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Published by worksheetsworld26, 2023-07-30 07:06:23

Family and Friends 1 Workbook full

Family and Friends 1 Workbook full

I Write. fiod plo U swinn g0 find r-no ke r-* LeSson lwo {*srsrglsmcr o sondcostle. in o boot. boLL. L Let's find crobs. 3 Let's 5 Let's in the seo. shetLs. 2 Let's 4 Let's 6 Let's aJ --' - ) :-, .di3 -S" ffi ,-ft[. - Order the words. L boot. Let's go in o 2 bo[[. pLoU Let's f KUL pt'q; J rui: in {'i hr:nr or L€trs SondCoStle. make Let's crobs. find swim the seo. Let's in shelts. find, Let's' [efk + verb Unit i 5

Lesssrx I Reod Three *wv*rsEs ond tick (d) the correct sentence. He's got sun creor. @ He's got o drink.E 2 Find ond circle the words. Then write. tr l C: {.4.) t-t-l L-J s Unit I5 The beach She's got on ice creorn. ! He's got o bot. ! She's got on ice LoLLg. ! He's got a boLL E tr I tz-.] L] *'..', ,,...,:,^::'. , -a\- I l-r4r*;; - .,"A tr b s e b Ifli ll s e o o I o r I * I n c o a s c d e t I ,,bl u e A rq c c e n L 3 a r & a c o @ s e I c r t i t o s h e t L L m a U & pq e b a t m tr

a I r ug X write. Write the word thot rhgmes. f 'm on the flffi#, Rug , rvg, rug. With juice ln a Jug, jug, jug. Here is mU Mum, mum, mum. She's got mg Sum, sum, sum. &essom Fowr,#3fuep;yx$ms 3, Sog ond write the words. utn f+4=5 t fil t- ,1 -r) t -) , ) J-f )') 5{"i"r*" tr6*' t*w/ qffi$./ box E,&Fd 7g-t CVC words u Unit I 5 mum dog

I Reod. You con see Lots of onimo[s of the beoch. There ore fish ond there ore birds. There is onother onimoL of the beoch. This onimoL hos got o big sheil". Whot is it? It is o crob! Crobs [ive in the seo ond on the beoch. Crobs ore different colours. Theg con be white, block, red, oronge or brown. Theg hove got ten Legs. Two legs ore big ond eight tegs ore smoLL. Theg con swim ond theg con run, but theg connotflg. 2 Reod ogoin ond write. L Whot onimols ore of the beoch? 2 Whot onimol hos got o shetl,? 3 How mong legs hos o crob got? 4 How mong legs ore big? 5 How mong Legs ore smott? 6 Can crobs run? There ore flsh . There ore A Unit l5 Reoding: on informotion text

& Reod. Underline the verbs. L Let's climb. 3 Let's run. Let's sing o song. Let's pLoU bol,L. 2 4 X write. clinnb r-;-l r_i_J @ ffi /w'N r;r X6 w l* \<ffi IL; ffi1 \ffi lxll ffi .l.rf lm ttl &," {# Let's sim6 o song. Let's & Drsw ond write obout gou of the becch. 3 Circle whot Uou con see qt the beoch. sondcostle both bed shetls birds bol.l. bot kite sofo sun creom I om of the There is o lnere There ore bo LL. Let's downstoirs crobs frisbee boot besch. There I've got o I've \ffnitir"rg oberu? the bee ch u,1lf I 3

_<_A CF)*-- Review 5 Ag \e,v I Look of the picture. Count ond write. There is There mne 1 3 5 : :: t : 1 bot. cro bs. sondcosttes. 2 4 6 ice LoL[g. boot. she[Ls. 2! I 16J T nineteen )l,/\LCCr -:.,+^ ^ ^r tweLve thirteen 3 Write the words in the correct box. Write. e iv&**pt itlqLuL! L l bed sun eresrn blmnket sheLf f,ourteen write drow seventeem bost fifteen ice LoLLg te Lk l l l becl r**m : ,,, k*; :: #ry{,i. . : bemeh r: u n'r:b*n,s verhs l?eview 5

W S :{'' *'***iffi,,. "ffi ":' :f-- li'{'ilri'li:'irii'iiiiillrliiiiilrlii'"'$..} {* Order the words. f ''g!l .'. ,t,n,e, .,!e1r5.,' ,to , ,: beoch! 2 .,.$,oodr 3 ,, lg,o,U,,, ,.:i.1.':. 4.,.eO.nt,,l,l 5 'iwi,m Write obout gou. 1 Whot's Uour nome? 2 How old ore gou? 3 Whot cotour is gour hoir? 4 Whot colour ore gour eges? 5 Whot onimots do gou tike? 6 Whotfood do gou LikeT Lqq,s $ry {*,f,hq,tu*qqk{ l\4t, mem^jr' I i LC I t{"i"! I tt: -} &!x ffievtew 5 ideo. Thot's r.-,i a swim?' , fsp ' I Y€.s;, 1O r [g{:'9 ,, ,tl"ig gga tr/\ tr A'/' ) 3*r ?#n -J' r,-) , ---'), J x k t-f 6e.l*-/ i.r.t.. ,*tr* r.r '..i I r.r i. r.q fi:,J.r.:.i:.rr,' tr',&r:11 ryury,dE1 6 Review 5

P i af ulie:::,,ld.i atia.t,ai Reod ond colour. Stqrter HeLlo! r"-\ L.1 I L---\ l tt j] ll // it // tltl *m* tqxvm .fr ll*'qlt lz--r\!/ t{t, tt six sev€n ,fr 'l i I , \ I tttltt it\\ll r* --1\ * -/ !l-* i\ 1t t* "/ l-- -^ I tVE J ( ^,.^^* ) I I t, vutl l \--/ t\|^l )) )' LJ .T I I lt Y? 2\ t(rl Fttr!t{ -.Y,." f3 LI {( ) } --/ / nlne fpn (_-_\ \ oranae \ ( hr,,,, / I r _) \ L.rt(As I \,--J \-, l I i i 1 I I ,1 JUNE Su ndo g I I 15 22 29 Mondo q 2 9 16 23 30 Tuesdoq 3 IO t7 24 Wed nesdo rl 4 il I8 25 Thursdoq 5 t2 19 26 Fridot; 6 I3 20 27 Sotu rdaq 7 14 2l 28 School things ffi (tu ta) \_<\lZ bus 1 dmmr pere ptr$?c[& bmmk II rlrl,tPt.CIr r \/tL"/ L/ \, t re Picture dictionory nx-x{s r w&r"eCmw

2 Togs Pictu,re, d|stiono.ri bm&& fuLkm | .- $ , ks f cp vt s r yy$* &mr{ r-$ r ; &r*r " rlLq-,s $"i uzzle tedCg f;rmg"ru 3 Mg bodg s I t"!-t _* 9'I '\t fueerad {s} $'eff #r {s} &, . !B $- td\ gl.}fi { d* X I Wt ! A \ g q\- L,t L".;tJ *d tl Ficture dictionory

P&cwxxre d fi cs$orn.s.iy & Jobs d* mf,* r $mnrmmr- fcnereffire ra# {Jscw[Js t'Aowdayl TW?au n i$n* r E"LThJ L p*&&e cnaffiy? pffip[& f *me &as I t , rl I 1 1 S The pork 9r*qhpm s c 6.d# &d \, td -i &r* er'#ffi.ffi? n** rtffiL I p*fi{ s#tr$ffiw re Fieture dictlonory I" E s Irds 5W*e?# ffrme

Picf u re:,,,,d.lcf io n.a.ry 6 My lamily ffitlffi I I SW* i 6 rtrlln& wwr bL ** *& VVWL I ,@, vd# sn^,i**"- L ! \ ! f Jv f Ar r**@ UV U#L! L g g #!LVb# ;. \ttt !! I \ Ji LtJi LJ ,i m t *tru€f' i # rffiru#.ffi'lffi A'/A*J** gr urruHL{. I ! , ola a, ,{ ,,tl w 7 My clother I pa al-* fl nm &"es tr rs Picfure dictionory

Piclure dicriomo*V I My house --i:.*:-* * -*3 g4A,&,& !.. ,,,a ,4 Li" s s"r LY *,-ffi # rY? ll/ ll mm ffiI TT,I J'"** J^o4qKn$*i** r!R6&*l*- f l6 !tltlf g\, f,ltf,{- I }v-tG-rc'-rit$-r- r-&q,J vv , &J *c,err * ffiH3 tt-&Li .} S My lunch box * {4fl}ffif# dd fu mreexrem h &strraiff ,.i e:{u,s^AeF. f !r f f ,tc \ \4.& t* Lt\.dd f1 v7,nt} fr f t, I t t ls/\ \d1 r \,{ltrd \d # d,,**h k^o L{df ilc*$ r" &.d$-J/\ ic Fn f-3 S* &A p*rn ffi ry 1"JL"{L{ {' qJqJ{ $ L h .r.l c*{ rrf\ r-\ rvq ,,HrIII tf!I wkw* uulr& t--& *** *..* i\uL&! *kq 6 g mrc*mra ! t^ ^".^^ rlr!;f\,f,,,, Fictune dictionony ptrffir J qrtndtrqrinh \At L\rl- W V ;-L* l k f,nr-nr:fn E. t-i i ; t\.i- t- \J l

F.ilc.flu:iel, :driati:onalry 10 My friends ond shopes !ll t* m .- * *. " "*t. . rrtt t tffi rc r yr r a , r F 5 I trtt t t { ! i v f I I #!uEtrqvu*tl3 ,, .; ^"!-.-^:.*l^3- **,r "8 *t err*l "\ i it I Ir L,tI \rLq-r' l1 F&r.A!F4 td #pre**mlm Lr !@f sY &e ? troo * ,* I"\J ' IV 11 The zoo s[mpfumrat $Ya* rak*y ;b tfi }J rtr:;d 'K-ru girffi* ffin,rrnfi $"/tA, , LrL ! cnnks ,*l * *"* i i I tr I bsvlb! T. I Picture dictionory

Piclure diction ary 12 Food ond drinks Frr'wrm&e. t 9rr!tt!\ tdSdr$I r q-Jr l*UF ,t J *a4 dlf'I f ,ILbt^L u ffitr Lerc lrztf,rt ! r,.d"r"{*u -t rr!!iry lArrafar vu {*LL. I hrmmd l\ t 13 My bedroom ond numbers ll -2O f ,r Fh \llS-'II ^l* bEci crrpbacrci H pillrw bimruket rl{# srLkY 1l il qi T' qi =D {;1 'ry ,{:JI Jl,& ,.!S -L'* slsvcn twe {.lrc t$"rintcsrc f*unt*cru i:/; fiIT q:fa flffi r ir r':r in d* # J**i JI?/ si.xte cra sevrnflcen eiql'rteert nireetc*m :-""' "t "-1 I ! r"'' tlt\ li*\1 J L-.*-r J L*)L_-/ fi{tr*o, I r! LL L. I L 4'\ !t/\ t-1\/z1\ j llr 1t / /t i tt .// t\ I I / t*-\, \J I i i\--l Picture dicfionory ttnrpn f lr

F icr* re,, ..d.|Cf i.o,nla.iy 3"c* Verbs I #t € f * M -i w! t&us . " " * 3 t* o /\._ b "q " G : s6KAff*m 15 The beoch I" &: m eaf, t -**--*|h " g $* i FB6 Ai I Fqp^ ft & {}{} ,$&k J{ Fieture dictionory -Q.

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