence of hunting
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 8 vampire sinners. In that regard, there are few murder
cults quite so driven as the Amaranthans.
Skills: Athletics 2, Craft (Instruments) 2, Firearms 1,
Melee (Fencing) 3, Stealth 2; Animal Ken (Horses) In past centuries, the cult’s coteries would gravitate
3, Etiquette (Elysium) 3, Insight 3, Intimidation 1, toward rumors of diablerie, investigate, and then execute
Leadership 4, Performance (Opera) 5, Persuasion 3, the guilty without trial. In these nights they follow
Subterfuge 4; Academics 2, Awareness 3, Finance 3, similar practices, though many among them find satisfac-
Occult 2, Politics (Camarilla) 4, Technology (Sound tion in a secondary role as bearers of their victims’ final
Production) 2 messages, harbingers of their last wills (providing they
don’t run counter to the cult’s objectives), and have even
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 3, Presence 4 granted mercy on a handful of occasions.
General Difficulties: 7/4 Current Goals
Minor Cults The Amaranthans have been tolerated among the
dominant sects for centuries due to Kindred society’s
“And some that were burying a man, saw the rovers, and widely attested distaste for diablerie. As long as these
cast the body into the sepulcher of Eliseus. And when it had Amaranthans commit their murders quietly and move
touched the bones of Eliseus, the man came to life, and stood on, they’re creating spaces in the hierarchy previously
upon his feet.” (4 Kings 13:21, Douay-Rheims Edition) occupied by murderers, so most Kindred take the view
that they’re a kind of religious pest control. This view is
— Nuno Domingo de Madrid, Lasombra Governor of
Lima, final words
Up to a hundred Kindred cults exist in tonight’s
World of Darkness, though few are as impressive in
strength and size as those mentioned earlier in this
chapter two: Kindred Religions
gradually changing, however, since whereas the Ama-
ranthans used to primarily target Sabbat vampires, with
that sect out of the picture and the cult having no desire
to follow them on their Gehenna Crusade, they’ve since
taken out a few high-profile Camarilla targets, including
an Archon and two Princes.
The Amaranthans are dedicated to their goal even
though they know it’s one without end. If their practice
was a disincentive to commit diablerie, it surely would
have stopped diablerists by now. The current objective
of the already small cult is to survive renewed Camarilla
and Anarch scrutiny while furthering their more esoteric
aims, which if rumors are to believed, involve the dia-
blerie of some of their most dangerous targets. Supposed-
ly, the Amaranthans believe they can free or merge with
Amarantha if they can finally consume her murderer, but
that would entail consuming that vampire’s descendants,
all of whom show a similar dedication to cannibalism.
Nosferatu tell tales of the wise, beautiful childe of
their progenitor, named Yima, who was Embraced before
Absimiliard — the clan founder — was cursed. She rode
out God’s great storm and Caine’s ire through charm,
love, and honesty.
Other Nosferatu tales tell of Yima being the one
Nosferatu who stood between Caine and the Antedilu-
vian, bearing the full brunt of the clan’s monstrous bane
as Absimiliard only took a fraction of the blow. Her love
for her sire was such that she would die or be forever
mutilated on his behalf.
Rather than receiving her sire’s affection and care,
Absimiliard abandoned her to her monstrosity. Or, her
beauty so awesome in his sight, Absimiliard could no
longer bear to look upon her. The tales are contradictory,
but what is known, is Yima became the clan’s holy grail as
a figure of sympathy or aspiration.
The cult known as the Cleopatrans of Yima, or just
the Cleopatrans, formed at the height of Caesar Augustus’
Rome, with rumors of Yima spreading widely in the wake
of Cleopatra. This pharaoh, more powerful than any man,
beautiful and deadly, bewitched the Roman Nosferatu
imagination, and parallels were drawn between her and
ancient Yima.
The Nosferatu started adorning their hideous faces
and bodies with paint, baubles, masks, and elaborate
outfits, to accentuate beauty and prove their purpose as
more than horrors and lepers. The Cleopatrans selected
only the canniest wits to make their cult of advisors and
leaders, creating a bubble in time between the 1st and
4th centuries CE where Nosferatu occupied rare places
of prominence throughout Europe These vampires receive subsequent Current Goals
and North Africa. Every third visions guiding them on how to
domain held a Cleopatran in a place exploit the weaknesses of local rulers, While the Cult of Isis’ cells have
of importance. It was a rich time for with most guidance proving success- a shared name and agenda, little
the clan. ful. It seems the Cleopatras have a communication exists between the
patron, though it’s too soon to tell if religion’s various groups. There is
The Cleopatrans were only it’s Yima, a poisoning of their Blood no central authority, and hierarchy
powerful for that duration, however. sent down from Absimiliard himself, changes from cell to cell, though
With the fall of the Western Roman or some Toreador messing with each some branches emulate the Bahari
Empire, the cult dissolved, and tales of their heads for one big elaborate scale of seed, maiden, mother, and
of Yima and Cleopatra disappeared joke. matron. Though some cells restrict
with them. membership based on gender, others
The Cult of Isis find this attitude radical or outdated,
Current Goals leading to one of the only divides in
The Cult of Isis has undergone the cult that causes inter-cell conflict.
In the early 20th century Kin- several transformations in the years
dred society observed a convulsion since its founding, revering Isis as The Cult of Isis’ goal has broadly
in Clan Nosferatu, as once again the Lilith, Isis as Hathor, Isis as Mary, extended to the protection of aban-
Sewer Rats started adorning them- Isis as Aquarius, and Isis as countless doned fledglings, leading to a surge
selves as lords and ladies, perfumed, other deities or deific female figures. in Caitiff members. Unintentionally,
well-dressed, and far above the All celebrate fertility, life, and cere- its reverence of youth (in mortal and
station the Camarilla had assigned monies of joining, making them an immortal terms) and the potency of
them for the first four centuries of ostensibly strange cult for Kindred Blood has created a swell in mem-
its existence. This trend hasn’t disap- involvement, and indeed, for centu- bership for this cult, and the elder
peared, with “Cleopatras” appearing ries they’ve operated with minimal members aren’t sure how to utilize
in random domains, sometimes vampiric intervention. Only now, this new army of angry youths, who
among the ranks of resident Nos- with the open resurgence of Kin- all seem ready to fight someone or
feratu, other times as outsiders dred faith, have vampires once again something. The cult has been based
freshly visiting a staid city. As they flocked to a religion that preaches around protection and reaction to at-
did almost two millennia before, veneration for health, magic, and tacks on sacred places and people for
these Cleopatras (dropping the “n” marriage. so long, that the idea of dispatching a
as the majority don’t recognize their militia to take a site or eliminate an
cult as one of worship or lineage) From its early days to tonight, enemy is new to them.
attempt to seize roles above tradi- the Cult of Isis is a religion of
tional Nosferatu standing. For many, empowerment. The cultists don’t These nights portend interest-
their mix of self-belief, delusion, and recognize Isis as an individual so ing times for the Cult of Isis, as they
confidence is enough to put them in much as a concept, with many mor- could prove to become kingmakers or
positions of Herald, Primogen, or tals focusing on Isis as nature and domain breakers, depending on how
Sheriff. While no Cleopatras have femininity, and vampires identifying they use their swathe of new recruits.
become Princes yet, many believe it’s Isis as the meaningful, compassion-
just a matter of time. ate Embrace, and guardianship over Eyes of Malakai
sacred and magical places. In the
Kindred scholars debate wheth- latter respect, the Cult is fiercely An ancient cult of bizarre,
er simply dressing up and taking on militant, protecting with homicidal destructive belief rarely seen in the
a sound-alike epithet is enough to ferocity those areas where mages can modern nights, the Eyes of Malakai
constitute a revived cult, or a cult at more efficaciously practice their arts, are often stamped out as soon as they
all, but what none outside the most where the Shroud (see p. XX) thins, appear, usually by Malkavians driven
successful Cleopatras know is they’ve and where the supernatural struggles to oppose the cult without knowing
been receiving communal dreams, in- to exist. They disdain areas of reli- their reasons for fighting against it.
cluding images possibly sent to them gious importance, however, reviling
telepathically, of a great, gorgeous holy land and artifacts as much as The Eyes first emerged millen-
nude woman who caresses the Nos- any vampire. nia ago, supposedly as worshipers of
feratu, mending their disfigurements Malkav’s twin sister — a vampire,
with her palm, before ordering them god, or demon named Malakai. In
to take command of all Kindred. legend, Lilith Embraced Malakai,
11 6
and according to Cainite theory, believe Malakai visits these vampires recorded behaviors of the Eyes, but
she would be of similar potency and — often Malkavians — and provokes none of their actions explain their
age to her brother, were the two their existing conditions to a state of objectives.
active and stable enough to pursue permanent mania. Others guess the
singular courses. Nobody is alive to Eyes’ Blood revolts in their bodies When vampires question the
know the truth of the Malakai tales, due to their Antediluvian’s sins. It’s Eyes as to the meaning behind their
however. If she exists, she’s so old or all guesswork, however, as the Eyes new behaviors, they either lash
torpid as to be unreachable in any of Malakai don’t know why they do out or passively respond they’re
meaningful way. what they do. “the Eyes of Malakai,” apparently
lacking the capacity to conceal their
The Eyes do exist, however, and The awakening rapidly changes condition. Some vampires call them
to a single vampire, they’re terrible, the Eyes. It would be incorrect to “incarnate madness” or “infected
vicious predators with what appear consider their change a devolution vitae.” The word “Eyes” makes other
to be few coherent motivations. — some Eyes are wights, most are vampires assume these vampires
not — but they suddenly lose their are spies for someone, presumably
Current Goals sense of attachment to Touchstones Malakai, but the Eyes often enough
and fellow Kindred, and become just try to make other vampires’
Regardless of Malakai’s status entirely predatory. Some start spying existences miserable, or conspire to
or whereabouts, the vampires who on and stalking former companions, sabotage the Camarilla in a domain,
become Eyes have appeared every others hunt solitary vampires and making their ambitions something
few decades each century. These diablerize them as soon as they gain grander than just observing for a
cultists were usually presentable, the opportunity. Some Eyes make third party.
functioning members of Kindred copious notes on local Kindred
society. Then, they undergo an awak- society before burning the notes in a The Eyes of Malakai appear
ening. Some Kindred theologians ritual fire, and then throwing them- infrequently enough to become vam-
selves into the flames. These are all pire folklore, but when rumor enters
a domain of Eyes emerging to spread
ruin, it’s enough to mobilize Kindred over-feeding, or maintaining a Los Hijos de Si
into forming a hunting party. retainer for too long, making their
standards for elimination highly Los Hijos de Si, or “The Chil-
Gorgo’s Nest subjective. dren of Si,” is a Kindred cult oper-
ating throughout Peru and Bolivia
Gorgo’s Nest, the Children of Vampires in Gorgo’s Nest with a history stretching back nearly
Gorgo, the Daughters of Gorgo, or detest comparisons to the Bahari. 1500 years to its founding by Illari, a
simply the Gorgons, have pursued They maintain they are not lilin, Moche priestess of the moon goddess
a path of eliminating tyrants, and in fact their view of the Bahari “Si.” Los Hijos have been active of
murderers, rapists, and monsters is aggressive to the point of frenzy. late, quietly recruiting new members
for centuries. They only have one They hate sharing a space with the and expanding their influence. They
restriction on whom they target: lilin, and commonly war with the seldom participate in the Gehenna
they are the slayers of men. Gorgo’s cult whenever they share a domain. War or the meaningless bickering
Nest formed around the stories of These battles have gone on for cen- of the Camarilla and Anarchs, their
a Nosferatu methuselah who may turies, and Gorgo’s Nest is the cult gaze firmly fixed on the moon above
have been the Medusa of Greek leg- that has taken the most grievous as they await the soothing darkness
end or the famed Queen of Sparta, injuries in the contest. These nights, of salvation.
who was killed by a mortal hunter Gorgo’s Nest is a shadow of its
or the Nosferatu Antediluvian when former self. Los Hijos serve the Machukuna,
he tried to eradicate his childer in or “Ancient Ones,” revered enti-
a fit of rage. Whatever the genesis, The reasons behind the conflict ties from a prior age whose spirits
Gorgo no longer exists, but her between Gorgo’s Nest and the Bahari persist into the present. The cult
followers, not all of whom are Nos- aren’t widely known, but consume believes the Machukuna inhabit a
feratu, believe sincerely in avenging the Gorgons’ modern agenda. In shadowy parallel reality and were
her and using their immortality to truth, the cult split off from the born of a nocturnal age lit only by
prevent men like Perseus, Absimil- Bahari three centuries ago due to a moonlight. Their species died in
iard, and even Caine, from visiting bloody, personal feud between a Gor- fire upon the birth of the present
harm on others. gon (one of the Nest’s high priests) age, but many endure, their ageless
and a matron of the Bahari. The feud and desiccated bones concealed
There is no compassion among spread to their followers, their com- from the sun’s killing light in deep
the vampires of Gorgo’s Nest. They panions, and eventually, their wider caves and lake bottoms. Only the
have never attempted to save, aid, cults. Since then, all because of a Machukuna know their origins with
or care for victims of abuse. The disagreement over whether a mortal certainty and Los Hijos are not
vampires of this cult are almost all under the Bahari’s protection should inclined to doubt them.
of a low Humanity and disconnected be pushed into an arranged marriage
from Touchstones, pursuing the kill to a powerful nobleman, the cults The cult believes the Machuku-
above all else. Their crusade contin- have been at war. na are avatars of the moon goddess
ues when they become wights, with Si, who holds the key to escaping
Gorgo’s Nest staking members fallen Gorgo’s Nest have lost sight the Kindred’s endless Jyhad, and
to the Beast, only to release them of their initial, murderous objec- perhaps reality itself. They defend
when they can be placed in a location tive, and now persist in sabotaging the Machukuna’s ancient bones, bear
rife with male targets. Ba’ham Gardens. Vampires join their sacred word, and satiate their
the cult because they’re already unquenchable hunger for blood,
Current Goals rage-filled, so the cult directs them passion, and offerings. In return, the
against the Bahari some nights, and Machukuna provide wisdom, access
Most Kindred believe Gorgo’s men the rest of the time. When not to the potent dust of their bones,
Nest possesses a firebrand agenda, delivering death, the sorority of the and the promise they will lead Los
which is misplaced, misguided, and cult seeks to stabilize members at Hijos safely into an age where Si
ultimately destructive. This view risk of succumbing permanently to rules the skies alone, unencumbered
isn’t exclusive to male vampires, as the Beast, but this is sadly a latter by the sun.
Gorgo’s Nest dispatches killers to concern these nights. To compound
slay vampires guilty of the Embrace, matters, the resurgent Lamiae also Until recently, the childer and
go by the title “the Gorgons” and descendants of the cult’s founder
take pleasure in sabotaging this cult Illari made up the cult’s Kindred
when they can.
11 8
contingent. This changed with the salvation. A road every Hijo intends activity and have fortified the cult’s
induction of new coteries from the to walk. mines with an astonishing array of
recently vacated Sabbat strong- defenses, transforming them into
hold of Lima. These Kindred and Current Goals tunnels of death rivaling the Ama-
their mortal counterparts work ganti Warren of Brasília.
vigorously to fortify their Ma- Los Hijos’ goals are a balance of
chukuna wards against time itself, reconstruction and expansion. The As always, the cult seeks to
always present, but seldom seen. cult took significant losses in the cen- accumulate additional power, food,
They perpetuate false legends of turies where the Sabbat were domi- and security for the Machukuna.
the Machukuna, reducing them to nant in Lima, stretching its ability to High Priests Don Esteban and
folk tales easily explained away by protect the Machukuna. Illari and her Giuliana work vigorously to expand
mortals, defend their bones, and childer actively seek to Embrace new their influence among the kine,
make sure their masters are well Kindred to restore their numbers in while Illari’s childer walk unnoticed
fed, cajoling humans and Kindred addition to inducting new Kindred among the sick and poor mining
to propitiate them in return for from afar. communities of Peru, trading the
Los Hijos’ favor. vitae necessary to keep them alive in
In addition to replenishing return for a steady supply of blood
The Machukuna are the sacred her ranks, Illari places renewed when demanded. They also ensure
beyond compare, creatures of dark- emphasis on security. The Second that the miners and villagers of the
ness from a more perfect age, repre- Inquisition haunts Peru, thin-bloods hinterlands leave proper sacrifices for
sentatives of a better road forward walk the streets of Lima, and She the Machukuna and their servants.
than that offered by meaningless Who Screams in the Forest is active What the Machukuna do with ciga-
faiths, or seekers of Golconda. They in Brazil. The signs of Gehenna are rettes, liquor, and food is unknown,
are always watching, always waiting, everywhere and Los Hijos prepare but these offerings are stacked neatly
and always pushing Los Hijos to to weather the storm. Lima’s Nosfer- before their desiccated skeletons deep
greater acts of devotion, for they are atu erase electronic records of Hijo underground and vanish before the
the Si-given signposts on the road to Hijos return.
Sons and and puzzles to the lower level The Meneleans
Daughters of Helena adherents, requesting they perform
tasks on the cult’s behalf while A confused cult with no lead-
The essence of a methuselah intimating that by performing well, ership in these modern nights, the
cult dedicated to the accumula- they’ll please Helena and earn her Meneleans were once dedicated to
tion of wealth and influence, the favor. The missions they set usually rebuilding Carthage anew, revering
Sons and Daughters of Helena pay center on eliminating the cult’s the wisdom of the Brujah methuse-
tribute to their legendary icon, the enemies, obtaining or laundering lah who unknowingly founded their
vampire known variously as Helena, money, seizing territory for higher order, and fighting the servants of
Helen, Helene, or — to those few ranking members, or expanding the the Toreador methuselah Helena. In
who know her modern-nights cult. The initiates at the bottom their recorded history, the Mene-
Mask — Portia, in exchange for her are expected to dedicate their time leans read stories of the frequent
blessings, direction, and supernat- to serving Helena, send tribute up clashes between the vampire known
ural aid. Structured as a pyramid the chain, and in return — if they
of worship, adherents are lured please “her” — a nice bauble comes
in with tales of Helena being the back down. Usually this takes the
undead Helen of Troy: a figure form of the elder council recruit-
of supreme beauty, intellect, and ing other initiates to perform a
wit. They’re told tales of how she’s task for the previous group, or
survived for millennia, manipulated more rarely, the elders might send
armies to further her goals, orches- down a vial of treated, potent vitae
trated the fall of Carthage, and is with the message to “use this only
now the most powerful vampire in times of extreme duress.” The
in the USA. How much of this is vitae usually comes from the body
true is debatable, but the Sons and of another captured vampire from
Daughters use their Presence to outside the cult.
attract recruits, make their words
believable, and foster adoration To the Sons and Daughters,
from fresh initiates. their religion is a mystery cult from
which they obtain more wisdom
Helena is indeed the individ- and enlightenment the more they
ual prominent in the tales of the dedicate themselves. To anyone who
Trojan Wars, and she is the schemer delves deeper into the cult’s inner
and beauty icon her cult purports workings, it’s about as mundane a
her to be. She’s even present in cult as vampires could form. Yet, as
the United States and influences a with many con jobs, as long as the
small army of followers. However, marks don’t realize they’re being
these followers are not the Sons and milked for all they’re worth, the
Daughters, over whom she has min- sense of belonging, purpose, and
imal control and about whom she belief is enough to keep them from
has little interest. Elders of Clans slipping to the Beast. The cult’s
Ventrue, Toreador, and Brujah with dissolution would lead to many vam-
no attachment to Helena formed pires greeting the dawn in humilia-
this cult in her name to exploit the tion and despair.
myths surrounding her and profit
from fledgling gullibility. What little Helena knows of
this cult amuses her, so she’s con-
Current Goals tent to let it persist at least until
it tarnishes her reputation. If that
A vampire pyramid scheme, time comes, she’ll make a grand
the Sons and Daughters’ elder show of annihilating the elder
council sends abstract messages council and stepping in to address
the Sons and Daughters as their
grateful goddess, picking up the
cult’s devoted scraps.
12 0
as Menele or Menelaus, and his rival Aside from Helena’s cultists, the Current Goals
Helena. The two fought using thou- Meneleans had no natural enemies.
sands of mortal and undead proxies They furthered a cause of freedom The great fraud of the Menel-
for millennia before finally reach- without the vice of worshiping Set, eans was that Menele enforced his
ing the United States, where the spoke in favor of domains drenched will through his vitae. The cult op-
two reached an ostensible stalemate not in bloodshed but in under- erated so successfully, and appeared
and the war went underground. standing, and strongly believed the so uniformly altruistic, because
pathway to Golconda was through Menele wished it so. Whenever a
In part dedicated to freeing perfect assimilation into mortal cultist tried to pursue their personal
vampires from elder subjugation life. The only price was drinking a interests, he or one of his childer
and manipulation, while advocating dose of Menele’s vitae every decade. intervened to correct the course
closer bonds with the kine to help through the Blood or destroy the
ground the cultists, the Menelean Then Menele disappeared, prob- bug in the system. Undoubtedly, the
faith is one that’s not outwardly ably Beckoned, and a hundred bonds
destructive like that of many cults. snapped.
cult’s followers achieved many great it’s caused such a stir, there must least one Antediluvian.
things in Anarch and Camarilla do- be some validity to its words, right? Meanwhile, the One True
mains alike, encouraging vampires Kindred track down the community
on the cusp of becoming wights to centers, scout huts, and church halls Way’s veracity is debatable. Long-
fold into mortal society, softening advertised in the pamphlets and find term cultists exhibit a changed
a Prince’s tyranny, and influenc- themselves in the company of other persona, but this could be learned
ing the building of new cities such interested vampires, creating a sense behavior as easily as it might be a
as Milton Keynes in the United of camaraderie. After a brief wait, a radical change based on Golconda.
Kingdom and Songdo in South speaker emerges and talks at length These upper level cultists, com-
Korea specifically to cater to Kin- about the one true way to Golcon- monly titled “Ones,” appear to
dred needs. However, this was only da, the steps one must take to reach gain impressive control over their
sometimes the will of the vampires the enlightened state, and after the Beasts, extending to their direct
involved. Most of these schemes speech — sometimes accompanied by communion with the internal,
filtered down from on high. PowerPoint presentations and team hungry voice, but some Kindred
building activities — attendees are report the cultists allow their
The question many free Menel- invited to share, without judgment, Beasts to take over in unmatched
eans now ask is whether they would activities they’ve pursued that cause displays of violence and sadism.
have pursued the same goals were them shame or horror. The speaker The Ones explain the Beast cannot
Menele not involved. They also then gives guidance from the certi- be snuffed, only silenced for a time,
want to know how much control fied one true way, which promises to and that they have learned how to
Menele had over their pursuits, as help them in the future. The group release it at opportune moments. It
for all they know they could have disperses and most Kindred never so happens these opportune times
been receiving subtle pushes from return. Some, however, do. They buy always occur around the cult’s most
Menele’s dreams, or dictates from in. They take the first step on the vehement enemies.
a tyrant methuselah. The cult is in one true way to Golconda.
disarray, with their ancient grudge Servitors of Irad
against Helena’s followers even Current Goals
put to the side as Meneleans come According to Noddist history,
together and discuss how they’re The One True Way is a Golcon- Irad was the most bloodthirsty war-
going to act without their master’s da cult established by a mysterious monger of his time, his prowess on
vitae. vampire going by the title “Master of the battlefield and in commanding
Ravens,” not that many of the cult’s men earning the respect of the first
The One True Way adherents ever encounter him. He murderer, and Caine’s Embrace.
might show up to impart wisdom Irad joined the ranks of the Second
A pamphlet occasionally ap- directly if a powerful cult member Generation and led Caine’s armies
pears in haven letterboxes, tram- experiences second thoughts, or to for an unrecorded number of centu-
pled on the street outside Elysium, rally followers against an enemy ries, always loyal to his sire and kin,
or folded between two books in a that wishes to destroy the cult, but as long as the battlefield could slake
Tremere chantry. This pamphlet, for the most part he works in the his unquenchable thirst.
printed like a flyer for a Christian background.
group meeting that invites its read- Something changed in Irad
ers to “join and share over drinks The vampires who give them- when the Antediluvians rebelled
and honesty to discuss Golconda,” selves fully to this cult eventually against the Second Generation,
is titled “The One True Way,” and find the group meetings are just the however, with the handful of
has been banned in domains far first step on a program. They then accounts from vampires who claim
and wide for what Princes perceive lead their own sessions, gathering to remember the war agreeing
as a Masquerade risk, and others secrets from confessing, troubled Irad turned his armies to oppose
consider an obvious trap designed Kindred, and use them to pursue the Enoch, Zillah, and a controversial-
to lure vampires into a cult. In this cult’s ends. The Master of Ravens ly vague number of other Second
respect, the word “cult” is used with expects the cult leaders to use these Generation vampires. His motives
all negative connotations. disclosures to elevate their own sta- for doing so are unclear to this
tus too, however, as he uses the cult’s night, though some posit he felt
Perhaps due to its negative accumulated knowledge against his the Third Generation could bring
reputation, vampires seek it out. If own ancient enemies, including at him the blood he so craved in
12 2
chapter two: Kindred Religions
greater quantities than his sire and as Irad served them to drench the The Gehenna Crusade has
siblings, while others believe Caine planet in blood, the Servitors shall revitalized the Servitors of Irad,
snubbed him as nothing more than do the same. who join the fight from every
a killer, goading Irad into showing conceivable position, whether as
him what a killer he could be. Current Goals manipulators pushing political
buttons or as warriors in the field.
Whatever the case, Irad wasn’t The Servitors of Irad have ever The more philosophical branch of
exempt from the Third Generation’s waxed and waned in power and the cult wishes to consume a host of
attack on the Second, though some popularity, drawing Kindred who methuselahs while summoning their
believe he fell last, his denouement see themselves as divine killers or Antediluvian masters. The more po-
coming as a surprise after everything who lack purpose beyond destruc- litically motivated Servitors want to
he’d sacrificed for them. tion. During times of great war deal a grievous blow to the Sabbat,
between the kine, the Servitors who they feel are still rank amateurs
The cult that emerged in the emerge to ride the tide of battle at war when compared to the clan
millennia that followed openly and drive increasing numbers of founders.
claims to serve the will of Antedilu- mortals into the jaws of death.
vians, which strikes Cainite scholars During times of peace, they attempt For obvious reasons, Servitors of
as odd, given their epithet as “Ser- to provoke war or needle vampires Irad rarely declare their presence or
vitors of Irad.” The cultists respond into territorial disputes, sectarian openly recruit in peaceful domains,
that Irad is emblematic of all blood conflicts, or religious crusades. though with the Sabbat’s absence in
shed in glorious battle, crimes of They are ever on the lookout for many of its former domains, they
passion, and subtle assassinations. the grandest buffet, which inevita- look to propel the Camarilla and
The individual matters less than bly follows chaos and battle. Anarchs into a fresh conflict absent
their service to the true warmon- for so many centuries.
gers — the Antediluvians — and just
12 3
chapter three
The Cult of Death
and Undeath
“You may ask yourselves, why us? Why not any of the other sects who might embrace you to their bosom?
Ask yourself this instead, could any of those peons understand you like we do?”
— Excerpt from the introduction of the Capuchin the Anziani Council
The Clan of Death is one of the biggest cults in the Let this be the first among the many lessons you
world, dedicated to the study, manipulation, and will learn with us: It’s about the family. We keep fam-
mastery of death and the dead. It is not the only clan to ily close, some may say too close at times. It’s about
possess coordinated ambition or hierarchy, nor is it the what the family needs, not about what you want. The
only one to possess an almost religious philosophy or blood is important. It’s a lesson the Giovanni, we who
indoctrinated loyalty among its constituent members, remain, are relearning now that we are a part of — a
but what the Hecata have, is freedom. They are with- vital, important part of — the Hecata.
out sect-mates or permanent rivals. They are the only
independent clan, and therefore are well-placed as both Not many on the outside will know, or care, about
a family of vampires and cult of eschatologists to pursue the difference. Use that. To those on the outside we
their aims and tip the scales of power as they see fit. will be the Clan of Death; they might even call us Clan
Giovanni until the new or, rather, old, branding sticks.
One of Us A wise childe will use that. There is a reason our name
carries weight. No matter what you might hear from our
As spoken by Accorri Giovanni, Famiglia Giovanni of the cousins in the Harbingers, the Samedi, or even the fucking
Hecata. Recorded by Matthew Sharkey, Hecata fledgling, at Cappadocians, the Hecata, and therefore our mutual
the behest of his patron. survival, would not be possible without us. The Giovanni.
They may be the branches of this new family, but we are
Let’s get this started; I don’t have a lot of time, but I the trunk. We are still Giovanni. Even if your last name is
was “asked” to speak with you. What? You wanted to talk Dunsirn, Pisanob, or Milliner. Even if we call ourselves “of
to Isabel? Well, that’s unfortunate. The Ministry has her. the Hecata” now. We won’t forget where we came from,
You get me instead. Aren’t you the lucky childe? no matter where it is we may be going.
The Clan of Death has always some claim the terms are up soon. the importance of hiding. It just
been one of, oddly enough, change. Did you know that? By the way, I wouldn’t do to have angry ghosts
The fucking Cappadocians? Yes. I highly suggest you not bring this coming after us in public, now
did mention them. Yes, I did use an particular event up to whoever would it? And they are coming.
expletive. Now shut up and listen. you speak to from our relatives in
Take them as an example. They the Harbingers. It’s a particularly You have taken enough of my
killed themselves, we killed them, sore point and they still despise time, I should think. I am late for
they came back. the Camarilla for not having their a meeting with my childe Kay. One
backs. last lesson from your uncle Accorri.
The Cappadocians, the holder One he had to learn the hard way.
of the Clan of Death title before Hated and needed in equal One that his own uncle Diego
the Giovanni, enveloped our family measure, the Giovanni have been taught to him. Listen well: We’re all
for our acumen with the dead. We around for ages and we will be for family in the end. We don’t have to
helped to further the study of death ages to come. We can trace our fam- like each other, we can even hate
and the dead for them. We helped ily line back to the Roman Empire each other, but we are still family.
them increase both their temporal where we were known as Jovians. Remember that, nephew. Now get
power and their power over the We were skilled in the manipulation out of my sight.
dead. We have always been mer- of coin and the dead. We Giovanni
chants, either in coin or in death. have always venerated our elders Masks and
They were, in the past, advisors and and speaking to them from beyond Murder and Plot
scholars extraordinaire. We, even- the sudario wasn’t as stigmatized
tually, got tired of playing second then as it is now. We have always As spoken by Marchesa Liliana,
fiddle and decided to bite the hand kept close ties with family. Wearer of the Triple-Faced Mask, member
that fed. Literally. of the Harbingers of Skulls, now the
Now, with the tragic loss of so Harbingers. Recorded by Matthew
While you may be new to the many of our elders in the Giovanni, Sharkey, Hecata fledgling, at the behest
night, and the Hecata, even you have who are we in these nights? I don’t of his patron.
heard of us. The Venetian necroman- know. Maybe you do. Now, what
cers, the Merchant Lords, the Devil else do you want out of me? Yes, I will speak with you as I
Kindred, and less savory things as have been requested to. No, re-
well, I would imagine. Most of it is The Underworld moving my mask will not make me
true. We are all of those things and “more comfortable.” Comfort is not
more. We have been the masters of What’s the sudario? I suppose important for us. Nor should it be
the dead since before 1444. That’s the the term is heading out of vogue important for you. There is little
year our founder, Augustus Giovanni, among our young. It is the skin comfort among the dead.
wherever he is now, took the big bite between this world and where the
out of the founder, known to some dead dwell. You will sometimes You wish to know about our
as Cappadocius, of the previous Clan hear it referred to as the Shroud, branch of the family, do you? You
of Death and ate his soul. Then we in English. You will certainly learn know nothing of the Harbingers of
killed them all. Or so we thought. more about it the further into your Skulls, but I will teach you in what
Some of our cousins hold to differ- studies you wade. time I have. I shall provide answers,
ent versions of this event. Some even for the Hecata would not be with-
believe Augustus didn’t finish the job Our art has been called many out us. This all grew out of the rich
properly. things over the years, but it all soil the ashes of our hate nourished.
comes down to using our secret We must be quick about it for there
We were officially recognized ways, combined with the Blood, to are whispers beyond that there
as the Clan of Death in the form command the dead. will be a breach in the Shroud near
of the Promise of 1528. It was an Delhi soon, and I will need to be
agreement between the then nascent With Augustus no long in the there.
Camarilla and Clan Giovanni to not picture, having failed the Clan of
get involved in each other’s af- Death, and having held our many Harbinger is what they call me,
fairs. The Camarilla agreed that we enemies on the other side of the and Harbinger is what I am. We
weren’t Sabbat and helpfully turned veil captive with his power, we are the speakers to the dead and
a blind eye while we hunted down will need this art, and each other, the rulers, conveying whispers to
the “last of the Cappadocians.” The now more than ever. We are beset, and from the former and the latter,
Promise lasts into this night, but and even though we are not bound
to the Camarilla, we understand
12 6
chapter three: the cult of death and undeath
throughout the ages. We, when we IMMUNE TO THE CALL
were whole, provided counsel and Why the Hecata are immune to the Beckoning is a matter hotly debated
solace to the powerful, standing at within the clan. Some Necromancers theorize it’s because they’re the only
the side of princes, bishops, kings, line to successfully destroy their Antediluvian, but others retort Cappado-
and gods. Some of us still do even in cius went on to exist as a spectre and may still do so, so that claim is as
these nights. arrogant as it is false. Others believe the clan’s routine internal purges
have annihilated dozens or maybe hundreds of their methuselahs and
We were always a part of and elders, and this practice has resulted in insufficient vampires remaining to
apart from the Cappadocians, our call their descendants. Another faction believes the Capuchin enacted a
original clan, before our Father ritual to still — or kill — the clan’s Blood, disconnecting it from the source.
locked us away in Kaymakli, before This would go a long way to explaining the sterility in some Cappadocian
the Giovanni drank our Father and and Harbinger vitae, but could the mysterious Hecata be that powerful?
slaughtered us, before the Camarilla
turned their back on us, and before Whatever the truth, few Kindred outside the Hecata know the clan did not
the Sabbat left us behind. To ask succumb to the Beckoning, and the Clan of Death is happy to leave it that
those of the original brood of the way. The Necromancer mindset is “let them think we’re weak” as they use
Cappadocians that somehow re- their peers’ underestimation to further their ambitions.
main, we still are Cappadocian. An
argument can be made for it. Death had become as skulls. Yes, hence the Clan Giovanni who would not bend
always comes in threes, after all. masks. Thank whatever god holds after Augustus Giovanni fell to our
But, as I have told neonates before your fancy that we no longer pass this fangs, finally after all these years. We
you, and will after, my truth is that I affliction on with regularity to new made way for the new growth, a return
am a Harbinger. I am of the Hecata initiates of the Hecata. I have long to old ways, and offered the Giovanni a
now, yes, but always a Harbinger. felt it is time to move on, decay and measure of forgiveness to pair with our
renew, and the Blood seems to agree. vengeance.
I told you the Hecata would not
exist without our hate, and I meant Those of us who emerged from You neonates will carry us
it. We Harbingers hate. We are very our mass grave at the first possible forward into that future with the
good at it. We have every reason for opportunity arrived just in time to wisdom and support of the past. We
it. Masks and murder and plot. We see our Father’s favored children, come together, Samedi, Harbingers,
have nurtured that hate through his pet project, the Giovanni, drink Lamiae, Cappadocians, and even the
every stage of our existence and sur- him down and slaughter our kin. Giovanni. Death has many names
vived to see our will done. We have Some of us turned to the Camarilla and comes in many forms. Our clan
survived every purge and were the for protection, but the Giovanni has a face for every manner of death,
instruments of the latest one. When reached them first and convinced and more than I can list without
our Father locked us away in that the new sect to turn a blind eye to boring you.
vast underground city, summoning our extermination. Again, we were
the whole of the clan, not all of us left with nothing, so some of us Nevertheless, we are all
answered, though most did. Those retreated to the Underworld while Harbingers still. Harbingers of
of us that did, he found wanting others flocked to the Sabbat. what, now, remains to be seen.
and sealed his failures inside. It was
known as the Feast of Folly. Instead And then the Beckoning called …That You
of withering away, we used our that sect away to its damnable Do So Well
hate and our sadness to rip open Gehenna War. A Beckoning we do
ways into the lands of the dead and not feel. You can ask others about As spoken by Josette, Speaker for
escaped. The mysterious Capuchin why that might be. I have my theo- the Baron Samedi. Recorded by Matthew
showed us the way, or so I am told. I ries but do not have the time. Sharkey, Hecata fledgling, at the behest
have trouble remembering. of his patron.
We were adrift until the Capuchin
Not all our kin had the mastery, came back to us and presented us the Welcome, welcome. Yes, I know
but we spent untold centuries among key to our vengeance. To make us the who you are. You have come a long
the dead and found time to learn. We knife that would cut out those who way to meet with me, and travel is
found our way back, ready to take had been poisoning our Clan of Death. risky in these nights. The Baron has
revenge on the Father who hated us It is we Harbingers who took away
so. We found that our time in that the obstacles to progress, the elders of
place left its mark on us and our faces
12 7
given me leave to speak with you on know there are things that need to be deep. How do you think we found
behalf of the Samedi and he would done that others haven’t the strength the Giovanni elders in their holes?
have me tell you of us. Kreyol pale, to do. We took on the trappings we The Baron tells me this audience is
kreyol komprann. needed to get the job done. Vodun, at an end. There is work to be done.
Christianity, Noddism, and the rest.
I see you blanch at my appear- We ingratiated ourselves with the Death Always
ance. It is fine. I am used to it. We underbelly and used our power to Comes In Threes
are marked by the loa, and there are speak with those departed on behalf
so many loa these nights. Our flesh of those that couldn’t. We under- As spoken by Amr Salib, Hecata
rots, yet we abide. stand that the loa are ghosts, but not childe of an unknown Cappadocian.
all ghosts are loa. We use honey over Recorded by Matthew Sharkey, Hecata
The Samedi have been around for vinegar. We understand the deep fledgling, at the behest of his patron.
a long time, not as long as some of our secrets of the dead that even our
fellow members of this cult we call the cousins, who dismiss our knowledge I have to say, antimi, it is good
Hecata, but long enough. Many of our because of their youth, do not under- to spend some time with someone
cousins probably have many theories stand. We are here because of them. my own age, so to speak. I have spent
and stories about where we come from. much longer than I would like these
But you? All you need to know of our Augustus is gone. So many loa past years among the truly dead and
origins is that we owe our existence to are freed. There is trouble across the half-dead. My sire asked that I speak
Baron Samedi. We are his and he is his divide and so many of the loa have with you as she is still, I suppose the
own. It is by his word and the will of invited us home. best word would be, “shy.” I am to be
the loa that we are part of this, and the her bridge into the modern night. She
Hecata would not exist without the We need each other, simply put. has told me of our history and I am
Samedi. It is our relationship with the Look at me. We cannot hide in plain honored to be a part of such a storied
loa that keeps us ahead of the turmoil sight. The Hecata gives us protec- line as the Cappadocians. She teaches
on the other side of the Shroud. tion and in turn we give them our
knowledge and connections on the
We Samedi ruled the islands and other side, from the ones who rest
spread around the world, because we
12 8
chapter three: the cult of death and undeath
me much and I, in turn, get to de- EAT THE RICH
light in watching her marvel at my For centuries the Giovanni have kept tight control over the process of the
cellphone, even if she does call them Embrace through the practice of the Proxy Kiss, a process of selecting
“devil-squares.” I will now read a let- favored children from the various families under the Giovanni purview
ter she penned for you, chronicler. and forcing them to become thralls. Councils of elders have controlled
the process for a very long time, deciding who among them deserves the
“The Cappadocians have Embrace. Over time it became political and the abuse, and sometimes
known, we have always known and outright murder, of others’ prospective childer weakened the bonds of
we prepared. We didn’t flee to the trust between sire and childe.
other side. We resisted the call to This breach of trust and ensuing discontent led many young Giovanni to
Kaymakli. We threw our invitation throw off the shackles of the old ways of thought and tradition of their
to the Feast of Folly away. We did elders. They struck out on their own, and many of them made contact with
not become Harbingers. We did not the younger members of bloodlines and families who used the darker
orchestrate wars and plagues, advise arts of the dead. Who better for a necromancer to commiserate with than
Princes, and hate as they did, though other necromancers?
we understand their hate. We did not This led to long-held prejudice being challenged, and young Giovanni
become con artists, and oracles, and from every family of the clan coming together with members of the Same-
mercenaries as our Samedi cousins di, the Harbingers, and some of the more obscure lines such as Cappa-
did. We did not consume and strive docians, Lamiae, and Nagaraja who came out of the darkness to make
and barter as Augustus Giovanni and tentative contact with their cousins.
his brood did. Instead, we hid among With new perspectives came new anger, new rage. It started a fire within
the graves and the dead, as we always the Giovanni as a whole. This fire was stoked by a combination of the
have. We threw some of our brethren elders of the Samedi, Harbingers, Cappadocians, and even some Gio-
who could not see the future clearly vanni into an inferno that would burn out those in all factions who did not
into the maw of the Giovanni and we belong in the Clan of Death.
faded from memory. We studied. We
waited. We watched. And when it I can see why you’d be confused, all the fucking spectres that have
was time, we returned. Ignazio, why all of this happening been coming after all of us that have
now might surprise you. And you touched death?
The others have probably told have every right to be afraid. But this
you how each alone is responsi- is what happens when you ignore Augustus is gone. All the angry
ble for the Hecata, how it would your young and your different for so spirits he held in captivity for his
fall apart without them and their long. When punching down becomes great work, they’ve come after all
particular skills. They are all correct. a way of unlife. Sometimes they start of us. His Endless Night, his grand
This is how we survive the sects asking questions and punch back. quest to tear down the barrier
that would see us falter and fall. We between this world and the next?
will weather the fires of the Second You see, we talk. Not through It’s over. From what I hear, Uncle
Inquisition. We come together as the dead where you can hear us. We Auggie didn’t work fast enough.
the last truly independent clan, meet up in person, we chat, we gos-
because we must. The Feast, The sip, and we share secrets. Some of us The Harbingers, the Samedi,
Promise, The Reunion. Death, Rot, even dabble with encrypted emails. and those Cappadocians who es-
Rebirth. The Three Faces. Even the young Samedi, Harbingers, caped probably killed him. They’re
and Cappadocians. There have definitely killing most of your
We survived and now we be- been a few new ones in the modern generation. Kind of a nice one-two
come what we always were. nights who reached out to us. Fancy punch, huh? Did you notice how so
that, huh? And do you know what many of your contemporaries didn’t
The Hecata. The Clan of Death.” we all asked each other? We asked show up last April 4th? Or did you
why we must carry the grudges of just not talk about it like an awk-
The Family our elders. And do you know what ward mortal Thanksgiving?
Reunion we came up with great-uncle?
And your precious Promise
As spoken by Monica Giovanni of We said we don’t fucking know. of 1528? You fuckers never told us
the Hecata to her Great-Great-Uncle Besides, we had to come togeth- it had a time limit. Five hundred
Ignazio Giovanni er for protection — or did you miss years is what we’re all hearing.
Our non-aggression pact with the
12 9
Camarilla runs out, and what with kicking the Anarchs sycophants to Augustus who hated to see anyone else
out into the cold and all of the clans clustering together succeed, who hated anything new or different. You’re
under one banner or another, we had to band up. done. You failed the family and the family took note.
The young lit the fire and our grandparents came
You see, if we Giovanni were together as a family back to give us their guidance and their wisdom, and
like we should have been, we could have taken them. If the aunts and uncles who remain are stepping aside.
we didn’t shit on the Dunsirns, the Pisanob, and even Whatever is calling the elders of the other clans away
the fucking Putanesca, this never would have happened. doesn’t seem to be affecting us. But we, the young, run
We would have stood against this tide of death. We’re the show. We’ve got the energy for it. The drive. We are
Giovanni. We can do any goddamn thing if we’re togeth- all coming together. It’s our own little family reunion
er. We could have done what you elders should have and there is no place at the table for the hardliners. No
done so long ago: killed them all. But we weren’t togeth- place for you.
er. And it’s your fault. Now we’re doing it this way.
Oh, scratch that, I forgot. I did meet one
So, while we’re talking, my coterie is killing all your Cappadocian. I met the one called the Capuchin. He’s
ghouls and your favorite childe. Elders with a fucking the one who told me what you’d done to my sire. He’s
head on their shoulders from the Giovanni are finally the one who told us where to find you. He dredged up
getting the recognition and power they deserve in the our original name and gave it back to us. Hecata.
clan. The Samedi are crawling out of the woodwork
because their loa told them to or some shit and boy do Now that I think about it, Uncle Auggie did bring
they have some things to teach us. They don’t command about his Endless Night, in a way. It’s us. We are of the
their ghosts, like we’ve always been taught. They let their Hecata, now. We are the Endless Night.
loa ride them and commune. Their loa have taught us
a few new things about how the other side works. Shit Goodbye great-great-uncle.
we’ve been trying to figure out for centuries. They can
party too. The Other Side
Same with the Harbingers. They just walked over A letter from Casius Aubespin, Haiti, 1999
on that side for years and years, alternating between My Harbinger friend, you of the Mask of
running from us and attacking us from the shadows. Cerberus, I have walked as you taught me on the other
Hooked up with the Sabbat for a while too. They know side, but in my own way. The land of the loa. They
how to dig into spirits to get what they want. Even called and I took its hand and stepped into the puddle
heard that one or two can feed on a ghost. Some of ‘em and my world turned upside down. It was beautiful
can do some of that messed up shadow stuff I heard the and terrible, as you said. The land before me was bare,
Lasombra can do. They say it all comes from the same but there stood buildings I had not seen in centuries.
place, basically. I can’t tell if they’re old or not. I can’t The loa who walked with me was made of shadow
tell any damn thing with those masks. Probably for the itself, wearing the face of a child. It asked me to walk
best. Some of ‘em still hate us. Hell, they might all still deeper and I said I would.
hate us, but we can work together. We have to. It took me to a place of perpetual storm and
howling. It hurt. We did not stay long. I saw things in
And the Cappadocians? I haven’t met any of the the mist and the rain made of glass and memory that
original ones, yet, but some of their new childer. What they will haunt me for the rest of my days, and I am of the
are calling their “tethers.” They seem good, if a bit haughty. Samedi. I look like a walking corpse.
They have learned more about our dark art in the span of a The loa asked if I wished to go deeper, and I could
few years than I have in decades. Can’t wait to meet some not stop myself. I said yes.
of the old ones, but I’m sure they’re gun shy. Can’t blame We were then in a place of twists and winding
them. We did try to kill their whole clan. tunnels that bent my brain in a thousand ways. Angry
ghosts harried us, whispering sins I had long forgotten,
And you know the funny thing? Most of the rest of and the loa protected me. It told me this maze was wo-
the Kindred, from the Cams to the Anarchs to the Ashirra, ven as much to keep things in as it was to keep things
probably aren’t even going to notice anything has changed. out. It was a place of terror, and madness, and pain. The
To them we’ll always just be the Clan of Death, or the Clan loa asked if I wished to go deeper and I asked it what
of Bankers, or the Clan of Gangsters, and I’m fine with could be past this. It said, revelation.
that. They don’t care if their necromancer wears a mask, a It told me we could walk to where the light of the
white top hat, a robe, or a suit. They just want us to do our world ends and can go no further. It would take me to
thing and get out. They’ll learn in time.
So, this is happening, great-great-uncle Ignazio.
It’s the end of you fucks. You, and the rest of you
13 0
chapter three: the cult of death and undeath
the last place that exists before the end of all things. THE BECKONING AND THE BLOOD
The infinite abyss that yawns before Oblivion. Its home. Since the Family Reunion, the Blood has been acting
Its prison. strangely in the Hecata. In the modern nights, the
childer of members of the various bloodlines that
Gods help me, I said yes. And the loa took my hand the massive death cult comprises have found that
again and dropped its protection for the barest moment. several new fledglings do not suffer from the same
I, blessedly, cannot remember what I saw, for I saw curses, afflictions, and Banes as their sires. The Sa-
nothing in that place. I heard whispers, I think, whispers medi are walking corpses, the Harbingers have no
from all around. And one unending scream, stretching faces, and the Cappadocians suffer from a deathly
into forever. Cold. There was no light, no energy. It pallor and otherworldly presence that frightens the
wanted me to just give up. To let go. I have had associa- living. However, some of the childer they Embrace
tions with the Lasombra, been struck by them and their are hale and whole, albeit suffering from a bite that
shadows. It felt like that, and they describe their power does not bring pleasure, only pain. This was once
much the same. known as Lamia’s Kiss, the curse of the Giovanni,
and spreads to most new Hecata. Along with this,
The loa came back then. I asked if we were to go these new Hecata find themselves struggling to find
deeper still and it told me, no. We cannot, for past the the fires of passion. It is as though their feelings are
Abyss is Oblivion, and it wants us. It wants us all. deadened.
The elders of every clan, and even the rare Caitiff
To put it as best I can, it’s like a black hole with a of thickened blood and low generation, find them-
will surrounded by an infinite abyss (to continue the selves pulled by mysterious forces from across the
metaphor, mortal scientists would call it an accretion Earth in a phenomenon that has come to be called
disk) of infinite depth and proportion, which contains the Beckoning. Not so for the Hecata.
beings trapped there in the absence of light. Trapped Many think the Beckoning signifies the Antediluvi-
between being and non-being. It is all contained by ans calling their clans to them. That Gehenna, the
a maze so twisting and chaotic and elaborate that it vampiric version of apocalypse, is here. Elders of
almost made me mad. And above all of that a perpetual the Hecata who subscribe to this thought, espe-
storm and the echoes of cities and people and things cially the members of the Giovanni family, believe
where the dead dwell. that the Clan of Death is the only clan with a truly
dead Antediluvian. Cappadocius is said to have
It bade me return and tell my new clan about what fallen to the fangs of Augustus Giovanni in April
I saw here. I woke then this night and started to write of 1444 as the Giovanni are very keen to remind
this letter to you. I do not know what it meant by new everyone.
clan, but I find myself with one word echoing in my The Harbingers believe that there is no Beckoning
head from this dream, Hecata. Does this mean anything for the Hecata because they already had a Beck-
to you? oning in the Feast of Folly. The Clan of Death has
purged enough.
With respect, I’ll not be using that ritual again, ei- The Giovanni believe it is because their founder,
ther my way or yours. I do not know if there is any real Augustus Giovanni, is on the run and does not need
truth to what I saw, or if I failed the ritual and this was to call his children to him, as they are the ones hunt-
simply a dream, but I suggest you teach it to no other. ing him.
Some surviving members of the Cappadocian line
The Capuchin tell stories about how their founder’s soul was frag-
mented into three parts, one in Augustus, one which
As spoken by Adisa, Lilin of the Hecata, sworn to Cerena plummeted to the depths of the land of the dead,
St. Cyr, Cappadocian of the Hecata. Recorded by Matthew and one contained in a vessel, hidden somewhere
Sharkey, Hecata fledgling, at the behest of his patron. on Earth.
If this is truly Gehenna, some of the Hecata figure
You come to me to ask my patron about the it might be a good idea to find the fragments and
Capuchin? She has no time for you. You may speak to me, restore them. After all, if the Antediluvians are wak-
you bold little one. There are few better teachers than a ing, the Clan of Death should have one of their own
Gorgon, and I agree to teach you. Though I fear you may if they want to survive. And what is dead to the Clan
leave here less than satisfied. of Death, really?
Now, the entity known as the Capuchin is one
shrouded in mystery. However, the Cainite — how I
loathe that word — in friar’s robes is more active in
the night since the formation, or reformation, of the
If you ask the different families agent of some other unknowable their first Nosferatu. If it can be
of the Hecata about this creature thing. A few believe that it is simply said that Clan Giovanni has one
you are likely to receive several dif- a title traded about by several fig- thing that the other branches of the
ferent answers. Ask the Harbingers ures in the Clan of Death’s history. Clan of Death truly lack, it is brand
and he is a savior, the wearer of the awareness.
Capuchin mask. They will say he led One of the most popular
them into the Shadowlands circum- current stories is that he is direct- Clan Giovanni is considerably
venting their imprisonment in the ly responsible for the death and more populous than the other clans,
underground city of Kaymalki by diablerie of Augustus Giovanni, dominating the Hecata in terms of
the Father, the Antediluvian known the patriarch of the former Clan numbers even after the purge. It has
as Cappadocius. Ask the Samedi Giovanni, who is currently missing. been said that around half of Hecata
and he is a long-standing rival, This would make the Capuchin ac- Kindred hail from Giovanni ances-
friend, and confidante to their lead- countable for unleashing the storm try, but take it from me, those may
er, Baron Samedi. They have tales of souls partially responsible for be conservative estimates designed
of the Capuchin trading stories and bringing the Clan of Death together. to keep their new allies from feeling
knowledge with the Baron long into intimidated and outnumbered. The
the nights. Ask the Giovanni and Yes, I understand you are Giovanni are still the cocks of the
he is either a demon come to harry leaving here with more questions walk around here and that’s how
them, or a dealer in antiquities who than answers. I did warn you. it’ll stay as long as we’re smart.
once traded Vatican tomes and se- Dissatisfaction is pain of a sort, one These others are in the club, but
crets for necromantic ones. Ask the that might drive a soul forward to they’re not VIP members yet, most
dead, and the dead suddenly find seek answers. You are most welcome of them.
themselves with somewhere else to for the lesson.
be. The remaining Cappadocians are The Purge
all too happy to gossip about the The Giovanni
Capuchin’s identity, should you be Role Within the family itself, the
able to find them. shakeup has been far more widely
As spoken by Euan Dunsirn, of the felt. Without Augustus ruling the
He is a figure relatively Family Dunsirn roost, pointing out that your sur-
unknown to the younger of the name is actually Giovanni, Giovani,
Hecata, I would wager. But make Welcome to the Council, cous- di Giovanni, or whatever, is sud-
no mistake, his anonymity has only in. I know there are many here who denly not the great decider it once
ever been his ally. The Capuchin have awaited your arrival with great was. As the clan’s activities began
helps to guide the Hecata in the interest. Let us waste few of our to rotate more around the financial
modern nights and, I suppose, is precious seconds on introductions. centers of the world, the Italy-based
the closest thing we have to a leader I am Euan Dunsirn of the Lairds o’ Giovanni found themselves more
in place of that wretch Augustus, Stirling. Aye, those Dunsirns. My and more distant from where the
though it is said he listens to the Dunsirns. I’m here to give you the real business was being done. Those
counsel of the infamous pioneer of introductory information on our of us closer to London, New York,
necromantic rites and ceremonies, new alliance and our role within it. those sorts of places, made a killing;
Ambrogino Giovanni. The Capuchin literally in some cases. You’d be
is the voice in the shadow, guiding The Giovanni are, simply put, surprised how much death there
from the background. He offers the acceptable face of the Clan of is around making money. Death,
advice, the location of a rival, the Death. Of course, this seems obvi- decay, the whole lot.
haven of a traitor or anything else ous, given that we have far more
the Hecata may need. acceptable faces than our contem- As you’ll no doubt be aware by
poraries. However, the truth goes now, those of us in the outer circles
Whispers are traded around beyond that. Many of the bloodlines of the major family were suddenly
about the Capuchin like goods in an that form our new family of clans given a bigger role in what was being
open-air market. Some believe him are mere rumor among Kindred done in Venice in our name. Augustus
to be Lazarus, who was the first of society at large. Their names are was a legend to us until then. What a
Cappadocius’ direct childer to reject spoken of as bogeymen or even fucking disappointment. We could see
the invitation to the Feast of Folly. simply tall tales from fledglings what his cronies couldn’t, that he was
Some believe he is a creature from who were spooked at the sight of holding the lot of us back and that he
deep in the land of the dead or an
13 2
was the reason so many of our new- The Promise of 1528 wasn’t just oldest and most powerful bank in
found brethren were actively trying to a promise we made to the Camarilla the world. Not just one of money but
put us on the other side of the Shroud. and they made to us. It was a prom- of souls, spirits and secrets. The time
They had to go. Best not to ask how, ise that Augustus made to those of has come to sweep out the old and
it’s worked out pretty well for you. us who believed he wasn’t just a fat, bring in the new.
All that matters is that we knew new bald fool with a God complex; those
thinking was needed at the top or the of us who knew he had the knowl- The Establishment
bottom might just fall out, and some edge of the arts to maybe pull off
of us have been around long enough to what he claimed he could. But 500 Now, don’t be put off by all this
have an idea of how that pans out. years is a long time to wait to be talk of big changes and kowtowing
proven wrong and we didn’t fancy to these up-jumped necromancers.
A New Broom him as the man to secure us the We’re not kneeling to everyone with
clout we need with an increasingly a skull face and a few parlor tricks.
It might surprise you to know paranoid and fractious Camarilla They offered us knowledge and se-
that many of us had carried on un- or whatever will be left of it in the crets we’ve been working to uncover
der-the-table communications with next ten years or so. for hundreds of years but, don’t
hiding Cappadocians for a while. forget, they embraced us because of
Some of us were even hiding them. That’s when the Capuchin what we knew that they didn’t. We
Samedi were in negotiations with the turned up again. Always seems to let them think of this as a return to
Council over some artifact or other turn up at the right time, that one. how things should have been, a re-
they claimed to have, Harbingers I’ll let one of the record keepers birth of our great founder’s ancient
wanted us dead. Right? Of course, bring you up to date on what the vision or simply an end of hostilities
they only wanted some of us, the ones Capuchin is; needless to say that it’s for a common good. What it really
they stupidly thought were running a better option than the fat load of is, is consolidation. We’ve lost a
the show around here. Well, we taught nothing Augustus was offering. whole load of useless clowns from
them better and now I’m teaching you. the books and brought in people
This isn’t an empire, like he
thought. This is a consortium, a
company, a concern. This is the
13 3
who have survived against all odds and who have skills Family Business
and knowledge we didn’t have access to before.
Our new associates will be joining your concern
In return? Well, look around you. Where are we now? in the next week or so. I’ll need you to pass on the
Whose hierarchy is it they’re hoping to climb? Whose instructions as to how Hecata moving through the
house is it they’re living in… or underneath in some cases? territory can reach you; obviously they need to make
They might have brought some innovations to the table, contact with you before they go through any Princes or
but we’re the establishment. If this is a merger, we’re the whatever there is out in that featureless wilderness you
ones doing the buying. They can carry on under the um- hail from.
brella we’re holding, but they know we could take it away.
Now, remember, these new folks are a bit weird.
Sure, one of them is the figurehead now, but you’ll They’re not entirely like us. They won’t likely offer
come to understand how things work around here. Like much on the business front, in fact you’ll probably have
I said, this isn’t an empire. to keep them under wraps to some extent, but that’s
for you to deal with. Treat them right and make use of
The Family’s Goals what they bring to the table. As for your guys, they’ll be
expected to carry out the traditional roles, making sure
Now that we’ve fixed our immediate problems, we the local operation is well funded, housed and protect-
go back to work. With so much of our estate now up for ed. If you have anyone working in the arts, any proteges
the claiming, we have a whole load of childer to bed-in you happen to be molding out there, they can probably
to their new roles. The Camarilla might have questions, learn a lot from our allies. Get them working closely
but until the term expires we don’t really need to worry together — if this all goes tits up, we want to get out
about answering them, and our new situation makes us, with as much of their knowledge as we can. Until then,
I believe, the only clan in the night who is not actively we proceed in good faith. Consider them part of the
at war with anyone else. family for the purposes of Omertà. They don’t need to be
locked out of the ritual chamber and kept away from the
War, all around us. Endless, undead war. Sounds obsidian supply.
like something that might interest you, my friend? It
certainly should if you’re half the Kindred your reputa- Dealing with the Authorities
tion suggests. Wars bring two things, death and profit.
We need you and your, I’m sure, very capable progeny As for introducing your new guests to the powers
to find the ways to profit from the conflict in your own that be, you’ll need to observe the rules of whoever that
area. is. If you somehow happen to be in one of the places
the Sabbat’s still holding, they don’t seem too both-
Be careful who you trust, even among your own. If ered now the Harbingers are in the tent with the rest
they think they can step into your shoes just by bump- of us. As for the Camarilla, you’ll have to do the song
ing you off then they will. Keep their eyes on the mys- and dance with the Prince. I always liked to introduce
tery box. There’s a plan bigger than all of us out there my new Embraces and arrivals together and travel as a
and now we have the means to unravel its purpose, that group. Having said that, don’t take more than three at a
sort of thing. They’re on a need-to-know basis, got it? time to Elysium with you; we don’t want them worry-
As for you, do business with those people out there, ing about the numbers game. I hear they’re all excited
let them know that we’re still a name they can trust about how we seem to be in decline and retreat from
and we’ll work with whoever runs things wherever we some of the old strongholds. I envy you, you’ll get to see
go. We don’t take sides unless we’re attacked. We don’t the look on the old Princes’ faces when you break it to
break a deal once it’s made. We do what we say we will them that it was just a short hiatus.
Official line with them is that it’s business as usual.
That, my friend, is why our name still means some- We’re still providing the standard services in finance
thing in Kindred society. It’s the name that lives on, it’s and security as well as help in tracking down things, or
the name that people remember and it should always be childer, they’ve misplaced for whatever fee seems best
associated with promises kept. to you. Make yourself useful to them and don’t become
too much of a thorn. You know the score, you’ve been
Of course, while that’s going on, we continue the at this long enough to get a seat on the Council.
great work of the rot and the renewal. Do you think
you’ll be there when it all comes to an end? I don’t yet
know how to perceive the action of entropy on some-
thing the size of the universe, but I know when I’ll be
going at least.
13 4
chapter three: the cult of death and undeath
When the question is asked, and it will be, you it is easy to manipulate conflict without getting one’s
play it with a straight bat. This is the way things are, hands dirty, and thereby maintain a veneer of morality.
they’re part of our arrangement and always have been,
just now they’re more… what should we say… public Yes, we have a history of dealing with death. Allow
facing? You’ll figure it out. You know the local yokels me to tell you about how we function in these nights.
better than I do, I suspect. If they give you any trouble,
we’ll try to shuffle the deck a bit, can’t have you getting The Timeline
embarrassed after making the big step up. It’s always
fun to watch how a Prince reacts when the Hecata in I was never of the Sabbat, and I cannot speak as an
their domain one night are different from the Hecata in expert on their current activities. What I can tell you,
their domain the next. is the Harbingers joined the Sabbat largely in an effort
to destabilize the Camarilla, but also to punish the
No, don’t worry about it. I look after my friends Giovanni. I am often asked by younger Hecata such as
well and my family even better. And we are family, yourself, “if the Harbingers were banished to Kaymakli
right cousin? Now, I’ve got a few more people to in- by their clan founder, why were they so outraged at the
troduce you to before we can move in to the crucible. Giovanni for killing him?” The answer is complex, so I
Don’t worry about them though, you’re here to keep will explain to you, little neonate:
faith with me. Don’t you forget it. Don’t forget who put • The Harbingers were a favored Cappadocian
you here, cousin.
faction of politicos, assassins, and saboteurs well
The Harbinger Role before the Giovanni Embrace. Few could match
their mastery over widespread and intimate deaths
As recorded by Roger de Camden, Prince of Edinburgh, designed to alter the course of monarchies, em-
Pater of the Cult of Mithras, Wearer of the Death’s Head Mask pires, and the fates.
• At some point, the clan founder (or his childer)
My line — sometimes known as the Harbingers, decided the Harbingers (and other Cappadocians)
other times known as the Cappadocians, though one weren’t worthy of the Blood any more, and decided
is truly a subsect of the other, and I can say that with to banish them to the Underworld.
all expertise — should be dead. Don’t let arrogance • Some Harbingers accepted the punishment, others
convince you otherwise. If we were of any other line, fought, some never turned up for the hearing. In all
we would be naught but ashes now. cases, our resentment toward Father grew.
• The Giovanni, upon hearing how Father was
That’s the wisdom we need to retain to have a prepared to punish even his favorite descendants,
function in this new Hecata. The concept of “Hecata” made plans to guarantee their survival. Namely, his
is not new, however. If you believe our first clan name death.
was “Cappadocian” or that Father’s name was tru- • The purge commenced, starting with Cappadocius.
ly “Cappadocius,” you’re a fool. Everything changes. The Giovanni then turned their gaze toward the
Everything cycles. rest of the non-Giovanni Cappadocians.
• The Cappadocians (and some of the surviving
To an outsider looking in, the Clan of Death’s Harbingers among them) turned to their long-
hierarchy is a shambles, and never more so than in the time allies among the Ventrue and other founding
Middle Ages, when we looked like a collection of unaf- Camarilla clans for protection. The Camarilla in-
filiated scholars with a messianic father figure perched stead shut their doors to the Cappadocians, turning
over us like a vulture in a tree. What the outsiders a blind eye to the internal conflict within the Clan
couldn’t see, is we’ve always had structure. Once, it was of Death. Some Cappadocians banished themselves
schools of philosophy and later, proto-guilds, if you to the Underworld for protection, in exactly the
like. The Harbingers were councilors and saboteurs, same place Father banished their clanmates centu-
their ambition one of disruption and misrule in service ries before.
to delivering death in a myriad of ways. Plagues. Mass • (Some cynical Hecata might believe Father deliber-
murders. Sieges that led to rulers more to our liking ately banished the vampires he did to protect them
taking charge, and so on. You may ask, “I struggle to
maintain my control and only feed when I must, so
how could Harbingers even practice their trade and not
devolve into wights?” and I must point out mortal pol-
iticians, generals, and religious leaders as evidence that
13 5
from the Giovanni’s future a devastating assault on the New Blood in
actions, but that gifts an abu- Giovanni holdings in Venice, an Ancient Clan
sive, manic Antediluvian with and surprisingly, enlisted many
a great deal of foresight and young Giovanni to aid them. For a long time, the Harbingers
benefit of the doubt) could not Embrace new childer.
• The Giovanni ruled the clan So you see, this timeline (which Their vitae had gained a selective
for close to half a millennium, I believe is as accurate as any you’ll sterility after their long exile in the
before numerous Harbingers ever see or hear, though Marchesa Underworld. As decades have passed
emerged from the Underworld, Liliana disagrees on some points) since their emergence, however,
hungry for revenge. They wanted leads us to tonight. All families the Blood is once again invigor-
revenge against the Camarilla have black sheep and all families ated, and you see new members
for abandoning the clan, they have skeletons in their closet. The of the clan. Fewer take on the
wanted vengeance against Harbingers are both, and only now name Cappadocian than they do
the Giovanni too, but not for making firm bonds with their wider Harbinger, and even more classify
hunting the Cappadocians to clanmates despite historic enmities. themselves as Hecata without any
near-extinction. Remember of the bloodline confusion, but the
most of the Harbingers were How does this lead in to our good news for the clan is fresh blood
seen as failures to the wider role now, though? How does a clan now enters play.
Clan Cappadocian and they did so long kept in the dark achieve
not mourn the deaths of their relevance tonight? The kind of existence a fledg-
clanmates. No, they wanted ling or neonate Harbinger faces,
to persecute the Giovanni for We use all our old gifts. Politics. however, is an unusual one. There’s
destroying Cappadocius before Assassination. Mayhem. Epidemics. a wider gulf between this clan’s sires
they could. Choose one of the Four Horsemen and childer, in terms of age, than
• The Family Reunion took place and start riding with them. Tactics perhaps any other. Therefore, the
after the Harbingers launched that worked well in centuries gone clan commonly Embraces those with
by still work damn well now.
But a further question. How
does this apply to the fledgling
chapter three: the cult of death and undeath
a certain detachment from empathy No, the ambition of the start a war without leaving your
and compassion (though not always, Harbingers is one of subtlety. We fingerprints on the documents.
as it can make for an interesting know what the Giovanni excel at,
case study), in order to utilize these and now that we’re working togeth- Factionalism
new tools — sorry, childer — in er — except in those cases where old
ways appealing to the Harbinger vendettas cannot be settled — we It is healthy for the Clan of
ethos. That ethos being the study, come in from an opposite angle. The Death to possess factions. We
mastery, and delivery of death on a Giovanni are perfect mercenaries, were always most functional when
grand scale. independent researchers, and frank- compartmentalized, and expecting
ly, unparalleled necromancers. The a clan of individuals to march to
Not all Harbingers are socio- Harbingers are still chamberlains, the beat of a single drum is idi-
paths and murderers, however. We spies, and agitators, though these otic. Compare the Clan of Death
know as well as any Kindred how nights one might simply call them to death’s many ways of touching
easy it is to lose oneself to the Beast. — or us, as I have been granted the people. When I ask you how your
We target pathologists, surgeons, Harbinger epithet despite never loved ones died, did they all go the
soldiers who struggle to fit into having received their curse myself — same way? Or did they each have
everyday society, magnates, career advisors to Princes. their own peculiarities, which made
criminals, and yes, the religious- the events as distinct as they were
ly-inclined. Occultists these nights The Camarilla and many memorable? So it is with the faces
are hard to find, but any of the Anarchs know the Giovanni. They of our clan.
aforementioned professions tend to know what to expect. They do not
draw individuals well-suited to our know what to expect from the Plans for the Giovanni
aims. Harbingers. When we enter their
domains with secrets surrounding Let’s allow the Giovanni the
The relationship between elders undeath, the Sabbat, and their numbers and the leadership role.
and new blood within the Hecata enemies of the moment, and act They’ve held it for this long, why
is a strangely joyous sight, I must as neutral parties for mediating change now? But just as we put
admit. For so long believed incapa- conflicts… why, it’s almost as if we’re down roots in foreign domains and
ble of siring, the older Harbingers back to our old tricks, sitting beside counsel Princes and Barons, we
shower their young with care, or behind thrones. counsel our new Giovanni friends.
tutelage, and firm direction as fresh We whisper words in their ears.
vampires. This can edge into cod- For all that the Tremere are
dling, making for some frustratingly powerhouses of knowledge and I cannot guarantee the status
entitled fledglings, and has from the Ventrue are political master- quo will remain as such for long, but
time to time entered into obsession, minds, they do not know the inner what I can say is I’ve never antici-
but for the most part the sire-childe workings of the Hecata. So pose as pated such a productive future for
relationship within our clan forms Caitiff, or even speak to a particu- our clan as I do tonight. “Productive”
an impressive bond. larly aged Ventrue and remind them may not sound glamorous to one
of their once-reliable Cappadocian such as yourself, but what we intend
I mentioned our aims before, so regent, and get into their good grac- to produce is a world better suited
let’s move on. es. Work for them. Humble yourself to our kind, and that includes the
to them. Speak to the Anarch Baron Giovanni.
Dead Aim like they’re an old friend and you’ll
bend over backwards to ensure We must be careful to not fall
Apologies for the apparent con- they never suffer the crushing heel into open war with ourselves so
tradiction, but the Hecata’s Harbingers of the Camarilla again. Sprinkle soon after cessation of hostilities.
don’t just go around killing people, your offers with enough truth to All childer must be educated that
planting bombs, and spreading illness. be believable, and worm your way no matter what they might hear
If we did that, the other clans would into courts, Elysia, and powerful from their elders, they are not to
have every right to destroy us. Perhaps domains. They do not know we are attempt clandestine murders on
that’s why Cappadocius was so unhap- aligned with the Giovanni. They another Hecata’s behalf. That is not
py with our actions in the Dark Ages? barely remember who we are. how one achieves status within this
Who knows. He’s not around to answer clan. I understand Venice intends
questions, and believe me, plenty Use that. Use them. Feed what- to mandate that killing on behalf of
among us have tried to ask his spectre. ever information you can find back
to the clan, and where possible,
another Hecata will soon result in Hierarchy death with your fingertips” struggle,
torpor or final death, and that if a and Strains when not paired with fellows who
vampire of this clan truly does have received the same lecture.
a seething grudge in need of settling We adopt much the same
with violence, they must be prepared family hierarchy as exists within the The Samedi
to wield the blade, gun, or torch Giovanni, it should be noted. We Role
themself. It’s an effective way of pre- always called Cappadocius “Father,”
venting clan disunity, and surprising- and many Harbingers (and those As explained by Lenelle, Mambo of
ly it was a Harbinger who proposed still clinging to the Cappadocian Birmingham
this in-clan law. name) use Latin or Ancient Greek
terms, such as soror, pater, avus, Ignore the chatter about “three
Plans for the Samedi and so forth. The religion to which I faces of death,” mate. That’s just a
proudly subscribe makes similar use neat and tidy way of cutting out
Our relationship with the of the ancient tongue, and it also all the other faces. You’ll have read
Samedi is a curious one, as depend- confuses the kine. Dead languages more than three names, but it’s the
ing on whom one might ask, they suit the Clan of Death, after all. We bosses who want you to think there
are vampires who fled the Feast of don masks for Harbinger-exclusive are only three in charge. Giovanni.
Folly, thereby making them close ceremonies, with more elaborate Harbingers. Samedi. Look, I ain’t
kin to the Harbingers; vampires masks being awarded to Kindred of arguing that it’s a plum position to
who fled the Giovanni purge, like- significant status, while fledglings be in the big three, but let’s get real:
wise creating common cause; vam- wear simple death masks. It’s a fun- the Hecata’s one big stew, and at
pires native to the Caribbean and ny form of pageantry, but it’s one of any time, a different face of death
Central America, with an unknown our oldest customs. could rise to the surface.
lineage; aberrant descendants of
Clan Nosferatu — which I know is Our reliance on old parlance, Setting Down
a long-shot, but many believe it; or rituals, and frankly the majority Religion
not even vampires but corpses with of our bloodline being considera-
spectres propping them up. bly older than those of most clans, If you have to stick with the
strains the first few months or years trinity, because we know humans
As scholars of death we wish to of a Harbinger’s vampiric existence. and loa both love putting things in
study the Samedi, but as they possess It’s one thing to have a sire who threes, let’s say the Giovanni are
the ability to reason and say “no,” barely knows what the internet is, the heart, the Harbingers are the
they tend to resent being poked it’s another to have one who’s still skeleton, and the Samedi are the
and examined. Due to their centu- amazed at the concept of steam spirit. Hell, they’d probably shift it
ries-long agreement of peace with power. all around if they could, but sticking
the Giovanni and all Kindred sects, us with religion makes sense.
while acting as effective mercenaries, Despite the earlier mentioned
they may well be pioneers of the close bonds between sires and The Giovanni are sacrilegious,
Hecata way. They didn’t become so childer, I do wonder at the break holy icon-fucking bastards who will
obsessed with vengeance or greed as that might occur soon, if our elders fold into whichever faith gives them
the Cappadocians, Harbingers, and can’t keep up with modernity or the greatest access to spirits and
Giovanni, and instead pursued a if more childer are not created to bodies. They’re the heart because
way that strengthened their line and form kin for our fledglings. In the they’re defiant, ballsy, and willing to
their studies. meantime, we pair our newcomers do anything to get what they want.
with young Giovanni and Samedi,
They must be respected, and it and sometimes with vampires of The Harbingers, or
is to be expected that they maintain the Lamiae or even the Nagaraja. Cappadocians, if you want, are
their mysteries, just as we do ours, There is something to be said for pretty irreligious too. Oh, you
and the Giovanni do theirs. I rec- communal suffering and trauma probably heard about the ones who
ommend befriending one of these creating a firm bond between vic- didn’t believe in God getting sealed
rotting bodies, however, as loyalty tims. Individuals who were mortals up in a cave? I bet you £10 you don’t
to coterie tends to trump loyalty to last week and have now been told
bloodline, even among the Hecata. “you’re undead and can manipulate
13 8
chapter three: the cult of death and undeath
even know which God. Neither Religious Practice but do it in a way that feels impor-
did they. They were less likely to tant to you. It’ll help soothe your
abuse religion than the Venetians, We Samedi have a few rites we soul, and if they’re out there and lis-
but more likely to shift with the practice with regularity. Trust me: tening, it’ll soothe them too. Being
winds and support the faith that doing these will make your unlives dead is no picnic, so to have one of
most appealed to them at any given better, the dead happier, and might the living or undead singing songs
time. Whichever one offered their even draw some vessels to you when for you, pouring out a drink, or
precious answers. they think you’re fun or mystical or telling tales of your living exploits,
whatever. makes a friend of someone behind
Now you come to us. Samedi. SACRIFICE the curtain.
Vodun. Vodou. Voodoo, if you’ve been SERVICE
watching too many movies. We’re Killing animals, drinking their
about more than just dolls with pins blood, then cooking their meat for We exist to serve. This applies
in them, and face paint come time for sustenance is common among our to the living and the undead. We
a parade. But what we do have, is a mortal servants. Some of us can owe a hell of a lot to those who
deep-rooted faith. We believe in the loa. obviously indulge in animal blood, passed before us, so when a spirit
The loa speak to us. We’ve believed in if we’re new to this undeath, while makes the effort to ask a favor, you
them for centuries, and yes, it’s all mar- others make the sacrifice more… damn well better be sure you’re
ried to the Catholics, but we can see bipedal and sapient. Needless to going to do it. And turning it down
what awaits vampires on the other side. say, making a murder of anything is better than accepting the task
We know what’s waiting for us in the into a ritual, where you celebrate and then backing out of the deal.
Underworld. The loa help protect us in the meaning and importance of its As long as you treat the dead with
exchange for sacrifices, partly because death and dedicate its passing to respect and do as they ask, they’ll
they want the rich tidings we send another force, always goes down tell you so many secrets and come to
their way, partly because we’re the only well with the loa. your aid when you need it the most.
vampires who talk to them regularly, VEVES Trust me. I didn’t become a mambo
and also, I suspect, because they know by pissing the loa off.
what shit awaits us when we die. This is a rite I recommend
all Samedi practice, as well as our New to the Rot
While the Giovanni and the brothers and sisters among the
Harbingers campaign for the end of Hecata. Veves are inscriptions, You’re never going to be re-
the world (or at least it seems that sometimes called holy symbols, garded as much more than a distant
way), we’re laying down honest to wards, summoning signs, or other cousin to the Giovanni. Yeah, most
goodness faith for our childer. We carvings of importance to the dead. of you don’t come equipped with the
teach them to respect death and the You mark them on your floor or necrosis the older Stiffs exhibit, but
dead, to always placate the spirits your wall in the correct colors, the beliefs, the long-time removed
with gifts and occasionally blood materials, and depth, and the loa nature of our line, and the fact our
sacrifice, and to fear the retribution you’re calling will enter your body leader, the Baron never kneeled to
of those you kill. As vampires, we and take a ride for a while. Seems Augustus or any of the rest of the
stand to make a lot of angry spirits. simple, but make sure you’ve placat- Venetian Mafia (a ridiculous con-
The loa offer us some protection, ed this spirit first. You’re not going cept, by the by), makes the Famiglia
but it’s better to win their support to enjoy playing host to an angry look at us like we’re wild horses
than piss them off with one drained Papa Legba, but you might love it if ready to bolt or buck at any second.
vessel after another. you’ve shown him some love first.
CELEBRATION They’re not far off the money.
I’m happy to say that many of The Harbingers, the Cappadocians,
our clanmates among the Hecata A lot of folk associate us with the Giovanni, the Lamiae… they’ve
have adopted our practices in recent some kind of 24-hour party culture, all been connected like the big
years. I suspect pragmatism drives and I can only blame New Orleans incestuous freaks they are since time
them to it more than any pure for that. A lot of us are a little more immemorial. Us? We’ve always been
belief, but I’m not complaining and introspective than that, and so the outsiders. I guess the Nagaraja
neither are the loa. They don’t grow much of itis blatant commercialism are too, but I can count the number
in power through faith alone: they these nights. No, I recommend you of them in the Hecata on my fingers
want relics from our world passed celebrate the dead on the regular, and toes and still have change.
through to theirs. In return, our
existences become a lot easier.
13 9
Where does this leave you, new do. We tell our charges where they do that. The best necromancers
blood? It leaves you serving the val- fucked up, then we offer them a way take their time to know the world
uable purpose of neutrality in times of fixing it. If it requires hot words, beyond their own.
of conflict, of spiritual counsel in we’ll speak them. If it requires a new
times of crisis, and of murder when start, we’ll arrange it. If it requires a That raises an interesting topic
one of the families is getting out of bullet, we’ll fire it. though. There’s lots of shades of
line. If they wanted to, they could necromancy. The Giovanni have
all rise up and crush us. But they This is who you are now. You’re always been obsessed with spirits. The
don’t, because they know this wedge a step closer to death than any other Cappadocians of old were more fo-
between them is valuable. clan, so you can witness it, touch it, cused on the flesh. The Harbingers had
wield it. You can face the end with some obsession with making dead bod-
But you were just a priest when certainty, and make everyone else’s ies take on the traits of the living. We
you were alive, weren’t you? Or a denouement so much worse. would raise the dead as our servants.
therapist, an undertaker, a bod- Yeah, Dawn of the Dead kind of stuff.
yguard, or a good old-fashioned Being a Samedi means being on
owner of a curiosity shop. How can the outside, but it also means surety Necromancy comes in a ton
you be expected to administer balm of purpose and not having to kneel of flavors, and you’re never going
to feverish vampires when you’re so to Venetian or Camarilla pricks. to experience them all. With the
new to the Blood yourself? consolidation of the Hecata though,
Shifting Tides the different families have taken to
With force of personality, my of Necromancy sharing a little more than we used
friend. to. Now, a Samedi might have a
Reaching into the Underworld Rosselini as a Mawla. A Harbinger
We’re not “there, there” hand-pat- and hurling what you grab at an might join the same coterie as a
ters, we’re not going to tell them enemy is a good way to lose your Milliner. We exchange secrets and
everything’s going to be all right, and hand to the great unknown. Don’t suddenly, our clan is stronger.
we’re not going to offer them some Working together has benefited us!
sublime outcome like the Ministry, Who’d have thought that possible.
Bahari, and the rest of those charlatans
14 0
chapter three: the cult of death and undeath
Now, there’s some interesting The Lamiae with god complexes. You know: The
developments in the realm of the so- Camarilla.
called “dark arts.” We’ve cultivated In times past, we were the Clan
a ceremony that allows any Hecata of Death’s bodyguards. None of us We’re the part of the Clan of
with the right components and tute- male, all of us descended from the Death that emphasizes rebirth. That
lage to take on one of the loa. We vampire Lazarus dubbed “Lamia.” part of the cycle is important, even
Samedi are becoming a little more Our prestige came through dedica- if the other necromancers focus too
interested in the spirit — as my talk tion to the clan, its principles, and heavily on the death and decay. We
earlier probably implies — than our discovery of how humours in have to continue to develop our
shambling corpses. The Giovanni are the blood might affect a vampire minds, motives, and activities if
all about binding the dead, which drinking them. we’re to avoid stagnation, because
greatly piques the Harbingers’ trust me, in the locker room with
interests. Likewise, the Harbingers Yep, that was our discovery. It’s the other members of the squad, the
have taught others how to consume no hollow boast. stink of rot is bloody overpowering.
the stuff of ghosts when blood just
won’t suffice. In any event, the Giovanni I suspect one part of the Clan
destroyed the last of us several of Death needs to make common
Yeah, I can’t advocate that one. centuries ago. The Lamiae were out cause with the Anarchs, or House
My point is, as new schools of of the picture for at least 200 years, Carna, and I can’t imagine a better
thought open to us, our clan chang- maybe longer. It’s difficult to tell faction than our own to do the
es. And so the merry-go-round goes sometimes, when ancestors pop out job. We’ve many things in common
round and round and up and down, of the ground only to be destroyed with both groups, and a union of
and the Clan of Death becomes sooner than they can leave a note to Anarchs, House Carna, the Lamiae,
something new, and exciting, and say “hi, I’m here!” and the Bahari, with the Hecata
dangerous. profiting sounds like it may suit
Yeah, being undead sucks some- The question is, how are we Lazarus’ goals too.
times. But I’d rather know death here now, and what purpose do we
personally, than stumble blindly serve? The Cappadocians
into his grasp some night like an
idiot from some other clan. You might say we’re proof of The Harbingers would have
the resurrecting power of vitae and you believe that they represent all
The Role Lazarus’ beneficence, or his dedica- Cappadocians and that the Clan of
of Others tion to whatever plans exist in his Death we once knew has changed
ancient skull. Before his vanishing nameplates or merged with their
From the words of Zelda Booke, (and the Giovanni maintain the political, formerly Sabbat breth-
Lilin of the Lamiae Clan of Death does not feel the ren. This ain’t the case. I mean, not
Beckoning), he Embraced another, entirely.
You’ve read the perspectives a high priestess of the Bahari, and
of members of the Giovanni, through nuance of the Blood we Cappadocians separate from
Harbingers, and Samedi, and I’m were born anew. All of her childer the Harbingers still exist. Studious,
sure you feel at least somewhat ed- were mortal lilin, and all of their morbid vampires, rarely bothering
ucated on the structure of this clan childer were likewise, and so on. to use the Blush of Life to even
of ours. Giovanni on top directing There aren’t many of us at this time, imitate mortality, I wonder at how
operations, Harbingers wielding and we’re far less inclined to act long these Kindred can survive
their ancient might and fraying as unquestioning bodyguards to in these modern nights. I believe
enemies’ powerbases, and Samedi on this clutch of necromancers, but when the Hecata formed, some
the outside, providing sage counsel our founder… well, she says she’s in benevolent-feeling Harbingers and
and ceremonial wisdom. communion with the spirit of Lamia Giovanni woke these Cappadocians
herself. In turn, she says Lamia has a from torpor, hoping to introduce
Where does that leave the rest purpose for us. We’re to strengthen them to a brave new world. Instead,
of us? Allow me to fill in the blanks. and fight against those who would these shell-shocked Graverobbers
control us. For now, that does not found a world in which they were
include the other Hecata, but it forgotten, their name scrubbed
does mean we often act as hired from all records, and their methods
guns for the Hecata against Sheriffs, of necromancy hopelessly outdated.
Archons, Princes, and other assholes
One could feel pity, or consign they’re the drivers behind a lot of good thing, though it does make me
them to the fire, but I’ve got a feeling our actions tonight. Others (mostly wonder if they’re trying to keep us
the entire idea of Cappadocians- of my line) say the Lamiae are the from something. I’ve heard they take
as-reclusive-hermits is one hell of a rebirth part. Others still — we call on the roles of protectors, gatekeepers,
good con. These vampires have lost them “the eaters” — say the cycle is or exploiters of the weakest parts of
none of their intellect, their skill Cappadocians as feast, Giovanni as the Shroud between our world and
in meddling with the Underworld promise, Hecata as reunion. Then that of the dead. The best method they
and turning living flesh into crum- you’ve got the real activists called find to make these city blocks and
bling ash. They’re waiting, they’re “Hecatites” (I know it’s confusing, low-populated regions their territories
observing, and they’re calculating but that’s philosophers for you) is to hound the rest of us with spectral
whether to depart the Hecata in who say the Cappadocians somehow servants or spread the easy rumor
favor of the Camarilla or launch a represented life, with the Giovanni among the living that a serial killer
coup against the Giovanni in retri- as death, and the Hecata as rebirth! stalks the area.
bution for centuries of persecution. It’s a mess, and if Serena was still
My spies tell me they’re feverishly around tonight, and not off do- Unlike the rest of us who
researching necromantic arts, and ing whatever the hell she’s doing suffer from the agonizing bite, the
they’re not inclined to share their in Jerusalem, maybe we could ask Nagaraja — who do share our weak-
results. One informant even believes whether it was a musing or a deep ness — can’t even hide it behind a
they’re responsible for Augustus’ thought on her part. As it is, no smile. Some have teeth like those
disappearance. Kindred volunteer to go to that of a shark or alligator, while others
part of the world. At least, not right have teeth resembling needles. There
One thing I know for certain, now. are many reasons these bogeymen
is the Cappadocians who Embrace among necromancers are uncommon
share the Harbinger devotion to The Nagaraja in Camarilla and Anarch domains,
schooling their childer, and it’s with horrific appearances and a
here that you recognize the fire of There’s not much I can tell predilection for eating their victims
passion. These Cappadocians need a you about these flesh-eaters. I’m chief among them.
cause, a purpose, and following de not even sure they’re a part of the
Camden’s lead, some even position Hecata, as they’ve never shown Consider all lines of the Hecata
themselves in titled roles within the much of any interest in affiliating from a mortal perspective. Mortals
Ivory Tower. Maybe forging their with the Clan of Death, beyond the understand family and hierarchy, so
own, separate path is what’s best for occasional trade of secrets. the shock of becoming Giovanni is
them. lessened. Mortals understand plot-
What I do know, is the Nagaraja ting and vengeance, so Harbingers
In the meantime, of the have a greater presence in Asia than are at least somewhat palatable.
Hecata’s lines, the Cappadocians they do any other part of the world. They understand reverence for the
cling pretty closely to the Asia is a large continent, of course, dead and celebration of life, so the
Harbingers. As far as I’m con- but as the Giovanni and Harbingers Samedi’s activities make sense. Then
cerned, they’re one and the same, have struggled to make a foothold look at the Nagaraja. Which mortal,
and most of my kin agree. They’re in India, China, and Japan, to name Embraced into this line, could
appearing more and more in Hecata but a few great nations, it’s pretty maintain their human core for long
and Camarilla domains, so it’ll be common that the Hecata come to while resembling a dire beast and
interesting to see how their role blows with these cannibal Kindred obliged to devour their victims?
shakes out. when wishing to explore mass grave
sites, ancient temples, or even claim If you are to deal with a Nagaraja,
One thing worth noting: it was territory near hospitals, morgues, for the love of Lilith take backup.
a Cappadocian, Serena Praha, who and cemeteries — our usual feeding These vampires terrify even the coldest,
proposed the idea of the Hecata be- grounds. most iron-willed among us.
ing representative of a cycle, though
typically, every bloodline interprets Their role among we necromantic And More Besides
the cycle theory differently. Most — types is to exist as terroristic types to
sometimes called “Hecata Truists” mortals, vampires, and wraiths alike. A scholar of Kindred ancestry
— see the Cappadocians as death, Few vampires so easily scare me as looks at the Ventrue, hums and
the Giovanni as decay, and the the Nagaraja. Their isolation is only a haws, fills in some names on a fami-
Hecata as rebirth. The truists are a ly tree and feels satisfied. That same
pretty firm cult within a cult and
14 2
chapter three: the cult of death and undeath
scholar looks at the Gangrel, realizes Council next week. The landscape has operate. While the Putanesca cling
there’s too many blank spaces to changed, as you predicted.” to the terms familiar to their crim-
bother, and considers that clan a inal past, such as Don or Soldato,
worthless study group. Then, the — Euan Dunsirn to Ranald Dunsirn others have their own regional
scholar moves on to the Hecata. versions and quirks. Above all of
Those Kindred who trace their that, though, is the more rigid
The scholar has never felt so siring back to Clan Giovanni have structure of those who fulfill what
confused. always existed in a structure all their the clan sees as its true purpose: the
own and continue to do so. With study of “The Rot and the Renewal,”
Maybe a score of families, not all that in mind, it was natural this sys- and the mastery of “the Arts,” or
with the same progenitor, each with tem would continue on and become necromancy.
different preferences and practices, the basis of the nascent Hecata.
each with respective feuds. Somehow, While the other offshoots of the Who’s Your
the Clan of Death is the one most Clan of Death were far less formally Daddy?
burgeoning with a form of life. structured, this convocation of clans,
Untangling our roots is an impossible this reuniting of the disparate parts Hecata Kindred place a great
task, so don’t bother. My clanmates of Cappadocius’ ancient blood, re- deal of emphasis on trust and loyal-
often say “there are as many clans of quired something more rigid to hold ty. After all, when you have as many
death as there are ways to die” and it together. As the most numerous skeletons in your closet as these
they’re correct. of the survivors of previous purges depraved vampires, literal skeletons
of the unworthy from the Clan of in many cases, it pays to be able
Beyond the ones you’ve already Death, it is the structure of Clan to keep secrets. For example, Clan
heard about, there are lines such as Giovanni that was adopted when the Giovanni is more than just a loose
the Impundulu and Mla Watu, largely agreements were made. association of Kindred with a com-
dominant in Sub-Saharan Africa. mon sire whom most of them don’t
They’re not officially members of the For some of those outside the even know. They are a culture, one
Hecata (not that we have member- family, such a change is difficult steeped in the history and traditions
ship cards), but I’m not denying their and seems like an impinging upon of their bloodlines and of peoples
affinity for death magic. their previous freedoms. Though, for that existed long before many mod-
many more of their clanmates, the ern nation states, and even before
The Unhudo of South America rules and traditions of the Giovanni Augustus Giovanni was offered the
resemble corpses much like the offered safety and a more elevated Embrace.
older Samedi, though theirs is a lifestyle. For the Giovanni them-
mummified appearance. Perhaps selves, casting off their previous Those Embraced into the
they’re also distant cousins to our management is not a call to cast off Hecata are often prepared for the
clan. They remain common south their traditions; traditions that they event, even if they themselves did
of Nicaragua, though I’ve heard hold as dear as the Camarilla holds not know it. The vampires who
of some appearing in Phoenix in theirs; traditions based on bonds of grant them the so-called “proxy
Arizona and one acting as a Sheriff blood beyond vampiric vitae, based kiss” of ghouldom, or who actually
in Albuquerque, New Mexico. as much on who gave birth to you as Embrace them, will often be figures
who sired you. from their past who they have likely
I wouldn’t be surprised if further been aware of for much of their
faces of death show up periodically, Unlike the Camarilla, the lives. For that reason, they will often
some ancient, some new. There’s a de- Giovanni family’s hierarchy is for- continue to use those familial terms
lightful irony that perhaps the most malized not by domain and praxis, like Mother, Father, Uncle, Aunt,
fertile of clans is the one so preoccu- since they may not be present in Niece, Nephew and Cousin when
pied with life’s end. every city in a country. It is far more referring to one another, since that
linked to those who wield control is what they are to each other.
The Family of the family’s influence in an area.
Hierarchy What form that influence takes Childer in Clan Giovanni are
is dictated by the desires of the extensions not just of their sires,
“Uncle Ranald, the affairs of the Capuchin, the 1444 Chamber and but of the parents who begot them,
Chamber have kept me long overdue, the Council of Anziani. The exact a quirk some members of the other
though I hope I won’t miss you at full names of the “ranks” are referred to
in many ways by the various families
and locales in which the Hecata
14 3
Hecata bloodlines have begun to expanding into the Far East were not just the faces that have changed,
adopt themselves. Those born of the Jesuit Della Passaglias of the taking on an often more hellish
outsiders, who were not bathed earliest trade missions and the dy- and undead façade, but the names.
in the culture of the family from nastic Weng family. In West Africa, While before some Kindred would
birth, whose loyalty and compe- the Ghiberti were long-term agents have only dealt with a Giovanni or
tency is not completely beyond of the Giovanni, brought into play a Rosselini, they will now hear far
question even before the Embrace, for their long-standing loyalty and greater variation. While such change
are regularly looked down on in the influence they garnered in the draws questions from observant out-
favor of those with more rarefied continent. siders, the Hecata are not interested
breeding. Often, they are treated in answering them, especially when
as outliers, relegated to performing All of these families and more a clanmate changes their surname to
menial tasks such as bodyguarding have been blessed with the vitae “Cappadocius” or “di Cappadocian.”
more important Kindred or simply poured down through the Giovanni To the outside world, the Giovanni
providing a very specific boon to family, and each has expanded their present a show of unity and con-
the local family. influence across the mortal and tinuity. Not only is this the way it
Kindred world. In these nights, the is, it is the way it has always been,
The Families stranglehold of the Giovanni family others simply did not have the wit
has given way to a more mixed lead- to notice it.
Originally only Embracing ership at the top of the rotting tree.
from within the Giovanni family Indeed, a new wave of families from Coterie or Family Tree?
itself, the clan was broadened with across the globe are being consid-
the inclusion of many others from ered as new additions to the reborn While coteries form out of
near and afar. Their competitors Hecata. necessity, mutual need or simple
both in mercantile ventures and the safety in numbers, Hecata coteries
pursuit of the dark arts of necro- Behind the closed doors of are often based around years-old
mancy, the Rosselini family were their manor houses and crumbling friendships and alliances, ties to
brought into the fold in the 16th mausoleums, Giovanni boast of the common sires, grandsires or even
century, with some even having young girl they have coming up more ancient progenitors, or quite
been Embraced by Cappadocians through their ranks. “Why, she’s literal family ties. With the amount
prior. The Sicilian Putanesca, whose the great-great-great-great-grand- of inbreeding and interbreeding in
criminal activities lend both muscle daughter of Evangelista diGiovanni! the Giovanni families, almost any
and a mafioso mask to the clan’s She’s been raised from birth to member of the clan is a blood rela-
true intentions were added much understand her family was different! tive to another.
later. The cannibalistic Dunsirns She’s been taught all she needed to
of Scotland were brought into the be taught to prepare her for this Within the Hecata, the
clan for their trade links to the moment! She’s going to set the night Giovanni are the most populous and
New World and their knowledge on fire and bring just the spark the prolific of the clans and also those
of the entropic mysticism of the local family is looking for, all she with the most temporal power and
Nagaraja, an Indian bloodline needs is a sponsor to bring her into wealth. They often act as the glue
with ties to the Ministry and the the fold!” binding the disparate branches of
Underworld. The clan’s arrival in the Clan of Death together, provid-
the United States eventually saw Like an ancient statesman or ing a haven and a mask of legitimacy
the financiers and political legacy merchant family looking to seal a that hides the terrifying studies and
of the Rothsteins and the Bostonian merger or alliance, the Giovanni experiments that the members of a
Milliners added, and the growth of trade their children to each other coterie conduct within. Members of
Kindred influence in the burgeoning for an Embrace that will ratify a the Hecata will very rarely seek to
superpower has seen those families pact, and write the blood of their align themselves with those outside
rise to greater prominence despite own children on contracts that on a basis other than the purely
their younger membership. Tales never end, promising unchecked mercenary. While they may be hap-
from the conquistadors exploring familial loyalty until the end of the py to extend their protection and
South America told of the walking world. hospitality to any Kindred they en-
corpse that was Pochtli and led to counter, such services are always for
the addition of the Pisanob family; With the addition of their a price and the relationship remains
old foes and former clanmates, strictly business unless sealed with a
the Giovanni talk of “expanding
the gene pool.” Now when people
encounter the Clan of Death, it is
14 4
Blood Bond to ensure the loyalty of and takes note of where it can formalities of Boons, as these en-
the supplicant. The code of silence, capitalize. trench them too deeply in Camarilla
or Omertà, that surrounds the fam- society), with unclaimed territory
ily’s practices forbids submitting to The Hecata are, as well as the handed over to them, and through
Blood Bonds or sharing the deepest Clan of Death, a family of merce- access to artifacts, sites, and people
secrets of the clan with outsiders. naries. By the Promise of 1528, they who might further their under-
cannot officially involve themselves standing of more esoteric matters.
Outward Facing in the Jyhad between sects. Plenty
Operations of Necromancers test this, such The Hecata position makes
as Roger de Camden, as Prince of them an easy target, as they have
Their position as the only in- Edinburgh, and Carlotta Rosselini, no official allies within the sects.
dependent clan of note in tonight’s Baron of Naples, though to date It might seem strange then, that
Kindred society places the Hecata in no Giovanni hold such title. With few coteries receive word from
a dangerous, yet potentially profita- the exceptions aside, the Hecata’s on high to assault the clan’s hold-
ble position. While a portion of the neutrality places them in prime ings. Neonates may wonder at the
clan faces inward, studying philoso- position to act as mediators, advi- “why,” given the Necromancers
phy and ceremonies relating to their sors, and killers, all impartial to the are apparently vulnerable. Mawlas
death magic, the Underworld, and conflicts around them, of course. with any wisdom tell them, “Attack
their unhallowed ancestry, another The only restriction is they may not an Anarch domain and you’ll get
portion looks outward at the world benefit politically. They can, how- pecked at by a few angry, but
ever, benefit monetarily, through disparate Brujah and thin-bloods.
favors to be repaid in the future Attack a Hecata domain and you’ll
(the Hecata shy away from the have an entire, united clan bearing
14 5
down on you for years afterward. Just leave them and study of the Sudario, or Shroud, and the bizarre
alone.” The Camarilla or the Anarchs could surely crush dimension beyond, the Shadowlands, the realm of the
the Hecata if they could all pull in the same direction dead. To these individuals, nothing else matters and
for more than a single night, but to date, such a united any Kindred would be wise to remember this when
front seems unlikely. Meanwhile, the Hecata are always dealing with those who have climbed to the top of the
primed to fall into lockstep and counter-attack, though Hecata’s ranks.
such skirmishes are rarely profitable.
Gaining the attention of an anziani is a great boon
Other than working as hired guns and diplomats, for any Hecata looking to advance their station within
the Hecata field a wide array of experts on matters of the Clan of Death. However, it comes at a cost. While
money, death, and the dead. While the average Hecata the missteps, mistakes and failures of less celebrated
knows little of the Underworld or its inhabitants, plen- Kindred are treated with a sort of benign neglect, those
ty come from moneyed families and can act as lenders who have shown promise are doubly punished when
and sponsors for other Kindred activities, whether they fall short of what the clan expects of them. Just as
in the form of a long-term investment or short-term the Cappadocians of old punished their kin by entomb-
heist with quick returns. Others act as mediums when ing them for centuries, the Giovanni have their own
vampires want to speak with ghosts, enlist the dead as ways of handling failure.
spies, or more rarely, as exorcists when Kindred want to
banish a bothersome spirit. Of course, anything a ghost The Anziani Council
spy sees when in the employ of the Prince goes straight
back to the Hecata as well as the domain ruler. Foremost among the elders of the Clan of
Death, the anziani sit in a great conclave within the
The Venetian Ladder Mausoleum and there set the policy the whole clan
pursues. This gathering of ancient blood once rep-
“Our society is not so different from yours. We all want to resented those who had contributed the most to the
take that next step. Sometimes it’s knowledge, sometimes it’s an Giovanni family’s great plan. It has now become a
artifact, a company, something the family needs, sometimes it’s broader church, incorporating the overall leadership of
just someone who needs to be stepped on.” the entire Hecata family.
— Lia Milliner, Money Launderer for the Boston Hecata
The council has many groups within it and small
All childer Embraced into the Clan of Death pockets of collective influence, though they are for-
are brought in with one thing in mind: to climb the bidden from working openly against each other. What
Venetian Ladder. Only the most long-lived and storied the Hecata have that other clans lack is a certainty in
necromancers in the clan may take their place as one the unity of their purpose. While they have pursued
of the respected elders, the anziani, whose guidance disparate aims in the past, their ultimate goals were
helps establish the policy of the entire organization. always unified within the teachings of the Clan of
Such Kindred may not even be seen as the “leading” Death itself.
members of the clan in their area by those outside,
but those within know the value and respect of Venice Some whisper of the Beckoning and question why
is won not with the grandest tithes, but with break- so many of the older Kindred within the hallowed
throughs in the arts. halls of their Venetian fortress remain. Is it due to the
demise of their Antediluvian? Is it that they are dis-
The doors of the Mausoleum of Venice don’t open connected from the true power that guides the other
to just anyone with the right surname. To gain access clans? Some Kindred scholars have speculated that the
to the inner sanctum of the Family requires acts of sac- unification of the Hecata itself seems like a Beckoning
rifice and heinous depravity in the name of the greater of sorts, though others point to the great purges and
cause that would shame even the most ardent cultist schisms that have played out throughout the history of
into fleeing their faith in terror. The Kindred within the Clan of Death for those who chronicle such dark
these walls are cold, callous monsters without excep- matters.
tion. While they may present themselves as “refined”
or even gregarious and friendly, their goals are always Whatever the case, these elders remain undis-
aligned with those of the Hecata in general: to gain turbed by the plagues that have beset their contempo-
increasing influence and power over others, Kindred raries, and continue to offer guidance to their branches
and kine alike, and to further their understanding situated around the world. Even the local Dons, whose
power and wealth can seem obscene to an outsider,
dream of holding a mere fraction of the influence held
by the anziani.
14 6
chapter three: the cult of death and undeath
The 1444 Chamber passes between those two states is not just a voyage in
pursuit of power, wealth and influence, it is a voyage of
Among the many groups existing within the self-discovery for a Kindred. Hecata know the answers
Anziani Council, there is one whose membership is to questions that plague all Kindred. Those with the
prized above all others. Nobody truly knows who the stomach to look deeper soon learn, their lavish life-
elite Kindred of the clan are, who hold their conclaves styles and ghastly, death’s-head visages are merely masks
in the fabled 1444 Chamber, deep in the heart of the behind which a truth is hidden. The Hecata are a cult of
Mausoleum. The members of this group were once death and undeath.
esteemed as Augustus’ most trusted advisors and the
closest to him in necromantic power. Some even say The Hecata do not simply watch the dead and dy-
they were his peers or his betters, depending on who ing or fuck lifeless corpses with organs that no longer
you talk to. function. They worship death as a concept, they praise
it as the ultimate reality. Through ritual and their
In modern nights, the Chamber represents the Discipline of Oblivion, the Hecata have peered into
true leadership of the Clan of Death. It is they who, in the futures of countless lives, even their own, and
frustration with a leader who promised them absolute they claim they have seen an end. What many of them
mastery over two worlds within 500 years, have enacted want, including the Chamber, is to witness the ending
the great change that brought the legendary Capuchin of the world and the death of a universe, and what
to the fore and united the Hecata in its newly mint- they believe to be its perfect rebirth as the precursor
ed form. It is they who smelled the tide of revolution to aeons-long decay. They want to experience the
among the disaffected and disillusioned Dons below, ultimate expression of the infinite cycle of life as no
threatening their very own Anarch-style schism. mortal can.
The members of the Chamber are shrouded in To do so, they must traverse every night until then
mystery even among anziani. Few have openly spoken in an endless cycle of morbid survival that can only be
to others of their position and those that have, only to halted by the termination of existence itself. The Hecata
their most trusted family members. To ascend to the are pursuing the Endless Night. The Hecata are the
Chamber is recognition that one is among the most Endless Night. Ironic, since it is only their most wise
powerful necromancers who ever lived. Many think of and powerful members who truly feel the end coming
them as the Board of Directors. They are the final arbi- and rejoice that in the immortal span of a Kindred
ters of the Chairman’s performance. existence, that moment of their becoming one with the
death of all is only a stone’s throw away.
The Endless Night
Perspectives on Kindred Religions
It has been whispered throughout the history of
the Clan of Death that they intended to bring some As the Clan of Death is itself a cult, its members
great catastrophe down upon the world and subjugate have a unique perspective on the many spiritual move-
all their peers. Most Hecata would laugh at such rumors ments that have sprung up as the modern nights have
and dismiss them as the paranoid prattle of those who progressed. These fictions that less enlightened minds
simply do not understand what it is the Hecata do. cling to in order to justify what they are, what they
After all, their goal is simple, to study and understand are becoming, and the bizarre and terrible acts they
death. Sure, it’s macabre, but is it dangerous to other perform are always of great amusement to the Hecata.
Kindred? Not especially. The clan’s members love nothing more than to hear
tell of the latest preachings of the new Kindred mes-
Of course, that is what they would tell you. Indeed, siah or hear what some methuselah is saying to stop
the various branches of the Hecata have hatched his own clan from gathering together to do unto him
various plots to kill or enslave all other Kindred, kill what they have done to each great leader that thought
themselves, and even kill God. In the realms of dooms- they could personify their followers’ entire being.
day plots, they are past masters. However, the modern
Hecata sees such grandiose posturing as merely the Followers of cults concerned with a prophesied
rantings of a few mad-eyed elders with deity complexes. doomsday or apocalypse event are of particular interest
If there is an “Endless Night” to be achieved in these to the Clan of Death. Records of such movements are
nights, it is simply the continuity of the Clan of Death’s highly prized by the anziani and they look kindly on
original purpose. Understanding death, life and what those members who procure this information for them.
A Unique Cult A vampire doesn’t choose to Of course, the Hecata comes
join the Hecata. This isn’t a religion with its share of drawbacks. Just as
The entire Hecata clan is built Kindred adopt based on the appeal the family is protective, it’s obsessive
like a cult, though unlike most re- of doctrine or reward. The family about not letting its children fly the
ligions, most of its adherents don’t chooses the cultists, rather than coop. Hecata cannot just leave the
realize they’re worshipers, and the other way around. A vampire clan and join a sect like the Anarchs.
worshipers of one of the largest an- — or indeed, a mortal — within Even those rare Hecata with titles
cestor and death cults in the world the Hecata gains a family so tightly outside the clan are reporting back
at that. The Hecata teaches its clan bound that they’d kill to protect to the family or serving their Blood
members to respect their elders, so their own, and interrogate the in some way. Betraying the clan in
one day they too might be worthy attacker’s corpse to find out who any way is a death sentence for most
of respect and reverence. This isn’t hired them. The vampire gains ac- Kindred. Exile is never an option, as
so different from the Camarilla’s cess to knowledge forbidden or un- the Hecata’s secretive nature would
way of dangling bait above its known among most clans, but most not see the benefit of releasing a
neonates’ heads, except the elders in importantly, gains purpose in un- vampire or calling them Caitiff.
the Hecata are often blood rela- life. The clan seeks power in many When assessing one’s place within
tives, or have direct influence over forms, whether through wealth, the Hecata, it’s the old decision of
the lower level cultists, who happen influence, spreading the family line, security versus liberty. If the first
to be their descendants via vitae. the dark arts, or simple understand- one is more important to the respec-
The path to power is clearer within ing. Depending on a Hecata’s area tive vampire, then they might feel at
the Hecata, or at least the backs of expertise, they might find any home among their kin. If they desire
one needs to scratch are highly of these avenues open to them, and freedom more than anything else,
visible. often have a Mawla to guide them they might enjoy it when working
to the path, if not down it. as envoy to a Camarilla domain or
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chapter three: the cult of death and undeath
explorer in distant lands, seeking a in which the coterie need to for future favors due to the
necromantic relic of some descrip- involve themselves in seizing family.
tion, but eventually they always have influence over the city’s crime, • Simple companionship outside
to come back and report to mommy finance, and dead. clan lines, maybe forged while
and daddy. Freedom is an illusion • The important role of grooming still mortal or rank fledglings,
the clan extends only as much as is mortals for Hecata sires not in or directed by a Mawla within
useful. the coterie. the Hecata.
• A story where the coterie must • An undercover operation where
Hecata Chronicles investigate and put down a the clan has permitted the
suspected rebellion within the Hecata Kindred to act in fur-
As with any clan, the variety of family. therance of a Prince or Baron’s
stories available to players of Hecata • Keeping the clan’s mortal con- interests, so long as they don’t
vampires is vast, though due to the nections and relations in the reveal their actual clan.
clan’s structure, sometimes these dark as to the “family business” • Finding common cause with an-
tales work best when all players take while still keeping them close other cult group, as both of you
on the role of a Hecata — wheth- enough should they be selected desire the truth behind some
er all members of the same line, for the eventual Embrace. Noddist mysteries concerning
or a mixed coterie containing a • Visiting punishment on an your clan and others.
Harbinger, Giovanni, and Samedi, entitled Camarilla coterie who • Digging through the wreckage
for instance. This is not a limitation, saw fit to assault some young of a fallen Sabbat domain with
but an opportunity to explore the Hecata, due to their fear of get- Camarilla vampires, under the
importance of lineage in Vampire: ting involved in the sectarian agreement that whatever each
The Masquerade, among many other Jyhad. of you finds belongs to you.
themes and concepts. Story types • Brokering peace between • Offering protection to the mor-
might include: Camarilla and Anarch war par- tal contacts and companions
• A story in which the coterie ties, while still trying to turn a of Anarch vampires, when the
profit for the clan. strict Baron told their followers
hunts down an artifact sig- • Assassinating the Prince’s ghoul they needed to let these kine go.
nificant to the clan, or a dead so accomplished Necromancers • Using your ostensible neutrality
individual of importance. within the clan might interro- to assist Anarchs in planting a
• The experimentation and gate their spirit for secrets. bomb in a Camarilla domain.
mastery of new Oblivion The Hecata also work well in A hefty payment is of course
Ceremonies, in the fringe terri- a coterie containing Kindred from required.
tories of an Anarch domain. other clans. Contrary to appearanc- • Working with Camarilla
• The unearthing of a Hecata an- es the Hecata like to maintain, they Kindred and telling your
cestor, who is unfamiliar with are not entirely insular and inces- Hecata Mawla “you’re trying
the clan’s new structure. tuous. To profit from the world, to find out the sect’s secrets,”
• A chronicle starting with a they must branch out, interact with when really you just enjoy their
Prince’s promise to the coterie other vampires, and make them- company.
that they may claim part of selves useful in any domain. Stories • Offering to defect to a sect or
the city as neutral domain if involving the Hecata in these roles other cult and provide Hecata
they perform one service to the might include: secrets, but only if they serve
Camarilla. • Working as hired guns to you in some way first.
• An exploration of a forgotten eliminate the enemies of a • Befriending vampires of an-
branch of the family, consist- Baron who frequently hires the other group to gain a greater
ing entirely of black sheep the coterie. understanding of the Jyhad and
Hecata wish to forget. • Extending a service to a mostly the wars between sects.
• The enrichment and growth of Camarilla coterie, in exchange
Hecata territory in a domain,
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