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Published by Pharma Pro Pack, 2023-02-03 12:50:30

The Corrugator - October December 2022

The Corrugator - October December 2022

Progroup starts opera ng state-of-the-art corrugated shee eeder plant At the PW14 corrugated shee eeder plant the first sheets are officially being produced. With its new produc on facility in Stryków, Poland, Progroup is once again se ng new trends when it comes to produc vity and sustainability. The new high-tech plant will produce up to 200,000 tonnes of corrugated sheetboard. Together with the exis ng PW07 plant next door, it wi l l in fa c t have a produc on capacity of 825 million square metres per year. This means that Stryków is now one of the world's biggest sites for corrugated board produc on. Progroup has invested around 72 million euros in the project at the site, which covers around 28,000 square metres, and created 50 new jobs. World first in plant construc on Almost all standard grades of corrugated board can be produced at the PW14 plant, with a working width of 3.35 metres and a produc on speed of 400 metres per minute. At the heart of the corrugator machine is the Modul Facer® MF-A concept which was developed by BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH. It has been used for the first me anywhere with a working width of 3.35 metres at Progroup. “We have always aspired to lead the way on technology in the industry. This means we need to test new genera ons of machinery with partners like BHS and work together to ensure they can operate stably,” says Maximilian Heindl, Chief Execu ve Officer of Progroup. The MF-A concept delivers a highly efficient produc on process and corrugated board of the very finest quality. For example, it produces high-quality single and double-wall Next Board® corrugated board sheets with B, C and E flutes in all combina ons. In comparison to conven onal types of corrugated board, the Next Board® products benefit from much lower use of energy and raw materials and reduce CO2 emissions per tonne of corrugated board by 26 per cent on average – and also deliver be er strength figures. Efficient energy produc on The lowest possible CO2 emissions are also achieved thanks to the modern combined cooling, heat and power plant. This involves using waste heat from the plant's own power genera on either in an absorp on chiller to “produce” cold, or feeding the heat into the hea ng circuit, as required. This will save a significant quan ty of fossil fuels. “This means we are taking another step towards securing an independent energy supply that conserves resources,” says Heindl. The manufacturer of containerboard and corrugated board sheets is already implemen ng lots of measures at its sites to improve the life-cycle assessment. For example, at its Eisenhü enstadt site in Germany it operates a waste-to-energy power plant which supplies the paper machine next door with all the steam it requires and also generates electricity. This is done by thermally u lising waste materials – some of which come from the paper produc on itself. The company will be completely carbon-neutral by 2045. Fully automa c high-bay warehouse The plant also features a 32-metre-high, fully automa c high-bay warehouse with more than 14,000 storage spaces and four automa c storage and retrieval machines. It will be able to store up to two days of corrugated sheetboard produc on and thus enable perfect just-in- me deliveries by decoupling the me between the manufacture of the corrugated board and the produc on of packaging by the customer. Source: Sustainable Packaging News High-tech over 28,000 square metres INTERNATIONAL NEWS October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 89

O n 3 0 Novembe r, the Europe an Commission published the second part of its Circular Economy package introducing, amongst others, its proposal for the revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Direc ve (PPWD). Forget about this acronym! One of the key elements introduced by the Commission proposal is a change in legal instrument, which would turn the current Direc ve into a Regula on, making PPWR the new must-know acronym for those mee ng in Brussels' and Strasbourg's corridors. While the move from a Direc ve to a Regula on would leave untouched the current internal market legal basis, thus increasing the poten al for harmonisa on across Member States, that also means most requirements would apply directly to economic operators. A deep dive into the proposed text. The 12 Chapters and 65 Ar cles that compose the proposal include new essen al requirements – the condi ons that packaging must sa sfy to be allowed on the Union market – and other provisions aimed at contribu ng to the efficient func oning of the internal market for packaged goods, while preven ng or reducing the adverse impacts of packaging and packaging waste on the environment and on human health. More than 10 Annexes complement the core legal text and provide addi onal details regarding its concrete applica on. European Commission Proposal for the Revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive PACKAGING Source: Procarton 92 October - December 2022 | The Corrugator

FCBM congratulates Shri M L Agarwal, Past President - FCBM for being appointed as the Second Vice Chairman of the Interna onal Corrugated Case Associa on (ICCA) with immediate effect. The ICCA Global Summit will be held on January 28-30, 2027 at Hyderabad. The ICCA Global Summit will be hosted along with the Annual FCBM Conference on the same dates. We extend our hear est congratula ons to Shri M. L. Agarwal on this pres gious appointment and we are sure that with his vast experience and knowledge, he will give the Federa on and the Indian Corrugated Industry, a robust presence on the global stage. Shri M L Agarwal, Past President, FCBM appointed Second Vice Chairman of the ICCA FCBM NEWS October - December 2022 | The Corrugator 93 Wine Bar From Smurt Kappa NEWS O nce you've set foot on the path of beauty, it's hard to stop. A bar in a corrugated box – how did we not think of this before? Another worthy idea of SKG designers amid a total rise in wine consump on. “We are delighted to partner with Amazon to deliver another pre-cer fied Frustra on-Free packaging solu on,” says Arco Berkenbosch , Vice President of Innova on and Development at Smurfit Kappa. “We have used our 15+ years of eCommerce experience to design this solu on for the directto-consumer wine sector which is con nuing to grow at a phenomenal pace. “Our 100% recyclable new pack will enable businesses selling wine through Amazon Marketplace to get their products to the end consumer quicker, and speed to market is a key differen ator in today's world.” This is the world's first universal packaging solu on that caters for different case counts and wine bo le types. The eCommerce wine sector has seen a significant increase in sales since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. Shopping for wine online has been hailed as the next big consumer trend with market research company Euromonitor repor ng a 52% increase in online wine sales between 2019 and 2021. Amazon's FFP programme was introduced to reduce over-packing, improve the consumer experience and enhance sustainability. Amazon provides sellers with a stringent set of packaging guidelines which they must meet before they can list their products. Source: Gofro

Photos of NPrintech, Packtech & Sign Today 2022” at Chennai Trade Centre, Nandambakkam from 11-13 November 2022 SICBMA ac vely Par cipated in back-to-back exhibi ons at Chennai Trade Centre in November 2022. Star ng with par cipa ng in Print N Pack edi on in Chennai highlighted the ac vi es of the associa on and also explained the advantages of becoming a member to the Corrugators visi ng the exhibi on. Then came the par cipa on in Paperex 6th edi on. On both the occasions, SICBMA was recognised as the leading industrial body and a stall was provided by the organisers. The experience of having back-to-back stalls was great and the team had instant results in the form of new members joining SICBMA. The stalls were also assisted in guiding members visi ng the exhibi on. Another November expo was NPrintech, Packtech & Sign Today 2022 which was equally appreciated by team members. Further in Paperex, SICBMA was invited to join the technical session. SICBMA par cipated in the opening session and its representa ve delivered a speech on 'Sustainability and growth of Paper packaging'. SICBMA actively participates in three expo in November 2022 FCBM NEWS 94 October - December 2022 | The Corrugator

96 October - December 2022 | The Corrugator Upcoming Events PackPlus 2023 Aug 10-12, 2023 Praga Maidan, New Delhi, India PackPlus is India's biggest event for packaging, conver ng and supply chain. Over the years, PackPlus has established itself as a great business conduc ng pla orm for the packaging industry in India. WEPACK 2023 Sino Corrugated South 2023 April 6-8, 2023 Shanghai New Interna onal Expo Center, China In its capacity as a globally awaited event, WEPACK will cover the en re packaging industry chain and its latest trends due to skyrocke ng demand. Owned by WEPACK, the 7-in-1 mega shows. Packex India 2023 Sept 7-9, 2023 Bombay Exhibi on Center (BEC), Mumbai, India Interna onal Exhibi on on Packaging Material and Technology. With growing exhibitor and visitor numbers year on year, PackEx India has established itself as the most valuable pla orm for packaging materials and machinery suppliers and packaging users. India Corr Expo and Folding Carton 2023 IndiaCorr Expo is a pla orm to grow your business 10x by building the right network, sourcing top-notch technologies, and by learning the latest corrugated packaging and folding carton industry trends. Sino Folding Carton July 12-14, 2023 Na onal Exhibi on and Conven on Centre, Shanghai, China India Folding Carton is a unique show with special focus on the folding carton industry. Showcasing the best solu ons involved in the process from manufacturers to dealers of prepress equipment, carton making machinery, prin ng machinery and post-print equipment. SuperCorrExpo 2024 Sept 8-12, 2024 Orlando, FL SuperCorrExpo's industryspecific focus and ra o of machinery per square foot a ract the industry's most influen al people and the easy access of our new Orlando loca on and its des na on appeal will increase a endee traffic even more. Sept 18-30, 2023 India Expo Mart, Greater Noida, India

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