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Family and Friends 1 Workbook full

Family and Friends 1 Workbook full

Noomi Simmons oxroRD

oxroRD LINIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6Dp Oxford University Press is a department ofthe University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective ofexcellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYorl< Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaam HongKong Ifurachi I(uala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With ofEces in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam oxFoRD and oxnono ENcLrsH are registered trade marks of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries @ Oxford University Press 2oo8 The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database dght Oxford University Press (maker) First published 2oo8 2O15 201918 -17 76 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing ofOxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enqulries concerning reproduction outside the scope ofthe above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Any websites referred to in thls publication are in the public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for information only. Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content rsBN: 978 o 19 481201 6 Printed in China ACKNO.\^/LED GE MENTS Cover illustrotionby: Tomek Giovanis and Christos Skaltsas. Moin charqcter illustrationsby:Tomek Giovanis and Christos Skaltsas pp Title page, 4, s, -15,35, 40,41.,46 (Dad), 47 (Aunt), 48, s1, 55, 81. Other illustrotionsby: Chris EmbletonAdvocate pp 6, Z , 8, 9, 70, 12, 79,74,16, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 34, 35, 36, 42, 46, 47, 48, 50, 54, s6, 60, 62, 6s, 66, 7 0, 74, 76, 80, 82, 86, 87, 88, 90, 94, 96, 100, 102, 706, 1,07, 108, 109, 110, 111, '1,12, 713,1-14, 775:. Simon Clare Creative Workshop Ltd pp 11, 77 ,23, 27 ,57, 37, 43, 47, 57, 63, 67, 7 7, 7 s, 7 7, 83, 87, 91, 97, 703, -tOZ : Kathy Baxendale pp 18, 19, 58, 72, 92; Dusan Pavlic/Beehive Illustration pp 21, 24,29,92,49,61, 69,75,78,81, 89, 95, 101; Andrew Hamilton pp (icons at the top ofthe page) 26,27, 46,47, s7,66, 67,75,86,87,706,707i Lisa SmirhiSylvie poggio pp 38, 52, 98; Amanda Enright/Advocate pp 44,65,104, 105. Commissioned Photography by: Chris King pp 12, 64, 84. The publisherwouldlike to thankthefollowingJor theirkindpelmission to reproduce photographs:Fot-o1ia pp 64 (banana/R.ufar), 84 (fried eggs/JJAVA); cetty Images p 58 (young boy/Ryan McVayilifesize); Hemera pp 64 (orange), 34 (apple); iStockphoto pp 64 (biscuit/Roberr Redelowski), 84 (glass/Susan Trigg), 34 (rice/ Linda & Colin McKie), 84 (carrots/Olga Shelego); Ollp ppSa (fish/Mark Mason) 84 (ice-cream/Photodisc); Photolibrary p 84 (family dinner/Monkey Business images Ltd). I i I I i

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&esson,&ne I Troce ond circle. Mg nome's fim/ BiU.g. Mg nome's Miss fones /Tim. 2 Drow gourse$ ond write. Mg nome's Rosg / BiLl.g. Whot's Uour nome? Mg no me's Mg nome's Miss fones / Rosg. ffi ffi Storter Whot's your nome?

1 Write. &essom Xwo N(:LLU, L 2 HeL[o. How are gou? o Bge. b HeLto. c I'm fine. d MU nome's Tim. D 3 Whot's Uour. nor.l [--l 2 Mqtch. 4 Goodnu.. L] ffi Whot's yaur name? Storter ffiW

Lerson Three & Write. Then point ond soU. Write the numbers. l-t-l "\ L* _,] How old are you? _ ffi.ffi Storter w ffi ffiTHtr

Ldcs,o.n Four I Write. SWMTFE-T 2 Reod ond colour. red ge[[ow pink green oronge b[ue cotours Storter ffi ffi

leiton Ohe,, %Wqprds I Circte the correct word. tr book/ffip book / ruLer ruter / rubber 1 ru{en 2p 3b 4r sp rubber / ?en book / ?en ! i -.-q.& I u?"a*a ffi 2 Write. ffimeffi Unit I Schoolthings rere

!t'c r{,J n npn G-l r,^ yt-rr. Iu ] 2 lt's ruter. cr 3 pen,cit. ,o' ' Itrs 4 book. It's o 5 ro ' ru:bber. It's 2 Colour ond write. Whot's this? It's o p*neil D tr tr D Whot's It's !,essgsx' Ywg i,ffirmmmwr 1 Order the words. Motch. 1 ,,;l, ,,It,ls l'o tr ,@ ffi ffiln ffi w |tt, .t .t , - t., I i " I vvnatsfnts( rtsa."" unlr I

':LGtiO.ii,'.,.,,T 'i el,'',:..'l,,, .rd,* I Write. door window "bngOpen the bqg . 2 Look ond write. Open the door window pen bag -peneil book ruler ,1 tr<l-l ]-J P CLose the 5 p e n c t h .,2' $: o ,,..3 o t rcEffr Unit I Schoolthings nfr

X Troce the tr ^r\- correct sound. [il l ,)-t Lesson Fou*', l.ffi,&xwm*cs c 2W tr rite. m ppte t* Motch. o, b, c ond ot [ikes og Iikes the ot ot d. lrds. pptes. with the tr d. ppLe. ird the og with the lnitialsounds Unit , W

wl ffi'1 l Circle th t& '$::I*W s 'ffi l-it t _.1 ..,,,,,,,:,ll::: W'.".. l7-t t_J pen pencil ru bber l5l .& f I -ffi .ffi @ Reod ond colour. This is mg pencit cose. It's green. This is mg pen. It's red. This is mg ruLer. It's geL[ow. e correct word ond write. Mg nome's ffn:.r'r"n"m . This is mg schoot It's o And this is o b[ue And o red ruLer ru Ler penciL ffi unit! Reoding; o description

t t r 3" Count the words ond write. L Open Uour book. l 3 Look of this. 5 This'is mg schooL bag. 2 It's b[ue. 4 This is Emmo. 6 Look ot the troin. 3 Look of gour school things. Write the colours. red pen bog geLLow hlrra ULUL fir*en pink purple oronge pencit rubber ruler book 3 Drow, colour ond lYtqThls {s * p*ru*il, write obout three of gour school things. Itlc hii,o: I {- .} LJ tl,4,r . This is o It's This is o It's This is o It's Writing obout rny school things unitl ffi ffi

I'esson'&ne. @rds & Number the picture. D tr tr tr tr tr 3W tr Look of the picture obove. The boLL is green. The teddg rite. It's o fumi{ . Reod ond colour. is oronge.The cor is red. It's o It's o It's o Toys +^A ), . LELrLr I cor doLL puzzl,e boLL ffi ffiYffi Unit 2 ffi It's o

doLL. 2 Write. r Yes, it is. No, it isn't. i t ' _-) 1 Is it o doU,? V** ,t" i. !4"\ !! t\ Is it o puzzLe? a-LeSSOn llYO q".ur#8YB$fiSf botL. teddg. 2 Is it o teddg? Is it o bol.L? I Look of the pictures ond motch. Then write. This is mE puzzLe. Th is tr3 .r; rny / your ds t&is... ? ffi unit2 ffi

tr Lesrom Tkree &rq$s & Troce ond write. I troin This is mg X Find ond circle the words. Then write. puexxie This is mg tr t e d d g lp1 I *7 k c o r t, b i k e A €2,t. z a t I ** A t * ln$ z l. e A tr & *ffi dftL t d o t t tgr t r o I n & 17l -q:l@ @ JYIEB loo?l.,kJ L @

eg@ m @d s@ g d,w words. Cotou ,w ,w The re's an * gg wit h o. b [ue Look,the oct'sgota Lg. The o ot tikes ig s. {* Motch. E X Sog the sound. 5og the 2 Write. Lll . , ."' 'r:r: r' ;.],r:,lit .:'. a' "" . , ,.i:lilr' i'',, ..... .......,r1i::r,, *gg 3 Reod ond write the letters e, f, g ond h. G--l . ..,. rra tl 1r,.,r,,rrr.r..r,,r..ri.I.:,r.ri :ir,,rrs\. .: :.rrr:rart.t.rr.,r.:.rt.r..rrrr..r!lr.rtir:ir:...p.)l! li:r..t'.::ll l,lll.]'r]].rr,ri:l].ri:l]:ii.:'::.itrillir'ltlil]ii,. oot r the o t Le$rem correct picture. , sr! Four g[Tsm8fis F ....:,,r-',r.,., _"41. .''i ,)A {{ , \q#, at. f Unit 2 ffi t.**e'i '1,."-,rd11l lnitiol sounds

Lesron Five I Reod ogoin ond write T (true) or F (foLse). [tl'r rnq Javourite fog, Mg Jav ouiie o,n o! *LLl 1s tt cnq train / I: tt tag co' No, L{.'i rtg Sellow baLL $J hat' s rn q foso urat r Colour ? You rn&q "Like il tno . Ls iL qreen? Is tl red? N)o, ,i'. the Coleup blue. \n]hot's mll {ouo urite anim*l? It's frrlq'and tt's {at. Is it"a d,,\q? Is it o"aoat ) No, .'t's L lovelg dt -i-tofn. aqe I -J emL0Lir$ m nim* Ls tsus ]li:il f,nmln ffi ffii;ffi W Unit 2 Reoding: o poem tt -,-'---l- \ VQ: -.4,,, u irr: \@" L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 My favourite toy is a car. My favourite toy is a ball. My ball is green. nty ball is yellow. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite colour is red. My favourite animal is a dog. My favourite animal is a cat. 2 Write the words in the correct box. trc in g reen

I r & Circle the words. Write the sentences ond motch. - €;*:.,t"r.**',,{" - 1{hiflrjr$bik9,. - , r1 " rsi.J ",Y L, l:\L] 2 O?enthedoor. 3 ThisismgredboLL. D n 4 Cl,osethewindow. 3 Drow ond write obout Uour togs. tr al I .ffi:/*fD L/ A,&t /;- w " ^. rY\._ trt . &i\,,o @ 2 &ircl.eluour togs. Underline Uour fovourite tog. \.*. __-.'J bike cor troin dolt teddg puzzLe kite bsN"L This is mg This is This This Mg fovourite tog is o Writing Ehout rny fovourite tsys re Unit 2 ffiffi ffiS ffi

L,e*ion'r0ne W&rds I Number the picture. tr tr tr tr tr lnn rEy foce eor noSe orm 2 whot's next? Look, drow ond write. | **ru legs ,,orms foce i 'mffi@ffiffi a rms My body

LCtio.n,, .rrrr.rffi,rx..mmmr 1 Count ond circte. Then write. one two ormlffi} tw* &rrms L"g / legs nose / noses ffi eor /eors 2 Look of the pictures ond motch. Then write. Theie,oie arm / arms This is ... / These are ... Unit 3 M

1 tr Reod ond troce. Troce three fingers. 2 Reod ond colour. 3 The 5 The Troce five fingers. Troce one finger. ore red. ore oronge. is pink. tr 3 Look of the picture ogoin ond write. L The s-Hss ore b[ue. rs green. ore getlow. 2 The 4 The 6 The K Unit 3 My body

I Motch. 2 Reod ond write the tetters i, j, k ond I. &esson Fsur ,,$Pfumn$ss ot !nitisl sounds Umit 3 I I J t o ! The {lon's got some The lon's got some Look! Here ls a [te. am. nk. Oops! The ion is a mess. rt) l-i-l r- J Write. J o, ion u ppLe

i:alali:a:aliii::ili:rrr.:irllt:i:.!ilrtllirrr*lrtirrail: ,ri :il:l':r:api,a{rli:ii::rlalllirii:a:!:.,liiil,l.:.ii.rlir:u I Reod ond number the pictures. L This is mg poper cot. 2 Colour the foce ond bodg. Colour the legs ond pows. 3 Now cut out the bodg. And cut thefoce. 4 Cut out the Jour Legs. Fol,d the legs. 5 Cut out the pows. Stick the pows on the [egs. 6 Stick the tegs on the bodg. 2 Reod ogoin ond circte. L This is mg poper pen /ffi Co[our the foce / hot. Cut out the four / six Legs. Stickthe legs /fingers on the bodg. Llnit 3 l?eoding: instructions 2 3 4 ffi ffi ffi "''&

1 Undertine the sentences. Count ond write. L Cut out the four teqs. Fotd the [eqs. 2 This is mg nose. 3 This is mg pen. This is mg pencit. And this is mg ruter. It's o rubber. It's mg red rubber. It's oronge. The nose is pink. The eges ore green. It's o tiger! 4 $,i t *,* fli I t This is mg These ore mg Writing obout my body unit3 p

Revierv I Reod ond co[our. Colour the rubber red. Colour the book b[ue. Colour the bog geltow. Colour the ruler oronge. Colour the pen green. Cotour the pencit purpte. Look of the picture ogoin ond write. L How mong bogs? * &qUq 2 How mong girts? 3 How mong windows? 4 How mong doors? 3 Write the words in the correct box. eues pen hoLL Legs teddg ruler honds book ti'cin puzzle foee perrciL **, r. L\,, l'l:! J flnmim Review 1 t hnr{ r t yvu:,

Kewleryv I Order the words. L this? Whot's 2 ,'old ' : UOrl, ,'ttow ' sre I lt ..,. . .. 3 lt's bolL. a 4 Uour nome? Whot's 5 Look of the picture ond write. .ILjr J> .r "r-I r,l,l]l l:l,::.:f :ll,l i t i91]]1. oot tlulh,-r tlc th iq 2 v 3 t tkL J !r tLJ tr tr tr tr tr This is mg This is mg These ore These 5 Write. I,1'@';'* r;l;.r:,t,, ..::;:.;;f ' & pple ig 3 tr '' :' ' .a. 99 fingers ird nk &e,iew t m

Lessoh I Find ond circle the words. housewife firemon pupil teocher pilot O,ne ,,r rd* w i/u\,u Tk) 2 Motch ond w r-i-l r-l rite tr trd ffi unit 4 .robs

firemm n h o u sewlfe teocher piIet leison',Two,,ffi rmm*wmr Look of the pictures ond motch. Then write. *-"**'s o pil*{ . 2 Order the words. 1Is 2 she she housewrfe? is. Yes, firemon? Is o he No, isn't. he o teocher?:: Is she she Yes, is. a o o ti :::,,.. l:,:, .; :..i,-,ti-1.'rL-'1,.l1;1 ? , 3 4 5 6 ls he o teacher? Yes, he is. ffi unit 4 SXIE m

Lessolr ''Y.Xrree ,i &rds 1 Reod ond motch. He's o former. _l She's o doctor. [---] He's o policemon. E 2 Find ond circte the words. Then write. E-t t_J /i'r\ ffi f ffi t!&;Y*w &arff ffi p o L i c e m o n a '€&r i t e a c h e r Aw /pl L f i r e m a n A * U o J o r m e r t q# m p t d o c t o r i & X A ffi I h o U S e W i f e rl pJ ES p {"ap {t n Y Unit 4 Jobs

t lro l--i-l t __J ce the correct m Write. pen um 3 Reod ond write the letters m, n, o ond p. Lesson Four fih**;c,s u rse j tr ronge Mg rm um [s a urs e. She's got an range and a en. She con eat the raftge. She cCIn wrtte with the en. d* Write the copitol or smo[[ letters. de lniticlsounds Unit 4 ffi ffi

I Reod. Motch. teocher Mg nome's Horrg. I'm eight. This is mg mum. She's o teocher. And this is mg sister, El,l,o. She's six. She's o pupiL. housewife This is mg dad. He's o pilot. This is mg grondmo. She's o housewife. We're o ho ?pV fomiLg. pilot pupiL "2F*L'u 3 Write the words in the correct box. eight mu'm- Horrg pitot grondmo housewife ELLo six . - *" ',t,',, $e.rx,il.$ m{..{.$"m l i l on oufobiogrophy no mes m ffi Unit 4 Reoding: rm

&Ati6.m.',',r$rix I Write the sentences with copitol letters ond ful.[ stops. 1 this is mggrandpo 2 he's o doctor 3 this is mg brother 4 these ore mg honds 5 i'm o pupil "*t . ' i I l,crr rf, ]s.r nynnt7""\r"1 I I tLJ LJ ML, \Jl t,l Ltr'tl., lA, JJI 3,, ..,.l ..Writ-,',t[e,,, .h.a hou.ieMfe H.'U,,1!5,e..,,,',.,,..,.,,,,,,,,',',,,.', ..ri. dn,,'. . "'i,'teocher : This is me. I'm o writing obout my fomity unit 4 ffi =il

& Number the picture. crarina Jvvrr rY stide seesow net tree tr tr tr tr tr Write. Whot's this? It's o lr"**l . Whot's this? It's Whot's this? It's Whot's thisT ffi mXW Unit 5 The p*rk Whot's this?

Lesson reod ond motch. the the the the !$,.lm,r*,&.M' .r I loin the dots in the three pictures. Then .4 3. L Rosg's on 2 Bi[[g's u nder3 Tim's .5 6 1' 6 a 3 in L Where's Tim? 2 Where's Rosg? 3 Where's BiLLg? He's *ne the She's in/on/under 2 Look qt the pictures obove ond write. sLide -ar h va:, net in tree under He's Lrnit5 W

l*scom T$r'ree, &rc*s I Write. f,risbee ice creorn -pooL 1 Whot's in the 2 Where's the 3 Where's the per*l I A bo Lt. It's under the choir. It's on the tob[e. 2 Look ond write. f,risbee sLide iee e reorn c r J o tA, 2 t The pork ffi GtoH Unrt 5 &ffi w "@

Lesson Four Fh*e-=ics 3, Motch. X Reod ond write the tetters Q,, r, s, t ond u. r t The q ueen The ueen The eddg The eddg is on the hos got o, ls on the has got on oJ a. abbit. oJ a. m b re Ita. ueen obbit m breL[o ffi ltnrt 5 ffi#E ffiW 3 Write. eddg ronge lmitisNsounds

lFr Letson rrve L A tog is under o tree. Whot is it? 2 A tog is on the sLide. Whot is it? 3 A tog is in the net. Whot is it? 4 A tog is in o tree. Whot is it? 5 A tog is on the seesow. Whot is it? 2 Reod ond write T (true) or F (fo[se). L The bike is in o tree. f 2 The teddg is under the sLide 3 The bol"L is in the net. 4 The kite is in o tree. The doLL is on the seesow. It's o $:ikq . It's o It's o It's o It's o >.\ 5 #ffi & Look of the picture. Reod ond write. i dott bolt bike kite teddE I {"init 5 lteoding; o puzzle texf

I Circle the nomes. Write the sentences with copitol letters of the stort of the nomes. L Mg nor.'rffi This is rosg. rosg ond biLl,g ore here. tim is o pupiL. 2 3 4 Mu nnme's Tim. Writing obout the pork unit5 W

& Number the picture. Lesron One i{=it; X write. tr tr tr tr tr tr .na"u-m' dod sister brother grandmo grandpo tffi l;ilXlt\ @I .:i lhrs rs mg ilr#[n#r . This is This ffi{-ffi iJnit 6 My fomily tr L] ,{.,,!*l*l'] ll,..l'l.:.iil,'lii l-t-l aq r_r W \'.i/ ;.iffi--, It I r \ trl ,^\, r------r ,qtyr' ' :2, , Adl'-r l,: .{ ,:,r': ,,,i,i,t,,:: :rl:r :l*::,,::& t-.--l z; -', l' I ///)*-:\ -(i(;,;\/ -))) d)-l \.- \_{ ,'-,;k M\ ,Wffi

Leisom, i ' .,.€Xrmcxx'mmr & Reod ond number the pictures. L It's Rosg's kite. 3 lt's Grondmo's umbreLLo. 3 Look of the pictures ond write. Rosg's hot is red. Tim's hot is green. Rosg's kite is red ond oronge. Tim's kite is green ond purple. Rosg's ice creom is brown. Tim's ice creom is pink. This is Srearadpea's egg. 2 4 It's Mum's book. It's Dod's bog. \Y] A V /<->-, \ tyW % Yf, @ I hrs rs I hrs rs ice creo m. pen. bike. Possersive's Unit 6 ffi ffi 3 Reod ond colour. This is

I Colour *n" ^ words red ond ,n" A words ge[[ow. ir@ @ Gi:r,- l Uei Gri pc,or", &esswm Ykree &&fux.ds X Find ond circte the fomiLg words. Then write. d ead I m b ffi ffiffi * I r a n d m o U r A *v c o U 5 n a s s t e r c n t m & ,'d'" L d a U n t a a e ? A m ,s d d' a b r o t h e r L"inir 6 fWy fomily

&,essmrx Fwxxr ffifuqprx$cs 5og the sound. Sog the words. Colour the correct picture. Ww I @_J Yg WW Vvffi Xx Zz U Write. von 3 Reod ond write the Letters v, w, bo x, A ond z. Look out oJ the w Whot can Uou see? lcan see o. ebra And o o-rro on o lnd o w. in a aft, bo ebro I s o-uo ffi lnitialsounds Unit 6 ffiEffie*ri& ffi

Lesson Five I Reod ond number the pictures. 1 Mg sister's kite is in the tree. Look! 2 MU dod throws o bo[t. 3 MU uncte throws his hot. 4 Abird's in the tree. It's got the kite. 5 Thonk gou, bird! 6 Here's mgfomi[g with the kite. We ore hoppU now. 2 Reod ogoin ond write. 1 2 3 4 5 His sister's kite is in the OLi's dod throws o I I */y oLi's th rows his hot. A is in the tree too. Here's OLi's fomiLg with the uncLe ffi ffi ffiYffi unit 6 ffi ftecding: c coption story

1 Troce ond write question morks. )I a 2 Write the sentences with question morks qnd copitoL tetters. L who's this 2 is this gour teddg 3 where's gour bike 4 is it o puzzle 5 whot's Uour nome W&rm's flFai.s? Writing obout my fomily! thlngs unit6 M

Review 3 r.till I Look ond write. 2 Write. Yes, he Ie# 2*k This is ffi*fu's frisbee. This is Is he o po[icemon? N*, fuq isml!, Is he o former? 3 Write the words in the correct box. ! ,l..& rue Is she o housewife? -'dcetc,l: Er,mndmm !*bs d*rl*n Rsview ? swrrxg unele sumt r:et firenrmn slide '"r [.n rse eousin il:. ]] lii :l ilii i: il r .N J0 m lLu p*r'k ,4F. 3 F@9 This \{-.v 4w No, ttc-rs'rr't; Yes, she is. No, she Is she o teocherT teddg. botL. pen. pupiL 5eesfrw

s6ffi- ,* & Order the words. L She's pupil. a Kew&eww mg lt's ice cresm. brother's isn't a She teocher. swing. It's the under 5 Write the questions. !- i rJ."k " -"";, )lq &-,,l*" * -* -.- .. - It's in the pooL. r a il It's under the slide. Write. llr tr It's in the tree. It's on the swing. m bre[Lo ''''';;i''r;-'---' t "'' 1.r ,._r-_,,.:; r:,.,.irii:::;l !r "i.i obbit # ronge o-uo .€.'u.i..*.{*.* ^ j r rls.",'aa' ofo Review 2

I E Lerxan,&m,e Wmrds Circle the correct ri;tIJrH dress shorts / trousers 2 Reod ond colour. word. E,* socks / shorts dress /T-shirt L = blue 2 = ofifi9e 3=red 4 = geLLow 5 - green 3 Look of the picture qnd write. shorts ,trou.set's soeks I dress I I T-shirt L Tim's tl;'**sgns 3 Rosg's 5 Bitly's ore btue. is red. ore green. 2 4 Tim's Rosg's rs oronge. o re ge[[ow. ffiffi ItrJG Unit 7 My clothes Effi

& Look of the pictures ond motch. Then write. +r..!! lnts ls n#i" ffir#55 This is Lesson Two GrmsffinffiGr These ore These ore shorts T-skrirt trousers X Write. Yes, theg ore. No, theg Gren't. L Are these his shorts? IAr\. ,ilf-'l; 'l,rr ' "' jl L '"_"* 2 Are these her socks? t 3 Are these her trousers? 4 Are these his socks? & -AfJr-l FE] @ ffi \4\J <P\ ll/ Are fftese f:rs / fler soc,ksT Yes, f&ey ore. unitz ffit

Legam,'.,Yk'rgg",,'',l,rd* 1 Troce ond write. This is o 2 Look ond write. shoes hot cost This is o These ore cost dress T-shirt soeks shoes hst trousers shorts trffi w ffi r.rnir, 1. ) o r ,( u r &{y clofhes

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