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Published by worksheetsworld26, 2023-07-30 07:06:23

Family and Friends 1 Workbook full

Family and Friends 1 Workbook full

I F ffiS**-*:-: Le550n FOur q- r-BryryB{-5 I Ioin the letters. A Write. ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi H S ffi # B &H T ff g H g g $B , ffi x ffiB #6 #$ I $ fr $ $ fl $& I ffi ffi tr a s fis t ffiT*T $***-ru r***? B B$ t $E u $H B L*"-*J &**-***,*$ 6**J q , **.$ Yhe olphcbet L,lnir 7 ffim

1 Reod the storg ogoin ond write. tnousers fomthmL[" e.rr.r"lt.. :Ys- -r-triaf socks ffi unit, Reociing: o copfion story

I Troce ond write t. ,s Write the sentences with L Where is mg dress? 2 He is seven. 3 It is o bird. 4 Whot is gour nome? 5 She is mg sister. TrS'hiirt r . ,, wnefe"s mu lq ffiress f 's. Ci. ii,..! tou,,rit,i,r,:il[otlh ;:,i.:lWiiie,r,i.hra',io[our. trOrUSerS shorts C6o,t rhat 'L:: if Drow, colour ond write obout Uour clothes. Th,L$,,is,,mg : e*S$.,.{-*i$..'S.f'$e$., . It's ore mg ,.,*,.,.ThEgrre :,.rrtlils ,.,,,,,T'Itli',i l..r ,.,,.. li"r,rrl,r,:.r i . .....:r'.,. 1r:1..,.r. 1,. l',5,,i,f.--r]U These T.hese Writing Ebouf my fovor..rrife clothes unitz m

Lesswrx &xxe 1 Number the & ilii $ ll wwqlrffi$ picture. 2 write. This is in the efiraimq r**ryl . Th is is in This is Th is ffi {*Nnir I &{y house [ *t.tEen Living room dining room bed room both room gorden tr tr tr tr tr 5

& Follow ond write. ffi ffi s& : Grondmo ond G rondpa? BiLtg? X Look ond write. tr ffi Effiffi fu &ilffiil m' ffiE 1 2 3 4 kitchen dining room Witerg's Rosg? 5f^,g's ln rhe ' :.1 r ^ l\ kVfucrc car* Mum ond Dod? Tfu*u'n* .i.... ,.......... bed room Ir-d,z Lesson lwo tur#sE$n?E*r' tiving room Yes, theg ore. No, theq strem't. L 2 3 4 Is Bil,Lg in the dining room? Are Grandmo ond Grondpo in the kitchen? Are Mum ond Dod in the Living room? Is Rosg in the tiving room? , Are f&ey rn f&e livinE roam? units ffi

Lesson Three Wclr#s 1 Number the picture. 2 Find ond circle the words. Then write. diruimg r##ffirffi unit B My house ffi E hour. @ lott E gorden @ ,pstoirs ffiffi p ao*nstoi rs 'dtr A d ,rc w ft !# ,r1 L h o U 5 e i n U W A -w g I V p n k a A i n S s I r n I t t t d f I r a o c e L r o i I h n o o o r r e & '&' w t o m s s n t JflT 5m e ll. lffiffitr*ffi&l ffimm *w* I lWli 3s:.: ir&it i&Sl,q iiii{ il$i{; k

Lesson Fosr Fh+=ics & Hel"p find her shoes. foin the letters sh. shsh s s s s hsh sh A & tr h h h ssh sh h h sh Write. I sru oes Reod ond write. Then colour. Shirteg's sh*es are red, ls btue. eep fi Her S he's And The The got a tou a toU too. Shirley wants With me and ls whlte, is blue. to pLaV, uou. Disrcphs sfi t-lmit I ffi

r.' ::l::r:.:r:ll::i:li.ri:ll:t.rr.::.r::l::1.:ll:.1:il:i]:ll:i:lllil:rl:rtlr::l::l: altt& Le550n rtve i_ 1 Look of the picture. Reod ond point. Mg nome is Mike. I live in o flot. I live with mU mum, m g dod, mg big brother, PouL, ond m V grondmo. In mg fLot there ore three bedrooms. One bedroom is for mU mum o nd dad. One bedroom is for mU grondmo. And the other bedroom isfor me ond PouL. ALso in the flot, there is o kitchen, a big living room and o bothroom. Reod ogoin. Circte qnd write. L Mike lives in o ti*t . 2 PouI is Mike's 3 There ore bed rooms. 4 One is for Mike's grandmo. Iteoding; o descripfion t:'*-"1 i,r!-{i ffi-e@ F I trk=I ,tr# ''l.=,xr 't tl t*il--rj \__J;/ \ I house ffigt gorden i sister brother grondpo ltwo three four I r-&ffiefinnmi r#-*-re3 ffiulurulll 1ii #r "ijf tj : rA-; , d.i d-ffi* *j-*i=,j:j*ii I Cs rc 1,-,"-",,i I : - *.{3ry, -1.-l sr,*", F"+-'.-_-._-l ,l lH ;r*::il ,6dYn-r ]\/ll '\ ;l: ;'--1r|---..-l q*-;._-_--*- *--,_,--j kitchen ftot bed room ffi Lfnits

3. 5og the vowel letters. Circle the vowels in the words. bffig box l*** i.J \.* d"j Write the words in pen hot the correct box. ai k{ mum ink on fig egg u i tau 3 Circle the words obout gour home. Write how mong rooms. flot hou se go rd e n bed roo m bothroom kitchen [l . dining ,ou* l-l Living room D & Drow gour home. Then write obout the rooms. This is the +l . . r t lnrs rs tne I nlS rS lnrs These ore the These ore Writing sbouf n'ry honre ffi Unit 8 ffitrE W

lesron One Wwrds 1 Find ond circle the words. bsncnn CIrffnge sondwichr bise uit Lu.neh'-b*x dnink M odffifl]eL ueUbiscuitwer oLtdrinkwou pobononodob orongeef trS r----1 )@: %tls*s{&1#i;rodsondwichpL Look of the pictures ond words obove. Write ond drow. 1 This is o {r-aneh i:*x . 2 This is o 3 This is o 4 This is o 5 This is o 6 This is on W Unit 9 My lunch box

j1 Reqd ond number the pictures. L I've got on opple ond o bonono. 3 I've got two sondwiches ond two o pples. 5 I hoven't got mg Lunch box. I've got o drink. &esso;r I Kff6',, ,ffi rmgm,mm r I've got o sondwich ond o biscuit. I've got on opp[e. I hoven't got a banono. I've got mg tunch box. I hoven't got o drink. 2 4 t r-.1 2 Reod the sentences ogoin. Circle a ond underlin e on. 3 Write. I've got hmven't Eot l've got / { haven't got ... unire W

Lessomr.Ykree '%rds 1 Write ond colour. tonrsto g r0 pes peo r 2 Look ond write. drink bsnons fish ssndwie h tor"nsts Lunch hox -c'pple or0nge bise uit ffiffi m g

&essom Fprxr ffifuwrx$ss & Hetp Chortie find the chick. Ioin the Lett ers ch. ch h chh ch chh c hchc c c h h h ch h teo 3 Reod ond write. Mg name's ilhmrlt*. -llhts l.s mg She's on a S he's got a Iittte Chirp, chirp, chtrp, saUs Chirp, chlrp, chlrp, scUS Mg 's on a She's got a Iittte er the the I orlie 0iqncphs c&

I Reqd. He[[o. I'm SoLLg ond I'm o pupi[. This is mg [unch box. Let's look inside. I've got two sondwiches. One is on egg sondwich. And the other sondwich is jom. I've got o drink. It's opple juice. I've got on oronge o nd figs and gropes. I hoven't got o biscuit todog. And I hoven't got o Uogurt, but it's o veru nice Lunch! Whot's in Sol.Lg's [unch L on egg sandwich 3 o drink 5 o peor 7 figs 9 gropes box? Tick (/) d2 or cross (X). o jom sondwich o gogurt on oronge o bono no 4 6 8 10 o biscuit 3 Write. , I -.".-..-."."d' I 6.ffi ffid ffidffi W{ . 3l-ffi - }\:\ .".]Wry .dffi y 1l)? ? ,lii:l ':,::,.::::::: . ....::l,la;l,illl '.:i*liiiir,i..,.,, .,,..,.,.,.r,,ri.&lai ''!e&i1ifrll :lr''- I 4 -x If, e fr're Lrnlf 7 c&g Reoding: informotion fexts

I t & Circte the correct word. 1 This isffi/ on bonono. 3 I've got o / on egg. 5 I hoven't got o / on sondwich. o of on. Is this # boLl,? No, it isn't. It's opple. 2 This is o / on opple. 4 I've got o / on oronge. 6 I hoven't got o / on gogurt. Is this oro nge? X Write tr{5 * Drqw qnd write obout the Jood in gour tunch box. In mg Lunch box, I've got I've got I've I hoven't got I S Circte the food in gour lunch box todog. mppte peer gmgurt bise uit s,'ffinse sm ndwie h $!g grCIpe$ egg dnimk bmnmnm tonmmto No, it isn't. It's bo LL. xrVnitir:g obouet my funeh box {rnire ffi

Keniew 3 1 Write a or on. oppte oronge tomoto bonono oron9e biscuit @ ffi @r so ndwich biscuit sondwich egg opple drink ,M ,M ffi bonono e99 Z Look of the pictures ond motch. 3 Look of the pictures ogoin ond write. I've got I hovem't got Iteview 3

&evfieryv 3 f i {+ Write the words in the correct box. . rn/\ rr! r I lJ\-rt I tJ hAd/^^!q. (JULtf {-rt-f} I I LTULI !E> l:i $*oe* :l : :lt i::. a: l^^.{ *^^* L;|\;Ut t Lr{.Jr r I bothr r00rn banono biscuit Living ''00rr1 shonts sec$<s pefir d ress E rCI pes klte hen trousers Order the words. 1 ,'Gro,n.dpo., ,thA" , ,in,',,goid.enl ts 2,,liis,l.,,,,coolt?,,.],'., .,..'Ii.',...,,'.,' I ,.'.,in.,,',,,afi'.',..,... ,.,...i.haii,.., ,,'t,ha,i'l 4 got drink. I've o 5,,.illm,rll.i.., l.,.,W,he.iaii .l'., .ll,.iiiitei ,,,,,..l ..i...ti..... .,...:t .,..,.r . i.:...... .rtr:t,.,.r. 0 .,...,,.u.piia.iiii',,,,:. , ,ii.,,,,,,. ,6..i;,,nd.m.0,,,, . r & i ! ,, i & :{: l*rr"}mdl ndr rn {;h* *#rr*nn*} t.: \*titAl{.i,{.i--}Ld i,f t {il,f LdL,t}LCtjl[; 1j , o r-i-t t.l Write. ch shsch a a i: :r,t .. r,,. ....1.1: t1 ?\. I ick r-t-l L__l eot ot oe5

I Drow ond cotour gourse$. 2 Look of gour picture. Reod ond circle. L Mg eges ore blue brown green block 2 Mg hoir is 3 Mg hoir is 4 Mg hoir is Write. L Whot cotour ore Uour eges? T"keU're _, 3 Is gour hoir tong or short? block brown bLond red stro ig ht cu rlg long short Whot cotour is gour hoir? IL J Is it curlg or stroight? Unit trO My friends

3' Reod, drow ond colour. This is Soroh. She's got btue eUes. She's got Long hoir. It's stroight ond blond. 2 Look of the pictures ond write. 5 Rick 6He 7He 8He 's got hosn't got L soroh fumsra''fl g*t brown eges. She '$ S#t btue eues. 2 She 's g*N long hoir. She short hoir. 3 She curlg hoir. She 4 She blond hoir. She &essoxn Y,xrc: , ffirffisxx.&'ffimr This is Rick. He's got green eUes. He's got short hoir. It's curlg ond brown. stroight hoir. block hoir. green eues. Long hoir. stroight hoir. brown hoir. brown eges. He short hoir. He curlg hoir. He bLond hoir. He Ne's / S}eek I dri gof / tt hasn't gat .." Unit iCI

Lesson 1 Find Tkree. @r**s ,,. ond count the shopes. Write. How monu ... squores? trio ng [es? recto ng [es? circles? squsre trl'c-n-g Le, circte reets ng l"e 1 lt's got three sides. It's o g"imngi* . 2 It's got four sides. Two ore Long. Two ore short. It's o 3 It hosn't got sides. It's o 4 It's got four sides. Theg're oLL the some. It's o 2 Look of the picture ogoin ond write. Linit 10 Shooes

Lerson Four Fh+i'iics t Hel.p Theo coltect his ducks. Ioin the tetters th. AW tr thth t t t hthth h hth h t t th h t h Ti"r eo ba Write. B abg O ne, B abg O ne, Th"** 's in the two, . co unt two, . -ffie\r ./\- \ {" , l. o 4 tl J _ .z \v-l .u r/ \(, rite. s his Digrophs rh Unit IO

I Reod. ho ir Simon Ed Amu eues Simon ArnU t l'{.1::, .t r*:ri,,i.'2 Mg nome is Freddg. I hove got three bestfriends. Simon hos got block hoir. It is short ond curlg. His eges ore brown. Ed is oLso mg friend. His hoir is short too. It is brown ond stroight. He hos got green eUes. Mg other friend is o girl. Her nome is Amg. She is Simon's cousin. She hos got Long hoir. It is blond ond cur[9. She hos got blue eges. Ed 3 tr Write the nomes ond colour. 2 Reod ogoin ond tick (/). LJnit I0 ReadinE: a description

3. Write the short form. L I hove got short hoir. 2 I hove got tong hoir. 3 It hos got btock eges. 4 She hos got blue eges. 5 He hos got curlg hoir. i've go! sh*nf, kmlr. 2.,1,,lChbO-an ..olllrfr,ie.nd.;..,e i'- .le,.:th,€r,wO*di,l,ltd,,,iend. DiAw,.o,hd' Writ,B,,,.ob6U.t.,,,U.6.U.,r,.fri,O.p.fl ;.',. . .:,,,,,,,,,i .M.U.,.f ii6rn.a.litl1n.A1md.1ti1t.r.'.:..i::iii:i::;;i,.::: 9or eues. .',1 r.]1;.i;,1rr,r.r1., I 1.,1]].]:..1.,,.r r,il,rrl:l':ll:]ilr.lllti,l::l:il,il:lrli:l:rl. lll,.$Ot'.l t.ihioii.i;:ll:.ilil::.tlir:tit,..r...'l..l,.lt.l::,:.,lll..',r.rl.,..:l.rr:,.,,ll, b[ock brown l.,r.,i,i,,l :a i :l :.:.. ]:: l,: . rir]:r :::r'l l:r:1, r:: rhlo.,t.n.lti.iiig . 1 * ,.'$ ,r:,,,:ll rilrr,:rl Writing obout my friend Unit l0

Lessom CIme Wqlrds I Look ond motch. 2 Look of the words ogoin. Write. mon keg etephont giraff e Whot ore these? -l t ' {f lneu re fiireI.IT€5 JJ}} T&qry'ne rmtl . Whot ore these? Theg're Whot ore these? Theg're big tittte toLL rc Unit II eoo / odjeettves

Lesron Two *rcffi#:#r -T* tr 2 tr Write. Reod ond colour the foces. tr [, t;k rrb-t) j1 i .,- *,, I i l:r: l z -t ) t don't like Oyyffes,,) .l .\ ',,;r-.rri t...:' t1,,1 z -t ) t don't like monkeys. \ E& Ets ) t tike etepho\) Like don't l"ike I d*n'l r{:\.\ v?[., ujlL.J . i.-I i fi&e / dom'r Iri<e .". Unit T? ffi

Lesserx Ykreer Wsxrds 1 Find ond circle the words. Then write. tr m *mkery e tfr m t s & A e i t n A 3, # ffi t I r o f f e e o A * k p r n e h z e b r a q& o m o n k e g- n p a r r o t t I tr z p Littte The eLephont's The eLephont's eors ore nose is Yhe zoo The porrot's tegs ore The porrot's eues ore [Jnit'!tr

r F trft$- _.. .-.: ".. ... Le550n rour $*$3ffiffi$frs & 5og ond write the words. qt gf 2 Write. tr The emf hos got o The 3 HeLp the cot ond the mon find their things. Colou r at red. Cotour on blue. Then join. ototn m tso O t 6Il tsi ocr ,'q! t' ETJ on & hos got o /-----'-' ': igo lo ido ffi; ffir m ffi CVC wordr a unit II ffi84 ffi

I Reod. Atthe zoo. rhey like parrots, monkeys too. Big ones,little ones, Ar the z60 Look at the boys And'the, girls too. Tall ones, short ones, At the zaa. They,l,ike zebras, ',And'snakes too, LonA ones, shor.t ones, Atthe zoo. 2 Reod ogoin. Tick (./) the onimols in the L porrots -d 4 zebras 2 mon kegs 5 giroffes POem. 3 etephonts 6 snokes 3 Reod ogoin qnd write T (true) or F (foLse). L The bogs and girts ore tott ond short. 2 The bogs ond girts don't Like porrots. 3 The bogs ond girls Like monkegs. 4 The monkegs ore big ond LittLe. 5 The bogs and girls don't Like zebros. 6 The snokes ore Long ond short. ffi unit* Reoding: E peem

["ersom Six & Add the odjectives to the sentences. 1 This is o bou. (toLL) 2 This is o dog. (big) 3 This is o snoke. (Long) 4 He's got hoir. (short) 5 It's got eors. (Little) 6 lt's o monkeg. (brown) -r . ii I nrs !s o lfill This is o This is He's got It's bou. dog. 3 Circle the qnimols gou [ike. Underline the onimots gou don't [ike. tigers Lions monkegs snokes zebras cots goots ,elephonts porrots giroffes dogs birds chicks 3 Drow ond write obout the qnimo[s gou Like qnd don't [ike. I I tike I don't I don't I [ike Wnitinq cbourf omimols I like Unit'l'l ffi

.-?*n.. f--\ '4 it-: I ! )t J t ii tt fl,ntt I lli:' ,{ dll' r* *1i **t i -.-- - -:.-i Lessom &rxe W$mrds 1 Look ond tick (/l or cross (X). a/ = hos got X = hosn't got 2 Look of the pictures ogoin. Write. rrikeffi m.n*mt and@ ,,/5.. ]M I don'tlike @$ t"f nit 12 Food

I Order the words. do l"ik"e dcn't t)u Lessorx, Ywro, iffirmmr.gxmr fiB^ i Lrke Do uou bononos? \.S/\-\A{ A&\m) [i:=- lU* 2 do. I Yes, 3 gou corrots? Do 4 I don't. No, 5 breod? Uou ,Like Do 6 I Yes, do. 3 Write. Oo you lrke eorrofsT Yes" f do. Unit 12

Lexsahr Y,Xtree '&rrd* ffiffi%ffi 2%% %% tr=a M ffi M ffi 1\ ffi] t***rr***, '# % /\ H "'"i*" 1 ffiJ.I*"1 tr}{.}l 3ffi FA&i66!@ Yes, I do. /No, I don't. Yes, I do./No, Idon't. Yes, I do. /No, I don't. H= ffi r= @-F- c5H 5M U ffiJ : M L I 2 Write ond circle. # L Do gou Like @$ ;x-\ 2 Do gou I"ike ffi ffi 3 Do sou rirc ffi lFffi l:Fffi Unit l2 Drinks wwffi w milk wmten juice fish -bres"d" 1 Whot's next? Look, drow ond write. juiee wuter

& Sog ond write the words. &ersom Four ffi&epxx$cs ed en r Ke n's Pe n, Ke n's Red, ,tk*d got P eft, pen red, a $38y'r pen. is red. A write. cot G} 6 mon tr Whe re's Pen, peft, pen. It's on Ken's Bed, bed, bed. p en? .t.t tr Write the word thot rhgmes. L*& ({{t! Ken CVe wonds e NJnit I2 r red tr

lI!Le550n Frve ;;,i,i::r,lr.i:1ll:l1lpl::':],:ll:: 1 Reod. Steve ond Atice ore in o cof6. It is dinnertime. Steve hos got eggs, breod ond tomotoes. For dessert he hos got gropes ond on ice creom. His drink is oronge juice. Alice hos gotfish, rice ond corrots. For dessert she hos got o Vogurt ond on opple. For her drink, she hos got woter. 2 Reod ogoin ond write the nomes. Motch. d h Unit 12 l?eoding: inforrnotion fexts

1 Circle n't in these sentences. L I doffi tike carrots. 3 Theg oren't ice creoms. 5 No, theg oren't. 3 Write the short form. 1 I do not tike opples. 2 Her hoir is not stroight. 3 Theg ore not circles. 4 This is not rice. 5 It is not his house. 2 This isn't o 4 No, it isn't. 6I don't Iike Uog u rt. JUrCe. 3 Whot do gou Like? Whot don't gou tike? Drow @ ond @. bononos O gogurt Q eggs O meot Q fisrr Q tomotoer Q &' Drow the food gou like snd don't [ike. Then write. breod O corrots Q p.orc Q rice Q opptes Q gropes O I I [ike [ike I don't Like I don't Like Writimg cbout fosd N [i[ee UnitL m

Ra*igw,.r:l* I Look of the pictures ohd write. Tobg 's qct bl"ock hoir. 's got hosn't got Nome: Tobg Hoir: block Eges: green L 3 5 2 He He curtg hoir: blond hoir. ." bLue eues. Th is is o g it offe. (to Lt) Add the odjectives to the sentences. This is o monkeg. (LittLe) {{W_js s tlrt{s m*nrksu. This is on elephont. (big) tong hoir. brown eues. Tongo She 2 4 6 She ffi This is o snoke. (green) 3 Write the words in the correct box. '$qe*sre- nnilk gogurt juice tigen snoke rice trionELe woter rectongle porrot esrrots '-*-.,.,.',*'h.m,p,*$,,',.,''"' S-q&&Ltr ,.-'"""-"--*t,:&m |' i l 'm m{.m$,Ls'n,ks,,'" ""i.1 Nome: Tongo Hoir: blond Eges: blue 3 Review 4 trr, .*r/ ;1 i1 /

Kew$ew 4 ; S Write ond motch. tr Write. Like 90u Do giroffes. ! montegs. I zebros. [ ] 1 ';2 5 r6 3 4 girffis. Like I porrots. don't I Like Do snokes? don't. No, I gou tigers? [ike I- do. Yes, ffiwKbB TT tr w% teo er ffi . ryare l(arrrar., A ffi-k E Mff @'.q ffi 1@r z@r r@r +@r {ik* elephonts. @ 1. ilffi orr ree eep

Lesscxr &me &&{wrds I Reod ond drow. Drow o pillow on the bed. Drow o blonket on the bed. Drow o book on the shelf. Drow o pen on the shelf. Drow o T-shirt in the cupboord. Drow o teddu on the rug. 2 Look of the picture ogoin. Write. It's on the --.ffi L where's the W *r{{*u;I \lr- r 2 Where's the M It's on 3 Where's the @ 4 Where's the M ;, 5 Where's the fu|, Unrt l5 &lly bedroonr 6 Where's the ffi

Reod qnd circle. 3 Look of the picture ond write. Yher.s's o cupboord. L,Gs$eEl,' ffigrg' ffi rmrsxm& r [E5-S/ There ore o bed in mU bedroom. There's / There ore two cupboords in mg bedroom. There's / There ore three books on mg shelf. There's / There ore o blonket on mg bed. lhere's lhere ore I I tr 2 4 6 t 3 5 two piLlows. o shelf. four books. two beds. o rug. st K ?"&ere's I f&ere ore ."" ["Nnit 'l 3

1t rH t'__: *j q l --7 / ilil rrLa/f !it, f a, E .:: wprd$ :::: . :: Leisarn,,.,T[r,*ee,,,.., 1 Ioin the dots. 1:20 a19 a12 13a 2a a" as a4 2 Find ond circle the words. Then write. ei*1,** f'--: t-I ltdl lril lttl tt lt L ri l t-.11"*-1 i ![ ]t I i /l # 4/ I ir I ,,..% t!\ l-l i *l l t,L*\ t{ \} titt aY I ;"\ r\ rttt L4: // i i /./t I l!tr*- lltt ;ltt 111 a6 1l8a a7 ia 9a a1o f f €4"7 ,-'-'1 i.-1 i I t* l l I,-\ J l-to j L* I \_-,/ Kffi e rt #n tl \Yl # L-: // L_-_t J o u r t e e n gr il * e I h t e e n I l.t I * t W e n t g i s e V e n t e rel n 5 x t e e n t e A & .rF ,xt I * * A A * e t f I f t e e n V e A x t W e L V e e t h r t e e !i \ n.i n Unit I3 Numbers I1-20 r-:\ -/"*\ La \,/,-r\ i it! \ 1 l */ l:\/

& 5og ond write the words. 3 Colour ig red. Cotour in green Then join. &esssm Four ffi&xmrx$ss a f tn t brg Write. A brg, btg :,U ln q btg, btg Eat the blg Put the tin in the r\ til ligi m r'J---*) rni ,'i- --l ;lg j - Lg g r;----) rel 6-*.l lo LN r". --t .fol trt PJ /a ---, ,lgl 0 ,tj-'.-.--, il11 ,'J ) llni fT u €VC words f Unit '!3

ilt I Reod ond cotour. 2 Reod ogoin ond motch. L Whot's her nome? 2 Where's LoLo? E HeLLo. Mg nome's Lo[o ond this is mg bedroom. Mg fovourite colour's purple. I've got o purpl.e piLLow ond o purple blonket. Con gou see mg doLL? She's on mg bed. Her nome is PoLLg. I've got tots of books on mg shetf ond tots of ctothes in mg cupboord. Mg fovourite is o purple dress. And [ook, here ore mg btue shoes. I tike mg shoes. Theg're veru prettg. Bge! From LoLo o Purple. b A dol,L. c Lots of ctothes. d Her nome's Loto. e Theg're blue. f Her nome's PoLLg. g She's in her bedroom. h Theg're on her shel,f. 4 5 6 7 8 3 Whot's herfovourite colour? ! Whot tog is on her bed? ! Whot's the doll's nome? tr Where ore her books? ! Whot's in her cupboord? [ Whot colour ore her shoer? E I I I i,f" i ;- = ,'r'i i ri i{}illili Il;illi lr-*- -_.':- i ttr&% Unit I3 NXeading: c descniptive le*ter

& Reod. Underline the ? ond circle the 6; L Where's Uour bed ? It's in mg bedroom . 2 Whot's on Uour shelf ? Mg books ore on mg shetJ 3 Do gou like gour bedroom ? Yes, I do . A Write the copitol letters L whot's her nome 2 her nome's LoLo 3 whot's on her sheLf 4 are the shoes blue ond the ? or \&/fumt's fuer remrutc? & Circle the things in gour bedroom. Write how mong. bed ,- blonket r- piil.ow _i cupboord r_ she$ ,-l rrg _l There's o Thlerels There ore -tlnere book [ .o, I dor.[ [ troin l- l puzzre D tedds ! &, Drow gour bedroom, Write whot there is'in gour bedroom. Wniting sbout my bedroom Unit 13

Lesswm &me W$ms.ds I Find ond circle the words. wml"k rtth tLltt e Llrnb +^l l.. tU LI( 5Wrml ftu _l 2 Look of the picture. Write. 1. jlu Lfnit tr4 Verbs

I Look ond write. This bog effiffi" swim. This bog IELetSOn llYO q*nmsxtmtmr SWrm. This girL c[im b. This dog Con he swim? Con she run? Co n it cLim b? ru n. This girL c[im b. 2 Write. ru n. This cot Con he swim? & ! { 9. {zu#} ffi# effir.*''{. Con she run? Co n it ctim b? ,t O -/t hlo, she con'r't" Yes, he csn. Ain h^ .nn'* rr\r, I rr; LLtt I L. Yes, she egm. Yes, it eorn. [\o, !t e0n't. ) l-r1-' &de ecn I eon'r #y" Ccrm &e fcdl<l Unit tr 4

lessonifftre6 W&r#,s 1 Write. slng d row write He con She con He con 2 Look ond write. cl"imb .swirn1 2 5 W I nn h o t d o ?

!.essom Fosxr ffifueex-x&ss 1 Sog ond write the words. ox Nl} t--(\ I dA ilil d*u @ M //r'',ffi \,u,ffi t o9 2 write. Look at the d*S It's sitting on a Look ot the It's s itting In o, f %* ssffi , mL_l Write the word thot rhgmes. t_ _ - - ru= *Jrl }]rs CVC words o Unit I4

I Reod ond colour. 2 Reod ogoin ond write. eges pink Long white 'birC" Leg Afl,omingo is o ,$ird A fl"omingo is It hos got geL[ow A fLomingo's Legs ore F[omingos con stond A bobg ftomingo is L 2 3 4 5 6 on one Unit I4 Reoding: o descripfion

1A giroff e colil"$cLimb trees. 3 This snoke con't woIk. 3 Write the long form. 1 A g iroJf e co n't swim. 2 A monkeg con'tflg. 3 A snoke con't run. 4 A dog con't totk. & ninr.*{p rnn?,i*L switn. Yi, uj,1 L. LUi(t & Drow ond write obout whot Uou con ond con't do. 3 Circle whot gou con do. Undertine whqt gou con't do. run wotl,r, totoo,o*t'n' *r,Jju ,.*f o swim 2I 4A con't swim. dog con't f tU I con I con I cg n't I con't Writielg sbo&,f wl'rot I ccm ds ffi Unit l4 ffi"Y;X ffi

Lesson One =v+*,*r'#=: ." I l-**l 1[try il t*="\ tt.iI. r"J r*/ 5 There's o 6 There ore on the beoch. on the seo. on the beoch. 1 Number the picture. tr tr tr tr tr tr h.a...h L,r\-lJl\-r I boot cro bs shetls sondcostLe the seo ffi@t) 2 Look of the picture ogoin. Write. 1 We're of the neucl-r . 2 There's o 3 There ore two 4 We con swim in tots of {,.lnit '!5 The beoch

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