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eBook Top Class KSSM 2021 Biology F4 IC094141

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Top Class Bio Tg 4

eBook Top Class KSSM 2021 Biology F4 IC094141

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 10 Transport in Humans and Animals

Explain how do above practices cause cardiovascular disease.

Terangkan bagaimana amalan-amalan di atas menyebabkan penyakit kardiovaskular. HOTS Analysing

[10 marks / 10 markah]

(b) A man with Rhesus factor in his blood is Rh-positive. His wife who does not have Rhesus factor
in her blood is Rh-negative. Their first child who is Rh-positive survives but their second child
who is also Rh-positive does not survive.

Seorang lelaki yang mempunyai faktor Rhesus dalam darahnya ialah Rh-positif. Isterinya yang tidak
mempunyai faktor Rhesus dalam darahnya ialah Rh-negatif. Anak pertama mereka yang Rh-positif dapat
hidup tetapi anak kedua mereka yang juga Rh-positif tidak dapat hidup.

Explain the why the second child who is Rh-positive does not survive.

Terangkan mengapa anak kedua yang Rh-positif tidak dapat hidup.

[10 marks / 10 markah]

HOTS Challenge

A patient suddenly experienced severe chest pains and was admitted to the hospital. After
examination, the doctor discovered the presence of blood clots in one of his coronary arteries.

Seorang pesakit tiba-tiba mengalami kesakitan dada yang kuat dan dimasukkan ke dalam hospital. Selepas
diperiksa, doktor mendapati terdapat bekuan darah dalam salah satu arteri koronarinya.

(a) Explain the consequence of this blood clot to the heart tissue supplied by this artery.

Terangkan akibat bekuan darah ini terhadap tisu jantung yang dibekalkan oleh arteri ini.

(b) The patient underwent a bypass surgery, where healthy vein from the leg or artery under the
chest bone were transplanted and used to bypass the blocked blood vessel.

Satu rawatan telah dijalankan ke atas pesakit ini, iaitu pembedahan pintasan jantung. Rawatan ini melibatkan
penggantian salur darah jantung yang tersumbat dengan vena dari kaki atau arteri di bawah tulang dada
untuk memintasi salur darah yang tersumbat.

(i) Explain why the vein from leg must be sewn in correct orientation.

Terangkan mengapa vena dari kaki mesti dijahit dalam orientasi yang betul.

(ii) State one disadvantage of using a vein for artery bypass.

Nyatakan satu keburukan dengan menggunakan vena dalam pintasan arteri.

(iii) Suggest why the doctors used the patient’s own blood vessels for the procedure.

Cadangkan mengapa doctor menggunakan salur darah pesakit sendiri untuk membuat pintasan jantung.

Quiz 10

21PAK- 88

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CHA PTER Immunity in Humans

11 Keimunan Manusia


Defence Mechanism in the Body

Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan

Non-specific Defense Specific Defence

Pertahanan Tidak Spesifik Pertahanan Spesifik

First Line of Defense Second Line of Defence Third Line of Defence

Barisan Pertahanan Pertama Barisan Pertahanan Kedua Barisan Pertahanan Ketiga

Physical barrier Chemical barrier Phagocytosis Inflammation Antibody Memory
Pelindung fizikal Pelindung kimia Fagositosis Keradangan Antibodi
Skin Mucous Blood clotting Hydrochloric Fever
Kulit membrane Demam
mechanism Acids
Membran Mekanisme Asid hidroklorik
mukus pembekuan darah

mechanism in the

Mucus Cilia Lysozyme body
Mukus Silia Lisozim VIDEO 3 pertahanan badan

Actions of Antibodies IMMUNITY / KEIMUNANConcentration of The body
Active / Aktifantibody in the blood (%) produces
Tindakan Antibodi the
Immunity levelKepekatan antibodi antibody.
Neutralisation Aras keimunandalam darah (%)
Peneutralan Time (Week) menghasilkan
Masa (Minggu) antibodi
Agglutination sendiri.
First injection Second injection
Pengaglutinatan Suntikan kali Suntikan kali The body
pertama kedua receives the
Precipitation antibody
Concentration of Passive / Pasif from
Pemendakan antibody in the blood (%) outside.
Immunity level
Opsonisation Kepekatan antibodi Aras keimunan Badan
dalam darah (%) menerima
Pengopsoninan Time (Week) antibodi dari
First injection Masa (Minggu) luar.
Complement fixation Suntikan kali Second injection
pertama Suntikan kali
Penguraian kedua

89 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 11 Immunity in Humans

Body Defence

11.1 Pertahanan Badan

1. Define / Definisikan: TP 1
(a) Pathogen / Patogen:

(b) Antigen / Antigen:

(c) Antibody / Antibodi:

2. Explain the characteristics of skin that enable it to act as physical barrier in the first line of defence
in human body. TP 2

Terangkan ciri-ciri kulit yang membolehkannya bertindak sebagai pelindung fizikal dalam sistem pertahanan

3. Construct a thinking map to explain the process of how phagocyte carries out phagocytosis to
destroy bacteria.

Bina satu peta pemikiran untuk menerangkan proses bagaimana sel fagosit menjalankan fagositosis untuk
memusnahkan bakteria. TP 6 HOTS Creating

4. Explain why the third line of defence is a specific defence? TP 4 HOTS Analysing

Terangkan mengapa barisan pertahanan ketiga merupakan suatu pertahanan spesifik?

Actions of Antibodies

11.2 Tindakan Antibodi

5. Complete the table below to show the actions of antibodies to destroy antigen. TP 2

Lengkapkan jadual di bawah untuk menunjukkan tindakan antibodi memusnahkan antigen.

Actions of Antibodies / Tindakan Antibodi Explanation / Penerangan

(a) Neutralisation


(b) Agglutination


(c) Precipitation


(d) Opsonisation


(e) Complement fixation 90


© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

Biology  Form 4  Chapter 11 Immunity in Humans 

Types of Immunity

11.3 Jenis Keimunan

6. What are meant by active immunity and passive immunity? TP 1

Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan keimunan aktif dan keimunan pasif?

(a) Active immunity / Keimunan aktif:

(b) Passive immunity / Keimunan pasif:

7. State one differences between vaccine and antiserum.

Nyatakan satu perbezaan antara vaksin dan antiserum. TP 2

8. If a person is bitten by a snake, what is the type of immunity that the person required? Why?

Seandainya seseorang individu digigit ular, apakah jenis keimunan yang diperlukan? Mengapa?
TP 3 HOTS Applying

Health Issues Related to Immunity

11.4 Isu Kesihatan Berkaitan Keimunan Manusia

9. (a) What is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)? TP 1

Apakah itu sindrom kurang daya tahan penyakit?

(b) Explain why a patient with AIDS does not have antibodies to fight with disease. TP 2

Terangkan mengapa seorang pesakit AIDS tidak mempunyai antibodi untuk melawan penyakit.

1 0. Complete the table below to explain Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and allergy.

Lengkapkan jadual di bawah untuk menerangkan Sistemik Lupus Eritematosus(SLE) dan alahan.
TP 3 HOTS Applying

Disease / Penyakit Explanation / Penerangan

(a) Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus (SLE)

Sistemik Lupus Eritematosus(SLE)

(b) Allergy


91 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 11 Immunity in Humans 11

SPM Practice

Paper 1

11.1 Body Defence What is the structure A Action of antibiotics
labelled X?
Pertahanan Badan Tindakan antibiotik
Apakah stuktur yang berlabel X?
1. What is the protein B Acidic gastric juice in
A Antibiotic stomach
produced in response to
Antibiotik Jus gastrik berasid dalam
the presence of antigen? perut
B Antibody
Apakah protein yang dihasilkan C Transport of red blood
dalam gerak balas terhadap Antibodi cells
kehadiran antigen?
C Antiserum Pengangkutan sel darah
A Antibiotic merah
Antibiotik D Injection of vaccine
D Antigen
B Antibody Suntikan vaksin
Antibodi 6. The following are the steps
4. Which of the followings carry out by the phagocyte
C Antiserum are involved in the first in phagocytosis.
line of defence in human
Antiserum body? Yang berikut merupakan
langkah-langkah yang
2. Which of the following Antara yang berikut, yang dijalankan oleh fagosit dalam
manakah terlibat dalam barisan fagositosis.
terms refers to the pertahanan pertama dalam
badan manusia? P: Phagosome is
microorganism that cause formed.
I Inflammation
disease? Fagosom dibentuk.
Antara istilah berikut, yang Q: Bacteria are digested.
manakah merujuk kepada II Mucous membrane
mikroorganisma yang Bakteria dicernakan.
menyebabkan penyakit? Membran mukus
R: Phagocyte encloses
A Lysozyme III Saliva and engulfs bacteria.

Lisozim Air liur Fagosit mengepung dan
menelan bakteria.
B Antibody IV Leucocyte
S: Waste is released.
Antibodi Leukosit
Sisa disingkirkan.
C Antigen A I and II
Which of the following
Antigen I dan II shows the sequence of
phagocytosis in correct
D Pathogen B II and III order?

Patogen II dan III Antara yang berikut, yang
manakah menunjukkan urutan
3. Diagram 1 shows a C III and IV fagositosis yang betul?
bacterium and a virus.
III dan IV A P, R, Q, S
Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu B R, Q, S, P
bakteria dan satu virus. D I and IV C R, P, Q, S
D Q, P, S, R
X I dan IV

Bacterium Virus
Virus 5. Which of the following is
the body’s natural defence
Diagram 1 / Rajah 1 against the entry of

Antara yang berikut, yang
manakah merupakan
pertahanan badan semula jadi
terhadap kemasukan patogen?

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 92

Biology  Form 4  Chapter 11 Immunity in Humans 

7. What is the function of 1 0. Diagram 2 shows the action A Natural passive
of a particular antibody.
the first line of defence in immunity
Rajah 2 menunjukkan tindakan
human body? sejenis antibodi. Keimunan pasif semula jadi

Apakah fungsi barisan Antibody Bacterium B Artificially passive
pertahanan pertama dalam molecules Bakteria
badan manusia? Molekul immunity
A To prevent pathogens Keimunan pasif buatan

from entering the body. C Natural active

Menghalang kemasukan immunity
patogen ke dalam badan.
Keimunan aktif semula jadi
B To prevent excessive
D Artificially active
blood loss.
Menghalang kehilangan
darah berlebihan. Keimunan aktif buatan

C To destroy antigen. Health Issues Related to
Memusnahkan antigen. Diagram 2 / Rajah 2 Isu Kesihatan Berkaitan Keimunan
11.4 Manusia
D To destroy pathogen by What is the action of this
antibody? 13. The following is a
phagocytosis. statement about AIDS.
Apakah tindakan antibodi ini?
Memusnahkan pathogen Yang berikut merupakan
melalui fagositosis. A Neutralisation pernyataan mengenai AIDS.

8. Which of the following Peneutralan AIDS patients are
common to get
carries out the B Precipitation secondary infections
such as pneumonia.
phagocytosis process? Pemendakan
Pesakit AIDS biasanya akan
Antara yang berikut, yang C Opsonisation mendapat jangkitan sekunder
manakah menjalankan proses seperti pneumonia.
fagositosis? Pengopsoninan

I Neutrophil D Complement fixation

Neutrofil Penguraian

II Monocyte 11.3 Types of Immunity

Monosit Jenis Keimunan Which of the following

III Basophil 11. Which of the following best explain the statement?

Basofil is an example of active Antara yang berikut, yang
manakah menerangkan
IV Lymphocyte immunity? pernyataan dengan paling baik?

Limfosit Antara yang berikut, yang A HIV causes monocytes
manakah merupakan satu
A I and II C II and III contoh keimunan aktif? to engulf leucocytes.

I dan II II dan III A Breast feeding HIV menyebabkan monosit
B I and III D III and IV menelan leukosit.
Penyusuan ibu
I dan III III dan IV B HIV attacks neutrophils
B Recovery from a
11.2 Actions of Antibodies and inhibits
Tindakan Antibodi phagocytosis.
Pulih dari sejenis penyakit
9. Which of the following HIV menyerang neutrofil
C Taking antibiotics dan merencat fagositosis.
white blood cells produces
Mengambil antibiotik C HIV attacks bone
D Injection of antibodies marrow.
Antara sel darah putih berikut,
yang manakah menghasilkan Suntikan antibodi HIV menyerang sum-sum
antibodi? tulang.
12. What is the most suitable
A Neutrophil immunity to be given to a D HIV attacks
person who is bitten by a
Neutrofil rabid dog? T-lymphocytes and

B Monocyte Apakah jenis keimunan paling reduces the production
sesuai yang diberi kepada
Monosit seseorang yang digigit oleh of antibodies.
anjing gila?
C Basophil HIV menyerang limfosit-T
dan mengurangkan
Basofil penghasilan antibodi.

D Lymphocyte


93 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 11 Immunity in Humans

Paper 2

Section A / Bahagian A
1. Diagram 1 shows a process of body defence mechanism carried out by cell X in human body.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu proses mekanisme pertahanan yang dijalankan oleh sel X dalam badan manusia.

Bacteria Structure Q
Bakteria Struktur Q

Cell X
Sel X

Diagram 1 / Rajah 1

(a) (i) State the name of this process. / Namakan proses ini.

[1 mark / 1 markah]

(ii) Which line of defence is the process involved?

Apakah barisan pertahanan yang proses ini terlibat?

[1 mark / 1 markah]

(b) (i) State the specific name give to cell X.

Nyatakan nama spesifik yang diberi kepada sel X.

[1 mark / 1 markah]
(ii) State two features of cell X that enable you to identify the cell.

Nyatakan dua sifat sel X yang membolehkan anda mengenal pasti sel tersebut.

[2 marks / 2 markah]

(c) Explain how Q helps in destroying the bacteria.
Terangkan bagaimana Q menolong memusnahkan bakteria.

[2 marks / 2 markah]

(d) Explain what will happens to the body defence mechanism if the process in Diagram 1 fails to

Terangkan apa yang akan terjadi kepada mekanisme pertahanan badan jika proses dalam Rajah 1 gagal

[2 marks / 2 markah]

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 94

Biology  Form 4  Chapter 11 Immunity in Humans 

Section B / Bahagian B
2. (a) Diagram 2.1 shows two methods on how human obtain immunity against diseases.

Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan dua kaedah bagaimana manusia memperoleh keimunan terhadap penyakit.

Method I / Kaedah I Method II / Kaedah II

Diagram 2.1 / Rajah 2.1

Compare the immunities obtained through method I and II.

Bandingkan keimunan yang diperolehi melalui kaedah I dan II.

[10 marks / 10 markah]

(b) Diagram 2.2 shows immune response in human body.

Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan gerak balas keimunan dalam badan manusia.


Diagram 2.2 / Rajah 2.2

(i) What is immune response? [2 marks / 2 markah]
[4 marks / 4 markah]
Apakah gerak balas keimunan?

(ii) Explain how antibodies are produced in human body.

Terangkan bagaimana antibodi dihasilkan dalam badan manusia.

(iii) Explain why the immunity obtained after a person recovers from a particular disease is


Terangkan mengapa keimunan yang diperoleh selepas seseorang sembuh daripada penyakit tertentu
adalah kekal selama-lamanya.

[4 marks / 4 markah]

Section C / Bahagian C

3. (a) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered
coronavirus since the end of the year 2019. At this time, there is no vaccine for COVID-19. A
child has been vaccinated against several diseases including measles, tetanus and rubella, and
yet the child still catches COVID-19 and has the symptoms of the disease.

Penyakit koronavirus (COVID-19) merupakan penyakit berjangkit yang disebabkan oleh virus korona yang
baru dijumpai pada akhir tahun 2019. Pada masa sekarang, tiada vaksin untuk penyakit COVID-19. Seorang
budak telah diberi vaksin untuk beberapa penyakit seperti campak, tetanus dan rubela, namun, budak
tersebut masih dijangkiti penyakit COVID-19 dan mempunyai beberapa gejala penyakit tersebut.

95 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 11 Immunity in Humans

(i) Explain why it is possible for the child to be immune to many diseases, but still be ill with
another disease, such as COVID-19.

Terangkan mengapa adalah mungkin bagi budak tersebut diimunkan terhadap banyak penyakit, tetapi
masih boleh jatuh sakit kepada penyakit yang lain, seperti COVID-19. HOTS Analysing

[4 marks / 4 markah]

(ii) Explain how vaccination can be used to eradicate a disease from a country.

Terangkan bagaimana pemvaksinan boleh digunakan untuk menghapuskan suatu penyakit dalam satu
negara. HOTS Applying

[4 marks / 4 markah]

(iii) Suggest why vaccination against diseases must continue to be carried out even if there is
no cases of the diseases for many years.

Cadangkan mengapa pemvaksinan terhadap penyakit masih diteruskan walaupun tiada kes untuk
penyakit tersebut bagi beberapa tahun. HOTS Creating

[2 marks / 2 markah]

(b) Explain how the following steps can be used to control the spread of disease.

Terangkan bagaimana langkah-langkah berikut boleh digunakan untuk mengawal jangkitan penyakit.

(i) Personal hygiene

Kebersihan peribadi

(ii) Hygienic food preparation

Persediaan makanan bersih

(iii) Proper waste disposal

Pengurusan bahan buangan yang betul

(iv) Sewage treatment

Rawatan kumbahan

[10 marks / 10 markah]

HOTS Challenge

Blood tests were carried out on two individuals, Mr. P and Mr. Q to find out if they were immune
to Hepatitis B. Results of their blood tests are shown in the table below.

Ujian darah dijalankan ke atas dua individu, Encik P dan Encik Q untuk menentukan keimunan mereka terhadap
Hepatitis B. Keputusan ujian darah mereka ditunjukkan dalam jadual di bawah.

Mr. P Mr. Q

Encik P Encik Q

The presence of Hepatitis B antigen (HBsAg) in the Absent Absent
Tiada Tiada
Kehadiran antigen Hepatitis B (HBsAg) dalam darah

Level of antibody against Hepatitis B (anti-HBsAb) in 0 > 100 IU/L

the blood (considered
Aras antibodi terhadap Hepatitis B (anti-HBsAb) dalam darah

As a doctor, explains the result of the blood test and your advice to these two individuals based on
the table.

Sebagai seorang doktor, terangkan keputusan ujian darah dan nasihat anda kepada dua orang individu ini
berdasarkan jadual tersebut.

Quiz 11


© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 96

CHA PTER Coordination and Response in Humans

12 Koordinasi dan Gerak Balas dalam Manusia


Neurone / Neuron DDeennddrirtites MMiikcrrootutubbuul le SynSainpaspes
Golgi apparatus NNeeuurrootrtarannsmsmiteirtter vesicles BSoynngagpotlicsintearpms inals
Jasad Golgi Vesikel Axonal terminal
NNuukcleleuuss sinaps Hujung akson
MMeemmbbraranne SCeylnaahpstiincacplseft
MMiittiokocnhdorniodnrion RReesceepptotor r
MSayluetlimn ieslhineath NNooddues oRfaRnvaienrvier

DDeennddrirtites MMiikcrrootutubbuul le

Human Endocrine System / Sistem Endokrin Manusia

Pituitary gland
Kelenjar pituitari
(Controls all other glands)
(Mengawal aktiviti semua
kelenjar yang lain)

Thyroid gland
Kelenjar tiroid

(Controls the body’s
metabolic rate)
(Mengawal kadar

metabolisme badan)

Testes Male / Lelaki Pancreas Female / Perempuan
Testis Pankreas
(Controls concentration
(Reproduction) of blood glucose)
(Pembiakan) (Mengawal kepekatan
glukosa dalam darah)

Adrenal gland
Kelenjar adrenal
(Prepares the body
for emergency)
(Menyediakan badan
untuk kecemasan)


97 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 12 Coordination and Response in Humans

Coordination and Response

12.1 Koordinasi dan Gerak Balas

1. The diagram below shows a schematic diagram relating the main components and pathways
involved in detecting and responding to changes in the external environment. Complete the
pathway. TP 1

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan rajah skema yang berkaitan dengan komponen utama dan laluan yang terlibat
dalam mengesan dan bertindak balas terhadap perubahan dalam persekitaran dalaman. Lengkapkan laluan itu.

Stimulus (a) Integrating centre

Rangsangan Pusat integrasi

(b) Response

Gerak balas

2. Explain two necessities for organisms to respond to internal and external stimuli.

Terangkan dua keperluan bagi organisma bergerak balas kepada rangsangan dalaman dan luaran. TP 2

Nervous System

12.2 Sistem Saraf

3. The diagram below shows the cross-section of human brain.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan keratan rentas otak manusia.




State the structures labelled P, Q, R, S and T and explain its function in table below. TP 2

Nyatakan struktur berlabel P, Q, R, S dan T serta menerangkan fungsinya dalam jadual di bawah.

Structure Name Function

Struktur Nama Fungsi


© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 98

Biology  Form 4  Chapter 12 Coordination and Response in Humans 

4. The diagram below shows the cross-section of spinal cord. Identify the parts labelled below. TP 1

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan keratan rentas saraf tunjang. Kenal pasti bahagian-bahagian yang berlabel di bawah.
(a) (b)

(g) (c)
(f )



Neurones and Synapse

12.3 Neuron dan Sinaps

5. The diagram below shows transmission of impulses across synapse. Label the following structures.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan penghantaran impuls melalui sinaps. Labelkan struktur-struktur berikut. TP 1

Symbol / Simbol Name / Nama

Nerve impulse P
Impuls saraf






Voluntary and Involuntary Actions

12.4 Tindakan Terkawal dan Tindakan Luar Kawal

6. Complete the table below to distinguish the voluntary action and the involuntary action. TP 2

Lengkapkan jadual di bawah untuk membezakan tindakan terkawal dan tindakan luar kawal.

Voluntary Action Type of action Involuntary Action

Tindakan terkawal Jenis tindakan Tindakan Luar Kawal

Characteristic © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.


Involvement of Central
Nervous System

Penglibatan Sistem Saraf Pusat

Rate of action

Kadar tindakan








  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 12 Coordination and Response in Humans

Health Issues Related to the Nervous System

12.5 Isu Kesihatan Berkaitan Sistem Saraf Manusia

7. Identify the following health issues related to the human nervous system. TP 2

Kenal pasti isu-isu kesihatan berkaitan dengan sistem saraf manusia yang berikut.

Explanation Health issue

Penerangan Isu kesihatan

(a) A progressive nervous system disorder that affects muscular
movement and impaired balance due to reduced levels of dopamine
in brain.

Sejenis penyakit penyusutan sistem saraf yang mempengaruhi pergerakan otot
dan keseimbangan badan akibat kekurangan dopamin.

(b) A progressive disorder that causes brain cells to degenerate leading
to dementia – a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral and social
skills that disrupts a person’s ability to function independently.

Sejenis penyakit penyusutan sel-sel otak yang menyebabkan dementia (nyanyuk)
– kehilangan berterusan dalam kebolehan menaakul, tingkah laku, sosial yang
mengganggu keupayaan menjaga diri.

The Endocrine System

12.6 Sistem Endokrin

8. The diagram below shows human endocrine system. TP 1

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sistem endokrin manusia.



(f )


Health Issues Related to the Endocrine System

12.7 Isu Kesihatan Berkaitan Sistem Endokrin Manusia

9. Relate the following health issues with the effect of hormonal imbalance in the table below. TP 2

Hubung kaitkan isu kesihatan yang berikut dengan kesan ketidakseimbangan hormon dalam jadual di bawah.

Hormone Effect of over Effect of under
secretion secretion
Kesan berlebihan Kesan kekurangan
(a) Growth hormone

Hormon pertumbuhan

(b) Insulin


© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 100

Biology  Form 4  Chapter 12 Coordination and Response in Humans 

SPM Practice 12

Paper 1

Coordination and 3. Which of the following match the receptor and the stimuli
Response correctly?
Koordinasi dan Gerak Balas Manakah yang berikut memadankan reseptor dan rangsangan dengan

1. Which of the following Receptor Stimuli

statement best describes a Reseptor Rangsangan

response? I Mechanoreceptor Blood pressure

Antara pernyataan berikut, Mekanoreseptor Tekanan darah
yang manakah paling tepat
menghuraikan gerak balas? II Nocireceptor Tissue damage

A The ability of an Nosireseptor Kerosakan tisu

organism to detect III Photoreceptor Light

stimuli Fotoreseptor Cahaya

Keupayaan sesuatu IV Chemoreceptor Temperature change
organisma mengesan
rangsangan Kemoreseptor Perubahan suhu

B The reaction of an A I and II C III and IV
I dan II III dan IV
organism towards
B II and III D I and IV
stimuli II dan III I dan IV

Tindakan sesuatu 12.2 Nervous System 5. Which of the following
organisma terhadap states the role of nervous
rangsangan Sistem Saraf
system correctly?
C Changes of the 4. In an accident, a person
Antara yang berikut, yang
external environment lost his ability to talk. manakah menyatakan peranan
sistem saraf dengan betul?
Perubahan dalam Which part of the brain is
persekitaran luaran I Processes and
D The sensitivity of an integrates information
Dalam satu kemalangan,
organism towards seseorang individu kehilangan Memproses dan
keupayaan untuk bercakap. mengintegrasikan
environment Bahagian otak yang manakah maklumat
Kepekaan sesuatu II Controls the
organisma terhadap A Cerebrum
persekitaran development of sense
2. Which of the following is organ
B Cerebellum
an external stimulus? Mengawal perkembangan
Serebelum organ deria
Antara yang berikut, yang
manakah adalah satu C Medulla oblongata III Controls only
rangsangan luaran?
Medula oblongata involuntary action
A Blood pressure
D Hypothalamus Mengawal tindakan tidak
Tekanan darah terkawal sahaja
B Concentration of IV Maintain homeostasis

carbon dioxide in in the body

blood Mengekalkan homeostasis
dalam badan
Kepekatan karbon dioksida
dalam darah

C Light intensity

Keamatan cahaya

101 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 12 Coordination and Response in Humans

A I and II A P ➝ Q ➝ R C Relay neurone and
B P ➝ R ➝ Q
I dan II C R ➝ P ➝ Q sensory neurone
D R ➝ Q ➝ P
B II and III Neuron geganti dan neuron
8. Diagram 2 shows a deria
II dan III neurone.
D Relay neurone, sensory
C III and IV Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu
neuron. neurone and motor
III dan IV
K neurone
D I and IV
Neuron geganti, neuron
I dan IV deria dan neuron motor
Diagram 2 / Rajah 2
6. What could be a result Health Issues Related to
of damage to the What is the function of the Nervous System
hypothalamus? structure labelled K? Isu Kesihatan Berkaitan Sistem
12.5 Saraf Manusia
Apakah yang mungkin berlaku Apakah fungsi struktur yang
hasil daripada kerosakan pada berlabel K? 1 0. The following information
bahagian hipotalamus? describes a health issue
A Protects and insulates related to nervous system.
A Difficulty in breathing axon
Maklumat berikut menerangkan
Sukar bernafas Melindungi dan menebat satu isu kesihatan yang
akson berkaitan dengan sistem saraf.
B Inability to control
body temperature B Protects node of • Due to reduced levels
Tidak berupaya dalam of dopamine in brain
mengawal suhu badan Melindungi nodus Ranvier
Disebabkan kekurangan
C May cause rickets C Generate energy dopamine di otak

Mungkin menyebabkan Menjana tenaga • Cause trembling
D Provide nutrients to movement
D Raised insulin level axon
Menyebabkan pergerakan
Meningkatkan aras insulin Membekalkan nutrien menggeletar
kepada akson
12.3 Neurones and Synapse • Experience impaired

Neuron dan Sinaps balance and

7. Diagram 1 shows three coordination
types of nerve cells, P, Q
and R. Mengalami kesukaran
Rajah 1 menunjukkan tiga jenis keseimbangan dan
sel saraf, P, Q dan R. koordinasi badan

Voluntary and Which of the following
Involuntary Actions
Tindakan Terkawal dan Tindakan health issues best match
12.4 Luar Kawal
the information above?
P Q R 9. What are the neurons
Antara isu-isu kesihatan
Diagram 1 / Rajah 1 involved in the knee-jerk berikut, yang manakah paling
sepadan dengan maklumat di
Which of the following is action? atas?
the correct sequence of
impulses transmission? Apakah neuron yang terlibat A Alzheimer
dalam tindakan sentakan lutut?
Antara yang berikut yang Alzheimer
manakah merupakan A Sensory neurone
urutan yang betul tentang B Epilepsy
penghantaran impuls? Neuron deria
B Sensory and motor
C Lou Gehrig
Lou Gehrig
Neuron deria dan neuron
motor D Parkinson


© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 102

Biology  Form 4  Chapter 12 Coordination and Response in Humans 

12.6 The Endocrine System Health Issues related to Which of the following
the Endocrine System
Sistem Endokrin Isu Kesihatan Berkaitan Sistem glands secrete the
Endokrin Manusia
11. The following information 12.7 hormone?
describes the functions of
hormone K. 12. Diagram 3 shows a disease Antara kelenjar berikut, yang
related to a hormonal manakah merembeskan
Maklumat berikut menerangkan imbalance. hormon tersebut?
fungsi suatu hormon K.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan satu A Thyroid gland
Increase the penyakit yang berkait dengan
reabsorption of mineral ketidakseimbangan satu Kelenjar tiroid
salts in kidneys. hormon.
B Pituitary gland
Meningkatkan penyerapan
semula garam mineral dalam Kelenjar pituitari
C Pancreas


D Adrenal gland

Kelenjar adrenal

What is hormone K?

Apakah hormon K? Diagram 3 / Rajah 3

A Thyroxine


B Insulin


C Adrenaline


D Aldosterone


Paper 2 YZ

Section A / Bahagian A
1. Diagram 1 shows a type of neurone.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan sejenis neuron.


Diagram 1 / Rajah 1

(a) Using arrows, show the direction in which a nerve impulse travels along the neurone in the
diagram above.

Dengan menggunakan anak panah, menunjukkan arah pergerakan impuls saraf di sepanjang neuron dalam
rajah di atas.

[1 mark / 1 markah]

103 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 12 Coordination and Response in Humans

(b) Both structure X and Y involves in transmission of impulse along neurone.

Kedua-dua struktur X dan Y terlibat dalam penghantaran impuls di sepanjang neuron.

Identify structure X and Y. Explain the functional difference between structure X and Y.

Kenal pasti struktur X dan Y. Terangkan perbezaan fungsi antara struktur X dan Y.

[3 marks / 3 markah]

(c) (i) What is structure Z?

Apakah itu struktur Z?

[1 mark / 1 markah]

(ii) State the function of structure Z.

Nyatakan fungsi struktur Z.

[1 mark / 1 markah]

(d) There is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease where the structure Z is attacked by

Terdapat sejenis penyakit autoimun di mana struktur Z diserang oleh limfosit-T.

Explain the effects of the disease to an individual. HOTS Applying

Terangkan kesan penyakit ini kepada seseorang individu.

Section B / Bahagian B [3 marks / 3 markah]
2. (a) Diagram 2.1 shows the structure of a synapse. [5 marks / 5 markah]

Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan struktur satu sinaps.


Mitochondrion Synaptic knob
Mitokondria Bonggol sinaps


Vesikel sinaps

Diagram 2.1 / Rajah 2.1

Explain how the nerve impulse is transmitted across the synapse.

Terangkan bagaimana impuls saraf dihantar merentasi sinaps.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 104

Biology  Form 4  Chapter 12 Coordination and Response in Humans 

(b) (i) Diagram 2.2 shows a reflex action that

involves neurones. Hot object P
Objek panas Q
Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan satu tindakan refleks yang Hot object
melibatkan neuron. Objek panas

Describe the reflex action when a person
accidentally touches a hot object.

Huraikan tindakan refleks apabila seseorang
tersentuh satu objek yang panas.

[5 marks / 5 markah]

(ii) Based on Diagram 2.2, compare and contrast Diagram 2.2 / Rajah 2.2
the neurone labelled P and Q.
Berdasarkan Rajah 2.2, bandingkan dan bezakan neuron berlabel P dan Q.

[6 marks / 6 markah]

(c) A student walked over to the school canteen. As he approached the canteen, his month

began to water as he smelled the aroma of freshly cooked nasi lemak. He bought the nasi

lemak and ate.
Seorang murid berjalan ke kantin sekolah. Semasa dia menghampiri kantin, air liur mulutnya mulai mengalir
apabila dia terhidu bau nasi lemak yang baru dimasak. Dia membeli nasi lemak dan makan.

When walking to the canteen, the student realised the action which was carried out but the
student did not realise the action of digestion in his digestive tract after eating the nasi lemak.
State the different between the action of walking and the action of digestion.

Semasa berjalan ke kantin, murid ini sedar akan tindakan yang dijalankan akan tetapi dia tidak sedar tentang
tindakan pencernaan dalam salur pencernaannya selepas memakan nasi lemak. Terangkan perbezaan
antara tindakan berjalan dan tindakan pencernaan. HOTS Analysing

[4 marks / 4 markah]

Section C / Bahagian C

3. (a) A person had involved in a traffic accident and his spinal cord is injured. Diagram 3.1 shows
an injured spinal cord.

Seseorang terlibat dalam kemalangan jalan raya dan saraf tunjangnya tercedera. Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan
saraf tunjang yang cedera.

Injured spinal cord
Saraf tunjang tercedera

Diagram 3.1 / Rajah 3.1

(i) If the pathway for nerve impulse transmission along the spinal cord is impeded by the
injury, in general, what are the likely consequences?

Sekiranya laluan penghantaran impuls saraf di sepanjang saraf tunjang dihalang oleh kecederaan
tersebut, pada umumnya, apakah akibat yang mungkin berlaku? HOTS Analysing

[4 marks / 4 markah]

105 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 12 Coordination and Response in Humans

(ii) After the traffic accident, the victim was discovered to have lost his ability to move some
fingers of his left hand although he can sense the stimuli. Would the area that doctors
found his injury, be a dorsal root or ventral root? Why?

Selepas kemalangan jalan raya, mangsa tersebut mendapati dia kehilangan keupayaan untuk
menggerakkan beberapa jari di tangan kirinya walaupun dia dapat mengesan rangsangan. Bahagian
manakah kecederaan itu didapati, akar dorsal atau akar ventral? Mengapa? HOTS Applying

[6 marks / 6 markah]

(b) Study the following statements.

Kaji pernyataan-pernyataan berikut.

Statement 1 Chickens are treated with female sex hormone, oestrogen. This hormone
makes chickens grow more quickly and retain more water in their tissues,
Pernyataan 1 so they become heavier in a shorter time.

Statement 1 Ayam dirawat dengan hormon seks wanita, estrogen. Hormon ini menyebabkan ayam
bertumbuh dengan lebih cepat dan mengekalkan lebih banyak air dalam tisu, oleh itu
Pernyataan 1 ayam-ayam tersebut menjadi lebih berat dalam masa yang singkat.

Male body builders require a high protein diet. Many of them find that
beef is too expensive for regular consumption. They eat chicken or chicken
products as often as twice a day.

Pembina tubuh lelaki memerlukan gizi yang mengandungi banyak protein. Kebanyakan
mereka mendapati daging sapi adalah terlalu mahal untuk penggunaan kerap. Mereka
makan ayam atau produk ayam sekerap dua kali sehari.

Justify the consumption of hormone-treated chicken by male body builders for a long period

of time.
Wajarkan pengambilan ayam yang dirawat dengan hormon oleh pembina tubuh lelaki untuk jangka masa
yang panjang. HOTS Evaluating
[4 marks / 4 markah]

(c) Misuse of stimulants and depressants for a long term will affect a person’s health. Explain the

Penyalahgunaan stimulan dan depresan untuk jangka masa yang lama akan memberi kesan kepada
kesihatan seseorang. Terangkan kesan tersebut. HOTS Applying
[6 marks / 6 markah]

HOTS Challenge

We always hear people say, “Don’t drink and drive” as a precaution to drivers because serious
accidents can take place when drivers are under the influence of alcohol.

Kita selalu dengar orang memberi pesanan supaya “Jangan minum alkolhol dan memandu” sebagai amaran
kepada pemandu kerana kemalangan yang teruk boleh berlaku apabila pemandu mengambil alkohol.

E xplain how the effect of alcohol can put people at risk for causing a road accident.

Terangkan bagaimana kesan alkohol boleh memberikan risiko kepada berlakunya kemalangan jalan raya.

HOTS Applying

Quiz 12


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CHA PTER Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System

13 Homeostasis dan Sistem Urinari Manusia


Glomerulus Proximal convoluted tubule
Glomerulus Tubul berlingkar proksimal
Afferent arteriole
Distal convoluted tubule
Arteriol aferen Tubul berlingkar distal

Efferent arteriole SECRETION CORTEX
Arteriol eferen

Bowman’s capsule

Kapsul Bowman

H2O K+
Na+ H2O
Cl– NH3 / Urea
Glucose / Glukosa Urea
Amino acid / Asid amino
Water / Air Na+ Creatinine / Kreatinin
Cl –

H2O Water / Air

H2O Cl–




Regulation of Blood Osmotic Pressure / Pengawalaturan Tekanan Osmosis Darah
Normal blood osmotic pressure / Tekanan osmosis darah normal

Osmotic pressure decreases Osmotic pressure increases

Tekanan osmosis menurun Tekanan osmosis meningkat

1. Osmoreceptor in hypothalamus is less 1. Osmoreceptor in hypothalamus is

stimulated. stimulated.

Osmoreseptor dalam hipotalamus kurang Osmoreseptor dalam hipotalamus dirangsangkan.
2. Pituitary gland is stimulated, more ADH is
2. Pituitary gland is less stimulated, less ADH
is secrected.
Kelenjar pituitari dirangsangkan, lebih ADH
Kelenjar pituitari kurang dirangsangkan, kurang dirembeskan.
ADH dirembeskan.
3. The distal convoluted tubules and
3. The distal convoluted tubules and
collecting ducts become more permeable to
collecting ducts become less permeable to
Tubul berlingkar distal dan tubul pengumpul
Tubul berlingkar distal dan tubul pengumpul menjadi lebih telap kepada air.
menjadi kurang telap kepada air.
4. More water is reabsorbed.
4. Less water is reabsorbed.
Lebih air diserap semula.
Kurang air diserap semula.

Normal blood osmotic pressure / Tekanan osmosis darah normal

107 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 13 Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System


13.1 Homeostasis

1. Define the term homeostasis. TP 1

Definisikan istilah homeostasis.

2. Complete the following diagram which shows the homeostasis mechanism by using the words
given. TP 2

Lengkapkan rajah di bawah yang menunjukkan mekanisme homeostasis dengan menggunakan perkataan-
perkataan yang diberi.

Corrective mechanism Stimulus Receptor

Mekanisme pembetulan Rangsangan Reseptor

Condition returns to normal level Normal Condition Condition increases or decreases from normal
Keadaan kembali ke aras normal Keadaan normal
Keadaan meningkat or menurun dari aras normal


The Urinary System
13.2 Sistem Urinari

3. Complete the labels in the following diagram that shows the basic functional unit of the kidney.

Lengkapkan label-label dalam rajah di bawah yang menunjukkan unit fungsi asas pada ginjal. TP 1
(d) (e)

(f )





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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 13 Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System 

4. Ultrafiltration, reabsorption and secretion are the three main processes involve in formation of

Ultraturasan, penyerapan semula dan rembesan adalah tiga proses utama terlibat dalam pembentukan air kencing.

(a) Describe the process of ultrafiltration. TP 1

Huraikan proses ultraturasan.

(b) State the substances that are reabsorbed at each of the following parts of nephron. TP 2

Nyatakan bahan yang diserap semula pada setiap bahagian nefron berikut.

(i) Proximal convoluted tubule / Tubul berlingkar proksimal
(ii) Loop of Henle / Liku Henle
(iii) Distal convoluted tubule / Tubul berlingkar distal
(iv) Collecting duct / Tubule pengumpul
(c) (i) Describe secretion process in nephron. TP 2

Huraikan proses rembesan dalam nefron.

(ii) Explain the importance of secretion process.

Terangkan kepentingan proses rembesan.

Health Issues Related to the Urinary System

13.3 Isu Kesihatan Berkaitan Sistem Urinari

5. (a) State the causes of kidney failure. TP 1

Nyatakan sebab yang mengakibatkan kegagalan ginjal.

(b) Explain how hypertension causes damage to kidney in long term. HOTS Analysing TP 4

Terangkan bagaimana tekanan darah tinggi menyebabkan kerosakan kepada ginjal dalam jangka masa

109 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 13 Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System

SPM Practice 13

Paper 1

13.1 Homeostasis Efektor memberikan B Adipose cell
suap balik negatif kepada
Homeostasis reseptor. Sel adipos

1. Why is homeostasis B The receptor must Concentration in bloodC Blood cell
important? provide information to Kepekatan dalam darah
effector. Sel darah
Mengapakah homeostasis
penting? Reseptor mesti memberi D Nerve cell
maklumat kepada efektor.
A To maintain a constant, Sel saraf
internal environment C The receptor must
provide positive 5. Diagram 1 shows the four
within narrow limits. feedback to the substances in the blood
effector. of a healthy individual.
Mengekalkan persekitaran Which graph labelled
dalaman secara berterusan Reseptor mesti A, B, C or D represents
antara satu julat. memberikan suap balik the blood glucose
positif kepada efektor. concentration of the
B To ensure the individual over time?
metabolic waste D The effector must carry
out positive feedback. Rajah 1 menunjukkan empat
products are excreted bahan dalam darah seseorang
Efektor mesti menjalankan individu yang sihat. Antara graf
in a timely manner. suap balik positif. berlabel A, B, C dan D berikut,
yang manakah mewakili
Memastikan bahan 3. Which of the following kepekatan glukosa darah
kumuhan metabolisme is not controlled by seseorang individu dalam
disingkirkan dalam masa homeostasis? suatu jangka masa tertentu?
Antara yang berikut, yang A
C To prevent the manahkah tidak dikawal oleh B
organism from being homeostasis? C

affected by external A Blood pH D

stimuli. pH darah Time
Mengelakkan organisma B Glucose level in
daripada dipengaruhi oleh hepatic portal vein 6. Some processes carried out
rangsangan luar. by living things are shown
Aras glukosa dalam vena below.
D To allow the organism portal hepar
to adapt to external Beberapa proses yang
C Body temperature dijalankan oleh benda hidup
stimuli by changing its ditunjukkan di bawah.
Suhu badan
internal environment. I Breathing
D Water and salt content
Membolehkan organisma in the blood Pernafasan
menyesuaikan diri kepada
rangsangan luaran dengan Kandungan air dan garam II Excretion
mengubah persekitaran dalam darah
dalaman. Perkumuhan
4. Which type of cell
2. Which characteristics is classified as the III Sweating
are necessary for a thermoreceptor of the
homeostatic control skin? Perpeluhan
Apakah jenis sel yang IV Defaecation
Apakah ciri-ciri yang diperlukan diklasifikasikan sebagai
untuk sistem kawalan termoreseptor pada kulit? Penyahtinjaan
A Muscle cell
A The effector provides
negative feedback to Sel otot

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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 13 Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System 

Which processes result in B I and III Which of the following
heat loss? reactions took place in his
I dan III body?
Apakah proses yang
menyebabkan kehilangan C II and III Antara tindak balas berikut,
haba? yang manakah berlaku dalam
II dan III badannya?
A I and III
D II and IV A Blood pH decrease.
I dan III
II dan IV pH darah menurun.
B II and III
8. Diagram 2 shows the B Heartbeat rate increase.
II dan III regulation of blood glucose
level in the body. Kadar denyutan jantung
C I, III and IV meningkat.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan
I, III dan IV pengawalaturan aras glukosa C Body temperature
darah dalam badan. decrease.
D I, II, III and IV
Increases High glucose Hormone P Suhu badan menurun.
I, II, III dan IV Meningkat level Hormon P
D Metablic rate decrease.
7. A climber faced dizziness Aras glukosa
at high altitudes due to tinggi Kadar metabolisme
drop of oxygen level in the berkurang.
blood. Normal Normal
glucose level glucose level 1 0. Diagram 3 shows the rate
Seorang pendaki berasa Aras glukosa Aras glukosa of heartbeat of an athlete
pening di altitud tinggi akibat at rest and during running.
kejatuhan aras oksigen dalam normal normal
darah. Rajah 3 menunjukkan kadar
Reduced Low glucose Hormone Q denyutan jantung seorang atlet
Which processes occur Menurun level Hormon Q semasa rehat dan semasa
in respiratory system to berlari.
return the oxygen level to Aras glukosa
normal? Rendah

Apakah proses yang berlaku Diagram 2 / Rajah 2
dalam sistem respirasinya
untuk mengembalikan aras Which of the following NBiulamnbgearn odfenhyeuatratnb jeaanttsunpgerpermimniunitte 120
oksigen ke normal? represent hormones P and
Q? 110
I Intercostal muscles
contract and relax Antara yang berikut, yang 100
faster. manakah mewakili hormon P
dan Q? 90
Otot interkosta mengecut
dan mengendur dengan PQ 80 A
lebih cepat.
70 BDC Time
II Diaphragm contract (min)
and relax slower. A Adrenaline Insulin 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Masa
Diafragma mengecut Adrenalina Insulin
dan mengendur dengan
perlahan. B Insulin Glucagon SMtaurltarbuenrnlainrig BSetrohpenruti nbneirnlagri

III Breathing rate and Insulin Glukagon
ventilation rate
increases. C Thyroxine Glucagon Diagram 3 / Rajah 3

Kadar pernafasan Tiroksina Glukagon Which part of the graph
dan ventilasi labelled A, B, C or D,
meningkat. D Glucagon Insulin shows the rate of heartbeat
Glukagon Insulin after he stop running?
IV Blood pH decreases.
9. A student was late to Antara bahagian pada graf
pH darah menurun. school. He quickly ran to berlabel, A, B, C dan D, yang
the school. manakah menunjukkan kadar
A I and II denyutan jantung selepas atlet
Seorang murid telah lewat ke itu berhenti berlari.
I dan II sekolah. Dia berlari dengan
cepat ke sekolah.

111 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 13 Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System

11. What are the corrective 1 3. Diagram 4 shows the kidneys and their associated structures.
The arrows indicate the flow of substances.
mechanisms carried out
Rajah 4 menunjukkan ginjal dan struktur-struktur yang berkaitannya.
by the body to return the Anak panah menunjukkan pengaliran bahan.

blood pressure to normal? XY

Apakah mekanisme Z
pembetulan yang dijalankan
oleh badan untuk
mengembalikan tekanan darah
ke normal? Diagram 4 / Rajah 4

I Cardiac muscles Which of the following correctly match the labelled
contract and relax
Antara yang berikut yang manakah memadankan struktur yang berlabel
faster. dengan tepat?

Otot kardium mengecut X Y Z
dan mengendur dengan A Renal vein Renal artery Ureter
lebih cepat.
Vena renal Arteri renal Ureter
II Heart beat rate
B Renal artery Renal vein Ureter
becomes slower.
Arteri renal Vena renal Ureter
Kadar denyutan jantung
menjadi perlahan. C Renal vein Renal artery Urethra

III Vasodilation occurs. Vena renal Arteri renal Uretra

Penvasodilatan D Renal artery Renal vein Urethra
Arteri renal Vena renal Uretra
IV Resistance of blood

flow increase.

Rintangan pengaliran darah

A I and II C II and III

I dan II II dan III

B I and III D II and IV

II dan III II dan IV

The Urinary System 13.3 Health Issues Related to the Urinary System

13.2 Sistem Urinari Isu Kesihatan Berkaitan Sistem Urinari

12. Which of the following 14. Diagram 5 represents the process of dialysis in a dialysis
provides the force for
Rajah 5 mewakili proses dialysis dalam satu mesin dialisis.
ultrafiltration in the
kidney tubule? fluid out
Cecair dialisis
Antara yang berikut, yang Blood keluar Blood
manakah memberikan daya from returning
untuk ultraturasan berlaku patient to patient
dalam tubul ginjal? Darah Darah
dari kembali
A Anti-diuretic hormone pesakit ke pesakit

Hormon antidiuresis Dialysis Dialysis
tubing fluid in
B Breakdown of urea Tiub Cecair dialisis
dialisis masuk
Penguraian urea
Diagram 5 / Rajah 5
C Contraction of the left
Which substance would not be present in the dialysis fluid
ventricle of heart
flowing in?
Pengecutan ventrikel kiri
jantung Apakah bahan yang tidak hadir dalam cecair dialisis masuk?

D Mitochondria in the A Glucose/ Glukosa
B Mineral ions / Ion-ion mineral
cells of Bowman’s C Urea / Urea
D Water / Air

Mitokondria dalam sel
kapsul Bowman

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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 13 Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System 

Paper 2

Section A / Bahagian A

1. Diagram 1.1 shows the concentration of glucose in blood of a healthy man during a period of 24

Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan kepekatan glukosa dalam darah seseorang lelaki yang sihat dalam tempoh 24 jam.


Glucose in blood (mg/ 100 ml) 140
Glukosa dalam darah (mg/ 100 ml)





Breakfast Lunch Dinner
20 Sarapan Makan tengah Makan malam


6AM 8AM 10AM 12PM 2PM 4PM 6PM 8PM 10PM 12AM 2AM 4AM 6AM

Diagram 1.1 / Rajah 1.1

(a) Why did the blood glucose concentration of a person increase after a meal? HOTS Applying

Mengapakah kepekatan glukosa darah seseorang meningkat selepas makan?

[2 marks / 2 markah]

(b) (i) Identify the hormone that causes decrease the blood glucose concentration when the
blood glucose concentration is above normal.

Kenal pasti hormon yang menyebabkan penurunan kepekatan glukosa darah apabila kepekatan glukosa
darah melebihi normal.

[1 mark / 1 markah]

(ii) Explain the corrective mechanisms caused by hormone mentioned in (b)(i) to decrease
the blood glucose concentration.

Terangkan mekanisme pembetulan yang disebabkan oleh hormon yang dinyatakan dalam (b)(i) untuk
mengurangkan kepekatan glukosa darah.

[3 marks / 3 markah]

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  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 13 Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System

(c) Another man complaints that he always thirsty, increase in urination, fatigue and his body
weight decreases drastically. Medical examination found that his blood glucose concentration
is very high.

Seorang lagi lelaki mengadu bahawa dia sentiasa dahaga, kerap kencing, berasa lesu dan berat badannya
turun secara mendadak. Pemeriksaan kesihatannya mendapati kepekatan glukosa darahnya sangat tinggi.

(i) What is the disease that may be suffered by this man?

Apakah penyakit yang mungkin dihidapi oleh lelaki ini?

[1 mark / 1 markah]

(ii) Suggest two ways for this man to control his blood glucose level.

Cadangkan dua cara untuk lelaki ini mengawal aras glukosa darahnya.

[2 marks / 2 markah]

Section B / Bahagian B

2. (a) Diagram 2.1 shows the structure of a nephron and the blood vessels in human kidney.
Processes A, B and C involved in the formation of urine.

Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan struktur nefron dan salur darah di dalam ginjal manusia. Proses A, B dan C terlibat
dalam pembentukan air kencing.

To renal veins
Ke vena renal

From renal
Darai ratreteryri




Diagram 2.1 / Rajah 2.1

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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 13 Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System 

Table 1 shows the concentration of solutes in the blood plasma in the glomerulus, glomerular
filtrate and urine.

Jadual 1 menunjukkan kepekatan bahan terlarut dalam plasma darah dalam glomerulus, turasan glomerulus
dan air kencing.

Concentration of solute (g dm–3)

Kepekatan bahan terlarut

Solute Blood plasma in Glomerular filtrate Urine
Bahan terlarut Turasan glomerulus Air kencing
Plasma darah dalam
Protein glomerulus

Protein 80.0 0.0 0.0

Amino acid 8.0 8.0 0.0

Asid amino

Glucose 1.0 1.0 1.0


Sodium ions 3.0 3.0 1.6
0.03 0.03 1.8
Ion natrium



Table 1 / Jadual 1

Based on Diagram 2.1 and Table 1, by applying processes A, B and C, explain why the
concentration of solutes in the blood plasma of the glomerulus, glomerular filtrate and urine
are different. HOTS Analysing

Berdasarkan Rajah 2.1 dan Jadual 1, dengan mengaplikasikan proses A, B dan C, terangkan mengapa
kepekatan bahan terlarut dalam plasma darah dalam glomerulus, turasan glomerulus dan air kencing

[10 marks / 10 markah]

(b) Diagnosis for diabetes mellitus can be carried out through urine test by testing the presence of
glucose in urine.

Diagnosis untuk diabetes melitus boleh dilakukan melalui ujian air kencing dengan menguji kehadiran
glukosa dalam urine.

Explain why the urine of a diabetic patient contains glucose. HOTS Applying

Terangkan mengapa air kencing pesakit diabetes mengandungi glukosa.

[4 marks / 4 markah]

(c) The kidneys play an important role in osmoregulation as they maintain the osmotic pressure
of the blood.

Ginjal memainkan peranan penting dalam pengosmokawalaturan kerana mengekalkan tekanan osmosis
dalam darah.

A man exercised vigorously on a hot day without drinking any water. HOTS Applying
Explain how the man’s body would regulate the osmotic pressure under such conditions.

Seorang lelaki telah bersenam dengan cergas pada hari yang panas tanpa minum air.
Terangkan bagaimana badan lelaki itu mengawal atur tekanan osmosis dalam keadaan sedemikian.

[6 marks / 6 markah]

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  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 13 Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System

Section C / Bahagian C
3. (a) Diagram 3.1 shows a regulatory mechanism of oxygen and carbon dioxide content in the body.

Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan mekanisme kawal atur kandungan oksigen dan karbon dioksida di dalam badan.

Medulla oblongata Respiratory control centre
Medula oblongata Pusat kawalan pernafasan
Carotic body
Jasad karotid

Intercostal Aortic body
muscle Jasad aorta
Otot interkosta

Diaphragm Key/Kunci:
Diafragma Transmission of impulses
Penghantaran impuls

Diagram 3.1 / Rajah 3.1

Based on the diagram, explain how the heartbeat and breathing rates increase immediately

after vigorous exercise.
Berdasarkan rajah tersebut, terangkan bagaimana denyutan jantung dan kadar pernafasan meningkat serta

merta selepas senaman cergas. HOTS Applying [8 marks / 8 markah]

(b) Diagram 3.2 shows the body temperature Temperature
of a person before, during and after sitting Suhu / °C

in a sauna room of 80°C. 38.2
Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan suhu badan seseorang
sebelum, semasa dan selepas duduk dalam bilik 37.8
sauna yang bersuhu 80°C. 37.6
Explain the corrective mechanism carried 37.2
out by the body between 15th and 20th

minutes. 36.8

Terangkan mekanisme pembetulan yang 36.6 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time
dijalankan di dalam badan antara minit ke-15 dan 36.4 0 Masa /
ke-20. HOTS Analysing
[6 marks /6 markah]
Diagram 3.2 / Rajah 3.2

(c) Hypothermia is a condition whereby the

body temperature drops below normal levels due to inadequate thermoregulation.
Hipotermia ialah satu keadaan di mana suhu badan menurun di bawah aras normal akibat kekurangan kawal
atur suhu.

(i) A hypothermia person often looks pale and shivers. Suggest reasons for this statement.
Seseorang dengan hipotermia biasanya kelihatan pucat dan menggigil. Cadangkan sebab-sebab untuk

pernyataan ini. HOTS Applying [4 marks /4 markah]

(ii) In cold countries, people often consume alcohol which helps to make them feel warm but

in fact increases their risk of hypothermia. Explain this statement.

Dalam negara sejuk, orang-orang kerap minum alkohol yang membantu mereka berasa panas tetapi
sebenarnya meningkatkan risiko terhadap hipotermia. Terangkan pernyataan tersebut. HOTS Evaluating

[2 marks /2 markah]

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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 13 Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System 

HOTS Challenge

(a) Sarah was playing badminton with her friend. After exercise, her skin looked flushed and hot.

Sarah bermain badminton dengan kawannya. Selepas bersenam, kulitnya kelihatan kemerahan dan panas.

Explain the appearance of the skin after exercise.

Terangkan penampilan kulit selepas senaman.

(b) Sarah found out that her sweat production may also affected by surrounding temperature.
She carried out an investigation to study the rate of sweat production over a wide temperature
range. The results obtained are presented in the table below.

Sarah mendapati penghasilan peluhnya mungkin juga dipengaruhi oleh suhu persekitaran. Dia menjalankan
satu penyelidikan untuk mengkaji kadar penghasilan peluh dalam satu julat suhu. Keputusan yang diperolehi
dipersembahkan dalam jadual di bawah.

Surrounding temperature Rate of sweat production (Arbitrary unit)

Suhu persekitaran Kadar penghasilan peluh (Unit arbitrari)


0 0.0

5 0.5

10 0.5

15 1.0

20 3.0

25 4.0

30 5.5

35 7.0

(i) Based on the data above, plot a graph of rate of sweat production against surrounding

Berdasarkan data di atas, plotkan satu graf tentang kadar penghasilan peluh melawan suhu persekitaran.

(ii) Describe the effect of increasing surrounding temperature on the rate of sweat production.

Huraikan kesan peningkatan suhu persekitaran ke atas kadar penghasilan peluh.

(iii) How does sweat help to maintain a constant normal body temperature?

Bagaimana perpeluhan membantu dalam mengekalkan suhu badan normal?

21PAK- Quiz 13
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CHA PTER  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 14 Support And Movement In Humans And Animals

14 Support and Movement in Humans and Animals

Sokongan dan Pergerakan dalam Manusia dan Haiwan


Human skeleton / Rangka manusia Movement of the Limb

Skull Cranium Pergerakan Lengan
Tengkorak Kranium
Facial bones (i) Arm is straightened / Lengan
Tulang muka

Cervical vertebra Clavicle Scapula
Vertebra serviks Klavikel Skapula
Sternum / Sternum Skapula Triceps Biceps relaxes
Humerus contracts Biseps mengendur
Thoracic vertebra Humerus Triseps mengecut Humerus
Vertebra toraks Tendon Humerus
Radius Tendon
Ribs Radius Ulna Radius
Tulang rusuk Ulna / Ulna Ulna Radius

Lumbar vertebra
Vertebra lumbar

Sacrum / Sakrum

Coccyx / Koksiks

Pelvic girdle (ii) Arm is bent / Lengan dibengkok
Lengkungan pelvis
Femur / Femur Biceps contracts
Biseps mengecut
Tibia / Tibia

Synovial Joint / Sendi Sinovia Bone Triceps
Tulang relaxes
Synovial cavity Cartilage Triseps
(containing Rawan mengendur
synovial fluid) Ligament
Rongga sinovia Ligamen
bendalir sinovia) 118
Joint capsule
Kapsul sendi
Membran sinovia

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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 14 Support And Movement In Humans And Animals 

Types of Skeleton

14.1 Jenis Rangka

1. Construct a thinking map to classify the type of skeleton in human and animals. Give two examples
of animal in each type of skeleton.

Bina satu peta pemikiran untuk mengelaskan jenis rangka dalam manusia dan haiwan. Berikan dua contoh haiwan
dalam setiap jenis rangka. TP 6 HOTS Creating

2. State three functions of skeletal system of human. TP 1

Nyatakan tiga fungsi sistem rangka manusia.


Musculoskeletal System of Humans

14.2 Sistem Otot Rangka Manusia

3. Label the bone in human skeletal system in the diagram below. TP 1

Labelkan tulang dalam sistem rangka manusia pada rajah di bawah.

Axial skeleton / Rangka paksi Appendicular skeleton / Rangka apendaj

(a) (e) Pectoral girdle
(f) Lengkungan pektoral
Rib cage (c) (g)
Sangkar rusuk (h)
(d) (j)
] (k)


Pelvic girdle / Lengkungan pelvis

(m) (n)


119 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 14 Support And Movement In Humans And Animals

4. Complete the table below to show the function of the structures of a vertebra.

Lengkapkan jadual di bawah untuk menunjukkan fungsi struktur suatu vertebra.

Structure / Struktur Function / Fungsi
Spinous process

Cuaran spina

Transverse processes

Cuaran melintang

Articulating facet

Muka sendi

Vertebral foramen

Salur saraf



5. The table below shows the three types of vertebrae. Complete the table to name the vertebrae and
identify a characteristic that can distinguish the vertebrae from others.

Jadual di bawah menunjukkan tiga jenis vertebra. Lengkapkan jadual untuk menamakan vertebra dan kenal pasti
satu ciri-ciri yang boleh membezakan vertebra tersebut dengan vertebra lain. TP 2

Type of vertebrae

Jenis vertebra




Ciri-ciri khas

6. (a) Lable the structures in human forearm hinge joint. TP 1

Labelkan struktur pada sendi engsel lengan manusia.

(v) (ii)

(vi) (iii)


(viii) (ix)

(b) Complete the table below to compare the characteristics and function between tendon and

Lengkapkan jadual di bawah untuk membandingkan ciri-ciri dan fungsi antara tendon dan ligamen.

Tendon / Tendon Ligament / Ligamen





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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 14 Support And Movement In Humans And Animals 

Movement and Locomotion

14.3 Mechanisme Pergerakan dan Gerak Alih

7. (a) What is antagonistic muscles? TP 1

Apakah itu otot antagonis?

(b) Explain how movement is brought about in a forearm in TP 2

Terangkan bagaimana pergerakan berlaku pada lengan dalam keadaan

(i) bending of forearm

membengkokkan lengan

(ii) straightening of forearm

meluruskan lengan

Health Issues Related to the Human Musculoskeletal System

14.4 Isu Kesihatan Berkaitan Sistem Otot Rangka Manusia

8. Identify the health issues related to human musculoskeletal system below based on the description
given. TP 2

Kenal pasti isu kesihatan yang berkaitan dengan sistem otot rangka manusia berdasarkan huraian yang diberi.

Osteoporosis Osteomalacia Rickets Arthritis

Osteoporosis Osteomalasia Rikets Artritis

Description Health issues

Huraian Isu kesihatan

(a) A disease in adult which softening of the bones caused by impaired bone
metabolism primarily due to inadequate levels of available phosphate,
calcium and vitamin D.

Sejenis penyakit pada orang dewasa yang melembutkan tulang akibat gangguan
metabolisme tulang yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan fosforus, kalsium dan vitamin D.

(b) Skeletal disorder that involves inflammation of joint causing the joints
become swollen, stiff and painful.

Penyakit yang melibatkan keradangan sendi yang menyebabkan sendi menjadi
bengkak, keras dan sakit.

(c) A disorder caused by a lack of vitamin D, calcium or phosphate in children
which leads to softening and weakening of the bones, bones deformities
and stunted growth.

Sejenis penyakit disebabkan oleh kekurangan vitamin D, kalsium atau fosforus dalam
kanak-kanak yang membawa kepada tulang lembut dan lemah, kecacatan tulang dan
pertumbuhan terencat.

(d) A bone disorder characterised by loss of bone mass and structural

deterioration of bone tissue causing the bones to become thinner, more

brittle and more porous.

Sejenis penyakit tulang yang dicirikan dengan pengurangan jisim tulang dan
kemerosotan struktur tisu tulang yang menyebabkan tulang menjadi ringan, rapuh dan

121 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 14 Support And Movement In Humans And Animals

SPM Practice 14

Paper 1

14.1 Types of Skeleton A

Jenis Rangka B
1. Which of the following is correct?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah adalah betul?

Endoskeleton Exoskeleton
Diagram 1 / Rajah 1
Rangka dalam Rangka luar
Which bone A, B, C
A Prawn Butterfly or D is not a part of
appendicular skeleton?
Udang Rama-rama
Manakah antara tulang A, B,
B Earthworm Monkey C atau D, bukan sebahagian
daripada rangka apendaj?
Cacing tanah Monyet
5. Diagram 2 shows a
C Whale Crab vertebrae P in human
vertebral column.
Ikan paus Ketam
Rajah 2 menunjukkan vertebra
D Snail Sea cucumber P dalam turus vertebra manusia.

Siput Gamat

I Generate energy Diagram 2 / Rajah 2

2. Which of the following Menghasilkan tenaga Vertebrae P can be found
animals has a hydrostatic in which part of vertebral
skeleton and an II Coordinate body column?
exoskeleton, at different
stages of its life cycle? movement Vertebra P boleh dijumpa di
bahagian manakah dalam turus
Antara haiwan berikut, yang Mengkordinasikan vertebra?
manakah mempunyai rangka pergerakan badan
hidrostatik dan rangka luar A Cervical / Serviks
pada peringkat yang berlainan III Give shape to the B Thoracic / Toraks
pada kitar hidupnya? C Lumbar / Lumbar
organisms D Sacrum / Sakrum
A Crab
Memberi bentuk kepada
Ketam organisma

B Fly IV For locomotion

Lalat Untuk pergerakan

C Snail A I and II

Siput I dan II

D Leech B II and III

Lintah II dan III

3. Which of the followings C III and IV
are the functions of
skeletal system of a III dan IV
D I and IV
Antara yang berikut, yang
manakah merupakan fungsi I dan IV
sistem rangka bagi haiwan
vertebrata? Musculoskeletal System
of Humans
Sistem Otot Rangka Manusia

4. Diagram 1 shows the
human skeleton.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan rangka

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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 14 Support And Movement In Humans And Animals 

6. P, Q and R in Diagram What is the function of Movement and
3 are the vertebrae in Locomotion
vertebral column. structure labelled P? Mechanisme Pergerakan dan Gerak
14.3 Alih
P, Q dan R dalam Rajah 3 Apakah fungsi struktur berlabel
merupakan vertebra dalam P? 11. Diagam 6 shows human
turus vertebra. forearm.
A Connects bone to bone
Rajah 6 menunjukkan lengan
Menghubungkan tulang manusia.
kepada tulang
P B Secretes synovial fluid

R Merembeskan bendalir Q
sinovia P
Diagram 3 / Rajah 3
C Cushion the joint
Which of the following
shows the correct Sebagai kusyen kepada
sequence of the vertebrae sendi
arrangement in vertebral
column? D Protect the joint

Antara yang berikut, yang Melindungi sendi
manakah menunjukkan
susunan urutan vertebra yang 9. Which pair of bones forms
betul dalam turus vertebra? ball-and-socket joint?
Diagram 6 / Rajah 6
A P, Q, R Pasangan tulang manakah
B Q, P, R yang membentuk sendi Which of the following
C R, Q, P lesung? correctly name the tissue
D P, R, Q labelled P and Q?
A Femur and
tibia Antara yang berikut, yang
manakah menamakan otot P
Femur dan tibia dan Q dengan betul?

7. What is the type of the B Tibia and fibula P Q
A Biceps Triceps
joint between the skull? Tibia dan fibula
Bisep Trisep
Apakah jenis sendi di antara C Humerus and radius
tulang tengkorak? B Ulna Radius
Humerus dan radius
A Immovable joint Ulna Radius
D Humerus and scapula
Sendi tidak bergerak C Radius Ulna
Humerus dan skapula
B Slightly movable joint Radius Ulna
10. Diagram 5 shows an elbow
Sendi bergrak sedikit joint. D Triceps Biceps

C Freely moveable joint Rajah 5 menunjukkan satu Trisep Bisep
sendi siku.
Sendi bebas bergerak 1 2. What is the function of
8. Diagram 4 shows the A tendon?
structure of a joint.
C Apakah fungsi tendon?
Rajah 4 menunjukkan sturktur
satu sendi. D A Protect the bones

Joint capsule Bone Diagram 5 / Rajah 5 Melindungi tulang
Kapsul sendi Tulang
Which of the parts labelled B Prevent dislocation of
Synovial P A, B, C or D is tough and
fluid elastic tissue? vertebrae
sinovia Yang manakah antara Mengelakkan vertebra
bahagian berlabel A, B, C dan daripada terseliuh
D ialah tisu yang kuat dan
kenyal? C Connects muscles to

Diagram 4 / Rajah 4 bone

Menghubungkan otot
dengan tulang

D Reduce friction when


Mengelakkan geseran
apabila bergerak

123 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 14 Support And Movement In Humans And Animals

1 3. Diagram 7 shows bending Biceps Quadriceps • The synovial
of leg. femoris femoris membrane thickens
and becomes inflamed.
Rajah 7 menunjukkan kaki Biseps femoris Kuadriseps
yang dibengkokkan. femoris Membran sinovia menebal
dan menjadi radang.
Quadriceps A Relaxes Relaxes
femoris Mengendur Mengendur • Synovial fluid
Kuadriseps accumulates, causing an
femoris Biceps B Relaxes Contract increase in pressure, pain
femoris and stiffness of joint
Biseps Mengendur Mengecut
femoris Bendalir sinovia berkumpul,
C Contract Relaxes meningkatkan tekanan,
Mengecut Mengendur kesakitan dan keras.

D Contract Contract What is the name of the
type of musculoskeletal
Mengecut Mengecut disorder?

Apakah jenis penyakit otot
rangka ini?
Diagram 7 / Rajah 7 Health Issues Related
to the Human A Osteoporosis
Which of the following Musculoskeletal System
are correctly describe the Isu Kesihatan Sistem Otot Rangka Osteoporosis
muscle actions when the 14.3 Manusia
leg is straightened? B Osteomalacia
1 4. The following information
Antara yang berikut, yang shows the conditions of Osteomalasia
manakah menghuraikan a type musculoskeletal
dengan betul tindakan disorder. C Scoliosis
otot tersebut apabila kaki
diluruskan? Maklumat berikut menunjukkan Skoliosis
keadaan sejenis penyakit otot
rangka. D Rheumatoid arthritis

Artritis reumatoid

Paper 2

Section A / Bahagian A
1. Diagram 1 shows the anatomy of human elbow.

Diagram 1 menunjukkan anatomi siku manusia.

Q Humerus
S Humerus


Radius T

Ulna Cartilage R
Ulna Rawan

Diagram 1 / Rajah 1

(a) Name / Namakan
(i) Tissue R / Tisu R :

(ii) Joint T / Sendi T :

[2 marks / 2 markah]

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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 14 Support And Movement In Humans And Animals 

(b) (i) State two characteristics of tissue S that enable it to carry out its function efficiently.

Nyatakan dua ciri-ciri tisu S yang membolehkannya berfungsi secara berkesan.

[1 mark / 1 markah]

(ii) What will happen if tissue S is torn off?

Apakah yang akan berlaku sekiranya tisu S terkoyak?

[2 marks / 2 markah]

(c) In a football match, Ahmad fell causing his radius bone is fractured.

Dalam perlawanan bola sepak, Ahmad terjatuh dan tulang radiusnya telah patah.

(i) Based on Diagram 1, explain the effect of that condition on arm bending movement.

Berdasarkan Rajah 1, terangkan kesan keadaan tersebut ke atas pergerakan membengkokkan lengan.

[2 marks / 2 markah]
(ii) Warming up is necessary before carrying out a sport activity. Explain why.

Memanaskan badan adalah perlu sebelum melakukan sesuatu aktiviti sukan. Terangkan mengapa.

[2 marks / 2 markah]

Section B / Bahagian B
2. (a) Diagram 2.1 shows the movement activities in a human.

Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan aktiviti pergerakan pada manusia.

Diagram 2.1 / Rajah 2.1

Based on Diagram 2.1, explain how bending and straightening of forearm take place which
involves muscles, tendon, ligaments and bones.

Berdasarkan Rajah 2.1, terangkan bagaimana lengan dibengkokkan dan diluruskan dengan melibatkan otot,
tendon, ligamen dan tulang.

[10 marks / 10 markah]

125 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 14 Support And Movement In Humans And Animals

(b) Diagram 2.2 (a) and Diagram 2.2 (b) shows locomotion in earthworm and grasshopper

Rajah 2.2 (a) dan Rajah 2.2 (b) menunjukkan gerak alih cacing tanah dan belalang masing-masing.

Diagram 2.2(a) / Rajah 2.2(a)

Diagram 2.2(b) / Rajah 2.2(b)

Explain the adaptations of musculoskeletal system of earthworm and grasshopper for

Terangkan penyesuaian sistem otot rangka cacing tanah dan belalang untuk gerak alih. HOTS Analysing

[10 marks / 10 markah]
Section C / Bahagian C
3. (a) Diagram 3.1 shows three different diseases related to musculoskeletal system.

Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan tiga jenis penyakit yang berkaitan dengan sistem otot rangka.

(a) (b) (c)
Diagram 3.1 / Rajah 3.1
[10 marks / 10 markah]
Describe each disease based on the following aspects:

Huraikan setiap penyakit berdasarkan aspek-aspek di bawah: HOTS Analysing

(i) The cause of the disease

Punca penyakit

(ii) The effect of the disease to human health

Kesan penyakit kepada kesihatan manusia

(iii) The treatment of the disease

Rawatan penyakit

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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 14 Support And Movement In Humans And Animals 

(b) Diagram 3.2 shows the proper technique used by Jeremy to lift and carry a heavy object.

Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan teknik betul yang digunakan oleh Jeremy untuk mengangkat suatu objek yang berat.

Diagram 3.2 / Rajah 3.2

He lifts the object with a position when legs are bent, the feet are placed diagonally apart and
the back is kept straight. Then he carries the object low and near to the body.

Dia mengangkat objek dengan kedudukan bertinggung, kaki mengangkang dan bahagian belakang
ditegakkan. Kemudian dia membawa objek dengan rendah dan dekat kepada badan.

How does the technique shown prevent injury to the musculoskeletal system?

Bagaimana teknik yang ditunjukkan ini dapat mengelakkan kecederaan sistem otot rangka?

[5 marks / 5 markah]
(c) Although exercise results in health benefits, accruing such benefits entails a risk of exercise-

related injuries. Musculoskeletal injuries occur frequently among fitness programme
participants, runners, athletes and others who engage in routine vigorous exercise.

Walaupun bersenam membawa faedah kepada kesihatan, namun dengan faedah ini juga mendedahkan
risiko terhadap kecederaan berkaitan dengan senaman. Kecederaan otot rangka berlaku dengan kerap
dalam kalangan peserta program kecergasan, pelari, atlet dan orang lain yang terlibat dalam senaman

Explain the precautions to be taken during vigorous exercise. HOTS Applying

Terangkan langkah berjaga-jaga yang perlu diambil semasa senaman cergas.

[5 marks / 5 markah]

HOTS Challenge

Sulaiman had involved in an accident. His fibula in his leg was fractured. The doctor applied a cast
on his leg. Explain why the doctor applied this treatment.

Sulaiman terlibat dalam satu kemalangan. Fibula pada kakinya retak. Doktor telah membalut bahagian kakinya
dengan simen. Terangkan mengapa doktor menggunakan rawatan ini. HOTS Applying

21PAK- Quiz 14
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PTER  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 15 Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals
Repeated mitosis
Mitosis berulang

Repeated mitosis
Mitosis berulang
Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans
and Animals

Pembiakan Seks, Perkembangan dan Pertumbuhan dalam Manusia dan Haiwan

SMART Notes Spermatogenesis
Spermatogenesis VIDEO 4

2n Primordial germ cell 2n Primordial germ cell
Sel germa primordium Sel germa primordium

2n Mitosis 2n 2n Mitosis 2n

2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n

2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n Spermatogonium 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n Oogonium
Growth Spermatogonium Oogonium

2n Primary spermatocyte 2n Primary oocyte
Spermatosit primer Oosit primer

Meiosis I Secondary spermatocyte Meiosis I
Spermatosit sekunder Meiosis II
n n n n Secondary oocyte
Oosit sekunder
Meiosis II

nn n n Spermatid n n nn
Spermatid Ovum
Differentiation Polar bodies
Pembezaan Jasad kutub

Sperms Oogenesis
Sperma Oogenesis
Development of a Zygote / Perkembangan Zigot

2-cell stage Fallopian tube Uterus
Peringkat 2 sel Tiub Falopio 4-cell Uterus
stage Morula
Peringkat 8-cell Morula
4 sel stage
8 sel

Oosit sekunder


© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. Ovary


Biology  Form 4  Chapter 15 Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals 

Reproductive System of Humans

15.1 Sistem Pembiakan Manusia

1. Complete the diagram below to show the different parts of male reproductive system. TP 1

Lengkapkan rajah di bawah untuk menunjukkan bahagian-bahagian yang berlainan dalam sistem pembiakan

(a) (f)
(b) (g)

(c) (h)

(d) (i)

2. Complete the diagram below to show the different parts of female reproductive system. TP 1

Lengkapkan rajah di bawah untuk menunjukkan bahagian-bahagian yang berlainan dalam sistem pembiakan

(a) (c)
(b) (d)

Gametogenesis in Humans . This process involves

15.2 Gametogenesis Manusia . Proses ini melibatkan proses mitosis

3. (a) The process of formation of gametes is known as while formation of ovum is called
the process of mitosis and meiosis. TP 2
manakala pembentukan ovum dikenal
Proses pembentukan gamet dikenal sebagai
dan meiosis. © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

(b) The formation of sperm is called


Pembentukan sperma dikenal sebagai

sebagai .

4. Explain three necessities of gametogenesis. TP 2

Terangkan tiga keperluan gametogenesis.



  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 15 Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals

Menstrual Cycle

15.3 Kitar Haid

5. State the function of hormones involve in menstrual cycle. TP 2

Nyatakan fungsi hormon yang terlibat dalam kitar haid.

Hormone / Hormon Function / Fungsi

(a) Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

Hormon perangsang folikel

(b) Luitenising Hormone (LH)

Hormon peluteinan

(c) Oestrogen


(d) Progesterone


Development of Human Foetus

15.4 Perkembangan Fetus Manusia

6. The diagram below show the fertilisation and development of an embryo in human. Label the
different structures and the processes in the diagram. TP 1

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan persenyawaan dan perkembangan embrio manusia. Label struktur dan proses yang
berlainan dalam rajah.


Process B:
(iv) Proses B


Process C: Process A:
Proses C Proses A

7. What is the role of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) hormone in the early state of pregnancy?

Apakah peranan hormon gonadotropin korion pada peringkat awal kehamilan?

8. State three functions of placenta: TP 2 130

Nyatakan tiga fungsi plasenta:


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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 15 Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals 

Formation of Twins

15.5 Pembentukan Kembar

9. Complete the table below. TP 2 Type of twins / Jenis kembar

Lengkapkan jadual di bawah.

Statement / Pernyataan

(a) • One sperm fertilises one ovum to form one zygote.

Satu sperma bersenyawa dengan satu ovum untuk membentuk
satu zigot.

• Each foetus has its own umbilical cord but share the
same placenta.

Setiap fetus mempunyai tali pusat sendiri tetapi berkongsi
plasenta yang sama.

(b) • Two sperms fertilise two ova to form two zygotes.

Dua sperma bersenyawa dengan dua ovum untuk membentuk
dua zigot.

• Each foetus has its own umbilical cord and placenta.

Setiap fetus mempunyai tali pusat dan plasenta sendiri.

Health Issues Related to the Human Reproductive System

15.6 Isu Kesihatan Berkaitan Sistem Pembiakan Manusia

1 0. Complete the double bubble map below to explain the causes of infertility in male and female.

Lengkapkan peta biuh berganda yang berikut untuk menerangkan punca kemandulan lelaki dan wanita. TP 2

(d) (a) (h)

(e) (i)

Causes of (b) Causes of

infertility in infertility in

male female
Punca Punca
kemandulan kemandulan
(f) lelaki (j)

(g) (c) (k)

131 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 15 Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals

Growth in Humans and Animals

15.7 Pertumbuhan dalam Manusia dan Haiwan

11. The diagram below shows the growth phases on sigmoid growth curve of humans. TP 2

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan fasa pertumbuhan dalam lengkung pertumbuhan sigmoid manusia.
Growth parameter

Parameter pertumbuhan


Name A, B, C, D and E. Time
Namakan A, B, C, D dan E.
A: E:

12. The diagram below shows the growth curve of insect with exoskeleton. TP 2

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan lengkung pertumbuhan serangga dengan rangka luar.
Body length (mm)

Panjang badan (mm)


Instar IV

Instar III

Instar II

Instar I

Egg Time (day)
Telur Masa (hari)

(a) The growth curve of insect which has exoskeleton shows growth.

Lengkung pertumbuhan serangga yang mempunyai rangka luar menunjukkan pertumbuhan


(b) The graph is in the form of .

Graf berbentuk seperti .

(c) The inflexible external skeleton does not facilitate a smooth growth rate. Hence, an insect

undergoes periodically during growth.
Rangka luar yang tidak fleksibel tidak membenarkan kadar pertumbuhan yang licin. Oleh itu, serangga

mengalami secara berkala semasa pertumbuhan.

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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 15 Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals 

SPM Practice 15

Paper 1

Reproductive System of Untuk mengekalkan 5. The following structures
Humans kemandirian spesies are formed during
15.1 oogenesis.
Sistem Pembiakan Manusia II To ensure diploid
Struktur-struktur berikut
1. Which of the following chromosomal number dibentuk semasa oogenesis.

structures secretes a fluid is maintained from one P: Ovum
that provides sperms with generation to the next Q: Oogonium
nutrients and enzymes? Untuk memastikan nombor R: Secondary oocyte
kromosom yang diploid Oosit sekunder
Antara struktur berikut, yang dikekalkan dari satu S: Primary oocyte
manakah merembeskan cecair generasi kepada generasi Oosit primer
yang membekalkan nutrien dan yang lain
enzim kepada sperma? Which sequence is correct?
III To produce genetically
A Testis Urutan manakah yang benar?
identical offspring
Testis A P, Q, R, S
Untuk menghasilkan anak B S, R, Q, P
B Epididymis yang seiras dari segi C Q, S, R, P
genetik D Q, S, P, R
IV To create variation
C Seminal vesicle
through mitosis
Vesikel semen
Untuk menghasilkan variasi
2. Which part of the male melalui mitosis

reproductive system A I and II

helps to maintain a low I dan II

temperature in the testes? B II and III

Bahagian manakah dalam II dan III
sistem pembiakan lelaki yang
membantu mengekalkan suhu C III and IV
yang rendah pada testis?
III dan IV
A Prostate gland
D I and IV
Kelenjar prostat
I dan IV
B Scrotum
4. The following shows the difference between spermatogenesis
Skrotum and oogenesis except

C Sperm ducts Yang berikut menunjukkan perbezaan antara spermatogenesis dan
oogenesis kecuali
Duktus sperma

Gametogenesis in Spermatogenesis Oogenesis
15.2 Spermatogenesis Oogenesis
Gametogenesis Manusia
A Occurs in testes Occurs in ovaries
3. Which of the followings
are the necessities of Berlaku dalam testis Berlaku di ovari
B Four sperms are formed Four ova are formed
Antara yang berikut, yang
manakah merupakan keperluan Empat sperma dibentuk Empat ovum dibentuk
C Begins after puberty Begins at the stage of foetus
I For the continuity of
the species Bermula selepas akil baligh Bermula semasa peringkat fetus

D Life long process Stop at menopause

Proses sepanjang hayat Berhenti pada menopaus

133 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 15 Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals

6. Diagram 1 shows two human reproductive cells. 8. What is the hormone

Rajah 1 menunjukkan dua sel pembiakan manusia. secreted by corpus

JK luteum?

Diagram 1 / Rajah 1 Apakah hormon yang
dirembeskan oleh korpus
Which of the following statements is true about J and K? luteum?

Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah adalah benar tentang J dan K? A Human chorionic

J K gonadotropin

A The largest cell in human The smallest cell in human Hormon gonadotropin
body body korion

Sel paling besar dalam badan Sel paling kecil dalam badan B Progesterone
manusia manusia
B Produced once a month Produced everyday
C Luteinising hormone
Dihasilkan sekali sebulan Dihasilkan setiap hari
Hormon peluteinan
C Able to move by itself Not able to move by itself
D Follicle stimulating
Boleh bergerak sendiri Tidak boleh bergerak sendiri
D Produced in penis Produced in uterus
Hormon perangsang folikel
Dihasilkan dalam zakar Dihasilkan dalam uterus
Development of Human
Perkembangan Fetus Manusia

15.3 Menstrual Cycle 9. Diagram 3 shows part of
the female reproductive
Kitar Haid system.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan bahagian
pada sistem pembiakan

7. Diagram 2 shows the level of oestrogen and progesterone in Q
the blood of a female. P

Rajah 2 menunjukkan aras estrogen dan progesteron dalam darah R
seorang perempuan.

Level of oestrogen B CD
and progesteron
Aras estrogen dan Diagram 3 / Rajah 3
Where do fertilisation and
A implantation occur?

Di manakah persenyawaan
dan penempelan berlaku?

Oestrogen PPrrooggeessteterornon Fertilisation Implantation
Persenyawaan Penempelan


Diagram 2 / Rajah 2 BQ P

Which of the labelled stage A, B, C or D does ovulation occur? CR P

Antara peringkat berlabel A, B, C atau D, yang manakah ovulasi DP R

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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 15 Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals 

1 0. Choose the correct B One ovum is fertilised A Ovum cannot be
by two different sperms
sequence that shows during fertilisation. produced.

development of a zygote Satu ovum disenyawakan Ovum tidak dapat
oleh dua sperma yang dihasilkan.
before implantation. berlainan semasa
persenyawaan. B The female sex
Pilih urutan yang sesuai yang
menunjukkan perkembangan C The embryo is not hormones cannot be
zigot sebelum penempelan. separated completely
during embryonic secreted.
A morula ➝ blastocyst ➝ development.
Hormon seks perempuan
embryo Embrio tidak dipisahkan tidak dapat dirembeskan.
dengan lengkapnya
morula ➝ blastosista ➝ semasa perkembangan C Sperm cells would be
embrio embrio.
unable to enter the
B embryo ➝ morula ➝ D The mutation occurred
in the woman uterus.
blastocyst uterus during the
developmental stages Sel sperma tidak dapat
embrio ➝ morula ➝ of foetus. memasuki uterus.
Mutasi berlaku dalam D Sperm cells would be
C blastocyst ➝ morula ➝ uterus semasa peringkat
perkembangan fetus. unable to reach the
blastosista ➝ morula ➝
embrio Sel sperma tidak dapat
mendekati ovum.
D blastocyst ➝ embryo ➝
Growth in Humans and
morula Animals
Pertumbuhan dalam Manusia dan
blastosista ➝ embrio ➝ Haiwan


15.5 Formation of Twins Health Issues Related to
the Human Reproductive
Pembentukan Kembar System 13. Diagram 6 shows the
growth curve of organism
11. Diagram 4 shows a pair of 15.6 Isu Kesihatan Berkaitan Sistem H.
conjoined twin. Pembiakan Manusia
Rajah 6 menunjukkan graf
Rajah 4 menunjukkan 12. Diagram 5 shows a pertumbuhan organisma H.
sepasang kembar siam. method of birth control
used by a mother.
Dry mass (g)
Rajah 5 menunjukkan Jisim kering (g)
kaedah mencegah kehamilan
digunakan oleh seorang ibu.

Time (week)

Diagram 4 / Rajah 4 Diagram 5 / Rajah 5 Masa (minggu)

Which of the following is What is the consequence Diagram 6 / Rajah 6
correct? of this type of birth
control? What is organism H?
Antara pernyataan berikut,
yang manakah adalah benar? Apakah kesan ekoran dari Apakah organisma H?
pencegahan kehamilan jenis
A The zygote undergoes ini? A Lizard / Cicak
mitosis repeatedly B Cockroach / Lipas
during implantation. C Earthworm / Cacing

Zigot mengalami mitosis tanah
berulang kali semasa D Amoeba / Ameba

135 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Biology  Form 4  Chapter 15 Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals

Paper 2

Section A / Bahagian A
1. Diagram 1 shows the ovarian cycle in human female.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan kitar ovari dalam wanita manusia.



Diagram 1 / Rajah 1

(a) Name one hormone secreted by structure J. State its function in ovarian cycle.

Namakan satu hormon yang dirembeskan oleh struktur J. Nyatakan fungsinya dalam kitar ovari.

[2 marks / 2 markah]

(b) Explain how structure K can be released from the ovary.

Terangkan bagaimana struktur K dibebaskan daripada ovari.

[2 marks / 2 markah]
(c) Explain the role of structure L if fertilisation takes place in the Fallopian tube.

Terangkan peranan struktur L jika persenyawaan berlaku dalam tiub Falopio.

[2 marks / 2 markah]
(d) A mother who recently gave birth to a baby intends to space her next pregnancy. She and

her husband had agreed to take contraceptive pills for family planning. Explain the effect of

contraceptive pills on ovarian cycle.

Seorang ibu yang baru melahirkan anak ingin menjarakkan kehamilan yang seterusnya. Dia dan suaminya
telah bersetuju untuk merancang keluarga dengan pil pencegah kehamilan. Terangkan kesan pil pencegah
kehamilan dalam kitar ovari.

[2 marks / 2 markah]

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Biology  Form 4  Chapter 15 Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals 

Section B / Bahagian B

2. (a) Diagram 2.1 shows part of a female reproductive system.

Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada sistem pembiakan wanita.

Fallopian tube 4-cell 8-cell Uterus
2-cell stage Tiub Falopio stage stage Uterus
Peringkat 2 sel Peringkat Peringkat
4 sel 8 sel

Process X Morula
Proses X Morula

Oosit sekunder

Process Y
Proses Y


Diagram 2.1 / Rajah 2.1

Describe the development of zygote after process X until process Y occurs.

Huraikan perkembangan zigot selepas proses X sehingga proses Y berlaku.

[6 marks / 6 markah]

(b) Diagram 2.2 shows two types of twins, twins A and twins B are formed.

Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan dua jenis kembar, iaitu kembar A dan kembar B terbentuk.

Twins A / Kembar A Twins B / Kembar B

Diagram 2.2 / Rajah 2.2

Differentiate between the two pairs of twins.

Bezakan antara kedua-dua pasangan kembar tersebut.

[6 marks / 6 markah]

(c) Diagram 2.3 and Diagram 2.4 show the growth curves of human and insect.

Rajah 2.3 dan Rajah 2.4 menunjukkan lengkuk pertumbuhan manusia dan serangga.

Height (cm) Body length (cm)
Ketinggian (cm) Panjang badan (cm)

Instar IV
Instar III

Instar II
Instar I

Time (year) / Masa (tahun) Egg
Diagram 2.3 / Rajah 2.3
Telur Time (day) / Masa (hari)
Diagram 2.4 / Rajah 2.4

Compare the similarities and differences on the growth processes in human and insect.

Bandingkan persamaan dan perbezaan dalam proses pertumbuhan manusia dan serangga.

[8 marks / 8 markah]

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